ADVISORY: #DCSocialPulse contains adult language, objectionable content and spoilers for some readers. Viewer Discretion is Advised. Due to its length, take frequent eye breaks if you're viewing this top to bottom. Enjoy...
It's the first Sunday in February, where in past years this has meant Super Bowl Sunday... but with the NFL's change to a 17-game regular season that is next week as Kansas City and Philadelphia will duke it out in the Arizonan desert. But for those hungry for some actual competition outside of that new format for the Pro Bowl, there's LeBron's quest to become the NBA's newest scoring king, the NHL All-Star Game yesterday, NASCAR tonight at the LA Coliseum, golf at Pebble Beach, plenty of college hoops, and the network debut of Bellator. And then, there's The Challenge: Ride or Dies...
We are into the stretch run that will take the teams that are left in Argentina to the start line of the final challenge... but in the calendar of this DCBLOG site we are at the Week 14 mark. When we last left at the end of Episode 13 -- right at the two-thirds marker, there was a bit of concern for two couples: Nany & Kaycee on different teams, and Amber & Chauncey as during the week's daily he faced having to play for his team or playing it safe just to keep her out of elimination. At week's end, it was Fessy who had to face the music and have karma come back to him and Moriah for their burned vote gone bad as she went into elimination and fell to Nany.
Now, things are about to get crazy as we return down under: you, our readers, will get two for the price of one this week on here: a rare daily challenge taking place at night will come to terrify the pairs as they try to dance their way atop a skyscraper... followed by them taking on a sight synonymous with morning fun: riding a school bus while trying to solve a puzzle. We also have the latest saga to take place in the #Jori soap opera which may reach a potentially big breaking point... but that will pale in comparison with what the teams will have to endure: another Teej-bomb that may change the game again.
After the break, DCBLOG brings you a Double Shot of the Challenge Pulse: an expanded edition covering Episodes 14 & 15 of Ride or Dies. And thank you for joining on in on this Sunday Funday...
► AS THEY SAW IT: "Terrorist of Love"
@TheChallenge: One friendly decision, came back to bite this team in the butt. 😬 Read all about what you missed in episode 13 of #TheChallenge38 right now in the official Challenge newsletter 👏
@TheChallenge: Aneesa's caught in the crossfire 🔥 during tomorrow's episode of #TheChalelnge38! Don't miss it at 8/7c on @MTV! 📺
- @George112233442: HOW DO YOU GUYS NOT KNOW HOW TO SPELL CHALLENGE! these are the people who give us entertainment.. production is so bad they can't spell their own show! #TheChallenge38 @GamerVev
@JustCpalmer: Imagine walking by this group right here👀
@johnnybananas: So let’s say for 💩’s and giggles I was gonna have the Jordanimal on the next Death, Taxes, and Bananas Pod. What questions would you like answered 🤔
@TheChallenge: Three cheers to Moriah for conquering her biggest Challenge fear: The Zone. 👏 Find out if Faysal can keep himself (and Moriah) safe to see another week tonight during an all-new episode of #TheChallenge38 at 8p on @mtv! 💥
@DerrickMTV: Get warmed up for #TheChallenge38 with a Brand New Podcast!! Take a listen as @moriahjadea joins Me & @SHOTOFYAGER! 🎢🤘🔥 - From Fessy to Johnny & all the drama in between! 🎢🤘🔥
@TheChallenge: Two words to describe this week's challenge? NERVE-WRACKING 😬 Catch a new episode of #TheChallenge38 tonight at 8p on @mtv! 📺
- @fessyfitness: @TheChallenge My knees were shakinggggg
@johnnybananas: It takes two to Tango 💃🏻🕺🏻 • @TheChallenge is serving up a full tank of Nightmare Fuel ⛽️ TONIGHT on @MTV 8/7c @oliviakaiserxo
- @oliviakaiserxo: @johnnybananas Tango master🙏🏼
@NurysKMateo: I try to give people the benefit of the doubt and they always prove to me why I shouldn’t do that. Believe who people are the first time they show you!
- @meeshfitz: @NurysKMateo Facts 🗣️
@fessyfitness: Tonight’s a banger. 8 pm mtv
@TheChallenge: Feeling nothing but ✨ 𝓰𝓸𝓸𝓭 𝓿𝓲𝓫𝓮𝓼 ✨ because a new episode of #TheChallenge38 starts now on @mtv! (GIF of Bananas and Jordan)
@MTV: A gift in the form of a brand new episode of #TheChallenge38 is coming your way right now on MTV! 💝 (GIF: Olivia - "That is so sweet. Thank you so much.")
@TheChallenge: Horacio giving another queen her flowers 🥺 ❤️ Happy Birthday @oliviakaiserxo!! 🎂 #TheChallenge38 (Video)
@TheChallenge: Chauncey knows what TJ says about quitters right?! 😳 #TheChallenge38 (GIF: "I don't think I can do this, TJ")
- @JustCpalmer: @TheChallenge Absolutely ‼️ I Told him i’ll never do it again. I keep my word
@JustCpalmer: This was hard for me.. My team was joking about Aneesa and I falling and saying we wouldn’t get it done and it made my fear even worst and took me out mentally.. I don’t ever quit in anything but I felt like I was having an anxiety attack but working on it🙏🏾🤞🏾❤️
@TheChallenge: When I look at my watch and realize I'm only halfway through my run 🏃♂️ #TheChallenge38 (GIF: Bananas - "I'm absolutely dying on the inside")
@TheChallenge: When I look at my watch and realize I'm only halfway through my run 🏃♂️ #TheChallenge38
@FessThaMess: Me watching Fessy and Kaycee during this daily #TheChallenge38
@TheChallenge: Sometimes you just gotta put yourself first 🤷♂️ #TheChallenge38 (GIF: Tori - "There's a part of me that thinks I might just do it")
- @NotPurfect07: @TheChallenge We’re missing out on other house stuff because the focus is on them. It’s a shame.
- @_TVLiveTweeter: @TheChallenge Jordan has shown time & time again he could care less about Tori and her feelings, so I don't know why she even bothers with him. 🤷🏽♀️ #TheChallenge38
- @Bloy28: @TheChallenge The producers put her first. Why shouldn’t she do the same?
- @Wilki2077: @TheChallenge Tori really needs a break from this show and realize there’s the game/show and then real life. Seems she doesn’t know the difference anymore
@gogh_shawty: “You gonna pick a professional soccer player or a tri-athlete with a bad attitude? I don’t know…” LMAO Devin is always nonstop entertainment #TheChallenge38
@TheChallenge: Aneesa is all of us right now 😭 #TheChallenge38
@johnnybananas: This interrogation turned into couples therapy real quick.. #TheChallenge38
@johnnybananas: Hear me out… Horacio < Horac-epes 🦠#TheChallenge38
@JustCpalmer: "@Kenx_0: @justcpalmer. I can’t believe you are the new Darrell Taylor #TheChallenge38" RT Take this as a compliment
@TheChallenge: 😓 💔 #TheChallenge38 (GIF: Jordan - "This is no place for love")
- @manformindy: @TheChallenge Jordan is such a gaslighter - now he looks Tori?? Not when he was hooking up with another woman in her face and going out of his way to burn their alliance blaming her for it.
- @GaiaMostWanted: @TheChallenge And that’s the truth it’s 1,000,000🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑
- @AngelaRiley2316: @TheChallenge Love Jordan!! Tori needs to calm down.
@johnnybananas: Good ole fashioned head banger 😵💥😵 #TheChallenge38
@TheChallenge: The people wanna know ‼️ 👀 #TheChallenge38 (GIF: Fessy - "Are you voting them in or not?")
@moriahjadea: Horacio and Jordan are both amazing competitors and always come into any challenge/elimination with pure confidence in their abilities. Horacio gets voted in elim after elim and never complains
@TheChallenge: This elimination is gonna be GOOOOOD 🥵 Who are y'all cheering for??? #TheChallenge38 (GIF: Bananas - "You're about to see a show")
@ShampooDouglass: It’s about to go down #TheChallenge38
@TheChallenge: Alright well, now I'm crying again 😭😭😭 #TheChallenge38
@johnnybananas: Hell of a fight Jordanimal #TheChallenge38
@moriahjadea: 5-0 Horacio!!!!!!! #TheChallenge38
- @TheRightReality: @moriahjadea The guy is the REAL DEAL! He’s got a career in The Challenge
@moriahjadea: I hate this “for you” page on Twitter??????
@johnnybananas: *Nobody, absolutely no one, not a single soul… Me: 🤓 #TheChallenge38
@TheChallenge: TJ's at the HOUSE?! 😳 Who's in trouble now?!??? 😩 #TheChallenge38 (Video)
@oliviakaiserxo: @tjlavin really keeps us on our toes😅
@johnnybananas: Suck my ass 🤯 @tjlavin #TheChallenge38
@johnnybananas: Tip of the cap @TheChallenge Just when I thought I’d seen it all. You even SHAMWOWED this old war dog 🪖🐶 #TheChallenge38
@TheChallenge: *mic drop* #TheChallenge38 (GIF: TJ - "This is my house")
@moriahjadea: Fessy and I seeing eachother again #thechallenge38
- @meeshfitz: @moriahjadea Stoppppp 😂😂
- @moriahjadea: @meeshfitz 🤣🤣🤣🤣
@Humble_demeanor: @moriahjadea is back in the game!! #Challenge38 #TheChallenge38
@TheChallenge: Only ONE team is making it back into the house. 🏡 See who still has a chance at winning a million dollars when #TheChallenge38 returns Wednesday at 8p on @MTV! 🤑
► IN BETWEEN: All Hail Horacio, All-Stars 4 & Pray for Cory
@johnnybananas: For your listening pleasure… Ladies and gentlemen… I give you… The Jordanimal 💀💰🍌 @ringer #deathtaxesbananas #thechallenge38
@thegreysauce: This still was from my first Gauntlet, and it marked the first time that any single player had sent home another cast member in a Challenge. Sorry to everyone who came after… I figured they’d get rid of the vote offs once they saw me have a nervous breakdown after Gauntlet #5🥺
@Challengeteamtv: Horacio joins Sarah G, Wes & Casey as the only 4 people to win 5 eliminations in one season 👀 #TheChallenge38 @WestonBergmann
- @thegreysauce: Welcome to the Five Timers Club! 🏆
- @jlsupreme: @TheAllanAguirre @thegreysauce you’re still being shown on MTV #icon
- @thegreysauce: If I’m not crying or vomiting, it’s a win for me! 🏅
@oliviasvictory: That was the best ending to an episode! Horacio won another elimination and @moriahjadea is back in the game! Everything I ever wanted! #TheChallenge38
@Irving_A07: Another week of Faysal bragging about how he brought Moriah into the game and handpicked his team 🥱 get some new content, sir! #TheChallenge #TheChallenge38 #TheChallengeRideorDies
@TheAllanAguirre: Fessy joking that he and Tori have "danced" once or twice. Wholly unnecessary. Man is a menace. Lmfao. #TheChallenge38
@Challengeteamtv: The Jordan and Tori drama is way to repetitive at this point 🥴 It’s them arguing in circles at this point #TheChallenge38
@Irving_A07: TJ says Faysal and Kaycee win and I’m over here like 🤨 #TheChallenge #TheChallenge38 #TheChallengeRideorDies
@Irving_A07: The way Tori is trying to gaslight this man right now is disgusting. GTFO with those fake tears 😒 #TheChallenge38 #TheChallengeRideorDies #TheChallenge
@TheAllanAguirre: I know Tori isn't perfect. But straight up, Jordan's being a dick. There's no other way to put it. #TheChallenge38
- @Irving_A07: @TheAllanAguirre Nah bad take. He is being a dick in a way but his feelings need to be validated as well and Tori has done nothing but gaslight him time and time again
- @JayKayOohh: @TheAllanAguirre How??? She’s playing the victim super hard in this when she was in the wrong. The game is the game and real life is real life. And she threatened their real life relationship because of a game movie. Definitely wrong of her to do.
- @seriouslybitchx: @TheAllanAguirre I dislike them both but I agree with Jordan. She keeps trying to emotionally manipulate him to do what she wants.
- @nageMrelkaW: @TheAllanAguirre Very rarely do I disagree with you! But this time I do think Jordan was in the right and her wayyy in the wrong. I do feel for her though. No one is perfect! But I love that they both apologize and love each other still.
- @sindysus: @TheAllanAguirre She’s literally the one that started the whole thing
- @scorpihoe21: @TheAllanAguirre How so? It seems like his feelings are hurt..we’re playing a fake game and you’re taking my REAL feelings and dangling it in my face, that’s not fair either.
- @Williebugz88: @TheAllanAguirre Nah he’s not.. She was in the wrong to bring up their real life relationship into play and hold it over him in a GAME move.. Especially to say a dude that she slept with.. while they were potentially still together or even if they were on a temporary break..
- @Jim674: @TheAllanAguirre Nah. Tori needs to pump the brakes. Like she needs to stop.
- @oliviasvictory: @TheAllanAguirre Oh I agree. Tori is actually somewhat growing on me, which I'm really surprised about
- @MTVBURNVOTELEE: @TheAllanAguirre Jordan is the actual victim. Tori playing victim bc she don’t have anybody to hook up with. She cheated w Fessy, had flings with Eman, Kelz ON TV since the break up but now Jordan having flings he’s wrong? THEN use their relationship as a crutch to save THE MAN SHE CHEATED W? Na
- @_soxinsider: @TheAllanAguirre Yeah he was, she was also kind of messy too. That was a sweet moment when he apologizes at the end of the elimination
- @Cham68585812: @TheAllanAguirre I'm so confused, why does he keep talking about how much he loves her but then wonders why she gets emotional and yells at him after he calls her a terrorist
@rainbr0jesus: jordan aint wrong tbh like please dont use personal shit in an imaginary game imma be mad every single time #TheChallenge38
@CohenBrian_: Jordan vs Horacio in “Balls In” is what this show was created for. #TheChallenge38
- @lashtweets: @CohenBrian_ lmmao i forgot about this - we should do that again
@TheAllanAguirre: The same man who never gets Headbanger eliminations pulls his second straight Safe Dagger? Color me shocked. #TheChallenge38
- @dbart777: @TheAllanAguirre Ngl, I thought it was gonna be rigged for Jordan only cuz of the storyline of him and tori (it seems to be a production fav)
- @TheAllanAguirre: @dbart777 They sent Jordan into a Pole Wrestle with one hand
- @LucasOwnes19: @TheAllanAguirre He did the same in rivals 3
- @oliviasvictory: @TheAllanAguirre
- @lexyarnold: @TheAllanAguirre And they let him slide into the final and win it all. Pretends to be shocked.
- @Sye_Lokata: @TheAllanAguirre Devin recognizes a certain flaw or pattern to the SAFE DAGGER, which is why he knows exactly which one to pull. 🗡
- @kcdageneral56: @TheAllanAguirre It’s the white skulls all over again
- @theetravoneal: @TheAllanAguirre This is why the challenge has fell off they are producing and rigging like crazy🤦🏽♂️so glad I ain’t watch this season
@TheAllanAguirre: Gonna be real, never expected I'd watch an elimination where Jordan tries to win with Brute Force. He's the guy known for being fast and agile, and Horacio's got him slipping. #TheChallenge38
- @nycgyps: @TheAllanAguirre WHY was he so far from the basket?!?! Stand closer!!!!!
- @tytyriek1: @TheAllanAguirre I think Horacio experience applies here defensively. So I get Jordan plan but his wrestling experience could of helped if he got closer to the ball on the ground
- @quimera103: @TheAllanAguirre Horacio is freaking strong, he dragged Jordan with one leg and never lost his balance 🦵
- @godzilladal: @TheAllanAguirre Horacio has been playing fútbol since he was 4, the agility, speed, and strength you need to take people one on one in that sport is out of this world, and Horacio happens to be an expert on one on one’s.
- @abach516: @TheAllanAguirre Especially after losing the first 2 rounds, it really surprised me that Jordan still made the first move on his last defensive attempt. He’s smarter than that, just didn’t make sense he would keep the same strategy.
- @beezybee1215: @TheAllanAguirre The problem is Horacio is known for the same thing so Jordan tried something different in hopes to counter it. Didn’t work. Don’t blame him for giving it a shot tho. Horacio probably is a lot more agile with the soccer history.
- @martydawwgg: @TheAllanAguirre He got to aggressively on defense. First time on offense he uses his bad hand to basically punch dude straight in the face
@TheAllanAguirre: Horacio beats Jordan! He is now 5-0 in Eliminations! Horacio ties Sarah Greyson, Wes Bergmann, and Casey Cooper for the Single Season Elimination Record. First person to win 5 eliminations in a season in over 17 years!! And the season isn't over either. #TheChallenge38
- @ClaytonWayne8: @TheAllanAguirre I find it funny that everyone that won five in a row were on their rookie season. That kinda weird right?
- @TheAllanAguirre: @ClaytonWayne8 I would say it's the best chance you have of happening for sure. People throw in rookies over and over again.
- @tennisprincess2: @TheAllanAguirre Sooo proud of Horacio!!! Love both him & Jordan but wat a battle that was. Truly!! Thats so amazing he tied 4 Single Season Elimination. #TheChallenge38
- @Sye_Lokata: @TheAllanAguirre These Vets finally got a wake up call… They’re so scared that their time of reign is coming to an end. By next season, they’ll start working with rookies more lol
- @N0TC0ACH: @TheAllanAguirre Dude is a monster! Love this kid!
@Irving_A07: I know some people have been putting an asterisk to some of Horacio’s elimination wins, but beating Jordan, one of the best to ever do it, is insane. Horacio’s a beast and deserves all the credit! 💪🏼😎 #TheChallenge #TheChallenge38 #TheChallengeRideorDies
@TheAllanAguirre: I absolute love that they showed footage of Sarah Greyson and Wes & Casey when highlighting Horacio's elimination. They happened so long ago, but such important moments. Get Sarah on All-Stars 4! #TheChallenge38
- @seandomanick: @TheAllanAguirre They need to get gauntlet I on @paramountplus so we can watch @thegreysauce dominant
- @nipcholas25: @TheAllanAguirre I love when they pay respect to past players and moments of the show. It's still so good that Casey (the real Casey) of all people holds a record like that haha.
- @alexxarnold: @TheAllanAguirre They should openly talk about records/challenge history more often. Like elimination wins, daily wins, especially when they are ones we’ve seen multiple times
@Dmuthafuckinroc: Was Tori crying this much when she was off fucking Emmanuel last season? No that’s right. #Fake #TheChallenge38
@Irving_A07: Sad to see Jordan go, but I am so happy we can finally move on from the Jordan/Tori drama!! 😃 #TheChallenge38 #TheChallengeRideorDies #thechallenge
@TheAllanAguirre: Please just send the home and start the Final. It would be way more fun that way. #TheChallenge38
- @DustyDust017: @TheAllanAguirre Honestly would’ve been a gag and I love it
- @LeoEson: @TheAllanAguirre That would've been hilarious lmao
- @Amanda52888619: @TheAllanAguirre I would have loved it if he just was like okay see ya guys! Peace out your ride or dies were fake (exception Kaycee kenny since they are related)
- @tennisprincess2: @TheAllanAguirre Exactly I was like plssss send Fessy home & then him complain he didnt make it to a final & win. Lol 😂😂😂 #TheChallenge38
- @vivalagorda: @TheAllanAguirre Fessys face was hilarious. He really thought he was about to go home and I was living for that moment
- @PGHSports4Life: @TheAllanAguirre Why would you want the season to be over quicker? Has it been the most entertaining season? No. But it's still a good season. Very competitive challenges and eliminations. Give me as many episodes as possible please. Love watching every Wednesday night
@TheAllanAguirre: Fessy: Melissa, I missed you so much! #TheChallenge38
@TheAllanAguirre: They are back in their original pairs. The last 5 weeks was done only as a way to get more episodes out of a season that didn't have the drama for extra episodes. But they wanted more episodes. #TheChallenge38
- @msully5433: @TheAllanAguirre You know you people don’t HAVE to watch the show right?
- @TheAllanAguirre: @msully5433 I like the show. I just know/want it to be better. Pretty simple. This twist hurt a season that was about to get exciting.
- @VisionofWayne: @TheAllanAguirre Crazy thing is with the amount of drama they had at the beginning of the season they could’ve had the extra episodes then😵💫😵💫😵💫
- @Broseidon711: @TheAllanAguirre I’m kinda glad they did this team twist just to expose Fessy for how he treated Moriah
- @chandrapntx: @TheAllanAguirre This season is such a struggle to watch...thank goodness for Horacio and Olivia cuz it's otherwise a complete waste
- @oliviasvictory: @TheAllanAguirre I'm sure they're not airing over half of the drama that happened. There had to have been more than all the Tori and Jordan drama
- @Cham68585812: @TheAllanAguirre I mean they could've had more drama if they actually showed anything that happened this season...
- @JRGrayson: @TheAllanAguirre I feel like legit every conversation on this season is staged. Snoozer.
- @challenge_OGme: @TheAllanAguirre It’s actually just a mash-up of bloodlines (pairs- broke into teams with BL on opposite team and then back to pairs) mixed with Free Agents Draw card flip with a sprinkle of dirty 30 draw where you can send someone else in except this time you keep someone safe
@TheAllanAguirre: Kaycee had a tough time remembering her brother was on the show. Then she had a tougher time realizing she was going to have compete with him. #TheChallenge38
@TheAllanAguirre: I love how they tried dramatically edit the Redemption as if Fessy & Moriah didn't dominate and win it immediately #TheChallenge38
- @dagipe: @TheAllanAguirre Isn’t it a coincidence that every time Fessy is in elimination, it has to do with strength.
- @TheAllanAguirre: @dagipe I mean he's beating most of the guys in challenges when it comes to speed and puzzles too
- @CohenBrian_: @TheAllanAguirre the rarest of challenges that was far longer on the show than in reality
- @kunoichi4ever: @TheAllanAguirre I loved how Moriah and Fessy tried to pretend they are happy they are stuck together once again 😅😂
- @Venatrix18: @TheAllanAguirre I noticed that. They rolled it up and never had to start over, right? It was probably a minute and a half, tops
- @allysabene: @TheAllanAguirre Longest minute ever!
@CohenBrian_: When you don’t send anyone home for 6 weeks it sure makes it easy to reach 22 episodes for a season. #TheChallenge
@britbrat878: All of that and you didn’t say Jordan’s name? SMH, I wanted more drama and more fighting #TheChallenge38 #thechallenge #TheChallengeRideorDies
@Irving_A07: Kaycee lowkey mad AF that her brother is back 😭 she was sitting so well, on a winning team, never even considered for elimination and now there’s a good chance she’s going home #thechallenge #thechallenge38 #TheChallengeRideorDies
- @Jim674: Kenny did what no other challenger has been able to do so far - take Kaycee out before the final #TheChallenge38
- @DeeDallasstar: @Irving_A07 Same with Fessy 😅🤣 They both were hoping they would run the final together without their supposed ride or dies
- @Fashion_Nexus: @Irving_A07 Yea, no chance she was winning with him, i don't doubt her capabilities after what her and Chauncey did in that 1 daily, she has the strength, but yea, gotta have a better partner
- @LilNiK8: @Irving_A07 idk why she would bring her brother as her ride or die. He’s worse than Nany
- @trene_r: @Irving_A07 Kacee is trash but everyone looks past it because she's a good athlete and has Fessy and Josh as back up.
- @Texasbred83: @Irving_A07 Yep! And Aneesa thought she was gonna ride all the way to the final too! 😩🤣🤣🤣🤣
@TheAllanAguirre: New Ride or Dies Recap I just published The Challenge Ride or Dies Episode 14 Recap: 10 Biggest Takeaways #TheChallenge38
@Malik_MTV: I love how Horacio is the threat Faysal thought he would be #thechallenge38
@aitufour: Horacio has won as many eliminations in one season as Nany has in 12 #TheChallenge38
- @_eRawwWW: @aitufour She’s not good in eliminations but in her defense, she politics to never go in. I highly doubt she will ever go in twice in 1 season
- @aitufour: @_eRawwWW She’s gone into 17 eliminations
- @honjeddles: @aitufour This doesn’t count her 4 Ex-ile wins with Bananas on Exes 2, but yes for main game eliminations she is 5-10.
- @aitufour: @honjeddles I was going off of main game 😂
@TAKEMEBACK2LA: Not sure how people dq’ing in a TEAM didn’t result in a TEAM loss. Everything about this makes literally 0 fucking sense. #TheChallenge38
@andrewmendez93: The fact that Faysal got into the 5-0 elimination club tonight but we're all too busy focusing on Horacio also making it tonight and on his DEBUT season 🤭
@TheChallenge: Doing the tango on a narrow beam is not easy, ESPECIALLY from twenty stories off the ground. 🥵 💃 #TheChallenge38
@1TimMurray Tim Murray/VSIN: Is there a feud brewing between @MTVDevinWalker and @TheChallenge super fan @danorlovsky7? I had to ask Devin about some recent Twitter exchanges last night... Word on the street... there is a Walker vs Orlovsky golf showdown in the works
- @MTVDevinWalker: Well cats out of the bag… but the offer still stands @danorlovsky7
@Broseidon711: The fact Fessy said “I see u now” when Horacio won his like 4th or 5th elimination and has out performed him all season is absolutely hilarious ☠️🤭 #TheChallengeRideorDies #TheChallenge38 #TheChallenge
@ChallengeStats: Horacio joins Sarah, Wes and Casey as the only players in the history of #TheChallenge to win 5 eliminations on their debut season @thegreysauce @WestonBergmann #TheChallenge38
@jaychallenge1: So Josh doesn’t want moriah to speak on fessy cause he brought her on the show ????? So tf what she can say what she wants about HER EXPERIENCE like what was he even talking about
@TooChallenge: Have you been enjoying the Tori/Jordan drama this season or are you sick of it? 🤔 #TheChallenge
@TooChallenge: After beating Jordan in elimination, Horacio has now won 5 eliminations on his rookie season. Would you consider him one of the best rookies of all time? 🤔 #TheChallenge
@TJsAirhorn: Call Me Maybe and Livin La Vida Loca in the same episode? @TheChallenge if you wanted my phone number you could have just asked. No need to flirt in public like that.
@happygolocky: This was dumb. There’s no tension because we knew their partners were coming back… They should have kept the audience in the dark IMO. #TheChallenge38
- @prestuhnn: @happygolocky no they shouldnt bc yall woulda complained and screamed rig. please stop
- @happygolocky: @prestuhnn They could have filmed it but didn’t need to air straight away to ruin the moment.
- @sittingwanderer: @happygolocky Tbh they should have sent all 3 home…
- @Lopez_Phillip: @happygolocky Yeah but doing teams during a ride or die season made ppl upset, so they needed to tell us it was temporary
- @NotPurfect07: @happygolocky They should have sent the TWO losing teams home. Purge style.
- @Sutherla2Jessey: @happygolocky It was great we knew because if they didnt warn us ya'll would say it was rigged for Jordan to come back. Lmao
- @SuperSal92: @happygolocky It would have been a better twist for them to be sent home because they didn't protect their ride or dies. That would have been MASSIVE
- @glzzzzmtvvr: @happygolocky I would have loved if they would have said goodbye your time has come. It is ride or die for a reason.
- @charlieeware: @happygolocky No we didn’t 😂 we knew Mariah had a chance to fight back in. That’s it.
- @AKA_Albie: @happygolocky Hard disagree. It was nice to know something they didn't. And we still didn't know how they'd get back in the game nor that they're partners who previously had been safe would become at risk.
- @Alex_cali3391: @happygolocky Challenge fans are never happy, we want more drama, we don’t want drama, we want more challenges, no back to more drama, we want new challengers, no not those other new ones, make Johnny retire no bring him back. Shut up and enjoy the dam show for what it is, a show
- @jimfantazzia: @happygolocky it was still tense for them...Fessy looked like he was about to cry at the thought of going home.
- @inforredvox: @happygolocky I didn’t hate it the idea but to only eliminate 2 teams at the end of all of it seemed like it was just overly pumped up for little payoff
- @akSarris: @happygolocky We didn’t know they were coming back in, the three of them could have been doing an elimination and then that partner would have been sent home. Nothing about this screamed their partners were coming back right now.
- @amberruns26pt2: @happygolocky They were like "oh we were only able to get rid of one team this way? I guess it's not working like we thought it would...."
- @LadyTee029: @happygolocky I actually wasnt really sure they would stay, since they can live or DIE by their RorD's. With Messy saying he didn't care about M, I was hoping they based returning on loyalty to each other or something, since he's the only one that turned.
- @Chief936: @happygolocky All the critics out there…smh. So tired of seeing all the critics about the show. Stop watching if you don’t like it
- @Zachironside89: @happygolocky Y’all find a reason to complain about absolutely everything. Especially if they don’t do exactly what you think they should do. It was fun. Quit crying
@TheAllanAguirre: Challenge All Stars 4 has a cast list of like 20 people and it's filming in South Africa. That's the exact amount of people for an Inferno season and where Inferno 3 was set. Are we getting Good Guys vs Bad Asses? #TheChallengeAllStars4
- @Challengeteamtv: @TheAllanAguirre We haven’t add everyone on the cast it would be as big as season 2 & 3.
- @SHOTOFYAGER: @TheAllanAguirre BAD ASSES today are like “PEOPLE WHO CURSE…”
- @honjeddles: @TheAllanAguirre Would be great, but it’s in South Africa because they’re filming in the same house they did World Championship in.
@CohenBrian_: Wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait #TheChallengeAllStars4
- @seany_sheep: @CohenBrian_ brian I’m gonna need you to check the cast list again because WHEW
- @CohenBrian_: @seany_sheep it’s a wild ride!
@ZNichols15: All-Stars 4 female cast is looking tough. As for the men, we finally get to set the clocks back to [REDACTED].
@CoryWharton/Jan 15: Day 11 📝 We are still at the hospital in ICU, this has been the worst experience of my life, to watch your child sit there and stare into your soul to DO SOMETHING to help and there’s nothing I can do smfh 🤬 I don’t even know how to sum it all up😣 I just continue to pray 🙏🏽
- @TheMarkLong: This breaks my heart ❤️ EVERYONE get those prayers out today please🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
- @JonBrennan_com: @CoryWharton Joining you in prayer bro
- @MelindastolpMTV: @CoryWharton 😔 this just breaks my heart! Your family, especially your little one is in my heart & thoughts. Putting positivity into the universe that she continues to fight and to pull through! I am so sorry for what you are going through! If there is anything I can do, I please reach out!
- @johnnybananas: Thinking about you and your baby girl Cory 🙏❤️
@CoryWharton/Jan 18: I have some GOOD news, WE finally got released from the hospital 🙏🏽❤️ I always try to stay positive and being at the Children’s Hospital for two weeks & seeing some families who have been up there for months or years & some won’t leave the hospital. I’m just THANKFUL ❤️🫶🏽
► AS THEY SAW IT: "Knot A Problem"
@TheChallenge: Jordan and Horacio had us on the edge of our seats during Balls In. 😬 #TheChallenge38
@SHOTOFYAGER: 🚨NEW RIDE ALONG PODCAST! @DerrickMTV & I break down the loaded episode of #TheChallenge38 last night, that epic elimination, Horacio's impressive rookie season, the Moriah v Josh stuff going on & MUCH MORE! 📲LISTEN HERE: #TheChallenge #ChallengeMania
@johnnybananas: Chicken Soup for the Soul?🐔 More like Jumper Cables to the Nipples ⚡️⚡️ The Jordanimal breaks down his Soap Opera of a season 🥹 His Love Triangle with Nurys and Tori 🔺 & sets the record straight on his beef with just about everyone else in the house 🏠
@SHOTOFYAGER: 🚨BREAKING NEWS!🚨 🌋Excited to announce that the incomparable @WestonBergmann has been added to our already loaded lineup for #ChallengeMania KC on Feb 18th! 🎤He'll be a part of the Panel Q&A & Meet N Greet! 🎟️Head to ChallengeMania.Live to come see him talk #TheChallenge!
@DerrickMTV: RULES?!?! THERE ARE NO RULES!! Take a listen as Me & @SHOTOFYAGER rip through all the unforeseeable events that transpired this week & every week on #TheChallenge!! -BONUS PODCAST is UP & available to patrons at
@TheChallenge: The 5️⃣-timers club just got a new member! 🥳 Congratulations to Horacio for getting his FIFTH elimination win 👏 He now joins Sarah, Casey, & Wes in The Challenge Hall Of Fame for most elimination wins in a single season. 🏆 #TheChallenge38
@TheChallenge: Moriah didn't let Faysal down and now they're back in the game! 🙏😈 #TheChallenge38
@DerrickMTV: NEW PODCAST! Is Horacio on pace to reach GOAT status?! Take a listen as Ho joins me & @SHOTOFYAGER & talks girlfriends, that epic elimination vs Jordan, & his heavy experience for #TheChallenge! UP NOW for patrons at UP MONDAY at
@TheChallenge: Ooooo @JOSHMBB19 is spilling ALL the tea ☕️ on this week's episode of The Challenge podcast. 👀 Hear why he wasn't on this season of #TheChallenge38, where he stands with the Vacation Alliance, plus more wherever you stream podcasts! 🎧
@thejuliacarter: The daily challenge should have been CUMULATIVE time with Chauncey and Aneesa getting a penalty for the team time. There was no repercussion of not contributing meanwhile all of the other team’s players contributed 😒 #TheChallenge38
@TooChallenge: Agree or Disagree? 🤔 The Rivals Trilogy had the most predictable winners in challenge history. #TheChallenge
- @TheAllanAguirre: Bananas & Tyler felt far less important the entire season than Wes & Kenny, CT & partner, Mike & Leroy, and Evan & Nehemiah. The other winners, yeah, pretty predictable. But predictable in a satisfying way.
@TooChallenge: The amount of consecutive seasons that the non eliminated Vets have done. 😱 Who do you think needs to take a break next season? 🤔 #TheChallenge #TheChallenge38 #TheChallengeRideorDies
@TheChallenge: Raise your hand if you can KNOT wait to see how this elimination plays out. 🙋♂️👀 #TheChallenge38 is all-new tomorrow at 8p on @mtv! ✌️
@johnnybananas: BunStoppable 🍞🍞 #SnowBunnies #BananasTravels @TheChallenge
@kmacisco: Invasion would’ve been a much better season if the champs actually went against the rookies in elims
@TheChallenge: Do YOU think Faysal and Moriah can get on the same page? 📖 Don't miss a brand new episode of #TheChallenge38 tonight at 8/7c and stick around after the show for the SEASON PREMIERE of @AREUTHE1 🏝, only on @mtv! 👏
@TheChallenge: Can confirm school buses and ball pits are still as chaotic as they were when we were kids ✅ Roll into a brand new episode of #TheChallenge38 in just 1️⃣-hour on @MTV!
@TheChallenge: Get ready for an all-new episode of #TheChallenge38 starting NOW on @mtv! 😈 (GIF of Aneesa and Jordan)
@lalisa810: Me when I realize it's Wednesday and #TheChallenge is on tonight!! #TheChallenge38
@TheChallenge: it’s the tough love for me 😩 #TheChallenge38 (Video of Aneesa and Jordan in elimination)
@johnnybananas: Ooh @TheChallenge … You’re a knotty one 😉💋🪢 #TheChallenge38
@TheChallenge: this rope burn is NO JOKE 💀 💀 💀 #TheChallenge38 (GIF: "Oow! Oh my cooch.")
@Broseidon711: Bananas when Aneesa hurt her cooch #TheChallenge38 #TheChallenge #TheChallengeRideorDies
@Humble_demeanor: Oh this will be a close elimination. #TheChallenge38 #TheChallenge
@johnnybananas: My cootch hurts just watching this challenge 🥺 #TheChallenge38
@johnnybananas: Keep your chin up @ThatStudMuffin hell of a season 🙏 #TheChallenge38
@DynamoCreative: Johnny Bananas whenever he hears “cooch” #TheChallenge38
@TheChallenge: Aneesa 🥺 🥺 🥺 #TheChallenge38
@TheChallenge: "we don't feel pain!!!!! 😡🗣" speak for yourself sir 😭 #TheChallenge38 (Video of Jordan)
@oliviakaiserxo: I’m not crying, you’re crying 🥲 #TheChallenge38
@TheChallenge: respectfully, my heart can't take all of these emotions at once 😭 #TheChallenge38 (GIF: Kaycee - "You're not alone")
@johnnybananas: Congrats to Jordan and @AneesaMTV’s cootch for making it back into the house 👏 #TheChallenge38
@TheChallenge: Do you think Moriah and Faysal will be able to turn a new leaf and put their differences aside?! 👀 #TheChallenge38
- oh yeah 11.4% / definitely not 88.6%
2,339 votes · Final results
@johnnybananas: You got me, I’ve got us Nany ❤️ #TeamBanany #TheChallenge38
@TheChallenge: sending love to Nany 🥺 😪 #TheChallenge38 (GIF: "It's hard... to be here")
@TheChallenge: if someone asks me what the definition of 'ride or die' is, i'm showing them this ⬇️ 💙 #TheChallenge38 (Video of Bananas talking to Nany)
- @johnnybananas: @TheChallenge Just tryin to be more like @fessyfitness 😂
- @fessyfitness: @johnnybananas You gotta stay hip with the times brother
@moriahjadea: This was my favorite challenge lmfao!!!!!! #thechallenge38
@TheChallenge: I can only imagine the number of bruises Amber had after this challenge 😩 #TheChallenge38 (GIF of daily)
@ASHBRUNER: @tjlavin is SO WRONG for this Run Away Ride Challenge 😭🤣but I’m all for it 🪦 ☠️ #TheChallenge38
@moriahjadea: Pulling up to this challenge we all thought it was the ocean because of the fog and I was so pissed LMAO when I saw a race track my mood went 0-100 lmao!!!! #thechallenge38
@TheChallenge: would NOT recommend doing this challenge if you're prone to motion sickness 🤮😂 #TheChallenge38 (GIF: Amber to Chauncey - "I'm looking... I'm also throwing up")
@TheChallenge: me watching everyone be thrown around this bus like #TheChallenge38 (GIF: Olivia and Horacio watching)
@johnnybananas: I guess all those days at @ChuckECheese paid off! Who’s laughing now mom? #teambanany #TheChallenge38
@johnnybananas: Are you #TeamBanany ? PROVE IT! 🫵🍌💃🏻 #TheChallenge38
@TheChallenge: how i mentally prepare when my boss says "can I talk to you for a second?" 😅 #TheChallenge38 (GIF of Horacio warming up)
@TheChallenge: “Historically, people that nominate themselves go home.” The facts DO speak for themselves 🤷♂️ #TheChallenge38
@johnnybananas: Absence makes the heart grow fonder, but sure makes the rest of you lonely 😕 #TheChallenge38
@TheChallenge: i want someone who looks at me the same way Amber looks at Chauncey 💘 #TheChallenge38 (GIF of them)
@oliviakaiserxo: Luck was DEFINITELY on our side tonight🙏🏼 #TheChallenge38
@TheChallenge: voting yourself in this late in the game????? a BOLD move 🥵 #TheChallenge38 (GIF: TJ Lavin - "You know there's a million dollars on the line?")
@TheChallenge: Who are you guys rooting for tonight?!?! LMK ⬇️ #TheChallenge38
@horaciohive: “I don’t love everybody that’s here” Chauncey speaking real #TheChallenge38
@johnnybananas: What a battle! #TheChallenge38
@TheChallenge: We're about to find out where everyone's TRUE loyalties lie. 👀 Don't miss #TheChallenge38 next Wednesday on MTV. 📺
@johnnybananas: The JORDANIMAL 👹 #TheChallenge38
@johnnybananas: Great game @amberborzotra and @JustCpalmer ❤️👏 #TheChallenge38
@oliviakaiserxo: When is this damn final!!!!! #TheChallenge38
@TheChallenge: the challengers aren't the only ones saying sweet nothings to each other 😉 stick around to see if 22 singles can find their perfect matches on #AYTO RIGHT NOW on MTV 🎉 #TheChallenge38
@ChallengeStats: Counting All Stars, Aneesa now officially takes away Cara Maria's record of most elimination wins by a woman (14) Without counting All Stars, they are tied on wins: Aneesa's record is 13-12, and Cara Maria's record is 13-6 #TheChallenge38
@_Alex_gator: How dare they not give Young Dagger a chance to draw the safe dagger #TheChallenge38 #TheChallengeRideorDies @MTVDevinWalker
@TheAllanAguirre: Jordan to Aneesa: Just be semi-athletic. Aneesa: Should I pull this rope or something? Jordan: Just do anything. Jesus Christ. #TheChallenge38
@Irving_A07: Kenny was able to do what no one has done in 4 seasons. Get Kaycee out of the game 😫 #TheChallenge #TheChallenge38 #TheChallengeRideOrDies
@TheAllanAguirre: Jordan was a bit of a Dick during the elimination, but he pushed Aneesa so she wouldn't give up on herself like she usually would. I don't know if these count as elimination wins/losses, but it's a big win for them. #TheChallenge38
- @sularichblessed: @TheAllanAguirre U always criticize Jordan for everything he does in his life I don’t get it he’s not supposed to have emotions you’re a every tiny thing is criticized for him ...I hope u heal from that hate ...I love Jordan for his performance on challenge
- @TheAllanAguirre: @sularichblessed I hype Jordan up all the time and call him the Greatest Player to Ever Compete on the show. I've interviewed and talked to him, he knows who he is. He's a jerk some times.
@TheAllanAguirre: Kaycee gets eliminated before the Final for the first time in her Challenge career! Laurel, Susie, and Coral remain the only female players to go to the Final their first four seasons in a row! Crazy. #TheChallenge38
@TheAllanAguirre: Can't imagine watching the rest the season without their presence in confessionals. #TheChallenge38
@TheAllanAguirre: Fessy to Moriah: I felt betrayed when I treated you terribly and you reacted appropriately. #TheChallenge38
- @TheNikkiSin: @TheAllanAguirre “I’m sorry you felt that way” 🚩 BE SORRY YOU MADE HER FEEL THAT WAY
- @Nysocrgrl: @TheAllanAguirre Reminds me of old school Bananas, Evan, Kenny and how they treated the gals
- @oliviasvictory: @TheAllanAguirre Fessy is so annoying. Can they PLEASE stop casting him?!
- @Nathanielnotn8: @TheAllanAguirre And I hate that ppl online even some ppl on the cast have the nerve to say that he’s just “shy”. No, he’s a manipulator who throws rocks and hides his hand.
@TheAllanAguirre: Fessy: So you come here often? What's your IG Handle? Moriah: Fessy, it's me Moriah, your partner on this season. Fessy: That's chill. I'm a bit of an introvert. You got an Onlyfans? I do. Shoutout for shoutout? #TheChallenge38
@TheAllanAguirre: This is forreal the ball pit from hell lmao #TheChallenge38
@Irving_A07: Tori puking in the bus is why I didn’t like to go in the McDonalds ball pit as a child 😷 #TheChallenge #TheChallengeRideOrDies #TheChallenge38
@TheAllanAguirre: Bananas and Nany win the first daily back as pairs. It's very clear they were throwing dailies for weeks early on when nominating four people was unnecessarily dangerous. Now that a win guarantees you're closer to the Final, they're giving 110% again. #TheChallenge38
- @EVLbyAssoc: @TheAllanAguirre This is why the current format is terrible. People aren’t giving it their all like they used to. Producers need to go back to the old formats of last going in so people actually try
- @kunoichi4ever: @TheAllanAguirre Main reason why i dont like them. I get it, but I am with Jordan and Laurel who disagreed with bananas´s playstyle this season. This show is about competing, IF i wanted to watch a social game and politicking I d honestly choose BB.
- @CRB704: @TheAllanAguirre It’s more clear this competition was produced & fake
- @josewithGod: @TheAllanAguirre Did he also throws getting thrown to the este rn by Horacio? Did he also throw loosing to Horacio and Amber with Tori? The old man isn’t competing nomore
- @mahroofisgone: @TheAllanAguirre Oh they go last again and win again. Again against Olivia and Horacio. I'm not buying it
- @JeremyInTampa: @TheAllanAguirre They were never throwing challenges. Stop.
@TheAllanAguirre: Fessy thinking his performance and loyalty is what kept them safe. Moriah nodding her head and knowing it's the relationship she formed with Bananas. 😂😂😂 #TheChallenge38
- @DrPacoHinton Dr. Paco Hinton Jr/Podcaster: @TheAllanAguirre I don’t see Fessy beating Horacio in a marathon final. We shall see.
- @Fashion_Nexus: @TheAllanAguirre Maybe, but don't you think bananas also thought next daily fessy could win, i get kept safe? You also don't think nany was thinking of kaycee to protect her guy fessy?
- @BranDstraightup: @TheAllanAguirre This dude here is SOMETHING!!! He really be feeling himself. Moriah said them, I can’t for him to watch this or one of his peers back home that he respects tell him the truth. #TheChallenge38
- @NeighboringP: @TheAllanAguirre Everytime I look at fessy he reminds me of channing tatum.... so now I dont like channing anymore 🤷🏾♀️
- @arynkatereeves: @TheAllanAguirre I also was thinking about the assumption that Olivia/Horacio would have saved them too. And it’s because Olivia and Moriah are friends right? Without Kaycee, she’s the social powerhouse of their pair
- @holls20824: @TheAllanAguirre Id love to read an actual think piece by you about Fessy. Like on paper he seems like he'd be a challenge favorite & MTV keeps trying to make it happen..but he just has absolutely no charisma (on tv)? Or something?! It's confounding
@TheAllanAguirre: Amber and Chauncey are a lovely couple. Just so much love and admiration for one another. #TheChallenge38
@TheAllanAguirre: I love Horacio & Olivia. But when it's so close to the Final, you HAVE to throw Devin & Tori into elimination. They're a way bigger threat in the Final than Aneesa. Rookie Mistake. #TheChallenge38
- @oliviakaiserxo: @TheAllanAguirre Be patient, we had a reason for everything... I think we did okay😜
- @TheAllanAguirre: @oliviakaiserxo I was feeling pretty patient until you said that! Now I'm curious.
- @AliThompson08: @TheAllanAguirre Same! Also, throw your allies a bone. Geez.
- @kunoichi4ever: @TheAllanAguirre Looking at this elimination Amber and Chauncey d have lost it to Devin and Tori too tho. Chauncey is doing horribly and Jordan is still half of Devin weight wise. Bananas has been calling Devin a snake the whole podcast. I am fully expecting that there was a deal we did not see that may save Olivia and Horaico next week. Anyone who knows Devin/Wes playstlye knows he d team up w the lesser threats right about now to take our Bananas/Fessy.
- @Fashion_Nexus: @TheAllanAguirre When logic fails, you have to wonder what else is at play
- @Seanjoy93765788: @TheAllanAguirre I thought the same exact thing 100%. I also understand Amber and Chauncey wanted to go in but that was a team that could help Nany and Bananas next week and I would rather not face Horacio in a final. Plus I wanted to see Devin finally get mopped up in a physical elimination.🤣
- @CalamityJane_89: @TheAllanAguirre Now if the final elimination isn’t “Ba-Nany” v Fesyal and Moriah or at least an attempt at it that will be a big mistake
- @Baby_Our: @TheAllanAguirre yeah, agree with that but now jordan is amazing he save the episode with that elimination performance
- @4O_L0VE: @TheAllanAguirre Horacio has been consistent all season. You say his name he’s gunna give it back. Might be to his detriment
- @Suz_Q33: @TheAllanAguirre Devin and that memory will be king. He just had to bring in his social game. Now if Kyle were here it would have been more humorous.
- @throughdalens: @TheAllanAguirre Yo!!! I almost broke my TV because I just knew that they would. I never even seen them have conversations with Devin and Tori, I didn't get it. Plus it would have given Amber and Chancey a better shot at winning. #confused
@TheAllanAguirre: Amber really got a size based elimination against Aneesa. RIP. #TheChallenge38
@Irving_A07: And this is why Jordan is one of the best to ever do it. His fashion choices are questionable but we can all agree the man is a BEAST! 😎 #TheChallenge #TheChallenge38 #TheChallengeRideorDies
@TheAllanAguirre: Jordan beats Chauncey in an elimination that is very sized based despite Chauncey having 30 lbs on him. Every season he continues to pull stuff like this off. It's his 9th or 10th elimination ever, and he's one of the All-Time Greats for a reason. #TheChallenge38
- @BeckHennessey: @TheAllanAguirre Jordan might’ve just had the single best episode in Challenge history competition-wise(ley, sorry couldn’t help myself)
- @jimwilliams448: @TheAllanAguirre Chauncey is too nice of a guy, lacks the killer instinct in the game
- @JustCpalmer: @jimwilliams448 me being “nice” has nothing to do with a “killer instinct” it shows i lacked the experience against him. Muscle endurance and strategy. I’m nice because of how I was raised also played sports all my life even in college. Those are 2 completely different things.
- @DrPacoHinton: @TheAllanAguirre He wouldn’t have beat Horacio.
- @CalebWi25880720: @TheAllanAguirre Let’s not talk about a sized based elimination when there’s Amber vs Aneesa…
- @DrPacoHinton: @CalebWi25880720 Aneesa and Amber was a different situation. Jordan’s strategy wouldn’t have worked for Amber.
- @Seanjoy93765788: @TheAllanAguirre He beat someone in a tug of war contest with one hand!!! He’s very strategic. Usually :- )
- @plister: @TheAllanAguirre People talk about challenge beasts and puzzle masters, but Jordan’s so unique in how he figures out how to use his opponent’s size, strength, and strategy against them.
- @Baby_Our: @TheAllanAguirre yeah, he killed that, he the goat for real, no excuses, no complaints just performs
@TheAllanAguirre: Aneesa now has 12 or 13 Elimination Wins, depending on how we count the Redemption Stuff. She now either ties Cara Maria for the MOST ELIMINATION WINS by a female competitor, or is 1 short. Aneesa has twice as many losses, but still, a big achievement. #TheChallenge38
- @honjeddles: @TheAllanAguirre If you’re just counting main game elimination wins on the flagship, Cara Maria only has 12. The Challenge Wiki credits one of her two Redemption wins as a main game win for some reason. So Aneesa solely has the female record for that at 13.
- @IvanOrnelas2: @TheAllanAguirre Since Final Reckoning Redemption eliminations are counted by the Wiki I’ll count these season’s too.
- @Fashion_Nexus: @TheAllanAguirre When its twice has many losses and 0 wins of the actual show, how is that an achievement, yippee i won a lot of elims, but i don't win a lot of dailies, lose a lot of elims, rarely make finals and 0 wins overall, my, we should all strive to be that level of success
- @MarcGreene1: @TheAllanAguirre She’s so impressive to me like she’s 41 competing with and against some people that are half her age and still showing she’s a great competitor. Huge respect for her #thechallenge
@thejuliacarter: The Amber hate train is really played out. I’m still unclear on how she’s a shady player? Shadier than any of these other people?! If you don’t like her, say that. But these people talk down on her like they are some noble individuals, and I’m quite tired of it #TheChallenge38
@HenryLDiMaria: I really like these kind of dumb daily challenges that reasonably couldn’t be practiced and are difficult but also still kind of silly #TheChallenge38 #TheChallengeRideorDies #TheChallenge
► LAST CALL: AYTO Returns, & Chauncey's Parting Shot
@ExOnTheBeach: The new engagement EX-periment ❤️🔥 Ex On The Beach COUPLES premieres THURS Feb 9th at 9/8c on @MTV! #ExOnTheBeach
@ExOnTheBeach: 6 couples, 1 common goal 💍 It's now or never! #ExOnTheBeach
- 💘 Ben + Jade, Jake + Holly, Thaliah + Jamie, Liam + Leylah, Lola + Sorinn, Shayla + Spari
@AREUTHE1: Who's getting excited for #AYTO?! 🙋♀️ We're baccccckkkkk on Jan 18 only on @paramountplus!
@AREUTHE1: Sorry we couldn't get MBJ or Steph Curry. 🤷♀️ Only a few more sleeps until #AYTO Global premieres on Jan 18 on @ParamountPlus!
@MTVUK: 22 new singles are searching for their ⭐ perfect match ⭐ - and this time, we're going global! ❤️👏 Brand new Are You The One? starts Thursday 19th January, exclusively on @ParamountPlusUK 💃🙌 #ayto
@AREUTHE1: What's the worst date these singles have been on?! 🚩🚩🚩 Buckle up for #AYTO Global streaming Jan 18 exclusively on @paramountplus! 💋
@AREUTHE1: Ah, the classic "pretend you live somewhere else" trick. 😂 Ready for #AYTO Global? Streaming Jan 18 on @paramountplus!
@AREUTHE1: A CAR THAT SMELLED LIKE OLD ONIONS?! 🤮 That takes the prize. 👏 #AYTO returns with GLOBAL contestants –– Jan 18 on @ParamountPlus!
@AREUTHE1: Not hard to pick a best date if there's only ️⃣! But dw, LOTS of dates to come on a new season of #AYTO, streaming Jan 18 on @paramountplus! 💘
@MTVUK: What's your type? Blonde? Brunette? Sporty? There’s something for everyone as we go global for brand new #AYTO! 🌍💘 Don’t miss the premiere of the debut global season of Are You The One? streaming Thursday 19th Jan exclusively on Paramount+!
@MTVUK: In a villa full of hot new singles, first impressions count! @KamieCrawford tests the singles on their perceptions vs reality in a daring challenge... 💓 Don't miss the debut global season of Are You The One? streaming Thursday 19th Jan exclusively on @ParamountPlusUK #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: 🚨 TOMORROW 🚨 #AreYouTheOne is coming in HOT with a brand new GLOBAL season streaming on @paramountplus! 💋🥵 WHO'S READY?! #ayto
@AREUTHE1: It's always paradise at the villa. 💘 The new global season of #AYTO is streaming NOW on @paramountplus! And don't miss the first episode airing TONIGHT on MTV after @thechallenge ! 📺
@AREUTHE1: Never Have I Ever on night 1?! 👀🥵 A new GLOBAL season of Are You The One? is streaming now on @paramountplus & airing TONIGHT on MTV after a new episode of #TheChallenge! 📺 #ayto
@TheChallenge: Things are getting ♨️ steamy ♨️ in the @AREUTHE1 house. 🏠 Stay locked in 🔒 after tonight's episode of #TheChallenge38 to catch the season premiere of #AYTO 🔥
@MTVUK: How would our singles describe themselves in three words? 🤔 #AYTO Don't miss the premiere of the debut global season of Are You The One? streaming Thursday 19th Jan exclusively on Paramount+ !
@paramountplus: For the first time ever 22 singles from around the world are coming together to find the ONE for them💘 Are You The One? is now streaming, exclusively on #ParamountPlus. #AYTO
@KamieCrawford: HAPPY #AYTO DAY!!!!! 🥳🎉💘
@TVInsider: "A lot of us think we are isolated alone in our own cities in the dating pools that tend to have pee in them...we’re able to connect people to their perfect match who may live in a different country," says #AYTO host @KamieCrawford
@TheChallenge: .@AREUTHE1 is BACK and HOTTER than ever! 🔥 Twenty-two singles from around the world 🌎 are on the hunt for their perfect match. 🔎 Stream the first episode of #AYTO right now on @paramountplus! 💙 @MTVDevinWalker
- @AREUTHE1: Oh hi, @MTVDevinWalker! 👋Watch the first episode of #AYTO TONIGHT on MTV after a new episode of #TheChallenge38!
@AREUTHE1: For the first time ever 22 singles from around the world are coming together to find the ONE for them. 💘 Are You The One? is now streaming, exclusively on #ParamountPlus. #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: What's @KamieCrawford's key to a successful relationship?! 🥵 The host of Catfish (and now Are You The One?) spills all! 📺 #AYTO, streaming NOW on @paramountplus and airing TONIGHT at 9:30p on MTV.
@AREUTHE1: Name better looking singles. 🥵 We'll wait. #ayto is streaming now on @paramountplus and airing tonight at 9:30p on \@MTV.
@AREUTHE1: Have you watched the first episode of #AYTO global yet?! If not, you can watch it TONIGHT at 9:30/8:30c on MTV! 📺✨ What are your fave parts so far?! ⬇️ COMMENT BELOW! ⬇️
- @KamieCrawford: FOR ONE NIGHT ONLY - #AYTO will air on @MTV!!! Tonight at 9:30pm EST 💘
@johnnybananas: Me: “There’s no way these commercials could get any worse” MTV: “Hold my beer” #TheChallenge38 @MTVDevinWalker
@AREUTHE1: Have you watched the first episode of #AYTO global yet?! If not, you can watch it TONIGHT at 9:30/8:30c on MTV! 📺✨ What are your fave parts so far?! ⬇️ COMMENT BELOW! ⬇️
@AREUTHE1: 🚨The new season of #AreYouTheOne is on NOW on MTV! RUN! GO! TURN ON THE TV! 🚨 Are you watching?! Tweet along using #AYTO ⬇️
@j_medd: We have a global/international season this year of Are You The One! 🇺🇸 (4 men, 6 women) / 🇬🇧 (4 men, 1 women) / 🇦🇺 (2 men) / 🇳🇿 (1 man, 1 woman) / 🇮🇪 (1 woman) / 🇪🇸 (1 woman) / 🇳🇱 (1 woman) #AYTO
@j_medd: It’s a “global” season, but why is there no one from the continents of Asia, Africa, or South America 🙄#AYTO
- @Odujebe: @j_medd I’m actually nigerian but I was raised in Ireland you will deffo hear the accent soon enough 😂 Anissa is Mexican , cici is peurto rican , Eduardo is peurto rican/Brazilian (I think ) as well
- @j_medd: @Odujebe Well, I meant nationality! We do have diverse ethnicities/races. And Samuel is South Asian or Pakistani I’m guessing
- @Odujebe: @j_medd Oh my days your correct 😳and hamudi is originally from Iraq . I was actually born in nigeria . Are you the one wouldn’t be very known in nigeria . Unless your super rich you wouldn’t have the network .
@j_medd: Brendan has been in the Boom Boom room the first two nights—almost the opposite of what he was saying that he likes to wait and get to know women 🤨 #AYTO #AreYouTheOne
@j_medd: Matching ceremony was after 2 days? No wonder it was a Blackout. They lost all that money, but at least know that none are matches. Bring on the drama! 😁 #AreYouTheOne #AYTO #AYTO9
@j_medd: Hamudi barely got screen time, and one of the few times he does, he ruins it at the Matching Ceremony 😆 #AYTO #AreYouTheOne #AYTO9
@lashtweets: Watching AYTO feels like a time warp
@CSUGradAkirk: Been waiting so long to watch a new episode of are you the one! This is going to be great #AYTO
@CSUGradAkirk: On the second episode of #ayto gonna say this now brenden will be the star of this season
@KamieCrawford: "@SeeIAmFunny: @AREUTHE1 so stoked for this show but surprised that you’ve gotten singles from “all over the world” yet no one from Asia?? How did that happen? @KamieCrawford #areuthe1 #ayt1" RT Sam is South Asian but lives in the UK. I love how diverse the cast is compared to other seasons & other shows. I also didn’t do the casting & have zero say so in who makes it on - just so we are all clear and no one keeps sending me casting tapes 😬
@KamieCrawford: I was freaking tf out on day 1 of #AYTO 🫢😂 So nervous and excited but my cast is cool af and they made me feel comfortable 🥹💜
@ehwilleh: How we feel after saying, We told ya so…🤪 #AYTO @15grams
@AREUTHE1 @paramountplus
@KamieCrawford: Not them falling in love on the first night 🥴 #AYTO
@KamieCrawford: Brendan and CC are… origami masters? 👀 #AYTO@
266 votes · Final results
@AREUTHE1: Hey @kamiecrawford... I think you dropped something 👑 #ayto
@AREUTHE1: If you had to predict one ✨Perfect Match✨ who would it be?! 🧐 *Jeopardy music plays* Write your guesses below! ⬇️ #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: I'm just so happy #AYTO is back 💞 anyone else?!?!
@AREUTHE1: Not this looking a real life Disney movie 🥺💕✨ #AYTO (GIF of date)
@AREUTHE1: Loved the first ep?! 🥰 Episode two is already on @paramountplus!!!! #ayto
- @paramountplus: The only thing better than this view is knowing that the first TWO episodes of #AYTO are available to stream on #ParamountPlus whenever (and however many times) your heart desires! 😉💙
@KamieCrawford: "@BrianEJohnsonAZ: Am I the only one who thought kamie had low energy as host on @AREUTHE1 ? I luv her, but I missed the sass and the #redflags that make #kamie @KamieCrawford on @CatfishMTV #AYTO" RT I was nervous as hell week one 🫢 new frontier for me! But the sass will be there moving forward but do keep in mind this show is more about the cast so they’ll be the main focus - as they should! 🫶🏽
@decider: ARE YOU THE ONE? Season 9 is bringing its fling-filled chaos to Paramount+ — and we are here for it: #AYTO
@TheChallenge: It was all gas and no brakes for #TeamBanany during Runaway Ride. 🚌 💨 #TheChallenge38
@johnnybananas: Next on the Hot Seat 🔥🪑 @amberborzotra . Which questions would you like to hear answered? 💀💰🍌
@MTVDevinWalker: All I do is pull safe daggers and get saved. Someone HAS TO DO IT.
@MTVDevinWalker: Hysterical watching ppl tweet like they know the ending of @TheChallenge when we don’t even know yet 😂
@NurysKMateo: Me currently because Olivia & Horacio pulled the safe dagger!! One step closer to the final 👏🏽🙏🏽 #TheChallenge38
@TheChallenge: This is what we call a THREE-PEAAAAT 🗣👏 #TheChallenge38
@TheChallenge: Sometimes all you need is a little tough love to get you across the finish line 😤💙 #TheChallenge38
@JustCpalmer: I always say I want to go against the best and tonight I did. True honor and blessing to have competed against jordan in 2 dailys and an elim. Absolutely loved it
@JustCpalmer: reflections from the elimination. Overall blessing to complete against him this whole season. Adds to the list of things I wanted to work on leaving. @JustCpalmer
@JustCpalmer: I can’t complain at all with how my season went on the challenge. The wins, the loses. The ups and downs it was a blessing to even get that far in the game.
@JustCpalmer: Thankyou to @amberborzotra for bringing me on this amazing experience and thankyou @TheChallenge for having me. True blessing through all the ups and downs🤞🏾
👪 🤼 💑
From Yours Truly...
Now, a personal note to share with you before wrapping: as you can tell from the lack of activity on here the past half-year, things have been off a bit as I have been balancing getting to do what I do best with DCBLOG and my videos, with the greater responsibilities of being the man of the house in my family as we have just past an exact half-year since my dad's passing... and we still continue to feel his absence in our lives every day. And there's also this extra thing that you probably don't know about me, as I have prefer to not share much of my personal life on this site - other than for last year's events.
Outside this world, for the past several years I've worked part-time at a local volunteer place helping mentally disabled people in the Silicon Valley, teaching them my tricks of the trade from video and photo work — which you can see on my YouTube, DC Instagram and soon on my new Facebook fan page. But the conditions as is the last 36 months have seen step away for my safety with occasional Zoom visits, and late last month I officially sent in my resignation letter... and if you happen to work there and reading this, my tip of the cap to all of you for the time I got to spend there working with you and with those inspirational people – something my family knows as my brother as autistic.
With that in mind I am pleased to reveal to you, the loyal visitors of this site and what I like to call the @DC408DXTR Social Network, that I have now officially transitioned to becoming a full-time, self-employed content creator who is devoting my energies to the blogs and videos, all while balancing those with my family responsibilities in navigating this new phase in our inner circle. Unofficially I have been in that capacity on what I like to call an interim basis since March 2020 just as things got out of control... but now with gaining independence and that carefree sense of freedom, I am now working on my own and from the comforts of home – just as so many of you got to do during this period and which I have become used to over the past decade perfecting the quality work I get to offer.
As you can see from the slightly updated header above we are well into DCBLOG's tenth anniversary year, and together with my YouTube content I take a great deal of pride in those which I now get to work on every day as more than just a hobby. And while it is early in the winter, I'm looking forward for what 2023 has in store: new shows, new seasons, new stories and much more on here... and hopefully another trip with new videos and photos for me to bring to your TV's and social feeds. In fact I am working on all of those right now, and you will see the results of all that in the weeks & months ahead as I get back into this groove after taking some reflective time off after last year's unprecedented family events.
And as you start to better appreciate how hard I get to work in putting my full weight behind the things I call "The Escape You Deserve," make sure to share my content with your fellow followers, fans, and even friends & family if they're fans of reality TV, Vegas, music or sports. The more exposure I get in my work in getting more views & clicks while at the same time introducing them and everyone else to my outstanding content to check out, the better I will get in making my name more known around the social media verse and the internet. Proof of this is in the positive response I've gotten from the contestants on the recent Caucus Challenge which was covered on here last week... in fact, that premieres tonight.
That is a one of the signs of the reputation this site has both fought for and earned over the past decade, and we are excited for what we have coming up for you... and that includes continuing coverage of this Challenge and the World Championship that comes after, Part #2 of Who Are These Newbies? of Ride or Dies, Week #3 of AYTO Global, and a preview of Ex On The Beach Couples -- all just ahead here. But before all that: as this one is a huge music fan too, tonight the Grammy Awards brings music's best together for the industry's biggest night... and I'll be dusting off his DCNOW live twitter portal to watch and enjoy the evening coming up ahead on @DC408DxNow. Enjoy that, and see you here then.
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