*** Advisory: DC SocialPulse contains adult language, objectionable content
and spoilers for some readers. Viewer Discretion is Advised. ***
and spoilers for some readers. Viewer Discretion is Advised. ***
Hi, hello, what's up and welcome back to DC SocialPulse on DCBLOG. Fall has officially arrived on the calendar as of Wednesday, and that means we are back into covering the MTV Trifecta following the long off-season. After six long months over the spring and summer and me focusing principally on a great Summer of Sports in many retrospects, the shift back to covering the thing this site specializes in covering also means the return of this weekly routine of bringing you the episodes of Are You The One?, The Challenge and Real World as Twitter saw it.
On Thursday, or Friday for some of you if you got to record the show since it aired for one time only this year in that coveted spot of follow Teen Mom 2, season 3 of Are You The One? kicked off with, as one of my webcast hosts calls it, a whole season crammed into the first episode. And indeed it was, as in addition to the usual pomp and circumstance that comes with our new cast of 20 girls and guys single and ready to mingle, there is also a huge twist that will change the game for sure this time around. As for what goes on in the house, lust at first sight sees hearts on the line as we see the quick formation of couples and love triangles right out of the opening gate, along with all the emotions of reality TV that we come to love as well.
We'll have all the interaction from the premiere, the lead-up to it and the aftermath covered here in the first of our two-part post covering this wild premiere episode that will now need two blog posts each week to cover it. Plus after all that on DC ExtraTime, we'll catch up with a member of Team MTV who has now made the transition into the world of Hollywood in his post-MTV life. That's all ahead here as we kick off our weekly posts here.
First off, as we begin our fifth cycle covering the MTV Trifecta here on DCBLOG, in case you're a newbie here and checking us out for the first time, as always welcome aboard, it's great to have you with us and get comfortable here. A signature feature unique to DCBLOG, the 'Pulse brings you exclusive, one-of-a-kind running twitter diaries of AYTO and The Challenge/Real World franchise as seen by the people watching the episodes in 140 characters or less - cast and fans alike.
Social media has changed the game in how people can have the true communal experience of watching TV shows and events, and interacting with cast, fans, friends and everyone. With having grown a strong rapport with Team MTV for three years now, this site strives to bring that interaction to you on these journals, which are also the premise of my secondary DCNOW twitter hub devoted to live tweets. And of course, often times it's the episode interaction that becomes the big show as the cast relives the drama in its edited form with more than just family and friends.
If you're a fan who wants to relive how your favorite castmates reacted to a hookup, fight, challenge, getaway date, truth booth, matchup or anything else that took place, of course we have everything covered and you can check out all the twitter reaction and hoopla right here. But most particularly, in the case of some of you such as yours truly, those who might have stayed off social media while the episodes aired and didn't get the benefit of having the true TV/Twitter experience of your favorites tweeting along with you either out west or even watched it on your DVR or Over the Top a day or so later to avoid those spoilers, The 'Pulse is your first chance to catch up on the tweets you missed. These diaries are specially designed, curated and pieced together by me in real-time, tweet-by-tweet, uncensored and unfiltered to bring that experience and interaction as a public service to you, the fans, so you don't miss a moment. It's easier than just catching up on tweets one by one.
With all the time and effort I put in to bring these posts and the reactions of everyone to you on this site, The 'Pulse is only part of the DCBLOG MTV experience, offering a worldwide audience, who are always appreciative of this MTV fan's great work, a unique angle on AYTO and the two other shows in the Trifecta, The Challenge and Real World, which we'll be covering here later. It's fitting that they, along with other MTV shows, are perfectly suited to the kind of great insight, perspective and storytelling that makes MTV reality programming unique, and no channel lays claim to the kind of deeper, more intimate relationship & impact on all those involved.
Enough of that prologue. Let's get now to the reason you are actually here for: the following are the actual tweets of the cast, alumni, fans and me as we got to see the premiere, along with the buildup to, and the aftermath of, premiere day, and of course the first episode.
- As we begin, please note there is explicit language in many of the tweets below, but I am keeping it uncensored in order to retain the heat of the moment. So if you are mature enough, please read with discretion. :-)
- Plus, if you haven't watched the episode yet, or if you're an international fan and this episode has yet not aired in your territory, then do not proceed. But don't worry, be sure to bookmark DCBLOG as I will compile all of these tweets into these posts after every episode so you won't be in the dark of how your favorites saw this all unfold.
So, dust off that name tag, strap yourself in and Join In after the jump as we head off to the Hawaiian islands once again for Season 3 of Are You The One?, SocialPulse style.
We'll have all the interaction from the premiere, the lead-up to it and the aftermath covered here in the first of our two-part post covering this wild premiere episode that will now need two blog posts each week to cover it. Plus after all that on DC ExtraTime, we'll catch up with a member of Team MTV who has now made the transition into the world of Hollywood in his post-MTV life. That's all ahead here as we kick off our weekly posts here.
First off, as we begin our fifth cycle covering the MTV Trifecta here on DCBLOG, in case you're a newbie here and checking us out for the first time, as always welcome aboard, it's great to have you with us and get comfortable here. A signature feature unique to DCBLOG, the 'Pulse brings you exclusive, one-of-a-kind running twitter diaries of AYTO and The Challenge/Real World franchise as seen by the people watching the episodes in 140 characters or less - cast and fans alike.
Social media has changed the game in how people can have the true communal experience of watching TV shows and events, and interacting with cast, fans, friends and everyone. With having grown a strong rapport with Team MTV for three years now, this site strives to bring that interaction to you on these journals, which are also the premise of my secondary DCNOW twitter hub devoted to live tweets. And of course, often times it's the episode interaction that becomes the big show as the cast relives the drama in its edited form with more than just family and friends.
If you're a fan who wants to relive how your favorite castmates reacted to a hookup, fight, challenge, getaway date, truth booth, matchup or anything else that took place, of course we have everything covered and you can check out all the twitter reaction and hoopla right here. But most particularly, in the case of some of you such as yours truly, those who might have stayed off social media while the episodes aired and didn't get the benefit of having the true TV/Twitter experience of your favorites tweeting along with you either out west or even watched it on your DVR or Over the Top a day or so later to avoid those spoilers, The 'Pulse is your first chance to catch up on the tweets you missed. These diaries are specially designed, curated and pieced together by me in real-time, tweet-by-tweet, uncensored and unfiltered to bring that experience and interaction as a public service to you, the fans, so you don't miss a moment. It's easier than just catching up on tweets one by one.
With all the time and effort I put in to bring these posts and the reactions of everyone to you on this site, The 'Pulse is only part of the DCBLOG MTV experience, offering a worldwide audience, who are always appreciative of this MTV fan's great work, a unique angle on AYTO and the two other shows in the Trifecta, The Challenge and Real World, which we'll be covering here later. It's fitting that they, along with other MTV shows, are perfectly suited to the kind of great insight, perspective and storytelling that makes MTV reality programming unique, and no channel lays claim to the kind of deeper, more intimate relationship & impact on all those involved.
Enough of that prologue. Let's get now to the reason you are actually here for: the following are the actual tweets of the cast, alumni, fans and me as we got to see the premiere, along with the buildup to, and the aftermath of, premiere day, and of course the first episode.
- As we begin, please note there is explicit language in many of the tweets below, but I am keeping it uncensored in order to retain the heat of the moment. So if you are mature enough, please read with discretion. :-)
- Plus, if you haven't watched the episode yet, or if you're an international fan and this episode has yet not aired in your territory, then do not proceed. But don't worry, be sure to bookmark DCBLOG as I will compile all of these tweets into these posts after every episode so you won't be in the dark of how your favorites saw this all unfold.
So, dust off that name tag, strap yourself in and Join In after the jump as we head off to the Hawaiian islands once again for Season 3 of Are You The One?, SocialPulse style.
> AYTO Premiere Week
@mtvalecgonzz: If you ain't got no haters you ain't poppin. Shoutout to the podcast that just lite me the fuck up😂😂... No publicity is bad publicity
@mtvalecgonzz: Holy shit... #AYTO premieres this Thursday... whatttttttttt
@MTV_AMANDAG: Listen to @busdriversroute and @lashtweets light the guys of #AYTO3 UP!!! hahahaha so fucking funny. MUST LISTEN :) http://robhasawebsite.com/mtv-reality-are-you-the-one-podcast-men-preview/ …
@MTV_AMANDAG: @kayyjaybee i hate Ryan Devin.
- @kayyjaybee: @MTV_AMANDAG lmao bitch you were cray that night 😂 Well done.
@in_my_SHEETS: Thursday will be cool. I get my IPhone 6s and #AYTO airs. Needless to say, I'm more excited about the phone. 😂👀
@BritniNicol: Escape the ordinary🌞🌚 #blessed #happygirl #ayto #blackandwhite #livelovelaugh https://instagram.com/p/75vIADJq1L/
@BritniNicol: @AREUTHE1 2 more days..😳 #bringit #areyouready #AYTO
@MTV_Chuckalodon: Mandatory Foamer Chug @MTVbigD @EikeParis @whaattaafoxx @blacuesta @hbarfield13 @MTV_TeeBoogie #mandatoryfoamerchug
- @MTV_TeeBoogie: @MTV_Chuckalodon @MTVbigD @EikeParis @whaattaafoxx @blacuesta @hbarfield13 video coming soon!!
- @MTV_TeeBoogie: @MTV_Chuckalodon @MTVbigD @EikeParis @whaattaafoxx @blacuesta @hbarfield13 legggoooo!
- @MTV_AMANDAG: @MTV_TeeBoogie you opened that throat up like you was suckin on a fat shlonggggggg.
- @MTV_TeeBoogie: @MTV_AMANDAG lmaoooo 😂😂 chill out!
@BombshellChels: This time next month I'll be in LA with my #AYTO babes 🙌 @schmelllanie @_hannahrathbun @CHEYnotShy
@BombshellChels: Can not wait for Thursday 😈 #AYTO
@BombshellChels: Only 2 more days! Check out this #AYTO Interview I did on http://thenikkisin.com 💕
@KamilaPod: So many good looking ppl on #AYTO3 ummm? I think I was on the wrong show
@CHEYnotShy: Come play with me and my girls for the pre party of my MTV debut #MoodWednesdays contact @aytwan or… https://instagram.com/p/78xHcsFOCs/
@hbarfield13: Always smiling extremely blessed #AYTO #MTV
@KikiMTV: Flight to LA is booked to see my babes! @_hannahrathbun @BombshellChels @schmelllanie @CHEYnotShy @ZAKLONGO @MTV_TeeBoogie 😜🙌🏽💁🏽👑 #AYTO
@KikiMTV: On the new Hooters playing cards! #7ofDiamonds #Hooters #LuckyNumber7 #AYTO
@KikiMTV: Can't wait for y'all to see me dance my way through this season! Make sure to tune in THIS THURSDAY… https://instagram.com/p/79aus6Odyb/
@MikeCrescenz0: Shoutout to @MTV_TeeBoogie funniest cast member on season 3 #AYTO... @ZAKLONGO just steals his jokes. T Boogie aka Quintin Miller. 👻📝😂
@MikeCrescenz0: @ZAKLONGO don't be salty that the smallest dude in the house put you on your ass #frailbodyyyy 😳🙀😂
@MikeCrescenz0: All tears of joy watching you go face first into the ground #thealliancehasneverbeenstronger
@RashidaZakiya: My birthday is in 8 days !!! 😁😏💅🏾💋😚💨🍃💁🏽👀🎉💥🎊✨✨grateful to see another #Bday #24 September 24 .#AYTO3 #AYTO
@RashidaZakiya: lol my mom guessed who my perfect match is 1. @mtvalecgonzz 2. @MTVNellyT2013 3. @ZAKLONGO
@MTV_TeeBoogie: What. Is this real? Being on @MTV header and avi. LAWWWDDD im gonna cry lol
- @MTV: @MTV_TeeBoogie 💫living the dream💫
- @MTV_TeeBoogie: @MTV don't wake me upppppppppppp ( Chris brown voice )
@MTV_TeeBoogie: Season 3 can out drink season 1 & 2
@MTV_TeeBoogie: Me and @MTV_Chuckalodon are def turning up
@ZAKLONGO: Who do you think my perfect match is guys? #AYTO #MTV
@ZAKLONGO: Having a "Are You The One?" Premiere party in LA Thursday night. Holla if you want to come!
@MTVbigD: @MTV_Chuckalodon @EikeParis @whaattaafoxx @blacuesta @hbarfield13 @MTV_TeeBoogie @MTV_AMANDAG @schmelllanie
@kayyjaybee: Good morning everyone 😜 1 more day until AYTO yayyy
- @MTV_TeeBoogie: @kayyjaybee I'll drink to that!!
-@in_my_SHEETS: @kayyjaybee 😎😈👀
@KikiMTV: @AREUTHE1 bahaha @schmelllanie fuck this shit #mygirl #friendsforever #ohana No man gets between us!
@BombshellChels: My birthday is in exactly one month 😅
@hbarfield13: The season 3 premier of Are You The One is tomorrow night on MTV at 11!!!! Do not miss this!! #AYTO3 #MTV
Season 3 is a damn good looking cast. 🔥 #AYTO 😎 stay tuned!
@MTV_AMANDAG: Don't forget Are You The One premieres TOMORROW NIGHT on #MTV after the Teen Mom finale! Get ready cuz our seasons comin in HOT 🔥❤️🙈
@mtvalecgonzz: I more excited about the premier of #AYTO tomorrow than Gwen Stefani at a spelling bee when she gets the word "bananas"
@MTV_TeeBoogie: Let's go! @ZAKLONGO @MTVbigD @MTV_Chuckalodon @schmelllanie @MTV_AMANDAG
- @schmelllanie: @MTV_TeeBoogie @ZAKLONGO @MTVbigD @MTV_Chuckalodon @MTV_AMANDAG I gotchall after work 😝
- @MTV_AMANDAG: @schmelllanie @MTV_TeeBoogie @ZAKLONGO @MTVbigD @MTV_Chuckalodon Same... Maybe. Beer is bleh. 🙊
- @MTV_TeeBoogie: @MTV_AMANDAG @schmelllanie @ZAKLONGO @MTVbigD @MTV_Chuckalodon throw a Schlong in there!
@MikeCrescenz0: Studying at Starbucks and a group of girls recognized me from #ayto previews... Life is about to get very interesting 😳
@RashidaZakiya: So excited about tomorrow I don't know what to do with myself getting off work feeling like 1 million… https://instagram.com/p/7_IzijziMk/
@BritniNicol: Live in the sunshine. Swim in the sea. Drink the wild air. -Emerson #blessed #livelovelaugh… https://instagram.com/p/7_K5oHpq1W/
@mtvalecgonzz: Got a ticket for parking in a "no park zone" when I went to get coffee, I know exactly what it feels like to be a celebrity now
- @BombshellChels: @mtvalecgonzz and this is why that podcast hates you lmaoo
- @mtvalecgonzz: @BombshellChels if the shoe fits, wear it
@MTVNellyT2013: FAMILY, FRIENDS and Fans of areuthe1 I'm having my premier Party at YellowRose Tom at 10pm, located… https://instagram.com/p/7_MxLZIN8A/
@StaceyGurnevich: Am I the only one out of my cast not having a premiere party? I'll be sitting on my couch tomorrow watching the premiere of #ayto lol
- @MTV_AMANDAG: @StaceyGurnevich hahaha same dude. I'm just watching it with my close friends!!
- @MTV_Chuckalodon: @StaceyGurnevich same here. I gonna be on my couch with enough beer to forget everything I forgot I already did.
- @StaceyGurnevich: @MTV_Chuckalodon Lmao same. I'm definitely gonna be drinking while I watch 😅
- @mtvalecgonzz: @MTV_AMANDAG @StaceyGurnevich samsies. I actually want to see/hear myself on TV... you know really take it in
@AREUTHE1: #AYTO premieres TOMORROW. Let the guessing game begin. http://on.mtv.com/1OSRgpw
- @BombshellChels: @AREUTHE1 I want to see everyone's guesses! #AYTO
@KikiMTV: Wow...ever say something to your friends & literally that day it happens? 😍 I am amazed right now...
@mtvalecgonzz: I dont look back n think bout how many things I couldve done differently, I look forward n think about how many things I can do differently
@RashidaZakiya: Don't miss out tomorrow "Are you the one" on MTV please support me ! I had an amazing time with so… https://instagram.com/p/7_bMBpziLJ/
@CHEYnotShy: nervous and excited for #AYTO wonder who's going to be watching 👀
@BombshellChels: Plot twist, @Brockohurn is actually my perfect match. #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: Starting tomorrow, you can play to win a trip to Hawaii: http://on.mtv.com/1iSpOvT 😜 #PlayAYTO
@RashidaZakiya: Having a premiere party for MTV "Are You The One" at my place BYOB & BYOW!!! TURN UP DM ME FOR MORE INFO!!!
@BombshellChels: I'm claiming this as my go to emoji all season 😇 @KikiMTV
- @KikiMTV: @BombshellChels Yesssss perfect! Haha I like 💁🏽
@MTV_AMANDAG: Guys that wear flip flops=EW. #stopit #now #barf
@KikiMTV: Can't believe tomorrow is the day! My premiere party is going to be so cute!! Pink, black, & white everything! 😍 #ayto #aytokiki #mtv 💗
@IamAdamKuhn: High hopes for Season 3 of Are You The One
@MTV_TeeBoogie: About to hit the @kayyjaybee dance tonight 😂😂
@mtvalecgonzz: Ill tell a girl my social security number and bank code before I tell her my password to twitter or instagram
- @MTV_AMANDAG: @mtvalecgonzz Okay what is it?
- @mtvalecgonzz: @MTV_AMANDAG LOOOOOOOL good one Mandy 😒
- @MTV_AMANDAG: @mtvalecgonzz don't just talk about it, be about it 😏
@KikiMTV: Just FYI I'm 24, not 22. I know it says that somewhere & it's false lol #1991baby
@MTVbigD: Get with it or get lost! #chuckandbigd #AYTO @MTV_Chuckalodon @MTV_TeeBoogie @schmelllanie
@schmelllanie: @MTV_TeeBoogie @ZAKLONGO @MTVbigD @MTV_Chuckalodon @MTV_AMANDAG ! @BombshellChels @KikiMTV @BritniNicol
- @KikiMTV: @schmelllanie Bahaha love it, Mel!! I'll do one tomorrow at my party!! 😘😘
- @schmelllanie: @KikiMTV love you baby! Wish we could party together! So soon doeeeee
- @KikiMTV: @schmelllanie Yassss LA is going to be insane!!
@MTVbigD: They'll be a few of these tn. #howwedoin #we'refucked
@MTVbigD: Remember the golden rule of Twitter... Tweet everyone the way you would like to be tweeted. #AYTO #we'refucked
@in_my_SHEETS: I just ordered a large pizza, garlic knots and cinna-sticks and I'm watching a documentary about water consumption. IN CASE U WERE WONDERING
- @KikiMTV: @in_my_SHEETS Gosh Austy you ALWAYS tweet about what you're doing....😉😜
@BombshellChels: Yo I hate @ZAKLONGO 😂
@MTV_JESS: Missing this day today! 3 completely different but incredible girls I somehow created a forever bond… https://instagram.com/p/76jFbID-ea/
@EikeParis: @lashtweets says @hbarfield13 is my perfect match. Lol can't wait to see this season. #whiphimintoshape #Pocahontas #ayto3&2?
- @hbarfield13: @EikeParis @lashtweets just a prediction time will tell how accurate that is 😏 #thursdaynightreveal
- @EikeParis: @hbarfield13 @lashtweets whoops you mean 😜
- @hbarfield13: @EikeParis @lashtweets someone thinks they are clever... Touché
- @lashtweets: @hbarfield13 @EikeParis I'm a total third wheel in these tweets 👫 👧🏻
- @hbarfield13: @lashtweets @EikeParis lol maybe if you were actually nice in the podcast It wouldn't be like that. Kidding love you excited for you to see!
- @EikeParis: @hbarfield13 @lashtweets LOL. She was great talking about you ha. If these guys didn't like you, you'd be crying in a ditch like others 😂
@EikeParis: WHAT THE FUCK DID I JUST WATCH @AREUTHE1 hellllllnoooooooo hahah 😂😂
http://www.mtv.com/shows/are_you_the_one/are-you-the-one-season-3-outtakes-a-season-3-rap/1243432/video/#id=1738042 …
@whaattaafoxx: Since tomorrow is going to have me all in my feels I would like to take this time to dedicate my boundless love to my DAY 1 N..... We've all seen each other's lows and highs... Some people cross your path and change your whole direction, and that's what y'all have done. So here's to y'all. I love y'all. #10Weekers @MTV_JESS @blacuesta @A_Bartolotte @MTV_Christina @Modelboi12 @PrimeTimeSiebs 10 weekers rule the world
- @MTV_Christina: @whaattaafoxx @MTV_JESS @blacuesta @A_Bartolotte @Modelboi12 @PrimeTimeSiebs #10weekers 👊🏼👊🏼
@IamAdamKuhn: High hopes for Season 3 of Are You The One
@tabron27: So ready to watch and support season 3 @AREUTHE1
@ShelbsYardley: S/o to @AREUTHE1 season 3 premiers tomorrow! I hope to see a lot of blacked out convos & may the lights be in your favor 😁 #passingthetorch
- @ZAKLONGO: @ShelbsYardley God bless 🙏🏾 #nevergiveuponlove #werefucked
> AYTO Premiere Thursday
@MTV_TeeBoogie: AHHHHH season premiere tonight!!!! @AREUTHE1 GET HYPE!!
@ZAKLONGO: "Are You The One?" Season 3 Airs Tonight!!!! Tune in, or tune out. #AYTO #MTV
@MTVNellyT2013: Are you the one !!!!! Airs tonite !!! Who's excited ?? It's going to be crazy !!!! #MTV #AYTO3
@RyanDevlin: Holy balls-- @AREUTHE1 season 3 premiers in 12 hours on the east coast! Take the day off work and start drinking. I'll write you a note.
- @mtvalecgonzz: @RyanDevlin Holy balls indeed, im definitely going to need that note....
- @in_my_SHEETS: @RyanDevlin Like hosting reality dating shows?
@Variety: MTV’s ‘Are You the One’ Matches Millennial Viewers Via Modern-Day Dating Mentality http://bit.ly/1FopYjc
- @AREUTHE1: @Variety "There was an abundant feeling of this being the hottest cast ever."
@KikiMTV: So excited for tonight ☺️🙌🏽 #AYTOpremiere
@AREUTHE1: IT'S FINALLY HERE! Season 3 of #AYTO premieres TONIGHT at 11/10c!
@AREUTHE1: If you're not ready, get ready. #AYTO premieres tonight at 11/10c.
@MTV_TeeBoogie: @AREUTHE1 America. Get prepared!
@KikiMTV: Love that every day I wake up & every night I go to sleep I know that I have a guilt-free conscience. That's the only way to live. #behonest
@CHEYnotShy: happy my girls flew out to watch #AYTOpremiere tonight! My friends always support my craziness
@IamAdamKuhn: Being great or becoming successful is great in its own right,but helping someone else achieve their dreams is a much more satisfying feeling
@MTVTV: Still an @AREUTHE1 perfect match! Big family updates from @EDiamond007 and @amberleeMTV: http://on.mtv.com/1ML95r9
@ZAKLONGO: If anyone see's @in_my_SHEETS in LA, tell him I moved back to Canada.
@ZAKLONGO: RIP to my acting career 2008-2015 ... I'm a reality TV F-Lister now
@ashlynne_: Cannot wait for season 3 of #AYTO tonight, @in_my_SHEETS @ZAKLONGO @BombshellChels @_hannahrathbun (I don't choose favorites or anything) 🙌🏽
- @BombshellChels: @ashlynne_ @in_my_SHEETS @ZAKLONGO @_hannahrathbun good group of favs if you ask me lol
- @ZAKLONGO: Cept for Chelsey 😕 @BombshellChels @ashlynne_ @in_my_SHEETS @_hannahrathbun
- @BombshellChels: @ZAKLONGO @ashlynne_ #ZakCantKeepSecrets
- @mtvalecgonzz: @ZAKLONGO @tvscoops @AllThingsBGC @BombshellChels @ashlynne_ i heard she was pink rose in vevmo too
- @BombshellChels: @mtvalecgonzz @ZAKLONGO yeah right that chick can eat a dick. Let's see how quickly all these pre season favs flip mid way though 😇
@ZAKLONGO: My perfect match is your mom. #AYTO #MTV #Alliance
@MTV_TeeBoogie: Currently ass naked listening to Ashanti's Foolish 😂😂
@MikeCrescenz0: After weeks of anticipation the day is finally here. Tune in tonight and watch the 20 of us go on the ride of our lives. #mtv #AYTO #hawaii #sonervous #herewegoooo https://instagram.com/p/8BS0MvSD7N/
@MTV_JESS: @whaattaafoxx GYL gym tan LA supporting our fav tonight for the premiere of #ayto3 see you ladaaaaa @ZAKLONGO ❤️
- @MTV_JESS: @whaattaafoxx @ZAKLONGO wow GTL !!!!!!
- @ZAKLONGO: @MTV_JESS Can't wait to see my perfect matches from SZN 2 @MTV_JESS @WhatTheFFacts 😘
@A_Bartolotte: Hey lil troublemaker @StaceyGurnevich
@RashidaZakiya: So excited about tonight are you the one MTV my phone is kind of messed up if you try to contact me and I do not respond that is why I v https://instagram.com/p/8BWghSziAv/
@MTV_TeeBoogie: Lmao today is too eventful already
@MTV_JESS: Lmao the things I'd do to @justinbieber 😂 goddamnnnnnn this what do you mean video
@MTV_JESS: He don't even knoooooooooo
@KikiMTV: @KamilaPod Babeeee we need to hangout when I come see my NY babies! @StaceyGurnevich @schmelllanie
@AREUTHE1: Here's your chance to win a trip to Hawaii. Don't miss the Season 3 premiere of #AYTO tonight at 11/10c!
@AREUTHE1: SEASON 3!!! Tonight at 11/10c. Don't miss it.
- @BritniNicol: @AREUTHE1 Are YOU ready for Season 3? Tonight's the big night!! 11/10c CANNOT wait for you to see what all the fuss is about😜
@MTV_Chuckalodon: @AREUTHE1 Tune in to watch the Are You The One premiere tonight at 11pm and win a trip to Hawaii come hang out with me #ayto
@AREUTHE1: Wanna win a trip to Hawaii? Kiki has the deets! #PlayAYTO
@MTV_JESS: Adventure time w @whaattaafoxx
@whaattaafoxx: Smoke with me baby
@whaattaafoxx: Me and @MTV_JESS barely get a Fucking Fave over here
@whaattaafoxx: To say that we're in love is dangerous but boy I'm so glad we're acquainted...
@A_Bartolotte: Goodluck to season 3 #AYTO
@A_Bartolotte: There will always only be one Anthony tho lol
@BombshellChels: When you find out #AYTO3 Premiers tonight on #MTV at 11! #NeverGiveUpOnLove #AYTO #AreYouTheOne ❤️
@hbarfield13: To all the Are You The One Fans you are the real MVP!!!! I love you all!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️ #AYTO #MTV
@AREUTHE1: How much would you pay to find your #perfectmatch? #AYTO premieres tonight at 11/10c!
@AREUTHE1: .@EDiamond007 and @amberleeMTV make my heart so happy: http://on.mtv.com/1ML95r9 💕
@mtvalecgonzz: Drinking game, drink every time I look like a idiot tonight on #AYTO then call me to get you from the hospital your getting stomach pumped
@RebeckaSchumann: #AYTO stars @KikiMTV and @RashidaZakiya tease what drama fans should expect this season! http://www.ibtimes.com/are-you-one-season-3-cast-members-kiki-rashida-tease-house-drama-blackout-twist-2112820 … @MTV
@MTV_TeeBoogie: Tonight is gonna be absolutely epic
@shandathapanda: lol #AYTO starts 2nite lol
@whaattaafoxx: I'm hungry, I have to pee, & we in heavy traffic to LA...
@AREUTHE1: We're jumping right into the love triangles on tonight's #AYTO premiere: https://youtu.be/ogz7XyiqUWo
@KikiMTV: TONIGHT IS THE NIGHT!! Season 3 premiere of Are You The One?! Watch me & my crazy ohana try to find love in Hawaii!! 11pm on MTV!! #AYTO #Season3 #AYTOkiki #MTV https://instagram.com/p/8CDa9Cud0O/
@MTV_Chuckalodon: Tonight is the big night. Tune in to MTV tonight at 11 est to watch yours truly and 19 other crazy fucks start our 10 week long journey on the search for love. You can also play to win a trip to Hawaii and come visit me :) @areuthe1 @mtv #ayto #chuckandbigd #allwedoismakehits #6stepsahead https://instagram.com/p/8CEb7nq3iJ/
@brittany_baldi: Wicked excited for @AREUTHE1 season 3 premier tonight!!! New twist this season you don't wanna miss 😃
@Tindel10: LOL AYTO 3 starts tonight. lol
@AREUTHE1: THREE HOURS. #AYTO https://youtu.be/Fkjm0eSF1Vo
@ZAKLONGO: Here is a video of me telling everyone that "Are You The One? Premiere is tonight #AYTO #MTV
@in_my_SHEETS: Are You The One? airs tonight. So. Yeah. Watch it. At 11. Or don't. Either way I'm still on tv. #AYTO
- @MTV: @in_my_SHEETS @ZAKLONGO ACKNOWLEDGED. (love u guys a loooooot) 💞
- @ZAKLONGO: @MTV Love you more
- @MTV: @ZAKLONGO okay I can promise that that's really not possible
- @ZAKLONGO: @MTV No no no I love you more❤️😘
- @MTV: @ZAKLONGO @MTVbigD @in_my_SHEETS i'm in i'm in i'm in. you're all my perfect match ❤️
- @MTVbigD: @ZAKLONGO @in_my_SHEETS I couldn't think of the word for a 10 sided shape. Sorry @MTV_AMANDAG and @StaceyGurnevich
- @MTV_TeeBoogie: @MTV @ZAKLONGO @MTVbigD @in_my_SHEETS but you told me the same thing 😑😠
- @MTV: @MTV_TeeBoogie @ZAKLONGO @MTVbigD @in_my_SHEETS 🙈
- @ZAKLONGO: @MTV Naming our first born @MTV Jr
- @Tindel10: @ZAKLONGO @MTVbigD @in_my_SHEETS love octagon line had me 😂
@JasIPen: I'm officially an #AreYouTheOne veteran! Make sure you all catch #AYTO 3 tonight on #MTV. #PerfectMatchOrNaw 👀 https://instagram.com/p/8CGY4jR7Qr/
@MikeCrescenz0: @ZAKLONGO myyyyy man, you think the world is ready to live the experience vicariously through us!? I don't knowwww haha
- @ZAKLONGO: @MikeCrescenz0: Nope! #Squaaaaad come to LA
@MTVbigD: #AYTO season 2 your 15 minutes of F list fame are officially over! Way to make the most of it!#nevergiveuponlove #unlessyouwerealreadyonAYTO
@MikeCrescenz0: Out here with all my friends... Or not hahaha tweet at me and make fun of me for all my horrible pick up lines 😂😂
@KikiMTV: Can't wait to be on @MTV tonight!! Will I find love? Tune in tonight at 11 to find out!! 😘❤️ #AYTO
@EikeParis: Gotta work tonight and I'm missing the #ayto3 premier. #shitty haha
@MTV_TeeBoogie: Let's go! Time to get ready for the premiere party! @AREUTHE1 @mtv
@BritniNicol: Officially count down time!! 2 hours to go till #AYTO #MTV So excited!!😍
@MTV_TeeBoogie: Being an F list celebrity, I can only associate people who eat croissants now 😂😂😂😂😂
@_hannahrathbun: Will I eventually find a good guy?! Do I fall in love?! Watch me start that journey tonight at 11 on @MTV ( look mom I'm on TV 🙆🏼) #AYTO
@jenniknapmiller: #tbt with my #AreYouTheOne ride or die @laurashall93 Now it's onto the next! Tune in tn for S3!
@KikiMTV: IT'S PARTY TIME!!! If you tweet tonight please use the hashtags #AYTO & #AYTOkiki if you're talking… https://instagram.com/p/8CN2SwOd0n/
@AREUTHE1: I hope you're ready for this 😝 #AYTO
- @BombshellChels: @AREUTHE1 That my girl 👏👏👏 @KikiMTV
- @KikiMTV: @AREUTHE1 Basically don't f*ck with me 😘💯
@CHEYnotShy: almost time for #AYTO !!! Don't forget to watch me on @MTV 😝
@schmelllanie: This guy wanted to remind you to tune in to @AREUTHE1 TONIGHT at 11pm on @MTV ! #theloveofmylife
@MTVbigD: Tweet tweet who's got the keys to my jeep?!.... I DO! #fantasylover #AYTO
@MTV_AMANDAG: #AYTO starts in an hour and a half!!! Get those TVs ready America!!! WOOOO!!!!
@Pratt_MTV: @MTV @AREUTHE1 premier party with @ZAKLONGO tonight. Hopefully he has better luck with his perfect match than I did.
- @ZAKLONGO: @Pratt_MTV Don't hold your breath 😂😂😂
@blacuesta: Dear #ayto3 Congrats fuckers! Enjoy the fuckin ride! Ayto 3 starts tonight u guys all better watch or I'll punch yall in the throat
- @busdriversroute: @blacuesta I support this message.
- @blacuesta: @busdriversroute bri.....I support u 👫
- @busdriversroute: @blacuesta Bri and Bri productions.
- @blacuesta: @busdriversroute give me another year and we will make it happen 😂😂
- @MTV_AMANDAG: @blacuesta Can't wait to hear what the past seasons have to say after episode 1!!!! Woooo!!! #AYTO
- @MTV_Chuckalodon: @blacuesta Listen to the lady.
@LaytonJones195: #AreYouTheOne is back!
@RyanDevlin: 1 HOUR (EST)! I'll be tweeting along but you gotta follow @AREUTHE1 to see them (so I don't piss off urrybody else).
@AREUTHE1: AHHH! Season 3 of #AYTO premieres in ONE HOUR. Get ready to play along here: http://on.mtv.com/1OxjlTX
@MikeCrescenz0: Im not sure what I want more, this pee im about to take after 9 beers or the premier of #ayto...I think I'm gonna have to go with the latter
@StaceyGurnevich: Less than an hour guys.. Ahhhhh #ayto 🙈
@mtvalecgonzz: If your not watching Are You The One? At 11pm on MTV tonight then just go ahead and unfollow me its not gna work out. Fav dis tweet doe
- @ZAKLONGO: @mtvalecgonzz Done and done
@MTVbigD: Let's light em up #ayto szn 3!!! @hbarfield13 @kayyjaybee @BombshellChels @KikiMTV @
@whaattaafoxx: Getting excited for the premier of #AYTO3 tonight!
@MikeCrescenz0: @MTVbigD foam town is about to become a city unto itself #foamerchallange I nominate you
@BombshellChels: Premier Party at my place! Will be live tweeting at 11! #AYTO
@MTV_TeeBoogie: Nothing but love for my brothers @in_my_SHEETS @ZAKLONGO
- @in_my_SHEETS: @MTV_TeeBoogie All love brother
@AREUTHE1: #AYTO premieres in 30 minutes!
@BritniNicol: That moment you realize Are You The One? Premieres in approximately 30mins😍 #AYTO @MTV #allwedoismakehits #howwedoin
@EikeParis: I hope you smacked a bitch, fucked a stranger, and skinny dipped, all in the first night. In the best way possible 😎😘😜 @MTV_AMANDAG
@RashidaZakiya: Can't wait to watch "Are You the One?" tonight 15 mins away I am super excited & nervous!! TURN UP- RashidaZakiya
@MTV_AMANDAG: 15 minutes til Are You The One 😍 #AYTO
@KikiMTV: 10 minutes!!!!!!! #AYTO
@MTV_AMANDAG: Don't forget to play along to win a trip to Hawaii!!! http://mtv.com/playAYTO
@tweetconnor180: Don't forget to tune in tonight! http://fb.me/6U2mZZHu0
@tabron27: @AREUTHE1 in 5 mins!!!!! #AYTO #ayto3 😊 (bringing up memories 😩) haha #mtv
@MTVbigD: #teenmom vs #ayto challenge? Any takers? They'd be better competition then those #realworld #SCRUBS! @MTV @ZAKLONGO @KikiMTV @foamer
@Tindel10: Happy for new AYTO . The long process you have to go through. The crazy amount of drunk nights. Find your perfect match!! Lol #AreYouTheOne
> AS THEY SAW IT: The Premiere - "Once In A Lifetime Chance Brings Romance"
@MTV: #AYTO starts right NOW! RT if you're watching + tweeting along with @AREUTHE1 💞
@AREUTHE1: IT'S HERE!!! Play along as you watch and you could win a trip to Hawaii: http://on.mtv.com/1OxjlTX #AYTO
@mtvalecgonzz: #AYTO right now turn your tv onnnnnnnnnn
@Tindel10: Happy for new AYTO . The long process you have to go through. The crazy amount of drunk nights. Find your perfect match!! Lol #AreYouTheOne
@schmelllanie: If @MTV isn't on your TV... You are about to make the biggest mistake ever! Tune in!! @AREUTHE1 is about to premier !!!
@mtvalecgonzz: Tweet me the fuck up this episode lets fucking go #AYTO
@BombshellChels: AHHHH GO TIME !!! #AYTO
@MTVNellyT2013: The time is here everyone #AYTO
@RyanDevlin: @AREUTHE1 new haircut. Crushing it.
@AREUTHE1: I'm not ready for this... #AYTO
@JustJem24: Yall should watch #AYTO bc I'm pretty sure these kids will be the future of the challenge...
@schmelllanie: Love you! @MTV_TeeBoogie
@mtvalecgonzz: Awww fuckkkkkkk
@RashidaZakiya: OMG DAY 14 I was going crazy #AYTO3 #AYTO
@MikeCrescenz0: Here we gooooooo
@BombshellChels: What a twist 😅 #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: $250,000 if you get a blackout?! I felt that 😰 #AYTO
@mtvalecgonzz: Im coming in so hot turn your shit onnnnnnn
@MTVNellyT2013: I wonder who will be my one?? #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: Play along while you watch for a chance to win a trip to Hawaii! http://mtv.com/playayto #AYTO
@schmelllanie: I love seeing my best friends on TV!!!!!
@blacuesta: @KikiMTV is Asian?!?!? #ayto3
- @KikiMTV: @blacuesta Yeah baby a quarter Korean lol
- @blacuesta: @KikiMTV no shit! I'm Korean 😂
- @KikiMTV: @blacuesta Knew you were my fave from season 2. #aznbond lol
- @blacuesta: @KikiMTV bae bae bae
@blacuesta: I spy my favorites @ZAKLONGO and @MTV_TeeBoogie 😍😍
@MTVbigD: Are you Asian? I'm Asian. #AYTO @KikiMTV
- @KikiMTV: @MTVbigD I know you like a little flavor 😘
@AREUTHE1: Male stripper. Casual. Imagine explaining that to dad 😅 #AYTO
@MikeCrescenz0: Im just a venture capitalist....😜😜
@RyanDevlin: @AREUTHE1 Rashida already claiming all the dudes. Love it.
@blacuesta: Omg people already kissing I'm dead Hahahahaha get it #AYTO3
@kayyjaybee: #AYTO3 woo! Everyone watch it's on! @MTVbigD @MTV_AMANDAG chug back
@mtvalecgonzz: Oh dear god.... Alec you dog
- @AREUTHE1: @mtvalecgonzz Alec WYD #AYTO
@RashidaZakiya: @mtvalecgonzz & @RashidaZakiya Look so HOT together!!
@RyanDevlin: @AREUTHE1 Haha "He looked like he hopped off a surf board and arrived in my life." -Hannah/Chuck
@BombshellChels: I think @mtvalecgonzz is taking player award for this episode! #AYTO
@MTVNellyT2013: Who's watching "Are You The One " #AYTO #MTV
@IamAdamKuhn: Quite the ladies man @mtvalecgonzz #AreYouTheOne
@AREUTHE1: Hey @hbarfield13 idk what you're doing but I like it #AYTO
@KikiMTV: You meditate? @MTVbigD
@blacuesta: VICIOUSLY attracted yall #AYTO3 😂
@RyanDevlin: @AREUTHE1 "Viciously attracted" Mike says about Amanda. #foreshadowing
@RashidaZakiya: HE JUST KISSED ME !!! @RashidaZakiya and then went to @StaceyGurnevich lol I remember that OMG this is wild #Ayto #AYTO3
@StaceyGurnevich: I can't
@StaceyGurnevich: I love how I'm yelling at @mtvalecgonzz and @tweetconnor180 is just eating chips enjoying the show 😂😂😂😂😂😂 #AYTO
@schmelllanie: @tweetconnor180 eating chips 😂😂😂😂
@BombshellChels: Spin the bottle took a turn for he worse 😅 @StaceyGurnevich #AYTO
@blacuesta: And there's tears already Dead dead dead #blameitonthealch we've all been there hshaha #AYTO3
@AREUTHE1: Connor is also me. #AYTO @tweetconnor180
@RashidaZakiya: OMG My baby @StaceyGurnevich spin the bottle !! NOOOOOO #AYTO #AYTO3
@MTVNellyT2013: Things are getting a little heated #AYTO
@MTVbigD: @mtvalecgonzz came in HOT! #thealliancepodcast @ZAKLONGO
@MikeCrescenz0: Because who wouldn't want to be a barista?! 😂😂
@blacuesta: Yall this is gonna be a good season it's only 15 min in and I'm dying of laughter #AYTO3 yes bitches!!
@mtvalecgonzz: Hows that for the first 15 minutes of the episode? #AYTO
@RyanDevlin: @AREUTHE1 Connor just looks big on TV. He's really like 5'5". It's all perspective.
@blacuesta: My man text me and goes "imma keep my comments about @StaceyGurnevich to myself" he in love
@StaceyGurnevich: Possessive my ass lmaoo #AYTO
@RashidaZakiya: THIS IS SO CRAZY OMG !!! in the first few moments so much has happen @mtvalecgonzz looks like an a-whole lol #AYTO3 #AYTO
- @mtvalecgonzz: @RashidaZakiya yeahhhhh I do
@AREUTHE1: Devin has game by not having any game at all. PROFOUND. #AYTO
@KikiMTV: Do y'all think @MTVbigD & I look cute together?!
@StaceyGurnevich: BABY AVATAR 😂😂😂 THANKS TY @MTV_TeeBoogie #AYTO
@RyanDevlin: @AREUTHE1 First punny challenge name down (Worst Face Forward). I give 2 stars. We have some better (worse) ones coming 👍👎
@blacuesta: A little baby avatar 😂😂😂 @MTV_TeeBoogie #AYTO3
@BombshellChels: Aww @CHEYnotShy at least you know how to smile now 😂 #AYTO
@KikiMTV: This challenge gives me anxiety 🙈 #AYTO
@schmelllanie: @MTV_NellyT2015 teach me your moves!
@MTVbigD: I sucked at that challenge! #AYTO #we'refucked
@RashidaZakiya: @MTV_TeeBoogie lol really a baby avatar @StaceyGurnevich #AYTO #AYTO3
@MTVbigD: You have me butterfly's too beautiful @KikiMTV
@MTVNellyT2013: I do like karate lol #AYTO
@blacuesta: Yo @CHEYnotShy got great boobs #AYTO3
@AREUTHE1: This is getting too. good. #AYTO
@RyanDevlin: @AREUTHE1 Kiki isn't at all crazy at all please don't hurt me Kiki.
@kayyjaybee: Who's watching AYTO premier?? : )
@AREUTHE1: Accurate. #AYTO
- @StaceyGurnevich: @AREUTHE1 YOOOO LMAOOOO @MTV_Chuckalodon
- @MTV_Chuckalodon: @AREUTHE1 I'm just over here like, I like food.
@MTV_JESS: Sooooo were at @ZAKLONGO 's with @whaattaafoxx @in_my_SHEETS waiting for some more cast members! #happyayto
@MTV_JESS: Younowwwwwww time
@BritniNicol: Always eating my popcorn sitting back watching the drama😂😂 #AYTO @MTV
@schmelllanie: But @hbarfield13
@MTV_AMANDAG: Fuck you mike for not pickin me for that date. Viciously attractive my ass @MikeCrescenz0 #AYTO
- @MikeCrescenz0: @MTV_AMANDAG Hahahaha stopppp 😘
- @MTV_AMANDAG: @MikeCrescenz0 Hahaha get real.
@MTV_JESS: we'll be on zaks younow in a little 👽👽👽
@blacuesta: "@ReganAlexis15 @blacuesta No one has a broken nose yet! Still waiting..." RT Yo that's true who gonna break a bone this episode tho?!
@StaceyGurnevich: Awww @KikiMTV is in loveeee #AYTO
@schmelllanie: I swear @MTVbigD and I talked while we were there .... 😂😝
@mtvalecgonzz: Lets get more of me on this Episode #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: I can't. #AYTO
@KikiMTV: @MikeCrescenz0 Kiki swayinnnn #ayto
@MTV_Chuckalodon: @AREUTHE1 is playing now. Tune in and see what I look like as a baby rocker.
@StaceyGurnevich: Damnnnn @MTV_AMANDAG & @MikeCrescenz0 😏😏😏😏😏 #AYTO
@RyanDevlin: @AREUTHE1 #BoomBoomRoom in record time. Good work Season 3.
@blacuesta: PEOPLE IN THE BOOM BOOM ROOM ALREADY Hey it's @MTV_JESS and @A_Bartolotte #AYTO3 😂😂😂😂😂
- @BombshellChels: @blacuesta HA!
- @MTV_JESS: @blacuesta Fuck offfffff
- @blacuesta: @MTV_JESS @A_Bartolotte hey You still cute doe. Not ant
@AREUTHE1: Keep playing along for a chance to win a trip to Hawaii! #AYTO http://mtv.com/playayto
@MTV_AMANDAG: Now watch us sip... Now watch us lay lay 🙈🎶 @MikeCrescenz0 #sorrydad
@blacuesta Yo @CHEYnotShy got great boobs #AYTO3
- @CHEYnotShy: @CHEYnotShy 😂😂 thank you!
- @blacuesta: @CHEYnotShy TITTIEES!!!!!
- @CHEYnotShy: @blacuesta you can have some
@RyanDevlin: I'm scared of scary movies. (commercial break on @AREUTHE1)
@AREUTHE1: Pssst. In case you're looking for the Season 3 cast on Twitter, you're welcome: http://bit.ly/1VcwUwp #AYTO
@MikeCrescenz0: My use of adverbs is "viciously" creative 😉 hahah sorry mom fml
- @ZAKLONGO: @MikeCrescenz0 Quite the wordsmith.
@ZAKLONGO: Follow me on Instagram & Snapchat @ZAKLONGO
@StaceyGurnevich: I fucking love @CHEYnotShy I can't 😂😂😂 "I tried to throw up cute I was hoping they'd focus on my ass instead" #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: Man down. #AYTO
@RyanDevlin: @AREUTHE1 "I tried to puke cute" -Chey. Love you Chey!
- @CHEYnotShy: @RyanDevlin 😂😂 thanks Ryan!
- @MTV_Chuckalodon: @AREUTHE1 Look I'm a dolphin! 🐳
@BombshellChels: What a dope date! #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: "I've had 4 serious girlfriends and cheated on every one of them." SMFH #AYTO
@JasIPen: Don't trip @CHEYnotShy ...I wouldn't have gotten my hair wet either 😂 #AYTO3 #areyoutheone
- @CHEYnotShy: @JasIPen 😂😂 I really did try
@MTVbigD: Ooopse.... #isuck
@KikiMTV: Awww Hunnerrrrrrr ❤️❤️ So sweet @hbarfield13 #bestdateever
@MTVNellyT2013: I was hoping I won the challenge smh #AYTO
@x0TinaMiller0x: Yes #TRUTHBOOTH drama. I've waited for this for months. @AREUTHE1 #areyoutheone #AYTO
@MorganAlyx: Hunter on @AREUTHE1 has such a cute accent... omg ♥♥♥
@kayyjaybee: How u guys liking the new season??
@mtvalecgonzz: This episode was so much better with more if me in it... just saying
@RyanDevlin: I'm on TV right now. Hi mom!
@KikiMTV: To leave with @hbarfield13 when I was crazy for @MTVbigD is so scary......
@AREUTHE1: Time for the truth booth! #AYTO 😆
@tabron27: All these winter hats.................... Lol #AYTO #AYTO3 @areyouthe1fan1
- @BombshellChels: @tabron27 lmao just me & @BritniNicol we happened to match on purpose
- @BritniNicol: @BombshellChels I love you twinsie💁🏼👭
@RyanDevlin: @AREUTHE1 that big TV will be hanging lower next week. #bts #workingitout
@KikiMTV: To leave with someone your heart wasn't with for 9 weeks....fuck that! I was excited to spend time with @MTVbigD on the date...duh!! #ayto
@MTVNellyT2013: Can you say drama #AYTO
@MTV_AMANDAG: Poor Hunnnner. Fuck you Kiki #fakeasfuck #AYTO
@KikiMTV: PMS queen sorrrryyyyyyy #chill #yolo #fuckit Let me cry lol #ayto
@RashidaZakiya: SO nervous #ATYO
@AREUTHE1: Is this our first #perfectmatch of the season!? #AYTO
@RyanDevlin: @AREUTHE1 real lasers #truthbooth
@MTVbigD: @KikiMTV just got devastated. Wait.... #Devinstated
- @KikiMTV: @MTVbigD haha you're so clever ☺️
@MTV_Chuckalodon: @CHEYnotShy I love you girl put you gotta keep your food down. Good thing you kept that booty popped 😍
- @CHEYnotShy: @MTV_Chuckalodon 😂😂😂 love you! Sorry for being a shitty date
- @MTV_Chuckalodon: @CHEYnotShy It was still fun. That BBQ doe! @MTVbigD
- @MTVbigD: @MTV_Chuckalodon @CHEYnotShy hahaha best date ever! Not. #ayto
@RyanDevlin: @AREUTHE1 Devin's anti-game is in fact killer game don't you think? Keep an eye on that dude.
@MTVbigD: I'm my own paparazzi! #ayto
@MikeCrescenz0: @MTV_AMANDAG lol stop being saltyyyy
@BombshellChels: My facial expressions to dumb shit on this show are always on point. #EyeRoll #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: I was NOT expecting that #AYTO
@IamAdamKuhn: Omg @KikiMTV no match! #AYTO
@hbarfield13: Tune in to see if me and Kiki are perfect matches
@AREUTHE1: First Match Up Ceremony 😜 #AYTO
@RyanDevlin: @AREUTHE1 I look incredible. Rock climbing really paying off.
@AREUTHE1: Get your match charts out. #AYTO
- @RyanDevlin: @AREUTHE1 Nerrrrrrrrrrrd! #LoveIt
@RyanDevlin: @AREUTHE1 EYES UP DEVLIN!!! #Hannah #boooooobs
@MikeCrescenz0: You can't deny the fact that @ZAKLONGO flow is on fleek #keanureeves #pointbreak
- @ZAKLONGO: @MikeCrescenz0 Uncle Jesse 🙆🏽😂
@StaceyGurnevich: Oh shit ! @MTV_AMANDAG & @KikiMTV going at it lmao #AYTO
@BombshellChels: @KikiMTV knows how to stand up for herself ! #AYTO
@RyanDevlin: @AREUTHE1 oh my god that dress Amanda. EYES UP DEVLIN! Oh wait-- FIGHT! That happened quick.
@MTVNellyT2013: This was a crazy time! Who is picking who #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: Did that really just happen? ON THE FIRST NIGHT?! #AYTO
@MTV_AMANDAG: Tell me to shut the fuck up???? Let's go! 👊🏻😘 #AYTO
@MTVbigD: Wow... Coming in hot
@schmelllanie: @ZAKLONGO ure such astud! Cannot wait 2 cu in 2ks! Alongw my babies @BombshellChels @KikiMTV @CHEYnotShy @_hannahrathbun @tweetconnor180
- @ZAKLONGO: @schmelllanie miss you babe!!! Can't wait to see your pretty face 😘
@MTVbigD: #ayto is really lighting it up
@blacuesta: Yo @MTV_AMANDAG and @KikiMTV trying to snatch weaves first episode What the fuck is really good!!!! #AYTO3
@MTVbigD: Gohead @KikiMTV light her up !
@MTVbigD: @KikiMTV and looking good doing it #turnaround
@AREUTHE1: "Devin doesn't like to wear deodorant" and now the whole world knows. #AYTO
@MTVbigD: Bahaha if I was into dudes Id date myself! #ayto
@BombshellChels: I want to know who everyone thinks my match is ! #AYTO
@mtvalecgonzz: Whose my match?!?!?!?!
@RyanDevlin: @AREUTHE1 Hi Mel.
- @schmelllanie: @RyanDevlin @AREUTHE1 you are the best tho Ryan! Love is strong 💪🏽
@schmelllanie: I DID IT FOR THE BEAMS!!! @MTV @AREUTHE1
@RyanDevlin: @AREUTHE1 Mel, WTF?!
@MTV_AMANDAG: Shut you down when I called you on it girl. Wasssssup. 👊🏻💪🏻💋 #alwayssmileafter #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: Whoa dere @MTVNellyT2013 you just broke guy code 😮 #AYTO
@LaytonJones195: Little baby avatar! #AreYouTheOne
@StaceyGurnevich: Poor @KikiMTV :( sucks seeing you cry #AYTO
- @KikiMTV: @StaceyGurnevich And cue #KIMK cry lololol
@KikiMTV: Cue my Kim K cry!!!!!!!! 😂😂😂😭😭😭 #AYTO lolololol
@tabron27: That kid looks like the Wayne brothers .... #AYTO #AYTO3 #areyoutheone 👀😐
- @JasIPen: @tabron27 what my friends were saying! Hahahaha . And one guy looks like "The situation"
@MTVNellyT2013: I always have to keep it real #AYTO
@RyanDevlin: @AREUTHE1 Devin, backpedaling like a pro.
@JasIPen: One liner and then instant tears ?! Hahahaha I'm done. #AYTO 😂✌🏾️
@AREUTHE1: Dis tew much. #AYTO
@LaytonJones195: Watching the new #AreYouTheOne like!😳 https://instagram.com/p/8Cg47flxPS/
@MTVbigD: I'm fucked! #loveoctagon
@RyanDevlin: @AREUTHE1 Alec and Stacey. #MomandDad
@MTVNellyT2013: Who will pick me? #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: ALEC WYD @mtvalecgonzz #AYTO 😱😱😱
@mtvalecgonzz: I mean that suit looked fresh as fuck
@MTV_AMANDAG: Love you @StaceyGurnevich. He's lucky to be matched with you tonight ❤️
@tabron27: All guys are dicks duh!!!!! (lol jk.. But sorta) #AYTO #AYTO3 #areyoutheone
@RyanDevlin: @AREUTHE1 We'll let Zack talk next week maybe. Maybe.
- @AREUTHE1: @RyanDevlin Strong maybe. #AYTO
- @BombshellChels: @RyanDevlin @AREUTHE1 not.
- @ZAKLONGO: @RyanDevlin You were great in "That 70's Show"...
- @RyanDevlin: @ZAKLONGO Point: Longo
@JustJem24: Why are these girls crying over dudes they just met 😫😫😫. Get your shit together ladiesssss #AYTO
@mtvalecgonzz: @StaceyGurnevich come on now stacey im not that bad its just episode 1
- @StaceyGurnevich: @mtvalecgonzz Lmaoo I feel like it gets worse 😂
@KikiMTV: Kiki Cooper retweeted í Mïśś Ÿøù: @_hannahrathbun is my blonde to my brunette ❤️❤️❤️👑💯
@BombshellChels: Don't black out , don't black out ... #AYTO
@MTVNellyT2013: How many lights do y'all think stayed on??#AYTO
@MTVNellyT2013: I'm 💯, all day.. #AYTO#MTV
@whaattaafoxx: Waiting impatiently on Are You The One to come on!!!
@A_Bartolotte: Lookin good @StaceyGurnevich
- @StaceyGurnevich: @A_Bartolotte Lmao stahhhpppp ❤️
- @blacuesta: @StaceyGurnevich @A_Bartolotte what Is going on here
- @Tvscoops1: @blacuesta @StaceyGurnevich @A_Bartolotte it's funny how she looks like @MTV_JESS 😂 Anthony has great taste hahahah
@RyanDevlin: #AreYouTheOne moves to our normal time slot next week. WEDNESDAY AT 10!! So much craziness this season. Wear a diaper.
@StaceyGurnevich: 2 beams! No blackout!!! Who do you guys think the beams were? #AYTO
@MTV_Chuckalodon: That all black get up and man bun tho. Who's that fly mother fucker. #ayto #matchceremony
@schmelllanie: @RyanDevlin you are the best person I've ever met! Seeing you on TV has never been better than right now!
- @RyanDevlin: @schmelllanie 😘
@StaceyGurnevich: Hope you guys liked episode 1 😊 so much more coming #ayto
@RyanDevlin: @AREUTHE1 💡💡
@schmelllanie: @RashidaZakiya you are my loveeeeeee
@AREUTHE1: This season of #AYTO 🔥🔥🔥
@RyanDevlin: @AREUTHE1 Oh my god this is a killer AYTO series trailer. Holy fuck this show looks good! Gonna watch.
@blacuesta: Im pretty sure it is safe to say that @RashidaZakiya is the narrator for this season lol #ayto3
@tabron27: Holy shit who left?!?!?! #AYTO #AYTO3 #areyoutheone
@AREUTHE1: Well this is what we know so far... #AYTO
@BritniNicol: @RyanDevlin "Hard to say Ryan, hard to say"😂😂 miss your ass!!
@MTV_AMANDAG: That was a crazy first episode right?!? Stay tuned next week, airing time changing to WEDNESDAY NIGHT!!!!! #teamamanda #MTV #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: I've never seen a season premiere like that 😅 See you next Wednesday at 10/9c! #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: Any early #perfectmatch guesses? #AYTO
- @RyanDevlin: @AREUTHE1 Devin and Devin
- @AREUTHE1: @RyanDevlin TRUE
@MikeCrescenz0: Huge shout outs to season 1& 2...wouldn't be getting the love...and hate we are without you guys paving the way lol #madlove #ayto #mtv
@MikeCrescenz0: Best way to describe this experience... Roller coaster of emotions, reactions and hangovers tied into the most dysfunctional loving family
@RyanDevlin: Thumbs hurt legit. But that was fun. Goodnight phone.
> After Hours, West Coast Watches, and The Friday Aftermath
@RashidaZakiya: Thank you to everyone who came !! I'm so blessed right now feeling overwhelmed with love ❤️❤️❤️#ayto… https://instagram.com/p/8Cj4pSziCz/
@EDiamond007: Showing our good friend Nelson how to start off a season right #ayto #AreYouTheOne https://instagram.com/p/8CjcxmvXs8/
@EDiamond007: Based on that premier of #AreYouTheOne I forsee a large amount of D R A M A for this new season. @AREUTHE1
- @KikiMTV: @EDiamond007 You couldn't be more spot on!
@amberleeMTV: Follow my boy @MTVNellyT2013 !! I've known him for years and am SO stoked to welcome him to the #MTV fam! #AYTO
@ZAKLONGO: What did you guys think? #AYTO #MTV
@blacuesta: Please do a great wrap up for this episode. I'm counting on you both @lashtweets @busdriversroute
@ryanmalaty: Stoked for season 3 of @AREUTHE1 #AreYouTheOne #AYTO 💰💕🎥
@MTV_Chuckalodon: So...what are your thoughts on the first episode? Who do you think is my match?
@KikiMTV: Tonight was awesome!! Thanks so much for the support!! 😍😘 #AYTO just the beginning!! Oh and fuck the assholes. 😎 can't please everyone!
@RashidaZakiya: mtvrashidazakiyaThank you to everyone who came !! I'm so blessed right now feeling overwhelmed with love ❤️❤️❤️#ayto #ayto3 watch party for the premiere https://instagram.com/p/8Cj4pSziCz/
@RashidaZakiya: Hey did you watch "ARE YOU THE ONE ?" It was crazy ?!! Find out who my perfect match is... DM me & ask ?? ☺️ only 2 beams 😁😁 #ayto #ayto3 watch party !! Ay feeling loved ❤️❤️ thank you @_reddrozayy https://instagram.com/p/8CmiT3ziGi/
@shandathapanda: but before i watch #AreYouTheOne any1 have any thoughts or like can some1 tell me it's not a good idea 2 watch?
- @blacuesta: @shandathapanda watch. You will cry of laughter
- @shandathapanda: @blacuesta like in the way i would be crying laughing at some1 embarrassing themselves?
- @blacuesta: @shandathapanda absolutely 😂😂😂😂
- @MaybachDiamonds: @shandathapanda @blacuesta I saw the last 10 minutes 2 bitches almost fight. I give it two thumbs up! 👍👍
- @blacuesta: @MaybachDiamonds @shandathapanda one girl legit was about to start beating ass 😂 shit got sour so quick
@daxshepard1: I'm so glad #AreYouTheOne has returned. I can finally breath again. Thank you @RyanDevlin
@MTV_JESS: Me & my beeeeetch 💙 https://instagram.com/p/8Cm-JNj-fJ/
@RashidaZakiya: Thank you for coming to #ayto3 #ayto watch party!! I can't believe All this is playing out in front… https://instagram.com/p/8CnJWETiHo/
@kayyjaybee: So guys don't forget next Wednesday at 10pm AYTO will be back on MYV #AYTO
@kayyjaybee: Try and win that trip to Hawaii by staying tuned in to #AYTO
@BritniNicol: HOW WE DOIN!? Who do you think our 2 beams were? #AYTO @MTV @AREUTHE1
@BombshellChels: Literally overwhelmed with all the support for this season and I didn't even say a word ! ... Yet 😈
@BombshellChels: 9 weeks left guys... Who do you think my match is 😏 #AYTO
@KikiMTV: Alright Goons. What do ya think? 🙈 @blacuesta @MTV_JESS @whaattaafoxx @MTV_Christina #AYTOvets #baes
- @whaattaafoxx: @KikiMTV @blacuesta @MTV_JESS @MTV_Christina Kiki..... I think you trippin'...
- @KikiMTV: @whaattaafoxx @blacuesta @MTV_JESS @MTV_Christina Whyyyy?
- @whaattaafoxx: @KikiMTV @blacuesta @MTV_JESS @MTV_Christina lol I don't think your fake at all. I just think you fell way too hard so soon. But I love you!
- @KikiMTV: @whaattaafoxx Okay okay fair enough! As long as the love is still there...Ellie I can't help it...that damn broga got me all 😍❤️
- @blacuesta: @whaattaafoxx @KikiMTV @MTV_JESS @MTV_Christina @PrimeTimeSiebs is broga an actual word or a typo
- @KikiMTV: @blacuesta That's what he called it...yes I know watching back I'm embarrassed haha
- @blacuesta: @KikiMTV oooooooooo
- @MTV_JESS: @KikiMTV @blacuesta @whaattaafoxx @MTV_Christina west coast is still waiting 👎👎👎 one more hour!
- @blacuesta: @KikiMTV @MTV_JESS @whaattaafoxx @MTV_Christina that shit was wild Hahahahaha
- @MTV_Christina: @KikiMTV @blacuesta @MTV_JESS @whaattaafoxx I didn't get to watch it yet!
- @KikiMTV: @MTV_JESS Ughhhh okay lemme know 😩
@RashidaZakiya: Lol so much fun tonight 🎉🎉#ayto #ayto3 turn up !! https://instagram.com/p/8ColMFTiJV/
@blacuesta: Even tho they didn't show my boys a lot in this episode....don't sleep on em @ZAKLONGO @MTV_TeeBoogie
- @ZAKLONGO: @blacuesta It's coming. Don't worry!
@mtvdario: "What's your deal"
@schmelllanie: Ah huge part of me, misses that backyard so much!
@BombshellChels: @KikiMTV and I rehashed over a nice FaceTime Session ❤️
- @KikiMTV: @BombshellChels FaceTime every day! #bae 😍❤️
@MTV_AMANDAG: We bad. @MikeCrescenz0 #AYTO
@MTV_JESS: Almost time for #ayto on the west coastttttttt
@AREUTHE1: West coast friends: we're a mere 10 min. away from the #AYTO premiere. Play along during the show! http://on.mtv.com/1OxjlTX
@in_my_SHEETS: SZN 2 X SZN 3 #ayto #MTV https://instagram.com/p/8CuoreQmjv/
@ShelbsYardley: We have all 3 seasons together on the west coast for the premiere! Let's goooo
@shandathapanda: im literally embarrassed watching this already lmao #ayto
@AshleighMorgh: Watching @AREUTHE1 with castmates from diff seasons.. This is weird I feel like a grandma.
@AREUTHE1: Accurate. @MTVbigD #AYTO
- @MTV_Chuckalodon: @AREUTHE1 It's broga
@MTV_AMANDAG: Watch more of @MikeCrescenz0 and I. Are we a match? http://on.mtv.com/1PzVaSh
@AREUTHE1: Has this happened to you? #AYTO @MTV_AMANDAG @ZAKLONGO
@MTV_JESS: Lmao @RashidaZakiya seems cool af
@AREUTHE1: Is Hunter Kiki's #perfectmatch? Play along here: http://on.mtv.com/1OxjlTX
@KikiMTV: Thank you for throwing me such an amazing & beautiful premiere party! It was everything I could have… https://instagram.com/p/8C0AoFOdyE/
@MTV_JESS: @ZAKLONGO remains the coolest #ayto3
- @in_my_SHEETS: @MTV_JESS K
- @ZAKLONGO: @MTV_JESS Wish I could retweet this 5 times.
@MTV_JESS: Okay time to judge the match up looks .....
@MTV_JESS: @_hannahrathbun 's boobs are on point
@AshleighMorgh: @BombshellChels and chels #ayto3
- @BombshellChels: @AshleighMorgh Thanks #AYTOOG ❤️
@KikiMTV: are you the one (season 3) | kiki is so attracted to devin http://on.mtv.com/1PzMBac haha basically @MTVbigD 😘
@KikiMTV: are you the one (season 3) | ep. 1 | kiki's mom calls her out for crying http://on.mtv.com/1PzVXTe I love my mom more than life ❤️ #mommacoop
@AREUTHE1: How many perfect matches will they get? Join the game and win a Hawaiian vacay! http://on.mtv.com/1OxjlTX #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: Thanks for tuning in tonight! Don't forget, we're moving to our regular time slot next week of WEDNESDAYS at 10PM.
@BombshellChels: Lol I'm not and will never be, someone who gets attached in that short amount of time #Sorry ... Not.
- @KikiMTV: @BombshellChels 😒😒😒😒😒 ummm hello you're supposed to be my non-judgmental therapist
- @BombshellChels: @KikiMTV dude ... #TeamKiki all the way through. I wish someone would mess with you or any of this girls I like ❤️
- @KikiMTV: @BombshellChels haha love you so much. I just blocked the handful of haters & they still hate lol #bitchbye #gotmygirls
- @BombshellChels: @KikiMTV I don't know why people follow or mention people they don't like ........ All these years in my degree field and I don't get it.
- @_hannahrathbun: @BombshellChels @KikiMTV people say mean things behind a screen bc they legit have nothing better to do. Just remember how sad that is🙋🏼
@BombshellChels: My friends are begging to know the matches. NO. 😂 #ThisIsFun
@MaybachDiamonds: OMG I'm so proud! What a goddamn mess! I forgot how much of a shit show that life was! FUCKIN N FIGHTIN BABY!!! YESSSS!!
@MaybachDiamonds: During filming show was called "10 for 10" N Devlin would keep saying "lets see if you can go 10 for 10" then last day they're like AYTO?
@MaybachDiamonds: N first time they told us about the truth booth we were like gtfo
@mtvalecgonzz: Hey people there are some bonus #AYTO clips on http://MTV.com .... go check em out!
@CHEYnotShy: Thank you for everyone who watched the show last night! Don't forget to watch every week #AYTO
@CHEYnotShy: For the record I did swim with the dolphins on our date and conquered a fear ✅ #AYTO
@CHEYnotShy: Teaching classes on how to "puke cute" if anyone is interested #AYTO
@shandathapanda: shameless self promotion last night
@mtvalecgonzz: So... that Are You the One episode last night...
@KikiMTV: Dad just called to tell me how proud he is & that I'm so much like him when I stand up for myself & he gave me a huge lecture on @MTVbigD 😂
@KikiMTV: @MTVbigD Saw that you called. I called back. So call me back. I think you called because I called though bahaha
@MTVbigD: @KikiMTV I think your still drunk ...🍸🍻🍹🍷
- @KikiMTV @MTVbigD Probably. Anyways...light me up!
@in_my_SHEETS: It's hilarious how many people I heard from yesterday that I haven't heard from in years. #ComingOutTheWoodWorks #IfYouWerentHereLastYear
@KikiMTV: So tell me what you all thought of the first episode!! #Repost @mtv with @repostapp. ・・・Last nights premiere of @areuthe1 was everything I wanted and more. Watch the full episode on the MTV App! 💋 https://instagram.com/p/8D6jSDudxp/
@hbarfield13: @MTVbigD you are a LEGEND! #AYTO #MTV
- @MTVbigD: @hbarfield13 #dougflutie style. Just put it in the air!
@KikiMTV: "Here's to our once in a lifetime chance to find a special romance!" Glad my cheers was aired 😁 That was only a little part of it too! #AYTO
@KikiMTV: @RyanDevlin @mtvalecgonzz I think that last sentence was meant for you....
@KikiMTV: Follow me on Instagram 📷 kiki_mtv
@AREUTHE1: Can we talk about last night's #AYTO premiere? http://on.mtv.com/1OX8bXR
@whaattaafoxx: @in_my_SHEETS you got 2.5 to follow me back
- @in_my_SHEETS: @whattaafoxx Okay okay! Followed! 😎 haha
@whaattaafoxx: Everyone make sure to follow our new BFF's @ZAKLONGO @in_my_SHEETS YALL ARE GOING TO LOVE THEM! #AYTO3
- @ZAKLONGO: @whaattaafoxx Love you boo! Lets go eat breakfast.
@AREUTHE1: Same stuff, different day. Starting next week, catch #AYTO on Wednesdays at 10/9c!
@AREUTHE1: Hump day just got a hell of a lot better. Don't miss #AYTO on Wednesdays at 10/9c!
@StaceyGurnevich: Who do you guys think my match is? Or way too early to tell ? #AYTO
@BritniNicol: @Tvscoops1 @CHEYnotShy @ZAKLONGO @in_my_SHEETS @MTV_TeeBoogie oh just wait for it 😈
@RashidaZakiya: Feeling loved #areyoutheone3 #AreYouTheOne #AYTO next Wednesday nights 10 p.m. right after empire @EmpireFOX
@RashidaZakiya: I only say positive things there will sways be bad things that happen or ppl that disappoint you #pray & #bepositive #forevergrateful
@KikiMTV: @hbarfield13 I was actually doing every girl in America a favor by not being your match...soo....you're welcome 😜😜 Love you! ❤️ #bestdatever
@ZAKLONGO: Episode 1 was the least crazy lol keep watching to see the real madness.
@MTV_Chuckalodon: Add me on instagram @MTV_Chuckalodon and Snap chat and let me know everything you thought about the premiere. @AREUTHE1 #ayto
@MTV_TeeBoogie: Nothing but love for @blacuesta 🙌🏿
- @blacuesta: @MTV_TeeBoogie All day ❤️❤️❤️
@MTV_TeeBoogie: Got to see @MTV_Christina that's dope as fuck!
@KikiMTV: So I did #broga with @MTVbigD on #AYTO but I definitely wouldn't mind doing #Joega with @Janglim21 on #Survivor 😍 #yogis #yogilove
@AREUTHE1: Here's an updated match chart from last night's #AYTO 😜 http://on.mtv.com/1R6qM2S
@IamJoeyDillon: SOOOO...WHO WATCHED THE FIRST EPISODE OF #AYTO3 AND WHAT DO YOU THINK? (I still have to watch season 2 of #AYTO) SEASON 1 > ALL Seasons #mtv
@ZAKLONGO: S/O to all my fellow Canadians that tuned in last night to @AREUTHE1 hardly home, but always reppin' 🇨🇦6⃣ #AYTO #MTV - @zaklongo insta/Snap
@MTV_TeeBoogie: The support is crazy!! I love all you guys!! Best season ever #AYTO
@BritniNicol: @hbarfield13 my lil southern punkin😘
- @hbarfield13: @BritniNicol 😘😘
@AREUTHE1: I'm just letting you know that #AYTO airs on Wednesdays at 10/9c. 😌
@AREUTHE1: #AYTO. Wednesdays at 10/9c. Don't miss it.
@AREUTHE1: And there you have it--they're the best looking cast of ALL TIME. #AYTO
- @shandathapanda: @AREUTHE1 lol
- @MaybachDiamonds: @shandathapanda @AREUTHE1 YOU ALL LOOK LIKE DOGSHIT!
- @blacuesta: @AREUTHE1 Errrrmehgerrrrd were der berst lerking @whaattaafoxx @MTV_JESS @MTV_Christina
- @MTV_TeeBoogie: @blacuesta Lmaoooo Twitter beef begins 😂😂
- @BombshellChels: @AREUTHE1 I plead the fifth. @StaceyGurnevich @schmelllanie @BritniNicol #TooMuchAlcohol
- @StaceyGurnevich: @BombshellChels: Ahahahahah too turnt In that confessional
@MyLaPlanet / Rob LaPlante, AYTO Exec. Producer: #AYTO ratings up 22% from season 2. Thank you America. You're officially my perfect match. #thelightheartedway #idontmakecrappyshows
@KikiMTV: That awkward moment when you think you're cool with someone & then turns out, oh...they actually fucking hate you haha #awkward
@BombshellChels: Oh look Are You The One? Is on @MTV right now.
@whaattaafoxx: He really don't deserve me all he wanna do is hurt me... I'm sprunnggggg!!!
@IamAdamKuhn: With @KikiMTV at her #AreYouTheOne premier party
- @KikiMTV: @IamAdamKuhn So glad you came last night! I remember your crazy premiere party last year 😂 Movin' on up!
@MTVNellyT2013: I had great time with @EDiamond007 @amberleeMTV from season 1, watching the premier of season 3 #ayto #MTV
@KikiMTV: @AREUTHE1 PLEASE post more videos from the confessional!!!!! They are freaking gold!!! 😍😍😂😂😂
- @BombshellChels: @KikiMTV No. Please don't. Lmao
- @KikiMTV: @BombshellChels bahaha that latest confessional is going to have our cast labeled as cockiest on earth lol thanks for that 😂
- @nicolelira15: @KikiMTV @BombshellChels we didn't need that confessional to know that. we could tell the first episode. Chesley is the prettiest though! 😍
- @BombshellChels: @nicolelira15 @KikiMTV I honestly think a bunch of the girls from previous seasons are gorgeous I'm banned from drinking wine after that
- @BritniNicol: @BombshellChels @KikiMTV I never knew who or what anyone looked like till I got back home lmao. Never watched it till after we filmed.Whoops
@MTVbigD: I stink worse then the first 2 seasons of #ayto #allnatrual
- @KikiMTV: @MTVbigD I remember having to immediately shower every morning after cuddling because of your stench! 😂😭 #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: So *this* is what happens when your parents see what you're really like on TV 🌚 http://on.mtv.com/1WnRlUg
@MikeCrescenz0: Take me back to clear blue skies and crystal clear water #mtv #ayto
@shandathapanda: v happy and v obsessed w where my life is rite now
@AREUTHE1: So who do you think @MTVBigD's #perfectmatch is? http://on.mtv.com/1R5Babd
@RyanDevlin: Season 3 @AREUTHE1 ratings up 22% from last year! Cold double-deuces on me to celebrate! 🍻
- @MTV_Chuckalodon: @RyanDevlin #allwedoismakehits
@KikiMTV: Facebook message from my grandma! So happy my family supports me & all of my actions! Gotta read this 😂 #AYTO #MTV
- Message from Grandma: "ok,so I just got to see the show,You were awesome! Girl you rocked it, when you chewed that girl up and spit her out, your aunt Naomi looked at me and told me yep..there you are..apparently I was a bit of a hothead at one time..the way you handled Devin truly could not have been better, I'm so proud of you Looking forward to the season! I love you sweet baby girl!!"
@ryancedwards: @KikiMTV now that you think your famous tell ppl I wasn't your bf....thanks!
@brittany_baldi: Need to get grounded. I know I don't have all of the answers and I'm a work in progress ❤️
@KikiMTV: Love my friends 💗 Thanks for always supporting me!! #AYTO #MTV #PremiereParty https://instagram.com/p/8FAL9Kudxw/
@KikiMTV: Watching episode 1 again because...why not? 😜 #AYTO @MTV
@MTV_JESS: What the fuck
@MTV_TeeBoogie: Mood
@MTV_TeeBoogie: Hey @KikiMTV I'm gonna FaceTime you tomorrow. Have some people who are in love with you lol
- @KikiMTV: @MTV_TeeBoogie hahaha okay sounds good can't wait! Miss your face, Ty!
@blacuesta: OMG @MTV_TeeBoogie 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 YALL this fool
> As Me and the Fans Saw It
- Note: besides tweets from me and fellow fans, this section includes tweets from Kristina from VH1's Twinning, produced by the same production house as Are You The One and had its season finale along with fellow LHE/VH1 show Dating Naked the night before the AYTO 3 premiere.
@dc408dxnow: But now to take @brucebuffer's words... IT'S TIME! Now the main event - #AreYouTheOne S3. Let's head now to Hawaii. #AYTO #dcAYTO
@dc408dxnow: So here we go. They've arrived in Hawaii hoping their love difficulties were left behind in the mainland. Now, the fun begins. #ayto #dcAYTO
@dc408dxnow: Along w/ the usual stuff, now the announcement of the twist: blackout & they lose part or all of their cash. Will be big storyline this year
@dc408dxnow: Now, some of the cast tweets aren't on the TL that I'm using to synchro them to here. They're not til later & then on ExtraTime at 12:30AM
@dc408dxnow: So, we meeting the new group and there's our first kiss: @RashidaZakiya @mtvalecgonzz. Did not take long for that to happen. #ayto #dcAYTO
@dc408dxnow: Now one of the girls going w/ Alec and didn't take long either for conflict to come first. Now Dev & Kiki are attracted to one another
@dc408dxnow: .@MTV_AMANDAG, who's been dating a couple athletes before coming here! now getting close w/ Magic Mike. Now spin the bottle. #dcAYTO
@dc408dxnow: Alec kisses Hannah in front of Stacey after he kissed. Rashida, now Amanda's on him. Well, that's what happens w/ spin the bottle. #dcAYTO
- @CSUGradAkirk: @dc408dxnow @dc408dxtr I'm glad you counted cause I lost count on how many chicks he made out with in the first fourteen mins
- @dc408dxtr: @CSUGradAkirk it's crazy isn't it? We had Shanley & Jacy exchange words in EP1 on S1, saw Bri get a broken nose last year. Off to big start.
@dc408dxnow: .@MTVbigD has been talking up a storm in this leadup, but he's leading yoga w/ @KikiMTV. Now, the getaway challeng: worst face forward.
@dc408dxnow: This is pictures, just as it was to begin this thing over in Kauai. @StaceyGurnevich, then @MTV_AMANDAG, @BritniNicol, Cheyenne.
@dc408dxnow: .@MikeCrescenz0 @hbarfield13 take 1st two spots on the date, then @schmelllanie & @CHEYnotShy join them. Now comes hard part: the choosing.
@dc408dxnow: They've chosen the dates, now they're going to swim w/ the dolphins on the getaway. They always have the best rewards here.
@dc408dxnow: Now the @MTVbigD @KikiMTV show is on. This is officially the first couple of #AYTO S3. #2 is @MikeCrescenz0 @MTV_AMANDAG. #dcAYTO
@dc408dxnow: On Challenge, you stay at the house if you win a mission. On #AYTO, you get out of the house to enjoy your surroundings on a getaway date.
@dc408dxnow: I called in my preview that if @MTV_Chuckalodon wins a date he would show his friends his 2nd home. He gets his chance in week 1. #dcAYTO
@dc408dxnow: They're into the Truth Booth. It's changed the game many times, both for worse as was in EP1 of S1, and for good as was case last year.
@dc408dxnow: Pair voted in is @KikiMTV @MTVbigD. Andrew thinks its a good choice, could be besr possible start & just another beginning to this. #dcAYTO
@dc408dxnow: And @hbarfield13 @KikiMTV are NOT a match. Well, science
@dc408dxnow: Now matchup... @_hannahrathbun picks @MTV_Chuckalodon. @RashidaZakiya goes w/ @mtv_teeboogie. @MTV_AMANDAG gets into it w/ @KikiMTV. #dcAYTO
@dc408dxnow: AK thinks that if there's Rivals3, we'll see Amanda & Kiki paired up. Again, he was the one who foresaw that crossover we saw last season
@dc408dxnow: .@MTV_AMANDAG picks @MikeCrescenz0. @schmelllanie goes w/ @MTVbigD. Big move there w/ that triangle. We always like that scenario. #dcAYTO
@dc408dxnow: .@MTVNellyT2013 throws in his 2 cents, now Kiki's in tears. @CHEYnotShy picks @tweetconnor180. @KikiMTV goes w/ @in_my_SHEETS. #dcAYTO
@dc408dxnow: .@StaceyGurnevich picks @mtvalecgonzz. @hbarfield13 picks @hbarfield13. @CHEYnotShy picks @MTVNellyT2013. @kayyjaybee w/ @ZAKLONGO. Lights.
@dc408dxnow: Remember: if the cast gets no lights in tonight's matchup, they lose $250K. 3 more & they're KO'ed in the cash. MC's mean more this year.
@dc408dxnow: Season 1 got two lights to begin. So did season 2. It happens again to the season 3 cast, but no blackout thank goodness. #AYTO #dcAYTO
@dc408dxtr: @CSUGradAkirk @busdriversroute @lashtweets well, what do you think? Brief thoughts on the triangles? First impressions? The better gameplay?
- @CSUGradAkirk: @dc408dxtr we're one episode in can't really tell if it's better until they find their first confirmed perfect match
- @dc408dxtr: @CSUGradAkirk yeah, I say slightly better gameplay bc they changed up matches at MC, had good 1st TB choice. Nice start to this season.
- @CSUGradAkirk: @dc408dxtr it's hard to say the egos are showing strong just like last season
- @dc408dxtr: @CSUGradAkirk yeah we saw a few of them here, plus you called that potential Rivals 3 pairing there. And there's that ladies man too
@CSUGradAkirk: will have guests from past #areyoutheone and current #areyoutheone during the season if interested AYTO alums dm me!
@CSUGradAkirk: #AYTO3 in six mins on the west coast!!!
@CSUGradAkirk: Just ready to see the man @RyanDevlin back on my tv screen #anxious #AYTO3
@CSUGradAkirk: @KikiMTV and the bear haha #AYTO3 love it
@CSUGradAkirk: @KikiMTV is gorgeous like omg #AYTO3
@CSUGradAkirk: Wait a male stripper #AYTO3
@CSUGradAkirk: Rashedia is going to be great TV I can see that already!! #AYTO3
@CSUGradAkirk: Woah @mtvalecgonzz is spitting game I see you dude #AYTO3
@CSUGradAkirk: @mtvalecgonzz your gonna get yourself into trouble this season bro hahaha #AYTO3
@CSUGradAkirk: Woah Alec's made out with three girls in episode one oh know trouble #AYTO3
@CSUGradAkirk: @KikiMTV and Devin aka the Paris and Pratt of this season calling it #AYTO3
@CSUGradAkirk: @MTV_TeeBoogie got me cracking up with the avatar one liner #AYTO3
@CSUGradAkirk: And the first boom boom room victims are Amanda and mike they breaking the room in I guess lol #AYTO3
@CSUGradAkirk: Hunter is a guy they've never casted on this show glad that he was casted #AYTO3
@CSUGradAkirk: Good first choice for the booth #AYTO3
@CSUGradAkirk: It's too early probably going to be a no match but better choice then what season two did with @MTV_JESS and @Tindel10 #AYTO3
@CSUGradAkirk: Nice they're changing up who picks #AYTO3
@CSUGradAkirk: I think if challenge season 28 is rivals three those two ladies would obviously be partners #AYTO3
@CSUGradAkirk: So conceited saying if he was into dudes he'd date himself Devin was an early favorite of mine but he just took a step back #AYTO3
@CSUGradAkirk: Just where the last two seasons started two #ayto3
@CSUGradAkirk: last thought of the night for #AreYouTheOne @KikiMTV was a preseason favorite tonight and that hasn't changed loved you on tonights ep
@CSUGradAkirk: one last thought I'm really disappointed we didn't see @BombshellChels at all in the episode hope that changes next week #AreYouTheOne
@busdriversroute: Premiere of @AREUTHE1 today @lashtweets & I previewed the women http://robhasawebsite.com/mtv-reality-are-you-the-one-podcast-women-preview/ … & men http://robhasawebsite.com/mtv-reality-are-you-the-one-podcast-men-preview/ …
@busdriversroute: I'm not sure what's going to be a bigger shit show, the AYTO premiere or the Giants 4th quarter. Good thing they'll happen simultaneously.
@busdriversroute: Thanks for securing the win just in time for AYTO Giants! You guys are such pals. #AYTO
@busdriversroute: Muting the tv during this always bizarre flash forward is a pro move. Oh and block the tv too. This ain't my first rodeo. #AYTO
@busdriversroute: No joke everyone is literally describing their bios as their opening lines. The MTV interns were on their game. #AYTO
@busdriversroute: Playing spin the bottle with a red bull can is about as MTV as you can get. #AYTO
@busdriversroute: Nothing's gonna change after one night guys. Nothing. Everyone's first impressions are 100% right. #AYTO
@busdriversroute: Mike hooking up on the first episode was as easy a prediction as Bananas giving a speech the first night. #AYTO
@busdriversroute: Can we get back to every person hooking up with every single other person but simultaneously getting jealous over it? That was fun. #AYTO
- @lashtweets: @busdriversroute the fact that youre indirectly asking for more alec is disturbing.
- @busdriversroute: @lashtweets Did you resend this tweet to take out the apostrophe in "you're"?
- @lashtweets: @busdriversroute disturbing was spelt incorrectly
@busdriversroute: Oh nice we're back to Ryan Devlin math where somehow only 1 person can pick wrong with 20 cast members. #AYTO
- @ajose25: @busdriversroute only takes 1 to screw it all up (i.e. layton)
- @busdriversroute: @ajose25 But that's with an extra person. With 20, it's 8 matches or 10. Exactly 9 matches is impossible.
- @ajose25: @busdriversroute but i think he meant that the 1 person who chooses the wrong match would ulitmately be responsible for everyone losing
- @lashtweets: @ajose25 @busdriversroute BUMP
- @busdriversroute: @ajose25 Let me rip on Devlin without your logic and reasonable thinking!
@busdriversroute: Can we get back to every person hooking up with every single other person but simultaneously getting jealous over it? That was fun. #AYTO
@busdriversroute: Alec being the one to say they need to change who they are is so drenched in irony I don't even know where to start. #AYTO
@lashtweets: Seriously concerned I won't be able to stay up to watch are you the one tn which is probably an indication that I'm too old to watch #AYTO
@lashtweets: Current status: awake #AYTO #Update
- @busdriversroute: @lashtweets True heroes work.
@lashtweets: is this a preview of the season? this cant be one episode #AYTO
@lashtweets: all of my notes for the podcast are in CAPS right now #AYTO #RHAP
@lashtweets: if nothing else, i was right about alec. and that's enough. #AYTO cant wait to rant
@lashtweets: Well everyone's heard that alec was fat so that should be an easy one #AYTO
@lashtweets: literally anything/everything could get in the way a day 2 #AYTO crush
@lashtweets: 26 minutes in and im willing to say this is the best premiere of a reality show ive ever seen @AREUTHE1 #AYTO
@lashtweets: i guess the "you lose 1/4 of the prize for a blackout" doesnt scare them #AYTO
@lashtweets: Cheyenne's "cute-puke" is a game changer #AYTO
@lashtweets: If the main thing you know about someone after 2 days is that they reek, it may be time to cut your losses #AYTO #maybeitsjustme
@lashtweets: kiki crying would break my heart if it wasn't a black hole #AYTO
@lashtweets: i was starting to worry i was going to like everyone and have nothing to complain about. Thank goodness for alec #blessed #AYTO
- @busdriversroute: @lashtweets Can I get some of your happiness and optimism of everyone?
- @lashtweets: @busdriversroute YOU MUST BE JOKING. this episode was "on fleek" ..whatever that means
@lashtweets: i feel like i want to make an acceptance speech: thank you @LightheartedTV , thank you @mtv, thank you coffee for keeping me awake @AREUTHE1
@lashtweets: podcast spoiler alert: amazing first episode #AYTO #RHAP #goodnight
@lashtweets: Visiting a law school today. May only be able to think of questions about last nights are you the one #TheFutureLooksBright #AYTO
@lashtweets: About a seasons worth of #AYTO happened in one night. Send us your questions so we can break it all down #RHAP https://www.facebook.com/RobHasApodcast
@lashtweets: Any1 who was too drunk or too tired to watch #AYTO last night u have until tm AM EST for ?s https://www.facebook.com/RobHasApodcast #RHAP @MollieBlock
@dc408dxnow: So here we go. They've arrived in Hawaii hoping their love difficulties were left behind in the mainland. Now, the fun begins. #ayto #dcAYTO
@dc408dxnow: Along w/ the usual stuff, now the announcement of the twist: blackout & they lose part or all of their cash. Will be big storyline this year
@dc408dxnow: Now, some of the cast tweets aren't on the TL that I'm using to synchro them to here. They're not til later & then on ExtraTime at 12:30AM
@dc408dxnow: So, we meeting the new group and there's our first kiss: @RashidaZakiya @mtvalecgonzz. Did not take long for that to happen. #ayto #dcAYTO
@dc408dxnow: Now one of the girls going w/ Alec and didn't take long either for conflict to come first. Now Dev & Kiki are attracted to one another
@dc408dxnow: .@MTV_AMANDAG, who's been dating a couple athletes before coming here! now getting close w/ Magic Mike. Now spin the bottle. #dcAYTO
@dc408dxnow: Alec kisses Hannah in front of Stacey after he kissed. Rashida, now Amanda's on him. Well, that's what happens w/ spin the bottle. #dcAYTO
- @CSUGradAkirk: @dc408dxnow @dc408dxtr I'm glad you counted cause I lost count on how many chicks he made out with in the first fourteen mins
- @dc408dxtr: @CSUGradAkirk it's crazy isn't it? We had Shanley & Jacy exchange words in EP1 on S1, saw Bri get a broken nose last year. Off to big start.
@dc408dxnow: .@MTVbigD has been talking up a storm in this leadup, but he's leading yoga w/ @KikiMTV. Now, the getaway challeng: worst face forward.
@dc408dxnow: This is pictures, just as it was to begin this thing over in Kauai. @StaceyGurnevich, then @MTV_AMANDAG, @BritniNicol, Cheyenne.
@dc408dxnow: .@MikeCrescenz0 @hbarfield13 take 1st two spots on the date, then @schmelllanie & @CHEYnotShy join them. Now comes hard part: the choosing.
@dc408dxnow: They've chosen the dates, now they're going to swim w/ the dolphins on the getaway. They always have the best rewards here.
@dc408dxnow: Now the @MTVbigD @KikiMTV show is on. This is officially the first couple of #AYTO S3. #2 is @MikeCrescenz0 @MTV_AMANDAG. #dcAYTO
@dc408dxnow: On Challenge, you stay at the house if you win a mission. On #AYTO, you get out of the house to enjoy your surroundings on a getaway date.
@dc408dxnow: I called in my preview that if @MTV_Chuckalodon wins a date he would show his friends his 2nd home. He gets his chance in week 1. #dcAYTO
@dc408dxnow: They're into the Truth Booth. It's changed the game many times, both for worse as was in EP1 of S1, and for good as was case last year.
@dc408dxnow: Pair voted in is @KikiMTV @MTVbigD. Andrew thinks its a good choice, could be besr possible start & just another beginning to this. #dcAYTO
@dc408dxnow: And @hbarfield13 @KikiMTV are NOT a match. Well, science
@dc408dxnow: Now matchup... @_hannahrathbun picks @MTV_Chuckalodon. @RashidaZakiya goes w/ @mtv_teeboogie. @MTV_AMANDAG gets into it w/ @KikiMTV. #dcAYTO
@dc408dxnow: AK thinks that if there's Rivals3, we'll see Amanda & Kiki paired up. Again, he was the one who foresaw that crossover we saw last season
@dc408dxnow: .@MTV_AMANDAG picks @MikeCrescenz0. @schmelllanie goes w/ @MTVbigD. Big move there w/ that triangle. We always like that scenario. #dcAYTO
@dc408dxnow: .@MTVNellyT2013 throws in his 2 cents, now Kiki's in tears. @CHEYnotShy picks @tweetconnor180. @KikiMTV goes w/ @in_my_SHEETS. #dcAYTO
@dc408dxnow: .@StaceyGurnevich picks @mtvalecgonzz. @hbarfield13 picks @hbarfield13. @CHEYnotShy picks @MTVNellyT2013. @kayyjaybee w/ @ZAKLONGO. Lights.
@dc408dxnow: Remember: if the cast gets no lights in tonight's matchup, they lose $250K. 3 more & they're KO'ed in the cash. MC's mean more this year.
@dc408dxnow: Season 1 got two lights to begin. So did season 2. It happens again to the season 3 cast, but no blackout thank goodness. #AYTO #dcAYTO
@dc408dxtr: @CSUGradAkirk @busdriversroute @lashtweets well, what do you think? Brief thoughts on the triangles? First impressions? The better gameplay?
- @CSUGradAkirk: @dc408dxtr we're one episode in can't really tell if it's better until they find their first confirmed perfect match
- @dc408dxtr: @CSUGradAkirk yeah, I say slightly better gameplay bc they changed up matches at MC, had good 1st TB choice. Nice start to this season.
- @CSUGradAkirk: @dc408dxtr it's hard to say the egos are showing strong just like last season
- @dc408dxtr: @CSUGradAkirk yeah we saw a few of them here, plus you called that potential Rivals 3 pairing there. And there's that ladies man too
@CSUGradAkirk: will have guests from past #areyoutheone and current #areyoutheone during the season if interested AYTO alums dm me!
@CSUGradAkirk: #AYTO3 in six mins on the west coast!!!
@CSUGradAkirk: Just ready to see the man @RyanDevlin back on my tv screen #anxious #AYTO3
@CSUGradAkirk: @KikiMTV and the bear haha #AYTO3 love it
@CSUGradAkirk: @KikiMTV is gorgeous like omg #AYTO3
@CSUGradAkirk: Wait a male stripper #AYTO3
@CSUGradAkirk: Rashedia is going to be great TV I can see that already!! #AYTO3
@CSUGradAkirk: Woah @mtvalecgonzz is spitting game I see you dude #AYTO3
@CSUGradAkirk: @mtvalecgonzz your gonna get yourself into trouble this season bro hahaha #AYTO3
@CSUGradAkirk: Woah Alec's made out with three girls in episode one oh know trouble #AYTO3
@CSUGradAkirk: @KikiMTV and Devin aka the Paris and Pratt of this season calling it #AYTO3
@CSUGradAkirk: @MTV_TeeBoogie got me cracking up with the avatar one liner #AYTO3
@CSUGradAkirk: And the first boom boom room victims are Amanda and mike they breaking the room in I guess lol #AYTO3
@CSUGradAkirk: Hunter is a guy they've never casted on this show glad that he was casted #AYTO3
@CSUGradAkirk: Good first choice for the booth #AYTO3
@CSUGradAkirk: It's too early probably going to be a no match but better choice then what season two did with @MTV_JESS and @Tindel10 #AYTO3
@CSUGradAkirk: Nice they're changing up who picks #AYTO3
@CSUGradAkirk: I think if challenge season 28 is rivals three those two ladies would obviously be partners #AYTO3
@CSUGradAkirk: So conceited saying if he was into dudes he'd date himself Devin was an early favorite of mine but he just took a step back #AYTO3
@CSUGradAkirk: Just where the last two seasons started two #ayto3
@CSUGradAkirk: last thought of the night for #AreYouTheOne @KikiMTV was a preseason favorite tonight and that hasn't changed loved you on tonights ep
@CSUGradAkirk: one last thought I'm really disappointed we didn't see @BombshellChels at all in the episode hope that changes next week #AreYouTheOne
@busdriversroute: Premiere of @AREUTHE1 today @lashtweets & I previewed the women http://robhasawebsite.com/mtv-reality-are-you-the-one-podcast-women-preview/ … & men http://robhasawebsite.com/mtv-reality-are-you-the-one-podcast-men-preview/ …
@busdriversroute: I'm not sure what's going to be a bigger shit show, the AYTO premiere or the Giants 4th quarter. Good thing they'll happen simultaneously.
@busdriversroute: Thanks for securing the win just in time for AYTO Giants! You guys are such pals. #AYTO
@busdriversroute: Muting the tv during this always bizarre flash forward is a pro move. Oh and block the tv too. This ain't my first rodeo. #AYTO
@busdriversroute: No joke everyone is literally describing their bios as their opening lines. The MTV interns were on their game. #AYTO
@busdriversroute: Playing spin the bottle with a red bull can is about as MTV as you can get. #AYTO
@busdriversroute: Nothing's gonna change after one night guys. Nothing. Everyone's first impressions are 100% right. #AYTO
@busdriversroute: Mike hooking up on the first episode was as easy a prediction as Bananas giving a speech the first night. #AYTO
@busdriversroute: Can we get back to every person hooking up with every single other person but simultaneously getting jealous over it? That was fun. #AYTO
- @lashtweets: @busdriversroute the fact that youre indirectly asking for more alec is disturbing.
- @busdriversroute: @lashtweets Did you resend this tweet to take out the apostrophe in "you're"?
- @lashtweets: @busdriversroute disturbing was spelt incorrectly
@busdriversroute: Oh nice we're back to Ryan Devlin math where somehow only 1 person can pick wrong with 20 cast members. #AYTO
- @ajose25: @busdriversroute only takes 1 to screw it all up (i.e. layton)
- @busdriversroute: @ajose25 But that's with an extra person. With 20, it's 8 matches or 10. Exactly 9 matches is impossible.
- @ajose25: @busdriversroute but i think he meant that the 1 person who chooses the wrong match would ulitmately be responsible for everyone losing
- @lashtweets: @ajose25 @busdriversroute BUMP
- @busdriversroute: @ajose25 Let me rip on Devlin without your logic and reasonable thinking!
@busdriversroute: Can we get back to every person hooking up with every single other person but simultaneously getting jealous over it? That was fun. #AYTO
@busdriversroute: Alec being the one to say they need to change who they are is so drenched in irony I don't even know where to start. #AYTO
@lashtweets: Seriously concerned I won't be able to stay up to watch are you the one tn which is probably an indication that I'm too old to watch #AYTO
@lashtweets: Current status: awake #AYTO #Update
- @busdriversroute: @lashtweets True heroes work.
@lashtweets: is this a preview of the season? this cant be one episode #AYTO
@lashtweets: all of my notes for the podcast are in CAPS right now #AYTO #RHAP
@lashtweets: if nothing else, i was right about alec. and that's enough. #AYTO cant wait to rant
@lashtweets: Well everyone's heard that alec was fat so that should be an easy one #AYTO
@lashtweets: literally anything/everything could get in the way a day 2 #AYTO crush
@lashtweets: 26 minutes in and im willing to say this is the best premiere of a reality show ive ever seen @AREUTHE1 #AYTO
@lashtweets: i guess the "you lose 1/4 of the prize for a blackout" doesnt scare them #AYTO
@lashtweets: Cheyenne's "cute-puke" is a game changer #AYTO
@lashtweets: If the main thing you know about someone after 2 days is that they reek, it may be time to cut your losses #AYTO #maybeitsjustme
@lashtweets: kiki crying would break my heart if it wasn't a black hole #AYTO
@lashtweets: i was starting to worry i was going to like everyone and have nothing to complain about. Thank goodness for alec #blessed #AYTO
- @busdriversroute: @lashtweets Can I get some of your happiness and optimism of everyone?
- @lashtweets: @busdriversroute YOU MUST BE JOKING. this episode was "on fleek" ..whatever that means
@lashtweets: i feel like i want to make an acceptance speech: thank you @LightheartedTV , thank you @mtv, thank you coffee for keeping me awake @AREUTHE1
@lashtweets: podcast spoiler alert: amazing first episode #AYTO #RHAP #goodnight
@lashtweets: Visiting a law school today. May only be able to think of questions about last nights are you the one #TheFutureLooksBright #AYTO
@lashtweets: About a seasons worth of #AYTO happened in one night. Send us your questions so we can break it all down #RHAP https://www.facebook.com/RobHasApodcast
@lashtweets: Any1 who was too drunk or too tired to watch #AYTO last night u have until tm AM EST for ?s https://www.facebook.com/RobHasApodcast #RHAP @MollieBlock
@Kristina_Pod: #AYTO cast is freakin hotter than #twinning cast! Hahaha
@Kristina_Pod: Chuck from #AYTO 😍😍😍😍😍😍
@Kristina_Pod: Hunter, mike & chuck are my eye candy. #AYTO
@Kristina_Pod: Hannah from #AYTO is natural beauty. Stunnnnnning!
@Kristina_Pod: Honestly everyone here has charm. #ayto I needed this on twinning. 😂😂
@Kristina_Pod: Hunter is Americas sweetheart. 😘
@Kristina_Pod: @StaceyGurnevich is the prettiest girl on cast! Along with @KikiMTV
@Kristina_Pod: @KikiMTV you crack me up in this episode. Lmao 💕
@Kristina_Pod: most camera time = most personality. I already know who's most intriguing. #AYTO
@SWORDReality: Its time! #AYTO @AREUTHE1 Season 3! Its gonna be an amazing season! Cant wait to watch everyone!!!
@SWORDReality: Wow! @mtvalecgonzz is trying to find his match quick, through his lips #KissCount2 #AYTO @AREUTHE1
@SWORDReality: Well thats 3 for @mtvalecgonzz #KissCount3 #AYTO @AREUTHE1
@SWORDReality: @StaceyGurnevich @mtvalecgonzz @tweetconnor180 Must've been some really good chips! #AYTO @AREUTHE1
@SWORDReality: Okay that pic of @KikiMTV was awesome! #AYTO @AREUTHE1
@SWORDReality: @KikiMTV Why? #AYTO @AREUTHE1
@SWORDReality: Seriously @KikiMTV & @MTVbigD look like they belong together, so far #AYTO @AREUTHE1
@SWORDReality: Well thats one way to see if you match each other @MTV_AMANDAG & @MikeCrescenz0 lol #AYTO @AREUTHE1
@SWORDReality: Do not think @hbarfield13 & @KikiMTV are gonna be a perfect match, may be wrong, but idk #AYTO @AREUTHE1
@SWORDReality: OMG! Yes! Thank god @hbarfield13 & @KikiMTV didn't pop up a perfect match, Kiki is perfect w/ @MTVbigD! #AYTO @AREUTHE1
@SWORDReality: Loving @KikiMTV standing up for herself against @MTV_AMANDAG! Gonna be a firey season! #Fight4Love #AYTO @AREUTHE1
@SWORDReality: Is it me or did episode 1 (although not over yet) fly by REAL quick tonight #AYTO @AREUTHE1
@SWORDReality: Um, @MTVbigD when a woman like @KikiMTV likes you & asks you to wear deodorant, just do it lol #AYTO @AREUTHE1
@SWORDReality: Nice! @MTV_AMANDAG & @MikeCrescenz0 locked in as a perfect match! #Fight4Love #AYTO @AREUTHE1
@SWORDReality: Wow @MTVbigD was just called out for wanting to have sex w/ @KikiMTV & @schmelllanie not good bro #Heartbroken4Kiki #AYTO @AREUTHE1
@SWORDReality: Whats @MTVbigD loss is @in_my_SHEETS gain! I hope Kiki @KikiMTV & Austin are a perfect match! #AYTO @AREUTHE1
@SWORDReality: @KikiMTV Or @MTVbigD wear a car air freshener, lmao, something lol #NoteToAllMenWearDeodorant
@SWORDReality: Okay Episode 1 of #AYTO @AREUTHE1 was hot, heavy & fueled with fire & passion! Loving @KikiMTV Not liking @MTVbigD at the moment
@SWORDReality: I am thinking the 2 perfect matches are @KikiMTV & @in_my_SHEETS along w/ @MikeCrescenz0 & @MTV_AMANDAG Thats my guesses #AYTO @AREUTHE1
@SWORDReality: @shandathapanda You will love it, I think! :) #AYTO @AREUTHE1
@SWORDReality: @MTV_JESS @whaattaafoxx Looks like you 2 are having a blast! :)
@SWORDReality: I said the other day I thought @KikiMTV would be my favorite female this season & yup, I was right! #AYTO @AREUTHE1
@SWORDReality: OMG @CHEYnotShy pic of her as a kid not knowing how to smile is cute :) lol #AYTO @AREUTHE1
@SWORDReality: My Season 1 Female Fav: @shandathapanda My Season 2 Female Fav: @MTV_JESS My Season 3 Female Fav: @KikiMTV #AYTO @AREUTHE1
@SWORDReality: @MTVbigD @AREUTHE1 @KikiMTV Hope you don't think I am hating on you, notice I said dislike, not hate, its a show :)
@SWORDReality: @KikiMTV You looked amazing on the show & you look amazing in the picture! Hope you had a wonderful night! (hugs) #AYTO
@SWORDReality: @MTV_JESS @_hannahrathbun See this is the type of tweet guys in their mind agree with but dont wanna be smacked so don't respond lmao
@SWORDReality: @KikiMTV @whaattaafoxx If you liked the broga, you should watch @Survivor_Tweet & watch Joe @Janglim21 do #Joega #SecondChance #AYTO
@SWORDReality: @BombshellChels @KikiMTV If I see anyone hating on any of you amazing ladies I will (even tho prob won't do crap) say something too #AYTO
@SWORDReality: Not sure about @CHEYnotShy picking @MTV_Chuckalodon on her date, they could be a match, but not sure yet #AYTO @AREUTHE1
@SWORDReality: Seriously the best line of the episode is @KikiMTV to @MTVbigD "Did you use your deodorant?" lol #AYTO @AREUTHE1 Translation You Stink lol
@SWORDReality: @KikiMTV Lmao, you absolutely rock! I hope you are having an amazing day Kiki :)
@SWORDReality: I feel so bad that @CHEYnotShy got seasick, I know how that feels, its awful! #AYTO @AREUTHE1
@SWORDReality: Listening to the clip of @KikiMTV Mom leaving her a voicemail about her crying, @MTVbigD doing broga & @MTV_AMANDAG yelling #AYTO @AREUTHE1
@SWORDReality: I wonder if @_hannahrathbun & @MTV_Chuckalodon are a perfect match, you never know, could be #AYTO @AREUTHE1
@SWORDReality: I think @MikeCrescenz0 may be in trouble next week w/ what he was spotted doing with @kayyjaybee Uh Oh... #AYTO @AREUTHE1
@HollywoodLife: Can't wait to watch "Are You the One?" tonight 15 mins away I am super excited & nervous!! TURN UP- RashidaZakiya
@HollywoodLife: You need to pay extra attention tonight remember YOU CAN WIN A TRIP TO HAWAII !!!! @RashidaZakiya
@HollywoodLife: I Love @KikiMTV & @MTVbigD together lol #AYTO #AYTO3
@HollywoodLife: YAY @CHEYnotShy & @schmelllanie WON THIS ONE #AYTO #AYTO3
@HollywoodLife: KIWI ...kki??? @KikiMTV PERFECT MATCH .LOL!!?@MTVbigD #AYTO #ayto3
@HollywoodLife: ARE THEY A MATCH ?! @KikiMTV @hbarfield13 #AYTO #ayto3
@HollywoodLife: The first match up !!! #ATYO #AYTO3
@HollywoodLife: WOOOAHHHHH @KikiMTV & @MTV_AMANDAG lol this is getting hot.. don't know what's going to happen next !! #AYTO3 #AYTO
@HollywoodLife: LET'S SEE HOW MANY BEAMS ? #ayto #ayto3
@BigTymers228: @BombshellChels @CHEYnotShy @RashidaZakiya It's Official AYTO3 Premieres Tonight I Can't Wait To Watch The Show Tonight
@BigTymers228: @KikiMTV @MTV_AMANDAG @schmelllanie @kayyjaybee @BritniNicol @StaceyGurnevich @_hannahrathbun AYTO Starts Today I Can't Wait To Watch It
@BigTymers228: @ZAKLONGO ayto starts tonight I can't wait to watch the show
@BigTymers228: @MTVbigD @in_my_SHEETS @hbarfield13 @MikeCrescenz0 @tweetconnor180 @MTV_TeeBoogie @MTV_Chuckalodon @mtvalecgonzz cantwaittowatchaytotonight
@BigTymers228: It's Official Season 3 Of The MTV Show: Are You The One Starts Tonight. I Can't Wait To Watch… https://instagram.com/p/8CNJg4norG/
@BigTymers228: They Wouldn't Be A Season 3 Of Are You The One Without The Real OGs. #MTV #AreYouTheOne #AreUThe1… https://instagram.com/p/8CN2OxHosY/
@BigTymers228: This Past Weekend I Actually Took The Time To Rewatched The 1st 2 Seasons Of Are You The One. #MTV… https://instagram.com/p/8CR_UyHoi1/
@BigTymers228: In Honor Of The Season 3 Premiere Of The MTV Show: Are You The One? Here's Some Pics Of Me Meeting… https://instagram.com/p/8CUPGIHonE/
@BigTymers228: Afterwatching the 1st episode of ayto I must say all of thegirls are truly beautiful& youthful god definitely didnt make no mistakes on them
@BigTymers228: The girls that Ilike so far are on ayto are @KikiMTV @StaceyGurnevich @schmelllanie @MTV_AMANDAG @BombshellChels @RashidaZakiya @CHEYnotShy
@BigTymers228: @tweetconnor180 your 1st name reminds me of the ufc fighter connor McGregor & you're big just like rob gronkowski & jj watt Connor
@BigTymers228: @KikiMTV Im currently ReWatching u on ayto. u look naturally beautiful &youthful I had no idea that you're asian kiki
@BigTymers228: @CHEYnotShy looks beautiful & youthful on the 1st episode of ayto
@BigTymers228: @KikiMTV I didn't like how you got treated the 1st episode of ayto if I was in that show I wouldn't do you like that kiki
@BigTymers228: @_hannahrathbun I watched the first ep of ayto lihree times &in my opinion you resemble the model Hannah Davis Hannah
@jdix1990: Beyond pumped for @AREUTHE1 however the goons can never be replaced and the show won't be the same @blacuesta @MTV_JESS @whaattaafoxx
@jdix1990: And of course @MTV_Christina I mean for real MTV when is their show coming out lol
@jdix1990: Ahhhhhh!! I'm so excited #AreYouTheOne who's watching???
@jdix1990: Philly represented again!!! Hell yes!!! @mtvalecgonzz #AYTO
@jdix1990: @KikiMTV @blacuesta seeing this makes me so happy ☺️
@jdix1990: Best way to start a season is obviously spin the bottle of course #AYTO3
@jdix1990: So um early favorite for the girls is obviously @KikiMTV I mean look at her and I'm still trying to figure these dudes out #AYTO3
@jdix1990: So this is clearly an amazing first challenge right?! I mean doesn't everyone love embarrassing photos #AYTO3
@jdix1990: @MTVbigD is starting to be one of my early favorite guys and he just happens to be into @KikiMTV could it be #AYTO3
@jdix1990: However @hbarfield13 and that accent 😊 I'm a sucker for an accent #AYTO3
@jdix1990: So beyond jealous of this date. Dolphins are my absolute favorite 🐬🐬 #AYTO3
@jdix1990: @MTVbigD comparing @KikiMTV to kiwi. I'm dying 😂😂😂 #AYTO3
@jdix1990: First match up. How many lights are we thinking?? #AYTO3
@jdix1990: This season of #AYTO3 is about to be a shit show in the best way possible of course and I can't wait to have a front row seat 😂😂
@jdix1990: When @tabron27 decides to throw it back the night of the #AYTO premiere with a follow 😊😊😊 thanks girl!!!
@Kristina_Pod: Chuck from #AYTO 😍😍😍😍😍😍
@Kristina_Pod: Hunter, mike & chuck are my eye candy. #AYTO
@Kristina_Pod: Hannah from #AYTO is natural beauty. Stunnnnnning!
@Kristina_Pod: Honestly everyone here has charm. #ayto I needed this on twinning. 😂😂
@Kristina_Pod: Hunter is Americas sweetheart. 😘
@Kristina_Pod: @StaceyGurnevich is the prettiest girl on cast! Along with @KikiMTV
@Kristina_Pod: @KikiMTV you crack me up in this episode. Lmao 💕
@Kristina_Pod: most camera time = most personality. I already know who's most intriguing. #AYTO
@SWORDReality: Its time! #AYTO @AREUTHE1 Season 3! Its gonna be an amazing season! Cant wait to watch everyone!!!
@SWORDReality: Wow! @mtvalecgonzz is trying to find his match quick, through his lips #KissCount2 #AYTO @AREUTHE1
@SWORDReality: Well thats 3 for @mtvalecgonzz #KissCount3 #AYTO @AREUTHE1
@SWORDReality: @StaceyGurnevich @mtvalecgonzz @tweetconnor180 Must've been some really good chips! #AYTO @AREUTHE1
@SWORDReality: Okay that pic of @KikiMTV was awesome! #AYTO @AREUTHE1
@SWORDReality: @KikiMTV Why? #AYTO @AREUTHE1
@SWORDReality: Seriously @KikiMTV & @MTVbigD look like they belong together, so far #AYTO @AREUTHE1
@SWORDReality: Well thats one way to see if you match each other @MTV_AMANDAG & @MikeCrescenz0 lol #AYTO @AREUTHE1
@SWORDReality: Do not think @hbarfield13 & @KikiMTV are gonna be a perfect match, may be wrong, but idk #AYTO @AREUTHE1
@SWORDReality: OMG! Yes! Thank god @hbarfield13 & @KikiMTV didn't pop up a perfect match, Kiki is perfect w/ @MTVbigD! #AYTO @AREUTHE1
@SWORDReality: Loving @KikiMTV standing up for herself against @MTV_AMANDAG! Gonna be a firey season! #Fight4Love #AYTO @AREUTHE1
@SWORDReality: Is it me or did episode 1 (although not over yet) fly by REAL quick tonight #AYTO @AREUTHE1
@SWORDReality: Um, @MTVbigD when a woman like @KikiMTV likes you & asks you to wear deodorant, just do it lol #AYTO @AREUTHE1
@SWORDReality: Nice! @MTV_AMANDAG & @MikeCrescenz0 locked in as a perfect match! #Fight4Love #AYTO @AREUTHE1
@SWORDReality: Wow @MTVbigD was just called out for wanting to have sex w/ @KikiMTV & @schmelllanie not good bro #Heartbroken4Kiki #AYTO @AREUTHE1
@SWORDReality: Whats @MTVbigD loss is @in_my_SHEETS gain! I hope Kiki @KikiMTV & Austin are a perfect match! #AYTO @AREUTHE1
@SWORDReality: @KikiMTV Or @MTVbigD wear a car air freshener, lmao, something lol #NoteToAllMenWearDeodorant
@SWORDReality: Okay Episode 1 of #AYTO @AREUTHE1 was hot, heavy & fueled with fire & passion! Loving @KikiMTV Not liking @MTVbigD at the moment
@SWORDReality: I am thinking the 2 perfect matches are @KikiMTV & @in_my_SHEETS along w/ @MikeCrescenz0 & @MTV_AMANDAG Thats my guesses #AYTO @AREUTHE1
@SWORDReality: @shandathapanda You will love it, I think! :) #AYTO @AREUTHE1
@SWORDReality: @MTV_JESS @whaattaafoxx Looks like you 2 are having a blast! :)
@SWORDReality: I said the other day I thought @KikiMTV would be my favorite female this season & yup, I was right! #AYTO @AREUTHE1
@SWORDReality: OMG @CHEYnotShy pic of her as a kid not knowing how to smile is cute :) lol #AYTO @AREUTHE1
@SWORDReality: My Season 1 Female Fav: @shandathapanda My Season 2 Female Fav: @MTV_JESS My Season 3 Female Fav: @KikiMTV #AYTO @AREUTHE1
@SWORDReality: @MTVbigD @AREUTHE1 @KikiMTV Hope you don't think I am hating on you, notice I said dislike, not hate, its a show :)
@SWORDReality: @KikiMTV You looked amazing on the show & you look amazing in the picture! Hope you had a wonderful night! (hugs) #AYTO
@SWORDReality: @MTV_JESS @_hannahrathbun See this is the type of tweet guys in their mind agree with but dont wanna be smacked so don't respond lmao
@SWORDReality: @KikiMTV @whaattaafoxx If you liked the broga, you should watch @Survivor_Tweet & watch Joe @Janglim21 do #Joega #SecondChance #AYTO
@SWORDReality: @BombshellChels @KikiMTV If I see anyone hating on any of you amazing ladies I will (even tho prob won't do crap) say something too #AYTO
@SWORDReality: Not sure about @CHEYnotShy picking @MTV_Chuckalodon on her date, they could be a match, but not sure yet #AYTO @AREUTHE1
@SWORDReality: Seriously the best line of the episode is @KikiMTV to @MTVbigD "Did you use your deodorant?" lol #AYTO @AREUTHE1 Translation You Stink lol
@SWORDReality: @KikiMTV Lmao, you absolutely rock! I hope you are having an amazing day Kiki :)
@SWORDReality: I feel so bad that @CHEYnotShy got seasick, I know how that feels, its awful! #AYTO @AREUTHE1
@SWORDReality: Listening to the clip of @KikiMTV Mom leaving her a voicemail about her crying, @MTVbigD doing broga & @MTV_AMANDAG yelling #AYTO @AREUTHE1
@SWORDReality: I wonder if @_hannahrathbun & @MTV_Chuckalodon are a perfect match, you never know, could be #AYTO @AREUTHE1
@SWORDReality: I think @MikeCrescenz0 may be in trouble next week w/ what he was spotted doing with @kayyjaybee Uh Oh... #AYTO @AREUTHE1
@HollywoodLife: Can't wait to watch "Are You the One?" tonight 15 mins away I am super excited & nervous!! TURN UP- RashidaZakiya
@HollywoodLife: You need to pay extra attention tonight remember YOU CAN WIN A TRIP TO HAWAII !!!! @RashidaZakiya
@HollywoodLife: I Love @KikiMTV & @MTVbigD together lol #AYTO #AYTO3
@HollywoodLife: YAY @CHEYnotShy & @schmelllanie WON THIS ONE #AYTO #AYTO3
@HollywoodLife: KIWI ...kki??? @KikiMTV PERFECT MATCH .LOL!!?@MTVbigD #AYTO #ayto3
@HollywoodLife: ARE THEY A MATCH ?! @KikiMTV @hbarfield13 #AYTO #ayto3
@HollywoodLife: The first match up !!! #ATYO #AYTO3
@HollywoodLife: WOOOAHHHHH @KikiMTV & @MTV_AMANDAG lol this is getting hot.. don't know what's going to happen next !! #AYTO3 #AYTO
@HollywoodLife: LET'S SEE HOW MANY BEAMS ? #ayto #ayto3
@BigTymers228: @BombshellChels @CHEYnotShy @RashidaZakiya It's Official AYTO3 Premieres Tonight I Can't Wait To Watch The Show Tonight
@BigTymers228: @KikiMTV @MTV_AMANDAG @schmelllanie @kayyjaybee @BritniNicol @StaceyGurnevich @_hannahrathbun AYTO Starts Today I Can't Wait To Watch It
@BigTymers228: @ZAKLONGO ayto starts tonight I can't wait to watch the show
@BigTymers228: @MTVbigD @in_my_SHEETS @hbarfield13 @MikeCrescenz0 @tweetconnor180 @MTV_TeeBoogie @MTV_Chuckalodon @mtvalecgonzz cantwaittowatchaytotonight
@BigTymers228: It's Official Season 3 Of The MTV Show: Are You The One Starts Tonight. I Can't Wait To Watch… https://instagram.com/p/8CNJg4norG/
@BigTymers228: They Wouldn't Be A Season 3 Of Are You The One Without The Real OGs. #MTV #AreYouTheOne #AreUThe1… https://instagram.com/p/8CN2OxHosY/
@BigTymers228: This Past Weekend I Actually Took The Time To Rewatched The 1st 2 Seasons Of Are You The One. #MTV… https://instagram.com/p/8CR_UyHoi1/
@BigTymers228: In Honor Of The Season 3 Premiere Of The MTV Show: Are You The One? Here's Some Pics Of Me Meeting… https://instagram.com/p/8CUPGIHonE/
@BigTymers228: Afterwatching the 1st episode of ayto I must say all of thegirls are truly beautiful& youthful god definitely didnt make no mistakes on them
@BigTymers228: The girls that Ilike so far are on ayto are @KikiMTV @StaceyGurnevich @schmelllanie @MTV_AMANDAG @BombshellChels @RashidaZakiya @CHEYnotShy
@BigTymers228: @tweetconnor180 your 1st name reminds me of the ufc fighter connor McGregor & you're big just like rob gronkowski & jj watt Connor
@BigTymers228: @KikiMTV Im currently ReWatching u on ayto. u look naturally beautiful &youthful I had no idea that you're asian kiki
@BigTymers228: @CHEYnotShy looks beautiful & youthful on the 1st episode of ayto
@BigTymers228: @KikiMTV I didn't like how you got treated the 1st episode of ayto if I was in that show I wouldn't do you like that kiki
@BigTymers228: @_hannahrathbun I watched the first ep of ayto lihree times &in my opinion you resemble the model Hannah Davis Hannah
@jdix1990: Beyond pumped for @AREUTHE1 however the goons can never be replaced and the show won't be the same @blacuesta @MTV_JESS @whaattaafoxx
@jdix1990: And of course @MTV_Christina I mean for real MTV when is their show coming out lol
@jdix1990: Ahhhhhh!! I'm so excited #AreYouTheOne who's watching???
@jdix1990: Philly represented again!!! Hell yes!!! @mtvalecgonzz #AYTO
@jdix1990: @KikiMTV @blacuesta seeing this makes me so happy ☺️
@jdix1990: Best way to start a season is obviously spin the bottle of course #AYTO3
@jdix1990: So um early favorite for the girls is obviously @KikiMTV I mean look at her and I'm still trying to figure these dudes out #AYTO3
@jdix1990: So this is clearly an amazing first challenge right?! I mean doesn't everyone love embarrassing photos #AYTO3
@jdix1990: @MTVbigD is starting to be one of my early favorite guys and he just happens to be into @KikiMTV could it be #AYTO3
@jdix1990: However @hbarfield13 and that accent 😊 I'm a sucker for an accent #AYTO3
@jdix1990: So beyond jealous of this date. Dolphins are my absolute favorite 🐬🐬 #AYTO3
@jdix1990: @MTVbigD comparing @KikiMTV to kiwi. I'm dying 😂😂😂 #AYTO3
@jdix1990: First match up. How many lights are we thinking?? #AYTO3
@jdix1990: This season of #AYTO3 is about to be a shit show in the best way possible of course and I can't wait to have a front row seat 😂😂
@jdix1990: When @tabron27 decides to throw it back the night of the #AYTO premiere with a follow 😊😊😊 thanks girl!!!
So, quite the premiere it was. We saw Alec kiss several girls right out of the starting gate, Devin become part of a love triangle with Kiki & Melanie, Kiki and Amanda make a bid to become a pair on Rivals III, and of course the usual get-to-know-you nature of a season premiere. Yes, Team Ohana did start out the same way that the first two seasons began their voyages with a truth booth "no match" and two matchup lights, but they also avoided a morale-crashing blackout too, so their chances at grabbing the full $1 million are still in tact.
Now in past seasons, the tweets from fans and yours truly would lead into our WRAP in reviewing the episodes, what we saw and what we can take away from the week that was. But as part of this site's ongoing evolution and to make things better here, beginning this week we are moving that into its own, dedicated post called DC WRAP. I just wanted to make things easy for some of you who have a short attention span and are in a hurry, or those who access the mobile site and don't want to scroll all the way down for just a recap of the episodes and everything else.
It'll still offer the Five Things to Know with key episode moments, Winners of the Night and anything that relates to the episode & castmates should something meaningful or of interest happens. Plus, I'll be reserving a portion of DC WRAP for a quick DC FORUM Q&A with web-casters, bloggers, fans and even former castmates to come on and help analyze the episodes and offer their two cents with me. Watch for it later this weekend or before episode 2 airs on Wednesday, and check out my DC FORUM preview with Andrew Kirk & myself and find out how you can get involved in our discussion here.
From Portland to Perry's Place - Jordan's An Actor
From Portland to Perry's Place - Jordan's An Actor
So now, we go straight into DC ExtraTime, which will again offer insight, reflection and a unique outlook on this world of All Things MTV and the people of AYTO and the Real World/Challenge franchise. And when AYTO 3 premiered on Thursday, it was exactly six months since the last on-air activity in the MTV Trifecta on the last Challenge.
On March 24 earlier this year, almost exactly a year to when the Season 1 Originals won their $1 million and nearly two years since he made his MTV debut, Jordan Wiseley teamed with now newlywed Sarah to win Battle of the Exes 2. While most of the attention was on the 10-season veteran and her gutsy move at the last regular mission in Costa Rica that ultimately knocked out defending 5-time champ Johnny Bananas, Jordan also made his mark but ably allowed the lady snake-bitten by past history to enjoy her time in the sun.
We've documented his story before in our Who Are These Newbies series of him being born with only half a hand but became a star athlete, wake boarder and even cheerleader, but yet whose brash, abrasive, arrogant and sometimes rebel persona defined him on Real World Portland and three Challenges. Since that post during Rivals II where he made it into the final in a great rookie season with Marlon (J-Deezy for the hip-hop crowd), the next season Jordan drew himself up on purpose to compete vs king Johnny Bananas and lost his only elimination; became romantic with Sarah, Jonna and Laurel; and of course won Exes 2. And just as it was in the Pearl District, he also had to deal again with Hurricane Nia when an unfortunate night of teasing led to her demise in Norway.
![]() |
Jordan on If Living You is Wrong Courtesy: Sarah Patterson's Instagram |
On Tuesday night on premiere week not only of Are You The One? but also the entire TV world, OWN, Oprah Winfrey's 24/7 cable net, debuted a new season of the drama If Loving You Is Wrong, the latest work of super producer Tyler Perry. And Jordan was featured in the season premiere episode playing the role of a police officer. And yes, the show made reference to his deformed hand, only this time his character's hand was once shot off during a shooting one night.
Sarah saw the episode he was in later in the week, and all she could say about it was, "Look who is on my tv!! (And NOT on the MTV channel!!) it's @jordanw_usa !! Nice job bro!!" And Nia also echoed many other fans' sentiments, "Yes! I'm so so proud of him." Many others would probably agree that Jordan has now found his niche doing some acting stuff around his modeling gigs. It wasn't that long ago that he was that castmate you probably love to hate, but now he has a great career ahead of him outside the MTV world.Good on 'ya Jordan, great that you are pursuing what you love and though you'll be missed on these Challenges you've got a great future ahead of you.
Once again, DC ExtraTime will be a fixture throughout my MTV Trifecta coverage this season, bringing you a unique look at the stories of the hundreds-strong dysfunctional but tight-knit family of the 61 castmates of the three Are You The One? seasons and the large community of the Real World and Challenge franchise. Coming in the EP 1 edition of DC WRAP before Wednesday, you'll find out the interesting backstory of one of this season's singles and how it is linked to MTV's most scrutinized but popular shows. And in coming weeks, among others, two inspiring stories of how two members of Team MTV came back from incredible odds and become stronger than ever.
And that's this first edition of The 'Pulse covering the exciting premiere of Season 3 of Are You The One?. And that's all for now in what is the first of what will now be a two-part DCBLOG covering each and every episode of this latest cycle of the MTV Trifecta. Again, this would be where I would typically provide the usual epilogue of reminding you of all the webcasts and blogs of my various hosts, plus any articles of interest of fans of the MTV Trifecta. But, once again, all that information will be moving along to DC WRAP, and again it'll be posted later this weekend or early next week.
But as always, do follow me on Twitter and Instagram at @DC408Dxtr, plus my live tweet home DCNOW at @DC408DxNow. At the ladder, that's where my live tweets of AYTO are located as well as other TV shows and big sports & entertainment events too. And until we rejoin you for DC WRAP, thanks for reading and see you then.
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