> @DC408dxtr / @DC408dxnow
DCBLOG welcomes you again to another edition of DC WRAP for The Challenge Bloodlines. We're in the thick of Super Bowl week, but we're also in the thick of things on this Challenge as it is into game mode and the season is coming down to a showdown in Berlin, Germany and $350,000. The final stretch run begins tonight.
Last week, we moved back into the pairs format used in the first two weeks, and the week's challenge saw the pairs' patience and resolve tested with a grueling mission combining skill and endurance...a mini final. We also had the season's biggest moment to date with a game-changing elimination that saw two veterans that I had meeting in the final meeting much earlier in the last Pit prior to the group's move to Berlin for the final and a last mission & Pit before the season's last act.
We kick off this week with our Things to Know from these past three episodes. But in a departure from our usual format of top moments from the episodes, what we'll do here is look at the key storylines that emerged in these past three weeks.
> Diem Brown Remembered
First before the game itself, we begin with the moving moment from Episode 8 when The Challenge paid tribute to the late Diem Brown. TJ brought on her sister Faith and Diem's longtime love CT to help demo the week's challenge, which provided echoes of that emotional challenge from The Duel when Diem removed her wig before competition for the first time. They would join them later at the club in the same way that the Challenge legend enjoyed being able to be herself on the dance floor.
> The Competitions: Hit & Miss
From a competition standpoint, the weeks we saw CT on Bloodlines saw two Challenges that didn't go as planned as we all wanted to. For the one in Episode 8, Team Red decided to throw that challenge with the hopes of putting Cara Maria in, but they were surprised when they won which in turn foiled those plans. Then in Episode 9 in the water, players were notching up DQ's like hot cakes as everyone except four players went from starting on the boat to finishing the whole course. The most surprising moment from that challenge in the sea was seeing Bananas in the water at the same time as Abram, considering the RR OG's hatred of who he calls John.
> The Pit: Jenna's Dominance, and CT & Zach Return
If what we saw in San Francisco and then last year with Jenna was something in her having to deal with her ex Jay all the time, then she has certainly broken out in a big way on Bloodlines. Proof has come in the Pit, where three times she was sent there, and three times she's emerged victorious. After wins over Christina and Larissa (and in turn eliminating partner Camila), her beating out KellyAnne in week 8 was another jewel in the crown, taking out the Challenge returnee earlier than in the past. It might not be a thing of beauty with them spinning and getting dizzy, but being able to join that list of those who've garnered an elimination triple is quite a feat.
> It's Cara's World and We Just Live In It
Besides family, the theme of this season has been on the top competitor who has yet to win a Challenge. Cara Maria has been on this show since Fresh Meat II and has become a top competitor with three finals trips and quite a career so far. She's been at the center of drama this season with her day with Thomas, her longtime love Abram coming in with Mike, and a few other things too. She's been performing well competitively this season, but what happened in the past week & a half gave her doubts that she could make this happen. And in the clutch in the last Pit, she pulled off - for now at least - the best moment of her Challenge career: taking out nemesis Bananas in the last Pit and perhaps decide this season just before the final.
> Fan's View
@CSUGradAkirk: Anessa leading an endurance challenge is something that I'd never thought I'd see #TheChallengeBloodlines
@CSUGradAkirk: Both female teams are killing this!!! #TheChallengeBloodlines
- @dc408dxtr: @CSUGradAkirk this is quite amazing w/ what we're seeing w/ both Aneesa & Jenna running 1-2. This could be a big game changer here
- @CSUGradAkirk: @dc408dxtr it's far from over but now we can't say this format is flawed anymore cause both female teams are beating the top three teams imo
- @dc408dxtr: @CSUGradAkirk yeah, and they lead both of the two teams I have going head to head in the final. And this has gotten interesting. J/Bri lead
@CSUGradAkirk: Vince is sucking right now what else is new #TheChallengeBloodlines
@CSUGradAkirk: @AceNichols33 didn't I say in our preview podcast to watch out for Jenna she's doing amazing this season #TheChallengeBloodlines
@CSUGradAkirk: Watch their be a gross eating part (cue exes 2 highlight) #TheChallengeBloodlines
@CSUGradAkirk: @lashtweets and @busdriversroute you guys saw that right #MITCHWATCH #TheChallengeBloodlines
@CSUGradAkirk: The choice is no brainer you leave the girl teams in you put the guy guy team #TheChallengeBloodlines
@CSUGradAkirk: @MTVCoryWharton I would've been so mad had you not put bananas in you made the right move dude! #TheChallengeBloodlines
@CSUGradAkirk: More #MITCHWATCH #TheChallengeBloodlines
@CSUGradAkirk: If only Jeff probst was there to yell bananas is wrong that'd totally make my day #TheChallengeBloodlines
@CSUGradAkirk: my pick to win #TheChallengeBloodlines is still in and I picked two of the four teams with Jenna as the wild card team
@CSUGradAkirk: @RealityRadioPod some of the stuff was probably too hard for her to watch I'm guessing
@CSUGradAkirk: The chat for the challenge @afterbuzztv was negative tonight
@CSUGradAkirk: People are never going to let go their distaste of ayto on the challenge and my response is get over it
@CSUGradAkirk: Until the day the challenge is officially over I will always defend it been a fan since 03
@CSUGradAkirk: #Challenge fans peak this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lJxmfEt7_OI&feature=youtu.be …
@busdriversroute: It's midnight and I'm slightly drunk but there ain't no rest for the wicked...Challenge time #TheChallengeBloodlines
@busdriversroute: Jamie may be the sweet one for Cara, but when you're doing a mini final...you want this guy #TheChallengeBloodlines
@busdriversroute: I could only imagine Vince doing two-a-days in Lions mini camp, he must've gotten slaughtered in drills #TheChallengeBloodlines
@busdriversroute: The #MitchWatch is off the charts tonight @lashtweets. Star is born #TheChallengeBloodlines
@busdriversroute: If Bananas can snake his way out of being voted in tonight, just give the guy the trophy #TheChallengeBloodlines
@busdriversroute: Welp...it's about damn time. At least for Bananas he controls his fate here
@busdriversroute: Bananas couldn't have hand picked a better thing for Vince to do in an elimination. Just swing a club and go away #TheChallengeBloodlines
@busdriversroute: The king is dethroned #TheChallengeBloodlines
@lashtweets: Not watching live tonight but WILL be watching at like 2AM EST #staytuned #TheChallengeBloodlines
@lashtweets: Reading my mentions with one eye open. Can't stay away from all of this #mitchwatch action. THE HYPE IS SO REAL
@lashtweets: I'm a little late but finally sitting down to watch #TheChallengeBloodlines #345AM #WhatIsSleep
@lashtweets: I CANT HANDLE IT #Mitchwatch
@lashtweets: Thank you all for coming on this wild ride with me. #mitchwatch #430AM #ILOVEYOUALL
@lashtweets: Upon further reflection, @busdriversroute 's idea of running the final as individuals would be so dope. Could save the format IMO
@AceNichols33: About to finally watch the challenge... Expect tweets.. Or maybe not.. I'm unsure. *sips drink*
@AceNichols33: Omg!! Finished watching. @JennaCompono & @briannajulig = proving everyone's opinions wrong and I'm loving itttttt.
@AceNichols33: Damnnnn I'm crying though.. Literally, bananas are coming out of my eyes! 🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌 love u bro! @MTVBananas see you next time!
@AceNichols33: And I thought @CaraMariaMTV and @banksy878 were gonna start straight up stabbing each other with those puzzle pieces.
@AceNichols33: Dearest @laurelstucky can you please do another challenge? Do it for me. K thanks! 💜 you!
@RealityRadioPod: He better have voted in Bananas! #TheChallengeBloodlines
@RealityRadioPod: If CM won #TheChallengeBloodlines she's not a good supporter of the show. Why isn't she tweeting with the fan? She's completely ignoring.
@RealityRadioPod: Something tells me Aneesa may not make the final. She always gets screwed the last sec. I feel so bad for her if it's true. #TrueVeteran
@RealityRadioPod: #TeamAneesa! Would rather see her compete in the final! #underdog #TheChallengeBloodlines @AneesaMTV @BunimMurray @MTV #TheChallenge
@RealityRadioPod: It's hard to root for Cara Maria.... She definitely deserves it but Aneesa deserves it more. #TheChallengeBloodlines
@RealityRadioPod: Also, if CM finally wins-this will be her 8th challenge just like Paula and Sarah winning their 1st challenge on their 8th season! #8thCharm
@TheSteamer: Bananas: “Vince is sucking right now”. I’m a few minutes behind but I don’t think that’s time specific. #TheChallengeBloodlines
@TheSteamer: This is pretty cold. #TheChallengeBloodlines https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CZxvfoKWwAEoOdM.jpg
@TheSteamer: Bananas love those eliminations at the end of the season. #TheChallengeBloodlines
@TheSteamer: Some good Celebrity Death Match editing here. #TheChallengeBloodlines
@TheSteamer: Wow. This is the most random Final 4 since Battle of the Seasons. #TheChallengeBloodlines
- @Jonnyboyy10: @TheSteamer I think you're right. I want Cara to win but not her cousin. #TheChallengeBloodlines
- @TheSteamer: @Jonnyboyy10 which will prob lead to a shitty final more than likely
- @Jonnyboyy10: @TheSteamer I don't like either really this season. Don't mind Cory and Mitch
- @TheSteamer Jan 27
@Jonnyboyy10 If Cara is to win a final I want her to earn it. None of those teams left are good.
- @Jonnyboyy10 Jan 27
@TheSteamer 100% agree
@theballisorange: Not making CT and Zach a team was a crime
@theballisorange: Aneesa wishes she'd thrown an elimination weeks ago
@theballisorange: Cara drops her R's so hard around her cousin
@theballisorange: This is the most Jenna has been outside so I don't blame her for not knowing the word "ground"
@theballisorange: Aneesa talking like she's not about to die on that mountain is riotously funny
@theballisorange: Cara didn't have a Boston accent for like 8 straight seasons until her cousin showed up
@theballisorange: Vince is gonna eat this balance beam so hard
@theballisorange: Vince is worse than Dunbar
@theballisorange: We may never see Cory again
@theballisorange: Brianna would be a monkey bar chick.
@theballisorange: Somebody really needs to take the markers away from Cara before challenges
@theballisorange: Those monkey bars aren't gonna get any easier for diaper breath Jr.
@theballisorange: Jenna just got Blue Shelled
@theballisorange: Cory thinking this bodes well for the final is hysterical
@theballisorange: TJ just lurking over Aneesa's puzzle is some intimidating shit
@theballisorange: If they throw in anybody but Bananas they're insane
@theballisorange: That was effortless for Bananas if that worked
@theballisorange: Watching Cara and Cousin talk strategy is like eating sandpaper
@theballisorange: Bananas has eliminated CT twice and just said eliminating Cara and Cousin would be his best win ever.
@theballisorange: City final would be epic
@theballisorange: Mitch's skin looks like the surface of the moon
@theballisorange: Jamie's gonna implode like Rasheed Wallace playing off a hangover
@theballisorange: We found something Vince can do!
@theballisorange: This episode has been like 36 minutes of content
@theballisorange: Mitch should have gronkspiked that banana.
@murtzjaffer: Noooooooooooo #thechallengebloodlines
@murtzjaffer: I am very very upset about tonight's episode of #thechallengebloodlines
@murtzjaffer: I am so upset @MTVBananas
@Itslluna: Was coloring the only way the cast was able to keep their sanity? @ChallengeMTV #TheChallengeBloodlines
@Itslluna: @AneesaMTV keep slaying 😎 #TheChallengeBloodlines
@Itslluna: Time for Vince to earn his stripes! @MTVBananas @banksy878 @CaraMariaMTV @ChallengeMTV #TheChallengeBloodlines
@Itslluna: So many puzzles! Where is @ImSarahRice #TheChallengeBloodlines
@Itslluna: I'll cry if this episode ends in "to be continued.." #TheChallengeBloodlines
- @MTV: @Itslluna no no don't cry please
@Itslluna: @MTVBananas humble exit. Props for that! You're still one of the best 👍 #TheChallengeBloodlines
@KyleMcCann24: I love that they put a final like challenge towards the end leading up to the final #TheChallengeBloodlines #MTV
@KyleMcCann24: @AneesaMTV & @riannavalentine killin it #TheChallengeBloodlines
@KyleMcCann24: Wow @CaraMariaMTV & @banksy878 slayed the beast or banana #TheChallengeBloodlines
@kendallongg: I'll bet anything @CaraMariaMTV wins this elimination #thechallengebloodlines
@kendallongg: Y'all it's FINALLY a battle between these two 😩😩😩🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽 I can't #thechallengebloodlines
@Jonnyboyy10: Why do I get the feeling Bananas/Vince are gonna come in last place?
@WWesWilliams: More people should watch #TheChallenge that way shows like Kocktails with Khloe wouldn't exist
@WWesWilliams: Congrats @CaraMariaMTV I know that was a sweet victory. Glad @MTVBananas showed great sportsmanship! Go get that final Cara
If you saw that last Pit, then you saw a Challenge icon bear the name of one of his biggest fans as he fought tooth and nail to the end. As we told you here last year, Johnny Bananas has forged a strong friendship with someone who's epitomized the words "never give up" in the MTV vocabulary.
In the aftermath of Diem Brown's passing in November 2014, Johnny, like everyone else, rallied behind the entire MTV community to honor their fallen comrade and cancer icon. But along the way, he also forged an unlikely bond with Kasey Harvey, a 14-year-old San Diego area resident who's been battling rhabdomyosarcoma, a rare form of cancer, for some time now. He first took note of her on Twitter when she wore his Johnny Bananas t-shirt, and was immediately impacted by the happy vibe she had wearing his shirt.
As you prepare for tonight's episode, we'll have the Things to Know recap of the past three weeks in looking back at key storylines that emerged late in our stint in Turkey. Following Winners of the Night, we'll head back into the Strategy Room to look at the final four teams with an interesting fact about the one team that missed out that you'll find only here on DCBLOG, as well as a theme that has emerged in recent Challenges past that could happen yet again.
And after 'Pulse fan reaction, a triple dose of DC ExtraTime: we'll look delve more into the person whose name was written on Johnny Bananas' arm during his Pit battle, the tight-knit bond of Cory & Mitch, and a former friend of one of pop radio's iconic shows returns to plug her upcoming trip to Las Vegas. All that is ahead after the jump, so Join In then.
And after 'Pulse fan reaction, a triple dose of DC ExtraTime: we'll look delve more into the person whose name was written on Johnny Bananas' arm during his Pit battle, the tight-knit bond of Cory & Mitch, and a former friend of one of pop radio's iconic shows returns to plug her upcoming trip to Las Vegas. All that is ahead after the jump, so Join In then.
> Diem Brown Remembered
First before the game itself, we begin with the moving moment from Episode 8 when The Challenge paid tribute to the late Diem Brown. TJ brought on her sister Faith and Diem's longtime love CT to help demo the week's challenge, which provided echoes of that emotional challenge from The Duel when Diem removed her wig before competition for the first time. They would join them later at the club in the same way that the Challenge legend enjoyed being able to be herself on the dance floor.
> The Competitions: Hit & Miss
From a competition standpoint, the weeks we saw CT on Bloodlines saw two Challenges that didn't go as planned as we all wanted to. For the one in Episode 8, Team Red decided to throw that challenge with the hopes of putting Cara Maria in, but they were surprised when they won which in turn foiled those plans. Then in Episode 9 in the water, players were notching up DQ's like hot cakes as everyone except four players went from starting on the boat to finishing the whole course. The most surprising moment from that challenge in the sea was seeing Bananas in the water at the same time as Abram, considering the RR OG's hatred of who he calls John.
But this past week saw a solid improvement with the rigorous mini-final and really told us who has a shot at winning and who doesn't. When were last in Turkey with this same exact mission on BOTS2, there was Team Brooklyn and Sarah that crashed the alliance bash and saw the first of Team SD's struggles. We saw every team have difficulty at some point: Vince and Rianna struggling, Cory and Jamie gassing out, and Cara and Aneesa providing their worth. It surprised us when Mitch emerged as leader for him & Cory in winning, then having the guts to put Bananas in.
> The Pit: Jenna's Dominance, and CT & Zach Return
If what we saw in San Francisco and then last year with Jenna was something in her having to deal with her ex Jay all the time, then she has certainly broken out in a big way on Bloodlines. Proof has come in the Pit, where three times she was sent there, and three times she's emerged victorious. After wins over Christina and Larissa (and in turn eliminating partner Camila), her beating out KellyAnne in week 8 was another jewel in the crown, taking out the Challenge returnee earlier than in the past. It might not be a thing of beauty with them spinning and getting dizzy, but being able to join that list of those who've garnered an elimination triple is quite a feat.
And what happens if your boyfriend (at the time) comes in to cause a scare in the group? That's what happened when we saw Zach and CT come in to compete against Jamie and Michael the very next week. Sure, the beast and Thor dominated and told them who's boss, but with being able to hang on as long as they can, Jamie was able to outlast Mike and win.
> Vince's Poor Showing
When we look back on this Challenge, we saw some players do well and others don't...and then there's Vince. If you're someone who's teamed with Bananas on a Challenge, then you're expected to be at your best: Kenny & Evan, Tyler, Camila, Nany, Frank, the list goes on. But what we saw from this former football player was really sad to watch in him not performing up to the level we'd expect from someone who's won this crown five times. They did put up a strong effort in the Pit vs. Cara & Jamie and they nearly won it, but the story is that when you're not as strong as your more well-known cousin, then it's not a good sight. It's also not pretty to have a negative hashtag with your name on it either.
> Vince's Poor Showing
When we look back on this Challenge, we saw some players do well and others don't...and then there's Vince. If you're someone who's teamed with Bananas on a Challenge, then you're expected to be at your best: Kenny & Evan, Tyler, Camila, Nany, Frank, the list goes on. But what we saw from this former football player was really sad to watch in him not performing up to the level we'd expect from someone who's won this crown five times. They did put up a strong effort in the Pit vs. Cara & Jamie and they nearly won it, but the story is that when you're not as strong as your more well-known cousin, then it's not a good sight. It's also not pretty to have a negative hashtag with your name on it either.
> It's Cara's World and We Just Live In It
Besides family, the theme of this season has been on the top competitor who has yet to win a Challenge. Cara Maria has been on this show since Fresh Meat II and has become a top competitor with three finals trips and quite a career so far. She's been at the center of drama this season with her day with Thomas, her longtime love Abram coming in with Mike, and a few other things too. She's been performing well competitively this season, but what happened in the past week & a half gave her doubts that she could make this happen. And in the clutch in the last Pit, she pulled off - for now at least - the best moment of her Challenge career: taking out nemesis Bananas in the last Pit and perhaps decide this season just before the final.
Episode 10
● CARA MARIA: Of everything she's accomplished to date in this voyage that started in Vancouver six years ago, Cara Maria beating Bananas in the Pit has to be at the top of the heap...at least until she can close the deal in two weeks. Her having a hatred for those who prefer to rule the roost in The Challenge house like Bananas has motivated the redhead for some time, and her dealing with other distractions have dissipated in time for her to make this run. After finishing last in the mission after Jamie had faltered, they had their backs to the wall again, but they excelled at the best time possible and in besting her nemesis. This may be the deciding break, and she's a winner of the night here.
● MITCH: The most-notable images we've had of Mitch this season is of Mitch Watch and his dance moves... He ably backed it all up by being the fella who saved Cory by way of Raphy in the Pit. His best moment in these challenges came where, like the loyal friend he is to Cory, he singlehandedly put him on his back when they were back in the pack on the ground and seemingly out of it by way of Cory's bum leg. Them catching up with the rest of the teams and him knowing his puzzles very well, they were able to come back and win. It's their best moment this season, and got even better in them putting Bananas in as well, which earned extra credit.
● ANEESA: Despite what happened to bloodline Rianna at the monkey bars, Aneesa really made us believe in those who've been at this for years and represent the old school challengers. Her being able to lead the majority of last week's challenge and excelling in the endurance phase gave us an idea that she & Ri could be the one that could spoil the Cara train...if not be the pair that pushes her & Jamie to the win; perhaps they could be slight favorites if Cara doesn't make it.
Off to Berlin...
Eighty years ago this summer in Berlin, Jesse Owens put on the greatest feat of the first century of the Olympics in front of a ruthless dictator. Ten years ago in the same Olympic Stadium, Italy survived a Frenchman's head-butt and a shootout to lift their fourth FIFA World Cup. And now, we head to Germany's largest city to decide a most unpredictable season of The Challenge. And the most surprising moment of Battle of the Bloodlines came last week, and just as it was last season with Sarah on Exes 2 it may have just decided this thing even before we get to the start line of the final.
First, in continuing our tradition of bringing you the kind of Challenge & Trifecta coverage you can't get anywhere else, a unique fact that will make your jaw drop. Here's the bombshell...
● When we first saw Johnny Bananas on The Duel back in '07, he was given the usual rookie treatment as the first one out as a first-timer straight out of RW Key West. Since then, he's notched a record five titles in seven trips to the final, all of that in 12 starts, and notching a record $400,000+ in prize money to fall back on. And of course, he's become this show's biggest & best-known competitor and the one you either love or hate.
But now by way of a sixth elimination loss (now 6-6 in Win or Go Home battles), he has entered uncharted territory: Bloodlines is the first time in Bananas' Challenge career that he has fallen short of the final in two straight seasons, and both have come this late in the game short of cashing in. Prior to all this, the last time he missed out on a final was that CT backpack on Cutthroat. And after his only other early exit on Gauntlet III, he won both The Island and Ruins. This is something that's happened to most everyone else, but hasn't happened to Cara, Laurel, Emily and fellow dynasty partner Kenny.
I do give him credit in, just as he did with CT after he won Rivals II and then when Leroy beat him in the last Dome on Exes 2, being humble and sportsmanlike to congratulate Cara on her win...he's been able to handle these losses with class, dignity and grace like any other great competitor. If the rumors on the grapevine are correct and he's on the next Challenge season, it's likely he will enter that as the betting man's favorite. Given how dedicated he is to this world, no one is more motivated to getting a win than Johnny Bananas. Stay tuned, of course.
As for the competitors who are en route westward to Germany, it may not be the best field ever but after what we saw this week, it's now clearly more defined.
● With her win over her nemesis in the Pit, this is the best moment that Cara Maria has ever had on The Challenge in her eight appearances...at least until perhaps a couple weeks from now. After Sarah's Exes 2 triumph, CM inherited the title of best competitor not to win a Challenge. It's clear now that she's the odds-on favorite and it would be almost impossible to believe that she won't have the big check in hand when she flies out of Europe. When you get on a roll of winning the last elimination before the change or a final, or a few missions late, then you should close the deal and ride that momentum into the winner's circle. It's odds on that Cara Maria will do exactly that, and transfer the title she currently has to another competitor.
● To think that Aneesa is still in this game is a miracle, but after what we saw this week in a great bounce-back from the last two weeks in relying on endurance and then sending Cara & Jamie to the Pit by finishing their puzzle faster, she has a chance to get her first Challenge win and keep the redhead off the champions' list. The experience of having done this for so long, and the desire of winning this after many dreams were dashed in the past has fueled Aneesa...now she has another chance. And since she & Rianna are the only competitors to get a free pass in Turkey, they earned their right to make it to Berlin by way of that last Turkish challenge. We've seen meltdowns from her this late, but if they tough it out, it'll be a great feat and something old-school fans will applaud.
● Considering his great physique, a lot of us expected Cory to make a deep run in his first Challenge, and it's no surprise that he's made it this far as a rookie. But what happened in the last mission might hamper finals plans in his leg not handling the rigors of that mini-final - it's actually his ACL which was injured some time back in non-challenge related manners. Luckily with the move to Berlin, there will be much needed time to that leg to heel and depending on what could happen to a couple of the teams in Germany, he & Mitch could sneak in unscaved and even finish if they can grind it out. If Cory does finish, every cent of that paycheck will be earned...and Mitch can have a good-sized late graduation gift too.
● Unless something happens with either her SF roommate or a bloodline these last two weeks, it's very much a done deal that Jenna will pick up my Breakout Performer award on the Bloodlines Debrief. She's been on a mission since Jay quit on her in the Exes 2 final, and she's taken advantage of being with cousin Brianna and finally being herself. Besides the great season she's had in the Pit, she's also impressed us with her commentary, trivia and everything else that made everyone who doubted her eat their words - including our friend Brian Cohen. If she & Bri make it to the final and finish in the money, then it'll be as good as taking 1st place. It'll be bittersweet redemption.
● And as for their bloodlines, they hold the fate of $350,000 in their hands. If what happened to Cory with a bum leg might've dented hopes of a rare rookie Challenge title, Mitch saved their chances by catching up to everyone when they were seemingly out and using the brain half of this brain/brawn duo to outsmart the competitors at the top. It was much different for Jamie in struggling in running up the hill during the last mission in Turkey and leading to last place, and Rianna's struggles at the bars kept her & Aneesa from getting the win. And obviously, Brianna has toughed it out after thoughts of going home early with her & Jenna.
It's very much clear that Cara Maria and Jamie are the favorites to win and to capture the cash...it would be a total surprise if that isn't the case in a few weeks. It's now going to be a horse race to see who finishes 2nd, 3rd and 4th, and who among our top four will cash. It's the favorite who's eager to win her first Challenge against those who have that same ambition of notching that first W.
And should Cara Maria win this one as many of us feel she will, the lucky number here will be "8," where in China that number is associated with good fortune as much as lucky "7." Paula notched the first of her two titles in her 8th Challenge - Rivals. Sarah finally snapped her drought last season in her 8th Challenge as well - Battle of the Exes 2. Bloodlines is Cara Maria's 8th appearance on the fifth major pro sport, and if what happened to those two veteran ladies is any indication, she will have her first title. If this number is lucky to Michael Phelps, it can be in Challenge world, and it could happen for a 3rd time in five years.
It could be certain who will win, but it's never certain at all...stay tuned.
And should Cara Maria win this one as many of us feel she will, the lucky number here will be "8," where in China that number is associated with good fortune as much as lucky "7." Paula notched the first of her two titles in her 8th Challenge - Rivals. Sarah finally snapped her drought last season in her 8th Challenge as well - Battle of the Exes 2. Bloodlines is Cara Maria's 8th appearance on the fifth major pro sport, and if what happened to those two veteran ladies is any indication, she will have her first title. If this number is lucky to Michael Phelps, it can be in Challenge world, and it could happen for a 3rd time in five years.
It could be certain who will win, but it's never certain at all...stay tuned.
#DCSocialPulse EXTRA: Fan's View
Now, SocialPulse Extra with more of your reaction to last week's episode. Here you go...
> Fan's View
@CSUGradAkirk: Anessa leading an endurance challenge is something that I'd never thought I'd see #TheChallengeBloodlines
@CSUGradAkirk: Both female teams are killing this!!! #TheChallengeBloodlines
- @dc408dxtr: @CSUGradAkirk this is quite amazing w/ what we're seeing w/ both Aneesa & Jenna running 1-2. This could be a big game changer here
- @CSUGradAkirk: @dc408dxtr it's far from over but now we can't say this format is flawed anymore cause both female teams are beating the top three teams imo
- @dc408dxtr: @CSUGradAkirk yeah, and they lead both of the two teams I have going head to head in the final. And this has gotten interesting. J/Bri lead
@CSUGradAkirk: Vince is sucking right now what else is new #TheChallengeBloodlines
@CSUGradAkirk: @AceNichols33 didn't I say in our preview podcast to watch out for Jenna she's doing amazing this season #TheChallengeBloodlines
@CSUGradAkirk: Watch their be a gross eating part (cue exes 2 highlight) #TheChallengeBloodlines
@CSUGradAkirk: @lashtweets and @busdriversroute you guys saw that right #MITCHWATCH #TheChallengeBloodlines
@CSUGradAkirk: The choice is no brainer you leave the girl teams in you put the guy guy team #TheChallengeBloodlines
@CSUGradAkirk: @MTVCoryWharton I would've been so mad had you not put bananas in you made the right move dude! #TheChallengeBloodlines
@CSUGradAkirk: More #MITCHWATCH #TheChallengeBloodlines
@CSUGradAkirk: If only Jeff probst was there to yell bananas is wrong that'd totally make my day #TheChallengeBloodlines
@CSUGradAkirk: my pick to win #TheChallengeBloodlines is still in and I picked two of the four teams with Jenna as the wild card team
@CSUGradAkirk: @RealityRadioPod some of the stuff was probably too hard for her to watch I'm guessing
@CSUGradAkirk: The chat for the challenge @afterbuzztv was negative tonight
@CSUGradAkirk: People are never going to let go their distaste of ayto on the challenge and my response is get over it
@CSUGradAkirk: Until the day the challenge is officially over I will always defend it been a fan since 03
@CSUGradAkirk: #Challenge fans peak this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lJxmfEt7_OI&feature=youtu.be …
@busdriversroute: It's midnight and I'm slightly drunk but there ain't no rest for the wicked...Challenge time #TheChallengeBloodlines
@busdriversroute: Jamie may be the sweet one for Cara, but when you're doing a mini final...you want this guy #TheChallengeBloodlines
@busdriversroute: I could only imagine Vince doing two-a-days in Lions mini camp, he must've gotten slaughtered in drills #TheChallengeBloodlines
@busdriversroute: The #MitchWatch is off the charts tonight @lashtweets. Star is born #TheChallengeBloodlines
@busdriversroute: If Bananas can snake his way out of being voted in tonight, just give the guy the trophy #TheChallengeBloodlines
@busdriversroute: Welp...it's about damn time. At least for Bananas he controls his fate here
@busdriversroute: Bananas couldn't have hand picked a better thing for Vince to do in an elimination. Just swing a club and go away #TheChallengeBloodlines
@busdriversroute: The king is dethroned #TheChallengeBloodlines
@lashtweets: Not watching live tonight but WILL be watching at like 2AM EST #staytuned #TheChallengeBloodlines
@lashtweets: Reading my mentions with one eye open. Can't stay away from all of this #mitchwatch action. THE HYPE IS SO REAL
@lashtweets: I'm a little late but finally sitting down to watch #TheChallengeBloodlines #345AM #WhatIsSleep
@lashtweets: I CANT HANDLE IT #Mitchwatch
@lashtweets: Thank you all for coming on this wild ride with me. #mitchwatch #430AM #ILOVEYOUALL
@lashtweets: Upon further reflection, @busdriversroute 's idea of running the final as individuals would be so dope. Could save the format IMO
@AceNichols33: About to finally watch the challenge... Expect tweets.. Or maybe not.. I'm unsure. *sips drink*
@AceNichols33: Omg!! Finished watching. @JennaCompono & @briannajulig = proving everyone's opinions wrong and I'm loving itttttt.
@AceNichols33: Damnnnn I'm crying though.. Literally, bananas are coming out of my eyes! 🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌 love u bro! @MTVBananas see you next time!
@AceNichols33: And I thought @CaraMariaMTV and @banksy878 were gonna start straight up stabbing each other with those puzzle pieces.
@AceNichols33: Dearest @laurelstucky can you please do another challenge? Do it for me. K thanks! 💜 you!
@RealityRadioPod: He better have voted in Bananas! #TheChallengeBloodlines
@RealityRadioPod: If CM won #TheChallengeBloodlines she's not a good supporter of the show. Why isn't she tweeting with the fan? She's completely ignoring.
@RealityRadioPod: Something tells me Aneesa may not make the final. She always gets screwed the last sec. I feel so bad for her if it's true. #TrueVeteran
@RealityRadioPod: #TeamAneesa! Would rather see her compete in the final! #underdog #TheChallengeBloodlines @AneesaMTV @BunimMurray @MTV #TheChallenge
@RealityRadioPod: It's hard to root for Cara Maria.... She definitely deserves it but Aneesa deserves it more. #TheChallengeBloodlines
@RealityRadioPod: Also, if CM finally wins-this will be her 8th challenge just like Paula and Sarah winning their 1st challenge on their 8th season! #8thCharm
@TheSteamer: Bananas: “Vince is sucking right now”. I’m a few minutes behind but I don’t think that’s time specific. #TheChallengeBloodlines
@TheSteamer: This is pretty cold. #TheChallengeBloodlines https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CZxvfoKWwAEoOdM.jpg
@TheSteamer: Bananas love those eliminations at the end of the season. #TheChallengeBloodlines
@TheSteamer: Some good Celebrity Death Match editing here. #TheChallengeBloodlines
@TheSteamer: Wow. This is the most random Final 4 since Battle of the Seasons. #TheChallengeBloodlines
- @Jonnyboyy10: @TheSteamer I think you're right. I want Cara to win but not her cousin. #TheChallengeBloodlines
- @TheSteamer: @Jonnyboyy10 which will prob lead to a shitty final more than likely
- @Jonnyboyy10: @TheSteamer I don't like either really this season. Don't mind Cory and Mitch
- @TheSteamer Jan 27
@Jonnyboyy10 If Cara is to win a final I want her to earn it. None of those teams left are good.
- @Jonnyboyy10 Jan 27
@TheSteamer 100% agree
@theballisorange: Not making CT and Zach a team was a crime
@theballisorange: Aneesa wishes she'd thrown an elimination weeks ago
@theballisorange: Cara drops her R's so hard around her cousin
@theballisorange: This is the most Jenna has been outside so I don't blame her for not knowing the word "ground"
@theballisorange: Aneesa talking like she's not about to die on that mountain is riotously funny
@theballisorange: Cara didn't have a Boston accent for like 8 straight seasons until her cousin showed up
@theballisorange: Vince is gonna eat this balance beam so hard
@theballisorange: Vince is worse than Dunbar
@theballisorange: We may never see Cory again
@theballisorange: Brianna would be a monkey bar chick.
@theballisorange: Somebody really needs to take the markers away from Cara before challenges
@theballisorange: Those monkey bars aren't gonna get any easier for diaper breath Jr.
@theballisorange: Jenna just got Blue Shelled
@theballisorange: Cory thinking this bodes well for the final is hysterical
@theballisorange: TJ just lurking over Aneesa's puzzle is some intimidating shit
@theballisorange: If they throw in anybody but Bananas they're insane
@theballisorange: That was effortless for Bananas if that worked
@theballisorange: Watching Cara and Cousin talk strategy is like eating sandpaper
@theballisorange: Bananas has eliminated CT twice and just said eliminating Cara and Cousin would be his best win ever.
@theballisorange: City final would be epic
@theballisorange: Mitch's skin looks like the surface of the moon
@theballisorange: Jamie's gonna implode like Rasheed Wallace playing off a hangover
@theballisorange: We found something Vince can do!
@theballisorange: This episode has been like 36 minutes of content
@theballisorange: Mitch should have gronkspiked that banana.
@murtzjaffer: Noooooooooooo #thechallengebloodlines
@murtzjaffer: I am very very upset about tonight's episode of #thechallengebloodlines
@murtzjaffer: I am so upset @MTVBananas
@Itslluna: Was coloring the only way the cast was able to keep their sanity? @ChallengeMTV #TheChallengeBloodlines
@Itslluna: @AneesaMTV keep slaying 😎 #TheChallengeBloodlines
@Itslluna: Time for Vince to earn his stripes! @MTVBananas @banksy878 @CaraMariaMTV @ChallengeMTV #TheChallengeBloodlines
@Itslluna: So many puzzles! Where is @ImSarahRice #TheChallengeBloodlines
@Itslluna: I'll cry if this episode ends in "to be continued.." #TheChallengeBloodlines
- @MTV: @Itslluna no no don't cry please
@Itslluna: @MTVBananas humble exit. Props for that! You're still one of the best 👍 #TheChallengeBloodlines
@KyleMcCann24: I love that they put a final like challenge towards the end leading up to the final #TheChallengeBloodlines #MTV
@KyleMcCann24: @AneesaMTV & @riannavalentine killin it #TheChallengeBloodlines
@KyleMcCann24: Wow @CaraMariaMTV & @banksy878 slayed the beast or banana #TheChallengeBloodlines
@kendallongg: I'll bet anything @CaraMariaMTV wins this elimination #thechallengebloodlines
@kendallongg: Y'all it's FINALLY a battle between these two 😩😩😩🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽 I can't #thechallengebloodlines
@Jonnyboyy10: Why do I get the feeling Bananas/Vince are gonna come in last place?
@WWesWilliams: More people should watch #TheChallenge that way shows like Kocktails with Khloe wouldn't exist
@WWesWilliams: Congrats @CaraMariaMTV I know that was a sweet victory. Glad @MTVBananas showed great sportsmanship! Go get that final Cara
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Credit: MTV.com |
In the aftermath of Diem Brown's passing in November 2014, Johnny, like everyone else, rallied behind the entire MTV community to honor their fallen comrade and cancer icon. But along the way, he also forged an unlikely bond with Kasey Harvey, a 14-year-old San Diego area resident who's been battling rhabdomyosarcoma, a rare form of cancer, for some time now. He first took note of her on Twitter when she wore his Johnny Bananas t-shirt, and was immediately impacted by the happy vibe she had wearing his shirt.
Some time afterward, Johnny went down to Surf City and surprised Kasey with a day at her house, which included a donation, a gift and doing fitness training with the five-time champ. There shared an instant bond as the both enjoyed the greatest day of her life and one of his biggest moments ever, bearing the same kind of upbeat attitude that Diem had. For someone who has the standing of being the most loved or hated man on The Challenge, along with having congratulated Cara last week (and Leroy & CT after their recent wins over him) this brought a sense of humbleness to Johnny and proved there is a different side to him that what we're used to seeing from him. He, himself, felt the same nervousness of even meeting her as he has so many times going through those tough challenges.
For Kasey, this was part of a year that nearly four months after their meeting, saw her beat cancer when it went into remission. And this past week, Kasey was named by ACE Hardware as their Foundation's All-Star Ambassador at a school assembly. Not only did the video feature Johnny thanking her, but also U.S. Women's National Team goalkeeper Hope Solo, for which Kasey was presented with her own US WNT shirt as well. Her face & story will be featured in ACE's 4000 stores in the U.S. over the next year, all in support of the Children's Miracle Network Hospitals, for which her local hospital donated $10,000 in her name.
Check out Kasey's YouTube channel for more on her day with Johnny and more videos documenting her journey.
When we saw them win this week's last Challenge on literally one & a half legs, Cory & Mitch were deserving of a nice comeback, and whenever there's a puzzle there's almost always an equal chance for those back in the pack to steal it in the end. It may hurt them in the long run with Cory aggravating his leg, but sure felt like a finals win as they surprised a lot of people winning it.
Much like we've seen from the two twins of this season and Abram & Mike, Cory & Mitch have a brother-like bond though they're technically cousins. There's been no drama involving the two in the house, just as most every other pair have encountered a kind of turbulence during our stay in Turkey and obviously between various others too. It's the result of having enjoyed a lifelong bond having grown up together over in the Midwest and then out west. And as we showed you here earlier in our coverage, we showed you that picture of Mitch's best day of graduating UC-Berkeley.
When we saw them win this week's last Challenge on literally one & a half legs, Cory & Mitch were deserving of a nice comeback, and whenever there's a puzzle there's almost always an equal chance for those back in the pack to steal it in the end. It may hurt them in the long run with Cory aggravating his leg, but sure felt like a finals win as they surprised a lot of people winning it.
Much like we've seen from the two twins of this season and Abram & Mike, Cory & Mitch have a brother-like bond though they're technically cousins. There's been no drama involving the two in the house, just as most every other pair have encountered a kind of turbulence during our stay in Turkey and obviously between various others too. It's the result of having enjoyed a lifelong bond having grown up together over in the Midwest and then out west. And as we showed you here earlier in our coverage, we showed you that picture of Mitch's best day of graduating UC-Berkeley.
If you go to the Instagram of Mitch's dad, Mark Wharton-Reid at IG @MarkWhartonReid and scan through his photos, you'll see many pictures of the journalist's treks around the world following his passions of motor sports and watching all three major forms of NASCAR, IndyCar and Formula 1. When Cory was in the Bay Area filming Real World Ex-Plosion, it was at the same time the America's Cup was taking place out in San Francisco Bay, for which Mark covered Oracle Team USA's monumental comeback for a yachting publication.
But a number of pictures Wharton-Reid posted there tells you how tight-knit Cory & Mitch's friendship is all about way before they were on TV: trackside with dad at an auto race, dressing up on guard duty, and when the guys were grown up in college. Those pictures, along with those that have been posted on MTV's Challenge Instagram, provides proof of how strong a bond the guys have had forever.
When you see the impact an icon has on his inspiring fan and seeing the bonds between the numerous pairs of this season, you'll know how deep an impact The Challenge has had on viewers and everyone associated with it. There hasn't been much in the way of in-fighting between pairs because something that trumps all else is family, and of course family, school, career and health go first, as they should.
Finally, DCBLOG wants to send best wishes to Are You The One? original Chris Tolleson and his girlfriend Jamie on the pending arrival of their new baby as she is going into labor in the coming days. Just as RW Skeletons' Madison and St. Thomas alum Laura prepare for their big moment ahead, Chris T. is looking forward to becoming a dad, which will be up there with that $1 million moment two years ago. Congrats to them, and we'll have more on the baby here next week.
And with that, that is that for this edition of the WRAP for Episode 10 of Bloodlines. We'll be back here following Super Bowl 50 with our diary of the last pre-final mission before the finale, but as you count down to tonight, in the meantime indulge yourself with the following webcasts...
And as soon as we decide matters on The Challenge: Bloodlines, our focus in the MTV Trifecta will turn from Berlin to Las Vegas and the countdown to Real World: Go Big or Go Home which debuts on St. Patrick's Day. Of course, we'll preview season 31 of the reality TV icon in greater detail in no short order here, but this past week saw the first cast interview as we count down to that lucky day of March 17. Usually, we put it in our epilogue of podcast links, but given its significance it stands out here in ExtraTime just ahead of that section that ends each DC WRAP post.
For those of you who call New England home, no doubt you know about Matty in the Morning on KISS 108 FM in Boston. Matt Siegel, Billy Costa and company have been holding down the fort of the pop radio station's top-rated morning show for 35 years, dating all the way back to when the station played disco records. And Real World Back to NOLA alum Ashlee Feldman works the morning shift as well down the hallway at sister hip-hop station JAM'N 94.5, both owned by iHeart Media.
Given the region's proud tradition of casting great castmates for all four shows that form (or have formed) the Trifecta - dating back to David of RW Seattle and many other Real World'ers, through Cara Maria and right up to Brittany and Devin of AYTO, it was only appropriate that Matty & friends would have the honor of doing the first audio/visual material related to the new Real World season. Ironically enough, the guest they had on last week was one of their former interns who's also a musician too.
For those of you who call New England home, no doubt you know about Matty in the Morning on KISS 108 FM in Boston. Matt Siegel, Billy Costa and company have been holding down the fort of the pop radio station's top-rated morning show for 35 years, dating all the way back to when the station played disco records. And Real World Back to NOLA alum Ashlee Feldman works the morning shift as well down the hallway at sister hip-hop station JAM'N 94.5, both owned by iHeart Media.
Given the region's proud tradition of casting great castmates for all four shows that form (or have formed) the Trifecta - dating back to David of RW Seattle and many other Real World'ers, through Cara Maria and right up to Brittany and Devin of AYTO, it was only appropriate that Matty & friends would have the honor of doing the first audio/visual material related to the new Real World season. Ironically enough, the guest they had on last week was one of their former interns who's also a musician too.
Sabrina comes to us from Boston and it's not surprising for someone from the city that she is opinionated as well as talented. She joined Matty, Billy and KISS 108 for our first glimpse of what we can expect when the season debuts, as well as her musical career and time working the AM shift at the powerhouse. Check out the podcast that you can listen below or here, and again we'll dissect Go Big or Go Home for you on DCBLOG just after Bloodlines wraps up.
Finally, DCBLOG wants to send best wishes to Are You The One? original Chris Tolleson and his girlfriend Jamie on the pending arrival of their new baby as she is going into labor in the coming days. Just as RW Skeletons' Madison and St. Thomas alum Laura prepare for their big moment ahead, Chris T. is looking forward to becoming a dad, which will be up there with that $1 million moment two years ago. Congrats to them, and we'll have more on the baby here next week.
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And with that, that is that for this edition of the WRAP for Episode 10 of Bloodlines. We'll be back here following Super Bowl 50 with our diary of the last pre-final mission before the finale, but as you count down to tonight, in the meantime indulge yourself with the following webcasts...
● For the most ideal wrap of last week, then check out the MTV RHAP on Rob Has A Podcast with Brian Cohen (@BusDriversRoute) and Ali Lasher (@LashsTweets). They discussed Episode 10, that grueling challenge, the game-changing pit and all the ramifications of those results, and more too. Also check out his Bus Drivers Route blog for the updated fantasy Challenge leaderboard plus previous shows here & YouTube.
● There's our favorite video recap host, Ace Nichols (@AceNichols33), who you can check out her recaps for all the Bloodlines episodes on YouTube. As this is being posted tonight, Feb. 2nd, she is till in Louisiana for Mardi Gras and has get to post a recap video for Episode 10. Do check it out when it's posted, as well as all her recaps at her YouTube channel, and also check out AfterBuzz TV and their recaps at www.afterbuzztv.com.
● Check out the Google+ Hangouts by Ashley Weitzel-Hill (@AshleyWeitzel) on the Mulyx Media hub. Check out her chats with Abram & Michael, Tony, Shane and Candice from this season, plus other chats as well on MM's YouTube channel. Expect additional interviews as the season wraps up plus Real World 31 stuff as well too.
● And check out Andrew Kirk (@CSUGradAKirk) and all of his MTV coverage on YouTube, SpreeCast, BlogTalkRadio and the BTRTV blog - including his must-listen chats with many across the MTV Trifecta. On YT last week, he offered a commentary on the State of The Challenge, which you can check out here. I plan to have AK rejoin me here at season's end for our traditional post-season wrap and to preview Real World Go Big once we crown a winner, so do join in here then.
● There's our favorite video recap host, Ace Nichols (@AceNichols33), who you can check out her recaps for all the Bloodlines episodes on YouTube. As this is being posted tonight, Feb. 2nd, she is till in Louisiana for Mardi Gras and has get to post a recap video for Episode 10. Do check it out when it's posted, as well as all her recaps at her YouTube channel, and also check out AfterBuzz TV and their recaps at www.afterbuzztv.com.
● Check out the Google+ Hangouts by Ashley Weitzel-Hill (@AshleyWeitzel) on the Mulyx Media hub. Check out her chats with Abram & Michael, Tony, Shane and Candice from this season, plus other chats as well on MM's YouTube channel. Expect additional interviews as the season wraps up plus Real World 31 stuff as well too.
● And check out Andrew Kirk (@CSUGradAKirk) and all of his MTV coverage on YouTube, SpreeCast, BlogTalkRadio and the BTRTV blog - including his must-listen chats with many across the MTV Trifecta. On YT last week, he offered a commentary on the State of The Challenge, which you can check out here. I plan to have AK rejoin me here at season's end for our traditional post-season wrap and to preview Real World Go Big once we crown a winner, so do join in here then.
Of course, be sure to follow my live tweet home - DCNOW at @DC408DxNow for live episode tweets of EP 11. And while you're watching it out west, join the discussion at #DCChallenge... you may see your thoughts in next week's posts, and you can also join at my other hub @DC408Dxtr too when I post my DC Forum questionnaire at episode's end during the 11PM Pacific hour.
And along with the usual reminder to bookmark DCBLOG for full MTV Trifecta coverage, my focus this week is Super Bowl 50. In the next two days, I'll be posting part 2 of my DC Big Game 50 series on football and television, and during this month will also post a few other football and sports posts too. Apologies to those who've expected those posts to be out now, but due to both extensive research and other things it's not been posted yet with the hope that you get the best possible articles. Depending upon which events I plan to go to, be sure to follow DCNOW, DC Instagram at IG @DC408Dxtr and DCBLOG for SB50 coverage as we lead up to Panthers-Broncos on Sunday.
And along with the usual reminder to bookmark DCBLOG for full MTV Trifecta coverage, my focus this week is Super Bowl 50. In the next two days, I'll be posting part 2 of my DC Big Game 50 series on football and television, and during this month will also post a few other football and sports posts too. Apologies to those who've expected those posts to be out now, but due to both extensive research and other things it's not been posted yet with the hope that you get the best possible articles. Depending upon which events I plan to go to, be sure to follow DCNOW, DC Instagram at IG @DC408Dxtr and DCBLOG for SB50 coverage as we lead up to Panthers-Broncos on Sunday.
Again, thanks for reading and until later tonight on DCNOW in half of the U.S. or tomorrow if you're out West as this is being posted, thanks for reading and talk to you then.
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