*** Advisory: DC SocialPulse contains adult language, objectionable content & spoilers for some readers. Viewer Discretion is Advised. Due to its length, take frequent eye breaks if you're reading this top to bottom. ***
Hello and welcome along... as I do what I can to get things back to normalcy after last week's events, something I've always looked to as an escape during tough times in doing what I do best becomes more important than ever, especially now. For this instance, DCBLOG will proceed as usual with the business at hand in covering last week's episodes and other matters, all as best I can and at the level of excellence you come to expect... and a bit later than planned but better late than never.
The Challenge: War of the Worlds has certainly been offering the goods, and previously in Africa we saw the continuation of the emergence onto the American scene of one Bear, when his call back home to his girlfriend back home saw him suddenly encounter a row (British slang for a rift) with Georgia. She would also find herself in more drama with her partner Hunter, with memories of what befell him last fall is still very much fresh and still hasn't gotten over that. But the MVP of Week 8 was Dee, when she overcame her fear of the water to rule that week's challenge with Wes, while in the latest installment of the classic elimination game Pole Wrestle, Team Mama Bear prevailed.
Last week for the eight teams remaining, they will encounter the challenge that, if you saw the first peeks at this season back in January, will see them move along at 55 MPH jumping between speeding trucks and having to use precision and rings to get them through their latest challenge at hand. For the latest turbulent team to emerge in Africa, someone who got hitched last year suddenly takes on the role of being Dr. Phil to his best friend here. And for the week's elimination, teams will have to go around in circles and complete a puzzle to survive and advance along into the lucky seven, where by night's end TJ Lavin will drop his latest Teej-Bomb on the house.
You'll find out what that bomb is after the jump as DCBLOG brings you the Pulse of Week 9 of The Challenge: War of the Worlds, before things get real interesting in a matter of hours from now. Also, reaction to the death of Nipsey Hustle - which we featured Dee meeting him years ago, and Being Cory - a look into our favorite Challenger turned Dad on Teen Mom. Enjoy...
@ChallengeMTV: Old Wes jumped out real quick and gave me chills, tbh 😬 #TheChallenge33 Wes v. Bear / The Vet and Rookie share a heated exchange during a Tribunal hearing, and the nascent rivalry continues to intensify.
@johnnybananas: If your lawyer has a man bun chances are you're going to jail 👮♂️
@johnnybananas: Burn rubber, not your soul 🤘 Tonight on an ALL NEW episode of @1stlooktv on @NBC after SNL 📺👀 #HostBananas #RaceCarDriver #BMW #M5
@Jesspeiyton: @GusSmyrnios saying “You just punched your ticket home you cousin kissing motherf***er.” is probably my fav part of this whole season 😂👏🏻
@emiloo451: Currently watching battle of the seasons and I forget that @Marie_TBD used to not be crazy at one point lol she just had to deal with dumb trey
@MattieLBreaux: The day is as beautiful as you make it 🦖
@CoryWharton: 🚨🚨🚨MONDAY🚨🚨🚨 After @TeenMom at 10pmET on @MTV 📺 🍿 Being Cory 🍿 📢📢📢📢
@CaraMariaMTV: Horses are the best therapy. Shes my happy place. My Sleepy camel ♥️🥰
- @PaulCalafiore_: @CaraMariaMTV She wanted zero parts of riding today hahaha
@DerrickMTV: "@ChallengeMTV: As Wes pointed out last night, anytime TJ says an elimination is one of his favorites, it usually ends in carnage. And Wes knows this first hand. So in honor of last night's pole wrestle, let's throw it back to this one -…" RT Preciate the kind words!! ✊💙@Bruce_Lee85 @ZNichols15 @TheOfficial_CT @MTVASHLEYBROOKE - Specifically... #ChallengeRocky #Pitbull #WestVirginia #WouldHaveToKillHimFirst - FEED ME 🤤 #TheGingerBreadMan
@mtvrrdarrell: This Purdue vs Virginia game is the best college game I have ever watched hands down!!!🔥 🔥#MarchMadness2019 #NCAATournament
- @Bruce_Lee85: @mtvrrdarrell Mannnnnn I agree
@HaydenPWeaver: Okay this is officially the greatest tournament game ever don’t @ me
@Marie_TBD: The best thing to come out of reality tv is having airlines actually answer your issues when you shame them via tweets.
@Marie_TBD: Me on a Saturday after texting a guy a minute ago: If he doesn’t text me back in three minutes I’m calling it a night and ordering chinese.
@AshleyMarieMTV: Don’t get it twisted. . .
@Sylviadefender: You know what, props to Emily Schromm for going on the challenge, winning and going and opening her own gym and not embarrassing herself for years and years on the challenge. Takes notes peeps.
@ChallengeMTV: Would the outcome of this elimination have been different had Gus not slipped? 🤔 #TheChallenge33 Push and Pole: Part I / Gus and Jenna take on Da'Vonne and Bear in a physical classic.
@ChallengeMTV: Is this elimination an instant classic!? 👏 #TheChallenge33 Push and Pole: Part II / One team is sent packing after an elimination sure to become an instant classic.
@DerrickMTV: TOMORROW on #ChallengeMania!! Me and @SHOTOFYAGER get the INSIDE SCOOP from the @FloribamaShore man himself- @GusSmyrnios! 🍿 iTunes: 🍕 https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/challenge-mania/id1204429149?mt=2 … Non-iTunes: 🥦 http://ChallengeManiaPodcast.com
@DayDaVonne_: Smh, just read bear’s ex girlfriend’s statement about the situation. THIS is why I said THAT should have been done off camera... BEAR signed up to be on the show, SHE didn’t... Calling bear out on his shit is fine, his behavior was trash, but the women didn’t deserve that
@ChallengeCara: Freakin Bear 😂 He truly knows how to make great tv. I also underestimated him as a competitor, he actually performs pretty well (when he wants to!) He is hot and hilarious. @stephen_bear
@JennaCompono: ☀️☀️☀️
@joss_mooney: I’m back in LA on Wednesday...✈️🇺🇸🤘🏼
@CoryWharton: (SOUND UPPP 📶) WE LIVE! Go cop that merch while it lasts too. 🔥☝️👆#1and1way
@johnnybananas: Don't be sad, because sad backwards is das... And das not good 😁 #SundayFunday
@MTV_NellyT: Tomorrow night everyone tune into @mtv. My boy @corywharton_ig got a Special 🎬 featuring yours truly, me 😎 at 10pmET. #Family @teenmom #Fatherhood
@kailah_casillas: 👀👀👀👀👀👀
@JustJem24: Minding my business...
@JustJem24: I worked hard the past year and half to lose weight/get into shape. I’ve fallen back in love with running and I’m happy with myself so could y’all please just unfollow me if you hate me so much you feel the need to criticize my body every time I post a photo...
- @Marie_TBD: @JustJem24 Love you jem and you should love yourself cause u look hot fire!!!! Happy to see you happy
- @SylviaMTV: @JustJem24 You go Jem!
- @MTVjennifer: @JustJem24 you look AMAZING
@MonaTurabi2: ⚜️”Turbo is kind of Shakespeare of The Challenge”..A man full of beautiful War and Peace words”⚜️ In the case of Turbo’s Speech about Peace and War They called him as ⚜️The Shakespeare of The Challenge⚜️ @turabicamkiran #turabiçamkıran #thechallengemtv #TheChallenge33 #turabi
@JustJem24: I really need #nipseyhussle to be ok 🙏🏼
@JustJem24: Im physically sick over this #nipseyhustle news... My heart hurts for Lauren London right now 💔
@JustJem24: Soulmates never die 💔
@JustJem24: This just keeps hitting me harder and harder as the night passes 💔
@JustJem24: I’ve never felt this sad/emotional over a human I didn’t even know. #RIPNipseyHussle
@JustJem24: #RIPNipsey
@JustJem24: Praying she finds a way to be ok 💕
@DayDaVonne_: Smh , sending prayers to Nipsey and Lauren. I pray he pulls through and I pray her strength while going through it with him.
@DayDaVonne_: His child was there ? Smh , that breaks my heart. I’ve only met him twice .. both times cool as hell. He’s been doing some amazing things in LA ... especially with these children. Lauren, the babies, the family... smh I don’t even know what to say... just praying for them.
@DayDaVonne_: This one hit LA hard ...... damn near everybody I know is SICK right now... He literally was out here doing something positive and promoting change in the community.
@DayDaVonne_: Smh ... LA is hurting heavy right now. Damn
@MayaBenberry: RIP Nipsey Hussle 🙏🏽
@TamiRoman: RIP 😢😢😢😢 @nipseyhussle Sending love and prayers to @mslaurenlondon and family! https://www.instagram.com/p/BvsTsKDh59F/?utm_source=ig_twitter_share&igshid=1o1naerqatgms …
@blacuesta: Wow RIP 😭
@blackzeusfit: The real ones been dying the fake ones is lit! RIP Nipsey Hussle The man was helping to educate, uplift, and change our culture as a people for the better and he’s gone to soon 😔
@_BG_Gomes: R.I.P .@NipseyHussle #victorylap it’s crazy I’ve been listening to him alot now as I’ve been growing and he really pushed ownership & official boss shit unlike a lot of artists push today! His lyrics about life insurance bug me out to think that he’s gone now #RIPNIPSY
@thehappyhourwHB: We HAVE TO HEAL. We HAVE TO FIND A WAY TO HEAL. To do BETTER. BE BETTER. WANT BETTER. People have kids man.
@itskcheyenne: sad day in LA
@RomeoMiller: You just recorded a song with my pops yesterday for our film. He just told me how there’s very few in this industry he could actually call. I told pops, “he remind me of you.” You were always a NoLimit Soldier in my eyes. King amongst men. #RIPNipseyHussle
@ChallengeMTV: When my alarm goes off Monday morning 😭 #TheChallenge33@ChallengeMTV: This next challenge is absolutely MAD 👀 Tune into @MTV THIS WEDNESDAY at 9/8c to watch 😈 #TheChallenge33 Sneak Peek: Road Warrior / This next challenge will be a high-velocity thriller.
- @PaulCalafiore_: @ChallengeMTV @MTV So badass 🤘🏼🤘🏼
- @DerrickMTV: @ChallengeMTV Very cool.
- @Rogan_OConnor: @ChallengeMTV Fuck me, this is wild
@johnnybananas: The 4 stages of getting pranked on April Fools Day 😟😬🤬😆 @1stlooktv #AprilFoolsDay
@johnnybananas: If you're @WestonBergmann every day is April Fools Day, because your life is a joke 🤡 #AprilFoolsDay #GingerVitus
@WestonBergmann: I would like to take a minute while I’m on this unprecedented win streak to say thank you to my fans, and to also announce my formal retirement from The Challenge. It’s been a wild ride, but it’s time to hang up my Under Armour underwear. Much love, @ChallengeMTV.
- @ChallengeMTV: @WestonBergmann Brady did it better 😩
- @AneesaMTV: @WestonBergmann @ChallengeMTV Why!!!!!!!! We needed one more together!
@SHOTOFYAGER: 🎧NEW PODCAST UP!🎧@GusSmyrnios joins me & @DerrickMTV on #ChallengeMania for a fun chat about @FloribamaShore, who the MVP of his cast is, his past w/ @hbarfield13, debuting on #TheChallenge33, his season highlights, his @ChallengeMTV future & MUCH MORE!📲https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/challenge-mania/id1204429149?mt=2#episodeGuid=https%3A%2F%2Fapi.spreaker.com%2Fepisode%2F17491553 …
@SHOTOFYAGER: Hear all about @FloribamaShore’s @GusSmyrnios & his partnership with @JennaCompono, how they made some of their bigger decisions in the game during #TheChallenge33 & more on today’s #ChallengeMania! Listen at http://ChallengeManiaPodcast.com , on @itunes or anywhere you get your podcasts!
@38Tofer: Loved the podcast @ChaIIengeMania with @GusSmyrnios. He’s a class act!!! Can’t wait to see him on another challenge.@MTVsChallenges don’t forget about this guy!!! Bring him back!! He’s not bad to look at either.
@Marie_TBD: Woke up with a strong desire to trick someone today. However, all of my April fools ideas thus far will most likely get me in trouble. Is the juice worth the squeeze?
@MattieLBreaux: Tweetiessssssssss....... hi 👋
@BritniNicol: SMILE😻 Because tomorrow is never promised💕 Oh and bc no one likes a constant bitch🤪 Happy Monday, fam!
@mikethemiz: Raise your hand if you are ready for the premiere of #MizAndMrs TOMORROW. We know @MonroeMizanin is, if you are LEAVE A 🙋♂️or 🙋♀️
@mikethemiz: THIS IS NOT A JOKE. Just 1 day left until the premiere of mizandmrs TOMORROW APRIL 2 10/9c on usa_network #ItFamily @marysemizanin monroeskymizanin @wwe https://www.instagram.com/mikethemiz/p/BvuDQvRnhzh/?utm_source=ig_twitter_share&igshid=1q099t7qiyt7x …
@ChallengeMTV: Spring Break is over and the results are in! Who's the Champ of Spring Break: Bananas or Nany!? 🤔 #TheChallenge33 Spring Break With Bananas and Nany / The two Challenge Vets go head-to-head in a Spring Break challenge for all the glory!
@NataliaNegrotti: I’m straight
@PaulCalafiore_: Me seeing all these April Fools jokes on social media today....... I’ll just go fuck myself
@Ninja_Natalie: I can’t with these April Fools jokes y’all... ay yo May where you at?
@CaraMariaMTV: Me on the Challenge: *worst* version of myself. full of anxiety/on edge/ hates everybody and everything. Me with my horse: the *real* me. Truly Happy. Content. At peace. Energized. ♥️ she refills the tank so I can keep workin.
@JOSHMBB19: If we don’t get more creative than all the pregnancy jokes for April fools next year I quit on millennials 🙄😭
- @DerrickMTV: @JOSHMBB19 My son, who’s 10 told me he broke his arm at school playing basketball during recess. I about had a meltdown bc he’s got Flag Football and Baseball on Wednesday. 😅
@Marie_TBD: Not to be corny- but I am so proud of @kailah_casillas. Her and @iammikeyp are absolutely crushing #KickinItWithKailah - I was absolutely prepared to not be impressed. Mikey reminding everyone why he’s an MC and what a perfect of a compliment he is to u❤️
@kailah_casillas: Ahhh the numbers for my first episode exceeded my expectations 😭 I love you guys, thanks for always supporting everything I do. I hope you loved it 💕 next week is going to be even better 🙈 #KickinItWithKailah @HBRADIO_LV
@kailah_casillas: I turned my AC off bc it was FREEZING in my house, then I got hot so I turned my fan on, now the fan is making me cold again, WHEN WILL THIS CYCLE END 😂
@kailah_casillas: Im excited to announce the my first ever guest on #KickinItWithKailah is Mr. #MBM himself, @HANDSOMEMANBOY! It’s his first ever interview! I’ll be taking questions on my Instagram story from now til 6PM PST tonight! Make sure you get your questions in now 🗣
@JustJem24: Very proud of my girl @kailah_casillas 💕#KickinItWithKailah
@TeenMom: From Real World to #TeenMomOG, @CoryWharton has captured our hearts as father to Ryder K. Get to know him on tonight's 'Being Cory' special after a brand new #TeenMom2 at 9/8c on @MTV. 📺 Teen Mom OG: Being Cory / Don't miss #TeenMomOG's 'Being Cory' tonight after a brand new #TeenMom2.
@CoryWharton: 😂 I love you guys 🙏🏽 for having my back that’s was up !!! Make sure you TUNE IN TONIGHT 10pm ET 📺
@HollywoodLife: We caught up with #TeenMomOG star @CoryWharton ahead of his #BeingCory special for scoop on why he's not completely shutting the door on a relationship with Cheyenne and MUCH more. EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW:
@TeenMom: Here's how #TeenMomOG's @CoryWharton is reconnecting with his father on tonight's 'Being Cory' special 💓 https://on.mtv.com/2FOaD46
@itskcheyenne: Busy week.. praying I get through it stress free
@itskcheyenne: After Ryder’s 1st birthday party I told myself I wouldn’t go crazy for the 2nd... I have officially gone crazy 😂
@SHOTOFYAGER: Life lesson, kids: Slam someone on their head & almost kill them...get your own TV special.🌈#ChallengeMania
- @CaraMariaMTV: @SHOTOFYAGER No buddy. This aint it. All wrong. The recipe for success on mtv is: attractive and under 30 + babies = get your own show 💵 nothing else matters. Just have children.
- @ToriFiorenza: @CaraMariaMTV @SHOTOFYAGER I thought that too....I mean I even had two kids, thinking it would up my chances for my own show...ugh maybe Third kids a charm... 😉
@SHOTOFYAGER: Sorry, everybody. Been offline for a bit here & just catching up. This tweet was about CT & his actions from a decade ago. Did Cory also get a special or something? #ChallengeMania
@TeenMom: Being Cory: A #TeenMomOG Special starts right now on @MTV! 🎬 Watch, tweet along, and get to know @CoryWharton!
- @Marie_TBD: @TeenMom @CoryWharton I’ve always wondered what it’s like being Cory. Congrats zaddy! Big tingssss
@CoryWharton: 🚨Being Cory 🚨 Check it out 10pm ET on @MTV
@itskcheyenne: It’s still crazy watching my family on MTV 😂 especially Ryder @TeenMom #BeingCory
@itskcheyenne: @CoryWharton 😂
- @CoryWharton: @itskcheyenne Lmaoooo Chill I’m definitely tiger 🐯
@people: Teen Mom OG's Cory Wharton on Reconciliation with Ex Taylor Selfridge: 'We're Not Hiding'
@BionicBrooks_: @CoryWharton really out here spraying himself in the face with Ryder’s hair product 😂
- @itskcheyenne: @BionicBrooks_ @CoryWharton Haha I was crying when I saw that
- @BionicBrooks_: @itskcheyenne @CoryWharton Chey I was legit crying too! 😭
@itskcheyenne: “Dear God, protect the man I love” ❤️
@JustJem24: Hey @CoryWharton. Is your dad currently single? Asking for myself... #BeingCory
@HollywoodLife: .@CoryWharton is putting his #TheChallenge career on hold for now -- but is he shutting the door on the show completely? He dished all about it in our exclusive interview: http://hollywood.li/xwON6Tv
@ChallengeMTV: The Challenge: War of The Worlds is heating up, and Wes's new rivalry with Bear is also about to reach a boiling point 🔥 #TheChallenge33 is all new, tomorrow at 9/8c! 📺 Sneak Peek: Wes Threatens Bear / After Wes turns in a poor performance in the "Road Warrior" challenge, and Bear let's him know about it, the nascent rivalry between the two continues to escalate... How will it end?
- @MattieLBreaux: @ChallengeMTV My FAVORITE challenge 💯
- @Ninja_Natalie: @MattieLBreaux There. We. Go.
- @DayDaVonne_: @ChallengeMTV Keep in mind this is after WEEKS of both WES AND DEE basically doing the EXACT same thing. Last week in the tribunal ceremony he was all in bears face “this is MY game blah blah blah” .....
@DayDaVonne_: "@gucci_mcnuggets: @DayDaVonne_ @ChallengeMTV Okay Day but are we really gonna act like Bear hasn’t been acting like a child the entire time he’s been there?" RT Everybody was 🤷🏾♀️ just because they don’t show the clownery doesn’t mean it wasn’t happening.
@JennaCompono: 🥥🥥🥥
@GusSmyrnios: Don’t have time for child shit
@turabicamkiran: LEGEND OF THE ELIMINATION GAMES 👑 #thechallange33
@TheAllanAguirre: I just published The Top 10 Worst All-Time Challenge Seasons https://link.medium.com/hXyQWm91yV
- @TheAllanAguirre: HI. I wrote about the 10 Worst Challenge Seasons. I hope this article either makes you happy or annoyed. It took a lot of time ahah. As a huge Challenge fan this list was tough as even most of the bad seasons are pretty good to me. What do you think the worst season is?
- @TheAllanAguirre: Apologies to those angry Battle of the Seasons 2012 wasn't on there, but that season is phenomenal. Too many people remember it for not having CT, Bananas, and other fan favorites, but it's a fresh season that allowed people to play the game freely and develop.
@n_zanattaMTV: I just want Netflix’s, my bed, a bunch of snacks, maybe some pizza, wine and someone to enjoy it with :)
- @Marie_TBD: @n_zanattaMTV Nicole you are in MEXICO. Go downstairs and take a shot of tequila
- @n_zanattaMTV: @Marie_TBD Hahahah I just did for you :) I’ll do another in a little bit lol I’ll see you when I’m back 🤗
@ChallengeMTV: When you remember tomorrow's Wednesday and that means a new episode of #TheChallenge33 🕺
@Marie_TBD: Do you miss me yet? 🙃
@amayasays: After 20 years, I'll soon be on Oahu to visit the place I called home for a few months while shooting Real World for .@MTV and .@BunimMurray. I'll have some fun surprises for you guys, so keep a lookout! #Hawaii #Oahu
@kailah_casillas: sweet but psycho 🍭
@KyleCGShore: "@DeadblowsChick: @shboogies @WestonBergmann It’s not Wes that makes it better if that was the case it would have done this years ago. It’s the britts duh ! Going worldwide has made an impact Not Wes sorry @KyleCGShore @stephen_bear" RT True.........👀🤷🏼♂️ @ChallengeMTV
@ChallengeMTV: Tomorrow's challenge is going to be badass... 🤘 #TheChallenge33
@jacobbcastillo: @DerrickMTV @SHOTOFYAGER and 3 others Did he admit to asking @JOSHMBB19 to fight/yell at him so that he could get some screen time or did he lie??
- @GusSmyrnios: @JOSHMBB19 @terrykack23 and 5 others Please show your imaginary receipts, let’s ask anyone in that house who was the camera whore and would do anything for attention ✌🏼
- @JOSHMBB19: @GusSmyrnios @terrykack23 and 5 others I really try to put and end becuase I think it’s fucking stupid to have a falling out over you begging for screen time. But I see ya true colors. ✌🏽
- @JOSHMBB19: @GusSmyrnios It’s crazy to me that you can keep up a lie. We had conversations about this and I put an end to it. But you continue to lie and say you never ask me for screen time. 😂 I have no reason to look for the camera my personality is bold enough I stand out sorry that bothers you.
- @GusSmyrnios: @JOSHMBB19 I have my own show I don’t need you or camera time. I was there to compete and compete only but continue using me for a drop of clout. You went home just like the rest of us. Get over it. It’s funny how you have all these people doing anything for camera and u wanna come for me
- @JOSHMBB19: @GusSmyrnios I’m using you for clout 🤦🏽♂️😂😭 brah are you insane. Humble yourself I’ve made more money on my show then you will in 10 of your seasons. Bro I’m so done with you and you’re flip flopping personality. I don’t do this social media shit keep that same energy at reunion.
- @JOSHMBB19: @GusSmyrnios @terrykack23 and 5 others I keep getting mentions of you saying I’m lying why would I make that up. I though you where a friend and felt blindsided when you asked for screen time to argue with me and dragged my game. So can we not say the truth becuase it doesn’t air? Is that how it goes at Mtv 🤔
@JOSHMBB19: I don’t know why I react to bullshit. I hate having to address people on here but I’m not going to let people get away with they edit and lies to look some type of way with followers. If you a fraud I’ll call you out on it ✌🏽
- @Ninja_Natalie: @JOSHMBB19 🙊 REUNION GONNA BE FUN.
@JOSHMBB19: Always trust the vibe
@SHOTOFYAGER: 🔥🎙🔥Get the ORIGIN STORY for #TheChallenge33 Rookie @GusSmyrnios who was gaining momentum w/ @JennaCompono before finally being eliminated last week. Hear what cost them that battle & more about his @ChallengeMTV experience on #CHALLENGEMANIA📲 https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/challenge-mania/id1204429149?mt=2&i=1000433888241 …
@CaraMariaMTV: Currently not doing a good job packing... 🗽 🇬🇧 🇮🇹
- @PaulCalafiore_: @CaraMariaMTV You’re literally preparing me for what it’s like to have children 😂🤣
@johnnybananas: So this just happened.... ⚾️ #GrandSlam @Dodgers
@JustJem24: Pouring my first glass of wine at 10pm bc I don’t wanna end this day without my wine 🍷... I’m destined to be a real housewife... #rhonola? @TrishelleC you in sis?
- @TrishelleC: @JustJem24 I’m always already there ❤️😂
@TrishelleC: Very happy this is still happening! I hope they do a marathon for all the people too young to have seen the original The Hills bc it was amazzzzzing. #TheHills
@TrishelleC: Obsessed with the fact that Lauren Conrad announces she’s pregnant on the same day #TheHills trailer comes out. The ultimate shade. 😎
@HaydenPWeaver: @TheHills I told myself I wouldn’t watch without LC, but here I am, setting my DVR 3 months in advance
@TheRealNiaMoore: Praying for peace harder than every these days. More so for the world outside my own house. The little bit of mess I got in my own life is manageable compared to the loads I see others dealing with. Cherish life guys. Please.
@ChallengeMTV: The Elite Eight is set and we're on our way to crowning a Champion! 🏆 Vote NOW to see your favorite Challenge seasons through to the Final Four 🗳 #TheChallenge33 #MarchMadness
@ChallengeMTV: Ninja's found herself between a rock and a - um, er - a hard place 🙈 Don't miss an all new episode of #TheChallenge33 TONIGHT at 9/8c 🍿 Sneak Peek: Love Triangle / One Challenger finds herself in the middle of her teammates relationship, and she thinks it will affect her team's performance.
- @Ninja_Natalie: @ChallengeMTV Like, do I need to stick a finger somewhere to get some team building in?!
- @PaulCalafiore_: @Ninja_Natalie @ChallengeMTV We’re not opposed 😅😅
- @PaulCalafiore_: @ChallengeMTV So we like to fuck a lot...... so what?! 🤷🏼♂️💁🏼♂️
@Ninja_Natalie: New haircut is making me more aerodynamic 🦸🏻♀️ #AmericanNinjaWarrior #TheChallenge33
@ChallengeMTV: Put your Challenge knowledge to the test, and you might just get a reward ✨ You got this: http://bit.ly/2VbY212
@ChallengeMTV: MOOD 😂😂😂 Tune into a brand new episode of #TheChallenge33 TONIGHT at 9/8c! 🐻
- @MattieLBreaux: @ChallengeMTV The 🌎 mood @stephen_bear hahahah
- @msdeenguyen: @ChallengeMTV Me every time Bear speaks 😂💀
@DayDaVonne_: Only 7 teams left .... Catch an all new episode of #TheChallenge33 TONIGHT 9/8c Only on #MTV
@MattieLBreaux: @tjlavin @ChallengeMTV @MTV Super pumped about this one. I remember pulling up and seeing those semi’s... palms sweating and heart pounding hahah 👏🏻👏🏻
@MattieLBreaux: Just hanging out @KyleCGShore 😜#TheChallenge33
@MattieLBreaux: Once again y’all I’m on the night shift so I need you guys to use #TheChallenge33 so I can keep up with you all @ChallengeMTV
@turabicamkiran: It’s #TheChallenge33 Time. It’s #TurboTurabi Time 🇹🇷 @ChallengeMTV @MTV
@Ninja_Natalie: Teamwork game so strong, we even walk in synchronicity 🚶🏻♂️🚶🏻♀️@PaulCalafiore_ #TheChallenge33
- @PaulCalafiore_: @Ninja_Natalie @ChallengeMTV @MTV We had the McGregor walk down pat @TheNotoriousMMA
@PaulCalafiore_: I find people who complain hilarious. I’m sorry we’ve either won or been targeted every episode. So whether you like it or not. You’re fucking watching us. Now shut up, sit down, tune in at 9pm EST and watch the show like the good little challenge fans you are 😘 #TheChallenge33
@BritniNicol: Yellow’s one of my favorite colors. It’s happy. So salty bitches should eat yellow 🙃
@JOSHMBB19: Laugh with many. Don’t trust any.
@faithstowers: #WcW goes out to the beautiful @DayDaVonne_ ! uplifting and motivating, and true to herself. #challenge33 #stan
@DayDaVonne_: "@JKIRKLANDD: Oh HELL NAHH that sneak peak I just saw of Wes bringing up Da’Vonne being a bad role model for her daughter has me heated😡 Why do these people constantly bring up ppls kids?? WTF I actually liked Wes but now I see he is Trash🤦🏾♂️ #TheChallenge33" RT Because they ALL knew NOTHING else got to me... I showed a weakness during that argument with Paulie during bb18 and so now some of the cast and these fans immediately use that as a go-to 🗣THE GAG IS they’ve done it so much I’m numb to it lol so what do they have to use now😏
- @JOSHMBB19: @DayDaVonne_ You going on tv to win money and get get paid thousands to show up so you can take care of your baby is admirable af don’t let nobody knock that ✊🏽❤️
- @DayDaVonne_: @JOSHMBB19 Thank you baby !! ❤️
@DayDaVonne_: "@arianasotter: @DayDaVonne_ I wanna know what Wes has against YOU when he’s got the issue with bear lol" RT This was my point to my knowledge there was NO ISSUES between me and Wes.. NONE .... So knee in my face for what ? Did he scream for Gus to put his knee in Bear’s face ?
@msdeenguyen: I never would have thought I’d make it this far. Please don’t let me die today Challenge Gods as I still haven’t told my mum where the fuck I am 😂 @WestonBergmann @ChallengeMTV #TheChallenge33
@WestonBergmann: Important announcement: I now wear a fanny pack and I don’t care how it looks. It holds all my stuff.
- @Marie_TBD: @WestonBergmann Dont leave home without it
@WestonBergmann: As a feminist, I’m offended to hear I’m supposed to give different advice to women than I am men. Do better internet. Your advice is setting strong females back. And I’m not here for it.
@WestonBergmann: Da’Vonne: I’m gonna get my boys from back home to kill you. Wes: wow, you’re a horrible role model for your kid. Internet: somehow split as to who is wrong. 🤦♂️ FYI she apologized to me so I’ve moved on. I appreciated her acknowledging when she acted like a bad role model. 👏
- @DayDaVonne_: @WestonBergmann Oh wow . You really are trash smh . I thought you were just like this is the game I didn’t know you were literally garbage as a human.... “my boys” lol .. smh the footage is out. They’ve seen EXACTLY what I said to you
@WestonBergmann: @GamerVev You don’t hear it because what she said is too violent to air on tv - and kind of illegal. Like I’ve said, I’ve moved on and have decided not to press charges. I already received my heart felt apology and think most of the time she’s a magnificent role model to her child.
- @DayDaVonne_: @WestonBergmann @GamerVev You’re a damn liar !
- @WestonBergmann: @DayDaVonne_ @GamerVev Fine, I guess I take back the role model comment. 🤷♂️
- @DayDaVonne_: @WestonBergmann @GamerVev Lol ...
@DayDaVonne_: "@rielgabriel___: @DayDaVonne_ His just trying to make up lies to make it seem justifiable about what he said. But the thing is talking about someone kids would never be justified." RT Lol he’s digging a bigger whole talking about “my boys” .. what hood movie did he watch and try to attach me to ??😂😂😂😂😂 if you don’t get on somewhere
@DayDaVonne_: “ My boys “... I don’t even talk like that 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 listen y’all know me ... if I would’ve said that I would’ve admitted it
@DayDaVonne_: “Decided not to press charges” I ... a WHOLE ass clown 🤡
@DayDaVonne_: "@msdeenguyen: @davonnedefend I honestly can’t remember I was there when they were arguing. I always have my partner’s back and there’s one thing that I will bet on is that Wes is not a liar. Regardless, things are said when we’re heated and angry. I don’t think we should dwell on it." RT Really DEE??? You know damn well I didn’t say that to him. If I did then why when WE talked you kept apologizing for what he said to ME... and how you don’t stand by the things HE SAID TO ME...
- @msdeenguyen: @DayDaVonne_ I’m not saying that what he said was right. I just said I can’t remember if you said what you did to him. Neither of you guys are right in this situation but I do have my partners back like how you have Bears. 🤨
- @DayDaVonne_: @msdeenguyen You’re gonna stand firm on this “I can’t remember “ bullshit .. knowing we’re going to see the footage tonight ?? And some have ALREADY saw what I said ?? You were RIGHT THERE... you can remember everything bear said/did word for word but you can’t remember this ?
- @msdeenguyen: @DayDaVonne_ Definitely going to stand firm because I can’t remember. Jesus put it to bed and let’s just play the tape tonight 💀
@DayDaVonne_: That’s why some of these people don’t like me , I’m not afraid to stand up to none of them.. I’m not kissing anybody’s ass. I don’t care how many seasons you’ve done, what you’ve won.. if you ain’t shit as a human, all of those “wins” mean NOTHING.
@DayDaVonne_: I owned everything I said to Shane last season , why would I lie about anything I’ve said this season ?
@DayDaVonne_: @rodgerklotz Smh .. @WestonBergmann you lied on me and opened the door for comments like this... we all know I never said that to you. You’re foul as fuck.. and @msdeenguyen your sudden selective amnesia showed me who YOU are.
@ChallengeMTV: #TheChallenge33 is so close, we can almost taste it... 👅 Tune into @MTV TONIGHT at 9/8c to watch 👀
@DayDaVonne_: How the hell you know everything about Shaleen but can’t remember an argument that YOU were apart of ? Throw the whole brain away..
@CaraMariaMTV: He might be UK... and I might be USA.... but together we are The Patriots. Cuz we getting them rings. 💍💍💍💍💍 @ChallengeMTV tonight @theo_campbell91 #TheChallenge33
- @PaulCalafiore_: @CaraMariaMTV @ChallengeMTV @theo_campbell91 Pun is on point with this one
@DayDaVonne_: Smh at the people who actually believed I said that to him.
@miss_taylordawn: A year ago I picked @MTV_Chuckalodon up from the airport after his time on @ChallengeMTV It was one of the scariest and happiest and strangest and most loving days of my life. The bundle of emotions was unreal!! But in the end, we remain #unbothered and in love. 💍 #ChucksTaylor
@HollywoodLife: It's Wes vs. Bear and Da’Vonne in this exclusive preview of the next episode of @ChallengeMTV! Watch their explosive fight play out: http://hollywood.li/f3tHMP0 #TheChallenge33
@tonyraines: Monkey’n around at the zoo today! 🐒 – at Audubon Zoo
@WestonBergmann: As the literal king of eliminations, here’s some free advice to wannabes: If you’re fighting for a million dollars, in a pit of death, & there’s ANYTHING I could say that gets you more fired up than you ALREADY SHOULD BE - you don’t deserve to be there.
@JeremiahBuoni: Missing my Floribama peeps!! floribamashore #mtvfloribamashore #missingyou https://www.instagram.com/p/Bvz4-uVDD_D/?utm_source=ig_twitter_share&igshid=1i7sv8otn4f34 …
@ChallengeMTV: Fill up your cup and get to a TV! An all new episode of #TheChallenge33 starts in 1 HOUR on @MTV 🍻
- @WestonBergmann: @ChallengeMTV Adorbes @MattieLBreaux
@mtvex: Let the battles begin! 🔥The Challenge: War of The Worlds hits MTV in just TWO WEEKS with the most explosive series to date 🚨Starts Weds 17th April at 9pm 🚨
@MattieLBreaux: One more hour @ChallengeMTV
@theo_campbell91: @CaraMariaMTV @ChallengeMTV Let’s get it baby
@theo_campbell91: The way all the loveisland couples didn’t even make it to a year makes me think I should have lied and pretended to like someone to catch Mill+ followers then dip out. Rookie mistake, they knew better 🤨🤨😄 @LoveIsland #loveisland
@WestonBergmann: If you’re about to be a rookie on the challenge and you don’t reach out to me on the sly, you’re asking for it. This is just a friendly tip. #thechallenge33 https://www.instagram.com/p/Bv0C8K7HDKR/?utm_source=ig_twitter_share&igshid=6ia7y3fk400m …
@PaulCalafiore_: @CaraMariaMTV It’s not all bad 😜
@georgiaharisonx: Who’s watching ?! @ChallengeMTV ❤️❤️
@msdeenguyen: Such a bad ass back drop 🙌 Run to your TVs, another episode is about to start! @ChallengeMTV #TheChallenge33
► AS THEY SAW IT: "American Psycho"
@ChallengeMTV: A new episode of #TheChallenge33 starts NOW! Who's watching!? (GIF of Mattie)
@ChallengeMTV: Bear walking back into the house after winning another Relic 😂 #TheChallenge33 (GIF of man walking into the arena)
@ChallengeMTV: Yup. 😅 #TheChallenge33 (GIF: "It sounds like she's being strangled")
@ChallengeMTV: WTF! 😅 #TheChallenge33 (GIF: Wes - "I'm her pancreas. She has no idea how I work, but without me she would die")
- @Ninja_Natalie: @ChallengeMTV Freaking @WestonBergmann what are you?!
@msdeenguyen: Speak of the devil and he shall arrive.. "Without me she will die." No lies detected. @WestonBergmann @ChallengeMTV #TheChallenge33
@ChallengeMTV: Kyle puts on a tough face but... 😩 #TheChallenge33 (GIF: "I'm not alright at all")
- @msdeenguyen: @ChallengeMTV What is the purpose of a pancreas?
@Ninja_Natalie: Your team building strategies... GO! 👉🥨 #TheChallenge33
@ChallengeMTV: The key to a happy relationship 🔑 #TheChallenge33 (GIF: Hunter to Georgia - "You were right about everything")
@ChallengeMTV: You're gonna have to ask Sylvia to borrow her Oscar! 🏆 #TheChallenge33 (GIF: Hunter - "Brad Pitt couldn't have done it better himself")
@msdeenguyen: We don't deserve @georgiaharisonx @ChallengeMTV #TheChallenge33 😩
@ChallengeMTV: When your ex starts talking about her new boyfriend's 🍆 in front of you... #TheChallenge33 (GIF of Kyle covering his face)
@ChallengeMTV: Who saw that coming!? 😱 #TheChallenge33 (GIF of Ninja and Paulie not connecting on one of their rings)
@zadinex: i've been waiting for this challenge all season let's go #TheChallenge33
@MTVJibbs: This challenge looks nuts!!!! #thechallenge33
@MTVBananas: This looks fun 😂😂 #TheChallenge33
@WestonBergmann: 🤢 Paulie and Cara are so cringeworthy. I’m sorry America.
- @ChallengeMTV: @WestonBergmann Let them live 😅 #TheChallenge33 (GIF of him sticking his tongue out)
@JazMTV: This Wes therapy session is killing me!! 😂😂😂😂
@AlexTheGreatzz: Dr Phill is looking a little bit different today. 😂😂 #TheChallenge33 #TheChallenge
@ShoBusyLivin: Therapy with Wes LOL. So good. #TheChallenge33
@msdeenguyen: This shit is scary! Not sure if I'd rather be back in the ocean.. @ChallengeMTV #TheChallenge33
@WestonBergmann: I’m Dee’s pancreas; she’s got no idea how I work, but without me she’d be dead. @msdeenguyen
@JessNicoleLee: “The order has been randomly selected” -paulie and Natalie are first @ChallengeMTV @PaulCalafiore_
@jsimpkins0902: @MattieLBreaux building Kyle back up is awesome! She def seems like a girl that will go balls to the wall for her friends!! #TheChallenge33 mattie... will we get to see Martha??
@JoshMurray81: @MattieLBreaux Mattie Daddy go bang your partner on the floor next time his ex is banging her new dude! That’ll lift his spirits I’d assume! Hahahahaha #TheChallenge33 @ChallengeMTV
@WestonBergmann: I moonlight as a couples therapist
@iamreyvasquez: Wes playing couples therapist to Georgia and Hunter is gold #TheChallenge33
@ChallengeMTV: Forget Frodo! Mattie and Kyle are the new Lords of the Rings! 💍 #TheChallenge33 (GIF: her - "Who's Frodo?" him - "He's from Lord of the Rings")
@blackzeusfit: Fam did she really fall for that apology! I’m really starting to doubt Georgia’s common sense 😵 That game twist is really gonna help Hunter out! #TheChallenge33
@ChallengeMTV: Another explosive performance from Turbo and Nany 💥 #TheChallenge33 (GIF of him doing his signature pose, with one of his rings being lit)
- @gregwarren2: @ChallengeMTV Turbo is an international treasure and must be protected at all costs #TheChallange33
@msdeenguyen: @MattieLBreaux and @KyleCGShore would make such good looking and ridiculously tall babies @ChallengeMTV #TheChallenge33
- @MattieLBreaux: @msdeenguyen Hmmmmmm maybe
@johnnybananas: When you spot a quarter but you won't stop for anything less than a dime 🤑 📷 #Fitchick #DadBod #Bananasdoingthings #fitfam
@WestonBergmann: Jesus Christ, why am I on MTV when I so obviously should be on Comedy Central.
@Malik_MTV: @PaulCalafiore_ & @Ninja_Natalie killed that $#!+ #TheChallenge33 #WarofTheWorlds @ChallengeMTV
@shxrell: Da’Vonne is me just sitting down lmfao #TheChallenge33
@Ninja_Natalie: Someone please make me a GIF for this clip ... 😂 #TheChallenge33 #thirdwheel @CaraMariaMTV @PaulCalafiore_
@ChallengeMTV: Well, I guess we found something Wes isn't good at after all 😂 #TheChallenge33 (GIF: Bear - "LOSERS!")
@turabicamkiran: 😍😍😍 BOOOM. 🔥. Thank u @ChallengeMTV Team. Good editing. 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 #thechallange33
@turabicamkiran: @ChallengeMTV I loved. Thank u @ChallengeMTV Great editing. 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 u know this job.
@ChallengeMTV: For reference, this was approx. 15 min ago 😅 #TheChallenge33 (GIF: Wes - "I'm a good a a lont of things")
@msdeenguyen: Close but no cigar... Sorry partner, wish my arms were longer and I wasn't so scared 😩@ChallengeMTV #TheChallenge33
@ohheyp: Ok, but I'll never get tired of saying this @turabicamkiran King Turbo is the best thing to ever grace the challenge. Bring him back every season please and thank you #TheChallenge33
@JoshMurray81: WOOOOOOOOO MATTIE DONE CALLED OUT CARA!!!! If you want me, come get me!!!!! Don’t you go getting me fired up like that woman SHIT! You rocked that challenge! @ChallengeMTV @MattieLBreaux #TheChallenge33
@JoshMurray81: I got to get into harness rigging and running a mic station! Look at that bad bitch up there! Im very proud of our Mattie Daddy and y’all tune into @MTV 9/8 central on @ChallengeMTV #TheChallenge33 #family
@dc408dxnow: 16 rings for @MattieLBreaux & @KyleCGShore. @turabicamkiran & Nany get to the number as well. #DCChallenge
@PaulCalafiore_: Cara and I refreshing twitter every 10 seconds since we can’t livestream on the plane. Keep us posted on the episode!! #TheChallenge33 @ChallengeMTV @CaraMariaMTV @MTV 🛫
@PaulCalafiore_: @WestonBergmann You encourage it 😂🤣
@ChallCheapTalk: @MattieLBreaux finally getting the screen time she deserves 😩🙌🏽 love herrrr #TheChallenge33
@ShoBusyLivin: Come on @MattieLBreaux and Kyle!!! Let’s go. #TheChallenge33
@MattieLBreaux: My absolute favorite challenge #TheChallenge33 When will I ever be in the middle of no where jumping off a truck 😜😜
@JanBabicz: Bear screaming “LOSERRR” in that UK accent gets me everytime 😂😂😂😂 #TheChallenge33
@msjannayvonne: The Turbo effects this year are hilarious #TheChallenge33
@mikaykayswag25: #TheChallenge33 Turbo gets all the superhero/ anime character effects!! 💥💨👊🏾👊🏾👊🏾😂😂😂
@_Simply_TT: I fucking love Turbo #TheChallenge33
@LWCPodcast: I love how they edit turbo’s victory moves every episode #TheChallenge33 #StirThePotWithLWC
@MTVJibbs: They turned Turbo super saiyan lmao #thechallenge33
@johndensford: Is Turbo the greatest rookie of all time? #TheChallenge33
@justDantheman: Favorite new challenger in @ChallengeMTV is Turbo!!!!
@Kmitch528: @MattieLBreaux I swear girl I never thought I'd like @KyleCGShore again but y'all make an amazing team and the way you are there for him is literally why everyone loves ya girl. Get that W!
@DerrickMTV: @turabicamkiran @ChallengeMTV This was frikkkn awesome.
@finallyfamace: Turbo is hands down my favorite cast member this season! #thechallange33
@AsToldByMere: Turbo with these ending poses acting like his ass is on Mortal Kombat 😂😂 #TheChallenge33
@FentyDavonne: The way Bear gets under people’s skin is just.... ART. Literally iconic lmao #TheChallenge33
@ChallengeMTV: Theo could practically reach out and grab the rings from Cara without either of them jumping 😂 #TheChallenge33 (GIF of them having an easy time of the challenge)
- @CaraMariaMTV: @ChallengeMTV WAIT!!!! Why did i waste all that energy/skill/talent/endurance in leaping my ass off to reach him every damn time to the full length of the rope when i literally could have just stood there and done nothing! Dammit cara! WHYYYYYYYY
@DayDaVonne_: Omg .. so aggressive in my body language and my tone ... so violent 🙄 #TheChallenge33
@WestonBergmann: Damn I’m a good mentor.
@atavanxhalen: KING TURBO #TheChallenge33
@ChallengeTea411: I’m in love with @georgiaharisonx #TheChallenge33
@DayDaVonne_: 15 rings .... 😏 Go partner #TeamDAB #TheChallenge33
@ChallengeMTV: Paulie and Ninja after finding out Kyle and Mattie are in the Tribunal, but then finding out Theo and Cara also are 😅 #TheChallenge33 (GIF of Spongebob saying, "Whoo!")
@JazMTV: Yo Wes pissed me off with that comment. Stop coming at people about their children. It’s pathetic. 🤬🤬 I am seriously so lost for words and so done with punk ass people coming at parents over their children. How about you become a parent first before you open your fucking mouth.
- @DayDaVonne_: @JazMTV ALL OF THIS !
@MattieLBreaux: Victory @ChallengeMTV the sweet smell of victory @KyleCGShore
@DiamonddBitchh: @MattieLBreaux comforting @KyleCGShore when he was sad and then killing it on the Daily Challenge! I am so proud of her! And they are such a cute team! Tribunal Baby! @georgiaharisonx I see you killing it babes! #TheChallenge33
@Lynn14Jay: Oooo Mattie!! “If you want me come get me” LOVE @MattieLBreaux ❤️❤️ #thechallange33
@MrPerry2You: Hell yeah Kyle and @MattieLBreaux made the tribunal #TheChallenge33
@Unger2Unger: @MattieLBreaux is probably my favorite female competitor on #TheChallenge33 with Cara being my least favorite
@MattieLBreaux: Y’all ya girl staying one more week.... man the tribunal feels good 💯💯 #TheChallenge33 @ChallengeMTV
@MattieLBreaux: Can y’all guess who I am going for 😂😂😜 ????? #TheChallenge33
@PaulCalafiore_: @ChallengeMTV We ain’t worried about it
@turabicamkiran: @DerrickMTV @ChallengeMTV 😊👊🏻👊🏻👊🏻
@DayDaVonne_: "@jamesss_101: Bear got me lmao talking about @DayDaVonne_ when the challenge started 😭😭😭 #TheChallenge33" RT Lmaooo he gets on my nerves 😂😂😂
@alexbrwn1: I am living for the animations of @turabicamkiran!! #TheChallenge #TheChallenge33
@ChallengeMTV: We got a good ole fashioned standoff in this Tribunal! 👀 #TheChallenge33 (GIF of Cara and Kyle)
@AlexisOrtizMT: I mostly tweet on Wednesdays bc of the #thechallenge33 lol
@Fallen_Angel356: I love it when @turabicamkiran likes my tweets. He's one of my favorites from this season, and it just makes me happy when he notices my tweets to him. 😊 Keep up the amazing work, Turbo!
@Phillip99690782: This Tribunal should be juicy. #TheChallenge33
@ChallengeMTV: When you're taking a test you didn't study for and try cheating off the teacher's pet 😫 #TheChallenge33 (GIF: Cara - "Did you really ask him?")f
@_the3rd: I love the @turabicamkiran edits 😍💙 #TheChallenge33
@OneCoolDork: @turabicamkiran @ChallengeMTV Turbo you’re such a g haha. A real life anime character! 😎😎💪💪
@MonaTurabi2: 16rings 👑Turbo-Nany👑 @turabicamkiran #TheChallenge33
@ChallengeMTV: Stud 👏 #TheChallenge33 (GIF: Turbo - "I don't take it personally, it's a game")
@Marie_TBD: You are friggin hilarious!!!!!!!! Never ever change. @KyleCGShore @ChallengeMTV #thechallenge33 “They’re talking about us.”
@Marie_TBD: "@katt_astro_phy: @stephen_bear and @Marie_TBD together on one season would be hilarious! They would be getting under everyone's skin!" RT Guarenteed.
@jaelan_7: I actually don’t know who is going in #TheChallenge33
@msdeenguyen: @turabicamkiran speaking all the facts @ChallengeMTV #TheChallenge33
@ChallengeMTV: That's what she said 👀 #TheChallenge33 (GIF: Paulie - "What do you want me to do? My hands are tied")
- @PaulCalafiore_: @ChallengeMTV Facts
@msdeenguyen: @Ninja_Natalie we got to stick together sis @ChallengeMTV #TheChallenge33
@maciiann: @Ninja_Natalie @CaraMariaMTV @PaulCalafiore_ Okay, but the fact that @PaulCalafiore_ didn’t even flinch at that weight being thrown on him on both sides hahahah #beast
@Malik_MTV: @PaulCalafiore_ show time and time again he know how to play this game #bredforthis #TheChallenge33 #WarofTheWorlds @ChallengeMTV
@WestonBergmann: The problem with being the undisputed elimination king is I become a trophy in the eyes of young blood. If they lose, so what, they just lost to the best. But if they win they immediately have a resume.
- @PaulCalafiore_: @WestonBergmann You can be my trophy anytime Wes 🥰
- @msdeenguyen: @PaulCalafiore_ @WestonBergmann I ship
- @louievito: @WestonBergmann GOAT.
@AnnRainee: @ChallengeMTV Turbo is the real deal. He needs to come back #TheChallenge33
@ShoBusyLivin: Team USA get your shit together. #TheChallenge33
@LagunaBiotchIG: Please invite @turabicamkiran every season #TheChallenge33
- @theDrewAngelman: @LagunaBiotchIG Please oh please @ChallengeMTV We can't get enough of @turabicamkiran 💪❤🔥
@sammystreet51 @Neverevercared1 @turabicamkiran @ChallengeMTV I hope he becomes a regular! He is an amazing player 👏👊
@MonaTurabi2: Turbo in killing Floor @turabicamkiran #TheChallenge33
@Princesskaysie_: @turabicamkiran is such an amazing add to The Challenge 😍 #TheChallenge33
@Ninja_Natalie: @msdeenguyen I GOT CHU GURL.
- @msdeenguyen: @Ninja_Natalie That's my mother fucking bestie 😘
- @Ninja_Natalie: @msdeenguyen @ChallengeMTV How many times did we shed tears around the pool table of heart break, laughter, and scheming?
- @msdeenguyen: @Ninja_Natalie @ChallengeMTV Or just general shit talking? Hahaha! Go get it sis. 😘
@ChallengeMTV: You're on the same team!!! 😤 #TheChallenge33 (GIF: Hunter on Georgia - "It's on her as an individual")
@ChallengeMTV: If you were Paulie and Ninja, who would you bring down onto The Killing Floor? 🤔 #TheChallenge33
- @DayDaVonne_: @ChallengeMTV When you and your partner are safe so youre not in this poll .... amen ! 😩
@msdeenguyen: Our friendship didn't get much screen time but I credit my sanity to @Ninja_Natalie. You don't get to see the meaningful convos, laughs and genuine care we have for each other. This is why we will always have each other's back @ChallengeMTV #TheChallenge33
@PaulCalafiore_: Me: Stands up for Georgia when Kyle was in her face TJ: Georgia who’s your vote for? Georgia: Paulie Me: #TheChallenge33
- @georgiaharisonx: @PaulCalafiore_ Lool sorry @PaulCalafiore_ weren’t all down to me
@PaulCalafiore_: @ChallengeMTV 👀👀
@PaulCalafiore_: @ChallengeMTV 😂🤣
@Ninja_Natalie: How may of you guys would do this challenge in a heartbeat?? 👋🏼 #thechallenge33
@ChallengeMTV: Them: Are you spiraling? Me: No. *actually me* (GIF of Paulie spinning on the wheel)
@DayDaVonne_: This elimination was hard ... the spinning and the being blindfolded
@ChallengeMTV: Me trying to find the light switch in the dark 🙈 #TheChallenge33 (GIF of Ninja trying to find her way)
@ChallengeMTV: This is wheely nauseating... 🤢 #TheChallenge33 (GIF of Kam vomiting while spinning)
@caramariateaa: Cara walking into her FOURTH tribunal & being tied with having the most mission wins of the season. Skating to the finals where? #TheChallenge33
@ChallengeMTV: No more teams. Turbo erupts, and more... Next time on #TheChallenge33 🌋🌋🌋
- @WestonBergmann: @ChallengeMTV So.Much.LAVA! 👏 👏 👏 🌋
- @JOSHMBB19: @ChallengeMTV How we should all play the game 👏🏽 The side of @turabicamkiran We been waiting for 🕺🏽😈👏🏽👏🏽
- @MonaTurabi2: Never touch the King’s Throne 🗡 @turabicamkiran @ChallengeMTV #TheChallenge33
@ChallengeMTV: Everyone seems happy about this except for Kyle 😂 #TheChallenge33 (GIF: TJ Lavin, revealing the latest twist - "There's no more teams")
@DayDaVonne_: "@ShaTrigga: Y’all see @DayDaVonne_ dancing lmaooooooooo" RT Lmao my freedom !!! I love bear but WHEW !!
@Ninja_Natalie: Basically I chose my victory dance to be inspired by Flubber 〰️
@shxrell: Da’Vonne dancing lmfaoooo, she been wanting to play this game by herself #TheChallenge33
@MrPerry2You: @MattieLBreaux it’s your time baby #TheChallenge33
@Ninja_Natalie: @PaulCalafiore_ ITS BEEN “FUN”.... But it’s my time to play 😈 #TheChallange33
@Dice_Says: I just really love @MattieLBreaux. ❤️#TheChallenge33
@iamkamiam_: Had an amazing season, so thankful! Check out my most recent post on IGTV ❤️✨
@halesbrouch2: Sad to see @iamkamiam_ and @MrAshleyCain go but they had a great run. #TheChallenge33 #TeamKash
@MissBangtan_93: Haters: Cara needs to focus on the game not her love life @CaraMariaMTV: Wins 4th tribunal this season #TheChallenge33
@trasrealitytv: @iamkamiam_ i’m proud of you no matter what, and that’s period! 💕
@PaulCalafiore_: Props to @iamkamiam_ and @MrAshleyCain for a hell of a season. Also want to wish Ashley a speedy recovery on his leg. I know I talk a lot of shit, but when it comes to head to head battles on the floor, I win and lose with the same humility. Respect to both of you #TheChallenge33
@PaulCalafiore_: @Ninja_Natalie Love you partner! You’re a fucking monster!
@d87james1: Awwww shucks @iamkamiam_ that was hard to watch but you still look beautiful!! #TheChallenge33
@thepaigeyg4: can @turabicamkiran be on every season? #TheChallenge33 #thechallenge
@Stephen50446637: @PaulCalafiore_ trains for everything. Paulie will talk shit before and after the comp, but in the comp he’s focus and always ready to win! You’ve got to respect that!
@MattieLBreaux: Made it to another week @Breaux2Janene 😘😘😘 #TheChallenge33
@nycgyps: Alright we have to stan a man who’s even cocky when he’s upside down @PaulCalafiore_ #TheChallenge33 🤷🏼♀️
@blackzeusfit: 😱 Every person for themselves. Yes!!!! I can’t wait to see who can actually back up all their noise #TheChallenge33 I got my money on Kyle & Mattie 🤷🏾♂️
@MattieLBreaux: I more teamsssss ahhhh #TheChallenge33
@MattieLBreaux: Let the games begin 😎 #TheChallenge33
@zakariamj: .@PaulCalafiore_ is a beast. 👏👏👏#TheChallenge33
@SHOTOFYAGER: 🚨After tonight’s episode of #TheChallenge, it might be time for @PaulCalafiore_ to return to #ChallengeMania. Although him & @Ninja_Natalie live to see another day, starting next week it’s a loner’s game. Send in YOUR questions & @DerrickMTV & I might get to them on the podcast.
@TheBigFlabowski: @turabicamkiran “NOBODY CAN FUCK ME UP” Hell yeah!
@maciiann: Idk why @turabicamkiran is getting mad next week on #TheChallenge33 but I’m already on his side 😂
@Jhasegawa25: They’re making @turabicamkiran mad next week!?!? Ok, time to fight #TheChallenge33
@WestonBergmann: Time to go bear hunting. I hear there’s one in Georgia.
@Mariah_W1ll1ams: Love the fact that @turabicamkiran doesn't take it personally... some people should take notes #TheChallenge33
@nycgyps: Turbo is the best thing to happen to #TheChallenge33 in years😌@turabicamkiran #TheChallenge
@ChallengeChatt1: No more teams! Post-episode 9 Power Rankings for the guys: 1) @WestonBergmann - He’s the best (& smartest) vet left / 2) @turabicamkiran - I’m not sure anyone can beat him at anything physical. He’s a machine / 3) @hbarfield13 - strong competitor and he’s with Wes #TheChallenge33
@Leo_N_Anderson: @ChallengeMTV @turabicamkiran is not the person you want to piss. He can be a dream alliance as an ally or your worst nightmare as an enemy. Choose wisely. 🤔🧐🤐
@turabicamkiran: @JOSHMBB19 @ChallengeMTV My broooo. 😊❤️❤️❤️
@iamkamiam_: So proud of @PaulCalafiore_ & @Ninja_Natalie for winning tonight! 💕✨
@JaylonMMalone: Anytime I see @turabicamkiran #TheChallenge33
@SpearsChico: Oh damn @PaulCalafiore_ is coming for that throne. I can’t wait to see what happens next week! #MTVTheChallenge
@edelwoman11: I seriously smile every time I see @turabicamkiran because he’s literally always smiling and he’s so cute and genuine and we don’t deserve him 😩
@JOSHMBB19: @turabicamkiran @ChallengeMTV 😎✊🏽✊🏽
@WestonBergmann: "@wildlygenuine: @ChallengeMTV is the best soap opera on TV. @WestonBergmann is basically Sonny Corinthos from @GeneralHospital because all storylines revolve around him! I’m here for it. #TheChallenge33 #warofworlds" RT No lies detected
@Ninja_Natalie: @iamkamiam_ @PaulCalafiore_ It was SUCH a tight elim, I don’t people realize. I appreciated all of our hustle & love story swaps 😘
@MissBangtan_93: @ChallengeMTV Turbo straight up said NO ONE can fuck him up. Whew, we stan a legend😍😍😍
@Ninja_Natalie: Dang sarcasm doesn’t really translate on Twitter 🤬 I love @iamkamiam_ I think she’s a lady boss starting her empire to take over the world 💪🏽
@iamkamiam_: @Ninja_Natalie @PaulCalafiore_ 💕✨
- @PaulCalafiore_: @iamkamiam_ @Ninja_Natalie Love you mamma ❤️❤️
- @iamkamiam_: @PaulCalafiore_ @Ninja_Natalie Love you too!
@Leo_N_Anderson: @PaulCalafiore_ @turabicamkiran @ZacharyRyanBuc1 @turabicamkiran has no one willing to challenge him. I wouldn’t be surprised if he never enters the filling floor all season. @PaulCalafiore_ is a beast as are the other competitors but Turbo is a machine who won’t lose 🏋🏾♂️💪🏾🏅🏆
@CaraMariaMTV: That whole cherade to get you in elimination and oooop. Still here. Congrats @PaulCalafiore_ @ninja_natalie @ChallengeMTV #thechallenge33
- @PaulCalafiore_: @CaraMariaMTV @Ninja_Natalie @ChallengeMTV #StillHere
@PaulCalafiore_: @CaraMariaMTV Fucking Theo 😂🤣
@AugustTroccia: Ahhhh noooo not @iamkamiam_! Awesome job this season. Enjoy watching you grow every season. Here’s to the next! ✊
@turabicamkiran: 🔥💣🔥 BOOOM 🔥💣🔥 #TheChallenge33
@Marie_TBD: I don’t always troll.... but when I do, no one can out troll me.
@MTV_NellyT: @WestonBergmann your little comment was cute 😂 @MTV @ChallengeMTV #TYB #allday
@DayDaVonne_: "@NotoriousAJM: WELL WELL WELL LOOKIE LOOKIE WHAT WE HAVE HERE!!!! The QUEEN @iamkamiam_ defending @DayDaVonne_ in the Wes vs Day aregument.…" RT Thank you for speaking up. @iamkamiam_ I really appreciate that.
@Marie_TBD: "@VickyArdon: @Marie_TBD Why? Why must everything you say have to do with Cara? I don’t understand. You’re cool and all, and I was one of your fans, but throwing her name out for now reason, is just petty" RT We’re all petty. I just happen to be better @ it. Also - to all of you sending similar tweets... do u not follow these clowns? tell them to practice what YOU preach
@callieprue19: @ChallengeMTV I love all the veterans that are left in the house! With that said I think the most deserving for final three are @turabicamkiran, @MattieLBreaux, and @Ninja_Natalie. Not only are those rookies amazing competitors but the had to deal with their partners pasts.
@dontcallmeshir8: @Ninja_Natalie You are really loved by the Challenge OG fans!!! We want you around for a long, long time! 😘 (And by we, I mean me, but whatever, still counts 🤭)
@johnnybananas: I either reply to texts in 3 seconds or 3 days. There's no in between.
- @Kmorrisx: @johnnybananas Nope. NEITHER. It’s 3 secs or 3 weeks
@hayleybaaaby: I swear, I stood up and cheered so loud I almost woke up my kids when @PaulCalafiore_ & Ninja won! This was one of the most intense eliminations, like I sat on the edge of the couch the entire time 😂😂 Paulie really has become one of my favorite challengers 😊🖤✊#thechallange33
@Bainjess: Everyone hates @PaulCalafiore_ and wants him gone yet he keeps winning ????? Can’t take out a beast
@WestonBergmann: This is what they call a pattern of violent threats to cast members outside of the game and exactly what she did to me but in-person. When someone talks like this to someone, you’re allowed to say whatever you want back. That’s just the rules of life. @DayDaVonne_
@jossie_flores: @DayDaVonne_ out here handing out retirement notices !! You’re 30 days are up goodbye! #thechallange33 😂
@turabicamkiran: @DerrickMTV @mellyb1979 and 2 others Yea guys he did. But i m working a lot. Even i dont have a time to see my mom. 🤦🏻♂️ so sorry.
- @DerrickMTV: @turabicamkiran @mellyb1979 and 2 others You NEED to go see mom! 😤💙- I’ll check back in every now and then to see if we can make something work! Maybe some day! 👊😊 - Best of luck!
@blackzeusfit: Big ups to @DerrickMTV and @SHOTOFYAGER don’t sleep on their #ChallengeMania podcast dudes def got something dope af going!
- @DerrickMTV: @blackzeusfit Hahahaaa!! Preciate the shout! Hopefully our podcast muscles can stay as on point as yours! Lookin good my dude! 👊
@ChallengeMTV: "I feel like the next person that steps inside of a ring with Aneesa is going to regret doing it." The Vets let us know who they think would win a rematch between these two elimination legends, but what do you think? 🤔 #TBT Rematch Wars: Cara vs. Aneesa / The Vets weigh in on who they think would win a rematch between these two elimination Queens.
@mtvcanada: "There's no more teams." @turabicamkiran couldn't be happier. Catch up on #TheChallenge33: https://bit.ly/2Kk2mdJ
- @turabicamkiran: @mtvcanada 😂 yea realy i was happy. 😈 That moment i opens my hand n i say “Thanx god” 😂 I love Nany. I was happy to be with nany. But i m LONELY LION. 🦁 i have to be alone. n also she ll not going home cause of me. Every challenge before i say myself “she ll not going home cause of me.”
@tonyraines: It’s #NationalBurritoDay 🌯 Chipotle, I’m coming for ya!
@Kmorrisx: Isn’t it sad we live in a world where girls/guys feel the need to play games. What happened to direct communication. U like each other or not. U want a relationship or just sex. You see a future or u just see fun. Be direct. It’s pretty simple.
@Xo__Jenny: Great editing guys @ChallengeMTV. I was at a lost for words. #TheChallenge33 👏🏽 Thank you once again for highlighting @turabicamkiran awesomeness. 😂❣️😩
@mikethemiz: Want a good read? Go to https://www.theringer.com/2019/4/4/18294497/the-miz-mike-mizanin-feature-wwe-wrestlemania-35 … @ringer #Awesome😎
@DayDaVonne_: before the episode aired only ONE of us felt compelled to hop on twitter to ensure their ass was covered We don’t know what editing is going to show... so why wasn’t I the one out here trying to do damage control just in case they showed this ALLEGED statement? #Innocent
@SHOTOFYAGER:🔥There is a lot of going on in the @ChallengeMTV world stemming from #TheChallenge33 last night & a lot we learned of the format change going forward. @DerrickMTV & I broke it all down in a heated edition of THE WAR ROOM over at http://Patreon.com/ChallengeMania #ChallengeMania #TWR 😬
@QueenLegend6: I’m so proud of you @iamkamiam_ I’m so sad to see you gone but you left with a bang nearly winning both the daily and elimination. I can’t wait to see you come back more stronger and better than ever and prove to be that Killa Queen you are.🤗 #TheChallenge33
@ChallengeMTV: 🚨 PLOT TWIST 🚨 Leave it to TJ to introduce a new game and leave everyone SHOOK!💥 Rewatch last nights episode of #TheChallenge33 NOW! 👉 https://on.mtv.com/2WOs8Ih
@MTVBananas: I get the value of money increased over the last 2 decades but the winning difference is so much different #TheChallenge33
@RealityTvJarred: So now people are mad at hunter’s disrespectful behavior cause it’s directed at Georgia & by the looks of next week Turbo? Where was this energy when he called Ashley “a stupid fucking slut” and threatened her family? #TheChallenge33
@Marie_TBD: The real ones are dying, the fake ones are LIT
@Marie_TBD: ALL these bishes FAKE AF. Smoke weed everyday.
@susiehauser: @tjlavin, I take back my previous tweet. Y’all are killing it this season with challenges and eliminations. I can’t wait to see what the final brings. I love all of the International involvement too. Everyone is really putting 100% into this challenge!
@IamTJ_Jones: Maddox Jayden Jones... born at 2:26am this morning weighing 7lbs 8oz and 20.5in long. Wifey and baby are both healthy as can be and loving every second. 🙏🏾🙌🏾
@JOSHMBB19: A grateful mindset can change any negative situation 🙏🏽
@CoryWharton: I just want to say thank you to all the good mothers out here!! You guys need to be appreciated more than one day out of the year. So today I’m gonna say thank you for stepping up 🙏🏽
@johnnybananas: City of Angels 😇 And Bananas 🍌 @1stlooktv #BananasDoingThings #LosAngeles
@HollywoodLife: Paulie and Turbo are in an alliance on #TheChallenge33?! It's true -- Paulie confirmed it himself: http://hollywood.li/YGqjUyL
- @PaulCalafiore_: @turabicamkiran @HollywoodLife 😈😈
@turabicamkiran: ⚜️👑⚜️FIGHT⚜️👑⚜️ #thechallenge33
@turabicamkiran: Hunter dav؛anınabi bak hele. 🤦🏻♂️
@TheFifthSport: WEEK 9 POWER RANKINGS ARE HERE! How high can @turabicamkiran fly? Huge shoutout to @DailyJorter for helping us put this one together-This is the first time we are doing individual for this season! LET US KNOW WHAT YOU THINK & Look for us on @LWCPodcast!
@ChallengeMTV: When they say they're kinky but you didn't realize they were the real-life Christian Grey upgrade 😩😂 #TheChallenge33
- @PaulCalafiore_: @ChallengeMTV I couldn’t love this tweet anymore if I tried 😂🤣
- @Ninja_Natalie: @ChallengeMTV So accurate, I cant even. @PaulCalafiore_ you nastyyyy
@ChallengeMTV: Mattie and Kyle proved that they were Lords of the rings, even if Mattie didn't get the reference 😂 #TheChallenge33
- @MattieLBreaux: @ChallengeMTV Me like crazy nahhh😜
@WestonBergmann: Did she make a big mistake: yes. Do I think she meant it the way I took it: no. Moving forward, stop sending her threatening & derogatory messages; in fact, leave her completely alone. I know you think you’re defending me, but I do not condone your language and tone.
@Morgan_MacAdam: Dude @WestonBergmann Is a legend! Not going to lie I've literally been able to see Wes' reputation, demeanor, attitude and strategy in a whole new level. There is a method to his madness and I relate to it 100% that's why he's definitely going to be in this Final Challenge #GOAT
@Morgan_MacAdam: I swear to God i love #thechallenge33 and the new players so much respect for everyone
@DayDaVonne_: How many of you see a tweet using asterisks and you start counting them to see who they’re talking about 😂😂😂 “Man ******************** gets on my nerves”
@ChallengeMTV: Hey UK! That’s right, UK! We’re bringing the reunion oversees this season because we heard the tea is even more pipping hot in London! Want to attend? 🇬🇧 Check out this link: http://bit.ly/33Reunion
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A semi-shocker, but something that might not be if you're Paulie: Kam losing a regular elimination for the first time in her and Ashley C. going down to Paulie and Ninja Natalie in that spinning elimination just after they faltered in that challenge, though it's what happened with Wes calling out Da'Vonne that certainly had everyone talking.
And as for the game itself, it's gotten even more interesting in TJ revealing that the teams will now be split up into individuals the rest of the way, and while the prize money is still $1 million, $750,000 will go to the winner, while 2nd and 3rd place will also have a cut of the final prize fund unlike what happened last season... provided that they finish, of course. War of the Worlds as we knew it then is over... the game as it will now be the rest of the way begins tonight.
We have lots more coming your way here, with our last Pulse of Season 2 of Ex On The Beach still to come with Part 2 of the Reunion. But just ahead on Thursday - and before it premieres that night, we will take a Look at the show that takes over Thursdays with a familiar duo of that night: A Double Shot at Love with DJ Pauly D and Vinny. See you soon, lovebirds...
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