Sunday, December 8, 2019

DC SocialPulse: Ex On The Beach Peak of Love - The Premiere

*** Advisory: DC SocialPulse contains adult language, objectionable content & spoilers for some readers. Viewer Discretion is Advised. Due to its length, take frequent eye breaks if you're reading this top to bottom. ***

BY DC CUEVA                        

Summer is the hottest time of the year and when the heat is on... nothing can beat the sun and the sand. But what happens when we are in the merriest time of all... when the feeling of Christmas and the holidays that fall during this time, then it's the most magical. That is, except if you're one of those ten singles who have been chosen for the newest season of the wildest romantic reality show of them all, Ex On The Beach. And winter is here... as we at DCBLOG now brings you our Pulse of the fourth season of the American version of this global phenomenon.

It wasn't the long ago that the "Ultimate Relations-XXX Show" was in Malibu for its third season of bringing together MTV Reality favorites with those from outside the channel for an summer of fun in the sun and a vacation from hell to go alongside with it. There was a love triangle involving the lady at the heart of MTV's next rebooted show in Aubrey O'Day being at the heart of it, while Devin and his puppeteer ways returned to where it began for him in a quest for love. We also had a boy band wannabe and a rapper's ex dealing with many of their old flings, a telenovela, and some twins too.

This time, the focus shifts from the sandy beaches of Southern California where it's summer all year long, to a resort town in the Southern Hemisphere, and a cooler climate than any of the other seasons worldwide of Ex On The Beach has ever been to: Queenstown, New Zealand. Once again, another set of ten reality stars will come to this winter wonderland for the winter-based spinoff of the EOTB franchise, but the premise remains the same: can they find their Next to hang out with for the annual rite of winter known as cuffing season. They have no idea that their Exes will be making the trek down the slopes to join them... and whoever are the first to crash the singles' winter break will no doubt cause trouble, while connections will be made & broken right there in the chalet.

After the jump, DCBLOG brings you all the action, reaction and interaction of the two-hour premiere of Ex On The Beach: Peak of Love, featuring posts from the cast, fans and reality alumni from social media as it aired on Thursday, December 5th, and specially curated for this site as a public service... and that includes a Bad Girl performing a Christmas carol (!). We're glad you're with us.

@angelababicz: 🎶Santa can you hear me? I have been so good this year, And all I want is one thing, Callbacks from MTV next year!🎶
@angelababicz: 🎶 Dashing through my shows, In Fashion Nova I slay, O'er to The Challenge we go, Getting callbacks all the way!🎶
@angelababicz: 🎶What a bright time, it's the right time, To cite your sources away, Jingle bell time is a swell time, To keep nasty ass rumors at bay🎶
@angelababicz: 🎶On the seventh day of Christmas my manager sent to me, Seven teas of slimming, Six brands a-paying, Five callback rings!🎶
@angelababicz: 🎶It's the most beautiful time of the year, Cast fill the flights, for him I'll cheer, I should be cast on this competition show, But I'll just sign up for Cameo, I don't wanna miss out on tv pay, But I can't stop staring at my suitcase, I should be cast on this competition show🎶
@angelababicz: Not addressing callbacks with people who have never been called
@angelababicz: The video I wanted to post today turned out to be much more emotional than expected... literally cried through the whole thing and I’m not sure if I want to post it yet... regardless I will film something else & yall WILL get 2 more videos this week as promised ❤️

@NewNowNext: She has an ex to grind! 💪👑💔 Will you tune in to watch @RuPaulsDragRace alum @AdoreDelano in @ExOnTheBeach?
@ItsLaDemi: SHIT IS ABOUT TO GET REAL ❄️@MTV @ExOnTheBeach December 5th!
@blackzeusfit: I’m not a player @ExOnTheBeach I just crush a lot! 4 days away from the premiere of Ex On The Beach: Peak Of Love! #MTV
@JustJem24: Since @ExOnTheBeach: Peak of Love is airing on a Thursday.. What day do y’all want me to drop the recaps? Friday is NOT possible bc I have to film and edit. ..But just curious what day y’all watch YouTube the most/ideal day to drop it....
@JustJem24: Tonight I’m thankful for second chances.
@AllieJDee: Walking into @exonthebeach premiere week🤩 ... Don’t forget to tune in to @mtv Thursday 9/8c for all the drama and ZERO CHILL🥶❄️🏔 @ Los Angeles, California
@ChallengeMTV: LaDemi is entering the winter wonderland right along with Marlon, and Marlon will be all about shooting shots 😅 Don't miss the premiere of #ExOnTheBeach: Peak Of Love starting Thursday, December 5 at 9PM on @mtv! 📺
@angelababicz: I don’t actually watch Disney+, I fall asleep to it because it’s nostalgic and relaxes me 🥱😌
@blackzeusfit: Some days I question is it even worth the effort 🤦🏾‍♂️
@blackzeusfit: "Opinionated" Podcast is finally up! I talk @ExOnTheBeach upcoming season, horoscopes and more! * #podcast #mtv
- @PurveyorsofPop: Hold up... You're opinionated @blackzeusfit ?!?? We would have never known...😉 Catch allllllllll of Marlon's opinions- Tonight! On the 2 hour premiere of @ExOnTheBeach #PeakofLove, only on @MTV ❄️❄️❄️

#ExontheBeach #ExonthePEAK #EOTB
@faithstowers: Somebody finally got me! #meme #ExOnTheBeach @ExOnTheBeach
@jaychallenge_: Ooop Ex On The peak got a IG filter and Snapchat filter they getting that promo
@JustJem24: Y’all I know tomorrow’s episode of @ExOnTheBeach: Peak of Love is about to be hella good which means ALL the content for my 1st recap!!!
@ItsAll_AboutTee: I LOOOOK GOODDDDTTT OKKKRRR 😍😍😍😍😍😍 Anyway 2 days away until the premiere ! Catch me on Mtv Thursday @ 9pm! Ex on the beach - Peak Of Love 💗
@ExOnTheBeach: Hopefully love will work out for @danielmaguire85, 😩 one can only take so many L's 💔 #ExOnTheBeach: Peak Of Love premieres this Thursday, at 9/8c only on @MTV 🎿
@ExOnTheBeach: Time for mess, your move 👀 ️⃣ days away from all-new drama 🙌 Watch #ExOnTheBeach: Peak Of Love premiering 12/5 at 9PM on MTV 🎿
@ExOnTheBeach: Our #ExOnTheBeach: Peak Of Love cast is ready to slide down the slopes with #Rihanna, #BradPitt, #ArianaGrande and MORE ☕️🏔
@ItsLaDemi: Are you guys ready for @AdoreDelano and I to fuck shit up Thursday on @MTV @ExOnTheBeach #LaDemi #exonthebeach
@AdoreDelano: When you realize you have to wait two whole days for the 2 hour @ExOnTheBeach premiere this Thursday 9/8c on @MTV! 💔@ItsLaDemi 🥂🍷☃️
@AllieJDee: About to melt some hearts on the peak🏔 Watch me work in the 2 hour premiere of @ExOnTheBeach only on @MTV
@AllieJDee: Me, looking for that crazy car to lead me nowhere🚙 @ Los Angeles, California
@ExOnTheBeach: Any questions? 💅 Save them for tomorrow's #ExOnTheBeach: Peak Of Love premiere starting at 9/8c only on @mtv 🎿
@AllieJDee: ❄️Let me peak your interests😏🏔TOMORROW NIGHT: Catch our 2 hour premiere of @exonthebeach Peak of Love for all the cold hearted drama only on @mtv 💙⛄️🥶🧊 @ Queenstown, New Zealand
@ItsLaDemi: What do you think I was thinking about lol? Tune in tomorrow for a 2 hour special of @ExOnTheBeach on @MTV #LaDemj
@n_zanattaMTV: It’s cold on the peak but some of us are way colder!!!! @MTV @ExOnTheBeach don’t forget to watch this Thursday 9/8c
@AdoreDelano: “What’s your type?”
@blackzeusfit: Wild side rides courtesy of the Zeus! 🎿 Catch me on @ExOnTheBeach: Peak of Love premiering THIS THURSDAY at 9/8c on @MTV 💔❄️
@PurveyorsofPop: Your favorite relationsh⁉️t-show #ExOnTheBeach has been nominated for a 2020 @Realscreen Award!! 🏝️💔🍍 @mtv @WhizzKidEnt
@MTVKathrynP: @dc408dxtr It’s crazy how much as changed since then! Check this out along with my newest skit with @dweckshow ❤️
@Remdelarem: Hey everyone!!! Make sure you tune into the @TamronHallShow this morning at 10 AM EST! I’ll be speaking to Miss @tamronhall about Sexual Fluidity! Set your DVRs! 🤪😘

@ExOnTheBeach: TONIGHT is the night 🏔 Don't miss the season premiere of #ExOnTheBeach: Peak Of Love 💔 starting at 9PM on @MTV 🎿 (GIF: Tyranny - "Got something for that a__")
- @blackzeusfit: @ExOnTheBeach 😵🤪
@NikLeigh2: My excitement for @laurelstucky and @JustJem24 to be back on my tv is unreal! That sneak peak has me pumped for tomorrow #ExOnThePeak
@jakkofheartss: @ExOnTheBeach #PeakOfLove airs tonight at 9 on MTV ❄️🔥☃️
@ExOnTheBeach: Consider tonight's premiere of #ExOnTheBeach your first official gift of the holiday season...and let's pray your EXES aren't ruining yours 💔 Peak Of Love starts TONIGHT at 9/8c on @MTV 🎿
- @n_zanattaMTV: @ExOnTheBeach 🤣🤣🤣🤣
- @RuPaulsDragRace: All I want for Christmas is ALL of the @AdoreDelano content 💖👑❄️ #ExOnTheBeach
@ItsAll_AboutTee: When you ask bae what he wants for dinner , and he says “you”
- @PurveyorsofPop: @ItsAll_AboutTee *EDIT* When you walk in to ask bea what he wants for dinner to find him eating someone else's face! @MTV @ExOnTheBeach #ExOnTheBeach #ExOnThePEAK #PeakofLove
@0utofplace: ❄️⛄️TODAY 2 hour premiere only on MTV you can watch ⛄️❄️ me -just fuckin shoveling hot cheetos into my mouth and K up my nose #ExOnThePeak
@ExOnTheBeach: What are you most excited about seeing on #ExOnTheBeach: Peak Of Love 🎿
- Hookups 💋 15% / Meltdowns 😭 24% / Secrets Exposed ☕️ 50% / New Relationships ❤️ 11%    517 votes · Final results
@emilylongeretta: This was... A JOURNEY #ExOnTheBeach
@people: .@RomeoMiller Reveals Katy Perry Could've Been an Ex, But He Chose to Be Friends with Miley Cyrus! #RealityCheck
- @RomeoMiller: @people Yea it was my friend bday, but damn I should’ve went on those rides with @katyperry lol
@PurveyorsofPop: #ExOnTheBeach gets ICY tonight at 9p/8c on @MTV when ten Singles go to New Zelaland and find out their winter vaca is going to EXplode! @AdoreDelano @georgia_steel @blackzeusfit @n_zanattaMTV @itslademi @CallumWeekender @ItsAll_AboutTee @danielmaguire85 @AllieJDee @RyanDGallagher
- @RyanDGallagher: @PurveyorsofPop @MTV The peak. Crazy
- @blackzeusfit: Grab on tight! Tnight is the start of a wild journey! @ExOnTheBeach Peak Of Love 9/8c On @MTV
@AllieJDee: ❄️Time for me to head to the peak and melt some hearts! @exonthebeach 2 hour premiere is TONIGHT @ 9/8c on @mtv 🏔❄️🧊💙 @ Queenstown, New Zealand
@Ashlyisc: Just got to work 2hrs ago and counting down till @JustJem24 & @laurelstucky create an avalanche and blow up this mountain 🤣🤣 #PeakOfLove
@aimeehall1001: Watching peak of love just for @laurelstucky and @JustJem24
- @Idrisvirgo: @aimeehall1001 I'll 2nd that.... 👀
@ItsAll_AboutTee: Taking over @AREUTHE1 Instagram and answering all non spoiler related question about @ExOnTheBeach  peak of love that airs tonight at 9pm!
@ItsLaDemi: Tonight you’ll see how the “Girls Locker Room” started ❄️🎿 @geesteelx and I were always about good chat, boys, an escorty outfit...and a TAN LOL 💎 Don’t miss the 2 hour premiere of Ex On The Beach: Peak Of Love 🏔 tonight on @mtv at 9pm! #LaDemi #Glam #mtv
@PurveyorsofPop: Waiting for #EOTB *Peak of Love* to start tonight liiiikeee...
@ItsLaDemi: By interference I mean “Cock Block” @ExOnTheBeach @MTV Tonight at 9PM!  (GIF: "I'm tryna find love I don't need an interference
- @PurveyorsofPop: @ItsLaDemi COCKBLOCK (transitive verb) : A special door that keeps male chickens from entering a henhouse. @MTV @ExOnTheBeach #ExOnTheBeach #ExOnThePEAK #PeakOfLove
@JustJem24: Just so y’all know. I see the love y’all have been sending me on the @ExOnTheBeach insta page! I’m grateful as always 💋
@FloribamaShore: Here's to hoping your EXES aren't ruining your holiday season! 🎄 #ExOnTheBeach: Peak Of Love starts TONIGHT at 9/8c on @mtv! 🎿
@ExOnTheBeach: .@CallumWeekender and @georgia_steel waste NO TIME getting steamy in the hot-tub during a game of truth or dare 👀😅Things are getting spicy during the premiere of #ExOnTheBeach: Peak Of Love, starting at 9/8c on @MTV 🏔
- @georgia_steel: @ExOnTheBeach OH MY GOD ITS HAPPENING ❤️
- @CallumWeekender: @ExOnTheBeach HAHAHAHAHA! Literally cannot wait!!!!!! OH MY DAYS 🤣
- @blackzeusfit: @ExOnTheBeach @CallumWeekender The light skins always get the big booty white gurls 🤬
- @CallumWeekender: @blackzeusfit @ExOnTheBeach 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
- @n_zanattaMTV: @ExOnTheBeach Romeo you look good bro but I’m pretty sure I didn’t sign up for ex on the beach! 😕
- @ItsLaDemi: @ExOnTheBeach Here we go!!!
- @PurveyorsofPop: HOT TUB = BOOZY JACUZZI, ya dig? @MTV #EOTP #ExOnTheBeach #ExOnThePEAK @AdoreDelano @ItsAll_AboutTee @ItsLaDemi @georgia_steel @CallumWeekender @blackzeusfit @n_zanattaMTV @danielmaguire85 @AllieJDee : @ExOnTheBeach
- @faithstowers: @ExOnTheBeach @CallumWeekender @RomeoMiller walking up looking like Victor Sweet from 4 brothers! 😂
- @RomeoMiller: @faithstowers Hahahahaha
@imdroc15: I can’t wait!!!! Best believe I’m tuning in tonight!! @ExOnTheBeach
@ExOnTheBeach: Current mood 😅 FOne thing your brain better remember is #ExOnTheBeach: Peak Of Love starts TONIGHT, at 9PM only on MTV 📺❄️
@AllieJDee: How did @n_zanattaMTV and I go from this to her THROWING ME off her lap....🤣❄️💙🏔Tune in tonight to find out!
- @n_zanattaMTV: @AllieJDee No one got hurt during that scene, I repeat no one was injured during that scene 😳
- @PurveyorsofPop: Leg cramp... right? @ExOnTheBeach @MTV #ExOnTheBeach #eotb #Exonthepeak #PeakOfLove
@AllieJDee: TONIGHT! Make sure to tune into the 2 hour premiere of @ExOnTheBeach on @MTV for all the cold hearted DRAMA! 9/8c! I’ll be tweeting/going live on Insta all night starting with the east coast premiere!!!❄️🥶🧊💙
@ExOnTheBeach: Will @CallumWeekender and @georgia_steel's new flame be ruined by an ex? 👀 Find out tonight during the season premiere of #ExOnTheBeach: Peak Of Love airing at 9/8c on @MTV 🎿
@AREUTHE1: Cuffing season is officially here, and what better way to celebrate than with a little hot tub action and some #ExOnTheBeach: Peak Of Love? Watch the premiere, TONIGHT starting at 9/8c on MTV 🏔❄️
@adoresamani: Can’t wait to watch @AdoreDelano on @ExOnTheBeach tonight!💗
@VH1: We all know hot tubs & truth or dares don't mix well...Don't miss the PREMIERE of 
@MTV's @ExOnTheBeach: Peak Of Love, starting at 9/8c🏔
@RomeoMiller: New MTV Franchise alert to entertain yall for the holidays!!! We’re headed from the beach to the peak baby. @ExOnTheBeach: Peak of Love premieres TONIGHT (THURSDAY) at 9/8c on @MTV. #ExOnTheBeach #YouWillBeEntertained #NewShow
@Bruce_Family_: I can't wait for @ExOnTheBeach  tonight ❤️
@PurveyorsofPop: "For those of you who don't know me, first of all, I'm offended" why is @ItsLaDemi me? #ExOnTheBeach
@ExOnTheBeach: MOOD, Get those drinks READY!🍹 We're just ONE HOUR away from the premiere of #ExOnTheBeach: Peak Of Love starting at 9PM on @MTV! ❄️
@ChallengeMTV: Would you rather eat a live grub worm or live in a house with your EXES while trying to find love? 💔 #ExOnTheBeach: Peak Of Love starts TONIGHT at 9/8c on @mtv! 🎿
- @JustJem24: @ChallengeMTV I’ll take the worm shot...
@ExOnTheBeach: 30 MINUTES left until #ExOnTheBeach: Peak Of Love 💔 begins. Is this what #AnxietyFeelsLike? 😭
@_noah__117: I cant wait to watch @ExOnTheBeach tonight
@bertha_icela: Thursday’s are back with @ExOnTheBeach !!
@PurveyorsofPop: It sure ain't! Catch our ultimate #party girl, @AdoreDelano on @ExOnTheBeach #PeakOfLove, tonight! @MTV #EOTB #AdoreDelano #rupaulsdragrace #ExOnTheBeach #ExOnThePEAK
@MTV: Things get STEAMY in the hot tub between @CallumWeekender and @georgia_steel on tonight's premiere of #ExOnTheBeach: Peak Of Love, at 9/8c on MTV! 🗻🔥
@ExOnTheBeach: "@pierzinareality: @ExOnTheBeach is coming on SUPER excited 🎿👀" RT 10 MINUTES BBY ❄️

AS THEY SAW IT: The Premiere - "Welcome to the Peak" 
@MTV: 🗣GO HOME RIGHT NOW... And get ready to watch the PREMIERE of @ExOnTheBeach: Peak of Love right now on MTV! ❄️
@ExOnTheBeach: Fresh off the beach and ready for some cold hearted love, 💔 #ExOnTheBeach: Peak Of Love begins NOW on @mtv 🎿 Are you watching? 🏔
@PurveyorsofPop: The Exes are headed to a Winter Wonderland, and I'm READY FOR THE MESS! #ExOnTheBeach: Peak of Love is starting NOW on @MTV
@kroqkom Dave Sanchez/Producer, Kevin & Bean on KROQ LA: Serious question. Who else is excited for @ExOnTheBeach #PeakofLove tonight? I can't be the only one.
@4ever_Tiffxny: Ex on the beach or ex on the peak whatever you know what time it is #mtv
@aKaButt: When the homie is on the new season of Ex on the Beach . Cant wait
@blackzeusfit: Uh oh it’s go time!!!
@ExOnTheBeach: Blaming all of my issues on.....#DaddyIssues 💅 #ExOnTheBeach  (GIF: Adore - "My father...")
@ExOnTheBeach: "@sav_mullins: “Like why am I like that ..... my father.” SAME GIRL 😂 @ExOnTheBeach #ExOnThePEAK #ExOnTheBeach" RT Okay?! Baby, I smell the ~truth~ #ExOnTheBeach
@MtvJess: Mar Mar back on tv baby @blackzeusfit 👌🏽
- @blackzeusfit: @MtvJess I’m baaaaaack!!!!
@MtvJess: Ummm HELLO @laurelstucky holy 🔥 @ExOnTheBeach #hotstuff
@xaang_: I love ex on the beach lol
@ExOnTheBeach: *Describe Daniel as a cartoon*  Nicole:  #ExOnTheBeach  (GIF of Johnny Bravo)
@ExOnTheBeach: Marlon: "I'm built like a god" God:  #ExOnTheBeach
@DQ_the_Man: @AllieJDee @ExOnTheBeach Watching #ExOnTheBeach as we speak and you look amazing!!! Get it girl!! #ExOnTheBeach
@cleachy_18: Yes Marlon! #ExOnTheBeach #ExOnThePEAK #PeakOfLove
@briasoboojie: I’m only here for @AdoreDelano  #ExOnThePEAK
@aimeehall1001: Watching peak of love just for @laurelstucky and @JustJem24
@RayMaraj: Hi I’m just here for @laurelstucky and @JustJem24, don’t mind me. #ExOnTheBeach
@ExOnTheBeach: "@isbutteracarb__: I don’t know who Daniel is, but bitch id like to.. 😋 #ExOnTheBeach #ExOnThePEAK" RT Yes, make your picks now before an ex comes! #ExOnTheBeach
@ExOnTheBeach: Somebody pls pass Daniel a calculator #ExOnTheBeach  (GIF of Daniel and math)
@blackzeusfit: Oh Daniel the math wizz in the house!!!!
@nikole332: Ex on the beach peak of love👫🏽👩🏼‍🤝‍👨🏽👩🏽‍🤝‍👩🏼👩🏽‍🤝‍👩🏼👩🏽‍🤝‍👩🏼👨🏽‍🤝‍👨🏼👨🏽‍🤝‍👨🏼👨🏽‍🤝‍👨🏼
@ExOnTheBeach: "@adoredelaura: should i stay up for ex on the peak bc iv not slept in like 6 days but like yuh" RT We say yes! #ExOnTheBeach
@RomeoMiller: Romeo Thursday’s have officially begun for the holidays! Tune into my MTV show #ExOnTheBeach and my WeTv show #GUHH both starting tonight. Work hard, find your peace, and dream big!
@ExOnTheBeach: Adore warned us all about what she was bringing to the table this season 💅 #ExOnTheBeach (GIF of her waving fan with word "Shade" printed on it)
@ExOnTheBeach: Okay, @AdoreDelano I can relate 😭 #ExOnTheBeach  (GIF: "I like d___heads")
@itskelsibyrd: God damn @n_zanattaMTV be lookin good this season of @ExOnTheBeach
@blackzeusfit: Trust I saw @ItsLaDemi and the peaks a mile away 😉
- @ItsLaDemi: @blackzeusfit Did you baby boy? 😜❄️🎿
@ExOnTheBeach: Stranger: Hi-   Allie:  #ExOnTheBeach
- @AllieJDee: @ExOnTheBeach LISTEN! I came here SINGLE! I’m here to flirt and shoot my shot, I’m here to find LOVE! 🥶💙🧊❄️🤣👋🏼🤣🤣🤣
- @ExOnTheBeach: @AllieJDee Sis, I feel your pain! Shoot those shots! #ExOnTheBeach
@Liyah7Aali: I love ex on the beach 😭😭😂
@ItsAll_AboutTee: (GIF: "The bigger the hoop the bigger the whore bitch")
@jaychallenge_: Adore is hilarious 😭 #ExOnTheBeach
@ExOnTheBeach: If "b*tch what" was a gif 😂 #ExOnTheBeach  (GIF of Tyranny walking in with glass in hand)
@CallMeByAaron: Omg Adore is coming to snap on Ex on the Beach! We will be watching and supporting the queen.
@PurveyorsofPop: Honored that @ItsLaDemi was able to share her experiences and be vulnerable, your story is important, there are other girls out there who see themselves in you. We STAN! #ExOnTheBeach
- @ItsLaDemi: @PurveyorsofPop Thank you for sharing my story 💖 where are all my girls at? #TransIsBeautiful
@PurveyorsofPop: Me when @AdoreDelano walks into the #ExOnTheBeach Chalet.
@PurveyorsofPop: Are you even Canadian if you don't pour maple syrup all over your body? #ExOnTheBeach @danielmaguire85
@PurveyorsofPop: I see you Nicole eating Ben and Jerry's as soon as you walk into the house, love a woman with her priorities in order. #ExOnTheBeach @n_zanattaMTV
@PurveyorsofPop: Tyranny telling people she just met that she hunts deer - now THAT'S a strong pickup line. #ExOnTheBeach @ItsAll_AboutTee
@PurveyorsofPop: The cast of #ExOnTheBeach when someone asks them to find Ibiza on a map.
@PurveyorsofPop: The question we all want to know is....will Georgia be LOYAL on #ExOnTheBeach??? @georgia_steel  (GIF: "I want answers, and I want them now")
@PurveyorsofPop: The question we all want to know is....will Georgia be LOYAL on #ExOnTheBeach??? @georgia_steel
@PurveyorsofPop: Me when Nicole is SO SURE she's not on #ExOnTheBeach @n_zanattaMTV
@PurveyorsofPop: Can't believe #ExOnTheBeach found the YETI, the Shark is quaking right now.
@PurveyorsofPop: needless to say, my hoops are HUGE. #ExOnTheBeach
@_Gemini_Emily_: wait.. @laurelstucky is on ex on the beach!? HOW DID I NOT KNOW THIS? I LOVE HER. yeah i'm 100% watching it now that i know this Queen is on it.
@Katrayaaa: so happy ex on the beach is back on 😍
@ItsLaDemi: The show is on and I haven’t see !! I’m quaking. I’m on my way to @AdoreDelano for our premiere party at 8pm at @BeachesWeho #exonthebeach
@ZahmChloe: Ex on the beach is back baby 👏👏
@jakkofheartss: Me and @m_iacovelli (#ShadySays) are gonna live tweet soon
@ExOnTheBeach: Dory to Nemo after every forgetful thought 😂 #ExOnTheBeach (GIF: Adore to Marlon - "I'm a different fish")
@ExOnTheBeach: When the cast saw Romeo 😭 #ExOnTheBeach
@pierzinareality: i love ex on the beach my fav show @ExOnTheBeach
@CaptPlanet91_LJ: @ItsLaDemi hi, LA Demi. The name's Plummer. Lyle Plummer, Jr. #ExOnTheBeach @ExOnTheBeach
@parisdecaro: Jhheeeeeezzzz @RomeoMiller’s ENTRANCEEE CAME WID DRIPPPPPPPP 💦💦💦💦 #ExOnTheBeach @ExOnTheBeach @MTV
@blackzeusfit: Thanks @RomeoMiller for destroying the moment! Exes already crashing the mountain!!! @ExOnTheBeach  here we go!!!  (GIF: "You go home right now")
- @ExOnTheBeach: @blackzeusfit @RomeoMiller Y'all were shook! #ExOnTheBeach
@GamerVev: Cast is already miles better than the last season, Marie & Kenya robbed. Adore is tv GOLD #ExOnTheBeach
@faithstowers: So @AdoreDelano is giving season fav #ExOnTheBeach #peakoflove #mtv
@MtvJess: Damn @tjlavin  never gave us a tablet to rattle off the damn clue. I feel slighted @ExOnTheBeach #spoiled
@MtvJess: I’m just here to read the @ExOnTheBeach commentary.
@jaychallenge_: MARLON!!!!! Missed you on my TV screen #ExOnTheBeach
@MtvJess: Make way for the Queen 👸🏼 @laurelstucky
@blackzeusfit: I gotta hard enough time trying to focus on 1 person at a time. Now exes are moving in! 🥵 Glad it’s not my ex!!!!
- @ExOnTheBeach: @blackzeusfit *yet..........😈#ExOnTheBeach
@blackzeusfit: Can y’all tell how shook we were?
@pierzinareality: @ExOnTheBeach my fav season so far !!!
@ExOnTheBeach: Me anytime my boss asks me to do anything extra #ExOnTheBeach  (GIF: Callum - "Check my contract this is bulls___")
@ExOnTheBeach: Baby, Laurel just arrived. Who ordered mess? ME!!! #ExOnTheBeach  (GIF of her)
@ExOnTheBeach: Nicole when she saw Laurel 😭 #ExOnTheBeach  (GIF: "Ight imma head out")
@AllieJDee: Welp that was awkward...@ExOnTheBeach @n_zanattaMTV  @laurelstucky 🥶❄️🙈 #alliepult
@ExOnTheBeach: Tweet using #ExOnTheBeach for a chance to win a cuffing season giveaway. ✨
@ExOnTheBeach: Look out @CallumWeekender, Megan is back for WAR #ExOnTheBeach  (GIF of her eyes lighting up)
@bertha_icela: @ExOnTheBeach just keeps getting better and better each season 😂😂
@Wynton_Mohorn: @blackzeusfit "Wait, Who that is?" 😂😂😂 @MTV @ExOnTheBeach #ExOnTheBeach
@n_zanattaMTV: "@AllieJDee: @SamanthaKSK96 @n_zanattaMTV SHE NEVER PAID UP @n_zanattaMTV 😒" RT 😂😂😂 I guess you won that bet! Def not what I wanted lol 🤬
@MaliSwaggy: They are wildin’ out on “Ex On The Beach” 😂😂😂
@__Sxmxnthx: I need someone to talk to about ex on the beach this season cause bitch it’s gonna be a good one lmao
@lustrouspapi: Ex on the beach is gonna be so good this season omg
@ExOnTheBeach: Me watching Callum and Megan #ExOnTheBeach  (GIF)
@ExOnTheBeach: "@domojennasus: @ExOnTheBeach make a gif of adore with demon eyes please #ExOnTheBeach" RT Oh you thought this was a game? #ExOnTheBeach  (GIF: "I'm like a demon")
@JustJem24: How are y’all liking this season so far?  #ExOnTheBeach
@ItsAll_AboutTee: (GIF: "What's going on you gotta go")
@sav_mullins: This much going on in the first episode!??! LETS GO 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 @ExOnTheBeach #ExOnTheBeach
@MeganNash93: SURPRISE🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏻‍♀️❄️❄️
@c__p_g: @ExOnTheBeach @__Sxmxnthx Nicole tossing Allie , feel bad for her tho 🤣🤧
@ExOnTheBeach: Callum:  (GIF: "I'm a playa")
@ExOnTheBeach: Also Callum:  (GIF: "You're not my dad")
@AmeenKnows: Ex on the Beach back
@PurveyorsofPop: Me when Romeo walks into the Apres Ski party #ExOnTheBeach
@PurveyorsofPop: All of the singles when Romeo tells them they're on #ExOnTheBeach  (GIF: "You were supposed to be different")
@PurveyorsofPop: Nicole when her ex Laurel shows up at the party #ExOnTheBeach @n_zanattaMTV  (GIF: "No, no, no. Please, please. No")
@PurveyorsofPop: It doesn't matter how many drinks you have @georgia_steel, it's not gonna save you from your exes. #ExOnTheBeach  (GIF: "I just need a drink")
@PurveyorsofPop: Callum when Megan arrives at the party. #ExOnTheBeach @CallumWeekender
@PurveyorsofPop: Nicole: *lies about cheating on Laurel*  Nicole 30 seconds later: "Let's be 100% honest with each other!"  #ExOnTheBeach   @n_zanattaMTV
@PurveyorsofPop: Me every time this plow shows up. #ExOnTheBeach  (GIF: "It can wait")
@PurveyorsofPop: Nicole to Allie: "You distanced yourself when Laurel entered the house" Also Nicole: literally pushed Allie away when Laurel showed up. #ExOnTheBeach
@PurveyorsofPop: Marlon when Nicole comes out of nowhere and says he's messing with peoples emotions. @blackzeusfit #ExOnTheBeach
@PurveyorsofPop: Me when Daniel just spills all of Callum's business totally unprompted. #ExOnTheBeach
@PurveyorsofPop: Is Daniel just trying to start a fight? If he is....I'm not mad. @danielmaguire85 #ExOnTheBeach
@Idrisvirgo: Would of gave Daniel a left hook! #ExOnTheBeach
@MeganNash93: FFS one to many megs one too many🤦🏻‍♀️😩 #mtv #ExOnTheBeach

AS THEY SAW IT: The Premiere - "Winter Un-Wonderland" 
@PurveyorsofPop: Don't leave yet! Another hour of #ExOnTheBeach is starting RIGHT NOW! Because there's a LOT of tea to spill honeys.
@ExOnTheBeach: You're almost there, keep tweeting using #ExOnTheBeach to unlock an exclusive prize ✨
@ExOnTheBeach: If you aren't crying listening to LaDemi talk about her truth with Georgia your heart looks like this -> 🖤 #ExOnTheBeach
@JustJem24: @ItsLaDemi is the baddest WOMAN in any room she’s in. Sis makes the kardashians’s look basic.. #ExOnTheBeach
@ExOnTheBeach: Whose ex is about to show up? Comment NOW! #ExOnTheBeach
@blackzeusfit: Damn I gotta say LaDemi is mad strong for taking such a huge step to just be her true self!!! Live your truth girl!!!
- @ExOnTheBeach: @blackzeusfit ❤️ #ExOnTheBeach
@PurveyorsofPop: I don't think Daniel knows what "I'll be your daddy" means. #ExOnTheBeach @danielmaguire85
@PurveyorsofPop: Adore and La Demi this whole season, basically. I'm obsessed with them together. @AdoreDelano @ItsLaDemi #ExOnTheBeach
@PurveyorsofPop: Megan right now trying to get Callum's attention when he tryin to sleep #ExOnTheBeach @MeganNash93
@TheRealNamor_: I’m just ready for @JustJem24 to pop up on my TV screen. #ExOnTheBeach
@ExOnTheBeach: Jakk just arrived, did Christmas just come early for Adore? #ExOnTheBeach  (GIF of him)
@ExOnTheBeach: "It's fire week" Romeo: #ExOnTheBeach
@ExOnTheBeach: Bring on the hot date #ExOnTheBeach  (GIF: Callum - "I would like to see it")
@AllieJDee: Okay but my outfit at the Capri sun party...💙
@ExOnTheBeach: When you didn't get the fire date #ExOnTheBeach  (GIF of Demi waving her hand)
@JustJem24: Hey @georgia_steel. Is it check out time? #ExOnTheBeach
@Wynton_Mohorn: Jakk & Danny are so cute together. @MTV @ExOnTheBeach #ExOnTheBeach
@jakkofheartss: Why didn’t anyone in the house take my self tanner from me ... @ExOnTheBeach
@_ceoTAJ: Just sitting here waiting for @JustJem24 like #ExOnTheBeach
@ExOnTheBeach: Are Nicole and Laurel rekindling their relationship? 👀☕️ #ExOnTheBeach (GIF of Tyranny with a wine glass in hand)
@AllieJDee: Lmao apparently I’m not only on @ExOnTheBeach but also on @TemptationTV tonight so check that out as well! 🤣👋🏼
@blackzeusfit: "@DaamnJoe: The world needs more Marlons, the way he accepts everybody for exactly who they are 👑💯 @blackzeusfit #ExOnTheBeach" RT My mans!!!
@PurveyorsofPop: Jakk is DEFINITELY giving 100% flying all the way around the world to get his boo! #ExOnTheBeach @jakkofheartss
@PurveyorsofPop: Callum, did no one tell you not to believe everything you read on the internet? 😂 #ExOnTheBeach @CallumWeekender
@PurveyorsofPop: Georgia getting all nervous and giggly around Callum is honestly so cute, wow all of this love is so happy, too bad it's #ExOnTheBeach so we all know THAT ain't lasting!
@PurveyorsofPop: me when I run into my ex at any social event #ExOnTheBeach @blackzeusfit  (GIF: "You go home right now")
@PurveyorsofPop: I'm surprised Adore doesn't burn in the sunlight TBH, at least now we have conclusive evidence she's not a vampire. #ExOnTheBeach @AdoreDelano
@PurveyorsofPop: Georgia when she realizes Megan clearly still has feelings for Callum. #ExOnTheBeach @georgia_steel
@PurveyorsofPop: Marlon has abs, an open heart, AND can make a pie! Get you a man who can do it all! @blackzeusfit #ExOnTheBeach
@blackzeusfit: I’m such an open person. I try to accept the person first. The physical is icing on the cake! Let people be comfortable with who they truly are! We all deserve to be happy as our true self!!!
@JustJem24: Y’all did @n_zanattaMTV just have on color changing glasses 🤣🤣🤣 #ExOnTheBeach.  Sunglasses to regular glasses depending on the lightening
- @n_zanattaMTV: @JustJem24 Lmao I love my glasses both pairs do that actually ;)
- @JustJem24: @n_zanattaMTV I would have never hooked up with you if I saw those glasses so thanks for not bringing to Spain babes 💋💋💋💋
@jakkofheartss: Not me saying is Danny’s nose done again 🥴
@AllieJDee: My heart is pounding right now watching this... @ExOnTheBeach NOT THE CONFESSIONAL NOOOOO @n_zanattaMTV
@ExOnTheBeach: Okay, I'm gonna just have one drink. Me 3 drinks later: #ExOnTheBeach
@iammxrcos: Ya'll this season of ex on the beach is actually v good
@bosskittyb: @AdoreDelano on this new Ex on the beach my life is made💕
@ExOnTheBeach: YOU DID IT! 👏 RT this tweet for a chance to win a cuffing season getaway. #ExOnTheBeach
@Jannessaa_xo: Nicole🤦🏻‍♀️ Girl being faithful isn’t hard 😩 #ExOnTheBeach
@KaitlynT15: Listen I’m watching Ex on the beach for one reason only and that reason is @AdoreDelano
@Aray1131: @AdoreDelano is EVERYTHING in this #ExOnThePEAK #ExOnTheBeach
@BrycenArnall: Can’t stop looking at callum’s nipple piercings 🤣 #ExOnTheBeach @ExOnTheBeach
@ExOnTheBeach: "@domojennasus: @ExOnTheBeach do me another favor please. I need the gif of Adore during Megan and Callum’s fight with her eyes wide" RT I love this game sis #ExOnTheBeach  (GIF of her)
@victoriahasz: This party without @JustJem24 #ExOnTheBeach #ExOnThePEAK
@ExOnTheBeach: In the midst of mess, here's where you'll find Tyranny 😂 #ExOnTheBeach (GIF of her twerking)
- @ItsAll_AboutTee: @ExOnTheBeach Why am I like this. 😂😂
@ExOnTheBeach: The face of someone who isn't about to be PLAYED! 💅 #ExOnTheBeach (GIF of La Demi and Nicole in confessional)
- @n_zanattaMTV: @ExOnTheBeach We cute though!
@Jannessaa_xo: I love how petty @ExOnTheBeach is 😂😂
@RMDeyeshadow: This new season of @ExOnTheBeach  is soooo good omg I love adore, Georgia and Demi !! #ExOnTheBeach #ExOnThePEAK
@kmacisco: One episode of #ExOnTheBeach peak of love is better than the entire third season of EOTB
@ExOnTheBeach: In cold situations, there's nothing like having a warm heart-to-heart. ❤️ @ItsLaDemi @georgia_steel #ExOnTheBeach
- @ItsLaDemi: @ExOnTheBeach ♥️
@blackzeusfit: I just wanna say my back looked extremely good!!! The weights have been paying off 🤷🏾‍♂️
@blackzeusfit: Look I was dry mouth @ExOnTheBeach I just need a lil sip before the night was over! I thought I was free to have options!
@blackzeusfit: @ItsLaDemi  you had both my eggs no doubt.... 😢
- @ItsLaDemi: @blackzeusfit If only I had known sooner!
@JustJem24: "@W00DZ: Watched my first season of this show for Jemmye but everyone is hilarious and I’m already hooked and the exes didn’t even show up yet!" RT I TOLD YALL the cast was good
@RachelReneCloyd: Okay you guys, I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE @AdoreDelano and @ItsLaDemi. They’re perfect. 😍 It’s going to be a whole ass riot of bad bitches once
@JustJem24 get there too. Ooooo lawdy. SO EXCITED FOR THIS SEASON! #ExOnTheBeach @ExOnThePeakMTV @ExOnTheBeach
@n_zanattaMTV: "@lauurenwalshhh: MTV did @n_zanattaMTV dirty tonight😂 #ExOnThePEAK" RT That’s definitely not a good thing 🤦🏼‍♀️ let’s hope the ending is better than the beginning
@arikaridoe: Ok this new @ExOnTheBeach is amazing😂 also please give adore her own show
@MELODY_ROSE: Who else is excited for #ExOnThePEAK and having @RomeoMiller back on our screens?! We go Live tonight to talk alllll about it. Join myself and @SINSEDONTPLAY #afterbuzztv
@WelbornFerrene: Well... It's the season Premiere of @ExOnTheBeach #peakoflove Tonight at 8/9c on MTV It's a two hour MEGASODE!!! The show is INSANE, it's all shot in New Zealand and I have returned to narrate the CRAZY!!! 💔 Peak Of…
@realityiconsss: This season is SERVING and Laurel and Jemmye still COMING😍 #ExOnTheBeach
@ExOnTheBeach: That's a WRAP! Enjoyed tonight's episode? ❄️ We've got more where that came from coming your way next Thursday at 9PM right here on @MTV!
@AllieJDee: Keeping my eyes out for my ex’s to slide in on this peak👀🏔😫❄️ @ Queenstown, New Zealand
@ExOnTheBeach: Could Callum's ex Megan, ruin his relationship with Georgia? ☕️
@ExOnTheBeach: Kicking up old memories with a ex is never a good thing around your next 💔 Catch-up on demand on the series premiere of #ExOnTheBeach: Peak Of Love on @mtv
@christinao1986: I absolutely loved @ExOnThePeakMTV love @AdoreDelano but I can't wait for @JustJem24 to arrive. Think @JustJem24 should have been on it since episode 1 though.
@ExOnTheBeach: Me during last night's premiere of #ExOnTheBeach 🗣Everyone, RELAX! #ExOnTheBeach
@Idrisvirgo: After watching @ExOnTheBeach now I know how to do confessionals🤣🙈 game changer #ExOnTheBeach #thechallenge34
@LurkerTweets: Highkey this premiere is the best episode of an MTV production in probably a decade. I fucking adore Adore. Icon af. Laurel is a star and seeing her like this makes me wish she’d have been on a Real World season. And I’mma leave y’all shook with this last one: I love La Demi. 😩
@ItsLaDemi: I just want to say, after last nights episode, I truly love @georgia_steel she gets me on so many levels and it’s so refreshing to meet someone (a girl) without having to have a guard up or a front. I love her and trusted her,that’s why I opened up!! #ExOnTheBeach #lademi


So, quite an opening salvo in the mountains: Georgia and Callum becoming the first duo to hook up in Chalet Ex, the always cringey moment of Romeo revealing the twist to the group, and Laurel headlining the three exes who came to the slopes in that first wave... and we also can't forget hearing from La Demi about her transitioning, which continues the continued acceptance of the LGBTQ+ community on reality dating shows after the sexually-fluid season of AYTO, Demi on The Bachelor and something similar on last season. This is just week 1: there's sure to be of drama this winter.

Now for The Challenge, you may have noticed something different in us skipping over part 1 of the War of the Worlds 2 finale in our coverage this week... but there's a reason for that. As we told you in our pre-preview of the next season of The Challenge on Friday, we're saving that post for next week's coverage out of respect for those prefer to watch or stream the first part of it before the second half airs this coming week. The backtracked installment of the Pulse of Part 1 of the finale comes your way on Friday of this coming week on December 13, with Part 2 of that to come next Sunday.
   As for what we have in store ahead: the next item of business for us here is to give our loyal readers the proper introduction to the newcomers to Team MTV of this season: Adore, Allie, Callum, Daniel, Georgia, La Demi and Ryan will be explored a little more in depth in "Who Are These Newbies: Ex On The Beach - Peak of Love" to come now before this week's episodes air (or at best, before next week's posts appear here). Have a great week ahead...


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