Monday, May 27, 2019

DC SocialPulse: The Challenge War of the Worlds - The Final Part 2

*** Advisory: DC SocialPulse contains adult language, objectionable content & spoilers for some readers. Viewer Discretion is Advised. Due to its length, take frequent eye breaks if you're reading this top to bottom. ***

BY DC CUEVA                        

Back in early February, just after a snoozer of a Super Bowl in another Patriots title, MTV's The Challenge set off on starting both a new year and a new era anew after an agonizing long year & a half's trilogy. War of the Worlds brought together top Challengers we've known for a long time with those from outside the MTV Reality community and the United States for a Challenge season unlike any other. And after a season that seems to have breezed by quite a bit compared to last season - and with unpredictability sending home the big name veterans earlier than planned, destiny awaits our finalists at the start of summer.

Cara Maria, Georgia, Hunter, Mattie, Ninja, Theo, Turbo and Wes were worthy finalists who more than proved themselves to make it all the way to the end for a shot at a share of $1 million, and when we were last in Namibia they had completed a one- to two-day's worth of work in the scorching heat of the desert: a 50-mile trek that began with them doing several laps of running and bicycling with puzzle stations in between in just that first day alone. When you have all of those ingredients, not everyone will make it out alive - at least as the game is concerned... and Georgia and Mattie succumbed to the pressure when they were eliminated, and Ninja almost bit the dust as well. That explains why things have stepped up for this final much to everyone's excitement, and it's only day 1.

At the end of the first half, Theo, Wes and Turbo finished in the top three and TJ Lavin made them the trifecta for one last Tribunal... one last twist to a season that's had it all. This week, they will determine who in the bottom three will they bring with them to Day 2 and which two will have to face each other to advance on. Then, all that's left is one more trip around the same dunes in this corner of southern Africa that saw Zach win his lone Challenge as a rookie, then a trip to the beach where the money will await them after battles with brains, food and brawn. They will determine who wins it all... and only the top three will cash... with $750,000 going to the champion in a final that, once again, is a cumulative timed final, with #1 not necessarily going to who crosses the line first.

After the events of last year, will Hunter write his ultimate redemption story? Will Cara or Wes become immortals with their third Challenge title? Or will a rookie follow in Thor's footsteps and become a champ in their first try? The answers will unfold after the jump on the SocialPulse of Day 2 of The Challenge: War of the Worlds Final. We're so glad you're with us here on this Memorial Day.

@MTV: Oh, you thought that @tjlavin wasn't gonna throw a giant curveball during the season finale of #TheChallenge33??? ⚾️ Watch the finale all unfold TONIGHT at 9/8c on MTV.  Sneak Peek: The Final Tribunal / Wes, Turbo, and Theo decide who will be going into the last elimination of the season, which might see them sent home before The Final is even over...
@ChallengeMTV: Anyone else feeling emotional cause part 2 of #Challenge33's insane Final is starting RIGHT NOW on @MTV 🙌🏻  (GIF of Cara)
@ChallengeMTV: Who's gonna win: The Ninja, or the guy who can barely bend down to pick up the rope? 🤔 #TheChallenge33  (GIF: Ninja - "I see it.", all as Hunter is struggling)
@ChallengeMTV: Damn, Hunter lost and they're still making Ninja walk!? 😂😩 #TheChallenge33  (GIF of him lying on the ground and her walking)
@ChallengeMTV: When my coworkers try to talk to me before I've had my coffee ✋ #TheChallenge33  (GIF: Theo - "Stop talking. This is still nap time."
@ChallengeMTV: FINALLY! 🙌 #TheChallenge33  (GIF: TJ Lavin - "This is trivia.")
@madeforreality1: Ooooh i feel the cramps in hunters leg. Hop it out boy 🙈 #TheChallenge33
@ohstilinskiis: YAY TRIVIA #thechallenge33
@ChallengeMTV: When you don't study for the test but somehow you get an A+ 🙏 #TheChallenge33  (GIF of Cara doing a twerk after winning headstart challenge)
@ChallengeMTV: Adios, bitchachos ✌️ #TheChallenge33  (GIF of Cara in the car waving to the rest of the field.
@ChallengeMTV: The Challenge Gods giveth, and they taketh away 👹 #TheChallenge33  (Pic of "Battle Ball" placard to Cara to tell her to wait until next opponent arrives before they can play)
@ChallengeMTV: Dear Diary, TIL Cara is NOT good at Connect Four 😩 #TheChallenge33  (GIF of her)
@kendallongg: Girl that was the EASIEST trivia! How do you get the Nile incorrect??? #TheChallenge33
@hbarfield13: To the people who support me I’m sorry I failed you... No one takes this more personally than I do, I wanted to win the money to help others and I’ve also failed them once again. This one hurts bad. All I can say is I’m sorry 😔 #TheChallenge33
- @SHOTOFYAGER: @hbarfield13 Keep your head up, Champ. 2 finals in a row ain’t no small feat regardless of how this shook out. When people look at your performances in your last 3 of these (removing Vendettas where you were injured), few men have done it better, if any.✊🏻#ChallengeMania #TheChallenge33
@ChallengeMTV: C'mon, Turbo! This is what you trained for 🍽 #TheChallenge33  (GIF of him arriving at eating station)
@ChallengeMTV: Theo: Turbo, you're a d*ckhead! Turbo:  😂😂😂 (GIF: "Why he showing me finger?")
@ChallengeMTV: Me trying to eat while watching everyone puke 🤢 #TheChallenge33  (GIF of Cara)
@ChallengeMTV: This is much more than a game for Turbo 👏 #TheChallenge33  (GIF: "I want to help someone who is poor...")
@kennaymart: Turbo didn't eat anything even though they have all that running to do? I would've at least ate a banana.  #TheChallenge33 #TheChallenge #WarOfTheWorlds
@ChallengeMTV: When you think the Final is over but realize this isn't the end 😭 #TheChallenge33  (GIF of Theo)
@madeforreality1: Theo aint stuntin cara when she said “just let me go, we’re wasting time” 😂 #TheChallenge33
@ChallengeMTV: This Final, in short 🏃‍♀️sprinkle on running with a dash more running #TheChallenge33  (GIF of Cara)
@ChallengeMTV: "@Escentric_Being: The Challengers When They Realize Its Not Over #TheChallenge33 " RT We're just getting started  #TheChallenge33
@ChallengeMTV: My dumbass if I was in this Final rn 🤔 #TheChallenge33  (GIF)
@ChallengeMTV: "@tellurbihiLikeu: Turbo comparing Wes to his grandfather I-#TheChallenge33" RT The narrator we NEED 👏👏#TheChallenge33
@ChallengeMTV: The American education system is looking real weak right about now 😅 #TheChallenge33  (GIF: Cara - "99 +11, 110 x 14... ???")
@ChallengeMTV: Scratch that. +1 point for the US education system, -1 for the UK 😂 #TheChallenge33  (GIF of Theo trying to unlock key to kayak)
@ChallengeDfnder: The fact that everyone thinks it’s over but it’s not. Tjs probably in the corner laughing at them 😂😂 #TheChallenge33
@ChallengeMTV: This is really a metaphor for me in life 🙃 #TheChallenge33  (GIF of Wes kayaking in the sea)
@ChallengeMTV: Turbo only wants to win when everyone else is also at their best 👏 #TheChallenge33  (GIF: "I come here like a lion. And I would like to go home like a lion.")
@JustJem24: We don’t deserve @turabicamkiran.
@mikeytodd42: Honestly, MAD props to everyone in this final. To be able to have the physicality and mentality to make it to all those checkpoints and not quit... that’s not anything to take lightly. 💪🏻🧠 #TheChallenge33
@ChallengeMTV: Don't you worry. She'll be back 💪 #TheChallenge33  (GIF: Cara - "I'm not retiring.")
- @caramariateaa: @ChallengeMTV When she started crying it broke my heart 😩. SHE DID SO AMAZING  & IM SO PROUD ! All she wants is to make her fans proud and win this shit. She said countless times she just wants to do it for the people that believe in her! SHE KICKED ASS & I KNOW SHE’LL COME BACK STRONGER
@ChallengeMTV: And then there were four. This is it. For all the money and for international pride 🌎 #TheChallenge33  (GIF of TJ sending Ninja, Theo, Turbo and Wes away on last stage)
@ChallengeMTV: Who you got!? 🤔 #TheChallenge33
@ChallengeMTV: 50 miles and still standing. Regardless of who wins, y'all deserve all the props 👏 #TheChallenge33
- @TheFifthSport: @ChallengeMTV Literally amazing, one of the best seasons ever hands down #TheChallenge33
@csoniaofficial: “I can forget this pain but I cannot forget this memories” That was deep Turbo #TheChallenge33 #MTV #TheChallenge33
@JustJem24: For y’all that don’t know....@WestonBergmann wife Amanda is a fucking queen 💜

@ChallengeMTV: Ladies and gents, boys and girls. Your new Challenge Champion! 👑🏆 #TheChallenge33  (GIF of Turbo after he wins the season
- @jossie_flores: @ChallengeMTV 👑👑👑👑👑👑🙌🏼
- @SHOTOFYAGER: @ChallengeMTV We talk about this in THE WAR ROOM, but maybe the most deserving winner ever. Congrats, @turabicamkiran! Amazing season! Even helping his opponents during the final. Does it get more honorable than that? Best ad for Milk ever!🥛#TheChallenge33 #ChallengeMania
@ChallengeMTV: Next stop: The Reunion. DRINKS ON TURBO! 😂 #TheChallenge33  (GIF of him mixing drinks)
- @_ayiiia: @ChallengeMTV my king @turabicamkiran and my queen @NanyCarmenMTV 😍
@jossie_flores: Congratulations turbo!!!!! Well deserved ❤️ 👑  And to all the Finalist ! Great job !!!!  @turabicamkiran @ChallengeMTV
@StevenPlummer22: Turbo wins!!! #TheChallenge33
@ndlovesndcoiris: You give cara great women competition, she won’t win.  My take
@kristin_1204: Turbo would've told Natalie Negrotti she was running the wrong way in last season fin #TheChallenge33
@KylleJohnnn: That final challenge was a monster! Congrats to everyone that completed it! Challenge champ @turabicamkiran @WestonBergmann @Ninja_Natalie @theo_campbell91 #TheChallenge33
@TheFifthSport: I AM SO HERE FOR THIS FINAL #TheChallenge33 only 5 left... 👀
@TheFifthSport: “If you have a chance to change one life - do it” @turabicamkiran  😭🙌🏻
@SHOTOFYAGER: “In fourth place and taking home NO MONEY...Ninja Natalie” AKA the only woman who finished that absurdly grueling 2 day desert marathon. $0.00 - I think we need a format change for future finals. That doesn’t sit well with me. #ChallengeMania #TheChallenge33 🚁🚁🚁
@SHOTOFYAGER: "@slayersnb: What was the point of a 1 mile lead if you have to wait for the next person. Total bullshit @PaulCalafiore_ @SHOTOFYAGER @DerrickMTV @MarieCaraDfnder" RT To get Cara Maria excited for 20 minutes and then watch her dreams get crushed. It’s like the Internet came up with that twist. #ChallengeMania #TheChallenge33
@SHOTOFYAGER: 🛑🛑🛑🛑Connect 4, finally a @ChallengeMTV Checkpoint I am 100% certain I would OWN. No seriously, it’s my thing. So much so that on our wedding day @LindsayTheOtter gave me a personalized #ConnectFour board as a gift. I’m borderline unbeatable. #ChallengeMania #TheChallenge33
@SHOTOFYAGER: 🎼This episode has so far used one of my favorite @linkinpark songs off Hybrid Theory AND a dope cover of @radiohead No Surprises. Putting the M In @MTV!!! #ChallengeMania #TheChallenge33
@SHOTOFYAGER: Be HONEST, how many of you already made this your screensaver or cell phone background? #TheChallenge33 #ChallengeMania
@SHOTOFYAGER: Guys, you’re all going to want to watch the rest of this @UniversalORL @ChallengeMTV on  TRUST ME. #ChallengeMania
@SHOTOFYAGER: Guys, the direct link to watch THIS is 🤯#ChallengeMania
@BMFE_POD: ❗️❗️❗️  - World Series Game 7  - Super Bowl  - Challenge Finale   This is what it’s all about baby! A great season is going out with a bang tonight! We’ll be going live to recap everything from tonight’s finale! Let’s go! 🤙🏼   #Challenge33
@TheFifthSport: Wes looks like @turabicamkiran dead grandpa 😂😂😂😂😂#TheChallenge33 I’m done 😂
@girlonthefly17: I respect @turabicamkiran so much how do I become best friends with him? Asking for a friend.  * asking for me *   #TheChallenge33
@BMFE_POD: “This is the hardest final we’ve ever had”  That has been a lie every single time TJ ever said it.... until this season
@TheFifthSport: Oh yea just another 5 miles to some Kayaks with a math problem oh and make sure you’re not last cuz you’ll go home 😂 #TheChallenge33
@TheFifthSport: Who else is about to cry? #TheChallenge33
@TheFifthSport: ITS TURBO TIME!!!!!!
@TheFifthSport: TURBOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO @turabicamkiran #KING
@kristanxmarie: Thank you MTV for such an amazing season! This is THE best show on tv. #TheChallenge33
@thejoannapalmer: The best man won! #Turbo #TheChallenge33 @turabicamkiran
@MeelzTV: Turbo, the overnight legend. The greatest reality sports competitor of all time. #TheChallenge
@LWCPodcast: I think Theo and turbo were great additions to this franchise. I hope they return!!! #TheChallenge33 #StirThePotWithLWC
@LWCPodcast: Turbo is a wonderful man 😍😭 #TheChallenge33 #StirThePotWithLWC
@TheFifthSport: YO SHOUT OUT TO @DerrickMTV & @EmFitMTV on that epic comeback against some freaking legends
@TheFifthSport: The Vets pulling up the rear... #TheChallenge33
@Irving_A07: Well how are they going to give Cara that advantage and then make her wait for someone 🤦🏻‍♂️ #TheChallenge33
@LWCPodcast: So cara basically got fucked, she had an advantage then had to wait? #TheChallenge33 #StirThePotWithLWC
@SHOTOFYAGER: Me when people tell me our #ChallengeMania intros are too long. #TheChallenge33
@LWCPodcast: DADDY TURBO WON!!!!! congratulations king!!!! @turabicamkiran #TheChallenge33 #StirThePotWithLWC
@LWCPodcast: Only the top three got to go on the helicopter? That’s cold blooded lol #TheChallenge33
@TheFifthSport: @ChallengeMTV literally couldn’t have had a better winner @turabicamkiran #TheChallenge33
@smashingheads: WHAT. A. SEASON. Thank you @ChallengeMTV #TheChallenge33 #WarOfTheWorlds
@KayraEast: This is our King 👑👑👑 @turabicamkiran @ChallengeMTV  #TheChallenge33
@JustJem24: Can we all just take a moment to appreciate how 🔥 my girl looks. @v_cakes > everybody 👯‍♀️
- @v_cakes: @JustJem24 This is what I would look like if my forehead was smaller. We both know my last relationship was a FULL-TME job.
@JustJem24: Of course @DerrickMTV had to tackle somebody 😭
- @DerrickMTV: @JustJem24 Dag-gum right I did!! Knocked his ball away and tackled his ***!!  Welcome back!! 😜🎢
@cbmcnary: Congrats @turabicamkiran wouldn’t have wanted anyone else to win that money! @theo_campbell91 Solid round of applause for you as well! Well played fellas. #TheChallenge33  @ChallengeMTV
@kareem_fathalla: Congratulations to the brother @turabicamkiran He played a mans game and finished strong with the finale win! 💪🏽🙏🏽
@turabicamkiran: The Challenge “War of the Worlds” ھampiyonu “TURBO TURABİ” 🇹🇷 Türk olmak zordur,Dünya ile sava؛ırsın. Türk olmamak daha da zordur. اünkü Türk’le sava؛ırsın.  Birçok ـlkelerin yarı؛tığı DـNYALAR SAVAھINDA Türkiye adına sava؛ı ben Kazandım ve ھAMPİYON oldum...@ChallengeMTV @MTV
@MTV_NellyT: Shoutout to the @ChallengeMTV winners. Y’all killed it!!! That was one hell of a final. @hbarfield13 @WestonBergmann @turabicamkiran @theo_campbell91 @Ninja_Natalie Cara Maria 
@RachD1214: With @turabicamkiran win, there is 86 winners, 32 seasons of @ChallengeMTV! Who next? #TheChallenge33 @KendalSheppard  @CamilaMTV @BradFiorenza @DerrickMTV @WestonBergmann @MTVASHLEYBROOKE @tonyraines @hbarfield13 @mikethemiz @thegreysauce @rachel_fitness @mtvrrdarrell @v_cakes
@DerrickMTV: Tebrikler @turabicamkiran!!! 🏆 Harika bir oyun oynadın!! Senin için her ؛eyin en iyisini dilerim!!
@ChallengeDfnder: The fact that it was Theo and Cara against each other makes her not able to solve it even more heartbreaking, but next season is hers for sure! The way I see it she’s still the best female competitor anyways! #TheChallenge33

@ToriFiorenza: It’s been 9 years and two babies since you’ve seen wear this jersey, to stand beside friends, and to complete again...was everything. Thankful for @mtv and @universalorlando for the opportunity#ad #linkinbio
- @DerrickMTV: @ToriFiorenza MERCENARY?!?! 😳  Beat Me and @EmFitMTV on CutThroat!! 😡 - See if she can stick the landing @UniversalORL!! 😜 - TO WATCH:
- @MTVtrey: @ToriFiorenza My girl! Get ‘em 💪🏻
@JoelDavid1987: Not gonna lie - I was 1,000x more entertained seeing @v_cakes, @EmFitMTV, @ToriFiorenza, @DevynSimone, Alton, Derrick, and Darrell compete in that 8 minute @ChallengeMTV clip than most of this past season.  Happy, fun, laughing RRRW cast members doing silly stuff? Gold.
@mikethemiz: The Iconic 7th HOLE Par 3 at Pebble Beach is one of the most beautiful and famous holes in all of golf.  joel_klatt , kirakazantsev, shanebacon, and @chrisbharrison all took 1 shot and landed on the green each… …
@mikethemiz: Big thank you to @usga usopengolf for inviting me to play in the US Open Preview at #PebbleBeach.  I went in thinking I was gonna shoot so well that I would be invited to play in the real US Open.  I lost 20 balls… …
@mikethemiz: Not all was bad at #PebbleBeach. Shots like this make me love playing golf.  @callawaygolf …
@itskcheyenne: Soo I thought it was frozen on ice 😂 it was a full on broadway show.. luckily Ryder LOVED it!! 🎉 our first broadway show together ✅
@JennaCompono: 💛
@kailah_casillas: Someone left a pre-roll at my house and I saved it and left it on my patio so that you have it when you land. If that’s not a good friend idk what is @Marie_TBD
@HamzaBBCAN6 Hamza/Big Brother Canada: So I started watching the challenge on MTV this season ! And I love it , however my only question is why do they keep bringing back the same people every year.... minimal fresh faces I’m confused #thechallenge
@Itslluna: Easily one of the best seasons ever! So happy for @turabicamkiran he deserved it more than anyone ❤️💯🙌🏼 #TheChallenge33
@DevynSimone: "@PaulParmar1: This picture cleared my skin 👌🏻👌🏻. 5 badass people. @DevynSimone @EmFitMTV @v_cakes @mtvrrdarrell @DerrickMTV #thechallenge33 " RT 😂
@ChallengeMTV: Next stop: The Reunion 🔥🔥🔥 #TheChallenge33  (GIF of Turbo and Nany entering stage at reunion)
@TripLilSealGurl: Can next season be called “The Challenge: I MADE ALL OF YOU BITCHES!!” Staring @AneesaMTV @KendalSheppard @v_cakes @mtvrrdarrell @DerrickMTV & @WestonBergmann ✌🏼✌🏼✌🏼✌🏼 #MTV #TheChallenge #TheChallenge34
@ChallengeMTV: Turbo took the War of The Worlds crown and DOMINATED the veteran finalists #TheChallenge33
@mtvrrdarrell: Had a blast! Thank you @UniversalORL #ad #thechallange33 #altonneedstwitter
@MattieLBreaux: Be the woman you pretend to be on social media 💯
@lashtweets: I just cried watching the finale of #thechallenge
@CohenBrian_: After the way Game of Thrones and Survivor ended, we all deserved that finish and winner from The Challenge. #TheChallenge33
@ndlovesndcoiris: Congratulations @turabicamkiran You have been great this season and You are the guy that gave men , in this challenge a good name. Thank you , you were great
@KyleCGShore: Just love dogs man....Can’t wait to get my own little pooch. Still searching for a perfect little sidekick. Any ideas on what I should get? 🐶
@kailah_casillas: "@Kailah_Garcia: Y'all, @kailah_casillas and @iammikeyp episode of How far is tattoo far will be episode 5, which is May 30th at 9 pm!!!!" RT Wait I saw this info too but it doesn’t make sense because the premiere is tomorrow right? How is our episode on the 30th and ep 5? Wouldn’t that be like, ep 2? Am I stupid lol
@kailah_casillas: Wooaaaah the tattoos on #HowFarIsTattooFar tonight wowwwwww😱
@iammikeyp: The episode of @MTV_TattooFar that @kailah_casillas & I did airs next Thursday May 30th at 9 pm! @mtv
@SHOTOFYAGER: 🎊Have fun seeing these 3 competing with each other again? I know I did! Well you can see them all together again AND BE PART OF IT on Sat. June 22 for http://ChallengeMania.LA  at the @HollywoodImprov! Come see @DerrickMTV @v_cakes Alton AND @shawnemerriman!📸3pm M&G / 5pm Show!🎤
@DerrickMTV: In case you missed it!!! Me, @mtvrrdarrell, @v_cakes, and @EmFitMTV got AMBUSHED! Ambushed by Mercenaries!! Of all places?!! @UniversalORL  - WATCH the FULL VIDEO at !! #ad
@AyeDamnBramson: @tjlavin you weren't kidding brother ,, hardest final of all time 🤙🔥 One of the best seasons ever #TheChallenge33
@tjlavin: That’s what happened haha.. RT @Malik_MTV: I can see @tjlavin stroll right into @MTV offices like "Gentlemen, this season we kill one!" #TheChallenge33 #WarofTheWorlds
@CohenBrian_: Hey @MTV where is the TJ Lavin statue you cowards!
@NataliaNegrotti: How cute is my baby girl?!!!!! Through the ups and the downs this girl has my back and I’m so grateful. Make sure your partner respects you and treats you well. If someone isn’t good to u grow some cojones and move on! Also, don’t validate ur happiness soley off of a relationship
@Challengemtv___: No one deserves that win more than Turbo 😭🤴🏻🙌🏻 #TheChallenge33 #Thechallengemtv #Turkey #WarOfTheWorlds
@DerrickMTV: Welp, wasn’t expecting these 2 to pop up, all chippy, dressed in black, still all athletic, n trying to steal our cookies @UniversalORL!! 🤨. - @ToriFiorenza + #AltonWilliams = Trouble in the @ChallengeMTV World  - Check out the FULL VIDEO at:  #ad
@ChallengeMTV: If you missed the return of Alton, Tori, Emily, and more don’t worry! The battle rages on! Watch the full challenge NOW on
@JustJem24: Me when I see a @ChallengeMTV cast reveal: Where’s Veronica? Where’s Rachel? @v_cakes @rachel_fitness
- @rachel_fitness: @JustJem24 @ChallengeMTV @v_cakes Love it 😘 Real recognize real.
- @AneesaMTV: @v_cakes Your skin looks incredible!!!
@KendalSheppard: "@CoolGuyDelvyn: Ugh @KendalSheppard always is so positive on twitter and seems so freaking down to earth. Hard to find people like that in life even on social  media. New generation of @mtv take notes 💁🏾‍♂️ you can use social media for more than…" RT Aww.. thank you! 💖

@ChallengeMTV: Did you miss the EPIC conclusion to our #Challenge33 Final? Catch up now
@ChallengeMTV: The truth comes out about Zach and Wes 😱 Don't miss The (two-hour) Challenge: War of The Worlds Reunion, Wednesday at 9/8c! 🍿 #TheChallenge33   Sneak Peek: Bananas Calls Zach Out / Bananas wants to know if Zach and Wes were working together this season, and is determined to get to the bottom of things...
@DEADLINE: ‘The Challenge: War Of The Worlds’ Season Finale Hits Ratings Highs For MTV …
@SHOTOFYAGER: To clarify, #TheChallenge33 was maybe the best season ever. The payout structure was what it was. I’m not suggesting paying 4th or Ninja or any1 just cause. If it were UP TO ME I would go back to a Top 2 Male & 2 Female pay structure in solo challenges, w/ a bonus to 1st overall.
@briakristaaal: Turbo is a beast. Glad to see him take it home.
@joe_torgerson93: It would be cool to see how each persons times compared on each of the challenges for the final though not just which place they got overall #challenge33
@CodyThrive: I knew Turbo was the real deal from the first time I watched his highlights on YouTube. There are Americans that have the kind of intestinal fortitude he possesses. I just saw 100% of the international contestants value their opportunity. That was cool to see. It truly makes me sick to see a bunch of foreigners come on the challenge and kick the Americans asses on our own show. That shouldn’t sit well with anyone, but sadly most of the American challengers are content with their stipends & IG ad money.  #TheChallenge33

▪   ▪   ▪   ▪   ▪

So, an incredible and epic final in the desert that returns this show to where it should be: at the top of our must-watch list after what we had to go through the past few years. And considering what we had last time out, this is not only a redemption season for The Challenge but also a breath of fresh air for this show: the two vets and our defending champion did not make a significant dent in the final outcome, with Hunter losing to Ninja in the Day 1 purge, Cara getting left behind before the last stage and Wes finishing in 3rd - though he will take that money and go on a honeymoon.
   And in one of the more remarkable stories to come around to The Challenge in a long time, it's a man from Turkey who wins this War of the Worlds and becomes part of a handful of non-U.S. Challenge champions -- Canadian Evan and Brazilian Camila. As the Turkey celebrates a popular and celebrated champion - just as they did for the iconic Olympic weightlifter Naim Süleymanoğlu, Turbo stamps his claim to being not just the biggest first-time rookie Challenge champ ever, but one of the global reality world's biggest names after winning two seasons of his nation's version of Survivor back-to-back. In all, what a season... and below, the final order of finish.

 1. TURBO            $750,000  
 2. THEO              $200,000  
 3. WES                  $50,000  

And for this post at least, we leave the last word on this season to a man who know what it's like to survive in the wild and win money: @CodyThrive from Stranded with a Million Dollars.

As you're now up to date on the 'Pulse of this season up to this finale at the end of this long weekend - and with just the reunion left before this spring cycle ends, a thanks to all of you from this blogger for the recent and universally positive feedback for the recent work DCBLOG has been offering of late. That includes the man above when he ran into the trio of YouTube'rs down in Texas, among many things we've been featuring on here in the past few months.
   As always, your input are always welcome, encouraged and appreciated... both in the comment boxes around this site and in the social verse: be sure to follow me @DC408Dxtr on Twitter, Instagram, and on practically every avenue and app you can find me on if you have thoughts on DCBLOG's stories, any leads on info for stories we might be doing in the near and distant future, or if you just want someone to chat to on all things MTV Reality.

Though the competitive part of War of the Worlds has ended, we are not taking a break though the attention now shifts to preparing for Real World Atlanta on Facebook and this blogger's upcoming Reno Weekend that comes in mid-June. There's plenty of work on original stories to come on here now until then, so stay tuned... we have a great summer ahead. We'll see you here soon... and a Happy Memorial Day.


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