By DC Cueva, with Kevin Gonzalez & Kaitlyn Macisco
> @dc408dxtr, @KevinGonzalez_, @Kmacisco
With a couple days left until The Challenge: Rivals II premieres, yesterday's posting of a picture with the entire cast on a layover at an airport in Tokyo & en route to Thailand by cast members signals the anticipation towards this crazy season; in fact I just changed the iPad home screen to that pic as well. But with about 48 hours until the new season of the so-called 5th major sport kicks off, lets go back a month to another crazy affair - the latest season for my favorite show - The Real World Portland.
That's why for this edition of As DC Sees It...or shall we say, "As Kevin & Kaitlyn Saw It," we'll uncover the wraps to give you a firsthand perspective of what it's like to be in the audience, to watch the drama unfold among the casts, and even get some valuable scoop on everything you want to know about all this, most especially unseen gossip. And in this edition: a look at the reunion for Real World Portland, starring its dynamic cast of Anastasia, Averey, Jessica, Jordan, Joi, Johnny, Marlon, Nia & house dog Daisy...and hosted by RW legend/Queen B (& fellow Bay Arean) Coral. From a fight unprecedented in Real World history to the behavior & life backgrounds of most of the cast, romances in & outside the Pearl District to yes, a Hurricane, it was one of those RW seasons that really stood out to me. Plus, there was the added incentive that I became very good social media friends with all of them throughout the season, having followed them well before we got to see them on TV; I gave a few castmates a follow just after filming ended last November. (Seems that's been so long, doesn't it?)
Because of these shows, I've become good twitter friends with total strangers who I've never met in person but share a passion for this franchise, and one of them is Kevin Gonzalez (@KevinGonzalez_). This guy from New York, who was the lucky 25,000th follower to Bunim-Murray's twitter account @BunimMurray, has been to the last three reunions: Real World St. Thomas, Challenge BOTSeasons and this Real World Portland one. Joining him to give us the scoop is Kaitlyn Macisco (@Kmacisco), who was also in the audience braving the six hours of taping in that studio. This will add additional perspective to a post from a blogger who I followed during the season who was also in the audience, more on that at the end of this post. For now, here's what you've been waiting for, let's dive into the scoop, starting with the general atmosphere before the storm began...
DC: What was the atmosphere in the studio like?
Kevin: "The atmosphere wasn't bad, everyone seemed cool. It only changes when certain topics get brought up."
Kaitlyn: "It was very calm. Everyone was backstage at first and the camera guys literally sat there eating candy. Even when they were filming, production was relaxed."
DC: How did everyone look in person?
Kevin: "Very well dressed, not that much different from tv."
Kaitlyn: "Everybody looked perfect, straight out of a magazine. Nia kept taking off her shoes in between filming."
DC: Brian (Cohen) talked about it in his blog, tell me what the taping process was like. It obviously took so long.
Kevin: "It obviously took so long. The taping process is very long. For those that watch at home: if you think because it's on for an hour, that it tapes for an hour- you're sadly mistaken lol. Taping was scheduled from 12-5:45pm, I believe. We didn't leave until about 8:30pm..yeah I know. The audience members should be the ones getting paid, having to sit on those uncomfortable seats (not really) with no back support and in a cold room."
Kaitlyn: "First we had to make our own laugh track, and saying oooh and yelling, so most of that on tv is fake. It was supposed to start around 1 and didn't start until probably 2 (they took our phones). Then Ana storming off and everyone talking over each other made it longer."
DC: Who do you think were the better looking cast members?
Kevin: "Nia, Joi and Jessica are gorgeous."
Kaitlyn: "Jessica got really fit since the season, so probably her and Marlon. He's adorable."
DC: What was it like meeting the cast members, or at least, watching them from a distance?
Kevin: "You could tell the cast members wanted to get the reunion taping over and done with. As far as meeting them, I can only speak for Nia and Joi. I made it my mission to get a picture with the lovely Nia Moore (along with Joi) before taping wrapped up and I did. Check my twitter @KevinGonzalez_."
Kaitlyn: "It was awesome. We were so close actually. I was sitting in the front so every time someone said something shocking and I made a facial expression, someone from the cast (it was usually Jess) made a funny face back at me. I talked to Jess briefly during filming breaks, and marlon and nia as well."
DC: Considering the drama in the house, what was the tension like among the cast?
Kevin: "To be honest, the tension was only there when certain questions to topics got brought up. With events that occurred months ago, the cast seemed pretty much over it."
Kaitlyn: "Right off the bat they had Averey and nia sit on opposite sides of the bench. But everyone seemed to get a long until they would yell and then it was kinda scary."
DC: Now to specifics, and they started by talking about the house vote. What's your thoughts on Marlon, Ana & Jess giving their votes? Do you agree with them & do you think Nia should've gone home?
Kaitlyn: "Marlon Jess and Ana were right. They weren't there so they didn't need to vote. I always thought it was a rule that you couldn't fight on the show, so technically she should have gone. But I love Nia."
DC: Then everyone gives their two cents on what should've happened had the fight not occurred. Do you think the situation could've been handled better?
Kevin: " I think it could have, maybe a house meeting."
Kaitlyn: "Well duh. They were immature about it."
DC: The Nia/Averey fight was by far the biggest I've ever seen on RW. What were you thoughts on it & how they discussed about it?
Kevin: "This may be my favorite question lol. First off, fighting and violence is a big no. Some people side with Averey, but how do you commend someone attacking from behind. That is a cowardly move. Nia gave Averey the opportunity to pretty much square up and she didn't. So Nia ended the fight exactly how it started and that's that. Also, I thought it was crazy. I didn't think it would get to that point."
Kaitlyn: "They didn't discuss, they yelled. This conversation about it when on for almost two hours."
DC: Do you think it was just over two months of built up feelings that had to blow off like that or something else, I.e. the dog poop? And were you shocked production didn't intervene?
Kevin: "I'll just say I'm not shocked that production didn't intervene. They were clearly looking for ratings and they got it."
Kaitlyn: "Yes they said the fight was a few days before leaving so they were ready to go. Production should have gotten involved once Nia picked up the hair dryer."
DC: Whar was the tension like with Nia & Coral, and Nia & Averey? And do you think Coral was being against Nia the whole time?
Kaitlyn: "Nia and Coral were fine. Coral ignored her. Nia and Averey said they've accepted they don't like each other so it's okay. And no I don't. The twitter thing she said at the beginning was scripted."
DC: What did you think about the discussion of Jordan's behavior during the season?
Kaitlyn: "It was annoying. I didn't like Jordan most of the season."
DC: What was your reaction when Ana revealed her feelings for Jordan and how it played out on set with the cast?
Kevin: "I didn't see that coming, I was surprised as well as the cast."
Kaitlyn: "I wasn't shocked because I could tell. However the cast was slightly shocked. Marlon kept saying that Jordan 'made Ana moist'."
DC: What's your thoughts on Nia & Jordan and the discussion about it? How about that infamous sex act and the Cheerios/lamp fight?
Kaitlyn: "I think they hooked up. The Cheerios fight was another argument that went on forever because both nia and Jordan have to be right at all times. They kept going back to it. The fight was dumb."
DC: What was your reaction when Ana stormed off stage & threw her gum at Jordan? And how most of her meltdown that took place throughout the show was edited out?
Kevin: "I wanted to laugh. I don't think most of it was edited out. What you saw on tv, we saw at the taping. I just want to know what was in her cup on stage."
Kaitlyn: "I was super shocked. I was surprised it didn't happen sooner though. Her meltdown was probably five to ten minutes longer than shown so."
DC: What did you think about the talk of Nia's behavior, how she cleared the air & do you think it was genuine?
Kaitlyn: "Yea I think it was genuine. There was more she said than what was on tv and I believe she realized she was immature."
DC: What's your thoughts about Johnny & Averey?
Kaitlyn: "Less blending than Zach and Ashley but I would rather see Jemmye and knight anyway."
DC: They talked about Marlon and the shocking secret of him hooking up with a guy. Thoughts?
Kevin: "Props to him for sharing that and that speech he gave towards the end of the reunion."
Kaitlyn: "So what? He can do what he wana."
DC: What's your thoughts on Ana & Mark?
Kaitlyn: "This hit hard. They had a difficult relationship where he was a jerk and something he does was the cause of it. I went through the same thing and knew how Ana felt. When she started to cry talking about it, I felt like crying too."
DC: How about your thoughts on Jess & Tyler?
Kaitlyn: "They were adorable. They're still friends now so it's cool."
DC: They had them on at the end of the show, thoughts on Joi & Daisy?
Kevin: "Joi is gorgeous in person, as well as Daisy ;)"
Kaitlyn: "Well when daisy was brought up, production stopped right next to me with me and I freaked out and marlon laughed. I love dogs. It was nice to see joi and get the full story of why she left."
DC: Were there any other things like story lines & other moments that were discussed that we didn't see in the final cut?
Kevin: "Not really"
Kaitlyn: "There was probably at least a minute of everything. The two fights took up most of the filming time. But after Ana came back, she kept saying how bored and over it she was."
DC: According to Brian, there were moments when producers had to come out on floor. Explain that.
Kevin: "The cast would just talk over one another and a simple question couldn't get a simple answer-which is why taping lasted longer than originally scheduled."
Kaitlyn: "Everyone except for usually Jess and marlon would talk over each other and production was pissed. Coral had an ear piece in so she could talk to production backstage. I was seated next to her and could her what she said back to them and once she aske production to come out because the cast wouldn't listen to her."
DC: What you'd think of the footage they showed of Rivals II? And give me your thoughts on this Challenge.
Kevin: "It looks pretty intense and very interesting, having well known challenge vets who know how to play the game- I can't wait to see how it all goes down."
Kaitlyn: "My jaw was dropped the whole time. It looks AMAZING."
DC: How do you think Coral did as host? And if you had to pick, would you had chosen her or someone else to host this reunion?
Kevin: "I think she did pretty good. I would choose her over Maria Menounos. Maria is pretty in person, having seeing her at the St. Thomas reunion, but she just needs to stay with Extra."
Kaitlyn: "Coral was perfect. Kenny would have been my other choice because Who doesn't want to sit near Mr Beautiful?"
DC: Has the perception of the cast members changed when you watched the show & then attended the reunion?
Kevin: "Yeah, definitely. Again with certain situations that happened months ago, I could tell that the cast was pretty much over what transpired at that time."
Kaitlyn: "I couldn't stand Jess an I loved Ana. Seeing them on the reunion, I love Jess and can't stand Ana. I was also an Averey fan but not so much anymore. She's annoying."
DC: What was your reaction to watching the final edited product and how a lot was edited out?
Kevin: "Having seeing it on tv and being there, I feel it wasn't that much different. What made the taping long was having to break and the producer coming out to calm the cast down. Of course they're not going to show that haha."
Kaitlyn: "It was weird because I would expect one thing to be shown next and then it would be something from an hour prior."
DC: Last question - How was the overall experience of being at the reunion? And for Kevin, being at also the RWSTT & BOTS reunions, how do you rank all three?
Kevin: "Having attended this reunion and BOTS, it was ok. The St. Thomas reunion will always stick out to me."
Kaitlyn: "It was so much fun. I'm going to try to go to the rivals 2 reunion as well."
Well, that's that. If you happened to be in the audience to witness a reality show reunion - RW, Challenge or others, then consider yourself lucky to have experienced it in it's pure form. When that embargo that prevents you from talking about what happens at the reunion ends after it airs, then there's a lot for you to tell everyone what it's like to experience it in its entirety, not just a condensed 43-minute version on TV. You'll tell them the difference between TV & actuality, and go into details the home viewer didn't get to see. And considering that it was a long process of witnessing this from a distance, then it was definitely worth it to get a fresh perspective on all the madness. And with that, a very special thanks to Kevin & Kaitlin for giving me their view of "The Real World Portland Reunion: As Kevin & Kaitlyn Saw It." And should they go to the next reunion, expect me to talk to them about that too. Follow them on twitter at @KevinGonzalez_ and @Kmacisco.
As you saw with a mention of him in a few of these questions, another person who was in the audience was blogger Brian Cohen of @BusDriversRoute. Be sure to check out to check out his in-depth account of the reunion, including why he, like Coral, was against the hurricane from Atlanta; plus interviews with the RWPDX cast. I was going to pursue him for talk about this for DC BLOG but after reading that lengthy post, I'll let that recap give you a greater look at the whole thing. Brian will also be covering the upcoming Challenge w/ recaps & interviews too, be sure to follow him during that too.
Also, I may be doing a potential future blog post about the first two reunions Kevin got to experience: the RWSTT & BOTS reunions, from the first RW cast I got to follow on twitter to how the origins of a Rivals II rivalry started. Should I be able to do so, I might get extra perspective from two other people who went with him to the reunion of the season that reintroduced me to The Challenge.
As for right now, DC Blog & @dc408dxtr on twitter will be all over Rivals II as the drama & competition of the wildest Challenge season yet unfolds from Thailand, all going into overdrive come Wednesday when it all premieres. And I can guarantee you, it will be a madhouse in the twitter world when me, fans and the cast come together to watch the fireworks & the competition. Until then, thanks for reading, have fun and enjoy The Challenge.
- DC

From @KevinGonzalez_: Kevin with Nia & Joi
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