Saturday, April 27, 2019

DC SocialPulse Extra: The Challenge Invades London, and Before WOTW EP 11

*** Advisory: DC SocialPulse contains adult language and objectionable content. Viewer Discretion is Advised. Due to its long length, take frequent eye breaks if you're reading this top to bottom. ***

BY DC CUEVA                      

Hey there, we're at the weekend and spring is definitely in the air. We're past the halfway point of The Challenge: War of the Worlds, and things are now an individual matter from here on out with the season to crown, as it was a year ago at this time, one gender-neutral champion and two runners-up who will share in the $1 million prize pool when this is all done.

Along with being at halfway through the season being taken care of, there is also something that takes place around this time: the filming of the reunion for this Challenge season, which for the first time will not take place in MTV's seat of government in New York City, but outside the United States in the historic yet vibrant city of London, England in the United Kingdom. That's the focus of this installment of the Pulse Extra as we'll be following the cast in Britain meeting up for the reunion which comes our way at season's end.

But there is something different we're currently doing for this section in getting this spring cycle started in going Inside MTV Reality... we at DCBLOG will explain that afterwards. For now, indulge yourself in the in-between interaction between the first episode of the individual phase of the season and the episode that aired just before last week's. See you after the jump...

IN BETWEEN: London, #GOT, Masters, Coachella, Vegas Reunites 
@ChallengeMTV: Da'vonne has got some words for Bear! 🗣  👀  #TheChallenge33
@BradFiorenza: #tbt to our first night out on RWSD  @DJran @jamiechung1 @cameraneubanks @RobinMTV14 #realworld #sandiego #mtv
@amayasays: 1999 vs 2019 #20yearschallenge #MTV #Hawaii #RealWorld
@amayasays: Hawaii, I love you. We've made peace on this journey. You are as beautiful and loving as I remembered. The aloha spirit and soul of your people is unmatched. Thank you for this blessing 🙇🏼‍♀️🌴#MTV #RealWorld #Hawaii #Oahu
@1stlooktv: Time to settle the @JohnnyBananas x @WestonBergmann feud once and for all. Thanks for offering your lie detector services, @TheMAURYShow! See what happens on #1stLooktv 5.11.19.
- @DerrickMTV: @1stlooktv OMG!! Wes is the Father!!
- @BradFiorenza: @1stlooktv I’ve been waiting for this!!! 🥳🥳🥳@WestonBergmann @johnnybananas
@ChallengeMTV: Could you work with super fans in a tribunal? See if how your answers stack up here:
@MattieLBreaux: Just saying hey.... busy day love u all 😘
@HedrichFiles: Was Bear worth the $100k MTV allegedly paid him to be on #TheChallenge33 this season?
@ChallengeMTV: When the rules changed, it was time for EVERYONE to adjust their strategies. Only a few made it out 👀 Watch #TheChallenge33 latest episode here:
@ChallengeMTV: If only Bear followed the rules, the outlook of the game might be entirely different right now… 🤔 #TheChallenge33
@faithstowers: This bear guy reminds me of someone from #pumprules 🤔 😂@ChallengeMTV #challenge33
@Clarence_Pryor: I will rise to the challenge. As a @ChallengeMTV fan, I have something to fight for. Let's say @tjlavin @Marie_TBD @BradFiorenza @KyleCGShore @joss_mooney @DerrickMTV @hbarfield13 & @johnnybananas made me part of the family. My birthday is this Wednesday. I'll do it for them.
@johnnybananas: A Beauty, a barber, and a Ginger walk into a Banana 🍻🍌 #BananasDoingThings  #TheChallenge33 #Reunion @morgan_willett @Bruce_Lee85 @WestonBergmann @ChallengeMTV
- @WestonBergmann: @johnnybananas Cheers to the beautiful couple; and Morgan/Lee looks good too
@pimpfriedrice_: The community is coming together like never before. Keep buying hisshirts. Keep his music alive. Paint his face everywhere. Support and protect the family.  #RestEasy #Nipseyhussle   The Marathon continues... and it’ll never stop. ✊🏿
@mtvex: THE BEAST himself @MrAshleyCain is really going to mix things up! 🔥 The Challenge: War of The Worlds starts in just ONE WEEK! 🚨
- @MrAshleyCain: @mtvex You know this! 💥👊🏾
@MrAshleyCain: "@PaulCalafiore_: Props to @iamkamiam_ and @MrAshleyCain for a hell of a season. Also want to wish Ashley a speedy recovery on his leg. I know I talk a lot of shit, but when it comes to head to head battles on the floor, I win and lose with the same…" RT Respect bro 👊🏾
@Ninja_Natalie: Make your mark 🌍   One day taping in London 🇬🇧✌️   Next adventures in Istanbul, Turkey 🇹🇷 👋   #TheChallenge33 Reunion ✅
@kailah_casillas: I fucking love #DoubleShotAtLove. This is so throwback to Tila Tequila days. I’m feelin this show 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
@iammikeyp: I never watched a reality show like @MTVShotAtLove with @kailah_casillas ...she is screaming at the tv and getting HYPED about the girls she doesn’t like 🤣🤬
@aimeehall1001: I’m proud of those girls!! I would have walked out on that stage and tripped. #DoubleShotatLove @MTVShotAtLove @495Prods
@tjlavin: "@AikenApril: @turabicamkiran @ChallengeMTV and 2 others We need to rename this season The Challenge The Turbo. When Johnny left, I didn't think this season would be good. #missingourbananas But, I have totally loved watching Turbo. I think he is just so funny and humble and down to earth. He was such a great pick this year." RT Couldn’t agree more he’s a great guy
@TheFifthSport: WEEK 10 POWER RANKINGS ARE HERE! No surprise that @turabicamkiran ⬆️ & @hbarfield13 ⬇️ but can @PaulCalafiore_ stay #1? Will Da’Vonne fans FINALLY be happy? Let us & @DailyJorter know what you think & look out for us on @LWCPodcast tmrw! #TheChallenge33
@BradFiorenza: "@challengelove1: @DerrickMTV @SHOTOFYAGER @BradFiorenza I know it’s technically from the Real World and not the Challenge, but how about some  #FREEBRAD gear? 👮🏻‍♂️🚔 " RT I miss all my roommates but Jacquese if you see this please DM me!!! We need a guys trip soon at the min!! @DJran 💪🤣☝️
@MattieLBreaux: So much fun this weekend ❤️  @mtv thanks 😘😘😘😘😘😘
@joss_mooney: LAX —> LDN | Back on home turf...🇬🇧   After the last week not being able to train as much as I’d of liked due to shooting @Lab3lltd everyday. It’s back to the grind for the next 2 weeks until the next adventure to Bali.
@PsychoTTT1: ‼️Turbo Turabi vs. Hunter ‼️    Hunter: u‘r not god   Turbo: i‘m Human!   Hunter: i‘m Human too   Turbo: No!!! You are a Chicken !😂😂😂   #TurboTurabi #Hunter #TheChallenge #TheChallenge33 #Survivor #Fight @turabicamkiran @hbarfield13 @PaulCalafiore_ @theo_campbell91 @CaraMariaMTV
@theo_campbell91: Who else likes stats 🙋🏽‍♂️ leading the leader board 🕺🏽 @ChallengeMTV #waroftheworlds
@morgan_willett: Devil and a red dress 💃😈  & that’s a wrap, London! Now off to explore and post an excessive amount of touristy photos, bye.  #thechallenge33

@ChallengeMTV: Gone but not forgotten 😂😩 #TheChallenge33
@MattieLBreaux: The Adventures of @georgiaharisonx and yours truly 🌈✈️🍭
@TheFifthSport: EPISODE OF THE SEASON. @turabicamkiran and @KyleCGShore need to watch out for @peta after the abuse of @hbarfield13 & @stephen_bear! @PaulCalafiore_  Turbo, & @theo_campbell91 continued their dominance & hurricane @MattieLBreaux happened. #TheChallenge33
@Kfree1130: Friday's are the only days I can listen to #ChallengeMania podcasts at work and today's with @PaulCalafiore_  did not disappoint. I am now officially a fan. Can't wait to watch him for many seasons of @ChallengeMTV to come. Well done as always, @SHOTOFYAGER and @DerrickMTV.
@DerrickMTV: Can this be entered in the #ChallengeMania #GoT CONTEST??? @SHOTOFYAGER 😯
@stephen_bear: Love you all ❤️ #TheChallengeWarOfTheWorlds
@BradFiorenza: @challengelove1 I miss all my roommates but Jacquese if you see this please DM me!!! We need a guys trip soon at the min!! @DJran 💪🤣☝️
- @DJran: @BradFiorenza I have extra rooms here San Diego. I would just need to get us three scooters and we would be set!
- @BradFiorenza: @DJran Bro!!! Let’s line this up ASAP!!! RT: HELP US FIND JACQUESE SMITH!!!!
@paulawalnutsMTV: Just caught up on #WarOfTheWorlds And I’m happy I’m retired from @ChallengeMTV because @MattieLBreaux  looks like a beast!!! And no one wants to go against @Ninja_Natalie This season is fun to watch!  Keep it up ladies 💪🏻
- @MattieLBreaux: @paulawalnutsMTV Thank you girl. Im loving it
- @Ninja_Natalie: @paulawalnutsMTV I Stan Paula 🙌🏼
@MattieLBreaux: Because i think u cool ;)
@xZahida: I'm sooooo looking forward to tomorrow with the most amazing ladies @Kmorrisx and @iamkamiam_ FINALLY we are all gonna be together! ♥️ This is one of the most special friendships that I am fortunate to have, love you both ✨
- @iamkamiam_: @xZahida Omg I can’t waitttt 😘😘😘❤️❤️❤️
@johnnybananas: Wes may be able to outwit a bunch of dumb rookies, but can he outsmart a lie detector? The answer to this, along with many other questions will be revealed on @1stlooktv when we take our beef to @TheMAURYShow 5/11 ⚖ 📈 #YouAreTheFather #GingerVitus #LiesDetected @WestonBergmann
@johnnybananas: "@HollywoodLife: The feud between @JohnnyBananas and @WestonBergmann will be settled once and for all when #TheChallenge33 stars take a LIE DETECTOR test on @1stLookTV. WATCH PREVIEW: " RT 🤜💥😵 #IamYourDaddy
@ChallengeMTV: Me leaving work early on Friday ✌️✌️ #TheChallenge33
@Kmorrisx: Lovin my new #KamKollection WIG! Thank you @iamkamiam_  Confidence level at a new all time highhhhhhhh ♥️
- @iamkamiam_: @Kmorrisx New HAIR WHO DIS??!!! 😍 thanks for supporting my business & that is the ultimate compliment about your confidence that’s my goal with my company 😘😘😘❤️❤️❤️✨
- @iamkamiam_: @Kmorrisx She’s wearing our kurly full lace btw 💅🏽
@iamkamiam_: I really love bringing happiness to other women. Makes me feel so complete when we stick together ❤️ #Queens
@Kmorrisx: Her 1/3 night out in Ldn 🙏🏻 @iamkamiam_ ♥️
- @iamkamiam_: @Kmorrisx 😘😘❤️❤️❤️
@TheRealAnthonyM: Met @BrotherNature and he’s nothing but inspiring !!! It was an honor 🙏🏻
@princeofnorway: Coachella is an amazing place to see everyone who got famous as a child on vine and is now a socially awkward but wealthy adult

@ChallengeMTV: This should be a wakeup call – nobody’s safe 😅 #TheChallenge33
- @PaulCalafiore_: @ChallengeMTV Had to make Wes sweat a little bit 😅
@ChallengeMTV: Who you got, one-on-one? 🤔 #TheChallenge33
@georgiaharisonx: So greatful for all of the new souls that entered my life this year especially those I met on challengemtv not just the cast but everyone BTS too. So excited for… …
@xZahida: You coming to meet us tonight @johnnybananas @morgan_willett? DM your numbers, I'm back in LDN! #letthepartycontinue
@Kmorrisx: Sisters ♥️  @iamkamiam_ @xZahida
@MattieLBreaux: What’s up tweeters ???
@n_zanattaMTV: I only want to be with someone who supports my goals, helps me grow and motivates me. My relationship should be my happy place.
@johnnybananas: Saturdays are for the girls 💋 #London #BananasDoingThings #girlswholikegirls #GirlsNight @morgan_willett @Kmorrisx @iamkamiam_ @xZahida
@Kmorrisx: I love to hate him @johnnybananas 🤷🏽‍♂️
@JennaCompono: Never want to leave 🇬🇧😝
@jossie_flores: #Coachella day 2 😎
@cbmcnary: The internet is a weird, WEIRD place 😳
@amayasays: Back in the day. #MTV #RealWorld #Hawaii #20Years
@amayasays: My precioussssss 🌴 The walk to Waimanalo Beach.
@KendalSheppard: Trishelle going back to the Palms hotel is everything 22 year old me ever wanted!! Thank you @TrishelleC for bringing us along in your Instagram.. and even showing us the infamous hot tub!! 🤣😂😍
- @KendalSheppard: I just watched @MissArissa story and I can't even stand the level of nostalgia right now! 💖💖💖
- @KendalSheppard: I STAN!!
@JustJem24: @TrishelleC  UM THIS IS EVERYTHING
@blacuesta: Coachella looks lit af

@ChallengeMTV: An elimination that’s both physical AND has trivia in it is our favorite kind of elimination 👏 #TheChallenge33
@xZahida: I don't actually know what I would do without group chats, pure gold what a laff I love my friends
@MattieLBreaux: Good afternoon tweeters
@ChallengeMTV: When you remembering tomorrow is Monday 😩 #TheChallenge33
@ChallengeMTV: What are your feelings about Bear leaving? 🤔 #TheChallenge33
@Kmorrisx: She’s literally the cutest. @iamkamiam_ @xZahida  love my friends ♥️
@xZahida: So @Kmorrisx told me all about @iamkamiam_ before I went away, & even though we weren't together at the same it's crazy how our bond is so strong. I see pieces of myself in both of these amazing women. It's really not about who you've known the longest♥️ #firsttriptogether
- @iamkamiam_: @xZahida My girls 💗✨
@tonyraines: "@TheMasters: A moment between a father and a son." RT This was awesome 👏 congrats to Tiger! #TheMasters
@tonyraines: Tonight I’ll be watching....   NBA playoffs ❌   KUWTK ❌   Game of Thrones ✅   #WinterIsHere
@tonyraines: Winter is here ⚔️ #TonySnow #GameOfThrones
@BritniNicol: "@GameOfThrones: Tonight. #GameofThrones" RT It has come.
@WestonBergmann: Game of Thrones is just the scripted version of The Challenge
@JayGMTV: Are you ready for GAME OF THRONES tonight? #GameofThrones
@TheOfficial_CT: #GoT …
@EmFitMTV: Reason number one I have Twitter: #gameofthrones
@SpruceLV: I... Love... Las Vegas! 🤘🤩Making all kinds of new friends!! @ChanceNHL @tjlavin #featsonv
@cbmcnary: The world largest game of Phone Stack is happening now at Augusta. #themaster
@coreybrooks34: Dessert in the desert 🌵 💅🏼💁🏼‍♂️ @coachella
@jossie_flores: Day 3 #coachella let’s go !!!!
@smoir: MTV's #TheChallenge: War Of The Worlds is a mash-up of your favourite reality shows‼️📺 Contestants @stephen_bear @MrAshleyCain @georgiaharisonx @KyleCGShore & @johnnybananas reveal why it's like nothing you've ever seen 😲via @bt_uk @MTVUK #TheChallenge33
@MTVtrey: I am Trey Weatherholtz of the House Weatherholtz, the First of His Name, the Always Hungry, King of Baltimore County, King of Dundalk and the Hobos, General of Sleeping In, Forgetter of Plans and Father of Cats.
@kailah_casillas: 10 mins til @ArianaGrande at Coachella. Does this mean I’m an Ariana fan now? I’ve always disliked her but here I am. Waiting up to watch her live. This... is happening. I’m a fan.
@kailah_casillas: Best way to do #Coachella, laying in bed with a weighted blanket watching the live stream.
@kailah_casillas: Ahhhhh Ariana and *NSYNC was amazing 😱😱😱

@ChallengeMTV: The road to the Final merges with the highway to Hell in this next challenge 🔥🚗  Don't miss it, Wednesday at 9/8c! 📺 #TheChallenge33   Sneak Peek: Highway To Hell / Tj introduces the next challenge, ft. a very "eco-friendly, grocery-getter."
@turabicamkiran: ⚜️👑⚜️ The Challenge Team   #thechallenge33   @ChallengeMTV @MTV @georgiaharisonx @MattieLBreaux
@iamkamiam_: Can’t believe my London trip has come to an end, will def miss my girls @Kmorrisx @xZahida ❤️😘✨ had toooo much fun! Can’t wait to put this vlog together 💗
- @Kmorrisx: @iamkamiam_ Love you babe. Safe flight. Can’t wait for u to come back ♥️
@MattieLBreaux: Farewell London ✌🏻😘✈️
@stephen_bear: "@OK_Magazine: EXCLUSIVE: @stephen_bear has vowed to never, ever cheat on a girl again in his life …" RT 😂😂😂 I swear next ones the one ❤️❤️🕺🏽
@ChallengeMTV: Me last night at 8pm waiting for my friends to show up to my #GameOfThrones premiere party... 🕰👀
@johnnybananas: Whatever... I'm late anyways ⏳ #LadsOnTour #TeaTime #London #BananasDoingThings – at Ritz Hotel
@iamkamiam_: Just came to a realization I should’ve been came to a long time ago... this new transition won’t be easy, but it’s what’s best ✨
@iamkamiam_: I feel so filled with love... I love feeling like this internally💗✨
@iamkamiam_: I don’t think it’s anything wrong with putting yourself first 💗✨ especially while you’re young!
@NataliaNegrotti: This Princess is in Canada and she doesn’t wanna leave 😩
@coreybrooks34: Jay and I met so many new ex gfs at Coachella 💁🏼‍♂️💁🏻‍♂️ @Jay__Qs
@OhSnapFrankieJG: Looks like @CBSBigBrother legends find each other even in the desert because @FrankieJGrande ran into @TheNolanTwins!!! 💙🏜 @_LizNolan @JuliaNolan_ #Coachella
@susie_meister: Notre-Dame is a place that can make the most cynical among us feel something...magical. It feels transcendent & sacred at a time when it seems few things are.
@jossie_flores: Omg i made it through (week 1) of #coachella  And thanks to #drinkade for getting me over my hangovers !! 😅  Until next time 🤪✌️
@MissArissa: I wonder why, in the history of all this groundbreaking television, why hasn't MTV ever really explored the psychology of an experience like this, and the aftermath...? Not a reunion (per se) to be filmed and exploited for high drama...
@MissArissa: But explore what happens to these people after they participate in this social experiment... with whomever wanted to give some insight on what really happens because there really is so, so much..
@MissArissa: What are these relationships like now? I mean, there are only 6 other people who walk the earth that *really know* what that experience was like for each season, and, who also share a similar parallel in the aftermath...
@MissArissa: I'm bonded to these 6 strangers who are literally like family, in a way that no one else could ever truly know or comprehend... I wonder if other casts feel the same way about their reality brothers and sisters..
@MissArissa: I had one of the best weekends of my entire life this past weekend. (And that is saying A LOT because I have had some fucking fun times in my twirls around the sun).
@MissArissa: Then, I'm all: Wait. I DID THAT? Like, I really went to Vegas and lived in a casino, for mad months with some of the most attractive people I have ever met in real life. And it was filmed. Then broadcast onto cable Television.
@MissArissa: I know this might sound super bizarre because it was such a huge part of my life, but sometimes, I forget that I was on the Real World... it only when someone recognizes me and says something, and I am all: Holy shit, that's right- I did that.

▪   ▪   ▪   ▪   ▪

Here at the end, we would usually say here to stay tuned for the Pulse of the episode itself, and how everyone in your social media constituency reacted to all the action, reaction and interaction of the episodes. But to not spoil your fun, the episodes for both last week and this week both have cliffhangers at the end.
   In the case of our original episode coverage in the Wrap's we now do not too frequently -- as you can easily recaps and power rankings at the blogs and sites of your choosing, we would typically carry over coverage of those episodes into the following week instead of covering those during the week's wave of posts... that will be the case here with the Pulse diaries of the episodes.
   So, it's with this in mind, and being mindful of the audience who might feel it's ideal to binge-watch the episodes at this time of the season now, we'll be saving our Pulse posts for Episodes 11 and 12 for whenever there's a definite conclusion to any episode. We'll be compiling all the interaction of those episodes and present them as backtracked editions of the SocialPulse as part of a special, expanded weekend of Pulse posts. So, need not worry... we will have it all covered for you here then.

But in the meantime, as we did last week with our nostalgic flashback to three memorable Real World seasons, we'll continue to take this opportunity in the interim to showcase our talents of offering compelling storytelling through the platform of ExtraTime. And as college students prepare for final exams and graduation, through the help of a reality TV winner turned betting & online auctioneer we'll be getting to know a trio who have become online royalty in the world of YouTube. Join us for that here and more coming up... for now, enjoy your Saturday.


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