Sunday, June 25, 2017

DC SocialPulse: The Challenge - Champs vs. Pros: The Finale

*** Advisory: DC SocialPulse contains adult language, objectionable content 
& spoilers for some readers. Viewer Discretion is Advised. Due to its long 
length, take frequent eye breaks if you're reading this top to bottom. ***

BY DC CUEVA                     
β–  @DC408Dxtr  TW / IG / YT

Instagram @WestonBergmann
We're at the end of the first weekend of summer according to the calendar, and this is the last 'Pulse diary of a run of covering the MTV Trifecta that began all the way back in October up in Seattle, brought us overseas to four foreign countries, and has brought us back to California for this look at the finale of The Challenge: Champs vs. Pros.
   Last week, the Pros got a first-hand look at what it takes to get through a Challenge: endurance, which saw the Champs take the win. Of course, no Challenge season is complete without a twist, which saw eliminations for both the men and the women take place, and to no one's surprise Wes added to his stellar elimination mark winning for the guys. And at the end of that grueling battle for the women which saw Lolo Jones sweep away all the season's female eliminations, she does a gesture worthy of a champion when she donates money to the charity of the lady she beat, Ashley M.
   For this week and the finale, it's the last regular challenge - contrast to what we thought would be last week, and no Challenge season would be complete without food.  All the players are put to the test to consume food as well as making baskets in order to claim a spot in the final, with strategy, guts and endurance being tested. As one player tries to keep everything down, another is left with a choice that will either make or break the season. And it all comes down to the final challenge to determine who is the Ultimate Challenge Champion and who wins $50,000 for their charities.
   Ahead, the action, reaction and interaction from this Finale, plus the latest Challenge Countdown pays homage to past champions of the show. And after the diary, we'll take a moment to say thank you to dads everywhere with the help of Team MTV.

β€’ As we begin, please note there is explicit language in many of the tweets below, but they are kept uncensored in order to retain the heat of the moment. So if you are mature enough, please read with discretion. :-)
β€’ Plus, if you haven't watched the episode yet, then do not proceed with reading this post. But need not worry...DCBLOG will compile all of these tweets into these posts after every episode so you won't be in the dark of how your favorites saw this all unfold.

One last battle in the SoCal sun... it's all ahead on the finale Pulse of Champs vs. Pros.

@ChallengeMTV: Challenge Day mood πŸ™Œ Don't miss the season finale, tonight at 9/8c on @MTV! #ChampsVsPros
@mtvrrdarrell: The Champs are 😰trying to get into the final. Tune in tomorrow for the finale @9pm on Mtv #ChampsVsPros @ChallengeMTV
- @ChallengeMTV: @mtvrrdarrell Who's the best!? πŸ€” Find out tonight at 9/8c! πŸ† #ChampsVsProsThe Challenge added,
@Mr_Wimbley95: MTV Champs vs Pros Olympian intros...  He's truly a gifted athlete! Check Gus out. @MTV #mtv
@candicewiggins: Tonight is the season finale of The Challenge: Champs Vs. Pros! This show is very special and rare as there are NO losers!  We were all playing our hearts out for a charity that means so much to us...I was representing @GreaterThanAIDS. HIV has touched many lives -including mine. Join the movement to end the epidemic! Together we are @GreaterThanAIDS. @ChallengeMTV #ChampsVsPros
@ChallengeMTV: WWE Superstar @mikethemiz Mizanin knows a thing or two about being a Challenge Champ! Watch another Countdown & Chill special TONIGHT @ 8/7c
@LindsJacobellis: Do you think I have the heart to win for the @ASPCA ??? ..... Find out tonight on @ChallengeMTV  #champsvspros
@WestonBergmann: Who is gonna win the finals tonight? Brain, brawn, or endurance? πŸ€“ πŸ’ͺ πŸƒ #ChampsVsPros…
@LouiseHazel: The face you make when they tell you that you can either eat cow brain, stomach, heart, liver or…
@ChallengeMTV: It's The Hungry Games! Feast your eyes on the season finale of The Challenge tonight, @ 9/8c πŸ† #ChampsVsPros
@AceNichols33: It's #CHAMPSVSPROS FINALE NIGHT!!!! Who's super stoked? @ChallengeMTV
@CamilaMTV: Happy Challenge Day! βœ¨β˜€οΈβœ¨β˜€οΈβœ¨β˜€οΈβœ¨    #ChampsVsPros
@ChallengeMTV: Step 1: assemble your squad. Step 2: watch the season finale of The Challenge TONIGHT @ 9/8c! πŸ“Ί πŸ‘€ #ChampsVsPros πŸ“Έ:
- @MTVASHLEYBROOKE: @ChallengeMTV I love these arseholes 😍😍
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: I feel so honored to have competed with my challenge heroes and against some of the best athletes in the world πŸ™πŸ™! Tune into @MTV tonight at 9pm to see the final and who the real CHALLENGE CHAMPS are πŸ’ͺ (Ps cara i posted the photo bomb bc you threw me in, Darrell bc you called me weak πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ #revenge)
#thechallenge #mtv #ChampsVsPros #olympics #nfl #TEAMCHAMPSπŸ‘‘
@WestonBergmann: If an injustice happens in the world, and you don't have your phone on you to tweet about it - did it really even happen?
@ChallengeMTV: Find out who's the best, on the season finale of The Challenge, TONIGHT at 9/8c! πŸ… #ChampsVsPros @TeamVic
@MTVBananas: My focus is never greater than the 10 seconds leading up to me being able to skip an ad on the internet.
@CamilaMTV: Someone is moving to LA and someone is so excited she might pee herself. Oh, and someone is me. πŸ˜¬πŸ€—
@ChallengeMTV: Get your game face on, because the season finale of The Challenge is on TONIGHT at 9/8c πŸ˜€πŸ‘ #ChampsVsPros
@TheOfficial_CT: Happy Birthday, Sistah!!!! So proud of the woman you have become... I'll save the tear jerker…
@MTV: Don't miss the @ChallengeMTV:#ChampsVsPros finale tonight at 9/8c:
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: Tune in tonight to see who the real champs are on #champsvspros on @mtv 9pm tonight!
@CamilaMTV: We can always count on @mtvrrdarrell to make us all look better in group pictures πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Don't miss #ChampsVsPros season finale 2nite @MTV 9/8c!
@LouiseHazel: Nom Nom! Season finale of challengemtv #champsvspros is tonight 6p/9e/8c on @mtv  It's sick! πŸ€’β€¦
@louievito: I need to hear how tonight's episode of @ChallengeMTV #ChampsVsPros goes tonight at 9pm EST. I'm out of the country and will miss it.
@CamilaMTV: We may compete against each other in challenges ... but in life I want nothing but to see y'all winning.πŸ’–πŸ‘‘πŸ’– Love my girls. #MTVFAM @CaraMariaMTV @ashleymariekelsey @MTVASHLEYBROOKE‬ πŸ† Don't miss the season finale of #champsvspros @challengemtv TONIGHT @Mtv 9/8c!
@ChallengeMTV: On your marks, get set, GO... watch the season finale of The Challenge, tonight at 9/8c on @MTV! πŸƒπŸ’¨ #ChampsVsPros
- @MTVASHLEYBROOKE: @ChallengeMTV Go champs Go! I love you fools!
@AshleyMarieMTV: It all ends here! Who will be watching to see who WINS it all tonight on the finale of #ChampsVsPros?!?! #teamchamps @ChallengeMTV
@ChallengeMTV: Check out @WestonBergmann on the @MTV Instagram, AND in the season finale of The Challenge, tonight at 9/8c! πŸ†πŸ‘€ #ChampsVsPros
@CamilaMTV: Who's taking it all home? CHAMPS or PROS??? 😈 Find out TONIGHT at the season finale @MTV 9/8c. #ChampsVsPros
@ChallengeMTV: Who's going to win it all?! πŸ€” Find out on the season finale of The Challenge, starting tonight at 9/8c on @MTV! πŸ† #ChampsVsPros
@CaraMariaMTV:  This is our house! Pros vs champs. LETS GO! @challengemtv #prosvschamps
- @DerrickMTV2: @CaraMariaMTV LETS GO CHAMPS!!
@WestonBergmann: "@Seanjoy93765788: @WestonBergmann Huge @MTVBananas and @TheOfficial_CT  fan but for some reason I (and apparently all the atheletes) like Wes this season... always hated." RT Oh, you mean everyone loves me that has never been susceptible to my wrath? I wonder if that's what I'm like when I'm not playing a game πŸ€”
@CamilaMTV: See ya in 30! πŸ“Ί #ChampsVsPros
@jchidleyhill: Before tonight's @ChallengeMTV #ChampsVsPros you should listen to me and @ShelAlexander interview @WestonBergmann! …
- @WestonBergmann: @jchidleyhill I thoroughly enjoyed chattin' with these dudes. They get The Challenge more than anyone else I've ever met that's never actually been on it.

β–ΊAS THEY SAW IT: Countdown - The Champions... and #AskJem
@MTV: #TheChallenge's 11 Ways To Become A Champ starts right now on MTV πŸ’ͺ
@ChallengeMTV: MFW someone says they didn't know The Challenge was on! Head over to @MTV NOW to see WWE Superstar @mikethemiz count 'em down! #TheChallenge
@ChallengeMTV: Humble brag? πŸ˜‚ #TheChallenge (GIF: Miz - "I've won both, but this isn't about me.")
@ChallengeMTV: Way number 11 to become a Challenge Champ: Brain blast! πŸš€ #TheChallenge
@ChallengeMTV: Way number 10 to become a Challenge Champ: You gotta want it to will it πŸ‘ #TheChallenge (GIF: Ashley M. - "Positive thinking.")
@ChallengeMTV: .@MTVASHLEYBROOKE is living proof that if you believe in yourself, you can do anything πŸ™Œ #TheChallenge (GIF: "I just won!")
@ChallengeMTV: Is that @ZNichols15, or Thor? πŸ€” πŸ’ͺ#TheChallenge
- @ZNichols15: @ChallengeMTV Nah, That's the man who started a man-bun epidemic. You're welcome America. @ChallengeMTV
@ChallengeMTV: Didn't see that coming? Well, that leads us into our next way to become a Champ: keep them guessing! 😱 #TheChallenge (GIF: Miz - "Abram wrote a kid's book.")
@ChallengeMTV: Way number 8 to become a Challenge Champ: "the only safe way is the 'never go in elimination' way" - @CaraMariaMTV πŸ™Œ #TheChallenge
@ChallengeMTV:  It was a long time coming, but @CaraMariaMTV deserved to win The Challenge as much as anyone else πŸ‘ #TheChallenge
- @CaraMariaMTV: @ChallengeMTV That montage made me so happy. Thanks :) ❀❀❀❀❀
@ChallengeMTV: It was a steep price to pay, but the red team was STACKED πŸ’ͺ #TheChallenge (GIF: Evelyn - "Johnny's the Devil, and I sold my soul.")
- @DerrickMTV2: @ChallengeMTV πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†
@ChallengeMTV: One of the best to ever do it 🐐 #TheChallenge (GIF: Miz - "Evelyn is the total badass.")
@ChallengeMTV: Wes has a message for his haters: πŸ–• #TheChallenge (GIF: F___ you, f___ you, f___ you, you're cool.")
@ChallengeMTV: Wes on The Duel is Challenge GOALS πŸ‘βš½οΈ #TheChallenge
@ChallengeMTV: Once a Challenge Champ, always a Challenge Champ πŸŠπŸ† #TheGingerNinja #TheChallenge (GIF: Wes - "I just won.")
@WestonBergmann: "@Jg5_era: Vintage @WestonBergmann was literally unstoppable. #TheChallenge" RT I hate being so old that things I did in my twenties are considered vintage
@ChallengeMTV: Sarah's book smart, and all heart - and that's how she became a Challenge Champ πŸ‘ #TheChallenge
@EmmyMorning: @ImSarahRice is an all around babe #thechallenge
@ChallengeMTV: Paula seems to do really well when she's partnered with her rival, so are her haters her motivators? πŸ€” #TheChallenge
@ChallengeMTV: Way number 5 to win a Challenge: have Darrell on your team πŸ˜‚ #TheChallenge
@WestonBergmann: "@RCNY86: @WestonBergmann It's that much more satisfying when he beats bananas with his dad bod." RT Sorta, until I'm reminded that I'm not a father. Which means I don't have a dad bod, I'm just chunky.
@_ITS_BOB: I enjoy watching these countdowns every Tuesday. Brings back memories of watching The Real World and Road Rules too. @MTV @ChallengeMTV
@CaraMariaMTV: I wanna do a damn big team final! These old school finals look fun! @challengemtv
@WestonBergmann: "@coco_snixx: @WestonBergmann .@WestonBergmann how are you gonna explain your Mohawk to your future kids??" RT My future children will love it. The problem is I have no idea how to explain it to myself.
@ChallengeMTV: Easily one of the most dominant Challengers ever. Period. πŸ’ͺ #TheChallenge (GIF: Laurel - "I WON!")
@ChallengeMTV: When @laurelstucky gets that look in her eyes, run πŸ‘ŠπŸ’₯ #TheChallenge (GIF: "Nobody wants to go against her.")
@ChallengeMTV: Seeing Big Diesel on my screen again is everything that's right with the world πŸ™Œ #TheChallenge @DerrickMTV2
@CamilaMTV: I'll take passion as a superpower any day! Thanks @mikethemiz πŸ€“
@ChallengeMTV: For as long as she lives, @CamilaMTV can be proud of being the only one to beat The Elimination Queen πŸ™Œ #TheChallenge
@ChallengeMTV: To this day, Viking Quest was one of the hardest finals ever, IMO 😱 #TheChallenge
@ChallengeMTV: The comeback, feel good story of the year goes to @TheOfficial_CT for his Invasion win! πŸ˜­πŸ† #TheChallenge
@CamilaMTV: Aww it was a such a great season, even with the frozen eyelashes & @MTVBananas yelling at me every second of the way. πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™ #TheChallenge
@ChallengeMTV: How to be a Champ and a boss at the same time, courtesy of @WestonBergmann. #TheChallenge
@ChallengeMTV: Is it any surprise that the Number 1 Challenge Champ is the guy with the most wins!? Presenting the 🐐: @MTVBananas! #TheChallenge (GIF: Miz - "Ladies and gentlemen, I bring you the number one Champ")
@ChallengeMTV: If you want to learn how to be a Challenge Champ, then study this guy πŸŒπŸ“š #TheChallenge
@ChallengeMTV: You play to win the game, and nobody plays the game better than @MTVBananas πŸ‘ #TheChallenge (GIF: Miz - "Play the game, or the game plays you.")
@JustJem24: Ok. Let's play. #askjem
- @jadasmith29_: @JustJem24 #askjem who were you feeling the least out of the girls and who were you closest with
- @JustJem24: @jadasmith29_ Veronica/Britni/Aneesa, & you know I'll spill tea in my interviews about who I don't likeπŸ™ƒ
- @coco_snixx: @JustJem24 We need to get @NanyMTV back to be back on tv with you and the real fan favorites. How did they convince you #askjem
- @JustJem24: @coco_snixx I only came back Bc @DerrickMTV2 came back.. His return convinced me. Plus timing finally felt right.
- @coco_snixx: @JustJem24 @DerrickMTV2 We need a viewers choice season with the elite. You, Nany, Veronica, Tina, Emily, Evelyn &Jenn just to name a few girls we all miss #askjem
- @JustJem24: @coco_snixx This isn't a question, this a FACT. Add @ThatCoral and it's complete
- @WilliKilliams: @JustJem24 is Bananas really a complete asshole or is it more for the cameras? #askJem
- @JustJem24: @WilliKilliams Depends on the day. I love him some days, hate him others. Off camera, I always love him thou
- @RashidJustice: @JustJem24 How come u and Camila don't tweet each other anymore? #AskJem
- @JustJem24: @RashidJustice Bc we talk in right life. Literally talked To her yesterday. If we had beef I would πŸ’― talk about it, I hold nothing back
@JazMTV: Madelyn wrote a letter to someone special!

β–ΊAS THEY SAW IT: "No Guts, No Glory"
@ChallengeMTV: When you and your fam fight over the remote πŸ‘ŠπŸ’₯ Turn that dial to @MTV, because The Challenge season finale starts RIGHT NOW! πŸ† #ChampsVsPros
@TheMarkLong: Just me waiting to see who wins @ChallengeMTV #ChampsVSPros @mtv πŸ†πŸ†πŸ† #godfather
@LouiseHazel: Let's goooo season finale @ChallengeMTV #ChampsVsPros (Words: "Before you start a war, you better know what you're fighting for.")
@ChallengeMTV: Can @mtvrrdarrell win another Challenge?! πŸ’ͺ #ChampsVsPros (GIF: "I'm gonna give it all I got.")
@ChallengeMTV: Who's the best, the Champs or the Pros? πŸ† #ChampsVsPros (GIF: Victor - "The Ultimate Challenge Champion")
@ChallengeMTV: A good strategy can make or break a Challenge Champion πŸ€” #ChampsVsPros (GIF: Victor - "Strategy.")
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: Come on home girls! Do it for the team!! @AshleyMarieMTV @camilamtv @caramariamtv #TEAMCHAMPS…
@ChallengeMTV: LITERALLY - time to chow down πŸ˜‚ #ChampsVsPros (GIF: Darrell - "It's crunch time.")
@TylerbeeRealG: The challenge is so lit I love this shitβ€οΈπŸŽ‰ #ChampsVsPros
@LouiseHazel: How I feel about tonight's challenge @ChallengeMTV
@ChallengeMTV: TFW you're eating at your friends' parents house so you gotta pretend you like the food 😫 #ChampsVsPros
@LouiseHazel: Urrrrrhh cow liver is not my fave
@lolojones: I ate the animal stomach it was the toughest one to chew on there. I lost a lot of time on that dish #ChampsVsPros
@LouiseHazel: Hahahahah @LindsJacobellis #vomitstation
@LindsJacobellis: @ChallengeMTV trying to keep it all down 🀒 #ChampsvsPros
@ChallengeMTV: When mom says she made pizza rolls πŸ•πŸ™Œ #ChampsVsPros
@ChallengeMTV: Advice: just pretend you're eating a cast-member's head πŸ˜‚ #ChampsVsPros (GIF: CT - "Dig right in there.")
@LindsJacobellis: @ChallengeMTV me after I taste my first heart
@ChallengeMTV: I don't want to watch... but I can't look away πŸ™ˆ #ChampsVsPros
@mtvrrdarrell: Shot out to @MarchofDimes so my little man can post up 😎 #ChampsVsPros @ChallengeMTV
@LouiseHazel: I can't shoot hoops for sh*t! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
@ChallengeMTV:  She shoots, and scores! @CaraMariaMTV is on to the finals! πŸ™Œ #ChampsVsPros
- @CaraMariaMTV: @ChallengeMTV Crushed that. Always wanted to eat cupcakes in a challenge. Dont threaten me w a good time. 😜
@ChallengeMTV: Me watching this challenge πŸ™Š #ChampsVsPros
@LouiseHazel: Well done @CaraMariaMTV πŸ’ͺ🏾
@LouiseHazel: Hahahaha @LindsJacobellis exploded! 🀒
@lolojones:  The female champs are really good at eating competitions. It's all good tho Bc it's gonna go straight to their hips. #ChampsVsPros    me: (GIF: "I'm on a diet.")
@MarieeTBD: The @ChallengeMTV needs to take note from the @Giants & βœ‚οΈ Cruz. #ChampsVPros
@ChallengeMTV: 😱@LouiseHazel is bowing out! #ChampsVsPros (GIF: "It's game over for me.")
@lolojones: There is no eating competition in the Olympics but after doing this I feel like there should be one. #ChampsVsPros
@ChallengeMTV: And I thought I had poor table manners 😭 #ChampsVsPros
@ChallengeMTV: Me when my ex tries to talk to me πŸ™… #ChampsVsPros
@LouiseHazel: If anybody was going to sick up on my πŸ₯• carrot πŸŽ‚ cake I'd want it to be you @LindsJacobellis 😘
@ChallengeMTV: Lookin' at you, Adam πŸ˜‚ #ChampsVsPros (GIF: CT - "I usually just team them out of cast members' chests")
@LouiseHazel: Literally the worst thing I've ever experienced in my life! And the winner is....@ChallengeMTV
@ChallengeMTV: Even @TeamVic is looking a little green around the gills during this challenge, and I can't blame him 😷 #ChampsVsPros
@AllisonMalin: "I've eaten heart but never cooked. Usually just straight out of a cast members body" - @TheOfficial_CT QUOTE OF THE SEASON #ChampsVsPros
@ChallengeMTV: And @mtvrrdarrell is back in the finals, alongside who else but his Fresh Meat II teammate @CaraMariaMTV! πŸ™Œ #ChampsVsPros
@CaraMariaMTV: True story, I was more nervous about making a basket than anything i was about to eat.  #neverdidsports @challengemtv #prosvschamps
@LouiseHazel: Way to make it to the finals @LindsJacobellis and @Mr_Wimbley95 you both deserve it after that! ✊🏽✊🏽✊🏽
@CamilaMTV: Props to each1 of these amazing girls for taking part in this crazy 🌎 we live in. πŸ˜™πŸ˜™πŸ˜™ @LindsJacobellis @LouiseHazel @lolojones #ChampsVsPros
@ChallengeMTV: .@TheOfficial_CT recommending @WestonBergmann for the Finals is all the friendship goals πŸ‘ #ChampsVsPros (GIF: "That's really badass.")
@ChallengeMTV: HUG ME, BROTHA πŸ€— #ChampsVsPros
@lolojones: Gus fought so hard for me to get thru. I was proud of him
@emilylongeretta: May have choked up just now. CT & Wes' rivalry-turned-friendship is everything #ChampsVsPros
- @ChallengeMTV: @emilylongeretta All the goals #ChampsVsPros
@ChallengeMTV: Hey @TheOfficial_CT, I'm sure @KennySantucci can relate to your pain right now πŸ˜‚ #ChampsVsPros (GIF: "My back hurts.")
@lolojones: Me after the eating challenge on #ChampsVsPros
@emilylongeretta: Did @LoloJones just say this was tougher than losing in the Olympics? May need to reevaluate, lady #ChampsVsPros
- @lolojones: @emilylongeretta YES. I was fighting for kids. At Olympics if I lose no kid goes w/o housing, shoes, school supplies... the things my foundation supplies. perspective is everything. Winning is not everything. Giving makes my heart more excited than any Olympic win will ever.
- @emilylongeretta: @lolojones THIS is what the game is all about. It's all about the kids. Love that MTV created this for these athletes & pros
@ChallengeMTV: All of these charitable donations are giving me all the feels 😭 #ChampsVsPros (GIF: Louise to Lolo - "Split it half way between both of our charities.")
@ChallengeMTV: Are you surprised that there are more Champs in the Finals, or did you expect it? πŸ€” #ChampsVsPros (GIF: Louise - "That was not how it was supposed to go down.")
@lolojones: Wow @LouiseHazel I can't believe what you did for me. That's luv #ChampsVSPros
@kelseaa_joo: I absolutely believe @MTVASHLEYBROOKE deserves to be in these finals πŸ’ͺ #ChampsVsPros
@ChallengeMTV: I wish I had this talent when looking for relationships 😫 #ChampsVsPros (GIF: Lindsey - "You can spot crazy a mile away.")
@ChallengeMTV: The Pros don't know what they're in for. Let the games begin 😈 #ChampsVsPros (GIF: Camila - "Tomorrow, the Camilanator's coming back.")
@LouiseHazel: I just want to say a huge thank you to challengemtv and @MTV and all of you that tuned in to…
@xochrisco: Even though I'm sad that @TheOfficial_CT isn't in the final... it makes me happy that he's all class #classy #thechallenge #ChampsVsPros
@WestonBergmann: What CT just did was probably the most noble thing to have ever been done on a challenge
@TonyMendozaJr: @guskenworthy's last interview on @ChallengeMTV made my heart break ❀ He definitely played for the LGBTQ+ community and did us proud πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ
@MTVjennifer: finally picking up my broken pieces, and life is finally falling into place. i seriously couldn't be happier😌
@LouiseHazel: Honoured to be able to raise $3000 for @SavetheChildren huge thank you to @ChallengeMTV and @MTV
@ChallengeMTV: When you're the first one at a party 😩 #ChampsVsPros
@ChallengeMTV: .@mtvrrdarrell is LITERALLY putting the team on his back right now 😱 #ChampsVsPros
@ChallengeMTV: Me when I'm late to work and I try to sneak in πŸ™Š #ChampsVsPros
@ChallengeMTV: A pasta eating challenge? Sign me up πŸ™‹πŸ #ChampsVsPros
- @MarieeTBD: @ChallengeMTV πŸ‘‹πŸ»πŸ‘‹πŸ» Same!! @ChallengeMTV
@ChallengeMTV: When you try to carry all your groceries in one trip πŸ’ͺ #ChampsVsPros
@AshleyMarieMTV: Gosh I love Lindsay, she will do anything! Get it girl. #ChampsVsPros
@ChallengeMTV: Me trying to wade through other people's BS πŸŠπŸ’© #ChampsVsPros
@LouiseHazel: Holy crap @LindsJacobellis you're killing it! πŸ™ŒπŸΎ
@ChallengeMTV: Sliding into the DMs like... 😏 #ChampsVsPros
@ChallengeMTV: Can she phone a friend? ☎️ #ChampsVsPros (GIF: Lindsey - "Inner-Ashley, speak to me.")
@CaraMariaMTV: Legs were crampin somethin fierce. Lactic acid. Darrell is an ANIMAL!
@ChallengeMTV: If you are what you eat, then clearly @CaraMariaMTV ate a G.O.A.T. because she's the 🐐 #ChampsVsPros (GIF: "I ate brains.")
@ChallengeMTV: TFW @TeamVic tells you your answer is incorrect and you have to go back 😭 #ChampsVsPros
@MarieeTBD: This is S'cuteeee!!!! @shannanity @AshleyMarieMTV @ZNichols15 @laurelstucky
@MarieeTBD: LOL SHANE!!!!!!! @shannanity ☠️☠️☠️ #whatisthis

@ChallengeMTV: REDEMPTION πŸ™Œ #ChampsVsPros (GIF: Darrell with Cara Maria - "We are the Ultimate Challenge Champions.")
@CamilaMTV: Congrats to my champs @CaraMariaMTV & @mtvrrdarrell for winning for your charities! Way to get it done. 😘❀️ #ChampsVsPros
- @CaraMariaMTV: @CamilaMTV Love you girl. It honestly came down to the boys.  You are a little energizer bunny. You put in work. I Love us.
@LouiseHazel: Yasssss guys @CaraMariaMTV and @mtvrrdarrell that's wicked!!
@ChallengeMTV: .@CaraMariaMTV right now: YOU GET 5K! YOU GET 5K! YOU ALL GET 5K!!!! πŸ˜‚ #ChampsVsPros
@ChallengeMTV: These two came full circle from Fresh Meat II πŸ™Œ #ChampsVsPros
@CamilaMTV: "It's not as easy as it looks kids." πŸ˜‰ Till next time! #ChampsVsPros
- @MTVASHLEYBROOKE: @CamilaMTV I know everyone says #squad,  but for real this time ....SQUAD!!!
@ChallengeMTV: A message to all those armchair QBs out there, this ain't as easy as it looks - ask the Pros πŸ˜‰ #ChampsVsPros (GIF: Wes - "You can't do this.")
@LouiseHazel: So proud of you all @LindsJacobellis @CamilaMTV @WestonBergmann @CamilaMTV @CaraMariaMTV @mtvrrdarrell
- @ChallengeMTV: @LouiseHazel Love you all @Mr_Wimbley95 @LindsJacobellis @CamilaMTV @WestonBergmann @CaraMariaMTV @mtvrrdarrell #ChampsVsPros
- @CaraMariaMTV: @ChallengeMTV Pleasure to run with all of you. Welcome to our world pros! Love to you all.
@MarieeTBD: YOU GET A DOLLAR! YOU GET A DOLLAR!! #ChampsVPros @ChallengeMTV
@LouiseHazel: Great job @BunimMurray #champsvspros
@ChallengeMTV: So proud of the Champs and the Pros for comepeting in this Challenge for charity. They are real life heroes πŸ‘ #ChampsVsPros
@WestonBergmann: Congrats to @mtvrrdarrell and @CaraMariaMTV on the win. It was well earned. πŸ‘
- @CaraMariaMTV: @WestonBergmann And congrats for being the most untouchable elimination win record holder in challenge history. πŸ†
@CamilaMTV: Check out the beautiful charity I played for on this season of #ChampsVsPros πŸ‘‰   πŸ™βœŠοΈ
@CaraMariaMTV: Fun fact. We did 3 puzzles. Drank 6 raw eggs. And finished at least a half hour before everyone. #redemption #ultimatechallengechamps
@lolojones: Goodbye @ChallengeMTV I gotta go run this weight off. Thanks for the opp to win money for Hurdles of Hope and kids w Incarcerated parents
@ChallengeMTV: Thanks for watching #ChampsVsPros! We'll see you soon πŸ˜‰ #TheChallengeXXX

@CaraMariaMTV: @mtvrrdarrell  is the best partner anyone could ask for in a final. Fucking animal. N i finally came through on our puzzles. πŸ†REDEMPTION.
@LindsJacobellis: So happy you were my partner @Mr_Wimbley95 !!!! Heart all the way!!! Pros πŸ’₯@ChallengeMTV
@lolojones: Thanks to All who donated! I fought hard but didn't win but w ur help we raised same as challenge win. THANK YOU!
@CaraMariaMTV: "@KathieReynolds: @CaraMariaMTV I don't think people realize how tiny u r in person. The fact that you out ate  everyone & shot baskets like that is amazing!" RT Me and @CamilaMTV were given literally the same food portions as the boys. Our tiny tummies were fucked for a week.
@mtvrrdarrell: Glad to have @CaraMariaMTV as my partner so we could redeem ourselves from Freshmeat πŸ™ŒπŸ½#ChampsVPros @ChallengeMTV
@mtvrrdarrell: Proud of you @Mr_Wimbley95 πŸ’ͺ🏾way to finish big dog #ChampsvsPros @ChallengeMTV
@mtvrrdarrell: @LindsJacobellis told you!!πŸ’ͺ🏾#cuckooπŸ‘€ #ChampsvsPros @ChallengeMTV
@CaraMariaMTV: Tough as fuck to try to keep up w someone like @mtvrrdarrell. Guy can run circles around any challenge competitor past or present. Tank.
@CaraMariaMTV: "@CraigHya: @CaraMariaMTV @mtvrrdarrell I'm confused...since when were you not good at puzzles?  I thought you did them on Rivals 2, then you beat Bananas on Bloodlines..." RT Just my first season fresh meat 2. Its why me and @mtvrrdarrell went home. It was the Damn tangrams.
@mtvrrdarrell: Salute to @WestonBergmann πŸ‘¨β€πŸŽ€ #eliminationslayer #ChampsVPros @ChallengeMTV
@MarieeTBD: Welp... I'll be practicing eating #cupcakes until the next @ChallengeMTV #practicemakesperfect
@MarieeTBD: @ChallengeMTV July 18th!! 😏 (GIF: "Well it's Groundhog Day... again.")
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: Champs for the winπŸ’ͺknew my girls were meant for the Olympics. only if we didn't have a constant need 4 good times & questionable decisions 🀣
@CaraMariaMTV: Please consider adopting senior pets. Adopt and save a life. #champsvspros @aspca @ChallengeMTV

@ChallengeMTV: PLAY IT BACK, WEST COAST! The Challenge Countdown & Chill starts NOW, followed by the season finale of The Challenge! πŸ™Œ #ChampsVsPros
@ChallengeMTV: The first step to becoming a Challenge Champ πŸ‘ #TheChallenge
@ChallengeMTV: "The only safe way, is the 'never go into elimination' way" - wise words from vet @CaraMariaMTV πŸ‘ #TheChallenge
@ChallengeMTV: It wasn't always easy, but it was worth the wait πŸ‘ #TheChallenge
@ChallengeMTV: "The greatest trick the Devil ever played was convincing the world he didn't exist" - @MTVBananas πŸ˜‚ #TheChallenge
@ChallengeMTV: On a scale of 1 - 10, Evelyn is an Elevelyn πŸ™Œ #TheChallenge
@ChallengeMTV: The GOAT 🐐 πŸ˜‚ #TheChallenge
@ChallengeMTV: Do you want to go against @laurelstucky? Didn't think so 😩 #TheChallenge
@ChallengeMTV: Still can't get over this elimination from Invasion 😱 #TheChallenge
@ChallengeMTV: The comeback of the century πŸ™Œ #TheChallenge
@CamilaMTV: When people try to make you think you're replaceable - don't believe them.😽
@ChallengeMTV: Of COURSE @MTVBananas had to win this - he is the record holder for most Challenge wins, after all πŸ‘πŸ #TheChallenge

@ChallengeMTV: WEST COAST! Get to a TV NOW, because the season finale of The Challenge is on @MTV πŸ‘ #ChampsVsPros
@ChallengeMTV: It's time to find out who's the best: the Champs, or the Pros? πŸ€” #ChampsVsPros
@ChallengeMTV: Literally - they're about to dig in! πŸ˜‚ #ChampsVsPros (GIF: Darrell - "It's crunch time.")
@ChallengeMTV: How's that taste, @lolojones? πŸ™ŠπŸ˜· #ChampsVsPros
@ChallengeMTV: LOL @CaraMariaMTV is the cutest human ever πŸ˜‚ #ChampsVsPros
@ChallengeMTV: Same, @guskenworthy, same πŸ™ˆ #ChampsVsPros
@ChallengeMTV: And @CaraMariaMTV is BACK in the finals πŸ‘ #ChampsVsPros
@ChallengeMTV: Noooo 😱😭 #ChampsVsPros
@ChallengeMTV: Me when I remember something embarrassing that I did earlier in the day 😩 #ChampsVsPros
@ChallengeMTV: It looks like a Fresh Meat II redo for @CaraMariaMTV and @mtvrrdarrell  πŸ‘ #ChampsVsPros
@ChallengeMTV: What can I say - @TheOfficial_CT has left me speechless 😱 #ChampsVsPros
@ChallengeMTV: Friendship goals 😭 #ChampsVsPros
@ChallengeMTV: When you carry the team for too long πŸ˜‚ #ChampsVsPros
@ChallengeMTV: Charity is in the air, and it's contagious! Well done, @LouiseHazel and @lolojones πŸ‘ #ChampsVsPros
@ChallengeMTV: Buckle up, Pros πŸ˜‚ #ChampsVsPros
@ChallengeMTV: Putting the team on your back, LITERALLY πŸ’ͺ #ChampsVsPros
@ChallengeMTV: BEAST MODE, @LindsJacobellis πŸ’ͺ #ChampsVsPros
@ChallengeMTV: Trying to slide into the DMs like πŸ˜‚ #ChampsVsPros
@ChallengeMTV: You are what you eat, and Cara just got a huge boost with these puzzles πŸ˜‚πŸ€“ #ChampsVsPros
@ChallengeMTV: REDEMPTION, THY NAME IS @CaraMariaMTV AND @mtvrrdarrell πŸ™Œ #ChampsVsPros
@ChallengeMTV: .@CaraMariaMTV, or Oprah? YOU GET 5K! YOU GET 5K! YOU ALL GET 5K!!!! πŸ˜‚ #ChampsVsPros (GIF: "Give 'em each 5K")
- @MTVASHLEYBROOKE: @ChallengeMTV I actually fell  in love with Cara before she did this,  but... you gotta love this!! So amazing of her!!
@ChallengeMTV: So proud of all the Champs and Pros who DID do this, and for great causes. THANK YOU πŸ™Œ #ChampsVsPros
@ChallengeMTV: Nobody takes better selfies than our Challenge fam πŸ“ΈπŸ˜ Happy #NationalSelfieDay

@WestonBergmann: Finalist dinner with @Mr_Wimbley95, @lindsjacobellis, @caramariamtv, @mtvrrdarrell, and…
@shannanity: Who knew you could get the "Challenge" experience at @UniversalStud - best time yet w/ @laurelstucky @ZNichols15 @AshleyMarieMTV -love y'all
@MarchofDimes: Congratulations @mtvrrdarrell! Thank you for playing @ChallengeMTV for #marchofdimes in honor of your son!
@ASPCA: @CaraMariaMTV @ChallengeMTV Thanks so much for your support and congrats on your win!
@ChallengeMTV: Full circle πŸ‘ #ChampsVsPros
@CSUGradAkirk: so glad @mtvrrdarrell  won #ChampsVsPros  giving to a great cause March of Dimes I was premature like your son so its great to see you give!
@banksy878: Great job cuz! @CaraMariaMTV
@guskenworthy: Didn't win the big money but proud to have played & raised awareness for @TrevorProject & @happyhippiefdn! β€οΈπŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆπŸ’ͺ🏼 #ChampsVsPros
@ChallengeMTV: .@lolojones battled all season long for her charity - which she founded - and we think that's pretty badass πŸ‘ #ChampsVsPros
@IWantMyEmTV: CONGRATS @CaraMariaMTV! You've beat the actual champs! I never want to hear you whine again with this win.
@IWantMyEmTV: My fav thing about Diem is that no matter what, she embraced everyone. Never acted like an entitled snob. People could learn #thechallenge
@IWantMyEmTV: People who think they're famous from this show are actual jokes. We make a sum of money and go back to our real lives and jobs.

β–ͺ     β–ͺ     β–ͺ

We first got to meet Cara Maria back in Canada on Fresh Meat II seven years ago, and despite being in a season where half of the cast where first-timers she got the usual rookie treatment: first one eliminated along with her veteran partner, Darrell, who made his own comeback this year. In the end, they come away champions of this season, giving $50,000 each to their two charities: him to the March of Dimes, and her to the ASPCA. Indeed, they have come full circle.
   We'll have more on this season on the final WRAP of this cycle coming up in a few days. And speaking of Darrell and fellow dads everywhere...


Last Sunday was Father's Day as, for the second time in a month, folks were given the chance to say thank you to the most important man in their lives: their dads. And just as we did for Mother's Day, we want to devote this ExtraTime to sharing with you some of those social media messages of Thank You posted by those in the Trifecta ecosystem.
   We begin with the one who, in spite of all that we have seen from him since all the way back in Chicago, has made strides to be as good a dad as he can be to his two kids as Challenge XXX awaits.

● TONY/Dirty XXX - IG/@T_Raines: "This is why today is so special to me 😚 Happy Father's Day to all the other dads out there!"
● SHANE/Dirty XXX - IG/@ShaneJRaines: "Thanks for giving my the most beautiful nieces ever, and making me the happiest Uncle in the world! Happy Fathers Day big bro! #superdad #hfd"
● MADISON/RW30 - IG/@madiichanning: "Let me just start by saying Happy Fathers Day Tone!! Our situation may not be "normal" to most, and isn't always easy. But no matter what we always stay focused on the fact that we brought a beautiful baby girl into the world, and she is what matters now. I know things will only get easier with time, and you have many more of these days to come. I just wanted to take the time to let you know how thankful I am that you are so devoted and determined to be as involved in Harper's life as possible. I know things can be hard and discouraging at times, but it will all be worth it in the long run. Thank you for being you, and forever making our daughter a priority."
● BANANAS/Dirty XXX - TW/@MTVBananas: "No matter how many years go by, i'll always be the little boy who you taught to fly... Happy Fathers Day Pop! #PapaBananas #HappyFathersDay"
● CAMILA/Dirty XXX - TW/@CamilaMTV: "Happy Father's Day mommy. πŸ’— Thanks for making not having a dad around so much easier. You are my hero. #HappyFathersDay #RIPDAD"
● DERRICK K./Dirty XXX - TW/@DerrickMTV2: "Just wanted to say Happy Fathers Day to all the dads out there and if you're not a dad, and still celebrating the day...Cheers to you too 🍻"
● ASHLEY M./Dirty XXX - IG/@MTVAshleyBrooke: "To the dad who picked me up off his lap and into his life... Mr Wv bodybuilder πŸ’ͺ, big huge teddy bear 🐻, and best father any girl ask forπŸŽ€. I love you pops. Happy fathers day."
● JASMINE/RW22 - TW @JazMTV: "Happy Fathers Day to the most amazing dad and does everything to see his family happy!! We love you!! @ImperatorTruth"
● THERESA/FM II - IG/@theresa_gonzo: "Not only did you have me at "Hello" -but u complete 'us' πŸ‘¨πŸ‘©πŸ‘§ @iamtj_jones!! Thanks for being such a remarkable Father to our lil beasty.. We are beyond lucky to have u, Daddy!!😘#HappyFathersDay"
● JESSICA/RW28 - IG/@chefjessmccain: "Dad. Thank you for being my support, for pushing me through hard times and even harder lessons. For teaching me the importance and the balance of love and discipline. But mostly for always caring about my #faith and relationship with Christ. I love you so much dad πŸ’• #happy fathersday"
● EMILEE/RW22 - IG/@iwantmyemtv: "Father Fitz aka the best dad in the world. When I say BEST DAD I am not joking. It was me and you against the world until age 7 when you met Caroline, aka the woman I asked you to marry because I really wanted" a brother and sister just like you both." Didn't hurt she was the best step mom in the world. And then I got them.. my younger sister that my guy friends need to stop following πŸ™„ (I'll actually beat you up) and my fav and only brother Brennen. You have stood by my side and celebrated me even when I felt like I wasn't living up to expectations. Every sleep over, Halloween party, college apartment, and even when I went on Real World.. Matty 108 asked me what my father thought. "If I raised you right you'll be absolutely okay. I was 21 once." Your sense of humor and light in your eyes made me who I am today. I love you more than you'll ever know. You are my rock and who I aspire to be."
● KENNY/FM 1 - IG/@kennysantucci: "Like most people, my mom taught me love and compassion, but it was my dad....who taught the harder lessons in life: that respect and anything else in life that is worth a damn has to be earned. Thank you, Dad, and all the #ULTRAdads that went the extra mile! Here's to the gentleman!"
● TRISHELLE/RW12 - IG/@TrishelleC: "Happy Fathers Day, daddy. We love you so much. Thank you for all the laughs and quirks and embarrassing things you've said to our boyfriends along the way πŸ˜‚β€οΈ #fathersday #daddysgirl"
● SYLVIA/RW30 - IG/@syl_marie_88: "It may not be by blood but you are the BEST father a girl could ask for! Truly feel so lucky every day you have been in my life dad! @victorywrestlin"
● COHUTTA/RW19 - IG/@cohuttalee: "If you follow me on this thing you already know how close me and Pappa are and that in my mind the man pretty much walks on water and encompasses everything I wanna be in this world. He's the most humble, insanely hard working, effortlessly cool guy alive. I love you more than you know Pop. #fathersday"
● ETHAN/AYTO 1 - IG/@ethan.g.diamond: "Having the best time with my baby girl this Father's Day! The relationship that a daughter and her daddy have is one of a kind. Happy fathers day to every other father out there! #fathersday #daddysgirl #daddydoinwork #summertime #sundayfunday"
● AMBER/AYTO 1 -IG/@amberleediamond: "You + Me = Magic. She is absolute proof of that. #happyfathersday to our breakfast making, giggle loving, tickle monster. Hugs and kisses forever!"
● MAKANI/Stranded Season 1 - TW/@makanime: "Happy Father's Day😌 I wouldn't want to look just like anybody elseπŸ™ˆβ€οΈ"

● CT/Dirty XXX - IG/@_famous4nothing
Lastly, this Father's Day was the first time that we have seen CT as a dad. And just over a month after we saw him bring home $121,000 and a trophy to his new baby son, he shared the following video on Instagram of baby Chris Jr.

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Tomorrow - or for some of you, later today - on the season finale installment of the WRAP - our last one for the next few weeks, she has become one of the most interesting people in the MTV universe... but what happens when she gets a chance to play the role of her fellow peers and enemies? We'll share with you Cara Maria's hilarious impersonations of her fellow Challengers, plus we'll have our countdown of the top 5 moments of Champs vs. Pros.
   This weekend is last call for those of you reality TV fans to send me and Andrew Kirk questions relating to all things reality TV, outside of The Challenge, for our midyear Reality Debrief recap. One more time, be sure to send your questions on Survivor, Big Brother, Are You The One? or other non-Challenge reality shows to #AskDCBLOG to me at @DC408Dxtr or to @CSUGradAKirk by 11:59 PM ET tomorrow night, Monday, June 26th. Part 1 itself will be up Wednesday afternoon before the premiere of Season 19 of the summer reality TV tradition... you'll still have plenty of time now until mid-July to send in your Challenge questions to the both of us.

For now, thanks for following the 'Pulse of this entire run, and see you back here tomorrow as we wind up our coverage of this cycle of the MTV Trifecta. See you then.


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