Saturday, November 21, 2015

DC SocialPulse: Road to the AYTO 3 Finale and DCBDAY 2015

*** Advisory: DC SocialPulse contains adult language and objectionable 
content for some readers. Viewer Discretion is Advised. ***

BY DC CUEVA                           
@DC408dxtr / @DC408dxnow

Hi, hello, what's up and welcome back to DC SocialPulse on DCBLOG and to the beginning of a busy stretch around here as we put the final touches on our coverage of Season 3 of Are You The One? and go into the buildup for The Challenge: Battle of the Bloodlines in this week off in the MTV Trifecta, and of course the short holiday week coming up. And this is also the 200th overall published post here on the site as important milestone as well.
   If you're a fan of the MTV Trifecta, then you come here for the social interaction for the two above mentioned shows and Real World, including the spontaneous episode reaction. But to kick off this trifecta of posts to recap this week's Double Shot season finale, we're gonna be doing something different in bringing you the vibe and anticipation of the cast heading into Wednesday's episodes. We'll be bringing you the interaction from AYTO Wednesday, the episodes themselves and the hangover from the Thursday & Friday after the finale for you later this weekend.
   But also, it was also an eventful weekend last week that was dampened by the events that took place in Paris, France, but also highlighted by Ronda Rousey's loss to Holly Holm last weekend at UFC 193. And following the Team MTV interaction, we'll shift the focus somewhat to yours truly as this was also my DCBDAY Weekend and I got to again mark my birthday with both my inner circle of family and friends, and obviously those in the social world as well.

- As we begin, please note there is explicit language in many of the tweets below, but I am keeping it uncensored in order to retain the heat of the moment. So if you are mature enough, please read with discretion. :-)
- And this Pulse Extra post is necessary in order to separate the lead-up tweets from those of finale night and the episodes themselves to help conserve as much space on these posts too.

So, following the jump, join us for the countdown to the AYTO 3 finale and the most eventful weekend and two weekdays that preceded it.

> Friday 11/13: The Paris Bombings, and Diem Brown Remembered
@AneesaMTV: Celebrating the life of @diembrownmtv with these lovely ladies. The dance floor will never be the…
@kayyjaybee: Rise and grind 😜😈
@EricBanks: Friday the 13th! One of the luckiest days of my life!
@AREUTHE1: The kiss that DIDN'T make it to air last night:  #AYTO
 β€@KikiMTV: Hard lesson to learn that sometimes the people you would do anything for won't do the same for you.
‏@KikiMTV: TONIGHT IS THE NIGHT!! Come join @iamadamkuhn & me at Ultrabar in DC on the main floor!! Make sure to…
‏@AREUTHE1: I can't believe none of @KikiMTV's possible matches picked her...Her reaction:
@kayyjaybee: Flash back to the view out my bedroom window when I used to live in Brooklyn
@kayyjaybee: So next week is a special 2 hour long season finale of #AYTO season 3 πŸ˜¬πŸ˜‡ everyone stay tuned and check it out.
‏@ZAKLONGO: Check out my @afterbuzztv interview for #AYTO
@MTV_JESS: Can't wait to be an official interior designer in NYC 😍
@MTV_JESS: Stressed doesn't even define what I am rn Chin up today just for you Corey keep helping me stay strong you're doing great πŸ‘ΌπŸ»πŸ™ŒπŸ»πŸ™πŸΌ
@mtvalecgonzz: I'm almost positive that I am the reason for world hunger
‏@cameraneubanks: If you are having a bad week just remember that MISSY IS BACK!!! You'll feel better. @MissyElliott
‏@mtvalecgonzz: I'm so hungover that I've just been sitting here with the remote in my hand watching a black TV screen for the past 20 minutes
‏@SageLazzaro: Just got off the phone with @MTV's @AREUTHE1 host @RyanDevlin. Psyched for the finale, he says"This thing finishes's jaw dropping."
@MTV_Chuckalodon: Another awesome shot from whiskyjames  Really looking to pickup my modeling career so if your a…
@AREUTHE1: #AYTO is coming back for Season 4! Apply here:
‏@StaceyGurnevich: Just got recognized at the airport and it was so cute lol
@mtvalecgonzz: I'm just going to settle 2 issues real quick to save y'all trouble 1) no I am not going to tell you any matches 2) no I do not send nudes
@mtvalecgonzz: Hey Season 4 of Are You The One.... Your welcome
‏@whaattaafoxx: Today's Friday the 13th boooooo
@kayyjaybee: @whaattaafoxx bhaha dead πŸ˜‚ you need lube! Then it won't hurt.
@whaattaafoxx: And like 4 Xanax lmfao! When are you coming to hang with us!!
- @mtvalecgonzz: @whaattaafoxx @kayyjaybee openly talking about that on Twitter
- @kayyjaybee: @mtvalecgonzz @whaattaafoxx πŸ˜‚ Maybe my match will have bigger balls than us. Because I haven't met any guy yet who does.
@BrunoGeeB: #HappyFridayThe13th beautiful looking day!
@IamAdamKuhn: Every girl deserves to be treated like a princess.
@BombshellChels: I've seen a lot of your guys prediction charts. One word of advice, think outside the box. #AYTO
@CaraMariaMTV: When you are waiting at a red light and realize you have been sitting longer than the last @RondaRousey fight lasted. #andstill.
@DevynSimone: Diem Brown's MTV Family Celebrates Her Memory With A Fabulously Fitting Dance Party   we ❀️ Diem
@MTVtrey: Missed my exit. Now I have to pay a toll just to do a fucking U-turn. I will unleash my wrath in the form of an angry tweet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@_hannahrathbun: "@alexanapp: Forcing my coworkers to stop working and talk about Are You The One and how much I love @_hannahrathbun @ZAKLONGO" RT If I had co workers I'd totally do this too πŸ’πŸΌ
@ChallengeMTV: This has to be the most perfect way to celebrate #DiemBrown!
@AREUTHE1: This is all the sh!t that went down when no one picked Kiki at the Match-Up Ceremony:
- ‏@BombshellChels: @AREUTHE1 Someone get @MTV_TeeBoogie off the stage! πŸ˜‚
@RashidaZakiya: New lip πŸ’‹
@paulawalnutsMTV: Our beautiful little lady #ourdaughter #athenarose #soinlove
@AREUTHE1: ...Is it Wednesday yet? #AYTO
@jenniknapmiller: My moms least favorite text from me is: "idk mom. drunk"
@ryanmalaty: Of all the days to break a mirror #FridayThe13th
@TinaThomsen4: @RyanDevlin I think if they don't get 10 perfect matches then @BombshellChels and @tweetconnor180 should get the money #AYTO
- @RyanDevlin: @TinaThomsen4 @BombshellChels @tweetconnor180 I like that! So far they're the only ones who've done things right!
- @tweetconnor180: @RyanDevlin @TinaThomsen4 @BombshellChels ummmm im about it !!!
‏@in_my_SHEETS: It's weird having fans. But it's also really cool. Y'all are cool. Some of y'all are weird as hell. But most are cool
@JazMTV: Hard to believe its been a year since this Dancing beauty left the world. Your heart, spirit, and your love of life will contuine to live on threw everyone you encountered. I know you are in heaven dancing around, being the dancing angel you always have been! I Mmss you my friend, Diem Brown!!! #diembrown #dancingangel #medgift #gonetoosoon #myfriend #beautifulsoul …

@Chet_Cannon: Terrifying and tragically sad news out of Paris. May our Heavenly Father comfort you at this time. You are certainly in our prayers πŸ‡«πŸ‡·
@JazMTV: #prayingforParis
@TamiRoman: I have an affinity for Paris, my daughters speak French, I planned to visit next summer. Please #PrayForParis
@CharlesPMagic: Dark day for humanity. Love and support to the people of France, to the innocent refugees who will pay the greatest price for these attacks.
@Pratt_MTV: My prayers are in Paris. πŸ‡«πŸ‡· πŸ™πŸΌ
@lashtweets: My heart is broken. There is so much work to be done in this world. #PrayForParis πŸ‡«πŸ‡·
‏@_shaebradley Shae/Buckwild: This world is awful. Y'all better pray up. That's all I have to say
@JamieChinaMTV: #PrayingForParis ❀️
@briughh: Wow #parisunderattack stay safe.
@BrandonDNelson: Paris.  Perspective.  Prayers.
 β€@AshleeFeldman: Be safe Paris, thinking of you.
@susie_meister: I'm going to look for the helpers.
@whaattaafoxx: #PrayForFrance
@_hannahrathbun: We live in such a sad dangerous pathetic little world, my heart breaks for Paris
@shandathapanda: #prayforparis
‏@MikeCrescenz0: LibertΓ©, Γ©galitΓ©, fraternitΓ©... My heart goes out to you
@MTV_TeeBoogie: Wow. Oh wow...Paris stay strong
‏@JustJem24: Terrorism has no religion
@JamieChinaMTV: My heart goes out to all of the people affected by this tragic event. Hopefully the world can come…
@MTV_Chuckalodon: #prayforparis so much hate in this world. These events are absolutely tragic. Keep these souls in…
@n_zanattaMTV: My heart and prayers go out to Paris tonight.
@TheRealNiaMoore: I went to a couple sporting events this month. Been out to dinner several times with friends. My mom just enjoyed a concert last night. I too live in a major city. The only difference between myself, my friends and family not being innocently slaughtered like animals is really just a twist of fate...we don't live in #Paris. But what if evil had struck my beloved city of Atlanta tonight? What if it were my beautiful mother or sisters lying dead in a pool of blood in a concert hall? What if it were me or people that I knew whose bodies were being carried out of those restaurants right now? I think about this every time some fucking disgusting evil shit like this happens. These people. They are never different from us. They have families, jobs, and dreams too. They have the right to live on this planet as long as their bodies allow them to. But no, life isn't our right anymore. It's become a privilege to say that u have one. And when someone steals it from u, it's not like you can go somewhere and buy another one. No. It's over. That's it, you're done. To know that we live in a world where it can be taken from you with such ease and for no cause whatsoever, and without any defense rattles my soul. "To live" each day is a blessing they say. That doesn't even resonate with me anymore. It's more like "to survive" each day..and if you are lucky enough to do that, you're basically victorious. There is literally something to celebrate tonight not just for those who are alive in Paris but everywhere. I feel like I achieved something by simply being able to sit on a couch right now in a warm house with people I love. And that fucking scares me. My faith in God is so strong, but mankind as a whole is something I can no longer put my trust in anymore. Before I heard about this event, I'd just read an article about 8 dead babies being found in trash bags in a woman's home. 8 babies smh. I just don't understand evil or how anyone can become that, or even desire to. I know in my soul that love prevails and always will, but stuff like this...I will never understand. And I don't think it's meant to. But Monday, we'll move on though right? That's how it goes smh. What a world.
‏@MTV_JESS: #prayforparis
‏@MTVtrey: #PrayForParis πŸ‡«πŸ‡·
@KatieSaria90 Katie/Buckwild: Pray for Paris.
‏@BritniNicol: Plenty of prayers sent! #GodBlessParis
@MTV_TeeBoogie: Me and @BombshellChels relationship in a nutshell πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘
@AshleighMorgh: Keeing Paris in my prayers
@cohuttaMTV: My heart goes out to Paris. The heartless acts committed in the name of God never ceases to blow my mind.
@VMilerman: Hey guys if you're watching the news then you know now that there is was under attack. I think that we Thank our troops not only for keeping A safe and serving our country but we should give back a little I'm going to make a care package and send it to our troop. If you know Someone or can in anyway send a package to a random troop I believe we should show them support the same way they show us support by keeping Us safe.
@JustJem24: Just used my wikipedia page to get into the bar bc i forgot  my ID... 😭😭😭
‏@JayGMTV: #prayforparis #prayersforparis.

> Last Weekend 11/14-15: Upset in Australia, Diem Remembered
@AREUTHE1: Good morning 🌞
‏@whaattaafoxx: It pisses me off when someone has a say in who they think should be President, but then they say they dont vote.... WTF you doing then? GTFO
@mtvalecgonzz: If some of your girls spent a fourth of the time you spend editing your Instagram pictures towards something productive... Imagine
@ChallengeMTV: A year ago today we lost our warrior, Diem Brown.
@MaybachDiamonds: if bruce jenner is woman of the year ronda rousey should be man of the year
- @brittany_baldi: @MaybachDiamonds Haha dead πŸ˜‚
‏@IWantMyEmTV: Exactly one year ago at 10:22am (oddly enough the same time she was born) our angel left the earth and danced her way back to heaven. Not a day goes by where I don't think about your positivity and strength. Miss you here in the physical but know you're always watching over those who loved you πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’› #diemstrong❀️
@TheRealNiaMoore: "I want people to know that the fight is worth it." --@diembrownmtv  Always thinking of you…
@MTV_JESS: Fine .. I guess I'm out βœ‚οΈ
@MTV_JESS: Back to jerseyyyy byeeeeee
@mtvalecgonzz: Ill hesitate to spend an extra 34 cents for the bigger coffee but I'll drop 200 at the bar quicker than Bring It On went to DVD
@Cosmopolitan: A year after Diem Brown's death, her sister Megan pays tribute:
‏@AREUTHE1: The fate of the game is now resting on Devin's shoulders:
- @in_my_SHEETS: @AREUTHE1 as they literally play out the strategy I preached that they are so sick of the entire time lol
- ‏@BombshellChels: @in_my_SHEETS @AREUTHE1 not to mention this wasn't Devins idea at all but okay.
@ChallengeMTV: Diem's passing struck a chord in the @MTV office. A day I'll never forget:
@ChallengeMTV: Diem's passing struck a chord in the @MTV office. A day I'll never forget:
@AshleyMarieMTV: There is no one like her and there will never be, this one was one of a kind! You are missed every day. ❀️ #fuckcancer #diemstrong #memories
@whaattaafoxx: My brother comes home Dec 15th; and then my nephew Oliver is due Dec 16th! Wooo!!! @TimBraddock @Your_Majestyy94 πŸ’™
@JayGMTV: Myself and @diembrown after my season of Real World Explosion. I did not know her too well. We filmed part of The Challenge: Battle of the Exes 2 together and had a few conversations. We spoke prior to the filming of the show because we both had an unfortunate common factor. Cancer was a huge part of both of our lives. She was a great person who made everyone around her happy. She also used her weakness to help others in the world by starting medgift. She was very strong, strong willed, and courages. It has been 1 year since Diem Brown passed away. My heart ached for her family and friends. May Diem Rest in Peace in heaven with my mom❀️
‏@jamiechung1: In remembrance of our beautiful and courageous friend @diembrown. Her spirit continues to drive me #diemstrong
@whaattaafoxx: My new home πŸ’• #NYC
@RashidaZakiya: Waiting on my match like ugh 😁!! Will I ever find you ? Will I get love or πŸ’°πŸ’°or both ?? Tune in weds !! #Mtv #ayto
- @MTV_TeeBoogie: @RashidaZakiya Nope because we go rouge, leave the show, and go turn up at a local bar πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
- @RashidaZakiya: @MTV_TeeBoogie lol exactly
- @MTV_TeeBoogie: @RashidaZakiya don't be yelling at me at the matchup ceremony. We gonna talk about it in the boom boom room hahaha
- @RashidaZakiya: @MTV_TeeBoogie Lol Bah right πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
@AREUTHE1: Wednesday is going to be INSANE. #AYTO
@MTV_TeeBoogie: Shoutout to the fans who recognized me!! See you guys again in a few
‏@laurelstucky: In tough times we must stand together. So sorry for all the loss in France and sad about the violent hatred and disregard for life. πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ πŸ‡«πŸ‡·
@tabron27: Unfortunately it sometimes takes horrible things to happen to realize how blessed you truly are.
@JasIPen: The fact that #JustinBieber just dropped like 20 new music videos today.... Fckin bow down.
@tabron27: #PrayForParis #PrayForJapan #PrayForBeirut #PrayForMexico #PrayForBaghdad #PrayforLebabon In 24 hours, we lost 115,200 heartbeats.
@busdriversroute: On Monday @lashtweets and I will be speaking with @MTV_TeeBoogie on @AREUTHE1. Leave your questions at . #AYTO #RHAP
@lashtweets: I will be talking to @MTV_TeeBoogie with @busdriversroute MONDAY. the questions thread is up now! … get to it ! #AYTO
@KikiMTV: What happened in Paris is horrific, & we have to not only pray for them, but the entire world. #PrayForTheWorld
@AREUTHE1: Let us help YOU find love πŸ’ž Apply to be on Season 4 of #AYTO!
@IamAdamKuhn: Honoring Diem Brown - Video Clip from The Challenge: Battle of the Bloodlines | S, E | MTV  via @MTV
@ChallengeMTV: The love between Diem and her cast mates was undeniable ❀️
@AREUTHE1: Catch up on #AYTO before Wednesday's two-hour season finale:
@MTVtrey: With Robb & Swift for my birthday in Philly. My phone and wallet are missing so the only thing I want for a present this year is to find 'em
@whaattaafoxx: With the bae's tonight @Estay_Lauder @MTV_JESS πŸ’œ  Missing my bitch so bad! I miss you bitccchhhh I can't wait to see you again! @MTV_Christina #BFFFL
@BSwiftMTV: Rousey just got knocked out!!!
@TrevorHash Trevor/Slednecks: I called it
@tjlavin: Wow!!!!!
@MaybachDiamonds: Rousey lost!?!? Hahahahaha
@AneesaMTV: I love the underdog. Get it blondie
@CaraMariaMTV: Don't ever hang your head @RondaRousey. You are a warrior. Learn from mistakes, come back stronger. We love you! #UFC193
@LaToyaJMTV: Dammmmmmmmnnnn Rhondaβ€ΌοΈπŸ˜©πŸ‘ŠπŸΎπŸ’₯
@cohuttaMTV: Keep your head up @RondaRousey . You can't knock a home run everyday. #UFC193
@IamAdamKuhn: I cannot believe Ronda Rousey just got knocked out!
@Chet_Cannon: Had Rousey shown an ounce of humility in the weigh-in, the loss would sting less. #ufc193
@CaraMariaMTV: Everyone learned a lesson tonight- the stronger and more confident you are... the less you need to speak. Let it be shown in action. #UFC193
@tjlavin: Amazing RT @johnalessio79: The internet is about to break!!! And NEW!!!!!! #HollyHolmes #UFC193
@Pratt_MTV: Lights out Rousey πŸ’€
‏@MTV_JESS: Killed me when you said it was over
@tjlavin: Sportsmanship is very important! Stay humble ALWAYS...
@CaraMariaMTV: May he/she who can actually beat @RondaRousey in the ring be the first to shit talk her. Silence? Thats what i thought. #sitdown
@TheRealNiaMoore: I'm still blown that Rousey lost!! Holly Holm was beyond hungry for that win though she was swinging like a savage in that cage. πŸ˜“
@KikiMTV: Some people are so fucking stupid hahaha
@MTV_Chuckalodon: Congratulations @_HOLLYHOLM way to make @RondaRousey bleed all over the mat and knocked her the fuck out. #vivala505
@JamieChinaMTV: Shoulda put money on it!!! Congrats @_HOLLYHOLM πŸ˜©πŸŽ‰
@brittany_baldi: Going to hear about Ronda for a month now. Who cares she lost. It happens. πŸ™„πŸ’ͺ🏽
@tjlavin: This is what it's all about. THIS is the Ronda I know. She lost, she got knocked out in spectacular fashion after dissing the hell out of Holly. All that aside she did congratulate her and hug her after it was all said and done. I'm sure she'll be back with vengeance only to make an even better fight! She is the most dominant, charismatic, and captivating champ we could've ever asked for! See you soon Ronda good luck and congrats Holly! #ufc193 #ronda #holly #awesomefight

‏@SylviaMTV: I need acknowledgement, if I got it then tell me I got it then! 🎀 #Drizzy
@mtvalecgonzz: I was definitely the drunkest white girl at the party last night
‏@mtvalecgonzz: I hate you Alec. OMG I hate you so much
@mtvalecgonzz: I don't even remember eating pizza last night. But I do remember just taking this chicks slice and eating it in front of her
‏@mtvalecgonzz: I also slept on a couch fit for a 4 year old
@mtvalecgonzz: Jesus I'm done with this life
@mtvalecgonzz lolololololol what dude.....
‏@mtvalecgonzz: I'm so dumb man. I feel like Josh Hong. I'm about to go to church and try and save my soul
@mtvalecgonzz: I guarantee that I feel worse than Ronda Rousey right now
@AREUTHE1: When I realize that Wednesday is the two-hour #AYTO season finale
@whaattaafoxx: Hungover
@MTV_TeeBoogie: I wonder what the press is gonna say in the article about me. Kind of excited!
@MTV_TeeBoogie: Once again ... Wallet is lost πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„
@MTV_JESS: I can cry every time I watch a love movie πŸ€•
@AREUTHE1: Why didn't anyone pick Kiki? That's the million dollar question:
- @BritniNicol: @AREUTHE1 @KikiMTV ??πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ love yah btch!!
- @KikiMTV: @BritniNicol @AREUTHE1 BAHAHA I see what they did there!!! πŸ˜‚ love youuuuu!!!!
@mtvalecgonzz: I'm so glad I never had one of my birthday parties at build a bear
@A_Bartolotte: Lesson learned
@RashidaZakiya: No one is going to care as much as you do
@brittany_baldi: For 2 hours today allowing y'all to snap me! I'll snap back. Add brittanybaldi keep it clean xo 😎⭐️ #fansundaze
@n_zanattaMTV: Let's go fins!! Happy Sunday everyone :D whose watching football and has extra beer and buffalo chicken pizza for me ;)
@RashidaZakiya: It doesn't matter how talented you are or how much work you put in .. It comes down to your character & how you treat people.
@AREUTHE1: Mike is really playing with fire and I don't wanna see what happens πŸ™ˆ
@KikiMTV: Wanna see who I think my match is at the finale? Go check it out!! #AYTO  via @MTV
@mtvalecgonzz: I really only do things so I can take a picture and put in on Instagram. Otherwise I would probably never leave my couch
@TheShaneRaines: When someone thinks you're playing but doesn't know you're crazyπŸ™ƒ #bloodlines #TheChallengeBloodlines #THISISAGAME
@mtvalecgonzz: I'm like seriously concerned about the health of my liver when I'm older. Like it's gotta be fucked
@RashidaZakiya: lol everyone wants to know who my match is .. How do you know I even know πŸ˜œπŸ˜œπŸ˜œπŸ’πŸ½πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜”πŸ˜€πŸ’«πŸ˜± #AYTO TUNE IN !!! Lol
@RashidaZakiya: At this rate we really suck lol
@whaattaafoxx: Panthers got that 9-0 baby! Now watching The Patriots and NY Giants game. Everybody in this bar about to be hype!
@mtvalecgonzz: I'm craving broccoli and kale right now. What is wrong with me
@JustJem24: Well that was extremely stressful Green Bay... 😑
@Theresa_Gonzo: Almost went into labor watching that one!!!πŸ€—πŸ’™πŸ¦πŸ™πŸ½πŸˆβœ¨
@JustJem24: P Manning with the record πŸ™πŸΌ
@brittany_baldi: Watching @Patriots let's go! πŸ™ŒπŸΌπŸˆ
‏@brittany_baldi: Smile it's Sunday Funday and go Pats! @Patriots ⭐️🏈
@brittany_baldi: In memory of a beautiful soul @DiemBrownMTV β€οΈπŸ™πŸΌ
‏@AREUTHE1: I really wish they would've shown Amanda kissing her ex on TV:  πŸ’€
@tabron27: Pray for those less fortunate in the world then us, daily.Then when your done w/ the prayers & the hashtags, lets unite & make a difference.
@mtvalecgonzz: Standing at the door of Walgreens because "Call Me Maybe" just came out and I'm not walking out on that
@MTV_Chuckalodon: "I can't drown my demons they know how to swim" #goprohero #goprooftheday #hawaii #mowerydivelife…
@JustJem24: Today has been a shit day for football.... I need a drink now 😫
@AshleeFeldman: Holy ffffff #goPats 🏈
‏@AREUTHE1: Wednesday's #AYTO was way too much for my nerves:
@BombshellChels: "@aprildancel: @BombshellChels from #ayto is in my psych class. How did I just find out about this!? 😱" RT Haha which one?
@tabron27:  πŸ’‹
‏@tabron27: All I need in this life of sin 🐢
@DevynSimone: "@PaulParmar1: @DevynSimone despite being done the challenge it was such a beautiful moment when you got to the top of the mountain in free agents πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ" RT Honestly that moment changed everything for me. I've never looked at life the same.
@_hannahrathbun: People always tell you to be confident and love yourself and then when you do they call you conceited and stuck up πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
@IWantMyEmTV: About two weeks from today last year I lost my third friend that always kept it real. When I let people walk all over me, my lovely Gemini would say "Emilee you're a fucking idiot." I am so grateful that I was able to call Ryan "oh kenoshaaaaa" Knight my friend. He taught me a different way of loving people. That you don't have to be perfect but you can still encompass people with an imperfect love. I say this for his friends.... Which is why I'm going to move away from that point and let you all know I am using this picture because as much of a wise guy that he was.. When he looked at @justjem24 I saw his eyes light up and it was truly clear you two were soul mates. He invited you in to make him the best he could be in the moment. And that is why we all love you, Jemmye. You make us better. You made him better. You're my people.
@KikiMTV: Luckily I've learned not to get my hopes up when it comes to you. No expectations, no let down.
@_hannahrathbun: @AREUTHE1 @ZAKLONGO being naughty as usual
- @BombshellChels: @_hannahrathbun you'll cry more when you attend my wedding. It will be the only song, on repeat πŸ˜‚
@BombshellChels: My wedding song is 'A Thousand Years' by Christina Perri ❀️ My husband has no say I've planned this since the twilight days.

> Monday & Tuesday 11/16-17: Finale Night Approaches
@AREUTHE1: Wednesday's #AYTO season finale is gonna be explosive. Don't say I didn't warn you.
- @MTV_TeeBoogie: @AREUTHE1 Did anyone else get cold chills?
@RebeckaSchumann: It looks like @KikiMTV might find her perfect match in the #AYTO finale! … #areyoutheone
@mtvalecgonzz: Fuck man about time somebody made me a fan page. I was about to make my own. Go follow!! "< >" πŸ˜‚
@mtvalecgonzz: Commenting on multiple picture telling me to follow you and then rapid fire liking ALL of my pics is a great way to get me to not follow you
- @in_my_SHEETS: @mtvalecgonzz RT
@ChallengeMTV: Everyone, meet Jamie (@banksy878), the Power Rangers loving cousin of vet @CaraMariaMTV! #TheChallengeBloodlines
@AREUTHE1: Wednesday. #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: #AYTO's two-hour season finale is happening on Wednesday. Will they get all 10 perfect matches correct?  85% Absolutely not / 15% Hell yeah!
@AREUTHE1: Kiki is coming for Alec:  πŸ‘€
@MTVTV: It’s win or lose… Does the @AREUTHE1 cast REALLY stand a chance at the final $750k?
‏@mtvalecgonzz: I had to take the mirror out of my room because it's taken me like 3 hours to fold my laundry
@KikiMTV: I'm so sick of that same old love, that shit it tears me up.
‏@mtvalecgonzz: Use your time wisely, stay moving, and never get comfortable. Go for it
@AREUTHE1: None of Kiki's three potential matches picked her and the house responded appropriately:
@StaceyGurnevich: 70 degrees in ny today in November 😎 not bad
@tweetconnor180: Just over here turning my dreams into my reality;)
‏@in_my_SHEETS: It's the same people slaving away 40-60 hours a week for money that will look me in the eye and tell me money isn't everything. Lol
@in_my_SHEETS: It isn't EVERYTHING literally, but it pretty much controls everything. Including the time you get to spend with your loved ones.
@in_my_SHEETS: Work smarter stupid. Stop saying you slave away at a job you hate because "money isn't everything" that literally makes no sense.
@in_my_SHEETS: If money isn't everything empty your bank account. Give me what's in there and quit your job. Then tell me how much money isn't everything.
@AREUTHE1: In case you ever wondered how Devin feels about himself...
@LightheartedTV: When @RyanDevlin makes pizza rolls. @AREUTHE1 #AYTO
@whaattaafoxx: Somebody real is hard to find, somebody worth all your time.
@lauraleeewaller: Lost a skittle at work today around noon. Just found it in my shirt. Still tastes good!
- @MTVtrey: @lauraleeewaller this tweet sums up your entire life...
- @lauraleeewaller: @MTVtrey I love candy. That's why I'm so sweet!!! ;)
- @scooter5000: @lauraleeewaller @MTVtrey i love booze, that's why i am so drunk.
- @MTVtrey: @scooter5000 lol well that definitely makes sense.
@MTVNews: Does β€˜Challenge’ Alum Cara Maria Have Any Concerns About Her β€˜Bloodline’?
@in_my_SHEETS: Bring. It. On. ISIS
‏@AREUTHE1: If these two aren't a match, I'm afraid of what might happen:
@MTV: Does the #AYTO cast actually stand a chance at the $750K?
@mtvalecgonzz: When I look in your direction understand I'm seeing right through. You hollow you follow
@whaattaafoxx: Fame doesn't define me. I did an MTV show 1 Fucking Time. I honestly could give two shits about my follower count.
‏@whaattaafoxx: Fame and myself don't even go in the same sentence. For all y'all stupid ass'
@whaattaafoxx: Clearly bc you go on reality tv you're not allowed to have your own opinions, or views on this world. This is why i will NEVER do tv again.
- @mtvalecgonzz: @whaattaafoxx Fuckkkk that. Always stay true to my values ain't nobody changing that
@whaattaafoxx: I havent liked a Justin Bieber song this much since One Time came out. Good Job JB.... #LoveYourself
@AreUthe1Casting: @whaattaafoxx Soooo is this a good time to ask u to help us promote the casting of Season 4 or nah? ;)
- @whaattaafoxx: I'll help promote, but I, myself wont do another one.
- @AreUthe1Casting: @whaattaafoxx Never Say Never!
- @whaattaafoxx: @AreUthe1Casting okay Justin Bieber!
@whaattaafoxx: When the blunt been rolled for a solid 30 min, just get up walk to the bathroom shut the door and start smoking, they'll smell it eventually
@tweetconnor180: You know if I say something , I mean it .
@AREUTHE1: Thank God it's girls pick on the next episode. Catch up on last week's #AYTO:
@MTV_JESS: When your friends look cute & youre just like wheres my glass of wine I… …
@lashtweets: I had a BLAST interviewing @MTV_TeeBoogie can't wait for you guys to check it out. A huge thank you to Tyler #AYTO #RHAP
- @MTV_TeeBoogie: @lashtweets I had fun! #teeboogieforpresident2020 πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
- @lashtweets: @MTV_TeeBoogie now its awkward, i said i had a blast and you said you just had fun...
- @MTV_TeeBoogie: @lashtweets BAE my bad! But seriously had a blast! I think I'm moving and we are starting our own show. Brian is fired πŸ˜‚
@mtvalecgonzz: Bruhhh just get me on Dancing With The Stars already. I want it. Who do I have to contact.
@kayyjaybee: So tired. Want fro yo
@_hannahrathbun: Really becoming too obsessed with scream queens cause all I wanna do is buy fur coats and dress like a Chanel πŸ’•πŸ’πŸΌ
@ryanmalaty: On the set of @Youthfuldaze
@mtvalecgonzz: If all these fans get me on Dancing With The Stars I'm going to lose it. Let's just keep this moving @DancingABC slide in the DM
@KikiMTV: Do NOT have me wait on you, give you excellent service, proceed to not tip me, and then ask for my number. Disgusting.
- @BombshellChels: @KikiMTV The. Absolute. Worst 😫
@BombshellChels: @AREUTHE1 is casting for season 4 do it to find love, money or to just to have a once in a lifetime experience ❀️
@arielle_havens: Uhmmm is it Wednesday yet?! @MTV @AREUTHE1
@JustJem24: As much as I love November I can't help but to think of all the serial killers that are born this month...
@RashidaZakiya: I can't wait !! The music I am gettin really has me hype !
@KikiMTV: When people tell me what to do on the show I'm just over here like πŸ™ƒ that was months ago can't do anything about it now....lolololol
@BombshellChels: "@viccrocks: @BombshellChels hey which were ur favorite couples this season???" RT Lol more than half the couples were confirmed no matches. So I plead the fifth on this question.
- @KikiMTV: @BombshellChels @ilovezannah Ummm Chels we ALL know Diki was your fave πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
- @BombshellChels: @KikiMTV @ilovezannah hard to say Kiki, realllllly hard to say πŸ˜‚
@AREUTHE1: Devin thinks he might have the game all figured out:
@in_my_SHEETS: My mom put her two weeks in todayπŸ˜‡
@_hannahrathbun: When ppl comment sexual things about zak on my pics of us and then I look at their profiles and they have boyfriends πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ LOL
- @ZAKLONGO: @_hannahrathbun "Are You The Two?"
@CaraMariaMTV: Tonight i say goodbye to Mister Bruce Wayne. The indestructible kamikaze snuggle bomber ball python.…
@laurelstucky: Rest in Peace Bruce the snake.
@JustJem24: Always remember where there is anger there is always pain underneath...
@JenniferTapiero: On the set of @Youthfuldaze with @ryanmalaty just wrapped our scenes. So great working with @BryanJamezzz 🎬🎬🎬🎬🎬
@JustJem24: You only have to forgive once. To resent, you have to do it all day, every day...
@MTV_TeeBoogie: So quick to judge, but when I prove you wrong, you are ready to love. It's too late ... I'm gone
@JamieChinaMTV: Busting out the decorations earlyπŸ˜πŸŽ„
@jenniknapmiller: Wherever you find yourself, be all there.
‏@BrunoGeeB: Rather than allowing more refugees and others why not help our own and already take care of those in need in our own country. #dumbpeople

@TheRealNiaMoore: I mean who could possibly be shocked #CharlieSheen has HIV. The man openly boasted about his drug orgies with porn stars for over a decade πŸ˜‘
‏@whaattaafoxx: I'm in a great mood! I Fucking Love this @justinbieber song #LoveYourself
@MTV_TeeBoogie: This morning is already so dope!!!!!
‏@mtvalecgonzz: Literally had 4 separate nightmares that was one of the worst nights of sleep of my life...
@kayyjaybee: If yesterday was a bad day.. Today's a new day. #morning
@kayyjaybee: Your gut feeling is always right. Never listen to anyone who tells you differently.
@mtvalecgonzz: So I was just informed that I tried to fight a cab driver this weekend.... As if I thought the list of dumb things I did was long enough
‏@mtvalecgonzz: I love how on multiple occasions on AYTO they catch me talking about food (quest bars, chocolate chip ice cream, etc.) like that says a lot
@mtvalecgonzz: My grandfather just walked in and asked me to come over and do landscaping at his house. Bruh it's November... Damn being Hispanic
@mtvalecgonzz: Can't say no to my grandparents though. They could ask me to paint the outside of their house with a fine point sharpie and I'd have to
@__BeauMomo: Excited but nervous for #AYTO tomorrow. I REALLY hope everyone found their match πŸ’‘
@MTVDerek: @robb_schreiber hi
- @robb_schreiber: @MTVDerek oh hey βœ‹πŸ‘‹βœ‹πŸ‘‹βœ‹
- @MTVDerek: @robb_schreiber lol hope you are well Buddy.. miss ya
- @robb_schreiber: @MTVDerek miss you too, bud!
@robb_schreiber: Yup. (Pic: "I wanna be Patrick Swayze when I grow up.")
- @imalacey: @robb_schreiber (pic of Patrick Swayze & horse)
@mtvalecgonzz: I'm 100% sure that my first tweet ever was "tweet tweet" ... my god I've come a long way
@mtvalecgonzz: Damn such a busy November. Idk how I'm getting through this month
@AREUTHE1: I have a feeling that some sh!t is gonna pop off on tomorrow's season finale.
@mtvalecgonzz: You have no idea how mad I get when I have to scroll down and find "United States" on a list. It should be FIRST. This is AMERICA
@KikiMTV: I can't believe that in a month I will NEVER have to do homework again πŸ™ŒπŸ½
@schmelllanie: Lol to me being called a racist. #subtweeting
@schmelllanie: Lol @MTV_TeeBoogie
@schmelllanie: Lol to you being the only one who watched to be my match. Ha ha. #subtweet
‏@EDiamond007: People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.
@JustJem24: There is something therapeutic about somebody saying how are you and feeling that that truly want to know .. πŸ’œ
@EikeParis: One should realize rejecting peaceful loving refugees simply forces them to choose the other side.
@n_zanattaMTV: I want the type of relationship where we can just kick it, eat  a decent meal, workout, shower and fool around type of night.
@MTV_TeeBoogie: If I really wanted to hurt your feelings, wouldn't you think I would come at you more directly? #foodforthought
@AREUTHE1: "@lovelyjanae: Really trying to figure it these #AYTO matches before tomorrow nights two hour episode 😒😒😒😒" RT Hopefully this can help:
@RashidaZakiya: My past really has my had fucked up when it comes to men. I have trust issues & doubt often. I just hope I get better
‏@kayyjaybee: When I talk to my dog my voice changed and gets all high pitch lol 🐢
@mtvalecgonzz: Senior year of HS I lost 60lbs because my coach told me he was gna cut me. Give me an obstacle and I'll show you my greatest accomplishment
@MikeCrescenz0: Who wants a chance to find love!?
@BombshellChels: How I feel about tomorrow being the season finale for @AREUTHE1 πŸ˜‚β€οΈ #AYTO
@RashidaZakiya: If you suck at love & want a chance at winning money, you definitely need to apply!!! β€οΈπŸ’° This is a…
@_hannahrathbun: if you want the chance to make an idiot of yourself on tv and potentially find love like me here's your shot!!
@AREUTHE1: Think you have all the perfect matches figured out? I wanna see your match charts! 😝
‏@tjlavin: I LOVE dogs and it's so awesome when they start looking like their dads! Haha.... #rastadog…
@kayyjaybee: Never jeopardize a good thing for a new thing
@KikiMTV: @AREUTHE1 I just don't even think I have a match πŸ˜…
- @AREUTHE1: @KikiMTV Who do you all think is Kiki's match?
@AREUTHE1: Take this quiz to find out who your @MTV perfect match is:  πŸ’ž
@LightheartedTV: Is it even a faint possibility that these guys can pull it off? Watch the #AreYouTheOne finale tomorrow @10pm on MTV
‏@kayyjaybee: Lmao my dog
@in_my_SHEETS: If you've ever wondered what it's like to text @MTV_TeeBoogie this pretty much sums it up.
- @MTV_TeeBoogie: @in_my_SHEETS But I promise we are bro's. Just can handle shit talking πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
@AREUTHE1: It all comes to an end tomorrow. Catch up on last week's #AYTO before tomorrow's season finale:
‏@MTV_TeeBoogie: At this point finding my perfect Match is like pulling the monopoly piece from your large fry and it's boardwalkπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
-  β€@in_my_SHEETS: @MTV_TeeBoogie actually we are guys. Dogs are dogs.
‏@MTV_TeeBoogie: LMFAOOOOO shoutout to the random boobs in my snap ... Girls have no chill
- ‏@in_my_SHEETS:‏ @MTV_TeeBoogie RT
- @MTV_TeeBoogie: @in_my_SHEETS like what do they be thinking bro? Lol
- @in_my_SHEETS: @MTV_TeeBoogie they're thinking we will like them. And they're right
‏@MTV_TeeBoogie: I can't with Austin πŸ˜‚
@in_my_SHEETS: @MTV_TeeBoogie  -Girls "I'm gonna send him my t..." -Us *opens snap*  *sees t...* *Snap closes*  *opens another* *sees more T...*
- @BritniNicol: @in_my_SHEETS @MTV_TeeBoogie #nomorals
@AREUTHE1: I think this is one thing we can all agree on. #AYTO
- @BombshellChels: @AREUTHE1 That's a sick joke right?
@AREUTHE1: "@brookealarie15: Is @AREUTHE1 still at 10 tomorrow?!" RT Yes! The 2-hour finale starts at 10. (Episodes 9+10 are airing back-to-back)
@KikiMTV: This Christmas music on my way to class is giving me lifeeeee ❀️
@ShelbsYardley: Well Kansas, see ya in 28 days ✈️
@brittany_baldi: Single means you're great by yourself and strong enough to wait for who you deserve ❀️ #dreamteam
@mtvalecgonzz: Doing just about anything to avoid going to the gym and lifting legs. I just reorganized my loose change by circulation date. SMH
@MikeCrescenz0: Most anticlimactic moment of the day: going for the box of cereal and finding your roommates left it empty #whyyy
@brittany_baldi: Watching all @nhl games tonight , Bruins and Sid Crosby on πŸ˜πŸ™ŒπŸΌ #Penguins #bruins #nhl
@AREUTHE1: Take a look at what our only honeymooners have been up to in the honeymoon suite:  βœ¨
- @tweetconnor180: @AREUTHE1 we killed it
@whaattaafoxx: FUCK OFF! WE'RE FULL. #Merica
@A_Bartolotte: @AREUTHE1 go ahead and put my name in there for next season
- @KikiMTV: @A_Bartolotte That's what I'm saying....can I please have a re-do?? lol
@whaattaafoxx: People cant tell me shit, im fixed in my ways. IM FIXED IN MY WAYS! bitch.
@KikiMTV: Over it. Over all of it.
@whaattaafoxx: I had so many insecurities coming off that show, i would never put myself through that shit again.
@whaattaafoxx: I feel like I'm back doing me again.
@whaattaafoxx: If you're offended by my twitter and IG posts; i would hate for yall to see my facebook posts.
@KikiMTV: I used to be happy, so unbelievably happy...all the time
@MTV_Chuckalodon: "@EmmyMorning: would you do a challenge if they asked you @MTV_Chuckalodon ? I feel like they're picking SOME of the wrong people to represent #AYTO" RT Fuck ya I was Mr. Challenge. I agree their choices were odd. Prob cause they no I'd destroy everyone @ChallengeMTV
@AREUTHE1: Episodes 9 and 10 tomorrow. Get ready for the season finale. #AYTO
@whaattaafoxx: My first day of work in NYC was a complete success! I'm in love with this place. πŸ’œ
@tweetconnor180: Who's ready for the madness tomorrow night ?!?!?!
@whaattaafoxx: Holly shit @in_my_SHEETS in that all black like Johnny Cash 😍
- @in_my_SHEETS: @whaattaafoxx 😎
@MTV_TeeBoogie: I hate how known "hoes" try and give relationship advice πŸ™„
@laurelstucky: When you're determined to reach a goal, obstacles don't scare you away.
@whaattaafoxx: I live for Vicks VapoRub y'all just don't know
I'll try haha RT @pottorffsmagic: @tjlavin you better be doing the Challenge till you're on your death bed!😘
@BombshellChels: If something seems too good to be true, that's because it fucking is.
@tweetconnor180: It's called fashion, look it up! @bombshellchels  knows what I'm talking about !;)#ayto #Mtv…
@KikiMTV: I keep trying to remind myself that my present situation isn't my final destination.
@MikeCrescenz0: The eyes are useless when the mind is blind
@MTV_TeeBoogie: Love/hate relationship with airports πŸ™„

So, quite the weekend it was last week. But this is just an appetizer to the main course of the main 'Pulse diary covering the last AYTO Wednesday, the season finale and the aftermath. We'll have that for you here tomorrow. Now, to the other main event of the weekend and the one for me...

#DCBDAY 2015

As we mentioned here last year, if there is one day I look forward to more than any other out of the entire day, than it is my birthday. I can also be fortunate that this day falls in the heart of the busiest time of year for celebrating holidays as November 13th falls roughly halfway between Halloween and Thanksgiving and, of course, that day sees me become the focus in getting plenty of love all day long from both the people I know personally and those I've become friends with in the social world. And this year, DCBDAY 2015 fell smack dab in the middle of a stretch that began early last month with DC Vegas 7 - my 7th trip to Las Vegas, and also included me going to the Warriors/Nets game the night after my b'day - 7 nights ago tonight.
   This year for this '80s baby, I reached Magic Johnson's number of 32, which of course means I'm getting up there in age but still remain young at heart. Just as it was for the 2014 incarnation of the biggest day of the year on my calendar, every birthday message I got from social media will be posted here. And there was a difference between last year's and this year's - there was a drop-off in Team MTV messages from last year and for good reason if you follow the Trifecta...and if we know what that is all about, then we'll have something to look forward to in the New Year. But anyway, here's a little sampling of this year's DCBDAY messages.

"Happy birthday !!"
- Stacey Gurnevich (@StaceyGurnevich), Are You The One? Season 3

"happy birthday to ya! Turn up"
- Tyler Johnson (@MTV_TeeBoogie), Are You The One? Season 3

"happy birthday"
- Kayla Brackett (@kayyjaybee), Are You The One? Season 3

"Happy Birthday!!! Have a great day!"
- Ellie Puckett (@whaattaafoxx), Are You The One? Season 2

"happy birthday love!"
- Jessica Andretta (@MTV_JESS), Are You The One? Season 2

"happy birthday to a loyal follower! Appreciate you buddy. Have a good birthday"
- Trey Weatherholtz (@MTVtrey), Real World St. Thomas & 2-time Challenge competitor

"happy birthday. Hope it's an epic Friday the 13th. #dcbday"
- Curtis Hadzicki (@Curtishadzicki), Are You The One? Season 2

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! πŸ˜˜β€οΈπŸ’‹βœ¨πŸŽ‰ I hope you have an uplifting year ahead of you!"
- Andreya Giansanti (@TheAndreyaG), CMT's Gainesville

"happy birthday love"
- Ashleigh Morghan (@AshleighMorgh), Are You The One? Season 1

"@dc408dxtr happy birthday πŸ˜ƒ"
- Brittany Baldisari (@brittany_baldi), Are You The One? Season 1

- Tyler Abron (@TAbron27), Are You The One? Season 2

"Happy birthday"
- Jay Gotti (IG @JayGMTV), Real World Ex-Plosion

"Happy birthday!!!😘"
- Nicole Zanatta (IG @n_zanattamtv), Real World Skeletons

"Happy Birthday!"
- Marvin Foreman (IG @theofficial_marvinforemanjr), Million Dollar Maze Runner

"Happy birthday @dc408dxtr  enjoy my dude #DCBDay"
- Andrew Kirk (@CSUGradAKirk), MTV Trifecta fan, blogger and podcast host

"happy birthday!! πŸŽ‚πŸŽ‚ I hope you have a great one man"
- Eric Cebellos (@EricC_Official), past DC FORUM subject

"Happy Birthday @dc408dxtr !"
- Chris Caliri (@ccaliri01), RW/Challenge fan

So, a belated & brief opportunity to say thanks to all of you - both those in the social world and in my inner circle (who I decided to leave off this time around)  - who left me kind happy birthday greetings on my social platforms last weekend. As I always say, these messages mean a lot and of course I feel thankful and appreciative of the great support I get from all of you. And you don't know how much that support means to me, and I can't thank you all enough. Here's to another great year.

#RIPKNIGHT: Word to the Wise
Finally, next week will be the one-year anniversary of the unexpected passing of Real World Back to New Orleans & 3-time Challenge castmate Ryan Knight. And in memory of the beloved prankster and funny man, a friend of his, Mitch Ferraro, has organized a Go Fund Me campaign to help raise money for a Memorial Fund in Knight's honor and an event with a sport that was deep in his heart.
   Next Saturday, his hometown of Kenosha, Wisconsin will host the Ryan Knight Memorial Hockey Game - a charity youth hockey game with proceeds from the night's activities and from the GFM cause will go to the Kenosha Komets Youth Development Program, supporting the next generation of hockey players and those who want to put on a pair of ice skates.
   Log on to ( to do your part and donate whatever you can to support this charity event, as the fundraiser has a goal of $5,000 to donate between now and next weekend, for which the most notable donor is, of course, his former girlfriend Jemmye Carroll.

That's it for this special edition of DC SocialPulse, but this is only the beginning to a busy stretch as tomorrow, we'll have the regular 'Pulse diary covering the last act of Season 3 of Are You The One?, plus we have more Team MTV baby news to share with you as well. Early this coming week, we'll have a final edition of the AYTO Wrap to recap the finale, and during the Thanksgiving holiday weekend, fellow MTV insider Andrew Kirk will join me again for our Reality Debrief to recap not just AYTO 3 but the year in reality TV and preview Bloodlines. And if things pan out, I could have a 6th post during the next 10 days, with an ExtraTime post on Austin from AYTO 3.
   Meantime, be sure to join DCNOW tonight and tomorrow for three big events. Tonight, it's boxing's fight of the year as Miguel Cotto and Saul "Canelo" Alverez battle for The Middleweight Championship of the World in Las Vegas, starting at 9PM ET. Tomorrow afternoon, one of racing's all-time greats, Jeff Gordon looks to cap off his career with NASCAR's Sprint Cup at the season finale in Miami. And then tomorrow night, it's one of the year's biggest pop culture events: the American Music Awards with host Jennifer Lopez. Follow all three of those events, plus Challenge: Bloodlines, Follow The Rules and more on the live twitter home of yours truly - @DC408DxNow.
   Until tomorrow here and later on DCNOW, thanks for reading and enjoy your Saturday.