Wednesday, June 7, 2017

DC SocialPulse: The Challenge: Champs vs. Pros - "A Cold Day In Hell"

*** Advisory: DC SocialPulse contains adult language, objectionable content 
& spoilers for some readers. Viewer Discretion is Advised. Due to its long 
length, take frequent eye breaks if you're reading this top to bottom. ***

BY DC CUEVA                     
■ @DC408Dxtr  TW / IG / YT

As you all are enjoying your Hump Day, we at DCBLOG are back on here to bring you the week in the MTV Trifecta, and this one post this week for Week 4 for The Challenge: Champs vs. Pros. And if you're wondering, yes - this is a special rare, day-after post as we're taking care of matters a little earlier than usual ahead of the big trip I'm taking to Southern California, being posted here at mid-week instead of our traditional time of over the weekend.
   Last week down in the Southland, there was another throwback challenge in one featured on The Gauntlet III and saw the Champs and Pros go up head-to-head, one-on-one with a pole and a pit to prove themselves, and the Pros took away the win. But all the focus was on Lolo Jones, who once again became the center of attention for the athletes, who was also put on the spot in an unexpected twist that would put a fellow Olympian in the elimination or to face a surfer who was voted in.
   This week - or better yet, last night, we begin with that very battle, with pride on the line, survival in the game and money at stake for charity. Brains are put into the minds of the teams as the Champs and Pros take on each other to see who has the endurance, the skills and communication needed to solve a complex puzzle. This even causes both teams to use dirty tactics to get an edge, which even sees a Pro turn to a Champ for advice to handle the politics of this game. And for one competitor, him going onto this Challenge brings about his own personal struggles that has seen him come to quips with who he really is.
   Coming up on this week's single post, an abbreviated version of our usual Pulse diary, covering just Challenge Tuesday with the lead-in to last night's episode, the latest Challenge countdown taking a look at memorable elimination battles, and the after hours aftermath. And after the 'Pulse, what does a Real World ex, a Challenge finalist, and an AYTO original, a newbie and a perfect match all have in common? We'll tell you what gave them all reason to come together, plus heartbreaking news from the broader MTV community.

• As we begin, please note there is explicit language in many of the tweets below, but they are kept uncensored in order to retain the heat of the moment. So if you are mature enough, please read with discretion. :-)
• Plus, if you haven't watched the episode yet, then do not proceed with reading this post. But need not worry...DCBLOG will compile all of these tweets into these posts after every episode so you won't be in the dark of how your favorites saw this all unfold.

Lolo's latest shot to shut down the doubters, love wins, and a birthday party... it's all ahead on the 'Pulse of The Challenge: Champs vs. Pros on DCBLOG.

@ChallengeMTV: Watch @guskenworthy open up to @CaraMariaMTV about coming out during tonight's episode of The Challenge, on @ 9/8c ❤🌈 #ChampsVsPros
@ChallengeMTV: Relive the 11 Most Talked About Takedowns TONIGHT @ 8/7c before a new episode of The Challenge @ 9/8c! #ChampsVsPros
@AshleyMarieMTV: NEW EPISODE of the the challenge is on tonight!!! What's going to happen next?! 🤔 #ChampsVsPros @ChallengeMTV
@LouiseHazel: When someone is talking BS and you're just there listening like.... @ChallengeMTV tune in tonight @MTV 9pm/8c! #ChampsVsPros
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: I didn't do it, but.... if I did, I was drunk
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: #NYC get your shit together.... this weather is so out, it's June, act like it
@ChallengeMTV: The puzzle in this challenge isn't the only thing messing with the Champs' heads! The Challenge is brand new, tonight @ 9/8c 🙌 #ChampsVsPros
@ChallengeMTV: All aboard! WWE Superstar @mikethemiz Mizanin hosts the 11 Most Talked About Takedowns, TONIGHT @ 8/7c followed by #ChampsVsPros @ 9/8c! 🚂💪
@mikethemiz: YYYYYES!!!  An all new @mtv #ChallengeCountdownAndChill tonight 8pm est w/ your Intercontinental Champion #ICChampionshipComebackTour #ICCCT
@danalynne18: This is gonna be me when I watch tonight's episode of #thechallenge @ChallengeMTV #ChampsVsPros
@ChallengeMTV: MFW I remember The Challenge is new tonight 🙌 Tune into @MTV at 8/7c for more Countdown & Chill, followed by #ChampsVsPros @ 9/8c! 👏
@lolojones: When ppl are public fighting on the Internet and one of them turns the caps lock on. Oh boy it's serious now... 👊🏾new @ChallengeMTV tonight
@CloInZaDark: I got really frustrated that it was only Tuesday...but then I remembered ITS @ChallengeMTV DAY! #imhappynow #imokayitsokay
@ChallengeMTV: Don't miss the 11 Most Talked About Takedowns, TONIGHT at 8/7c, hosted by WWE Superstar @mikethemiz Mizanin! There will be blood... 😱😱😱
@ChallengeMTV: Laugh fear in the face, on an all new episode of @FearFactor, TONIGHT at 10/9c, after The Challenge 👋 #ChampsVsPros #FearFactor
@CamilaMTV: Fear Factor is back and on after The Challenge tonight at 10/9c! Here's hoping the kids can keep it down... 🤢🤢🤞🤞 #FearFactor
@MTV_AMANDAG: I can't wait for another episode of Fear Factor tonight with LUDAAAA! Tune in to MTV tonite at 10/9c to watch!!!
@TeamVic: Ready for an epic night on @MTV? Catch me on @TheChallenge #ChampsVsPros tonight at 9/8c followed by #FearFactor at 10/9c!
@LouiseHazel: When you're 5 years old and tryin to piss your friend off in class.... @ChallengeMTV tonight 9pm/8c! On @MTV
@MTVjennifer: this twitter drama is keeping me super entertained on this fine rainy day here in new jersey😌🙈
@asafgoren1: Last couple Of @ChallengeMTV seasons Are SLOW..the competitors are pussies..Smh
@tylerobrienn: People who go to social media with their problems instead of solving them personally are what's wrong with this generation
@NanyMTV: You are who you surround yourself with... #DoBetter
@ChallengeMTV:  Grab a friend and get ready, because The Challenge is brand new TONIGHT at 9/8c ✌✌✌ #ChampsVsPros
- @CamilaMTV: @ChallengeMTV Love this, @guskenworthy! 😍✌️ #ChampsVsPros
- @BunimMurray: @ChallengeMTV Get Ready!  @ChallengeMTV #ChampsVsPros is brand new tonight at 9|8c on @MTV

AS THEY SAW IT: Best Eliminations Ever
@ChallengeMTV: These epic eliminations are EVERYTHING 🙌 Tune into @MTV  NOW! #TheChallenge (GIF: The Miz - "These are the 11 Most Talked About Takedowns.")
@ChallengeMTV: Don't stand on the track when the train's coming through! 🚂 #TheChallenge
@ChallengeMTV: Tyler: GET TRUCKED! 👊💥 #TheChallenge
@ChallengeMTV: When your younger sibling thinks they're tough and you gotta put them in their place 😂 #TheChallenge
@RitaFarbulous: @mtv great choice having @mikethemiz host #thechallenge reunion & countdowns 👍
@universaldance2: CT vs. Brad! This was an EPIC elimination #thechallenge
@ChallengeMTV: When your dog eats something off the ground that they shouldn't 🙅 #TheChallenge (GIF: CT - "Give me that! Give me that!"
@ChallengeMTV: Yo @tjlavin gives zero f*cks, this is SAVAGE 😂 #TheChallenge (GIF: "It didn't work out for you, bro.")
@ChallengeMTV: When you get up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom and can't find the light 😩 #TheChallenge
@ChallengeMTV: When bae leaves your messages on 'read' but won't respond 😡 #TheChallenge (GIF: KellyAnne - "It's so frustrating!")
@CamilaMTV: Giddy Up! 🙌💪 The Challenge starts at 9/8c tonight! Don't miss it! #ChampsVsPros @ChallengeMTV
@ChallengeMTV: I swear this is my neighbors at 3am 😫 #TheChallenge
@ChallengeMTV: This was @ZNichols15 when he found out he lost that elimination 😳 #TheChallenge
@universaldance2: When they gonna bring @MTVtrey back!? He was a great competitor #TheChallenge
@ChallengeMTV: .@NanyMTV lookin' like a stick in the mud, going nowehere fast 😭 #TheChallenge
@ChallengeMTV: "@lupitarubio__: The Miz is the best 😂😂😂 #TheChallenge" RT Watch him host The Challenge Countdown & Chill: 11 Most Talked About Takedowns, RIGHT NOW, on @MTV 👏👏👏 #TheChallenge
@CJKoegel: We know who The Boss is... the blue shirt behind me. #ZachisaBEAST #respect #ChampsVsPros #thechallenge #battleoftheseasons #mtv  #Cancun
@ChallengeMTV: Ain't nothing quite like a good ole fashioned headbanger #HallBrawl 💪 #TheChallenge
@nevaRWilliams: These clips of old moments on The Challenge are dope right now. #TheChallenge
@ChallengeMTV: When you're about to get on the elevator and the doors start to close 😰 #TheChallenge
@Jowynalex: @ChallengeMTV is lit asf this year! #TheChallenge
@ChallengeMTV: This #WTFMoment got the challengers like... 😥 #TheChallenge
@remdogg105: I freaking love #TheChallenge
@ChallengeMTV: I've never seen such a dominating performance like this one 😱 #TheChallenge
@ChallengeMTV: Hey, @mikethemiz, what do you think of @JordanW_usa's decision to throw himself into elimination? 🤔 #TheChallenge (GIF: "Kinda dumb.")
@ChallengeMTV: Me every time I watch @MTVBananas battle @JordanW_usa in this elimination 😱 #TheChallenge
@AliRose1_: This countdown has been good👏🏾 #TheChallenge
@ChallengeMTV: When you lose the TV remote in the sofa 😫😤 #TheChallenge
@ChallengeMTV: .@CamilaMTV beating @laurelstucky in elimination, to this day, is one of the best upsets of all time 🙌 #TheChallenge
@CamilaMTV: Beating the unbeatable and pulling that rope over the line felt amazing! 🙌 You can do anything you set your mind to! 💪 #TheChallenge
@ChallengeMTV: Drumroll please! And the number 1 takedown of all time is... 🎒🎒🎒 #TheChallenge (GIF: "The backpack.")
@lupitarubio__: The Johnny 🍌 Backpack NEVER gets old 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂 #TheChallenge
@ChallengeMTV: If you see this face staring at you, run 🏃💨 #TheChallenge
@ChallengeMTV: This👏Never👏Gets👏Old👏 #TheChallenge
@CamilaMTV: Love these Challenge specials. So great to see these moments again. Now time for Champs vs. Pros! 😀#ChampsVsPros

AS THEY SAW IT: Episode 4 - "A Cold Day in Hell"
@ChallengeMTV: Don't go anywhere, a brand new episode of The Challenge starts RIGHT NOW on @MTV! 🙌 #ChampsVsPros
@AshleyMarieMTV: Here we go!!! Hope ya'll are watching #ChampsVsPros, new disappoints! 😉
@ChallengeMTV: Don't do it, @lolojones 🙅 #ChampsVsPros
@coupdevoid: LINDSEY VS LOLO. I'M HERE FOR IT! #ChampsVsPros
@ChallengeMTV: Me trying to score with my crush 👏 #ChampsVsPros
@_ayiiia: Tia > Lolo #ChampsVsPros
@lolojones: Linds had 2 days to tell me she wanted to go in. She knew I was beat up from the other challenges but waited 2mins b4  #ChampsVsPros
@ChallengeMTV: "@scarIetoak: man, regardless tia deserves a lot more respect than she got on the show. shes a champ in her sport 🤙🏼 #ChampsVsPros" RT She killed it in the challenges too 👏 #ChampsVsPros
@_ayiiia: I wouldn't be proud of that win. It was handed to her but in these Challenges, a win is a win. #ChampsVsPros
@CamilaMTV: Lolo vs. Lindsey would have been a great matchup, but I'm glad they're both still in the game! #ChampsVsPros
@EmmyMorning: Sad to see @AshleyMarieMTV and @tia_blanco go home. They're sweethearts 💜💜💜 #ChampsVsPros #TheChallenge
@ChallengeMTV: Time to see who paid attention in class 🤓 #ChampsVsPros (GIF: Victor Cruz - "It's time to test your brains.")
@JennaCompono: Who else is watching the Champs go at it tonight on The Challenge? #ChampsVsPros
@lolojones: Oh shoot puzzles and athletes #ChampsVsPros
@ChallengeMTV: .@guskenworthy's face when he realized how difficult the puzzle would be 😱 #ChampsVsPros
@IAmAlexBentley: I respect both @mtvrrdarrell and @guskenworthy's standing for their foundations, it really hits home for them 🙌🏽 @ChallengeMTV #ChampsVsPros
@lolojones: Brick?! What and da ffffffaaaaaaaaa #ChampsVsPros
@louievito: This is the first time I have seen the whole set up of this challenge #ChampsVsPros @ChallengeMTV
@louievito:  I remember asking @lolojones what green brick was. She goes, "I don't know that's what they told me" CRAP!!! #ChampsVsPros
@ChallengeMTV: They're down, but not out 👊 #ChampsVsPros (GIF: Vic - "The Pros are back in this game.")
@CamilaMTV: Brick, square, horizontal, vertical, 😬🤦‍♀️🔸🔷🔵🔶🔴▪️🔺◾️🔶♦️ #ChampsVsPros
@ChallengeMTV: How my friends are when they're late but say they're "hurrying" 🙄😫 #ChampsVsPros
@ChallengeMTV: .@TheOfficial_CT picks things up and puts them down 🏋 #ChampsVsPros
@lolojones: Track athletes at the end of the day no matter how much they hate each other if you put them on a team will work tog solid #ChampsVsPros
@lolojones: My sweat stains tho. They had me running like Forrest Gump #ChampsVsPros
@_ayiiia: Dirty play is fun play but not in the moment. I'd spit on someone then a fight would break out. It wouldn't be pretty 😂 #ChampsVsPros
@CamilaMTV: Oh, so the Pros are playing dirty? GAME. ON. #ChampsVsPros
@ChallengeMTV: .@lolojones get that W however you can. All's fair in love, war, and challenges 👏 #ChampsVsPros (GIF: Jordan - "I like it, get dirty.")
@mtvrrdarrell: Jordan was kicking my ass up that hill lol 😰#ChampsVSPros @ChallengeMTV
@mtvrrdarrell: In the heat of the game @lolojones you had me 😡you know I love you girl  💛 #ChampsVsPros @ChallengeMTV
@CamilaMTV: 😝 @MTVASHLEYBROOKE, we had this one in the bag!! We better get it! #ChampsVsPros
- @CamilaMTV: @MTVASHLEYBROOKE And we did it! 😘 #ChampsVsPros
@ChallengeMTV: CHAMPS WIN! 💃 #ChampsVsPros
@_ChampagneMarie: Champs win Darrell is safe #ChampsVsPros
@lgbtvalentina: Darrell and his kids are sO cute #ChampsVsPros
@ChallengeMTV: When you show up to the party with the AUX chord 🙌🔥 #ChampsVsPros
- @louievito: @ChallengeMTV I got you!!!!!
@CamilaMTV: Beating the Pros got me like... #ChampsVsPros
@ChallengeMTV: .@guskenworthy just rolled his eyes so far back into his head that he saw his brain 🙄 #ChampsVsPros
@IAmAlexBentley: I'm obviously ecstatic that #TeamChamps won the Challenge, but I don't really wanna see @guskenworthy in an elimination 🤷🏽♂️ #ChampsVsPros
@LindsJacobellis: @ChallengeMTV congrats #Champs great win 😋
@coupdevoid: OMG NOO I DON'T WANT CM PUNK TO GO. #ChampsVsPros
@ChallengeMTV: So @CMPunk, how do you feel about tonight's elimination? 🤔 #ChampsVsPros (GIF: "I'm gonna crush Gus.")
@Hec718: Gus vs CM Punk. Go Gus! #ChampsvsPros
@ChallengeMTV: When you keep avoiding eliminations 😈 #ChampsVsPros
@ChallengeMTV: Hit it hard and to the yard, @LouiseHazel! 👊💥 #ChampsVsPros
@lolojones: they about to give me a bat next to someone I'm beefin with???!!! #ChampsVsPros
@ChallengeMTV:  .@guskenworthy is the cutest human 😭 #ChampsVsPros
- @CamilaMTV: @ChallengeMTV Love this guy so much! 😘😘 #ChampsVsPros @guskenworthy
@lgbtvalentina: WE LOVE YOU, GUS!! ❤️🌈 #ChampsVsPros
@CamilaMTV: Love that baseball stance, Louise! 😂⚾️ #ChampsVsPros
@ChallengeMTV: Love is love is love ❤🌈🙌 #ChampsVsPros (GIF: Gus - "Everyone deserves to be free and happy.")
@ChallengeMTV: As Marvin Gaye said, LET'S GET IT ON! 💪 #ChampsVsPros (GIF: Vic - "Let's get it on!")
@ChallengeMTV: Now that's usin' your noggin, @CMPunk ! 👏 #ChampsVsPros
@lolojones: Gus and CM Punk fighting in elimination like... #ChampsVsPros
@sarahesoltan: talk about a white knuckle elimination #ChampsVsPros
@The_Trent_Dixon: #ChampsVsPros best thing to happen to @MTV in years @ChallengeMTV
@EmmyMorning: @CMPunk is fine as hell and I love his attitude #ChampsVsPros
@_shinin_bright_: Mad respect for Gus, CM, Jordan, and Wes because I don't think I would be able to do it #thechallenge #ChampsVsPros
@ChallengeMTV: CM Punk right now 😏 #ChampsVsPros
@LindsJacobellis: Feeling the pain for the boys @ChallengeMTV #ChampsvsPros (GIF from Frozen: "#Cold, #Cold, #Cold")
@ChallengeMTV: 🎶 Shake it off, just shake it off! 🎶 #ChampsVsPros
@ChallengeMTV: Well done, boys. You both killed it 👏 #ChampsVsPros
@heatherxlarae: Sad to @CMPunk leave #TheChallenge but he'll always be a beast in my book! @ChallengeMTV
@ChallengeMTV: When you keep entering the wrong password and get locked out of your phone 😩 #ChampsVsPros
@AshleyMarieMTV: Everything's cooler when bandanas are involved. 🦎🌵🦂#caboadventures @ Cabo San Lucas, Baja…
@ChallengeMTV: Hey, @JordanW_usa, how's that #IceBath feel? ❄ #ChampsVsPros (GIF: "Excruciating")
@ChallengeMTV: Trying to decipher bae's texts when they mad like 😫 #ChampsVsPros
@ChallengeMTV: "@EmmyMorning: I love @TheOfficial_CT trying to help @WestonBergmann #ChampsVsPros" RT Ever since Rivals II, friends forever ✌️ #ChampsVsPros
@ChallengeMTV: "@lupitarubio__: CT & Wes' challenge friendship >>>>> #ChampsVsPros" RT #FriendshipGoals 🙌 #ChampsVsPros
@ChallengeMTV: I love the pettiness 👏😂 #ChampsVsPros
@louievito: I think I'm getting more comfortable with these selfie bts videos during #ChampsVsPros on instagram hahaha
@ChallengeMTV: Winner, winner, chicken dinner 🏆 #ChampsVsPros (GIF: Wes - "Because I'm a winner.")
@ChallengeMTV: We're here for a good time, not a long time ✌ #ChampsVsPros (GIF: CM Punk - "It was an awesome time.")
@ChallengeMTV: Thanks for watching, everybody! Don't miss a brand new episode of The Challenge next week! Same time, same place 🙌 #ChampsVsPros

@ChallengeMTV: Don't go anywhere! #FearFactor starts RIGHT NOW on @MTV 😱
@ChallengeMTV: Did @Ludacris say they'd be bobbing for snakes? Bring it on 🐍 #FearFactor
@ChallengeMTV: My face if @tjlavin asked me to put my face in a box filled with snakes... oh wait... 🐍😂 #FearFactor
@n_zanattaMTV: Make sure you treat her like a queen so you don't lose her to the joker.
@CamilaMTV: Great episode of The Challenge! See you all next week - don't miss @FearFactor on right now!! #ChampsVsPros
@luckyfinproject:Thank you @JordanW_usa for raising awareness for @luckyfinproject and winning the organization $5000! Can't thank you enough! @ChallengeMTV
@LouiseHazel: What did you guys think of @ChallengeMTV tonight????
@lolojones: All my fight and I'm Coming up short. Please help me to help kids with Incarcerated parents.  #ChampsVsPros
@AshleyMarieMTV: Ahhh heck no. SNAKESSS! 🐍🙉🙊#fearfactor
@ChallengeMTV: This challenge on #FearFactor right now got me like 😷🙊
@ChallengeMTV: Watching this challenge on #FearFactor and just thankful I don't have to participate 😂
@ChallengeMTV: Did they say "ranch dressing?" This would be lite work for us Challengers 😂 #FearFactor

@ChallengeMTV: WEST COAST! Time to fist pump, because The Challenge Countdown & Chill: 11 Most Talked About Takedowns starts NOW on @MTV! #TheChallenge
@ChallengeMTV: Don't stand on the track when the train's coming through! 🚂 #TheChallenge
@MTV_AMANDAG: Awwww @mtvrrdarrell you're such a good dad! So happy your son is strong and healthy!! #ChampsVsPros
@ChallengeMTV: "I don't wanna go against Laurel, do YOU wanna go against Laurel?" 🙅 #TheChallenge
@ChallengeMTV: TJ has no chill 😂 #TheChallenge
@kailah_casillas: MTV cast members are like one big, really fucked up family.
@ChallengeMTV: When you get up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom and can't find the light 😩 #TheChallenge
@ChallengeMTV: When your roomie eats all of your food 😡 #TheChallenge
@ChallengeMTV: OH, so THAT'S what the upstairs neighbors do in the middle of the night 😫 #TheChallenge
@ChallengeMTV: Talk about sacrificing your body 😳 @JordanW_usa #TheChallenge
- @JordanW_usa: @ChallengeMTV No guts, no glory!
@MTV_AMANDAG: Don't worry @MTVASHLEYBROOKE, no one can understand wtf she's saying hahahahahaha #toosoon #ChampsVsPros
@ChallengeMTV: Legendary 😂 #TheChallenge
@ChallengeMTV: When you get into bed after a long day 😭 #TheChallenge
@MTV_AMANDAG: @mtvrrdarrell why didn't you respond to the espidrills
@JordanW_usa: I'm not trying to talk shit buuut CT beat me in that puzzle. I beat @WestonBergmann in untying those knots and he's got 5 fingers on me!
- @WestonBergmann: @JordanW_usa Nope, you suck. I win.
@ChallengeMTV: ICONIC! Hands down the best elimination in Challenge history 🙌 #TheChallenge

@ChallengeMTV: Don't go anywhere, West Coast! The Challenge is BRAND NEW, right now! 😱 #ChampsVsPros
@ChallengeMTV: When a telemarketer calls looking for me 🙅 #ChampsVsPros
@ChallengeMTV: So close, yet so far, @tia_blanco! 😱 #ChampsVsPros
@ChallengeMTV: Can @WestonBergmann defend this title on this challenge? 🤔 #ChampsVsPros
- @WestonBergmann: @ChallengeMTV Always and forever 😘
@ChallengeMTV: When I see a cute guy in the gym so I try to like I'm on Baywatch 😂 #ChampsVsPros
@ChallengeMTV: .@TheOfficial_CT picks things up and puts them down 🏋 #ChampsVsPros
@ChallengeMTV: CHAMPS WON! 🎉💃 #ChampsVsPros
@ChallengeMTV: When you catch someone in a lie but they still deny it 🙄 #ChampsVsPros
@ChallengeMTV: That smile 😍 #ChampsVsPros
@ChallengeMTV: PREACH, @guskenworthy 🙌 #ChampsVsPros
@ChallengeMTV: These Pros have ice in their veins - or in their mouths, at least 😂 #ChampsVsPros
@ChallengeMTV: Tough L, @CMPunk. Shake it off, bro, good season ✌ #ChampsVsPros
@ChallengeMTV: I do not envy these guys right now 😭 #ChampsVsPros
@ChallengeMTV: And win he did! Congrats, @guskenworthy & @WestonBergmann! Don't miss an all new episode of The Challenge next Tuesday @ 9/8c! #ChampsVsPros

@ave_tress:  I love watching #ChampsVsPros . #TheChallengeChampsVsPros
@MtvJess: "@Philcovfefe: Ha @MtvJess you made #MTV #WtfElimination moment lol with the sweaty elimination lol " RT Thanks @dustinzito  we actually won that one 😂
- @dustinzito: @MtvJess It wasn't Easy Jess! Squeegeeing Sweat off each other in a Sweat Race will bring you Closer to Somebody!!
- @MtvJess: @dustinzito Closer than  I was comfortable with thanks @mtv 😂
 Kinda salty I get no respect for locking down Ty in the elimination round to help for the win it's cool 🤷🏾♂️
- @JordanW_usa: @TheJDeezy Wouldn't have won it without you man!
- @TheJDeezy: @JordanW_usa Thanks bro bro we made a good team!

▪    ▪    ▪

So, Lolo Jones adds to her breakout Challenge in winning her second straight elimination in taking down Tia Blanco in the night sky. The Champs take back the momentum in perfecting what everyone who makes a Challenge final must need to succeed: completing a difficult puzzle while also relying on teammates and endurance. Wes follows in the lead of Lolo and Ashley M. in winning a second straight elimination to add to his elimination resume.
   But as we're into June and the month that the gay, lesbian, transgender & bisexual community look forward with Pride each year, the winner of the night is Gus Kenworthy in him taking outlasting CM Punk and, with him sharing a moment with Cara Maria and having a moment with his boyfriend, giving us a reminder again of who the true winners are of this Challenge in all the charities the players are playing for, and reminding us that there are things bigger than this show, including being proud of being one who can compete openly and honestly as a gay man. We'll have more on this episode next week, and we'll also have an In-Depth look at Gus' journey also on next week's wave.


Note: Because of the sensitive nature of the subject, 
comments have been turned off for this post.

Tomorrow, Thursday June 8th, sees yours truly head down to Southern California for the first time in over a decade, and the first time in exactly 20 years that I stepped foot inside Disneyland. The reason for this is that my niece is celebrating her 9th birthday this weekend, and she and us will mark it in a grand way inside the Magic Kingdom. That leads us to this piece of ExtraTime in having a birthday party… but for this one, it isn't exactly Disney-level family appropriate, shall we say.
   After posting our WRAP on Monday, if you got to see this site and our DC@TUMBLR page, you might've seen a repost from two years ago where we looked at the brief relationship between Kiki from Are You The One? Season 3 and Ryan Edwards, ex-husband of Teen Mom original girl, and a friend of the Trifecta, Maci Bookout. We reposted it in light of news the past week of Ryan admitting himself into rehab amid speculation of him encountering drug use, continuing a wave of bad luck for those in a franchise that began eight years ago this summer when the girls were 16 & Pregnant.

Another one who has had her moments since that summer of 2009 is this week's ExtraTime subject. The world first got to meet Farrah Abraham on season 1 of 16 & Pregnant as that girl from Omaha who, like fellow MTV alum and Nebraskan Laura of Real World St. Thomas, was a high school cheerleader. But she became pregnant by the time the summer of 2008 had arrived and had awaited all nine months for her baby to come, but tragedy struck just before the big day: her boyfriend of two years, Derek Underwood, was the victim of a fatal car accident over the holidays. And while she marked the birth of daughter Sophia two months later, there was no doubt an emptiness that Derek was not there in person to witness this ultimate life-changer… something that still haunts her to this day.
   On Teen Mom and its current OG iteration, viewers have seen Farrah's evolution: her having breast augmentation surgery, going down to South Florida for college, and parents Debra & Michael getting a divorce after Farrah had an argument with her mom which turned violent. When the show went on hiatus in summer 2012, Farrah released a music album and a memoir entered My Teenage Dream Ended, found herself behind bars for a DUI violation, and did both a season of VH1's Couples Therapy and made headlines in a memorable stint in the UK Celebrity Big Brother house. Then, just as it was with Dustin on Real World Back to Vegas, rumors spread of her being part of an adult sex tape which made her a millionaire but after getting drugged and raped came back to bite her in being affiliated with this pleasure industry. No wonder why there remains a solid hatred for her among fans and even among her co-stars in the Teen Mom family.

As rumors of drama with her mom and her on & off boyfriend Simon swirl (and her dating an AYTO alum which we will look at this summer), plus her on WE TV's Family Boot Camp also, this past weekend Farrah was in New York for her 26th birthday as well as shooting an Teen Mom reunion. And fitting enough for someone deemed the queen of this show whether people like it or not, Farrah celebrated her birthday in grand style in clubs in the Big Apple.
   Along with daughter Sophia, the guest list for the festivities included some from all three shows of the MTV Trifecta. Representing The Challenge was the 3rd place finisher on Invasion Nicole, while holding up her end for Real World was newly-single Jennifer from the Bad Blood season. But the largest representation came from Are You The One?: there's the original - Brittany from Season 1, the newbie and someone who knows what it's like to be the least liked person on her cast - Alicia from Season 5, and the perfect match - Giovanni & Francesca from Season 4 and AYTO Second Chances, and one of those involved in steals down in Australia. The picture of them is located above.

DANNY DIAS / 1983-2017
Before we leave you, some sad news from the world of Road Rules. As we post this tonight, news was confirmed earlier today that Danny Dias from the X-Treme season in 2004, was found dead in New York City over the weekend.
   A PIO from the New York City Police Department confirmed to Us Weekly that the NYPD came to the scene at his Brooklyn apartment after a 911 call was made around 5PM ET. There, authorities saw that a man was found unconscious & unresponsive, and after an EMS unit was called in, they pronounced him dead at the scene. And it was just today that his family was contacted and after an autopsy was performed, it was indeed Dias who was the man who was found dead, and it's widely reported that it was an apparent drug overdose which caused his death.
   TMZ reports that Dias was seen by a friend taking what he thought was LSD and mushrooms, which he then freaked out and ran around his room. The friend left the complex with no idea about all this, but after two days of him trying to get in contact with him came no response, on Monday he called 911 for help. There, authorities had to force themselves into the locked apartment and it was only there that they found that Danny had his last breath. The official cause of death remains under investigation, though People magazine reports that he was found with lacerations on his wrists, and that his room had hallucinating drugs.

Danny came to Road Rules from the Tri-State area as someone who, as his bio stated, "comes across as a guy who's cocky, witty and uncompromising in his beliefs." Openly gay, he appeared on Season 13 - the show's last regular season - back in the summer of 2004 and he was one of the three RV-mates who were sent home when they did not complete one of their missions in their trek around South America. He would then appear on season 11 of The Challenge, Gauntlet II, in 2005 and was eliminated fairly early on. And in his post-MTV life along with acting and finance work, Danny helped co-found the AIDS research charity Generation Cure.
   Danny Dias was only 34 years old, and our thoughts go out to his family and to his Road Rules castmates. This includes fellow Road Rules alum, Challenge Invasion competitor and fellow proud gay man Shane, who tweeted his thoughts on him: “Danny was my friend and someone I loved. We are people with hopes and dreams and struggles and lots of us have a shared history that is not a part of the show. Danny was so fun. He was a monkey when drunk, a caring friend at all times and he was loved by all of us who know him, also hated at times too, but loved. Danny is loved, showed love and will always be loved. Prayers to my brothers and sisters in mourning.”

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That will wrap it up for this single post covering Week 4 of Champs vs. Pros. We'll be back at full strength next week to cover the penultimate week of this Trifecta cycle and a few other things too. We also plan to have part 1 of our midyear Reality Debrief to review The Challenge, AYTO, Survivor and other reality TV from this first half of 2017 plus preview Big Brother 19 premiering at month's end. If you have a reality TV question that me and Andrew Kirk may want to answer, feel free to tweet them to #AskDCBLOG and we may use it in our two-part recap starting in the coming week, if not the following week before the summer reality TV tradition begins.
   And with our usual reminder to bookmark DCBLOG for our unique look at the MTV world and to follow live tweets on DCNOW at @DC408DxNow, I am now in final countdown mode for what's going down starting in a matter of hours. I'll be heading down to Southern California in the AM, and will be arriving in the O.C. in the late afternoon or early evening, depending upon the Southland's infamous traffic in the midst of rush hour down there. You can expect plenty of coverage on all of my social media platforms: live tweets, photos, daily stories, live hits and more on DCNOW, Instagram, SnapChat and every social media avenue. Join in on the fun at #DCSoCal, which begins tomorrow afternoon around lunchtime... the schedule will be announced upon arrival in Orange County.

For now, that's how we look at it this week Inside the MTV Trifecta...thank you for joining us. And until we talk on Twitter, see you back here next week, and see you then from SoCal.