Wednesday, December 21, 2016

DC WRAP: Real World Bad Blood - "Surprise"

BY DC CUEVA                     
@DC408Dxtr / @DC408DxNow

It is the holiday week before Christmas, and we have a WRAP of last week's Real World Bad Blood to share with you here as we lead right into the Christmas weekend... a busy weekend ahead here at DCBLOG as we have both part 1 of our Reality Debrief and a bonus ExtraTime over the coming days.
   Last week, we got more into the up and down relationship of Katrina and Anna as the sisters had to face a therapist and before their mom flies in to settle the score with them. We had a surprise birthday party for Peter as everyone dressed in costume, and then saw him and Jenn become official - but it almost turns into a disaster as her wild day on the Puget Sound almost turns their relationship into a thing of the past. And just after she settled the score with Kim, Tyara gets surprise news of her being pregnant.
   Coming up, we'll be recapping last week's episode and its key moments, plus present our first installment this cycle of The Winner's List. Then on ExtraTime, we'll get a preview of what will await us in the new year thanks to some very good friends. Stay with us for all of this after the jump.


KATRINA & ANNA: Our Things to Know recap actually begins by looking back to something that emerged amidst the drama surrounding the guys' departures. For Katrina and Anna, they've become close in the house, taking hikes in the hills of Western Washington and even cuddling in bed while discussing mountain men with thick thighs. There, Anna feels it's somewhat weird for her sister to straddling a pillow with no panties on. All of this leads the boom microphone operator on the crew shooting them to laugh somewhat. It's this sister bonding of not only going walking but also line dancing and making fun of Robbie that explains how much they've evolved in the house, even having to show up to his DJ gig after what happened that week. But things would sour...more in a moment.
SURPRISE PARTY: To Episode 10, and for Peter, it's his 25th birthday and instead of celebrating it back home in the Big Apple, he's celebrating it in Seattle. Jenn decides to throw him a surprise birthday party and devises a plan to have Robbie take him out for some good cold ones while she could decorate the house and have everyone buy costumes. Not surprisingly, the DJ takes advantage of trying out just about every costume he can get his hands on to get a kick out of everyone, while the girls find their inner Victoria's Secret look in putting on lingerie with bunny ears, angel wings and a genie hat. And when Peter does arrive back at the house, he enjoys marking the big day, and everyone enjoys their costumes so much they got out into the night in those too as if it's Halloween.
IT'S OFFICIAL...AND TWERKING: When they get home from their night out for the big 2-5, Peter and Jenn head into the confessional and he asks her to be his girlfriend and she says yes with, of course, a kiss. However, the decision made in that room and the mood of this post almost turns into a disaster. Just a few days later, the group heads out to a day party aboard a boat in the Puget Sound and everyone enjoys themselves. For there, Jenn decides to bring out that party girl side of her and starts to dance and twerk in her bathing suit...and Peter gets mad at her. This was the very thing that Mike had warned everyone that when Peter gets jealous then it becomes the norm. They then get into words in the confessional afterwards, but get over this immediately... things are good again.
LANA & KASS: Just as Robbie sprays the bubbly around the Sound. the party boat also helps to spark more drama with the housemates. Since what happened to Theo & Kassius the previous week, it might be easy for folks to get on the ladder, but with his cousin gone Orlana begins to get close to him. They've being friends in the house going back to their RV ride, but he has no idea that she has a crush on him. So, it's on that boat that he dances with a girl right in front of him, and Lana instantly becomes disrespected by Kass' actions. When they get back to the house, Lana breaks down and, similar to what happened the previous week, Jordan shows her compassion for the girl who was once her closest friend.
SISTERS' THERAPY: Back to the sister drama: Katrina and Anna have gotten along here, but not constantly. One week they're as close as sisters are supposed to be, the next week they are making their way down a path towards wanting to be on a Rivals Challenge down the road. This tension they have can get down to arguing even the simplest and most minute of things that would be easy to siblings like them to take care of. For instance, when Katrina needs to go to the bathroom to fine tune her costume, Anna doesn't go in to help her sister out. The both feel that the other is feeling self-centered and not helping one another when it's most needed, and adding insult to injury in saying mean things as well. It forces them to go to therapy to take care of their issues, and when this show resumes next week their mom will fly in from home to settle things.
IT'S ALL ABOUT TYA: For Tyara, it may have been hard for her to see Theo go, but with him gone she can now focus on improving relations with the others in the house after things began on a sour note when they moved in. This includes the one person she harbored enormous animosity with from back when they were in high school, which brings us to what's really the first full appearance all season of Kim, or at least the first time we've seen her since the RV ride. The two finally have a moment to talk things out and given how everything that transpired with the cyber-bullying that took place when they were a few years younger, that it all squashed. But that's not with Tya...
   There's been time while she's been sleeping here that she begins to feel a bit uneasy in trying to just get some sleep: she has to go to the bathroom one night almost every hour, and hasn't had her period since before coming to Seattle. It's with all the pain she's been having lately that she decides to take a pregnancy test to find out what's up. And in a season that's seen plenty of big drama and an episode whose title is "Surprise," this is something that comes as a shock: Tya finds out in the bathroom that she is pregnant. She calls up producer Matt to inform him of the news that she's been pregnant for seven weeks, which is enough for her to be he ex-boyfriend's at-home baby, and all after the hook-up with Theo after coming here.
   The question now is of how will be she able to deal with this surprise pregnancy? Will she tell everyone about what has just happened to her? Will she be the third roommate to leave the house in the same manner as Cory's ex Lauren from Ex-Plosion in having to deal with this back home? We'll find out about it soon enough.

Okay, so it's a little bit earlier than planned, but what we saw last week warranted us the chance to bring onto here for the first time in this cycle The Winner's List. It's taking place in lieu of the Twitter polls I usually do when the episodes air out west, primarily because the focus of reality TV fans was on the finale of Survivor that took place also last Wednesday. Plus, there wasn't something big time that warranted me to do even one poll, too. But come January expect this to be a regular part of the WRAP when we will single out those people who we feel made a strong impact on the week in the Trifecta and give them mention here with being part of the Winner's List.
   We've singled out one person here who's kept a fairly level head amidst the madness we've seen here in recent weeks and will see next week...
JORDAN: Seeing what we saw from her on episode 9 and then on #10, it was a sure bet to include Jordan in our Winners' List. While most everyone in the house have been making noise, and with just the exception of what happened with her and Mike, she has been flying under the radar and a source of positivity here. What we saw in her showing compassion to those who needed someone to be that person to turn to when things are down, Jordan has been that person and earns her a spot on here.

•     •     •


Come the new year, this site will be busy in covering a new season of The Challenge, as well as Season 5 of Are You The One?, and of course every angle will be surrounded. Without spoiling (we prefer to keep this all mum until the buzz for it officially kicks off owing to keeping our focus on the present season airing), from looking over the cast, what the twist is all about and all else, we got some really good stuff planned on DCBLOG once a new season of the 5th major pro sport arrives.
   Last week, a number of Challenge biggest names flew to New York to spend time in town, catch up on good times and do some prep work as well...that is if you've been keeping up with what's been happening on all of that talk around the hot stove. Johnny Bananas, Cara Maria, Camila, Laurel, Darrell, Ashley, C.T. and Zach (not pictured) got together at MTV's Times Square headquarters to film material and take photography for what's coming up, as rumors are they represent a twist that's coming to the new season taking place overseas and will air in the new year.
   Through posts on Instagram and SnapChat, we've singled out a few of them. And we'll let the visual side of the story take the lead here.

Bananas, Ashley, Laurel, Darrell, Cara Maria and Camila (clockwise from left)

Bananas w/ Laurel (left) & Cara Maria (right) 

Ashley, Camila, Laurel and Cara Maria

C.T., Cara Maria and Darrell

Evan, Johnny and Kenny

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And on that note, that will wrap it up for our posts for Episode 10 of Real World Bad Blood, being posted here tonight on this first official day of Winter - the Winter Solstice - of December 21st. This will more than suffice for the show taking this week off for the Christmas break, but our job still goes on here as we have at least two posts to bring you here now until next week.
   As mentioned, yours truly and Andrew Kirk will get together for DCBLOG's 3rd annual Reality Debrief Year-in-Review coming up over this Christmas weekend, and tomorrow, December 22nd, is the deadline for those who want to send in questions on shows outside the Trifecta -- that is, Survivor, Big Brother, The Voice and others -- for inclusion in our post which we will conduct on now until then, and will be posted on Christmas Day Sunday. Send them now to #AskDCBLOG on Twitter @DC408Dxtr and you may have your question answered by us on our recap.
   Also coming this weekend is an ExtraTime In-Depth that should once again touch your heart as we will focus on a Real World alum and MTV trailblazer turning his attention in his post-MTV life to help those people in need in one of the world's poorest countries through the power of what he believes in. If you're someone who's fond of Real World seasons past, you'll want to check it out.
   That's how we look at it for the week that was in the MTV Trifecta. Thanks for joining me, and enjoy the rest of your week, and Merry Christmas.


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