Friday, September 27, 2013

DC SocialPulse - RIVALS II: As They Saw It - The Finale & Reunion

*** Reader Advisory: The Following Post Contains
Adult Language. Viewer Discretion is Advised. ***
By DC Cueva

So, the last weekend of September is here, and a couple days have passed since the season finale & reunion of The Challenge: Rivals II, and boy, was it a spectacular season & reunion to say the least. The question of whether or not it matched the audacity of the first Rivals season is up to anyone's opinion, but it was definitely so much better then when I got to sample a Challenge for the first time last year, and we get one of the best Challenge seasons ever. As stated by me in previous SP posts, we just about had it all this season: all-star cast, exciting action, huge fights, house drama, shocking hookups, big twists and an epic final. And in the end, we get, for the first time in a little while, a foursome of deserving winners. And as stated by both TJ Lavin and Johnny Bananas, the right teams won on this season; not to mention a indelible Challenge moment that took place on the first-ever live reunion show.

On our last DC SocialPulse post on Monday, we showed you the tweets of the cast as they watched episodes 8, 9 & 10, which included CT & Diem's enduring love affair, Wes, Johnny & CT getting into words after going into the final, Camila's latest in a slew of Challenge breakdowns, Frank's politics rearing its ugly head again and the last regular mission that saw Cooke & Cara Maria gain an automatic berth into the final, causing a bit of chaos among the veteran teams. In this final installment, The Pulse will be covering the final jungle between Diem/Aneesa & Camila/Jemmye, the intense drama of the final challenge from Dream & Nightmare Islands, and of course, the first-ever live Challenge reunion that became the talk of the twitter town, not to mention even some fun with the always-entertaining Clip Show (it's what I like to call it as an alternative name).
   As we begin, be advised there's explicit language in many of the tweets below, but I am keeping it uncensored in order to retain the heat of the moment. Please read with discretion if you are mature enough. :-) So, here we go, beginning with Episode 11 and starting off with the final jungle. And prior to the last jungle, those who won the last elimination on the last four Challenges eventually carried that momentum into the final winners circle...wouldn't be the case this time.

EP11: The Last Jungle, The Preparations, and The Beginning of the Final
@JazMTV: So I see after tonight's episode there is The S#!@ they should have shown!! Hmm lol... #Rivals2
@EmFitMTV: Hey @paulawalnutsMTV, you ready for this final tonight?! #nervous #shit #whateverittakes #rivals2
@CamilaMTV: Are YOU ready??? RT @mtvrivals @DiemBrownMTV @JemmyeMTV @AneesaMTV #Rivals2
@MTVBananas: The day I thought I was being abducted and sold into the sex trade! @MTV #Rivals2
@JDeezyMTV: Oh yuh it's down to the final. #Rivals2 it's all about #TeamRookies
@MTVBananas: Expect the unexpected! @MTV #Rivals2
@JemmyeMTV: It's game time bitches... #Rivals2
@MtvJess: RIVALS 2 TIME!!!!!
@CaraMariaMTV: "imma be real wit you... i'm not gonna be able to cry about this"
@JemmyeMTV  LMFAO your interviews and sound bytes MAKE the show #RIVALS2
@MtvJess: This Challenege sucks so bad!!! Poor @DiemBrownMTV #rivals2
@MTV: The key to surviving a jungle: communicate, keep calm, and above all just get it done! #Rivals2
@MTVBananas: This Jungle is solid proof that women and tools don't mix! #Rivals2
@MTVBananas: What the hell was that?! And I thought the @CapitalOne commercials with Vikings were hard to watch! Ha ha!
@JemmyeMTV: So now they are putting the headband girl with a black guy in these commercials? I legit can't deal 😂. They are playing me so hard right now
@MtvJess: Aweeeee poor baby @AneesaMTV #Rivals2
@MtvJess: So classy @AneesaMTV #awesome
@MTVBananas: Did I say "Basket Case" I meant "Basket Weave" ha ha! @AneesaMTV @mtv #Rivals2
@MTVShowBlog: We're definitely going to miss our veteran girls, @DiemBrownMTV and @AneesaMTV. Well played this season! #Rivals2
@JemmyeMTV: Team subtitles is the final bitchesssssss. @CamilaMTV
@MTV: “It’s getting very hot in Thailand.” Annnd? Come on @tjlavin, don’t leave us hanging! #Rivals2
@MTVBananas: Ahhh @tjlavin you cruel bastard! @MTV #Rivals2
@MTV: Though I wouldn’t want to mess with that kind of scary, maybe this FINAL will be like Casper, the friendly ghost. BOO-YA! #Rivals2
@CamilaMTV: #funnyfact the 1st jungle like ours only had 1 rope they had to cut, but of course ours had 2! Good thing I <3 a REAL challenge😉 @JemmyeMTV
@DiemBrownMTV: Loooooooove you @AneesaMTV baby! Sooooo proud of you! You killed it through this whole entire #Rivals2 challenge & were an amazing friend;)
@CaraMariaMTV: human and vulnerable.... thats a side i didn't think i'd see..... it's touchable. I appreciate that......
@CaraMariaMTV: For the record: My hair color is now "thailand sun bleached out water logged faded red light purple gray" ew.  - #rivals2 @mtv
@PrestoMagicmtv: Can wait to see this! #Rivals2
@MTVShowBlog: TOKYO! #Rivals2
@CaraMariaMTV: Just keep swimming... just keep swimming.... or extended doggie paddling... whatever
@MTVBananas: I may be a little biased, but that was the best read clue thus far! #Rivals2
@MTV: Hmmm, will this new FINAL destination actually even out the playing field? I predict ultimate chaos. #Rivals2
@MTVtrey: St. Thomas... we gotta change this :-\
@RobbMTV: “@MTVtrey: St. Thomas... we gotta change this :-\” ..yeah that's not a good look.
@CamilaMTV: OH YEAH BABEYYY!!! @jemmyemtv 🎉🎉🎉 #teamsubtitles to the final!!! #rivals2
@MTV: WHAT THE NINJA? Brace yourselves challengers! #Rivals2
@MTVBananas: Oops I crapped my pants! @MTV #Rivals2 #ninjas
@MTVBananas: Godzilla vs Mothra in Tokyo! @mtv @TheOfficial_CT #Rivals2
@CaraMariaMTV: NINJAS?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!  I literally shat myself right there on the bus. @mtv #Rivals2
@CamilaMTV: Can I roll my legs around you like that again next week??? 😉😉😉 #wcw @EmFitMTV #nyc #Rivals2
@MTV: “Toh-key-oh-no!” And the infamous @tjlavin curveball strikes again. #Rivals2
@MTVBananas: F#*k you and the horse you rode in on @tjlavin @mtv #Rivals2
@MtvJess: I would cry! And pee my pants.......hell nawh!!!! #Rivals2
@DiemBrownMTV: @MTVBananas you talking on the bus was every bus rides entertainment lol thanks for the elimination tip I just got the memo later argg lol
@CaraMariaMTV: the "oh nooooooooooooooooooo" heard round the world. A large body of water to start the final. and no tokyo. balls. @mtv #RIVALS2
@MTVBananas: Dream Islands and Super Yachts?! I'm liking the sound of this! @MTV @#rivals2
@ToriFiorenza: There are few things more intense than that moment before TJ blows the horn... #Thechallenge
@MtvJess: Come on boys!!!! @JDeezyMTV @JordanMTV #rookies #rivals2
@JDeezyMTV: I hate swimming!
@CaraMariaMTV: LMAO @MTV  hello??? anyone there? LMAO my mom and me are dying on the couch laughing right now #Rivals2
@JemmyeMTV: I have a political science degree. This is not my area of expertise..
@TylerDuckMTV: Lets go @paulawalnutsMTV & @MTVBananas for a #KeyWest double trouble win!!
@MTV: Building blocks for champions, now this is the dream! #Rivals2
@MTVBananas: In my defense Bananas don't see in 3 dimensions, they see in 4! @MTV #Rivals2
@JDeezyMTV: If it was a game of Tetris I would have killed it!
@TylerDuckMTV: Kinda rootin' for a @TheOfficial_CT win. He's an animal and finally deserves a win  #Torn #TeamKeyWest @mtv
@MTVBananas: Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuick this puzzle! #Rivals2
@MTVShowBlog: Jesus take the cube...#Rivals2
@CaraMariaMTV: @cookemtv and I completed 2 of the 3 puzzles. not just the cross. we did the horse shoe too. #Rivals2 @mtv
@CaraMariaMTV: I WOKE UP IN A SUPER YACHTE (sung to the tune of .... bugatti) @mtv #Rivals2
@JemmyeMTV: I give no fucks. I need to learn to care about shit...
@JemmyeMTV: Just to let y'all know it was an hour per puzzle so we were out there in that heat  doing those puzzles for 3 hours not one.. #editing
@MTVtrey: Be sure to tune into @MTV right now for the #Rivals 2 Sh!t Show. I think I can make you laugh one more time before the season ends...
@MTV: Waves of emotion are washing over me…throw me a life-saver here…but seriously, don’t leave me drowning! #Rivals2
@CamilaMTV: This felt more like a challenge then a final... Worst feeling ever. #Rivals2
@MTVBananas: Holy shit?! Who just capsized? @mtv #Rivals2
@MTV: Ah don’t hold your breath, that’s a wrap for this week. Enjoy the "Sh*t They Should've Shown." #Rivals2
@MTVShowBlog: Watch this lost footage for @TheChallengeMTV. And see you back in Thailand for THE FINAL EPISODE! #Rivals2
@CamilaMTV: It was a good run partner @JemmyeMTV #teamsubtitles FOR LIFE!!! 😘😘😘 #Rivals2 @mtv
@JemmyeMTV: @CamilaMTV @MTV & it's still us over everything. 😘😘😘. I love you baby girl.. You are the sister I always needed!!!!!
@MTVtrey: @SarahRiceMTV definitely thought of you watching tonight's final. That's your bread & butter right thur
@JDeezyMTV: Gotta say making it as far as I did on the challenge #Rivals2 for my first time was a blessing. Thank you to all the #TeamRookie fans!
@WesMTV: I missed the episode tonight. What happened? Who is in the finals, I forgot?
@EmFitMTV: I missed everything!!! Fill me in!! #Rivals2
@WesMTV: So right now we've got a 1.5 HOUR lead. Similar to Rivals 1. Funny how people don't remember that part. This isn't a sport. It's a gameshow.
@dc408dxtr: My heart goes out to @DiemBrownMTV, always heartbreaking to lose the last pre-final elimination, you're a winner no matter what. #Rivals2
@RealityJunkie74: @dc408dxtr @DiemBrownMTV 2 weeks after treatment, she's a beast making it as far as she did. Mad respect!
@dc408dxtr: @RealityJunkie74 @DiemBrownMTV yes, I agree with you. I have great respect for her in overcoming those obstacles to get to where she is now. 
@DiemBrownMTV: Thx yall! ;) RT @RealityJunkie74: @dc408dxtr 2 weeks after treatment, Diem's a beast making it as far as she did. Mad respect! #Rivals2 @MTV
@AneesaMTV: That episode broke my heart, again
@AneesaMTV: Thanks to everyone who supported us and believed in us
@MTVtrey: @paulawalnutsMTV definitely got me with the fake crying... I was also a victim, lol. #WellPlayed
@paulawalnutsMTV: @MTVtrey that's why I'm a veteran! #yearsofpractice
@TheOfficial_CT: ...soooo apparently Marino does have a ring. #mybad

The Clip Show - Fun, Pranks, Hilarity & Much More from Thailand
@MTVBananas: Time for the S#it they Shoulda Shown! #Rivals2 @MTV
@ToriFiorenza: I'm 100% sure I would have had a panic attack with a black bag over my head... #Thechallenge
@MtvJess: I was out and omg I was SO pissed!!!! @JDeezyMTV
@MtvJess: "I'll WILL  f***ing punch you!" Was all it took. They left me alone! Ha ha #fierce #mtv @mtv #Rivals2
@CamilaMTV: C'mon!!! You GOTTA mess with the pillow??? @Knight_MTV @JDeezyMTV
@MtvJess: Crazy much....... #rivals2
@MtvJess: "I would call her a now" #rivals2 #crazy @mtv
@NanyMTV: Not watching the #ShitTheyShouldveShown on @MTV tonight but enjoying all the tweets 💋
@ToriFiorenza: Ummm she needs help... #callthedr. #Thechallenge
@CaraMariaMTV: i love that the guy who carries a doll around with him everywhere calls ME weird. #rivals2 #shittheyshouldhaveshown
@JordanMTV: This #Rivals2  #ShitShow is right on though!!
@MtvJess: Go @QueenBirdness #eggs
@MtvJess: I give @QueenBirdness props, she took the @MTVBananas syrup pretty well. 👏👏
@MtvJess: Well that @mtv @Challenge24MTV shit show was 👌👏👏👏 bravo @mtv
@Knight_MTV: Just watched the shit they should have shown. Pretty funny #Rivals2

The Buildup to the Finale & Reunion
@WesMTV: The reunion is live on Wednesday. I have way too low of self esteem to be put in these types of stressful situations. 😲😖😳
@JDeezyMTV: New York bound and I hope they ready for me! Pshh I'm a be coolin' not even gone lie.
@CaraMariaMTV: #thatawkwardmoment when you are sitting at the airport waiting to fly to #NYC to film the #Rivals2 reunion & realize you forgot to pack bras
@CaraMariaMTV: Contemplating whether I want to bother washing my hair for the reunion tomorrow or not. #smellypiratehookerproblems
@CaraMariaMTV: For the first time in my MTV reunion history i don't have an outfit picked out. or bras. lmao. no big deal. not like it's LIVE or anything..
@CaraMariaMTV: i may just slap some lunch meat on my naughty bits and go GaGa Maria style. @mtv #Rivals2 Reunion
@frankcsweeney: En route to NYC for the LIVE #Rivals2 Reunion. Are these people even ready for me LIVE? No more editing to hide behind, folks...
@EmFitMTV: Want in on our LIVE reunion 2morrow? Go to Instagram, video a question about the season, tag #rivals2 & we will answer it! My IG: @emilymtv
@ToriFiorenza: Goodnight everyone!! Don't forget tomorrow is the LIVE finale of @MTV #Thechallenge #rivals2 !!!! This could get interesting....
@JemmyeMTV: Jealously in the air tonight I can tell.. I will never understand that but oh well.. @jdeezymtv
@CamilaMTV: Family all around me @jemmyemtv @jdeezymtv
@CamilaMTV: @paulawalnutsMTV @EmFitMTV @JemmyeMTV @WesMTV  @JordanMTV @frankcsweeney in the same room???? Whatttttt #weirdisabouttohappen
@CookeMTV: Unfortunately I am all the way in Manila.. So can't make it to the reunion..  #rivals2
@CamilaMTV: It's hard to say what's crazier on these challenges:The challenges... Or the cast #Rivals2
@CamilaMTV: I don't even understand what I say on tv, so I feel your pain 😂 #Rivals2
@CamilaMTV: @NaomiMTV I feel your pain girl! When ur dad is sick, you run to his arms bc u don't know the last time you'll see him <3  #Rivals2 #ripdad
@CamilaMTV: I wonder how @tjlavin would do on the challenge @mtv #Rivals2
@CamilaMTV: #battleoftheseasons it was bad all over “@hannahohhi: @mtv what was ur least favorite season of the challenge that u competed in?” #Rivals2
@CamilaMTV: Thinking I ws gonna pass out on top of a mountain in Iceland after winning #battleoftheexes... I felt on top of the world RT:@Alex_Allen1994
@CamilaMTV: Just got done with my fitting for tonight's LIVE reunion!!! So excited To show it off 💋 #Rivals2
@MTVShowBlog: .@laurelstucky is in the building, folks! A bit camera shy, but ready to take on anyone who messes w/ @CaraMariaMTV
@MTVShowBlog: .@EmFitMTV trying to make a Crossfit convert out of @paulawalnutsMTV. #Rivals2 Team Blue!
@MTVShowBlog: Just had some bathroom girl talk with @paulawalnutsMTV. Just like high school!
@MTVShowBlog: .@MTVBananas has forgotten his beloved bobble head! Should he go back and get it before #Rivals2 show time?
@MTVShowBlog: .@CaraMariaMTV signing the #Rivals2 contest-winners' photos!

EP12: The Final
@EmFitMTV: Tonight = #rivals2 FINAL and LIVE reunion. Ohhhh snap. I need to shop ASAP.
@jonnymoseley: LIVE  challenge rivals 2 reunion show tonight after finale
@CaraMariaMTV: just found out my team mate won't be joining me on stage tonight for the Live #Rivals2 reunion ..... @cookemtv is still in Philippines :(
@EmFitMTV: No matter what happens, @paulawalnutsMTV has KILLED this challenge. We played clean & played hard. And THAT is how it should end.  #rivals2
@RoyLee25mtv: TONIGHT is the race to the finish line! WORMS and MAGGOTS included. #Rivals2 FINALE at 10/9c on @mtv:””
@MTVBananas: Have a burning question you're dying to ask about Rivals ll? Film a vid on Instagram w/ #Rivals2 and have it answered 2night live! @MTV
@JazMTV: Finally made it to New York!!!!
@TheresaMTV: #Rivals2 Final Tonight. I hope they all lose.😊
@CamilaMTV: Submit questions via Instagram with the hashtag #Rivals2 and you just might have it answered on tonights LIVE reunion show! RETWEET @MTV
@RobinHibbard14: Can't wait to watch the final #Rivals2 :)
@RobinHibbard14: I love @EmFitMTV @paulawalnutsMTV @JemmyeMTV. Not the biggest fan of @CamilaMTV but I love her rawness.
@RobinHibbard14: The reunion is my favorite 10 bucks says @paulawalnutsMTV cries @CamilaMTV yells at someone and @MTVBananas makes fun of everyone. :)
@RobinHibbard14: I think I'm going to put on my favorite @headrushbrand to watch the final and the Reuion #Rivals2
@RobinHibbard14: Live Reunion hope the guy who covers up the curse words is ready :) #Rivals2
@RobinHibbard14: I hate seeing @AneesaMTV cry!
@RobinHibbard14: @paulawalnutsMTV love that comment about finals are like ghosts. I've seen 3 ghost and those ghost kicked my butt every time. #Rivals2
@RobinHibbard14: I'm glad my family is all asleep so I can enjoy #Rivals2 in peace!
@RobinHibbard14: Swimming with a life vest sucks!!#Rivals2
@RobinHibbard14: @TheOfficial_CT the Dan Marino of challenges then I'm the Susan Luce of challenges lol. Hope I spelled that right.
@dc408dxtr: @RobinHibbard14 @TheOfficial_CT it's spelled Lucci. Obviously, he & Wes are favored to win & they'll become legends if they win tonight.
@RobinHibbard14: @dc408dxtr thanks see I would total lose a spelling bee lol :)
@CookeMTV: Tonight's gonna be a close one!! #rivals2
@JDeezyMTV: Going live for #Rivals2 tnight!? Whoa this should be good!
@DiemBrownMTV: Get ready for #rivals2 LIVE reunion at 11pm :) Dress: @nanetteLepore #nanetteLepore #mtv @mtv
@CookeMTV: And I hope the Internet will work with me so I can watch the eps tonight live!!!
@JordanMTV: On set, getting ready to go LIVE!! #teamrookies #rivals2
@ToriFiorenza: Who's ready for the #rivals2 finale??? Can't wait to see who pulls out the Win!! #TeamCTandWes #teamEmilyandPaula!!!
@MTV: THIS IS IT. The #Rivals2 finale starts now!
@MTVShowBlog: IT'S HAPPENING! How do you think the #Rivals2 finale is going to play out?
@MTV: Good run rookies! @JordanMTV and @JDeezyMTV have proven that you can never be underestimated. #Rivals2
@MtvJess: #rivals2 go rookies
@MtvJess: So proud of my boys they put in so much work! Go boys! @JordanMTV @JDeezyMTV #rookies gave it all!
@davidbloom7: @MtvJess @JordanMTV @JDeezyMTV A kind of brilliant run for your boys, love.  Team Portland REP-RE-SENT.
@JDeezyMTV: @MtvJess @JordanMTV you know we had to show out a lil bit.
@MtvJess: @JDeezyMTV @JordanMTV #badass baby badass!!
@Morgan_MacAdam: Nightmare Island looks Gnarly! @tjlavin #Rivals2
@RobbMTV: Proud of everyone to make the final in #Rivals2 but god damn does watching this make me hate losing more.
@JDeezyMTV: Felt like yuh boy competed well. Maybe you'll see me back on the challenge again.
@MTV: Welcome to “Nightmare Island!” Now let’s see if we can crack some skulls. #Rivals2
@MTVsChallenges: Wait... Cooke, Cara Maria, CT, and Wes don't get a head start for finishing first?! #BULLSHIT #Rivals2
@CookeMTV: Why is there so much swimming!?!? I love to swim, but can we cut @CaraMariaMTV a break?? #Rivals2
@MtvJess: Who is going to take the cake for #rivals2 tonight?!? Predictions anyone???
@WesMTV: It's final time #Rivals2
@Morgan_MacAdam: Nightmare Island is Gnarly! Good Luck @paulawalnutsMTV @EmFitMTV @frankcsweeney @MTVBananas @CookeMTV @CaraMariaMTV @TheOfficial_CT @WesMTV
@MTV: Mmmm, a country breakfast sounds good. Can I have a side order of bacon alongside those bones? #Rivals2
@RobinHibbard14: Omg this so the game my son and me play at cracker barrel. He would kick butt at this lol#Rivals2
@MTVsChallenges: Who thought that going to Cracker Barrel would be acceptable training for the final challenge? #Rivals2
@RoyLee25mtv: Good job rookies @JordanMTV & @JDeezyMTV you guys did well on @mtv Rivals 2 #TheChallenge 👏👊💪
@CookeMTV: Nice one @EmFitMTV !! Hahah "u don't know what we have to put in our mouths" #Rivals2
@JordanMTV: “@RoyLee25mtv: Good job rookies @JordanMTV & @JDeezyMTV you guys did well on @mtv Rivals 2 #TheChallenge 👏👊💪”Means a lot from you #LeanBody
@JDeezyMTV: @JordanMTV @RoyLee25mtv @MTV thanks homie. Hopefully we'll doing this again soon.
@CookeMTV: @MTVBananas "we solved the puzzle" 😂
@CookeMTV: Those idols were like 10lbs #Rivals2
@MTVShowBlog: .@EmFitMTV and @paulawalnutsMTV have got some ground to make up. Can they do it? #Rivals2
@RobinHibbard14: Best final ever you have to be smart not just a beast too win. #Rivals2
@MTV: “It’s not rocket science," it's geometry! #Rivals2
@MtvJess: Anyone remember anything from Geometry!? #rivals2 #nope
@MTVShowBlog: Hands up if you remember your geometry! 9th grade has never seemed so far away... #Rivals2
@CookeMTV: Okay I know how to do the Pythagorean theorem... But in the dirt... It's a nightmare!!! #rivals2
@RobinHibbard14: Wow @CookeMTV used an old school vet move and cheated love it. #Rivals2
@davidbloom7: On the "Pythagoree" theorem: "...I don't know because I haven't been to school since the 80s." - @paulawalnutsMTV, classic. #Rivals2
@RobinHibbard14: “@TheChallengeRW: It's crazy to think that #Rivals2 is almost over!” But we have the best thing ever a LIVE REUION!
@MtvJess: Think smarter not harder #rivals2
@ToriFiorenza: This reminds me of #thegauntlet3 finale.... #throwback
@CookeMTV: “@tskads10: @CookeMTV was not cheating. She was using her sources!  #TheChallenge #Rivals2” 😝thnx
@MTV: A² + B² = (TOO MUCH MATH) But it’s “Elementary, my dear Watson.” #Rivals2
@MtvJess: #Rivals2 Finale is crayyyyy-zayyyyy! @mtv
@MTVShowBlog: Gotta love @EmFitMTV dropping some serious math knowledge on that obstacle! #Rivals2 #MathMom
@RobinHibbard14: Go @EmFitMTV smart and hella strong! You go girl!#Rivals2
@MtvJess: Well that looks delicious and nutritious #Rivals2
@CookeMTV: My favorite part is here!!!! NOT!!! #Rivals2
@MTVShowBlog: Dried squid and fish soup and maggots, oh my! #Rivals2
@MtvJess: Hungry anyone!? @mtv #rivals2
@ToriFiorenza: Oh heck no...I would not be able to eat that mess!! How much do they win again??  Not enough to pay for therapy I would need!!! #rivals2
@BradFiorenza: The eating part of #Rivals2 final is super messed up!lol @MTV
@MTV: And there goes my appetite. Guess the country breakfast was too good to be true. #Rivals2
@MTVShowBlog: Bring on the pukefest, #Rivals2. We think these guys can handle it...right?
@MTVsChallenges: @EmFitMTV must be excited. These foods are excellent sources of protein. #Rivals2
@CookeMTV: Worst vomiting episode of my life!!!!!!!! #Rivals2
@BradFiorenza: The eating part of #Rivals2 final is more like $1,000,000 prize money stuff :-/ @MTV
@MtvJess: Heyy if they offered me $$$$$$ to eat crazy stuff I would! #gross #rivals2 #pukefest @Mtv
@RobinHibbard14: #Rivals2 hope no one has an allergies to nasty junk. This is sick to watch. But I find it hilarious tho!#Rivals2
@CookeMTV: I really didn't need to relive this moment #Rivals2
@TheresaMTV: I would cry too😷 #Rivals2
@MtvJess: @EmFitMTV is hilarious!
@RobbMTV: My ability to eat anything and everything would come in handy in the finale.
@CookeMTV: I can't do it but maybe @CaraMariaMTV can.. Disgusting food is my challenge weakness #Rivals2
@Johannabotta: Omg the eating contest on @MTV @RivalsMTV is soo disgusting!
@RobbMTV: That CT puke was phenomenal
@MTVShowBlog: Exotic fruit, or ipecac? #Rivals2 problems
@MtvJess: Running on a full tummy!? #delicous @mtv
@MtvJess: Welcome to #rivals2 restaurant, it's hot, sour and will make you puke on national tv! #Rivals2 @mtv
@MTVShowBlog: Whoa! @EmFitMTV and @paulawalnutsMTV pulled ahead! Think @CookeMTV and @CaraMariaMTV can swallow the funky stuff and come back? #Rivals2
@CookeMTV: From Day 1 I told @CaraMariaMTV unless its buckets of icecream and cake she will have to carry me thru a food challenge.
@CookeMTV: Poor @CaraMariaMTV :( and I'm twice her size.. We just have too much food! #Rivals2
@MTVShowBlog: "Nightmare Island is very accurately named," -- @CaraMariaMTV, as she pukes up a vital organ. #Rivals2
@CookeMTV: My mom would be proud! She knows I don't eat fish or squid! #Rivals2
@Morgan_MacAdam: That is definitely one messed up science lab! #Rivals2
@MTV: Should I even ask what’s in the body bags? #Rivals2
@Morgan_MacAdam: Body bags on Nightmare Island! Very fitting! #Rivals2 I wouldn't want some of these kids carrying me on a stretcher!
@MTVShowBlog: On the upside, the #Challenge can now prepare you for life as a coroner.
@RobbMTV: @CookeMTV you are quite the bad ass! 👍
@CookeMTV: Running for me in this challenge... Not a problem.. Carrying these bags FML.
@MTV: @paulawalnutsMTV  - “This is just bringing me back to life.” Oh the irony of the situation. #Rivals2
@MtvJess: Attah boy @MTVBananas #dontquit
@CookeMTV: “@JBrandlee: @CookeMTV how long did this body bag part take?!? Looks exhausting! #Rivals2” forever.. It was for sure longer than it looks!!
@MTVShowBlog: Coming down to the #Rivals2 wire! Who's gonna take it?
@MTV: And for the final round, the challengers must dig their own graves! #Rivals2
@kendallongg: I remember last Rivals I yelled at the tv in joy when @paulawalnutsMTV won. I know I'm about to do it again in 5 minutes 😁😁#Rivals2
@MTVShowBlog: A bloodied idol still counts, right? #Rivals2
@CookeMTV: My hearts breaking my hearts breaking.
@MTVsChallenges: Let's be honest, Emily kicks ass but Paula has gotten wayyyy better. #Rivals2
@JanelMcG: Yea!!!! @WesMTV and @EmFitMTV!!! Two of my favorites! #Rivals2
@kendallongg: MY BABY WON AGAIN 😂😭😭😍😍😍😍 @paulawalnutsMTV #Rivals2 😭😭😭😭I'm so fucking happy
@MTVShowBlog: A mighty congrats to @TheOfficial_CT on his first #Challenge win. And, of course, his partner @WesMTV.
@MTVRWNews: The winners of #Rivals2 have been crowned! Such an amazing season. Already ready for the next one!
@BradFiorenza: @paulawalnutsMTV @EmileeMTV great job!  Congrats! #Rivals2
@MTV: A well-deserved “W” for @TheOfficial_CT, @WesMTV, @paulawalnutsMTV, and @emfitMTV. Be sure to stick around for the LIVE reunion! #Rivals2
@MTVShowBlog: And the third-place curse is broken by @EmFitMTV, with the help of #Rivals-guru @paulawalnutsMTV!
@davidbloom7: @MTVBananas conciliatory speech about @TheOfficial_CT winning is what this is ALL about.  There's so much history here...a deserved victory.
@CarleyJohnson: Congrats @paulawalnutsMTV  !!!
@BradFiorenza: @TheOfficial_CT @WesMTV great win!  Congrats on a well deserved win!  Bout time Chris! Glad to see it!
@TyrieBMTV: @TheOfficial_CT @WesMTV congrats on the win fellas.
@Morgan_MacAdam: Everyone did so great this Challenge! You should all be so proud of yourselves!!! #Rivals2
@CookeMTV: Honestly happy to have made it to a final and had an AWESOME challenge experience! And don't forget I was a rookie 😉 #Rivals2
@RobinHibbard14: So happy for @TheOfficial_CT well said my brother it's one hell of a ride!
@Johannabotta: i will admit that was a really nice speech on both sides about being #friends #CT, #Wes, @MTVBananas @RivalsMTV @MTV
@Johannabotta: Congrats @paulawalnutsMTV ! SO happy for you ! xx #Rivals2
@imalacey: Only my @WesMTV can go from being the first eliminated in a Challenge to winning the next one. #Rivals2
@RobinHibbard14: #Rivals2 it's bitter sweet to see #Rivals2 over but hey maybe I can get cast in the next one. @BunimMurray @MTV Can't help but love it!
@TheresaMTV: Amazing job @CaraMariaMTV @CookeMTV @MTVBananas @frankcsweeney !! #Kudos 😁👍
@BradFiorenza: @EmFitMTV Congratulations on your 1st final!  Well deserved!
@syrusmtv: Emily @paulawalnutsMTV @CaraMariaMTV y'all lookin' Good on that couch! C ya on the next #Challenge Been a while #Rivals2 #MTV @SBAllAccess
@syrusmtv: @TheOfficial_CT @WesMTV I Look Up 2 Both Of U! Y'all Crushed #Rivals2 #Beasts #WorkHardPlayHard #WinChallenge Hit me up!C ya soon!
@BunimMurray: We are SO proud of ALL of our Rivals. Congrats to @TheOfficial_CT & @WesMTV and @paulawalnutsMTV & @emfitMTV on the WIN! Bravo!! #Rivals2

The Reunion...LIVE!
@JDeezyMTV: Bout to go LIVE! for #Rivals2 w/ the homie @JordanMTV #TeamRookies still in it.
@JordanMTV: Ladies and Gentleman, we are going LIVE!! Right now! Get to @MTV for the #Rivals2reunion No holds barred and anything goes!!
@CaraMariaMTV: LIVE @mtv #rivals2 #reunion ..... Almost go time!
@ToriFiorenza: Here goes the live finale....this could get interesting!! #Thechallenge #rivals2
@MTVShowBlog: "With a partner like her, you can do anything!" Quite a love letter from @paulawalnutsMTV to @EmFitMTV
@MTVShowBlog: Ketchup-gate: dissected. At least @JemmyeMTV and @CamilaMTV have mended fences...kind of? #Rivals2
@MTVShowBlog: .@Knight_MTV finally admits his crush on @PrestoMagicmtv! Heard it here first, folks. #Rivals2
@Johannabotta: @DiemBrownMTV you look so hot ! #Rivals2
@RWRRMTV: Ok this is LIVE!!!!!!!!! Anything can happen!!!!!!!! Woooow! #Rivals2
@Morgan_MacAdam: Did that shit just really happen?!? Wow
@Johannabotta: This is so much more exciting live! #Rivals2
@MTVShowBlog: This sh** is definitely live, guys. #Rivals2
@Morgan_MacAdam: @MTVShowBlog you guys better keep it live in the future
@ToriFiorenza: What just happened?! #rivals2 #isthisreallife?
@MTVBananas: Its Jerry Springer time! #Rivals2 #Reunion
@JohnnyZiggler: Only @MTVBananas can tweet during a live reunion show #kingbananas
@MTVsChallenges: Not really defending Knight, but don't say you'd love to fight someone and expect not to get hit. #Rivals2
@JazMTV: Sitting here live at reunion I can't believe that just happened! #Rivals2
@RossiMarieR: "Anything can happen on live tv." Lol So true. #mtv #mtvlive #TheChallenge
@MTVShowBlog: .@DiemBrownMTV pleads her case, and it definitely adds up. We love ya, girl! #Rivals2
@JazMTV: Got here late...did someone call me a weak link??? #Rivals2
@Johannabotta: You tell them @MTVBananas !!!!! You said it best ! stand up for @DiemBrownMTV #Rivals2 I know the "real" Diem and she's an amazing person
@EdwinMontanez: OMG @frankcsweeney got SMACKED by @Knight_MTV .. wowowowowow #Rivals2
@BSwiftMTV: @frankcsweeney yea buddy sucks getting hit in the face during a reunion show&then having to stay lol  #SpeakingFromExperience @LaToyaJMTV
@Challenge24MTV: Knight was definitely under the influence of something on the reunion. #Rivals2
@MTVShowBlog: .@paulawalnutsMTV on her #Rivals2 crocodile tears: "Hell yeah!"
@EdwinMontanez: OMG @MTV could not cover up all the F Bombs dropped by @Knight_MTV LOL… That was crazy #KarmasAWitch #Rivals2
@ToriFiorenza: @DiemBrownMTV is one of the most beautiful people I know, both inside and out! I want to go to up on that stage and hug her!! #rivals2
@MTVRWNews: OMG! This reunion is something else. #Rivals2
@JazMTV: Ok my bad lol! Still don't like being called weak im just little ;)
@MTVShowBlog: .@frankcsweeney: "Unlike her boyfriend, @JemmyeMTV has a brain." Aww...?
@RobinHibbard14: I'm so sick of hearing everyone say they are outspoken duh that's why we were all cast!
@RobinHibbard14: I hate how the pick on@CaraMariaMTV she is a great person!
@JazMTV: Haha I luv CT!
@AshleyMarieMTV: Gosh I love @frankcsweeney. We had so many issues back in RWSD and I honestly have no idea why. Good person, great friend. The end.r
@MTVShowBlog: This is some awwwwwkward couples therapy #Rivals2
@NehemiahMTV: Dude slap the ish outta frank
@WesMTV: Live Instagramming
@BradFiorenza: @TheOfficial_CT best after show takeover ever!!lol #Rivals2
@JazMTV: @mariemtv wants everyone to know she cant remember her twitter login but.... #teamfrank @mtvfranksweeney
@TheresaMTV: I think TJ is going to havta start regulating these Q&A situations. NO one would talk to TJ like that. #Rivals2i
@MTVShowBlog: Rookies @JordanMTV and @JDeezyMTV: kings of the #Challenge hook up?
@RWRRMTV: Awwwww, @EmFitMTV & @JordanMTV. #Rivals2
@MTVRWNews: More live reunions, please - WOW!!! #Rivals2 @MTV @BunimMurray
@JDeezyMTV: Yo that punch came out of no where!
@CamilaMTV: Not sure if this LIVE reunion was a good idea lmao... #wtf #Rivals2 KRAZEYYYY
@MTVShowBlog: That's a wrap, guys! Thanks for hangin with us for the #Rivals2 finale!
@RWRRMTV: @jonnymoseley Great job hosting the #Rivals2 Reunion!!!! @MTV
@RWRRMTV: That's all folks. Congrats to the winners! Thx for all the support this season! There would be no Challenge without the viewers! Thx! @MTV
@ToriFiorenza: That's a Wrap!!! #rivals2 #crazyride #goodnight
@CamilaMTV: Strong woman stand up for themselves #always ✌️peace out bc this little girl needs a cocktail 💋💋💋
@BradFiorenza: @DiemBrownMTV great job on the reunion!  Love and respect forever!  Have a blast in NYC with everyone and tell the crew hello!
@EmFitMTV: I don't know what was implied in that reunion but no, @JordanMTV and I are not together. And @Knight_MTV will get his ass beat by me.
@JazMTV: Intense reunion! #Rivals2
@BradFiorenza: @MTVBananas Nice run in the final!  I would not have made the food section so you could have beat me brother!  Have a blast in NYC for me!
@EmFitMTV: Sorry @CookeMTV- my big ass still fit. YAYYYYYYY!!!!! #Rivals2
@JemmyeMTV: No words
@EmFitMTV: That's my bitch. ☺💃 #rivals2
@TheOfficial_CT: ...chicken dinner.
@CamilaMTV: NO MATTER WHAT. #rivals2 @paulawalnutsmtv @emfitmtv
@NanyMTV: I don't care what anyone says, @Knight_MTV you are my hero❤️
@CarleyJohnson: Where is Cooke at during the reunion ?
@CookeMTV: Yeah seriously tho I wouldn't have even been on the challenge if @NaomiMTV didn't say yes last second #grateful
@CookeMTV: And the fact @CaraMariaMTV came as an alternate! Again #grateful !
@NaomiMTV: @CookeMTV FYI I'm so proud of u when u and cara made it to finals I swear I was tearing 🙊🙊
@CookeMTV: Can't believe it's all over! Went by so fast! What a ride!! #Rivals2
@CookeMTV: My year so far: training camp w/ @NWSL @WashSpirit, @MTV challenge in Phuket, @PHL_Malditas Philippines team w/ @theafcdotcom games in Dhakayf
@CookeMTV: W-league's @SCBlueHeat for the summer in SoCal, went back to Manila for training, AFF tourney in Myanmar, and now SEA games in December
@CookeMTV: @MTV took me away from a desk 3 years ago and since then I've been kicking a soccer ball and traveling the world! #grateful #liveyourpassion
@busdriversroute: The Rivals 2 Reunion was a shit show as expected. @MTVBananas @JordanMTV @JDeezyMTV @JemmyeMTV @diembrown @EmFitMTV
@TheOfficial_CT: Nobody puts Baby in a corner... @DiemBrownMTV #rivals2 @mtv

The Final & Reunion...As DC Sees It
@dc408dxtr: @jordanmtv @JDeezyMTV congrats on your great run. I'm very proud of you & PDX, gave it everything. Good luck & see you soon. #teamrookies
@dc408dxtr: Well, could we be having a massive upset here? @cookemtv @CaraMariaMTV have checked out of game 2. This is gonna get interesting. #rivals2
@dc408dxtr: And looks like we'll have a lead change in the women's final - @paulawalnutsmtv @EmFitMTV are gonna take the lead here. #Rivals2
@dc408dxtr: Now all that separates our leaders from becoming legends is a search for the final idol, and @wesmtv catches it in his hand. Seals the deal.
@dc408dxtr: And @paulawalnutsmtv @emfitmtv are up comfortably, I expected them to have this in hand, and they are making this look easy. #Rivals2
@dc408dxtr: And @mtvbananas @frankcsweeney know its over, so do @cookemtv @caramariamtv as they see the runners up, good for them to embrace. #Rivals2
@dc408dxtr: And now our would be winners are making their way towards the yacht as memories of past challenges come back as they make their way.
@dc408dxtr: At long last, @TheOfficial_CT finally wins his challenge. And for @WesMTV, a 2nd win 7 years after the 1st. Vets get it done. #Rivals2
@dc408dxtr: And the best women's team this season confirm their dominance. @paulawalnutsmtv @emfitmtv collect their deserved handsome reward. #Rivals2
@dc408dxtr: Gotta send my congratulations to these two deserving #Rivals2 champions. The veterans still rule the roost as if they never left.
@dc408dxtr: Wow, wow, wow. Did I just see that? There's nothing like a live reunion and that move came out of left field. Amazing. #Rivals2
@dc408dxtr: @frankcsweeney congrats on your run to the final. Making two straight finals in your first 2 Challenges is a great achievement. Good luck.
@dc408dxtr: @CamilaMTV congrats on your #Rivals2 run. It was a great bounce back performance, you & Jem earned your ticket to the final. #TeamSubtitles
@dc408dxtr: @JemmyeMTV congrats on your #Rivals2 run. I'm proud of you & Camila on the great run you two had to get to the final. #TeamSubtitles
@dc408dxtr: @CaraMariaMTV congrats on this run to the final. Being in the final on half of your six Challenges is an achievement in itself. Love
@dc408dxtr: @JordanMTV congrats on your great #Rivals2 run. Considering everything, been fortunate enough to follow you & PDX this year. Good luck bud.
- @JordanMTV: @dc408dxtr Thanks man, it's been a ride!
- @dc408dxtr: @JordanMTV you're welcome Jordan, feels like yesterday that I got to talk to you & PDX after filming ended, it has indeed been a great ride.
@dc408dxtr: @JDeezyMTV congrats on this great #Rivals2 run. I've been big supporter of PDX since the start & I'm proud of you & Jordan. #teamrookies
@dc408dxtr: @MTVBananas congrats on your #Rivals2 run. You overcame obstacles all season to get to the final, you have nothing to be ashamed of.
@dc408dxtr: @CookeMTV congrats on your #Rivals2 run, I'm vry proud of you & CM and gave it your all. proud to be Fil-Am too. Go Malditas! #filipinopride
@dc408dxtr: @WesMTV congrats on your #Rivals2 victory. You have worked so hard throughout this season & this 2nd Challenge win is much deserved.
@dc408dxtr: @EmFitMTV congrats on your #Rivals2 victory. You & Paula had one of the most dominant seasons in Challenge history, I'm proud of you both.
@dc408dxtr: @paulawalnutsMTV congrats on your #Rivals2 win. You've been at this for 8 years & you're one of the best competitors. Two-time champion.
@dc408dxtr: @TheOfficial_CT congrats on your #Rivals2 victory. No one deserves a Challenge win more than you. You've now become a legend. #BostonStrong

The Aftermath
@WesMTV: This season of The Challenge has been a great experience. I really enjoyed getting to watch the final. Queue "We are the champions..."
@JemmyeMTV: I know a lot of y'all don't think I should have forgiven Frank but at the end of the day I felt it was the right thing to do.
@JemmyeMTV: At the end of the day this challenge shit is simply business..
@JemmyeMTV: I had accepted Franks apology weeks ago if I had went in on him last night then that would have been fake of me. When u forgive you forget
@JemmyeMTV: & drugs are bad kids.. Don't do them... I can't deal with how fucked up some people were last night..
@CaraMariaMTV: Sucks to have lost by a mouth full. They already moved about 8 bodies by the time we got over there.  @cookemtv
@CaraMariaMTV: Vomiting more than ur own body weight.... u get a little dilerious. Weight lifting just doesnt seem like a good idea after. #Rivals2 finale
@CaraMariaMTV: If only that challenge was "fill this bucket up w the most puke" @cookemtv and I would have had it! #Rivals2
@CaraMariaMTV: In the end-paula/emily deserved it. Fought hard all season. Paula is a machine in finals. Credit where credit is due. but we made em work ;)
@Chet_Cannon: Congratulations to @TheOfficial_CT  @WesMTV, @paulawalnutsMTV, and @EmFitMTV!  Great season!  #Rivals2
@EmFitMTV: The day we won the final: I've been waiting to post this for months. Lol SO psyched to finally take a…

@PrestoMagicmtv: Just watched the reunion...though there was shock an some pretty loud Ego's the production was an over all hit @MTVShowBlog #Rivals2
@MTVtrey: I love being drama-free. Especially when everyone else is going crazy - this makes for great entertainment! 😁
@Knight_MTV: Once a bitch always a bitch #proven
@CaraMariaMTV: Hey to all you awesome people tweeting me- FYI- I f'n love you all. you blow me away with your support! you rock! BIG HUGS! HUGE!
@CaraMariaMTV: The @mtv @BunimMurray challenge experience is one of learning n humbling yourself. Im thankful & still amazed i have done so much with them.
@CaraMariaMTV: This is not a life i take for granted. Throughout the complaints be thankful for the blessings. Its still surreal to me. @mtv #thankyou
@AneesaMTV: What's done is done. Sometimes we act on emotion. Now it's time to move on. Get that negativity outta here. Everyone have a blessed day.
@MTVBananas: I'd like to thank you all for the support throughout this season of #Rivals2 . Already geared up and ready to bring home gold next season!
@paulawalnutsMTV: All the love from everyone for me and @EmFitMTV has meant the world..makes the win mean worth more than just the money. Seriously

Well, that is that. Nothing much more to say other than that I definitely enjoyed watching this season of The Challenge. Last season helped reintroduce this longtime Real World fan to its spinoff, Rivals II definitely confirmed me as a regular viewer to this show, and I will definitely watch Challenge that comes on from here on out. A review of this season is coming up soon
   Plus, just as DC Blog did for the Real World Portland reunion, I will be getting some perspective from some of the audience that got to watch the craziness of that live Rivals II reunion in that studio. Two people who I've just followed (and have just given me a follow back as new members of the fan clique) are already lined up to provide a unique audience member's point of view of Wednesday night's craziness, expect it to come your way also next week.
   We also send our congratulations to all of the 33 competitors on this season for doing a tremendous job competing & entertaining us this season, as well as the production team at BMP & MTV led by executive producer Justin Booth. Echoing my follower Morgan, to everyone involved, you all did great this season & you should be proud of yourselves.
   And finally, the biggest congrats go out to the two teams that came out on top: a veteran ginger who finally notched his 2nd Challenge win, a lady who in her 3rd Challenge finally became certified as a big name with her season win, a true veteran of 10 Challenges who notches her 2nd win in the last 3 seasons, and a guy from New England who finally sheds the title of "best Challenger not to win a final." And CT, if this is your last go, what a way to ride off into the sunset. So, thanks to everyone.

For now, thanks for reading, have fun, and hope you enjoyed Rivals II as much as I did. Can't wait for what happens next. And see you here in the City for Real World San Francisco.

- DC

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