Monday, August 3, 2020

DC SocialPulse Xtra: A Double Shot at Love - A Night with the Chippendales

*** Advisory: #DCSocialPulse contains adult language, objectionable content & spoilers for some readers. Viewer Discretion is Advised. Due to its length, take frequent eye breaks if you're viewing this top to bottom. ***

BY DC CUEVA                        

We are into a new week around here, but unless you're needed at wherever you work at chances are you're spending your summer just laying back. But once we are out of this wildness, we're sure you might be thinking of going to Las Vegas... well, thanks in part to what is now the big attraction for the rest of the summer in MTV Reality that is the case for A Double Shot at Love.

And it's not officially a Jersey Shore-related series until an alum makes a visit to the stars of the show: Mike the Situation and wife Lauren joined Pauly D. and Vinny in time for a day in the honor of the one with the blowout... and last week was THE party of the summer in Sin City as they hosted a blow-out pool party at Drai's at the Cromwell. And just as it was when the Floribama Shore cast and their parents got to party down in South Carolina earlier this year, there was nothing but a good vibe - and there were plenty of hookups - none moreso than Maria and Nikki kissing their exes and Derynn doing the same with Pretty Ricky.

And after they got to see Pauly in his own element on the ones & twos in the daytime, it's time to see the Keto King do his thing after dark, and with his shirt off with that bow tie around his neck. After the jump, you're invited to join the Double Shot cast, and the Sitch & Lauren, for A Night with the Chippendales... plus, a Laguna Beach gender reveal. We know you're not gonna miss this.

AS THEY SAW IT: "Strip and Tell" 
@MTVShotAtLove: I thought strippers were supposed to bring people closer together! What in the post-Chippendales madness is happening on tomorrow night's #DoubleShotAtLove?!
@MTV: Things get HOT-𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘥 on tonight's new episode of #DoubleShotAtLove! Watch the post-Chippendales chaos unfold at 8/7c on MTV! 
@NikkiHallTM: Which friend are you? #Doubleshotatlove
@495Prods: We’re baring it all on an all-new @MTVShotAtLove TONIGHT 8/7c on @MTV #DoubleShotAtLove @DJPaulyD @VINNYGUADAGNINO @B_Lashess @MarissaLucchese @sugasugasuzi @NikkiHallTM @Derynn_Paige @mariae296 @poolpartypapii @McBrandonS @nickycugine @sallyannsalsano
@MarissaLucchese: Mood because it’s #jerzday bitches!!!! BRAND NEW EPISODE TONIGHT 8pm est @MTVShotAtLove #DoubleShotatlove
@DJPaulyD: Yes My Man Is A Stripper @VINNYGUADAGNINO See Tonight On @MTVShotAtLove And Stay Tuned For #revengeprank Right After!!! @MTV #DoubleShotAtLove
@Derynn_Paige Tonight, I give boozi suzi a run for her money #doubleshotatlove 
@B_lashess: Omg tonight’s episode of @MTVShotAtLove is going to be so EXCITING #doubleshotatlove
@MariaLElizondo: me since quarantine started @MTVShotAtLove tonight at 8/7c #DoubleShotAtLove
@sugasugasuzi: All new episode of @MTVShotAtLove tonight! Brace yourself there’s a lot of d*cks and drama! Tune in 8/7c on @MTV 🤘🏽
@PoolPartyPapiii: When ppl ask me my political views #DoubleShotAtLove
@NikkiHallTM: “Wtf is happening” on tonight’s new @MTVShotAtLove See you @ 8! #DoubleShotAtLove
@sugasugasuzi: Tonight I let @Derynn_Paige know! All new epi #DoubleShotAtLove
@sugasugasuzi: Make sure to tune in tonight and find out what I call “The Dolphin” #DoubleShotAtLove
@MTVShotAtLove: Oh, @MariaLElizondo… You had to see this one coming. @VINNYGUADAGNINO is baring it all on tonight’s #DoubleShotAtLove! 
- @VINNYGUADAGNINO: @MTVShotAtLove Things get shteeaaamyyyy tonight #DoubleShotAtLove
@Derynn_Paige: So. Much. Man. Ass. Tonight. I CANT WAIT. #doubleshotatlove
@MariaLElizondo: I see it’s gonna be a whole lot of man ass tonight on @MTVShotAtLove
@nickycugine: Who will be watching the all new episode of double shot at love at 8pm?!!!! 
@Derynn_Paige: All smiles even though I get called LAME on @doubleshotatlove tonight. Tune in at 8/7c and let me know what you think of our boozie brawl #doubleshotatlove
@495Prods: So are we! @MTVShotAtLove starts in 1 hour on @MTV #DoubleShotAtLove @DJPaulyD @VINNYGUADAGNINO @ItsTheSituation @lauren_pesce @B_Lashess @MarissaLucchese @sugasugasuzi @NikkiHallTM @Derynn_Paige @mariae296 @poolpartypapii @McBrandonS @nickycugine @sallyannsalsano @drewtappon
@MCBrandonS: 30 minutes until a brand new episode of @MTVShotAtLove YOU ARE NOT GONNA WANNA MISS THIS SO STAY TUNED #doubleshotatlove
@MariaLElizondo: Less than 30 minutes for the new episode of @MTVShotAtLove #DoubleShotAtLove
@NikkiHallTM: 30mins till @MTVShotAtLove I don’t know how to feel! #DoubleShotAtLove
@sugasugasuzi: I’m ready for some man ass! 30 minutes till an all new episode! #doubleshotoflove
@B_lashess: One hour till my many faces of B-Lashes are even more extreme then normal @MTVShotAtLove #doubleshotatlove

@MTVShotAtLove: My body is READY - A new #DoubleShotAtLove starts NOW on @MTV! Who's watching with me?
@495Prods: Oh yeah! @MTVShotAtLove STARTS NOW on @MTV  #DoubleShotAtLove @DJPaulyD @VINNYGUADAGNINO @ItsTheSituation @lauren_pesce @B_Lashess @MarissaLucchese @sugasugasuzi @NikkiHallTM @Derynn_Paige @mariae296 @poolpartypapii @McBrandonS @nickycugine @sallyannsalsano @drewtappon
@B_lashess: TWITTER FINGERS ARE READY FOR TONIGHT #doubleshotatlove 
@PoolPartyPapiii: Let’s go!!!! #Doubleshotatlove
@MarissaLucchese: Brand new episode NOW!! Live tweet with us #DoubleShotAtLove
@DJPaulyD: Right About Now Is The Time To Put On @MTV @MTVShotAtLove #DoubleShotAtLove
@Derynn_Paige: Here we go! #doubleshotatlove
@VINNYGUADAGNINO: An all new @MTVShotAtLove starts right now !!! Live tweet wit me !!! #doubleshotatlove
@MTVShotAtLove: Yeah, I haven't stopped thinking about last week's episode either. #DoubleShotAtLove  (GIF: Vinny - "That really happened didn't it...")
@NikkiHallTM: Oops. #DoubleShotAtLove
@NikkiHallTM: Morning Shift! #Doubleshotatlove
@DJPaulyD: Vinny What Happend??!!!! #DoubleShotAtLove
- @VINNYGUADAGNINO: @DJPaulyD Idk but all I kno is I wouldn’t hook up with one of my exes
@Derynn_Paige: Guess that blowout is kinda heavy #doubleshotatlove
@NikkiHallTM: I broke it! #doubleshotatlove
@B_lashess: Someone’s happy af #doubleshotatlove
@MTVShotAtLove: Rules are made to be broken... #DoubleShotAtLove (GIF: Pauly with Vinny - "Can't we just have fun?")
@VINNYGUADAGNINO: Better dust off that pauly d shrine Nikki !!! #DoubleShotAtLove
@MCBrandonS: Yeah @NikkiHallTM you look SUPER HAPPY BEBE ?!!! @MTVShotAtLove #doubleshotatlove  (GIF: "Why are you so happy this morning?")
- @NikkiHallTM: @MCBrandonS Agreed! Life is good! #DoubleShotAtLove
@NikkiHallTM: Maria... did you delete those tweets?! #DoubleShotAtLove
@B_lashess: We want the TEA #Doubleshotatlove
@Derynn_Paige: This is a repeat #doubleshotatlove
@nickycugine: I love happy Nikki THIS TIME A YEAR!!!! @MTVShotAtLove @495Prods @MTVShows #DoubleShotAtLove
@NikkiHallTM: Awwww TONIO! #doubleshotatlove
@PoolPartyPapiii: I like when Nikki is fun #doubleshotatlove
@DJPaulyD: Antonio should not be giving relationship advice #DoubleShotAtLove cheater!!!!
@sugasugasuzi: Nikki is in a really good mood  #DoubleShotAtLove
@NikkiHallTM: Mom & Dad fo sho!! 🙌🏼🙌🏼 Lo&Mike #DoubleShotAtLove
@MariaLElizondo: Ew Antonio, that’s so much ketchup lmao  #Doubleshotatlove
@MTVShotAtLove: Being in the middle like... #DoubleShotAtLove  (GIF of Derynn)
@VINNYGUADAGNINO: Maria !!!!? I’m glad you came !!! .... to Vegas #DoubleShotAtLove
@DJPaulyD: Vinny When You Stripping??!   #DoubleShotAtLove
- @VINNYGUADAGNINO: @DJPaulyD I’m on the Monday night afternoon shift
- @DJPaulyD: @VINNYGUADAGNINO Oh Word Up I’ll Have My Ones Ready
@B_lashess: That’s a a lot of work #doubleshotatlove  (GIF: "She'll be heartbroken. Her whole house will have fallen down on her and she will have to rebuild.")
@B_lashess: History repeats itself, I hope not #doubleshotatlove
@MTVShotAtLove: When someone asks you what's good with your friend and her ex #DoubleShotAtLove  (GIF: Antonio - "I don't know what the hell they're in.")
@Derynn_Paige: I guess vinny got it going on #doubleshotatlove
@MariaLElizondo: Damn fucking mics #Doubleshotatlove
@sugasugasuzi: It was niceeeey nice #DoubleShotAtLove
@NikkiHallTM: I “lost” my Drais uniform! #DoubleShotAtLove
@sugasugasuzi: 100 #DoubleShotAtLove (GIF: "The s___ should hit the fan at any second")
@DJPaulyD: I like having my boy  @ItsTheSituation and @lauren_pesce in vegas #DoubleShotAtLove
@skmitchell126: Can Covid just go away already so I can go back to my happy place @DJPaulyD .....ughhhhh 
@MTVShotAtLove: Me acting like I didn't study the menu 24 hours in advance #DoubleShotAtLove  (GIF: Mike - "Let's see what we 'bout to get into right now")
@DJPaulyD: Vinny F.......d MariaaaAaaaaaaa!!!! #DoubleShotAtLove
- @VINNYGUADAGNINO: @DJPaulyD (Face with tears of joy emoji) inside joke
- @MariaLElizondo: @DJPaulyD Lower your voice
@sugasugasuzi: don’t make night club no pressure  #DoubleShotAtLove
@MarissaLucchese: My hair extensions..... OMG #Doubleshotatlove
@MTVShotAtLove: CALL IT OUT, @MariaLElizondo! #DoubleShotAtLove  (GIF: "I can't just hook-up?")
@MariaLElizondo: Did Mike just call me a bird?? lmaooo  #Doubleshotatlove
- @VINNYGUADAGNINO: @MariaLElizondo Tweet tweet
@NikkiHallTM: No babies here! #doubleshotatlove
@MariaLElizondo: 2 people with commitment issues is Key #Doubleshotatlove
@B_lashess: Boys said red lip, so I went pink obv #doubleshotatlove
@NikkiHallTM: Lauren is a girl’s girl! Super cool! #DoubleShotAtLove
@sugasugasuzi: We can totally hook up and run.. to the same penthouse #DoubleShotAtLove
@MTVShotAtLove: Aren't we in for a treat? #DoubleShotAtLove  (GIF: Brandon - "We came out to support Pauly D so now we're gonna go support Vinny's D")
@MarissaLucchese: Sorry boys now it’s girls time for the strip club 👏🏽🖕🏽  #DoubleShotAtLove  (GIF: "It's our turn now bitches!")
@VINNYGUADAGNINO: Who’s ready to go see some dick ???!!! #DoubleShotAtLove
@B_lashess: Suzis hat loooks like a French cab driver, OUI OUI  #doubleshotatlove
@sugasugasuzi: Getting glam to see some man ass!!  #DoubleShotAtLove
@NikkiHallTM: We get it Brandon... HARD on the D! #DoubleShotAtLove
@DJPaulyD: Yooo Brandon super happy to see some naked men ass #DoubleShotAtLove  (GIF: "Who wants to go see some man @$$?")
@MCBrandonS: Hahah we are gonna support @VINNYGUADAGNINO keto torpedo @MTVShotAtLove #doubleshotatlove
- @VINNYGUADAGNINO: @MCBrandonS From pauly d to vinny’s d
@PoolPartyPapiii: I can’t lie @VINNYGUADAGNINO puts on a hell of a show!!!! #Doubleshotatlove
- @VINNYGUADAGNINO: @PoolPartyPapiii Thanks sexy
@sugasugasuzi: Hoe shit?! Viva Las Vegas  #DoubleShotAtLove
@MCBrandonS: Hahah we are gonna support @VINNYGUADAGNINO keto torpedo @MTVShotAtLove #doubleshotatlove
@B_lashess: Shopping our favorite! #doubleshotatlove
@sugasugasuzi: Much? #DoubleShotAtLove  (GIF: "It's like... kind of fraudulent.")
@NikkiHallTM: Suzi tells no tales #DoubleShotAtLove
@MariaLElizondo: Marissa looks Fire drop the website for the wordrobe #Doubleshotatlove
@drewtappon: I love how the ladies from @MTVShotAtLove are so 2020. Thank you for being real. @MTVShotAtLove @495Prods @sallyannsalsano #doubleshotatlove @B_lashess @sugasugasuzi @NikkiHallTM @Derynn_Paige @MarissaLucchese
@MTVShotAtLove: It's @MariaLElizondo covering the vibrator with another vibrator for me #DoubleShotAtLove  (GIF: "Oh my god... I can't turn off the vibrator. I can't turn off the vibrator!")
@sugasugasuzi: First thing I see are the dildos!  #DoubleShotAtLove
@VINNYGUADAGNINO: MARIA! Stop fucking wit the vibrators !!!! #DoubleShotAtLove
@MariaLElizondo: That dildo would not turn off for nothing!! #Doubleshotatlove
@sugasugasuzi: That vibrator keeps going  #DoubleShotAtLove
@lauren_pesce: A lot happening on tonight’s episode of #DoubleShotAtLove 8/7c @mtv
@MarissaLucchese: I’m ready to party !!  #DoubleShotAtLove
@NikkiHallTM: Lauren.. waiting on that book!#DoubleShotAtLove
@sugasugasuzi: Negative Nancy over here let me live!  #DoubleShotAtLove
@MTVShotAtLove: Me too, me too! #DoubleShotAtLove  (GIF: Derynn - "Sit me right in the front, please")
@DJPaulyD: Backstage At Vinnys Work Looks So Fun!!! #DoubleShotAtLove
@B_lashess: Me casually “wooooing” as if I am at a baseball game or some shit #doubleshotatlove
@DJPaulyD: I sat at my usual table #DoubleShotAtLove
@MarissaLucchese: All in our glory!! Let’s see some man ass!!!  #DoubleShotAtLove
@PoolPartyPapiii: Lmfaoooo @nickycugine uncharted waters! #doubleshotatlove
@MTVShotAtLove: It looks like @MarissaLucchese went to heaven and back #DoubleShotAtLove  (GIF of her)
- @MarissaLucchese: @MTVShotAtLove I did a million and one times 
@sugasugasuzi: Ready!!  #DoubleShotAtLove
@MariaLElizondo: MAN ASS MAN ASS MAN ASS #Doubleshotatlove
@PoolPartyPapiii: Omg vinny !!!! #doubleshotatlove
@NikkiHallTM: This show was INTENSE! #DoubleShotAtLove
@Derynn_Paige: That’s a lotta man asswwww #doubleshotatlove
@VINNYGUADAGNINO: Ah I remember my first @Chippendales show. These guys will be traumatized for a while but they’ll get over it .. pauly is used to it, this is his 27th show #DoubleShotAtLove
- @MTVShotAtLove: @VINNYGUADAGNINO Pauly's a regular here! #DoubleShotAtLove
@sugasugasuzi: Hell yeah bring the boys!!!  #DoubleShotAtLove
@NikkiHallTM: Same Mike, Same. *covers face* #Doubleshotatlove
@nickycugine: Vinchenz about to kill it!! AYOOOO! @VINNYGUADAGNINO @MTVShotAtLove #DoubleShotAtLove
@sugasugasuzi: So much man ass and I’m here for it!!! #DoubleShotAtLove
@Derynn_Paige: Well I guess mr softee is being brought up again #doubleshotatlove
@nickycugine: Work the room vinny! @VINNYGUADAGNINO @MTVShotAtLove  #DoubleShotAtLove
@sugasugasuzi: The keto-Torpedo #DoubleShotAtLove
@drewtappon: It just makes me so sad to see crowds, even at Chippendales. I can’t wait to get back to normal. Thank you @MTVShotAtLove for reminding us of what is yet to come. @495Prods @sallyannsalsano #DoubleShotAtLove
@Derynn_Paige: Poor pretty Ricky #doubleshotatlove
@ItsMsHawkins2u: These Drais work uniforms have the roomies looking like Safari tour guides. #DoubleShotAtLove 
@KellyKordei: Can we talk about how unproblematic @MariaLElizondo is?! She’s funny AF, always down to have a good time, sticks up for her friends and is never bothering anyone. #doubleshotatlove
@chriisdemeo: Going to see Vinny’s D? @MCBrandonS haha #doubleshotatlove
@chriisdemeo: Oooooo it’s fight night @sugasugasuzi #doubleshotatlove
@uptodatetv: Omg Derynn vs Suzi #DoubleShotAtLove
@ItsMsHawkins2u: I think after tonight we will see that her name might be @sugasugasuzi but ain’t sh*t sweet when she’s pissed. #DoubleShotAtLove 
@MTVShotAtLove: This is a situation for even @ItsTheSituation #DoubleShotAtLove  (GIF of him covering his eyes during Vinny's shower scene)
@RickyRogers_: I don’t get nervous too often but when I do it’s because of @Derynn_Paige 🤷🏽‍♂️ #DoubleShotAtLove
@nanayaaxo: #Doubleshotatlove Can't say this enough @NikkiHallTM is a effin Queen bro
@DJPaulyD: That’s My Boy!!!! #DoubleShotAtLove
@Jayzlife11: I love how chill @MariaLElizondo is about the whole situation #doubleshotatlove
@DJPaulyD: Yoooo now that’s an entrance u killed that vinny just as we practiced at home  #DoubleShotAtLove
@B_lashess: Now this is a show #doubleshotatlove
@Derynn_Paige: This is some dance recital #doubleshotatlove
@NikkiHallTM: "@jaydeskysmom: @NikkiHallTM Just because you still have deep feelings for @DJPaulyD doesn’t mean you’re tryna go 1/2 on a baby. Damn can’t y’all just kick it 🤦🏾‍♀️" RT Ikr.. love how everyone knows my motives more than me doubleshotatlove
@PoolPartyPapiii: Vinny must be drunk during this performance #doubleshotatlove
@MarissaLucchese: @sugasugasuzi I love you 
@MCBrandonS: OMG I CAUGHT @VINNYGUADAGNINO TANK TOP !!! I’ll never wash this EVER @MTVShotAtLove #doubleshotatlove
@PoolPartyPapiii: @DJPaulyD yo vinny did abs before the show!??? #doubleshotatlove
@MarissaLucchese: Maria’s faces ... you’re killing me @MariaLElizondo
@B_lashess: Omg omg Maria go go  go! #doubleshotatlove
@VINNYGUADAGNINO: Yo why did mike ask me to borrow the soap when I was in the shower ? #DoubleShotAtLove
@NikkiHallTM: Maria.. you okay? Lmao #DoubleShotAtLove
@MarissaLucchese: How I feel watching @MariaLElizondo and @VINNYGUADAGNINO right now !!! #DoubleShotAtLove
@MariaLElizondo: Not Brandon fangirling after catching Vinny’s shirt  #Doubleshotatlove
@VINNYGUADAGNINO: Maria wasn’t even drying me off coz her palms were so wet #DoubleShotAtLove
@NikkiHallTM: Maria acting like she hasn’t seen it before #DoubleShotAtLove
@MTVShotAtLove: Are you lost, @MariaLElizondo? #DoubleShotAtLove  (GIF of her)
@VINNYGUADAGNINO: Maria and I rehearsed this number last night #DoubleShotAtLove
@sugasugasuzi: @MCBrandonS career change? #DoubleShotAtLove
@MTVShotAtLove: Who do we think is enjoying this more? #DoubleShotAtLove  (GIF of Maria and Vinny on stage)
@sugasugasuzi: Maria looks happy af  #DoubleShotAtLove
@sugasugasuzi: I like your bomb box vinny lit  #DoubleShotAtLove
@sugasugasuzi: Get it beeeetch!  #DoubleShotAtLove
@B_lashess: No no no no (Dolphin emoji) #doubleshotatlove
@MarissaLucchese: Booozzyyy suzzziii LOVE IT!  #DoubleShotAtLove
@PoolPartyPapiii: I never did the dolphin!!??? #doubleshotatlove
@MariaLElizondo: I was so uncomfortable lmao #Doubleshotatlove
@MTVShotAtLove: What is that rosé saying, @sugasugasuzi? #DoubleShotAtLove  (GIF of her having a sip of a wine glass)
- @sugasugasuzi: @MTVShotAtLove Heavy!
@B_lashess: Go pretty Ricky #doubleshotatlove
@sugasugasuzi: Are they doing it on stage?! Defffff  #DoubleShotAtLove
@VINNYGUADAGNINO: What’s your favorite sexual position ? Suzy :          #DoubleShotAtLove
- @sugasugasuzi: @VINNYGUADAGNINO Lol Dolphin flexiiiiii
@NikkiHallTM: Every girl needs to learn the dolphin #Doubleshotatlove
@MariaLElizondo: Not the dolphin lmaooo  #Doubleshotatlove
@B_lashess: It was so intense they couldn’t show it folks #doubleshotatlove
@DJPaulyD: Oh My.....#DoubleShotAtLove
@NikkiHallTM: The Impressions!!! #DoubleShotAtLove
@sugasugasuzi: Feet touch your head  #DoubleShotAtLove  (GIF: "I call it The Dolphin."
@Derynn_Paige: The dolphin looks wild #doubleshotatlove
@sugasugasuzi: @nickycugine take note!!  #DoubleShotAtLove
@Derynn_Paige: That wasn’t me #doubleshotatlove
@PoolPartyPapiii: Why did pauly and vinny just give me white chick vibes #Doubleshotatlove
@MarissaLucchese: Do these boys got it..... OH GOD Jesus take the wheel !! #doubleshotatlove
- @sallyannsalsano: @MarissaLucchese I’m guessing no sorry guys @PoolPartyPapiii @MCBrandonS @nickycugine
@MCBrandonS: @VINNYGUADAGNINO ....... #doubleshotatlove  (GIF: "What a d___.")
@MTVShotAtLove: When you randomly see your name in the group chat drama #DoubleShotAtLove  (GIF: Marissa - "What?")
@MariaLElizondo: Fuck 12, literally  #Doubleshotatlove
@Kailaaa11: I loveee how easily @NikkiHallTM and Lauren get along. It just shows you how easily Nikki would fit in @DJPaulyD life @MTVShotAtLove #DoubleShotAtLove
@B_lashess: GO CUGES GOOOOO #doubleshotatlove
@VINNYGUADAGNINO: I guess it’s amateur night here at the strip club ! #DoubleShotAtLove
@MarissaLucchese: Literally!!  (GIF: "This is gonna be one big s___ show right now.")
@nickycugine: COMON! I do not want to do this.... @MTVShotAtLove @495Prods @MTVShows #DoubleShotAtLove
@nickycugine: Oh fuck im nervous!!!!!! @MTVShotAtLove @495Prods @MTVShows #DoubleShotAtLove
@drewtappon: We learn so much from @sugasugasuzi   Thank you for #TheDolphin. @MTVShotAtLove @495Prods @sallyannsalsano #DoubleShotAtLove
@nickycugine: Fuck it... lets do this. Lets put on a fucking show! @MTVShotAtLove @495Prods @MTVShows #DoubleShotAtLove
@nickycugine: I get stage fright! 🤦🏻‍♂️ @MTVShotAtLove @495Prods @MTVShows #DoubleShotAtLove
@kikilongbottom: Suzy is a whole entire mood  #Doubleshotatlove
@drewtappon: Finally a chance for the boys to shine. @nickycugine @MCBrandonS @PoolPartyPapiii  #DoubleShotAtLove  (GIF: "Where you at boo?")
@MarissaLucchese: I gotta try the dolphin ... but I feel like I would break my back!? #doubleshotatlove
- @sugasugasuzi: @MarissaLucchese Nah you got this! 
@_kimgreen: OMG I AM DEAD HAHAHAHHAH #DoubleShotAtLove 
@PoolPartyPapiii: Give me the stage and ima put on a show!!!!! #Doubleshotatlove
@B_lashess: We had such a fucking fun time at chippendales I want to go back #doubleshotatlove
@RickyRogers_: We left risky business behind its straight physical business at chippendales #DoubleShotAtLove
@Derynn_Paige: Cugginendales!!!!!! #doubleshotatlove
@_kimgreen: I know I may be biased but, I like this show. #DoubleShotAtLove
@PoolPartyPapiii: Here we go!!! #doubleshotatlove
@MCBrandonS: The walk of shame @MTVShotAtLove #doubleshotatlove
- @NikkiHallTM: @MCBrandonS Yup.. bout right #DoubleShotAtLove
@B_lashess: Those push ups ain’t helping now boys #doubleshotatlove
@NikkiHallTM: Ed Edd & Eddy bout to take the stage!! #DoubleShotAtLove
@MariaLElizondo: Who did it best?? #Doubleshotatlove
- Brandon 19.5% / Antonio 61.7% / Nicky 18.8%   2,795 votes · Final results
@sugasugasuzi: The Cugines hit the stage!! #DoubleShotAtLove
@PoolPartyPapiii: Who u think wins??? #douvleshotatlove
@VINNYGUADAGNINO: Nicky is merengueing on stage #DoubleShotAtLove
@Derynn_Paige: WOAHHH ANTONIO #doubleshotatlove
@B_lashess: Those camo pants @PoolPartyPapiii HOT #doubleshotatlove
@Derynn_Paige: And we call that the New York bagel  #doubleshotatlove
@NikkiHallTM: I vote Tonio!! #DoubleShotAtLove
@MarissaLucchese: Yay @PoolPartyPapiii !!!!! 👏🏽
@nickycugine: LMAOOOO @PoolPartyPapiii CUZZZZZ!!!!!!!!! Kids sick with the dance moves! @MTVShotAtLove  #DoubleShotAtLove
@PoolPartyPapiii: Lmfaooooo omg what a belly!!!!!! #doubleshotatlove DAD BOD
@sugasugasuzi: Classy stripper let’s go!!! #DoubleShotAtLove  (GIF: "I love it!")
@MCBrandonS: @PoolPartyPapiii IM DEADDDD BRUH @MTVShotAtLove  #doubleshotatlove
@VINNYGUADAGNINO: Dad bod for the win !! It’s Chippendads tonight ! #DoubleShotAtLove
- @PoolPartyPapiii: @VINNYGUADAGNINO That giggle is crazy
@sugasugasuzi: Dad bods are winning 2020 #DoubleShotAtLove
@MarissaLucchese: Everyone is so drunk and that’s when shit Escalades and hits the fan 🤦🏽‍♀️  #DoubleShotAtLove
@MTVShotAtLove: Well, that escalated quickly! #DoubleShotAtLove  (GIF of Derynn)
@B_lashess: Remote please MUTE! Someone mute boozy suzi #doubleshotatlove
@B_lashess: Welp there goes our night #doubleshotatlove
@MariaLElizondo: Not me front and center for that group photo  #Doubleshotatlove
@sugasugasuzi: Toniooo owning it!!!  #DoubleShotAtLove
@DJPaulyD: Boozi Suzieeeee In The Building #DoubleShotAtLove
@RickyRogers_: Proud of my son @PoolPartyPapiii 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 #DoubleShotAtLove
- @PoolPartyPapiii: @RickyRogers_ Dad bod szn
@sugasugasuzi: Negative Nancy throwing shade  #DoubleShotAtLove  (GIF: "Whatever, I'ma do me boo")
@NikkiHallTM: That “Lame” hit HARD! #DoubleShotAtLove
@VINNYGUADAGNINO: What did I just walk in to ?? #DoubleShotAtLove
- @MTVShotAtLove: @VINNYGUADAGNINO Your place of employment #DoubleShotAtLove
@DJPaulyD: Vinny Finna Get Fired!!!! #DoubleShotAtLove
@PoolPartyPapiii: Get her suziiii!!!! #doubleshotatlove
@MarissaLucchese: I get where Suzi is coming from trying to have my back but what she didn’t know was that it was already spoken about and over. Just old news that didn’t need to be brought up again.  But i do love her for trying to have my back& calling out the bullshit #DoubleShotAtLove
@uptodatetv: Suzi is all about it #DoubleShotAtLove
@B_lashess: This shits been squashed WTF #doubleshotatlove
- @sugasugasuzi: @B_lashess Has it though 
@_kimgreen: This came out of NO WHERE but Boozy Suzi is an honest abe #DoubleShotAtLove
@MCBrandonS: OHHH SHIT @Derynn_Paige YOU GONNA TAKE THAT ?! @MTVShotAtLove #doubleshotatlove
@sugasugasuzi: Don’t say smart remarks and expect me to like sit quite  #DoubleShotAtLove
@MariaLElizondo: Ooooooo she said Derynn’s lameeeee  #Doubleshotatlove
@B_lashess: You are being fake suzi not derynn!! #doubleshotatlove
- @sugasugasuzi: @B_lashess I don’t agree this tweet
@B_lashess: I am HONEST AF #doubleshotatlove
@PoolPartyPapiii: Do not fuck with booozy!!!!! #doubleshotatlove
@nickycugine: “What did hoboken do to suzi “ @MTVShotAtLove @495Prods #DoubleShotAtLove
@Derynn_Paige: CAT FIGHT #doubleshotatlove
@PoolPartyPapiii: Derynn got caught talking shit!!! Hahahahaha #doubleshotatlove
@uptodatetv: This is his place of employment Lmaoo #DoubleShotAtLove
@sugasugasuzi: Boozy Suzi has arrived  #DoubleShotAtLove
@B_lashess: I tried to de-escalate this situation even though I am about 6 shots of tequila in myself, because that’s who I am! And it’s CLEAR suzi is WASTED I just wanted her to be level headed then speak her mind #doubleshotatlove
@ItsMsHawkins2u: “Level up or you’re fired.” Seems like a great motivational speech for this team. #DoubleShotAtLove 
@B_lashess: It’s not suzi talking it’s her hat, like dead ass it talks #doubleshotatlove
@Derynn_Paige: I guess suzi couldn’t handle me so she went after after everyone else #doubleshotatlove
@nickycugine: “Abs can only get you that far” @PoolPartyPapiii im getting that tatted on me  live by those words cuzzo!!! @MTVShotAtLove #DoubleShotAtLove
@drewtappon: I feel like twitter just exploded when the Cugines joined Chippendales. @MCBrandonS @nickycugine @PoolPartyPapiii #DoubleShotAtLove @MTVShotAtLove
@MTVShotAtLove: Okay, @NikkiHallTM!!! #DoubleShotAtLove  (GIF of her twerking)
@PoolPartyPapiii: Its always Derynn and lashes vs everyone... never can fight their own battles #DoubleShotAtLove
- @B_lashess: @PoolPartyPapiii That’s actually the furthest thing from the truth every girl was on one side tonight EXCEPT suzi
@MariaLElizondo: I think Suzi voiced herself too little too late. The issues was already dealt with between Marissa and Derynn. Yes, what Derynn said was fucked up. I also just think Suzi had her own feelings towards Derynn’s side comments that night.  #Doubleshotatlove
@nickycugine: Fuck it lets party!!!! @MTVShotAtLove @495Prods  #DoubleShotAtLove
@MarissaLucchese: Save the drama for your mama!!!!  #DoubleShotAtLove
@KellyKordei: Suzi is drunk but she isn’t wrong . Derynn is a hater #doubleshotatlove
@sugasugasuzi: Sorry vinny boozy Suzy  #DoubleShotAtLove
@PoolPartyPapiii: "@KellyKordei: Suzi is drunk but she isn’t wrong . Derynn is a hater #doubleshotatlove" RT Facts!
@B_lashess: Are we watching the same show?! #doubleshotatlove
@B_lashess: SUPER AGGRESSIVE?! #doubleshotatlove
@nickycugine: Pretty ricky is the man. Cant disrespect him and sit by his girlfriend @MTVShotAtLove #DoubleShotAtLove
@sugasugasuzi: I blame @nickycugine for the Italian sausage it brought out that east coast beast in me  #DoubleShotAtLove
@B_lashess: Coming to a ballot near you! BE MORE, B-LASHES #blashes2020 #doubleshotatlove
@nickycugine: BLASHES 2020!!!!!!! @MTVShotAtLove  #DoubleShotAtLove
@MariaLElizondo: This is intense #Doubleshotatlove
@sugasugasuzi: The lashes came off #DoubleShotAtLove
@NikkiHallTM: “You know what, she’s really not that wrong..” #DoubleShotAtLove
@MCBrandonS: Omg @B_lashess those aren’t your real lashes?! @MTVShotAtLove #doubleshotatlove
- @B_lashess: @MCBrandonS WORLDS SHOCKED
@B_lashess: Imagine that, someone who Shares the same beauty interests as you, hair, nails, makeup, calling YOU fake?! HAHAHAHA yeah me either #hairflip #doubleshotatlove
@B_lashess: ITS BRITTANI BITCH #doubleshotatlove
@sugasugasuzi: I need a carb Slice of pizza#DoubleShotAtLove
@nickycugine: Godamnnn.. i didnt know suzi was a boss like that.. TAKE MY SHOES OFF... @sugasugasuzi @MTVShotAtLove #DoubleShotAtLove
@MarissaLucchese: Omg @B_lashess just pulled her eyelashes off in the club!! ICONIC #DoubleShotAtLove
@PoolPartyPapiii: Omg omg omg suziiiii making lashes walk home barefoot hahahahaha #doubleshotatlove
@MTVShotAtLove: B-Lashes? Call that DE-LASHES! #DoubleShotAtLove  (GIF: "Guess what, bitch... Now I've got no f______ face on!")
@PoolPartyPapiii: Yesss suziiiii!!!!  It’s Derynn! #doubleshotatlove
@B_lashess: If you bring my mom into it, you’re dead to me, girl bye #doubleshotatlove
@VINNYGUADAGNINO: Leave ricky’s dick out of this !!!! #DoubleShotAtLove
@nickycugine: Yoooo suzi is so gangsta LMAO @sugasugasuzi @MTVShotAtLove  #DoubleShotAtLove
@PoolPartyPapiii: Lmfaooooooo omg omg #douvleshotatlove
@PoolPartyPapiii: I am TEAM @sugasugasuzi !!!!!! #Doubleshotatlove
@sugasugasuzi: Those were my shoes tho!  #DoubleShotAtLove
@MariaLElizondo: Suzi  BRINGING UP THE LIMP DICK NOOOOO LMAO #Doubleshotatlove
@Derynn_Paige: HOBOKEN IS IN NEW JERSEY SUZI #doubleshotatlove
@Derynn_Paige: I fight with my mouth not my hands #doubleshotatlove
@NikkiHallTM: Yo! I’m sorry but I got lost in this fight... like how do I even pick up tweeting? #doubleshotatlove
@B_lashess: Boozy suzi was left speechless right there #doubleshotatlove
@MCBrandonS: @sugasugasuzi IS A WEST COAST GANGSTA MOVE OVER @NateDiaz209@MTVShotAtLove  #doubleshotatlove
@Derynn_Paige: You f with one you f with all #doubleshotatlove
@Derynn_Paige: THATS MY GIRL @B_lashess #doubleshotatlove
@PoolPartyPapiii: It’s Brittany bitch #doubleshotatlove
@B_lashess: Meanwhile suzi coming at me with her lashes hanging on for dear life looking like #Rosa #doubleshotatlove
@Derynn_Paige: GUESS ITS TIME TO DELASH @B_lashess #doubleshotatlove
@Derynn_Paige: It’s Brittani bitch #doubleshotatlove @B_lashess
@B_lashess: You can take the lashes off the girl but YOULL never take the LASHES out of B-LASHES BABY #doubleshotatlove
@blackmxst: NAAA SUZI IS THAT BITCH IM SCREAMINGG  i know that hurt derryns ass #doubleshotatlove
@Aija05: @NikkiHallTM omg As long as Pauly is by her side this girl didn’t want no drama no nothing she was great 
@RickyRogers_: I mean my question is still valid.... #DoubleShotAtLove
- @MTVShotAtLove: @RickyRogers_ Poor thing. #DoubleShotAtLove
@MariaLElizondo: Hoboken just a place where young yt people go to sing Sweet Caroline and Don’t Stop Believing in a crowded bar  #Doubleshotatlove
@MariaLElizondo: Did anyone call Ricky yet for a wellness check?  #Doubleshotatlove
@B_lashess: Bitch PLEASEEEEE #Doubleshotatlove #blashes
@MTVShotAtLove: Iconic. #DoubleShotAtLove  (GIF of B-Lashes and her hair)
@NatalieOkwisa: Yet again, I all I see is suzi speaking facts #DoubleShotAtLove
@B_lashess: Never have I ever ripped my eyelashes off in a club, puts down a finger! #doubleshotatlove
@johannaelise: This drama is a mess #doubleshotatlove
@KellyKordei: Suzie didn’t need a clique. She handled each and everyone of those east coast bitches on her own  #Doubleshotatlove
@B_lashess: I was trying to HELP her @MCBrandonS she came at me!! You’re drunk too #doubleshotatlove
@B_lashess: Seriously, God help me meanwhile all I want to do is eat that fucking cake #doubleshotatlove
- @MTVShotAtLove: @B_lashess how about that cake?! #DoubleShotAtLove
@MCBrandonS: And that’s really how I feel sorry @Derynn_Paige @MTVShotAtLove #doubleshotatlove
@MTVShotAtLove: We do NOT wanna go there again! #DoubleShotAtLove  (GIF of Nikki)
@VINNYGUADAGNINO: Suzy sprayin everyone tonight !!!!! #DoubleShotAtLove
- @MTVShotAtLove: @VINNYGUADAGNINO hide yo kids, hide yo wife #DoubleShotAtLove
@PoolPartyPapiii: Lmfao yo suzi is about this life !!!!! #doubleshotatlove
@sugasugasuzi: @MCBrandonS knows what’s up  #DoubleShotAtLove
@B_lashess: This can’t be real, like wtf #doubleshotatlove
@MTVShotAtLove: Let @NikkiHallTM bake this cake! #DoubleShotAtLove  (GIF: "I'm gonna bite my tongue and I'm gonna make this f___ing cake.")
@sugasugasuzi: I’m literally standing here  #DoubleShotAtLove
@DJPaulyD: This Double Shot Or Bad Girls Club #DoubleShotAtLove
@PoolPartyPapiii: OOooooooooooo MY GODDDDD #doubleshotatlove
@NikkiHallTM: Bake A Cake. Don’t Catch A Case! #DoubleShotAtLove
@B_lashess: @NikkiHallTM paming her out I just died! #doubleshotatlove
@B_lashess: And that concludes tonight’s episode of Boozy Floozy Suzi. Tune in next week to see her do the Dolphin while at work #doubleshotatlove
@B_lashess: Makeup doesn’t define me! Clothes don’t define me! I DEFINE ME! I am smart. I am beautiful I have the biggest fucking heart. I do not hide behind makeup or lashes, I AM ME 24/7 baby #doubleshotatlove
@MCBrandonS: Shit just went 0-100 @MTVShotAtLove #doubleshotatlove
@NikkiHallTM: I just wanted to get my cake pan! #DoubleShotAtLove
@NikkiHallTM: I’m glad I can laugh at this now! #DoubleShotAtLove
@Derynn_Paige: Suzi go to bed #doubleshotatlove
@randomblackchix: I was on Suzy’s side until she came for my girl @NikkiHallTM
@ndameus: Suzi I was with you, until you came at Queen @NikkiHallTM! Back up! #DoubleShotAtLove
@LifeofCelly_: Ok we need 90 minute episodes already what are y'all waiting for!!! #doubleshotatlove
@April_Pickard: Hoboken is now the @MTVShotAtLove version of @JerseyShore version of Secaucus @DJPaulyD @Derynn_Paige #doubleshotatlove #JSFamilyVacation
@iiKrissy_Love: @NikkiHallTM, I'm so proud of you for not popping off pon di gyalll. #doubleshotoflove @MTVShotAtLove
@BigDiBergan: @B_lashess When you ripped your lashes off and then the shoes without missing a beat 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 #blashes4prez2020 #doubleshotatlove
@Derynn_Paige: Guess i put Hoboken on the map #DoubleShotAtLove
@racheeelf3: I love @sugasugasuzi so much!!!! She knows she’s more educated and successful than all these groupie ass hoes. @Sixfive704 #doubleshotatlove
@nanayaaxo: #Doubleshotatlove YEAH @NikkiHallTM SO FUCKING PROUD OF YOU ! A REAL WOMAN children take notes, what she did was called MATURITY
@MariaLElizondo: @NikkiHallTM Suzi ate her up the first half lol not gonna lie
@jamaiicanbaddi1: Everything @NikkiHallTM does is iconic. When she sprayed the fkn oil I screamedSkullSkull Need a gif like now #DoubleShotAtLove
@Jeneebae: 100% nikki is my favorite person ever @NikkiHallTM #doubleshotatlove
@VbzMs: I have so much respect for @NikkiHallTM she handled that well! She wasn't bothering anybody... she just trying to make a cake #DoubleShotAtLove
@DonDsalDon Don Paige - Derynn's dad: @Derynn_Paige "Watched Show with Grandma! Has not seen you for a long time but wanted to tell you something! @MTVShotAtLove #DoubleShotAtLove
- @Derynn_Paige: @DonDsalDon My whole heart and the woman who makes the meanest meatballs out there #loveyougrandma
@Heather414417: Omg Double Shot is the best show ever! Every week I think this show can’t get any better & it does! I can’t wait for next week! Thanks for sharing your lives with us @B_lashess @sugasugasuzi @MarissaLucchese @MariaLElizondo @Derynn_Paige @DJPaulyD
@NewellJennie: Tonight on “Nikki and Maria Take Vegas” they showed us, once again, how classy and peaceful they are and for that, we must stan!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 @MTVShotAtLove @NikkiHallTM @MariaLElizondo
@sarahmarie_99: Just finished tonight’s episode!! @NikkiHallTM you handled the whole suzi situation with so much class! I legit covered my eyes when she started with you Rolling on the floor laughing so much respect for you #doubleshotatlove
@Jessenia20__: Nikki purple romper she had on, on tonight’s episode looked amazing on her period. She’s really a fashion queen @NikkiHallTM  #DoubleShotAtLove
@Jessenia20__: Nikki really handeled Suzi  like a classy women and she kept her composure till the very end #DoubleShotAtLove  @NikkiHallTM
@NikkiHallTM: @MariaLElizondo No lies were spoken!
@MariaLElizondo: See y’all next week!  #Doubleshotatlove

👀    👀    👀

Well, I can tell you that twice I have ventured with some of my fellow cousins for a night at the strip club, and let's just keep that in the club. And quite a night for the Double Shot crew in what, you might call, Hoboken Shore after what went down with Suzi going in on her roommates after their night with the Chippendales.
   And on the topic of that, the strip troupe have been featured a few times before on this website, including the British kings of The Challenge, Rogan and Joss, when they hosted a gig at where it takes place, the Rio off the Strip a year after the ladder donned the famed black tie before Final Reckoning... and Vinny himself last year in spending quality time with Kailah of The Challenge and her man at the time - a friend of Team MTV's, Mikey P.


On Saturday, we brought you Alyssa & Alex's baby gender reveal down in Siesta Key, where they found with the help of a plane flying above the Kompo kingdom that they were having a baby girl, and now baby Alessi is almost two months old. Thanks to the formula of soap opera drama, movie-style cinematography, a catchy musical soundtrack and a cast of hotties, the series can trace its spiritual beginnings all the way out to The Hills, and before that to Laguna Beach.
   Us getting to see the fine gentlemen who roam the beaches in Florida can trace us back to a guy who, also happens to share an Italian ancestor in Talan Torriero, who was on the first two seasons of Laguna as sort of a minor figure in the first and then as more of a key one in the second. You might remember the heartthrob being invited to the hot tub with LC & Lo, was a boyfriend to fashionista Taylor and taking the stage at a benefit fashion show.
   Talan now calls Nebraska home while Pluto has been airing all three seasons of Laguna and as the show now has joined a slew of other MTV shows streaming on CBS All Access, last week he and his wife, Danielle, held a social-distance friendly get-together in the heartland to announce that they have a second kid waiting for them, and below is the gender reveal... for which his Laguna castmates Alex M., Morgan S. and Cedric, along with Brian of The Hills season 1 and Real World alum Trisha of the Sydney season got to say congrats in the IG comments.

A post shared by Talan Torriero (@talantorriero) on

In the coming month, in addition to now focusing in covering the fun in Vegas and the drama in Florida, we plan to cover in some sort Big Brother All Stars as many of you Challenge fans can now look forward to perhaps seeing one or more houseguests turned competitors return to where they began their journey... and we also have a bunch of other great posts from the ExtraTime series that we know you're gonna like. Enjoy the week ahead, and stay safe out there.


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