Some Readers May Find Objectionable. Viewer Discretion is Advised. ***
@DC408dxtr / @DC408dxnow
Welcome again to DC SocialPulse and the twitter play-by-play of episode 5 of The Challenge: Free Agents, taking place on, fittingly enough, NFL Draft night. Last week, Jordan's cockiness created some tensions, while Preston of all people stole the show in the week's mission. And we also had The Latoya & Brandon Show, featuring Isaac.
This week, the toughest mission of the season so far takes place above water, where teams go rope swinging and strong players falling. The end result sees the team who wins that challenge do what no one did in Thailand: bravely send two veterans into elimination, and leading to a veteran/rookie stare down. After our episode wrap, I'll have my very own halftime report on this season, and my faves.
- As we begin, please note there is explicit language in many of the tweets below, but I am keeping it uncensored in order to retain the heat of the moment. So if you are mature enough, please read with discretion. :-)
- If you haven't watched the episode yet, don't proceed with reading this post. But don't worry, DCBLOG will compile all of these tweets after every episode so you won't be in the dark of how your favorites saw this all unfold.
- And there's a twitter beef that emerged with three members of the community while the After Show was airing, and the day after. We've included all of their tweets in this post, and also carefully edited it to ensure that we showcase all sides of the matter. Per my policy and also because all three involved follow me on twitter, I will not side with any of the parties in that argument as a way of maintaining my impartiality.
So, join us after the jump for the week in Uruguay.
> Challenge Thursday
@JazMTV: I knew shouldn't have taken a "nap" at6pm now my ass is up. There's nothing but infomercials on TV.
@BSwiftMTV: Rise and GRIND!!!
@TheRealNiaMoore: The sooner u learn not to have expectations in life, the better. Instead do ur best, and have faith that u'll receive the same in return.
@NanyMTV: Early morning gym sessions are always the best. @n1ne2three wakey wakey let's get food now I'm starving 😛
@susie_meister: Please read the piece I wrote for @salon about reality TV and why I keep coming back for more.
@heathermarter: @susie_meister @Salon this is word for word how I felt after doing one, and why I vowed to not return. it's an extremely unhealthy relationship set in an atmosphere that belittles & punishes those with moral values
@MtvJess: Okay, putting my kid up for adoption❗️He's been barking since 7am and no matter what nothing satisfies him 😡 Grumpy mom party of 1 🐶✋😱😫
@EricBanks: Good Luck to all the Potential men who are entering the draft today:: Good luck on your journey!
@KennySantucci: mtv #tbt live time square jersey shore shoot
@robb_schreiber: You softer than nylen, oops I meant nylon. Perfection is the goal and I'm headed to the pylon. Time to go to work.
@NanyMTV: #TheLife
@CamilaMTV: Living today like it's my last day, preparing for tomorrow like I'm gonna live forever ☀️✌️…
@susie_meister: It's a lovely spring day. Heading out to catcall some construction workers!
@cohuttaMTV: @susie_meister the lameness of the cat call hinges upon who issues the cat call.
@TheJayDillinger: Feeling ready for summer!
@robb_schreiber: Hey @Akon , I miss you singing the chorus on every song that's played on the radio. Come back to me.
@Chet_Cannon: Karate class ended. Just chattin' about girls and that new kid...What a dweeb! #tbt
@mikethemiz: With the 4th pick the @Browns pick....Clowney, Watkins, Manziel, or Mack whoever is left in that order. Happy Draft Day everyone
@RoyLee25mtv: Tweeps Check out @MTVBananas & Myself Pre Game LEANBODY Workout before we left to film #TheChallenge #FreeAgents via
@MtvJess: 💥Draft Day💥 If only it was like the movie! #DraftDay
@heathermarter: The amount of respect I have for @drewbrees as a person is half of the reason I'll forever be a @Saints fan @nfl #DraftDay
@MtvJess: 🏈HAPPY #draftday y'all 🏈
@heathermarter: Seriously, who do I follow that every 5th tweet on my twitter feed is "MILEY AT PROM" 😑
@JohnnyReilly_: #ChallengeNight #FreeAgents
@dustinzito: to be .. or not to be .. that is the question #idontgetit
@PeaceLoveJoi: Headed to my favorite city in a few hours #Seattle
@MtvJess: Can't wait few more hours and @_Blev_ and I will be Wilmington bound baby! 🌴🌊☀️👙 #turnup #tbt in full effect in 6 💋
@SometimesISAAC: Training to beat up cohutta
@MTVCoryWharton: #NFLDraft, and the #NBAPlayoffs today . Looks like I'll be on my couch all night!🙏🙌✊😄👀📺
@JustJem24: There is a special on after the challenge tonight & hurricane nia decides to come out and play 😜🙈 @TheRealNiaMoore
@dustinzito: Let's not forget about the girl @MamaMeGee who sent me to jail for Sexual Battery and the Cops that Maced me! WATCH >
@CaraMariaMTV: 20% off orders of 50 or more in my etsy store. Use code "getlucky" and wish me luck for tonights mtv…
@dustinzito: I know I have been Eliminated from The Challenge #FreeAgents BUT.. I have a shot of redemption Tonight on the Best of the Worst Aftershow!
@dustinzito: Watch my Arrest Video > < then read this Police Report ..tell me if it all matches?
@MtvJess: 🏈HAPPY DRAFT DAY YALL🏈 #draftday ✌️❤️🏈✨ #49ers #ninerempire 49ersfan_page 💋
@TheRealNiaMoore: Made myself a delicious spinach and lump crab omelet before I beast this workout! Yall have a wonderful day!💋💋
@NickBrownOnline: I can't wait for tonights draft. Mostly so the hard on ESPN has for Johnny Manziel can go away.
@ThomasBuellMTV: Officially Summer Break!!! 👌👌
@JustJem24: #DraftDay #JohnnyFootball
@laurelstucky: Just content.
@PeaceLoveJoi: Man this hangover won't quit.
@SometimesISAAC: Look what @cohuttamtv just bought his girlfriend!!! #younglove #stilldontapprove
@thehappyhourwHB: It's exciting to walk through Times Square and see all the moms&family members of the players invited to #NFLDraft2014 #dreamers
@JazMTV: Tonight's episode of Free agents is a good one. trust my tongue feels lethal today best believe I'll be using it. #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@JazMTV: Also whatever i say on twitter i can say to anyone's face! I'll DM you my address if needed! LMAO #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@JustJem24: @Knight_MTV umm get your cell mate she is trying to give her home address out again.. 😂😂 @JazMTV.
@JazMTV: @JustJem24 @Knight_MTV haha i forgot about the night! ! 😜☝👮💣
@JustJem24: @JazMTV @Knight_MTV I will never forget your crazy ass clapping & repeating your address 100 times 😂😂😂 one of my favorite jaz moments
@Knight_MTV: “@JazMTV: @JustJem24 @Knight_MTV haha i forgot about the night! ! 😜☝👮💣” *clap* 425 *clap* 77 clap** 16th ave *clap* Houston tx booboo *clap*
@RoyLee25mtv: Vegassssssss it's that time @EncoreBeachClub at night pool party 👏😃👙👀
@PrestoMagicmtv: Bet you didn't know I had a fro back in 2005. Taken in my dorm of Umass-Amherst. #tbt #akward…
@SometimesISAAC: Im trying to start a twitter beef with @cohuttaMTV but im real bad at fighting with people so I need team support!!
@SometimesISAAC: @SometimesISAAC @cohuttamtv ps cohutta how the hell do you send this to a bunch of people? I see people do it on twitter but I run out of wo
@cohuttaMTV: @SometimesISAAC that's how I'm in your phone? You're such a little redneck now.
@SometimesISAAC: @cohuttaMTV haha I changed your contact info now that we are beefing... #itsalreadybeenbroughten!
@cohuttaMTV: @SometimesISAAC yours is still the same pic of you naked on my toilet with your laptop on your lap looking guilty.
@SometimesISAAC: @cohuttaMTV haha thats how I look when im seducing prey...
@cohuttaMTV: Athletes drink juice.. but by God heroes drink this juice out of a Mason jar. Drink your veggies kids.
@JazMTV: In honor of #TheChallengeFreeAgents I'm getting f***up chocolate wasted NOW! #letmetakeaSELFIE
@JazMTV: I see fake ass bitches talking about dumb shit if you think its cute to look ratchet on TV then boo boo you do that. Cause someone has to have that title!
@JazMTV: I luv how get all these text "are u talking about me on Twitter" lamo bitch if I was I would @ your name #paranoidMUCH
@JazMTV: OK time for my morning or actually afternoon blunt 🚬🍺
@CamilaMTV: Oh yeah, It's the day of the week! #TheChallengeFreeAgents @mtv #like #RT ONLY if you're pumped! 😜💋👊 #TheChallenge #freeagents
@TheJayDillinger: The shirt says it all! - #YungAndWavy
@syrusmtv: #TBT #ThrowBackThursdays #SpringBreak2014 #Travel #Deals to #Cancun #Padre…
@TheJayDillinger: Silence is a sign of thought. So ppl that always talk don't think much.
@TheOfficial_CT: Rippy's Bar Challenge Tonight!!! Come watch my show... play some games...listen to Mauldin Bros...…
@MikeCManning: No party is complete without dancing President Puppets! Amazing. 😂😂 #Reagan #Obama #Puppet #Dance…
@MTVBananas: The Beach Boys! #CostaRica #GoPro @thejekdynasty @theevanstarkman @kennysantucci
@MTVCoryWharton: Right when you can't have em, is when you want em. 💯✊
@BSwiftMTV: Ropes, Heights, Swinging, Falling, & Water😖... You Definitely do not want to miss tonight's episode…
@TheOfficial_CT: Superman ain't got nuthin' on us... #areyouingoodhands? brantaylor @DouglasMauldin
@MTVBananas: Tonights episode of #FreeAgents is sure give your heart attack a stroke! @MTV
@TheOfficial_CT: Pushin' whips n savin' lives... #howwedo #nashville brantaylor @DouglasMauldin
@MTVBananas: Banana Swag!!!! #BeSomebody
@JohnnyReilly_: #MotherNature definitely turned on a couple pollen generators today 😑
@tjlavin: You need some @Forgiven RT @PeaceLoveJoi: Man this hangover won't quit.
@PeaceLoveJoi: @tjlavin @Forgiven yes I do! Why have I never heard of this??
@JamieChinaMTV: @PeaceLoveJoi @tjlavin @Forgiven exactly, why have I never heard of this. Would've saved me so much trouble in life fighting hangovers lol.
@theevanstarkman: @kennysantucci this seems right up your alley with the insta quotes #tryingtofitinonsocial #quote…
@BrandonDNelson: Tune into The Challenge Free Agents on @mtv 2night & stay locked for an interesting special afterwards #teambrandon
@JazMTV: I think it's time I delete all my social media stuff and go Into hiding for awhile. And change my #
@Knight_MTV: Excited to see who goes number 1 overall and who the packers get and which direction them saints are going
@Knight_MTV: Ok also all these idiots doing the 10k RTs and I don't have to take the final. Those teachers should be fired. That's what wrong with kids.
@MTVCoryWharton: Wait..... The older you get, the Freakier you get???????😏 #25&up
@PeaceLoveJoi: @MTVCoryWharton smh Cory lol
@itsarifitz: "i think i'll work all my life. when you're having fun, why stop having fun?" #allworkallplay
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: alright new jams ready for another five mile run
@EmFitMTV: I came home to a surprise in my mailbox- had to call @wodsuperstore to find out who sent them.... None…
@TheOfficial_CT: #worldovariancancerday #wocd Spread the word...pass it the fight!
@TheresaMTV: Sporting my @karamarienet Swarovski Gem!!💎😊 #Love
@BrianTWillJr: This throwback got us looking like a #romancenovel #chickflick #wetdreams #tbt
@KennySantucci: Thanks again to the town of Rochelle Park, Mayor and everyone else who helped out with the ribbon…
@TheJayDillinger: Turn up & celebrate the success! — All Night — #BlackGatsbyAlbum almost here —
@cohuttaMTV: It's taken me all my life to figure out that if I just write in all caps it's way more legible. It's my penmanship destiny mamma.
@TheJayDillinger: June 16th it's going down!
@CaraMariaMTV: Wow- what a sweet article. Thank you! @thejessgoodwin -Cara Maria Can Win 'The Challenge' @bustle @mtv #freeagents
@TheresaMTV: Ok @Drake. Ok.🔥👀
@itsarifitz: #MISFITZ, what are you guys doin for ya mamas this sun? #MothersDay
@JamieChinaMTV: Texas has the most bipolar weather ever😑
@GetRealLoLOnAir: 7 pm est join @AshleyWeitzel for #RealityRewind w/ Special Guests @syrusmtv & @BSwiftMTV as we talk #RealWorld #MTV
@Chet_Cannon: So grateful @instagram didn't exist when I was a teenager
@MTVBananas: Appreciate the support brother! RT @Anasmohamed24 Hey Johnny I support and cheer for you every week on the challenge from Egypt Good luck
@laurelstucky: #TheChallengeFreeAgents tonight at 10pm on @MTV
@ZachMTV: #ripcity isn't easy to gain access to but this guy @B_Maser_10 represents everything it stands for.…
@DerrickMTV: #Manziel to Dallas: Jerry Jones wet dream.
@KO_Skuba: @DerrickMTV Internet would explode!
@cohuttaMTV: mtv tune in kiddos. #thechallengefreeagents
@TylerDuckMTV: “@MTVBananas @TylerDuckMTV bananas swag :) only on” @frankcsweeney Who's the homeless guy?
@MTVDerek: Happy happy joy joy
@BSwiftMTV: Come kick it w/Your boy Swift before the challenge!Im going live w/ @syrusmtv for an interview on reality rewind @7pm
@JustJem24: Somebody explain to me why Chris Bosh's wife is wearing this to a basketball game😳😳#putonajersey #andsityourassdown
@dustinzito: Check Out @FraquesNOLA bc I am the face behind the page:) chat with me I want to hear your views on #MensFashion
@MTV: Welcome to #TheChallengeFreeAgents, @KanyeWest: @ChallengeMTV
@JamieChinaMTV: Ughhh the froyo cravings are real right now😱
@NanyMTV: #FreeAgents tonight @ 10pm on @mtv 💋
@DerrickMTV: Johnny Manziel just looks like trouble. Really excited to see him play thou. #JohnnyFootball #Leggo
@dustinzito: My Boy Louie!
@JohnnyReilly_: #MidseasonTease #FreeAgents
@ChallengeMTV: Psssst, just 2 hours until #TheChallengeFreeAgents starts!
@JohnnyReilly_: #SneakPeak #Tonight #FreeAgents
@MtvJess: You all about her and she all about hers....
@BSwiftMTV: Just had mad fun doing an interview with the folks from reality rewind radio on spreecast!
@JustJem24: Y'all welcome my baby @CameronNewton to twitter.
@JayGMTV: Drink as much @ZINGVodka as me? Start with a @NOHOdrink first and you will never wake up with a hangover i promise!
@JustJem24: Im praying Manziel brings his beer up with him when he meets with Goodell. #NFLDraft2014 #JohnnyFootball
@RobinMTV14: Watching NFL Draft love it!
@blairherter: Man, someone put A LOT of marketing muscle behind this Costner flick. It's all over ESPN right now.
@RoyLee25mtv: Uh-ohhhhhhh somebody is going home tonight on The Challenge #FreeAgents
@CamilaMTV: I love busy days @CleanStartMiami 💋 Who's ready for some live tweeting? #thechallenge #freeagents @mtv 1hr away!!!
@JustJem24: Ladies if a guy isn't tweeting about stuff besides the draft right now he is a lame & you should give him zero play...
@JustJem24: Personally I want Tampa to get Manziel..
@DerrickMTV: I think we're all ready for a little ROOKIES vs. VETERANS,whatever the rules may be. #TBT themarklong…
@TheJayDillinger: Celebration (Freestyle) — #YungAndWavy: via @YouTube
@JazMTV: Sorry y'all for my little pity party shit and I was having men trouble but don't worry I handled my business my knuckles hurt from lol
@mikethemiz: Love getting picks for the future but this happens every year n we go 4 n something. Hope Manziel or Bridgewater is there at 9 @Browns @NFL
@ChallengeMTV: #TheChallengeFreeAgents airs in 1 hour on @MTV. Be sure to catch The Best of the Worst Special right after!
@JustJem24: Keep on sucking Tampa. Keep on sucking..
@JamieChinaMTV: well i've got 7 years... Gonna make it happen!!!
@TheRealNiaMoore: #HeatNation!!!!!!!!!!!
@mikethemiz: Well I'm lost in what the @Browns are doing. Anyone else?
@TheJayDillinger: Just found out Manziel hasn't gotten picked yet .... damn
@JustJem24: Y'all your mom should never refer to the guy you're fucking as Papi. This is bad.. Real real bad
@AshleeFeldman: Got you shackled in my embrace, I'm latching on to you. 🎧🎼🎵🎶
@JustJem24: Wherever Johnny goes will become a team I like tonight EXCEPT Dallas I will never support the cowboys...
@JustJem24: “@RealSkipBayless: Johnny Football falling closer & closer to Jerry Jones.” Baby Jesus please feel free to come back tonight if this occurs
@DerrickMTV: And the marriage between Jerry Jones and Johnny Football is getting closer and closer. Wonder if Jer will get down on 1 knee?? #Cowboys
@JustJem24: & there is a little special on after the challenge that I might just be tweeting about 😏🙈
@kevin_powell: My New York Giants have pick #12. If Johnny Manziel still available we should take him. Seriously. We picked a lot of D help offseason.
@CaraMariaMTV: I love wall balls. I love swimming. I love OHS. Never will i ever say "i hate" or "i cant". Just keep on keepin on!
@cohuttaMTV: #tbt romping around #south #america with these two.. @jonnamtv @sometimesisaac #thechallengefreeagents…
@PrestoMagicmtv: Where's the photo of all three of us? @cohuttaMTV @jonnamtv @SometimesISAAC
@cohuttaMTV: @PrestoMagicmtv @jonnamtv @SometimesISAAC oh it'll pop up.
@cohuttaMTV: @PrestoMagicmtv @jonnamtv @SometimesISAAC oh it'll pop up.
@iamNoorJ: if the cowboys take manziel i wont be mad :)
@iamNoorJ: Please let johnny slide to 16 Please let johnny slide to 16 Please let johnny slide to 16 #Cowboys
@kevin_powell: In all seriousness I would be surprised if my New York Giants took Johnny Manziel. We need offensive line help, running back. #NFLDraft2014
@MTVBananas: Who's ready for a SHIT KICKIN good time?! T-Minus 30 minutes till an all new #FreeAgents Pls RT
@EmileeMTV: Make sure to tune into #TheChallenge #FreeAgents at 10pm on @MTV. After show special with yours truly @ 11pm. #BestoftheWorst 😱
@PrestoMagicmtv: 30 mins till the new episode #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@MTVBananas: Here's an appetizer to get you ready for the main course! #FreeAgents @MTV
@susie_meister: There's no way you guys really care this much about football, right? Oh god, you do.
@JustJem24: Don't play the whose the biggest bitch game with me... Bc I will when every single time...
@EmileeMTV: #KanyeTaughtMe no church in the wild. #TheChallenge #FreeAgents #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@MTVBananas: At this rate @prestoMagicMTV is gonna be drafted before Johnny Manziel! #freeagents @espn @MTV @jmanziel2
@PrestoMagicmtv: Nope - I don't get the reference @MTVBananas @espn @MTV @JManziel2
@EmileeMTV: "@MTVBananas: At this rate @prestoMagicMTV is gonna be drafted before Johnny Manziel! #freeagents @espn @MTV" wait who is Johnny Manziel? 😔
@PrestoMagicmtv: Lets not get carried away @MTVBananas has years of experience if I were you I'd stack a team w him I'm great w the assist! @KevinCapowski
@ChallengeMTV: 15 MINUTES! Be sure to tweet #TheChallengeFreeAgents if you're watching with us :)
@AshleyMarieMTV: This is a very humbling moment for Mr.Manziel, or at least we hope. #nfldraft
@BrandonDNelson: Man if Dallas get Johnny Football....
@JustJem24: I'm confused why everybody thinks Manziel needs to be humbled. As an athlete aren't you suppose to believe you're the best?
@MTVShowBlog: 10 minutes till an all new #FreeAgents!!!
@CaraMariaMTV: Spoiler Alert: Will be tweeting along #Thechallenge #FREEAGENTS @mtv LIVE with the east coasters. So if you don't wanna see- don't look!
@JustJem24: Y'all it's about to happen 😫😫
@TheresaMTV: TUNE IN📺: Mamacitas Y Plátanos!! mtv💃🍌 #FreeAgents @nanymtv @mtvjess realjohnnybananas
@TheRealNiaMoore: Want a follow? I got u baby!☺️💋 #hurricanenia #freeagents
@CaraMariaMTV: Side note- poor @BrandonDNelson ...thats shittier luck than me! wtf are you supposed to do against a wall? maybe climb over it? miss you!
@BrandonDNelson: @CaraMariaMTV ah well... what can you do? Miss you too lady!
@MTVBananas: Don't worry about missing the Johnny Manziel pick, you can still tune in for #FreeAgents he'll still be on the board after its over! @MTV
> As The Cast Saw It: "Stripes"
@MTV: #TheChallengeFreeAgents starts right NOW! RT if you're ready and watching with me & @ChallengeMTV!
@MTVShowBlog: Here. We. GO! #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@LaToyaJMTV: Im tuned in! #FreeAgents
@MTVBananas: Here we go! #FreeAgents @MTV #GiddyUp
@DevynSimone: It's on! #MTV #TheChallenge
@PrestoMagicmtv: I know that @JordanMTV can be a huge dick but he's really one of the best men I've met on The Challenge - he's always striving to be better
@EmileeMTV: Who is this voice narrating the past episode? #FreeAgents
@MTVShowBlog: No doubt that @CaraMariaMTV is a force to be reckoned with! #boss #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@ChallengeMTV: Aw @CaraMariaMTV, keep your head up. #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@MTVShowBlog: How hard does a piggyback ride sound?!?! #irony #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@DevynSimone: They make us do some crazy mess. Who comes up with this stuff?! #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@JazMTV: Always last pick
@MTVShowBlog: They should have Lumberjack @TheOfficial_CT action figures, complete with a clip-on beard #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@MTVBananas: I bet nobody predicted Johnny Bananas to be drafted before Johnny Manziel! @JManziel2 #FreeAgents @MTV @espn #NFLDraft
@CamilaMTV: I love me some jazzy @JazMTV @mtv #freeagents #TheChallenge
@JazMTV: Luv i too boo RT @CamilaMTV: I love me some jazzy @JazMTV @mtv #freeagents #TheChallenge
@PrestoMagicmtv: Always picked last....
@JustJem24: “@PrestoMagicmtv: Always picked last....” Johnny Manziel is currently Janet the same problem and he's a heisman winner. Keep your head up😘
@DevynSimone: So I guess I'm officially the underdog.. But that's ok.. Or maybe it's all apart of my plan... Muahhahahahahah 😉#TheChallenge
@TheMarkLong: The #NFL #DRAFT is really disrupting me watching #FreeAgents #Challenge ...
@JazMTV: This hardest challenge I've ever done
@BSwiftMTV: Heights and water! #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@CaraMariaMTV: come on @CaraMariasArms don't fail me now! @MTV @TheChallengeMTV
@JayGMTV: From 10pm-11pm use discount code REALWORLD for 20% off at #freeagents baby
@CamilaMTV: Aw that's my shirt @MtvJess 💋💋💋
@JazMTV: @DevynSimone still looks good when she falls sexy bitch
@MTVShowBlog: Literally dropping like flies #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@MtvJess: Sorry guys 💥
@DevynSimone: Leroy's behind literally pushed me off him!! He was like "bye Felicia". #TheChallenge
@CaraMariaMTV: First team to go- always a disadvantage. fingers crossed we can pull this off..... @MTV #thechallenge #freeagents
@JustJem24: Y'all I want to be @LeighAnneTuohy when I grow up.
@MtvJess: Live/tipsy tweeting ha ha 💋 #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@ZachMTV: .@BSwiftMTV looked like a baby chimps first voyage outside the nest.
@MTVBananas: My boy @kennysantucci rockin some #BananaSwag
@BSwiftMTV: Them damn gloves! Smh @MTV #challengefreeagents
@CamilaMTV: Who do y'all think is gonna win?? 😉 #TheChallenge #freeagents
@JayGMTV: From 10pm-11pm during the episode of The Challenge Free Agents use discount code REALWORLD for 20% off…
@JustJem24: Realizing Preston probably has no clue who johnny manziel is or what the heisman is...
@PrestoMagicmtv: That was going to be my first question ??? @JustJem24
@JustJem24: “@PrestoMagicmtv: That was going to be my first question ??? @JustJem24” @ that's why I love you baby 😘😘😘😘😘. #TEAMPRESTON
@ZachMTV: All the strength in the world is pointless when there's nothing between the ears.
@ZachMTV: So the fat kid finished... #getsome #freeagents @mtv
@MTVShowBlog: Only half remain, but picking up momentum! #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@CaraMariaMTV: @JordanMTV "can you kip @jonnamtv .... do you know what a kip is?" LMAO @mtv #Thechallenge #freeagents
@LaToyaJMTV: I never expect anything less than excellance from @ZachMTV and @CaraMariaMTV. Loove them! #FreeAgents
@ZachMTV: “@LaToyaJMTV: I never expect anything less than excellance from @ZachMTV and @CaraMariaMTV. Loove them! #FreeAgents” Latoya you're a babe
@LaToyaJMTV: @ZachMTV hahaha thanx big boo
@MtvJess: Poor @JordanMTV tried so hard for the team. #lovehate
@MTVShowBlog: THAT WAS TRAGIC #soclose #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@ChallengeMTV: .@JordanMTV, you were SO close to the end of that challenge...yet so far. #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@PrestoMagicmtv: If you haven't noticed the reason @laurelstucky is rooting for the other players is because she CARES for others contrary to beliefs 💓
@laurelstucky: @PrestoMagicmtv thanks presto mágico 🌺
@LaToyaJMTV: Welp, Once again he was "inadequate" (Jess word) at completing a challenge, Hopefully tonights vote for elimination is based on"Performance"
@ZachMTV: Did we really do that bad @SometimesISAAC you would know since you're the beacon of athletic excellence...
@SometimesISAAC: @ZachMTV im at the titty bar big fella, nobodys got time for that😜
@CamilaMTV: Let's go team!!! @laurelstucky @cohuttaMTV @NanyMTV @MTVBananas @AneesaMTV
@TheresaMTV: Go #TeamPurple 😈💜
@ZachMTV: Is that Preston or a sloth?
- @IcedCOfNewYork: @ZachMTV Preston is getting good at this. I can't tell if he is a sloth at this battle.
@LaToyaJMTV: LMAO @NanyMTV snatched the hell outta that towel!! #MyGirl
@MTVShowBlog: Two birds with one censored expletive! #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@EmileeMTV: @CaraMariaMTV is looking like The Little Mermaid in her interviews 😍😍😍😍 #freeagents #thechallenge #mermaidsarereal
@CaraMariaMTV: @EmileeMTV THis mermaid wants to stay dry! hahaha :) xo
@JazMTV: People doubt me but I'm beast bitches #TheChallenge
@MtvJess: Awe @PrestoMagicmtv killin em love you
@PrestoMagicmtv: @MtvJess
@MTVBananas: Atta girl @PrestoMagicmtv ! #freeagents @MTV
@MTVShowBlog: Nice save, @PrestoMagicmtv!!! #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@CamilaMTV: That sh*t was cray. 😰 #LiterallyInTears #freeagents #TheChallenge @mtv
@MTV: .@CamilaMTV AWW, I'll help comfort you.
@JazMTV: The pain was so unbearable #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@ZachMTV: Some call him Johnny Bananas, I call him Johnny Biceps. @MTVBananas @mtv #FreeAgents
@MTV: @ZachMTV @MTVBananas That's absolutely genius.
@BSwiftMTV: @PrestoMagicmtv did the SMARTEST thing taking them gloves off. #NoGrip
@JazMTV: I had every guy on my legs and people say I'm not strong go f*** yourself #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@PrestoMagicmtv: Proving others wrong again #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@JamieChinaMTV: Holy shit, @PrestoMagicmtv has been killing it on these challenges!! Kudos 👌
@CamilaMTV: Caption this. ✌️ #TheChallenge #FreeAgents @mtv
@JazMTV: I may be the shortest small smallest in challenges history but I'll never give up!! #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@JamieChinaMTV: Does this song for this H&M commercial bug anyone else?? It makes me wanna punch someone in the mouth....
@hannahteter: Turn on @MTV and cheer for this handsome devil!:) @MTVBananas
@MtvJess: #drelfie #fireball ha ha love you @_blev_ ha ha #thechallengefreeagents
@MTVBananas: Down goes Frasier!!! @MTV #freeagents
@CaraMariaMTV: Straight from the banans mouth - the difficulty of this challenge is harder than any challenge he's done..... - #imDRY #happy!
@MtvJess: Blame it on the fireball bayyyyyybah 🔥
@CamilaMTV: NO. Let's talk about how I made it across and production made me go back to the rope???? @laurelstucky @cohuttaMTV @mtv
@cohuttaMTV: @CamilaMTV @laurelstucky @MTV I wish I woulda went back out there with you. #hindsight
@CaraMariaMTV: High Five @laurelstucky ;) @mtv #TheChallenge #FREeAGENTS
@LaToyaJMTV: LMAOOO "A wet banana" @cohuttaMTV
@MTVShowBlog: "There's a wet banana on the beach telling us what we're doing wrong." @MTVBananas #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@MTVBananas: Ha ha, @PrestoMagicmtv moaning is the only thing making this bearable! @mtv #freeagents
@MtvJess: COME ONNNNNN #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@JazMTV: I fell face but me and @PrestoMagicmtv handle on longer than all of our teans!! #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@MTVBananas: Sorry dad! #Ifell @mtv #freeagents
@LaToyaJMTV: I will not deny the fact that @laurelstucky booty was right tonight! Yassss hunny you better swang that thang!y
@laurelstucky: @LaToyaJMTV ugh why did you have to go. #ToyaCommentary
@LaToyaJMTV: @laurelstucky LOL!! Im still devastated jk jk. But hey im watchin n you better kick ass!!!
@TyrieBMTV: damn manziel still isnt drafted?
@ZachMTV: Weird, the other team watched us, criticized us, yet still only got 4 players across those ropes. Way to pick 'em @JohnnyReilly_
@CaraMariaMTV: @ZachMTV @JohnnyReilly_ #crossfit
@MTVBananas: Some call him @ZachMTV , i call him Zacky-I-cant-believe-its-not-butter! @MTV #freeagents
@PrestoMagicmtv: The hardest Challenge I've ever done. I think we're all winners 👏
@Knight_MTV: “@PrestoMagicmtv: The hardest Challenge I've ever done. I think we're all winners 👏” yah that's not how winning works dumbass
@JustJem24: @Knight_MTV don't be a fuckin hater. @PrestoMagicmtv is killing this season so sit your ass at home and watch..
@Knight_MTV: “@JustJem24: @Knight_MTV don't be a fuckin hater. @PrestoMagicmtv is killing this season so sit your ass at home and watch..” First sucks to
@PrestoMagicmtv: Nothing but love Fer ya @Knight_MTV but @JustJem24 speaks truuuuuuthhhh!
@Knight_MTV: “@PrestoMagicmtv: Nothing but love Fer ya @Knight_MTV but @JustJem24 speaks truuuuuuthhhh!” Shit u know I was playing I didn't see u do work
@JustJem24: @PrestoMagicmtv @Knight_MTV we ALL know knight can't take it as well as he dishes it.. Lawd where is Ryan Leslie when we need him
@laurelstucky: Pre show alliances RT @GregGonsky: @laurelstucky Dunno how you get picked second instead of first at the start of these challenges.
@CamilaMTV: @laurelstucky @GregGonsky not really
@laurelstucky: @CamilaMTV @GregGonsky not talking about you camila
@ChallengeMTV: We all know the rope really won that challenge. #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@JazMTV: @PrestoMagicmtv touched the ropes!! It's BS he's MVP in my book
@PrestoMagicmtv: That's why I love you girl! @JazMTV
@MTVBananas: Looks like Bananas just became Public Enemy Number One!!! @mtv #freeagents
@MTVShowBlog: Only @MtvJess can make an elimination vote sound sweet! #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@JazMTV: funny how people say one thing who they want to vote but change their mind last minute #scarybitches #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@TylerDuckMTV: Best Hair this episode goes to... @tjlavin @laurelstucky a close second #FreeAgents
@PrestoMagicmtv: I'm dressed in Black!
@JazMTV: Crazy you campaign to get everyone to vote for Laurel and you use me scary. Don't agree with that!
@MtvJess: People think we all have to conform to their votes sorry no #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@MTVBananas: Tension so thick you could cut it with a knife!!! @mtv #freeagents
@CamilaMTV: Sh*t just got real. 👅 #TheChallenge #freeagents @mtv @laurelstucky
@LaToyaJMTV: At what point in this seasons competition will anybody exercise their right as a #FreeAgent
@ChallengeMTV: Uh oh. @laurelstucky's death stare is even scaring ME. #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@MTVBananas: Commercial break... Hurry check out #freeagents @MTV
@TheRealNiaMoore: Guess who's coming back tonight?? #HurricaneNia 💃 tune in to @MTV at 11pm EST. Word on the street it's a category 5 😏🔨💨💨 #freeagents #thechallenge #hurricanenia #niamoore
@CardellChris: @TheRealNiaMoore yes
@JohnnyReilly_: 2-2 back to #Beantown
@ZachMTV: At the end of the day, at least my weave looked right a deliberation. @mtv #FreeAgents
@JamieChinaMTV: So definitely see who is and isn't true to their word in this game. #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@JazMTV: If you're going to use me as a throwaway vote just let me know because you didn't mess up your own game. But it's all good no hard feelings
@EmileeMTV: Hi little strong string baby bean. Can we all agree @jonnamtv has looked so cute all episode. #FreeAgents #TheChallenge
@PrestoMagicmtv: Do not mess with a true gangster @laurelstucky 💯
@TylerDuckMTV: After deliberations, @laurelstucky whips out her mac book pro, opens Excel: "People To Kill After I Win" #NotJealous #FreeAgents
@CaraMariaMTV: @laurelstucky looking like a lioness ready to keeeeeeeeeeeeeel. @MTV @TheChallengeMTV
@JazMTV: I'm not mad @TheresaMTV just let me know next time you're using me as a throw-away girl lol #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@MTVShowBlog: "This person doesn't matter to me, and I don't matter to him."-Probably the most honest voting explanation ever #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@MtvJess: #TheChallengeFreeAgents where nobody has your back #forreal
@DevynSimone: I really don't know why they hate each other so much. #Bananas #Jordan #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@JazMTV: In the end it's a game no hard feelings from nobody
@TylerDuckMTV: Jealous hos just be hatin' on yo weaves! #BringHomeTheGold @MTVBananas @laurelstucky #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@MTVBananas: SHOTS FIRED!!!! @mtv #freeagents
@MTV: @MTVBananas YIKES!
@ChallengeMTV: .@TheresaMTV WHAAAAAT?! Looks like I’m not the only person surprised to hear @JazMTV’s name. #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@JazMTV: @DevynSimone right on!!!! Preach!!
@MTVShowBlog: HASHTAG LYING #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@EmileeMTV: Hmm. I ruvvvv both @MTVBananas @JordanMTV.
@DevynSimone: Be careful who you betray.. It will come back to bite you. #lying #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@MtvJess: @laurelstucky is FIERCE BABY!!!! #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@MTVBananas: Guess its time to "earn my stripes" @mtv @freeagents
@TheresaMTV: In one 👂 out the other. 😊
@CamilaMTV: I would rather loose fair and square any day of the week than be untrustworthy 😘 @mtv #bitchesbefake #freeagents #TheChallenge
@MTVBananas: Good old fashioned head banger... Time to ratchet up the pain!!!! @mtv #freeagents
@EmileeMTV: I don't support campaigning for someone to be out before #thechallenge even begins and then letting everyone else take the heat.
@MTVBananas: @mtv #freeagents
@EmileeMTV: No one trusts a cowardly lion. #FreeAgents
@JustJem24: Y'all that's Johnny's sister so chill.. And know your shit before you joke about it
@JazMTV: Blank please! !! #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@TylerDuckMTV: @JazMTV Taking a xanax for you right now...
@CamilaMTV: 4th time in the draw already... #fml #maybeGodistryingtotellmesomething 🙌✨✨✨ #TheChallengeFreeAgents @mtv
@DevynSimone: Yes it's a word guys 😊 #TheChallenge
@LaToyaJMTV: S/O to all the 2014 graduates! #TheSkyIsTheLimit
@JustJem24: Fuckkkkkk
@mikethemiz: HELL YEAH!!!! @JManziel2 to @Browns I'm all in for the 2014-15 season. I deem this pick #Awesome
@CaraMariaMTV: I ran neked to prove a POINT- i get aggrivated when people when and cry and complain about how hard it is because they have to make a vote
@CamilaMTV: Aren't you glad I gave you a badaas vagina haircut??? 👊👅😂🎉💋😜 @CaraMariaMTV #TheChallengeFreeAgents @mtv
@CaraMariaMTV: @CamilaMTV @MTV LMAO- thanks to @jonnamtv s weave. hahahaha. Thanks for bushin me up camila!
@TheresaMTV: I've learn from Challenges: "You Must Play Them Before They Play You." #TrustNONE😊
@CaraMariaMTV: I'm like ' bitch, you WON! stop complaining! your life is GREAT!'- hence me streaking. it was really a metaphor.
@JazMTV: I was heartbroken I knew there's no way this is going to happen for me what girl or guy wants to go against @laurelstucky she's a beast!
@LaToyaJMTV: Lawd @JazMTV smh. In Jesus name we pray, Amen!
@Knight_MTV: Have fun in Cleveland Ohio Johnny football. Lebron obviously loved it.
@JazMTV: Well I think we all know what's going to happen #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@TylerDuckMTV: @laurelstucky @JazMTV Its like me vs. a large pizza on a saturday night... #ForegoneConclusion
@MTVBananas: Damn @JazMTV against @laurelstucky . A female version of david vs goliath! @mtv #freeagents
@iamNoorJ: well @RichieSummers team just got a little more exciting...
@MTVBananas: Alright @SometimesISAAC ... Lets Dance!!! @mtv #freeagents
@iamNoorJ: annnddd now the channel can change.
@CaraMariaMTV: Climb that tree @JazMTV @mtv #thechallenge
@JazMTV: Gave it everything I had
@MTVShowBlog: At least @SometimesISAAC and @MTVBananas both have the best hair on the guys' side #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@MTVBananas: BITE HER ANKLES @JazMTV !!! @MTV #freeagents
@EmileeMTV: LET'S GET PHYSICAL. physicalllllll 👯 #freeagents #thechallenge
@JazMTV: Thanks @laurelstucky
@laurelstucky: @JazMTV wish it wasn't you jazzy.
@TyrieBMTV: @laurelstucky @JazMTV helluva a match ladies.... kinda Rivals deja vu
@EmileeMTV: @JazMTV ♡ you
@DevynSimone: My challenge big bro. #Bananas. If he hadn't eaten my ice cream cone in college I never would've…
@LaToyaJMTV: LMAAOOOO this is hilarious and sooo cute. Its like a little sister attempting to fight a big sister
@JazMTV: It was fun guy's just not my time! #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@JamieChinaMTV: @JazMTV you gave it your all though girl 👌
@CallherJade: So in love with my bed 😍😍😍
@EmileeMTV: Hahaha @JazMTV. Oh good lord. You both are fantastically awesome. @laurelstucky #freeagents #TheChallenge
@DevynSimone: Great job @JazMTV! You're a fighter! #YouWin 💋
@MTVShowBlog: .@JazMTV is a BAD ASS! #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@ChallengeMTV: TWERK IT GIRL! Thank you @JazMTV for giving us one of the best exits on #TheChallengeFreeAgents.
@PrestoMagicmtv: You're hilarious @JazMTV
@iamNoorJ: and no one will kno who the 23rd pick is cause EVERYONE just changed the channel...
@LaToyaJMTV: When all else fails... bish twerk! @JazMTV good job girlie
@Knight_MTV: I'd rather be real sitting at home #justsaying #fakefriendsaintrealfriends
@JustJem24: @Knight_MTV stop being a baby you deserved to be called out for talking shit to Preston when he honestly deserved some recognition.
@MTVBananas: There are no butterflies in the Jungle right now... Theyre all in my stomach! @mtv #FreeAgents
@NanyMTV: @JazMTV wouldn't be Jazzy if she didn't twerk her way out of elimination💋 we'll miss you boo #FreeAgents
@CamilaMTV: There couldn't have been a most unfair scenario... Hence the beauty of the *draw* #TheUnexpected ✌️#TheChallengeFreeAgents @mtv
@JazMTV: I'm glad I went against an amazing competitor & someone I call a friend @laurelstucky not many girls could do! #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@laurelstucky: @JazMTV heart you jazzy
@EmileeMTV: @PrestoMagicmtv has been doing so well. @MTVBananas owes him a bath.. with bubbles & a copy of If You Give a Mouse a Cookie #FreeAgents
@PrestoMagicmtv: Yeah next time I see you Bananas there better be bubbles and champagne @EmileeMTV @MTVBananas
@EmileeMTV: "@PrestoMagicmtv: Yeah next time I see you Bananas there better be bubbles and champagne @EmileeMTV @MTVBananas" and 10 lavender candles...
@DevynSimone: Ps. Tonight's @mtv aftershow is hilarious! Stay tuned. You don't want to miss it. Especially if you like boobies... #TheChallenge
@MTV: @DevynSimone OMG. I can't wait.
@JazMTV: Tweak team for life! ! #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@LaToyaJMTV: Word, Even the Kool-Aid man work out lol he must be getting ready for #Thechallenge
@CaraMariaMTV: The old man still got some moves. #creditwherecreditisdue @mtv #THECHALLENGE #FREEAGENTS @MTVBananas
@JohnnyReilly_: @MTVBananas that pump fake
@cohuttaMTV: That rope challenge was my favorite !!! #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@MTVBananas: Johnny Twinkle Toes! @mtv #freeagents
@MTVShowBlog: "Hell hath no fury like a banana scorned."-@MTVBananas #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@ChallengeMTV: "Hell hath no fury like a Banana scorned." - @MTVBananas #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@itsarifitz: good things come to those who hustle. #MISFITZ
@TylerDuckMTV: @MTVBananas Get It! Still got the moves!! #TheChallengeFreeAgents @SometimesISAAC you're still #notsober EPIC BATTLE
@JazMTV: Thank you everyone for the support it was a great challenge and I hope to be back soon! #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@cohuttaMTV: @CamilaMTV your face when you were on that rope. I'll never forget ha!
@CamilaMTV: It's the only one I got 😂“@cohuttaMTV: @CamilaMTV your face when you were on that rope. I'll never forget ha!”
@DevynSimone: Bye @SometimesISAAC we love you!! #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@MTVShowBlog: See y'all next week! #TheChallengeFreeAgents
> After Show - Best of the Worst, After Hours and More Beef!
@EmileeMTV: #BestoftheWorst NOW on mtv #freeagents #mtv #thechallenge
@LaToyaJMTV: #BestOfTheWorst starts now!!!!!
@TheRealNiaMoore: Tune in NOW! @mtv #FreeAgents #HurricaneNia
@JayGMTV: Notice my man @BrandonDNelson rocking his craze watch on this after show!! @CrazeWatches #freeagents
@MTVBananas: If you're #TEAMBANANAS check out @mtv #freeagents
@CaraMariaMTV: OMG the aftershow! I want to go in the money booth and win movie tickets and get a snazzy @mtv shirt! how fun :) #theChallenge
@JustJem24: Not watching the special so please keep me updated 😘😘
@CamilaMTV: It's the only one I got 😂“@cohuttaMTV: @CamilaMTV your face when you were on that rope. I'll never forget ha!”
@ChallengeMTV: Tug-of-Weave is my new favorite game. #TheChallengeAftershow
@BrandonDNelson: @DevynSimone awwww thank you beauty queen!
@JazMTV: the end of the day I own when wrong I want to be classy. Yea talk shit on Twitter & it was wrong of me but if you wanted to fight me so bad nobody was stopping u.
@JazMTV: I'm a woman I own when I'm wrong plain
@MTVBananas: I'm man enough to admit that it was. @ifeelcrazybaby @JordanMTV
@laurelstucky: @CamilaMTV my girl
@LaToyaJMTV: These two yapping hens stressing me out #BestoftheWorst
@JazMTV: Everyone makes mistakes and says stupid stuff it takes a real woman to say hey you know what I this is s stupid
@BrandonDNelson: #bestoftheworst #thechallenge #freeagents mtv @bunimmurray
@CaraMariaMTV: careful who you fight with @TheRealNiaMoore ..... rivals3 won't look too good for you. @AneesaMTV is pickin her rivals smart ;)
@AneesaMTV: @CaraMariaMTV @TheRealNiaMoore haha I'm not looking for a rivals 3 partner. Miss you mama
@SometimesISAAC: sad to leave! if you want to see the insane stuff i got into backpacking through uraguay after, first clip goes up after next weeks episode!
@TheRealNiaMoore: Shakingggggg😭😭😭 y'all really didn't even see what happened in the hotel when I punked @jazmtv in the hotel hallway. Ugly ass bishhhhhh💃
@TheRealNiaMoore: @JustJem24 you saw💅😭
@JazMTV: The end of the day nobodyis back peddling if she wanted to do something she has more than one opportunity to.
@BrandonDNelson: #bestoftheworst #thechallenge #freeagents mtv @bunimmurray @jemmyemtv
@CaraMariaMTV: LMAO GO GERTIE!!!!! @frankcsweeney
@frankcsweeney: @CaraMariaMTV She's back... but then again, she never went anywhere. @RuPaulsDragRace watch OUTTTTTT.
@EmileeMTV: I saw @chrisdcomedy and mentally ripped down all the Zito, JTT, and Devon Sawa posters 😍😍😍 #thechallenge #freeagents #bestoftheworst
@JazMTV: @TheRealNiaMoore was never scared in the hallway you came into my room was being friendly and didn't say anything to me
@JazMTV: @TheRealNiaMoore we were in a green room for 3 hours you didn't say anything we went to the cigarettes together and you didn't say anything
@BrandonDNelson: #thechallenge #freeagents #bestoftheworst @frankcsweeney
@JazMTV: @TheRealNiaMoore you wait until cameras to say something to me
@AneesaMTV: I didn't get to watch the show tonight. Can't wait to see what I missed
@TheresaMTV: C U Next Thursday!!! Lotta love- Lotta hate, just letting you know I appreciate!!😊✨💋💃 @MTV #FreeAgents #TheChallenge #AddSomeSpice
@JazMTV: @TheRealNiaMoore made it to you I was wrong for the Twitter beef so don't try and start that s*** with me now
@BrandonDNelson: #thechallenge #bestoftheworst #freeagents mtv @bunimmurray therealniamoore @chet_cannon
@dustinzito: Best of the Worst Tonight on mtv after #FreeAgents
@JazMTV: @TheRealNiaMoore you couldn't get a response out of me so then you have to go to Toya other people to try to start shit
@frankcsweeney: Just us girls, getting ready for the runway. #TBT #ACups
@JazMTV: @TheRealNiaMoore told you in the hallway do what you gotta do and you did nothing
@TheRealNiaMoore: @JazMTV because you called security!!! There were two guards in hallway and you RAN!!😭😭 @JustJem24 @JayGMTV PLEASE confirm the real!!
@JazMTV: @TheRealNiaMoore @JustJem24 @JayGMTV we went to my room to watch the show because we work to Emily's room
@JazMTV: @TheRealNiaMoore I don't even sit on stage do what you gotta do you did not think you want to f*** me so badly then do it nope she was stopping you
@BrandonDNelson: #bestoftheworst #thechallenge #freeagents mtv @chrisdcomedy @dustinzito
@JazMTV: @TheRealNiaMoore you can have this Twitter social media beef grown ass woman and I don't need it! #byefelicia
@JustJem24: Seriously stop making me want red hair y'all 😳😏😜
@robb_schreiber: Marcus Smith though? Unfuckingbelievable
@RoyLee25mtv: Good job tonight fellas @SometimesISAAC & @MTVBananas #FreeAgents
@SometimesISAAC: @RoyLee25mtv @mtvbananas hey thanks leroy... Ps where the f have u been I thought we had a hangover vegas date? #die-beetus
@CaraMariaMTV: @TheChallengeMTV @MTV @BunimMurray @BrandonDNelson @dustinzito @LaToyaJMTV @frankcsweeney WICKED entertaining! Love this!
@LaToyaJMTV: Soooooo #BesrOfTheWorst what yall think?
@frankcsweeney: I love a wig. #BestOfTheWorst
@JazMTV: I just find it funny how she's nrying to twitter beef and we resolved everything and agreed keep each others name out mouth. Even had drinks after.
@EmileeMTV: @SometimesISAAC and my scissor sister @frankcsweeney looked great in my bikini. #freeagents #bestoftheworst #TheChallenge
@TheRealNiaMoore: “@captaindeex: I really wanted @TheRealNiaMoore to smack jasmine lmao” but I'm 6ft. I would have "lost" in the grand scheme of things..
@JazMTV: @TheRealNiaMoore seriously if you are going to talk about me get your f****** facts straight
@DevynSimone: Whoa Nia and Dustin are giving up all the secrets!! #OnBlast #TheChallenge
@TheMarkLong: Was watching the #NFL draft...what did I miss on the #MTV #TheChallengeFreeAgents ???? How did my son @ZachMTV do???
@EmileeMTV: How would I know that Dustin was going home lmao the real #Scandal.. @TheRealNiaMoore @frankcsweeney #buttpussy
@LaToyaJMTV: @TheRealNiaMoore O damn I missed this!! BUT i dnt keep up w ya ratchet ass, so can u plz run that by me again like that ass ran out that bar
@TheRealNiaMoore: @LaToyaJMTV sweetie everyone was there. You were wasted so you don't remember. Ask around. Even production was a witness..who are u fooling?
@JazMTV: @TheRealNiaMoore I'm done wit you everything was cool and squash with obviously its not so you know what I'll see you on the next challenge!
@TheRealNiaMoore: @JazMTV the film don't lie. You backed down on and off camera. Twitter knows. You know.💋
@JazMTV: @TheRealNiaMoore if you wanted to be my ass you would have and you didn't so you can have this Twitter beef because that's all you ever have in life
@LaToyaJMTV: That last one came from a bitch that sucked Leroy d*** in a nasty bathroom where the producers and camera men pissed and shitted! LMAO
@TyrieBMTV: mad yall puting the homie biz out there like he involved in ya beef. #Messy
@JazMTV: Sorry for the misspelled words Google Talk does not work well lol
@LaToyaJMTV: Bitch dn't come for me on "TWITTER" u know I don't fuck w too much typing. U been a fan, u got my number, & we less than 6 hrs apart! #Visit
@TheRealNiaMoore: @LaToyaJMTV this cross eyed bimbo with a loose lace front is a twitter thug. 😭😭she's loser in life and in the challenge. Just like @jazmtv
@chrisgiovannii: @TheRealNiaMoore @LaToyaJMTV LMAO!!! I can't breathe! 😫😫😩
@JazMTV: Everyone who keeps saying I've back down from her I never did I said okay do what you gotta do you she did nothing
@JazMTV: @TheRealNiaMoore talking about what you would have done then why didn't you???
@CamilaMTV: @NanyMTV what's up with you & your weaves lol 👅
@TheRealNiaMoore: @LaToyaJMTV nappy head was sitting right there mute as a mouse while I jumped on @jazmtv. And now she wanna chat on twitter? Girl bye😭😭😭
@JazMTV: @TheRealNiaMoore like I said you in New York do what you gotta do you didn't we squshed it we had shots and drinks together and now you trying to revamp it
@JustJem24: Why are are the blacks girls so mad at each other 😳😳
@SometimesISAAC: @MTVBananas hey... Best two outta three? Love ya brother, your a hard man to deal with once you really grab ahold!!
@frankcsweeney: How could I win a game like this when @JustJem24's head game is so on point? #Jeal #BestOfTheWorst
@JustJem24: Should I tell y'all what really went down between nia & toya, 😳😏
@JazMTV: @TheRealNiaMoore you came at me tonight on Twitter. Done you're only doing this so you hope you get called back for a challenge get off my coat tails thanks
@TheRealNiaMoore: @JazMTV ur 3ft tall..u don't have a "coat tail" lmao..also unlike you, the challenge is not my life. This is all you got besides Twin Peaks💋
@DevynSimone: Yes I got to keep the actual check. Thanks MTV!
@JazMTV: You guys the right I said I was done and I'm classy and I need to stop if she wants to keep goingk. I have bigger and better things to do
@LaToyaJMTV: She corny ass fuc lmao really bitch?! Where n ur sick slow brain did u come up w that weak shit? Im more confused than ur sex u ashy tranny
@CaraMariaMTV: This season is absolutely insane. LOVE it. @mtv #thechallenge #Freeagents
@TheRealNiaMoore: And @LaToyaJMTV is CONFUSED. Retweeted something I said a few days ago that was actually about HER lmao. She wanna be friends so bad. 😒
@JazMTV: Sorry guys for are blowing up yalls feed with this stupid Twitter stuff!! Let's go get drunk! !!
@LaToyaJMTV: These hoes loooooove to try to put u on the same level as them.
@laurelstucky: Came back on the podium, passed @RoyLee25mtv, said: "I got your number, Leroy." He said, "which one??!? 734... 593..." Had me dying
@laurelstucky: A lot of show left, people. Let's see whose wishes come true
@JazMTV: Funny thing is I haven't worked at Twin Peaks in 2 years lol
@TheRealNiaMoore: In the end, twitter and the rest of society believes me, not u peons. You hate it, I love it. I always win. Goodnight @LaToyaJMTV @jazmtv 💃💨
@JazMTV: This check must be in love with me that she just keeps talking about me sorry sweetie I only do dick and balls! Lol
@JazMTV: Oh hey guys time for me to go have a few drinks and have some fun enjoy your night!
@LaToyaJMTV: @TheRealNiaMoore u been dying for me to mention yo ass for a min now. Remember this aint not Jasmine beef, be careful
@CamilaMTV: @laurelstucky 💋
@MTVChallenge25: Over this twitter beefs @LaToyaJMTV @TheRealNiaMoore @JazMTV ! #TheChallengeFreeAgents #Thiswasfilmedsixmonthsago
@Knight_MTV: @MTVChallenge25 @LaToyaJMTV @TheRealNiaMoore @JazMTV somebody please do something nobody likes a tv tough guy or a twitter 1
@TheRealNiaMoore: @LaToyaJMTV still struggling to get verified. Let alone a weave that's not flammable. She is the definition of a scrub. Just like @JazMTV😩
@CamilaMTV: #throwbackthursday @NanyMTV @laurelstucky ✌️💋✨✨✨ @mtv
@IamAdamKuhn: I missed the challenge tonight!! :( what happened?!
@erikalauren: Welcome to the #Browns @JManziel2 - we're delighted to have u 'til u throw one bad pass. Then we make parody songs about how bad u are.
@erikalauren: Right now, Browns fans are getting out their masking tape and black Sharpies to add @JManziel2 to their jerseys. #Browns #DraftDay2014
@TheRealNiaMoore: What's the score ya'll?? Mine says 1,000 to 0 💅 As always lmao
@TheRealNiaMoore: Part 2 coming up on Instagram ☺️
@MTVBananas: You're a wonderful argument mediator! RT @RoyLee25mtv: Good job tonight fellas @SometimesISAAC Bananas #FreeAgents"
- @EdwinMontanez: @MTVBananas love you man. I have been #TeamJohn #TeamBananas since Key West! Stay awesome
@PeaceLoveJoi: Still feeling sick 👎
@LaToyaJMTV: @Therealniamoore same bitch that sat up in Jas hotel room all night, smoked ciggs, & took shots w her but then tried to turn up for the cam
@TheRealNiaMoore: @LaToyaJMTV see if u weren't so late, u would have been front row (AGAIN) when I destroyed @jazmtv in hotel, same way I did it on stage☺️💋
@MTVBananas: I've got nothing but love for @SometimesISAAC , even if you do smell your own toilet paper! @MTV #freeagents
@SometimesISAAC: @MTVBananas @mtv HEY!!! I smell urs too🙊
@JazMTV: This is hilarious if you guys are really believing her she had plenty times to whoop my ass and was smoking and drinking w/me lol bye
@JazMTV: It's funny after the show nia came up to me and toya saying as black women we need to be cool not have drama. But u doing it now #phony
@MTVBananas: Stronger than NAFTA RT @TheMarkLong: @luvablemeshell Bananas I have an alliance w JB in life!"
@JazMTV: Yeah I lost my elimination but I didn't quit!
@MTVBananas: I'll be in the bubbles RT @PrestoMagicmtv: Yeah next time I see you Bananas there better be bubbles and champagne @EmileeMTV Bananas"
- @EdwinMontanez: @MTVBananas how can I convince you to come back to NYC? Lol
@JazMTV: @LaToyaJMTV funny how she got all this shit to say about us on here but can never say to our face. ...I smell a PUSSy ass BITCH
@JazMTV: At the end we all got eliminated. The shows over move on sweetie! !!
@LaToyaJMTV: @TheRealNiaMoore thought we were cool :( All those nights I was there 4 u when u wld call me cryn after ya nigga whooped that ass#Ungrateful
@LaToyaJMTV: @Therealniamoore I offered u a place to stay when u got evicted, and this how you treat me!!!!???! I was there for you NIA, I was there!!!
@TheRealNiaMoore: @LaToyaJMTV lmaoo who would believe that story. I never even saved your number. The devil, your father, is gonna be the DEATH of you.💋
@TheRealNiaMoore: I love y'all. I wish I could take a shot of tequila with each of you. Even if I don't reply just know…
@EmileeMTV: So I creep. @cockysunny #BestoftheWorst #FreeAgents
@TheRealNiaMoore: And the bombshell out of thin air, since apparently she thinks we have actually talked on phone before...@LaToyaJMTV has chlamydia. Boom.💋
@LaToyaJMTV: @JazMTV lmaoo she said she never had my # but was blowin my shit up before filming about how she was gone "whoop these white bitches ass"
@EmileeMTV: #BestoftheWorst #FreeAgents #thechallenge #mtv latoyajmtv @jazmtv
@TheRealNiaMoore: @latoyamtv and @jaztmtv are typical ugly, un-athletic, unpopular black girls who never had a way out. So they become crabs in a barrel lol
@TheRealNiaMoore: Like I said...@LaToyaJMTV came out the womb a nobody based off her government name...Google "Latoya Jackson" and see who pops up. 💅😭😭😭
@LaToyaJMTV: @TheRealNiaMoore so googling me now huh?! Lol ur obsession is unbelievable at this point
@JayGMTV: Watch this video with me @JayGMTV from real world explosion and @LaToyaJMTV from the challenge free agents.
@TheRealNiaMoore: Now let me leave the Four Seasons Atlanta and go write letters to this prison boyfriend who beats me...apparently..😭 Love y'all!!!
@BSwiftMTV: Play nice ladies.. @LaToyaJMTV @JazMTV @TheRealNiaMoore
@itsarifitz: to the girl: yes, this is about you. xx, ari.
@LaToyaJMTV: After hours w @EmileeMTV n @JazMTV! #loove
@JazMTV: @TheRealNiaMoore why do you need to go on my Instagram and post pictures about do you want my PUSSy that bad
@LaToyaJMTV: Bitches dnt fuck w me, but follow to keep up me lmaoo #ustilllafan #butimsleeptho
@JazMTV: I'm dying laughing cause this is hilarious you talk bout iim short ugly a hoe but you my main bitch worried about me..
@JazMTV: Whoever created fireball I hate you lol
@Knight_MTV:” I could tell u that 75%.
@MikeRossMTV: Long ago @MTVBananas taught me, " the steal of a man is tempered through the flames of adversity" you're a steal-y man ;-) good job!
@MTVBananas: @MikeRossMTV I also taught you that in a survival situation, you can drink sea water from a sock!
@MikeRossMTV: @MTVBananas I just realized that... I never got my twenty bucks for that!!! #dangyouBananas :-)
@cohuttaMTV: A humpback whale calf gains 100lbs a day off its mothers milk. That's insane.
@TheRealNiaMoore: The best part of this is that whenever they see me again in the airport or hotel, they ALWAYS bow down. Ask the cast, they witness it all 😂
@AneesaMTV: Next week is gonna be crazy
- @dc408dxtr: @JayGMTV #teamnosleep just up compiling twitter diary & writing recap of TN's #freeagents EP.
@EmileeMTV: It's always your favorite sins that do you in.
@JayGMTV: It makes me happy to see so many others NOT SLEEPING! hahah. Sleep is for the weak babyy
@RoyLee25mtv: At @SurrenderVegas with my Ride or die @AlysonMarieX0 😘😘😘
> The Friday Hangover
@EmileeMTV: The sea of tranquility can only be located at #buttpussy 33°S and 56°W @frankcsweeney
@RobinMTV14: Watching Best of the Worst and it reminds me of how lame my first challenges were. Too funny love it!
@RobinMTV14: I guess I made a big enough impression 10 years ago to even make some list. I was so blonde back then!
@EmileeMTV: Catfish is so freaky to me bc it is 2014 and it's much easier to stalk via Google than AOL. You're a pastry chef at Amy's Bakery? #LMGTFY
@NickBrownOnline: @EmileeMTV luv
@RobinMTV14: “@Vibe_TheArtista: @DevynSimone is hilarious. #CaseClosed #DoneDeal” totally agree. I've loved watching her she is beautiful and funny!
@DevynSimone: @RobinMTV14 thanks angel! Xoxo
@LaToyaJMTV: Clockin in to the moooooney
@B_Brutality: The real world doesn't have rules. Stop feeling like you need to honor strangers. Do what you need to do to survive. You're just an animal.
@robb_schreiber: This ain't a rap song, homie, this is my life. If the hood was a battlefield than I'd earn stripes. Its time to go to work.
@EricBanks: Don't get shot RT @robb_schreiber: This ain't a rap song, homie, this is my life. If the hood was a (cont)
@robb_schreiber: @EricBanks how you been big dog?
@EricBanks: Man couldn't be better: on the road more than home so that means all good lol RT @robb_schreiber: @EricBanks how you been big dog?
@robb_schreiber: @EricBanks feel that bro. Moss can't grow on a rolling stone!
@EricBanks: Or gingers hahaha RT @robb_schreiber: @EricBanks feel that bro. Moss can't grow on a rolling stone!
@robb_schreiber: @EricBanks making any trips to Philly? If so, let me know, I'll dust off my raging boots.
@EricBanks: @robb_schreiber I need to for sure, one of my fav cities
@TheRealNiaMoore: These voiceovers have me crying!!!😭😭😭😭 Iverson was one of greatest to ever play the game though...but…
@SometimesISAAC: Don't hate.... Somebody had to do it😜🙊
@Chet_Cannon: I love Lady Gaga saying Katy Perry is unoriginal, as if Madonna didn't precede the two of them
@TheMarkLong: Don't forget, this Sunday is #mothersday ...make sure you do something EXTRA nice for her...#MomsRule
@NanyMTV: I've been sitting in traffic court for almost two hours now
@robb_schreiber: @NanyMTV do the crime, ya do the time.
@RobinMTV14: Friends come and go but family is forever. That's blood and marriage! Those are the ones who's opinion matters.
@EricBanks: Great first day of the draft boys!
@CamilaMTV: The real secret to success: doing stuff! :")
@paulawalnutsMTV: I don't know if it's the hormones but as I'm working. @SKECHERSUSA people are wishing me a #HappyMothersDay & makes me so happy I wanna cry
@RobinMTV14: Best Mothers Day gift. My son made it for me. Diamonds may be special but this bracelet is priceless! Proud Mom
@JazMTV: Good morning !!!I'm not sure if I'm drunk still🍺 or blowed 🚬. oh well we all know the cure 4 both hehe!
@MTVShowBlog: .@TheresaMTV landed in hot water with @laurelstucky and @DevynSimone on last night's #FreeAgents. Will she last?
@AneesaMTV: I can't take it. We went in on the challenge. #blameitonthealcohol #udownornah #freeagents #sexting…
@cohuttaMTV: @DevynSimone I'm still not sure if that was the correct usage of DISINTEGROUS but fantastic attempt!
@Chet_Cannon: I wish I sold Beats by Dre for $3.2 billion
@cohuttaMTV: There's a certain amount of freedom in traveling a foreign country with a napsack. Thanks…
@JazMTV: @cohuttaMTV that Hostel was bad as I want to go back
@JazMTV: Best hangover meal since freshman year in college. I might get fancy with it and add veggies.…
@Chet_Cannon: Suffice it to stick your tongue out occasionally & laugh while looking at the floor to be an instagram sensation! Oh, & wear LA grunge stuff
@paulawalnutsMTV: My first #MothersDay looking forward to his arrival:) #july #32weeks
@MTVDerek: On my way to work.. feeling good and in a great mood.. let's try and keep it that way all day
@JazMTV: Now that I'm finally off the show I can catch up on my DVR from weeks ago. So I'll be tweeting random old shit!
@JazMTV: okay yall let me know who did the Cowboys pick please tell we pick a new quarterback but not Manziel #cowboynation
@JazMTV: OK Zach Martin good choice!! #cowboynation
@JennaCompono: If it is important to you, you'll find a way...if not you'll find an excuse
@RobinMTV14: I hope my son never gets to cool, to old to give me the hugs and kisses he gives me. There is no greater love than love between a mom & son!
@JazMTV: A man with lots tattoos will get my # before a pretty boy! #luvtats
@susie_meister: When someone says there's "good news and bad news" it's pretty much always just bad news.
@RobinMTV14: My son opened my heart to true love. This allowed me to love others in a way I have never done before! #MomQuotes
@RobinMTV14: My son is 4 and made me a bracelet and when I showed up in a dress he says, see I knew you would wear that and see it matches! Too funny!
@MTVCoryWharton: Dr. Dre selling Beats for 3.2 BILLION to Apple!!!!🍎🎧💰💰💰 #Payday
@DerrickMTV: Solid Win last night @MTVBananas. Solid.
@MTVBananas: @DerrickMTV My man! I channelled my inner Diesel!
@RobinMTV14: @DerrickMTV @MTVBananas I loved seeing a vet make a rookie eat his words. Way to talk the talk and walk the walk. Stripes earned years ago!
@TheRealNiaMoore: #Abs are the best accessory for the summertime! The goal is to have six of em by July. Who's with me??…
@RoyLee25mtv: Got my favorite red board shorts on... About to take a dip in the pool at @EncoreBeachClub #Vegas
@JamieChinaMTV: Eating subway for the first time since the show😲 never thought id ever be able to eat it again!!
@MtvJess: I wasn't born last night, I know these hoes ain't right🎶✌️
@MtvJess: Keep your circle tight and you enemies in sight ✋👭
@RobinMTV14: @MtvJess always you have learned a lot I see :)
@MtvJess: “@RobinMTV14: @MtvJess always you have learned a lot I see :)” just done taking people's shit
@RobinMTV14: @MtvJess welcome to the club lol :) sick of seeing good people get taken advantage of used as pawns.
@MtvJess: @RobinMTV14 I'm gonna mess up, make mistakes but I would rather do it on my own accord than be someone's puppet....
@RobinMTV14: @MtvJess well said! I've done both so good luck to you!
@JamieChinaMTV: I immediately regret that decision 😂😷
@TheRealNiaMoore: I always real life. They see it and it makes them cringe. 😋
@TheRealNiaMoore: @LaToyaJMTV better hope they don't do STD checks on the next challenge either. Because someone gonna be staying that flat ass at home😭😭
@TheRealNiaMoore: Meanwhile...☺️
@LaToyaJMTV: I apologize for the filth. Let me sanitize my wall. Much Love respect to all my tweeties <3
@JazMTV: If people are trying to bring you down it only means that you are above them.
@Chet_Cannon: Chuck Bass wouldn't take selfies
@susie_meister: Whoever called them "perfect strangers" clearly didn't hate people as much as I do.
@NehemiahMTV: I wanna be like Dr. Dre when I get younger.
@MTVBananas: Wanna see how @RoyLee25mtv and I prepared for @TheChallengeMTV #FreeAgents Pls RT
@JayGMTV: Get your #teamjayg shirt today. Email
@itsarifitz: "if you believe you can, you might. if you know you can, you will." #ALLWORKALLPLAY
@JustJem24: Y'all my mama doesn't even pay my phone bill and still threatens to turn it off when I don't answer her calls 😂😂.
@frankcsweeney: Y mi piel comienza a confundir lo que tus caricias quieren decir y a mi cuerpo en tu cuerpo esto no puede suceder. #DONE #FeelingsFridays
@MTVBananas: At what point during the night does your mouth go from smelling like peppermint, to dog shit?
@ayiiia_eliza: . @laurelstucky & @JazMTV bring tears to my eyes. Awesome sportsmanship from @laurelstucky, one of the main reasons I love & respect her<3
@laurelstucky: @ayiiia_eliza @JazMTV love you both
@DannyWascou: "The #1 greatest reality show of all time. It is prestige television." #TheChallenge #FreeAgents @tjlavin
> As The Fans Saw It
@DjJesseJ: Don't Miss #thechallenge #freeagents @afterbuzztv Aftershow @8pm pt Live
@JanelMcG: @DjJesseJ @roxystriar @TheMarkLong Also there's a special tonight right after the episode with these fallen agents!
@CSUAKirk: Will have my boy @BrandonDNelson on @spreecast 2:30 PST 5:30 EST today #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@CSUAKirk: these three are so awesome @LaToyaJMTV @JayGMTV @MtvJess
@neyasivera: HAPPY CHALLENGE DAY!!!!
@DjJesseJ: Tune In Tonight #FreeAgents #Thechallenge @afterbuzztv Aftershow at 8pm pst Live on @DJJesseJ
@CSUAKirk: 45 mins till I talk to my original guest @BrandonDNelson tune in guys #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@CSUAKirk: 30 min till I chat with @BrandonDNelson #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@CSUAKirk: thanks @tjlavin would love to interview you later in the season if your interested
@CSUAKirk: come ask your questions for @BrandonDNelson right now show in 15 mins #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@CSUAKirk: five mins till chatting with @BrandonDNelson tune in #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@Mars2985: #TheChallengeFreeAgents tonight! Time for the legend to do work! @MTVBananas #ToughestSOB
@CSUAKirk: going live with my boy @BrandonDNelson in a couple mins
@busdriversroute: Tonight is a big night for two of the most polarizing people in their respective sports. @JManziel2 & @JordanMTV. Both I see big futures for
@Get_RealLOL: 7 pm est join @AshleyWeitzel 4 #RealityRewind w/ @syrusmtv & @BSwiftMTV as we talk #RealWorld
@CSUAKirk: thanks @BrandonDNelson for coming back on @spreecast always a blast chopping it up with you dude
@djstweetarazzi: 7 pm est join @AshleyWeitzel 4 #RealityRewind w/ @syrusmtv & @BSwiftMTV as we talk #RealWorld
@EricC_Official: Yayyy 👏get to see @MtvJess tonight on #TheChallenge on @MTV #TeamJess ❤
@TheSteamer: Way too much on TV tonight. Nets/Heat, Bruins, NFL Draft, #TheChallengeFreeAgents. No idea how I’ll keep up. Oh, that’s right. Twitter.
@busdriversroute: Idea for the next Challenge. Pick 2 captains. Gather 50 Challengers in a room and hold a "draft night" live on MTV. WHO ISN'T WATCHING THAT
@TheSteamer: @busdriversroute Hopefully everyone but Preston.
@busdriversroute: @TheSteamer But wouldn't it be great to see him go undrafted?
@TheSteamer: @busdriversroute He’d be a much less talented Rashard Lewis.
@AceNichols33: .@ChallengeMTV a lot more hours for me! #PST #iNeedEarlyAccess #HookAceUp =)
@AceNichols33: I'd be able to post the recaps of #TheChallengeFreeAgents so much faster if I could only watch it at eastern time instead of 10frigginPM.
@busdriversroute: Is there any way the Giants can draft @JordanMTV? Just put him on the field, he'll do great things in some capacity.
@neyasivera: Ok guys please don't try to make The Challenge a racist show...I swear if I see one more tweet like this I will stop watching
@busdriversroute: @neyasivera Thank you for saying it, I've been thinking it all week. These people don't care if you're black, green, or purple. All about $$
@neyasivera: @busdriversroute people 'cause shit out of boredom...but this makes me sick...calling people racist? That's another level
@JanelMcG: Shout out to all my real world/road rules/challenge followers! @JayGMTV @JennyDelish @BrianTWillJr @alexgovere @ThatCoral @DerrickMTV @laurelstucky @B_Brutality @BunimMurray @RoyLee25mtv @NaomiMTV
@TheSteamer: Johnny Manziel is mostly upset that he won’t be back to the hotel in time to watch #TheChallengeFreeAgents.
@DjJesseJ: WHO'S EXCITED 4 #FreeAgents #Thechallenge @afterbuzztv Aftershow?TUNE IN at 8pm pst Live on @DJJesseJ
@Justin_Rhines: #TheChallengeFreeAgents STARTS NOW!!!!!!!
@kendallongg: FREE AGENTS BABY
@loco4laurel: #Rivals3 @MTVBananas and @JordanMTV #freeagents
@kendallongg: Hey the ones who get picked last usually kill it so whatev #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@TheSteamer: Theresa over Laurel is the worst draft move of the night. #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@busdriversroute: When @ZachMTV says something isn't's basically the toughest thing you can do. #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@kendallongg: Lmao poor @CaraMariaMTV she hates swimming so much and to be dangled above all that water 🙈
@zachh24_: I wish Devyn got more air time. She's hilarious. #freeagents
@kendallongg: Leroy weak as hell letting all these females drop to ensure his safety #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@loco4laurel: That's okay baby you are still a rockstar!! @MtvJess #freeagents
@busdriversroute: Can't wait for the word "disintegrous" to make its first appearance in the English speaking language @DevynSimone #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@loco4laurel: And Swift is swiftly eliminated from the mission #freeagents
@loco4laurel: .@CaraMariaMTV is really rocking #freeagents
@TheSteamer: The nerve of that cold and cruel Laurel to try and help the other team. #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@kendallongg: Leroy let 3 girls fall without even attempting to help #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@kendallongg: JORDAN PETTY AS HELL FOR FALLIN 😭😭😭 #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@busdriversroute: Look at that nasty and mean @laurelstucky helping the other team. God she is so not nice. #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@kendallongg: PRESTON SHOWED EVERYONE UP THIS SEASON 👏👏👏 #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@GoldenGreggy: Yayyyy she's back on our screens for tonight's after show @TheRealNiaMoore #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@busdriversroute: Just saying, it's been 20 minutes and no points have been awarded. We want debauchery! #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@TheSteamer: Um, I still don’t understand this challenge. What does that mean? 1) I’m an idiot. 2) Bad challenge. #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@busdriversroute: @TheSteamer My biggest problem, wayyyyyyy too long. This is like a three segment challenge.
@TheSteamer: @busdriversroute I don’t mind that. Well, I wouldn’t if it was better.
@busdriversroute: Having @MTVBananas and @JordanMTV go at it must be like when Archie has to watch Eli and Peyton play against each other. I'm so conflicted!
@TheSteamer: @busdriversroute Who is Cooper? Danny isn’t on this Challenge.
@JanelMcG: Lol @cohuttaMTV with the one liner of the season so far #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@loco4laurel: Oh my god so many champions outtttt for the count! #freeagents
@JanelMcG: #Dryoffbanana @cohuttaMTV @MTVBananas
@busdriversroute: Wait, The Challenge doesn't have replay to confirm Prestons rope grabbing? Isn't that how Zach was eliminated? What is happening #FreeAgents
@BakhariSoldier: @busdriversroute @TheJayDillinger They did have replay when Zach was eliminated. He lost on a technicality.
@TheSteamer: Have to give Preston credit for sticking with it. Not even close to the best competitor but he at least has heart. #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@neyasivera: Preston is killing it dude! I would pick him over Leroy anyday, not even kidding #FreeAgents
@loco4laurel: Clearly there was no "best" way to complete this mission... Everyone that got across is a rockstar @laurelstucky @CaraMariaMTV @ZachMTV
@busdriversroute: I take that back, good job @MTV. It's about getting the calls right. #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@kendallongg: Lmao @CaraMariaMTV is coming for the kill to vote in @MTVBananas 🙌 #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@loco4laurel: #Rivals3 @TheresaMTV and @laurelstucky
@busdriversroute: Bad job by MTV with their promos. Completely takes away any drama with Bananas being thrown in.
@loco4laurel: Did NOT see @laurelstucky getting the shaft this episode. #freeagents
@kendallongg: Dead @ Theresa punning out 😩😩 #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@busdriversroute: At least the girls recognize that @laurelstucky is far & away the top girl. This is what they have to do #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@loco4laurel: Oh my god @TheresaMTV loves her throwaway votes, doesn't she? #freeagents
@neyasivera: I feel sorry for the girl going against @laurelstucky #packyourbags #FreeAgents
@kendallongg: What are y'all doing!! God damnit
@kendallongg: Oh wait Jordan is left ctfu. Johnny is going in 😂
@neyasivera: Bananas and Laurel...I can hear the heart beats I'M SCARED #FreeAgents
@kendallongg: I honestly think that I haven't saw @MTVBananas in an elimination since the backpack elimination 😳 #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@TheSteamer: Didn’t Bananas make his name off of “false bravado”? #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@busdriversroute: I fully understand voting @MTVBananas in but telling him he needs to earn his stripes is like telling Jeter he hasn't become a "Yankee" yet.
@loco4laurel: Um, @MTVBananas goes into a lot of eliminations wtf? #freeagents
@kendallongg: Hashtag lying @DevynSimone
@loco4laurel: #rivals3 @DevynSimone and @TheresaMTV
@GoldenGreggy: Lol "hashtag lying" @DevynSimone
@JanelMcG: I'm pretty sure disintegritest is not a word. #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@neyasivera: Bananas vs. Jordan...Laurel vs. Theresa ...rather kill me now #FreeAgents but hey maybe Rivals 3
@GoldenGreggy: @neyasivera laurel and Jordan are both something else so we know they have endless rivals
@neyasivera: @GoldenGreggy I sure love them both ;)
@GoldenGreggy: @neyasivera ehh I feel like they both come from a good place but they're both really aggressive
@kendallongg: Tj shady for saying congrats bananas 😂😂😂 #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@neyasivera: Nany and Cohutta are safe...I'm safe
@kendallongg: Oh my fucking god. An @AneesaMTV vs @laurelstucky elimination would probably have me up against the tv spazzing 😖😰 #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@busdriversroute: This is a big 15 minute time frame for Johnny's #Manziel #Bananas @MTVBananas
@JanelMcG: "It's time to vote in good players" @JordanMTV referring to @MTVBananas "You don't always vote in strong people" referring to Laurel.
@loco4laurel: Oh my god I wonder if @CaraMariaMTV and @AbramBoise even ever wear clothes at their house #freeagents
@kendallongg: Awe jazzy 😩
@kendallongg: Bye Isaac. You couldn't even handle the girls last week. #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@loco4laurel: OH MY GOD laurel's sympathetic pat for Jazmine #obsessed #loveher #loco4laurel #freeagents
@busdriversroute: I'm setting the over/under for @JazMTV vs. @laurelstucky at 46.5 seconds. #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@Jeff_Rabinowitz: This is going to be a good one @MTVBananas @mtv @SometimesISAAC
@busdriversroute: I'm just gonna go ahead and pencil in @laurelstucky for an elimination round win if it's all the same to everyone.
@kendallongg: I'm fuckin weak. @laurelstucky threw Jaz like a ragdoll :((((((
@busdriversroute: Jeez @laurelstucky stop being so mean! How dare you take it easy on Jaz and not embarrass her! #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@loco4laurel: She remains undefeated! @laurelstucky #freeagents #loco4laurel
@neyasivera: Great elimination both @laurelstucky @JazMTV !
@TheSteamer: All that was missing from that Laurel/Jasmine matchup was Laurel cutting a promo in a box in the corner of the screen. #80sWrestling
@zachh24_: what an intense girls elimination that was.. sike. that was pretty sad. #freeagents
@IcedCOfNewYork: Watching my buddy @tjlavin on #TheChallengeFreeAgents is much more fun!
@NotoriousAJM: All I can say is smart move @TheresaMTV. I'm very impressed.
@busdriversroute: Please tell me that Isaac didn't just fall for a pump fake in this Challenge? PLEASE #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@kendallongg: Issac. C'mon 😪
@kendallongg: Bruh your punch lines 😂😂😂 @MTVBananas
@Jeff_Rabinowitz: Attaboy @MTV @MTVBananas you still got it
@TheSteamer: And keeping with the 80s theme, Jordan was like a bad movie villain there jawing at Bananas. I can’t wait until they fight at the prom!
@JanelMcG: "Everything was going really really well, until I started to play the game" - @SometimesISAAC
@busdriversroute: "You're talking above your pay grade." - @MTVBananas. In case you don't understand how the Challenge works, he means that literally.
@kendallongg: Trivia week is my favorite. Next week won't be the same without @paulawalnutsMTV though. 😔
@EricC_Official: Oh fuck it, this term paper can wait. I heard @MtvJess beautiful voice &seen @JordanMTV going in on someone. I'll do it later #TheChallenge
@kendallongg: Baby girl is back 😍😍🙌 @EmileeMTV
@loco4laurel: Battle of the Exes 2 @dustinzito and @MtvJess
@MtvJess: “@loco4laurel: Battle of the Exes 2 @dustinzito and @MtvJess”😂
@busdriversroute: I will be speaking with @JohnnyReilly_ about this episode and the rest of #FreeAgents later on this week. Stay tuned.
@neyasivera: Hii @EmileeMTV #bestlookingbetheloutthere
@MTVsChallenges: @SometimesISAAC has only lost to Johnny Bananas and Landon. Two of the best.
@JanelMcG: Haha @JazMTV is back peddling right now. All that trash talking on twitter.
@zachh24_: Nia <3 #FreeAgents #Aftershow
@CardellChris: Which city do the Ninja Turtles live? Where is the sea of Tranquility? #challengefreeagents
@JanelMcG: Check out @DjJesseJ @roxystriar go in on these #FreeAgents on @afterbuzztv NOW!
@IcedCOfNewYork: I believe in @frankcsweeney. He can win! #BestOfTheWorst
@CardellChris: Bananas out of toilets?
@JanelMcG: You're wrong @DjJesseJ, Johnny has gone in elimination almost every challenge, and the ones he hasn't he's won a majority of the challenges.
@jakekoivisto: Where can I find a girl exactly like @TheRealNiaMoore? #SeriouslyThough
@TheSteamer: So not only did I not understand the challenge tonight I also didn’t understand the Stump ?. My bad, @CSUAKirk. #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@CSUAKirk: @TheSteamer I'm sure @DjJesseJ reworded it i've had a history of wording the questions all weird
@TheSteamer: @CSUAKirk @DjJesseJ All good. I understand what you’re trying to get at, but sometimes too wordy to be read.
@roxystriar: “@susie_easton: Do you think Jordan the Wes of this season? @DjJesseJ @roxystriar #TheChallengeFreeAgents” I could kind of see that!
@ShimBo84: A little #TBT with this #JAP! Miss this chick! #PerfectGentleman #WyclefJean @AlwaysCocaColie @MTV @TheChallengeMTV
@TheSteamer: After every @afterbuzztv show I call into my mind is moving 100 different ways. @DjJesseJ and @roxystriar? They do ANOTHER show! Love them!
@roxystriar: @TheSteamer @afterbuzztv @DjJesseJ haha just because we do it doesn't mean we do it well 😳
@JanelMcG: I really wanna get @laurelstucky back on @RealityRadioPod for a fresh conversation! Please everyone let her know! @MPRM
@CSUAKirk: Time for #TheChallengeFreeAgents @JordanMTV vs @MTVBananas
@CSUAKirk: I'm hoping whoever is on @CaraMariaMTV team is the one that wins tired of seeing her pull the card #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@AceNichols33: About to watch #TheChallengeFreeAgents ....... Finally. #PSTproblems
@JanelMcG: I wonder how @EmFitMTV presence on #TheChallengeFreeAgents would've changed the house dynamics...
@CSUAKirk: I'm going to love this feud between @JordanMTV and @MTVBananas almost as good as Wes vs @KennySantucci from fresh meat two
@CSUAKirk: Hoping team @JohnnyReilly_ has this one wanna see some of the vets in this draw that haven't yet #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@CSUAKirk: Having deliberations in team challenges are so frekin pointless #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@CSUAKirk: I think we might get my three least favorite words to end this episode tbc #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@JanelMcG: @CSUAKirk Want me to tell you what happens???
@CSUAKirk: @JanelMcG uh no lol
@JanelMcG: @CSUAKirk Bananas punch Jordan, Laurel body slams Bananas, then CT tosses Laurel over a balcony. Then they all get sent home, Preston wins.
@CSUAKirk: @JanelMcG u got jokes whit lol
@CSUAKirk: I feel bad for whoever pulls the kill card between Isaac and Preston it's going to be ugly #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@CSUAKirk: Can't believe my girl @JazMTV drew the card :/ #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@IamCoreyKirk: @CSUAKirk @JazMTV jaz if it's any consolation, I can hear my brother nearly screaming at the tv cheering you on! He's a true fan!
@CSUAKirk: @IamCoreyKirk @JazMTV what can I say bro I love that girl and she knows it :)
@CSUAKirk: #bananasinpajamas lol @SometimesISAAC cracks me the f up #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@AceNichols33: OMG. REALLY? @laurelstucky @JazMTV Nooooooooooooooooooooooo. #TheChallengeFreeAgents #TeamAcey
@AceNichols33: My roomie @JaclynGlenn said this about tonight's ep of #TheChallengeFreeAgents, even tho she's sitting 5 feet away.
@EricC_Official: Bananas comment was definitely a low blow. It shows ignorance & insecurity...I've been livid w/people & never stooped that low @JordanMTV
@HashtagBarbee: I can honestly say I didn't want anyone in that elimination to leave. Such is #FreeAgents though. Congrats @MTVBananas and @laurelstucky !
@HashtagBarbee: @JazMTV No one is buying that chicks bullshit, let her make a fool of herself! She clearly doesn't need your help haha. #FreeAgents love ya.
@stephenfishbach: If I were on the Challenge, I'd just start shouting at everybody to ensure a place on Rivals.
@CSUAKirk: two weeks where i lose two of my favorite girls to interview from the show @LaToyaJMTV and now @JazMTV
@TheSteamer: @MTVChallenge25 Agreed. Was referring to who. She went for the strong competitors (not saying that was intentional). And now Leroy?
@TheMarkLong: @TheSteamer I'll be back next week Steamer. How was the Challenge last night? Highlights?
@TheSteamer: @TheMarkLong Laurel crushed it as always. The elimination was the Challenge equivalent of Hulk Hogan against Iron Mike Sharpe.
@TheSteamer: @TheMarkLong And Jordan and Bananas continued their feud. Bananas headband game for his interviews was hella strong.
@TheSteamer: @TheMarkLong And I’m excited you’ll be back. You have been hugely missed. Same for @SINSEDONTPLAY.
@TheMarkLong: @TheSteamer @SINSEDONTPLAY next week for sure!
@CSUAKirk: "@JazMTV how much do weigh", @tjlavin your not supposed to ask a lady that question lol it was a funny one liner though
@JazMTV: Tj can ask me anything @CSUAKirk: "@JazMTV how much do weigh", @tjlavin your not (cont)
@CSUAKirk: @JazMTV @tjlavin i was just teasing it was a funny one liner
@CSUAKirk: who did @BrandonDNelson say between @DerrickMTV and @ZachMTV was tougher in elimination #Thechallengefreeagents
@busdriversroute: My phone is starting to autocorrect "bananas" to "Bananas." I'm not sure if this a moment I should be proud of or ashamed. @MTVBananas
@neyasivera: @busdriversroute @MTVBananas is that even a question...Proud, of course
@RealDMWalton: LOL @RoyLee25mtv was like "@laurelstucky, when you get a chance to vote me in, please don't" lmaooo #challengefreeagents
@busdriversroute: Fun fact coming in my @FreeAgentsMTV week 5 recap. Only one person has not seen an elimination or a draw. Hint: it's not @CaraMariaMTV.
@CSUAKirk: @busdriversroute it's one of my favorites isn't it?
@busdriversroute: @CSUAKirk It is indeed.
@CSUAKirk: @busdriversroute I would've said u were crazy beginning of the season if u said she was the only one not to see a draw
@CSUAKirk: @DjJesseJ @roxystriar you guys gotta get your girl @DevynSimone to call in soon always a good time hearing from her
@roxystriar: @CSUAKirk @DjJesseJ @DevynSimone kk will do! :)
@CSUAKirk: @roxystriar @DjJesseJ @DevynSimone I know all ya love ya some devyn so do it!
@TheSteamer: @CSUAKirk @roxystriar @DjJesseJ Please define “all ya”.
@CSUAKirk: @TheSteamer @roxystriar @DjJesseJ the hosts of the challenge you gotta be a fan of hers steamer for the comedy factor at least
@busdriversroute: Bus Driver's Route: The Challenge Free Agents Week 5 Scoring
@busdriversroute: I always considering calling in to the Challenge @afterbuzztv but I'd rather let the crew @DjJesseJ @roxystriar & @TheSteamer do their thing
@VeryVal13: The fact that @TheOfficial_CT and @MTVBananas are friends on this challenge is awesome!
@therealjordanh: "It's time for you to earn your stripes." 😩😂 lmaoooo #freeagents #thechallenge #TheChallengeFreeAgents @JordanMTV
@busdriversroute: My recap and the scoring for week 5 of @ChallengeMTV @FreeAgentsMTV. Congrats to top scorer @CaraMariaMTV.
> And As I Saw It on #DCNOW
@dc408dxnow: Well, off we go, & we start w/ @CaraMariaMTV @JordanMTV training in the gym, & @MTVBananas is feeling skeptical of him. #FreeAgents
@dc408dxnow: It's another team challenge, and it's piggy back as everyone has to make their way across the ropes to a platform. Fastest time wins.
@dc408dxnow: Everyone picks their teams, and again @PrestoMagicmtv is picked last. Is lightning gonna strike twice in two weeks? Don't bet against it.
@dc408dxnow: "I don't do pull ups." - @DevynSimone. And Dev is first to fall in the water. This is very tough right here. #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@dc408dxnow: .@MtvJess trying to hang on but she has taken a fall. @BSwiftMTV trying to hang on too, saw him earlier on SC, but he's struggling.
@dc408dxnow: .@BSwiftMTV falls, & so does @TheresaMTV. @ZachMTV knows this is a very tough mission & he & @CaraMariaMTV complete, so does @JohnnyReilly_.
@dc408dxnow: .@JordanMTV trying to get on, but he falls at the last sec, oh poor Jordan. 4 players at end, @SometimesISAAC knows they have an opening.
@dc408dxnow: This is teamwork above water, I don't know if I can handle being on that for a long time, and Nany & Aneesa fall. #TheChallenge
@dc408dxnow: .@PrestoMagicmtv ditching his gloves as he tries to hang on. Back up on his feet. Now @MTVBananas trying to hang on, who would've seen this?
@dc408dxnow: And then. Bananas has fallen. Didn't see that coming. @cohuttaMTV first on platform, then @laurelstucky. Camila's struggling & she's gone.
@dc408dxnow: Another one bites the dust, CT. Now Preston trying to hang on & so is Jasmine, but she falls. If Preston gets across, it's matter of time.
@dc408dxnow: @JohnnyReilly_ thanks for the follow Johnny, didn't expect it but much appreciated bud. Watching EP now, great job on the mission.
@dc408dxnow: Team Purple takes the win & now the rookie revolution could have its biggest moment ever in sending a vet into the draw & sent packing.
@dc408dxnow: Now voting, we've seen some interesting things happen when players vote in, now Laurel has been voted in. Strong statement by Johnny's team.
@dc408dxnow: Gotta say last year the vets were given the easy way on Rivals2, not gonna be easy this time around, anyone's game. #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@dc408dxnow: 3 votes for Bananas & Isaac, now the tiebreaking vote is in @JordanMTV, and he picks Bananas. Huge statement. #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@dc408dxnow: Now the Draw, & it's Balls In. We know what happened last time, huge upset. This time, Bananas & Laurel in arena. Who will face them?
@dc408dxnow: Will now come down to Aneesa & Jasmine for a shot to take on Laurel. Jaz goes in. And for the guys, Isaac will face Bananas. #TheChallenge
@dc408dxnow: First up its @laurelstucky vs. @JazMTV. Laurel has the 2-0 lead but Jasmine's not giving up. Now 2-1. Now 3-1 Laurel. Laurel...easy winner.
@dc408dxnow: .@JazMTV leaves but not before a final dance in the arena. Gonna miss you girl, hope to see you again. Now Bananas vs. Isaac. #FreeAgents
@dc408dxnow: Now the guys and Bananas strikes first. We've not seen him in elimination since Exes, he won that last one to go to the final. #freeagents
@dc408dxnow: Now this is a battle. @SometimesISAAC trying to get there and just barely. 2-1 but now 3-1 JB. And w/ a last try, @MTVBananas takes the win.
@dc408dxnow: After this arena, now we know what's gonna happen next. Is a Bananas vs. Jordan battle coming? I can smell it. #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@dc408dxnow: Well, that was quite the fight. @MTVBananas & @JordanMTV getting into some heated words. Veteran vs. Rookie. #TheChallengeFreeAgents
We begin theWRAP with the week's mission called Piggy Back, and as it was last week this was a team challenge, dividing the players into two teams: Purple captained by Johnny and Yellow led by Camila. The objective was for players to form a human bridge and climb over all of their teammates to get from one platform to the other the fastest. Team Purple was first up and quickly found out that the mission is much harder that they thought, and also that Devyn has no upper body strength to speak of. Six of their teammates fall and only four make it onto land. Team Yellow also struggles (including Bananas & CT falling) and also has four players making it safe. It appeared that time would be the tiebreaker, but the decider was Preston, who though he made it on safe, he didn't touch every rope as he was supposed to, and Yellow is DQ'd, giving Purple the win by default.
For the second consecutive week, the process of voting players into elimination became more complicated than usual. After their win, Team Purple all came together and made a gutsy gamble by deciding to take out a couple of the key competitors, and do something no one could dare even do last year in Thailand, and that would be voting in a veteran into elimination. Cara Maria took advantage of the opportunity to vote for her nemesis Johnny Bananas into the Draw, and Jordan follows suit. When they came together in the living room for the proceedings, it was Jordan who cast the deciding vote that put Bananas into the arena, and Jordan took the veteran's word of telling him to "earn your stripes", which is a phrase Johnny typically uses when he sends rookies into elimination. We know what happened the last time Bananas went into elimination when he beat for the first time Mark in the last exile on Exes on his way to victory.
Likewise, Theresa also has plans of her own of voting in a veteran when she convinces some of the house to vote in Laurel, and she garnered enough votes by the house to be sent in. With memories fresh from what happened in Thailand when she accidentally made a throwaway vote after winning a mission, when the votes came around to her and Laurel had already been secured into the arena, T.Time made another throwaway vote and voted in Jasmine to keep a target away from her. It immediately grabs the attention of Devyn and she is ticked off, and immediately goes to Laurel to tell her more about her plans. Laurel unsurprisingly isn't happy about it and wants to go after Theresa.
The Draw this week saw Jasmine and Isaac draw the Kill card and once again they played Balls In, though unlike last time it wasn't as epic as the first time it was played this season. Jazzy knows she would be in for a tough task competing against Laurel when she drew the Kill card, and Laurel wins the round easily. And Isaac had to face Bananas and tried his best to stay with JB, but it was Bananas who took the victory. This is only Isaac's 2nd loss in elimination...the last time he was there, he lost to another Challenge power player, Landon on Duel II. So if he had to lose, it would only be to someone stronger than him and with more experience.
After they had all returned from the chamber, in the last scene we saw a good old stare down between a veteran and a rookie; between a 4-time champion and a finalist from last year. After his elimination survival, Johnny tells Jordan in the living room that if and when they go against each other in the arena, Jordan won't be having a full hand, he won't have a head either. Amused by him, Jordan responds by pledging to Bananas that he will personally take him out the next time Bananas loses. But Johnny isn't buying Jordan's baloney and doesn't look intimidated by him because he feels Jordan hasn't done anything during the season.
Last year, we saw to Oklahoman get into words with someone who is also emotional and cocky; now the stage might be set for him to go up against someone who, in the minds of many, has an ego as big or perhaps larger, than either him or anyone else in the group. We'll see if they will meet.
Winners of the Night
- Bananas & Laurel: First up in our winners of the night are the veterans. Knowing they were bitterly left out when I first got to sample The Challenge two years ago, it took only until Rivals & Rivals II for the veterans to win over me, and now I have the same level of respect for the show's big names as I do the new generation who I've gotten to know very well here. They know what to expect more than the rookies, and this week, we truly got to see what they're made of when it matters. When we saw Bananas last year make his return from his 1-season hiatus, he may not have been at 100% but still didn't go into the jungle once and still finished a respectable 2nd. This week, he was voted in by Jordan and Team Purple and made a huge statement to him and the house by winning over Isaac. And in her first Challenge in three years (and my first live one featuring her), Laurel was voted in by the majority and knowing it was Theresa who led the charge, Laurel also made her point loud and clear by winning easily over Jasmine. They've definitely made it clear to everyone, they're in it to win it.
- Team Portland: Okay, so I might've been one of those lucky people who watched RWPDX, but as I wrote here I'm very fond of this cast who I've been able to follow right since they ended filming in Nov. '12. They've made a huge impact so far, with Jessica having a great sophomore season and Nia in the twitter world getting into it above with a couple girls. But this week, the guys took precedent: it was Johnny who was chosen to captain the Purple Team and him, Jordan & Jess were on that team that won the week's mission and immunity. And of course, there was Jordan who we've seen prominent in the last two episodes and has finally become the one who can speak for those who aren't fans of Bananas and calling him out. I know Jordan might get a bad rap by many for being someone who's arrogant and cocky, but it takes some courage to do what he has to do. By the way, thanks Johnny for giving me a follow on DCNow last week, which makes it 6 of the 8 RW PDX cast who follow me on Twitter; obviously I'm lucky to have gotten to know Team Portland as well as I have.
Halftime Report
Now to perspective at the halfway point, in these recent challenges we've seen a rookie revolution take place where players who are in either their 1st/2nd challenge & typically go to the chopping block early make a huge statement and do well. On Rivals, Teams Vegas & Cancun stunned everyone by winning the very first mission they ever competed in and both making deep runs - Jasmine & Jonna going past the halfway point and Leroy & Mike making it to the final. After Team San Diego won in a rookie-laden BOTS cast, on Rivals II Jordan & Marlon won two jungles and a mission on the way to the final. And this season, we've seen those who've had 0, 1 or 2 seasons under their belt make a huge splash.
Last season was our first time seeing both the veterans everyone love and the rookies I got to know in Turkey competing on the same field. There, the vets had the easy road when CT, Wes, Bananas, Paula & Emily didn't go to the jungle even once, and saw predictable, but deserving, winners in the end. While we watched last summer, we wondered who among the new generation could possibly challenge the old guard? Team Portland took out two finalists in their first jungle, while Jemmye as part of Subtitles took out Aneesa & Diem in the last jungle. The volatility of the Free Agents format this season means anyone could be voted into elimination - and placing a premium on winning missions, and we've seen three previous finalists losing in the arena early on - Chet, Jemmye & Dustin, plus a fourth when Frank was sent home before week 3's mission. This has provided a safety net for the newcomers, and they've made a big statement that they can hang with the veterans. The veterans have also made their stamp this season, most especially this week.
I've short listed a few who have impressed me during this first half of the season:
- Jessica has had the most impressive showing among those newcomers this season. Being given the rookie treatment of being thrown into her first elimination and taking that first flight out, Princess Hulk made a commitment to become more fit, and it has paid off. She showed grit and poise in the first mission of taking her time to eventually cross the log and won over new fans. The next week, Jess again did very well in the racing mission, just missing getting first place but showed she is able to keep up with everyone else, and in week 3, she was part of the winning team with Bananas, Camila and Brandon. And in week 4, though she didn't win the mission, she got into words once again with Jordan and made her point across. And as Brian Cohen wrote in his wrap, Jess is the only competitor this season who has not made a visit into elimination, either voted in or being part of the draw. She should be able to stay with the veterans and if she's fortunate, PDX will be present in the final again.
- When I first discovered Latoya two years ago in the Virgin Islands, she was that lady from VA with a famous full name and a bubbly personality who we got to see do her thing on Hassel Island. Toya has added so much more to that resume in her first Challenge. First off, she went to the hospital after that very exhausting opening mission, but she came back battered & bruised. When she was voted in, no one except her thought she could possibly pull off what she did in the first Draw when she took out Jemmye in what's been the best elimination battle we've seen this season. She continued to hold her own in other challenges, and brought a new energy into the house - both in competition and socially - that should make her someone to watch in the future.
- Until a couple weeks ago, we all wondered how Preston made his way into Challenge world. He was picked over Eric & Ryan to join Jemmye, Knight & McKenzie on Team NOLA on BOTSeasons and then was paired with Knight on Rivals II, and most of us still felt clueless of how he can fit into this thing. But the perception we had of him changed in week 4 when he made us believe in the underdog when he came up clutch in the soccer challenge, scoring two goals to help his team come away with the victory. And this week, he showed what he was made of again in the rope challenge, and though he was DQ'd, he made it clear that he deserved to be here as everyone else.
- Cara Maria went into this season, her 7th straight Challenge, with much to prove and to finally go from a pretender to a contender. She has done exactly that: winning two straight eliminations to make it 8 wins in elimination (tied for most among the women) and four straight dating back to Thailand, not counting the fake-out midway last year. Her first elimination win this season was the very moment she answered her doubters, including many of those watching on the sidelines, and it was her win over Nia in a long, time-consuming tug of war battle which she outlasted the hurricane. Then, she won over Latoya in the next Draw, and she was part of the winning team this week, which has given the odds of her first triumph a huge boost. By the way as we post this on Monday, May 12, Cara Maria is celebrating a birthday, so happy birthday girl. Hope you enjoy it.
- Being on his first Challenge since Ruins, Cohutta has definitely shown no rust in his return as if he never left. In that first challenge, he was the only guy to safely cross the rolling log. But it was in week 2 that he made clear to everyone he could sneak into the final three. He teamed with Laurel to win the drag racing/tri cycling mission, then had a night out in his honor for his birthday, and then got to kiss and then marry Nany, along with the backing of fellow Sydneysider Isaac. Aside from Johnny & CT, Cohutta is the elder statesman in the field and he has been showing he could still be someone to watch.
In all, I'm definitely enjoying The Challenge: Free Agents as everyone else. There's a sense of unpredictability in who we could see win or lose that we haven't seen in a while, which competitively always makes for a more interesting season than others. We've seen newcomers make their mark, veterans standing firm, and even the good old underdog story too. Can't wait to see what we have coming up the rest of the way.
In all, I'm definitely enjoying The Challenge: Free Agents as everyone else. There's a sense of unpredictability in who we could see win or lose that we haven't seen in a while, which competitively always makes for a more interesting season than others. We've seen newcomers make their mark, veterans standing firm, and even the good old underdog story too. Can't wait to see what we have coming up the rest of the way.
As we wrap things up, a few webcast reminders...
- Last week, Jay G was joined by Latoya and Jessica as they talked Toya's great rookie run on Free Agents and Princess Hulk's great showing so far: This Wednesday, Jay will again bring on another great guest, follow him @JayGMTV.
- Also last week, Andrew Kirk (@CSUAKirk) spoke to his very first webcast guest, Brandon, as they talked about his Free Agents run:
- And Ashley Weitzel (@AshleyWeitzel) had a very good chat with Swift as they talked about his very first Challenge:
- This week, after captaining Team Purple to the mission win, Johnny will be talking to Brian Cohen (@BusDriversRoute) about that, the first half of the season, and maybe even talk about his breakup with Averey before he went to Uruguay. That's at
As for here, make DCBLOG your destination for all things Free Agents; from our SocialPulse diaries to my own stories offering a rather unique perspective on the season and the people, we have it covered here. Coming up shortly, with Team Vegas being represented this season and graduation now starting to take place across the country (including Ashleigh from Are You The One? graduating college over the weekend), we will look at how a neat graduation gift idea could change the negative reputation of the resident bad boy of RW Back to Las Vegas. Plus, with Manchester City winning their 2nd league title in three years, I'll be looking at EPL soccer; along with some other sports posts.
Don't forget to follow DCNOW, my devoted live tweeting hub @DC408DxNow, where I live tweet Free Agents every Thursday (PT). Tonight, I'll be live tweeting Game 4 of both the Miami/Brooklyn (MIA 2-1) and Spurs/Blazers series (SAS 3-0), plus this week's episode of House of Food. I've also added a new show to my schedule, and that is the show airing in that RW Wednesday 10PM slot, and that would be Catfish; I'll have a look at that brilliant show coming up. And next weekend, DCNOW will be live tweeting its first full awards show as the Billboard Music Awards take place in Las Vegas.
And of course, follow my primary account @DC408Dxtr for my usual tweets, conversations with fans & followers and Team MTV, and alerts to MTV-related show material & DCBLOG posts; along with my Instagram, also at @DC408dxtr. So now until I talk to you on twitter later tonight & back here at the 'Blog, thanks for reading and be safe out there with the wild weather...see you then everyone.
- DC
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