Sunday, August 7, 2016

DC SocialPulse: Are You The One? S4 "Pulling Punches"

*** Advisory: DC SocialPulse contains adult language, objectionable content 
and spoilers for some readers. Viewer Discretion is Advised. Due to its long 
length, take frequent eye breaks if you're reading this top to bottom. ***

BY DC CUEVA                     
@DC408Dxtr / @DC408DxNow

As you enjoy this first Sunday of August and the opening weekend of the Rio Olympics, welcome on in to DCBLOG's look at a most eventful week in the MTV Trifecta, and to this doubleheader of DC SocialPulse. Straight ahead, perhaps the most infamous move anyone has ever executed in the history of reality competition shows, and Real World reunions aplenty. But first, a mouth-watering episode of Are You The One?.
   Last week, the guys' parents appeared via Skype to reveal the truth about their sons to the house, which even saw John tear up at seeing his mom. Giovanni found himself at the crossfire as Stephen begins to become skeptical at the Wolf trying to get in touch with his crush Julia, while Francesca became the latest one to get close to him. And though the house's luck seemed to have stalled a bit, there was good news in Sam & Alyssa becoming match #2.
   This week, a favorite night of the entire AYTO experience comes ashore in Hawaii as the group gets to enjoy a luau and an Adam and Eve party. This leads to jealousy and hook-ups aplenty as the couples mix it up and look to reverse what's now a game that's slipping away from them. A love hexagon forms in the house as John, Stephen, Gio and (making his first appearance this season) Tyler do what they can to make sense of the hearts which seems to have become confused. And the tension between two of them is so much it leads to punches being thrown.
   Coming up, all the action, reaction and interaction from the AYTO cast and the lead-up to the Rivals III finale which we will cover here in just a bit. And if you're one who loves love, hang around for ExtraTime where we'll introduce you to a newly engaged reality TV original.

- As we begin, please note there is explicit language in many of the tweets below, but they are kept uncensored in order to retain the heat of the moment. So if you are mature enough, please read with discretion. :-)
- Plus, if you haven't watched the episode yet, then do not proceed with reading this post. But need not worry...DCBLOG will compile all of these tweets into these posts after every episode so you won't be in the dark of how your favorites saw this all unfold.

A luau, poles and punches. Join DCBLOG for the 'Pulse of Are You The One?, coming up.

> Last Weekend
@AREUTHE1: waking up annoyed, but happy because it's friday...
@AREUTHE1: We're all still little kids deep down inside tbh πŸ‘Ά #AYTO
@amazedbykay: I can't with some of y'all. πŸ˜…
‏@JuliaRose_33: So crazy that Monday is the start of August 😳
@amazedbykay: AYTO was filmed in the past. As a cast mate, we have the right to learn from mistakes and make effort to do better in the NOW. #RealizeThat
@AREUTHE1: This is what I want my weekend to look like! Next week's #AYTO is going to be πŸ”₯:
@riv_gio: "@JoeyHoecker: Nat geo? More like Nat Gio. @AREUTHE1 @riv_gio #aytoβ€œ RT Bruhhh πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚β€β€
@tori_deal: Dude life is so short ! Seriously do what makes you happy and give no f*cks πŸ–•πŸΌ
@MTV_JohnnyDrama: Hey @saigemetsch ! I just wanted to say that Me and everyone one from @AREUTHE1 believe in you! Keep fighting and stay strong beautiful!
@nuhcole11: I want to send my love and thoughts to @saigemetsch! I love you just as much as you love #AYTO ❀️❀️❀️ You're amazing, always remember that!
@AREUTHE1: . @riv_gio reveals a secret about @samhandler32 right before he takes off for the Honeymoon Suite!
@amazedbykay: If @AREUTHE1 doesn't show me & @MilleGabriellee parting message to @samhandler32 & @LyssCait I'm gonna cry πŸ˜©πŸ˜‚
‏@AREUTHE1: Let the weekend begin! πŸŽ‰πŸΎ
@tori_deal: Shits getting real . #top10 #whatsmyname #mtv @MTVMusic
@asafgoren1: What if i tell your that anything is possible and God Is Great..Brah i used to be Homeless
@daxshepard1: "Hopefully I can find a girl I want to hang out with after we f***" Followed by intentionally bearing upper teeth.
@riv_gio: All the people who dont understand me should watch Southpaw. Feels like im watching myself.
@riv_gio: I lost it all before... cant go through that shit again
@MTVDevinWalker: Realllllly gonna need it to rain
@KikiMTV: When you come to work on your day off...Happy National Chicken Wing Day! πŸ—πŸ— @Hooters
@BombshellChels: Sending lots of love and positivity to this beautiful girl  @saigemetsch ! Nothing but love from us on #AYTO to you πŸ€—β€οΈ
@CHEYnotShy: Hey Beautiful! Praying for you and sending blessings your way 😘 YOU GOT THIS! ALL the #AYTO family has your back @saigemetsch πŸ‘‘πŸ‘‘πŸ‘‘
‏@KikiMTV: This girl is about to blow up. No joke...I am mind blown! Go listen/watch/whatever you need to do cuz she's the next big thing @tori_deal πŸ‘ŠπŸ½
@shandathapanda: so wut if im staying in on a friday nite eating pasta n carrot cake???????
@hbarfield13: Listening to music vibin like I'm at a concert, yet I'm in my room alone on a Friday night πŸ˜‚ #itsoktobeweird
‏@ChallengeMTV: The stakes don't get any higher than this...πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘
@ChallengeMTV: Who says science isn't cool...πŸ“šβš—πŸ€“
@ChallengeMTV: Here are this week's fantasy highlights! How'd you do?
@ChallengeMTV: Catch up with Rivals III before the awesome finale, next Wednesday at 10/9c! πŸ‘€
@WestonBergmann: House to myself this weekend. Let the wallowing in my own filth commence.
@MTVBananas: Heading into the weekend like... 🍻 #FBF @ChallengeMTV #tgif #BananasDoingThings #BananaSwag
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: Never water yourself down because someone can't handle you at 100 proof
@MtvJess: Netflix, pizza and no pants....successful Friday!
@CamilaMTV: I want someone to love the best and the worst parts of me. ❀️
@TheRealNiaMoore: You & Snoop can't go talk peace with LAPD, then put a song on ur new album called "Block Wars" which strictly glorifies drugs & violenceπŸ€”πŸ™„πŸ˜ž
 β€@TheRealNiaMoore: ..funny thing is, gangster rap never rubbed me the wrong way before, because it had no effect on my life or what I cared about. Now it does.
‏@TheRealNiaMoore: Don't get me wrong, I love all facets of hip hop and rap & the truth it exposes. Stories of joy, pain and success. BUT murder is never cool.
@TheRealNiaMoore: Yes, I know murder is a part of the REAL story. But glamorizing it makes a cycle that should've been a way that "once was," continue on..
@TheRealNiaMoore: Long story short tho..We can't expect other races to respect us and not be fearful of us if we promote self-destruction. Even in music.
@DerrickMTV2: You guys recognize that guy?? That's @MTV Legend "Puck." And that's us laying smack dab in the…
@DerrickMTV2: Layin down smack dab inthe middle of Washington,DC w/ @MTV Legend "Puck" bc @RepSeanDuffy and @DiemBrownMTV said soπŸ™

@AREUTHE1: .@riv_gio is taking over our Snapchat today! You don't want to miss this (πŸ‘»: areyouthe1)
@tori_deal: And my twerk is trending on MTV lmao!!!! I'm dying right now .
@LyssCait: "I like dressing up like a girl it's fun" -@samhandler32  πŸ‘‹πŸ½
‏@riv_gio: It takes more energy to hate. Thank you for all your energy ❀
@AREUTHE1: This was totally me last night 😩 #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: #Salyssa is heading to the Honeymoon Suite! @amazedbykay @MilleGabriellee & @stephenjohnii have a few words for them
- @LyssCait: @AREUTHE1 Omg 😭😭 love y'all @amazedbykay @MilleGabriellee @stephenjohnii
@amazedbykay: Sir @riv_gio @AREUTHE1 πŸ’…πŸΎ
@amazedbykay: Y'all know I had to do it! Perfect moment to be @rihanna πŸ’…πŸΎπŸ˜©πŸ˜‚
@amazedbykay: Felt good to be petty today! In a playful way. πŸ˜β˜ΊοΈπŸ€—πŸ––πŸΎπŸ¦„
@amazedbykay: That was your doing, with your hard headed self πŸ˜‚ You don't listen, tried to save you! …
‏@amazedbykay: Okay y'all chill out. Damn, can we have fun & laugh at #AYTO. We don't need to turn up. All fun & jokes. πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„ …
- @riv_gio: @amazedbykay love you always bye ✌❀
@AREUTHE1: So glad @IAMPMUNA & @nuhcole11 made up! πŸ™
@stephenjohnii: A beautiful life 🌹πŸ”₯ to think is a blessing, to dream is a gift and to chase that dream πŸ’― #priceless
@AREUTHE1: What you TWERKING with?!
‏@amazedbykay: Love you all πŸ––πŸΎπŸ’™πŸ¦„
@JuliaRose_33: Just so unbelievably happy πŸ’•
@tori_deal: Tori Deal Pied in the Face
‏@emmabsweigard: In honor of #MissTeenUSA.
@emmabsweigard: Everybody be lookin identical now a days with the make up. It's hard for me to accept it
@riv_gio: I never gave a fuck
@riv_gio: Im supposed to give a fuck now that I'm on?
@amazedbykay: Ladies, if you're texting with a new dude, & you wanna take it to the next level, tell him to call you...
@amazedbykay: If he doesn't call then or fails to call when he said he would, he is not the one. He can't commit to a phone call, let alone you. πŸ˜‚
@amazedbykay: My advice on how to dodge the play boys, harsh but you've got no time to play games! πŸ’ͺπŸΎπŸ™ŒπŸΎπŸ––πŸΎπŸ˜©πŸ˜‚
@IamAdamKuhn: There's is absolutely nothing more frustrating than losing athletic ability due to knee injuries.
@blacuesta: If someone tells me my nails are long one more I will personally poke both their eyes out with my long ass nails.
- @blacuesta: Fuck I'm missing a word
Oh and why do people ask me if I can wipe w my nails? Why are u thinking about me on the toilet? Do U wanna come watch how I wipe?
‏@blacuesta: Sorry I'm pmsing but I had to address the issue and I feel better now so
@blacuesta: Took some basic selfies today
@brittany_baldi: In honor of @Patriots #TrainingCamp gutta rep the GOAT #tb12 #newenglandpatriots 🏈 @TomFcknBrady
‏@ChallengeMTV: Who do you think will take home the big bucks? πŸ’Έ
@ChallengeMTV: What do you think? πŸ’ΈπŸ’ΈπŸ’Έ
@MTVBananas: β€œ@TheClemReport: No matter where you come from or who you play for, always remember that #SaturdaysAreForTheBoys” RT Tough loss last ep @Dario_medrano_ . Glad to see you've got a solid support group! #SquadGoals @ChallengeMTV @MTV
@CamilaMTV: I thought this day would get easier with time, but it never does. I love you dad. β€οΈπŸ’” #RIPdaddy #imissyou
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: I've always assumed ironing boards were just surf boards who gave up on their dreams & got real jobs #ridethewave
@CaraMariaMTV: The person who voted u in to elimination isnt the one who sends u home. You send YOURSELF home. Or you WIN and stay. End of story.  πŸ™„
@CaraMariaMTV: Did john send me home when i had a broken hand in free agents? Nope. I did. I lost. Couldnt climb the wall faster than laurel. My fault
@CaraMariaMTV: If you dont win a challenge- u are up for elimination. Elimination is a second chance. Fate is in your hands only.
@ChallengeMTV: They seem to be getting along well enough, but this new twist might throw a wrench in their newfound friendship...
@jonnamtv: πŸ™ˆπŸ‘ΆπŸ½πŸ‘ΆπŸ½πŸ‘ΆπŸ½

@AREUTHE1: PSA: You can catch up on #AYTO right now w/ the @MTV app!
@JuliaRose_33: Officially obsessed with stranger things..... 😳 holy shit
@asafgoren1: Happy #NationalDanceDay
@LyssCait: mornings like this I wish I was waking up to @samhandler32 & @cambruckman
@asafgoren1: Woke this morning - thank god! All the rest is a bonus
@AREUTHE1: Will we be adding another #PerfectMatch to this list tomorrow?
@ohhhfrancesca: So many music projects underwayπŸ˜‹πŸŽ€ #busybusy
@AREUTHE1: Do you feel that love?! πŸ’—
@riv_gio: #WOLFPACK its official thank you for voting 🐺❀
@MTV: Kaylen admits she has fallen out of love with Gio in this #AYTO deleted scene:
@AREUTHE1: The house is having a hard time saying goodbye to #Salyssa! 😒
@stephenjohnii: whoops.....
@stephenjohnii: Clapback πŸ‘πŸ» #King πŸ‘‘
@stephenjohnii: @riv_gio #waterboy
@stephenjohnii: I'll never knock a dream, but when you come at me.. Imma come at you, easy at that bruh... 2+2 πŸ’―
‏@riv_gio: This is more accurate..... #layup
@amazedbykay: "In a world so unsteady, please say you'll be my stone." - @alessiacara πŸ’•
@amazedbykay: Listening to Katy Perry "Teenage Dream" as I wait to drop my new blog post in 13mins. πŸ¦„
@MTV_JohnnyDrama: Honestly this is really funny! I don't even care that I'm in it! πŸ˜‚ #MTV #Ayto #instadrama
@emmabsweigard: @AREUTHE1 lol @IAMPMUNA trying to steal my thunder 😘😘😘
- @IAMPMUNA: @emmabsweigard You know how I do 😎😘
- @emmabsweigard: @IAMPMUNA @AREUTHE1 ute like, WHO? Ain't nobody gonna be Emma's match
‏@AREUTHE1: New episode of #AYTO tomorrow!!!! πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘
‏@JuliaRose_33: Hi my name is Julia and I'm addicted to puppy breath.
@tori_deal: LIVE on #Periscope: Prosper slime !
@stephenjohnii: #Alpha meets #Omega
‏@riv_gio: Ep. 7 #ayto4 @AREUTHE1 @MTVteenwolf #alphaasfuck #fearthewolf #wolfpack
‏@amazedbykay: β€œ@christiemill3r: but what if the next Battle of the Exes challenge pairs up @amazedbykay and Gio? I will pay money to see Kay put him in his place some more" RT πŸ˜‚
@MTVDevinWalker: Thought about tryna cut back on my foamer intake but then I remembered I don't give any fucks πŸ»πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ•πŸ„ live free or die
@MTV_TeeBoogie: Man. @BritniNicol and @MTV_Chuckalodon got me in my feels on that FT. Always a fuckin pleasure seeing you guys ❀️❀️❀️❀️ love you guys
@blacuesta: Does #BBPaul HAVE GLITTER IN HIS BEARD DURING HIS DR SCENES? BC if so.... Fucking #FRIENDSHIP !!!!!!
@ChallengeMTV: So close, I can almost taste it...
@WestonBergmann: @ImSarahRice how can there be a name for fearing ketchup, but not a name for lusting after bookshelves? πŸ€”
‏@ChallengeMTV: Who misses these two!? βœ‹βœ‹βœ‹
@Money_Showers: Dawg this is cold, y'all don't know.
@Blu1x: Had a dope night with the handsome @MTVCoryWharton n my beautiful pooh @MTVCeeJai and it was a pleasure meetin u gorgeous @TheRealNiaMoore πŸ’™
@MTVCeeJai: I'm over here dying at the conversations we had last night hahaha and y'all @MTVCoryWharton did NOT mention how lit his dad and uncle are!
- @MTVCoryWharton: @MTVCeeJai πŸ˜‚πŸ˜­ last night was a movie πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯ Now you see it runs in the family ✊🏽
@MTVCeeJai: Man, tonight was really a lituation!πŸ”₯πŸ™ƒπŸŽ‰πŸ˜† @Blu1x @TheRealNiaMoore @MTVCoryWharton y'all had me dying πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚maaaaan thanks for the TurntnessπŸ’πŸ½πŸ˜‚
- @TheRealNiaMoore: @MTVCeeJai Tooo much fun! Round 2 tonight?! πŸ‘€πŸ‘€
@itSabrinaK: So sick on this rainy day πŸ˜”
@TrishelleC: Soooooo in other news....some poor guy asked me to be his wife. And I said hell yes.
@TrishelleC: Officially for real off the market. This guy is the best man I have ever met. I'm so lucky. πŸ’

‏@amazedbykay: Happy 35th Anniversary to @MTV Grateful to be apart of your Legacy! πŸ‘‘
@amazedbykay: Happy 35th Anniversary to @MTV πŸ‘‘ So grateful to be apart of your Legacy & be able to say apart…
@stephenjohnii: Goodnight 🌎 see you guys in 3 hours πŸ˜΄πŸ’€
@asafgoren1: @riv_gio why u don't call me? Alexis
@MTV_JohnnyDrama: NEW EPISODE OF "Are you the one" TONIGHT ON MTV! MAKE SURE YOU TUNE IN!! #Ayto #MTV #7thepisode
@stephenjohnii: Good morning πŸ’―πŸ”₯ #RiseUp
@stephenjohnii: @AREUTHE1 Monday's πŸ”₯
- @RyanDevlin: @AREUTHE1 😬😬😬😬
- ‏@nuhcole11: @AREUTHE1 Tonight's episode of #AYTO is about to be insane! I promise you won't want to miss this. πŸ™ƒ
- @emmabsweigard: @AREUTHE1 Oh no
@AREUTHE1: Preparing myself for all of the tea that will be spilled on #AYTO! Don't miss it TONIGHT at 10/9c on @MTV!
@shandathapanda: cause of death: having 2 wait 4 frank ocean's album
@LyssCait: look ma I made it to @hulu πŸŽ₯ 🀘🏼@AREUTHE1
@AREUTHE1: Hopefully we see this again sometime tonight! πŸ’˜ #AYTO
@MTV_TeeBoogie: Bruh these @AREUTHE1 people have me Rollin. Idk who acts like what anymore. Or who is real πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
@MTV_TeeBoogie: I honestly what opinions on this season lolol slide in the dms or snap me. Might even FT with someone
@asafgoren1: @AREUTHE1 Im dead hahahahaha
@asafgoren1: I have so much in my Heart.Its so nice
@emmabsweigard: IM NOT READY FOR TONIGHTS EPISODE. No no no no no @AREUTHE1
‏@emmabsweigard: Because here we go again... @AREUTHE1
@emmabsweigard: But some new love is forming so that's that @AREUTHE1
@LyssCait: HBD @MTV πŸŽ‰ thanks for taking the chance & putting 20 of us crazies on your channel -- much love ❀️❀️@AREUTHE1
@AREUTHE1: Don't mind me! I'm just geeked up for tonight's new episode of #AYTOπŸ’ƒ
@nuhcole11: Happy 35th Anniversary @MTV!! You don't look a day over 20 πŸ˜‰ Incredibly grateful to be apart of the @AREUTHE1 family! Here's to another 35!
@MTV_TeeBoogie: @MTV introduced me to the Rock and Jock series, TRL, say what karaoke, real world vs road rules and etc. happy birthday yoπŸ™ŒπŸΏ
@amazedbykay: It's @MTV Birthday! I'm getting things done today in my original #MTV shirt! Follow me on snap:…
@AREUTHE1: We're stepping into the #HoneymoonSuite with #Salyssa tonight! πŸ’˜
@riv_gio: Im not even famous.... but you tryna  become famous off me? You the type to poke holes in a n.... condom
‏@riv_gio: Im not a fucking role model... Im not a fucking reality star/celebrity or w.e the fuck. Please dont do that. #beREALfuckfamous
@riv_gio: Reality TV and D List Celebrities will you poison you.
@AREUTHE1: I'm just imagining all of the faces @camkobo & @MikalaThomass will be making during tonight's #AYTO!
@AREUTHE1: This was me and my squad this weekend πŸ‘‘ | Don't miss new #AYTO tonight at 10/9c!
‏@nuhcole11: Gonna be watching tonight's episode of @AREUTHE1 with my wine like. #ShitJustGotReal
@amazedbykay: Tonight's episode of @AREUTHE1 is going to be lit AF πŸ˜œπŸ™ˆπŸ™ˆπŸ™ˆπŸ™ˆπŸ™ˆπŸ™ˆ
‏@Victoria_mWyatt: OMG DADDY P @IAMPMUNA was soooo funny on his king of the jungle shit
@riv_gio: @AREUTHE1 My boyyy lol @IAMPMUNA
@Victoria_mWyatt: Another humiliating episode of me tonight. And the drunk crybaby thot lives on πŸ˜‚
@emmabsweigard: I'm apologizing in advance for anything I say tonight that is mean... I was upset & feeling jealous & bitter..
@emmabsweigard: It's hard being heartbroken, it's even harder being heartbroken on national television.
@emmabsweigard: Learn from my mistakes & spread kindness, not negativity. we are all the same. Not one person better than the other.
@AREUTHE1: An unlikely kiss is shared during tonight's episode πŸ’‹! Do you think they could be the next #PerfectMatch?
@AREUTHE1: okay ladies, now let's get in formation. the luau is going to be πŸ”₯ #AYTO
@amazedbykay: Tonight episode of @AREUTHE1 is my favorite & for it to be aired on @MTV birthday has me so happy! I'm fan girling!πŸ¦„
@amazedbykay: Not only will you be seeing my tonight on AYTO but I have a new YouTube cooking as we speak! 😜
@asafgoren1: Today's Episode on @AREUTHE1: 40%BlackOut / 60%No BlackOut   551 votesβ€’Final results
@in_my_SHEETS: Just booked my flight for Ibiza πŸ’ΈπŸ™ŒπŸΌπŸ˜ˆ
@in_my_SHEETS: I booked a trip to Paris and Ibiza and bought a puppy all before noon on a Monday. Today is a win in my book πŸ’ΈπŸ˜ˆ
‏@MTV_TeeBoogie: Caught up with my dog mike. Hahaha what an update. Gotta get to NYC soon
- @MtvMagicMike: @MTV_TeeBoogie my dude me you and @tweetconnor180 all need a reunion ASAP
- @MTV_TeeBoogie: @MtvMagicMike @tweetconnor180 you already know it bro! Keep killing it man! You got my support πŸ™ŒπŸΏπŸ™ŒπŸΏ
- @tweetconnor180: @MtvMagicMike @MTV_TeeBoogie this is to much of a fucking fact!
@MtvMagicMike: Set my food down in BK, turn around to grab my receipt, and in 30 seconds someone grabs my food and runs... Welcome back to NYC smh lol
@MtvMagicMike: As I've gotten older I've learned that life is like riding a bike. To keep your balance, you must keep moving. πŸ™ŒπŸ½
@MtvMagicMike: Current mood: the feels playlist on Spotify
‏@BombshellChels: I told my boyfriend is was #NationalGirlfriendDay and he actually went out and got me a Panera Gift Card πŸ˜‚β€οΈ

@ChallengeMTV: The day after tomorrow...✌✌✌
@ChallengeMTV: It's not too late! Join fantasy by Wednesday & 10 of you could win an autographed prize!
@CamilaMTV: Never pity yourself. Focus on your own goals. Believe in yourself. πŸ‘ŠπŸΌπŸŒŸπŸ‘ŠπŸΌπŸŒŸπŸ‘ŠπŸΌ #HappyMonday
@ImSarahRice: You won't believe what happened behind the scenes of the final!!! Hear it all on our exclusive Q&A!!
@RealWorldMTV: Congratulations are in order for @TrishelleC:
@ChallengeMTV: Mondays leave a bad taste in my mouth...πŸ˜–
@ChallengeMTV: When the finale of Rivals III is just around the corner 😁😁😁
@MTVtrey: I gladly welcome August.
@MTVtrey: Just wanna shoutout @ARizzo44 for the gear - thanks to @MLBTheShow for hooking it up during #FANSvsDEVS
@TheShaneRaines: I've been waiting forever to see these balloons.. And they're finally here!! Yay Happy Birthday To Me!!πŸŽˆπŸŽ‰πŸŽˆπŸŽ‰
@jonnamtv: Last days with you in my belly little girlπŸ‘ΆπŸ½! #9months #iweigh180lbs #deliveringa60lbbaby #080316
@CaraMariaMTV: When you literally cant so hard that your eyes get stuck in the back of your head from rolling them. πŸ™„
‏@TrishelleC: Thank you @NOPDNews for escorting us in the French Quarter for our second line on the happiest day of my life! β€οΈπŸ’πŸ‘°πŸΌ
@ComplexPop: Happy 35th birthday, @MTV! Love u forever πŸΎπŸ™Œ
@BET: Happy 35th Anniversary, @MTV!
@duranduran: Happy 35th, @MTV!
@stephenjohnii: @mtv @areuthe1 starts at the 10/9c tonight πŸ”₯ don't miss it πŸ˜‚πŸ˜Ž #MTV #AYTO #Views πŸ’―
- @amazedbykay: @stephenjohnii @MTV @AREUTHE1 I can not
-  β€@stephenjohnii: @amazedbykay @MTV @AREUTHE1 πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

> AS THEY SAW IT: "Pulling Punches"
@MTV: It's party time! #AreYouTheOne starts right NOW! RT if you're watching + tweeting along with @AREUTHE1 🌸
‏@amazedbykay: Previously on @AREUTHE1
@amazedbykay: I'm ready 😩
@MilleGabriellee: Here we go. #AYTO
@RyanDevlin: .@AREUTHE1 I'll be answering your questions, tweeting along, and hoping I don't get beat up at the match up!
@nuhcole11: Trying to strategize and ending up like #AYTO (GIF: "I'm so confused right now.")
@AREUTHE1: Who do you think were the four beams? #AYTO
@RyanDevlin: @AREUTHE1 Chicken, mashed potatoes, and strategy talk. Yummmmm.
‏@tori_deal: Lmao my stuff face game is strong #AYTO 🍲
@AREUTHE1: #FromTheHammocksToHoneymoonSuite 🍾 #AYTO
@MilleGabriellee: So jealous of the honeymoon suite. πŸ˜­πŸ’” #AYTO #salyssa
@MilleGabriellee: Can I have kisses and champagne??
@MilleGabriellee: Dance lessons with Mille!!!! Yayayay!!! #ayto
@nuhcole11: This dance class happened at the end of a drunken night πŸ˜‚ We both wanted to lead. I swear I can do better than that!πŸ’ƒπŸ» #AYTO
@MilleGabriellee: @emmabsweigard @IAMPMUNA this conversation is GOLD!!!
@AREUTHE1: .@emmabsweigard isn't with the BS! #AYTO (GIF: "He's Not Even Cute")
@IAMPMUNA: See how im lookin at u?@emmabsweigard 😭😍😈
- @emmabsweigard: @IAMPMUNA I loved it baby. So cute I die.
@MilleGabriellee: Not another freaking physical challenge 😀😀😀 #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: 🎢 Soon as you see the text, reply me 🎢 #AYTO
@BombshellChels: Another clever game name @RyanDevlin πŸ˜‚ #AYTO
@RyanDevlin: Killer challenge name. #AYTO #AtLeastBuyMeDinnerFirst #PolesInHoles
@MilleGabriellee: Literally so sick working with Gio. I cried. Nbd. #AYTO
@amazedbykay: Me & @MilleGabriellee like uhh, who gone pick us?!
- @MilleGabriellee: @amazedbykay πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„ one of the worst days of my life.
@MTVMorganSt: @AREUTHE1 pay attention to the this challenge, it's a fast dominate victory
- @AREUTHE1: @MTVMorganSt We see you, Morgan πŸ‘€ #AYTO
- @JuliaRose_33: @MTVMorganSt @AREUTHE1 must mean you're good at taking poles πŸ€”
@riv_gio: Here we go with the #fuckery
@nuhcole11: Those poles were so long and heavy and the holes were so small! It was really hard, if you know what I mean 😏 #AYTO
@amazedbykay: This challenge wasn't hard but was straining on thy neck πŸ™„
@AREUTHE1: It's time to trade places! #AtLeastBuyMeDinnerFirst
@MTV_TeeBoogie: DAYYYUUUUMMMM @MilleGabriellee looking like a healthy Ass coke bottle πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚β€οΈβ€οΈπŸ˜©πŸ’¦
@nuhcole11: So many sexual innuendos happening in this challenge #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: All you have to do is get the poles in the holes! SHEESH! #AYTO
@BombshellChels: These girls give me major hair envy #AYTO
@amazedbykay: Tyler & I had some teamwork going on
@MilleGabriellee: Fun Fact: I literally stood still the entire challenge. #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: .@RyanDevlin's commentary is KILLING me πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ #AYTO
@amazedbykay: Aww Tyler.... Slow your roll! πŸ˜‚
@AREUTHE1: #TORGAN getting it IIIIINN ...literally! πŸ™Œ (@tori_deal & @MTVMorganSt) #AYTO
- @MTVMorganSt: @AREUTHE1 Insert your favorite innuendo
@MilleGabriellee: Naturally some were better than others in this challenge πŸΈβ˜•οΈ #AYTO
‏@amazedbykay: FYI I got to hop in their whip before they took off, actually a few of us did lol
‏@amazedbykay: Dutty Wine for the whole night! 😍
@MilleGabriellee: Runs off to my celebrate with my bitches @emmabsweigard @Victoria_mWyatt 🍾🍾🍾
@Victoria_mWyatt: SIKE, you won but no date. We ain't got the budget for that. Or not enough time cause we gotta let these hoes party
@AREUTHE1: Congrats to @tori_deal+@MTVMorganSt & @Victoria_mWyatt+@cambruckman πŸ‘Œ #AYTO
@Victoria_mWyatt: Lol when I went to hug cam after we got second place and he didn't hug back. Y'all catch that? #AYTO
‏@riv_gio: #FUNFACT fuck that challenge...
‏@riv_gio: We all know what happens when I get to compete on my own
@AREUTHE1: "@ayeee_sia: @MTVMorganSt another plus is @tori_deal will "look good on your Instagram." πŸ’€βœ¨  #AYTO @AREUTHE1” RT This is true!
@MtvMagicMike: Watching Ayto hyped my boy is finally figuring things out... With a savage mind like that there's no way he can't figure it out @MTVMorganSt
- ‏@MTVMorganSt: @MtvMagicMike 😎πŸ’ͺ🏻😈
@amazedbykay: I was the only sober person by the end of the night! FYI πŸ˜‚
@amazedbykay: β€œ@AnnahoyR: Awww @amazedbykay hugging @riv_gio I saw it! #AYTO" RT Had to cheer him up
@riv_gio: "@EverythingAYTO: @riv_gio πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ you're a little salty #AYTO" RT Very salty. Like atleast win. And get in the fucking truth booth. Wasting all this time
@AREUTHE1: #AdamAndEve party on POP πŸ™†πŸ½πŸ™†πŸ½πŸ™†πŸ½πŸ’₯ #AYTO
@MilleGabriellee: How come they don't show my choreography to Work? #AYTO
@MilleGabriellee: At least my tits look awesome in that interview. That is all. #AYTO
@nuhcole11: Everyone at the Adam and Eve party #GetLoose #AYTO (GIF: "Whatever.")
@BombshellChels: Some girls just can't help their Resting Bitch Face, it's just who we are @emmabsweigard πŸ’πŸ½ #AYTO
- ‏@emmabsweigard: @BombshellChels It's in our blood baby... β˜ΊοΈπŸ˜‚πŸ’•βœ‹πŸΌ
@MilleGabriellee: My girl @nuhcole11 getting it!!!!!
@MilleGabriellee: LOLOLOLOL @nuhcole11 me taking off my swim top to get out of interviews
- ‏@nuhcole11: @MilleGabriellee OMG totally forgot about that!! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
- @MilleGabriellee: @nuhcole11 oooooppppsss
@AREUTHE1: Go awwwwff @nuhcole11! Twerk sumnn! πŸ™†πŸ™†πŸ™† #AYTO (GIF: "It's Lit")
- @RyanDevlin: @AREUTHE1 @nuhcole11 πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯
@RyanDevlin: @AREUTHE1 got rained out of the Adam and Eve party. Brought it inside. Heated up rrrrreal quick!
@nuhcole11: Me @ Myself #AYTO (GIF: "I make very bad decisions!")
- @JuliaRose_33: @nuhcole11 hey but you looked hot af doing it
- @nuhcole11: @JuliaRose_33 Thank you!! β˜ΊοΈπŸ˜‰
‏@MilleGabriellee: Oooooh Emma ouchies ouchies ouchies #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: .@IAMPMUNA got @emmabsweigard together QUICK! DAMN! #AYTO
-  β€@IAMPMUNA: @AREUTHE1 πŸ˜ˆπŸ™πŸΎ
@ohhhfrancesca: My cute Koochie πŸ’˜ @asafgoren1 #AYTO
@BombshellChels: This party looks more like an orgy #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: NAAAAAAHHH CHILL!!!! #AYTO πŸ™…πŸ™…πŸ™… (GIF: "He's got that Flava Flav s... going on")
@MilleGabriellee: Yes Daddy Prosper!!!!! Going in for it! I love this!!!!! @IAMPMUNA
‏@nuhcole11: .@emmabsweigard With love from the skeezy ass, weird, soccer mom of the house. #AYTO
@MTV_TeeBoogie: LMAOOOOO @ THE FLAVA FLAV comment. Bruh im done πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
@amazedbykay: Like who I'm suppose to choose? Who? 😩
@MilleGabriellee: How come they didn't show πŸ’€ crying over you? @amazedbykay #ayto
- @amazedbykay: @MilleGabriellee πŸ™ƒ
‏@samhandler32: meanwhile... 🌴 #honeymooners
@amazedbykay: Tyler play to much
@amazedbykay: I don't want another NO MATCH on the screen
@AREUTHE1: I'm not opposed to these two being together! Double fro power ✊ #AYTO
- @riv_gio: @AREUTHE1 Brother and Sister
@MilleGabriellee: @cambruckman getting loose!!!!!
- @cambruckman: @MilleGabriellee 😁😁😁
@MilleGabriellee: Why is my hair so bomb?! #CurlsOnFleek #ayto
@AREUTHE1: "@loganbailey0219: "She looks like a soccer mom" πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ @AREUTHE1" RT .@emmabsweigard is such a savage! #AYTO
@riv_gio: So much for our dance battle @asafgoren1
- @asafgoren1: @riv_gio Thats so sad they didn't show. 😒
@AREUTHE1: This is my mood ALWAYS πŸ™„ #AYTO
@nuhcole11: Interesting to see what was going down with other couples during the Adam and Eve party... Everyone was caught up in their own drama #AYTO
@MilleGabriellee: My poor drunk @Victoria_mWyatt that pout!!!!!
@MilleGabriellee: #crushed #AYTO
@haydennnnn13: If I could relate to one person the most on  @AREUTHE1 it would be @Victoria_mWyatt
@AREUTHE1: Do you think @cambruckman is being to harsh to @Victoria_mWyatt? #AYTO   33%Yes / 18%No / 25%She needs it / 24%He needs to chill   521 votesβ€’Final results
@Victoria_mWyatt: I'm not wrong to want affection right? Haha who wouldn't be insecure when getting mixed signals  #AYTO
‏@MTVMorganSt: @AREUTHE1 pay extra special attention to the way I handle the Camaro on what has to be the best getaway date EVER thanks again @MTV
‏@Victoria_mWyatt: omfg cringe at me chasing after cam. Ughhh alcohol makes u do crazy things  #AYTO
@Victoria_mWyatt: I DO LOVE MYSELF. I was feeling insecure because I was being told someone liked me but they never acted like they did. Ha #AYTO
@MilleGabriellee: @cambruckman you look so good on camera 😍 #AYTO #hot
- @cambruckman: @MilleGabriellee you're the best!!!:)
‏@MilleGabriellee: Kiss and makeup 😍😍😍😍 #RelationshipGoals #ayto
‏@MTV_JohnnyDrama: @emmabsweigard  "he's not even cute! He's ugly, our kids would be fugly" 😩
- @emmabsweigard: ‏@MTV_JohnnyDrama Sorry. I was mad at ya.
@AREUTHE1: .@Victoria_mWyatt & @cambruckman's relationship is so damn relatable! #AYTO
@amazedbykay: Jesus here we go πŸ™„
@MtvMagicMike: Mad respect for @cambruckman putting it out there like that. Dudes take notes for real for real
@MilleGabriellee: Smack that ass 😝😝😝 #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: This is SUCH an awkward conversation! #AYTO
@MilleGabriellee: This is SICK!!!! #AYTO #crazy
@nuhcole11: Gio was a fucking time bomb. It was scary and exhausting to live in a house with that explosiveness. #AYTO
@amazedbykay: Most awkward moment. He wanted to tell us both that he loved us both.
@MilleGabriellee: Rant #47293792 ⏳#AYTO
@MilleGabriellee: This is real life. You are a joke. #AYTO
@BombshellChels: Can we vote Gio out of the house? Please #AYTO
@JuliaRose_33: New drinking game...take a shot every time Gio throws a temper tantrum
@amazedbykay: He said Julia didn't deserve his love & I did .......
@riv_gio: #reasonswhyishouldntdrink
@riv_gio: Ill tell you what I was gonna tell them on periscope right after this
@amazedbykay: Such an exhausting experience, not being able to move forward when your "ex" is in the house with you. #AYTO
@stephenjohnii: Same shit ... Different episode πŸ“½
@AREUTHE1: WAIT! Bruh what the hell is going on? @riv_gio help me understand iiiiiit! #AYTO
- @riv_gio: @AREUTHE1 Periscope! Will fill in the gaps
@JuliaRose_33: .....never mind, don't want you passing out and missing the rest of the episode.
@AREUTHE1: .@tori_deal & @MTVMorganSt out here living like Ken & Barbie πŸ’˜ #AYTO
@MilleGabriellee: Barbie & Ken. So perfect. #AYTO
‏@stephenjohnii: Give the people what they want πŸ”₯... I see you bruh, I'll see you there @MTV @ChallengeMTV @BunimMurray …
@MilleGabriellee: Y'all better thank the psychiatrist for letting crazy people on the show and giving y'all good tv. πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€
@MTV_Christina: If you want a picture with me or of me, ask me! Don't be creepy and try and secretly snapchat me. That's WEIRD DUDE! I SEE YOU!
- @stephenjohnii: @MTV_Christina People are crazy ... Snatch that camera girl πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
‏@AREUTHE1: Is there a spark?! ⚑️...I think there might be! #AYTO (GIF: "I'm not used to this, but I like it")
@MilleGabriellee: "You know she's shitting herself in there" #ayto
@AREUTHE1: It's time for another #TruthBooth! I'm crossing my fingers! plz plz plz plz #AYTO
@RyanDevlin: .@AREUTHE1 MATCH OR NO MATCH ❓πŸ’₯❓πŸ’₯❓πŸ’₯❓
@AREUTHE1: @cambruckman & @Victoria_mWyatt ? #AYTO πŸ€”   42%Match / 58%No Match   208 votesβ€’Final results
@Victoria_mWyatt: Trying to keep up with my mentions y'all thanks for the affirmations
@AREUTHE1: "@sierra12brown: Trying to figure out if Tori & Morgan are a perfect match. Logan: "go look and see if tori is wearing that turtle necklace!" @AREUTHE1" RT That's valid as hell! #AYTO
@amazedbykay: No truth booth is a waste! You learn every time! #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: Man, I feel for @Victoria_mWyatt in the moment so much! ❀️ #AYTO
@nuhcole11: Victoria has a huge heart and she deserves the world. I know there's someone who will sweep you off your feet. #AYTO @Victoria_mWyatt
@MilleGabriellee: Fan lovers: this is the part that sucks. TB & beams are the only thing that give us info for who are match is when we have no clue.
@riv_gio: #anothertruthboothwasted
@AREUTHE1: That was shade @cambruckman! 🌴🌴🌴 #AYTO
- @Victoria_mWyatt: @AREUTHE1 Ugh.
@amazedbykay: Aw shoot me & my boo @MTV_JohnnyDrama ☺️
@amazedbykay: He had me blushing πŸ˜‚
@amazedbykay: Thank you love @MTV_JohnnyDrama
@tori_deal: you didn't see that I was throwing up on the date the entire day with @MTVMorganSt  cause I was so hungover from that eve party  #ayto
@amazedbykay: Lord have mercy! BRACE YOURSELF folks!
@MilleGabriellee: I'm just so happy we finally see Tyler LOLOLOLOL #ayto
@Victoria_mWyatt: I guess no one saw it but me, lmao didn't cam look happy we weren't a match? #timewasted  #AYTO
@amazedbykay: Y'all I can't .... Omg
@amazedbykay: JOHN πŸ’€
@MilleGabriellee: TRASH!!!! #AYTO πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
@MilleGabriellee: And the whole world laughs! So much drama!!!! #AYTO
@MilleGabriellee: YOU GOT THROWN!!!!! #AYTO
@nuhcole11: When Tyler got in a mood, he could get really malicious. This whole day he was so rude. Calling out everyone on their insecurities. #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: Just relax guys!!!! Oh shiiiiiii 😳 #AYTO
‏@BombshellChels: Lesson of the night: "Don't call @MTV_JohnnyDrama trash" πŸ˜‚ #AYTO
@nuhcole11: At the same time, John has a huge temper he can't control. I think they both acted immature. #AYTO
@tori_deal: Tyler needs life alert !!! Lmao #ayto
@MilleGabriellee: John was so ready to finally fight someone!
‏@MtvMagicMike: @MTV_JohnnyDrama mess with the bull you get the horns. Real man shit. Pride over everything #facts
@AREUTHE1: This house is just TEW much! 😳 #AYTO
@amazedbykay: I cringe when men fight over me. But John popped off cause he was being called white trash!
@amazedbykay: 2 Wrongs Don't Make A Right! #AYTO
@amazedbykay: "I like champagne and NOBU" πŸ˜‚πŸ€—
- @MilleGabriellee: @amazedbykay πŸΎπŸ’€
‏@AREUTHE1: "I like champagne, NoBu. WE CAN'T BE DOING THAT THERE" - @amazedbykay πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ #AYTO
@MilleGabriellee: "Legitly" is not a word. #AYTO @MTV_JohnnyDrama
@MilleGabriellee: Bell bottoms tonight! Yasssss booty pants! #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: When I get chose at the club... #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: .@nuhcole11 played John to the left πŸ‘ˆ #AYTO
- @nuhcole11: @AREUTHE1 (GIF: "To The Left")
@MilleGabriellee: Somebody had to pick him. @emmabsweigard is BRAVE!!!!! #AYTO
@MilleGabriellee: So rude. #AYTO
@nuhcole11: Let me repeat myself: "What a fucking douchebag." #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: .@riv_gio is NOT feeling @emmabsweigard's choice at all! #AYTO
- @emmabsweigard: @areuthe1 Brat. It was strategy and you knew it.
@Victoria_mWyatt: When John thought "legitly" was a wordπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
‏@RyanDevlin: Little Known Fact: I always watch the Match Up while wearing my Match Up shirts.
@MilleGabriellee: Match ups, where shade is thrown, eyes are rolled, feelings are hurt. The truth comes out. #AYTO
@nuhcole11: Remember this "third eye" phrase, it will come up again laterπŸ˜‰ #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: Trust your Third Eye πŸ‘ #AYTO (GIF: "I've been the only one playing this with their third eye")
@MilleGabriellee: You're the only person with a"third eye" πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„ #AYTO
@MilleGabriellee: FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT!!!!! #AYTO
@MilleGabriellee: I live for the fights that don't involve me!!! God is good! #AYTO
@amazedbykay: I was so pissed G pushed me #AYTO
@MtvMagicMike: @stephenjohnii that Third eye comment πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ sound bite and a half lmao #weak
@riv_gio: You might as well put your phone on airplane mode this week homie πŸ˜‚
@amazedbykay: "@Callme_Em: SO much respect to @amazedbykay for trying to calm Gio down #AYTO" RT Thank you, I have a big heart & always try to save those I love or loved
@_Thina_Thina_: Was it that serious? #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: "@MiniiMee68: @AREUTHE1 2 fights in one night?? β€œ RT I can't handle this right now I just can't! #AYTO
‏@amazedbykay: β€œ@akaBLOOPER: @amazedbykay on purpose or the heat of the moment??” RT Heat of the moment, I don't think he would ever be silly enough to put hands on me on purpose.
@cambruckman: Hi, I'm Cam. I'll be your bouncer tonight!
@Victoria_mWyatt: I wanna apologize to prospy, Morgan/daddy morbucks and uncle Johnny for saying all the guys were pieces of shit cause they are great.
@BombshellChels: Can these kids ever just have a peaceful match up? πŸ˜‚ #FightsOnFightsOnFights #AYTO
@riv_gio: Keep my hands behind my back. Im in a lot more control than you think
@MilleGabriellee: Wolf wolf wolf 😴😴😴😴😴😴😴 #AYTO
@riv_gio: If I put my hands on you, you go to the hospital I go to jail. Thats the only way it plays out. IDGAF who you are
@MilleGabriellee: We're all human, no? #AYTO
@MilleGabriellee: Always smiling when @RyanDevlin calls for me! #AYTO
- @RyanDevlin: @MilleGabriellee 😘
@AREUTHE1: I can't even believe all that's happening right now! #AYTO
@MilleGabriellee: Well there ya have it. Still makes no sense. #AYTO
@amazedbykay: Who will I pick?
@AREUTHE1: Speak your miiind, @MilleGabriellee! #AYTO
@amazedbykay: Locked in ☺️
@MTVMorganSt: @riv_gio @stephenjohnii Vegas odds have Gio favored in the 1st round and Stephen if it goes to the ground or the distance
@MTVMorganSt: @riv_gio @stephenjohnii I'll watch it on UFC 205 or on a world star
@MilleGabriellee: My mom just texts me, "you look great as usual!" Well duhhhh it's a matchup! #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: My mind is boggled by this new fling, @amazedbykay & @MTV_JohnnyDrama! πŸ‘€ #AYTO
@amazedbykay: Ugh πŸ™ƒ
@JuliaRose_33: I came prepared for this @afterbuzztv
@MilleGabriellee: Wait can we celebrate the fact I'm not sitting with Asaf! Someone pop champagne for me!!! 🍾🍾🍾🍾 #AYTO
@Mos_Stephxx: Gio.... #AYTO
@emmmajay_: I blame the house being a mess on the fact that Sam and Alyssa aren't there anymore πŸ˜‡ #AYTO
- @AREUTHE1: @emmmajay_ This could be true! #AYTO
@tori_deal: β€œ@_mfigs_: I've come to conclusion that @tori_deal is my favorite person on AYTO because she's the only sane one w/ a good heart” RT Baby girl thank you !!
@amazedbykay: β€œ@KKhaulee: @AREUTHE1 @amazedbykay @MTV_JohnnyDrama how is she not upset at John but upset at Tyler" RT Did you not hear me say two wrongs don't make a right? Did you not watch Tyler start a jealousy war?
@amazedbykay: @KKhaulee @AREUTHE1 @MTV_JohnnyDrama did you not see Tyler attack Johns character for being a white guy from the south? BYE πŸ––πŸΎ
@nuhcole11: 4 used to be my lucky number and now I hate it. #AYTO
@BombshellChels: Season 4 is stuck on 4 beams like we were stuck on 3 last season until the end #TheWorst #AYTO
@MilleGabriellee: We're a team. Remind them one more time Daddy Ryan! #AYTO
@kay2cute4u_: #AYTO is dropping the ball..... Wtf stop arguing come together and get that money!!!! @AREUTHE1 @RyanDevlin
@AREUTHE1: WTF?! The house is walking on a thin line and it's not looking so good... #AYTO
@3littlebirrrds: Y'all know the two perfect match couples sitting there like @AREUTHE1
‏@amazedbykay: Well there you have it folks, another AMAZING @AREUTHE1 episode! Stay tuned for more child's play & bs! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜©
- @AREUTHE1: @amazedbykay we both used Rihanna gifs/photos for our closing tweet πŸ˜‚
@tori_deal: Who tells a girl she put on weight in the boom boom room ?! #AYTO 😑
@riv_gio: Like I said.. you never see me being provoke you only see me lose it.... I never threw the first punch
@AREUTHE1: Thank y'all for watching tonight! Told you it's only going to get more and more crazy! #AYTO

> AFTER HOURS, and V & Syl Reunited
@asafgoren1: Thank you for always being there for me @ohhhfrancesca
- @ohhhfrancesca: @asafgoren1 aw Coochie! Always❀️❀️❀️❀️🍩🍩🍩
‏@riv_gio: My #wolfpack.... always stick up for yourself! Always defend for yourself! Die for what you believe in
@IamAdamKuhn: What happened on #Areyoutheone I missed it
@AREUTHE1: "@smoIwt_: @AREUTHE1 did I just see Julia and gio together for next weeks episode πŸ‘€" RT 🀐🀐🀐
‏@amazedbykay: Two wrongs don't make a right. I said it loud & clear. I had to make an executive decision & John was my choice. #sorrynotsorry babes πŸ€—
@amazedbykay: I love you ALL! Thank you for the mad love & support! I see you guys!
@AREUTHE1: I have an IMPORTANT question for you all:
‏@amazedbykay: "@HadassaDelhomme: @amazedbykay  is such a ride or die , gio literally said he don't want her but she still was there trying to calm him down. #AYTO" RT & that's why they never let me go πŸ˜‰ You gotta show them what you really are about even from a distance.
@asafgoren1: For me  @AREUTHE1 is way beyond just a dating Show.❀️
@amazedbykay: Was this an episode or what?! areuthe1 πŸ€” Two wrongs don't make a right but I had to make an…
@AREUTHE1: Y'all we're the #5 trending topic πŸŽ‰. You guys are the best! #AYTO
@stephenjohnii: Respect 🌹
@tori_deal: "Jazzy_Fresh6: I just want a show about Tori bc she's literally my favorite person to watch on ayto @tori_deal πŸ’„πŸ’‹" RT Ohhh I love this idea lol!!!
@MtvMagicMike: @stephenjohnii that Third eye comment πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ sound bite and a half lmao #weak
- @stephenjohnii: @MtvMagicMike Just speaking the truth πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
@amazedbykay: Some of you guys are so off & so accurate πŸ˜‚πŸ’€
@amazedbykay: Back To School Q&A …
@amazedbykay: YouTube is UP! <3
@MikalaThomass: Fun fact: at tonight's match up I had food poisoning from bad fruit and I had to go on stage anyway 😷 reason no.1 why I look so horrendous
‏@cambruckman: "@imlyssbtw: 6'8, country boy, and gentleman. Everything about Cam is gr8. My poor heart😭 @cambruckman #AYTO" rt 6'8" sucks, I don't fit in showersπŸ˜‚
@MTV_AMANDAG: Now time to see what's the drama tonight on #AYTO! I'm excited it better be dopeeee!!!!
@MTV_AMANDAG: How did Scott allow them to get so fuckin hype? I yell five words at @RyanDevlin and production gets shut down. Wtf. Not fair. LOL #AYTO
@MTV_AMANDAG: God I love this shit. FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT! πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ» #AYTO
@MTV_AMANDAG: Fuckin @AlEvil27 gets up on stage to stop the fight. I'm dead. Stop. #AYTO
@MTV_AMANDAG: Wait did @IAMPMUNA throw @stephenjohnii back or @riv_gio???? It's hard to tell! πŸ€”#AYTO
- @stephenjohnii: @MTV_AMANDAG @IAMPMUNA did... He strong as hell πŸ˜‚πŸ˜Ž
@LyssCait 15m15: I'll never let you go 🎢 @samhandler32
@ZAKLONGO: #AYTO math broken down... … πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
- @BombshellChels: @ZAKLONGO even if they let us have paper, pen & a graphic calculator none of us would have figured that equation out πŸ˜‚
@blacuesta: lmao 20 minutes into #AYTO4 and the entire cast is like..
‏@blacuesta: omg gio kaylen julia and stephen right now #AYTO4
@blacuesta: and gio right now... #AYTO4
@emmabsweigard: @AREUTHE1 @IAMPMUNA good job baby.
@Victoria_mWyatt: "@CSUGradAkirk: Love how beautiful inside and out @Victoria_mWyatt  is she'd be the one to bring home to mom for sure #AYTO" RT You're so sweet😭😭
@blacuesta: tyler and john #AYTO4
@emmabsweigard: Really tho. Every girl deserves a @IAMPMUNA. Tells me to get over myself, to stop bein jelly & looks at me like dat, 😍😍😍😍😍
@amazedbykay: "Champagne, NOBU & shoving matches absolutely do not mix." πŸ˜‚πŸ––πŸΎ
@amazedbykay: Yes I love champagne & I love me some NOBU. Obviously can't take John or Tyler there. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜œ #Jk
@blacuesta: dear twitter, thanks for always being great and filling me with the joy that will last a thousand lifetimes. I appreciate you everyday
@amazedbykay: I can't with my mentions.

‏@_Kazuhnova: I love @VMilerman and @SylviaMTV I swear they are amazing ❀️❀️❀️ #latenightfacetime I miss ya'll! Don't ever change ladies!
@VMilerman: Guess who
@mikethemiz: Obviously u didn't see MTV's Inferno 2. I won.  I always win. I'm #Awesome #ScoobyWWE

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So, we've had perhaps the most heated matchup ceremony we've had in Stephen and Giovanni engaging in punches on set after Stephen chose Julia and Kay and for the first time saw security come in to not get into what we saw on previous seasons of the Trifecta. We also had a luau that's seen numerous hookups too many to mention here...and yes, the group is still stuck at four beams. More on DC WRAP tomorrow.


Twitter @TrishelleC
Going from a battle for love and money to an reality icon now permanently settling down to her perfect match... Back in April, we took a look back at the unforgettable season that changed it all for an American original when The Real World went to Las Vegas for the first time in fall 2002. The person who has enjoyed staying power in what, next year, will be 15 years since they filmed that season at the Palms was Trishelle Cannatella: several Challenges, stints on other shows, mingling with George Takei, Steve-O and William Hung, and playing poker too. Now you can add an additional title to that list.
   Last weekend during MTV's 35th birthday festivities, she announced life-changing news to everyone through social world with tweets and an Instagram post.

● Twitter @TrishelleC:
- "Officially for real off the market. This guy is the best man I have ever met. I'm so lucky. πŸ’"
- "Thank you @NOPDNews for escorting us in the French Quarter for our second line on the happiest day of my life! β€οΈπŸ’πŸ‘°πŸΌ"

● Instagram @TrishelleC:
- "Yeah... this hot guy right here hired a band to play for me in the French Quarter for a second line. And then had my friends and my daddy and step mom and sister here and asked me to be his ride or die person forever. How cool is that? ❀️"

In an appropriate fashion fitting for the always unique atmosphere that is her New Orleans hometown, the Battle of the Seasons II runner-up and her fiancΓ© declared their new relationship status with a kiss in front of a jazz band. And also as if they're the President and First Lady, the couple were given - as you see on your left - a motorcycle escort by the New Orleans Police Department around the French Quarter as their second line as they spent their first moments of being an engaged couple. Only in NOLA would you see someone who've just gotten engaged feel like the King and Queen parading down the most famous party zone in the South, just as we see, of course, over Mardi Gras.

Other members of the reality TV family, both in and outside the Trifecta bubble, pitched in their congrats to the newest married member of the MTV world.
- Jemmye - on IG @justjem24: Congrats pretty girl!!!!!! Love you
- Frank: on IG @FrankCSweeney - Congratulations @trishellec. I wish I could celebrate with you in person! So so happy for you!
- Jonna on IG @jonnamannion - Congratulations girl:)
- Ashley Kelsey, BOTS winner & Runner competitor: @AshleyMarieMTV: @TrishelleC congrats!!!!!
- Bob Guiney, Bachelor alum: IG/bobguiney: That's awesome. Congrats @trishellec

As we mentioned in that post on Season 12, Trishelle came to Vegas from the traditionally conservative part of the South in a suburb of New Orleans but emerged out of it a household name. Of course, she was part of the infamous bathroom threesome on Episode 2 of that season which introduced many reality TV fans to The Real World for the first time, as well as a pregnancy scare later on.
   Of course, we send our heartiest congrats to Trishelle and her new fiancΓ© and wish them all the best as they embark on this new journey. And check out our ExtraTime retrospective on Real World Las Vegas right here on the 'Blog. And one of the people mentioned in the comments above, Jonna, will be next in line for her life-changing moment as her baby is scheduled to arrive this weekend, and we'll have more on that here next week.

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This is just the beginning of our DC SocialPulse doubleheader to cover this most eventful week in the MTV Trifecta. Coming up in just a bit, the finale of The Challenge Rivals III...a bit shocking to say the least. Also, DC WRAP will have the week covered, albeit a little truncated with fantasy scoring and ExtraTime, as we'll be saving our full analysis for later on this month.
   Meanwhile (and aside from the stretch run for AYTO), the Olympics are the focus of this site with DC GAMES '16 posts planned throughout the next two weeks of Rio 2016, as well as daily live Twitter coverage on DCNOW at @DC408DxNow and #DCGames16.
   For now, thank you for reading and be sure to rejoin us later tonight when our coverage of the MTV Trifecta continues on DCBLOG.

- I AM DC 

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