Sunday, March 1, 2015

DC SocialPulse: Double Shot Tuesday - RW Skeletons EP11 & Exes2 EP8

*** Advisory: DC SocialPulse contains adult language and spoilers 
for some readers. Viewer Discretion is Advised. Also take breaks 
frequently while reading this long post to relieve eye strain. ***

@DC408dxtr / @DC408dxnow

Welcome back once again to DC SocialPulse as we bring you the Action, Reaction and Interaction 
of the 8th edition of Double Shot Tuesday
. The week (and this weekend's 'Pulse posts) started two days early with Jamie Chung from season 14 in San Diego become an Oscar winner as part of the Best 6 film. We saw a game-changing moment for two of the Exes 2 teams with excellent chances of cashing in at the end in Panama. But most importantly, the three words The Real World rung true as two life changing moments come to two of the Chicago roommates. 
   Last week on EP10 of Real World Skeletons, Bruno was the focus of a drama-filled episode as the arrival of his brother fueled more of the temper that has defined him this season. Plus, his brother Briah surprisingly becomes close to the brother of another roommate, Tony's brother Shane as they continue to be at odds. This week, family issues again take precedent, although a bit mellower than with Bruno as Madison deals with the unresolved issue of her drug-ridden past as her sister arrives. And for Jason, the ultimate life-changer occurs when he rushes back home to North Carolina to attend to the birth of his new baby girl.
   EP7 of Exes 2 last week saw a double elimination as both Adam & Brittany and Johnny & Averey were sent packing. But the true shock came when rookies Jay & Jenna outlasted the field in a trivia contest to become surprise power couple, then saw them risk it all by voting in Nia & LeroyThis week sees politics and moving trucks collide as an adrenaline-pumping mission sees teams jump from fast moving semi-trucks, while the unfortunate fall of Zach that began last week continues. We also have the latest installment of Wes Goes to Washington, while another veteran team finally starts to click after some rough waters.
   Then after all tweets during and surrounding the episodes on Tuesday and the days after, on DC ExtraTime, perspective on Jason and Madison, a life-changing moment comes to a Las Vegas local by way of one of the city's best-known natives, and an appreciation for a fan of the Trifecta who now has the must-listen weekly Challenge podcast.

- As we start, please note there is explicit language in many of the tweets below, but I am keeping it uncensored in order to retain the heat of the moment. So if you are mature enough, please read with discretion. :-)
- Plus, if you haven't watched the episode yet, then don't proceed. But don't worry, bookmark DCBLOG as I will compile all of these tweets into these posts after every episode so you won't be in the dark of how your favorites saw this all unfold.

So after the jump, it's babies, action and more in Real World/Challenge land.

> Double Shot Tuesday, Plus Pratt & Paris' Pic War & B'day for Mr. "Do What You Love"
@brunorealworld: The love I got for this woman is unreal !! @n_zanattaMTV #RealWorldSkeletons #dirty30 @RealWorldMTV  @mtv
@MTV_Christina: Can't believe @justinbieber was at Fluxx last night. WUT?
- @JasIPen: @MTV_Christina @justinbieber I'm still pissed.
@laurelstucky: Faith will get you through.
@laurelstucky: I'm not sure my destiny that's why I set it free.
@WestonBergmann: Tech startup? Check out @Launch_KC. 10 teams will win $50k. Applications start at end of March right after SXSW.
@n_zanattaMTV: Whose watching tonight?!?!? Few of these beautiful women!!! Gooood morning!! #RealWordSkeletons
@JazMTV: @AshleeFeldman I want those Kevin Hart tickets lol. He said the # to fast lol
@WestonBergmann: Nehemiah, the girls, and I in the city of Angels
@ChallengeMTV: Happy #ChallengeDay!!! Watch our competitors become Hollywood stunt daredevils tonight. #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@ToriFiorenza: It's Challenge Tuesday, this little nugget is 6 weeks old, and @BradFiorenza is off work! #jackpot #loveyourlife
@haileychivers: It's not a real morning unless I've sneezed 269427 times in a row
- @n_zanattaMTV: @haileychivers sounds like a shitty morning mine consist of yohoo peanutbutter banana oatmeal and waffles if I make it :) your missing out!
- @haileychivers: @n_zanattaMTV damn that sounds fantastic! I โค๏ธ waffles
@YoBaby_yoBaby_: Hey Tony you have to share your Tuesday with Tay today ๐Ÿ˜Š @t_raines33  #TaylorTuesdays #RealWorldSkeletons @BunimMurray @MTV @RealWorldMTV
@erikalauren: Wait am I missing something is the Browns new logo the same helmet?
@JustJem24: And to those asking.. Yes #katiegirl ships to Canada!
@haileychivers: I absolutely love when this song comes on my Pandora ๐Ÿ’ƒ
@BSwiftMTV: it's the coldest feb 24th NYC has seen since 1880...I need to move
@MTVBananas: . @MagStepp is #teambanany !!! Are you?  Available at  @NanyMTV  "
@SimoneJKelly: The Grind is REAL!!!๐Ÿ˜ Simone Kelly x @iamalexthomas x @poonengram #2015 #takeovertimeโ€ฆ
@RealWorldMTV: New #RealWorldSkeletons tonight!
@MikeCManning: Just a day at the office. ๐ŸŽฅ @alexkarpovsky @meredithweasel Wyatt Russell & @vchhibber. @FHFGfilm @CHMNProductions
@susie_meister: The sad thing is I think America really does run on Dunkin.
@TheMarkLong: It's #MTV #challengeday ...look at the #LegendBobLong taking back to one of the best Duel 2... mtvโ€ฆ
@YoBaby_yoBaby_: I need these pizza places to still be open tho
@TheChallengeMTV: Happy CHALLENGE DAY!!! Tonight looks crazy! Who's ready?! #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2 @tjlavin
@TheRealNiaMoore: Whipped up a quick lunch for my boys. Lemon pepper, siracha and honey bbq ๐Ÿ˜œ๐Ÿ™Œ (peep Kylie in theโ€ฆ
@TheMarkLong: Everyone go check out  now for a shoutout๐Ÿ‘Š๐Ÿ‘Š๐Ÿ‘Š #fitness #workout #exercise
@MTVBananas: We Dem Boys!!! #BattleoftheExes2 Reunion Show Shenanigans. #TheChallenge #teambanany #freebanany
@RealWorldMTV: Tonight's a big night for Jason. Don't miss #RealWorldSkeletons at 10/9c!
@MTVBananas: We Dem Boys!!! #BattleOfTheExes2 Reunion Show Shenanigans! #TheChallenge  #teambanany #freebanany
@JennaCompono: Challenge night!
@erikalauren: I wonder what the @browns graphic designer got paid to update the logo...if it's anything over $5, I quit life. #BROWNS #BrownsLogoRelease
@CharlesPMagic: When you're totally not prepared for the onslaught of frigid air.
@RoyLee25mtv: Pool season is almost upon us..who's coming to VEGAS ??๐Ÿ‘™
@brittany_baldi: Flattered by all of these WCW posts but did you all know it's TURN UP TUESDAY? #RealWorldSkeletons #BattleOfTheExes2 #mtv ๐Ÿ˜œ๐Ÿ’•
@Pratt_MTV: Guess I'm "humiliating" to my ex-gf and my life is "sad". I made more $$$ in one month than her and her bf will make in a year. #SuckIt
- @MTVshelbs: @Pratt_MTV stop you're better than this.. Love ya
- @Pratt_MTV: @MTVshelbs I know, I know. I'm a salty french fry sometimes. Love you too.
- @EikeParis: @MTVshelbs @Pratt_MTV What the fuck is he even talking about? #craycray
- @whaattaafoxx: @EikeParis @MTVshelbs @Pratt_MTV "Paris steps in" ๐Ÿ‘€
- @michh_nicole: @Pratt_MTV @MTVshelbs go Shelby! that was a low blown on her end ๐Ÿ˜ณ #damn
- โ€@MTVshelbs: @michh_nicole I love em both ๐Ÿ™ˆ
@whaattaafoxx: You got a country road Carolina soul, baby you're just so homegrown ๐ŸŒพ๐ŸŽถ
@Curtishadzicki: To all those that have supported and continue to support the dream, I TIP MY CAP TO YOU. I can'tโ€ฆ
@JamieChinaMTV: School got me like ๐Ÿ˜ด๐Ÿ˜ด
@MTV: Jason recieves some exciting news on #RealWorldSkeletons tonight at 10/9c:  ๐ŸŽ€
@brunorealworld: The three #Wolfpack members @n_zanattaMTV @_Kazuhnova stay real, stay humble. Much love #yesslawdd #gogym #cuttyboomp
@RealWorldMTV: Madison is getting not one but TWO skeletons and I can't wait to watch it go down.
@blacuesta: Bon voyage
@TheJayDillinger: If I gave these fools a chance to run a mile in my shoes they wouldn't even finish the race. #YungAndWavy
@ChallengeMTV: Apologies everyone, due to spoilery content, the next #EXile battle with @JohnnyReilly_ & @ave_tress will be posted after tonight's episode.
@whaattaafoxx: Big Happy Birthday wish to @Curtishadzicki ๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜ turn up! Get drunk today! Love and miss you!!!
@JennaCompono: Don't forget to watch the challenge tn๐Ÿ’•
@SarahRiceMTV: It's impossible to love anyone more than I love this man. iatewhat , I am so blessed
@MTVBananas: Enter the world of Bananas! #TeamBananas #LikeIt
@mtvdario: Dark sky paradise
@KINGHEEMY: I have a interview i did with MTV star @t_raines33 that will be on the Q&M blog tonight before the new episode !! http://QuickMerch.Tumblr.Com
@t_raines33: You could call today many things but @_Kazuhnova and @YoBaby_yoBaby_ baby girl makes her tv debut tonight so I'm declaring it #TaylorTuesday
@TheChallengeMTV: All NEW #RealWorldSkeletons and #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2 TONIGHT! Starts at 10/9c! Who's watching?! @MTV
@whaattaafoxx: Unsweet Tea Ain't American #Merica
@mtvdario: If you leave Mickey you goin end up with goofy #DSP
@t_raines33: Whose ready for tonight!!!! @RealWorldMTV #RealWorldSkeletons #Tadison #TaylorTuesday @RachelShapshak
@RealWorldMTV: The Prank Wars start tonight at 10/9c! #RealWorldSkeletons
@t_e_peterson55: @n_zanattaMTV @VMilerman  @SylviaMTV @t_raines33 @madiwadi2by4 @brunorealworld #jasonmtv @RealWorldMTV  haha ๐Ÿ’œ this!
@briughh: So excited to start these projects.. #TWRS #CHARITY
@BrandonDNelson: Just made my first ever car payment in life.  I feel so grown up.... and broke.
@MtvJess: Winter time cuddles and hot chocolate ๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’‹ #favs #cuddle
@TheRealNiaMoore: This shitty winter weather is still no excuse not to get right when you can sweat from home.โ€ฆ
@JasIPen: When you at lunch and you're order #81 and you hear "#53 your order is ready!" Uhhh bish whaaaaa?!๐Ÿ˜ณ
@EDiamond007: When you hold a grudge,  you hold Yourself back.  But sometimes holding yourself back from seriously injuring someone isn't such a bad thing
@MTV_JESS: Little changes here and there are always good ๐Ÿ˜ #brownhair thanks to my best @blacuesta โค๏ธ๐Ÿ‘Œ
@RealWorldMTV: I can't wait for #RealWorldSkeletons tonight. ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜
@NanyMTV: #NiagaraFalls #Frozen jonnamannion corywatson @ Niagara Falls State Park, USA
@Tindel10: I got chills!!!!! Theyyy multiplyin'!!!!!!!!!!!!
@SylviaMTV: Who's ready for tonight?!? Tune in 10/9c on @RealWorldMTV #RealWorldSkeletons
@TheChallengeMTV: Top 5 Teams! Or so they thought.....! Who will win #BattleOftheExiled tonight?! #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@ryanmalaty: Snapchat: ryanmalaty
@BunimMurray: It's a big night for Jason on tonight's #RealWorldSkeletons! Don't miss it on @MTV at 10/9c!!
@brittany_baldi: #MTVEyeCandy fanatics tune in today 5pm @afterbuzztv with @fryRyCooper @TezKnows @CinematicEscape for some juicy details โœŒ๏ธ #afterbuzztv
@ChallengeMTV: Tonight we've got an all new #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2 at 11/10c...get EXCITED!!!
@TyrieBMTV: Ok so.. I haven't watched the real world this season....But did I just see the brotha holding a new born? Real world didn't go Maury did it?
@whaattaafoxx: My little cousin is finally a teenager! Omg!! I can't believe it!!!! I love and miss you Bryson happy birthday
@paulawalnutsMTV: I'm obsessed with our chubby little Atlas Bear... Nothing is better than arm chub...except maybe legโ€ฆ
@n_zanattaMTV: If you want it bad enough you go for it until you get it or until you gave it your all!
@RealWorldMTV: Madison isn't feeling what's going down on #RealWorldSkeletons tonight...
@jenniknapmiller: Happy birthday to this guy @Curtishadzicki
@MTVChallenge26: Battle of the Exes 2 tonight after Real World Skeletons at 11PM @jonnamtv @MTVBananas @ZNichols15 @RoyLee25mtv
@NanyMTV: We look warm. I did it all for you jonnamannion ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜ญ  corywatson
@TheShaneRaines: Excited for tonight's episode w @madiwadi2by4 sis @RachelShapshak I have a feeling I'm gna need some tissues on deck. #RealWorldSkeletons๐Ÿ’€
- @madiwadi2by4: @TheShaneRaines @RachelShapshak awe sweet baby Shane! Just ignore my outstanding double chin
- @TheShaneRaines: @madiwadi2by4 @RachelShapshak ha I'm sure u look great my bbyโ˜บ๏ธ missed last week so I'll be tweeting w you tonight๐Ÿ˜˜
- @madiwadi2by4: @TheShaneRaines @RachelShapshak thank goodness, I've been missing you
@shandathapanda: tfw 17 yr old kylie jenner buys a 2.7 million dollar house and u can't even afford next months rent
@jonnamtv: It's true, Niagara Falls is indeed frozen.. Also my hands were so frozen I had to have corywatsonโ€ฆ
@MTV: Sarah tries to repair her friendship with Jordan on #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2 tonight at 11/10c:
@mikethemiz: Now that's a tie knot #Eldredge
@TheShaneRaines: So glad @madiwadi2by4 is #TeamiPhone now๐Ÿ“ฒExcited for some random #FaceTime calls from u #Barbieโ€ฆ
- @madiwadi2by4: @TheShaneRaines ๐Ÿ‘“๐Ÿ‘“ ๐Ÿ’„๐Ÿ‘‘๐ŸŽฉ#barbie #ken #luhyou
- @TheShaneRaines: @madiwadi2by4 love u more excited to see u soon Barbie #BackInLouisiana๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜Ž
- @madiwadi2by4: @TheShaneRaines Oh it's happening ! I need some gumbo asap!! ๐Ÿ˜‹
- @NAlbott: @madiwadi2by4 @TheShaneRaines U guys clean up good ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ˜‚ I am now starting to ship #Shadison sorry @t_raines33 @briughh
- @briughh: @NAlbott @madiwadi2by4 @TheShaneRaines @t_raines33 you know maddy and tony called themselves barbie and ken first right.tttt?
- @NAlbott: @briughh @madiwadi2by4 @TheShaneRaines @t_raines33 hmmm do I sense some jealousy?๐Ÿ˜ Jk yea Ik but Tony is more of a Leonardo DiCaprio
- @briughh: @NAlbott @madiwadi2by4 @TheShaneRaines @t_raines33 they probably won't show the time @VMilerman bought them a ken and barbie doll ;P
- โ€@TheShaneRaines: @briughh @NAlbott @madiwadi2by4 @t_raines33 true. But me n @madiwadi2by4 r the real #BarbieNKen๐Ÿ˜
- @briughh: @TheShaneRaines @NAlbott @madiwadi2by4 @t_raines33 true #plastic HAHAHA.
- @NAlbott: @TheShaneRaines @briughh @madiwadi2by4 @t_raines33 LOL Briah needs to go in the naughty corner ๐Ÿ˜‚ you're not behaving ton
@MTVshelbs: Visiting NYC for my first time tomorrow! #stoked
- @whaattaafoxx: @MTVshelbs lucky ass bitch!
@whaattaafoxx: This bitch done hit the bowl too hard BC she just walked up into our apartment talking to me, looks at me & says "I'm on the wrong floor" ๐Ÿ˜ญ
@whaattaafoxx: I can't!!  I literally was like "yeahhh?????" Thinking in my head "she is high as hell" ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ
@whaattaafoxx: That is so funny... She had Popeyes in her hands, maybe I should go knock on her door and ask her to share. It's only fair.
@whaattaafoxx: I mean bring back the Popeyes and the apartment can be yours for 15
@RachelShapshak: Everyone don't forget to watch ya girl on the real world skeletons on MTV tonight at 7!!!!! This is going to be intense!#realworldskeletons
@missashc: Just wanted to let you all know that today at Popeyes you can get 2 drumsticks and a thigh for $1.69 #yourewelcome
@EikeParis: When @Pratt_MTV decides to unblock me and go crazy over nothing. #priceless #subtweetking
- @Pratt_MTV: @EikeParis lol I'm talking about a different ex. #EveryoneCalmDown
- @EikeParis: @Pratt_MTV
- @Pratt_MTV: @EikeParis believe it or not. Not all my tweets are about us. #Awkward
- @EikeParis: @Pratt_MTV
- @Pratt_MTV: @EikeParis
- @EikeParis: @Pratt_MTV
- โ€@Pratt_MTV: @EikeParis
- @Tindel10: @EikeParis @Pratt_MTV this is more awk than people who don't add guac
- @whaattaafoxx: @EikeParis @Pratt_MTV yall two this is CLASSIC! I love yall ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ
@Pratt_MTV: How I feel right now.... #AllUp #InMy #BizzNazz
@BunimMurray: Another crazy stunt for another crazy episode!! #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@RealWorldMTV: When it comes to #RealWorldSkeletons, expect the unexpected.
@AshleyWeitzel: Can't wait for #RealWorldSkeletons and #BattleOfTheExes2 tonight :) whose going to be watching??
@whaattaafoxx: "As long as you're happy, I'm happy"
@whaattaafoxx: ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ
@MTV_Christina: I GOT A NEW JOB! And it's in Ocean Beach! Right on the beach. I'm so happy ๐Ÿ™Œ
@VeryVal13: I mean your boyfriend is pretty hot โค๏ธ๐Ÿ‘ฌ๐Ÿ”ฅ
- @TheShaneRaines: @VeryVal13 @briughh he's perfect:))
- @VeryVal13: @TheShaneRaines @briughh aweโค๏ธ
- @briughh: @TheShaneRaines @VeryVal13 lol awh babe. xxo
@SylviaMTV: So sad the world won't be getting able to experience @madiwadi2by4 birthday surprise her walking inโ€ฆ
@briughh: Thinking about how much they left out! #woah #realworldskeletons @VMilerman and your birthday surprise wasn't shown either #weird
@RealWorldMTV: This is ALWAYS a good reason to wake up the house. Don't miss a new #RealWorldSkeletons tonight at 10/9c!
@briughh: I'll be hosting the #LGBT expo in NYC on march 1st if anyone is going see you there.
@SylviaMTV: Little bit of the show @madiwadi2by4 walked in for her first fashion show Thank you @MarcusTheArtist and @Social_Con
@ryanmalaty: "Those who loved deeply never grow old, they may die of old age, but they die young" Rest in peace, Grandpa ๐Ÿ˜”
@jhaniotakis: Tuesday's are the best days bc #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2 & #RealWorldSkeletons ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ
@briughh: When your life becomes business free time is seriously something to cherish... #Want #my #bed #asap
@Tindel10: Kylie Jenner gets $2.7 mil dollar house. I'm here just tryna put some furniture in my condo.
- @shandathapanda: @Tindel10 don't copy me
- @Tindel10: @shandathapanda hey I related too much to not.
@TrishelleC: Vegas trip booked! Celebrating my bests  @laceface8 engagement! Can't wait to see @Saulville @JimmyDiesel @brittanybrower & everyone else!
@madiwadi2by4: @RachelShapshak #sister #RealWorldSkeletons ๐Ÿ’‹
@brunorealworld: Bench, squat, deadlift and maybe the #RealWorldSkeletons afterwards.
@TheChallengeMTV: Top 5 teams face off TONIGHT! The end is near! Who do you want to see win power couple? #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@jessipoo1985: My favorite dayy of the week all because I get to watch @RealWorldMTV && @TheChallengeMTV !! Everybody better be watching it!!!
@CaraMariaMTV: Lmao RT @MTV: Want some parenting advice from the original #TeenMom ladies? Send in your question/problems using #AskTeenMom ๐Ÿ‘ถ
@AbramBoise: Aloha friends and family...the Hawaiian islands and Montana have a special connection...such amazingโ€ฆ
@_Kazuhnova: Tune in tonight to watch the #RealWorldSkeletons on #MTV #yesslawwwdddd #umirin #byyeeeeeeeeee @RealWorldMTV
@RealWorldMTV: Madison's about to face her past on #RealWorldSkeletons tonight at 10/9c.
@JustJem24: Less than 3 of both swimsuits left so if you wanna grab one for spring break do it now...
@SarahRiceMTV: Look who iatewhat invited to my birthday dinner... #mermaidlife (it's life size...and amazing)
@TheRealNiaMoore: Kendall & Kylie beating up their Uncle lol. I have the cutest little booger nuggets on earth I swear.
@A_Bartolotte: Normal is boring
@JamieChinaMTV: Wonder why half the powers out in Houston?? Lol
@TheShaneRaines: Who's re watching last weeks episode with me right now?? #RealWordSkeletons
@laurelstucky: #RisingAndFalling
@TheShaneRaines: How I look when I'm watching #RealWorldSkeletons #Dayummm #Glued Get it t_rainesโœŠ๐Ÿ’€ #MTV #RealWorld
@BrandonDNelson: It may not look like work, but it is.  Tryin to lock the spring and summer in.  Fingers crossed.โ€ฆ
@laurelstucky: ***** Unless I decide I want to sing something different, but right now that's what I am thinking.
@briughh: Watch how a little attention can change a person. haha.
@B_Brutality: We all have those friends on social media that we don't personally know, but they're our homies.
@ChallengeMTV: Will @JordanW_usa & @SarahRiceMTV be able to work things out tonight? We hope so. #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@TheShaneRaines: I love that my brother n bae get along so well @t_raines33 @briughh ๐Ÿ‘ฌ #RealWordSkeletons #Family
@brunorealworld: Was already drained from the work out . 405 deadlifts I've fell off a lot #gym #natty
@B_Brutality: Is masturbating sexually active?
@TheChallengeMTV: #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2 TONIGHT!! โ€ฆ @SarahRiceMTV @TheresaTime20 @TheRealNiaMoore @JordanW_usa
@RealWorldMTV: A new #RealWorldSkeletons starts in 30 minutes!
@MTV: 30 minutes until a new episode of #RealWorldSkeletons! Will you be watching?
@MTVshelbs: So sleepy but the gym is calling my name
@MTV_JESS: Gym timeeeeee ๐Ÿ˜ finally decided to get cut, give me a month bitches
- @JasIPen: @MTV_JESS get 24 hour!!! Fck chuze
- @MTV_JESS: @JasIPen lol I get free tanninggggg doeeeee
- @JasIPen: @MTV_JESS but 24 got the fineeee n....s tho
- @MTV_JESS: @JasIPen fuck my life lol ima visit you soon then haha
- โ€@JasIPen: @MTV_JESS haha yes girl. We can rock sport bras and watch all the eye candy while on the treadmill. I got u!
- @MTV_JESS: @JasIPen lol lets do it
- @n_zanattaMTV: @MTV_JESS your going to the gym without me?!?!?!?
- @MTV_JESS: @n_zanattaMTV can't wait for you to visit so you can train meeeee
- @n_zanattaMTV: @MTV_JESS ahhh asap Jess you have no idea I miss you women more than anything!
- @MTV_JESS: @n_zanattaMTV miss you too babe
- @brittany_baldi: @MTV_JESS @n_zanattaMTV Nicole we will FaceTime you this weekend think Jess may come visit me ๐Ÿ˜„
@MTVshelbs: Work, gym, sleep, gym, appointment, airport, meeting, sleep, airport, work, gym, sleep. ๐Ÿ˜ต
@Megan59115785: popcorn & The Real World: Skeletons then The Challenge. :) great night. <3 #therealworldskeletons #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@susie_meister: Facebook is almost tolerable without all those people who gave it up for Lent.
@brunorealworld: But really ... Yall mad or nah ?
@MTV: 5 minutes until #RealWorldSkeletons! RT if you're watching + tweeting with @RealWorldMTV ๐Ÿ’€
- @spencerpratt: @MTV @RealWorldMTV I hope someone eats more of Bruno's food tonight! #RealWorldSkeletons
@briughh: So the forecast for tonight's @RealWorldMTV will include.. #tears #smiles and more #tears #RealWorldSkeletons
@TheChallengeMTV: Ok folks, it's almost time!!! Turn your TVs to @MTV. #RealWordSkeletons
@Pratt_MTV: Happy Birthday @Curtishadzicki ! Hope it's a good one. My brother, I miss you and can't wait to rage soon! #ayto #family
@RachelShapshak: Everyone should watch me as I join my beautiful sister @madiwadi2by4 on the show #RealWorldSkeletonsโ€ฆ
@TheJayDillinger: Sometimes taking a little time to stunt isn't a bad idea #YungAndWavy #MarlonMTV โ€ฆ

> RW SKELETONS - As They Saw It: "Breaking Mad"
@RealWorldMTV: Get your party hats on because #RealWorldSkeletons starts RIGHT NOW! RT if youโ€™re watching/tweeting!
@RWSkeletons: Tune in to #RealWorldSkeletons now!
@TheChallengeMTV: All NEW special episode of #RealWorldSkeletons starts right now on @MTV!!! #BabyTaylor RT if you're watching!!!!
@t_raines33: Let's get this money!!!! #RealWorldSkeletons
@t_raines33: #tadison
@SarahRiceMTV: Thanks iatewhat for making my (almost) birthday so special!! I sure am lucky!! (And my shoe game isโ€ฆ
@t_raines33: Pots and pans?! Okay, okay.... #RealWorldSkeletons @RealWorldMTV
@madiwadi2by4: I'm so nervous!!!
@brunorealworld: @_Kazuhnova you got me Jay and your baby @RealWorldMTV #RealWordSkeletons bffs
- @_Kazuhnova: โ€œ@brunorealworld: @_Kazuhnova you got me Jay and your baby @RealWorldMTV #RealWordSkeletons bffsโ€ #yesslawwwdddd
@t_raines33: Still looks good to me! @madiwadi2by4 #mugshot #RealWorldSkeletons @RealWorldMTV
@TheShaneRaines: It's okay u look amazing now @madiwadi2by4 and u made it out, not a lot of people can say that. #Strong #independent womanโœŠ๐Ÿ‘ธ
@IamStringjr: @RealWorldMTV Girl @madiwadi2by4 EVERYBODY has their baggage! Own the baggage of your past don't let it define you!!! #RealWorldSkeletons
@t_raines33: Prank time girls!!!! #RealWorldSkeletons @RealWorldMTV
@brunorealworld: Jell-O shots to a whole new level @RealWorldMTV #RealWordSkeletons chill @VMilerman
- @VMilerman: @brunorealworld @RealWorldMTV I still couldn't get that shit out of my WHITE jacket
โ€@SikesDulce: @TheChallengeMTV @SarahRiceMTV @TheresaTime20 @TheRealNiaMoore I ๐Ÿ’› how sweet @TheresaTime20 is. She's always pinned as some ๐Ÿ˜ˆ and she's not.
- @SarahRiceMTV: @SikesDulce @TheChallengeMTV @TheresaTime20 my girl Theresa is the absolute sweetest!! Anyone who thinks otherwise doesn't know her!! Xoxo!
- @TheresaTime20: @SarahRiceMTV @SikesDulce @TheChallengeMTV ๐Ÿ˜˜
@briughh: lol don't worry, you'll see me again... I have so much going on you guys have no idea. #followTheJourney -xo
@n_zanattaMTV: Madison and Sylvia bond with the mugshots, I prefer to bond with selfies hahah love you two! #RealWordSkeletons
@TheChallengeMTV: Jello.... Hahahaha. Good one boys! #prankwars #RealWorldSkeletons
@KennedeLange: "Camouflage doesn't work"๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚  @brunorealworld
@t_raines33: Gotta feeling @RachelShapshak is coming to visit.... #RealWorldSkeletons @RealWorldMTV @madiwadi2by4
 @RealWorldMTV: All #RealWorldSkeletons roommates will forever be terrified by mattresses.
@_Kazuhnova: "Hola Mamasitas!!!!!!" #WolfPack #jello #prankwar #RealWorldSkeletons @RealWorldMTV
@LastQueens__: I hope whoever comes for Madison don't try to rip her apart because I love Madison #RealWorldSkeletons
@briughh: Almost lost my cool at some rude comments, than I realized who the fuck I am and what I do. #bye
@TheChallengeMTV: Who's in that car?!?!?!?! #RealWorldSkeletons @madiwadi2by4
@n_zanattaMTV: Love my boys @brunorealworld @_Kazuhnova I miss those days more than anything when are the wrestling tryouts ;) #wolfpack tag team
@madiwadi2by4: @n_zanattaMTV @SylviaMTV @RachelShapshak Chicago and these ladies ๐Ÿ˜Š
@brunorealworld: I just want to say that @RachelShapshak is truly a classy young lady and has a bright future ahead of her. #RealWordSkeletons @RealWorldMTV
- @briughh: @brunorealworld @RachelShapshak @RealWorldMTV IM IN LOVE. lol
- @RachelShapshak: @briughh @brunorealworld @RealWorldMTV omg thank you!!! โค๏ธโค๏ธ
@briughh: Seriously in love with @RachelShapshak no.. like really though... I'm coming to LA soon ;)
@madiwadi2by4: Harsh @brunorealworld
- @brunorealworld: @madiwadi2by4 we were kidding love.
- @madiwadi2by4: @brunorealworld hahaha right ๐Ÿ˜‰
@TheChallengeMTV: Awwwww @madiwadi2by4's sister. @RachelShapshak #RealWorldSkeletons
@brunorealworld: @madiwadi2by4 maddi for president !
@IamAdamKuhn: Awww @madiwadi2by4
@brunorealworld: Not my grill ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ @_Kazuhnova @t_raines33 @RealWorldMTV #RealWordSkeletons  burgerssss
@_Kazuhnova: We definitely showed the grill who was boss @t_raines33 smh lmao we look so damn crazy trying to kick #RealWorldSkeletons @RealWorldMTV
@SylviaMTV: Who's watching #RealWorldSkeletons RT if you're with us!!! @RealWorldMTV
@VMilerman: Hey guys... Who wants a reunion? Start trending #realworld30reunion @MTV @RealWorldMTV ๐ŸŒŸ๐Ÿ˜
@abbey_graff: @t_raines33 @RachelShapshak @RealWorldMTV @madiwadi2by4  Prettiest sister's I've ever seen!
@NAlbott: Omfg I can't stop laughing!!!! You guys kicking the grill was epic  @t_raines33 @_Kazuhnova
@RealWorldMTV: YAY @_Kazuhnova !!!!!!! #RealWorldSkeletons
@RWSkeletons: :)
@t_raines33: That grill had it coming!!!! Lmao @_Kazuhnova @RealWorldMTV #RealWorldSkeletons
@RWSkeletons: Baby taylor โค๏ธ #RealWorldSkeletons
@brunorealworld: @_Kazuhnova congrats! Glad to be a part of a huge blessing truly!! #RealWordSkeletons @RealWorldMTV I appreciated you asking me to go!
- @n_zanattaMTV: @brunorealworld  @_Kazuhnova @RealWorldMTV glad they had me scheduled for work :(
@TheChallengeMTV: Everything happens for a reason. Jason was unsuccessful of getting a girl &he ends up calling home to hear the news!!! #RealWorldSkeletons
@YoBaby_yoBaby_: #funfact he left that 4 minute vmail at the exact take she was born #TaylorTuesday @RealWorldMTV but it was 5:09 here #RealWordSkeletons
 @WendiFarina: @n_zanattaMTV new drinking game.. every time you don't have a shirt on everyone takes a shot. Lol
@TheChallengeMTV: Congratulations Jason on entering fatherhood!!! Real men take care of their children. @_Kazuhnova #RealWorldSkeletons :)
@CristalKayla: @t_raines33 @madiwadi2by4 @RealWorldMTV Taylor was born @4:09 A.M.! I'm so happy for Jason and Yolanda!!!!! ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š
@sincerely4you_: The fact that @t_raines33  said he missed @madiwadi2by4 as soon as he got outside. #goals #taddison ๐Ÿ˜
@OscarDelRenta_: #RealWorldReunion @VMilerman @n_zanattaMTV @_Kazuhnova @t_raines33 @brunorealworld @SylviaMTV Its Only Right This Happens. Everyone # It!
@DKristenx3: Congratulations @_Kazuhnova, You're Going To Be Awesome For Her.๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’• #RealWorldSkeletons
@Chubby8unny: Baby Taylor was born ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ‘Œ #BabyTaylor #RealWorldSkeletons #happy #proud #Taylor @RealWorldMTV @_Kazuhnova
@n_zanattaMTV: For everyone that doesn't know I sleep naked and I look good doing it :) who wants to sleep with me #RealWordSkeletons ๐Ÿ˜
@YoBaby_yoBaby_: Awwwwww I wish @n_zanattaMTV could've came
@Ericiakelley52: "the little wolf" ๐Ÿ‘ถ๐Ÿ˜ป @_Kazuhnova @t_raines33 @brunorealworld
@t_raines33: Welcome baby Taylor Rai #taylorgang @_Kazuhnova @YoBaby_yoBaby_ #RealWorldSkeletons @RealWorldMTV
@TheChallengeMTV: #WolfPack to North Carolina!!!! Awesome! Road trip! @_Kazuhnova @n_zanattaMTV @brunorealworld @t_raines33 #RealWorldSkeletons
@_Kazuhnova: I need Taylor more than she needs me #RealWorldSkeletons @RealWorldMTV #Mybabygirl
@n_zanattaMTV: alright I'm down lets go everyone it's a twin size bed with spongebob sheets still game?!?
@brunorealworld: @madiwadi2by4 I will carry you my lady !! @RealWorldMTV #RealWordSkeletons
@madiwadi2by4: @brunorealworld @t_raines33 thanks for the lift boys ๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜‰#realworldskeletons
@jeastes21: #realworld30reunion needs to happen!! @t_raines33 @SylviaMTV @madiwadi2by4 @_Kazuhnova @n_zanattaMTV @VMilerman
@SylviaMTV: Thanks @madiwadi2by4 for making me wear those shoes on the walk home. And letting me bust my ass! Hahaha #RealWorldSkeletons
- @madiwadi2by4: @SylviaMTV hahaha I completely forgot about that!
- @YoBaby_yoBaby_: @SylviaMTV @madiwadi2by4 I teach ya a thing or two about the 6 inch heels lol
@hdunn611: @brunorealworld @n_zanattaMTV @t_raines33 @_Kazuhnova Wolf pack meeting baby wolf. ๐Ÿบ๐Ÿ’–
@_Kazuhnova: Taylor we on the way!!! Home sweet home!! #WolfPack #NC #RealWorldSkeletons @RealWorldMTV
@madiwadi2by4: @RachelShapshak I love you sister
@YoBaby_yoBaby_: She's just patiently waiting ... #TaylorTuesday #RealWordSkeletons
@CrazyBBLova: @n_zanattaMTV
@briughh: You don't have to like me, cause I don't like you.. you're too beige to knock me black and blue.. #PBlack x
@xwilson12: when @t_raines33 tells @madiwadi2by4 he misses her from the other side of the wall >>>
@katrianebrenae: "well they are real people..." @SylviaMTV @VMilerman ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ reason 10000 why you two are my favorite
@TheChallenge1o1: We need a #RealWorld30Reunion let's get it trending #LEGGO ! @VMilerman and the cast deserve a reunion
@SylviaMTV: Baby's are real people! @VMilerman you CANT RETURN THEM! #RealWorldSkeletons @RealWorldMTV
- @VMilerman: @SylviaMTV @RealWorldMTV I want some just so you have some and they get married #realworld30reunion
- @SylviaMTV: @VMilerman @RealWorldMTV Omg they could be best friends!
- @VMilerman: @SylviaMTV @RealWorldMTV married. I want you as my sister ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜
- @SylviaMTV: @VMilerman @RealWorldMTV omg my heart would be complete!
- @djstweetarazzi: @SylviaMTV @VMilerman @RealWorldMTV I absolutely love you 2 & your bond w/ each other! #RealWorldSkeletons
- @VMilerman: @djstweetarazzi @SylviaMTV @RealWorldMTV thanks babe #realworld30reunion
-@djstweetarazzi: @VMilerman @SylviaMTV @RealWorldMTV Just stating the truth :) You 2 rock #RealWorldSkeletons
- @VMilerman: @SylviaMTV @RealWorldMTV miss you so much #realworld30reunion
@TheShaneRaines: Finally get to see that beautiful baby @_Kazuhnova she's gorgeous congrats man #daddysgirl #RealWorldSkeletons
- @_Kazuhnova: @TheShaneRaines Thanks bro
@TheChallengeMTV: Anyone tearing up?! So sweet. @madiwadi2by4 @RachelShapshak #RealWorldSkeletons
@brunorealworld: Im sweating from my eyes watch @madiwadi2by4 and @RachelShapshak @RealWorldMTV #RealWordSkeletons
@RealWorldMTV: .@madiwadi2by4 totally needed this sister therapy. Loving this amazing moment between them. #RealWorldSkeletons
@madiwadi2by4: I'm having a breakdown I swear! ๐Ÿ˜‡๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ@RachelShapshak #RealWorldSkeletons
@YoBaby_yoBaby_: "Make them look like real people" ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ oh Vi @VMilerman
- @VMilerman: @YoBaby_yoBaby_ duh #realworld30reunion
@t_raines33: Everybody don't forget to tweet us using the official hashtag #RealWorldSkeletons get it trending!!!!  @RealWorldMTV
@NanyMTV: I love how open and honest you are @madiwadi2by4 #Respect
@TheChallengeMTV: #RealWorldSkeletons #RealWorld30Reunion #RealWorldSkeletons #RealWorld30Reunion #RealWorldSkeletons #RealWorld30Reunion @MTV @BunimMurray
@lindsayf711: Breaks my heart watching @madiwadi2by4 tonight! Drugs ruin so many people's lives... Glad she overcome! ๐Ÿ‘Š #RealWorldSkeletons
@jm4r: K im ready to see this baby @YoBaby_yoBaby_ @_Kazuhnova
@brunorealworld: @n_zanattaMTV lol man Nicole ahaha ๐Ÿ˜‚
- @n_zanattaMTV: @brunorealworld you love me don't even lie ahhh bet you missed me how was quality time with my ex girlfriend!! Dead ๐Ÿ˜’
@brunorealworld: @RealWorldMTV #RealWorldSkeletons I lift things and put em down and smash em just to block the girls ahha
@RealWorldMTV: "Sorry to ruin this intense moment, but where's the nail clipper?" Gotta love @n_zanattaMTV #RealWorldSkeletons
@blacuesta: New hair again, went to a light copper brown! #fordatass
@ilysfmjkihu: #RealWorldSkeletons We want a reunion!!! #realworld30reunion @RealWorldMTV @VMilerman @t_raines33 @SylviaMTV @madiwadi2by4 @n_zanattaMTV
@julie_lovexo: There needs to be a reunion! #realworld30reunion @t_raines33 @_Kazuhnova @brunorealworld @SylviaMTV @VMilerman @n_zanattaMTV @madiwadi2by4
@TheChallengeMTV: The #WolfPack is off to North Carolina!!! #RealWorldSkeletons
@t_raines33: I'm just glad I could share that moment with @madiwadi2by4 and her sister @RachelShapshak #RealWorldSkeletons @RealWorldMTV
@ogchallengefan: I really like how this episode of The Real World is focusing on REAL issues. I love @madiwadi2by4 and @_Kazuhnova! #RealWorldSkeletons
@TheChallengeMTV: Nicole is going back Brooklyn to work?! That's a first. Good for you. @n_zanattaMTV :) #RealWorldSkeletons
@_Kazuhnova: Thank you to everyone who have said Congratulations!! It means a lot and being a Father is awesome, I can't complain #RealWorldSkeletons
@ChallengeMTV: Tonight's challenge looks super fun! Do you agree? The action starts in 15 MINS ๐Ÿ˜„ -->  #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@TheChallengeMTV: Huh we saw this routine last week right?!Lol #RealWorldSkeletons
@RealWorldMTV: DANG @SylviaMTV and @madiwadi2by4 have got some moves! #RealWorldSkeletons
@SylviaMTV: If anyone needs @madiwadi2by4 and I to choreograph their dance routine we are open for booking! #RealWorldSkeletons @RealWorldMTV
- @madiwadi2by4: @SylviaMTV @RealWorldMTV heck yes we are!!
 @brunorealworld: @YoBaby_yoBaby_ the wondeful mother of @_Kazuhnova beautiful baby.
@TheShaneRaines: @n_zanattaMTV but I gotta clip my nails! Ha I love u๐Ÿ’…๐Ÿ’…#RealWordSkeletons
- @n_zanattaMTV: @TheShaneRaines your brother had them lol I hate long nails on me!@n_zanattaMTV: Yes I missed the baby!! I had work sorry #wolfpack Tony took my position in this one wish I was there but everything happens for a reason!<3
@YoBaby_yoBaby_: That baby weight in my face ....yikes spikes
@tinaaxlopes: Petition to have @SylviaMTV and @madiwadi2by4 in the next Step Up movie โœ’ #RealWorldSkeletons
@YoBaby_yoBaby_: Glad they didn't show me confuse @brunorealworld & @t_raines33 ๐Ÿ˜‚ #pregnancybrain
@brooks_ox0: @madiwadi2by4 & @SylviaMTV have the best dance moves
@_Kazuhnova: Don't judge me, A brother stomach got tight I was nervous to see my babygirl smh lmao #RealWorldSkeletons @RealWorldMTV
@RealWorld411: "I just know that we can only grow from here" - @madiwadi2by4
@TheChallengeMTV: Dear @MTV @RealWorldMTV, what do we have to do to get a #RealWorldSkeletons REUNION?! #RealWorld30Reunion Plz!๐Ÿ˜Š
@robb_schreiber: Another knee injury? Such a shame. Derrick Rose will be the first person to win the MVP and not make the hall of fame.
@SylviaMTV: Clearly I should rethink my stripper moves! #RealWorldSkeletons @RealWorldMTV I thought it was a good idea! #fail
@TheShaneRaines: Uggh Why can't I be in that dance with my babes @SylviaMTV @madiwadi2by4 #RealWordSkeletons
- @madiwadi2by4: @TheShaneRaines @SylviaMTV in spirit Baby shame
- @TheShaneRaines: @madiwadi2by4 @SylviaMTV ๐Ÿ‘ฏ๐Ÿ‘ฏ
@Shane_Briah: Your baby girl is beautiful @_Kazuhnova  #RealWorldSkeletons
- @RealWorldMTV: @Shane_Briah @_Kazuhnova She is SO gorgeous!!!! #RealWorldSkeletons
- @_Kazuhnova: โ€œ@RealWorldMTV: @Shane_Briah @_Kazuhnova She is SO gorgeous!!!! #RealWorldSkeletonsโ€ Thank you!!!
@RealWorldMTV: CANNOT deal with all of this cuteness!!! <3 <3 <3 #RealWorldSkeletons
@YoBaby_yoBaby_: Three days old ....., she was so tiny
@jm4r: Omgggggggggggggg a leeeetle baby @YoBaby_yoBaby_ @_Kazuhnova
@madiwadi2by4: @_Kazuhnova she's beautiful jay!! So glad we all were lucky enough to be apart of this beautiful moment with you
- @_Kazuhnova: @madiwadi2by4 I'm glad you all were apart of it because it wouldn't be right if you guys wasn't
- @madiwadi2by4: @_Kazuhnova love you jay miss you more than you know!
@n_zanattaMTV: @_Kazuhnova so you called the house first over me!!! Not cool at all dude
- @_Kazuhnova: โ€œ@n_zanattaMTV: @_Kazuhnova so you called the house first over me!!! Not cool at all dudeโ€ See what happen was...!! Love you!!!!
- @n_zanattaMTV: @_Kazuhnova nahhhh not even cool with that @t_raines33 thanks for having my back call Nic should have been the right answer @brunorealworld
- @brunorealworld: @n_zanattaMTV @_Kazuhnova @t_raines33 we did you missed it
- @n_zanattaMTV: @brunorealworld @_Kazuhnova @t_raines33 thanks for letting me know was probably on an emergency! I know we faced time and had our laughs xox
@NAlbott: Adorbs! Congrats!! ๐Ÿ˜ @_Kazuhnova @t_raines33 @brunorealworld @YoBaby_yoBaby_ #RealWordSkeletons
@_Kazuhnova: She changed me and words cant express how I feel to be Taylor Father because she's amazing #RealWorldSkeletons
@VMilerman: @_Kazuhnova HULK LOVE BABY HEAD
@YoBaby_yoBaby_: Then & now ๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜ @_Kazuhnova #TaylorTuesday #RealWorld30Reunion #RealWordSkeletons
@WestonBergmann: A good sentence written in mostly all emoji is like a gift from God
@JaclynMarieeee: @TheChallengeMTV @MTV @RealWorldMTV why wouldnt u do a reunion honestly there lives and how they are doing is just as important as past cast
@t_raines33: Love the dance routines girls @SylviaMTV @madiwadi2by4 @RealWorldMTV #RealWorldSkeletons
- @SylviaMTV: @t_raines33 @madiwadi2by4 @RealWorldMTV did you like our outfits lol
@TheRealNiaMoore: Ball don't lie...tables are turning and somebody is gonna pay. Tune in east coast it's showtime in 2 min! 11pm on @MTV #TheChallenge #battleoftheexes2
@NanyMTV: I love how open and honest you are @madiwadi2by4 #Respect ๐Ÿ’—
- @MTVBananas: @NanyMTV @madiwadi2by4 Sounds like someone else I know!
- @madiwadi2by4: @MTVBananas @NanyMTV awe this is cute ๐Ÿ˜Š
- โ€@madiwadi2by4: @MTVBananas @NanyMTV thanks nany
- @djstweetarazzi: @NanyMTV @madiwadi2by4 I love the respect in this tweet. From a amazing RW Vet to a RW Rookie. True #Respect #RealWorldSkeletons
- @TheChallengeMTV: @MTVBananas @NanyMTV @madiwadi2by4 Agree!!! Madison and Nany def. have similarities. #Real #Honest #Gorgeous #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
- @_danielleex0x3: @madiwadi2by4 @MTVBananas @NanyMTV aww that's cuteโค๏ธ
- @nld9620: @NanyMTV @madiwadi2by4 These are the types of role models we need in life #TeamNany #TeamMadison :)
@shandathapanda: things could be better
@n_zanattaMTV: Door bell rings thanks guys for missing me but I can't answer and it's flowers for Madison?!?!? Wtf is going on #RealWordSkeletons
@RealWorldMTV: Please don't be an ex-boyfriend, please don't be an ex-boyfriend! #RealWorldSkeletons
@TheChallengeMTV: An anonymous note?! Huh?! Be safe @madiwadi2by4! #RealWorldSkeletons
@VMilerman: Oh fuck who just sent @madiwadi2by4 some flowers?!!
@RWSkeletons: #RealWorld30Reunion
@RealWorldMTV: Emotions were on OVERLOAD during tonight's episode. Loved every minute of it <3 #RealWorldSkeletons
@marry_nicolas: Made a Collage for #wolfpack Gonna miss them!! they always had each other's backs! #RealWorldSkeletons @n_zanattaMTV
@n_zanattaMTV: @n_zanattaMTV snapchat isn't a tease haha ;)
- @djstweetarazzi: @n_zanattaMTV I love how you are the only one who tweets yourself :) too awesome
@madiwadi2by4: Know one knows who's next!!!   @n_zanattaMTV @brunorealworld @_Kazuhnova @SylviaMTV @t_raines33 @VMilerman #RealWorldSkeletons
- @brunorealworld: @madiwadi2by4 @n_zanattaMTV @_Kazuhnova @SylviaMTV @t_raines33 @VMilerman I do
- @madiwadi2by4: @brunorealworld @n_zanattaMTV @_Kazuhnova @SylviaMTV @t_raines33 @VMilerman hahaha Bruno you so cute
- @brunorealworld  Feb 24
@madiwadi2by4 @n_zanattaMTV @_Kazuhnova @SylviaMTV @t_raines33 @VMilerman โ˜บ๏ธ thanks haha
@brunorealworld: Thanks for tuning into @RealWorldMTV #RealWordSkeletons tonight's episode was a nice relaxing cool down! For now....
@SylviaMTV: Things get back to the drama next week! Who's ready?!? #RealWorldSkeletons @RealWorldMTV

@madiwadi2by4: Just so everyone knows I'm doing really well for myself, just growing and enjoying life with good people๐Ÿ˜‡๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š

EXES 2 - As They Saw It: "You've Lost That Loving Feeling"

@MTV: #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2 starts right NOW! RT if you're watching + tweeting with @ChallengeMTV ๐Ÿ‘Œ
@TheChallengeMTV: All NEW episode of #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2 starts right now on @MTV!!!! RT if you're watching the madness!!!!
- @SarahRiceMTV: @TheChallengeMTV @MTV @RoyLee25mtv @TheRealNiaMoore @JordanW_usa @WestonBergmann @tjlavin @jonnamtv  @NanyMTV I am! #letthegamesbegin!
@RissKiss_13: Got my #DiemStrong shirt on tonight watching #BattleOfTheExes2
@TheRealNiaMoore: Me and @RoyLee25mtv are the only ones on the same page...Nobody wants to earn their stay smh. Scared asses๐Ÿ’… #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@TheChallengeMTV: "We're exes for reasons. We're suppose to be friends with these people, not lovers!" - @TheresaTime20 #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@EmFitMTV: My dad is the best. โค๏ธ  (convo: Dad: "Why should I be my own super hero when I have you??? Love you, dad"  Emily: "Daddddd omg I love you โค๏ธ"
@MTVBananas: Adventures in #Exile ... #freebanany #99problems #teambanany mtv
@jonnamtv: Tonight's challenge is one of the coolest things I have ever done!! #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@SarahRiceMTV: Can't we all just get along?? #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2 @MTV @ChallengeMTV
@MTVBananas: Adventures in #exile ! #99problems #FreeBanany #teambanany @mtv @NanyMTV @ChallengeMTV
@TheRealNiaMoore: This challenge made me feel like such a badass. Was I scared? Fuck yea. But I was more mad than scared. They put us first in the order too๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜’
@ChallengeMTV: Anyone else tearing up right now? Hug it out @JordanW_usa & @SarahRiceMTV. #WonderTwins #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@TheChallengeMTV: Nia is not playing this episode!!! Lol. @TheRealNiaMoore #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@JordanW_usa: Man @SarahRiceMTV , I wish they would show the true deeper things we worked through and not just the superficial "show" shit. We fam.
- @SarahRiceMTV: @JordanW_usa we sure are!!! You're my brother for life, kid!! Love you !!!
@WestonBergmann: Tonight's challenge was one of the most fun moments of my life. @MTV @ChallengeMTV #BattleOfTheExes2
@SarahRiceMTV: โ€œ@katbkool13: I <3@SarahRiceMTV & @JordanW_usa! I wish they'd just work it out & be together in real lifeโ€umm I'm engaged..To someone else!
@WestonBergmann: Q: Remember that time I won the challenge. A: which one?
@TheChallengeMTV: This CHALLENGE looks scary!!!!!! #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@jenniknapmiller: Sometimes it's better to not ask questions
@MTVBananas: My man @RoyLee25mtv settin the bar high! #freebanany #BattleOfTheExes2 @ChallengeMTV @mtv
@madiwadi2by4: Okay, so who's watching The Challenge  #BattleOfTheExes2 ๐Ÿ˜‹
- @TheChallengeMTV: @madiwadi2by4 You would kill it!! :) #MadisonOnTheChallenge @BunimMurray @MTV
@jgwrestling: Calm down brah #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@IamAdamKuhn: You did amazing @jonnamtv !! #BattleOfTheExes2
@TheChallengeMTV: "Zach puts a lot of pressure on @jonnamtv, but you can't stress someone out like that..." - @TheresaTime20 :) #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@MTVBananas: Ahhh @ZNichols15 playing the role of supportive partner as usual! #BattleOfTheExes2 @mtv #freebanany
@NanyMTV: #YES @MTVBananas ๐Ÿ˜ด๐Ÿ’…๐Ÿ‘‘
@JennaCompono: This is the best challenge so fun! Almost my turn!
 @brittany_baldi: Is #MTVEyeCandy @fryRyCooper the killer!? @afterbuzztv #afterbuzztv #mtv
@madiwadi2by4: @MTVsChallenges I think it would be interesting for sure, to push yourself. It would be fun ๐Ÿ˜Š
@MTVBananas: I think @ZNichols15 missed his calling as a life coach! #BattleOfTheExes2 @mtv #freebanany @ChallengeMTV
@jonnamtv: I saw another ball and since we were alternating I thought it was my turn. Woops๐Ÿ™ˆ my partner only grabbed one ball.
@TheRealNiaMoore: Ball don't lie. Everything comes full circle. In this game and real life. Always make your next move your smartest move. #BattleOfTheExes2
@TheChallengeMTV: It pays to pay attention!!!! :) #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@TheRealNiaMoore: Oh Jordan and Sarah.."the wonder twins" ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ snooze you lose kid. Go in the dome and earn your stay like everyone else. What u scared of? ๐Ÿ˜
@TheChallengeMTV: Wes and Theresa look like they do this everyday. #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2 @WestonBergmann @TheresaTime20
@_kinglvis: Team wes @WestonBergmann @MTV @TheChallengeMTV
@TheChallenge1o1: My bet is on @TheRealNiaMoore and @RoyLee25mtv for #PowerCouple #BattleOfTheExes2 #TheyKilledIt ๐Ÿ’ช
@JayGMTV: If only our lines didnt friggen tangle #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@TheRealNiaMoore: โ€œ@JordaanRoogers: @TheRealNiaMoore why are jay & Jenna still here... Fohโ€๐Ÿ˜’ my point exactly. Nothing against her but wtf
@SarahRiceMTV: My challenge life may be crazy, but at home, it's calm waters with this man by my side. I love you @iatewhat (photography by william Kim
@SylviaMTV: I don't know why but I'm in an exceptional mood! #laughsfordays
@ChallengeMTV: Killin it! #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@TheChallengeMTV: It was ZACH fault. Yes @jonnamtv. Go girl. #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@Dowen0821: @jonnamtv's face just made my day. "You fucked up...." #BattleOfTheExes2  @TheChallengeMTV
@SarahRiceMTV: โ€œ@mbrink12: @SarahRiceMTV did you and Jordan feel like stunt doubles or movie stars while doing this challenge? #DontTangleTheCordsโ€ YEAh!!!
@JordanW_usa: So mad about the call.. But fuck it, time to work. #eliminationtime #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@TheChallengeMTV: YES!!!!! Perfect win!!! #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@TheChallengeMTV: At least @ZNichols15 is owning up to his mistakes. :) ๐Ÿ‘ #ItTakesAManToManUp ๐Ÿ‘#TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@JordanW_usa: Alright let's see if @TheRealNiaMoore stands by her big words and keeps around the lions, and sends in a sheep to try and eliminate us.
@TheChallengeMTV: And it's awesome @jonnamtv is standing up for herself!! Yes, you are a great partner!!! #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@MTVBananas: Banana Swag! Exclusively at
@TheChallengeMTV: Dang, they just had to get the fried chicken, huh? Lol. #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@SarahRiceMTV: Hmmmm it's ok when @RoyLee25mtv plays a political game, but not when I do?...  @TheRealNiaMoore @mtv
@TheRealNiaMoore: Jay and Jenna looked at us like we had their souls in the palm of our hands. Did me and Leroy enjoy it? Duh ๐Ÿ˜‚#TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@RachelShapshak: Well now I can cross 'crying on national TV' off my bucket list! ...oh wait it wasn't on there... Lol #RealWorldSkeletons
@SylviaMTV: Man these #BattleOfTheExes2 challenges are insane!!! Love watching them!
@ChallengeMTV: Yes, we heard it @jonnamtv.  #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@MTVBananas: More like "Wonder Hamsters" RT @TheRealNiaMoore: Jordan and Sarah "the wonder twins"  Go in the dome and earn your stay like everyone else.
@JordanW_usa: How do they not show @SarahRiceMTV and I flat out ask @RoyLee25mtv and @TheRealNiaMoore for #WesandTeresa in #theDome?? #whyidontwatch
@TheRealNiaMoore: Not sendin in Jenna/Jay was a hard pill to swallow. But we're naked in the game. We needed an alliance badly. #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@jonnamtv: Damn @WestonBergmann!!!
@TheChallengeMTV: .@WestonBergmann is politicking like crazy! Genius! #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@MTVBananas: Damn @RoyLee25mtv you just sold your soul to a ginger with no soul! #BattleOfTheExes2 @mtv
@TheChallengeMTV: Guy code?! It's a game!!! Go big or go home!!! #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@ToriFiorenza: Well played @WestonBergmann well played! #mastermind #BattleOfTheExes2
@jonnamtv: โ€œ@MTVBananas: Adventures in #exile ! #99problems #FreeBanany #teambanany @mtv @NanyMTV @ChallengeMTV โ€ hate you guys..
@JordanW_usa: Yo @TheRealNiaMoore and @RoyLee25mtv ! Why yall not give #thewondertwins who we asked for?? #weak
- @TheRealNiaMoore: @JordanW_usa @RoyLee25mtv because we didn't believe y'all really wanted them. Thought it was Sarah's reverse psychology bullshit ๐Ÿ˜‚
- @SarahRiceMTV: @TheRealNiaMoore @JordanW_usa @RoyLee25mtv you're giving me too much credit! Plus, reverse psychology only works on 5 yr olds...
- @TheRealNiaMoore: โ€œ@JordanW_usa: Yo @TheRealNiaMoore and @RoyLee25mtv ! Why yall not give #thewondertwins who we asked for?? #weakโ€ why u want layups tho? ๐Ÿ˜
- @JordanW_usa: Why yall keepin' layups around? We asked for a lion. Or at least a tiger, or bear. You gave us a "wolverine" @TheRealNiaMoore @RoyLee25mtv
- @NotoriousAJM: @TheRealNiaMoore @JordanW_usa @RoyLee25mtv I swear she be gettin people with that. You never know what she wants. Lmao @SarahRiceMTV
@B_Brutality: I hate dreaming of you but I hate it even more when I wake up and don't have you, I wonder if time to time you even think of me.
@jonnamtv: Oh no who's going in?
@JordanW_usa: Word.. RT โ€œ@SummerOfBrad: #Challenge live stats: @JordanW_usa is 3-1 in career eliminations, @SarahRiceMTV is 4-2โ€
@JennaCompono: I Appreciate that nia and Leroy might not vote us in but im not the type to beg
@OpinionatedZach: This season of the challenge has been a showcase for @WestonBergmann. It's just a mixtape of him dunking on people politically.
@jenfarrr: @WestonBergmann is everything when it comes to #thechallenge #bowdownbitches ๐Ÿ‘‘
@SarahRiceMTV: Giiiirl, youre trending!! @TheresaTime20
@A_coolestgirl: How can anyone dislike @SarahRiceMTV? Do you dislike puppies? Sunshine? Happiness?
@JayGMTV: Everyone criticized me last week for not voting jordan in off of emotions and Leroy did the same thing tonight. Theres more to it than u see
@monnibabii: WES is a GENUIS!! I sat back in awe as he completely flipped the script!! #BTE2 #BattleOfTheExes2
@JennaCompono: Wahh @ZNichols15 is going in! He better come back
@TheRealNiaMoore: Jordan was still scared tho ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ’… he was prolly hoping for a non physical elimination round against Zach. You ain't got to lie craigggggg๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
- @JordanW_usa: @TheRealNiaMoore Nah, I hear he don't scare too easy..
- @NotoriousAJM: @JordanW_usa @TheRealNiaMoore ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ y'all killin me
@IamAdamKuhn: Haha @WestonBergmann is a G #BattleOfTheExes2
@JordanW_usa: Well fuck. Now I've got to go head to head w a #Thor in @ZNichols15
#TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2 #theDome
@TheChallengeMTV: Lol @RoyLee25mtv! "Are you out your mind? .... Thank you?!" #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2 @TheRealNiaMoore
@CarlosNVidal: Episodes like this are the reason why @WestonBergmann is my all time favorite Challenge competitor #BattleOfTheExes2 #TheChallenge
@TheRealNiaMoore: We voted zach and jonna in because we made a split sec decision to get @WestonBergmann. We needed an alliance. Period. #BattleOfTheExes2
@monicamarie_o: I wish they would replay the clip where @MTVBananas tells @ZNichols15  not to trust Wes lol #teambanany
@JordanW_usa: Oh cool a hammer elimination against @ZNichols15 #bye
@emmmilymurphy: I need to adopt @SarahRiceMTV 's positivity. Everyone else gets so nervous about challenges & she's like OH THIS IS FUN! ๐Ÿ˜ƒ #BattleOfTheExes2
@JennaCompono: Zachs muscling through but it's all about technique ๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ˜ณ
@CaptainHYPE: @WestonBergmann just showed why he's the best at the challenge. I would always want him on my team
@SarahRiceMTV: Its all about supporting your teammate!! #kindwords!! @mtv @ChallengeMTV
- @NotoriousAJM: @SarahRiceMTV @MTV @ChallengeMTV  you're the best cheerleader. It reminds me of @susie_meister!!
- @SarahRiceMTV: @NotoriousAJM @MTV @ChallengeMTV @susie_meister and Susie is my girl!! (And a bridesmaid in my wedding!!) #kindredspirits!! Ugh I love her!
- @NotoriousAJM: @SarahRiceMTV @susie_meister that's great!!! Love seeing you compete!!!
- @NotoriousAJM: @SarahRiceMTV @MTV @ChallengeMTV @susie_meister comeback next season again & bring Susie with you!!!
@TheChallengeMTV: "Swinging a sledgehammer is more efficiency than power." #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@TheRealNiaMoore: I love y'all. Next episode is CRAZY. Bring your popcorn and tequila. I'm goin on IG and snapchat now to talk ish with y'all. Same username ๐Ÿ’‹
@whatkaylasays: @WestonBergmann Check. Mate, Wes.
 @Miss_BamBam5: @SarahRiceMTV is the most positive person to ever be on a @TheChallengeMTV
@saucy1_23: Hot damn! Pimp daddy @WestonBergmann is playing chess when the rest are playing checkers! #BigRed2TheFinals
@SarahRiceMTV: why I'm always so positive? Cause attitude is everything! And a smile and a positive attitude can alter your mood, and that science!
- @ChallengeMTV: @SarahRiceMTV TRUTH!
- @TheMarkLong: @SarahRiceMTV ain't that the truth SR
@ChallengeMTV: Which team is going to hammer it home? #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@ElmTreigh: @SarahRiceMTV real quick thank you for seemingly being the only woman that actually makes choices rather than letting the guy(s) do it.
@JordanW_usa: S/O all my rednecks, growing up in blue collars. Grew up working our asses off in construction and on farms. #OklahomaBorn
@TheChallengeMTV: "Jonna, picking up his slack" - @RoyLee25mtv @jonnamtv #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@JennaCompono: ๐Ÿ˜ณ love Jordan and Sarah but noooo Zach leaves!!!
@TheMarkLong: Congrats to all the @pocketprotein #free #sample winners. I'll do it again next week for anyone who didn't win. #IWantSomePP
@TheChallengeMTV: My โค๏ธ is totally with @jonnamtv! #BeastMode #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@TheRealNiaMoore: Leroy hated Wes before we got to panama. Theresa was my girl. It was impossible to vote for them regardless. #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@madiwadi2by4: @jonnamtv Girl you did your thing @SarahRiceMTV @JordanW_usa good job on the win y'all!! ๐Ÿ˜‹๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜‰
@SarahRiceMTV: โ€œ@popcornpocket: @murtzjaffer @SarahRiceMTV she is probably my favorite person this seasonโ€ aww thanks!!
@JSurovick: @JordanW_usa I noticed that others mention your hand but u NEVER do. U don't make any excuses and continue to kill every obstacle #respect
@MTVBananas: I'll drink to that!!! Retweet If you're #TeamBanany !!! @mtv #BattleOfTheExes2 #FreeBanany
@SylviaMTV: Pleeeeeease let it be @NanyMTV and @MTVBananas that come back! I want to see everyone's faces! ๐Ÿ˜ˆ๐Ÿ˜ˆ๐Ÿ˜ˆ #BattleOfTheExes2
@TheMarkLong: So what happened on the @mtv #challenge tonight??? #mtv
@TheChallengeMTV: Oh snap!!! Next week, looks like the surprise will finally be announce to the house! #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@TheRealNiaMoore: I'll explain the good shit now. Gonna grab a glass of wine and put on a show for y'all loyal mufuckas. Hop on my IG and snapchat. Same name
@yel0lametak5: CAN NEXT WEEK HURRY UP? #FreeBanany #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@TheRealNiaMoore: โ€œ@Jodyy_V: @TheRealNiaMoore yall shoulda voted jenna and Jay in #EyeForAnEyeโ€ karma always catches up. Ball don't lie๐Ÿ‘Œ
@WVBigDave1: @SarahRiceMTV Sarah I have cerebal palsy and like I told Jordan you guys really inspire me and show me that I can truly do anything.
@ChallengeMTV: It's not always about brute strength. Both teams put up a great fight tonight. Thanks all for watching with us. See you next week! ๐Ÿ˜„
@SarahRiceMTV: โ€œ@TJShafer: @SarahRiceMTV I know this won't get #retweeted but thank you for sending the #douchebag Zach home. #BattleOfTheExes2" SURPRISE!
@MTVBananas: Watch us take on @JohnnyReilly_ and @ave_tress in the latest Battle of the Exiled! #freebanany @TheChallengeMTV โ€ฆ
@ChallengeMTV: If you don't want to go to bed yet, check out @JohnnyReilly_ & @ave_tress vs. @MTVBananas & @NanyMTV in the #EXILE:

@SarahRiceMTV: @MTVBananas @TheRealNiaMoore looks like we earned it... Also, hamsters are adorable. @mtv
@JordanW_usa: I hope people see that "disabled" or not, it's all about a person's WILL to succeed. YOU have to be your biggest supporter. Just gotta push.
- @SarahRiceMTV: @JordanW_usa this is why I love you man!!! #truth!! #nolimits #believeinyou
- โ€@JordanW_usa: #myteammateโค๏ธ  RTโ€œ@SarahRiceMTV: @JordanW_usa this is why I love you man!!! #truth!! #nolimits #believeinyouโ€
- @Taniqua_: @JordanW_usa @SarahRiceMTV AHHH So Glad Yall Won My Fav Team/Couple! #BTW Jordan, my boyfriend @BreakHer_Spine hand is just like yours!!
@TheMarkLong: I think it's time for me to come back and regulate a bit. @mtv #challenge #Unretired #GodfatherRising #mtv @MTVChallenge25 @BunimMurray
-  @AneesaMTV: @TheMarkLong @MTV @BunimMurray I wanna go back too mark. Let's show em  how it's done. Haha. Miss you
- @TheMarkLong: @AneesaMTV @MTV @BunimMurray amen to that!๐Ÿ˜Š
@brittany_baldi: Hey all! I'm going to tweet west coast time #BattleOfTheExes2 ๐Ÿ’ช
@TheChallengeMTV: @SarahRiceMTV Love the words you gave to @jonnamtv @ the very end! So supportive. She too have done a lot challenges & w/o win. #MTVfam
@MtvJess: SO proud of @TheRealNiaMoore and @RoyLee25mtv @mtv KILLED IT! #firstup #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
 @MTVBananas: Great detective work! Or you can just watch it here! @BreanneNYC @NanyMTV โ€ฆ
@jenniknapmiller: Hanging in Hollywood tonight to with @AlexPhillipz & @Curtishadzicki #bad
 @WestonBergmann: Figuratively speaking of course, I'm going to lose my mind if people don't learn how to use the word 'literally'.
@Sahar_Dika: You're right, I don't need you. I want you... And that's even better.
@JordanW_usa: Night Everybody! #grateful
@ExplicitAckles: We all know that next week Nany & Bananas will be walking back into that game like  @MTVBananas @NanyMTV #TeamBanany
@AshleighMorgh: Saw fifty shades tonight, I really enjoyed it. I love love the books though but the movie wasn't bad either.
@AshleighMorgh: Didn't like where the ending cut off but I enjoyed the movie.
@AshleighMorgh: I'm always just up at night, it's so annoying. My mind is racing..
@TophsTweets: Snow again? Yay....
@MtvJess: YES! @jonnamtv so proud you stood up for yourself sweetheart
@MtvJess: @RoyLee25mtv fried chicken comment ๐Ÿ˜‚ almost died boo. #done
@MTVshelbs: Gonna go a full day without seeing @whaattaafoxx for the first time in almost 2 months ๐Ÿ˜ฐ
- @whaattaafoxx: @MTVshelbs I know I'm so upset. Wtf shelbs! Imma cry tomorrow for real I don't wanna leave you at the port
- @MTVshelbs: @whaattaafoxx atleast you'll be back picking me up 24 hours later!
- @whaattaafoxx: @MTVshelbs yeah I guess so ๐Ÿ˜”
@TheChallengeMTV: This is what we've been waiting for #BattleOfTheExiled - @JohnnyReilly_ & @ave_tress vs. @MTVBananas & @NanyMTV โ€ฆ
@EmFitMTV: Yay! Love seeing comments like this! #day3 #21daysuperherochallenge (Comment from Joe: 'Seriously told my roommate today, that this is the best thing that has ever happened to me, and it's only day 3! haha I don't know how to cook, and these meals are so easy, and everything is laid out. Such an awesome challenge! Good luck everyone!")
@TheRealNiaMoore: โ€œ@Michael_delane_: I want @TheRealNiaMoore to win soooo bad. It's time to unleash #hurricanenia c'mon girl. ๐Ÿ‘Š๐Ÿ’ชโ€ next Tuesday. Wait on it๐Ÿ‘Œ
@madiwadi2by4: Just wanted to say how much I appreciate all of y'all's support ๐Ÿ’‹ #luhyou #RealWorldSkeletons
@TheRealNiaMoore: My junior and senior will only get meaner ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ’‹ champagnepapi taught me. I love y'all man.
@TristaAnn87: The way @SarahRiceMTV treated @jonnamtv after she lost is how all women should treat each other always. #support #donthate #empower
- @SarahRiceMTV: @TristaAnn87 @jonnamtv jonna, you're a champion and I'll always have your back. Love you sweet thing!
@TheChallengeMTV: .@WestonBergmann has shown he has great politicking skills. He went into pure beast mode. Future Rookies, take notes! :) #BattleOfTheExes2
 @brittany_baldi: I need a hott date to go see American  Sniper and Cinderella with me ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ˜ƒ
@AbramBoise: Home Again!!!!!  :)
@TheresaTime20: โ€œ@SarahRiceMTV: Giiiirl, youre trending!! @TheresaTime20 โ€ ๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿณ๐ŸŠ
@t_raines33: So glad to have 2 positive skeletons this week @RachelShapshak @_Kazuhnova @RealWorldMTV #RealWorldSkeletons
@madiwadi2by4: I don't regret my past. I only regret the time I've wasted with the wrong people..
@brunorealworld: Guess what I'm watching right now @n_zanattaMTV --- #Addicted
@MtvJess: Those late night calls that last for hours
@TophsTweets: If I end up with the baddest in the game I'm pulling a Kanye and unfollowing everyone
@MtvJess: As the last two days could be any more perfect ๐Ÿ’• @ShelbyDelaine gets here tomorrow #lifemade #perfect
@MtvJess: I'll be your Princess and you'll be the keeper of my goodnight kisses ๐Ÿ’‹ #sweetdreams
@brittany_baldi: Sara and Jordan are the #wondertwinz #BattleOfTheExes2 โœŒ๏ธ
@RoyLee25mtv: Lol I didn't manipulated by Wes.. I thought Zach had my back the whole season. So when I found out he was working with the Devil.. Then.....
@RoyLee25mtv: There are a lot of undercover snakes on this season and soon they will be exposed! WAIT ON IT ๐Ÿ‘€ #BattleOfTheExes2 #BallDon'tLie ๐Ÿ‘€
- @WestonBergmann: @RoyLee25mtv you're the devil. You serve people addictive substances that kill them. I build companies that help feed families. ๐Ÿ‘ฟ๐Ÿ‘Ž๐Ÿ˜‡๐Ÿ‘
@brittany_baldi: That semi challenge looks beast! I bet @TheRealNiaMoore @JennaCompono kill it with those long legs ๐Ÿ’ช #BattleOfTheExes2
@brittany_baldi: Congrats Lee and Nia #PowerCouple #BattleOfTheExes2
@blacuesta: I'm such a creep srs
@whaattaafoxx: Red Skittles
@whaattaafoxx: Omg I MISS ANT! ๐Ÿ˜ฉ๐Ÿ˜ญ @A_Bartolotte come see meeeeee
@whaattaafoxx: Just did my Christian dudy... God is good. Everything works out eventually
@whaattaafoxx: I have the best Vines! If you don't follow me I. Vine then you're just stupid! I RT THE BEST ONES
@brittany_baldi: Yay!! @jonnamtv closure and respect is priceless ๐Ÿ’• #BattleOfTheExes2 #mtv
@jenniknapmiller: Just watched @alexphillipz do his thing on stage in Hollywood ๐Ÿ‘Œcurtishadzicki_dwyl
@RachelShapshak: Thank you to everyone for your support and thank you to the roommates for being so welcomingโค๏ธ I had an amazing time in Chicago!
@RachelShapshak: Most importantly thank u @madiwadi2by4 for being the best big sis ever! I'm so happy I got to visit you and I'm so proud of you! Love youโค๏ธ๐Ÿ‘ฏ
@brunorealworld: Gotta love insomnia .. Watch all of Netflix
@CammoChick: #wcw week pic @madiwadi2by4 @SylviaMTV @VMilerman it's a three way tie ๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜strength beauty humor. #RealWorldSkeletons

> The Wednesday Hangover, Catfish with Jem, and Sarah's Birthday!
@laurelstucky: Trying my FIRST butter coffee today. @EmFitMTV KNOWS what she is talking about people. Listen to her fitness and diet regime. <3 ya Em. xoxo
- @EmFitMTV: @laurelstucky you are my favorite!! Miss you. And....โ˜๏ธ I hope you blended it? ๐Ÿ˜Šโค๏ธ
- @laurelstucky: @EmFitMTV I did a little engineering on that one... I don't have one of those little tools you have!! It was hilarious.. people were staring
@mikethemiz: What happened to u TSA PRE #ReasonsWhyIHateAtlAirport #LongestLineEver
@B_Brutality: Woke up to birds chirping. Spring is close.
@WestonBergmann: Check out this little cutie, his name is archer.pup
@paulawalnutsMTV: I need recommendations for a good moisturizer that won't make me go broke @DanielleMonaro @RadioBethany @ElvisDuranShow #dirty30s
@paulawalnutsMTV: My new favorite app is #dailywater helps keep track of how much water you drink to make sure you get at least 8 glasses a day
@laurelstucky: #IWILL #ICAN
@neyasivera: 4pm drunkish but it's fine 'cause MY BEST FRIEND IS IN TOWN #50shadesofwhitegirlwasted
@laurelstucky: Can someone please tell me the best hospital in New York City. #NeedAdvice
@TheRealNiaMoore: Every time I watch Exiled, @MTVBananas has #MedGift written on his arm. He realized how bad Diem's condition was before everyone else did
@TheRealNiaMoore: Every time I watch Exiled, @MTVBananas has #MedGift written on his arm. He realized how bad Diem's condition was before everyone else did
@TheRealNiaMoore: ...with losing someone there's always regrets. I wish Diem had more time. I think we could have helped if we had more time..
@laurelstucky: Thank you guys.
@JordanW_usa: @yamsEsucraM @RealityRadioPod @jonnamtv I was raised pouring concrete and swingin sledges. My mindset couldn't lose.
@TheRealNiaMoore: ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ’ช
@JordanW_usa: How about that shaker bottle in the "cutesy" shots last night!? Yo @GNCLiveWell how about signing a new athlete!?!? You know you wanna!
@JordanW_usa: "Hands down" I see what Ya did there! Haha! RT โ€œ@CSUAKirk: My favorite duo now is hands down @JordanW_usa  and @SarahRiceMTV #exes2โ€
@TheRealNiaMoore: โ€œ@isthatEroc: The black power dinner ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ @RoyLee25mtv @TheRealNiaMooreโ€  it really was though lol. Felt like Michelle Obama for a second
@VMilerman: There's friends,best friends,and friends who you send pictures of your ๐Ÿ’ฉto when it resembles mystical creatures or cool shapes..
@TrashyTVthatsMe: @WestonBergmann I'm working out & watching @ChallengeMTV this morning & I have to say I โค๏ธ U & I'm as old as @TheMarkLong ๐Ÿ˜œ
- @TheMarkLong: @TrashyTVthatsMe @WestonBergmann @ChallengeMTV Wes is this weird or awesome or both? Lol
- @WestonBergmann: @TheMarkLong @TrashyTVthatsMe @ChallengeMTV awesome
@TheresaTime20: @SarahRiceMTV Happy Birthday Beautiful!!!!!!!๐ŸŒธโœจ๐Ÿณ๐Ÿ”ฎ
@TheChallengeMTV: Happy Birthday @SarahRiceMTV!!!! Enjoy your day! โค๏ธ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ‘๐ŸŽˆ
@JazMTV: I loved duck tales as a kid come on 2017...I said something good was going to happen that year. My kids will be duck tale fans! Guess I better start working on one @ImperatorTruth lol jk jk
@JayGMTV: More stickersssss #TeamJayG
@KidPhix: All day video shoot here we go. @TheJayDillinger Starbucks may be in order.
- @TheJayDillinger: โ€œ@KidPhix: All day video shoot here we go. @TheJayDillinger Starbucks may be in order.โ€ If I don't get Starbucks I'll end up slapping some1
- @JordanW_usa: @TheJayDillinger Go get it!! #shine
- @TheJayDillinger: โ€œ@JordanW_usa: @TheJayDillinger Go get it!! #shineโ€ Thanks big homie! It's still #TeamRookies all day!
- @JordanW_usa: All day!!! RT โ€œ@TheJayDillinger: โ€œ@JordanW_usa: @TheJayDillinger Go get it!! #shineโ€ Thanks big homie! It's still #TeamRookies all day!โ€
@MtvJess: Only in the South does your doctor give you life advice and hug you on your way out the door. Going to miss my small town home feel ๐Ÿ’•
@jonnamtv: I didn't want to ruin it for yall on the west coast last night but this ๐Ÿ‘ต passed out early last night on my great ๐Ÿ‘ต@NanyMTV's couch.
@jonnamtv: I want to thank everyone believed in me and showed my team support during this season. Now what this I'm hearing about an exile?!
@Rich3Hummer: @NanyMTV @DiemBrownMTV @MTVBananas thanks for supporting her dream. She put everything into helping others. #MedGift
@KennySantucci: Happy birthday to my main man #littlemike  #uncleken
@madiwadi2by4: Can't. Get. Up.
@brittany_baldi: Juicy details with #MTVEyeCandy @afterbuzztv with @fryRyCooper is he the killer? #afterbuzztv #mtv
@JennaCompono: Happy birthday to my sister Dana... She would have been 15 today
@JennaCompono: Be a queen.. Find a king... Build an empire
@MTVBananas: The latest Battle of the #Exile is up!!! See if its finally time to #freebanany #BattleOfTheExes2 @mtv @ChallengeMTV
@ChallengeMTV: Last night wasn't the 1st time @WestonBergmann worked his political magic. See his biggest #Challenge power plays!
@jonnamtv: If you can't tell I just woke up and look crusty.. But had to get one last selfie with @nanymtvโ€ฆ
@TheJayDillinger: Just think about it. If this never happened I wouldn't be homies with jordan_wiseley after #Rivals2โ€ฆ
@RealWorldMTV: Madison's first skeleton moved in last night. Catch up on #RealWorldSkeletons here!
@NanyMTV: #BirthdayGirl Happy 26th to my best friend, my ride or die, my wifey... @MoWildd I love you, evenโ€ฆ
@BrandonDNelson: brandondrakenelson says these are the Best of Las Vegas in Breakfast - see full list
@dustinzito: Watching the News feels like I am watching game footage from the next Call of Duty #Seriously
@briughh: Want to hear my thoughts on the @RealWorldMTV read all about it here โ€ฆ
@PeaceLoveJoi: && still lookin for the fishies ๐Ÿ ๐ŸŸ #Miami #southbeach #beachbody #tan #messybun
@FOX5Vegas: #SurpriseSquad @tjlavin helped us restore a Las Vegan's faith in his hometown > โ€ฆ
@MTV_JESS: Missing some loves of mine today ๐Ÿ˜ฉ
@MTVBananas: Cop: "Are you high?"  Me: "If I was high could I do this?"  - Opens bag of Doritos eats one-
@JayGMTV: Track Jay G on Bandsintown for local concert alerts! โ€ฆ
@brittany_baldi: Keeping fit is great for mental and physical health #UnderArmour #mtv #fitness #teambaldi ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿ‘Š
@MtvJess: Apartment is almost empty. Can't believe it's here!!! LA ๐Ÿ’™ in just 2 days ๐Ÿ˜ #roadtrip #LAliving #adventureswithjess ๐Ÿ’ƒ๐Ÿš—๐Ÿ’‹๐Ÿ’•
@MtvJess: Ask yourself what you have to offer a gal like me. If you're not making me better, you're making me worse.And baby I can do bad on my own ๐Ÿ’‹
@CaraMariaMTV: Its official! I will be teaching kickboxing classes @ilovekickboxing in bozeman montana and training clients horses starting in april!
@VMilerman: So I've been thinking about this for a few weeks and am still undecided... Should I start a Blog or YouTube page? Or neither and die out..๐Ÿ‘‹
@whaattaafoxx: That girl right there's the perfect storm
@MtvJess: I want a man whose smoldering stare๐Ÿ”ฅfeels like he could suck the soul from my body but burns only with the simple desire to make me his #1 ๐Ÿ’•
@RealWorldMTV: The Prank Wars were on ๐Ÿ’ฏ last night.
@briughh: 2 Reasons why we don't trust people.. 1. We don't know them.. 2. We know them ..
 @briughh: People say there are other fish in the sea but I say fuck you, he is my sea.
@TheJayDillinger: FEAR to me means Face Everything And Rise #YungAndWavy
@MTV_JESS: Almost peed when I watched the fabulous life of Tyler Pratt @Pratt_MTV ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
@JazMTV: I can't stand when people who aren't from Texas try to tell me how Texas football works...ewwww go away and play baseball or something!
@A_Bartolotte: Life is too short to wait around
@ChallengeMTV: We love @SarahRiceMTV's enthusiasm for these challenges. Spread the positivity! #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
- @SarahRiceMTV: @ChallengeMTV ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚this is pretty much how I walk around feeling every day...
@whaattaafoxx: Really trying to go see Hot Tub Time Machine 2 tonight! Does anyone in the Old Town Wichita KS area wanna join me?
New website is up. Check it out!  Bug thanks to miamimikevip @moeknowsbest andโ€ฆ
@MTVBananas: My Jury Game is strong! #JuryDuty #suicidal
@brunorealworld: Opinions are like assholes now everyone got em
@paulawalnutsMTV: I'm looking for a great moisturizer @Kiehls  what do you recommend? #im30something
@MTVBananas: My Jury game is strong! #juryduty
โ€@susie_meister: Who am I wearing? Mossimo by Target. Next question.
- @SarahRiceMTV: @susie_meister also, mine's from the clearance rack. #thriftybitch
@JayGMTV: Check it out for me
@B_Brutality: If I asked about #RealWordSkeletons you'd all blow up my Twitter. I ask your views on the #kochbrothers and you dk who they are? #wakeup
@B_Brutality: No one cares about politics till they're losing money and freedoms. Maybe it's time to talk about them and learn about them.
@TheMarkLong: Congrats to the @pocketprotein #winners last night. Samples en route. Use "mark" for 20% off http://POCKETPROTEIN.COM
@laurelstucky: And I Will Always Love You
@laurelstucky: My Darling you
@laurelstucky: WCW @DiemBrownMTV
@laurelstucky: I miss you every day Diem. Every single day.
@Tindel10: QuotePic - "Ride the energy of your own spirit."
@RoyLee25mtv: Who's getting married this summer? I want to crash someone's Wedding and Party ๐Ÿ˜œ
- @JennaCompono: @RoyLee25mtv ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
@VMilerman: So I guess I'm launching a YouTube this Friday!โœŒ๏ธ๐Ÿ‘น To set this off I'll answer the first 20 questionsโค๏ธ๐Ÿ’‹
@SimoneJKelly: Before my flight...I'm tryna turn up! Lol. @ Los Angeles International Airport (LAX)
@shandathapanda: serious inquiry: will someone order food for delivery for me?
@AshleeFeldman: Momma taught me good home training
My Daddy taught me how to love my haters.
@blacuesta: Little Einstein remix is bout to go off in the clubs
@whaattaafoxx: Llama my fave ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ
 @RealWorldMTV: Jason's daughter being born on last night's episode was a #RealWorld first:
@MTV: There's a new skeleton in town on #RealWorldSkeletons...  @RealWorldMTV
@IamAdamKuhn: Nobody likes an asshole but no girl wants a nice guy. You have to find that happy medium.
@laurelstucky: Power to you @ddlovato. #StrongGirlsCry
@MTVshelbs: Someone please tell me I didn't just land in Chicago and SEE SNOW
@shandathapanda: fun size candy bars aren't fun after you've eaten 30 of them
@brunorealworld: The most violent element in society is truly ignorance.
@ChallengeMTV: Exes @JohnnyReilly_ & @ave_tress won't go down without a fight! Watch as they take on the current #EXile champs:
@whaattaafoxx: I have a good soul and that's all I need. I'm completely satisfied. #Blessed
@NewYorkObserver: Jason met his baby last night on #RealWorldSkeletons.
@AshleyMarieMTV: I saw potential in you from the go, you know that I did. I don't know if you know but I know who you are. . .#NP #vibin
@AshleeFeldman: But the memories keep us smiling
@EmFitMTV: @laurelstucky just sang a song of hers with her guitar over the phone to me.... Still crying. โค๏ธ #beautiful #hitmyhearthard
- @laurelstucky: @EmFitMTV awwwwwwwwwieeeeeeee ๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’™u
@MTV_JESS: Goddamn it @blacuesta you left mob wives on now I wanna know what happens next ๐Ÿ˜‘
- @blacuesta: @MTV_JESS muahahahaha a
@CaraMariaMTV: Bye bye #hawaii. Huge thank you to crossfitfifty jcfifty for welcoming me to theirโ€ฆ
@TheJayDillinger: Thanks to everybody supporting the music. New album and visuals are on the way. #YungAndWavy fam lets get it!
@JamieChinaMTV: The thirst is so real at the gym from 6-8pm..... Guys act like they've never seen a female before. ๐Ÿ˜‚
@TheMarkLong: I'll be back on mtv tonight ...#mtv ๐Ÿ•
@JennaCompono: I've owned approximately 4,000 hair ties in my life. How many do I have left? One.
@JennaCompono: Nicole's loving life .. All these dresses I order wind up being too short so Nicole gets a brand new wardrobe @_nicgruman
@DevynSimone: House sitter โœ”๏ธ Puppy Sitter โœ”๏ธ Sexy Boyfriend/Australian Tour Guide โœ”๏ธ โœ”๏ธ Australia โœˆ๏ธ here we come! ๐Ÿ’ƒโ˜€๏ธ๐Ÿ˜Ž #GoingDownUnda
 @dustinzito: @JordanW_usa Props on the Elimination Round! It's all about the Technique! #BattleOfTheExes2 @MTV
@EDiamond007: It should be a requirement to have a sign posted outside every sauna that says, "farting in sauna is strictly forbidden"  #gymrules
@RealWorldMTV: Last night, Madison's first skeleton moved in & Jason's daughter was born. Catch up on #RealWorldSkeletons:
@ChallengeMTV: Cheers to @MTVBananas & @NanyMTV, the reigning #EXile champs. This could be the ultimate #Challenge comeback!
@MTV: The latest episode of #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2 will get your heart racing:
@CamilaMTV: There are some fckd up shit in this world man, and I don't understand how some pp just stay quiet it through it all. I just fckng cant. Fml
@MTVshelbs: Everything in NYC is so close together I feel claustrophobic
@whaattaafoxx: All these eyes on me, but I only see you
@TheRealNiaMoore: Kendall and Kylie in time out looking scared as hell. Smh both peed on the floor. They know papi don't play ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
@brunorealworld: Hey
 @n_zanattaMTV: Imagine if the person you are met the person you could have been in a different life...What would change if anything at all?!?
@SarahRiceMTV: My birthday tradition, watch TOY STORY!! My favorite movie ever!! And Yup.... I know EEEEEVVVEEERRYโ€ฆ
- @JennaCompono: @SarahRiceMTV happy birthday !!!
@CamilaMTV: Gym time... I need a punching bag.
@SarahRiceMTV: Pro'lly my favorite scene... Amazing acting... Especially from the sheep..#toystory
@TheRealNiaMoore: This weather goes well with candles, @JheneAiko album, my warm cozy bed and puppies to cuddle with ๐Ÿ‘Œ
@JustJem24: Once a dog.. Always a dog
 @SarahRiceMTV: "A good soldier never leaves a man behind"... #thingsilearnedfromToyStory
@JustJem24: Empire has me so stressed out right now
 @jonnamtv: Haven't even landed and I can already see the traffic.. #losangeles
@SimoneJKelly: Headed to Chicago โœˆ๏ธ Reading Scripts x Studying Lines! #workintheair #thegrind #2015 #actressโ€ฆ
@CamilaMTV: I just wanna make you laugh... I just wanna see that smile... ๐ŸŽต #themissingfeeling
@t_raines33: Everyone that follows @glosunspabr on twitter and Instagram gets a follow back from me, so start following! #tan #hydrate #bodywrap
@imalacey: @DevynSimone #Catfish is on again!
@Trisha_Cummings: Just had to pull over after leaving my parents' due to crying tears of gratefulness that they chose me, so it looks like I AM a chick.
@VMilerman: @SylviaMTV @madiwadi2by4 โค๏ธ
@NanyMTV: Enzo would stay outside and play in the snow all night long if I let him #wildchild ๐Ÿถโค๏ธ
@WestonBergmann: Bootstrap eating Beer Paws (dog treats made from spent grains from KC Bier Co.)
@CaraMariaMTV: Preach ๐Ÿ™ŒRT @CamilaMTV: There are some fckd up shit in this world man, and I don't understand how (cont)
@JustJem24: Your husband should have helped you log off the internet #Catfish
@JustJem24: I fucksssss with @cthagod so hard
@heathermarter: How did my bedroom get in the middle of pottery barn? ๐Ÿ˜
@JustJem24: Y'all I just had a complete freak out during the teen mom OG preview.. I don't think I have ever been more excited in my life
@JustJem24: I don't know if I'm more hype about seeing Gary/amber together or the fact that Sophia will probably cuss Farrah out during an episode
@JustJem24: @MTV needs to just let me take over their twitter for the teen mom OG premier...
@MTV_JESS: I'm seriously starting to count down the days for Cinderella !!! March 13th hurryuppppppp
@robb_schreiber: Anxiety is kicking my ass today
@shandathapanda: that awk moment when u see ppl being active on social media but not responding to ur texts
@jonnamtv: #welcomehome #luckygirl
@JustJem24: Caring is not synonymous with crazy
@SimoneJKelly: ๐Ÿ˜ฑโ„๏ธโ›„๏ธโ˜๏ธ I entitle this video "CHICAGO BREATH!" @ Chicago O'Hare International Airport
@briughh: I'd rather ask for forgiveness than permission. #rebel
@EmFitMTV: I don't have one piece of clothing hung up but I have my bookshelf and that's all I care about โค๏ธโ€ฆ
@JustJem24: Is anybody gonna acknowledge the fact Naya Rivera announces her pregnancy the week Big Sean's album drop is kinda insane?
@JustJem24: Homegirl just doesn't stop with the crazy.
@MTVshelbs: Pretty sure I saw @AshBenzo having dinner at Nobu tonight!
@laurelstucky: My @MTV onesie shrunk in the wash dangit. (I'm treating my face with lotion.)
@JustJem24: I thought she announced today, the day after... Y'all telling me she did it the day of just takes the crazy to a whole new level
@MTV_JESS: Goon house party
@mikethemiz: Cleveland @Browns graphic designer helped me w/ a new logo that honors the past while evolving into the future
@blacuesta: Goon house goin up on a Wednesday @MTV_Christina @MTV_JESS @falashaaa @deeemoneyyy  A1 SINCE DAY 1
@blacuesta: THE CLUB AINT GOT NO CHEESE @falashaaa @MTV_JESS
@NickBrownOnline: Talk to my brother @JayGMTV today about #springbreak #southpadre  w/ @SpringBreakWin ...its gonna be legendary #inertiatours
- @JayGMTV: @NickBrownOnline @SpringBreakWin this spring break sill be one for the record books!!  Hope everybody is ready. SOUTH PADRE BABY!!!!
@heathermarter: I'm over getting shocked. No one touch me until spring.
@jamiechung1: Watching the jinx before going to bed. Not a good idea. Mind is racing
@brittany_baldi: A simple thank you and an apology goes a long way. I respect others that are respectful and kind ๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ™Œ #kindheart
@ThatCoral: One word. Empire.
@blacuesta: Oh just fuckin around YA know
@briughh: In case you forgot.
@MTV_Christina: Amazing night celebrating my new job with the best roommates. @deeemoneyyy @MTV_JESS @blacuesta @falashaaa #homies #rideordie #clubgoinup
@madiwadi2by4: Why am I such an ugly cryer @VMilerman @SylviaMTV @n_zanattaMTV @brunorealworld @_Kazuhnova @t_raines33 @RachelShapshak @RachelShapshak
- @brunorealworld: @madiwadi2by4 @VMilerman @SylviaMTV @n_zanattaMTV @_Kazuhnova @t_raines33 @RachelShapshak no you're not
@laurelstucky: Anyone else up?!

> Hangover Continues: Thursday - Austin Memories & Heather's Not Into Nany/Adam
@heathermarter: Expressing my disapproval since day one @NanyMTV @AdamRoyerr ๐Ÿ˜‚  via @timehop โ€ฆ
- @NanyMTV: @heathermarter @AdamRoyerr @timehop lmao that's great ๐Ÿ˜‚
- @AdamRoyerr: @NanyMTV @heathermarter @timehop #heatherknowsbest
- @KO_Skuba: @heathermarter @NanyMTV @AdamRoyerr @timehop You and everyone else that watched the show, haha
@PrimeTimeSiebs: Tyler and Caitlyn from #TeenMom will always be my favorite couple. Yeah I watch teen mom #JudgeMe ๐Ÿ˜‚#ReppinTheMitten! #TeamMichigan @MTV
@PrimeTimeSiebs: And Bentley will always be my favorite child.. Damn I feel so old watching these!  #Crazy
@DevynSimone: Chillin in Abu Dhabi with one 12hr flight complete and one more to go. #AroundTheWorldIn24Hrs #HelloAustralia
@MTVBananas: People... There is no "x" in especially. #grammarnazi
@laurelstucky: #DeepBreaths
- @CaraMariaMTV: @laurelstucky strangers on the internet now know more than i do. Stop tweeting. Start texting friends.
@whaattaafoxx: I can't fathom the thought to why people want to live in cold ass places like KS or Chi town? The fuck!? It's torture. REALLY!
@whaattaafoxx: I can't stand this cold. Its literally like getting punched in the face everyday...
@whaattaafoxx: I can't wait to get the fuck up out this cold weather! I HATE IT!!!! Summer please HURRY! You're my only hope. You're the good guy! ๐ŸŒž๐ŸŒž๐ŸŒž
@JordanW_usa: To Hell W Blending In. Fuck ordinary. #findyou
@shandathapanda: can't deal w how i feel, both physically and emotionally, today
@JazMTV: If a guy tell you he has a problem at work you ask what and he tell you its none of your business its work related...should i be concerned
@JazMTV: I have a good feeling he is going break my heart :-(
@EmFitMTV: Ahhh!!!! We almost have 8,888 posts under #21daysuperherochallenge! There are about 1000 challengesโ€ฆ
@JennaCompono: Best buds haha ๐Ÿ˜โค๏ธ
@briughh: Find your faith in god, cause the real world hurts.
@briughh: I did it all on myself, never got help from no one.
@whaattaafoxx: I said I loved you and I swear I still do
@RealWorldMTV: We witnessed a #RealWorld first on Tuesday's episode:
@Chet_Cannon: When does everyone stop saying everything is racist?
@brittany_baldi: Does my girl come back and raise hell? @ChallengeMTV #FreeBanany #mtv #BattleOfTheExes2 ๐Ÿ’•โœŒ๏ธ
@TheJayDillinger: Shot some videos for the homie @KidPhix new album. Shit is getting serious! #YungAndWavy X #StayMade
@JayGMTV: Oh ok i like these #TeamJayG pics
@JasIPen: How many of yall girls been through that awkward moment....?
@PrimeTimeSiebs: Spillin while I'm sippin it. Encourage you to try it. I'm probably just saying that cause i don't have to buy it. The club owner supply it.
@RealWorldMTV: These past #RealWorld cast members had skeletons, too:
@JazMTV: Finally sat down watched the challenge episodes...fuck retiring...i might need to come back for a future one. I wold have killed this one
@NanyMTV: "It all goes away. Eventually, everything goes away" #LoveThisMovie #EatPrayLove ๐Ÿ’ž
@MTVshelbs: My biggest strength is also my biggest weakness, I was raised to be extremely nice and always give people the benefit of the doubt.
@AshleeFeldman: When tragedy strikes, your real friends always come through. You will know.
@MTVTV: Remembering 10 years ago when @MelindaStolp, @WestonBergmann & @NehemiahMTV lived under the same @RealWorldMTV roof:
@CaraMariaMTV: Your only competition is yourself. Do today what will make you stronger tomorrow.
@NanyMTV: #TBT
@n_zanattaMTV: @brunorealworld got your pants on because I miss you <333
@n_zanattaMTV: I don't want anything that's less than real, I don't need a lot of attention just show me you care, motivate me and I'll expense myself.
@briughh: Let's fight the right to live, let's fight for the right to love. If you can't fight I'll fight for you.
@RealWorldMTV: This is what #RealWorld looked like 10 years ago!
@MtvJess: Packed up the UHAUL, goodbye dinner next with the family ๐Ÿ’• can't believe it's here. #adventureswithjess #growing
@MtvJess: FIRST STOP tomorrow on my road trip to LA ๐Ÿ’™ #adventureswithjess #LAliving #NCtoLA #Nashville ๐ŸŒ†
@NehemiahMTV: I cannot believe it's been 10 years since I shot my @RealWorldMTV. If only they could see what I'm doin now!!!!!
- @ThatCoral: @NehemiahMTV @RealWorldMTV NEETERMIER!!!
@MTVNews: #TBT to @RealWorldMTV Austin 10 years ago:
@brunorealworld: Think about all the ugly things you people do . Unless you're perfect and recorded your life and understand a situation gladly go sit down.
@imalacey: @TheChallengeMTV @MTVNews @RealWorldMTV @WestonBergmann @NehemiahMTV @Johannabotta @MelindaStolp #VMAs
@imalacey: #rwaustin plus @jamiechung1 and @blairherter #VMAs #TBT and Landon & Darrell
@MtvJess: Recap of the night: Moved out ๐Ÿ‘Œ Got in a fight...well a fewโœ‹ Almost got a ticket ๐Ÿš” Then has a cop randomlypull up outside the house๐Ÿ˜ณ #done
@madiwadi2by4: My past is my past, I've made mistakes but I have learned from them too.

> As The Fans Saw It
@CSUAKirk: two hours till I talk #RealWorldSkeletons with @_Kazuhnova โ€ฆ  got questions use #AskJasonMTV RT
@CSUAKirk: about 20 mins will be speaking with #RealWorldSkeletons cast member @_Kazuhnova โ€ฆ got questions #AskJasonMTV
@CSUAKirk: Going live right now with @_Kazuhnova  and @Morgan_MacAdam right now link is in prior tweets
@CSUAKirk: @_Kazuhnova  thanks so much for joining @Morgan_MacAdam  and myself you were a joy to have on boss best of luck with your daughter
@CSUAKirk: @n_zanattaMTV  @madiwadi2by4  have talked with all but you two from real world hope to chat with the two of you soon
@CSUAKirk: Wait I thought Madison and her sister had beef #RealWordSkeletons
@CSUAKirk: Rachel is gorgeous #RealWordSkeletons
@CSUAKirk: Doubt Jason remembers any of that poor guy was prob emotionally drained at this point  #RealWordSkeletons
@CSUAKirk: @_Kazuhnova  seeing you happy was great man #RealWordSkeletons
@CSUAKirk: I can understand why Rachel is mad at Madison #RealWordSkeletons
@CSUAKirk: Love seeing the vulnerable side of @madiwadi2by4  this is so sweet #RealWordSkeletons
@CSUAKirk: Love the vibe @_Kazuhnova  and @YoBaby_yoBaby_  I can tell even tho they aren't together that they're going to be great parents
@CSUAKirk: This is gonna be a bad episode for tony next week #RealWordSkeletons
@CSUAKirk: My favorite duo now is hands down @JordanW_usa  and @SarahRiceMTV #exes2
- @JordanW_usa: "Hands down" I see what Ya did there! Haha! RT โ€œ@CSUAKirk: My favorite duo now is hands down @JordanW_usa  and @SarahRiceMTV #exes2โ€
- @CSUAKirk: @JordanW_usa @SarahRiceMTV  before last week it was your Portland roomies
@CSUAKirk: Zach their is no I in team bro #exes2
@CSUAKirk: Why isn't @WestonBergmann  ever considered in the list of challenge hall of famers the dude is a political genius #exes2
- @KO_Skuba: @CSUAKirk @WestonBergmann He's in the running, but not first ballot. One tainted win, the other he had CT as a partner.
- @CSUAKirk: @KO_Skuba dude handled his conversation with Leroy one who he's had prior beef with perfectly I wasn't team Wes since he put bananas in  but I'm back on team Wes after that
- @KO_Skuba: @CSUAKirk He's playing a good game with a lot of easy manipulated people. No doubt.
- @CSUAKirk: @KO_Skuba dude saying you'll be my number one if you take my current number one out was a great move
- @KO_Skuba: @CSUAKirk Sure, but at the same time, there's five teams left. If you really think anyone truly has your back this late is silly for Lee.
- @CSUAKirk: @KO_Skuba Leroy knew throwing in jay and Jenna this late would've been pointless
- โ€@KO_Skuba: @CSUAKirk I agree. But don't save Wes just cause he says he'll save you. Can't trust him this late.
- @CSUAKirk: @KO_Skuba Leroy will put him first of the order matters next week
- @KO_Skuba: @CSUAKirk We'll see.
@CSUAKirk: Great move Leroy #exes2
@busdriversroute: Programming alert: We'll be without the great @lashtweets for the RHAP-up. But we'll be in the phenomenally mediocre hands of @dainerson25.
@busdriversroute: Damn you late basketball league start times. Starting The Challenge now and then entering the world of Pawnee one final time...
@busdriversroute: Difference between Challenge & AYTO: On AYTO they have a parties inside semi-trucks. On Challenge they jump across them. #BattleOfTheExes2
@busdriversroute: The team that won the trivia challenge can't spell Leroy. No words. #BattleOfTheExes2
@busdriversroute: I would've loved to be in the creative room when this challenge was proposed. How many extra waivers needed to be signed? #BattleOfTheExes2
@busdriversroute: Hahahahahahaha fried chicken! #PowerCoupleDinner #BattleOfTheExes2
@busdriversroute: That was a work of art from @WestonBergmann. #BattleOfTheExes2
- @TheSteamer: @busdriversroute @WestonBergmann He swayed Leroy. Something he wasnโ€™t able to do in Rivals.
@busdriversroute: I swear Zach has put a mental block for his performance in last year's final. Maybe the worst non Big Easy male showing. #BattleOfTheExes2
@busdriversroute: "Every team here has something to be proud of." I mean...Jay and Jenna? Proud? Really? #BattleOfTheExes2
@busdriversroute: Thread for questions for the Challenge RHAP-up, this week with @dainerson25 (you'll be missed @lashtweets!), is up.
@busdriversroute: Bus Driver's Route: The Challenge Battle of the Exes 2 Fantasy Scoring Week 8 โ€ฆ
@busdriversroute: 48 hours late...time for some #RealWorldSkeletons.
@busdriversroute: "I tried to look up all my mug shots but I can't find them." How many mug shots does Sylvia have??? #RealWorldSkeletons
@busdriversroute: How do the producers not alert Jason that she's in labor? That's a bad job by them. #RealWorldSkeletons
@busdriversroute: Also I'd love to hear the future conversation with Jason explaining why he missed her birth because he was on Real World #RealWorldSkeletons
@busdriversroute: Shout out to Rachel. Madison drinking and smoking is REALLY uncomfortable post addiction. Needed to be said. #RealWorldSkeletons
@busdriversroute: Hear @dainerson25 podcasting debut on this week's @ChallengeMTV Battle of the Exes 2 RHAP-up. #RHAP #BattleOfTheExes2 โ€ฆ
@lashtweets: Finally watching #thechallenge , forgot Theresa and Wes were still on #RHAP
@lashtweets: Can we assume Sarah and jordan are winning this now or is there literally nothing else going on to air? #TheChallenge #rhap
@lashtweets: If you like it, my voice is just deeper, if you don't it was @dainerson25 and @busdriversroute #thechallenge #rhap โ€ฆ
@murtzjaffer: Bring back @jm4r #RealWorldSkeletons
- @jm4r: @murtzjaffer I love you ๐Ÿฃ๐Ÿ’›
- @murtzjaffer: @jm4r your only flaw is that you didn't come through on our Trivia Crack bet!
- @jm4r: @murtzjaffer im pissed I lost... I want a rematch
- @murtzjaffer: @jm4r you have to come through on the bets first!
@murtzjaffer: Congrats @_Kazuhnova !  #RealWorldSkeletons
@murtzjaffer: @SarahRiceMTV is so thoughtful and nice. The perfect partner. @JordanW_usa is lucky to have her #BattleOfTheExes2
@murtzjaffer: One day @SarahRiceMTV you will have to tell me how you managed to get @MTVBananas & @JordanW_usa to mend fences. #BattleOfTheExes2
 @murtzjaffer: This @WestonBergmann @RoyLee25mtv conversation is fascinating #BattleOfTheExes2
@murtzjaffer: I agree @TheresaTime20  this @WestonBergmann sell job is one of the best ever. #BattleOfTheExes2
@murtzjaffer: Did @SarahRiceMTV and @JordanW_usa ask for Wes and Theresa in the Dome?  Man. That would be awesome if they did. #BattleOfTheExes2
- @SarahRiceMTV: @murtzjaffer @JordanW_usa  we sure did!!!
- @murtzjaffer: @SarahRiceMTV @JordanW_usa why????
@murtzjaffer: @SarahRiceMTV tell me!
@murtzjaffer: This is a very very good ep of #BattleOfTheExes2  it has everything. Betrayal. Great challenges. Revenge. Like twisted Shakespeare.
@murtzjaffer: I love @SarahRiceMTV #BattleOfTheExes2
@RealityRadioPod: ICYMI: Our thoughts on @JayGMTV "Power" moves, @brunorealworld vs @t_raines33, @ZNichols15 "women" comments and more! โ€ฆ
@RealityRadioPod: @JayGMTV Yo Jay, that's what I said in our recap last week. I said this challenge is something on Fear Factor. Great minds think alike!
@RealityRadioPod: Nia is being mean again ๐Ÿ˜ข.... No!! Stop that. #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@RealityRadioPod: Please Leroy and Nia win!!!!! It was so unfair for you guys. #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@RealityRadioPod: Yaaaaay! Go @RoyLee25mtv and @TheRealNiaMoore!!!! #PowerCouple #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@RealityRadioPod: That's a SLAP in the face. They both didn't think Leroy and Nia would win. Now look at them. They won! #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@RealityRadioPod: If they were smart they would have thrown in Zach &Jonna again Jordan/Sarah. Yeah J&J threw them in, but they still beatable. #TheChallenge
@RealityRadioPod: Leroy please be smart and throw in Wes or Zach!! Not Jay. #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@RealityRadioPod: It needs to be Zach vs Jordan. Leroy and Nia better have not thrown in Jay and Jenna. Smh #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@RealityRadioPod: Leroy is a MAN. He's a beast. He threw in ZACH. Yes. #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2 #VetStatus #HeAintScared @RoyLee25mtv
@RealityRadioPod: #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2 has sledgehammers!!! @FifthHarmony :)
@RealityRadioPod: Leroy is a MAN. He's a beast. He threw in ZACH. Yes. #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2 #VetStatus #HeAintScared @RoyLee25mtv
@RealityRadioPod: #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2 has sledgehammers!!! @FifthHarmony :)
@RealityRadioPod: If Zach goes to EXile I hope Bananas take him out for good! #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@RealityRadioPod: My ๐Ÿ’œ goes out to @jonnamtv in this dome! She's so little. #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2 #Sledgehammer
@RealityRadioPod: Once again Jonna picked up Zach's slack. They would have won!!! Jonna was killing it! #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2 smh!!!!
@RealityRadioPod: Or maybe Leroy and Nia should have thrown in Jay and Jenna. Bananas could easily send them home! #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@RealityRadioPod: I actually think EXile sucks now lol. Errrrr. There's pros and cons. Hope Bananas & Nany win! Plz not Zach. #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@RealityRadioPod: Our convo lol. #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2 You killed it @WestonBergmann! @JanelMcG @CSSandersSNE
@RealityRadioPod: Talking to @Brunorealworld live on the air! Listen in now at . #BlogTalkRadio #realworldskeletons

@RealityRadioPod: Listen to our full interview with @brunorealworld at  #RealWorldSkeletons Thank you so much for calling in Bruno!
@AceNichols33: Hey @jonnamtv heyyyy... I may or may not have just sent you an e-mail. =)
@hannahdayne12: my reaction when @SarahRiceMTV & @JordanW_usa got tangled in the challenge.. ft @AceNichols33
- โ€@SarahRiceMTV: @hannahdayne12 @JordanW_usa @AceNichols33 mine too!!
- @AceNichols33: @SarahRiceMTV @hannahdayne12 @JordanW_usa pretty sure this is the 1st time you've tweeted me. Fangirling a bit, not a lot.. Just a little.๐Ÿ˜œ
- @SarahRiceMTV: @AceNichols33 @hannahdayne12 @JordanW_usa <3 u girl!! &thanks for the great recaps every week!! I watched last weeks and it cracked me up!
- @AceNichols33: @SarahRiceMTV @JordanW_usa ahhhh! Thanks so much!! Means a lot that you checked it out & liked it! Yayyyy!!! ๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ’š
- @hannahdayne12: @SarahRiceMTV @AceNichols33 this was too good not to screenshot! Thank you both for being hilarious and amazing! ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜
- @AceNichols33: @SarahRiceMTV @JordanW_usa ahhhh! Thanks so much!! Means a lot that you checked it out & liked it! Yayyyy!!! ๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ’š
@AceNichols33: About to finally watch the damn challenge. Somebody refill my drink. It's been one of those days.
@AceNichols33: Always tweeting the challenge ALONE. #WestCoastProblems
- @dc408dxtr: @AceNichols33 you're not alone, me and @CSUAKirk are in the same boat as you are. but that's also why I do #DCSocialPulse, compiling all the tweets for you & those like us who didn't get to tweet along live and my blogs serve as a perfect complement to your hilarious recap vids & all the webcasts that cover this franchise.
@AceNichols33: Dude @ZNichols15 you're being such a douche nugget. We have the same last name & I'd appreciate it if you'd be a little nicer to the ladies!
@AceNichols33: AHHHHH @TheRealNiaMoore and @RoyLee25mtv! #NoWaterNoCry! BOOM!!!!! #BattleOfTheExes2
@badboy_tim12: @AceNichols33 no way after tonight you still hate wes atleast give my boi some props in the recaps
- @AceNichols33: @badboy_tim12 LOLs I have given Wes enough props in previous seasons. This season he is annoying me. I still love his stupid freckled face.
- @erik2690: @AceNichols33 You have to love that move tonight though. That was a straight boss move lol.
@AceNichols33: WHY DO PEOPLE THINK I ACTUALLY "HATE" PEOPLE ON #TheChallenge. Y'all don't understand me.I've done 4+ seasons. Each season, diff people suck
@AceNichols33: Real talk-The Challenge is my FAVORITE show. I love everyone on it. I dislike diff people's actions at diff times. I don't need to explain.
@AceNichols33: Dude. I'm proud of @jonnamtv. #BattleOfTheExes2
@AceNichols33: Oh, hello. #BattleOfTheExes2 recap filming time! #HumpDayRoutine #TryingToBeFunny
Not done filming yet and I can already certainly tell that this is gonna be a long one. Fucking Zach.
@AceNichols33: I WANT AND DESERVE AN @MTV ONESIE! Gimme dat. No, but seriously.. give me one.
@AceNichols33: I forgot about this page for #TheChallenge that I made. I'll ry to post there again & more often. LIKE it if u LIKE. โ€ฆ
@AceNichols33: Dear Recap, you take too long, but I still love you and won't give up on you. Love, Ace. #AcesChallenge #BattleOfTheEdits
@AceNichols33: Who's ready for the NEW #BattleOfTheExes2 recap?...
@AceNichols33: Alright fellow lovers of #BattleOfTheExes2.. here's the NEW recap! Share it if u dig it!
@AceNichols33: Huge thanks to @JennaCompono for the awesome intro for this week's #BattleOfTheExes2 recap! Check it out here:
@AceNichols33: I apologize for the tweet storm coming in a few seconds, but I have to tweet all the RW peeps the recap. This will only take a few min. XO
@AceNichols33: Hey #BANANY! @MTVBananas @NanyMTV The NEW #BattleOfTheExes2 recap is UP and waiting for you to watch & share!
@AceNichols33: YO @JayGMTV - my homie - check out the NEW #BattleOfTheExes2 recap & share with your peeps!
@AceNichols33: I'm forever impressed by @tjlavin. I talk about it in the new #BattleOfTheExes2 recap! Watch & share? #LoveYourFace
@AceNichols33: Dear @jonnamtv - if you watch any of the recaps - make sure you watch this one! <3  #BattleOfTheExes2
@AceNichols33: Hey @RoyLee25mtv thank you so much for the fried chicken. Please watch & share! Hahaha!
@AceNichols33: OH @SarahRiceMTV .. I wanna put your little positive ass in my pocket & carry you around with me. Enjoy...  <3
@AceNichols33: Yay! @RoyLee25mtv thanks so much for sharing the new recap! xo
@AceNichols33: The last role I would want is "Random Girl #2" on #RealWorldSkeletons ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
@AceNichols33: @tjlavin thank you. That's all <3
@neyasivera: Hey @mtv ... #FreeBanany
@neyasivera: If I were @jonnamtv I would probably stab zach but she is a better person than me...she stood up for herself and outperfomed that moron
@jeff_thurm: Finally ready to hear the full story behind  @madiwadi2by4 and her #skeletons. @RealWorldMTV
@jeff_thurm: Are you team #neff,  #joxy, or #djjeffie?  Let us know haha! #RealWorldSkeletons  @SINSEDONTPLAY @roxystriar @DjJesseJ
@jeff_thurm: Last night's episode of #RealWorldSkeletons was INTENSE.  Check out our aftershow and let us know your thoughts!
@jeff_thurm: @madiwadi2by4 Madison, were huge fans of yours on the afterbuzz aftershow. If you're ever in LA, let me know, I'd love to interview you
@roxystriar: Guess who's coming on for @afterbuzztv #RealWorldSkeletons tonight !? I missed you guys! @SINSEDONTPLAY @DjJesseJ @jeff_thurm
- @TheSteamer: @roxystriar I donโ€™t care about the Real World but when I listen to ABTV #BattleOfTheExes2 in the morning you better go in again on Zach!
- @roxystriar: TheSteamer HA! Did you ever doubt I would!?
- @TheSteamer: @roxystriar Happy that once again you didn't restrain yourself. He comes off exceedingly worse every minute he's on TV. Zero growth.
@roxystriar: So proud of @jonnamtv 4 swinging her heart out tonight, sticking up for herself, &most of all for getting rid of Zach for good #MtvChallenge
@Morgan_MacAdam: @VMilerman @MTV @CSUAKirk & I would happily host a reunion show for you guys if MTV doesn't follow through! We can have it in Chicago! ;)
@Morgan_MacAdam: @_Kazuhnova So great meeting and talking with you today! You were awesome! Clearly a visit to Chicago is way overdue & we can grab drinks!!
- @_Kazuhnova: @Morgan_MacAdam I agree!!! It was great meeting you and talking to you too Morgan!!
 @Morgan_MacAdam: @_Kazuhnova hit me with a follow back my friend & let me know when/if you ever come back to town! Hope to talk to you soon!
- @jm4r: @_Kazuhnova you met @Morgan_MacAdam??? actually jealous.. She kicks my ass in trivia crack
- @Morgan_MacAdam: @jm4r @_Kazuhnova haha well @CSUAKirk & I interviewed him yesterday on Google+! As close to meeting him as we get! Come to Chi & visit me!!
@JayBGCBlog: #RealWorldSkeletons time! ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘
@JayBGCBlog: Wait they have Oovoo in that house?! ๐Ÿ˜ #RealWorldSkeletons
@JayBGCBlog: Madison's mugshot isn't that bad though! #RealWorldSkeletons
@JayBGCBlog: Prank wars time! ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ #RealWorldSkeletons
@JayBGCBlog: @madiwadi2by4 I love you. ๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜
@JayBGCBlog: Madison's sister has arrived!!! ๐Ÿ˜โค๏ธ #RealWorldSkeletons
@JayBGCBlog: Madison's reaction is so adorable. ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ‘ #RealWorldSkeletons
- @RealWorldMTV: @JayBGCBlog Crying for her! #RealWorldSkeletons
@JayBGCBlog: @brunorealworld @_Kazuhnova @t_raines33 @RealWorldMTV ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
@JayBGCBlog: Awe i love Madison! ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿ™Œ #RealWorldSkeletons
@JayBGCBlog: Jason is going to be a great father! He shouldn't worry about nothing! @_Kazuhnova you're the man! ๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ˜Ž #RealWorldSkeletons
@JayBGCBlog: @_Kazuhnova @YoBaby_yoBaby_ โ˜บ๏ธโค๏ธ #TaylorHasBeenBorn #RealWorldSkeletons
@JayBGCBlog: @_Kazuhnova your baby girl is so cute!!! ๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ‘ #Taylor ๐Ÿ™Œ #RealWorldSkeletons
@JayBGCBlog: @madiwadi2by4 ily so much. ๐Ÿ˜˜
@JayBGCBlog: North Carolina is really cool! I've been there before ๐Ÿ‘Œ #RealWorldSkeletons
@JayBGCBlog: #BattleOfTheExes2 time! Now watching <--- ๐Ÿ˜
@JayBGCBlog: It obvious who wins in the finale. They've already made a clear hint! ๐Ÿ˜” #BattleoftheExes2
@JayBGCBlog: When @VMilerman & I do our interview for my blog, I'll make her interview background colorful but for her only. ๐Ÿ˜โค๏ธ #RealWorldSkeletons
@JayBGCBlog: Nia & Leroy should throw Wes & Theresa on the chopping block! โ˜•๏ธ๐Ÿธ #BattleOfTheExes2
@JayBGCBlog: @TheRealNiaMoore YAS! Is that the "I'll tear your ass up bitch" episode?! โ˜•๏ธ๐Ÿธ
@JayBGCBlog: @TheRealNiaMoore we should set up an interview for my blog! ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ˜ #hurricanenia
@JayBGCBlog: Bye Zach & Jonah ๐Ÿ˜” #BattleOfTheExes2
@JayBGCBlog: Next episode looks intense! #BattleOfTheExes2
@JayBGCBlog: @TheRealNiaMoore Who were you going off at that MTV isn't showing. ๐Ÿ˜’๐Ÿ™Š
@JoeyBGCBlogger: #RealWordSkeletons time!!! Yas!! ๐Ÿ™Œ
@JoeyBGCBlogger: Wait... What happen to skype? What's oovoo? Lmao #RealWordSkeletons
@JoeyBGCBlogger: Lmfao! Someone got scared and went under the covers lmfao #RealWordSkeletons
@JoeyBGCBlogger: Awe I love Madison! She's so adorable! ๐Ÿ™Œ #RealWordSkeletons
@JoeyBGCBlogger: Congrats on the baby Jason! #RealWordSkeletons
@TheSteamer: I love @RoyLee25mtvโ€™s fire this season. #BattleOfTheExes2
@TheSteamer: Wait, Sarah brought a notebook? How come they havenโ€™t edited her to be a weirdo like they did with Laurel? #BecauseItsNot #BattleOfTheExes2
@TheSteamer: @EmFitMTV Pretty selfish of him to put all of that responsibility on you! ;)
@TheSteamer: You know what would make this challenge even cooler? Vin Diesel, Michelle Rodriguez, and Ludacris. #BattleOfTheExes2
@TheSteamer: Hopefully Zach is watching @RoyLee25mtv this season to see how to both push and respect his partner. #BattleOfTheExes2
@TheSteamer: โ€œTo Jonna, Iโ€™m an egotistical monster who has got a bad attitudeโ€. Um, not just to Jonna, Zach. #BattleOfTheExes2
@TheSteamer: Feel like a broken record but this is the @RoyLee25mtv weโ€™ve needed on The Challenge. Not chill, happy to be there Leroy. #BattleOfTheExes2
- @NotoriousAJM: @TheSteamer @MTVChallenge26 @RoyLee25mtv come into every season like this!!
- @TheSteamer: @NotoriousAJM @MTVChallenge26 @RoyLee25mtv No doubt. Free Agents woke him up. Heโ€™s one of the best.
@TheSteamer: Wait Zach is trying to lecture people on โ€œGuy Codeโ€? Zach? Zach is lecturing other people on โ€œGuy Codeโ€. Let that sink in. #BattleOfTheExes2
@TheSteamer: Not so sure that was the right move. A tough decision no matter what they chose. #BattleOfTheExes2
@TheSteamer: Sarah trying to genuinely build up Jonna and Zach is being a douche. That about sums up Zach. #BattleOfTheExes2
@TheSteamer: Outside of the eating Dome itโ€™s been a pretty great job by the Challenge crew this year. No repeat eliminations? Iโ€™m sold. #BattleOfTheExes2
@TheMarkLong: So what happened on the @mtv #challenge tonight??? #mtv
- @TheSteamer: @TheMarkLong I think you need to have a talk with your son.
- @TheMarkLong: @TheSteamer lol what happened now?
- @TheSteamer: @TheMarkLong He opens his mouth. He canโ€™t possibly have that little respect for Jonna. Remember when you got paired w/ Aneesa in the Duel 2 final and you knew your hopes were low yet you still encouraged? Not Zach.
- @MTVChallenge26: @TheSteamer @TheMarkLong she did better than him on the challenge and elimination #Karma
- โ€@TheSteamer: @MTVChallenge26 @TheMarkLong Sheโ€™s far from one of the best there but he should be. With right attitude they could do well. She has heart.
- โ€@TheMarkLong: @TheSteamer like it was yesterday lol.
- @MTVChallenge26: @TheSteamer @TheMarkLong I just think its funny that he was the one that cost them the game after all the crap he have been saying all this season...She actually hold her own against Sarah even though she is tiny and the hammer was bigger than her lol
- @TheSteamer: .@MTVChallenge26 Zach was outperformed by Laurel in Free Agents and now Jonna in #BattleOfTheExes2. Is Casey available next season?
- @TheMarkLong: @MTVChallenge25 @TheSteamer def gonna have to see this episode.
- @TheSteamer: @TheMarkLong He wasnโ€™t as bad as last episode but he needs to be reeled in. There is still hope yet. Positive energy.
@TheSteamer: @TheMarkLong Iโ€™ve said it before and Iโ€™ll say it again, #Duel3. Make it happen, @BunimMurray!
@KO_Skuba: I've never rooted on @JordanW_usa ever in my life...before last night. Team @SarahRiceMTV fo life. Congrats guys! #TheChallenge #Exes2
@KO_Skuba: If @MTVBananas & @NanyMTV can come back into this game + win it all, it goes down as arguably the greatest win in Challenge history. #Exes2
@KO_Skuba: Happy Birthday to @SarahRiceMTV! Even if she clowned me for being too young to court her on @CSUAKirk's podcast that one time...
@djstweetarazzi: @madiwadi2by4 @brunorealworld I knew Bruno was gonna get called out on that (even tho it was a joke) lol
@djstweetarazzi: @t_raines33 @RealWorldMTV Hey it is a loud way to wake everyone up lol #RealWorldSkeletons
@djstweetarazzi: @madiwadi2by4 Don't be nervous, you always rock! #RealWorldSkeletons
@djstweetarazzi: @t_raines33 @RealWorldMTV Pls tell me that wasn't cherry jello, cause that was a waste of cherry, strawberry ok tho lol #RealWorldSkeletons
@djstweetarazzi: @brunorealworld @_Kazuhnova @RealWorldMTV OMG That was beyond awesome, I am crying at how Happy Jason is #RealWorldSkeletons #Congrats
@djstweetarazzi: @t_raines33 @_Kazuhnova @RealWorldMTV That grill must've burnt too much food for ya guys or something lol #RealWorldSkeletons
@djstweetarazzi: @SylviaMTV @RealWorldMTV You know I am always with ya :) #RealWorldSkeletons
@djstweetarazzi: @_Kazuhnova @t_raines33 @RealWorldMTV Poor Grill lol #RealWorldSkeletons
@djstweetarazzi: @n_zanattaMTV @brunorealworld @_Kazuhnova @RealWorldMTV OMG is Jason's baby the 1st on Real World baby? #RealWorldSkeletons
@djstweetarazzi: @t_raines33 @_Kazuhnova @YoBaby_yoBaby_ @RealWorldMTV Thats a beautiful spelling of the middle name! #RealWorldSkeletons
@djstweetarazzi: @n_zanattaMTV I'll be the Patrick to your Spongebob! lmao #RealWorldSkeletons
@djstweetarazzi: @_Kazuhnova @RealWorldMTV That is awesome! :) Congrats sir, Congratulations, sincerely! #RealWorldSkeletons
@djstweetarazzi: @_Kazuhnova @RealWorldMTV Now the #Wolfpac has a baby wolf named Taylor :) The Wolfpac has grown :) #RealWorldSkeletons
@djstweetarazzi: @brunorealworld @madiwadi2by4 @RachelShapshak @RealWorldMTV Yeah my eyes are sweating too, yea, they sweating #RealWorldSkeletons
@djstweetarazzi: @madiwadi2by4 @RachelShapshak Okay Im crying for Bubbles & Rach & Im crying tears of joy for @_Kazuhnova #RealWorldSkeletons
@djstweetarazzi: @NanyMTV @madiwadi2by4 I love the respect in this tweet. From a amazing RW Vet to a RW Rookie. True #Respect #RealWorldSkeletons
@djstweetarazzi: @YoBaby_yoBaby_ @t_raines33 @_Kazuhnova @RealWorldMTV 1st off, thats awesome, 2ndly its a honor to receive a tweet from you, sincerely
@djstweetarazzi: @brunorealworld @n_zanattaMTV Gotta love Nicole! She always makes ya laugh :) too cool! #RealWorldSkeletons
@djstweetarazzi: @SylviaMTV @VMilerman @RealWorldMTV I absolutely love you 2 & your bond w/ each other! #RealWorldSkeletons
@djstweetarazzi: @_Kazuhnova I can tell you're an amazing father, your heart is so huge, never change bro! Congrats again! #RealWorldSkeletons
@djstweetarazzi: @_Kazuhnova Thank you. I just saw u & @YoBaby_yoBaby_ baby Taylor on TV & immediately started bawlin! lol Im a sap lol #RealWorldSkeletons
@djstweetarazzi: @n_zanattaMTV That I do, you crack me up & seriously you just absolutely rock! How has your day been?
@djstweetarazzi: @n_zanattaMTV Doh! I just tried to DM you something but doesn't show you following me, guess that aint gonna work lmao
@djstweetarazzi: @VMilerman @SylviaMTV @RealWorldMTV Just stating the truth :) You 2 rock #RealWorldSkeletons
@djstweetarazzi: @_Kazuhnova @RealWorldMTV No making fun of here bro, the joy in your face is priceless! #RealWorldSkeletons Taylor snoring is so cute!
@djstweetarazzi: @_Kazuhnova @RealWorldMTV Boy did you really say my boobs are a lil bigger, behave! lmao #RealWorldSkeletons :P
@djstweetarazzi: @YoBaby_yoBaby_ @brunorealworld @t_raines33 How were you confused? Did you think Tony was Jason? lol #RealWorldSkeletons
@djstweetarazzi: @YoBaby_yoBaby_ I think its a rule that if you appeared on the Real World the night before You have off the next day #RealWorldSkeletons
@djstweetarazzi: @SylviaMTV @madiwadi2by4 @RealWorldMTV You 2 do NOT wanna see me dance lmao #RealWorldSkeletons
@djstweetarazzi: @YoBaby_yoBaby_ Okay that helps too lol
@djstweetarazzi: @YoBaby_yoBaby_ Lol better hope they don't do a surprise pop in visit during the #RealWorldSkeletonsReunion lol
@djstweetarazzi: @n_zanattaMTV Thats alright we all know that you're gonna be having Taylor Rai wrapped around ur finger & speaking w/ ur accent lol
@djstweetarazzi: @SylviaMTV @RealWorldMTV Never rethink em, just maybe revamp em lol #RealWorldSkeletons
@djstweetarazzi: @_Kazuhnova She has your eyes bro! And she lookin at whomever just like you! lmao #RealWorldSkeletons
@djstweetarazzi: @n_zanattaMTV I love how you are the only one who tweets yourself :) too awesome
@djstweetarazzi: @madiwadi2by4 I have no doubt. Idk u, but even from the 1st ep of #RealWorldSkeletons till now you have grown, & I have no doubt u are still
@djstweetarazzi: @TheRealNiaMoore As always you know Im cheering you & @RoyLee25mtv on! You can do it! #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@djstweetarazzi: @madiwadi2by4 You know I am! :) Who are you cheering for? #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@BigTymers228: #PhotoGrid I Can't Wait To Watch Tonight's Episodes Of The Real World Skeletons & The Challenge. #MTVโ€ฆ
@BigTymers228: @SarahRiceMTV congrats Sarah
@BigTymers228: @madiwadi2by4 tonight's episode was mad deep Madii
@TheBigKy: Challenge Day! @WestonBergmann @TheresaTime20 @RoyLee25mtv @TheRealNiaMoore @SarahRice @JordanW_usa @JayGMTV @JennaCompono #BattleOfTheExes2
@TheBigKy: It's #ChallengeDay!!!!! #BattleOfTheExes2 @ChallengeMTV @JayGMTV @JennaCompono @WestonBergmann @TheresaTime20 @SarahRiceMTV
@TheBigKy: @madiwadi2by4 love you Madison!! I struggled with an addiction to alcohol so I know what you go thru. I'm here for you! #RealWorldSkeletons
@TheBigKy: seeing how important it is to @madiwadi2by4 to repair the relationship between her & her sister is really inspiring #RealWorldSkeletons
 @TheBigKy: @VMilerman is it weird that I shed a few tears during the moment between Madi and her sister? #RealWorldSkeletons
@TheBigKy: Nice job @brunorealworld on smashing out the light lol @t_raines33 #RealWorldSkeletons
@TheBigKy: @madiwadi2by4 I'm so happy to hear that Madison!!
@TheBigKy: Talk about an intense adrenaline rush! #BattleOfTheExes2 @WestonBergmann @TheresaTime20 @RoyLee25mtv @TheRealNiaMoore @ChallengeMTV @MTV
@TheBigKy: @JayGMTV and @JennaCompono better be counting their lucky stars #BattleOfTheExes2
@TheBigKy: @WestonBergmann proved tonight why I'm such a big fan of his. #MasterPolitician #BattleOfTheExes2
@TheBigKy: Happy Birthday @SarahRiceMTV!! I hope you have an amazing day!!
@TheBigKy: After last night I have a newly found respect for @JordanW_usa and I've always loved and respected @SarahRiceMTV #BattleOfTheExes2
@TheBigKy: @TheresaTime20 How was it witnessing first hand The Master Manipulator, The Challenge God @WestonBergmann do what he does best?

@TheBigKy: @CamilaMTV When someone does or says something stupid or uncalled for in my presence, whoever I'm with has to keep me from opening my mouth
@NotoriousAJM: #BattleOfTheExes2 time
@NotoriousAJM: #TeamNiRoy out for blood I see. @TheRealNiaMoore @RoyLee25mtv good shit๐Ÿ‘Œ #BattleOfTheExes2
@NotoriousAJM: This might be the most fun looking challenge so far this season. #BattleOfTheExes2
@NotoriousAJM: PLEASE let them win this one!!! @TheRealNiaMoore @RoyLee25mtv #BattleOfTheExes2
@NotoriousAJM: YES!!!!
@NotoriousAJM: @RoyLee25mtv @TheRealNiaMoore my niggas!!!! #BattleOfTheExes2
@NotoriousAJM: I'm lowkey mad about this chicken too tho. Lmao #BattleOfTheExes2
@NotoriousAJM: Send in Zach & Jonna. I'm tired of seeing their faces. #BattleOfTheExes2
@NotoriousAJM: @RoyLee25mtv stepped his game all the way up. Period. His best season yet. #BattleOfTheExes2
@NotoriousAJM: Look, Wes is just a genius. #BattleOfTheExes2
@NotoriousAJM: @TheSteamer @MTVChallenge26 @RoyLee25mtv come into every season like this!!
@NotoriousAJM: @TheRealNiaMoore @JordanW_usa @RoyLee25mtv I swear she be gettin people with that. You never know what she wants. Lmao @SarahRiceMTV
@NotoriousAJM: Zach talk a big shit game. But umm didn't @laurelstucky have to drag you in the last final? ๐Ÿธโ˜•๏ธ๐Ÿ˜ด #battleoftheexes2
@NotoriousAJM: Please dear god, let it be a puzzle. @SarahRiceMTV @JordanW_usa #BattleOfTheExes2
@NotoriousAJM: @JordanW_usa @TheRealNiaMoore ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ y'all killin me
@NotoriousAJM: @TheRealNiaMoore @WestonBergmann completely understood. 
@NotoriousAJM: @JordanW_usa you're in construction. You got this shit. #battleoftheexes2
 @NotoriousAJM: @SarahRiceMTV @MTV @ChallengeMTV  you're the best cheerleader. It reminds me of @susie_meister!!
@NotoriousAJM: #TeamWonderTwins & #TeamNiRoy in the finals please!!! @JordanW_usa @SarahRiceMTV @TheRealNiaMoore @RoyLee25mtv #BattleOfTheExes2
@NotoriousAJM: @busdriversroute THANK YOU!!!! He completely blocked out Laurel having to basically carry his ass in the Free Agents final!
@NotoriousAJM: Even though Zach blamed Jonna for previous missions, AT LEAST SHES NOT THE REASON WHY YOU LOST THE MISSION OR ELIMINATION! #BattleOfTheExes2
@NotoriousAJM: @busdriversroute I guess cuz they made it this far as rookies. Other than that, I don't see anything else.
@NotoriousAJM: @SarahRiceMTV @susie_meister that's great!!! Love seeing you compete!!!
@NotoriousAJM: Mark was noble AF for that one. He didn't have to do it. Zach would NEVER do that shit, but he always wants to compare himself to the best๐Ÿ˜’๐Ÿ˜ด
@NotoriousAJM: @SarahRiceMTV @MTV @ChallengeMTV @susie_meister comeback next season again & bring Susie with you!!!
@WWesWilliams: Me: This is a good challenge for Leroy and Nia to win- oh wait, spoke too soon
@WWesWilliams: Uh oh, looking like we'll see Sarah and Jordan in the Dome
@WWesWilliams: LOLOL they gave Leroy and Nia fried chicken for their power couple dinner? @RoyLee25mtv why they do you like that my man?
@WWesWilliams: We'll see if Jonna will pull through for Zach here ๐Ÿ˜‚
@WWesWilliams: Who knew that Zach didn't know how to swing a hammer? Hahaha
@WWesWilliams: @JordanW_usa is such a beast. Sometimes I wonder how good he'd be with two hands but I think he's this good because he knows how to adapt
@GoldenGreggy: That would be so fucked if they brought in someone's abusive ex boyfriend #RealWordSkeletons
@GoldenGreggy: I'm too done with those "random girl" caption lol #RealWordSkeletons
@GoldenGreggy: @_Kazuhnova congratulations ๐Ÿ‘
@GoldenGreggy: Leroy and Nia all the way !! @TheRealNiaMoore @RoyLee25mtv #BattleOfTheExes2
@GoldenGreggy: Hopefully Sarah and Jordan redeem themselves in the dome by sending home jay and Jenna because Leroy and Nia vote them in ๐Ÿ‘Œ #betterhappen
@GoldenGreggy: VICTORY TWERK!!!!!!!!! #teamleroyandnia #BattleOfTheExes2
@GoldenGreggy: Even if it didn't go down last week, jay and Jenna still deserve to go in cause aren't they the only people never in an elimination #BOTE2
@GoldenGreggy: That fried chicken dinner ๐Ÿ‘Œ #BattleOfTheExes2
@GoldenGreggy: Sarah don't come for Nia boo, your ass better reroute ๐Ÿ˜‚ #BattleOfTheExes2
@kendallongg: @TheRealNiaMoore is a BEAST ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘this season is hers
@kendallongg: Nia over here like nahhhhh I ain't buyin Wes' shit #BattleOfTheExes2
@kendallongg: SARAHHHHHHH๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿ™Œ @SarahRiceMTV #BattleOfTheExes2
@_danielleex0x3: Is it time to #FreeBanany yet?? @NanyMTV @MTVBananas 
@_danielleex0x3: So proud of @NanyMTV and @MTVBananas for winning once again. Can't wait to see them back in the house & dominate.. hopefully? #FreeBanany ๐Ÿ’š๐ŸŒ
@_danielleex0x3: @madiwadi2by4 #teammadison  loved ya from the beginning!!๐Ÿ’œ#RealWordSkeletons
@_danielleex0x3: @madiwadi2by4 @MTVBananas @NanyMTV aww that's cute
@_danielleex0x3: @JustJem24 @MTV um yes!! Could not agree more
@Justin_Rhines: Who come I don't see Johnny & Averey on this episode yet??? #BattleOfTheExes2
@Justin_Rhines: Did Johnny & Averey got eliminated or something??? Can't be. #BattleOfTheExes2
@Justin_Rhines: @ChallengeMTV Where is Johnny & Averey? I don't see them on this episode #BattleOfTheExes2
@Justin_Rhines: I would love to see @RoyLee25mtv & @TheRealNiaMoore in the finals. I don't know about you guys though #BattleOfTheExes2
@JimmyEsqueda: #RealWorldSkeletons tonight yay!๐Ÿ‘
@JimmyEsqueda: @madiwadi2by4 you made me cried a lot on this episode, love you Maddi๐Ÿ’› you're honestly the best of the best.. #RealWorldSkeletons
@J_Medd: Madison skeleton on the way ! #RealWorld
@kmacisco: Mtv going up on a Tuesday. Time for real world!!!!
@kmacisco: OMG @ZNichols15's arms in this elimination
@kmacisco: @busdriversroute proud of winning a trivia challenge
@AshleyWeitzel: Can't wait for #RealWorldSkeletons and #BattleOfTheExes2 tonight :) whose going to be watching??
@AshleyWeitzel: Pretty sure @SarahRiceMTV and @JordanW_usa are best friends in real life. Or related! They just fight and make up to easily!
@AshleyWeitzel: @TheMarkLong YES PLEASE. This would make so many people's dreams come true haha.
@AshleyWeitzel: @madiwadi2by4 Your awesome to share that rough past on tv for everyone to see.
@MLaRose3: Can tell looks run in the family because @neyasivera is just as fine as @NanyMTV ๐Ÿ˜
@MLaRose3: Not if but WHEN they do #Duel3 @TheMarkLong or @MTVBananas will definitely be taking it home. I can guarantee it.
@MLaRose3: Aye @MTVBananas I have now bought everything #BananaSwag wise, what are the odds I get that follow yet!?
@nld9620: How cool would it be to have a season of @briughh and @TheShaneRaines for a real world season? #RealWorldSkeletons #justathought
@nld9620: YEah almost time for #RealWorldSkeletons :D
@nld9620: Don't worry @madiwadi2by4 its only your family member not an ex or anyone like that :) #RealWorldSkeletons
@nld9620: @NanyMTV @madiwadi2by4 These are the types of role models we need in life #TeamNany #TeamMadison :)
@nld9620: Someone give @madiwadi2by4 a hug she needs one in this episode #RealWorldSkeletons #RealWorld #MTV
@HashtagBarbee: @busdriversroute "All is fair in love, war and challenges" -@MTVBananas. The fact is they made, be proud regardless of the circumstances.
@HashtagBarbee: If only @ZNichols15 knew how to swing that hammer, I thought he was cornfed? #BOTE2 #TheChallenge @MTV @MTVsChallenges @MTVChallenge26
@HashtagBarbee: What a nerve wrecking elimination! Glad to see @SarahRiceMTV and @JordanW_usa take the W. @jonnamtv you did SO great though! #BOTE2 @MTV
@HashtagBarbee: I'll be damned if #godfatherrising isn't trending by tomorrow @TheMarkLong #readyforthereturn #classiestplayertoeverbe #THEMarkLong @MTV
@HashtagBarbee: @JohnnyReilly_ and @ave_tress hold those heads high. All considered you both did well. Hope to see you again #Battleoftheexiled #BOTE2 @MTV
@RealDMWalton: i bet i could kick @SarahRiceMTV's butt in trivia games lol #BattleOfTheExes2
- @TyrieBMTV: โ€œ@RealDMWalton: i bet i could kick @SarahRiceMTV's butt in trivia games lol #BattleOfTheExes2โ€ she'd smoke u fam
- @RealDMWalton: @TyrieBMTV @SarahRiceMTV Lol You never know dude. Stranger things have happened in this world
@RealityBeatdwn: Who's ready for #RealWorldSkeletons tonight!!! #MTV #RealWorld
@RealityBeatdwn: Who misses @itsJennyDelich I know I do!!! #RealWorldExplosion #RealAsColbyCheese
@RealityBeatdwn: Hey @_Kazuhnova @brunorealworld is coming for burgers with us you coming with! Bring @n_zanattaMTV too #RealWorldSkeletons #byyeeeeeeeeee
@RealityBeatdwn: Ready to see @TheRealNiaMoore tonight on #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2 #BadAss #MTV
@RealityBeatdwn: @_Kazuhnova @brunorealworld @n_zanattaMTV lmao wherever we go we will make sure we got what you need and drinks lol party with the wolfpack
@RealityBeatdwn: Almost time!!! #RealityTVBeatdown on #RealWorldSkeletons
@RealityBeatdwn: How cute are @TheShaneRaines and @briughh #RealWordSkeletons #MTV #RealityTVBeatdown
@RealityBeatdwn: I wanna go on a booze cruise with the cast of #RealWordSkeletons @RealWorldMTV @RWSkeletons
@RealityBeatdwn: Shoutout to @VMilerman and her cake pops #RealWordSkeletons #RealityTVBeatdown #MTV
@RealityBeatdwn: Live tweet time!!! Are yall ready for the #BeatDown #RealityTVBeatdown on #RealWordSkeletons
@RealityBeatdwn: #RealWordSkeletons starting now! #RealityTVBeatdown
@RealityBeatdwn: Who else loves the opening to #RealWordSkeletons #RealityTVBeatdown @RWSkeletons @RealWorldMTV
@RealityBeatdwn: Love that the girls did a nice wake up call for the boys #RealWordSkeletons #RealityTVBeatdown @RealWorldMTV
@RealityBeatdwn: 'LIVE TWEETS' For: #RealWorldSkeletons STARTS NOW: #RealityTVBeatdown ๐Ÿ“บ๐Ÿ‘Š๐Ÿ“บ๐Ÿ‘Š๐Ÿ“บ.
@RealityBeatdwn: @_Kazuhnova is the sweetest!!! And im sure a great daddy #RealWordSkeletons #RealityTVBeatdown
@RealityBeatdwn: @VMilerman is speaking the truth and giving good advice love it #RealWordSkeletons #RealityTVBeatdown
@RealityBeatdwn: Let the prank wars begin @brunorealworld @t_raines33 and @_Kazuhnova came to play #RealWordSkeletons #RealityTVBeatdown #Jello
@RealityBeatdwn: @VMilerman was pissed! #Jello #RealWordSkeletons #RealityTVBeatdown
@RealityBeatdwn: It's always fun when you see a bed get moved in! #RealWordSkeletons #RealityTVBeatdown
 @RealityBeatdwn: Here we go...!!! #RealWordSkeletons #RealityTVBeatdown
 @RealityBeatdwn: Enjoying Tonight Ep Of #RealWorldSkeletons ...If So #RT & #Follow Us: #RealityTVBeatdown ๐Ÿ“บ๐Ÿ‘Š๐Ÿ“บ!
@RealityBeatdwn: @briughh stay classy! We love you over here!! #RealityTVBeatdown #RealWordSkeletons
@RealityBeatdwn: .....and we're back! #RealWordSkeletons #RealityTVBeatdown
@RealityBeatdwn: Oh my goodness @_Kazuhnova needs to just come in this direction lol #RealityTVBeatdown #RealWordSkeletons
@RealityBeatdwn: We want a #realworld30reunion #RealityTVBeatdown #RealWorldSkeletons
@RealityBeatdwn: #RealWordSkeletons is back! #RealityTVBeatdown
@RealityBeatdwn: @n_zanattaMTV love your honesty!! #RealWordSkeletons #RealityTVBeatdown
@RealityBeatdwn: #Wolfpack road trippin #RealWordSkeletons #RealityTVBeatdown @brunorealworld  @t_raines33 @_Kazuhnova
@RealityBeatdwn: @n_zanattaMTV @brunorealworld @_Kazuhnova you guys gotta take #RealityTVBeatdown to party with you guys!! #RealWordSkeletons
@RealityBeatdwn: Let's get #realworld30reunion trending yall!!! @n_zanattaMTV @VMilerman @t_raines33 @SylviaMTV @_Kazuhnova @madiwadi2by4 @brunorealworld
@RealityBeatdwn: Is our #RealWordSkeletons crush on @_Kazuhnova obvious yet! So sweet! #RealityTVBeatdown ๐Ÿ™ˆ๐Ÿ’•
@RealityBeatdwn: Great Episode So Far, To Say The Least About A Great Season: #RealWordSkeletons !!
@RealityBeatdwn: #FriendshipGoals @SylviaMTV and @VMilerman #RealWordSkeletons #RealityTVBeatdown
@RealityBeatdwn: @VMilerman x @SylviaMTV Are The 2 Strongest Personalities This Season & By Far The 2 Strongest Women We've Seen In 4Eva #RealWordSkeletons
@RealityBeatdwn: @brunorealworld and @t_raines33 at it again #RealityTVBeatdown #RealWordSkeletons #PrankWars
@RealityBeatdwn: Bye Rachel! ๐Ÿ‘‹ #RealityTVBeatdown #RealWordSkeletons
@RealityBeatdwn: @_Kazuhnova we are excited with you!!! #BabyTaylor #WolfPackRoadTrip #RealWordSkeletons #RealityTVBeatdown
@RealityBeatdwn: @SylviaMTV we love you on the pole #RealityTVBeatdown #RealWordSkeletons
@RealityBeatdwn: @_Kazuhnova is so cute with #LittleWolf #BabyTaylor #RealityTVBeatdown #RealWordSkeletons
@RealityBeatdwn: Come on you guys lets trend it!!! #RealWorld30Reunion @RWSkeletons @RealWorldMTV @BunimMurray
@RealityBeatdwn: @_Kazuhnova and @SylviaMTV hug was very notebook like #RealWordSkeletons #RealityTVBeatdown
@RealityBeatdwn: #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2 starts right after this! Are you ready for the #RealityTVBeatdown
@RealityBeatdwn: Next week is looking real interesting #RealityTVBeatdown #RealWordSkeletons
@RealityBeatdwn: Let's go baby! #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@RealityBeatdwn: @brunorealworld thanks for the love to us #RealityTVBeatdown #RealWordSkeletons
@RealityBeatdwn: 'LIVE TWEETS' For: #BattleOfTheExes2 STARTS NOW: #RealityTVBeatdown ๐Ÿ“บ๐Ÿ‘Š๐Ÿ“บ๐Ÿ‘Š๐Ÿ“บ.
@RealityBeatdwn: @TheRealNiaMoore kept it real honest just now #RealityTVBeatdown #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@RealityBeatdwn: No matter what @SarahRiceMTV is a sweet person! We love you girl! โค๏ธ #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2 #RealityTVBeatdown
@RealityBeatdwn: Awww them making up is adorable @JordanW_usa and @SarahRiceMTV #wondertwins #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2 #RealityTVBeatdown
 @RealityBeatdwn: This challenge has me kinda scared lol #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2 #RealityTVBeatdown
@RealityBeatdwn: Get it @TheRealNiaMoore #RealityTVBeatdown #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@RealityBeatdwn: #wondertwins activate! @JordanW_usa and @SarahRiceMTV #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2 #RealityTVBeatdown
@RealityBeatdwn: Hey @IamAdamKuhn and @brittany_baldi #RealityTVBeatdown misses yall on #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@RealityBeatdwn: Can we get #RealWordSkeletons cast on a challenge @n_zanattaMTV @VMilerman @t_raines33 @_Kazuhnova @madiwadi2by4 @brunorealworld @SylviaMTV
@RealityBeatdwn: Yay for it being Zachs fault and not @jonnamtv #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2 #RealityTVBeatdown
@RealityBeatdwn: WOOOOO!!! @RoyLee25mtv and @TheRealNiaMoore #PowerCouple #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2 #RealityTVBeatdown
@RealityBeatdwn: Like it or not @WestonBergmann is a political mastermind in this game #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2 #RealityTVBeatdown
@RealityBeatdwn: @SarahRiceMTV good job girl!!! #RealityTVBeatdown #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@RealityBeatdwn: Good job you guys! RT if you're proud of @JordanW_usa and @SarahRiceMTV #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2 @ChallengeMTV #RealityTVBeatdown #MTV
@RealityBeatdwn: Next week is the surprise #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2 #RealityTVBeatdown
@RealityBeatdwn: GREAT EPISODE OF #BattleOfTheExes2 & #RealWordSkeletons : THANKS FOR LIVE TWEETING WITH US TONITE! #RealityTVBeatdown #RealityTVBeatdown ๐Ÿ“บ๐Ÿ‘Š๐Ÿ“บ
@RealityBeatdwn: @TheMarkLong can you do the #RealityTVBeatdown a favor throw back on the bandana and rescue us please #TheChallenge

> #DCDoubleShot: And As I Saw It on #DCNOW
@dc408dxnow: We begin w/ @SylviaMTV and the marching band w/ pots in hand to wake the guys up. Quite the wake up call for the guys. #DCRealWorld
@dc408dxnow: On phone now for @_Kazuhnova is Yolanda. He's about to become a dad to a new daughter, this is the ultimate life changer. #DCRealWorld
@dc408dxnow: Jason knows he doesn't have a job but being able to help raise a kid is the closest he has to a job & it's very busy thing but rewarding too
@dc408dxnow: .@madiwadi2by4 reliving w/ the girls that mug shot of her. This is getting real in the first few minutes of this episode. #DCRealWorld
@dc408dxnow: But that doesn't mean that there's fun in the house. Now a prank war is abound, here the guys return the favor. Jello everywhere. #RealWorld
@dc408dxnow: But that doesn't mean that there's fun in the house. Now a prank war is abound, here the guys return the favor. Jello everywhere. #RealWorld
@dc408dxnow: So, the cab is about to roll in, and when that happens chances are things will be on edge for someone in this group. #RealWorldSkeletons
@dc408dxnow: So by process of elimination, @_Kazuhnova will have his skeleton visit last unless something out of the ordinary happens in this homestretch
@dc408dxnow: And just as it was w/ @n_zanattaMTV, it's @madiwadi2by4's step-sister that comes to Chicago. Rachel. Family affair once again. #RealWorld
@dc408dxnow: Unlike the last sister act, there's history here w/ Madison & Rachel, sis had to deal w/ that dark drug past that Maddy went through.
@dc408dxnow: .@t_raines33 @_Kazuhnova go out prior to his life changing moment & Jason meets random girls at the club. Little tough to find that one.
@dc408dxnow: Maddy tells Rachel what's been happening including that fight, it's a really tough & real ride she's been on here in Chicago. #DCRealWorld
@dc408dxnow: .@_Kazuhnova is really frustrated that he can't get his lady. Now he's in tears knowing he's about to become a dad. Emotional rollercoaster.
@dc408dxnow: .@_Kazuhnova calls up home at 4AM, Yolanda's dad calls from NC and he gets the news. Baby girl is born. Life changing moment. #RealWorld
@dc408dxnow: .@_Kazuhnova planning to go home to NC, invites Wolf Pack w/ him down South. Meanwhile Madison & sis having great connection here
@dc408dxnow: Madison, Rachel & group heading out and there's tip toe issues there. But at the club, Rachel just sitting & observing Maddy here
@dc408dxnow: Rachel having concern for Madison considering what happened in the past & not being into club scene. Gotta be mindful of surroundings.
@dc408dxnow: Violetta & Sylvia walking in the street, meanwhile Madison & Rachel talking about what's going on w/ her enjoying herself in Chicago.
@dc408dxnow: Maddy chose to go through the recovery process by herself & Rachel decided to not be part of that. Both have tears as they talk. #RealWorld
@dc408dxnow: And then @madiwadi2by4 calls her dad in ATX for help & she's in tears talking about her & Rachel. This is really real. #RealWorldSkeletons
@dc408dxnow: And then Rachel forgives Madison for what she's done. Tony's also on the patio talking to them & knows well how to deal w/ addiction.
@dc408dxnow: The prank war continues... So much for that. @brunorealworld tries to put bed inside their room, lamp blows out. #RealWorldSkeletons
@dc408dxnow: And then @madiwadi2by4 says farewell to Rachel, and now the hard part of what happened to her is now, thankfully, in the past. #RealWorld
@dc408dxnow: .@_Kazuhnova is en route to NC w Bruno & Tony, @n_zanattaMTV flying back to NY for EMT. It's the @SylviaMTV @VMilerman @madiwadi2by4 house.
@dc408dxnow: And what do @madiwadi2by4 @SylviaMTV have to do when they & @VMilerman are all alone? It's time to dance. #RealWorldSkeletons
@dc408dxnow: But now comes the part where you're likely gonna have a tissue box handy. Jason is home in NC w/ Yolanda, this is gonna be a tear jerker.
@dc408dxnow: There it is. @_Kazuhnova w/ his new baby girl. Jason, you're gonna be a great dad to your new bundle of joy. Congrats. #RealWorldSkeletons
@dc408dxnow: Well, we've had two moments tonight where The #RealWorld is in its purest form: Jason becoming a new dad & Madison dealing w/ her dark past.
@dc408dxnow: The guys are back home from Raleigh, & it's starting to sink in for @_Kazuhnova that he is a new dad: "best chapter of my life." #realworld
@dc408dxnow: And as Tony returns, he knows it was good to spend some time w/o Madison there in NC. Now some flowers for Madison w/ a note. #RealWorld
@dc408dxnow: We kick off w/ yet another club night after a dome. @RoyLee25mtv @TheRealNiaMoore after that win & after that rookie mistake. #DCChallenge
@dc408dxnow: .@SarahRiceMTV talking to Nia & @TheresaTime20 about how to improve relations w/ Jordan, T.Time giving her some good advice there.
@dc408dxnow: And after that, Jordan & Sarah now on mutual terms again. Now we've got two semi trucks. Zach wants to know what is this week like?
@dc408dxnow: It's Speed Dating this week: rigs will take off at 30mph to try & grab 2 balls while jumping between rigs & a smoke obstacle. It's tough.
@dc408dxnow: So what do Jay & Jenna as PC in charge do? They come up w/ order & put Nia/Leroy up 1st on the track. This is some tall task. #DCChallenge
@dc408dxnow: Back to RW, we saw Tony have some concern that maybe it's the ex-BF could be coming to see Madison. It's gonna be tough for him next week.
@dc408dxnow: .@TheRealNiaMoore @RoyLee25mtv take 10 balls. That's huge. Now Zach/Jonna & 2 balls, then 4. 6. 8. Oh she escaped that first smoke.
@dc408dxnow: Then the 2nd station and he's irate at Jonna. They barely escape having all of it covered. Huge story has been his temper. #DCChallenge
@dc408dxnow: Now Jordan/Sarah are up and there's a mix up here in their 3rd go a/ the connectors. This is tougher than we all thought. #DCChallenge
@dc408dxnow: And Jordan & Sarah got tangled up and got only 4 balls in what was surely a cakewalk for them. This is a game changer. #BattleOfTheExes2
@dc408dxnow: Wes/Theresa now and another win should make them finals faves. 8 balls, then 10. Wes enjoyed that fun ride. Now Explosion on course.
@dc408dxnow: Big leap by @JayGMTV. And now it's happened again, line is tangled, now it's good again. 6. They're not going automatically in.
@dc408dxnow: Wes/Theresa and Leroy/Nia each have 10 balls. Zach/Jonna's 11th didn't count. So now it's all about time in this thing for power couple.
@dc408dxnow: I have a sense that if Leroy/Nia become power team, I'm sure they'll vote in Jay/Jenna as payback for last week. Karma perhaps. #DCChallenge
@dc408dxnow: So, they've won two Domes in taking out two big teams and now @RoyLee25mtv @TheRealNiaMoore become power couple. #BattleOfTheExes2
- @TheRealNiaMoore: @dc408dxnow @RoyLee25mtv ๐Ÿ‘Œ
@dc408dxnow: Then at the table, Jonna finally sticks up to Zach for what has all happened to her during this time. Much needed. #BattleOfTheExes2
@dc408dxnow: Leroy/Nia bring Zach/Jonna to talk things over, and then Jay/Jenna. I sense something about to explode at the dinner table. #DCChallenge
@dc408dxnow: Leroy/Nia talk to Jay/Jenna now to Wes/Theresa. A lot of teams haven't been in the dome yet, so now who's gonna be next to go? #DCChallenge
@dc408dxnow: Last time Wes was in elimination, Big Easy took care of him. He & CT had easy run to becoming deserved winners on Rivals2.
@dc408dxnow: Couple Michigan natives in Zach & Leroy talking about what's up. We know Sarah/Jordan will be in. Now who will he & Nia put in? #DCChallenge
@dc408dxnow: So, Nia/Leroy put in Zach/Jonna instead of revenge. Wes just gave mr. lean body how to play this political game. J/J dodge huge bullet.
@dc408dxnow: Now elimination #8. Zach/Jonna vs. Sarah/Jordan. Hammer It Home. I-beam to hammer it to end zone. Zach has early advantage here.
@dc408dxnow: Last time Jordan was in elimination, he got a lesson from Bananas. Last time for Sarah, win w/ Chet.
@dc408dxnow: And as the guys go off first, seems @JordanW_usa is having an advantage and we don't know exactly what's going on w/ Thor. #DCChallenge
@dc408dxnow: .@JordanW_usa/@SarahRiceMTV are killing it and it putt putt golf especially w/ the handover. But Jonna is doing well too in coming back.
@dc408dxnow: It's @JordanW_usa @SarahRiceMTV w/ a huge win. Great to see Sarah console @jonnamtv after the loss. They killed it tonight. #DCChallenge
@dc408dxnow: But even after what has happened, @jonnamtv does earn something just as good as winning a Challenge: closure to a chapter in her life.
@dc408dxnow: The final four teams in the house are having the bubbly, but they don't know what's about to happen. Huge twist about to come. #exes2
@dc408dxnow: Because of the double Dome we had last week, last weeks 2nd elimination losers, Johnny/Averey are now in the elimination house. #DCExtraTime
@dc408dxnow: Both of them get the news and I agree w/ JR, a twisted game such as this now gets even more twisted. Averey has hope here. #DCExtraTime
@dc408dxnow: What Javerey doesn't know is that a huge team is awaiting them. For Johnny, that includes some familiar people from his FA Finals run.
@dc408dxnow: And it's really nice to see @MTVBananas have #MedGift on his arm. What we'll most remember about this season are memories of Diem & Knight.
@dc408dxnow: Today's #exiled game: Take Out. 2 ditches w/ items located inside and trying to put them in a circle using only bamboo chopsticks.
@dc408dxnow: So they're off and JB is right, gonna take balance and patience to defend/earn that house spot. Banany just gonna worry about themselves.
@dc408dxnow: .@MTVBananas @NanyMTV making this look oh so easy here w/ 2-0 lead here so far. Then it's 2-1, now 3-1. First to four wins. #DCExtraTime
@dc408dxnow: The communication problem Johnny & Averey have had is costing them here and they're really behind the 8 ball here compared to Banany.
@dc408dxnow: .@MTVBananas @NanyMTV take the win: "were on the brink of something's that never been done: being eliminated & re-entering the house."


This week, we saw in Panama the emergence of a new contender in Nia & Leroy becoming power couple to add to their two Dome wins, while we saw Wes' political experience go to work again in saving him & Theresa, and Sarah & Jordan win the Dome to send Zach & Jonna to Exile. But the biggest moments of this Tuesday took place in Chicago where Madison and her drug-ridden past was brought to light through her sister coming to the house. And we saw Jason receive life-altering news in his daughter being born, and the emotional moment of him flying back home to see that new baby for the first time. That tops this week's Things to Know, and we're giving equal treatment to both show here in this edition with 3 things from both shows. Thus, here's the Six Things to Know.

- Madison's (1st) Skeleton: After the madness of last week, it was Madison's turn to face the music this time when a bombshell skeleton came to the door. After browsing through mugshots that provided reflection about her dark past, it was her Madison's younger step-sister Rachel who came to the house. There, we learned that they were once very close until Maddy's battle with drugs led Rachel to move out of Austin. So concerned that the sister was for Madison that when they went on a night out Rachel felt awkward being in there, considering all the temptations that go along with the nightlife and her being sober. But in the end, both finally come clean about all their feelings and they leave on civil terms. It's not the end though, as flowers given to Madison at the end signals a possible second skeleton and possibly her boyfriend who put up with this ordeal.
- Jason's Life-ChangerUnlike most in the roommates this season, the future has been on Jason's mind the whole time knowing that he's about to become a dad, but also having the fact that his own dad has never seen him. One night, Jason and Tony go out together and is determined to finally get a local, but after 3 attempts and becoming drunk, he becomes frustrated when they return home. But while still being awake at 4 AM, he drunk dials the mom of his child and leaves a message for her. But it's Yolanda's brother who picks up the call and gives him the news that, without any prior mention by the show, that his baby had just been born. He wakes everyone up by the joyous news, which is always a life changer and the best news he has ever had.
- The Baby: After some good old fun with a prank war in the house, and Madison & Sylvia choreographing a dance routine, there comes one of those tearjerker moments. It's the biggest moment that Jason has had in his life when he, Bruno and Tony travel down to Jay's hometown of Raleigh, NC to see his baby girl for the first time. This is also the first baby to ever be born during a Real World season, something that we didn't see with the first all-RW baby with Rachel & Sean or an all-Challenge baby with Brad & Tori. Seeing Jason cradle that very adorable newborn is something that, if you got to watch, likely there wasn't a dry eye in the room seeing that. It's always a great sight.
- Nia & Leroy Motor to PC: We start our Exes 2 portion with a high-energy challenge called Speed Dating that saw teams go 30 MPH, being on top of two moving tractor trailers and having to jump from one to the other and collect the most balls. As you saw above, this mission was a favorite for some and after the stress of what we saw in previous missions, the time came to let loose and have fun for a bit. It's an intense one with Zach & Jonna, Nia & Leroy and Wes & Theresa notching 10 balls, but it's Hurricane & Lean Body who become power couple. Sarah & Jordan get tangled and can't get it untangled and go to the Dome.
- Wes' Latest Capitol Hill Trip: Those who've been watching Challenges over the years know Wes and his political ways, and this week saw him do it once again. Though him & Theresa fell short of another PC win and putting a firm grip on this season, somehow Wes was able to spare themselves from elimination and actually had a part in a tough team of Zach & Jonna being knocked out. Nia & Leroy were planning to return the favor on Jay & Jenna for last week's rookie miscue and put them into the Dome, but some laid-out plans to bail out of jail, Wes got former enemy Leroy to go the other way and put Z & J in and ensure Wes & Theresa of a good spot heading towards the homestretch of this season. They, along with J & J are still the only teams to not go to the Dome.
- Sarah & Jordan's Turnaround: The episode began with Sarah sending a heartfelt apology to Jordan for what happened last week and allowing them to mend their relationship ahead of the homestretch and this week's mssion. That equipment malfunction saw them garner only 4 balls abd automatically put them into the Dome. But, when it counted most, in Hammer It Home when they hammer a hi-beam across a track, Jordan proves what he's worth and once Sarah gets the handoff while seeing Jonna not swing at it, the Wonder Twins take the win. If Sarah & Jordan can overtake the rest of the field, and survive whoever comes out of the Exiled battle as well, and win the whole thing, they can look back at this week as the turning point.

- Sarah & Jordan: This was one of the three teams that a lot of us had in the final three at the beginning of the season. And because they don't have the kind of big ego JB and Wes have, Sarah & Jordan had the sleeper chance among those three pairs. We've seen them have difficulty of trying to gel, and what happened with him not feeling Sarah's trivia enthusiasm and them eventually losing put some friction into them, though they did escape being voted in. This was further compounded when they were last in this week's mission, but when they were flirting with a possible date with the Exile, they definitely found their stride and took the win. If there's a duo this season who deserve the top prize, it's the Wonder Twins, with a lady who's been through a roller coaster on here but has maintained a positive attitude, and a guy who, even with being cocky at times, has proved that you can do anything even if you have a disability. Now it's a matter of them continuing this momentum and turning it into possibly a $250,000 payday at the end.
- Nia & Leroy: Nia & Leroy became the 3rd team to win multiple Domes last week, and this week with them becoming power couple they now become legit contenders to possibly sneak in if any of the big names falter in the stretch run. Leroy this season is finally becoming the RoyLee that we saw on Rivals, while the results of her new fitness routine and her Booty Belt are paying off for Nia. They, too, have also garnered momentum thanks to taking down two teams with finals CV's in Bananas & Nany and then Johnny & Averey. And of course, now with them becoming power couple, they are on the verge of becoming new Challenge stars that will carry the show forward. Looking at who in the main house has a shot at making it to the end, the odds of Team NiRoy have improved dramatically to where they are now in that top 3 of cashing in. If they do indeed sneak into the final, then NiRoy can challenge the vets and it'll be up to how they can overcome their weaknesses to not finish last. But for now, let's all praise Nia & Leroy.
- Charlamagne Tha God: Okay, so this isn't from the Trifecta, but this week we're making an exception for a member of MTV2's Guy Code who made a crossover into the main network as a guest sleuth looking for online love. As Max Joseph is making his new movie and can't join his Catfish bud Nev Schulman for the premiere on Wednesday, Charlamagne was the first to fill in for Max when they went to investigate Miracle and Jiovani. With them using social media for the first time to help get the word out on whether the girl was getting catfished (which she did), Tha God did an excellent job in filling in as if he was a permanent part of the bromance. Charlamagne might add a new role as an investigator here alongside his radio duties and being part of the Code franchise.

My two other winners of the night for this week are Jason and Madison, but they deserve standing on their own merit for this first part of Extra Time.


This week provided us with another reminder of what makes The Real World unique from the other reality TV shows it has spawned in the past two decades. Unlike The Challenge and Survivor among others, The Real World is a documentary-based series that, much like its MTV brethren in Teen Mom, 16 & Pregnant and True Life among others, the show has long emphasized storytelling and real-life situations & issues young people can relate to. And for every fight and sip of alcohol, there's always at least one moment in every season where those three words ring true the most whenever one of the roommates goes through that seminal moment of adulthood or when a social issue or struggle they have went through is put into focus.
   Ever since we saw Tami go through the pain of her aborted pregnancy in season 2 in Los Angeles, this franchise has provided a mirror to the struggles of the roommates people can relate to, and their life-changing moments that make this show unique. From witnessing a soldier getting surprisingly recalled back into duty in Iraq to Pedro Zamora's battle with AIDS and beyond, personal stories of these young people have been shared with America and the world. And last season in San Francisco, there were touches of that old Real World in a season of new twists when Jay dealt with losing his mom and Cory's ex, Lauren, dealt with pregnancy herself.
   This week saw both of those elements in the same episode. First, we got to go deeper into Madison's story of what she had went through in dealing with a drug addiction. And second, we saw a first in the show's 30-season history: the baby being born by one of the roommates.
   For Madison, what we've seen from her all season has been all over the place, but she does have a very personal story that a lot of people can relate to. Yes, we all know about her romance with Tony and the difficulties she's had with the girls, but there's a troubled past that's inside of this Texan which is much different that what her bubbly, naive and gorgeous appearance would suggest. We learned more about it back in the 2nd episode and then this past week, of how everything went down for Madison after a sunny childhood. Something that will be told in the coming episode, provided we have our guesses right, is that she'll have to deal with the boyfriend she met in high school who introduced her to recreational prescription drugs, and led her to take heroin. As we saw this week, it was sister Rachel who in her background interviews called her a terrible person and then had to come clean about Maddy's behavior. And according to a post I found that if you google her name, she also spent a night in jail two years ago for a theft.
   For Jason, it's what's coming up in the future that's been on his mind this entire time that he's been in Chicago. Earlier on this season, he revealed that he's about to have a baby, but though he's not dating the lady that he got pregnant he kept a promise to be there when the daughter arrives. Obviously, it was a very touching moment to see Yolanda give Jason her new daughter and watching him cradle baby Taylor was very emotional. As I wrote in my earlier post this weekend, my family and close relatives know what it's like to become pregnant, then give birth, and finally raise that new kid - and that has happened many times in the past seven years in our extended family, with the second of my two nieces to be born later this month. Changes of all sorts will now come about thanks to Jason becoming a dad, with everything that will come with it including balancing work and hobbies with raising that girl.
   What happened this week was the first time that this ultimate life-changing experience had been documented on The Real World. By process of elimination, it will be Jason who will have his skeleton come last to Chicago, but in all likelihood, this is not the last time that Jason will go through having a new person in his life. Now that he is a dad, Jason has been wanting the opportunity all his life to try and connect with the dad he never got to know and meet...something that Nany from Exes 2 tried valiantly during her Real World but never had the chance to do so. And if he's able to meet him, we could be in for one last instance this season where a tissue box will be necessary to wipe away the tears. But for now, to Jason you're gonna be a great dad to Taylor. Good luck to you. And to Madison, gotta respect you for going through what you've been through and coming back from it stronger...much respect Maddy.

Although I have opened up my MTV horizons in embracing The Challenge, falling in love with Are You The One?, and becoming great social friends with a lot of people all over the MTV community, The Real World will always remain my first love. And this week represents one of those instances where instead of drama dominating the episodes, this is where the show's title really becomes all that important and provides a platform for young adults to go through those experiences that make them feel more like adults. It's why I love storytelling and embrace documentary-style shows like RW and any place on television that tells great stories and giving me inspiration to write about them here. And I always think of MTV shows as the most relatable programming on television in these stories connecting with its audience in a way very few outside of it can do.

Now to more brighter and positive news here, and an act of kindness that could also warrant another addition to the Winners of the Night list, but like the last one it deserved a standing on its own merit here.
   As you know, TJ Lavin has been the host of The Challenge since the first Gauntlet ten years ago, and this Exes 2 season is his 16th as the face of the so-called 5th major sport. This former BMX rider has gained a reputation for his honest and to-the-point nature, his "never say quit" attitude and showing off some humor during his favorite challenge of the trivia in the episode before lastAnd the recovery from the injuries he suffered in front of his home Las Vegas crowd in his last competitive event in the fall of 2010 and still be able to host what's considered the best Challenge season ever in Rivals just shortly thereafter is simply the stuff of legend.
   On Wednesday, TJ joined with KVVU FOX 5 in Las Vegas and its Surprise Squad, led by morning anchor Monica Jackson, to perform that act of kindness. The goal: help a young man in the Vegas Valley who has not had much luck as of late that things have been tough. There, local Jonathan Hastings not only had his car put out of commission, but also had his only other method of transportation, his bike, stolen on the same day that he bought it with all the money he saved up.
   That day, a FOX 5 News camera crew caught up with Jonathan at a local bus stop, who uses a bike to get to a bus stop on his way to his early morning work shift in the city. Without that bike, he would have to walk all the way from his house to the station, which would've been of course much longer. He told his story which is very much the same story of the struggles many have been going through the past several years in a town that has seen its population skyrocket. This represents a different kind of story and reality than what the movies and TV shows usually portray Las Vegas as the glitzy & glamorous city it's known for around the world.
   Right on the spot, after hearing his story, TJ gave him a new bike for free and $1,000, and almost immediately, Jonathan had tears in his eyes knowing he has new faith on life in the city that not only never sleeps, but like TJ is a place he's proud to call home. It's the kind of story that garnered positive buzz from twitter and on TJ's hub, certainly for much different reasons than for The Dress that broke the internet on Thursday.
   It's no surprise that Las Vegas was affected by the Great Recession of seven years ago after its renaissance in the '90s and 2000's to become one of America's most-popular cities and a top tourism destination. With all this hotel & convention space up and down the Strip offering those in need of employment ample opportunities to work in this multi-billion-dollar tourism business come hardship during tough times, especially with projects being put on hold during that dark period.
   And in this age of stories good and bad that dominate our attention, we always like those fresh stories of people in need getting help in the most unexpected way, done by those who are well known and still have time to give back. This generous spirit isn't anything new to me, as I became familiar with the great things that the boys of The Buried Life in Ben, Duncan, Jonnie and Dave did in not only crossing items off their bucket list, but also helped strangers achieve their goals.
   TJ, I'm enjoying the season so far and I've gained greater respect for you in giving Jonathan new hope in the city you two call home. I nearly shed a tear watching that, and that's a great gesture. Much respect Teej. And thanks also for the kind words you gave back on Friday.

Check out that video at and also on the station's YouTube page: and TJ being interviewed:
   And also, check out Random Acts of Kindness Everywhere, or R.A.K.E., which TJ is part of and whose mission is "to support the community in a positive way...enrich lives and promote the act of 'pay it forward' and make a difference" Visit and read more about other positive stories in other parts of the country that might get overshadowed, but are ones that will touch your heart.

FAN OF THE WEEK: Brian Cohen
Finally on Extra Time, we haven't done a Fan of the Week write up here in some time, but the pictures he posted last week, along with him celebrating a birthday this weekend, gave me reason to single him out once again in the MTV fan-amily.
   Someone who has really come into his own as one of the biggest fans of this franchise is Brian Cohen (@BusDriversRoute). We've talked about Mr. Bus Drivers Route here before of how he's enjoyed a steady rise to becoming one of the best in the business covering this MTV world. Over 30 castmates from the Trifecta have talked to Brian in the two years that he's done interviews with - from six each from RW Portland & Ex-Plosion, to many Challenge big names too many to mention, and three from Are You The One? S2. And he has his BDR blog with power rankings, TV reviews and sports stuff too. I can give Brian thanks for providing some inspiration to me to start this blog because of his RW posts that got me interested in covering this franchise. And now that's a reason why you don't see me tweet that much today because I'm now more & more of a blogger.
   Since doing my first piece on Brian after EP 6 of Free Agents last year, he has gotten even better by teaming with Ali Lasher (@LashTweets) and Survivor alum Rob Cesternino's Rob Has A Podcast site to do RHAP podcasts for The Challenge and then Are You The One?. In the spirit of challenger Derrick Kosinski's Ultimate Challenge Radio, Brian and Ali have carried on that podcast's tradition of unique insight and humor in providing their wrap of every episode, and the occasional interview, to the point where it's now a must-listen for fans of the MTV trifecta, much in the same way UCR was for fans during Cutthroat, Rivals, Exes and BOTS2. In a way, Brian & Ali's MTV RHAP have become the podcast for those who love these shows and I have all of their Exes 2 shows on my iPod.
   And being in New York means that Brian has been able to meet the MTV community as well. Of course, he's been to three Reunions in Real World Portland and Challenge Rivals II & Free Agents, and in addition to having spoken to so a lot of these people he's also met them as well. We've included at the bottom of this post pictures of him meeting two of his previous webcast guests in Johnny Bananas and Leroy, as well as Nany, at the after party for last weekend's Exes 2 Reunion taping. And of course, Happy Birthday Brian, keep up the great podcasts and blog posts you do covering all things MTV. You and Ali are among the best in the business and thanks for the support.

That'll just about bring to a close The 'Pulse for Double Shot Tuesday Week 8 recapping Episode 11 of Real World Skeletons and Episode 8 of Battle of the Exes 2. And to our loyal readers, sorry once again for the delay in posting this episode diary/wrap a day later. Me having to put two posts together this week, along with our house internet being down temporarily as well, are the reasons why, so accept my apologies. Of course, there's so much for my fellow webcast hosts to discuss from this week's Double Shot, and here's your roadmap to find all of them.

- The birthday boy Brian has his must-listen Exes 2 RHAP, where this week due to his usual co-host Ali Lasher (@LashTweets) being unavailable, Brian's friend Dain Massey (@dainerson25) pitched in for Ali to discuss the action mission, Wes at work, Nia & Leroy becoming a force and Jordan & Sarah finding each other again. Check that out here, along with Brian's interview with Johnny Portland at and Brian's power rankings at
- Before this week's episode, Andrew Kirk (@CSUAKirk) was joined by Jason as they discussed everything from the season prior to him seeing his baby. Check that chat out here, along with his chats with the RW Skeletons cast and Brittany on his YouTube page, plus his SpreeCast & Blog Talk Radio pages and his Big Time Reality TV blog. I'll plan to have Andrew on here again at the end of the cycle to provide our debrief of RW Skeletons and Exes 2 once the season ends in a few weeks.
AfterBuzz TV (@AfterBuzzTV) is recapping both RW30 and Exes 2 with After Shows for both, with hosts DJ Jesse JanedyRoxy StriarNicolette GaonaDrea Newell & Jeff Thurm. Check out both wraps of this week's episodes at, plus if you're already missing Brittany need not fear, she's hosting the Eye Candy wrap on Tuesdays before the MTV Double Shot.
- This past week, Reality Radio (@RealityRadioPod) was joined by Bruno as they discussed his skeletons episode, his temper and of course the season up to this point. Check it out here along with their recaps of episodes from both shows, plus their interviews with Averey and Tony and more at BlogTalkRadio, their YouTube channel and their blog at
- Check out Get Real LOL with Daniel "Shady" Sykes (@DJSTweetarazzi) and Ashley Weitzel (@AshleyWeitzel) and their webcasts with not just the Real World & Challenge casts, but also key reality TV figures as well. Last week, Shady got to talk to Nicole, so catch up there along with Ashley's chats with SylviaJasonNiaSimone, American Idol's Jess Meuse and CMT's Redneck Island at Get Real LOL's YouTube channel and at
- A must-watch is The Murtz Show with Murtz Jaffer (@MurtzJaffer), and last week he spoke to Averey about her difficulties working with Johnny, their eliminations and more, check that out here. Make sure to bookmark and on his SpreeCast page for all of his chats with RW & Exes 2 castmates, as well as his recent chat with Maya & Amy from The Amazing Race on CBS. And check out his blog for cast interviews from The Celebrity Apprentice finale.
- Also, there's Cheap Pop Radio (@CheapPopRadio) and hosts J-Mac & Sexy Monkey, where they have spoken to many of the RW Skeletons cast. Listen to their chats with ViolettaJason, Nicole and the Triplecast with Tony, Bruno & Sylvia at
- If you love The Challenge and humor at the same time, you gotta watch the episode wraps with the one & only Ace Nichols. Check out both her Episode 8 and Episode 7 wrap videos and all of her recaps on her YouTube channel, and her daily vlogs with her & wife Gina.

And for these last two links, they're not MTV related but they're still something of interest:
- During my Real World Ex-Plosion coverage last year, you met Eric Ceballos (@EricC_Official), who's also one of Jay's biggest fans...evidence being him supporting Jay's Craze Watches line. This past week was National Eating Disorder Awareness Week, and Eric shared his experiences with dealing with the same issue Violetta dealt with in Chicago on Huffington Post Live. Be sure to check out that discussion with experts and those like Eric who's gone through those disorders here, along with a #NEDAwareness Twitter chat he conducted on @Proud2BMe.
And lastly, if you're a sports fan like me who wants to know what it's like to experience a big event live in person, then check out this next siteDave, @TheBallIsOrange and occasional Challenge viewer, just launched Went To That, a blog journal where he shares his first-hand accounts of attending sports events. This includes a 4-part series on Dave and his fiance attending Super Bowl XLIX in Arizona and all that comes with having tickets to the biggest event in American sports. Check out that along with the NBA All-Star Rising Stars Challenge and more at

As for here on DCBLOG, keep it on this site for wall-to-wall coverage of everything Real World and Challenge. With the seasons of both shows reaching its homestretch, be sure to bookmark this page for the Action, Reaction and Interaction of all the episodes on DC SocialPulse and much more, now at over 21,000 page views. It's your support of this site that allows me to keep on doing these posts and offer a unique look at the shows you love and much more.
   We are heading towards the homestretch of Double Shot Tuesday and in addition to my Pulse wraps, I still have posts planned to cover Nany, Wes and my anticipated predictions post once we get to the final. In addition to my postseason discussion with Andrew, I plan to also invite fellow bloggers and webcast hosts for a Fan's View debrief of these shows later this month, stay tuned here for contact info and how I make you part of the conversation here.
   As you saw above in Nate from Are You The One S2 anticipating seeing Caitlynn, Tyler & Bentley, yesterday in my DCSP Road to DST post, I announced that I'll be adding Teen Mom to my DCNOW live tweet rotation starting with Teen Mom OG on March 23rd. Plus, I've also added my first non-MTV show to my rundown in CBS' iconic reality series Survivor and season 30, Worlds Apart. Of course, both RW Skeletons and Exes 2 are heading towards their homestretch, and Catfish just began back on Wednesday. And to follow them all - along with a busy sports month ahead, make sure to follow DCNOW at @DC408DxNow - my live twitter home.
   You can also follow me on Beamly, and there's always my Twitter and Instagram @DC408Dxtr for all the tweets, chats, alerts & pictures, and Tumblr at as I'll be posting short-form blog excerpts from this site for those who want your DCBLOG fix, bite-size style. And I have a number of sports posts lined up for you, along with a review of a show I just got started watching that's not in the MTV or sports eco-system but is a fascinating one as well. Stay tuned.

Once again, thanks for joining us here for this edition of SocialPulse and our twitter diary and recap of Week 8 of Double Shot Tuesday. Be sure to join me on DCNOW all week long for plenty of big shows along with curling to come before DST 9 and next weekend's return of boxing to primetime network TV with Premier Boxing Champions on NBC. For now until I talk to you on twitter and then here on the BLOG, thanks for reading, stay safe & warm and see you then.


Courtesy @BusDriversRoute: Brian Cohen with Johnny Bananas & Leroy (top) and Nany (bottom).

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