Well, we are reaching the conclusion of a most unpredictable 27th season of The Challenge. We've had just about everything on Battle of the Bloodlines: surprise exits by fan favorites, house drama among the competitors, interesting competition and an unexpected final three. And it all concludes with the business part of the final in Berlin, Germany tonight, along with the usual drama of the Reunion and the hilarity of the Clip Show. And also, the buzz for the new Real World season has begun as well, along with news that's just released of a baby for a popular Real World couple. And it's only part of a big night of reality TV, as Survivor 32 premieres tonight.
We'll save a recap of this final and the season's homestretch for our final WRAP of this season here next week. But ahead, we'll have a Strategy Room look at where this all stands and any circumstances that will arise with the variable scenarios in play. Plus after reaction from me & other fans, some reflection on a theme that threads the three shows of the Trifecta and how it connects to something my family has as well, and there's yet another Team MTV baby too. Join In after the jump.
Through One Stage
In the 25 years of the world known to me as the Trifecta, a theme that's come up many times is that you can always expect the unexpected and anything can happen. The last time we saw this scenario came exactly four months ago tonight, where with seemingly no chance the Are You The One? Season 3 cast relied on lady luck and a villain's mad genius to net them the cash. We've seen this play out many a time on The Challenge and on Real World...and now it's happened again on Bloodlines.
This final is being structured like what we saw on Free Agents: not only is this once again being a multi-stage affair but also it's a timed final, and the team who crosses the finish line of the last stage of the two-day final may not necessarily win all the marbles. When we saw this two years ago in Chile, Bananas won the guys' title, but it was Johnny Portland who beat him head to head in the day 2 race to the summit when everyone was on their own. So obviously, it's possible for this to happen, particularly given what we saw last week.
● If you had Jenna going for a second chance at a final just as soon as this season, then obviously you are relishing in that cash from betting at season's beginning. Yes, Jenna won three eliminations by herself and had to survive that early brush of going home with the Brianna drama. But what we saw from them in the first stage of the final really gave the girls a reasonable chance of raining on Cara Maria's seemingly inevitable march to the title. Them being able to master this first half of the final and make that abandoned station on stage 1 feel like child's play has made the pair more than legit.
This final is being structured like what we saw on Free Agents: not only is this once again being a multi-stage affair but also it's a timed final, and the team who crosses the finish line of the last stage of the two-day final may not necessarily win all the marbles. When we saw this two years ago in Chile, Bananas won the guys' title, but it was Johnny Portland who beat him head to head in the day 2 race to the summit when everyone was on their own. So obviously, it's possible for this to happen, particularly given what we saw last week.
● If you had Jenna going for a second chance at a final just as soon as this season, then obviously you are relishing in that cash from betting at season's beginning. Yes, Jenna won three eliminations by herself and had to survive that early brush of going home with the Brianna drama. But what we saw from them in the first stage of the final really gave the girls a reasonable chance of raining on Cara Maria's seemingly inevitable march to the title. Them being able to master this first half of the final and make that abandoned station on stage 1 feel like child's play has made the pair more than legit.
● Going into this final, Cara & Jamie were the obvious favorites. You always take advantage of whatever momentum you can garner on her, as they did winning those three straight eliminations. But what we've seen from Jamie will be of the most concern among the par as we head into the second phase. Him struggling to keep up with her will likely mean the downfall of this group, and she will have to carry the load for them if they want to win. When they completed that puzzle station swiftly, they were able to catch up to the girls, but now their work is cut out for them to make a charge.
● It's likewise for the other team whose two wins down the stretch earned them their finals ticket in Cory & Mitch. The guys struggled through that first stage, and they can be lucky that they were able to finish this phase and not go down that route Cory's Ex-Plosion roommates went through last year. But like Jenna & Bri, Cory & Mitch been able to keep relatively calm throughout this final, indicative of their strong bond. And that brotherly bond should help them in the rest of the final, and if they're able to tough it out and finish, that will be a victory in itself, regardless of their final placing.
I firmly believe that with my heart, Cara Maria & Jamie will still pull this one out and win this. It's simply her experience - both overall and in three finals - and her dedication to this game that should prevail over the inexperience of the rookies and we will have a deserving champion take her first crown, just as we had with Sarah last year. But given what we saw in stage 1, I will not be surprised at all if Jenna & Brianna hang on and pull off the second straight shocking end result in the Trifecta world in the space of, as mentioned, exactly four months - the AYTO 3 finale was on Nov. 17 last year, and the new Real World begins also on March 17 too - a month from now. And should Cory & Mitch win, it'll prove that momentum does indeed matter in this game.
There is the possibility that someone will bail out and not cash just like what we saw last season which Jenna knows very well. But with this being a two-day affair and them being in that limo at the end of last week, I suspect that the finalists should have something unusual for this city final: they can head back to the hotel to get enough time to relax, hydrate, rest and strategize a bit before the serious part of this final. This pales in comparison with having to sleep uncomfortably in the cold, and it's better to get nice rest before the final race. The girls should sleep on this lead like golfers holding a 54-hole lead in a major as they go to sleep on Saturday night.
I know a lot of people aren't happy with this season, but a final on a Challenge always is among the best real-life dramas on television regardless of who is competing. It should be an interesting finish, and don't be surprised if the unexpected happens yet again.
#DCSocialPulse Extra: FAN'S VIEW
Now to reaction from some of you, the fans, and myself too, from last week's episode. Here you go...> Fan's View
@dc408dxnow: Well, it's time. We started this back in December with 13 teams. Now it's down to 3. Time for the Bloodlines final in Berlin. #DCChallenge
@dc408dxnow: .@MitchReidMTV: "we earned our spot here." @JennaCompono: "I will absolutely not quit again." And what happened? A fall. #DCChallenge
@dc408dxnow: Franz is coming by for this final up & early. And he's a tailor. This is unusual to see someone taking measurements for this final.
@dc408dxnow: The limo has picked them up, and they're at a hill to start this off. And @tjlavin's right: no one expected this final three. #DCChallenge
@dc408dxnow: Winners purse: $250,000 - $125k per person. $75,000 to 2nd. $30,000 for 3rd, & they must finish to cash in. CIA station is where it begins.
@dc408dxnow: Unlike finals in other seasons, Bloodlines has the first final to take place in an entire city setting. No desert, no island, no mountains.
@dc408dxnow: As they begin, this is a timed final. Fastest cumulative time over 5 stages wins the marbles. And it begins w/ large bags in this trail.
@dc408dxnow: Cory & Mitch go from 1st to 3rd behind CM/Jamie & J/Bri. They have to do this 4 x w/ this barrel up the hill. Girls & co-Ed are working it
@dc408dxnow: .@JennaCompono has been on a mission since what happened last season. She's earned this chance to redeem herself in a big way. #DCChallenge
@dc408dxnow: Cory & Mitch are gonna be behind after that 1st checkpoint. But all eyes are on those bags as well as that endurance. This is a test.
@dc408dxnow: But being a rookie does have its drawbacks, as what were seeing with team red. It's early but is this the end unfortunately?
@dc408dxnow: But w/ this format, you're only as good as your weakest link. Jamie is struggling, & Jenna & Bri are in front. Who thought I would say that
@dc408dxnow: If you're in Germany, a must if you're of legal age is having beer. October fest takes place here annually & there's a beer station.
@dc408dxnow: Luckily, it's non alcoholic as they strive to get that can in there and J/B get #1. And they get #2. Total shock that girls are leading.
@dc408dxnow: The favorites are struggling and the guys have found an opening here and could overtake CM/J. They're both struggling w/ that beverage.
@dc408dxnow: Jenna & Brianna are leading while everyone else is struggling. And maybe take a shot every time we see someone puking? CM/J hold 2nd.
@dc408dxnow: It's cool to see this in slo-mo. But the guys are struggling. CM wants to puke and they know they're down. Now a puzzle for the ladies.
@dc408dxnow: At last the ordeal ends for the guys, they gotta catch up here. B/J looking for something here but got the advantage & they do it again!
@dc408dxnow: Though it's early, it's quite amazing to see Jenna & Brianna outperform our expectations & see these underdogs lead this final. #DCChallenge
@dc408dxnow: And the way Jenna & Bri have made this first final stage look almost like child's play has added to this unpredictable season. #DCChallenge
@dc408dxnow: CM & Jamie arrive and know they're in for a rude awakening knowing B/J are nowhere to be found. They do get it done. Now guys on the clock.
@dc408dxnow: Jenna & Bri complete 4th lap. Puzzle master Mitch completes. Now tires separate the girls from the top. Guys are struggling & need something
@dc408dxnow: CM/Jamie have caught up. A screw up by Bri forces them to start over. But it'll be a great result if they can cross the line 1st.
@dc408dxnow: Jamie decides to go slow & steady as a safe move. But girls complete this w/ fives & encouragement for the guys. And there it is.
@dc408dxnow: .@JennaCompono has sewn up my Breakout Performer award for my blog in this great 1st stage. Now race is on for 2nd here.
@dc408dxnow: Cara & Jamie finish. Now it's gonna be up to Cory & Mitch and I'm sure they'll finish this & move on to the next stage (& next week too).
@dc408dxnow: The guys finally finish. They're frustrated that they're in 3rd, but it's just part 1. Anything can happen in these finals. That's next week
@busdriversroute: Jenna bringing the 🔥🔥🔥 on the last club scene. A+ #TheChallengeBloodlines
@busdriversroute: Our potential season winners just stumbled over each other leaving the club. What a time to be alive #TheChallengeBloodlines
@busdriversroute: BREAKING: Cara calls cuz Jamie #TheChallengeBloodlines
@busdriversroute: #MitchWatch #StrapWatch #TheChallengeBloodlines
@busdriversroute: All they're drinking is non-alcoholic beer? Where's the pig guts or cat urine? Bad job by you @ChallengeMTV #TheChallengeBloodlines
@busdriversroute: Jenna and Briana leading this final is like Trump winning New Hampshire. It was a joke for a while but now it's REAL #TheChallengeBloodlines
@busdriversroute: Mitch WOULD call it "hit the gym." #TheChallengeBloodlines
@busdriversroute: I hope we get a cliffhanger with someone's life on the line like Zach. We don't forget #TheChallengeBloodlines
@busdriversroute: Cara "I don't make excuses" is in full effect tonight. Newsflash, carnival games are part of the Final....adapt #TheChallengeBloodlines
@busdriversroute: Who wins the season? 26% Jenna and Brianna / 68% Cara Maria and Jamie / 06% Cory and Mitch 114 votes•Final results
@CSUGradAkirk: Damn @JennaCompono looking super hot in the club #TheChallengeBloodlines
@CSUGradAkirk: Figured that it'd be a timed thing like free agents #TheChallengeBloodlines
@CSUGradAkirk: Jenna is killing it!! #TheChallengeBloodlines
- @dc408dxtr: @CSUGradAkirk she indeed is. No one thought she could get this 2nd chance as soon as this season, but it's going good so far for Jenna.
@CSUGradAkirk: Non alcoholic man I was hoping they'd be alcoholic running a final drunk would be interesting lol #TheChallengeBloodlines
@CSUGradAkirk: I had my doubts with the all female teams and a female team is leading this final #TheChallengeBloodlines
@CSUGradAkirk: Jenna's eating habits kinda don't surprise me #TheChallengeBloodlines
@AceNichols33: PERIODING. It's a thing. @riannavalentine @AneesaMTV @CaraMariaMTV #TheChallengeBloodlines
@AceNichols33: Swear on my life... @MTVCoryWharton is THE IRL FROGGER. #TheChallengeBloodlines
@AceNichols33: When everyone except you had a date to the prom, but you still showed up.. #TheChallengeBloodlines @CaraMariaMTV 😂
@AceNichols33: When someone's embarrassing themselves in front of you and it's awkward AF. #TheChallengeBloodlines @CaraMariaMTV
@AceNichols33: This is a pic of @MTVBananas & @Bruce_Lee85. LMAO at the last comment. People wanna see your eggplant Leroy.
@theballisorange: A solid 1/3 of this episode is just sweeping overhead shots of that facility
@theballisorange: When the going gets tough, Mitch and Cory sit down
@theballisorange: Who are the people who drive all the way to that facility in the woods just to tag it?
@theballisorange: Jamie 100% gets way too competitive at flip cup and nobody wants to play a second game with him
@theballisorange: Cara doesn't know those beers are non-alcoholic and is convinced she's wasted @NoQuittersPod
@theballisorange: I hope Cara's still chugging O'Douls in Berlin right now
@theballisorange: Jenna and Brianna right now
@theballisorange: The ground is lava, classic
@theballisorange: Cory measuring in meters make me doubt he ever played football
@theballisorange: Cara having this rant in her shows me she had more to leave on the field
@theballisorange: This commercial reminded me the first couple episodes of this season were all-time. Really just shouldn't have had eliminations this time.
@theballisorange: Cory measuring in meters and centimeters makes me want to see his birth certificate
@theballisorange: "We're gonna head somewhere else in the city." Mitch has mastered the concept of transportation.
@stephenfishbach: Damn, a tailor? The ultimate challenge of all for #TheChallengeBloodlines. 6 dbags will be attending a high-class cocktail party.
@stephenfishbach: "You've never done anything like this before". Yes, it really is a cocktail party. Who will be socially ostracized by upper crust snobs?!
@stephenfishbach: "You've never done anything like this before". Yes, it really is a cocktail party. Who will be socially ostracized by upper crust snobs?!
@stephenfishbach: "It's been one step after the other." "I want to win." You may want to get some writers in here for #TheChallengeBloodlines
@stephenfishbach: If Mitch & Cory lose because of a strap malfunction .... I don't know, I guess I'd be okay with that.
@stephenfishbach: Seriously though guy bags are proportionally much heavier than the girl bags.
@stephenfishbach: What's the point of making them drink non alcoholic beer?
@stephenfishbach: "I don't care if the Simple Life is beating us" - LMFAO Cory. #TheChallengeBloodlines
Now the Forum, but not a personal opinion but a brief reflection of sorts. Having been a Trifecta viewer for so long, the RW/Challenge franchise and AYTO have seen MTV cameras and their respective casts head to exciting locales around the world. Real World has been based in 22 cities in North America and overseas, with the occasional vacation taking the roomies to places near & far around the world. The Challenge has been held in countless number of countries outside the United States, while the three Are You The One? seasons have been filmed in both Hawaii and Puerto Rico.
But with this Bloodlines being held in Europe, this does brings to mind an annual tradition that my family has had for some time. Summer is my favorite season out of the four because of the hot weather, the kids being out of school and sometimes having to babysit them, and an international sporting event taking place, for this year it's the Rio Olympics. It also happens to be the time that my parents go traveling overseas to places all around the world, thus leaving yours truly to take time off to look out for niece & nephew.
The places my mom and dad have varied over the years, and they have brought back many a souvenir for the collection that adorns our living room. Just seeing the pictures I've helped them upload to their Facebook pages and then developing them for their photo albums, it includes some places the final challenge of previous seasons have taken place. Here is just a brief sampling...
● They were in the site of this season's Bloodlines final - Berlin, Germany as they spent a couple days there as part of one of those European trips where they would travel across the continent on train or on the cruise. They got to see the famed Brandenburg Gate, walked through the city and everywhere during that time in the great city, just as we saw last week with the finalists.
● When the first Real World San Diego cast had their vacation, they went to Athens, Greece where the group had some drunken drama amidst the sights of the Acropolis. This was in the same year as the 2004 Athens Olympics, and a few years later my parents went to the modern Games' birthplace, where they saw the stadium that hosted the first games in 1896 and the historic city as well.
● And when we had the Exes 2 final last year, it was held in Norway. I don't know if my parents went to the same area that hosted Sarah & Jordan's win and two cast meltdowns, but my parents did go to Oslo, where they saw the ski jumping stadium used for the 1952 Winter Games. Also, they were there when a deadly attack there while they were there, but they were unharmed.
As for myself, I don't get to travel as much as my parents do, but you probably know that my favorite place to travel to nowadays in Las Vegas. I've traveled there more often than in to other cities, for the obvious reason of it being America's pleasure playground. The last time I was there back in October of last year also coincided with not only a GOP presidential debate in town, but also the first weekend of filming of Real World Go Big or Go Home, but I didn't spot the the cast or crews there. I did get the chance to walk into the Hard Rock Hotel the summer after RW XXV, and so many other things too in my seven trips to Sin City.
Being able to see these cities and countries on the Trifecta and other MTV shows, as well as on big sporting events like the Olympics and World Cup, it has helped develop a sort of passion for travel for myself. And hopefully, I'll be able to experience more of the places that I see on TV, just as my parents have enjoyed.
Finally as we head into ExtraTime, we want to send congrats and well wishes to Real World Skeletons' Madison & Tony on the arrival of their new baby Harper. She gave birth yesterday to the new munchkin much to everyone's delight, and we'll have more on Tadison's newest addition on our finale Wrap, along with another baby in Laura from RW St. Thomas; congrats to her also.
Last week, we told you about Chris Tolleson from Are You The One? Season 1 becoming the latest Trifecta alum to become a parent when he and his girlfriend welcomed baby boy Lennon in Hampton Roads, VA. Since we last spoke, on Valentine's Day Teen Mom OG Maci Bookout & fiancé Taylor McKinney announced the news of them welcoming her third baby coming in May. Late last week, another baby in the MTV Trifecta. And for myself personally, a couple of my fellow high school friends just gave birth to new babies as well.
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Credit: @TripleBeees |
Last Friday in his adopted home region of the Bay Area, Tyrie, or Henny as also likes to call himself via his Twitter name, became the latest Real World alum to become a dad when he & his girlfriend welcomed their new girl to the world. The baby's name gives an ode to the late Challenge legend Diem Brown in Elyssa Diem Marie Brown, which he calls her "My Princess" and adds on TW, "I've never seen anything so beautiful in my life. As soon as possible I'm reacting scenes from the Lion King and Roots with my daughter." Congrats to Tyrie and his girlfriend on this great moment in their lives.
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And that wraps up the penultimate Wrap of this Challenge Bloodlines season. Of course, we'll have all the interaction from Finale Week, Finale Wednesday itself and more here next week in two(!) 'Pulse posts, along with a recap of the season's stretch run to the final and that great baby news too. Meantime as we count down to the final, check out these webcasts...
● Check out my buddy Andrew Kirk (@CSUGradAKirk) and his chat with Cory from just before this final began, plus two preview podcasts on Survivor 32 at Blog Talk Radio. Plus check out his MTV & RTV coverage on BTR, YouTube, SpreeCast & the BTRTV blog, where last week on the blog he offered another one of his fantasy casts. Andrew & I will debrief this Bloodlines season and look ahead to Real World 31 on DC FORUM here when we're all finished.
● Last week's EP gave Brian Cohen (@BusDriversRoute) and Ali Lasher (@LashsTweets) something to talk about on the MTV RHAP. They discussed everything related to the first part of the final, plus they played a Where Are They Now? game of what former alums are up to. Also check out his Bus Drivers Route blog for his fantasy Challenge leaderboard plus previous shows on Rob Has A Podcast & YouTube.
● Check out the Google+ Hangouts by Ashley Weitzel-Hill (@AshleyWeitzel) on the Mulyx Media hub. Check out her chats with Abram & Michael, Tony, Shane and Candice from this season, plus other chats as well on MM's YouTube channel. Expect additional interviews as the season wraps up plus Real World 31 stuff as well too.
● There's our favorite video recap host, Ace Nichols (@AceNichols33), who you can check out her recaps for all the Bloodlines episodes on YouTube. As she's fully recovered from her Mardi Gras trip, this week she posted her double recap, which you can check out here, along with all other recaps on her YouTube channel, and also check out AfterBuzz TV as well.
● Check out my buddy Andrew Kirk (@CSUGradAKirk) and his chat with Cory from just before this final began, plus two preview podcasts on Survivor 32 at Blog Talk Radio. Plus check out his MTV & RTV coverage on BTR, YouTube, SpreeCast & the BTRTV blog, where last week on the blog he offered another one of his fantasy casts. Andrew & I will debrief this Bloodlines season and look ahead to Real World 31 on DC FORUM here when we're all finished.
● Last week's EP gave Brian Cohen (@BusDriversRoute) and Ali Lasher (@LashsTweets) something to talk about on the MTV RHAP. They discussed everything related to the first part of the final, plus they played a Where Are They Now? game of what former alums are up to. Also check out his Bus Drivers Route blog for his fantasy Challenge leaderboard plus previous shows on Rob Has A Podcast & YouTube.
● Check out the Google+ Hangouts by Ashley Weitzel-Hill (@AshleyWeitzel) on the Mulyx Media hub. Check out her chats with Abram & Michael, Tony, Shane and Candice from this season, plus other chats as well on MM's YouTube channel. Expect additional interviews as the season wraps up plus Real World 31 stuff as well too.
● There's our favorite video recap host, Ace Nichols (@AceNichols33), who you can check out her recaps for all the Bloodlines episodes on YouTube. As she's fully recovered from her Mardi Gras trip, this week she posted her double recap, which you can check out here, along with all other recaps on her YouTube channel, and also check out AfterBuzz TV as well.
As much as Big Brother finale night and Survivor premiere night in September is the biggest night in reality TV, tonight promises to be a close second in terms of reality TV's biggest days. Not only is tonight Challenge Bloodlines Finale night, it's also the premiere of Season 32 of Survivor. And also, there's the buzz for Real World Go Big or Go Home kicking into high gear, and there's the Tadison baby too. Join DCNOW @DC408DxNow to follow this special Wednesday Double Shot starting at 8 PM PT as I return to watching CBS' iconic series after taking season 31 off. And while you watch the Challenge finale, Reunion and Clip Show, join the discussion at #DCChallenge on my live twitter home and later at @DC408Dxtr when my DC Forum questionnaire is posted at night's end.
Of course, bookmark DCBLOG for full MTV Trifecta coverage, including this Challenge and soon, Real World 31. And with the month-long gap between those two shows, watch for some sports posts coming up here with a look at the NFL Scouting Combine, NCAA March Madness and more. And there's DC Instagram at IG @DC408Dxtr and Tumblr.
Of course, bookmark DCBLOG for full MTV Trifecta coverage, including this Challenge and soon, Real World 31. And with the month-long gap between those two shows, watch for some sports posts coming up here with a look at the NFL Scouting Combine, NCAA March Madness and more. And there's DC Instagram at IG @DC408Dxtr and Tumblr.
Again, thanks for reading and until we talk shortly on DCNOW, thanks for reading, talk to you then and, of course, good luck to the finalists.
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