Wednesday, June 5, 2019

DC SocialPulse: The Challenge War of the Worlds - The Reunion

*** Advisory: DC SocialPulse contains adult language, objectionable content & spoilers for some readers. Viewer Discretion is Advised. Due to its length, take frequent eye breaks if you're reading this top to bottom. ***

BY DC CUEVA                        

Welcome to the month of June and to summer 2019 in MTV Reality, as well as to a calm before the storm of sorts after one of the most epic seasons ever of The Challenge, and ahead of the return of the show that started it all and a new take of finding love in perfect matches.

When we began the countdown to it back in January, War of the Worlds sought to give fans who were fed up with trilogy of the three seasons that succeeded it an opportunity to win them back, all after the drama of Dirty 30, Vendettas and Final Reckoning and the tumultuous end to that saga in Ashley stealing $1 million. A group of those time-tested veterans and those who joined this world in the past year got to meet up with reality stars from all over the world for the first truly global season of The Challenge that helped to give the show we love a much-needed shot in the arm with a return to where the focus should be: the competition. And from the shock exits of the big names to the emergence of new stars who've now conquered America, it sure was a season to remember.

In perhaps the hardest and most epic final The Challenge has ever had, eight worthy competitors played their way into the two-day marathon for a share of $1 million... in the end, it was Turkish reality superstar Turabi Çamkıran, better known as "Turbo," who outlasted Theo, Wes, Ninja, Cara Maria, Hunter, Mattie and Georgia to add more to his growing legend in the global reality space in adding a $750,000 check - a staggering ₺4.56 million in the Turkish currency of Iira - to having won back-to-back titles of being Sole Survivor on his country's iteration of Survivor. And considering how recent Challenge champs have been competitors with at least some degree of questionable behavior, Turbo's victory is just as celebrated as when C.T. won the first of his two Challenges six years ago.

All that is left to do on War of the Worlds is a two-hour discussion of the season's events as most of the vets and prospects will gather one more time for the Reunion, taking place for the first time outside the U.S. in the grand city of London, and hosted by Champs vs. Pros/Stars emcee and soon to be new dad Mike "The Miz" Mizanin and a star of that trilogy, Olympian & Celeb Big Brother 2 houseguest Lolo Jones. From betrayal and gameplay to hookups and scandals, all will be revealed... the action, reaction and interaction is ahead, along with a trip to the tattoo parlor. Join us there.

@ChallengeMTV: Despite gaining a significant advantage for winning trivia, Cara struggled at the next checkpoint in The Final. #TheChallenge33    War of The Worlds World Geography / We saved the best for last: TRIVIA!
@ChallengeMTV: The war rages on during #TheChallenge33 reunion, Wednesday 9/8c on @MTV
- @MattieLBreaux: @ChallengeMTV Well after this gem 😂
@TheMarkLong: Happy birthday to my friend and @ChallengeMTV cast mate @KellyAnneJudd 🎂🎁🎂🎁 #MTV  hope you have a great day🙏🏼 #godfather
@NewChallengeFan: My ratings for post FM2 seasons. Cutthroat B+  / Rivals  A- / Exes  B / BOTS.  B+ / RIVALS II A / F. A.  A++ / EXES 2. A+ / BLOODLINES  B- / RIVALS III  D / INVASION  C+ XXX. C++/B- -  / VENDETTAS  B / FR.  F / WOTW.   A+    PLATINUM Era = FM2 to Exes II
@kailah_casillas: Haha happy birthday @iammikeyp, your gift is 3 girls harassing you 😂 @Marie_TBD @shaunamoos 🥳🥳
@kailah_casillas: "@Nicabocer: Ran into all the real fan favorites in Vegas tonight with @michaelbermudez! Thanks for being so welcoming! @kailah_casillas @iammikeyp @Marie_TBD #TheChallenge #Mtv" RT Nice to meet you but also thank you for taking a pic with me where my butt looks great ♥️
@kailah_casillas: we are thriving ☀️ @Marie_TBD @RioVegas
@pimpfriedrice_: Mane shoutout to @nillythesquid @aimeehall1001 @codibutts and @KirkMedas for doing @WildNOut today!! ... it’s been my dream to do it so y’all betta kill it today and tell @NickCannon & @chicoBean I got them jokes for them. I’m from Memphis. Our roastin is an artform #Lookinazz
@kailah_casillas: happy (early) birthday to the love of my life ♥️ @iammikeyp
@iammikeyp: My birthday is a holiday for my friends. Meet me at @draisbeachclub & let’s celebrate! This is one you don’t want to miss 🎥 🎤  Thank you to everyone for the continued support, means the world 🙏🏼
@iammikeyp: Today was fucking crazy! I think this is the 10th birthday we’ve celebrated together @DJPaulyD ! Thanks for everything always my bro ✊🏼

@ChallengeMTV: And the winner is… 🏆💰 #TheChallenge33  The Winner of The Challenge: War of The Worlds is Crowned / We added up the cumulative times over the two-leg final to reveal the WINNER of The War of The Worlds, and give them their $750,000 prize.
@ChallengeMTV: Bananas and Morgan answer the question that's on everybody's minds 💑  WEDNESDAY. 9/8c. TWO-HOUR REUNION SPECIAL. BE THERE. 🔥 #TheChallenge33   Sneak Peek: Banorgan  / Bananas and Morgan comment on their relationship status.
@mikethemiz: Whether I’m hosting #MizTV on @wwe or challengemtv #WarOfTheWorlds Reunion always expect the hard hitting questions.   Bananas and Morgan answer the question that’s on everybody’s minds.... 💑   WEDNESDAY 9/8c… …
@KyleCGShore: Just a couple of pricks 😂🎥@johnnybananas
@tjlavin: ❤️🙏🏽RT @edithX360: Finally watched the last episode of the @ChallengeMTV War of the Worlds and I have to say best freaking final!!!! So glad to finally see another badass final just like the good old seasons! Also can’t wait to see @tjlavin next season!
@SHOTOFYAGER: 🎰NEW PODCAST UP!🎰Real World: Vegas Original & @ChallengeMTV legend ALTON WILLIAMS joins me & @DerrickMTV on today’s #ChallengeMania a few weeks before joining us on stage at the @HollywoodImprov for http://ChallengeMania.LA  on Sat June 22nd! LISTEN HERE📲 …
@JustJem24: Me: I’m always right so don’t argue with me.   My mom: Im almost always right and  I’ll beat your Ass so don’t argue with me:  Me:
@cbmcnary: All of Denver looks like they went through war last night because I know that thunder at 4am woke up the ENTIRE city! 🌩💥🌧

@ChallengeMTV: What happens in Vegas, doesn't always stay in Vegas... 🙃
Get the whole story on #TheChallenge33 Reunion, TOMORROW at 9/8c! ☕️   Sneak Peek: Why KamRoy Broke Up / Kam and Leroy talk about a night in Vegas as the reason why they didn't work out.
@SHOTOFYAGER: 🏝Later this week on #ChallengeMania, @DerrickMTV & I will be joined by @SurvivorCBS Know-it-All & massive @ChallengeMTV fan, @StephenFishbach! Very excited! 📲Stay tuned!  & on @iTunes as always! The tribe has spoken!🔥
@stephenfishbach: I just talked for 3 hours about Survivor, the Challenge, and Game of Thrones with @DerrickMTV and @SHOTOFYAGER for the #ChallengeMania podcast. I feel like this was a dream that I just manifested.
@18challengefan: The Universal Studio mini-challenge during #TheChallenge33 is really special for those of us who have watched this show since day one. It’s always exciting to see people you’ve watched over the years come back after years away from the screen with that “ready to compete attitude”

@ChallengeMTV: It's Reunion Day! Don't miss back-to-back new episodes, TONIGHT at 9/8c! ☕️ #TheChallenge33@ChallengeMTV: TFW you find out @lolojones is co-hosting #TheChallenge33 Reunion 😱🙌 TONIGHT at 9/8c 📺
@SHOTOFYAGER: 🔥NEW PODCAST UP!🔥The most ambitious crossover since Infinity War! @SurvivorCBS Know-it-All & longtime @ChallengeMTV fan @StephenFishbach joins me & @DerrickMTV on this 3 HOUR #ChallengeMania talking #TheChallenge33, #EdgeofExtinction, Thrones & MORE!📲
@MattieLBreaux: Feeling GOOD 😛
@MattieLBreaux: 104,000 Thank you for the support and showing love! Another goal ✅
@MattieLBreaux: Y’all @MTV @ChallengeMTV REUNION is tonight!!!!!!!
@JennaCompono: Challenge reunion tonight at 9 pm on @mtv @ChallengeMTV
@JennaCompono: ❤️
@usweekly: Exclusive: @MaciBookout, @CatelynnLowell, @AmberLPortwood, and @itskcheyenne look back at their 10 year journey on #TeenMomOG. 🍼💕
@itskcheyenne: How many times do I have to keep saying I know I haven’t been on @TeenMom for ten years? I don’t claim to have been so stop coming at me like I do. All I can do is congratulate the moms and thank them for welcoming me
@JustJem24: People are allowed to learn from their own behavior and grow into a better person. #WednesdayWisdom
@DerrickMTV: NEW PODCAST!! 🧗‍♂️ - Coming from likely the MOST MEMORABLE #RealWorld season EVER (RW: Las Vegas) -ALTON joins Me and and @SHOTOFYAGER and takes us on a TRIP DOWN @ChallengeMTV MEMORY LANE!! Hear him take us BACK, way BACK, back to how it all began! 🌪  - 🎧: …
@blackzeusfit: They can’t doubt me for to much longer. Living my best life!!!
@DayDaVonne_: Just doing a skin appreciation post. #Melanin ✨🍫
@DayDaVonne_: Lol I’m not holding my stomach because I’m pregnant.... 🤦🏾‍♀️  🗣I’m not pregnant!  As some of you know , I have fibroids... I was holding my stomach because I was hemorrhaging the entire time we were filming & the pain was ridiculous... THAT’s why I was holding my stomach lol
@mikethemiz: TONIGHT, I host the @ChallengeMTV #WarOfTheWorldsReunion w/ @lolojones and a lot of answers make me do this.  Don’t miss it at 9/8c.
@ChallengeMTV: Find out what really happened between Kam and Da'Vonne tonight on The (2 hour) Challenge: War of the Worlds Reunion at 9/8c. on @MTV
@emilylongeretta: I have a feeling it's going to be a crazy two hours tonight #TheChallenge33. Exclusive sneak peek @challengemtv
@eonlineTV: Get ready for DRAMA! Get a sneak peek at the @ChallengeMTV reunion:
@SHOTOFYAGER: 🎊Rolling into the @ChallengeMTV Off Season here...hmmm...I don’t know about you but that sounds like the perfect time to hit up SOME OGs! NEXT WEEK on #ChallengeMania @DerrickMTV & I will be joined by the legend @PAULAWALNUTSmtv!! Send in your questions! And they better be NUTS!
@MTVDevinWalker: Go Bruins
@ChallengeMTV: The Challenge: War of The Worlds Reunion starts in 1 HOUR on MTV! We'll bring the tea, you just bring yourself 👌 #TheChallenge33
- @MattieLBreaux: @ChallengeMTV Mood 😈😛
@MattieLBreaux: It’s almost time 😛😛😛  Les GEAUX @MTV @ChallengeMTV
@thejuliacarter: #TheChallenge reunion looks like it has ALL THE TEA ☕️🐸

@B_lashess: Don’t text me for two hours @ChallengeMTV is on!
@Tobyeoff: Me trying to mind my business while I witness drama...  #TheChallenge33 reunion starts right now!
@ChallengeMTV: She's baaaaack 🔥 #TheChallenge33  (GIF: Mike "The Miz" - "Olympic legend, Lolo Jones!")
@ChallengeMTV: The real dream come true is Turbo in that suit 😍 #TheChallenge33  (GIF of him and Nany walking out)
@DayDaVonne_: Me and Bear dabbed during our entrance ... 🙄
@ChallengeMTV: Do you think this was the thing that stoppped Theo from getting first place? 🤔 #TheChallenge33  (GIF: "It came down to doing the eating challenge")
@ChallengeMTV: Game. Set. Match. Georgia. 👏 #TheChallenge33  (GIF: Bear - "Get you back to my room through last night, didn't I? Yeah, and then you threw me out 'cause I wouldn't shag you")
@ChallengeMTV: This fan is asking the important questions 💉 #TheChallenge33   (GIF: "Were you really scared of the IV needle?")
@hit_this_tweet: I’m glad to see @GusSmyrnios back on my screen tonight for this reunion 😍 #TheChallenge33
@ChallengeMTV: Gus: Who's the fakest in the house!? Everybody:  (GIF: *Everybody screaming "Wes!"*
@MattieLBreaux: Oh snap #TheChallenge33
@DayDaVonne_: “He liked her too , he just didn’t want to put in the work” ..... right ✨
@DayDaVonne_: Josh ... lmaooo ✨
@MattieLBreaux: @hbarfield13 😘 #TheChallenge33
@SavageBranch: Y’all it’s only been 10 minutes of this reunion & so much has already happened #TheChallenge33
- @ChallengeMTV: @SavageBranch And things are JUST starting to heat up 💥 #TheChallenge33
@kendallongg: Wait....we got this salt and peppered chicken as a 2nd host, but not @JustJem24? I’m confused mtv. Make it make sense.
@ChallengeMTV: When your new flame and your old flame start following each other on social 😅 #TheChallenge33  (GIF of Theo reacting)
@ChallengeMTV: Me yelling at my TV when watching these reunions and the cast start reading each other to filth 🗣 #TheChallenge33  (GIF: Kam - "Please read it")
@ChallengeMTV: Sis brought the literal receipts! ☕️ #TheChallenge33  (GIF of Da'Vonne holding a letter in her hand)
@TrentPropst: Can @MattieLBreaux like...knock some sense into Paulie😭 #TheChallenge33
@Kareeeenn19: Don’t mess with @GusSmyrnios ! He is the most genuine person on the show. #thechallengereunion
@MrPerry2You: I only watched #TheChallenge33 because @MattieLBreaux. Mattie had me on a rollercoaster ride of emotions and I’m truly proud of how far she got as a rookie #RookieoftheYear
@ChallengeMTV: Leroy is Team Da'Vonne - wbu? 👯 #TheChallenge33  (GIF of him)
@MattieLBreaux: Truth comes out 🤦🏻‍♀️ #TheChallenge33
@MattieLBreaux: Don’t forget use #TheChallenge33 for any Reunion Talk.
@ChallengeMTV: "@minx_jason: @ChallengeMTV this is the letter #theChallenge33 @DayDaVonne_ 😅 " RT The crossover we need to see! 💌 #TheChallenge33
@jorypsy: My screen was blessed yet again @GusSmyrnios but lmfaoo Josh who ? Guy was only on the challenge because Amanda had no partner
@ChallengeMTV: Awe, what a nice mome- DAMMIT, THEO 😂😩 #TheChallenge33  (GIF of Kam and Day making up)
@DayDaVonne_: This is why some of y’all need to stay out of black folks business ... we argue , we get over it.... if you chose a side during the argument ... stay your ass AWAY ✨
@NicholeM_Xo: Oh @GusSmyrnios how I missed seeing your handsome face 💞#thechallengereunion #thechallenge33 @ChallengeMTV
@AmilEvan: Me when Kam and Da’vonne made up and hugged #TheChallenge33
@ChallengeMTV: KISS! KISS! KISS! 😘 #TheChallenge33  (GIF of Ashley C. and Paulie getting into each other's faces at face level)
@ChallengeMTV: "@YourLifeAfter25: It’s also worth noting that Turbo won and was the most honorable winner ever #TheChallenge33 #TheChallenge33Reunion " RT Seriously, what did we do to deserve Turbo?? 😍 #TheChallenge33
@JennaCompono: Lowering my volume on my TV 😂
@MattieLBreaux: Always rolling my eyes 😛 #TheChallenge33
@NotJosieGrossy: Can we have an international agreement that .@JustJem24 should host Challenge reunions? Jemmye would get alllll the tea. #TheChallenge33
@Bloop_1: What is even happening right now? #TheChallenge33
@tynextjes: while all the drama is unfolding all i'm doing is gazing at @GusSmyrnios 🥺🥰 #TheChallenge33
@DerrickMTV: How about some Nose Kissy’s before we Fist Fight...😆 #TheChallenge33 #Reunion @ChallengeMTV 🍿
@ChallengeMTV: Miz: Zach, do you think Cara is still in love wiht Kyle? Kyle:  (GIF of him)
@ChallengeMTV: Safe to say, Bananas is not a fan of Paulie 🙊 #TheChallenge33  (GIF: "You don't have me fooled")
@ChallengeMTV: Zach expresses regret for what he said about Cara 😱 #TheChallenge33  (GIF: "That was stupid.")
@NotoriousAJM: Me agreeing with Bananas? I really hate that it’s come to this, but he made SEVERAL points🤷🏾‍♂️ #TheChallenge33 #TheChallengeReunion
@DayDaVonne_: I’m only there to clear my name ... so far all of my “lies” have been proven FACTS 🤷🏾‍♀️
@ChallengeMTV: Show of hands, who would like to see Bear on another season!? 🙋 #TheChallenge33  (GIF of him, Theo, Kyle, Day, Amanda and Mattie showing their hands)
@ChallengeMTV: ☕️☕️☕️ #TheChallenge33   (GIF: Georgia - "Did I shag Bear in Thailand?")
@ChallengeMTV: Bananas stans: Wes' own parents don't love him.  Wes stans:  (GIF: "Make up a new joke")
@JennaCompono: "@ExtensionsbyTor: me and @JennaCompono are in an actual food coma rn" RT It’s actually hard to breathe 😂
- @MattieLBreaux: @JennaCompono I did Closed Caption 😂
@ChallengeMTV: Leroy and Kam hooked up the night before he alleges she went on a date with another man. She was single, but he was still hurt. What do y'all think? 🤔 #TheChallenge33  (GIF: him - "The night before")
@ChallengeMTV: "Not in a bad way." 😱 #TheChallenge33  (GIF: Leroy - "The biggest regret I have, is sleeping with Kam")
@DayDaVonne_: Since I have your attention ..... let me say this one more time   🗣I AM NOT ON SEASON 34 !!!
@BradFiorenza: “I’m a boss bitch, shut up” has to be line of the night so far!!! @WestonBergmann #TheChallenge33 🤣🤣🤣
- @CAN1SAY: @BradFiorenza Why couldn't Brad be flown in to sit in a holding area like @DerrickMTV did a few seasons ago? I miss his facial expressions. #FreeBrad
@DayDaVonne_: "@marshaylynn: @DayDaVonne_ girl why you lying they literally posted you as one of the cast members of season 34" RT Did MTV post it sis 😏
@ChallengeMTV: Like this tweet if Wes reached out to you too to work together 😂 #TheChallenge33  (GIF: "I reached out to some people")
@ChallengeMTV: Bananas criticizing Wes' gameplay, but one of them made it to the Final and the other didn't 🐸 #TheChallenge33  (GIF: Ginger - "I demolished you")
@ChallengeMTV: Wes and Da'Vonne condemn their "fans" who threaten others 👏 #TheChallenge33  (GIF: her - "You can't do that")
@__BeauMomo: @DayDaVonne_ HONEY DONT LET WES GET YOU LIKE THAT. Wow, so sad. You’re a great mama #TheChallenge33
@DarrylThinks: I swear @DayDaVonne_ gets it the hardest when she goes on these reality shows. She’s unapologetically Black and she gets her name dragged through the mud every time. I feel for her so much.
@JJSea: There you go @DayDaVonne_ don't worry we all knew the truth👏👏We knew you would never say you would kill anyone #TheChallenge33
@marshaylynn: dang they really showed that deleted scene...i'm glad that @DayDaVonne_ finally proved that she was right. i never doubted her but i have goosebumps watching this
@briasoboojie: Woooow fuck Wes’s fans. Don’t come for @DayDaVonne_ and I’m glad that @iamkamiam_  stood up for her. Black women really have to stick together. #TheChallenge33
@TheMarkLong: I just want Dee to talk more. #BestAccentAward 🥇@ChallengeMTV #REUNION
@_chexo: I almost punched my tv screen seeing @DayDaVonne_ cry 🙄 we alllll know the real & Day would NEVERRRR do no shit like that.
@gluvsc: When @DayDaVonne_ cries, I cry
@CHill_cuz: Damn #TheChallenge33 came through with the fucking RECEIPTS!! Yazzz @DayDaVonne_
@imbitesized: @DayDaVonne_ your real fans (and anyone with a brain) knew you didn’t threaten to kill him. So glad that you felt vindicated. You didn’t deserve that❤️
@ryansfIair: I love @DayDaVonne_ so much. and Amanda and Kam for being the only ones sticking up for her. even after the Kam/Day beef. true friends 😌🥰 #TheChallenge33
@Jhasegawa25: It was tough seeing people saying those things so I can only image how you felt @DayDaVonne_. You’ll always have my respect. ❤️❤️
@ohheyp: That was hard to watch, made me tear up. Felt so bad for @DayDaVonne_ People seem to forget that these are real people, with family and real lives outside of the challenge. They take it too far and that is never ok #TheChallenge33
@Tgraham0711: I cried at @DayDaVonne_ moment on the @ChallengeMTV reunion. It hits harder because all it is is validation for some folks. Proud of you for handling it well #challenge33 #ChallengeMania
@allrealitychat: I LOVE YOU QUEEN @DayDaVonne_ that shit right there really pissed me off!
@NotoriousAJM: @DayDaVonne_ actually showed us some of the shit she was getting on here and IG and let me just say that y’all are ignorant, racist, disgusting ass human beings and karma is gon handle y’all asses one day. Just wait on it. #TheChallenge33 #TheChallengeReunion
@DayDaVonne_: "@ItsKoasArk: If @DayDaVonne_ goes on LIVE right now to prove shes not on #season34 I'll shave my head and my eyebrows. #TheChallenge33 #TheChallenge33" RT 🗣 SOMEBODY SS THIS !!

@ChallengeMTV: The answer to this question AND much more drama coming up on Pt. 2 of #TheChallenge33 Reunion, starting NOW on @MTV. Don't go anywhere! 🍿 (GIF: Bananas - "Were you working with f___ing Wes?")
@ChallengeMTV: Bananas says Zach and Wes were working together, but they insist they weren't. Who do you believe? 🤔 #TheChallenge33
@ChallengeMTV: Not sure what's worse: Zach agreeing to throw an elimination? Or changing his mind last minute to win... Or is that good gameplay? 🤔😩 #TheChallenge33   (GIF: Leroy to him - "You are a s___ty f___ing person, bro")
@ChallengeMTV: Fool me seven times... 😭 #TheChallenge33  (GIF: Bananas - "F___, I'm an idiot")
@DayDaVonne_: Did I just yawn 😂😂😂😂😂 I’m tired of this triangle !!!!!
@ChallengeMTV: Was it smart or cowardly of Paulie to not call Kyle into elimination? 🤔 #TheChallenge33  (GIF: "PUSSY!")
@TheMarkLong: When the Brits fight on this reunion, it just sounds so proper lol @ChallengeMTV #reunion
- @BradFiorenza: @TheMarkLong Sex on holiday still came off super casual & proper!!! 💁🏻‍♂️🤣🤣 #thechallenge33
- @MattieLBreaux: @TheMarkLong @ChallengeMTV True
- @JoshMurray81: @MattieLBreaux Goddamn I thought our reunions were dramatic. WRONG hahahahaha, it looks crazy on that stage.
@ChallengeRewind: This reunion special needs to be called “Davonne’s Vindication” @ChallengeMTV @DayDaVonne_ #TheChallenge33
- @DayDaVonne_: @ChallengeRewind Bruh !!!!!!!
@DayDaVonne_: "@Nyckid14: Oooop Davonne better dance 😍 #thechallenge33" RT That’s the “I told the truth dance” 😌
@allrealitychat: Da'Vonne spent this entire reunion continuing to prove that this woman is GOLD and her word is BOND. She ain't ever lied and always has the proof to back it! A FUCKIN LEGEND #TheChallenge33
- @DayDaVonne_: @allrealitychat I love you Gee !!
@SHOTOFYAGER: Here’s an idea...if Zach doesn’t want to be there to the point of OFFERING TO THROW A CHALLENGE FOR JOHNNY...maybe give his spot to someone like @DerrickMTV or ANYONE. ELSE. This segment is embarrassing. The guy just admitted to cutting a deal. WTF. #ChallengeMania #TheChallenge
- @JustJem24: @SHOTOFYAGER I couldn’t agree more. I love Zach but there are guys who would die to compete so give one of them his spot & if a female challenger admitted this during a reunion she wouldn’t currently be filming next season
@BradFiorenza: If you think you had a rough day, you should here the guy throwing up in the middle stall at the gym 💪😳☝️
@ChallengeMTV: OOP! Da'Vonne is putting her number 1 ally, Paulie, in the hot seat now! ☕️ #TheChallenge33  (GIF: "Facts are facts")
@ChallengeMTV: Maybe Cara wanted to stir the pot a little (fair enough) but somebody had to tell Georgia! 👏 #TheChallenge33  (GIF: "He would have lied even more")
@DayDaVonne_: She said she went and got Georgia because she wanted what ????  🗣HUH ???
@ChallCheapTalk: My girl @MattieLBreaux absolutely SLAYING 🔥 at this reunion. #NeedMoreMattie #TheChallenge33
@DayDaVonne_: “sHE nEeDeD tO sEE iT fOR heRselF”   But, even after she saw it, she still went right back to him... so whether she SAW or someone told her PRIVATELY, the end result was the SAME.   my point: WHY EMBARRASS HER 👉🏾MORE👈🏾THAN SHE ALREADY WAS?!    Answer: It wasn’t genuine concern.
@ChallengeMTV: On wheteher Georgia thinks she and Bear will hook up again! 😘 #TheChallenge33  (GIF: "I don't want to make any promises")
@DayDaVonne_: "@Bloop_1: So basically so far in this reunion we’ve learned @DayDaVonne_ was telling the truth about everything she’s said!!!! #TheChallenge33 " RT Literally 🗣EVERYTHING !!!
@freetobrieme: That escalated quickly.  #TheChallenge33
@melbrown0: Da’Vonne’s new name is “Mother Time” cause she’s been Clocking people left and right tonight! 😂🙌🏽
@kailah_casillas: "@gigi__moreno: Look at Kailah showing up to the reunion without actually being there. #TheChallenge33 " RT What’d I do? I haven’t watched
- @gigi__moreno: @kailah_casillas Leroy said you are one of two Kam’s only friends in Vegas. Dropped your name a few times in the situation. Loved it.
- @kailah_casillas: @gigi__moreno Niceeee. In Kams defense, from what I gathered of the situation, the dude was a friend from Philly who was visiting Vegas. In Leroy’s defense, Kam walked from the front gate to his place and he felt like that was sketch.
@ChallengeMTV: Mattie, on her hooking up with Kyle: This was team bonding!   Josh:  (GIF: "Preach, Mattie, preach!")
@ChallengeMTV: "@knoxxxy: Davonne after someone claimed it was a Tuesday on a Wednesday  #TheChallenge33 " RT Da'Vonne holding everyone accountable 👏 #TheChallenge33
@ChallengeMTV: This is too much, y'all! 💣 #TheChallenge33  (GIF: Nany - "Are you having a baby, Hunter")
@ChallengeMTV: Did everybody cheat on their girlfriend? Or better yet, did anybody NOT cheat? 😩 #TheChallenge33  (GIF of Georgia)
@ChallengeRewind: “If I really wanted it to happen, it would have.” ... “NOOOO IT WOULDNT HAVE!” - @MTV_AMANDAG 😂😂 #TheChallenge33
@ChallengeMTV: Will we ever know the full truth about Banorgan? 💁🍌 #TheChallenge33  (GIF: Bananas - "We are more than friends, less than lovers")
- @morgan_willett: @ChallengeMTV In a world where everyone is over exposed, the best thing you can do is maintain your mystery 🤗
- @MattieLBreaux: @ChallengeMTV Hmmmm ?
@PaulParmar1: I love king Gus 😌😍 @GusSmyrnios . So happy he’s slaying this @ChallengeMTV reunion #thechallenge33
@ChallengeMTV: Technically she got outlasted by two Plain Janes, and beat by Killa Kam and The Beast 😂 #TheChallenge33  (GIF: Gus - "You got beat by two Plain Janes")
@DayDaVonne_: Whew , talking in circles 😂
@LundonStephon: @DayDaVonne_  won the damn challenge reunion 😂😂😂 #TheChallengereunion
@DwayneJay: ...If Bananas REALLY paid attention to @DayDaVonne_ ‘s video, everything she JUST said on that stage is word for word what she said IN THE VIDEO!!!! #TheChallenge33
@allrealitychat: Da'Vonne again speaking the TRUTH #TheChallenge33
@DayDaVonne_: Whew ! I love being honest !!!!! 😂😂😂😂
@Itslluna: Da’Vonne Rogers, first of her name, reality tv icon, gif queen, the keeper of receipts. @DayDaVonne_ #TheChallenge33
@DayDaVonne_: "@infinity__devin: Mama Da, why they keep bringing up your name🤦‍♂️? @DayDaVonne_ #TheChallenge33" RT Because I’m a walking truth serum
@MadisonMessy: @DayDaVonne_ is slaying everyone at the reunion💘💕🤷🏾‍♀️👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾#TheChallenge33 #gooffsis
@emilylongeretta: Did Morgan, Bananas and Leroy come out holding hands because I'm here for that #TheChallenge33
- @morgan_willett: @emilylongeretta Important detail 🤣😂
@hbarfield13: @MattieLBreaux You know I have mad love for you girl ❤️❤️❤️❤️
@JustJem24: It’s truly hard for me to watch reunions bc I just think of all the BETTER follow up questions I would ask. The host should know everything that happened not only on the episodes BUT on social media bc social media drama is such a huge part of reunions. I would honestly kill it💅🏽
- @DerrickMTV: @JustJem24 FACTS!
@leighraup: This @ChallengeMTV reunion is making my ears bleed, but out of it all, it’s only solidified that @DayDaVonne_ is the realest. Owning her shit, apologizing like a boss, and calling people out with the facts. Taking it all like a champ.
@JuryHouseVet: Everyone is so pressed about @DayDaVonne_ ‘s YouTube channel , so it’s time to bring them back  #TheChallenge33
@ChallengeMTV: When my haters subtweet me 😤 #TheChallenge33  (GIF: Cara - "You gotta start using the '@' button")
@JournoSteph: Holy crap @DayDaVonne_ did not come to mess around. Go get them, girl! #TheChallenge33
@MattieLBreaux: At least my dress and hair were cute 😂🤦🏻‍♀️ #theChallenge33
@ChallengeMTV: All good in paradise? 🤔 #TheChallenge33  (GIF of Zach and Jenna)
@TheMarkLong: Americans stayin’ classy af #reunion @ChallengeMTV lol 😂
@MattieLBreaux: Well that was fun #TheChallenge33 @MTV
- @morgan_willett: @MattieLBreaux Cute?! YOU LOOKED SMOKIN’
@DayDaVonne_: My morals are in tact ... hater 💁🏾‍♀️
@adriane_melton: @DayDaVonne_  you are giving me life right now. I’m literally LOLing in my living room. I absolutely love how you are YOU and don’t fake shit, and you always come with receipts ✌🏼😂
@Upguntha: I want all the @DayDaVonne_ gifs from tonight  #TheChallenge33
@DerrickMTV: OH F***?! Look! Tape Gate Unveiled!  #TheChallenge33 #Reunion
@p_dempsxo: @DayDaVonne_  is my absolute favorite! She’s so real which is rare on the challenge. I👏🏼love👏🏼her ! #TheChallenge33Reunion
@DayDaVonne_: And for the record ... to answer her question , Amanda confirmed on stage that I pulled her aside (during 33 filming) and told her she should’ve got at Jenna in private......
@kinghouston11: @DayDaVonne_  is giving me life right now on the #TheChallenge33Reunion 😂😂😂😂 "cloooooooowwwwnnn" go ahead Day,keep them Hater in check✔
@traycpopp: Am I the only one that absolutely LOVES @DayDaVonne_ comments and how she handles herself?? 😂🤣 #savage #preach #hater
@NickWilkinson83: @DayDaVonne_ is everything! I am so glad she decided to do The Challenge after Big Brother. I needed my day time. #AlwaysSpeaksTheTruth
@KingessKia: @DayDaVonne_ has shown me that I need to stay walking in my truth.  Because when I do that no weapon (lie) formed against me shall prosper #TheChallenge33
@ChallengeMTV: Basically, what Turbo is saying is: what goes around, comes around 😩 #TheChallenge33  (GIF: "This is my style")
@JermaineKing: @tjlavin no offense to any past @ChallengeMTV competitors, but this season was one of the greatest. I love all of the vets & rookies that were chosen. This season was “mostly” about who was the better competitor & I loved it! Can we just use this same cast next season? #please
@JustJem24: "@MTVBananas: @JustJem24 You do realize they don’t air every single question right?" RT I’m very aware of how reunions & reunion editing works considering I’ve filmed a few. But as always, good attempt at throwing shade. 👏🏼
@ChallengeMTV: Thanks for watching this season, everyone! We've had ups, we've had downs, but one thing is certain... 😂 #TheChallenge33  (GIF: Bear - "I'm the main man")

@TheMarkLong: The biggest takeaway from @ChallengeMTV #reunion ...I’m in love w/ Dee’s accent #TellMeAStory  📖
@Katiee_Mooree: @DayDaVonne_ gets the Medal of Honor for the reunion, @SHOTOFYAGER. I’m not a cohost or anything, but there’s my opinion 😂
@emilylongeretta: When someone's afraid of heights, it's understandable. When it's needles, it's "dramatics." #thechallenge33
@emilylongeretta: EVERYONE ELSE ON #THECHALLENGE33: You can apologize like an adult. Evidence: Wes.
@emilylongeretta: "I'm sorry if it upset you" is the most ridiculous apology of all time #thechallenge33
@Price_MTV: Why are we asking Morgan anything at all? She wasn’t even there #TheChallenge33
@DiamonddBitchh: Johnny cheated on Hannah, his girlfriend of FIVE years, every single season he was on. It was exposed on multiple reunions that his hookups never get aired! Why? Production protects him! Why do you think his Olympian girlfriend was never on Champs vs Stars?! #TheChallenge33
@RealityInternn: Bananas is demanding an apology for being exposed for taping a woman up lmaooo #TheChallenge33
@shboogies: Poor Morgan, cheated on her boyfriend who she really liked because she liked fame more. She put up with months of not knowing if she & Johnny were actually having intercourse & for WHAT? Nothing. The good news is, she’s probably 100% having intercourse now. #TheChallenge33
@JennaCompono: 🤒🤒🤒
@DayDaVonne_: So what are y’all going to talk about now ?
@kailah_casillas: I haven’t watched the reunion yet, I’m going to tomorrow. But what’d you all think? who looked the dummest? who do you all hate now? who do you all love? tell me stuff
@DayDaVonne_: Now that the season is officially over , after I make my FINAL season videos.... I am done with all talk of anyone attached to the show that I don’t have a bond with.. there’s no reason to discuss people that don’t matter ..... unless they mention me first 😏
@TheMarkLong: Okay guys it’s been fun, I’m going to bed now I’m old. @ChallengeMTV  #reunion #DreamingOfDeesAccent 😴😴😴
@MTV_AMANDAG: Just got off workkkkk so I couldn’t live tweet! What’d y’all think of the reunion? Was it good???
@keyanaland: do you guys wanna know who my ex is on paradise hotel ?

@ChallengeMTV: This Challenge Vet is skeptical of Cara Maria's new love #TheChallenge33
@JustJem24: I can’t get over how beautiful @DayDaVonne_ looked last night.. Honestly all the girls looked soooo good🔥 but it was definitely the Day show 💅🏽 with @MTV_AMANDAG snagging best dressed for the 2nd reunion in a row.
@JustJem24: Honestly my tweet was about the Miz.. I forgot Lala was even there 🤷🏻‍♀️.
@DayDaVonne_: The love and support is unmatched! Thank you ✨❤️
@ChallengeMTV: Miss last night's explosive two-part reunion? Catch up NOW on @MTV #TheChallenge33
@ChallengeMTV: Will this fight affect Da'Vonne and Paulie's relationship? 🤔  Da'Vonne and Cara Kick Off / Cara and Da'Vonne fight about the Bear and Georgia situation at The Challenge: War of The Worlds Reunion.
@ChallengeMTV: It's Tony Time!! Happy Birthday to one of our fav Challenge dads, @tonyraines!
@tonyraines: Thank you to everyone who wished me a happy birthday! 🙌 Blessed to see another year!
- @DerrickMTV: @tonyraines Happy Birthday Broham!!
@JennaCompono: Happy birthday Tony! @tonyraines 🎈🎁🎉💕
@TheMarkLong: Just found a pic from my 21st birthday.........😜
@OMFGRealityTV: Ashley & Paulie clash. #TheChallenge #TheChallengeWarOfTheWorlds #TheChallenge33 #RealityTV
@fckedwithpod: Okay, let’s unpack this. Whew! Share ALLL your thoughts below. 👀 #TheChallenge33
@DerrickMTV: BONUS PODCAST-“THE WAR ROOM” is UP!! Take a listen as Me and @SHOTOFYAGER TEAR APART last night’s 2 HOUR CLASSIC!! #TheChallenge33 #Reunion - Lies, Sex, Scandal, Tape Gate. Might as well be a LifeTime Movie. It’s all in here.   - Available for Patrons at
@DerrickMTV: Is it just me or does the #NBAFinals feel like it’s New Years Eve waiting for the ball to drop in Jurassic Park?!
@DayDaVonne_: I’m sick of y’all !  🗣 IM AT HOME 😩
@mikethemiz: This is what it’s like when worlds collide. …

▪   ▪   ▪   ▪   ▪


Also last week and for the second time in the past year, The Challenge got to invade the new tattoo parlor that's become the hottest place to be for those looking to cause a shock thanks to some ink. How Far is Tattoo Far? got to welcome three series alum Kailah and her famous boyfriend, Mikey P., to see them get tattoos for one another just after we last saw her get fired from Lindsay Lohan's Beach Club earlier this year. Below, find out what she will have to live with...

@kailah_casillas: tonight. @MTV_TattooFar. 9/8c. be there or be square. you’re not gonna wanna miss this.
@iammikeyp: I’ll be on @MTV tonight alongside my @kailah_casillas ! We’re giving each other tattoos on @MTV_TattooFar ...don’t Miss it!
@Irving_A07: Don’t forget to tune in tonight to @MTV_TattooFar and see what tattoos @iammikeyp and @kailah_casillas gave each other! 👀
@MTV_TattooFar: See if things go up in flames tonight when Kailah and her boo Mikey step into the studio at 9/8c. on @MTV #TattooFar🔥
- @kailah_casillas: @MTV_TattooFar Aaaaah!! It’s about to go downnnnn
@kailah_casillas: I’m stuck in traffic so I won’t be live tweeting unless @iammikeyp and I are the second half of the show but it’s recording and I’ll start watching/ tweeting right when I get there
@MTV_TattooFar: We're kicking off this weeks #TattooFar with @MTVChallenge's @kailah_casillas and things get firey!  🔥🔥
@nicolerae32: It’s on @iammikeyp and @kailah_casillas  bout time!!!
@leahhcharlotte: Finally @kailah_casillas is back on my tv screen 🙌🏼
@danalynne18: KAILAH AND MIKEY ARE ON TV!!! Love y’all 💘@kailah_casillas @iammikeyp.
@B_lashess B-Lashess/Double Shot at Love: I am praying for @kailah_casillas right now!!! @MTV_TattooFar 🙏🏼🙏🏼
- @kailah_casillas: @B_lashess 🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈
@Kailah_Garcia: I hope y'all are watching @kailah_casillas and @iammikeyp on @MTV_TattooFar
@WhiteOprah23: 🤣🤣🤣 please @MTV I want more of @kailah_casillas and @iammikeyp on my TV!!!
@iammikeyp: How could I not prank @kailah_casillas ? 😈🤷🏼‍♂️ @Mtv @MTV_TattooFar
@soccerbabedc: Im loving it already!! @kailah_casillas  @iammikeyp
@B_lashess: HOLY SHIT not what I was expected after @kailah_casillas gave @iammikeyp a cute little peach ! 😖 @MTV_TattooFar
- @kailah_casillas: @B_lashess hahaha I went way too easy on him 🙄
@kailah_casillas: Well ladies and gentlemen, I now have money dripping down my ass thanks to @iammikeyp
@WhiteOprah23: My same reaction to now having to wait who knows how long until @kailah_casillas and @iammikeyp grace our TV screens. Please @MTV don't make us wait too long!! #PowerCouple
@iammikeyp: Well I don’t think @kailah_casillas will be getting kicked off anymore shows, that’s for sure!  She has quite the reminder 🧳 🔥 💵   @mtv @MTV_TattooFar
@kailah_casillas: to laser it or not laser it??? Lol
- @kailah_casillas: Look at the detail in the luggage!!! And how sick the flames are!!! Lolllll thank god its atleast good work unlike some others I’ve seen 🙈🙈🙈
@kailah_casillas: I had such a fun time filming @MTV_TattooFar with @iammikeyp! I hate my tattoo but I loveee you 😂😂
- @tonyraines: @kailah_casillas @iammikeyp Let it burn 🔥
@kailah_casillas: finally!!! On that note, here’s a cute video of me that I couldn’t post because you could see my burning money 😭😭😂 …
@drerdz99: @kailah_casillas & @iammikeyp Can you go on another episode of @MTV_TattooFar bc that ep was amazing!!! Nice tatts btw👀😂
@kailah_casillas: cc: @MikeMGTV check out my real tattoo lol
@kailah_casillas: NOW YOU ALL CAN NEVER SAY I DONT HAVE A 🔥 ASS 😂😂😂😂
@reebuggx: watching @kailah_casillas on how far is tattoo far really makes me miss her on my tv all the time 😭
@iammikeyp: Just peachy. #fatty 🍑 I had a great time filming @MTV_TattooFar with @kailah_casillas ! I got that ass tho!!

The tattoo Kailah got brings into focus her falling short in the final on Vendettas in the image of money falling out, and a luggage where the cash is getting away from her, a reference to the night where she joined Jemmye and Britni to throw over the balcony the belongings of Kayleigh. That night of bullying led Kay to quit, and that would've partnered her and Kailah until the Queen got into a fight with Melissa after the opening purge on Final Reckoning that saw the both of them get the boot and re-pair Kay with Mel's partner Kam. And of course, there's what we saw in Mykonos... and we had that hilarious prank in reference to that, too.

Well, an incredible season of The Challenge is now in the books... but this is just only part of the story of 2019 in MTV Reality. Soon, it will be Tony's turn to enter the How Far is Tattoo Far parlor as he & fiance Alyssa will join Snooki and Nico Tortorella... plus, Pauly D. and Vinny will bring the lady suitors as A Double Shot at Love heads east for a visit with the families and a familiar face.
   But these two shows will offer a fitting prelude to what is to come this summer: a new season and a whole new era of The Real World will commence next week... and we'll be previewing what we can expect from Atlanta coming up in the PM, as we begin a stretch that will see that, a new season of Teen Mom OG, the return of The Hills and the new sexually-fluid reimaging of Are You The One come our way as we start this summer. Sleep tight, and we'll talk to you then...


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