Tuesday, July 19, 2022

DC SocialPulse: The Challenge USA - "Oh Say Can You See Tiffany"

*** Advisory: #DCSocialPulse contains adult language, objectionable content and spoilers for some readers. Viewer Discretion is Advised. Due to its length, take frequent eye breaks if you're viewing this top to bottom. ***

BY DC CUEVA                        

In a few hours, the best in Major League Baseball will take to the field for the 92nd renewal of the All-Star Game at Dodger Stadium in Los Angeles. Tomorrow night will mark that annual day on the sports calendar where none of the four major sports are in action... but other than for the ESPY Awards and Day 6 of the first-ever World Track & Field Championships to be held in the United States up in Tracktown -- Eugene, Oregon -- and just as it was during the pandemic-caused sporting shutdown of two years ago, the spotlight will belong to MTV's The Challenge, as the USA edition is underway on CBS.

Once the verdict was delivered on Season 3 of All-Stars back on July 6th following the long holiday weekend, the attention turned to a totally different version of the show as twenty-eight alums of the Eye network's reality programming stepped up to the plate to face TJ Lavin. In a field full of alumni from Big Brother, Survivor, Amazing Race and the CBS run of Love Island, it was a mixture of them that excelled down a rope and a skyscraper in the season's opening daily, including a Sole Survivor used to playing games like this and someone pegged for big success considering his NFL background. And just after we began what might be another one of those seasons on THAT show, it was one-third of The Cookout that took the season's first elimination in a familiar game to Challenge Nation, Knot So Fast.

At night's end, the host duked out his latest Teej-bomb to what is undoubtedly the largest set of fresh meat he's ever had to welcome out of the gate: the pairs who are teamed up each week will not be the same from week to week... and an Algorithm will recouple the players at the end of each night in the arena. And as we return, the Americans will doubt be stung by this latest twist... but they have not much time to ponder that as they face a life-like game of Scrabble combined with everyone's favorite place to wipe out on a place like this: in the water. This week represents an opportunity for a legend of the island to put their stamp on this game two weeks in, while the looming shadow of a summer houseguest might be too much to handle -- including our favorite alternative word for getting backstabbed.

After the break, DCBLOG brings you the 'Pulse of Week 2 of The Challenge: USA... and welcome back.

PRELUDE: Between Weeks 1-2, & All-Stars Aftermath  
@DerrickMTV: Was #TheChallengeAllStars3 the BEST of the 3 season spin off?? Better than the Flagship? Should there be more?? How different is it, really? - Hear Me & @SHOTOFYAGER break it down from the characters to their FINAL performances! -BONUS PODCAST is UP! http://Patreon.com/ChallengeMania ⭐️🎸
@SHOTOFYAGER: 📸One of the many unique aspects of yesterday’s setup was the stadium seating, which leads to cool bird’s eye views like this. #ChallengeMania  https://twitter.com/SHOTOFYAGER/status/1546138500256481284?s=20&t=8Dx0eRqGN23L54gZ6Ol6Dw
@rebeccaplover: Thank you @WestonBergmann and @SHOTOFYAGER and #challengemania for such an amazing day yesterday!!!! I love this cast!!! Also, @BunimMurray @paramountplus, we OG fans can’t wait for #challengeallstars4  #challenge #ParamountPlus #ChallengeAllstars3 @TheMarkLong  https://twitter.com/rebeccaplover/status/1546077503227396098?s=20&t=8Dx0eRqGN23L54gZ6Ol6Dw
@Dutchk8: GREATEST thing to have happen to the MTV The Challenge in YEARS is the CHALLENGE ALL STARS!! Us fans LOVE the our OG's!!! WE NEED MORE ALL STARS!! PLEASE @paramountplus!! Thank you to the Godfather @TheMarkLong @WeWantOGs @TheChallenge #TheChallengeAllStars4 LET'S GOOOOO!!!
@TheMarkLong: Living our best lives… #TheChallengeAllStars3 @paramountplus
@TinaBarta: After this weekend and all the spouses getting together, the biggest drama is that two very sweet souls found love and created a huge problem for everyone with their blantent sexcapades all over @WestonBergmann’s house.  All Stars Challenge house checklist complete!
- @TheMarkLong: @TinaBarta Was it THAT blatant?!? 👀😂
@WestonBergmann: Jonna is a mood  https://twitter.com/WestonBergmann
@TheChallenge: Two-time All Stars champion 🏆 @jonnamtv is hopping on the mic 🎙to reveal what this win and season of #TheChallengeAllStars3 meant to her. Listen to the full episode here ⬇️ podcasts.iheartradio.com
@SHOTOFYAGER: SQUAD!!!! Thanks to the Bergmann family for being great hosts all weekend. #ChallengeMania
@TheChallenge: It was an eventful week in the Challenge universe with the #TheChallengeAllStars3 finale and #TheChallengeUSA premiere 👏 Catch up on all the fun in the official Challenge newsletter. ⬇ getrevue.co
@SHOTOFYAGER: 🚨ON SALE LATER THIS WEEK!🚨 Our SAN DIEGO #ChallengeMania debut! Featuring Randy, Kaycee & Nany! #TheChallenge 🔥Saturday, October 8 at Mic Drop Comedy Club! 📸12PM M&G / 🎙2PM LIVE SHOW  Highly recommend getting in on one of the Pod Squad Pre-Sales!   🎟ChallengeMania.Live
@TheAllanAguirre: NEW BLOG. Not the Best Rookie Seasons, the Best Debuts. The People who stole the show within 2-4 episodes by hooking up, getting into drama, beasting comps, or being MESSY. I JUST PUBLISHED: The Top 10 Most Explosive DEBUTS in MTV Challenge History  https://t.co/78Z4byYKj6
@TheAllanAguirre: Which of these Challenge MTV Debuts do you think immediately stole the show the most?
- Tony - Bloodlines 42.2%
- Kailah - Invasion 14.1%
- Amanda - Rivals 3 33.1%
- Melissa - Vendettas 10.6%
   483 votes · Final results
@MelindastolpMTV: These 2 goofballs!! It’s wild to think that we’ve known each other since January 2005!! I value & love you both more than you will ever know!! It’s so cool that we met on reality tv but we’ve continued our friendship beyond that! @WestonBergmann @NehemiahMTV
@TheChallenge: ajhsdbidew he put up his WEDDING RING 💍 as COLLATERAL?! 😲 While I try to overcome my shock, here's a look at all the s#!t they SHOULD'VE shown from #TheChallengeAllStars3! 🎥
@KristinaKulp: Hey @paramountplus, @TheMarkLong created reality TV gold this year! We want #TheChallengeAllStars4 and 5, 6, 7,…
@Dowen0821: This is what I’ll say. It has been amazing to watch #TheChallengeAllStars to see how these people have evolved and how they play together now. This is what we want as viewers. Trust the formula. Give us #TheChallengeAllStars4 and more! @TheMarkLong @TinaBarta @WestonBergmann
@WestonBergmann: Season 2 of The Blox is live! Watch on free app (The Blox) or FB under BetaBlox! Links in bio. First season got a couple hundred thousand views, let’s see how this one does 🌋
@syrusmtv: No I did not win #thechallenge But I’m definitely winning at life💪🏾Nothing like being in Love ❤️ I will always be a hopeless romantic. But I really enjoy spending time with this amazing woman. #TheChallengeAllstars3 cast at #challengemania 🔥 #mondaymotivation
@PaulB1176: Another fantastic event this weekend at #ChallengeManiaLive KC! This one was unique do to the sheer volume of cast there as well as some other cool differences. Thanks @SHOTOFYAGER for another great time. @DerrickMTV you were missed but nobody could argue with why you missed. 1/  https://twitter.com/PaulB1176/status/1546644417771147266?s=20&t=8Dx0eRqGN23L54gZ6Ol6Dw
- @PaulB1176: First the back to back champ @jonnamtv! Most impressive run on All Stars so far. It was a pleasure to meet you.
- @PaulB1176: The original OG, The Godfather @TheMarkLong. Always good to see you!
- @PaulB1176: One of the highlights of the event was meeting the one and only @TinaBarta! We need that team of you, Veronica and Rachel on All Stars 4. Make it happen Tina!
- @PaulB1176: One of my favorites from this event was @TheRealNiaMoore. It was so nice meeting you and talking for a little bit. The growth we saw from you was incredible and can’t wait to see you back again.
- @PaulB1176: I didn’t get to talk to Casey for long but she was great. What a showing from her on AS2.
- @PaulB1176: It was great to see you again @MelindastolpMTV. I very much appreciated our chat. You truly are an incredible person.
- @PaulB1176: @WestonBergmann thanks for making this happen. It was great to see you and congrats on another title!
- @PaulB1176: A true OG Roni! It was so cool to see you on the show after all this time. Pleasure to meet and talk for a few minutes.
- @PaulB1176: @BradFiorenza great seeing you again. At this pace, I’ll see you again in two weeks. Haha. Killer season and see you in Chicago.
@TheMarkLong: Some of the top TV editors at @Variety put together their dream #Emmys noms before tomorrows announcement. Look what made their list???🥳 #TheChallengeAllStars3 @paramountplus #Godfather 🙏🏼💪🏽🙏🏼  ARTICLE: https://variety.com/2022/awards/news/dream-emmy-ballot-2022-sadie-sink-meg-stalter-star-trek-strange-new-worlds-12353135
- @v_cakes: @TheMarkLong I’d like to add “cast of Emmy-nominated show” to my resume 😍😍😍. Don’t know how I’d work it in but I’m SPEAKING THIS INTO EXISTENCE.
- @TinaBarta: I LOVE YOU @Variety!  I am jumping up and down!  Now who do I need to bribe to get that @Emmys nom? Wait, let me get someone better to do the bribing......  @WestonBergmann, try to throw in your wedding ring. @paramountplus
@TheRealNiaMoore: Challenge Mania was such a blast. Can’t wait to do another one. Love you guys so much! Thank you to everyone who came out 😊❤️
@syrusmtv: Issa Link in KC Just Kingin’ 👑 A nite to remember! The Challenge AllStars 3 cast #avrillavigne #mgk #kansascity #niteout... #1stblackrealitystar #thechallenge  #realitytv #realworld #tvpersonality #challenge #game #legends @BradFiorenza @mtvrrdarrell @NehemiahMTV
@ChallengeStats: Did you know that now @johnnybananas and @WestonBergmann are the only players to win a season in 3 different decades? And Wes is the only one, if we're excluding team wins! More on Wes' career stats here 👇 #TheChallenge https://twitter.com/ChallengeStats/status/1546989653173084160?s=20&t=8Dx0eRqGN23L54gZ6Ol6Dw
@CoryWharton: Press Conference 🎤 YOUR GONNA WANT TO TUNE ON JULY 30th My boxing debut 🥊🥊🥊 No more talking at this point 🤫 #socialgloves

@CBS: These reality titans are competing in the biggest Challenge EVER! Watch #TheChallengeUSA Wednesdays at 9/8c on CBS.
@whatisalexroman: Love island is providing while all the other shows are just buzzkills sitting at the tables being boring. And the fact that Love Island is being targeted? Smh #TheChallengeUSA
@JamesWallington: Phew 😰, that was a close one @shannonsaint3… we did what we had to do & made a great team. 💜 Now that the dust has settled, what did y’all think of the premiere? 🇺🇸 @thechallenge #TheChallengeUSA  (Pic of him in arena)
@DerrickMTV: It’s a new chapter in @TheChallenge Universe! Take a listen as Ep 1 MVP @kylandyoung joins Me & @SHOTOFYAGER & takes us from the Highs & Lows of The Cookout to that Big Elimination Win! The 1st one EVER on #TheChallengeUSA! 🪢  - NEW POD! 🪢ChallengeManiaPodcast.com 🪢
@TheChallenge: Can I get a yeahhh buoooyyy?! 📣 See which team will secure the W in this week's challenge when a BRAND NEW episode of #TheChallengeUSA airs TOMORROW at 9p on @CBS! 📺
@TheChallenge: "I'm most excited about backstabbing people that I'm closest to, my besties. 🥰" Well Alyssa you've come to the right place. 😅 Check out which Challengers sever (or mend) ties when #TheChallengeUSA airs WEDNESDAYS at 9p on @CBS! 📺
@usweekly: Too excited for the new episode of #TheChallengeUSA tonight? Lucky for you, we have a teaser. 👀 WATCH the exclusive clip here: https://t.co/LQManV9MRn
@TheChallenge: In the race for America's BEST 🇺🇸, which alliance will be the FIRST to FALL?! 🤔 #TheChallengeUSA is all-new TONIGHT at 9/8c on @CBS!
@wendellholland: New episode of #TheChallengeUSA airs tonight! If you want to get caught up to speed before it airs, check out me and @BriceIzyah’s Challenge Breakdown, where we dissected episode 1 on my YouTube channel! And if you like it, please subscribe!! 👇🏿 https://youtu.be/SJuPa546Hj8
@TheChallenge: Did Domenick and Shannon spell out enough words to secure their safety? 🦺 Find out when an all-new episode of #TheChallengeUSA airs TONIGHT at 9p on @CBS! 🥳
@JamesWallington: #AmazingRace loyalty runs deep. 🥹💜 There may be only three of us, but we’re holding our own & giving it all we got on @thechallenge. 💥💪🏻 Don’t miss an all new episode of #TheChallengeUSA 🇺🇸 TONIGHT at 9pm on @cbstv.
@DerrickMTV: GET WARRRRMED up for Ep. 2 of #TheChallengeUSA with a Me, @SHOTOFYAGER & the guy who put that meat on the grill & cooked that elimination round! 🥘🪢 - @KylandYoung with an awesome interview on #ChallengeMania! NEW POD! ChallengeManiaPodcast.com 🥘🪢
@JamesWallington: On my way to pick up my Challenge bestie @Cayla_Platt_ from the airport. 🥹💜 I’m so excited my heart can hardly stand it. #TheChallengeUSA
@JamesWallington: Not me on my way to the airport again ✈️… but this time to pick up my other Challenge besties 💜🥰@shannonsaint3 & @CashayProudfoot! Florida ain’t ready for this reunion. ☀️🌴
@terryterrones: Reality AF: Why The Challenge: USA Is the Best Version of the Franchise #TheChallenge @TheChallenge @CBS @tjlavin @TysonApostol @PasteMagazine @paste_tv @CashayProudfoot #TheChallengeUSA @kylandyoung @JamesWallington  https://t.co/ffd8gWpDaA
@TysonApostol: Got my hair done. People in trouble now... https://twitter.com/TysonApostol
@sharontharp: Tonight's episode of #TheChallengeUSA is ... wild.
@JamesWallington: I love hanging out with @xaviereprather & spending quality time with him. 🤣💜 Watch us go head-to-head on tonight's episode of #TheChallengeUSA 🇺🇸 @ 9:00pm on @CBS. ✨
@JamesWallington: A swimming & puzzle challenge 🧩? BRUTAL! 🤯 If you loved the premiere of #TheChallengeUSA 🇺🇸 then you'll love what we have in store for you TONIGHT @ 9pm EST on @CBS! 💜 Will you be watching? 🙌🏻 @TheChallenge
- @TysonApostol: @JamesWallington @Cayla_Platt_ I feel like you're minimizing the bond you have with your bunk mate...
- @JamesWallington: ATTENTION 🚨 Let it be known y’all… @TysonApostol, the man, the myth, the legend was indeed my bunk mate on #TheChallengeUSA 🇺🇸. We braided each other’s hair, laughed all night long & it was the highlight of my challenge experience. 🙌🏻😂 How lucky was I?
- @TysonApostol: @JamesWallington That wasn't so difficult was it?!
- @JamesWallington: @TysonApostol I just wish I had the content to go with it 😢 the internet is robbed of this, your robe & all! Haha
@JamesWallington: I am not worthy to be in the midst of these queens. @lysslopezz @Cayla_Platt_ @shannonsaint3 @CashayProudfoot 😍✨ … LIKE ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! 💜 Y’all ain’t ready for tonight’s episode of #TheChallengeUSA 🇺🇸. Don’t miss Episode 2️⃣ at 9pm EST on @CBS!
@DayDaVonne_: I love being one of the hosts of The Challenge USA podcast … mainly because we get to see the episodes in advance… baby… trust me… you do NOT want to miss tonight’s episode 👀☕️ But I ain’t one to gossip .. so you ain’t heard that from me #TheChallengeUSA
@AbbateDomenick: Morning “caffeine” with my @survivorcbs sis Sarah. #TheChallengeUSA #NursingHomeAlliance
@azah_awasum: Heights, water, AND my middle school crush? #fixitJesus 😩 tune into The Challenge USA tonight on @cbstv to see if I’m able to conquer not just one not two, but THREE of my fears! 🤣 #thechallengeusa #bb #fyp

AS THEY SAW IT: "Oh Say Can You See Tiffany"  
@TheChallenge: Y'all ready to dive into a new episode of #TheChallengeUSA?! 🏊‍♂️ It starts RIGHT NOW on @CBS! (GIF: Dom - "You got this, let's go!")
@CBSBigBrother: That’s a wrap on tonight’s episode! We’ll see you tomorrow for the first live eviction of the season.👀 For now, throwing it to you @thechallenge.🏆 #BB24 #TheChallengeUSA
- @TheChallenge: LETSS GOOOO ! 👋 Thanks @CBSBigBrother 🥰 #TheChallengeUSA
@Jayyoshi1: TIME FOR THE @TheChallenge #TheChallengeUSA !!
@TheChallenge: What my friends say when I tell them I got back with my ex: #TheChallengeUSA  (GIF: "Ok well, you guys are f___ed!")
@TheChallenge: And my reaction when they say it 😅 #TheChallengeUSA (Pic of Cashay)
@JamesWallington: Wait… not them not showing @Cayla_Platt_ & I going FIRST in this challenge. But ya okay… #TheChallengeUSA
@JamesWallington: This is already making me angry. #TheChallengeUSA
@KarinthaStyles: TJ’s evil laugh cracks me up #TheChallengeusa
@azah_awasum: This episode edited me very….well. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 #thechallengeusa #itwasastruggle #icantswim
- @derekxiao_: @azah_awasum I’m mad they edited out X’s baewatch water walkout 😂
@lysslopezz: "@loidaj: Long live @derekxiao_ ‘s hoodie @lysslopezz #TheChallenge" RT GUYS THE LAUNDRY PEOPLE STOLE THE HOODIE RIP @derekxiao_
@realgoverturf: #TheChallengeUSA needs more Dominic! And @JamesWallington needs to go on @survivorcbs
@SharonGodbolt: #TheChallengeUSA @TysonApostol Tyson don't give a "F" who he's placed with he just want to win 😂😂 ...
@derekxiao_: #TheChallengeUSA Ep. 2 highlight: Cashel spelling “Kyra” for his word 🤣🤣🤣
@TheChallenge: Think Cashel may have other things (or people 👀) on his mind 🧠 #TheChallengeUSA (GIF of the word "Kyra" appearing in the crossword with her watching on the sidelines)
@derekxiao_: #TheChallengeUSA 4 years of college later: (Pic of he & partner Tasha w/ three words)
- @lysslopezz: @derekxiao_ I said “nog”
@JamesWallington: I need it be known, for my sanity, that @Cayla_Platt_ & I went up that damn rope ladder & jumped MULTIPLE times, despite injuries & failure. Never giving up on the challenge or each other. #TheChallengeUSA 💜
@JacobKTweets: @TysonApostol out here embarrassing the competition #TheChallengeUSA
@TysonApostol: They scared of me yet?
- @cristaloffline: Can this man please keep playing The Challenge forever?? @TysonApostol
@TheChallenge: Me after I trip in front of a group of people: #TheChallengeUSA  (GIF: Tyson - "I'm OK!" after falling hard into the water)
@JamesWallington: Y’all keep asking if I’m okay, yes I’m fine! 🥹💜 Thank you. I did strain my thoracic muscles, had to get a muscle relaxant shot in my butt & used medicated patches. I’m not weak, I’m not a quitter… I’m a damn fighter. Don’t get it twisted. #TheChallengeUSA
@hracie17: “Are those model muscles or practical muscles” -the GOAT of CBS reality (@TysonApostol) #TheChallengeUSA
@gangstaGURRY: It’s crazy to think I’ve been watching @TysonApostol on TV for literally over a decade and he is just like a fine wine: keeps getting better and better with time.
@UnOffChallPod: Calling it now, Tyson will be the confessional king this season!  @TysonApostol #TheChallengeUSA #TheChallenge
@tvtalkswithtom: Tyson: “Are those model muscles or are those practical muscles?” Lmfao this man is gold 🤣🤣 #TheChallengeUSA @TysonApostol
@Philltastic1: This makes me sad we never see @TysonApostol going full beast mode considering his only real season where he plays in more than 2 individual challenges, he's injured and throwing them. #TheChallengeUSA #Survivor
@realgoverturf: @TysonApostol about to be the first person to do a clean sweep of all the challenges (not fact checked, first season of watching the challenge)
@Bstutz87: I came to watch #TheChallengeUSA for @TysonApostol and I will continue to watch because of @TysonApostol!
@dana5tweets: I’m seriously terrified for my boy @JamesWallington right now.  Please win tonight #TheChallengeUSA needs you
@TheChallenge: Bet you never thought scrabble could get you a Challenge win huh 😉 #TheChallengeUSA  (GIF: "I be playin' scrabble on my apps or whatever.")
@CashayProudfoot: Not the show leaving out important important scenes 👀
- @lysslopezz: @CashayProudfoot !!!!!!!
@jordanbateman: The best reality tv is @TysonApostol tv
@brinshannara: Watching #TheChallengeUSA and without the #Survivor folks, this show wouldn’t be worth watching. @TysonApostol is doing a great job at being an entertaining contestant as always.
@JamesWallington: Let it be known, #AmazingRace doesn’t quit, doesn’t give up & always keeps their head held high. 💜🙌🏻 Love you @Cayla_Platt_, it’s time to face this elimination. #TheChallengeUSA
@jfanz03: @TysonApostol is made for TV! His polarizing personality makes it difficult to not trust him and want to work with him! #TheChallengeUSA
@BadNewsBergy: @TysonApostol is the GOAT! #TheChallengeUSA
@Grace_PF: Glad he's not in this challenge, but @TysonApostol would've KILLED at this #TheChallengeUSA
@TheChallenge: This elimination pick got me like 🤯🤯🤯 #TheChallengeUSA  (Screencap of Derek and his face reaction)
@JamesWallington: Not @Cayla_Platt_ & I being cute with an ELIMINATION. 😂 #TheChallengeUSA but that’s the #AmazingRace spirit. 💜🥹LETS GOOOOOO.
@ThisGuyBrewin: @TysonApostol here to win? Probably. Here to make amazing television? Absolutely, 100% #TheChallengeUSA
@JacobKTweets: Free spin class! That’s the attitude! #TheChallengeUSA @JamesWallington
@JamesWallington: Me right now. #TheChallengeUSA
@seth_downing: I love how #TheChallengeUSA is so intense with these angles and this editing but then it’s an interview of @JamesWallington and Cayla just being the most lovely people who are obsessed with each other like 🥰😘✨🌸☀️🤩💖
@TheSteamer: I forgot how much I missed @TysonApostol on my TV. He’s terrific. And to think I didn’t like him his first two #Survivor seasons. #TheChallengeUSA
@jaychallenge1: I love James and cayla #TheChallengeUSA
@JamesWallington: That’s right y’all… WE 👏🏻 DID 👏🏻 THAT 👏🏻. I love you @Cayla_Platt_. 🥹💜 Amazing Racers never give up. We have a lot of fight. 💥💪🏻 Proud is an understatement. #TheChallengeUSA
@TheChallenge: Lines are DEFINITELY being drawn in the sand. 🥵 Don't miss an all-new episode of #TheChallengeUSA NEXT WEDNESDAY on @CBS!
@bfantastic_: Okay well Tiffany has clearly never taken a spin class 😂 #TheChallengeUSA
@Humble_demeanor: @TysonApostol is not the one to be played with. Don’t let them see you sweat!! #ChallengeUSA
@absolutelytiff: Like not ever 😩 #TheChallengeUSA
@RealityRadioPod: Props on your win @JamesWallington!! Get that money!
@RealityRadioPod: This is the best episode of @TheChallenge I’ve seen in a while 🔥 #TheChallengeUSA
@dannydmac44: So happy @TheChallenge is showing my wife @kikimccrayway so much love bc I definitely want to go back 😂
- @AbbateDomenick: @dannydmac44 @kikimccrayway They smarter than you think 🤔
- @TysonApostol: @dannydmac44 @TheChallenge @kikimccrayway At this point in the show I know Kiki better than you.
@HellOnHeelsGirl: Shannon cheering on James and Cayla is everything. I like these amazing race people. #TheChallengeUSA
@williamjardell: The editing is… fascinating… #choices
@demerse_james: @Cayla_Platt_ and @JamesWallington are friendship goals #TheChallengeUSA
@JamesWallington: So, should we go LIVE tonight? @Cayla_Platt_ @shannonsaint3 @CashayProudfoot #TheChallengeUSA
@JamesWallington: For the record, @Cayla_Platt_ & I went first in this challenge… We fell (many times) so everyone could FLY lol 😂 #TheChallengeUSA @TheTough_Cinco @dannydmac44 @TysonApostol 💪🏻💥 Nothing but respect for all y’all. 💜
- @TheTough_Cinco: @JamesWallington You and @cayla_Platt_ did your thing that challenge and elimination. The dedication is more than respected by the both of you. 👏
@Brian_Scally: Tiffany deserves to be carried to bed after how she helped carry BB23 😌😌 #TheChallengeUSA
@absolutelytiff: "@marisa_molinaro: Y’all I can’t wait to hear @absolutelytiff break down of this episode on her podcast #TheChallengeUSA" RT Because you know I am 😉
@absolutelytiff: "@marisa_molinaro: Y’all I can’t wait to hear @absolutelytiff break down of this episode on her podcast #TheChallengeUSA" RT Because you know I am 😉
@JamesWallington: Y’all, I love everyone 🥹💜. Please remember to be kind. You don’t have to like everyone, but it’s a GAME. We all came to play & strategy is strategy. #TheChallengeUSA 🇺🇸
@jacobj_jones: THE IMPACT! THE STAR QUALITY! THE STANDARD! THE LEGEND! THE ONE THAT DESERVES TO BE CARRIED EVERYWHERE! I hope cinco pick you up again just to spite them! #TheChallengeUSA
@thechallenget: they should’ve been MTV regulars 😭 #TheChallengeUSA
@absolutelytiff: Big Brother 24 | Tiffany Talks Live Feeds and Derek X & Alyssa's Plan To ‘Backstab Their Besties’ https://youtu.be/UwFR0HcSYXM via @YouTube #TheChallengeUSA #bb24
@DariaNyack: Queens of #TheChallengeUSA @CashayProudfoot @shannonsaint3 @Cayla_Platt_ 👑👑👑
@iicard4: Okay @JamesWallington I SEE YOU!!! You and @Cayla_Platt_ showed everyone Amazing Race can compete also! First elimination win! #TheChallengeUSA 👏🏽👏🏽
@Fashion_Nexus: Like even cashel looked like he was working hard, but cayla & james made it look fun, how is that possible 🤣🤣 #TheChallenge #TheChallengeCBS #TheChallengeUSA
@Malik_MTV: Why is @JamesWallington out here dressed like Super Mario though?   Sksksksksk😂😂😂😂😂😂 #TheChallengeUSA 
@DayDaVonne_: I told y’all .. #thechallengeUSA
@TheMarkLong: We’re just built different #TheChallengeAllStars3
Da’Vonne I SAID WHAT I SAW Rogers
@DayDaVonne_: Make sure you tune into #TheChallengeUSA podcast tomorrow … we’ll be covering this ENTIRE episode
@v_cakes: Also wtf aren’t they wearing water shoes like we have to???  #TheChallengeUSA
@giangyhai: Rooting for these Survivor queens/legends tonight!! Who are y’all defending with your life? 🤔#TheChallengeUSA 
@Irving_A07: Cayla & James are being set up 😤😤😤 #TheChallengeUSA #TheChallengeCBS
@Irving_A07: Not Tyson & Justine and Cinco & Cashay being partners for the next challenge. The algorithm is DIRTY!! #TheChallengeUSA #TheChallengeCBS
@TheAllanAguirre: The Music on the Challenge USA is painfully generic  #TheChallengeUSA
- @Dumbledore_BB: @TheAllanAguirre The All Stars music supervisor is deeply missed 😵‍💫
- @Tikitackfouls: @TheAllanAguirre Yeah the music is an underappreciated part of the mtv one
- @Humble_demeanor: @TheAllanAguirre I miss the music from all stars.
- @LiterallyErin: @TheAllanAguirre like la croix of the mtv challenge does this make sense lol
@MikeyG_TBD: So we’re just trusting production that these teams are random? 🤨 #TheChallengeUSA
- @Irving_A07: @MikeyG_TBD My first thought when it was announced last week. The Cashay and Cinco pairing sealed it for me tonight
@CFConfessionals: Yes, I watch the news. Yes, I keep up with current events.  #TheChallengeUSA
@CohenBrian_: That algorithm sure is lucky with Cashay and Cinco to make sure they’re paired before potentially one of them gets sent home. #TheChallengeUSA
- @TheSteamer: @CohenBrian_ Wait a second. Are you implying that that could be rigged?! I know that’s not what you’re implying! #TheChallengeUSA
- @alexxarnold: @CohenBrian_ Production couldn’t wait at least one episode to make it obvious they have their hands on this?
@MikeyG_TBD: Wordle should’ve prepared everyone for this challenge wtf #TheChallengeUSA
@Brian_Scally: TJ has no idea the shady shit producers just pulled #TheChallengeUSA
@Irving_A07: 15mins into the second episode and David has yet to have a confessional this season 👀 #TheChallengeUSA #TheChallengeCBS
@CFConfessionals: Low-key thought we were getting a Shauvon moment when James hit the water. Honestly, both icons. #TheChallengeUSA
@Irving_A07: Yesss Tyson in water #TheChallengeCBS  #TheChallengeUSA
@TheAllanAguirre: Nobody:  Tyson: Wanna see me make another trip?   #TheChallengeUSA
@TheAllanAguirre: Tyson and Justine win the 2nd Daily Challenge of the season! Back to back for Tyson. Dude is built different. Also, Justine was very impressive physically and mentally in this challenge. #TheChallengeUSA
@TanishaaG: The #ChallengeUSA is a much more positive viewing experience than #BB24.
@Irving_A07: Team brains brawn and beauty right here 🤩  #ChallengeUSA #TheChallengeCBS @JustineJoy312 @TysonApostol
@Irving_A07: I just love how much awareness James has in the game to know Tiffany is the glue in the BB alliance. Strategic King continues to dominate #TheChallengeUSA #TheChallengeCBS
@Irving_A07: I really wish we had 90mins episodes or extra episodes on paramount+ I feel like were missing out on so much information tonight! @CBS @CBSTweet @TheChallenge @paramountplus
@CohenBrian_: I can’t wait for future eliminations called: “Fired Tokens,” “Do or Tie Dye” and “Beware or be there” #TheChallengeUSA
@Irving_A07: Not Tiffany trying to protect Xavier only for him to be like, yup. Better her than me #TheChallengeUSA #TheChallengeCBS
@TheAllanAguirre: Tyson guiding Justine through her first blindside is the cutest thing in the most dastardly way ever #TheChallengeUSA
@ChallengeMTV: 2 weeks in a row the USA version eats up the mtv shitdown. Aren’t you embarrassed? @mtv
- @RobbieCoachella: @ChallengeMTV @MTV It’s not even on anymore.  MTV challenges are over for now.
@rainbr0jesus: idk who james is but his social game is really giving mastermind #TheChallengeUSA
@CohenBrian_: The Challenge broke Jacob Jones.
@Irving_A07: Ok but where do I sign up for the spin class?! @JamesWallington @Cayla_Platt_ #TheChallengeUSA #TheChallenge #TheChallengeCBS
@TAKEMEBACK2LA: Cashel using Kyra as a word, he's such a himbo omg?? #TheChallengeUSA
@TAKEMEBACK2LA: Shan ate here, I mean I love a messy shit talker. I'm sorry!
@TAKEMEBACK2LA: Tiffany's suggesting Alyssa go in, hmm. That's interesting. So it shouldn't be a big deal that Alyssa wants to get The CO out right? #TheChallengeUSA
@TAKEMEBACK2LA: this algorithm is so cool, i wish they'd bring it to the main show so that pairs aren't so predictable. #TheChallengeUSA
- @jaychallenge1: @TAKEMEBACK2LA They would never cause it can’t protect their favs
@CSUGradAkirk: Hilarious that Cinco got paired randomly with his ex cashay  for them it’s probably better to get out of the way though #ChallengeUSA
@emilylongeretta: Can I be best friends with @CashayProudfoot tho? #TheChallengeUSA
@GamerVev: Cashay vs Tiffany was providing the messy female drama we’ve needed. Love a good rival storyline  So proud of Queen Shannon for getting 2nd place ❤️❤️❤️

@TheChallenge: Jump into episode 2️⃣ of #TheChallengeUSA streaming now on @paramountplus! 🇺🇸
@DayDaVonne_: It’s the sound effects for me … why am I like this ?! 😂🥴 Anyway … make sure to go check out Episode 2 of #TheChallengeUSA podcast. @DevynSimone and I had the pleasure of chatting with “THE GLUE” 👀 lol the mastermind herself @absolutelytiff. ✨✨✨ podcasts.apple.com
@JamesWallington: Y’all, can we put a little more respect on my name? 🤪 I’m a winner of #AmazingRace & I was asked to do #TheChallengeUSA for a reason. 👏🏻 I 👏🏻 CAME 👏🏻 TO 👏🏻 COMPETE. 👏🏻 But I was predicted by many to be first boot or “weak”. 💜🥹🙌🏻
@kylandyoung: Not shown in tonight's episode of @TheChallenge: During that super hard buoy thing, @absolutelytiff surprised some (not me 😉), w/ an amazing effort! However she had a bad fall, injuring her ankle. So she was pedaling that bike a long as time, while hurt!! 🙌🏾👑🌹
@kylandyoung: Btw, this isn't meant to take away anything from James & Cayla - I know they had their own pains, and killed it! Congrats on a solid win! 🤟🏾🏆 Just wanted to give some props to Tiff since that detail wasn't shown! 🌹
@kylandyoung: Ps. I'm just here to give props 🙌🏾🌹, and not interested in discussing any of the drama. Take it elsewhere, or enjoy talking to yourselves. 💓 #AllLove
@SHOTOFYAGER: Hear @DerrickMTV & I break down #TheChallengeUSA so far, discuss last night's ep, go over some of the Twitter Drama we've been seeing, talk about whether the Algorithm is aptly named or not & MORE! Available to #ChallengeMania Pod Squad NOW! LISTEN HERE: https://patreon.com/posts/69086403
@BunimMurray: "@survivorhorny: I know I’m late to the party but I just watched episode 1 of #TheChallengeUSA and I enjoyed this premiere more than I thought I would. I’m so glad that the show still toned like a mtv show" RT It’s never too late to join the party ❤️
@GamerVev: "@OTHPod_: The main show can’t relate 🥰" RT MTV version needs to be CANCELLED! Keep All Stars, USA, and the intl versions. The MTV one is DEAD! That cast (Devin, Tori, Nelson, etc.) need to start finding careers 🤭
@JamesWallington: How do you celebrate an Elimination win on @TheChallenge? 🤔✨ By going to @UniversalORL, duh. 💜 We’re on our way! @Cayla_Platt_ @CashayProudfoot  @shannonsaint3 #TheChallengeUSA
@ChallengeMTV: CBS girlies giving us twitter drama. We’ve been asking for this for so long
@CohenBrian_: It was a thrill but also a bummer to speak with the next two eliminated from #TheChallengeUSA  https://t.co/gkrfhi9kYm
@CohenBrian_: Yeaaaa buoy, the podcast is here #TheChallengeUSA https://t.co/BDeqrnyax8
@ChallengeFanOG: Every time is see a Challenger who can’t swim say “F it” and jump in anyway, I always think it’s so bad ass. @CashayProudfoot #TheChallengeUSA @TheChallenge
@T_Babiii_: To the ppl on #TheChallengeUSA I hope u made sure to chk out all of @TysonApostol appearances on #Survivor . I've seen em all and let me warn you all in advance he is a beast! A winner..an Allstar...a manipulator..a liar and has the mamba mentality! He's coming for you all!😈
@TheAllanAguirre: Tyson's smile after taking a hard hit in the water in yesterday's challenge is giving me life. #TheChallengeUSA
@CFConfessionals: The "Music" on the Challenge USA is woefully generic. This was not the most exciting elimination ever, but the fact we had to watch them cycle to boring background music didn't help. Music is critical to the Challenge. Good music elevates big moments. #TheChallengeUSA
@CFConfessionals: CINCO CARRYING TIFFANY ALL THE WAY TO THE TOP BUNK. Give us the TV-MA or even PG-13 Edition of this show, please. #TheChallengeUSA
@TheAllanAguirre: NEW CHALLENGE USA RECAP  Many things covered including:   * Tyson is a Boss, * How Rigged is the Algorithm?, * Justine/Kyra Hype, * Tiffany's Love Island Woes   I JUST PUBLISHED: The Challenge USA Episode 2 Recap: 10 Biggest Takeaways  #TheChallengeUSA  https://t.co/Yp7655lmTT
@TheChallenge: Practicing my poker face like 🃏 #TheChallengeUSA https://twitter.com/TheChallenge
@v_cakes: #TheChallengeUSA cast > MTV flagship cast ❤️❤️❤️
@jaychallenge1: Not 5 challenge vets have told me the cbs challenge is way better than the main show i know y’all embarrassed @TheChallenge
- @RyanJohn___: @jaychallenge1 They aren’t wrong. I’ll admit I was hesitant about the cbs version at first but it’s providing both on tv and social media drama
- @blakeshoh: @jaychallenge1 “USA” should let all ppl from USA on the show but make cbs ppl more a priority over the rest
- @Micheleford69: It’s actually an mtv show so no to the cbs only people!!!! Do you even watch The Challenge!!!!!
- @Schoolyard24: @jaychallenge1 MTV should have had their own challengers and been part of this world competition. Just my thought.
- @j9sween1: They are they will compete against the final team after USA/UK/Australia competitions
- @ElCerebr0: @jaychallenge1: No way you believe that lolol just the name itself proves it's laughable. "Challenge USA" but it's being filmed in my country and not the US 🤣
- @phoenixrisng821: All the challenges are filmed in other countries. Except when it started as Road Rules vs Real World.
- @RealityLindsey: @jaychallenge1: One of them told me that she thinks mtv franchise is done now after the first episode of USA😩
- @KingStaxx91: @jaychallenge1 Moral of the story: keep Big Brother away from the main show, and make them duke it out amongst each other.
@TheChallenge: In a Big Brother-style blindside, Tiffany and Cashel find themselves down in elimination against Amazing Racers (and cyclers! 😉), James and Cayla. 🚲 #TheChallengeUSA
@JamesWallington: Going into @thechallenge 🇺🇸, my biggest fear was facing an Elimination but I couldn’t have asked for a better partner to overcome it with. 🥰✨💜 Beyond grateful for the friendship that blossomed from this experience. Love you @Cayla_Platt_. 🫶🏻 #TheChallengeUSA #AmazingRace
- @Cayla_Platt_: @JamesWallington Couldn’t have said it better myself 💜 ILYSM, what an incredible experience! 💪🏻🇺🇸

🇺🇸    🇺🇸    🇺🇸    🇺🇸    🇺🇸

Getting Blindsided by a Bike

And James and Cayla, you two have the Moment of the Night in this elimination win... it's safe to say that despite being far outnumbered in representation here, they and Leo are proving that if you go on The Amazing Race, you can definitely prove your worth going on that global Road Rules.

Well we can finally say, you are now up to date... it has taken a while after doing some fourteen posts over the past few weeks to get ourselves caught up on the episodes and on the preseason matters.
   A little reminder that we had planned on doing weekly coverage of the two Shore series on All-Star Shore and Buckhead Shore... but because of the length of the past few weeks' content we'll instead be doing Shore WRAP's of the season's top moments coming up at summer's end, along with the top moments from this spring & summer's stay in Siesta Key. But it does clear the way for us to offer our many ExtraTime stories that will appear here the rest of the summer and before things get crazy with Season 38 of The Challenge that's currently filming right now, among other things.
   For now, be with us this weekend when we cover this week's Episode 3... and join the blogger on Twitter @ DCNOW as I get to live watch the first two episodes of this Challenge at @DC408DxNow coming up later tonight. Have a safe week ahead, Challenge Nation...


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