Saturday, July 16, 2022

DC SocialPulse: The Challenge USA - The Season Premiere

*** Advisory: #DCSocialPulse contains adult language, objectionable content and spoilers for some readers. Viewer Discretion is Advised. Due to its length, take frequent eye breaks if you're viewing this top to bottom. ***

BY DC CUEVA                        

Good summer's weekend to all of you... and after a few weeks' delay due to the extraneous task of going in-depth on a bunch of new shows and new people in the world of these shows you love, we welcome you into the 2022 summer cycle Inside MTV Reality... and that includes the final act of a star-studded third All-Stars season which we'll have just ahead. But outside of THAT show, if there's one thing that might keeping you abuzz during the space of these couple months then it's a sure bet that it's this: The Challenge: USA on CBS.

Four years ago, the seeds for the eventual reformation of one of the media industry's earliest mega-conglomerates were planted when both The Challenge: Vendettas and the first U.S. season of Ex On The Beach that came on afterwards casted former houseguests from Big Brother onto those MTV shows... and like it or not, CBS' reality staples have had a bigger impact on this current generation of the fifth major pro sport and our summer lovefest than you might imagine at first thought. And ever since, we've had those from Survivor, Love Island and The Amazing Race join in on the fun... and now they have their own Challenge season to call their own.

Twenty-eight alumni from those four CBS shows are stepping into battle this summer for a brand new spinoff of the show you love. The roll call includes a few castaways who endured 39 days in the wild to become sole survivor, those Islanders who find themselves in the same position that those from Are You The One were in going into Battle of the Exes 2 seven years ago, and four houseguests who carry the weight of being the headliners of this year's crop after the historic summer that they had last year. And it all begins with a rude awakening: solving some math while being strapped in the air hundreds of feet above Argentina, all while navigating through the kind of game that they're getting initiated into for the first time -- with a half-million awaiting at summer's end.

After the break - and in serving the public interest of fans just yourselves, DCBLOG brings you all the action, reaction and interaction of the premiere of the season premiere of The Challenge: USA -- all as it unfolded on Twitter before & during that premiere back on July 6th... specially curated for all of you to enjoy in its uncensored and raw nature, and includes adult language. Thanks for joining us... and welcome on in, Challenge Nation.

@TheChallenge: The FIERCEST competition to become America’s BEST is about to begin. 👏 See who will reign and represent America in the world 🌎 championship when #TheChallengeUSA premieres WEDNESDAY JULY 6 at 9:30p on @cbstv! 💥
@emilylongeretta: Exclusive: #TheChallenge has been renewed for Seasons 38 and 39!
@BunimMurray: #FYC #TheChallenge For your #Emmy consideration
@TheChallenge: Who's gonna tell Ben he's on a show that's purpose is to lie, cheat, and steal? 😅 Hear all about these Survivor alums' secret talents and pet peeves before #TheChallengeUSA premieres WED JULY 6 at 9:30p on CBS! 📺
@IamLioRush: . @CoryWharton . Funny how it all comes back together. Much love and congrats again on the newborn. 🙏🏽
@TheChallenge: "They didn't even have a place to sleep; now they have a bed 🛏 & three meals 🍽, they're good to go." The Challenge house is DEFINITELY an upgrade for these Survivor alums. 😂 Get to know them before #TheChallengeUSA premieres WED JULY 6 at 9:30p on @CBS! 🎉

@TheChallenge: Whatever you do, just DON'T write a list. 😭 Hear about the advice these Challengers received from the vets before #TheChallengeUSA premieres WED JULY 6 at 9:30p on @CBS! 📺
@usweekly: Exclusive: The cast of #TheChallengeUSA just revealed their knowledge of the game and advice past players gave them. 💪 #thechallenge @thechallenge WATCH HERE:
@robcesternino: I was so excited to finally talk about the THE CHALLENGE CBS with our chief CHALLENGE correspondents @lashtweets & @CohenBrian_  We've got a quick explainer of what to expect for Challenge newbies and then we'll break down the all CBS reality cast
@TheChallenge: "There's no love in the Challenge." ...unless. 👀 (IYKYK) See who these Challengers are nervous to go against before #TheChallengeUSA premieres NEXT WED JULY 6 at 9:30p on @CBS! 📺
@MTVtrey: Well I missed it, but yesterday was the 10-year anniversary of the #RealWorld St. Thomas airing. A lot has changed in 10 years, for all of us. Some are parents. Some are married. But for the most part, we do try to keep in touch and check on each other. Nothing but love.
@MikeLewisPod: good seeing you JB 🤝 @JonBrennan_com
@TheChallenge: Is the Love Island group as strong as the others think? 😳 Find out if they can band together when #TheChallengeUSA premieres WED JULY 6 at 9:30p on @CBS! 🇺🇸
@sharontharp: Had some really fun convos today! Few more coming tomorrow and next week too! Stay tuned. #TheChallengeUSA  (Screencaps of Tyson, Xavier and Kyland)
@sharontharp: Have a couple more #TheChallengeUSA interviews this week too. Fun fact: @JamesWallington and I have known each other for 10+ years – just from being huge reality TV fans!
@derekxiao_: In honor of #BB24, I found a screenshot of my application story  Last April, I watched @survivorcbs for the first time ever on Netflix   I loved it so much I finished the season overnight and wanted to apply  But Survivor casting wasn’t open… so I applied for BB 😅 Life is crazy!
@TheChallenge: Let 'em know TJ! 🗣 This class of CBS alum will face challenges and eliminations that are harder than ANYTHING they've ever experienced before for their share of $500K. 🤑 Don't miss the premiere of #TheChallengeUSA (just ️⃣ week away!!) WED JULY 6 at 9:30p on @CBS! 🇺🇸
- @JamesWallington: Wait, hold up! This is the best birthday gift ever. 😭🎉🔥 Why are we all so good looking?! Don’t miss the premiere of #TheChallengeUSA 🇺🇸 ONE WEEK FROM TODAY @ 9:30pm PST on @CBS! @TheChallenge
@TysonApostol: Breaking news that everyone already knows! Big threat alert!!! What say you, @TheChallenge?
@CBS: You heard @tjlavin, "Buckle up, cause this is The Challenge." These CBS Alums think they've seen it all, but they're in for their most intense competition yet. Don't miss #TheChallengeUSA series premiere, next Wednesday, July 6 at 9:30/8:30c on CBS.
@TysonApostol: The summer of Tyson starts in exactly one week! @TheChallenge you ready for me?
@lysslopezz: TJ is officially my favorite hype man #TheChallengeUSA
@JamesWallington: Oh hi, it’s me 👋🏻… it’s my birthday & I’m officially ️⃣️⃣! My oh my, what a year it has been... 🎉💜 Cheers to another trip around the sun & the new adventures that lie ahead. 🥂 Thank you to everyone for the kind birthday messages & love. 🥰 #Birthday

@TheChallenge: We've got some new hosts on the block! 🤩 @DevynSimone  and @DayDaVonne_ are hopping on the mic to cover ALL things #TheChallengeUSA on The Official Challenge podcast, starting July 7th. 👏
@emilylongeretta: This just in: @TheChallenge’s official podcast is changing it up! During #TheChallengeUSA, @DevynSimone & @DayDaVonne_ will step in as the new hosts. 🎙
- @JustJem24: @emilylongeretta Look at GOD
- @RealityLindsey: @JustJem24 Yesss finally! Da’Vonne and Devyn will absolutely kill it! Now I can finally listen to it
- @JustJem24: @RealityLindsey We can all finally listen now….
@DevynSimone: This is going to be fun 😉 #TheChallengeUSA
@DevynSimone: "@houseguestskey: @DevynSimone YES I AM SO EXCITED YALL ARE HOSTING INSTEAD OF THEM!!!" RT Can’t wait for you to listen 😊 Tori and Aneesa did a fabulous job though and those queens deserve respect ♥️ Thank you for being excited! We’re excited to bring this version to life.
@DevynSimone: "@ChallengeFanOG: Finally giving @DevynSimone another gig since they randomly canned the aftermath show and foolishly haven’t let her host the reunions like we’ve been screaming about for years. This is great." RT Did you guys know The Aftermath is on the ballot for this years Emmys? #TheChallengeUSA #TheChallengeAllStars
@DevynSimone: Premiering July 7th! 💥 💥 you’ll be able to catch new episodes here 👉🏽
@DayDaVonne_: Ooooh … y’all ready !!!!??? 🎙🎧👸🏾👸🏾 Premiering July 7th! 💥 💥 you’ll be able to catch new episodes here 👇🏾
- @SHOTOFYAGER: 🥂🎉CONGRATS @DayDaVonne_ & @DevynSimone!
@DayDaVonne_: I just want to publicly acknowledge @DevynSimone because she is a woman of many talents … but when it comes to this hosting thing 💐 …. I’m glad I’m paired with YOU
@GamerVev: Devyn & Da’Vonne???? That’ll be the first ep of that podcast I’ve ever listened too!!!
- @Irving_A07: @GamerVev Same! Will definitely be tuning in every week 😊 Y’all, please do the same! Even if it’s just background noise (it won’t because these Queens are hilarious) but we need to make a statement and let them know. WE ARE TIRED 🗣💅🏼 #TheChallengeUSA

@TheChallenge: "I hate being ignored." Me too, Cashay, me too. 😤 These Islanders are swapping their swimsuits for workout gear when #TheChallengeUSA premieres WEDNESDAY JULY 6 at 9:30p on @CBS! 👏
@lashtweets: Brian calling #thechallenge “our show” and TJ thanking him for it 🥹🥹 #rhap
@CohenBrian_: TJ thanked me. My life is complete #TheChallengeUSA
@RobHasApodcast: Just days away from #TheChallengeUSA, @robcesternino and @CohenBrian_ sit down with @tjlavin to talk about the upcoming season
@RobHasApodcast: “Our show” 🥹 @CohenBrian_  Catch our full pre-season #TheChallengeUSA interview with @tjlavin here:
- @CohenBrian_: @RobHasApodcast Best friends with TJ now confirmed
- @JackVitaShow: @CohenBrian_ Brian Cohen is a certified legend.
- @sharontharp: @CohenBrian_ omg I love this!
- @bawahog: @CohenBrian_ Ignore the fact that he answered a different question, how could you correct him after that? 😂 Sweet moment
- @CohenBrian_: @bawahog he could’ve spoke a different language after that and I wouldn’t have said anything haha
- @DrAmandaR: @CohenBrian_ I don’t know this TJ character from Adam, but I’d get choked up too if Brian Cohen ever spoke so warmly of me.
- @veeisforvictory: @CohenBrian_ Expecting a great season hope you can get some of the regular BB and survivor team to guest host at times with this crossover!
- @BBJunkie4life: @CohenBrian_ I wonder if they will have a Challenge CBS every summer from now on.
- @smalls96: @CohenBrian_ It’s fine that he got the question backwards! He was too busy bonding with you to keep it straight. I Love y’all’s  friendship!
@CSUGradAkirk: I’m sure that my old friend who I’ve done many podcasts with @CohenBrian_ was on top of the world having a video interview alongside two of his favorites in @robcesternino and @tjlavin  great interview!
@sharontharp: Here's my #TheChallengeUSA interview with @TysonApostol! He talks about why he reluctantly agreed to do the show, how he didn't want to work with other #Survivor players, and more. He also gives us a close-up look at his new mullet if you're interested!
@ringer: 🚨 NEW POD ALERT! 🚨 What’s better than the new season of #TheChallengeUSA premiering next week? How about getting weekly episode breakdowns from contestant @TysonApostol? Coming soon only on 'The Ringer Reality TV Podcast'!
@TheChallenge: Flirting 🤝 Polid*cking See how these Islanders do on The Challenge when #TheChallengeUSA premieres THIS WEDNESDAY JULY 6 at 9:30p on @CBS! 🇺🇸
@CBS: "New favorite show is coming to YOU..." 👏 Before the series premiere next Wednesday at 9:30/8:30c we asked our CBS Alums to describe #TheChallengeUSA. Who do you think will WIN it all?
@JamesWallington: Prepping for some pre #TheChallengeUSA interviews today! 💥💪 I can't believe we're in the final countdown to the premiere. SO EXCITED. 🤩
@Kactus_Kat: @CBS and @tjlavinSo excited 💓💓 to watch a new season of #TheChallengeUSA on Weds, after @CBSBigBrother on W, Th & Sun, & get to enjoy these 2 FAVES all summer lonnnnng! 🎉🎈🍿🍷🎉🎈  Looking forward to see the GREAT Hosts again: @JCMoonves ⚘ & #TJLavin 🚲
@TheChallenge: Who would YOU add to your All Stars team?! 👀 Find out who the All Stars recruit from across @paramountplus for #TheChallengeAllStars3! 🙌
@CBS: Will they make history again? 👀 Don't miss some of these strategic @CBSBigBrother Alums take on their next adventure! #TheChallengeUSA premieres Wednesday, July 6 at 9:30/8:30c on CBS.
@CBS: 28 reality titans from #BigBrother, #Survivor, The #AmazingRace and #LoveIsland are about to be pushed to their limits! #TheChallengeUSA premieres Wednesday, July 6 at 9:30/8:30c on CBS.
@TheChallenge: "Don't be fooled, just because I'm killing you with kindness doesn't mean I'm not here to compete." 👏 These former Amazing Race alums are here to PLAY.Don't miss the premiere of #TheChallengeUSA THIS WEDNESDAY JULY 6 at 9:30p on @CBS! 🇺🇸
@CBS: Get ready for the biggest Challenge EVER! 28 CBS reality titans are competing in #TheChallengeUSA, Wednesday July 6 at 9:30/8:30c on CBS.
@TheChallenge: "I'm done being nice."😡 OOOP! Okay, you tell them David! Hear why these CBS reality titans think they have what it takes to bring home the win 🏆 when #TheChallengeUSA premieres WEDNESDAY JULY 6 at 9:30p on @CBS!
@TheChallenge: TJ... intense?? Noooo... never. 😏 See what our favorite host is plotting when #TheChallengeUSA premieres WEDNESDAY JULY 6 at 9:30p on @CBS! 👏
@MikeyG_TBD: I’ve gotta watch the challenge allstars finale, bb24 premier and the challenge usa tomorrow omg 😵‍💫
@JOSHMBB19: As a fan of Big brother it’s exciting to see so much diversity. Growing up I thought I would never end up on the show because no one looked liked me till I saw Victor a Puerto Rican on szn 18. Best of luck to this new group hoping for a chaotic szn 😂🙌🏽 #bb24
@j_medd: 1 week where there's a new episode of The Challenge All-Stars, Ms. Marvel, and season premieres for the Challenge: U.S.A. & Big Brother 24! Huge day for tv tomorrow (Wednesday) :D
@JamesWallington: Waiting around for the premiere of #TheChallengeUSA like… ⏳😎 ONE MORE DAY YA’LL! 🎉✨ Are you ready for it? 💪🏻💥 Don’t miss the premiere of @thechallenge USA 🇺🇸 TOMORROW at 9:30pm EST on @CBS! 🤩 #BB24 #AmazingRace #Survivor #LoveIsland

@CBS: Get ready for the biggest Challenge EVER! 28 CBS reality titans are competing in #TheChallengeUSA, TONIGHT at 9:30/8:30c on CBS.
@TheChallenge: These former allies are teaming up once again to show us around #TheChallengeUSA house! 🤩 Don't miss the premiere of #TheChallengeUSA TONIGHT at 9:30pm on @CBS!
- @JamesWallington: @TheChallenge Lol, yesss! @absolutelytiff is a moood, speaking truth for the people. 😂💜🙌🏻 @xaviereprather you were cracking me up. #TheChallengeUSA
- @TysonApostol: @TheChallenge @CBS House looks pretty clean actually
- @itskimwebster: I directed this @MTVCribs style house tour with X & Tiffany. Check it out and then watch The Challenge USA on @CBS tonight!
@itskimwebster: @xaviereprather oh hi X! Our lil MTV Cribs tour came out great, didn't it?  I think you & Tiff should let me direct any spin-offs that you get 😉 😂
- @absolutelytiff: Now Webster, YOU KNOW, I’m here for it! @xaviereprather what about you…?
@CBS: We’re celebrating the premieres of #BB24 and #TheChallengeUSA in a BIG way! 🎉 Join us across social for a day PACKED with activities featuring some very special CBS guests to kick off our summer reality shows in style. You won’t want to miss this!🌴
- @TheChallenge: @CBS Kick off the BIGGEST night of the summer with us! 💪 #TheChallengeUSA
@JamesWallington: See those dark circles under my eyes? It’s because I’m TIRED… tired of being underestimated. 💪🏻💥 Be prepared to see a whole different side of me on #TheChallengeUSA. 🇺🇸 Don’t miss the action packed 90-minute premiere of @TheChallenge TONIGHT @ 9:30pm on @CBS. #AmazingRace
@DayDaVonne_: Twitter is going to be in SHAMBLES … Lawd the stan wars … the cast wars … Big Brother and The Challenge USA On the same night 🥴🫣😩 And then there’s me … not on either show…  finally knowing peace 😂
@azah_awasum: Hey twitter fam! Today our houseguests move into the house and start a new season of Big Brother! As we start this new season, let’s please remember that these houseguests are more than just characters, they are human beings and personalities and have NO idea what they signed up for. Words and personal attacks do hurt. Please operate with grace and understand that houseguests will get the shock of their life when leaving the house and have difficulty adjusting. Stay blessed, remain positive and best wishes to the new houseguest of #BB24!
@davjalex: What’s really good Twitter? Y’all ready for this #TheChallengeUSA
@TVLine: #TheChallengeUSA Host @TJLavin Previews CBS' Reality Battle, How Some Players 'Bit Off More Than They Could Chew'
- @JamesWallington: @TVLine I respectfully disagree with TJ, #Survivor doesn’t have the edge. #AmazingRace does, The Challenge & how it’s designed… it’s literally like legs of the Race. 🤦🏻‍♂️ #TheChallengeUSA
@JamesWallington: Happy premiere day y’all. 🎉 Tonight is going to F-U-N • two 90 minute premieres starting with #BB24, followed by #TheChallengeUSA. 🤩 What a dream. Summer has begun!
@usweekly: #BB23 alum @lysslopezz went into #TheChallengeUSA to win and that's it. "The only attractive thing there was the cash prize." Watch our interview! @TheChallenge
@CashayProudfoot: The challenge USA airs today. If you’re a supporter of mine be prepared for me to have y’all STRESSED 😂😂😂
@EW: EW was on set to find out how the new CBS spin-off of 'The Challenge' compares to the MTV version
@TysonApostol: Should I have helped with a door here? @TheChallenge on tonight!
@JavonnyVega: Tonight's the night! Tune into CBS at 9:30p EST to see a competition of epic proportions, featuring your favorite alums from Survivor, Big Brother, The Amazing Race, and Love Island! #TheChallengeUSA @Celybird
@JamesWallington: Hmm… I wonder what @JavonnyVega & I are conspiring about. 🤔 You’ll have to watch #TheChallengeUSA 🇺🇸 premiere TONIGHT @ 9:30pm on @CBS to find out. 💜✨
@JamesWallington: My people @LeoTemory @Cayla_Platt_ 🥹💜 Are you Team #BigBrother, #Survivor, #AmazingRace, or #LoveIsland? Watch the premiere of @TheChallenge #TheChallengeUSA 🇺🇸 TONIGHT at 9:30p EST on @CBS & tweet along with us to let us know who you're rooting for! 💪🏻💥
@JamesWallington: It's premiere night for #TheChallengeUSA! 🤩 Who's ready to party y'all? I know that Kyra & I are... 💜✨ Don't miss the premiere of @TheChallenge: USA 🇺🇸 TONIGHT at 9:30pm on @CBS. 🥳
@JamesWallington: Now, this is what you call a 👏 CAST 👏 ASSESSMENT 👏. The research. The facts. The statistics. Nice work, that's how you do it @LiveRealityGame & @IamkingLance! #TheChallengeUSA Thanks for the kind words & support. 💜✨ Watch the full video here ➡️:
@TheChallenge: Bet these guys didn't think they'd be scaling the side of a building for their first challenge. 😂 Don't miss the PREMIERE of #TheChallengeUSA TONIGHT at 9:30p on @CBS! 🇺🇸
@CohenBrian_: Just some best friends all excited for the new season of The Challenge tonight! #TheChallengeUSA
- @LeighAnnMechley: @CohenBrian_ @tjlavin @robcesternino Ecstatic to watch your pre-season coverage with TJ! Looking forward to hot takes from you and @lashtweets all season long!@emilylongeretta: Me to @tjlavin while watching #TheChallengeUSA screener:
@realitynany: "@DWTS_BB: hmm okay Alyssa I see you #TheChallengeUSA" RT Why are people acting like Alyssa and Derek can’t be mad that a 6 person alliance ruined their chances at 750k? Like they have absolutely no reason to trust Tiff, X, Azah, or Kyland😭 #TheChallengeUSA
@wendellholland: Y’all have no idea how excited I am to see MY DUDE @AbbateDomenick back in competition tonight on #TheChallengeUSA!! LFG!
@DerrickMTV: TONIGHT at 9:30PM EST!@TheChallenge USA! Who’s watchin??
@JOSHMBB19: Feels so good to have @CBSBigBrother back on tv 🙌🏽🙌🏽 #bb24
@CBS: "Stay. Focused." 🧠 @JCMoonves shares some words of wisdom to the @CBSBigBrother alums competing in #TheChallengeUSA. Which past houseguest do you think will be successful?
@kmacisco: I just want a man to watch big brother and the challenge with me

AS THEY SAW IT: "United States of Challenge"  
@TheChallenge: WHO'S READY?! Because #TheChallengeUSA starts RIIIIGHT NOW on @CBS! 🗣🗣 (GIF of James and Kyra dancing)
@CBSBigBrother: That’s a wrap! We’ll see you Sunday night at 8/7c for more Biiiiig Brother. But first, catch some familiar faces on the season premiere of @thechallenge right now on @CBS.🤩💪🏽 #BB24 #TheChallengeUSA
@JamesWallington: Alright y’all, it’s time to suit up. 🙌🏻 The premiere of #TheChallengeUSA 🇺🇸 starts now for the East Coast! 🎉 Tweet me your thoughts, I’m excited to know what you think. 😎 @CBS
@Malik_MTV: Being on Challenge Twitter on West Coast time is ass #TheChallengeUSA
@Missprairie42: #TheChallengeUSA I’m so excited for this 😍😍😍
@TheChallenge: TJ 👏 HAS 👏 ARRIVED 🔥🔥🔥 #TheChallengeUSA  (GIF: "Buena noches everyone."  Cast: "Buena noches!")
@TheChallenge: Alyssa spilled all the #BB23 tea! 🫣 #TheChallengeUSA  (GIF: Shannon to her, "Are you going to have trouble trusting in this game?" Her - "Yeah...")
@JamesWallington: Idc what anybody says, but this is the OG Challenge, right? 😂 #TheChallengeUSA (Pic of "The Challenge" with the Olsen twins)
@TheChallenge: It's that Love Island bond for me! 💞🏝 #TheChallengeUSA  (GIF: Cely to Cashay and Justine - "We're here for you, we got you, whatever you need.")
@GamerVev: JAMES 👏👏👏❤️ we love a game player tbh  #TheChallengeUSA
@realitygcart_: Damn @JamesWallington is trouble!! strategic king. watch ouut #TheChallengeUSA
@BBTeamNorth: Yes, king. @JamesWallington ❣️ #TheChallengeUSA
@TheChallenge: ME anytime of the day 🤣 #TheChallengeUSA (GIF: Shannon - "My whole body's sore, and I didn't even start the game yet!")
@mamaofkash: Was @JamesWallington also on a Hunger Games style reality show that probably only I watched on like USA network or was that a fever dream?
@AMikeBloomType: Ok but "I've never felt closer to God than being handed a million-dollar check from a multinational corporation for lying and cheating on national television" may be one of my favorite quotes in recent memory @TysonApostol #TheChallengeUSA
- @stephkatz90: @AMikeBloomType @TysonApostolTyson is reality TV gold
- @Dreamylyfe: @AMikeBloomType @TysonApostol That was the moment where I realized I was going to end up watching The Challenge this summer.
- @st__v__n: @AMikeBloomType @TysonApostol That was the quote right there that made tuning in to such a mess of a show worth it. Tyson is tv gold.
- @ver_kat: @AMikeBloomType @TysonApostol Just when you think you've seen peak Tyson, he does it again!
@josgarfield: Anyone else catch that slow motion shot of @TysonApostol putting on a sock? That’s what I tuned in for #TheChallengeUSA
@shannonsaint3: Alight I’m back on Twitter for @TheChallenge memes 😂 tag me in all of them !!! #TheChallengeUSA
@TheChallenge: Climbing down a building while doing math? 😮‍💨 #TheChallengeUSA (GIF: Kyra - "Alright.")
@TheChallenge: C'mon Tiffany with a lil backpedal action! 🔥 #TheChallengeUSA
@jillsteet05: Shannon💕James💕🤗 #TheChallengeUSA @JamesWallington
@iicard4: Hell yeah @JamesWallington and Shannon pairing up and crushing that comp!! #TheChallengeUSA
@JavonnyVega: @Celybird we so smart we dum lol
@JamesWallington: Fun Fact ya’ll… 🤔 Growing up, Math was my worst subject in school. But here we are… #TheChallengeUSA
- @xaviereprather: @JamesWallington Lol same! Preferred English and gym 🤣
- @JamesWallington: @xaviereprather English & Theater for me 😂
@GamerVev: Shannon & James ATE THAT UP!!!! Shannon confessional Queen tbh #TheChallengeUSA
@BBCANRyan Ryan Ballentine/Big Brother Canada S6: If you don’t love @TysonApostol on your television, you are straight up incorrect. The guy is everything reality TV is supposed to be. #TellYourFriends
@shannonsaint3: NOT THE PUSH UPS OH GOD #TheChallengeUSA
@shannonsaint3: None ya bidniss #TheChallengeUSA
@shannonsaint3: Facts lmao #TheChallengeUSA
- @JamesWallington: I love you @shannonsaint3  💜🥰#TheChallengeUSA
@TAKEMEBACK2LA: Thank you production for feeding us with so many good Shannon confessionals so far & we're only a half an hour in #TheChallengeUSA
@SHAMARKNY: Shannon crying cus she don’t wanna work out.. lowkey me too gurl #TheChallengeUSA
@efriebs: I forgot how much I missed queen Shannon on my screen #TheChallengeUSA
@shannonsaint3: "@melbrown00: Shannon doing math #TheChallengeUSA" RT I’m howling #TheChallengeUSA
@esinger1999: If @JamesWallington doesn’t win this season of The Challenge, then idk. He’s a strategic person and knows how to form alliances that could benefit him in the long run
@AshleyBKeenan: Having @JamesWallington back onto our big screen is so fun. I mean I’ve had him on my small screen via Live to Give and Twitch this last year, but it’s so nice to see the love go around!
@BRlTNEYSPlCE: PROTECT @shannonsaint3 AND @JamesWallington AT ALL COSTS #TheChallengeUSA
TAKEMEBACK2LA: she's gotten such a good edit so far, production is working HARD to get the queen on the main show & for once i'm standing behind them! #TheChallengeUSA
@nicguy101: Xavier and Tasha did good ☺️ #TheChallengeUSA
@TheChallenge: First daily mission of #TheChallengeUSA is COMPLETE ✅ What'd y'all think? (GIF of Shannon twerking after the mission)
@NickKnipe: Nervous for this elimination! #TheChallengeUSA
@Roems: Love @TysonApostol already getting Ws and making power moves 💪🏻. If you’re not on the Tyson Train either get on board or get left behind #TheChallengeUSA
@RealityRadioPod: Ok @JamesWallington!!! #TheChallengeUSA
@shannonsaint3: Kris Jenner works hard but @JamesWallington works harder. #TheChallengeUSA
@WarrenThat1Kid: I am gagged and gooped! Great job @JamesWallington !! 💛💛 #TheChallengeUSA
@JamesWallington: I’m sorry, but I did NOT sign up for this to risk going home first. Especially with my Queen @shannonsaint3 as my partner - not on my watch. No mam’. #TheChallengeUSA 😏💜
- @hashtagfiggy Figgy Figueroa/Survivor 33: @JamesWallington @shannonsaint3 SO PROUD OF YOU!!!!!! 💪
- @JavonnyVega: @JamesWallington @shannonsaint3 Plotting ass 😪. I’ll see you again 🧌
- @JamesWallington: @JavonnyVega @shannonsaint3 Love you Javonny! 🥹 The bromance that could’ve been
@JavonnyVega: I’ll be back!
@MB_Forreal_: @JavonnyVega  talking to @Celybird  through this is all heart !! I’m here for it ! #TheChallengeUSA
@N_O_Angel: awwww @Celybird & @JavonnyVega brought the fun & laughs 🥲
-@ Celybird: @N_O_Angel 🥹🥹🥹🥹♥️ love you guys!!!
@Celybird: "@mickeydiary: @Celybird really shocked me. She ate that. #TheChallengeUSA" RT Ahhhhhh🥹🥹🥹🥰
@sarahatwood: YES @JamesWallington doin the WORK!! Strategy king! #TheChallengeUSA
@Irving_A07: Look at @JamesWallington go!!! We stan a strategic King!! #TheChallengeUSA
@TheDouglasPucci: TERRIFIC communication and social game by @JamesWallington 👏 👏 👍 SAFE from elimination! #TheChallengeUSA
@OTHPod_: James played Capture so he was made for this show. #TheChallengeUSA @JamesWallington
@TheChallenge: Get ready for the most CUTTHROAT 💥 and RUTHLESS 🥵 game that these reality TV titans have EVER played. 😈 #TheChallengeUSA 🇺🇸 airs WEDNESDAYS at 9p only on @CBS!  📺
@TheChallenge: How y'all feeling after that ACTION-PACKED premiere? 🤣🔥 I'm Shannon because we have to wait ONE WEEK until the next episode 😩 #TheChallengeUSA
- @TysonApostol: @TheChallenge I'm me!
- @WillOglesbee: @JavonnyVega @Celybird keep y’all head up high close one,still be fan of y’all, Cely caderita vid on ur IG is 🔥 🔥!! @azah_awasum @TysonApostol #angelas & #Kyland congrats gettin y’all dubs on #TheChallengeUSA what twins at ended @TheChallenge
@halcyonsparkle: “I've never felt closer to God than getting handed a million-dollar check from a large corporation for lying and cheating on national television.” #TheChallengeUSA #Survivor no one’s done it better than @TysonApostol for the last 13 years
Just Jeremy
@JeremyMBiro: @JamesWallington @shannonsaint3 Officially a Shannon stan or a “Stannon”. Loved your partnership
@ashtonJDE: STAN THEM!! @shannonsaint3 @JamesWallington ❤️ #TheChallengeUSA
@GamerVev: They said pretty girl let’s get rid of her! #TheChallengeUSA
@JamesWallington: @shantelmsmith @shannonsaint3 Love you more! 🥹💜
@BBSavant: @GamerVev All of the Amazing Racers are likable, makes me wonder why they didn’t cast more
@GamerVev: LOVEEEEE James!!! A REAL ass bitch! #TheChallengeUSA
@missfoxytasha: @TheChallenge premiere was EPIC!!  Why was my heart racing like I didn't know what was going to happen!!!???!!!  Lawd, help me!!! #TeamSurvivor 💗💗💗
@EntmtInColor: So extremely proud of @Celybird she dug deep you could see it! #TheChallengeUSA
@GamerVev: Javonny & Cely 💔 I was pulling for a Javonny debut on The Challenge since he left Love Island, and Cely was my girl ugh #TheChallengeUSA
@CFConfessionals: Physically, I'm not sure how James stacks up competitively, but this dude has a lot of heart, passion, and is really actively trying to play the game socially and politically. He's got my respect so far. #TheChallengeUSA
@romeoesco2 Romeo Esco/Survivor 42: Cheering on @JamesWallington tonight With @williamjardell @laura_pierson  #TheChallengeUSA
@NoahS_21: People I’m rooting for on the @TheChallenge USA. @TysonApostol That’s it. That’s the tweet. #TheChallengeUSA
@WillowD14: Everyone at club: 👀🤔🤐 Love island girls:🥵😛🤪💃🍾#TheChallengeUSA
@Celybird: "@vrockstar13: Highly upset the funniest and funnest peeps went home first. @Celybird killed that #justiceforCely #TheChallengeUSA" RT Talk the talk baby hehe ily!!!!
@AWildBriz: I knew #TheChallengeUSA would deliver but hot damn 🔥 great first episode! @JamesWallington very impressive work, love watching that!
@AWildBriz: Tyson winning first challenge just.. feels right!! #TheChallengeUSA @TysonApostol
@leoebfolsom Leo Folsom/Amazing Race Season 33: before you feel bad for @JamesWallington for being in a crummy situation off the bat, he is right in the middle of the action, which is ✨exactly✨ where he wants to be. #TheChallengeUSA #JamesWallingtonVillianEra
@leoebfolsom: free advice for @JamesWallington: you should consider starting an alliance! they're underrated! #TheChallengeUSA #JamesWallingtonVillianEra
@leoebfolsom: attn @JamesWallington and @williamjardell: we need more photos of Young James   either tweeted or DM, we're not picky thx #TheChallengeUSA #JamesWallingtonVillianEra
@DayDaVonne_: Can we talk about Ky and Azah winning that elimination ANNNNND James in there doing WORK ?! Baby !!!!!! I was PROUD !!!! Those were my stars of episode 1 ✨ Who were yours ?? What were your favorite moments ??
@sherrylejackson: Awesome to meet @CashayProudfoot At the BB/Challenge USA watch party. Pretty, petite and commanding. Absolute sweetheart. #TheChallengeUSA #mademysummer.
@TheMarkLong: "@ebobkin: @TheMarkLong  Would love to know your thoughts on CBS doing a "challenge" with no MTV challenge cast members. (she says as she prepares to watch it anyway....)" RT They’re doin’ it with fan favorites from the CBS reality franchises, with TJ as HOST, at the same location as #TheChallengeAllStars - of course I’ll be watching this spinoff!

@DayDaVonne_: I’ll be back for the challenge post show tweets ….. enjoy the episode
@DerrickMTV: HERE WE GO!! It’s a new era! @TheChallengeUSA Who you like?? Who you don’t like? #TheChallengeUSA
@DerrickMTV: Got that World Tournament on @paramountplus info in! #TheChallengeUSA
@DerrickMTV: Uh oh! Got that Cookout drama layin out on the grill! #TheChallengeUSA
@DerrickMTV: Enzo’s not havin it. One and done. No stairs for him. Forgettabotit. #TheChallengeUSA
@DerrickMTV: KISS KISS! 💋 Denied 😅 #TheChallengeUSA
@DerrickMTV: How do you feel about “The Arena” & “Knot so Fast” being back?!! 🪢 #TheChallengeUSA
@DerrickMTV: Oh shit! #ChallengeMania bout to have the MVP of #TheChallengeAllStars3 & #TheChallengeUSA on this week! 
@DerrickMTV: Did you watch #TheChallengeUSA? What’d you think..?
@JOSHMBB19: To many favorites on this Szn Rooting for my big brother fam🤞🏽 #TheChallengeUSA
@bartaboy: big brother stans currently being embarrassed by challenge stans turning on cbs for the challenge usa
@CohenBrian_: Hearing Julie Chen plug The Challenge just made me seize. #TheChallengeUSA
- @lashtweets: @CohenBrian_ omg i wish i saw this before we recorded 🤣
- @DarkwingMcDuck: @CohenBrian_ I was pointing at the tv “she said challenge!!”
@kmacisco: Ok who is watching #TheChallengeUSA
- @kam_shafer_: @kmacisco I didn’t know who most of the people were but I really liked it!
@Irving_A07: Let’s go!!!! #TheChallengeUSA
@CFConfessionals: The opening Challenge USA confessional is a big one and Tyson Apostol hit it out of the park: "Never felt closer to God than getting handed a million-dollar check from a large corporation for lying and cheating on national television." #TheChallengeUSA
- @RobbieCoachella: @CFConfessionals It’s not a real Challenge for me without the vets.  I’d love to see CT go up against that Tyson.
- @dailyxtines: @CFConfessionals It is gonna be super weird without ANY vets
- @clblues8: @CFConfessionals Tysons great but don't act like he hadn't planned that comment and probably used it with friends for years. He's better when more spontaneous humor then planned humor, you will see, better comments will be coming
@Irving_A07: Desi is stunning 🥵 #TheChallengeUSA
@Irving_A07: Not sure how I feel about the house 🤨 #TheChallengeUSA
@j_medd: Alyssa & Derek A.K.A. Baby D/Little D both still bitter about the Cookout #TheChallengeUSA
@MikeyG_TBD: Now how is DX gonna get revenge with SB at home on twitch? 🤔 #TheChallengeUSA
@TheAllanAguirre: Desi is 🔥 #TheChallengeUSA
@Irving_A07: I wish we had more racers competing this season 😔 it’s such an underrated song #TheChallengeUSA
@Irving_A07: I’m so happy to see Justine & Cely together again. Celine forever!!! #TheChallengeUSA
@Irving_A07: I’m already seeing some comments about Queen Shannon having a moment 😒 she IS that bitch, don’t get it twisted. She is going to slay the house #TheChallengeUSA
@TheAllanAguirre: Pain. #TheChallengeUSA
- @nineteenJS: @TheAllanAguirre I don’t hate her. Cayla is more annoying
- @lookingforIana: @TheAllanAguirre she needs to get away from my screen!
- @luesadl: @TheAllanAguirre Well, she's not liked, I can see that. I know nothing from her... but she brags a bit, doesn't she?
- @kingalpchino: @TheAllanAguirre CBS did not need to invite sarah back at all
- @houseguestskey: @TheAllanAguirre i jumped back and choked on a grape when she came up on screen
@CohenBrian_: Can’t get enough that the first daily drops them off a massive building. You wanted this world. You got it. #TheChallengeUSA
@CohenBrian_: And now we got our first teaser that someone is dead. Oh it’s The Challenge baby!
- @TheSteamer: @CohenBrian_ Where’s the ambo?
- @JJfrom_NJ: @CohenBrian_ Challenge medical team, nowhere in sight
- @CohenBrian_: @JJfrom_NJ glad to see it’s the same crew
- @DIGWOMANNN: @CohenBrian_ “Azah’s lips are chapped cause she’s so dehydrated it’s scary” *cut to azah full beat looking like an angel*
@j_medd: Is it more beneficial to team with a castmate from your season/show or otherwise 🤔 #TheChallengeUSA
@Irving_A07: Cashel & Kyra are proof that slow and steady wins the race! #TheChallengeUSA
@TheAllanAguirre: The smartest strategy when picking partners for the 1st daily is to pair yourself with someone from a different show. That way you potentially have the double the amount of "allies" in the case of a House or Power Vote. #TheChallengeUSA
@GamerVev: "@josreason: @GamerVev Shannon is already giving in the confessionals! “SArah from survivor!” #TheChallengeUSA" RT She’s the standout in confessionals!
@RealityTvJarred: Why did anyone think David would be good at this game lol #TheChallengeUSA
@j_medd: Definitely rooting for the goofs Leo & Enzo 😂 #TheChallengeUSA
@kmacisco: David is performing poorly? #TheChallengeUSA
@Irving_A07: Survivor showing up today!! #TheChallengeUSA
@Irving_A07: This WAS the move, pair up with someone from another show. Tyson knows BB has the numbers and Angela is the best BB female. I see you Tyson #TheChallengeUSA
@Irving_A07: These people need to leave Shannon alone, ok. She missed her man (at the time) let her liveee #TheChallengeUSA
@CFConfessionals: "On the island, there were no parties. There were no adult beverages. But here we are on the Challenge. This game is different, and I'm loving every minute of it." - Tasha Fox  I adore this woman.
@TheAllanAguirre: Tyson and Angela winning the 1st Daily is massive for the early part of the season as it means no Big Brother/Survivor player will get thrown in. Which means Love Island now has one big target on them. Had Desi/Cinco won, the target would've been on BB. #TheChallengeUSA
- @kqueen123: @TheAllanAguirre They are a great pair. Too bad we won’t see them paired up again at least for a while.
- @miss_espn34: @TheAllanAguirre If it was me BB and Survivor would be my target EVERYTIME!
@NORMANIMOTIVATE: love island carrying this show LMFAOOAOA #TheChallengeUSA
@TheAllanAguirre: I'm sorry, but the "Winners Circle" just being a small concrete podium next to all the other players has me dying laughing 😂 #TheChallengeUSA
- @mlruff12: @TheAllanAguirre Oh my, this looks like a high school play.
- @MissFoucault: @TheAllanAguirre Woah woah, they have a brighter spotlight, show some respect 🤣
@j_medd: Love Island smack talking Big Brother before the elimination 🤣#TheChallengeUSA
@TheAllanAguirre: Prayers going out to Azah's Eyelashes. They are in Challenge Heaven along with Tamara the Wig #TheChallengeUSA
- @thereal_kd94: @TheAllanAguirre Just rewatched free agents RIP to tamara @DevynSimone
- @Luckofthetweet: @TheAllanAguirre Who the hell wears eyelashes to an elimination? …
- @MTVBeth: @Luckofthetweet I Do! for an instant eye lift without plastic surgery.
@j_medd: Liking this new ‘Algorithm’ Twist! Less chance for alliances & steamrolls #TheChallengeUSA
@Irving_A07: “The algorithm” will select your partners #TheChallengeUSA #TheChallengeCBS
@Irving_A07: Sad to see Cely & Javonny go. We were robbed of their confessionals and good vibes 😔 #TheChallengeUSA #TheChallengeCBS
@Irving_A07: I get that people miss their faves 🥴 but this was a solid first episode and a breath of fresh air. New faces, new ways to play the game and exciting twists. Not the same old fake storylines and same game play from the main show 🤷🏻‍♂️ #TheChallengeUSA #TheChallengeCBS
@TheAllanAguirre: 🚨 CHALLENGE USA PREMIERE RECAP 🚨 I breakdown:  - Opening Vibe / - Potentital BB Civil War / - Bank Accounts / - Club Night / - 1st Daily/Elim   I JUST PUBLISHED: The Challenge USA Episode 1 Premiere Recap: 10 Biggest Takeaways  #TheChallengeUSA
- @cbbcharlie17: @TheAllanAguirre Love all of this, aside from 9. I’m anti “needing” anything to run a final! Takes away the drama of getting voted into elimination
@CFConfessionals: The Algorithm is a Twist that will make random weekly partnerships that will become much less random when production needs certain player to win/stay safe. #TheChallengeUSA
@murtzjaffer: #TheChallenge is so so so good. Argh.  So many friends on the show. Don’t even know who to root for.
@murtzjaffer: As I watch the first episode, I like @LeoTemory & @JamesWallington’s strategy of building alliances. I like @kylandyoung’s prep work. It’s hard to bet against #survivor though. They are built different. I also love Angela. Always have. #TheChallenge
@murtzjaffer: Investing 22 years of my life into reality tv was worth it for #thechallenge. This is the show I have dreamed of.  It does need @BostonRob @johnnybananas though.
@CFConfessionals: Competitively, I'm not sure how Love Island stacks up. When it comes to vibes, they look like they should be in an MTV Challenge House. #TheChallengeUSA
- @CountMyVote2: @CFConfessionals @CBS  Shannon is now my favorite! She gives zero ***** and is 🔥 #TheChallengeUSA
- @undrpressuree: @CFConfessionals They claim to have the best social game. As if you don’t need a social game on the other shows. Mind you I only saw James trying to save him and Shannon
@GamerVev: Shannon Stans RISE!!! #TheChallengeUSA
@luvelizabethany: #TheChallengeUSA is tearing me up. yay for more fans of the show but wtf am I watching without @TheOfficial_CT ?! how you gonna go primetime without the goats?!
@melbrown00: Yeah, The Challenge USA > BB24 tonight
- @KylenPierre: @melbrown00 I have over a decade of The Challenge to catch up on now, The Challenge USA got me back in. Last tike I watch, they were using T mobile sidekicks to get info from TJ. Smartphones wasn't even what it is now 😭
- @kingalpchino: @melbrown00 Yeah the The Challenge was way better tonight. BB24 we just watch them scan QR codes for an hour
- @zachpape25: @melbrown00 I love big brother and the challenge but the challenge is definitely more entertaining 🤣
- @stephanfleet Stephan Fleet/producer on The Boys: @melbrown00 They were both great but I love the Challenge and this primetime version did not disappoint!
- @Mitchellsledge1: @melbrown00 The challenge was way better not even close
- @Brocausion: @melbrown00 This cast is 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 How can you out so much greatness together on one cast?!?!
@CohenBrian_: The Challenge “this season on” trailer will get me hyped every single time. #TheChallengeUSA
@challengetruth_: James is the LGBTQ+ representation we need on the main show, we love a strategic KING #TheChallengeUsa
@NanyGodzalez: David was the only cast member who didn’t get a single confessional tonight. #TheChallengeCBS
@AMikeBloomType: Honestly the contestants are doing super well on #TheChallengeUSA. If this was the MTV version, Nelson would have to buy an apartment in that building because he’s still be up trying to figure out why the answer wasn’t “eighteenty”
- @koreykuhl: @AMikeBloomType MIKE I'M SCREAMING AT THE ACCURACY
- @stephkatz90: @AMikeBloomType That's because MTV doesn't cast people based on intelligence
- @KiaTV7: @AMikeBloomType Lol. A few of the MTV regulars wouldn’t even have gone down the building! Super impressed all these folks went for it despite being scared of heights.
- @mrickanderson: @AMikeBloomType Wife and I were just saying “good thing Beth and Casey aren’t here”
- @StabiH: @AMikeBloomType I’m thinking nobody will miss any answers during trivia they are all smart. Tj will have nobody to laugh at
- @ishmahmanjireh: @AMikeBloomType The level of strategy is definitely noticeable compare to usual MTV’s The Challenge. I mean even James from The Amazing Race was strategizing.
- @dejesus_desiree: @AMikeBloomType Darrell would’ve quit 😂 no way he’s walking down the side of a building.
@willjames93: Kyland and Tiffany’s special bond is he choppin them cakes down to the BATTER. I wish them nothing but happiness. #TheChallengeUSA
@TheChallenge: These reality TV alums were NOT expecting this game-changing twist! 😵‍💫 ⬇️ #TheChallengeUSA
@DayDaVonne_: Are you listening ?! Episode 1 is up… @DevynSimone and I are joined by the beautiful @azah_awasum ✨ …. Check it out and let us know what you think 👀 #TheChallengeUSA
@JamesWallington: A huge hello to everyone who followed me on Twitter tonight 👋🏻🥰 Thank you for the support & following me on this journey. 💜✨ It means so much to me & things are about to get wild on #TheChallengeUSA, so buckle up. 💥
@JamesWallington: Tonight was perfect! 🥰 I hope y’all enjoyed the premiere… I’ll share more thoughts tomorrow, but I loved it. #TheChallengeUSA 🇺🇸💥 If you’re not already follow me on IG: WheresWallington - 💜 G’night for now.
@iHeartPodcasts: @DevynSimone & @DayDaVonne_ kick off the 1st ever ep of The Challenge: USA with a member of Big Brother 23 & the infamous Cookout Alliance, Azah Awasum. They discuss the early alliances & political moves that have already shocked the house and more!

@TheChallenge: #TheChallengeUSA 🇺🇸 is NOW STREAMING on @paramountplus! 🗣
@emilylongeretta: Ready to talk #TheChallengeAllStars3 finale? @TheMarkLong and I are getting into it tonight on #RealityRundown with the TWO TIME CHAMP @jonnamtv👸 and other surprise guests! Get the @spotifylive app free, then bring your Qs at 6PT/9ET.
@CSUGradAkirk: Watching #ChallengeUSA  I think all these cast members even after the first episode can attest that the challenge is by far the hardest of shows not even close.
@CSUGradAkirk: Tyson and Angela beast team if the pairs stick beyond the first challenge #ChallengeUSA
@CSUGradAkirk: Pushing for @JamesWallington was pushing for him on amazing race and I even knew him from back and the day on afterbuzz so glad he didn’t go into this first elimination
@kylandyoung: Text from one of my college friend group chats... 💀 #TheChallengeUSA #mathcanbehard
@kylandyoung: To everyone who came to our @TheChallenge watch party, and everyone who watched everywhere else - THANK YOU!! 🙏🏾💓🥰 #YouAintSeenNothingYet 😉
@LegalSojourner: I'm SO glad, @azah_awasum and @kylandyoung pulled it out!! Love y'all! 💜💜 #TheChallengeCBS
@melbrown00: THE EYELASHES 💀💀💀 #TheChallengeUSA
- @d_a_y_l_i_n_: @melbrown00 If nothing else,  @azah_awasum will give us a memorable moment 🤣❤️ #TheChallengeUSA
@realityysimp: putting my girl through it tonight #thechallenge @azah_awasum
@_nurse_steph_: @azah_awasum pushed through, cuz this is what I look like after climbing 2 flights of stairs. 😂 #TheChallengeUSA
@DRad428: Azah needing a medic on episode one is the most Azah thing to happen #LOLz #TheChallengeUSA
@JayduhFN: If i hear Dx say he don’t trust Azah then it’s smoke cause she wanted to leave before him. Also never snaked him.  #TheChallengeUSA
@maximusmom13: Huge congrats to Azah & Ky! #BB4Life 🥰🙌 #TheChallengeUSA
@hippiequil: On the first episode Azah almost dies from stairs, her eyelash runs away from her, and she smacks herself in the face with the rope…idk i think she’s winning the final 🤷🏻‍♀️ #TheChallengeUSA
@RaenOfTerror: DX and Alyssa are going about this all wrong lmao… why would you aim for revenge on X/Tiff/Azah/Kyland instead of working with them as an alliance?! That’s the smarter option… yall showin once again why you were outplayed #TheChallengeUSA
@eugenestakeover: Not Azah passing out in e
@GregSejourne: Thanks for throwing a great party @azah_awasum!!! #BB24 
@melbrown00: Put Tiffany & X on HGTV immediately as house flippers 😂
@dannydmac44: @shantelmsmith Lol best first partner to have…. I definitely thought we won!!
@leoebfolsom: TJ: now THAT is how you start a challenge  me and Alana, on the couch: ..... that was literally an amazing race detour  #TheChallengeUSA
@DevynSimone: The true hero of last night’s episode of @TheChallenge was @azah_awasum‘s eyelash. @DayDaVonne_  agrees. #TheChallengeUSA #AskChallengeUSA
@SHOTOFYAGER: 🔥Just recorded an AWESOME episode of #ChallengeMania w/ @KylandYoung that will hit the feed next Monday. It’s up NOW for Pod Squad Members. He was a really amazing guest! #TheChallengeUSA
@CBS: 28 reality titans from #BigBrother, #Survivor, The #AmazingRace and #LoveIsland are battling it out in the most cutthroat game they've experienced yet! Watch #TheChallengeUSA Wednesdays at 9/8c on CBS.
@TheChallenge: ICYMI, last night, we welcomed TWENTY-EIGHT ️⃣️⃣ reality TV titans into The Challenge fold! 💪🔥 From Big Brother to Love Island, here are some answers to where you may know these familiar faces from. 🤩 #TheChallengeUSA airs WEDNESDAYS at 9p EST on @CBS!
@bbspoilerfan: Challenge37 premiered with 0.66 million viewers. #TheChallengeUSA premieres with 2.95 million viewers. I know thats right
- @bbmichael_: @bbspoilerfan a lot of it is the network v cable viewers but still pretty good numbers
@JamesWallington: Good morning ☀️! Wow, what a night… I’m on such a high from your love & support. 🥹 THANK YOU. As much as I was excited for the premiere, I was so nervous & anxious as well. 💜 How is everyone feeling? #TheChallengeUSA
@TysonApostol: Breaking down all the excitement from last night on @TheChallenge with my friend @ameliadeew! Tune in now!!! Only on @ringer
@ch3ls3amra3: Cely and Javonny got robbed y’all CBS fumbled the bag! These two would have brought nothing but vibes and jokes 😤 @Celybird @JavonnyVega
@JamesWallington: So, about last night… 🤩🔥 What a fun evening celebrating the premiere of #TheChallengeUSA. 💥🙌🏻 Thank you to everyone who joined us & showed support. 💜 @TheChallenge
@realityblurred: I was kinda bored with the start of #TheChallengeUSA last night, and it’s so-so first challenge, but then came a montage of @JamesWallington strategizing and saving his team, and I was in—though I also wish we’d seen more of that!
@FredoAnGar: You say their name to elimination and we’ll have problems, you call them a layup and we’ll have problems, YOU EVEN THINK IN HURTING THEM AND WE’LL HAVE PROBLEMS BITCH! 💛💜 #TheChallengeUSA
@usweekly: Exclusive: #LoveIsland alums @JavonnyVega and @Celybird talk to Us about their #TheChallengeUSA elimination and explain why they were "not going to beg" Tyson and Angela to not throw them in.
@TVInsider: MAJOR #TheChallengeUSA spoilers ahead: We caught up with #LoveIsland's @Celybird and @JavonnyVega on what they would have done differently and more.
@sarinalove: Long time challenge fan. Decided to give this series a try. Honestly, I have no idea who these people are YET. But I am enjoying @JamesWallington  and Leo from #AmazingRace #TheChallengeUSA but the rest are TBD. Y’all are rookies in my books who need to earn it!
@paulsfifthvote: To those mad: If The Cookout get together again and take her and DX out, they’ll get called stupid for letting it happen again. If they don’t trust the Cookout/want them out, they’re bad people? Make it make sense. They’re friends, it’s not personal #TheChallengeUSA
@Heatherr27_: @TysonApostol IS The Challenge #TheChallengeUSA #Survivor
@GernaderJake Gernader Jake/Twitch streamer: Just watched my first episode of The Challenge. Not sure how I feel about the show yet, but I can tell you that watching @TysonApostol kick ass never gets old.
@bartaboy: they already using her for tik tok likes when they should be running up the digits for 39 ‼️
@_bananastand_: I’m so happy for my non Survivor friends who watch @TheChallenge. They are finally learning who @TysonApostol is. What a #blessed world they have ahead of them.
@JamesWallington: I loved #TheChallengeUSA premiere, can't stop thinking about it. 😍 However, there was definitely a LOT more leg work that came into play, conversations that were had, in order to make sure @shannonsaint3 & I didn't face elimination. 💪💥
@RobHasApodcast: Looking for even more coverage of #TheChallengeUSA? We're bringing you weekly exit interviews all season long! @robcesternino and @CohenBrian_ sat down with the first players to be eliminated this season
- @robcesternino: @RobHasApodcast There is an all-time story in the first two minutes of this exit interview from #TheChallengeUSA 👀
@realslimkatie: Hear me out but.. it really just hit me that we’re watching all CBS reality stars play the challenge together without anyone from MTV but TJ. And it’s actually good..?  #TheChallengeUSA
- @kihytee: @realslimkatie I’m actually really sad about an all new cast :( you gotta get paramount to get some of the OG’s.. times are changing :( 🌼 I didn’t know. Seemed like this was going to be the new way. Sorry
- @iimstilltirred: @realslimkatie so the issues for the mtv show is…*checks notes*…the mtv ppl??!?
- @realslimkatie: @iimstilltirred but all stars is good too and that’s ALL MTV people! the math just isn’t mathing for the main challenge for some reason.
- @RealityTvMimi: @realslimkatie Cause MTV hasn’t had classic stars or valuable players in over 5 years. There’s been no one their own network since The Real World and maybe a few Are You The One Players prior to season 6 (Tori, Kam, Nelson, etc). That’s why they have to dip into CBS for their casting lately
- @GodBrunk: @realslimkatie It is? I feel like I'm watching the diet Challenge. I just want to see these people so anything against CT.
- @MichaelEnright7: @realslimkatie The show is alright to cushy for the players, but I come as a Survivor fan! Really don't like any reality shows! I'll watch to see if Tyson wins!
- @OfreakinBrav: @realslimkatie I thought some of the MTV challengers were going to be on this too🤷🏻‍♀️ I’d like to see CT, Wes, Brad, Tori, Larrel, Cara on here showing these other players how to play
- @zachpape25: @realslimkatie They don’t cycle vets out enough. And the same thing happens every season. If you are on more than 8-10 seasons…. You’ve been there wayyyy too long.
- @GinaaRoxx: @realslimkatie @JamesWallington Yes! My expectations were low, but I actually loved the first episode! I am a huge @TysonApostol fan tho, so I'm sure that contributed to my happiness 🤣
- @tpage1980: @realslimkatie I've enjoyed the Challenge.  I  think the issue has been bringing in too many newbies all at once.  The connection is in the competitors that we've grown to love.
- @Carefree_Leslie: @realslimkatie That was so awesome. I think I might have a new favorite show #TheChallengeUSA
@FinalAlliance1: I wasn’t sure on #TheChallengeUSA at first, but after rewatching it again today on #ParamountPlus I can say I’m all in on it. @TysonApostol @TheChallenge
@TheChallenge: The first elimination brought the return of #TheChallenge classic: Knot So Fast! 🪢 Which duo were you rooting for? 🔥💪 #TheChallengeUSA 🇺🇸 airs WEDNESDAYS at 9p EST on @CBS and streaming NEXT DAY on @paramountplus!
@kylandyoung: Me watching my math fumble in front of friends, family, and a national TV audience... 🫣🤦🏾‍♂️ #TheChallengeUSA ⁦ @TheChallenge ⁩ My bad ⁦@azah_awasum ⁩... 😅 Bonus points to anyone who can make the movie this audio is from... 😉
@OTHPod_: It’s so refreshing not seeing Tory Deal, Kaycee, Josh or Devin. So this is win for me. #TheChallengeUSA
- @ChallengedDoc2: @OTHPod_ devin is THE MAN! toris cool. kaycee, fessy & josh can go away forever.
- @hippiequil: @OTHPod_ i would love fresh faces but i didn’t want out of shape and frail love islanders and big brotherers
- @fartnmymoufb: @OTHPod_ Tori, Josh, and Devin always brought that drama I desperately need lmao I hope we get some sparks flying with this group
@rainbr0jesus: tj is fucking ECSTATIC right now that he aint gotta stare at the same 8 folks thats been coming to the main show and underperforming #TheChallengeUSA
- @chipjenkins6: @rainbr0jesus The shock on his face when he saw that all of them could do basic math 😩😂
- @rainbr0jesus: you aint never lied! imagine if all of them can swim, tj might lose his fucking marbles lmao
- @SteveYQR: @rainbr0jesus Just wait till CT and Bananas are brought in as mercenaries
- @rainbr0jesus: ooooh i hope not 😭 i dont wanna see a single soul from the main show
@Lula_Corleone: Not us being robbed of an Enzo/Cely showmance💀 #TheChallengeUSA
@RobHasApodcast: Cat's out of the bag on this one... @Celybird, @JavonnyVega, @robcesternino @CohenBrian_ #TheChallengeUSA
@formerlyRedRose: Desi and Cinco. A strong beautiful team. #TheChallengeUSA
@DerrickMTV: In case anyone wants to come to The Cookout & jump on this podcast early! @KylandYoung came in & CRUSHED, just like he did that 1st elimination on  #TheChallengeUSA! 🥘🪢 - UP NOW for patrons at 🥘🪢 UP MONDAY for everyone at 🥘🪢
@sltrib: Utah native and "Survivor" winner Tyson Apostol almost said no to “The Challenge: USA.” But he eventually said yes, in part to stick it to the "Survivor" contestants who weren't invited. (He's kidding, sort of.)
@JamesWallington: Ever since watching #TheChallengeUSA premiere 📺, my mind has been flooded with important conversations & moments 🤯 from the first few days that weren't shown. I can't wait to see what transpires next episode!

🇺🇸    🇺🇸    🇺🇸    🇺🇸    🇺🇸

Solving Math and Knots

Well James, you can take a bit of pride (wink wink) in what you got to do in Week 1 -- and there should be a lot more to come from the champ. And our Moment of the Night (the key moment of these episodes which we'll have at the end of these diaries) is that first challenge and elimination... it's a familiar one if you've been watching this for a long time.

Tomorrow, it's a 'Pulse doubleheader of this week's episode of Challenge USA and the homestretch of All-Stars... plus, the the juicy reality show from Jersey's other favorite reality family. But before all that, the harrowing incident involving one of the handful who got to compete on both a Challenge spinoff and wearing the Stars & Stripes on the world's biggest stage: more on the brutal attack on Champs vs. Stars alum and former U.S. volleyball star Kim Glass. Enjoy your Saturday, people...


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