Saturday, February 28, 2015

DC SocialPulse: Road to Double Shot Tuesday #8

*** Advisory: DC SocialPulse contains adult language, 
Viewer Discretion is Advised. Also take breaks frequently 
while reading this post to relieve eye strain. ***

@DC408dxtr / @DC408dxnow

Welcome one and all to this special Double Shot of 
DC SocialPulse with me, DC Cueva. Ahead here this weekend, we'll have all the Action, Reaction and Interaction of the 8th edition of Double Shot Tuesday with all the tweets surrounding Episode 11 of Real World Skeletons and Episode 8 of The Challenge: Battle of the Exes 2.
   But first before all that, occasionally DCBLOG will present a separate edition of The 'Pulse to bring you the lead-up before a huge episode, with those episode tweets presented in a separate post. We've done that for numerous premieres and finales, and it's also necessary to do these once in a while for technical reasons to help conserve time and space on the weekly posts that I do.
   But in this case, last weekend was not only Oscars weekend, but also the taping of the Exes 2 Reunion in New York City. Plus, there was also the annoucement of the Manny Pacquiao/Floyd Mayweather fight (which we'll be covering on a special sports 'Pulse post itself soon) and the passing of a VH1 reality personality from cancer.

Coming up here in this special pre-Double Shot Tuesday edition of The 'Pulse, the Exes 2 cast coming together in New York to tape the reunion, plus Team MTV watching Hollywood's biggest night and much more. And after all those tweets, we'll have perspective on the first Real World'er to hold an Oscar, and unveil the next new show I'll be live tweeting on DCNOW...and to give you a little tease, don't be surprised what it is. That's all ahead after the jump.

> Reunion Friday, and The Big Fight Announced
@TheRealNiaMoore: @therealniamoore conveniently sitting in my suitcase before I get ready to close itπŸ˜©πŸ˜’ mtv better…
@JordanW_usa: People say it everyday. And Ya, I chill.   RTβ€œ@SeeTrue14: Fuck you. What if i said disabled people were inferior?? Would you "chill" then??”
@briughh: Nothing wrong with taking my time with love, don't wanna be the bad guy again.
@TheRealNiaMoore: The way she creeps up ever so slowly though πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ I gotta try this.
@JennaCompono: Gym
@ToriFiorenza: Happpy Friday!!!! Ready for the weekend with my loves. #hurryup5 #fiorenza4
@NanyMTV: New Yawk City I'm coming for ya
@MTVshelbs: Getting my hair done and I'm feeling like doing something crazy...
@IamAdamKuhn: #fbf when people keep making fun of your chicken legs so you put 405 on deadlift and rep it out. #FitnessFriday
@laurelstucky: Love is greater than any negative thought, any hateful remark, and I believe that love will always win at the end of any struggling time.
@laurelstucky: We do not have to worry if we have love in our hearts.
@DevynSimone: The countdown has officially begun! 5 more days of this cold then I'm off to Australia!! #GoinToTheLandDownUnda
@t_raines33: Sore throat, runny nose, chest congestion, and a to say I don't get tired but I do get sick 😷
@WestonBergmann: Grumpy cats 😾😿 @SarahRiceMTV @JordanW_usa
@A_Bartolotte: I guess i met you for a reason... only time will tell
@WestonBergmannLook @SarahRiceMTV, @JordanW_usa used the word literally wrong 😎
@ThatCoral: @WestonBergmann bahhhaaaa dude, that's sad.
- @WestonBergmann: @ThatCoral wanna add insult to injury? I haven't worked out in ALMOST five years.
- ‏@ThatCoral: @WestonBergmann Now you're just rubbing it in.
- @WestonBergmann: @ThatCoral ask yourself who taught me to do that?
-  β€@ThatCoral: @WestonBergmann I think rubbing it in is crucial.
@briughh: Life's too short to even care at all.
@IamAdamKuhn: When a guy tells you his max bench press subtract 50lbs and that's his real number.
@briughh: @t_raines33 #idgs
@brittany_baldi: Keep focused on yourself. The right people and events will be attracted to you when they are supposed to. #theuniverse βœŒοΈπŸ™Œ
@RealWorldMTV: How I'm feeling about Friday rn
@MTVBananas: FACT: Babies do love Bananas! @jhealywmhm lbelle1 #BabyWhisperer #sleepingbaby #fitmom #instababy
@KennySantucci: #fbf when I took the hottest little lady I ever met to her first red carpet event! #Molly #notthatkind
@MtvJess: Little morning stroll through the city to clear my mind and thank God for everything πŸ’• #positiveenergy
@ChallengeMTV: This cold weather got me feeling like...
@CharlesPMagic: The moment you realize: You've been dating the wrong person. [stands up, says goodbye] But your art work is dope. ✌️
@JayGMTV: March 1- april 1 i will be hosting spring break for @SpringBreakWin with @MTVCoryWharton @JohnnyReilly_ and a fewmore
@iamheathercooke: coaching today!!! #coachcooke is back!
@JordanW_usa: Hahaha!! RT β€œ@WestonBergmann: Grumpy cats 😾😿 @SarahRiceMTV @JordanW_usa ”
@iamheathercooke: this video kills me every timeeee hahah #asiafest …
@SylviaMTV: I really want to watch all the seasons of #Entourage
@TheresaTime20: Life is soooo fun with him, ALWAYS.
@SarahRiceMTV: #reunion time #bote2
@SarahRiceMTV: I just love watching couples and families reunite at the airport! πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜ŠπŸ’
@A_Bartolotte: Happy birthday to the baddest bitch in the game @rihanna
@RealWorldMTV: Madison's about to face her mistakes when her skeleton moves in:
@JustJem24: One shoulder cut outfits are coming back this spring and the 16 year old in me couldn't be happier.. One shoulder cut is my thing πŸ’
@MtvJess: Carrying a vengeful attitude serves no one, in turn it will eat at your happiness. Stay calm, love the unlovable and be happy.
@SarahRiceMTV: @TheRealNiaMoore no shit!!! And people wonder why I feel the need to push for feminism!?
- @scooter5000: @SarahRiceMTV @TheRealNiaMoore ur right! an insult like that should b gender-neutral. at least use "swamp lady-donkey" if referring 2 a girl
- @SarahRiceMTV: @scooter5000 @TheRealNiaMoore πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚at least!
@t_raines33: My throat feels like I swallowed a whole bag of flaming hot Cheetos without chewing! πŸ˜‘πŸ”«
@laurelstucky: Perfect timing is my favorite timing.
@t_raines33: Jason hearing his baby girl Taylor has been born! … #RealWorldSkeletons
@t_raines33: β€œ@Krewshal: New color! #louisianimal  @t_raines33 ”  Fresh
@jenniknapmiller: Booty game on point
@laurelstucky: XO
@SylviaMTV: Just a little sneak peak yes @brunorealworld I may of borrowed your vest. 😳 Dancing Dream Team' Official Sneak Peek …
- @brunorealworld: @SylviaMTV yeah I seen. I was like this motha Frigger πŸ˜‚ I don't even know if I still have it ahah. Must smash now πŸ˜‚
@MTV_JESS: A little #jessandbri for yaaaa #betandmarg #areyoutheone πŸ‘½πŸ‘½
@brunorealworld: Im actually Gandhi reborn .
@RealWorldMTV: If you love what you hear on #RealWorldSkeletons, check out the soundtrack:
@Tindel10: Drunk Skype with Shelbs and Ellie last night was hilarious.
- @whaattaafoxx: @Tindel10 lmfao I was thinking that earlier!! 😭😭😭😭
@n_zanattaMTV: What I would do to go back to this ahhh I fcuken miss you women!! #AreYouTheOne and #RealWordSkeletons #jessicole <33
- @MTV_Christina: @n_zanattaMTV  πŸ™‹
- @MTV_JESS: @n_zanattaMTV come visit during the summer !!
- @n_zanattaMTV: @MTV_Christina babe I miss/love you too you have no idea you already know our ass bonded for life! Im moving to Cali ;)
- @MTV_Christina: @n_zanattaMTV please do! We miss you
@MTV_Christina: Not my day today
@MaybachDiamonds: Check it out. I'm insane!
@madiwadi2by4: Hahahah I love it!!! @sylviamtv … via @youtube
@madiwadi2by4: @IamAdamKuhn You have no idea that little guy did some damage!!
@MTVCoryWharton: ITS OFFICIAL πŸ‘Š  May 2nd MGM Grand 🎲🎲 Floyd bring that win home βœŠπŸ’― #grandrapids #hometown #616…
@ChallengeMTV: Is the fire still there for @JohnnyReilly_ & @ave_tress? Watch #TheChallengeAfterShow and decide for yourself:
@NanyMTV: @jonnamtv @JennaCompono Can you bitches hurry?! THIS GIRL IS HUNGRY 😩
@NanyMTV: @JennaCompono I have cookies and Pringles and Doritos. Will that make you hurry?
- @jonnamtv: @NanyMTV @JennaCompono @brittany_baldi is there a bonfire in your room as well? I feel like a popsicle
- @NanyMTV: @jonnamtv @JennaCompono @brittany_baldi lmao WELCOME TO NEW YAWK
- @brittany_baldi: @jonnamtv @NanyMTV @JennaCompono u forgot my winter coat stay toasty Jonna πŸ™ˆπŸ’•
@jonnamtv: Walked off the ✈ like πŸ˜€πŸ˜³πŸ˜¨οΈπŸ˜©β„οΈβ›„οΈ#westcoastproblems
@brittany_baldi: I was at the very iconic PLAYBOY today ✌️ #playboy #LosAngeles
@RealWorldMTV: These might just be the strangest #RealWorld fights of all time:
@MtvJess: #goodtimes @ryanmalaty #mtv #mtvfamily #areyoutheone
@JayGMTV: #TeamJayG #SouthPadre @SpringBreakWin #winning
@n_zanattaMTV: Heard she's a runner...She can run laps around me any day.
@t_raines33: "I had someone tell me I fell off, ooh I needed that and they wanna see me pick back up, well where'd I leave it at" @Drake #Got2ShowEmAgain
@brunorealworld: Boston with the bro @briughh and @T_Gellz92
@JayGMTV: #TeamJayG  Zach Rancey Pants …
@BrandonDNelson: Cards make it official right?  Now let's convince the masses!  Or at least the local pool.…
@RealWorldMTV: If you missed #RealWorldSkeletons, catch up on #BrotherInArms now:
@ZuriHall: If you missed the latest @ChallengeMTV Aftershow from this Tues night, you can watch the entire episode here!: … #BOTE2
@EDiamond007: 9 months from now we will be witnessing  another population boom... The Fifty Shades of Grey boom.
@whaattaafoxx: May 2nd..... #Mayweather
@blacuesta: Who in the actual f-word is trying to get into my Instagram account....
@JustJem24: "Everything in the world is about sex, except sex. Sex is about power.” - Oscar Wilde.
@laurelstucky: Don't buy into the belief that anyone else runs your life but you. You are responsible for your decisions, behaviors and beliefs.
@MTV_Christina: WOMAN, do NOT mess with me today you will not win. #angrytweet
@shandathapanda: my idea of a pregame is eating at least a half a pizza before i start boozing
@MaybachDiamonds: Moving in with @shandathapanda and @dillanhoward in like 15 days. So pumped.
@Curtishadzicki: It's easy to understand success it's hard to understand the journey. Surround yourself with people who make you better. #dowhatyoulove
@blacuesta: SquAd @deeemoneyyy @falashaaa @MTV_JESS
@MTV_JESS: Night out with my roomiesssss missing @MTV_Christina tho :( adventures in pacific beach bars πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘Œ @blacuesta @falashaaa @deeemoneyyy β€οΈπŸ˜πŸ™ˆ
@MTV_JESS: Someone's getting played tn πŸ˜‚
- @blacuesta: @MTV_JESS someone's getting so fucked up they're gonna puke tonight aka me aka @falashaaa
@MTV_JESS: Come to pb after work @MTV_Christina

@jenniknapmiller: I'm on the Devils sleep schedule

> Reunion Saturday
@JayGMTV: Rise and shine
@NaomiMTV: @NanyMTV lmaooo I'm watching the challenge finally love it the I hate Nany Club you are such a G πŸ™ŠπŸ™ŠπŸ™Œ
- @NanyMTV: @NaomiMTV sis ain't nothing changed!!!!! πŸ˜‚πŸ’…πŸ‘‘
- @NaomiMTV: β€œ@NanyMTV: @NaomiMTV sis ain't nothing changed!!!!! πŸ˜‚πŸ’…πŸ‘‘β€---lmao love it miss u
@SylviaMTV: My fear of spiders is out of this world!! My heart instantly stops even thinking about them! πŸ˜–
@Chet_Cannon: Times Square Lapse
@ChallengeMTV: Do you think @JayGMTV & @JennaCompono made the right choice as #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2 power couple this week?
@laurelstucky: Find a way. If you want something bad enough you will find the way.
@laurelstucky: Most of all: No excuses for your own behavior. No one forced you to do, say or be any way. Take responsibility for your actions and self.
@laurelstucky: Attack the day, and go after your goal. XO
@NanyMTV: #ConcreteJungle #NYC @ Viacom/MTVN - 1515 Broadway, NYC
@NaomiMTV: I am tearing up watching the episode when Diem gets sick. It's crazy how amazing of a person she is sooo sad πŸ‘ΌπŸ™πŸ™ @ChallengeMTV
@laurelstucky: Karma exists. That keeps me goin'.
@neyasivera: I need to make my way to the store and buy all the beer before this storm...
@SarahRiceMTV: @laurelstucky @zoe802 @EmFitMTV @CaraMariaMTV @NanyMTV @CamilaMTV I'm definitely retired, it's just a weird thing to say.
@RealWorldMTV: Jason's daughter is being born on the next episode of #RealWorldSkeletons 😍
@TheJayDillinger: I've got this thing called shit to do so if I don't always text or call back I'm sorry....
@Curtishadzicki: I am excited to announce the launch of my website and the availability of my t shirt. Hope you enjoy. @joshua.byrd #dowhatyoulove
@RobinMTV14: My son's first game. #proud #Mommy
@RobinMTV14: Can't leave my little diva out.
@MTV: Trivia may not be #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2 teams' best suit...
@brittany_baldi: When facing 1 of your best friends in @ChallengeMTV EXiled hug it out and go for it #BattleOfTheExes2 #RookiesVsVets
@A_Bartolotte: Need. Mcdonalds
@laurelstucky: @caramariamtv i miss u my little potato head
- @CaraMariaMTV: Sister πŸ… RT @laurelstucky: @caramariamtv i miss u my little potato head
- @laurelstucky: @CaraMariaMTV 🐴🐴🐴
@dustinzito: #isaytomyHaters "...i don't give a Hoover Dam" Weezy. "...feel free to Hate on Me" Katt. "...i.. am No 1" Nelly.
@RealWorldMTV: Tuesday's episode had me like 😳
@NanyMTV: #Reunion Hair by @jocelynhairmakeup πŸ‘‘ @ Viacom/MTVN - 1515 Broadway, NYC
@NanyMTV: #REUNIONREADY #AlwaysMatching #NeverPlanned @jennacompono β€οΈπŸ’‹
@NanyMTV: #MyGirl @jennacompono #REUNIONREADY
@NanyMTV: #VegasIsInTheBuilding #CantTouchUs #ReunionReady roy_lee25
@JayGMTV: Sharing a headphone with the boo while Wes photobombs during his nap
@NanyMTV: My partner and I #KillingIt @mtvbananas πŸ’‹ #NoFilter
@VMilerman: The best advice I ever got was," Don't ever change,you're golden"
@laurelstucky: Even though the voices of the naysayers may be louder than the supporters does not mean that they should be heard.
@TheRealNiaMoore: Reunion time. Claws sharpenedπŸ™… mtv #BattleoftheExes2
@TheRealNiaMoore: Mi familia
@whaattaafoxx: What are you waiting for?
@brunorealworld: Drake - energy stay on replay
@JustJem24: There is something about a man in a Yankees hat 😍😍😍😍😍
@ChallengeMTV: .@MTVBananas + @NanyMTV VS. @IamAdamKuhn + @brittany_baldi in the #EXile. Watch it now!
@KristynCole: No sarcasm, I love watching the NFL combine.  The determination in these guys is inspiring!
@MTV_Christina: Every line is about who I don't wanna write about anymore
@A_Bartolotte: I don't need anybody but myself
@laurelstucky: Knowing our weaknesses is what makes us strong.
@blacuesta: Whatever floats your goats
@MtvJess: Whoa....that was so close but God is good πŸ™Œ everything happens for a reason πŸ’•πŸ’‹
@brunorealworld: Brad Pitt in #fury is to much of a G. This movies so good.
@brittany_baldi: I'm in love with the idea of REAL love
@EDiamond007: That awkward moment when someone goes up for a high five and you move in for a hand shake then finish with an awkward "high-hand-five-shake"
@MTVshelbs: Jimmy Johns is so
@A_Bartolotte: The only thing worse than "the one that got away" is the the one that won't go away
@MTVshelbs: Cuddled up in bed when I'm supposed to be getting ready.. My friends are going to kill me.
@MtvJess: Amazing food, amazing people and an amazing place. #VeniceBeach #Foodie
@IamAdamKuhn: Resident Evil 1
@brunorealworld: The two most important days of your life are when you are born and when you find out why- Mark Twain
@JustJem24: Conversations w/ mama. Man my life is a mess. She said I heard you're back with you know who. I told her girl Im always back with u know who
@brittany_baldi: When @TheMarkLong says he sending u #pocketprotein I say F@$k yeah!! 😜πŸ’ͺ
@MTVshelbs: Just a little too perfect, just a little too worth it.
@MTV_JESS: Me & bae
@brunorealworld: When a woman does little things that she knows you like no matter how little the detail , just shows she truly listens and cares. #you
@t_raines33: Wishing I was with Bae right now
@RealWorldMTV: Madison is about to be reminded of her past on Tuesday:
@JasIPen: Go support @Curtishadzicki while he's doing what he loves, as he encourages us to do the same every day. #DWYL .
@jenniknapmiller: "Sorry for the delay folks, the plane is broken" -things you never want to hear at the airport. Man, is this fun or what
@dillanhoward: People think I'm afraid to grow a mustache. Umm...hi...hello...I'M NOT AFRAID.
@briughh: Without communications you can't have trust, without trust you have nothing. ✌
@Tindel10: This!!! :p
@jenniknapmiller: Off too warmer weather, adios Minnesota
@briughh: When someone has time to snapchat, or tweet but not answer you πŸ˜‚ #idfwy
@blacuesta: Just me and Lily all day everyday
@blacuesta: ATTN: looking for a nice family to take in my best friend. She is not well trained and doesn't play well w/ others
@MaybachDiamonds: NyQuil severe is that
@MTVshelbs: Can't wait to get my extensions next month, long hair it is
@blacuesta: Smfh  The lack of common sense is beyond me
@ryanmalaty: Roses for beauty, Clovers for luck, Netflix for me, Cause I'm single af
@briughh: I have too much going on to chase anyone.. ✌
@shandathapanda: "It's dinner time for daddy"
@Tindel10: Feelin' hella cool tonight! ;)
@SimoneJKelly: Well according to Eastcoast time!!! LolπŸ˜‚ Thanking God for yet another year...I'm so excited for what 2015 has to offer. And for everyone to see what I've been working on! #222 #25 πŸ’‹
@t_raines33: The sick Saturday selfie snapchat
@MTV_JESS: Driving to every 711 in San Diego looking for a special redbox with Lucy in it πŸ‘½ @blacuesta
@SarahRiceMTV: Convos between Wes and Sarah... Scene 1... @ Times Square, New York City -The Cross Road of The World.
@KennySantucci: #support
@MtvJess: ✌️  (pic: "Wait 24 hours before getting mad and reacting. If it doesn't bother you in 24 hours, it probably isn't important enough to get mad over.")
@B_Brutality: Imagine all the industries we would put out of business, if we all loved ourselves they way we are.
@ThatCoral: @t_raines33 @MTVChallenge26 I know it's the Louisiana in you..Gotta love my 504 boys..
@brittany_baldi: Saturday night selfie love πŸ’•βœŒοΈ
@SarahRiceMTV: Convos with @westonbergmann ... Scene 2
@whaattaafoxx: Got a lot of people tryna drain me of this energy ohhhh LORD
@whaattaafoxx: @n_zanattaMTV FaceTime me and shelbs
- @n_zanattaMTV: @whaattaafoxx lmao toy know what time that is here I'll do it up later you could have texted me! :P
- @whaattaafoxx: @n_zanattaMTV HAHAHAHA I forgot why we wanted to talk to you! Hahah
- @n_zanattaMTV: @whaattaafoxx lmao wtf you guys talk about me good to know you both want me ;) I'll visit you two anytime fcuk FaceTime
- @whaattaafoxx: @n_zanattaMTV hahahahha you're exactly right! Idk why we was calling you at 4 AM
- @n_zanattaMTV: @whaattaafoxx ha that's what I'm saying hey I'm definitely open for 4am video recording nights naked panties workouts..whatever yaaa digg :)
- @whaattaafoxx: @n_zanattaMTV hahahahha oh well next time maybe you should answer 😊😏
- @n_zanattaMTV: @whaattaafoxx you never called me jerj you know I sleep naked I have no problem face timing you like that haha I'm dead :)
- @whaattaafoxx: @n_zanattaMTV yes I did!!!! We facetimed you
@laurelstucky: I should have known better. Now I'm the fucking fool.
@laurelstucky: The tears in my eyes don't make me weak.
@laurelstucky: New Yorkers get me, and that's why I live here.
@tosca_yeager: Just closing my eyes and hoping for the best. Even when I know I could be wrong. #Justdoit
@MTV_JESS: What's this world come to? I'm watching a infomercial abt this plastic thing to fold clothes WTFFF really

> Oscar Sunday: Jamie's Got an Oscar!
@paulawalnutsMTV: I love zulily! Amazing deals on cute stuff for moms, babies and kids. Check it out! …
- @paulawalnutsMTV: @paulawalnutsMTV @ToriFiorenza someone's awake early on a Sunday... #mommyhours
- @ToriFiorenza: @paulawalnutsMTV you know it!! I laughed when I saw your tweet, oh how things have changed...miss you! #momofboys #atleasttheyarecute
@IamAdamKuhn: Hey! Happy Birthday to the one and only @SimoneJKelly
@MelindaStolp: Just because you can, doesn't mean you should....
@JamieChinaMTV: Love these lazy bones❀️
@JazMTV: @MTVDerek happy birthday Roomie xoxo miss you... Gets drunks tonitesss hahahas πŸŽ‚πŸŽ‚πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰ #cancunroomie #happyBDayD
@laurelstucky: Let it go. Are you sad or angry? Give it up and let it go. Holding on to these emotions will destroy you. Release it. Don't hold it inside.
@laurelstucky: So if Hilary becomes President does that make Bill the First Gentleman? Or would it be the First Man. Either way, Hilary would be #Boss
@laurelstucky: Is not the "Mute" button a blessing from God? If only I had this power on the streets.
@MtvJess: Talk is cheap, the handshake isn't what it use to be.
@RobHasApodcast: On this week's #TheChallenge #RHAP-Up, @busdriversroute and @lashtweets break down the best challenge of the year! …
@MTVBananas: The Calm before the STORM!!! Heading to the #BattleoftheExes2 reunion show. #TimesSquare #teambanany…
@CharlesPMagic: Embracing the light from with-in an' out -- never let another usurp your power, integrity or light.
@A_Bartolotte: @whaattaafoxx 700 second mystory..
- @whaattaafoxx: @A_Bartolotte and you enjoyed every bit
@whaattaafoxx: Why ain't Harry Potter on Netflix... I was really looking forward to that today. 😩
@MTVCoryWharton: Always Reppin 〽️I C H I G A N #GoBlue
@MTVBananas: The calm before the STORM!!! Heading to #TheChallenge #BattleOfTheExes2 reunion show! #teambanany #NYC #snow
@brittany_baldi: Happy birthday to my wifey @SimoneJKelly πŸ’•πŸŽ‰
@B_Brutality: I do not have to accept any one or any lifestyle I don't want to. I can hate whatever I want to.
@ThatCoral: I'm re-watching True Blood! #TeamEric
@laurelstucky: @caramariamtv kids are good for some people Cara
@NanyMTV: I don't always get as much as I want, but I always get as much as I need... #content
@TheRealNiaMoore: Welcome to the jungle
@RealWorldMTV: Madison and Sylvia are the new dancing queens πŸ‘―
@MTVBananas: The Team #DiemStrong Fan Page has been posted! Thanks to all those who submitted pics and supported this cause! …
@tjlavin: I just watched a friend realize a dream last night and fight 10 dudes in ten one min rounds. These…
@WestonBergmann: My heart breaks for you @vh1chance. Cancer has taken its toll on our Viacom family this yr. Your brother lives on in your great personality
@ChallengeMTV: Think @tjlavin could hold his own on a trivia challenge? #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@MTVBananas: Our latest Battle of the #EXILE was a Good Old Fashioned HEAD BANGER!!! @nanyMTV #FreeBanany  #BattleOfTheExes2
@B_Brutality: Why is depression a fashion statement? Kids are obsessed with hating themselves, or wanna be known for being stupid. #setgoals #loveyourself
@brittany_baldi: Thanks @TheMarkLong for the @ChallengeMTV treats!! #pocketprotein #mtv
@n_zanattaMTV: @MTVshelbs talking about me at 4 in the am must be good feel free to snap text me any time ;)
@laurelstucky: #SpreadLove
@JordanW_usa: What else do people do in airports? #selfie  LA, you're next.
@IamAdamKuhn: Add me at your own risk. Snapchat: AdventureAdam47
@ThomasBuellMTV: One day you'll leave this world behind so live a life you will remember
@NanyMTV: #BattleOfTheExes2 #Reunion
@MTV_Christina: Spending my day tomorrow trying to right the one part of my life that seems wrong. Looking for a new job! Wish me luck peeps ✌️
@itsJennyDelich: New interview about #realworld. Check it out- …
@RealWorldMTV: Madison's skeleton is coming. Don't miss #RealWorldSkeletons on Tuesday at 10/9c:
@NanyMTV: Just posted a photo
@NanyMTV: #WeDontNeedAFilter πŸ’…πŸ‘‘
@MtvJess: Black or White. I don't hang out in the grey area βœ‹
@JasIPen: Truly seems as if each weekend is better than the last. #LoveMyLife #MyPeopleOverYours
@AshleeFeldman: Oh how I love the Oscars.
@ChallengeMTV: Come again @WestonBergmann? SMH #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@Curtishadzicki: If your shoes can't support you how am I supposed to.
@Chet_Cannon: Marion Cotillard is lovely #Oscars
@shandathapanda: tfw hundreds of movie stars are right next door to ur apartment #oscars
@shandathapanda: someone confirm whether or not @dylanobrien is at the oscars rn
@susie_meister: Who am I wearing? Mossimo by Target. Next question.
@RealWorldMTV: Get all caught up on Tuesday's insane episode:  #RealWorldExplosions
@Chet_Cannon: Eddie Redmayne seems like a really nice guy. #Oscars
@mikethemiz: Tune into the #WWENetwork very shortly to see #MizTV w/ my guest Paul Heyman #WWEFastlane
@shandathapanda: ugh but @AnselElgort is at the oscars and tbh, i wouldn't mind holding his hand for like 5 seconds
@MTVtrey: The weather outside is weather.
@JayGMTV: Sooooo. #TeamJayG stickers are everywhere!!  Email to get yours. Maybe ill post your pic :)
@brittany_baldi: What's sexy? A man that knows what he wants both in a woman and his career goals #GOALdigger #confidence #perfectmatch
@laurelstucky: #OSCARS #FABULOSITY!
@blacuesta: "Sometimes we just need to be Kobe" @falashaaa @deeemoneyyy
@Chet_Cannon: Imagine if injected lips looked believable
@shandathapanda: I want to have sex with Anna Kendrick
@itsarifitz: hands down my favorite compliment in a while...
@MTVBananas: Is Doogie Houser really hosting the #Oscars?
@shandathapanda: tbh best #oscars introduction ive seen in years
@CamilaMTV: We need some more Ellen in this b*tch. #Oscars2015 @TheEllenShow
@KitHoover: Great opening number!! Classic. Jack Black baby. #Oscars2015
@PrimeTimeSiebs: Just gonna dabble with the Devils lettuce
@Chet_Cannon: Well deserved, J.K. Simmons. Whiplash was amazing #Oscars
@AshleighMorgh: Le Oscars.
@MTVBananas: I don't know about you but I cant FU#%ING wait to find out who wins the #Oscar for Best Sound Editing Engineer.
@MTVBananas: Someone needs to tell Patricia Arquette that she's on camera. #Oscars
@laurelstucky: Good luck @jamiechung1 and all #BigHero6!!!!!!! #Oscars 2015
@MTVshelbs: Adam Levine performing at the Oscars? I knew I was watching for a reason 😍 #oscars
@MTVshelbs: To win an Oscar is my ultimate life goal. #dreaming
@SimoneJKelly: Watch out! OLD BROAD coming thru! Lol.
@RealWorldMTV: Brotherly love? See what Bruno and Briah had to say:
@brittany_baldi: #Oscars are cool and all but I want to go to the @mtv VMAS this year ✌️ #mtv #vmas #viacom
@PrimeTimeSiebs: Said it a million times, I hate to see you cryin. I'd give a million lives, to see you smilin.
@CamilaMTV: Classy & stunning as always.  #ReeseWitherspoon #Oscars2015
@jenniknapmiller: It's 55 degrees in Cali and these people are dressed like it's about to snow 6 inches
@Chet_Cannon: That "seat filler" bit was obnoxious, Neil #Oscars
@shandathapanda: does n e thing on jlo age? like do her titties actually sag or...?
@briughh: I hate when people say time heals all wounds.. all time does is replace memories.
@MTVshelbs: What even was that..? Whoever had the idea for that performance to happen at the Oscars should be fired πŸ™‰ #Oscars2015
@alexandriakim_: Finally got my iPhone camera fixed!!! Better picture are en route
@shandathapanda: taking a poop break whenever these fools try to speak longer after the music plays #oscars
@IamAdamKuhn: I think I might be nicer to animals than I am to humans πŸ™ˆ
@MTVshelbs: "It takes a lot of balls to wear a dress like that" πŸ˜‚πŸ˜­ #Oscars2015
@whaattaafoxx: "Never love anybody that treats you like you're ordinary" -Oscar Wilde
@JamieChinaMTV: Found the sweetest photo of me and my daddy today❀️❀️The most amazing person in the world.
@whaattaafoxx: Happy Birthday Boo! @SimoneJKelly
@KitHoover: Yes NPH - Tighty Whities. #Oscars2015
@haileychivers: NO work & NO class tomorrow. I am one happy camper!!
@robb_schreiber: Love in the brain changes nothing.
@MTVshelbs: I'll let you set the pace cause I'm not thinking straight. My heads spinning around I can't see clear no more
@mistergiuntoli: Hi guys- Who wants to be my 100,000th follower?! Also, may I please borrow a dollar from everyone? I love you all. David
@Chet_Cannon: Patricia Arquette, how much do you make in comparison to the movie 'extras'?#WageEquality #Oscars
@Itslluna: I met @RitaOra a couple of years ago, and now she's performing at the Oscars. You're welcome. #Oscars2015
@thegreysauce: If I were Meryl Streep, I'd snuggle up in that JLo dress and take a nap in style. #Oscars2015
@RyanDevlin: #JoshHutchersonsMustacheThingy
@A_Bartolotte: Zoe Saldana... So sexy
@shandathapanda: tfw u just popped out twins but it looks like u were never pregnant...k zoe
@CamilaMTV: Is this really the #Oscars??? There has yet to be a great intro or a great anything happening... πŸ˜ͺ
@EDiamond007: I want to see Kevin Hart stand next to The Rock and present an award at the #Oscars
@whaattaafoxx: Nice little bowl pack
@WestonBergmann: 😎🐢
@itsarifitz: @missashc cmere.
- @missashc: @itsarifitz πŸƒπŸƒπŸƒ
- @itsarifitz: @missashc babe why are tiny men running around your tweet?
- @missashc: @itsarifitz that's me running to you lades
- @itsarifitz: @missashc babe... why'd you cut your hair?
- @missashc: @itsarifitz well it was my only emoji option.
- @itsarifitz: @missashc poor tiny lades emoji
- @missashc: @itsarifitz :( :( :(
@BrandonDNelson: "Thats not how this works.... that's not how any of this works."
@MaybachDiamonds: Sam Smith ft. Macklemore for best picture.
@EDiamond007: I just want to give Maryl Streep a big hug #Oscars
@JasIPen: "Thing called love" video dropping soon. #ThingCalledLove #PartyScene πŸ’”
@Chet_Cannon: I'm pretty sure that's Ashton Kutcher's hair #Oscars
@whaattaafoxx: I REALLY want to see The Imitation Game, I have to see it!
@EDiamond007: Keep waiting for Kanye to run up and steal an Oscar #TheOscars
@Coleysia: Yassss Selma!!!! #Oscars
@shandathapanda: quick change of subject! I've eaten so much candy the past 2 days, i can feel the cavities forming #swag
@Kaoltz: Congrat! @jamiechung1 from going from the real world to the challenge to winning a oscar #BigHeroe6
@AceNichols33: uploading the NEW and LATE #BattleOfTheExes2 recap from the last episode! I'll post as soon as it's done for your After Oscars Entertainment
@EDiamond007: John Legend for President, only if he sings at every State of the Union.  #Oscars
@MaybachDiamonds: So Common's name is Lonnie? Soft.
@MaybachDiamonds: Lady Gaga not looking weird is weird.
@erikalauren: Gaga just slayed!  #Oscars2015
@MaybachDiamonds: Her O face.
@MaybachDiamonds: BOOOOOOOOO!!!!
@shandathapanda: Oprah's titties doeee
@JasIPen: That went 0 to 100 REAL QUICK! #WellDoneTho #TheOscars2015 @MichaelKeaton
@jamiechung1: I'm in utter shock. Our team deserved the win!!! Congrats #bighero6
- @AshleyMarieMTV: @jamiechung1 congrats Jamie!! So exciting!
@jamiechung1: Woman UP! #BigHero6 #Oscars2015
@jamiechung1: #Bighero6 were BIG Winners tonight!! So proud of this team!! Woohoo!!!!!
@MikeCManning: The acceptance speech of @MrGrahamMoore tonight πŸ™Œ #StayWeird #academy2015
@Chet_Cannon: We live in the most amazing country in the world. #Oscars
@JamieChinaMTV: I personally think The Theory of Everything should have won best picture....
@MaybachDiamonds: Son of a bitch!
@briughh: Once I no longer get mad, I no longer care.., you're standing on #thinice ..
@AceNichols33: The *NEW* #BattleOfTheExes2 recap is UP! MY JUNK WORKS!  Please comment, like, SUBSCRIBE!
@briughh: I use all the hatred and jealousy as the steam to the machine that powers my dreams.
@JordanW_usa: Big congrats to @jamiechung1 on the Oscar!!!!!!
@whaattaafoxx: Planning a trip to The UK is in the near future for me
@JackieNanini: Always good to hear from my big brother ❀️ family is key
@brunorealworld: #Spartacus sex, valor, war, and blood what more could I want.
@jamiechung1: Yes!!!! #Bighero6 darn that thing weighs about 15 lbs!!! Love you guys!!!
@brittany_baldi: I love you more than the sun and you shine for me β˜€οΈ
@laurelstucky: @jamiechung1 YOU ALL DID IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! #BigHero6Sweeps #OSCARS
@laurelstucky: Don't look back.
@laurelstucky: Life is not about what comes up behind you, but it is about what you do with yourself despite great challenges. Life is not about fear. Love
@laurelstucky: Some questions we have will go unanswered. This is a part of this beautiful crazy confusing life that we live. Live every day like you can.
@MTV_Christina: Wish I had a dog of my own. #goldenretriever
@laurelstucky: Carpe DIEM

@laurelstucky: My beautiful friend.......................................

> The Monday Before: Double Shot Eve
@erikalauren: Okaaaaay Winter, we get it!!!!!
@CJKoegel: Three's Company! #HappyMonday #TripleThreat #Imcorny
@VMilerman: Waking up for work today is about as much fun as being kicked in the cunt and then vinegar being poured in my eyes.
@PrimeTimeSiebs: Met her at backyard block party by the bar. She kept Lookin at me like she knew who I was. She was buzzin all over me #LikeSheFellInLove
@MTVTV: Which #RealWorld alum got her hands on an Oscar trophy last night...?
@NanyMTV: Woke up to @jonnamtv in my kitchen eating a PB&J. Apparently she thinks we're in a challenge houseπŸ˜‚
@TrishelleC: Yessss!! Congrats to my girl @jamiechung1 on winning her first (and not last) Oscar!! 😘 #Oscar2015 #OscarFashion
@jamiechung1: Still on cloud 9
@jamiechung1: #Bighero6 at Vanity Fair
@TheMarkLong: You are welcome and @pocketprotein is on its way!😊RT @JoanLunden: Thank you for all of your support @TheMarkLong!
@t_raines33: Thanks everybody for the get wells! I feel 100% better today and a special thanks to my girl Sarah hooking me up with those antibiotics!
@JazMTV: 2years now and this day nevet gets easier. But at least im honoring one of my dad wishes..Following my…
@TheJayDillinger: New crib new money swag! #YungAndWavy #MarlonMTV
@whaattaafoxx: I'm bout to cuss everybody the fuck out today.
@whaattaafoxx: I was mad until I seen this beautiful face! My niece is fucking PERFECT! I miss this baby!! 😩😊😍😍😍😍
@RealWorldMTV: Ahhh! A #RealWorld alum is now an Oscar winner!
@MtvJess: Packing up my apartment πŸ’• few more days til #RoadtoLA πŸ’™ #LAliving πŸ’™ #AdventureswithJess
@MtvJess: Yepp. I'm there β˜•οΈ
@brittany_baldi: New sexy thrilling #MTVEyeCandy tonight on MTV. Tomorrow @afterbuzztv we have @fryRyCooper in studio 5PM #afterbuzztv
@MTVBananas: Like it!
@laurelstucky: Diem learned to dance in the rain. I'm just learning to dance. Every time I dance I think of Diem.
@laurelstucky: I miss you Diem.
@laurelstucky: Don't let anyone stop you from #dancing.
@MTVBananas: I like to run across my kitchen and stop my microwave with one second left so I can feel like a bomb defuser.
@TheMarkLong: Everytime I leave my gym, I'm hit with the glorious smell of MacDonald french fries...and then I hold my breath and run to my car.
@iamheathercooke: I always get it together on Monday! Got my #bulletproofcoffee and my california sunshine! bulletproofexec
@brittany_baldi: SNAG YOUR OWN TSHIRT, POSTER AND FREE SIGNED 8X10 IMAGE HERE … #mtv #areyoutheone #afterbuzztv #TheChallenge :-)
@JustJem24: And my best dressed at the Oscar's is
@laurelstucky: If #DIEMBROWN changed your #life like she changed mine you can donate to her #FSU #SCHOLARSHIP #FUND HERE: …
@laurelstucky: The $$ Raised will provide support for students who are going through hardships and need emergency financial assistance.
@laurelstucky: If you feel like you need #help you can always reach out to this #CRISIS #Hotline 1-800-799-4889 or contact the @jedfoundation
@laurelstucky: There is someone who cares about you, and if you are going through a hard time: KEEP PUSHING. It will get better. I can promise this.
@RyanDevlin: Having 5 careers (actor/host/granola bar CEO/producer/dad) keeps me on my toes and I'm definitely not losing my mind I'MLOSINGMYMIND.
@VMilerman: I feel like @Drake is the kind of guy that if you passed out naked in his bed.He would have you dresses in fresh pressed linens.I like thatπŸ™Œ
@MTVBananas: . @DIEMBROWNMTV FSU SCHOLARSHIP: Given to Seniors in remission or battling disease. Please RT …
@IWantMyEmTV: Isn't it funny how everyone ran to CA in 1848 to strike gold and everyone still is running there for fortune and fame. Hah.
@MTVBananas: The recently established Diem Brown Scholarship Fund is a tribute to honor Diem's unconquered spirit…
@cohuttaMTV: Freakin Penelope Cruz in Vanilla Sky. Geez. Kills me.
@SimoneJKelly: What an amazing day... @karencivil literally had me like a deer in headlights tryna take in all the…
@MTVChallenge26: @AshleeFeldman make an statement about her x bf @ZNichols15 statement from last week episode … #BattleOfTheExes2
@JasIPen: Pasta is always better the next day πŸ™Œ
@DiemBrownMTV: Can't wait to meet all the kids that are helped by this! #legacy #DiemStrong #letsmeetourgoalTONIGHT …
@TheMarkLong: I'm wearing a bandana today...where's @tjlavin ??? #GodfatherRising #ChallengeReadyForLife
@brittany_baldi: Wishing you all a sexy motivated Monday! Check out  keep up with my career xo #teambaldi βœŒοΈπŸ’•
@Tindel10: Loving it how the best things in life just appear unexpectedly.
@CaraMariaMTV: Ok... I finally think i figured out this whole #hangloose thing. #hawaii #gotit #monkey #tree #climb…
@briughh: I filmed for another MTV show.. stay tuned for that .. this month lol..
@briughh: but seriously ... my babe @Chrissyisblonde has the funniest instagram posts. xx
@MtvJess: If you expect sex in return for doing me a favor I hope you're not holding your breath..... On second thought, do.
@RealWorldMTV: I'm so happy for Jason rn πŸŽ‰πŸ˜
@whaattaafoxx: Heads Carolina, Tails California
@TheRealNiaMoore: Big Sean's album and French Montana's mixtape got some good stuff on there. I like French's best πŸ‘Œ But I only workout to Kevin Gates lmao
@TheRealNiaMoore: Glad to be back home. For y'all that miss my snapchats I'm back. I been traveling and laying low. I'm home now. Same name as IG & twitterπŸ‘Œ
@JennaCompono: This mush πŸ’•
@ryanmalaty: The only people who truly know your story are the ones who help you write it
@ryanmalaty: For my cosmic hipster cats @shandathapanda @MTV_Christina @Kaitiii #mylifeinapicture
@JayGMTV: Once again i will be hosting Spring Break in South Padre Texas! March 1- April 1. Go to…
@Pratt_MTV: @EikeParis is your phone broken... Again? πŸ˜‘ #ParisProbs
@AshleyMarieMTV: Cuz all of my kindness, is mistaken for weakness. #fourfiveseconds #vibin
@MTVshelbs: Naps are so crucial
- @mtvdario: @MTVshelbs but are they really ?
- @MTVshelbs: @mtvdario yes, yes they are.
@NanyMTV: jonnamannion met my niece today 😬
@RealWorldMTV: On last week's episode of #RealWorldSkeletons, I fell in love with Tony and Bruno's brothers 😍
@EikeParis: Oh hi there twitter.
@IamAdamKuhn: It's Monday and I already can't wait for the weekend to go rage.
@SarahRiceMTV: Don't believe we have a problem with sexism in this country?? Put your fav movie thru The Bechdel Test. #equality …
@A_Bartolotte: Just goin with the flow
@Chet_Cannon: 1234567890,  qwertyuiop,   asdfghjkl,   zxcvbnm
@brittany_baldi: Fun fact @ChallengeMTV none of the cast members knew about EXiled until we got there. It was a cool twist!! #mtv #sneaky #BattleOfTheExes2
@haileychivers: For best snack in the world, spread out a handful of large pepperonis on a plate and microwave for 1 minute. You're welcome. #pepperonichips
@mtvdario: Your way to into college
@ChallengeMTV: Here's a sneak peek of tomorrow's episode! Do you think @SarahRiceMTV & @JordanW_usa will hash things out?
@RyanDevlin: Just bought a lot of alcohol because I can.
@mtvdario: Doing is one thing, doing it right is a whole different story
@AshleeFeldman: She just goes stumbling through her memories, staring out on to Grey Street
@SarahRiceMTV: Its shocking to me how the second I start to speak out FOR equality, I also start receiving mean messages and tweets..#backwards #wontstopme
@MTV_JESS: Hmmmm which one of my mtv family members wanna come to cancun !!???
@JamieChinaMTV: I'm going to be very very very rich one day. Mark my wordsπŸ‘Œ
@RealWorldMTV: I love seeing this side of Sylvia and Madison πŸ‘―
@jonnamtv: I love you.
@MtvJess: Who said Monday's aren't sexy πŸ˜ˆπŸ’‹ #outandabout #fun #imback
@briughh: I live out of a suit case... lately #help
@jonnamtv: -6
@NanyMTV: Instant BFFS #SheFitsIn #Buffalo jonnamannion corywatson
 @brunorealworld: What my little bro just posted @briughh means a lot mean thank you! Stay away from my tuna though. (IG pic: from @briughh: "No one understands how much you've dealt with and the shit you've been through, but your not obligated to explain yourself to anyone anyways  @mtvbruno")
@jamiechung1: Yes please.
@CamilaMTV: It's not where you are but who you're with πŸ’•
@WestonBergmann: I don't understand why "I'm letting it soak," isn't a perfectly decent reason for why the dishes aren't done. #ExplainThatMadness
@mtvdario: Night
@TheRealNiaMoore: RUBIO: Me    HARDEN: My life   πŸ˜©πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
@briughh: Apology accepted, trust denied.
@SarahRiceMTV: Sorry @murtzjaffer !! #totaldomination
@n_zanattaMTV: At the end of the day all you want is that good morning and goodnight text to know you mean something to someone! Make a wish it's 11:11 😏
@MtvJess: #MCM that back though πŸ˜πŸ’‹πŸ’•
@SylviaMTV: I'm 26 years old and yes I'm watching sweet 16 on #MtV judge me I don't care lol
@JamieChinaMTV: Goodnight sweet bebeeeees
@LORAleeMTV: πŸ’‹
@whaattaafoxx: I'm in tears! Look at how amazed he is this is the sweetest thing ever.
@whaattaafoxx: he just looks so happy (Vine by @lilyfortner)
@CaraMariaMTV: Introverts/people w social anxiety: im 100% there. Anything social is mostly an act. All i wanna do when w groups is hide under a table.
@CaraMariaMTV: Give me a mission: its go time πŸ’ͺ....... But Put me in a group of people: just want to be invisible. #issues 😩
@NanyMTV: Fading in. Fading out. On the edge of paradise. Every inch of your skin is a holy grail I've got to find. Only you can set my heart on fire.
@JayGMTV: Some people are just annoying for no reason
@NanyMTV: I'll let you set the pace, cause I'm not thinking straight
@NanyMTV: Girls night with my babies @ITsKEL_SEY  @jonnamtv @MoWildd @n1ne2three β€οΈπŸ’‹
@whaattaafoxx: I miss that tan skin and that sweet smile
@SylviaMTV: If there was a job that all it required me to do was workout and watch movies/TV series I would love life! #DreamJob
@NanyMTV: #latergram
@Krewshal: @t_raines33 gotta get you one of these Shipment coming in Thursday. pre-order through email
@CaraMariaMTV: Best birth control ever. I made this decision 10 years ago and highly recommend it. … #women #birthcontrol #nobabies
@brunorealworld: Going ham late night post gym ahah
@MTV_Christina: "Funny, isn't it, how thinking about something all the time isn't quite the same as visualizing just 5 minutes a day?" #thoughtsbecomethings

@laurelstucky: Why is DOPE my new favorite word.
@laurelstucky: What is beauty? Who told you what is beautiful? What if I don't think I'm beautiful, but you do?
@laurelstucky: #BeautyIsInTheEyeOfTheBeholder
@laurelstucky: I think my #grandma is #beautiful and she is 86. YOU GO GRANDMA.
@laurelstucky: I also feel like I want to be a rapper. I am from Detroit after all, it's in my roots. #dope
@laurelstucky: Can't sleep, up all night, don't want to fight, don't want to look back, all I want to do is sing my heart out but I can't breathe
@laurelstucky: Can't sleep, up all night, don't want to fight, don't want to look back, all I want to do is sing my heart out but I can't breathe
@laurelstucky: We do need to factor in #PTSD that soldiers experience from fighting the #war. #ISupportOurTroops
@laurelstucky: At the end of it all, I will know I have loved and as they have said: it is better to have loved and lost, than to never have loved at all.
@laurelstucky: I can weather this storm. It's cold, but I will be OK.
@laurelstucky: The voice that you put out in to the world #MATTERS
@laurelstucky: Everything that everyone does #MATTERS
@laurelstucky: #LifeIsBeautifulDespiteTragedy
@laurelstucky: That gaze of that girl was piercing. She look straight through me. #Haunting
@laurelstucky: What am I putting out into the world? How can I change the world for the better?
@laurelstucky: Going to sing! Bye!

@laurelstucky: Ok, seriously leaving twitta now. byieeee


Now, this doubleheader will be covering the emotional RW Skeletons episode from Tuesday and of course the tide-changer in Panama as well later on this weekend (and apologies for the delay in posting due to our house internet being down for a few days). But aside from Jason becoming a dad, the best story of the week in MTV land is a Real World alum taking home Hollywood's biggest prize.
   Last Sunday, Disney's Big Hero 6 won the Oscar for Best Animated Feature Film, another win for the folks who've mastered this genre for what seems like forever. The key story in there? Real World alum Jamie Chung from season 14 in San Diego provided the voice of Go Go and joined with producers and those who provided voices to the film in celebrating their award. And fellow MTV'ers congratulated her in those tweets above on being the first in the RW/Challenge franchise to pick up an Oscar.
   Eleven years ago, we saw a standout RW season that took the show back to California for the first time in a decade with The Real World: San Diego. Through the magic of YouTube and my DCNOW Retro Night series, I got to watch the first episode of season 14 for the first time in over a decade back in January. We all remember Brad and Robin being put in jail on the same night, his romance with future Southern Charm-er Cameran, and the late Frankie Abernathy & her battle with cystic fibrosis. And while Brad and Robin would go on to future Challenge success, it's Jamie who would go on to not just the biggest success among the season 14 cast, but also arguably the most successful media career among the MTV/BMP alumni.
   Jamie was born and raised here in the Bay Area, then attended my sister's alma mater UC Riverside and is a proud Class of 2005 member of the Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority. In a drama-filled Real World season such as that first trip to Surf City, she wasn't featured as much, other than for the timely color commentary spot in the episodes. But then on her only Challenge, Jamie did go on to be part of the Good Guys team on Inferno II and teamed with two Challenge legends in Darrell and Landon, and future WWE Champion Mike The Miz, to take home the title. And then, instead of staying in The Challenge world like many others after doing their Real World season, she exchanged her Team MTV card for membership in Hollywood and an acting career.
   As it turns out, she made a life-changing move, though she did gain early experience with small roles on Veronica Mars, ER, Days of Our Lives and CSI: NY before landing her first major role in the fall 2008 ABC Family mini series Samuari GirlJamie then teamed with The Hills' Audrina Padridge for Sorority Row, was Goku's love interest in Dragonball Evolution, starred alongside Demi Lovato and Selena Gomez on the Disney Channel telepic Princess Protection Program, and appeared in Grown Ups and The Hangover Part II. She finally gained a lead movie role alongside Joseph Gordon-Levitt in Premium Rush and then garnered acclaim for her lead role in the domestic human trafficking flick Eden. And now Jamie's on prime time TV again in a recurring character in Mulan on ABC's Once Upon a Time.
   The post-MTV careers of those who are part of TV's legacy reality franchise are many: Sean Duffy being a congressman, Trishelle being a pro poker player, Mike "The Miz" becoming WWE Champ, Chicago's Kyle Brandt producing Jim Rome's sports radio show, Mike Manning from D.C. also with a thriving acting career...the list goes on. But it's Jamie Chung who now has the most successful career of those who've been on either The Real World, The Challenge and Road Rules. When you have roles on major TV shows, big movies and working with Hollywood's elite, you become part of the A-list in Tinseltown. And now being the first in a community with nearly 300 in its alumni list to have an Academy Award in her possession, Jamie is now part of that A-list elite. Congrats Jamie!

Now a few weeks ago, we mentioned here about the return to MTV of the first cast of Teen Mom and how it's taking a cue from RW Ex-Plosion and Skeletons in showing more of the production side of the show when it premieres next month. Last Saturday saw the start of the countdown to their return with retrospectives on their MTV careers which began in 2009 on 16 and PregnantAnd something that we'll be covering in the main edition of the 'Pulse later this weekend is the birth of Jason's new daughter, which is a Real World first and comes on the heels of Amber & Ethan from Are You The One? giving birth to their new baby girl Scarlett.
   With those in mind, after some time of thinking about it - and also to give myself something to live tweet after this RW/Challenge cycle ends (along with season 4 of Catfish and season 30 of Survivor that premiered on Wednesday), I've decided that during the forthcoming offseason, I will be adding Teen Mom OG to my DCNOW live tweet rotation. This might come to many of you who know me as a huge MTV fan as a complete surprise, but if you're in my family inner circle, it's not really big of a surprise at all. There's a practical reason behind it.
   Last year was a tough one in our family with the passing of our matriarch, my grandma or who we all call Nanay, plus my two family dogs. But there's joy for all of us now in that in my extended family, one of my cousins just welcomed a new baby and any day now another cousin of mine will have her baby as well. Starting with the births of my niece and nephew - and with them to turn 7 & 6 years old respectively this summer, our extended family has grown a bit. This is most prevalent when we have our countless number of family parties and see them running around all over the place. I always enjoy the opportunity of taking pictures and video of them to show that when they get older, they can look back at how they were in those first years of their lives.
   So, it's with this in mind that it was a relatively easy decision for me to add Teen Mom to my drawing card once Exes 2 wraps up. Yes, many might get on Amber, Caitlynn, Maci & Farrah, as well as Chelsea, Jenelle, Kailyn & Leah of TM2, for having their every move become a regular topic of the tabloids and gossip sites, and also that they have longer spells on MTV than, say, the six seasons of Jersey Shore. And there's been the outrage over Farrah being reinstated to the show after being involved with adult entertainment, as well as Jenelle's behavior that got her in jail earlier this week. But, the ladies are also regular people like you and I who are also going through some though real-life issues as well. And when you get to the heart of it, it's parenting that is paramount here.
   We, as a whole family, know exactly what they go through every day in raising a kid and balancing that with family life, albeit with more attention than just family & friends. And now having many additions to my family in the past 7 years and 2 more to come, I felt it was time for me to jump on board and find out what the buzz is about. And it's not just because Farrah follows me on Twitter, these ladies all have personal stories young moms and their families can relate to, just like we see on The Real World and what my two cousins are going through now. And as I always say, you're never too old to learn something new, so being able to see them raise their bundles of joy and learn about how to help the kids out will be something that I will be looking forward to watch.
   So again, beginning with the OG season starting March 23rd, DCNOW is adding Teen Mom to the rotation of shows I will both live tweet and also interact with. It will become the 18th overall MTV show, the 13th different MTV series and the 11th outside the RW/Challenge franchise that I will be following here in social world, and that's the first new show of hopefully several I will follow in 2015. This also includes a revival this summer of America's Best Dance Crew, and I will be adding that show to my rotation as well when the weather for most of you will be the same as what we have here out west. And of course with the recent renewal of both The Challenge and Are You The One? for new seasons, there's plenty to look forward in the year ahead.

That's all for now for this edition of DC SocialPulse, and it's just the first of this week's doubleheader. Coming up later this weekend, we'll have all the interaction from Tuesday's Double Shot where we see Jason's new baby, Madison dealing with her dark past, and plenty of tide changers on Exes 2. Plus along with our usual episode wraps and Winners of the Night, we'll have reflection on life-changing moments in Real World history, and the face of The Challenge provides a helping hand to a Las Vegas local. I'm sure you'll have a tissue box handy to read Part II...lots of emotional moments ahead.
   As always, stay tuned to DCBLOG for that back-end of the Double Shot to be posted here later on - at the earliest later tonight (as we talk to you on Saturday, Feb. 28) or possibly tomorrow or Monday, and bookmark this site for all my coverage of all things MTV and beyond. And you can find me on Twitter & Instagram at @DC408Dxtr and DCNOW at @DC408DxNow. For the time being, thanks for reading and talk to you later this weekend.


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