Saturday, January 18, 2020

Inside MTV Reality: The Siesta Key Wrap - Saturday Night Fight Night!

CAUTION: One Video Embedded Below Contains Violence Some Viewers May Consider Disturbing. Viewer Discretion is Advised.

BY DC CUEVA                        

We've arrived at the first 3-day weekend of the 2020's, and tonight Conor McGregor makes his long-awaited return to the UFC Octagon after over a year away... that's given reason for new Challenge king Rogan, British buddy Joss, Big Brother champ Josh and passionate MMA fan in AYTO alum Anthony B. to join the fandom in Sin City. It's with conflict in mind that we bring you into DCBLOG's look Inside MTV Reality of Week 2 of the new year, and we begin with its biggest bombshell and our first candidate for Fight of the Year... and it doesn't come in a bar in the South, a chalet in New Zealand, or even this week's big Catfish reveal -- but from a show we're covering on a weekly basis for the first time this winter in Siesta Key.

Last week those who follow the older, college-aged version of Laguna Beach and The Hills were welcomed back to this picturesque part of Central Florida for another summer of drama. Unlike the first two seasons of this, it doesn't have Juliette & Alex together after their dramatic breakup last year, but it does have the Queen together with a new man in Robby Hayes of The Bachelorette, giving those who love roses a reason to look forward to Tuesdays along with Peter Weber on this year's Bachelor carnival. But on premiere night in the Key, the spotlight would eventually not be on him or her despite holding a summer kickoff party to celebrate her graduation, but on Madisson and an uninvited guest of hers who was 20 years older than her, to that twilight toast to the new graduate.

After what went down there with Ish crashing that party and Brandon bolting out that things might calm down quite a bit. But, this is, after all, summer in Florida -- it's also hurricane season here... and you never know what will happen next, especially when even a quaint little housewarming party can bring out some bad blood, and on a night after a bottle of champagne lit up Villa de La Vina. Join us -- and Jim Lampley & Larry Merchant, too -- after the jump at ringside as we bring you our WRAP of Saturday Night Fight Night in Siesta Key, plus we join the girl who calls herself the Squid as she interrogates the cast on the first two episodes of a season that's surely matching the heat in your house's heating system here in cuffing season. And welcome to the weekend...

EPISODE 2 ▪ "New Guy Who This?"

 MADDY'S DADDY MEETS THE NEW MAN: What went down at Jules' grad party last week ignited everyone including her ex, but it seems Madisson isn't bothered when it comes to her & Ish. But one of the first tests for any relationship comes when one or the other brings them over to meet their parents: that's exactly what happens when she brings a former executive producer of SK to meet her dad for lunch at waterfront restaurant Pier 22 in Bradenton.
   It's when he gets to know her new man that daddy Hausberg is not a fan of someone twenty-one years older than her daughter dating him. When he asks if he's a father figure to her, Maddy says that he isn't one and has to hold back the waterworks, all as her dad tells her that them dating is a mistake she may regret down the road, and to keep an open mind before deciding to make things official with her & Ish. It also becomes a topic of discussion with Brandon, Garrett and Jared at a game of beer pong down the road at a local hotel.

 JULES & ROBBY IN A HAPPY PLACE: It's safe to say that the Queen was not in a good mood when Juliette's love for Alex gradually melted away. But it's after discovering Robby that she is once again in a happy place, and they are enjoying the summer going jet skiing and then getting to enjoy some post-fun drinking at the local Fish House tiki bar.
   As they enjoy each other, Robby confirms that the 21 year old is the youngest girl he's gotten to kiss (Scheana was in her 30's during their #PumpRules date while JoJo was 25 on their Bachelorette season), while we also see them post their Instagram pics of them on the beach (which collectively has notched over 200,000 likes)...all while mentions of his JoJo fling and Rebella business appear as Chloe and Cara debate their romance as the former keeps Alex in the know of all this.

BRANDON & AMANDA REKINDLE THINGS: If you peek over at's cast bios for any MTV Reality show, they often spoil us with some harbingers of things to come... though this next item has happened before. Back in Season 1 and its very first episode, Brandon & Amanda made a connection back at Alex's backyard birthday bash when Chloe was also becoming attracted to him, which ignited that unseen fight that left the gossip queen with a broken nose.
   After letting Madisson get away again, Brandon is in need to take his mind off of her & Ish... and he decides to rekindle things with the group's resident bad girl -- one who's been in the background for the most part but now should take center stage here. And thanks in part to them getting to make a connection having margaritas at the local watering hole, things are now on with the both of them, all while Cara & Garrett are taking a break.

 HOUSEWARMING: With Madisson spending more time with Ish, a side effect of their relationship is that two people who had some bickering during that first fall in the Key are somehow rooming together by what seems like the strangest circumstances when the Tiki bar fight took place. Kelsey roomed with Madisson during that time, but financial stresses led them to sell off their lease on that beachside apartment last summer. And Juliette was spending her time up north in Tallahassee going to Robby's alma mater of Florida State... thus, she called a dormitory her home away from home.
   We fast forward to our third summer in Florida, and by just mere chance and now working with the Bachelorette boyfriend, Juliette and Kelsey are sharing the same house together - which we would've never thought it would happen. They become selective on who to invite -- thus, everyone except Chloe and Cara get a call to come over and bring over the goods. That includes Robby, who brings over a new 65-inch TV as a housewarming present for his co-workers, and Brandon who gives a toast to the new house while being around his new cuffing partner.

 THE FIGHT: Those of you who've watched Siesta Key know that there has been the one-a-season fight: not just the aforementioned Chloe & Amanda and Tiki Bar tiffs, but also the birthday brawl when Alex and Pauly spotted an uninvited Jared in the king's backyard and all of a sudden it became a scene just out of Floribama Shore. This time, a totally different scenario.
   When Chloe and Madisson arrive to the party, the former brings Juliette aside to the balcony to tell her that their friendship has always been sisterly but there has been a shift in the tide thanks to Jules getting close with Robby, and Chloe getting back to Team Alex after the Jalex breakup. And when things get heated and their voices get loud in waking up the neighbors, this is what happened next...

During this commotion of Chloe and Juliette getting into that fight and Amanda having to restrain the ladder which ignited things with them as well, Robby gives some applause to the proceedings before the party ends. Quite a party, eh?

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It's not surprising that the fight highlights this week's SocialPulse best.

And for more on that fight and the first two episodes of this already steamy season, Nilsa from Floribama Shore got to sit down with a few of the castmates for another session of the official after show of this series, Siesta Key Interrogation.

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Coming up tonight after the UFC fight concludes with Conor McGregor and Cowboy Cerrone, the Pulse of Ex On The Beach as not one, but two exes come crashing into the Chalet, plus we'll join an Are You The One? alum and Challenge new gen vet as she is now engaged. Enjoy your Saturday...


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