Saturday, November 14, 2015

DC SocialPulse: Are You The One? S3 - "Sorry Dad"

*** Advisory: DC SocialPulse contains adult language, objectionable content 
and spoilers for some readers. Viewer Discretion is Advised. Due to its long 
length, take frequent eye breaks if you're reading this top to bottom. ***

BY DC CUEVA                           
@DC408dxtr / @DC408dxnow

It's DCBDAY Weekend across the DC Social Network and it's also the homestretch of Season 3 of what's been an eventful season of Are You The One?. And we are heading towards the end of a season that has just about had everything: from controversial cast members to questionable gameplay to, of course, plenty of hook-ups and beyond.
   Last week in Hawaii, we had the breaking point for many for Devin as his fling with Kiki saw them hook up once again and make more enemies. And aside from Hunter enjoying going horseback, it was more of the same both in the Truth Booth and at the Match-Up. Yes, there was more jealousy and not much else in the group wanting to reverse the tide.
   This week, we saw some special guests make their way to Hawaii and to the AYTO house, and seeing the singles' parents and the guys' exes the past two seasons, it's the girls' ex-significant others that will show up on the beach for some exclusive dirt. The Kiki & Devin Show continues as she tells the group about her flings with him to everyone, and she ultimately fesses up to him too. And the girls go all in on the guys for bad decisions at the match-up, showing the house dis-unity this year.
   We'll have the interaction surrounding this week's AYTO covered here, plus a castmate celebrates a birthday, Team MTV remembers both Veterans and a Challenge legend, the intelligent voice of the house does something very special for his family, and of course more venting. And after all that, as we talk to you on Saturday, November 14th and this day after my birthday, we'll have details of a BIG event taking place tonight as this DCBDAY Weekend continues.

- As we begin, please note there is explicit language in many of the tweets below, but I am keeping it uncensored in order to retain the heat of the moment. So if you are mature enough, please read with discretion. :-)
- Plus, if you haven't watched the episode yet, or if you're an international fan and this episode has yet not aired in your territory, then do not proceed. But don't worry, be sure to bookmark DCBLOG as I will compile all of these tweets into these posts after every episode so you won't be in the dark of how your favorites saw this all unfold.

So, Join In after the jump for Moms, Dads and more on this edition of DC SocialPulse - AYTO.

> Lead-Up: Hannah's Birthday and Goon Squad in NY
@KikiMTV: @_hannahrathbun HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY BLONDE! I love you so much & I am so happy you were born so that we could be friends!! ๐Ÿ‘‘๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ
- @_hannahrathbun: @KikiMTV I'm happy too because I got to meet you and my other amazing ladies, love you girl ๐Ÿ’๐Ÿผ๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ€๐Ÿ’•
@afterbuzztv: .@_HannahRathbun talks #AreYouTheOne w @dmurf625 @thepoetsaint & @NinoLlanera WATCH  LISTEN
@KikiMTV: @thepoetsaint Watch my love @_hannahrathbun at her AfterBuzz interview!!!
@StaceyGurnevich: Happy birthday to the beautiful @_hannahrathbun ๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•
@KikiMTV: Part of me wants to spend my money on cute clothes & the other part is like nah bish seasons almost here get new snow gear. #readytoride ๐Ÿ‚
@schmelllanie: I want to go shopping l, but my bank account is yelling at me. #gonnadoitanyway
@BombshellChels: Happy birthday to this blonde bombshell @_hannahrathbun ๐ŸŽ‚๐Ÿ’• my AYTO experience wouldn't have been the same without you!
@ryanmalaty: Dream the life  Live the dream
@lashtweets: On this week's #AYTO RHAP Up I recite poetry and then idk what else Bc I had a complete rage blackout โ€ฆ
- @KikiMTV: @lashtweets It's that time to go do my cardio & listen!! I have a feeling it's gonna be a good one.
@KikiMTV: @lashtweets Thank you for saying everything that I've been holding in. That was exactly what I've been wanting to say. โค๏ธ
- @lashtweets: @KikiMTV #girlpower ๐Ÿฆ„ โ€ฆ
@busdriversroute: The new @AREUTHE1 RHAP-up with @lashtweets is live. Man your battle stations. #RHAP #AYTO โ€ฆ
@whaattaafoxx: Just a soul who's intentions are good
@MTV_TeeBoogie: Happy birthday to such a great Us and our obsession for hotdogs with mozzarella and thousand island sauce. Love you girl! @_hannahrathbun โค๏ธ
@RashidaZakiya: Happy birthday to @hannah_rathbunn beautiful woman inside in out with a grace and poise about her that is undeniable!! I love you chica I hope your day is amazing โค๏ธโค๏ธ
@brittany_baldi: My Boston babes. Looks like the cast of a new TV show ๐Ÿ˜˜โญ๏ธ
@AREUTHE1: "Worse Date Song" might be the worst song ever:
@MTV_JESS: Errands, makeup & citayyyy for @whaattaafoxx first interview and first time in NYC!
@kayyjaybee: Sicker than your average ๐Ÿค’๐Ÿ•ท
โ€@RashidaZakiya: I'm actually doing a lot better now that you left me Huh didn't even know what was in store for me ๐ŸŽ‰ I guess broken hearts can be good
โ€@RashidaZakiya: I just look at the positive all of my relationship failures lol
@MTV_Chuckalodon: When you see that #perfectmatch type walk in. Dayumm. #ayto #mtv #chuckandbigd
@AREUTHE1: One big mistake might cost them everything on Wednesday's #AYTO.
- @StaceyGurnevich: @AREUTHE1 this is gonna be a crazy one ;)
- @BombshellChels: @AREUTHE1 Hmmm, yup. We're fucked.
- @KikiMTV: @BombshellChels At least my outfit is on point. ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿฝ Solid cleavage & my hair done right woot woot ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿฝ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿฝ ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
- @BombshellChels: @KikiMTV I think this is the point @tweetconnor180 and I asked if we could stop showing up to match ups.
- @KikiMTV: @BombshellChels @tweetconnor180 Nooo I would be sad if I didn't get to see your pretty face!!
- @BombshellChels: @KikiMTV @tweetconnor180 it's okay we requested cardboard cut outs to take our place ๐Ÿ˜‚
- @tweetconnor180: @BombshellChels @KikiMTV lol fact it is
- @MTV_TeeBoogie: @AREUTHE1 Geezus. Already got nervous
-  โ€@BritniNicol: @AREUTHE1 Ooh hell..
@tweetconnor180: There are more important things in life than things lol people need to stop thinking that he who dies with the most shit wins
@RashidaZakiya: I can't believe all this is happening my life is changing so fast .. And I'm ready for it .!!
@RashidaZakiya: Lol Baha it's all good fuq em WE BALL ! ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
@mtvalecgonzz: You know when you take a snap and your just like... Damn I look good I'm going to save that
@tweetconnor180: I posted a new video to Facebook
โ€@tweetconnor180: Let's do this thing people!  Quit smoking challenge!! Rules: 1) Quit smoking cigarettes for the next 3 weeks 2) Prove it, idk how, just do it! 3) Win a trip to Florida with me! 4) Sit on a beach with me and celebrate with big drinks that have little umbrellas in them !
@in_my_SHEETS: Happy birthday @_hannahrathbun !! #LapHam
@KikiMTV: I know some people find it offensive when people comment about their breasts, but I'm over here like thank you huntyyyy thank you ๐Ÿ™‹๐Ÿฝ๐Ÿ™‹๐Ÿฝ
@BombshellChels: My name is Chelsey with a Y #DailyTweet
- @MTV_AMANDAG: @AREUTHE1 hahahahaha fuck @MTVNellyT2013 and @MikeCrescenz0 ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
 โ€@AREUTHE1: Everyone was peanut butter and jealous on Wednesday's #AYTO:
 โ€@MTV_Chuckalodon: #itsamowerything
@MTV_TeeBoogie: Your favorite dope duo! Sorry @mtv_chuckalodon @mtvbigd ๐Ÿ˜Œ #ayto #blackandwhitecookieโ€ฆ
@AREUTHE1: Hunter could be just what Amanda needs:
@whaattaafoxx: NYC is EVERYTHING & MORE! Oh did I mention I got the job! Ya looking at your new real estate agent! ๐Ÿ˜
@brittany_baldi: Leave an impression wherever you may go ๐Ÿ’‹โญ๏ธ image @EASPHOTO @shopcriscara body chain
@mtvalecgonzz: I can't believe I'm not going out tonight. But I've also said that 100% of the times that I have gone out so I'm confused
- @MTV_TeeBoogie: @mtvalecgonzz hahaha I don't think you have stopped since we got off the plane
- @mtvalecgonzz: @MTV_TeeBoogie bro I'm a savage and I have no regard for my liver. I need to be stopped
@StaceyGurnevich: When I actually worked out everyday ๐Ÿ˜ฉ๐Ÿ˜ฉ r.i.p
@StaceyGurnevich: How soon do we forget  How we felt  Dealing with emotions  That never left ๐ŸŽถ
@AREUTHE1: I could use a cowboy in my life.
@mtvalecgonzz: Yo seriously what the hell is wrong with some of you people that you make your snap stories so God damn long... Check your self
@KikiMTV: Nothing is a bigger cock block for a hot guy than his annoying drunk friend butting into the conversation every two seconds. ๐Ÿ˜‘
@MTV_JESS: God just gimme more wine ๐Ÿ˜ณ
@BombshellChels: My fav question as a bartender "What's the cheapest thing here"... Bitch. You.
@whaattaafoxx: Take it easy make it last all night
@BombshellChels: I love you guys, but there is absolutely no reason to like all 330 of my IG pics in a row ๐Ÿ˜‚ #StopThat
- @mtvalecgonzz: @BombshellChels I'm always like damn I got so many likes on my last post dope... Then hopes and dreams shattered

@mtvalecgonzz: Started the day off with (another) ticket. Cuz I'm so fineeeee .... JK FML
@KikiMTV: The fans of the freaking awesome! I love you guys so much. #AYTO
@MTV_TeeBoogie: Happy freaking Saturday!
@mtvalecgonzz: I believe things happen for a reason. But sometimes that reason is your stupid and make bad decisions
@AREUTHE1: Fireworks may be going off between Kiki and Devin, but not in the bedroom:  ๐Ÿ™Š
@whaattaafoxx: @MTV_JESS you stupid.
@KikiMTV: THIS FRIDAY come hangout with me & @iamadamkuhn from Season 1 of AYTO & The Challenge! We will be atโ€ฆ
@JayGMTV: We are busy having our own challenge @MTV_JESS @whaattaafoxx
@AREUTHE1: I can't believe we only have one confirmed perfect match so far.
@mtvalecgonzz: I'm that dude that'll grab the Aux cord  at the pregame when nobody is looking and throw on Justin Bieber
@AREUTHE1: Only 3 episodes left... Can they FINALLY get it together?
@BombshellChels: I live off of sushi ๐Ÿฑโค๏ธ
@JayGMTV: Aparently @whaattaafoxx hijacked my snapchat last night ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
@mtvalecgonzz: Fuck idk why I posted an Instagram while I'm out in the city. I'm gonna drain all my battery checking my likes every 6 seconds
@StaceyGurnevich: Throwback lmaooo. At the amazing way we've been playing this game, who thinks we're headed for another blackout?
@MTV_TeeBoogie: I just want meet dope individuals and share stories yo.
@BombshellChels: When you randomly turn on your TV and see yourself on tv ๐Ÿ˜œ #AYTO #Chonnor
@AREUTHE1: I'm patiently waiting for this song to hit the charts:
@BombshellChels: Watching He's Just Not That Into You before work ๐Ÿ™Œ
@whaattaafoxx: So this just happened. I'm crying. Gods always good. @Bojangles1977
@AREUTHE1: Still not over this.
- @KikiMTV: @AREUTHE1 Me either. ๐Ÿ˜’
@mtvalecgonzz: Who wants to come party with me in NYC?? Let's get freaked up #AYTO
โ€@mtvalecgonzz: Not going to front but suicide seems like a pretty dope idea right now... I hate NYC
- @whaattaafoxx: โ€@mtvalecgonzz You're crazzzyyyy
โ€@MTV_JESS: You were so amazing & talented ๐Ÿ˜ฉ why did you have to go ๐Ÿ˜ฉ โ€ฆ
@whaattaafoxx: GAMEEEE DAAAAYYY!!!! Let's go boys!!! 8-0 @Panthers ๐Ÿ’™
 โ€@StaceyGurnevich: โค๏ธ
@AREUTHE1: We're seven weeks in and we still don't know much:
- @StaceyGurnevich: @AREUTHE1 Week 5 we only had 2 beams.. The 3 beams is a mistake
@RashidaZakiya: There's only 1 race.. human race.
โ€@BombshellChels: If he shows that he doesn't care, he genuinely doesn't care. Stop making excuses. You're the rule not the exception. #GetItTogether
@BombshellChels: Girls are so programmed to think that if he's mean to you he likes you at such a young age. No he seriously doesn't like you you're not 6.
โ€@BombshellChels: Lol and none of this pertains to me I'm very happy with my current situation ๐Ÿ˜Š
@KikiMTV: Soooo lost my ID last night & an awesome fan gave it to the bouncer for me. Once again I freaking love you guys!!
@AREUTHE1: Devin has a message for all his haters:
@MTV_TeeBoogie: mmmmmOHHHHMYGAWWWDD #whyyoualwayslyin #ayto
@whaattaafoxx: Know ya worth.
@mtvalecgonzz: Grandpa: what we having for dinner Grandma: chicken Grandpa: again? I'm about to start growing feathers we've had so much chicken lately
@AREUTHE1: So... uh... Is Mike scared of Amanda?  ๐Ÿ˜…
@robb_schreiber: Really want a PS4. Worth it?
- @MTVtrey: @robb_schreiber you already know my answer. I play everyday!
- @robb_schreiber: @MTVtrey so we could effectively play everyday, should we so choose?
- @MTVtrey: @robb_schreiber well it depends on what game(s) you get. I'm always down for some Hello Kitty Adventures
@mtvalecgonzz: I find it incredibly insulting that not even one of my snaps last night made it on the NYC snap story ... Like really tho
@brittany_baldi: Life is short. Be goofy ๐Ÿ’‹
@mtvalecgonzz: Like sometimes I just wanna wake up and have fries
@kayyjaybee: Last night ๐Ÿ˜œ just missing @mtvalecgonzz wtf lol
@marrbabyy: these baddies #AYTO ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ’•
- โ€@mtvalecgonzz: @marrbabyy @StaceyGurnevich @kayyjaybee @MikeCrescenz0 someone is missing ๐Ÿ˜ž
- @kayyjaybee: @mtvalecgonzz @marrbabyy @StaceyGurnevich @MikeCrescenz0 Alec b lined out of the club cuz we didn't sit fast enough ๐Ÿ˜‚
- @mtvalecgonzz: @kayyjaybee Clearly my ego was a little inflated yesterday ๐Ÿ˜•
@AREUTHE1: Spend your Sunday getting caught up on #AYTO:
โ€@MikeCrescenz0: Just walked into my door and apologized to it.... That kinda night #shot
@tabron27: Feeling good ๐Ÿ‘„ ...u?
@KikiMTV: I really think that snapchat should have a drunk-person lock on it because I shouldn't be allowed to snap while intoxicated.
@AREUTHE1: Not gonna lie--I wouldn't hate it if Amanda and Hunter were a perfect match:  โค๏ธ
@whaattaafoxx: I like to burn my bridges while I'm still standing on them so people know I'm serious about my crazy
@StaceyGurnevich: "@EzraColey: About to start a fundraiser so @StaceyGurnevich can follow me back" RT Lmao you don't have to ! Followed
- @mtvalecgonzz: @StaceyGurnevich No keep that fundraising going... We got 3 beams last week. We may need it
@AREUTHE1: I hate when the weekend goes by so fast ๐Ÿ˜’
@hbarfield13: Is it too late to say sorry? Because I'm missing more than just your body
@hbarfield13: A million beautiful girls isn't worth one loyal woman!
@BritniNicol: Live Love Laugh #always #howwedoin #glasses #nerdlife #happygirl #ayto #mtv #blessed
@KikiMTV: I miss Princess Pebbles ๐Ÿ‘‘
@StaceyGurnevich: When people try to act like they really know me from watching the show lol.. You don't know my real personality it's a tv show plz calm down
@RashidaZakiya: Happy Sunday !! #AYTO 3 more days โค๏ธโค๏ธ
@KikiMTV: And if being completely manipulated by a guy makes me "dumb" then I guess every single person who has been played is dumb too.
โ€@KikiMTV: lol at the people commenting about me being "dumb" because apparently I had the highest IQ in the house so you can stfu kthanks ๐Ÿ˜˜
@whaattaafoxx: Imma be under the mistletoe with you...
@whaattaafoxx: I love how none of my family have called me or anything since I've been in NY and when I call they never answer. That's cool. Bitches
โ€@MTV_JESS: Still can't believe this #foreverinmyheart you'll be missed by so many
@MTV_JESS: you used to say "Jess look at me for like a minute" why? you'd say "cuz I just wanna wanna look into your eyes"
โ€@MTV_JESS: You were so sweet Corey and had a heart of gold
@MTV_JESS: #rip my angel โค๏ธ I'll forever miss your bear hugs, smile, nose, laugh,โ€ฆ โ€ฆ
@BombshellChels: Because it's Monday and I couldn't have asked for a better Perfect Match โค๏ธ #AYTO @tweetconnor180
@n_zanattaMTV: My favs.....๐Ÿ˜
@MTV_TeeBoogie: HA. These reviews are hilarious. I wonder if the same people trying to talk shit can do it when they aren't behind a computer lol
@KikiMTV: Watching episode 1 again right now lol love it #AYTO can't believe it's almost over
@AREUTHE1: Let @RyanDevlin help YOU find love:  ๐Ÿ’˜
- @RyanDevlin: @AREUTHE1 #DevlinsDatingTips
@KikiMTV: I can't believe how much I change from episode 1 to the end. Went from a naive lil girl to a bitch who doesn't take shit. Just waittttt ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿฝ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿฝ
@KikiMTV: Looking back, we both fell hard. The only difference between us is that I caught you, while you let me crash.
- โ€@whaattaafoxx: @KikiMTV FUCKING RIGHT BITCH!!! YAASSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@AREUTHE1: Only three episodes left and we have a long way to go. #AYTO
@kayyjaybee: I hate the coldddd I don't wanna get out of my car. I need to move somewhere that's warm all year like asap
@kayyjaybee: @StaceyGurnevich where we moving
- @StaceyGurnevich: @kayyjaybee I'm thinkin Cali or Florida, where the sun is always shinin & it's never cold.. Beach house Ayyy
- @kayyjaybee: @StaceyGurnevich @MTV_AMANDAG  @StaceyGurnevich I'd be down for Florida ๐Ÿ’๐Ÿป๐ŸŒด
@RashidaZakiya: Ready ๐Ÿ’๐Ÿฝ๐Ÿ’‹
@RashidaZakiya: This week on #AYTO I cannot wait !!
@StaceyGurnevich: Taylor swift's 1989 will forever be one of my fav albums lmao
@AREUTHE1: Is Amanda preventing Mike from making new connections? Check out the deleted scenes to see what he thinks:
@AREUTHE1: I didn't expect @hbarfield13 to fall for this girl:  #AYTO
@ZAKLONGO: When you don't get to sit with your friends... blob:https%3A//
@AREUTHE1: Kiki thinks Devin is below basic in bed:  ๐Ÿ˜ฎ
@AREUTHE1: Wednesday. #AYTO
- @KikiMTV: @AREUTHE1 Well....this should be interesting lol
- @MTV_TeeBoogie: @AREUTHE1 Clearly on the way to getting ten beams ๐Ÿ˜‚
@KikiMTV: THIS FRIDAY NIGHT IT'S ON! If you're 18+ come party with @IamAdamKuhn & I at #Ultrabar in DC! #AYTO #TheChallenge
@whaattaafoxx: Really would like to see The Lion King on Broadway
@brittany_baldi: Be strong minded, strong willed and have a big heart โค๏ธโญ๏ธ
โ€@whaattaafoxx: My world is changing, but I'm rearranging... Does that mean Christmas changes too?
@mtvalecgonzz: I love meeting and getting to know fans, don't ever hesitate to say hi. Even if you wanna talk shit to me... I'm a good sports
@AREUTHE1: Only two Wednesdays left of #AYTO. Can they go 10 for 10?
@EikeParis: Public Service Announcement: You look fucking pathetic on snapchat. No one wanted you on the challenge. You're an idiot.
@whaattaafoxx: I'll ruin your life, thats why i burn my own bridges so you wont have to.
@BombshellChels: Cause I'm missing more than just your body โค๏ธ #FavSong
@mtvalecgonzz: Watching Dancing with the Stars right now and they keep saying team Alec but like the wrong Alec is in there right now...
@brittany_baldi: When guys you like call you right away and snap you. You have my heart ๐Ÿ˜
@in_my_SHEETS: Follow me on IG: austinsheets
- @BombshellChels: @in_my_SHEETS no.
@mtvalecgonzz: Once it's dark out I immediately close all the blinds cuz I ain't riskin looking out that window and seeing some creepy ass ghost face
@StaceyGurnevich: Life is just so much better when you have someone by your side enjoying it with you
@whaattaafoxx: Woke up to a snap from my sister, Addisen walking around yelling my name looking for me! I'm crying! ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜Š
โ€@MTV_JESS: Today's a really sad day not sure how to do this #ripmylove
โ€@kayyjaybee: Is winter over yet?.. Jk it hasn't even started โ˜น๏ธ
โ€@kayyjaybee: There's always that someone you fall asleep thinking about and wake up thinking about
- @tweetconnor180: @kayyjaybee awwwwww. You could just ask me for a picture or something doll ;)
- @kayyjaybee: @tweetconnor180 lol #StupidAss ๐Ÿ˜˜
- @ZAKLONGO: @tweetconnor180 Hahahah
-  โ€@mtvalecgonzz: @kayyjaybee For me it's that special something. Like the bangin ass breakfast I'm gna have the second I wake up
@AREUTHE1: It's #ThxBirthControl Day! Thanks to @Bedsider for helping keep us all informed. ๐Ÿ’•
@schmelllanie: I just want to eat ice cream. Breakfast. Snack. Lunch. Snack. Dinner. Snack. Bedtime milkshake. Is that too much to ask for?
@AREUTHE1: Today's edition of #DevlinsDatingTips is all about getting over your ex.
- @ZAKLONGO: @AREUTHE1 I think @zaklongo should host season 4 of #AYTO... RT if you agree... Sorry @RyanDevlin it was fun while it lasted.
- @RyanDevlin: @ZAKLONGO @AREUTHE1 You can't handle my puns!!!
- @MTV_TeeBoogie: @ZAKLONGO I think I'm gonna be the man upstairs and yell and everyone constantly ๐Ÿ˜‚
@mtvalecgonzz: I get ready to "Ice Ice Baby" way too often
โ€@ZAKLONGO: Fuck twitter
@in_my_SHEETS: I'm ready to see @MTV_Chuckalodon  next month ๐Ÿ˜ˆ
- โ€@MTV_Chuckalodon: @in_my_SHEETS counting down the days my dude. #woogitywoogitywoogity
- @in_my_SHEETS: @MTV_Chuckalodon โค๏ธโค๏ธโค๏ธ
@ryanmalaty: Lol hey @brittany_baldi and I ended up on Bravo ๐Ÿ‘€
@TheNikkiSin: Your #MCM is my #TMITuesday ! @AREUTHE1 star @MTV_Chuckalodon 's interview is up on  now!
- @MTV_Chuckalodon: @TheNikkiSin Check out my interview
@AREUTHE1: How many light beams will we get on #AYTO tomorrow? ๐Ÿ’ž
- @mtvalecgonzz: @AREUTHE1 How do you add a negative number option?
- @MTV_TeeBoogie: @AREUTHE1 -3. We gotta pay money out of pockets ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
@whaattaafoxx: I want it all.
@mtvalecgonzz: If whoever has been blowing that whistle for 2 hours outside my house doesn't stop I'm going out there and drop kicking him into a puddle
โ€@AREUTHE1: Just when you thought you've seen everything on #AYTO...
- @KikiMTV: @AREUTHE1 I am almost positive I was the only one happy about that announcement! lol
@KikiMTV: Anyone else ever dated so many fuckboys that they actually considered joining Christian Mingle? This girl has. ๐Ÿ™‹๐Ÿฝ
 โ€@brittany_baldi: Keep negativity out of your life and only let those in that put in the effort to be there โค๏ธโญ๏ธ image @EASPHOTO
@brittany_baldi: Big happy birthday to one of my faves!! My baby girl @jonnamtv โค๏ธ๐Ÿ’‹
@AREUTHE1: Watch the #AYTO cast break down some birth control facts. #thxbirthcontrol
โ€@KikiMTV: Ahhhhh tomorrow is about to be pure reality tv gold! ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜ญ Cannot wait! #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: Tomorrow. #ayto
@BombshellChels: Deep conditioner day ๐Ÿ‘ป Bombshellchels9
@mtvalecgonzz: If you wanna laugh check the Snap I just posted. Aog13
โ€@mtvalecgonzz: Sending somebody a snap that you also put on your story is like inviting a friend to come when there is no room left in the car
@mtvalecgonzz: Now it's awkward, they have no idea if they should come or not (snap back or not), and they just feel extra
โ€@mtvalecgonzz: When I started that analogy I had absolutely no idea where I was going with it... But I think I brought it together perfectly
@AREUTHE1: TAKE THAT, CHARM SCHOOL! @_hannahrathbun blob:https%3A//
- @_hannahrathbun: @AREUTHE1 I just really should not be allowed to have alcohol at this point
- @MTV: @AREUTHE1 @_hannahrathbun hannah is literally me
- @AREUTHE1: @MTV @_hannahrathbun i second that
- โ€@_hannahrathbun: @AREUTHE1 @MTV I'm such a lady sometimes ๐Ÿ˜‡
@MTV_TeeBoogie: This photoshoot is dope
- @in_my_SHEETS: @MTV_TeeBoogie can they see you without the flash?
โ€@AREUTHE1: It's time to binge watch #AYTO so you're ready for tomorrow's episode:
โ€@AREUTHE1: I wouldn't hate seeing Hunter and Amanda together. Sneak peek:  ๐Ÿ’ž
@AREUTHE1: Don't be silly. Wrap your willy.  #ThxBirthControl
@shandathapanda: I ate 15 different meals 2day I'm fat and wanna kms
โ€@MTV_JESS: I'm gonna kill
โ€@whaattaafoxx: I LOVE CHILI.
@AREUTHE1: Expect the unexpected tomorrow. #AYTO
@whaattaafoxx: Nobody better EVER ask me to eat the booty.
@whaattaafoxx: I'm a little tipsy. Feeling this wine.
@KikiMTV: Karma is a dirty little bitch, my friend.  TOMORROW #AYTO  via @MTV
@whaattaafoxx: It genuinely makes my soul happy when my friends tell me I bring them closer to God and Jesus Christ. That's amazing! He is so good!
@KikiMTV: Just gonna sit here & watch #Botched because that's what I do...I watch reality tv...I'm so cool.
@StaceyGurnevich: The sound of this rain against my window is so soothing for some weird reason ๐Ÿ˜Œ
@AshleighMorgh: When you have no friends you do stuff like this... ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ #haveyourselfamerrylittlechristmas #toosoonโ€ฆ
โ€@whaattaafoxx: Every opportunity has a shelf life
@BritniNicol: AYTO Fan Page  RT  Will we have another one of these moments tomorrow? Fingers crossed ppl!!  You're gunna love it๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜œ
@in_my_SHEETS: I do what I want.
@jenniknapmiller: Gotta believe in something

@MTV_Chuckalodon: It's me and all my friends we're howling at the moon. @MODSUN

AYTO Wednesday (And Remembering Veterans & Diem Brown)
@MTVtrey: 11/11
@MTVtrey: To all Veterans: Thank you for your service and for protecting my freedom. I am grateful for your sacrifice. May peace always be with you ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ
@erikalauren: Thank you to our vets for protecting our country.  I am grateful for you always, not just today. #VeteransDay
@MTV_TeeBoogie: I love seeing women talk about guys like we aren't shit. Then posts every move of her and her new boo, then they break up.
@MTV_TeeBoogie: Swear I laugh every time
@MTV_TeeBoogie: It's hump day and @AREUTHE1. Let's kill two birds with one stone ๐Ÿ˜‰
@TheRealNiaMoore: #WCW  To the bravest woman I've ever had the privilege of knowing, @diembrownmtv ๐Ÿ’œ Her courage,โ€ฆ
@EW: #AYTO is sticking around! @MTV just renewed @AREUTHE1 for season 4:
- โ€@busdriversroute: @EW Hey MTV, I'm still available to bounce ideas off. Let's "Make AYTO Great Again."
โ€@RyanDevlin: This is awesome news if you suck at dating and/or are a fan of @AREUTHE1. Also great news for me and my bills!
@KikiMTV: Happy Veterans Day!! Thank you for your service and for keeping us safe. โค๏ธ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ
@MTVTV: 7 reasons @AREUTHE1 is OUR perfect match:
@MaybachDiamonds: TRUE LIFE: the aux cord ruined our friendship
@MTV_AMANDAG: Exes come tonight on #AYTO??? Uh ohhhh ๐Ÿ™Š Better tune in to see what those bitches have to say!!!!!
โ€@ZNichols15: Your presence is still felt everyday. โ€ฆ
@TheRealNiaMoore: Diem was so fucking pretty. In person she was like a living angel. She had a natural glow and a smile that would make any man weak.
@tjlavin: These are some very brave boys right here... Thank you all for you service. Happy Veterans Day
@AneesaMTV: It's been a year since I last saw and spoke to @DiemBrownMTV I think about her every day and miss her. Keep dancing baby girl. I love you!!
@JustJem24: โ€ฆ
@TheRealNiaMoore: Be careful who you fuck. Be mindful of the people you role with. Sometimes even the people lying next to you are only there for your demise.
@TheRealNiaMoore: That last tweet wasn't about me. Not right now at least. Just speaking out loud about some things I've been witnessing lately..
@imcraydoe: I wonder how many beams they won't get tonight. @AREUTHE1 #AYTO
@brittany_baldi: Happy Veterans Day. You're the real stars โญ๏ธ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ #verteransday
@TamiRoman: Happy Veterans Day! Thanking those who are still with us and the fallen for their dedication and service. We salute you!
@AREUTHE1: The exes are rolling in tonight on #AYTO.
@missashc: Happy Veterans Day to all present and past. Thank you.
@LightheartedTV: Super sad that there are only 3 episodes left of #AreYouTheOne? Don't fret, we will be back for season 4 in 2016! โ€ฆ
@RashidaZakiya: Make sure you tune in tonight for ARE YOU THE ONE #ayto on #MTV every weds 10pm/9c !! Tonight you don't want to miss my out. It's about to go down !!!!
@in_my_SHEETS: Happy Veterans Day to all that have served. Whether you deployed or not, you signed your name to give the ultimate sacrifice if called upon. Remember those who are here and those who are not. We fight to protect our families. Thank you veterans.
@ZAKLONGO: "@MTV: New music from @HansonMusic is definitely coming" RT @MTV_Chuckalodon left Chuck & Big D for this? @MTV_TeeBoogie ๐Ÿ˜‚
- @MTV_TeeBoogie: @ZAKLONGO LMAOOOOOOOO I see this group is composed of @BritniNicol and @MTV_Chuckalodon
- @MTV_Chuckalodon: @ZAKLONGO @MTV_TeeBoogie @MTV @hansonmusic don't hate just cause I like to diversify my musical ability. #doobop
- @MTV_Chuckalodon: @ZAKLONGO @MTV_TeeBoogie @MTV @hansonmusic don't hate just cause I like to diversify my musical ability. #doobop
โ€@mtvalecgonzz: I've come to the realization that my Twitter account is the most valuable thing I own
@MTV_TeeBoogie: If a girl gets fake tits, I'm gonna ask to see them, because what's the point in keeping them sheltered when you spent lots of money ๐Ÿ˜‚
@yaritzyb_: I'm so ready for @AREUTHE1  tonight ๐Ÿ˜ณ
@MTVNews: 7 Reasons Why We Love #AYTO:
@AREUTHE1: Looks like Devin and Kiki are having trouble in the bedroom ๐Ÿ‘€
@Chet_Cannon: I love this short clip of a Dad surprising his daughter after his return from service. God bless the brave men and women who've fought/fight for our precious freedom. #veteransday
@whaattaafoxx: Happy Veterans Day to the best sister ever!! Thank You for Serving this Country, i love you! @aug312014
@AREUTHE1: There's a right way to get over your ex.
@KikiMTV: Come in for a quick oil change...walk out $184 poorer. Fudge. โ˜น
@AREUTHE1: Just how excited are you for a new #AYTO tonight??
@MTV: .@KikiMTV and @MTVbigD go head-to-head on #AYTO tonight at 10/9c:
@whaattaafoxx: Woah woah, Yah Yah, Back up off me.
@BombshellChels: How many beans do you guys think the house is getting at tonight's match up? ๐Ÿ™ˆ #AYTO
@mtvalecgonzz: Motivation is the most powerful drug in the world
@mtvalecgonzz: Fun Drinking Game (if you don't want to get drunk): take a shot for every beam we get on #AYTO .... Can we beat 3?? #werefucked
@MTV_TeeBoogie: Tonight is of course episode 8 of @areuthe1. Can we get our shit together and win this money, or are we gonna continue and go home broke?! This episode will be .... Mind blowing ๐Ÿ˜‚ #ayto #teamboogie #wesuck
@AREUTHE1: Y'all. Get ready for another season of #AYTO:
@MTV: Did you hear the good news? #AYTO is returning for a fourth season:  @AREUTHE1
@AREUTHE1: We didn't really find out much on #AYTO last week...
- @MTV_TeeBoogie: @AREUTHE1 HAHAHAHAH! Just that ummmmm , we need more than a psychologist to help us out
@MTV_Chuckalodon: When all you hear is bullshit. #ayto
@BombshellChels: Today ONLY use my code MTVCHELS20 to get 20% off your order of @TeaMiBlends โ˜บ๏ธโค๏ธ #HappyVeteransDay
@KikiMTV: I guess I should go to the gym now...
@AREUTHE1: Does this happen to you?
@kayyjaybee: Guys whooooos my match? We suck at this game ๐Ÿ˜ž
โ€@AREUTHE1: Could we have another perfect match tonight?! ๐Ÿ˜ป
@in_my_SHEETS: I just matched my moms salary and brought her home. This is why I work hard. #familyfirst
@in_my_SHEETS: I officially retired my mom today. My dad told her first. I'm also paying her insurance so she doesnt have to waitโค๏ธ
@mtvalecgonzz: @in_my_SHEETS good shit bro. Proud of you that's incredible
- @in_my_SHEETS: @mtvalecgonzz thanks man
- @DPalica408: @in_my_SHEETS God Bless you!! Nothing more heart touching than a son who takes care of his momโ™ฅ๏ธ
- @schmelllanie: @DPalica408 @in_my_SHEETS hahah! That's ma mama Austin!!! You are a good son ๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•
- @ShelbsYardley: @in_my_SHEETS love this!
@MTV_JESS: Just watched burlesque now see if I had a boyfriend he would be loving life right now ๐Ÿ’‹
@MTV_TeeBoogie: They need me and @hbarfield13 on the challenge. We would. Dominate!
- @MikeCrescenz0: @MTV_TeeBoogie @hbarfield13 slow your roll there youngins
- @MTV_TeeBoogie: @MikeCrescenz0 @hbarfield13 lmao we gonna beef tonight?!
- โ€@MikeCrescenz0: @MTV_TeeBoogie @hbarfield13 hahaha bring it sonnn, only black man that gets beat by a white boy in a challenge you clearly should have won ๐Ÿ˜‚
โ€@ShelbsYardley: Come thru
@AREUTHE1: Two hours until #AYTO starts โœจ
@MikeCrescenz0: Listening to my roommate and his gf have conversations makes me wanna vomit
@KikiMTV: Leaving this mint mask on my face for like an hour because I'm a basic white girl. ๐Ÿ’๐Ÿฝ
โ€@in_my_SHEETS: If you forgot I got it I'll remind you. I got what they got times two.
@KikiMTV: SEASON 4 IS NOW CASTING!!! If you want to go through the same crazy ride that I did then follow the info on this picture and apply!! It's an amazing adventure & you could win love AND money!! #AYTO TAG YOUR FRIENDS WHO YOU THINK WOULD BE INTERESTED!!
โ€@BritniNicol: Ooh what an EX-cellent episode tonights shall be..๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜ˆ @AREUTHE1 @MTV #ayto #mtv #howwedoin #ohhello
@JasIPen: This one time in New & Nic took over. #Wedding #CutestOnesThere @ New York City/ New Jersey
@AREUTHE1: One. Hour. #AYTO
- @MTV_TeeBoogie: @RyanDevlin Blame the chug of the #foamer ๐Ÿ˜‚
@laurelstucky: Thank you to all the men and women who have served and do serve this country so that we can be FREE!
@whaattaafoxx: Put some SOUTH in yo MOUTH
@AREUTHE1: Only 30 minutes until a brand new episode of #AYTO ๐Ÿ’ฅ
@MTV: 30 minutes until a new episode of #AYTO. How many beams do you think the gang will get tonight?
@KikiMTV: 30 more minutes!! I'll be live-tweeting so make sure you tune in!! #AYTO
@shandathapanda: bout 2 jump from the nosebleeds onto bieber's stage @ the staples center friday #die4bieber
@MTV_JESS: @kayyjaybee were in stamforddddddddd!!!
- @kayyjaybee: @MTV_JESS I'm working ๐Ÿ˜ฉ I'm in Stamford all the time. When u guys leaving? We gotta get lit ๐Ÿ˜œ
- @MTV_JESS: @kayyjaybee We're still looking for places so we're in Greenwich all the timeeeeee
- @kayyjaybee: @MTV_JESS Yasss! You guys moving here would be dope AF. ๐Ÿ˜ lets meet up Friday ๐Ÿพ
@MTV_TeeBoogie: Discussing #AYTO Live! โ€ฆ
@MTV_TeeBoogie: Technical difficulties BRB
@whaattaafoxx: I'm currently in a NC bar in Connecticut! I feel at home.
@schmelllanie: Catch us stuff our pretty little faces in 10 minutes! #ayto #mtv
@kayyjaybee: It's almost that time ๐Ÿ˜œ
@in_my_SHEETS: This is what happens when two rednecks with too much money live together. #Merica #HappyVeteransDayโ€ฆ
@MTV: #AYTO starts in 5 minutes! RT if you're watching + tweeting with @AREUTHE1 ๐Ÿ’‹
@MTV_TeeBoogie: microphone problems but im back โ€ฆ
@MikeCrescenz0: Marquee tonight! Found out my table is next to the weeknd... #lit

As They Saw It: "Sorry Dad"

@BombshellChels: Go time ๐Ÿ‘€ #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: It's time for #AYTO! Tweet along with the cast here:  ๐Ÿ’ฅ
@KikiMTV: Alright guys it's time! I'll be live-tweeting for the next hour!! You don't wanna miss this. ๐Ÿ’…๐Ÿฝ #AYTO
@MTV_TeeBoogie: It's time #AYTO!!
@BombshellChels: Go with it ๐Ÿ˜‚ @hbarfield13
@KikiMTV: hahaha "go with it go with it" @hbarfield13 & OMG @_hannahrathbun ๐Ÿ˜‚ #AYTO
- @_hannahrathbun: @KikiMTV lol I'm so cute ๐Ÿค
- โ€@KikiMTV: @_hannahrathbun I love you ๐Ÿ˜‚โค๏ธโค๏ธ
- @BombshellChels: @MTV_TeeBoogie boooo y'all suck!
@AREUTHE1: I STILL can't believe we only have 3 beams so far! #AYTO
@KikiMTV: Yes...yes...I know. "KIKI STAY AWAY FROM DEVIN!!" I get it. ๐Ÿ˜’ Just keep watching!! ๐Ÿ‘€ #AYTO
 โ€@MTV_TeeBoogie: Whoa. That is awesome ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ oh yea @KikiMTV
โ€@BombshellChels: Lmfaoooo @KikiMTV was like, that's it?? ๐Ÿ˜‚ #AYTO
@KikiMTV: Starting to think that I might have made a huge mistake going back to @MTVbigD "Peace bitch" โœŒ๐Ÿฝ๏ธ #AYTO
@KikiMTV: I just want one good guy who I can F all the time...I don't have many requests. ๐Ÿ’…๐Ÿฝ #AYTO
@hbarfield13: Haha my optimism though! Just go with it! #AYTO
โ€@KikiMTV: I was sooo pumped at the idea of an ex being there! hahaha I think I was the only one. #AYTO ๐Ÿ˜…
@MTV_TeeBoogie: You shouldn't be that excited about an ex @KikiMTV ๐Ÿ˜‚
@AREUTHE1: The girls when their exes showed up... #AYTO
- @BritniNicol: @AREUTHE1 forreal though๐Ÿ˜‚
@BritniNicol: It's that time bitches!! Better be watching @AREUTHE1 on @MTV RIGHT NOW!!!!๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜
@MTV_TeeBoogie: ๐Ÿ”ด LIVE on #YouNow - โ€ฆ
@BombshellChels: They were going to fly my first boyfriend out for this. He was pissed when I left the house and he couldn't come ๐Ÿ˜‚ #AYTO
โ€@MTV_TeeBoogie: @BritniNicol shocked us all with this!!
โ€@AREUTHE1: .@BritniNicol's expression says it all. #AYTO
-  โ€@BritniNicol: โ€@AREUTHE1 Basically๐Ÿ˜œ
@TheShaneRaines: "I just want one guy that I could fuck all the time.. Is that too much to ask? ..Apparently" U killin me!Love u already @KikiMTV๐Ÿ˜š
- โ€@KikiMTV: @TheShaneRaines Love ya babes ๐Ÿ˜˜ Told you it's great! ๐Ÿ˜‚
@mtvalecgonzz: "MONEY" hahaha I'm such a douche #AYTO
@KikiMTV: "Let's just say that this game isn't the only thing @MTVbigD is bad at..." ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜˜ #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: Six misses in a row for Devin lololol and Kiki with the shade ๐ŸŒš #AYTO
@MTV_TeeBoogie: I didn't know we could jump on this challenge smh ๐Ÿ˜‘๐Ÿ˜‘๐Ÿ˜‘๐Ÿ˜‘๐Ÿ˜‘๐Ÿ˜‘๐Ÿ˜‘ #AYTO
@Amukari: @KikiMTV bringing out the sass this episode
@MTV_TeeBoogie: HAHAHAH #teamavatarhead @StaceyGurnevich ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ #AYTO
โ€@mtvalecgonzz: I hope everyone notices Hunter jumping over the line every time.... #AYTO
- @MTV_TeeBoogie: โ€@mtvalecgonzz I KNOW!!!! I would have been dunking the damn thing!!!!
@AREUTHE1: "If you're ever in a relationship with me, you're kinda in a relationship with him too." ๐Ÿ˜‚ I love @CHEYnotShy #AYTO
โ€@KikiMTV: Ahhhh our little Pop Off Queen @MTV_AMANDAG ๐Ÿ‘‘ Dead giveaway! #AYTO
@BombshellChels: Everyone heard the word pop off and knew it was @MTV_AMANDAG #DeadGiveAway ๐Ÿ˜‚ #AYTO
@Ashleylynn1031: This is the best challenge ever๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ @AREUTHE1
@ZAKLONGO: Fuck the wind and fuck this challenge
- @_hannahrathbun: @ZAKLONGO u look so hot on the beach tossing that ring tho so it's all good ๐Ÿ˜˜
 โ€@hbarfield13: My athleticism is what I take the most pride in... I will not lose! This Are You The One challenge was made for me! #AYTO
- @MTV: @hbarfield13 you go glen coco
@MikeCrescenz0: The closer to the water you were on that last challenge the harder it was due to the wind @ZAKLONGO @MTVbigD #notfair
@KikiMTV: Told y'all this episode was worth watching ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ˜ #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: Chuck and Brit's ex got me like... #AYTO
@kayyjaybee: Yayyyyyyyy first date ๐Ÿ˜œ๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜
@KikiMTV: Aww stoked to go on this spear-fishing date with @MTV_NellyT2015 We all know I'm a water baby! I hope he is too! ๐Ÿ ๐ŸŸ #AYTO
@whaattaafoxx: My ladies ๐Ÿ’œ
@AREUTHE1: This date was MADE for @hbarfield13 #AYTO
@mtvalecgonzz: Hunter get real a Great White Shark would fuck your day up. I'm coming at you hard today you cheater ๐Ÿ”ซ๐Ÿ”ซ #AYTO
@BombshellChels: So what do you guys think? Will any of the couples be a confirmed match? Will @tweetconnor180 and I be having company soon? ๐Ÿ˜ #AYTO
@KikiMTV: So it didn't mean that much to you to have sex with "that girl" hahaha But you wanted to do it all the time all over the house?...hmm๐Ÿค” #AYTO
@MTV_TeeBoogie: The #blackandwhitecookie @ZAKLONGO not paying attention to the convo lol
- @ZAKLONGO: @MTV_TeeBoogie Hahah never
@KikiMTV: Thank you so much @mtvalecgonzz & @in_my_SHEETS I love you both so much. โค๏ธ #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: I'm convinced that @MTVbigD knows all the WRONG words to say. #AYTO
โ€@mtvalecgonzz: Something needed to be said Kiki, I got you ๐Ÿ˜˜
@KikiMTV: "I need a man who can f*ck, America." #SorryNotSorry #SpillingTheTruthTea #AYTO ๐Ÿ’…๐Ÿฝ๐Ÿต
@BombshellChels: About time @KikiMTV ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘ #AYTO
@MikeCrescenz0: Dammm @KikiMTV gettin at him #doyourthinggirl
@MTV_TeeBoogie: HAHAHAH @KikiMTV got ratchet
@SassySteff15: TBH I'm glad that @mtvalecgonzz is sticking up for @KikiMTV tonight! So much respect for you. โœŒ๐Ÿผ๏ธ
@mtvalecgonzz: OMG I'm getting so much love right now. Keep it coming I love all of you ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜ #AYTO
@KikiMTV: Oh wow look guys, Kiki isn't a weak dumbass anymore. ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿฝ๐Ÿ’๐Ÿฝ #AYTO #AboutTime
@AREUTHE1: Just when you think #AYTO can't get better ๐Ÿ‘€
โ€@KikiMTV: lolololol poor @MTV_NellyT2015 So much for our awesome ocean date! ๐Ÿ˜‚ Didn't mean to leave you behind. ๐Ÿ˜ #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: Wait. @MTVNellyT2013 you for real right now??? ๐Ÿ˜‚
@MikeCrescenz0: @KikiMTV @kayyjaybee those butts though!?!?
- @kayyjaybee: @MikeCrescenz0 Ayeee ๐Ÿ˜
@AREUTHE1: Just please please PLEASE get a perfect match tonight! #AYTO
@MTV_TeeBoogie: Hahahahaha anotha brotha who can't swim hahaha goodness way to show our stereotype @MTVNellyT2013
@mtvalecgonzz: Follow me on Instagram... My life goal is too get a K in my followers.... mtvalecgonzz
@tweetconnor180: Let's hear it!!!! How many beams are we getting tonight guys !?!!?!?
@AREUTHE1: "Pop Off Queen" ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ #AYTO
- @MTV: @AREUTHE1 #accurate
@AREUTHE1: I wouldn't hate it if @MTV_AMANDAG and @hbarfield13 were a match ๐Ÿ˜ป #ayto
@MTV_TeeBoogie: Hahaha @MTV_AMANDAG "being a hunner"
@BombshellChels: Oh dear sweet baby Jesus please give us another match! @AREUTHE1
โ€@KikiMTV: & the Truth Booth Queen is back in business!! ๐Ÿ‘‘ #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: .@KikiMTV is a resident Truth Booth-er by now. #AYTO
- @KikiMTV: @AREUTHE1 They should of literally put my bed in there lol
-  โ€@AREUTHE1: @KikiMTV ๐Ÿ˜‚ they really shouldve
@KikiMTV: hahaha I love you @MTV_NellyT2015 but I'm not ever shaving your legs!! ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿฝ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿฝ #AYTO
@BombshellChels: The Truth Booth Queen as returned ๐Ÿ‘ธ๐Ÿผ @KikiMTV #AYTO
@MTV_TeeBoogie: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! Nelson can't win for losing
@kayyjaybee: Are Kiki and Nelson a match????
@KikiMTV: Sooo as @RashidaZakiya said, Are the R&B singer and the Barbie a Perfect Match?! #AYTO
โ€@AREUTHE1: "I'm not shaving your legs EVER" ๐Ÿ˜‚ #ayto
@AREUTHE1: The suspense is literally killing me #AYTO
@madii_lewis: @AREUTHE1 truth booth or kiki's booth?
@KikiMTV: No Match! Honestly I had a gut feeling & I knew it wasn't right. I just knew. lol #AYTO #OnToTheNextOne
@AREUTHE1: Waaaaaiiiittttttt #AYTO
@KikiMTV: Sooo the final 3. Who is it? @mtvalecgonzz @MikeCrescenz0 or @mtvalecgonzz ??? ๐Ÿ™„ At this point whoever my match is likes someone else #AYTO
@MTV_TeeBoogie: LMAO WE SUCK ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
@AREUTHE1: ๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€ #AYTO
โ€@kayyjaybee: Womb womp wommmmmmp #shocker no math #WeSuck
@BombshellChels: Hey @tweetconnor180 ... It's still just you and I babe ๐Ÿ˜‚โค๏ธ #Chonnor #GoldenCouple #AYTO
@MTV_TeeBoogie: Down to three.... Me @mtvalecgonzz @MikeCrescenz0 uh oh
โ€@tabron27: All I wanna know is if this season of #ayto wins the money or nah. Cus looking like that'd be a miracle at this point #areyoutheone #ayto3
@KikiMTV: I literally just don't think I have a match ๐Ÿ˜‚ Can someone find Liam Hemsworth for me? Kthanks. #AYTO
- @BombshellChels: @KikiMTV as long as I can have his brother.
@AREUTHE1: 70% of the people playing along thought @KikiMTV and @MTVNellyT2013 were a match BTW.
โ€@AREUTHE1: ITS ABOUT TIME @mtvalecgonzz @StaceyGurnevich #AYTO
@BombshellChels: Mom & Dad are back together guys! ๐Ÿ˜ @mtvalecgonzz @StaceyGurnevich #AYTO
- @schmelllanie: @BombshellChels k.
@mtvalecgonzz: Finally me and Stacey have a good conversation ๐Ÿ˜˜ we are pretty cute #AYTO
@MTV_TeeBoogie: are @MikeCrescenz0 and @MTV_AMANDAG sober  8% - Of course, 92% - FUUUUCKKKKKK NO
@Ashleylynn1031: Y'all are going to need a miracle๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿค” @AREUTHE1
@StaceyGurnevich: Guys I know you're all asking questions about my rants last week and I'm really not allowed to say anything I'm sorry ๐Ÿค
@MTV_TeeBoogie: "@Modelboi12: It's all love around the @AREUTHE1 house...lets see how they all feel about each other in a few months ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ things change....QUICK" RT LMAO BRUHHHH
@colbieelovesyou: I think Tyler is Mel's match, so either Mike or Alec is Kiki's match #AYTO
@hallowseve99: @AREUTHE1 @MTV me realizing there's only 2 attempts left after this episode and only 1 confirmed match #AYTO #MTV
@BombshellChels: Only thing I missed about the house, my girl @CHEYnotShy ๐Ÿ‘ญโค๏ธ
- @_hannahrathbun: @BombshellChels @CHEYnotShy ya what the hell is this SCUSE ME ๐Ÿ‘‹๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ‘‹๐Ÿผ
- @BombshellChels: @_hannahrathbun @CHEYnotShy I wrote your guys name in! I just ran out of characters and it made me choose ๐Ÿ˜…
@MTV_TeeBoogie: I'm nervous as fuck
@BombshellChels: Hi guys were back ๐Ÿ’๐Ÿฝโค๏ธ #Chonnor #AYTO
- @MTV: @BombshellChels HEY GIRLLLL
@schmelllanie: Southern Long Island?@MikeCrescenz0
- @MikeCrescenz0: @schmelllanie best friend..... Slayinggg me
- @schmelllanie: @MikeCrescenz0 what's your name again??
@MTV_TeeBoogie: WHATTT?!!!!!!!!!!!!
@AREUTHE1: MIKE WYD??? @MikeCrescenz0 #ayto
- @MikeCrescenz0: @AREUTHE1 gonna own this for the house. I fucked up
@MikeCrescenz0: Drunken wardrobe decisions.... @hbarfield13
@schmelllanie: You still ma homie doe @MikeCrescenz0
- @MikeCrescenz0: @schmelllanie ๐Ÿ˜˜
@KikiMTV: @MikeCrescenz0 You couldn't just say my name?! Just stand up there with me? Bruhhhhh ๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ˜’ #AYTO
- @MikeCrescenz0: @KikiMTV I thought Mel was my match based off "strategy"... That's what you get listening to @in_my_SHEETS
- @KikiMTV: @MikeCrescenz0 Mhmmm excuses excuses!!! ๐Ÿ˜œ
- @schmelllanie: @KikiMTV @MikeCrescenz0 @in_my_SHEETS I thought we had so much in common!!!!! ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜
- @MikeCrescenz0: @schmelllanie @KikiMTV @in_my_SHEETS I hate you Mel ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
@MTV_TeeBoogie: Preach Mel
@BombshellChels: LMFAOOO @schmelllanie was not having it! Sorry @MikeCrescenz0 ๐Ÿ˜‚ #AYTO
- @MikeCrescenz0: @BombshellChels @schmelllanie seriously #dafuq
โ€@MTV_TeeBoogie: And it gets worse .....
@MTV_Chuckalodon: @hbarfield13 and his little legs straight cheating at the challenge tonight. #ayto haha
@tabron27: My favorite part of the show! Lights ceremony. Shits dysfunctional. Tehe #AYTO #AYTO3 #areyoutheone
@KikiMTV: Not surprised that @mtvalecgonzz picked @StaceyGurnevich buttttt #Strike2 #AYTO
@BombshellChels: Who thinks the boys will mess this up? ๐Ÿ™‹๐Ÿฝ #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: Ummm @MTV_TeeBoogie why you thinking so hard fam #AYTO
- @MTV_TeeBoogie: @AREUTHE1 I think I left the oven on back at the house with my chicken inside ๐Ÿค”
@MikeCrescenz0: @MTV_TeeBoogie its all down to you brotha! Hope you don't blow it
- @BombshellChels: @MikeCrescenz0 @MTV_TeeBoogie not holding my breath
@BrophyDan: I was hit in the face with a volleyball tonight and that is less painful than watching this matchup #AYTO
@MTV_TeeBoogie: Once again .. Leave it to me to make the important decision lmao
@Modelboi12: @MTV_TeeBoogie what you gone do BRUH
- @MTV_TeeBoogie: @Modelboi12 you know about the domino effect of match ups ... Lol
@xxjonaslovato: This whole season is a rollercoaster but it's a week 8, they need to get more than 5 lights tbh  #AYTO
@whaattaafoxx: You're a bitch @JayGMTV
- @JayGMTV: @whaattaafoxx im a what? Lol #shelovesme
- @whaattaafoxx: @JayGMTV lol youuuuu BITCHHHH
- @JayGMTV: @whaattaafoxx I was tweeting how much you loved me
@MikeCrescenz0: Cause me and @MTV_NellyT2015 are brothas.. Who wants to sleep on a full bed when you can sleep on a king cloud? #ricepattypeasants ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
@KikiMTV: All of my potential matches liked other chicks. Can't be too mad since I wasted the season with a "no match" but we allllll did that. #AYTO
@mtvalecgonzz: Me admiring myself on tv ๐Ÿ˜
@MTV_TeeBoogie: It's all up to me huh ๐Ÿ˜ˆ
@KikiMTV: Alright soooo @MTV_TeeBoogie let's win this monayyyy! ๐Ÿค‘๐Ÿค‘๐Ÿค‘ or not....#AYTO
@BombshellChels: WAYYYY TO GO @MTV_TeeBoogie ๐Ÿ†
- @MTV_TeeBoogie: @BombshellChels LMAO ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
โ€@KikiMTV: Okay, so basically whoever my match is, is dumber than my ass was when I kept going back to @MTVbigD ๐Ÿ˜‚ #ImDone #WereFucked #AYTO
@KikiMTV: PREACH @BritniNicol YASSSS BABY GIRL!!! ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿฝ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿฝ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿฝ #AYTO
@schmelllanie: I'm punching chairs and @BritniNicol getting loud. HADA PUT DEM BOYS IN THEIR PLACEEEEE!! #ayto
@allisonlentz15: Currently yelling at my tv because #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: But really. You had ONE job #ayto
- @RyanDevlin: @MTV @AREUTHE1 THEY CAN'T! #dummies
@MikeCrescenz0: Canadian tux?
โ€@KikiMTV: YASSSSS @RashidaZakiya TELL THESE FUCKBOYS!!! ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿฝ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿฝ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿฝ #AYTO #NoFuckboysAllowed
@MTV_TeeBoogie: "@Kari_Daddy: Don't blame @MTV_TeeBoogie he picked the girl he felt was his match so all 3 of them should have talked. Should have been Mike" RT Thank you!  Lol
@BombshellChels: RASHIDAAAAAA ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘ @RashidaZakiya
@schmelllanie: @RashidaZakiya GOTTTEMMMMM!!! #loveyou #ayto
โ€@AREUTHE1: ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘ PREACH @RashidaZakiya #ayto
@MikeCrescenz0: I hope we don't black out.. This matchup was such a mess up ๐Ÿ˜ฉ
@tabron27: People so hung up on relationships that prob won't last vs MONEY!!!!??? Nah. #areyoutheone #AYTO #AYTO3
โ€@KikiMTV: At least I was standing next to my best guy friend in the house. Love you @in_my_SHEETS โค๏ธ #AYTO
- @in_my_SHEETS: @KikiMTV ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š
@colbieelovesyou: I'm so pissed #AYTO
@KikiMTV: & at least my outfit is bad AF ๐Ÿ’๐Ÿฝ #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: If we don't get more than 3 beams I'm throwing my laptop at my TV โœŒ๏ธ #AYTO
- @MTV: @AREUTHE1 I'll join you in that
- @AREUTHE1: @MTV this is just... all bad
- @MTV: @AREUTHE1 so like gonna throw my laptop in 3....2....1....
- @BombshellChels: @AREUTHE1 Same.
โ€@tabron27: When your ๐Ÿ’ฐ is in other ppls hands & they mess it up. I'd be pissed! #areyoutheone #AYTO3 #AYTO hence why I cried all the time my season lol
@x0TinaMiller0x: This will forever go down in #areyoutheone history as the worst #matchup in history. #AYTO
@StaceyGurnevich: 3 beams.. Again.. Lmfaooo I'm done I can't anymore
@MTV_TeeBoogie: 3 of them thangs!
@mtvalecgonzz: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA 3 beams again. Fuck it I'm selling drugs were not gonna win this shit. Who needs? #AYTO
@KikiMTV: No surprise there....we suck...actually the boys suck lol #AYTO
@BombshellChels: Anyone else notice @tweetconnor180 and I hysterically laughing ๐Ÿ˜‚ #IHateYall #WereLeaving
@AREUTHE1: I don't know if I should laugh or cry #AYTO
โ€@BombshellChels: Hey @AREUTHE1 can I stop showing up to these match ups?
@MTV_TeeBoogie: "@D_Priincee
Why everybody tripping on @MTV_TeeBoogie tho๐Ÿ˜ฉ๐Ÿ˜ฉ Y'all know he and Kiki ain't not damn perfect match๐Ÿ˜ด" RT You feel me!
@AREUTHE1: THANK GOD the girls pick next week. #AYTO
@KikiMTV: Make sure to check out the deleted scenes & sneak peeks at  NEXT WEEK IS THE FINALE OMG!! #AYTO
@kayyjaybee: How about the next episode! ๐Ÿ˜œ

> After Hours, Thursday Hangover, and Ellie Tells It Like It Is

@schmelllanie: Soooo! What are your thoughts? Can we pull this off? Or should we just quit while we're behind ๐Ÿค” #AYTO
- @n_zanattaMTV: @schmelllanie I really think you found your match-she's cute, blonde hair, nice bod, great attitude...You two can both drink protein shakes๐Ÿ˜
- @schmelllanie: @n_zanattaMTV go to the gym and go hiking! Eat waffels.... @JasIPen #threesome
- @n_zanattaMTV: @schmelllanie @JasIPen I just got ๐Ÿ’ฆ๐Ÿ’ฆ๐Ÿ’ฆ  woot woot!!!  #perfectdate #perfectmatch #mtv #gainZ
- @schmelllanie:
@schmelllanie loving the comments!! Keep Em coming!!!! ๐Ÿ™ƒ
@MTV_TeeBoogie: "@mariahreed6
@MTV_TeeBoogie Kiki was mad that none of her potential matches picked her... but she was the one that ran back to her confirmed NOMATCH Dev" RT PREACHHHH
THREE LIGHTS??!! ๐Ÿ˜ฉ๐Ÿ˜ฉ๐Ÿ˜ฉ They're doomed. โœ‹๐Ÿฝ Lol #AYTO #AYTO3 #areyoutheone
@BombshellChels: "@abby_putnam
Really 3/10 beams again! I called it! @BombshellChels I bet you were upset" RT We picked up sushi on the way home, watched some Jurassic Park and laughed lol.
@n_zanattaMTV: A little late however she already knows #wce @JasIPen
โ€@tabron27: I like the ppl on this season, but soooo damn happy I wasn't on it lol. #AYTO #AYTO3 #areyoutheone ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿฝ #thankyouLord
@tabron27: I'm getting so many questions in my DMs that I decided to answer any questions that you have on my website  !! #AYTO
@KikiMTV: They are combining weeks 9 & 10 into a two hour finale!!!! Everyone calm down hahaha #ayto
- @MTV_TeeBoogie: @KikiMTV HAHAHAHA I'm cracking up right now
โ€@tabron27: Go on  and go to the "Ask Tyler" section. I will answer all questions and give my girls some adviceโค๏ธ #ayto #asktyler
@MTV_TeeBoogie: HAHAHAHAHHA I'm fuckin cracking up and my mentions ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
@MTV_TeeBoogie: Lmao @Modelboi12 these people have no clue how choosing goes ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
- @Modelboi12: @MTV_TeeBoogie right lol
@AREUTHE1: Well... We're 8 weeks in and this is what we DO know #AYTO
@LaytonJones195: I'm trying to train with this guy @therock and #Instaview trying to tell me he been looking at my profile... #MuscleFitness #AreYouTheOne
@AREUTHE1: Let's do this again next week (and hopefully get more than 3 beams) #AYTO
@KikiMTV: At least @in_my_SHEETS & I looked super cute ๐Ÿ’๐Ÿฝโค๏ธ #AYTO
- @in_my_SHEETS: @KikiMTV ๐Ÿ˜ˆ
@MTV_TeeBoogie: "@KatieKkkk: and just saying that @MTV_TeeBoogie didn't deserve to get all that hate, there were two others who did the same damn thing." RT Lol it's all good. I've had way worse hahaha
@MTV_TeeBoogie: "@x_AdorableMe: Everyone should learn from @MTV_TeeBoogie & stop raising their vocal cords lmao.. Hes playing smart & wit his โค๏ธ #YallJelly #ThatRhymed ๐Ÿ’ƒ๐Ÿผ" RT You got a mixtape coming out?!
@MTV_TeeBoogie: "@Shayla_Eryn: There is no way @MTV_TeeBoogie and @KikiMTV are perfect matches. So no reason to go off on him when the other two didn't pick her either." RT Hahaha exactly
I don't understand why the girls aren't fighting over @in_my_SHEETS he's definitely the best pick there #areyoutheone
@MikeCrescenz0: If you guys thought this season had drama, wait until next week. Embarrassed doesn't come close to how I feel. #ayto #ohana
@schmelllanie: For those of you who said to quit, as much as I'd like to agree- QUITTING IS FOR SUCKAS! tune in nxt week for our 2 hour finale #AYTO ๐Ÿ˜…
@KikiMTV: So wanna see the whole fight?? #AYTO  via MTV
@schmelllanie: @RyanDevlin I almost missed a Wednesday filled with love for you!! Xoxoxox ๐Ÿ™ƒ๐Ÿ˜˜
- @RyanDevlin: @schmelllanie ๐Ÿ˜Š. Man I hope you guys get your shit together next week. This is embarrassing!
@KikiMTV: Watch me reflect on not getting picked & my Truth Booth journey #AYTO  via MTV
@AREUTHE1: "These guys are f**king morons." -- @KikiMTV breaks down tonight's match-up ceremony:
@KikiMTV: I just want to cuddle โค๏ธ
- @MTV_TeeBoogie: @KikiMTV Lmao don't worry I won't choose you to cuddle either ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
- @KikiMTV: @MTV_TeeBoogie bahaha I hate youuuu!!!
- @MTV_TeeBoogie: @KikiMTV I think we are supposed to hate each other ... So .. I hate you keeks! ๐Ÿ˜œ
@StaceyGurnevich: "@x0TinaMiller0x: I would like to release a public apology to Stacey for thinking she was clingy and crazy for 7 & a half episodes. #areyoutheone #AYTO" RT Yo I just died ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ I love you girl it's all good, you got to see a little bit of how I really am tonight
I'm pretty sure I the one who gave this idea my last day in the house. But okayyyyy. Take the credit ya d.... โ€ฆ
@MTV_TeeBoogie: "@NEAVEMADSEN: I need a @MTV_Chuckalodon in my life.. ๐Ÿ˜ป" RT Me too.. Let's go kidnap him
- @MTV_Chuckalodon: @MTV_TeeBoogie @NEAVEMADSEN miss you TeeBoogie. My eagle is getting so good
- @MTV_TeeBoogie: @MTV_Chuckalodon miss you too brotha. You got me convinced to watch Game of thrones!
- @MTV_Chuckalodon: @MTV_TeeBoogie look out for my double in the first season haha
@KikiMTV: "@KansasSasshole: What if Kiki and Devin don't have matches because they are actually witches. #AYTO" RT That would be cool. Abracadabra ๐Ÿ’ฅ
@in_my_SHEETS: You guys are awesome! I wish I could respond to everyone! Just know I see it and I appreciate all of yalls support โค๏ธโค๏ธ
@JayGMTV: Its doin... @whaattaafoxx
@RashidaZakiya: I love you guys I'm at work but everyone is freakin awesome !! Thank you so much โค๏ธโค๏ธโค๏ธโค๏ธ
โ€@KikiMTV: If I didn't win you over tonight THEN I FUCKING GIVE UP! A few people still blaming me for Dev & calling me annoying ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜… #AYTO #lolsomean
โ€@BombshellChels: No biggie, just cooking some bacon at almost 1 am ๐Ÿ˜‚
@StaceyGurnevich: Really appreciating all the love tonight ๐Ÿ˜Œ thanks guys, watching this show would not be an enjoyable experience without you all. Love you ๐Ÿ’•
@brittany_baldi: Im most productive when I have my plate full. Pressure makes diamonds. What about you all? ๐Ÿ’Ž
@KikiMTV: "@ashley_e_02: I think there should be a commemorative plaque in the tooth booth dedicated to @KikiMTV since she's in there on the reg." RT @AREUTHE1 @mtv @LightheartedTV So who can I talk to about setting this up? ๐Ÿ˜‚ #ButReallyThough #AYTO
@KikiMTV: "@AreUthe1Casting: We're BAAAAACK! #NOWCASTING season 4 of #AreYouTheOne. Singles 21+ submit to  to find your perfect match! #AYTO #MTV" RT Ummm can I please have a re-do since as of now none of my PM's want me??
โ€@AREUTHE1: Ohhhh Kiki....
@JonayaDoll: Nelson and Kiki lets see because these people need a miracle. And Devin needs to staple his mouth #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: "@Jwale7: I'm ready for there to be a perfect match on #AYTO #areyoutheone @AREUTHE1" RT I think every cast member would agree.
@MikeCrescenz0: Blessings on blessings on blessings
@MikeCrescenz0: When you find the girl of your dreams and you realize your not on her level #shithurts
@ZAKLONGO: Too much bullshit from the same couples... Who edited this nonsense? Lol worst episode.
โ€@ZAKLONGO: "@paulinexo97: @ZAKLONGO literally all they ever show is devin and Kiki" RT It was annoying living with that... Now I have to rewatch it... #nobodycares
@ZAKLONGO: So many other great things happened during filming with literally EVERYONE else... Disappointed in how the entire show was cut together.
@ZAKLONGO: Tryin steal the footage of the boom boom room to drop a #ZannahSexTape
- @_hannahrathbun: @ZAKLONGO So much to work with ๐Ÿ˜
@_hannahrathbun: Cant wait for the last episode to be over so I can finally start posting things I want ๐Ÿ˜’
โ€@schmelllanie: I took a chance, and it landed me with new friends, a wonderful experience and I now feel a lot more wiser ๐Ÿค” TAKE THAT CHANCE! & APPLY NOW!!! ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿฝ๐ŸŽ‰ Tag anyone who you believe would be interested in applying!! This could be a life changing experience for you! #ayto 
@kayyjaybee: Lmao how true? ๐Ÿ˜‚
@KikiMTV: It's crazy how a week ago my retweets & favorites were all about being in love & now they are all about getting hurt & moving on.
@MTV_TeeBoogie: That extended scene from last night though ๐Ÿ™ˆ๐Ÿ˜ฉ
@AREUTHE1: .@KikiMTV told us how she really felt about what happened during last night's Match-Up Ceremony: 
โ€@tweetconnor180: Eating a sandwich..... It's bomb
@KikiMTV: Do people not realize that rude & negative comments to me & on my pics will get your sorry ass immediately blocked? Like byeeee โœŒ๐Ÿฝ๏ธ๐Ÿ’…๐Ÿฝ
@MTV_TeeBoogie: Lmao last night was intense. People still feeling some type of way
@MTV_TeeBoogie: I hope you girl who think you are slick sending me and my other cast mates dms with the same picture realize we have a group chat lol
@kayyjaybee: Be sure to check out the extended and deleted scenes on  ๐Ÿ˜œ
@MTV_TeeBoogie: I go into a trance when I see a phat ass ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
@MTV_TeeBoogie: Some people live by the IG commandments ( Mcm tbt etc ) like its a fuckin ritual lol
@MTV_JESS: #team ๐Ÿ˜ป โ€ฆ
@ZAKLONGO: Who's ready for the dumbest finale in American History? Tune in next week.
- @mtvalecgonzz: @ZAKLONGO I'm watching American Horror Story next week 
- @MTV_TeeBoogie: @mtvalecgonzz Hahahahaha  
- @ZAKLONGO: @mtvalecgonzz I don't even watch that but i'll start ๐Ÿ˜‚ 
- @MTV_TeeBoogie: @ZAKLONGO Shit you didn't have to watch it. You were apart of it  
- @MTV_Chuckalodon: โ€@ZAKLONGO Dumbest. Shit. Ever. #ayto 
@MTV_TeeBoogie: Yo @RyanDevlin that's twice you put me on the hotseat. I thought we were boys ๐Ÿค” lol
โ€@ZAKLONGO: They're airing episode 9&10 next week so we can get this over with ๐Ÿ˜‚
@MTV_TeeBoogie: Shoutout to the young teenagers trying to talk shit. That's cute ๐Ÿ˜‚
@MTV_TeeBoogie: Currently gonna take shots for every hashtag my boy @mtvalecgonzz uses a hashtag ๐Ÿ˜‚
- @mtvalecgonzz: @MTV_TeeBoogie You about to be FUCKED uppppp ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ 
@ZAKLONGO: I'm going on @afterbuzztv tonight.. Tune in to hear me talk mad shit ๐Ÿ˜ˆ
@AREUTHE1: Last night's #AYTO had me kicking and screaming:  
@RashidaZakiya: No matter where I go I know I'm good because I know I am chosen ๐Ÿ’ซ๐Ÿ‘‘
@Sam_Machado88: .@KikiMTV Explains Not Being Chosen By Potential Matches On @AreUThe1, 'I Was Humiliated' โ€ฆ #AreYouTheOne
@LightheartedTV: What you didnt get to see on last night's #AreYouTheOne were the exes coming back to the house... watch now:   ๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜
@kmacisco: Just when you think they can't get any dumber on AYTO...@mtvalecgonzz @MikeCrescenz0 and @MTV_TeeBoogie all don't pick Kiki ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
@BombshellChels: I read a lot of your guys comments & tweets calling our cast dumb and saying really mean things. Leave me out of that, clearly.
โ€@BombshellChels: Some really did try it's not their fault it wasn't show.
โ€@MTV_JESS: Get paid to snapchat yeah why not!
@LightheartedTV: Story of our lives :( @MTVbigD @AREUTHE1 
@MTV_TeeBoogie: Last night got I N T E N S E ! ! ! I was last to pick out of the Mike and Alec and didn't chooseโ€ฆ 
@BombshellChels: Should @tweetconnor180 and I be given the money to split if the rest of them don't figure it out? Go ... #AYTO
@MTV_TeeBoogie: Hey @BombshellChels guess what?!
- @BombshellChels: @MTV_TeeBoogie I thought I blocked you before we even left Hawaii??  
- @MTV_TeeBoogie: @BombshellChels I rigged your apt with deadly traps and bombs #letsplayagame ๐Ÿ˜ˆ 
@AREUTHE1: Make the most out of cuffing season ๐Ÿ”ฅLet @RyanDevlin teach you how:  #DevlinsDatingTips
@brittany_baldi: Even when you're feeling defeated just know there is hope ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผโญ๏ธ
โ€@RashidaZakiya: I really went in last night definition of a #bitesizedBoss but I love my #AYTO even though we suck right now lol
@whaattaafoxx: I'm just tryna chill.
@mtvalecgonzz: Omg how many times I need to tell people. It's ALEC not Alex. Like Baldwin... Just better looking
@mtvalecgonzz: If @mtv or @LightheartedTV really want to make a hit they'll bring me back for another show... Just saying ๐Ÿต๐Ÿธ
- @LightheartedTV: @mtvalecgonzz @MTV shouldn't we let others have a chance to #NeverGiveUpOnLove?
@MTV_JESS: @JayGMTV I'm gonna kill youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
- @JayGMTV: @MTV_JESS Love you too punkin 
โ€@whaattaafoxx: I am that person that will take 4 suckers from the bank. Shit they offer so
@MaybachDiamonds: "salt life" means you eat cum right?
- โ€@wesbucklesmtv: @MaybachDiamonds wtf lol
- @MaybachDiamonds: @wesbucklesmtv shoutout to Boston market yo I saw that. And yea I'm hating on salt life
I'm tellin y'all! @bostonmarket food be LIT!!! โœŠ๐Ÿฝ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿฝ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿฝ That mac n cheese w/ sweet potatoes tho!
I just napped solely for the reason of it being like pressing fast forward to my next meal
How does @KikiMTV REALLY feel after being rejected by her potential #AYTO matches?  
@BombshellChels: True Life: I'm addicted to the show Deal or No Deal
@AREUTHE1: Amanda kissing her ex is one thing you DIDN'T see last night: 
@whaattaafoxx: @hbarfield13 I LOVED THE POEM, @RashidaZakiya Im dying at you on a horse hahaha @mtvalecgonzz My fave ice cream is Cookies and cream too!
@whaattaafoxx: Sorry Yall catching up on AYTO!
@whaattaafoxx: I still think @StaceyGurnevich and @mtvalecgonzz are a match.
@whaattaafoxx: I think @hbarfield13 and @RashidaZakiya MAYBBBEEEE a match, but hells yeah i feel you on that deer meat boy! Aint no better meat!
- @kayyjaybee:@whaattaafoxx Bitch I love your fine ass too! I told @MTV_JESS we are all hanging with weekend ๐Ÿ˜œ #BBLU  
- @MTV_JESS: @kayyjaybee @whaattaafoxx bound to fuck shit uppppp ๐Ÿ˜
- @kayyjaybee: @MTV_JESS @whaattaafoxx ๐Ÿ˜ˆ๐Ÿ˜ˆ๐Ÿ˜ˆ
- @whaattaafoxx: @kayyjaybee @MTV_JESS LEGGGGOOO!
@whaattaafoxx: "Have wet dreams" ahahhahhaha @CHEYnotShy
@whaattaafoxx: Devin needs to choke on a fat fucking chode cock! @AREUTHE1  Disrespectful piece of shit. HE CAN EAT SHIT
@whaattaafoxx: sorry everyone ive been moving and havent been able to see the last two eps. #AYTO
@whaattaafoxx: @RashidaZakiya aint no way in HELL Devin is your match girl. Unlessss you're someone he needs. He needs someone to beat his ass.
@whaattaafoxx: When @KikiMTV cries, I cry..... So sad
- @KikiMTV: @whaattaafoxx I โค๏ธ you...I don't think I cry the rest of the season after episode 7 so woohoo! lol 
@whaattaafoxx: Ep. 7 @kayyjaybee is slayyyyinnnnggg! I love that red pencil skirt with the black crop!
- @kayyjaybee: @whaattaafoxx thanks babes โค๏ธโค๏ธโค๏ธโค๏ธ
@whaattaafoxx: Okay honestly who gives two fucks if you fuck in the "group room" whatever, shit people did it on our season, && i fucking laughed.
- @KikiMTV: @whaattaafoxx Bahaha that's what I'm saying literally everyone did it in there lol 
- @whaattaafoxx: @KikiMTV yeah for real. People were giving blow jobs, fucking, sucking, sitting on face, who gives two shits lol! i would have too
@whaattaafoxx: Shit, i woulda done it too. WHO CARES. #AYTO
@whaattaafoxx: Lets see if these losers can up their game. @AREUTHE1
@whaattaafoxx: LOL im jk.
@whaattaafoxx: @in_my_SHEETS  "we really havent made progress" @hbarfield13 "go with it, go with it"  IM FUCKING DEAD HAHHA
@whaattaafoxx: One of my ex's is SHIT, The other knows im crazy but he loves me for it, still friends to this day. LOVE HIM!
@schmelllanie: When I liked Tyler but saw his shoe size and realized it was too big, so I moved on to Alec and he didn't like the same ice cream as me... so his shoe size had to be small, and then I had to go up there with Mike and he doesn't even like ice cream so why the f*ck he choose me?!?!?! #ayto #wisecaptionof #therealtboogie #keptitpg @mtv_teeboogie 
- @mtv_teeboogie #datsbaedoe #teamwork ๐Ÿ˜˜
@AREUTHE1: Eight weeks in. One confirmed perfect match. #AYTO 
Ellie Puckett โœ โ€@whaattaafoxx: 
@whaattaafoxx: "AIR HIGH FIVE" I SAY THAT TOO! @kayyjaybee
-  โ€@mtvalecgonzz: @whaattaafoxx That scene was hella cute, even I got feels 
- @whaattaafoxx: @mtvalecgonzz omg i know!! lol me and jess look at each other and start whining hahahha
@shandathapanda: @AREUTHE1 if u let them win at the end of this imma smh
@whaattaafoxx: hahaahha @ZAKLONGO stuppidddd!! "Gidde on up there Mel"
- @ZAKLONGO: @whaattaafoxx ๐ŸŽ๐ŸŽ๐ŸŽ 
@whaattaafoxx: GET IT @RashidaZakiya FUCK YES BITCH!
โ€@whaattaafoxx: Once im done, im done. I'll always say I'm done. But you gone know when i'm really done. lmfao.
โ€@whaattaafoxx: "@Meghann_88: @whaattaafoxx heyyyy what are your thoughts on this seasons #areyoutheone?" RT All these bitches stuuuupiiid AF 
@mtvalecgonzz: Fan always ask me why I don't snap back often... Well it's cuz yall mofuckas screenshot EVERYTHING and sometimes I look like shit. Love you
@AREUTHE1: The #AYTO house is putting the game in Devin's hands next week: 
@whaattaafoxx: Justin Bieber Love Yourself. YEESSSS
@MTV_TeeBoogie: Sheesh. Had a guy nervous to talk to me. He stuttered and said " you are on that show right " hahaha
โ€@whaattaafoxx: Life is so good when you're around.
@whaattaafoxx: You're my kind of perfect.
@whaattaafoxx: Me every night: Finding new quiz's to take on Facebook.  This has become my life.
@jenniknapmiller: My mom always knows what's best for me, why can't I always listen
@kayyjaybee: Game face ๐Ÿ˜
@whaattaafoxx: If you've ever tried getting it in the ass you know it feels like a knife. Am i right, or am i right? IDK how yall bitches do it...
@mtvalecgonzz: I'm pretty sure my dog is trying to tell me not to drink too much tonight
@mtvalecgonzz: Too late
@JustJem24: Bloodlines was myyyyy idea 
@MTV_JESS: Hoping for cool dreams cuz real life sucks
โ€@KikiMTV: Today, right now, I choose to remember the good memories because they felt so real to me. Moving forward and not looking back.
@in_my_SHEETS: Call me Dr. Sheets
- โ€@KikiMTV: @in_my_SHEETS Love you always โค๏ธ #MyTherapist  
- @BombshellChels: @KikiMTV @in_my_SHEETS I got replaced quick ๐Ÿ˜’
- @KikiMTV: @BombshellChels @in_my_SHEETS You stopped texting me back ya sloot!
- @in_my_SHEETS: @BombshellChels @KikiMTV she upgraded
- @NotoriousAJM: @BombshellChels @KikiMTV @in_my_SHEETS OOP๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ‘€
@KikiMTV: All I truly want right now is an untouched mountain all to myself & my board. #MyHappyPlace
@MTV_JESS: Love it when I can't sleep ๐Ÿ˜ฉ
@alyssa_sitman: This is my face at the fact that they are still showing the kiki & devin show Im over it. @_hannahrathbun @ZAKLONGO 
- @_hannahrathbun: @alyssa_sitman Dead ๐Ÿ˜‚ 
@BombshellChels: Tonight's one of those nights where I wish I was back in Hawaii chilling on the balcony of our honeymoon suite with a drink

> As Me And The Fans Saw It
@dc408dxnow: Now last week, we had straw that broke camel's back for some for the Bostonian, plus we had cowboys. Now we have exes arriving. #dcAYTO
@dc408dxnow: The group is concerned that they're going nowhere but if last year is an indication, they can still salvage not only pride but cash as well.
@dc408dxnow: And again we have Devin hanging out w/ Kiki. It's really unfortunate that this is the hurdle that's been keeping this team on the ground.
@dc408dxnow: GC #8, @kayyjaybee wants to go on a date, and this challenge is Dirty Laundry. And the exes are here... @CHEYnotShy not happy about it.
@dc408dxnow: They're pairing up life preservers w/ girls' exes w/ the guys only doing this. And there's Britni's ex who feels like 40yrs old. #AYTO
@dc408dxnow: We know it's Britni's ex but the guys don't know. Hunter 1st, then Chuck., Alec, Mike, Nelson &'Dev. I'm sure D will need some help.
@dc408dxnow: Ex 2 is Stacey's. Alec I'm sure will nail this, but Hunter wants to be on a challenge but Chuck has been killing it in GC.
@dc408dxnow: Ex 3 is Cheyenne's. Semifinal 4 in play, Hunter to final, then Nelly and Chuck & Austin. Alec out. #5 is Matt, Amanda's ex.
@dc408dxnow: Hunter gets the automatic spot, now it's gonna come down Nelson, Austin & Chuck for the spot in the final three. AS needs this one. #AYTO
@dc408dxnow: We had guys' exes on season 1, the parents last year & now girls' exes. @hbarfield13 @MTVNellyT2013 @in_my_SHEETS take the win.
@dc408dxnow: Open water spear fishing is the date as Amanda, Stacey & Kiki are chosen by the guys to go along. Big TB choice later on, they need matches.
@dc408dxnow: Kiki in need for respect in the house as Dev, Alec & Austin are talking to her. Now she's going off on him & Austin letting D know about it
@dc408dxnow: I can tell you that @KikiMTV had all of that anger built up inside & she picked the right time to put him on notice. Preach Kiki! #AYTO
@dc408dxnow: Last week & this week's date tailor made for @hbarfield13. Horse back last week, underwater fishing this week. Also suits @KikiMTV too.
@dc408dxnow: But Nelson... Not ready. Vote time & house needs something here otherwise they'll prob won't win. Hunter & Kiki enjoying this as it's here.
@dc408dxnow: Going to truth booth is... @KikiMTV @MTVNellyT2013. D wants to know how obsessed the house is w/ her as she goes in yet again. Record total.
@dc408dxnow: This has been a nightmare stay for this group. Another @KikiMTV trip to the #truthbooth comes away empty. Now their odds probably 125-1.
@dc408dxnow: Alec & Stacey kissing, then Mike & Amanda doing the same. MM wants her to open up for game play's sake bc they're going nowhere.
@dc408dxnow: Matchup patio awaits for guys' choice in WK8. @RashidaZakiya has good feeling they can get some clues here but they need to act fast.
@dc408dxnow: .@MikeCrescenz0 is a city cowboy as he picks @schmelllanie though Kiki wants to know if this pick is it. @hbarfield13 picks @BritniNicol.
@dc408dxnow: .@mtvalecgonzz picks mom, make it @StaceyGurnevich. @MTV_TeeBoogie has a choice in his hands, btw enjoyed his chat w/ AK yesterday.
@dc408dxnow: .@MTV_TeeBoogie goes w/ @CHEYnotShy & they're going off on him for not choosing @KikiMTV. Going w/ heart. Gonna be risky probably.
 โ€@dc408dxnow: .@MTV_Chuckalodon picks @MTV_AMANDAG. Devin picks @RashidaZakiya. She too also going off for this conservative gameplay. Preach Rashida!
@dc408dxnow: .@ZAKLONGO picks @_hannahrathbun. @MTVNellyT2013 w/ @kayyjaybee. @in_my_SHEETS w/ @KikiMTV. No match there, this is unfortunate. No cash TN.
@dc408dxnow: Gotta think they'll be lucky to not black out after this chaotic Matchup, no less get 4 or more. But its 3 & @RyanDevlin's right: it's dark.
@CSUGradAkirk: Of course the boom boom room would have a box full  of condoms #AYTO
@CSUGradAkirk: Pop off were the key words there they knew it was @MTV_AMANDAG  #AYTO
@CSUGradAkirk: I thought Amanda was over mike what happened here #AYTO
@CSUGradAkirk: Devin go away #AYTO
@CSUGradAkirk: Nothing against you @KikiMTV  love you but yours and devins relationship is my least favorite of ayto
@CSUGradAkirk: Kiki for the fifth time  in the booth #AYTO  I'm sure it'll be her and Nelson
@CSUGradAkirk: If it's a no match I know who of the three is Kikis match I'm 100 percent positive it's who I'm thinking
@CSUGradAkirk: 1 for 8 wow #AYTO
@CSUGradAkirk: Finally @mtvalecgonzz giving @StaceyGurnevich  a chance  perfect match right there #AYTO
@CSUGradAkirk: Dude @MTV_TeeBoogie  looking a deer in headlights on that stage #AYTO
@CSUGradAkirk: Wow that's all I got to say #AYTO
@CSUGradAkirk: I think they'll get on more correct truth booth with Alec and Stacy but after that idk what'll happen #AYTO
@CSUGradAkirk: @dc408dxtr  are they doomed my friend?
- @dc408dxtr: @CSUGradAkirk you actually asked 1st before I did this time. Anyway it pains me to say this but in my mind it's probably gonna be the case. in my heart I'm hoping they can pull this off & they're not dead yet, but if this stays as is, surrender flag will wave soon.
@busdriversroute: I wonder who's gonna get the "we're so bad at this" quote to start this episode. #AYTO
@busdriversroute: Is there anything Kiki won't celebrate to like she was just told she's not the father on Maury Povich? #AYTO
@busdriversroute: No joke I totally forgot Amanda was on this show. Her meltdown on Devlin feels like a century ago. #AYTO
@busdriversroute: Kayla going the Tom Haverford method of figuring out her perfect match. "Love fades but things, they last forever." #AYTO
@busdriversroute: Everything about Devin and Kiki right now... #AYTO
@busdriversroute: Pick two people at random. Have no plan. See small yellow bar. No match. Rinse and repeat. #AYTO
@busdriversroute: Is it time for #Bloodlines yet?
@busdriversroute: It completely changes EVERYTHING guys! Now Kiki has 3 people left instead of 4. So wild. #AYTO
@busdriversroute: Wtf is that confessional @StaceyGurnevich? What about Hunter? This show is batshit this season. And maybe not in a good way. #AYTO
@busdriversroute: "I'm really surprised because we really never talked." The tagline of this season. #AYTO
@busdriversroute: THAT IS NOT YOUR NAME. It is not Ty-Boogie....IT IS TEE-BOOGIE. #AYTO
@busdriversroute: Pick Kiki Devin. Do it. DO IT.
@busdriversroute: Boooooooooooo
@lashtweets: Starting #AYTO now ๐Ÿฆ„๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜–
@lashtweets: NO. WAY. #AYTO
@lashtweets: I'm not angry. I'm just disappointed. #AYTO ๐Ÿ˜‘
@plainviewsue: This group of morons don't deserve to win a dime #AYTO
@plainviewsue: As for the recap of #AYTO, @busdriversroute & @lashtweets, you can do it in 5 minutes. Mike is the biggest idiot. Tyler is an idiot. The end
@thepoetsaint: It's time for another @AREUTHE1 aftershow on @afterbuzztv tonight! Special guest is @ZAKLONGO! 1st male guest of the season! It's going down
@thepoetsaint: @KikiMTV I would have picked you at the match up. ๐Ÿ˜
@dmurf625: Pumped to have a dude (and an awesome one!) join us on the #AYTO after show on @afterbuzztv tonight. Tune in @ 10 pm PT w/ guest @ZAKLONGO!
@NinoLlanera: #AYTO fans can't wait to recap the show tonight! We have special guest coming on as well! Tune in to @afterbuzztv at 10pm for the live show!
@TalkNerdyWithUs: "We really suck at this game" - @_hannahrathbun #areyoutheone
@TalkNerdyWithUs: "100% I think I'm a champion" - @KikiMTV #areyoutheone
โ€@TalkNerdyWithUs: EX-TRA DIRTY LAUNDRY #areyoutheone
@TalkNerdyWithUs: Ex...# 1 #areyoutheone
@TalkNerdyWithUs: "Jimmy Neutron" - @ZAKLONGO #areyoutheone
@TalkNerdyWithUs: @KikiMTV is FIERCE this ep! Got some bite to her! LOVING it #areyoutheone
@TalkNerdyWithUs: Truth booth time #areyoutheone
@TalkNerdyWithUs: "Y'all fucked yourselves" - TRUTH! @KikiMTV #areyoutheone
@TalkNerdyWithUs: Is @mtvalecgonzz FINALLY going to give @StaceyGurnevich a chance?!?!#areyoutheone
@TalkNerdyWithUs: "Let's go for it!" - @mtvalecgonzz #areyoutheone
โ€@TalkNerdyWithUs: "You and I are Bonnie and Clyde. In the worst way possible" - @MikeCrescenz0 #areyoutheone
- @MikeCrescenz0: @TalkNerdyWithUs worst possible way
- @TalkNerdyWithUs: @MikeCrescenz0 sorry! Typed too fast ๐Ÿ™ˆ๐Ÿ™ˆ
@TalkNerdyWithUs: WHOOOAAAA who was THAT in the boom boom room?!?!?! #areyoutheone
@TalkNerdyWithUs: @RashidaZakiya YOU TELL 'EM GIIRRLLLLL!!!!!!! ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿ™Œ

To put this week's train wreck in Cliff Notes form: we had the fifth trip to the truth booth for poor Kiki as she can't get a break there, while she also spills dirt about her dealings with Devin to the house as well. Of course, she and the girls get a dose of karma coming in some of their exes giving the guys some much needed dirt, and the ladies put the guys on blast for making bad decisions at the 8th matchup, which has them in a deep hole and seemingly out of the running for the money.
   But again, anything can happen and if where Devin comes from is a reminder - Brookline, MA, they may draw upon the famous words of golf legend Ben Crenshaw after day 2 of the 1999 Ryder Cup when, as Team USA captain, he uttered at the press conference, "I'm going to leave y'all with one thought. I'm a big believer in fate. I have a good feeling about this." They would come back from down 10-6 to Europe and win the next day. This one is far from being over.
   The stage is set for the two-hour season finale coming up next Wednesday, and we'll wrap this week's episode and cover other things, including the new Challenge baby and Austin too - before then right here.

Though last night was my birthday - my 32nd if you're wondering & I'm old obviously, tonight DCBDAY Weekend sees the second of our co-main event twin-bill. Last year, I had a great birthday that I sent with the social media world - both those in my inner circle and those outside of it. Two weeks later, I got to live tweet the experience of being at a live sporting event for the first time when the Seahawks faced the Niners. Just last month, just as it was two years earlier, I brought you the DC Vegas experience of sharing a trip to the adult playground of Las Vegas with the social world, live tweets, pics & all. And last night I had another good birthday with all of you out there, and even played role of DJ tweeting out my music playlist.
   Tonight, I'll again be bringing you my experience of going to sports events live through social media and being on site as it all unfolds. And just as it was last Thanksgiving, this year's edition of DC Big Game Live involves a Bay Area sports team with a growing national following, but it's one that can lay claim to something that the team I root for last year isn't now: champions.
   It was in 1993 on Halloween Eve that I went to my first ever live sports event: a Golden State Warriors preseason game vs. the team then known as the Seattle SuperSonics. This time, it's a different kind of Warriors with new owners, new players and now the man who's arrived on the scene as next mega-star in the Association in Stephen Curry. And of course, the biggest moment for me in the 2015 Summer of Sports was the Warriors winning the NBA title over the Cleveland Cavaliers, the team's first NBA title since 1975 and culmination of one of the best seasons in league history.
   Okay, so it's not the great rivalry game that I went to last year; and in fact the opponent is one that has . But a game is a game and there's something to be happy with in the Warriors 9-0 start and then again my uncle resides just across the river from the Big Apple. And it's also Filipino Heritage Night as well as Slate Night with the team's trend-setting sleeve uniforms taking precedent again.
   For the obvious reason of me being a Bay Area sports fan, it's the NBA Finals and of course the Game 6 clincher that is response for the busiest and biggest day I've had this year on DCNOW back that night in early June. And just as it was with Hawks/Niners last year and of course DC Vegas last month, I'll be utilizing DCNOW and my Instagram hub @DC408Dxtr to bring you my experience from Oracle Arena the instant I set foot on the grounds, going from the pregame buzz through the post-game reaction.
   So while those of you in the Bay Area and in the Tri-State Area have it tuned to the game, along with those who subscribe to NBA League Pass, be sure to follow me for all the excitement of DC Big Game Live: Nets vs. Warriors, tonight beginning at 9 PM ET/6 PM PT, 90 minutes before the tip. And in what seems to be a DCBDAY tradition of big fights falling on the big weekend, we'll also have updates on sports' most dominant athlete of the moment, Ronda Rousey, defending her UFC title in Melbourne, Australia.

Also, as this is the one-year anniversary of what took place with a Challenge icon and cancer survivor, check out my DC SocialPulse Special: Remembering Diem Brown from last year, as cast and fans reflected on her passing a year ago today after her unsuccessful third bout with ovarian cancer, and my essay on her as well. It's a must-read if you're a Challenge fan.   That will wrap it up for now, and again stay tuned for the DC WRAP of this week's Are You The One? in the coming days as we count down to the finale, along with an ExtraTime look at inspiring words from the brainy one of the house. And as always follow me on all my social platforms, and once again thanks to all of you for your birthday messages. Until then, thanks for reading, talk to you here later and enjoy your weekend...and to our friends in France, stay strong.


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