Saturday, February 14, 2015

DC SocialPulse: Double Shot Tuesday: RW Skeletons EP9 & Exes2 EP6

*** Advisory: DC SocialPulse contains adult language and spoilers 
for some readers. Viewer Discretion is Advised. Also take breaks 
frequently while reading this long post to relieve eye strain. ***

@DC408dxtr / @DC408dxnow

Welcome again to DC SocialPulse and Happy Valentine's Day to everyone. What did Cupid bring to you all this Saturday? It's the 'Pulse for 
our sixth edition of Double Shot Tuesday. And on Tuesday, we saw a bit of a change of pace for RW Skeletons, and a possible finals preview that may determine the contenders in Panama.
   Last week on Real World Skeletons, Violetta was the latest castmate to deal with her skeletons coming to Chicago as her two worst enemies from school came for a visit to settle an old score, plus encounter her inner demons of dealing with an eating disorder. This week, the weeks of flirting and romance finally come to a head as the couple in the house become official. Our resident Staten Islander receives two surprise visitors who force her to face her commitment issues and grow up, while Bruno's temper continues to be a big issue prior to him having to face his skeleton.
   And last week on Exes 2, the house was turned upside down when the ongoing feud between Wes & Theresa and Bananas & Nany led to the ladder being put into the Dome. We then saw that Power Couple lose an elimination to Nia & Leroy in stunning fashion, as well as fireworks on the After Show. This week sees the toughest mission yet as it shakes up the exes like never before when patience and temper became the order of the day. One couple reaches their breaking point when the reputation of one player questions their fate in the game before going into elimination.
   Along with all the tweets during and surrounding the episodes, we'll also look at a temporary health scare for a member of this season's Exes 2 cast and the latest fangirl moment for a Free Agent. And after theWRAP on DC ExtraTime, some thoughts on those family moments on The Real World and how Diem Brown is being remembered in two ways three months after her passing.

- As we begin, please note there is explicit language in many of the tweets below, but I am keeping it uncensored in order to retain the heat of the moment. So if you are mature enough, please read with discretion. :-)
- Plus, if you haven't watched the episode yet, then don't proceed. But don't worry, bookmark DCBLOG as I will compile all of these tweets into these posts after every episode so you won't be in the dark of how your favorites saw this all unfold.

So after the jump, check out the outpouring of love for that castmate, along with the week that was in Real World/Challenge land.

> The Monday Lead-Up: #PrayForJJ
@MTVChallenge26: Prayers for @MaybachDiamonds πŸ’• #prayingforJJ #BattleOfTheExes2 #HeartAttack 
@IamAdamKuhn: What?! John Jacobs suffers heart attack?! #PrayForJJ @MaybachDiamonds
@MtvJess: Prayers for @MaybachDiamonds πŸ’• #prayers #love @MTV #family
@blacuesta: Dude....@MaybachDiamonds get well soon. #PrayForJJ
@CSUAKirk: #PrayForJJ  I'm in disbelief right now you never would think someone that one would have a heart attack
@CSUAKirk: The guy is so happy go lucky to I didn't expect that something like it would happen to him #PrayForJJ
@NanyMTV: Love you @MaybachDiamonds ❀️
@MTV_JESS: @Kaoltz @MaybachDiamonds @whaattaafoxx @laurashall93 @JamieChinaMTV @EikeParis πŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ™Œ
@Morgan_MacAdam: @MaybachDiamonds get well soon JJ! We're all pulling for you buddy! #PrayForJJ
@JayGMTV: @MaybachDiamonds get well soon brotha
@JennaCompono: @MaybachDiamonds Ah get better soon JJ!!!
@JazMTV: @MaybachDiamonds praying for you..never met you but you are part of the MTV & challenge family!! Get better soon so we can hang!
@Curtishadzicki: @MaybachDiamonds get better brother. Get that big heart squared up and tell me a joke. #dowhatyoulove
@whaattaafoxx: @MaybachDiamonds YOURE IN MY PRAYERS!! Stay strong boy! 😘
@MTV_Christina: Get well soon homie. πŸ’ž @MaybachDiamonds #PrayForJJ
@AshleighMorgh: @MaybachDiamonds get better soon match 😘😘 I got some rap battles for you. #prayforjj
@EikeParis: Praying for @MaybachDiamonds. Stay safe crazy πŸ™ #aytofam
@MTVshelbs: So scary.. I'm praying for ya, hope you're feeling better! #PrayForJJ @MaybachDiamonds
@MaybachDiamonds: Released from the hospital back at my apartment taking it easy. Thanks do much to everyone who cared about me 😊 no more drugs for me!!
- @ChallengeMTV: @MaybachDiamonds glad to hear you're doing alright!
- @haileychivers: @MaybachDiamonds glad to hear you're ok JJ!!
- @blacuesta: @MaybachDiamonds glad you're ok! Back to tip top shape in no time. Sending positive energy your way my friend.
- @TheChallengeMTV: @MaybachDiamonds Happy you're doing well. All the best from here on out. Looking forward to you making us laugh again! Yes, #SayNoToDrugs :)
- @LunaticKyle22: @maybachdiamonds glad your okay bro!! get well soon!!
- @thechallenge143: @MaybachDiamonds glad your okay
@MaybachDiamonds: @JustJem24 thanks jem
@SimoneJKelly: No matter what we go through...I still love u. Hope u get well soon @MaybachDiamonds
@JayGMTV: @MaybachDiamonds i would like to tell you that your an IDIOT for doing drugs. However, i am glad your doing better. Get well jj
@MTVBananas: I told @MaybachDiamonds it was time for us to see other people, his heart broke πŸ’”. #EndofStory #PrintThat ... Get well soon buddy!
@dc408dxtr: Want to send positivity to @MaybachDiamonds, went to hospital last night after a health scare but is back home safe & sound. Stay strong JJ.
@ave_tress: Jeez that took forever! Finally arrived. #NYC #longflight #hungry #tired #showertime
@heathermarter: Live outside of your comfort zone, dismiss excuses & work harder than the person next to you & exciting things will happen #MondayMotivation
@dustinzito: I <3 Country Music.. Not everyone does.. But can you agree that you trust a guy that likes Country Music to get the job done!??
@MTVBananas: Back up @katyperry I am woman hear me ROAR!!! #BattleOfTheExes2  #Exile @NanyMTV …
@ChallengeMTV: Well spoken @MTVBananas! #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2 
- @MTVBananas: My neck vein is the source of all my powers! RT @ChallengeMTV: Well spoken Bananas! #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2 "
 @JazMTV: @ChallengeMTV @mtv shoveling snow is the more difficult than any challenge I've ever done. Especially when its taller than me lol
@RealWorldMTV: Tomorrow is the day that Madison stands up to Tony and I can't wait to watch this go down: 
@_Kazuhnova: If I ain't learn nothing else in Chicago I learned one thing. Don't touch @brunorealworld Burgers!!!!! #RealWorldSkeleton @RealWorldMTV
@CaraMariaMTV: "Beginning today, treat everyone as if they were to be dead by midnight. Extend all care, kindness, understanding w no thought of reward."
@brittany_baldi: My teen dreams come true today. I get to go to the place where all the magic happens @mtv studios in NY! #wickedexcited #mtv #viacom βœŒοΈπŸ˜ƒ
@brunorealworld: Smile today, tomorrow could be worse.
@MTV_JESS: Have a strong feeling my husbands gonna be blonde 😍 been having dream abt this mystery man for the past week !!!
@jenniknapmiller: In line at target and the kid in the cart in front of me just offered me his freshly picked booger. tempting offer little guy πŸ˜‚
@RealWorldMTV: Just don't touch Bruno's burger: 
@whaattaafoxx: MY BIRTHDAY IS IN 2 DAYS! 
@MtvJess: Last few days in NC, so bittersweet πŸ’• #familytime
@MtvJess: Just found out my grandpa used to be a stripper πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ #familytime at its best!
@TheJayDillinger: I'm becoming the man I knew I could be. No obstacle can't be beat! #YungAndWavy #MTV  
@briughh: RT if you're ready for tomorrow haha. @brunorealworld @RealWorldMTV 
@Pratt_MTV: Grammy Weekend was fun but now it's time to get back on the grind. #HellCometh
@MTVTV: .@madiwadi2by4 shares a sizable piece of her mind in this #RealWorld: Skeletons sneak peek: 
@jenniknapmiller: Know when to call it
@MTV_JESS: February is golden 😁 sick photoshoot & also trip to Vegas I'm a happy girl 😁
@RealWorldMTV: Get caught up on Violetta and her skeletons before a new episode tomorrow: 
@t_raines33: This sneak peek for tomorrow is hard for me to watch … #RealWorldSkeletons @RealWorldMTV
@AshleeFeldman: The snow is so marvelous, the whole city is shut down and it's so fun to drive and feel like you could die at any mi, God Bless the winter
@blacuesta: I want a bf aka Benjamin Franklin aka 100 dollar bill
@jenniknapmiller: Came along this beautiful shape during my little stroll on this sunny day in #Minnesota 
@MTVTV: Sometimes, the fireworks explode off the battlefield -- look back at the most uncomfortable #Challenge nominations: 
@whaattaafoxx: Now you're just somebody that I used to know
@ChallengeMTV: This confession by @MTVBananas & @NanyMTV might give you second thoughts about wanting to go on #TheChallenge. 
@blacuesta: I don't get I don't get tired
@SarahRiceMTV: A friend sent me this picture. she said she saw it & thought it was me.Then I looked at it &went "wait, is that me?" 
@brittany_baldi: Teen dream fangirled wicked hard at @mtv studios! Bucket list βœ”οΈ. Thanks Viacom πŸ’• #mtv #viacom #newyork #grateful 
@tjlavin: How can the weather be soooooo different from coast to coast...117 in the summer does suck but you… 
@ChallengeMTV: Another #Challenge battle begins TOMORROW! Watch last week's full episode:  & after show: 
@madiwadi2by4: tony tony tony....
@RealWorldMTV: The whole house is about to go to war over a hamburger: 
@brunorealworld: The opinions of sheep don't matter. Unless you personally lived through something or dealt with it your opinion is not needed πŸ˜‚. #clowns
@JustJem24: It's National Pizza day so I'm gonna eat another sliceeeeeeee πŸ•πŸ•
@MaybachDiamonds: I've officially fallen out-of-love with THE COCO.
@n_zanattaMTV: Got to see my fav @brittany_baldi meet my new gf @ave_tress and than my hard to get @TheRealNiaMoore you women are awesome!!!! #RealWorld
- @brittany_baldi: @n_zanattaMTV  πŸ‘Œ
- @ave_tress: @n_zanattaMTV @brittany_baldi @TheRealNiaMoore hahaha! It was nice to meet you too!
- @TheRealNiaMoore: @n_zanattaMTV @brittany_baldi @ave_tress round two next week πŸ˜πŸ‘Œ
- @n_zanattaMTV: @ave_tress @brittany_baldi @TheRealNiaMoore well ladies lets all remember you have my number I'm pretty sure I'm down ;)
- @TheChallengeMTV: @n_zanattaMTV @brittany_baldi @ave_tress @TheRealNiaMoore You were busy tonight Cole! πŸ˜‰ .MTV fam :) Can't wait to see you on #TheChallenge.
@JayGMTV: Sometimes it just hits you when you least expect it...
@whaattaafoxx: It really does feel super good when you can just call a cast mate and have an actual conversation... To catch up @MTVshelbs @mtvdario
@briughh: It's a @RealWorldMTV @JayGMTV @n_zanattaMTV 
@MTV_Christina: So happy that @Modelboi12 is here! My first challenge partner 😝 #AreYouTheOne #Family
@TheRealNiaMoore: @avereytressler is truly my sister now. It feels amazing to say that after all we've been through. And this is only the beginning. I feel it's important to share that with u guys. U can go from hating and fighting someone, to understanding and loving them in an instant...if you allow yourself to do so. We did that and never looked back. God is good. 
@TheRealNiaMoore: My snapchat story is πŸ‘€πŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ™Œand for once, I'm not half naked. By the amount of views tonight I would think y'all love me even with clothes lol😏
@whaattaafoxx: I actually miss working in fast food! Is that weird?
@MTV_JESS: Dating is so weird to me 

> Double Shot Tuesday
@TheresaTime20: Adventure Day!!πŸŒ΄πŸŒŽπŸŒ€β€οΈ
@MTVtrey: Really not sure how some of these people got their profile verified, especially those who have done less than most. Doesn't make sense to me
@whaattaafoxx: We've got three more days till Friday
@RealWorldMTV: TONIGHT @madiwadi2by4 finally stands up to Tony   . #RealWorldSkeletons
@TheChallengeMTV: Happy CHALLENGE DAY! #BattleOfTheExes2 TONIGHT!! @JennaCompono @JohnnyReilly_ @ave_tress @TheRealNiaMoore @ZNichols15
@AshleeFeldman: Love is weird
@CaraMariaMTV: When people come over to say hi and chat about the show...Makes me so happy. You guys are the sweetest! Dont be shy around me...Im a goof 😜
@Tindel10: <3 Here ya go.
@IamAdamKuhn: You can catch flies with honey, but you catch more honeys bein fly.
@JordanW_usa: Man, I have not missed this NYC traffic one bit.
@JordanW_usa: Oh yea, the cold. I hate that shit too. Didn't miss it.
@JazMTV: My car and next to it is like 3under snow and the city hasn't plowed the driveway part so I have to…
@IamAdamKuhn: Haha @WestonBergmann and @JayGMTV teaching me how to pickup girls in the pre view for tonight's episode @ave_tress #TheChallenge
@MTVCoryWharton: We've come a long way πŸ™Œ #Malibu #views @OfficialDDaniel thanks for the shirt !!!✊
@CaraMariaMTV: Going to attempt using #Spartacus quotes in daily life. Jupiter's cock!
@MTVChallenge26: Sneak peek @IamAdamKuhn hits on @ave_tress … @brittany_baldi @JohnnyReilly_ @TheRealNiaMoore @TheresaTime20 @JayGMTV
- @JennaCompono: @MTVChallenge26 @JohnnyReilly_ your interviews kill me πŸ˜‚πŸ’•
@brittany_baldi: Turn up Tuesday!! It's @ChallengeMTV day!! And #RealWorldSkeletons RT if you're watching #mtv πŸ‘ŠβœŒοΈ
@RealWorldMTV: I think Madison is FINALLY done with Tony:  Don't miss #RealWorldSkeletons tonight at 10/9c!
@JordanW_usa: This one holds pretty true. #gettoit
@ChallengeMTV: The competitors won't get very far if they can't pull their own weight tonight! #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@JazMTV: I know it's not throwback Thursday but my sister told me about this picture and I had to post it I…
@TheresaTime20: I ❀️ U @IamTJJones13
@MTVBananas: No problem buddy, I couldnt ask for a more supportive, and amazing fan! @IcedCOfNewYork #TeamBananas
@NanyMTV: @jonnamtv is finally coming to visit me in BLo this month!❄️ you may want to invest in a winter jacket ASAP❀️⛄️
- @jonnamtv: @NanyMTV I can't wait
@brittany_baldi: I'm shippin' up to Boston! Come to TUNNEL Friday ✌️ #boston #ValentinesDay #imcominghome
@WestonBergmann: Wanna support a great cause that is led by an outstanding KC-based entrepreneur? Check out this event! …
@brunorealworld: CT!!! I'll be live Friday February 13, 2015 @beergardennorwalk #uconn #valentinesdayweekend
@RealWorldMTV: Somebody's skeleton is up next... #RealWorldSkeletons airs tonight at 10/9c! @MTV_JESS: Vegas in a couple of weeks and cancun for springbreak bitchessssss ❀️ come party with your fav @MTV girls πŸ’‹
@blacuesta: What's going on w all the traffic at #sdsu right now?
@TheChallengeMTV: Today is Tuesday! You already know what that means!!! #RealWorldSkeletons #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2 TONIGHT!!!
@blacuesta: Bitches that don't like me are ALWAYS asking about me. Stop trying to dabble into the pieces of my life you can get to, go home crusty.
- @JasIPen: @blacuesta crusty πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
@ChallengeMTV: .@KingsmanMovie is looking for a new member and that member could be our very own @MTVBananas!
@MTV: Things are getting emotional on #RealWorldSkeletons tonight at 10/9c:  πŸ’€πŸ˜’
@MTVBananas: Watch out @TaronEgerton i'm comin for you! @KingsmanMovie #kingsman @mtv @mtvmovies …
@TophsTweets: I'm going to date @JillianSay when I move to LA...and she doesn't even know it
@TheChallengeMTV: Let @NanyMTV and @MTVBananas recap their first week in the EXile house. … #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@SylviaMTV: Cheers to NASCAR and MJ reenactments! Tune in Tonight! #RealWordSkeletons @madiwadi2by4
@MtvJess: You're one mistake I am willing to make, Time and time again. No baby I'll never learn my lesson.
@NanyMTV: #IWasNotWatchingPorn …
@RealWorldMTV: Madison has had enough. A new #RealWorldSkeletons starts at 10/9c!
@shandathapanda: someone bring me a monster lo-cal, reeses, and a pizza bc im ready 2 seize the day
@brittany_baldi: #teambradam current @ChallengeMTV dome warrior champs! #mtv #BattleOfTheExes2 #hatrick #rookies
@t_raines33: #RealWorldSkeletons #Chicago
@n_zanattaMTV: Whose coming to celebrate Valentine's with me told you 50 shades of cole;) don't miss it!!!!
@B_Brutality: My name is Brandon Kane I am a recovering asshole and I have 0 days clean.
@IamAdamKuhn: If they pick #AreYouTheOne Season 2 castmates for the next Challenge they better pick the cool ones.
@ChallengeMTV: Sign me up for the EX-ile! @MTVBananas & @NanyMTV are living the dream:  #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@A_Bartolotte: It's not what you say, it's how you say it
@shandathapanda: anxious af
@BunimMurray: It's Bruno against the house in tonight's new #RealWorldSkeletons at 10/9c! @MTV -->
@Tindel10: How fun does Drunk Go Karts sound right about now?!
@brunorealworld: Told her she my wife for the weekend, but don't be acting like I need you
@IamAdamKuhn: I am a Roman Gladiator born in the wrong century.
@brunorealworld: Respect me as a man and I'll treat you like royalty. Cross me and you gone surely.
@RoyLee25mtv: #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2 tonight
@RealWorldMTV: Tonight's new episode is gonna leave me without nails or edges. #realworldskeletons
@laurashall93: sHAPPY BIRTHDAY to my other southern queen @whaattaafoxx love and miss your sexy butt so much & hope you party hard tonight😘😘😘
- @whaattaafoxx: @laurashall93 wooooo the party don't start till midnight but I'm going till Friday 😊😎🍻🍻
@brunorealworld: I'll never forget this night.It was the fellas first night out. Tune in tonight to #RealWordSkeletons @RealWorldMTV
- @_Kazuhnova: @brunorealworld @RealWorldMTV @t_raines33 #yesslawwwdddd It was a Great fellas night out!!!
@A_Bartolotte: Loft music is my new swooping song
@whaattaafoxx: Thanks everybody for the birthday wishes!!!! But my bday is tomorrow! 😍😘😊🍻
@mtvdario: Flex free 🎬🎬
@susie_meister: Are we all just going to accept that Jeb is a real name then?
@BunimMurray: Check up on Bananas and Nany in the EX-ile house before tonight's new episode! #TheChallenge-->
@IWantMyEmTV: Clarissa Explains it All is following me. I can't wait to tell my dad!!! @MelissaJoanHart
@DannyWascou: Winning is an uphill battle on tonight's #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2  TONIGHT 11PM on @MTV @tjlavin
@JayGMTV: Its Challenge Tuesday so this is my happy face #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2 @mtv @BunimMurray #mtv #bote2
@RealWorldMTV: Madison went OFF on Tony. Better late than never:
@NASCAR: .@RealWorldMTV and … #NASCAR? Tune-in to @MTV tonight at 10pm ET:
@MTV: Adam has his eyes set on someone in the #ChallengeBattleOfTheExesII house tonight at 11/10c:  @ChallengeMTV
- @IamAdamKuhn: @MTV @ChallengeMTV tag me noob
- @MTV: @IamAdamKuhn be nice, loser 😏
- @IamAdamKuhn: .@MTV haha just a friendly reminder.
- @MTV: @IamAdamKuhn yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah πŸ˜‹
@SylviaMTV: Tune in 10/9c @RealWorldMTV
- @t_raines33: β€œ@SylviaMTV: Tune in 10/9c @RealWorldMTV ”  The big red chair
@MTVshelbs: I'm a little concerned im not going to live through @whaattaafoxx's birthday week πŸ˜₯ #prayforme
- @whaattaafoxx: @MTVshelbs you best get some sleep in bc we on #NOSLEEP till SUNDAY
@ChicagolndSpdwy: TUNE IN! Check out @RealWorldMTV TONIGHT at 9PM CST as they joined us in Sept. for the @NASCAR Sprint Cup race!
@brunorealworld: He ain't a bad boy, he just bad for you!
@ChallengeMTV: Last week's elimination ceremony was a bit uncomfortable, but pales in comparison to these past ceremonies:
@n_zanattaMTV: Whose ready for #RealWorldSkeletons  and #TheChallenge I know I am ;) and check out my girl's single on vday! #v.kole
@NanyMTV: Throwback to when my niece was a little nugget and not a full grown teenager 😩❀️ #takemeback
@JennaCompono: Who's excited to see another episode of the challenge tn?!
@RealWorldMTV: I'm ready I'm ready I'm ready. #realworldskeletons
@CaraMariaMTV: Crossfit near hawaii kai. 2 weeks. Dont want to lose training. Suggestions? πŸ’ͺ
@blacuesta: I just took the hardest 10 question plagiarism quiz of my entire life
@haileychivers: The Challenge comes on TONIGHT! Right after Real World Skeletons πŸ˜ŽπŸ‘ŒπŸ· #BattleOfTheExes2 @ChallengeMTV @MTV
@AshleeFeldman: Know the difference between your and you're. Please. Do it for yourself.
@BunimMurray: Only a few more hours until our epic Tuesday date-night with @MTV! Who's tuning in?? #RealWorldSkeletons #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@ChallengeMTV: We don't blame @IamAdamKuhn for having on crush on @ave_tress, some things you just can't help!  #BattleOfTheExes2
@brittany_baldi: I'll be live tweeting tonight @ChallengeMTV also special EX-iled on right after! :-) #mtv #BattleOfTheExes2
@brunorealworld: baby girl you different, when you not around, it feels like somethings different.  and i know you keep it real.
@SylviaMTV: Only 2 hours left! @RealWorldMTV
@t_raines33: #TonyTuesday #RealWorldSkeletons #IDGT #yeahbuddy
@JustJem24: The highest form of love is to be the protector of another person’s solitude....
@brittany_baldi: Challenge fans I am promoting the EXiled RECAP special airing after the new episode tonight. For those asking βœŒοΈπŸ‘
@madiwadi2by4: Who's ready for tonight?!?!?! #RealWorldSkeletons  Me Me Me!!
@RealWorldMTV: Only one hour until a new #RealWorldSkeletons!!
@madiwadi2by4: @n_zanattaMTV "Someone's wearing my panties" hahah love you Nicole #mistress
@AbramBoise: Taking off for Hawaii! I am giving away an art piece for the first person I see that voted & commented when I land:) …
@ave_tress: Hey everyone! Don't forget to watch tonight @ 11! #thechallenge #battleoftheexes2 #drama #exisintheair
@jm4r: Ohhh the faces I make
@jm4r: Trying to figure out how my roommate gets taken so many dates and she doesn't even have a tinder
@_Kazuhnova: Tune in to #RealWorldSkeletons on @RealWorldMTV tonight at 10!! You do not want to miss tonight episode!!
@jonnamtv: It's almost challenge time!! #BattleOfTheExes2 @MTV
@MTV30 minutes until a new episode of #RealWorldSkeletons! Get ready... Things are getting crazy πŸ’€
@MTV_JESS: Readyyyy for some more 4400 and Chicken burritos with @blacuesta & @Modelboi12 πŸ‘Œ
@briughh: Live tweet with me tonight! #RealWorldSkeletons @RealWorldMTV
@TheChallengeMTV: In the words of @TheOfficial_CT. #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2 TONIGHT! 11/10c.
@JustJem24: The worst part of designing clothes is having to deal with other people. I wish I could just do it all myself 😫😫😫
@whaattaafoxx: Almost 3 hours left till its my BIRTHDAY!!!! πŸ‘ŒπŸ˜ŠπŸ˜πŸ˜ŽπŸ»πŸ»πŸ»πŸ»
@brunorealworld: I feel like a school girl on prom night waiting to lose her virginity awaiting this #RealWorldSkeletons episode!! @RealWorldMTV
- @RealWorldMTV: @brunorealworld wow.
@brittany_baldi: I ❀️ the wolf pack and this babe @n_zanattaMTV !! #RealWorldSkeletons #wolfpack
@whaattaafoxx: Yeah you bad but hoe so what!
@MTV: 5 minutes until a new episode of #RealWorldSkeletons! RT if you're watching + tweeting along with @RealWorldMTV πŸ’€
@madiwadi2by4: Hot cheeto and red bull run before the show!

> RW Skeletons - As They Saw It: "Where's The Beef?"
@RealWorldMTV: DROP EVERYTHING #RealWorldSkeletons starts right now! RT if you're watching/tweeting with me!
@SylviaMTV: It's about time!!! Let's go! #RealWorldSkeletons @RealWorldMTV
@ChallengeMTV: They can talk the talk, but can they walk the walk? 1 HOUR until #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2 on @MTV!!!
@TheChallengeMTV: An all NEW episode of #RealWorldSkeletons starts right now on @MTV!
RT if you're watching!!
@TheChallengeMTV: Tweet LIVE with the cast: @_Kazuhnova @t_raines33 @VMilerman @madiwadi2by4 @SylviaMTV @brunorealworld @n_zanattaMTV #RealWorldSkeletons
@RoyLee25mtv: Time for my reality TV fix #RealWorldSkeletons
@MtvJess: "Swing hard, miss hard" @ryanmalaty
@n_zanattaMTV: Whose watching tonight let me know yeaaaaa!!!!! #RealWorldSkeletons
@SylviaMTV: Please don't mind my kitty cat pants!
@brunorealworld: Yes ladies I can cook!! @RealWorldMTV #RealWordSkeletons going out gets overrated. Acrew #cardboardbruno @SylviaMTV
@SylviaMTV: Flat Bruno makes his first TV appearance!!@realworldbruno @RealWorldMTV
@t_raines33: #flatbruno
@RealWorldMTV: Someone's cooking up a romantic date night! #RealWorldSkeletons
@n_zanattaMTV: Hahah I guess the accent gave it Away she knew where I was from though ;) guess it's not that hard to tell! #yeaaaaboy
@TheChallengeMTV: .@n_zanattaMTV putting in work for the #WolkPack! Gotta love Nicole! #RealWorldSkeletons
@brunorealworld: I went to jail for murdering #cardboard #bruno #RealWordSkeletons
@SylviaMTV: Someone call the fire trucks! @madiwadi2by4 @t_raines33 @RealWorldMTV
@t_raines33: Like two dogs stuck together #tadison @RealWorldMTV #RealWorldSkeletons
@RealWorldMTV: THE RAIN DON'T STOP 'EM! #RealWorldSkeletons
@TheShaneRaines: #Skeletons are the new #vampires #RealWorldSkeletonsπŸ’€
@RealWorldMTV #RealWorldSkeletons Burgers made of gold !!! πŸ”πŸ”it's the principle a- holes!! @t_raines33 @_Kazuhnova
@RealWorldMTV: Calling #RealWorldSkeletons roommates: do NOT eat @brunorealworld's burgers. Or you may get hurt.
@TheChallengeMTV: You don't want to eat @brunorealworld's burgers! #RealWorldSkeletons
@n_zanattaMTV: @t_raines33 you totally ruined everything for me that night lmao over a lil snuff ;)
@MTVChallenge26: Locals are always so nice the real world crew lol #RealWorldSkeletons
@JasIPen: Was there cash hidden in the burger? Slighty confused here.... #RealWordSkeletons
@TheChallengeMTV: "Who ate my burger, who ate my burger?" - @brunorealworld #RealWorldSkeletons #DontTouchBrunoFood
@TheChallengeMTV: "Who ate my burger, who ate my burger?" - @brunorealworld #RealWorldSkeletons #DontTouchBrunoFood
@Chet_Cannon: Bruno's crying over hamburgers while telling a girl she's embarrassing herself #RealWordSkeletons
@t_raines33: Yall try to live with Madison and want soooo bad to be single #RealWorldSkeletons @RealWorldMTV
@RealWorldMTV: PLEASE do not let a burger destroy the wolf pack! #RealWorldSkeletons
@TheShaneRaines: Reppin for @t_raines33 #RealWorldSkeletons
@TheChallengeMTV: But wait! We could get a new #Rivals3 team.... @brunorealworld & @_Kazuhnova! #GameOver #RealWorldSkeletons
@TheChallengeMTV: Bros before burgers πŸ‘ #RealWorldSkeletons @brunorealworld @_Kazuhnova
@TheChallengeMTV: "Lesson for last night, you don't mess with Bruno's proteins. & burgers! You dont even go next to them." - @n_zanattaMTV #RealWorldSkeletons
@VMilerman: @SylviaMTV we should of made an army of #flatbruno
@jm4r: @briughh im excitedddddd for disss
@RealWorldMTV: Wait a second..@brunorealworld was a farmer boy?! #RealWorldSkeletons
@brunorealworld: Yall better come kut @pachanyc @dadalife
@n_zanattaMTV: Coming up!!! You already know skeletons what's that?!?! ;) #RealWorldSkeletons
@brunorealworld: Rip #flatbruno ,about them burgers it's the principle. Momma teach yall not to touch other people's things? @RealWorldMTV #RealWordSkeletons
@SylviaMTV: #FlatBruno trending
@RealWorldMTV: OF COURSE @n_zanattaMTV LOVES HER SKELETONS! <3 <3 <3
@n_zanattaMTV: That is my life this is everything wouldn't trade it for the world @RealWorldMTV thank you!! Best skeletons ever!!!
@BarstoolBigCat: So Nicole's sisters are attractive and speak like normal human beings? That makes no sense.
@TheChallengeMTV: .@n_zanattaMTV got that best deal! Beautiful sisters! Sweet fam. :) #RealWorldSkeletons
@SylviaMTV: You can imagine our struggle with 3 Nicole's! @n_zanattaMTV @RealWorldMTV
@TheChallengeMTV: "One Nicole is enough, but 3 at the same time here. It's going to get crazy." - @_Kazuhnova @n_zanattaMTV #RealWorldSkeletons
@n_zanattaMTV: @blacuesta you thought my laugh was bad I  miss you!!
@Chet_Cannon: Happy sisters. I love that. #RealWordSkeletons
@brunorealworld: My outfit on #Fleek though!?! @RealWorldMTV #RealWordSkeletons also the fellas #GQ @t_raines33 @_Kazuhnova
@TheChallengeMTV: Meet loud, louder, and loudest! πŸ˜‰ #RealWorldSkeletons @n_zanattaMTV
@SylviaMTV: FYI really hot guys hangout at NASCAR! #RealWorldSkeletons @RealWorldMTV
@IamAdamKuhn: I'm jealous! I wanna go to a nascar race! #RealWordSkeletons
@TheChallengeMTV: #RealWorld in a RV?! #RoadRules 😊 #RealWorldSkeletons
@n_zanattaMTV: @SylviaMTV you rock my selfie shirt I was mia!!! @madiwadi2by4 sorry I couldn't take care of you babe :(
@BSwiftMTV: I love how @mtv & @BunimMurray is showing @n_zanattaMTV with her Sisters.It's great to focus on love happiness&fun and not drama 4 a change
@IamAdamKuhn: Omg @madiwadi2by4 that bottle hit you sooooo hard! #RealWordSkeletons
- @madiwadi2by4: @IamAdamKuhn I know right, it hit me in the perfect spot too!
@RealWorldMTV: Oh no. Once again Madison gets hurt by Violetta?! #RealWorldSkeletons
@madiwadi2by4: I will die happy if i never see one of those mini bottles again!
@SylviaMTV: Poor bubbles the mini vodka bottle was no joke! @RealWorldMTV @madiwadi2by4
@SylviaMTV: Sooo awesome to meet @KyleLarsonRacin #RealWorldSkeletons @RealWorldMTV #blessed
@t_raines33: @n_zanattaMTV @RealWorldMTV #RealWorldSkeletons
@_Kazuhnova: If you ain't First your Last!! @RealWorldMTV #RealWorldSkeletons #NASCAR
@AshleyZanatta: LOVING this episode of the real world #sisters #RealWorldSkeletons ...#whatskelton @n_zanattaMTV
- @n_zanattaMTV: @AshleyZanatta love you ash!!!
@RealWorldMTV: "But you have really really nice hair." @VMilerman trying to make @madiwadi2by4 feel better about her black eye LOLOL! #RealWorldSkeletons
@SylviaMTV: I'm with you wife id rather leave first then be left! @n_zanattaMTV @RealWorldMTV #RealWorldSkeletons
- @n_zanattaMTV: @SylviaMTV @RealWorldMTV thanks for backing me up!!! Love you
- @djstweetarazzi: @n_zanattaMTV @SylviaMTV @RealWorldMTV I love the bond you 2 have :) #RealWorldSkeletons
@WestonBergmann: This isn't going to be as fun live Tweeting tonight because @MTVBananas is gone! Just joking, there's always LEEEEEE!!!
- @ThatCoral: @WestonBergmann @MTVBananas You make me laugh. I have an update so I'll ring you tomorrow. Good work kid. πŸ‘‹πŸŒ
@n_zanattaMTV: First one to say it's hard to let your guard down...when your with someone your with them that's it, that's hard! #RealWorldSkeletons
@brittany_baldi: @t_raines33 come on @madiwadi2by4 is gorgeous and treats you like a king #RealWordSkeletons
@brunorealworld: I'm alive, blessed and try not to take any day for granted no matter how bad. We all have a past but boy I went through hell and I'm here!
@JazMTV: didn't see tonights episode but FYI nobody messes with my @n_zanattaMTV #JAZZYHASSPOKEN
@briughh: Jealousssss
@SylviaMTV: Just so we are all clear @_Kazuhnova  CANT swim! @RealWorldMTV #RealWorldSkeletons
@_Kazuhnova: YOLO!!! I can't swim, so why not jump in the water for a $6 Football smh lmao #RealWorldSkeletons @RealWorldMTV
@n_zanattaMTV: @_Kazuhnova ahhhh ahhhh that football was worth everything football for life @t_raines33 he can't swim!!! @AshleyZanatta dead
- @AshleyZanatta: @n_zanattaMTV @_Kazuhnova @t_raines33 haha that was the absolute best thing that happened and very expensive  #feelingwet#RealWorldSkeletons
- @djstweetarazzi: @AshleyZanatta @n_zanattaMTV @_Kazuhnova @t_raines33 That looked fun as hell tho :) #RealWorldSkeletons
@TheChallengeMTV: Please @_Kazuhnova learn how to swim! πŸ˜‰#RealWorldSkeletons #TheChallenge
@t_raines33: #RealWorldSkeletons @RealWorldMTV
@TheChallengeMTV: Yes, it's about time @madiwadi2by4 standing up for herself! #RealWorldSkeletons
@SylviaMTV: She really took that to heart! #sassybubbles @madiwadi2by4 #RealWorldSkeletons
@RealWorldMTV: @princericosuave @_Kazuhnova Poor Jason! #RealWorldSkeletons
@whaattaafoxx: Omg I LOVE YOU! @n_zanattaMTV you make me wanna tear up
- @n_zanattaMTV: @whaattaafoxx hahaha I love you wAnna join the family I'm single!
- @whaattaafoxx: β€œ@n_zanattaMTV: @whaattaafoxx hahaha I love you wAnna join the family I'm single!” Duhhh😘😘😘
@RealWorldMTV: Loving this sister moment with @n_zanattaMTV ! #RealWorldSkeletons
@MTVChallenge26: Love their relationship @n_zanattaMTV @AshleyZanatta #RealWorldSkeletons #Triplets
@AshleyZanatta: @n_zanattaMTV you're never alone sis #family Btw mom's crying...good job love you
@t_raines33: πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€ @RealWorldMTV #RealWorldSkeletons #rainesbros #WeDemBoyz #love
@TheShaneRaines: Y'all kill me being camera menπŸ™ˆπŸ’€ @t_raines33 @_Kazuhnova
@_Kazuhnova: I definitely need to learn how to swim! Smh #RealWorldSkeletons @RealWorldMTV
- @djstweetarazzi: @_Kazuhnova @RealWorldMTV Yeah, you do, or get some awesome floaties :) #RealWorldSkeletons
- @_Kazuhnova: β€œ@djstweetarazzi: @_Kazuhnova @RealWorldMTV Yeah, you do, or get some awesome floaties :) #RealWorldSkeletons” LMAO
@TheRealNiaMoore: All new episode of The Challenge, #BattleoftheExes2 is on in ten min east coast! 11pm on mtv. Who's…
@brunorealworld: Three musketeers and or 2pac @t_raines33 @_Kazuhnova @RealWorldMTV #RealWorldSkeletons
@SylviaMTV: @t_raines33 πŸ”ͺπŸ”ͺπŸ”ͺ
@TheShaneRaines: I thought I was the only one who dreamed ab Tupac @_Kazuhnova #RealWorldSkeletons
@brunorealworld: Tony's my boy but aww I feel bad for @madiwadi2by4 @RealWorldMTV #RealWorldSkeletons
- @whaattaafoxx: @brunorealworld @madiwadi2by4 @RealWorldMTV he's a fucking douche
@jm4r: @n_zanattaMTV your sisters are the cutest
- @n_zanattaMTV: @jm4r miss you and the girls I'm coming to Florida to see you!!!! And yaa know Shelby!!! And V of course!! Thank you :)
- @jm4r: @n_zanattaMTV you bettttter! Idk if florida will be ready for that 😜
@RealWorldMTV: "I have to care about myself now." - @madiwadi2by4 Preach it girl. #RealWorldSkeletons
@TheChallengeMTV: "I have to care about myself more than I care about Tony." - @madiwadi2by4  #RealWorldSkeletons
@MTVBananas: I'll be live tweeting from my raft! RT @WestonBergmann Wont be as fun live Tweeting tonight because Bananas is gone!
@TheChallengeMTV: Was that a joke? @JohnnyReilly_ farting thou? Lol. #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@SylviaMTV: Just BC we want some1to hold something dear bc it is to us doesn't always mean they will. #RealWorldSkeletons @RealWorldMTV @madiwadi2by4
@brunorealworld: Yeah @t_raines33 cuff that ass when you kiss a girl! @RealWorldMTV #RealWordSkeletons @madiwadi2by4
@RealWorldMTV: HOLD THE PHONE. @t_raines33 and @madiwadi2by4 are official?!?! #RealWorldSkeletons
@TheChallengeMTV: Ladies and gentlemen, meet #Tadison! :) @t_raines33 @madiwadi2by4 #RealWordSkeletons
@whaattaafoxx: I still think Tony's a lying ass dog πŸ˜‚πŸ˜­ #RealWordSkeletons
@n_zanattaMTV: Oh brother here we go Maddie and Tony sitting in a tree...kissing I'm going to vomit! #RealWorldSkeletons and on to the next skeleton! 😱
@jm4r: @briughh is so hot πŸ”₯πŸ”₯
@brunorealworld: Murder #2 @RealWorldMTV #RealWorldSkeletons
- @AliciaKayGlenny: @brunorealworld @RealWorldMTV who was number 1?
@RWSkeletons: . @briughh coming next weeeek! #RealWorldSkeletons
@RealWorldMTV: Hide your wives, hide your kids and hide your burgers, because @brunorealworld's skeleton is coming! #RealWorldSkeletons
@MrsLizSanders: The relationship that @n_zanattaMTV and her Sisters have is so beautiful! 😍❀️ #RealWordSkeletons πŸ’€ @RealWorldMTV @MTV
@TrishelleC: β€œ@BarstoolJJ: The only thing saving this episode is if @TrishelleC is the next skeleton. #RealWorldSkeletons” lol Haven't watched but I wish
@n_zanattaMTV: Well guys that's a wrap sorry to disappoint no skeletons ;) #RealWorldSkeletons love the life you live!! #family
@briughh: Tick tick boom
@SylviaMTV: Well guys thanks for watching with us! Till next week there's always #BattleOfTheExes2 @RealWorldMTV
@SylviaMTV: @VMilerman @KatelynnMarie5 @madiwadi2by4 @brittany_baldi πŸ‘πŸ‘

> Exes 2 - As They Saw It: "Love Hurts" and After Show: Exiled
@MTV: #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2 starts right NOW! RT if you're watching with @ChallengeMTV πŸ’₯
@ChallengeMTV: IT'S GAME TIME B*TCHES!!! #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@TheChallengeMTV: Grab your popcorn! All NEW episode of #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2 starts right now on @MTV!!!! @tjlavin  RT if you're watching!!!!
@TheRealNiaMoore: β€œ@Tootsyxo: @TheRealNiaMoore Just saw you on ESPN girl... That sweat stunt got u on Highly Questionable haha.” πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ I heard
@n_zanattaMTV: I agree with him I really wanna hook up with @ave_tress took ;)
@TheChallengeMTV: "Everyone is excited. It's kind of like a new era because there's no Bananas in site." - @TheRealNiaMoore #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@WestonBergmann: Beginning of mankind: Adam and Eve. End of mankind: Adam and Ave @IamAdamKuhn @ave_tress
@TheRealNiaMoore: Did @tjlavin just say puzzle??😩 I would rather go swimming again. Me and Leroy might be doomed on this one.
@TheChallengeMTV: At least it's not a water challenge! @RoyLee25mtv :) πŸ‘ #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@NanyMTV: Which one of these idiots will we be going against in tonight's exile? #DontKnow #DontCare #LetsDoThis #FreeBanany
@robb_schreiber: 300lbs ain't sheeeeiiiiiit
@TheChallengeMTV: This is a hard challenge!This will def test who wants it more! #TheChallenge #300Pounds #ClimbingHills #Puzzle #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@brittany_baldi: This challenge was wicked difficult! Memorizing puzzle pieces while climbing a mountain uphill in the beating sun! #fml #BattleOfTheExes2
@TheRealNiaMoore: That mountain was a monster. I could barely walk after my first elimination round as is. It was grueling going up and down so many times
@TheChallengeMTV: Who has it the worst? The ladies memorizing and solving the puzzle or the guys lifting and pulling 300 pounds? #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@IamAdamKuhn: This Challenge will show us which girls in the Challenge are intelligent and which are not. #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@TheChallengeMTV: Much respect to all teams!!! Hard challenge! Mini final right here. #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2 @tjlavin
@jonnamtv: I'm having nightmare flashbacks of logged out from battle of the seasons..
- @djstweetarazzi: @jonnamtv I was thinking of that too but couldn't think of the name of it #BattleOfTheExes2
@JennaCompono: this challenge was torture !! Sucha steep mountain
@RoyLee25mtv: @TheRealNiaMoore I was so proud of you on this particular challenge!! πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺ
@JennaCompono: I'm getting anxiety watching this challenge lmao So rough
@brittany_baldi: Real talk that challenge took hours. Slammed Gatorade in between each hill climb to not get dehydrated lol ✌️#TheChallenge #beasts
@jonnamtv: #FREEBANANAY
@Pratt_MTV: Headed to the @benhowardmusic concert in downtown Los Angeles with my people!
@WestonBergmann: Follow me on Instagram: @WestonBergmann
@TheChallengeMTV: .@SarahRiceMTV is reminding us of the final during #Cutthroat. You got it Sarah! Beat this! #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@brittany_baldi: All the other partners helped memorize shape and color but mine. Ugghhh. I'm so nervous right now! #BattleOfTheExes2
@IamAdamKuhn: According to my partner I need to lift the 300lb door and be the one memorizing the puzzle! Lol! #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
- @brittany_baldi: @IamAdamKuhn no. I said help me like Jordan was and the others.
- @TheChallengeMTV: β€œ@brittany_baldi: @IamAdamKuhn no. I said help me like Jordan was and the others.” Very true. #TeamWork #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2 πŸ‘
@TheRealNiaMoore: I really wanna say some shit but I'm gonna keep my mouth closed. Just pay attention y'all. I'll say it when it counts at the reunion next wk
@ChallengeMTV: On second thought, maybe I'll skip the pot roast before the next challenge. #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@Challenge24MTV: I can't even fathom how difficult this challenge would be. Respect to everyone that was involved! #BattleoftheExes2
@TheChallengeMTV: .@TheresaTime20 is killing it with her puzzle, but is it right?! #VetStatus #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@TheRealNiaMoore: I'm so glad my partner can lift 300 pounds like it's nothing. @RoyLee25mtv πŸ’ͺπŸ™ŒπŸ™Œ #LightWork
@brittany_baldi: Brutal I need a new partner #battleofthexes2
@IamAdamKuhn: People are telling me to memorize the puzzle! Are you guys watching the same show as me?! #BattleOfTheExes2
@TheChallengeMTV: No @RoyLee25mtv your bag was the bottom one! 😒 #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2 @JayGMTV
@RoyLee25mtv: Steve Urkel voice .. " Did I do Thattttt"
@TheRealNiaMoore: We took Jay's bag by mistake. Oops? πŸ˜‚πŸ˜­ It was an honest mistake but funny as hell
@TheRealNiaMoore: Wes and Theresa stayyyyyy winning!!!
@MTVBananas: Adventures in Exile! #freebanany mtv・・・Turn up the DRAMA! #BattleoftheExes2 followed by the…
@WestonBergmann: I don't know if you all are keeping track, but we've won more challenges than everyone else COMBINED - and we just won tonight by 45 minutes
- @TheresaTime20: @WestonBergmann πŸ™†πŸ™…πŸ’
- @JordanW_usa: @WestonBergmann Yea, thanks in large part to @RoyLee25mtv pulling a switch-a-roonie. You guys finished literally, 2 mins ahead.
- @WestonBergmann: @JordanW_usa @RoyLee25mtv At least there's someone as funny on this show other than me
- @AceNichols33: @WestonBergmann @RealityRadioPod SIGH... When is your "winner" ass gonna make Ace an intro and be a trooper?... 😁
- @YaBoyKyle22: @westonbergmann y'all killed it!!
@WestonBergmann: By the time second place finished, I was freezing.
@jonnamtv: Oh.. Because taking shit to your partner is going help;)
@TheChallengeMTV: "When I leave this house, I don't want to ever see Zach's face again." - @jonnamtv Yikes!#TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@TheRealNiaMoore: Zach and Jonna stayyyyy arguing like an old divorced couple πŸ‘€πŸ˜¬ I thought he might kill her and throw her body in the bushes on that mountain
@JayGMTV: In total jenna and myself went up and down 9 times totaling 16,000 meters which is 9.9 miles!! While carrying that bag and lifting 100lbs
@brittany_baldi: Low key @jonnamtv and I laugh about that all the time "this hill is hell and you're the devil". Funny Zach #BattleOfTheExes2 😭
@JennaCompono: But zach with his shirt off ...
@JordanW_usa: #TheChallenge was no joke and even though @SarahRiceMTV had a few pit stops/wardrobe changes, she killed it!πŸ’― The rest was just #ToughLove
- @SarahRiceMTV: @JordanW_usa thanks for still believing I could do it when I was puking my guts out!! Dehydration is no joke! ( plus, I hate cardio)
- @djstweetarazzi: @SarahRiceMTV @JordanW_usa That was seriously a Final challenge type comp #BattleOfTheExes2
- @SarahRiceMTV: β€œ@djstweetarazzi: @SarahRiceMTV @JordanW_usa That was seriously a Final challenge type comp #BattleOfTheExes2”. For real tho!
- @djstweetarazzi: @SarahRiceMTV @JordanW_usa I'm shocked @tjlavin didn't save it for then #BattleOfTheExes2
@TheChallengeMTV: "The fact that this puzzle has to go to sudden death, is this a joke?" - @TheresaTime20 #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@JordanW_usa: And off topic: @malasirenaaa is ridiculously selfless. #NyQuil
@_tspoon: @JennaCompono you look like an idiot every time you over compensate for crying over @jaygmtv by talkin shit FOR NO REASON . You need to stop
- @JennaCompono: @_tspoon @JayGMTV lmao figures jay would like that ...
- @JayGMTV: @JennaCompono @_tspoon its been what i been thinking all season but im nice to you so i dont say anything
- @JennaCompono: @JayGMTV @_tspoon stop playin the innocent card it's getting old I see right through you.. So stop
- @nicole_tarts: @JennaCompono @JayGMTV stop! #teamgreen #loveyouboth
- @Morgan_MacAdam: @nicole_tarts @JennaCompono @JayGMTV agreed
@brittany_baldi: Im dumb? Everyone is struggling. You can't event climb a hill. BYE βœŒοΈπŸ‘ #battleofthexes2
@IamAdamKuhn: Crunch time.. Who's going in the Dome? #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@ChallengeMTV: The fact that this challenge had to come down to sudden death just shows how grueling it really was. #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@brittany_baldi: Not athletic and I can't compete according to my goon of a partner, but we made it to 6 challenges. He sucks #BattleOfTheExes2
@TheChallengeMTV: "That was the real challenge right there." - @tjlavin #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@TheRealNiaMoore: Zach's body is just...can y'all see why I was so willing to taste his sweat? πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ jk
@jonnamtv: Are Zach and I going into the dome??? #battleofthexes2
@WestonBergmann: Zach with a literary reference, and a bicep one segment. That's why I like him. He's well rounded; especially his pecs.
@IamAdamKuhn: To not get last place we needed 6 correct puzzle pieces in 9 trips(5hours) that's why I was so frustrated. #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@brittany_baldi: Dome #4 I am not ready for this!! Who are we going up against!? #BattleOfTheExes2
@TheChallengeMTV: "Today brought out the absolute worst out of us. I'm not sure if we're going to be able to repair." - @SarahRiceMTV #BattleOfTheExes2
- @SarahRiceMTV: @TheChallengeMTV I haven't seen tonight's episode yet, but I can already tell you… I am NOT looking forward to watching myself puke!
- @TheChallengeMTV: @SarahRiceMTV It wasn't as bad as you think. You still looked like a G. πŸ‘ #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
- @SarahRiceMTV: @TheChallengeMTV that IS pretty much my primary goal life… Look as "G"as possible... πŸ˜‚πŸ‘ …
- @TheChallengeMTV: @SarahRiceMTV Lol! That was def. you tonight! #SarahTheG  #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@MTVBananas: Rough looking #Challenge guys, #Exile living hasn't been all that easy either! #freebanany #TeamBanany …
@TheChallengeMTV: "If you're all about Bananas, you're not about Theresa and Wes." - @TheresaTime20 @WestonBergmann #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@jonnamtv: So even though it looked like abstract art.. I still was able to do something right.
@veronica_kole: Lets be real, @n_zanattaMTV has problems with NO ONE. That's why she didn't have a "skeleton". It's hard to ever NOT LOVE this girl. #truth
@JordanW_usa: Have to take a second to S/O all the tweeps for the love yall send! You guys make all this possible! #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@TheChallengeMTV: To be honest @JohnnyReilly_ was on the right team! #TeamBananas #TeamBaNany @MTVBananas @NanyMTV #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@MTVBananas: The Ghost of Bananas is still haunting the #BattleOfTheExes2 house! #LoveIt #Boo #FreeBananay
- @Johnny_Ziggler: @MTVBananas lol seriously. i think the mentioning of ur name is getting more air time then half the cast still there competing
@ChallengeMTV: "You're not Johnny anymore, you're f*cking Reilly." - @ave_tress What does that even mean?! #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@Challenge24MTV: For some reason I mess with Team Portland hard. @JordanW_usa @JohnnyReilly_ @ave_tress @TheRealNiaMoore @MtvJess  #BattleOfTheExes2
@SylviaMTV: This #BattleOfTheExes2 stresses me out! Love that everyone thinks @NanyMTV and @MTVBananas are gone!!! Little to they know! Hahah
@SarahRiceMTV: I think @mtv  could do an hour-long montage of me puking and still have extra footage for a bonus episode! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ™ŠπŸ‘…πŸ’¦πŸ’¦πŸ™€
- @ChallengeMTV: @SarahRiceMTV @MTV is that a challenge?
@TheRealNiaMoore: My phone bout to die. Ima jump on snapchat in a min and fuck with y'all. I wanna talk a lil shit about this episode before bed. Same nameπŸ’‹
@TheChallengeMTV: .@JayGMTV and @JennaCompono flying under the radar! Can't be mad at that. #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@Challenge24MTV: New dome!! Gotta love it #BattleOfTheExes2
@brittany_baldi: I just need to laugh at this point. It's not my first dome rodeo. Adam needs to shutup πŸ‘ bye #BattleOfTheExes2
@WestonBergmann: All those psychology classes I took are paying off!
@IamAdamKuhn: It's Dome Time #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@WestonBergmann: I voted for Johnny, not Averey. Johnny had 2 PPL I could never be higher than (Jordan & Zach). That meant it was only a matter of time #Had2
@Challenge24MTV: What a great episode this has been thus far. Stay tuned for an after show special directly following the dome!! #BattleOfTheExes2
@brittany_baldi: @ave_tress @JohnnyReilly_ are both great competitors tough match! #BattleOfTheExes2
@ChallengeMTV: Dome predictions, GO! #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@JennaCompono: The few that say we're floating by.. We never came last in a challenge so far and never begged to not be sent in.. Just saying..
- @ThomasBuellMTV: @JennaCompono hey though...yall  stayed just a weeee bit longer than us though...
@WestonBergmann: .@JohnnyReilly_ is a really great guy, seriously. I just knew that if I got him out I could take over his alliances with Zach and Jordan.
@B_Brutality: Veterans can't get proper health care and a lot of em are jobless and homeless. Yet all I hear is what reality star is fuckin who. #wakeup
@brittany_baldi: Truth! Those boxes banged my head up. But I have faith in Adam to come back. #battleofthexes2
@MTVBananas: Stay tuned for the #Exile special immediately following this episode of #BattleOfTheExes2 and see we're livin! #freebanany
@RoyLee25mtv: @WestonBergmann you should have voted me in.. Under my breath -->"Thanks sucka" πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
@TheChallengeMTV: This dome looks crazy!!!! Neck and neck! #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@TheChallengeMTV: Whaaaaaaat!!!!!! Nooooooo! To be continued..... #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@IamAdamKuhn: OMG! #BattlesOfTheExes2
@brittany_baldi: Wow my heart is racing right now just like it was during the actual elimination!!! I want to win again! #battleofthexes2 #mtv
@JayGMTV: Damn MTV even got me on that one. To be continued... #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2 #BattleOfTheExes2
@ChallengeMTV: AHHHHHHH. It can't end like that! WHY CLIFFHANGER WHY?????? #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@jonnamtv: To be continued... Ahhhhhhhh
@NanyMTV: Don't miss out the #BattleOfTheExiled recap special hosted by the one and only @tjlavin  πŸ’‹πŸ˜ @MTV
@TheChallengeMTV: Catch @tjlavin as he host & RECAP the #BattleOfTheEXiled now on @MTV! #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@IamAdamKuhn: TO BE CONTINUED.. #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@brittany_baldi: Hey Challenge fans don't turn your tv off! Watch the elimination recap right now! Ex-iled #BattlesOfTheExes2 @tjlavin
@TheChallengeMTV: You don't have to go online or MTV app. πŸ˜‰ You can watch the recap with @tjlavin! :) #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@ChallengeMTV: The words "hang tight" coming out of @tjlavin's mouth could really mean anything. #BattleOfTheExiled #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@IWantMyEmTV: I think I'm the only one who doesn't give a fuck about 50 Shades of #icant. Put it down on page 3 and never looked back.
- @ThatCoral: @IWantMyEmTV No you're one of many. It couldn't possibly be more overrated. BDSM is vanilla these days. I am not getting the phenomenon.
@brittany_baldi: Who liked my hilarious commentary this episode? Lmao I am weak! 😭 #BattleOfTheExes2
@WestonBergmann: I've sent enough people home in my career to make up a cast for an entire show...and you wonder why there are so many 'bitter at Wes' people
@IamAdamKuhn: Who wins next week?! #TheChallengeBattleoftheExes2
@ChallengeMTV: "Did we do something right?" - @MaybachDiamonds LMAO #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2 #BattleOfTheEXiled
@ThatCoral: Goodnight ladies and gents. Sleep in tomorrow if at all possible.
@JordanW_usa: Damnnn! A to be?!! Sorry kids, go to bed. #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@ave_tress: Which team do you think will prevail? #TheChallenge #BattleOfTheExes2 #
@ave_tress: too funny! RT"@WestonBergmann: Beginning of mankind: Adam and Eve. End of mankind: Adam and Ave @IamAdamKuhn @ave_tress"
@MTVBananas: We must protect this #Exile House! #freebanany #BattleOfTheExes2
@ChallengeMTV: The EX-iled house is a nice place indeed. @NanyMTV & @MTVBananas are living it up!  #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@TheChallengeMTV: .@MTVBananas and @NanyMTV living the life inside the EXile house! #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2 #BattleOfTheEXiled
@ChallengeMTV: Thanks again for watching with us. Guess we'll all be hanging on until next week. Stay strong people! πŸ’ͺ #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2

> After Hours and the Wednesday Hangover (and Ellie's Birthday!)
@whaattaafoxx: I really love when @Curtishadzicki calls me!! I love you boo 😘❀️ thanks for the bday wish
- @Curtishadzicki@whaattaafoxx never stop being you and I'll never stop calling. #dowhatyoulove
- @whaattaafoxx: @Curtishadzicki 😍😍😍😍😘😘
@MTV_JESS: I can't help but to feel like I have superpowers when I listen to kryptonite 😜
@SarahRiceMTV: @Mtv @ChallengeMTV @JordanW_usa I don't want to say I told you so, but…
@A_Bartolotte: Happy birthday you crazy craaazzy beetch. I miss you @whaattaafoxx . Try not to call me too many times tonight πŸ˜‰
- @whaattaafoxx: @A_Bartolotte lol imma call a million times I wish you were here! You're the only one im missing I love you!!! #Hubby #PerfectMatch #MyMan
@SarahRiceMTV: @MTV we know who REEEAAALLLY got 2nd place in that challenge!! Mmhmm. #amissingpiece @JayGMTV theif!! πŸ˜œπŸ˜‰
- @JayGMTV: @SarahRiceMTV @MTV hahaa no way! @RoyLee25mtv stole your piece and then stole my bag! Lmaooo
@NanyMTV: If we don't at least make you laugh, check your sense of humor #FreeBanany
@JennaCompono: Instagram @JennaCompono
@JennaCompono: Hope you enjoyed that challenge! We sure as hell didn't! Haha goodnight everyone 😁
@NanyMTV: While everyone is still in the challenge house thinking they got rid of me, I'm over here like πŸ˜΄β€¦
@whaattaafoxx: It's my fucking birthday!
@IamAdamKuhn: Sooo @brittany_baldi and I were def not a perfect match.
- @brittany_baldi: @IamAdamKuhn damn skippy lol I'm too good of a person for u, your perfect match is the wicked witch of the west πŸ™Œ
- @cocotropila: β€œ@brittany_baldi: @IamAdamKuhn I'm too good of a person for u, your perfect match is the wicked witch of the west πŸ™Œβ€ @shandathapanda
- @brittany_baldi: @cocotropila @IamAdamKuhn @shandathapanda noo I'm not crap talking Shan, I'm saying his real match is the ACTUAL wicked witch lol
- @shandathapanda: @brittany_baldi @cocotropila @IamAdamKuhn confused by this statement but imma bite my tongue
- @blueflower_94: @brittany_baldi @cocotropila @IamAdamKuhn from the wizard of oz not pretty miss @shandathapanda
- @brittany_baldi: @blueflower_94 @cocotropila @IamAdamKuhn @shandathapanda yes exactly πŸ‘
@WeaponXKP21: Being a very long time fan of #TheChallenge, I was so ready to hate the #AreYouTheOne ppl. @brittany_baldi made me a fan. #BattleOfTheExes2
@MtvJess: Timing
@brunorealworld: Good night world!
@shandathapanda: v down with broad city...more than im down with anyone or anything rn
@TheresaTime20: β€οΈπŸ’šπŸ’›πŸ’™
@JordanW_usa: Last night's #BattlesOfTheExes2 was a beast of a #Challenge that kicked most of the cast's ass! ..So who got the best screen grab? Go!
@LORAleeMTV: A date is an experience you share with another person that makes you appreciate being alone.
- @MTVtrey: @LORAleeMTV that's why I never took you on one...
- @LORAleeMTV: @MTVtrey remember all the dates I went on but we're never shown? You hated those guys!!
- @robb_schreiber: @LORAleeMTV @MTVtrey those guys were awesome.
- @LORAleeMTV: @robb_schreiber @MTVtrey Robb you know I secretly always wanted to go on a date with you... Our kiss was magical!
- @robb_schreiber: @LORAleeMTV @MTVtrey a delightfully earned 10 dollars πŸ˜‹
- @LORAleeMTV: @robb_schreiber @MTVtrey do you have any BOGO deals going on??
- @TheSteamer: @LORAleeMTV @MTVtrey All dates were cut in order to get in more natural ordering of Subway online. That's what the people want to see!
@MTVTV: A lot changed after last night's #Challenge episode...which do you think is the team to beat?
@MTVTV: Will @brunorealworld be able to handle the #Skeleton coming his way? Sound off!
@jamiechung1: LAX✈️JFK. Excited about my new partnership and can't wait to share the news with you .πŸ™Š It's not…
@CreativePaige: @MeganHollyBrown #DiemStrong SparkFSU benefit Diem Brown Scholarship Fund … @floridastate ”
@JennaCompono: Good morning!
@TheresaTime20: πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€
@TheRealNiaMoore: "We are going to Miami in March, you coming?" "I can't I don't have a passport." πŸ˜’ #Dummy
@TheRealNiaMoore: This reunion is going to be everything. Bout to light these bitches up like the 4th of July. I've kept it cute for too long..
@TheRealNiaMoore: Don't forget to play the powerball today. Drawing is at 11pm est. If you win after I reminded you I'm expecting at least 1 million. Thanks☺️
@TheRealNiaMoore: Thanks for the support during last night's episode of #BattleoftheExes2! Next episode is going to be crazy, Hurricane Nia is about to make landfall 😏 Gonna jump on snapchat right now and answer some of y'all's questions about The Challenge..same username. And to @MTV, please book me in a pet friendly hotel for the reunion next week. @pupskendallandkylie said they not staying at home this time..
@JennaCompono: Dying πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ @ZNichols15
@MTVshelbs: happy birthday to my favorite human πŸ’‹ thanks for being the best blessing & best unexpected friendship…
@MaybachDiamonds: …
@MTVRWRRQuotes: Did everyone catch the 'Battle Of The EX-lied' Aftershow last night? @tjlavin killing that hosting game as usual!
@mtvdario: @MTV_JESS it was a joke !!!!
- @mtvdario: @MTV_JESS you better not be. I called you the other day and you kicked me to voicemail βœ‹
- ‏@MTV_JESS: @mtvdario did not!!! I didn't get a call? I'll call you soon ❀️
@t_raines33: My favorite moment from last night when @madiwadi2by4 told me yeah buddy...she's so cute. Love you girl! #RealWorldSkeletons #tadison
@RealWorldMTV: So much beef in one episode. Watch last night's #RealWorldSkeletons!
@TheChallengeMTV: Have to admit this was a tough challenge! Looking good guys! @ZNichols15 @JordanW_usa #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@alyssamgiacone: #haleysbirthdaybash #21 #finallylegal
@ThatCoral: Why are stores still selling dangerous crib bumpers to parents. Why don't they tell them the risks of suffocation?
@brittany_baldi: He was afraid of heights, struggled up the hill, and stopped during eliminations. You carried nothing. I was a great partner @IamAdamKuhn πŸ™Œ
@JazMTV: I get one problem solved thinking I can relax another one pops up! 3 Days and ill be in NYC for VDAY with @ImperatorTruth
@IamAdamKuhn: Gym time πŸ’ͺ #Fitness #athlete
@tabron27: Stuntin with momma bear at the game. Say hi πŸ‘‹
@MTVBananas: Represent! #teambananas RT @neyasivera: Hiking with Bananas this morning was pretty fun...
@JayGMTV: Hey guys! Can you check out this link for me for a craze watch valentines day giveaway!!🌹🌹
@MTVBananas: This is my neighbor Carrie who spent all morning helping me fill orders. Not only has she known me…
@shandathapanda: y can't i have copious amounts of money?ΒΏ
 @MtvJess: πŸ’• 5 days until I am in πŸ’™ LA πŸ’™ can't wait
@paulawalnutsMTV: @CaraMariaMTV question! Do you still make your perfume? #vampvenom I am running low
- @CaraMariaMTV: @paulawalnutsMTV yes! A whole etsy shop full :) will get in touch in couple weeks when back from Hawaii! πŸ’—
@jonnamtv: My head is sooooo heavy. #boxbraids @beingvikkid
@RealWorldMTV: Will Bruno be able to handle living with his estranged brother?
@JazMTV: @jonnamtv not sure what's going on but don't let nobody talk crazy to you. You better act Rasheedas on they ass. TVshow or not stand up!!
@TrishelleC: My set-up this afternoon. #anatomy & #physiology #grindtime #schoolgirls #NOLA #MardiGras2015
@MTVTV: Can @t_raines33 stay faithful to @madiwadi2by4 on #RealWorld? Tell us whatcha think!
@brittany_baldi: Everyone go wish southern beauty @whaattaafoxx a sexy birthday!! πŸ’•πŸŽ‰πŸŽˆ
@shandathapanda: so many old ass women bringing their vibrators to the movie theaters this weekend #50ShadesOfGrey
@AlexPhillipz: Happy Birthday to my homegirl @whaattaafoxx!!! I'll smoke one in your honor #BAD πŸ‘„πŸŒβš‘οΈπŸŽΈ
- @whaattaafoxx: @AlexPhillipz thanks boo! Love you
@VMilerman: You think you can give me a ticket and add time one it?!! Not today!πŸ‘Ώ
@MtvJess: Where there is Peace and Clarity, Happiness thrives πŸ’• and right now I'm all smiles. #peace #clarity #happiness
@ChallengeMTV: Which team is the one to beat this season? Cast your vote -->  #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@brunorealworld: Hitman agent 47 ... Ooo can't wait !! #HitmanAgent47
@MTV_JESS: Happy birthday to a very special girl @whaattaafoxx love you 😘😘
@MTVshelbs: Ellie is standing naked in my room singing me a song about crack...... I guess I'll let it slide since it's her birthday 😐
- @whaattaafoxx: @MTVshelbs I hate you lmfao
@IamAdamKuhn: Happy Birthday Ellie!!! @whaattaafoxx
- @whaattaafoxx: @IamAdamKuhn thanks Adam
@Modelboi12: Happy bday to one of the coolest chicks I've ever met @whaattaafoxx I miss you have a good one...
- @whaattaafoxx: @Modelboi12 love you G!!
@brittany_baldi: @jonnamtv miss you!! I come home next week we need to catch up AND u can borrow my winter coat to visit Nany if u wanna :-)
@JasIPen: Happy birthday @whaattaafoxx ! BTW, I sent @JColeNC over to sing to you. Hope he makes it in time haha😜
- @whaattaafoxx: @mtvdario thanks D!!!
@mtvdario: @whaattaafoxx Happy birthday !!!
- @whaattaafoxx: @mtvdario thanks D!!!
@briughh: Instagram is the same as my twitter name.
@RealWorldMTV: Watch Nicole open up on this week's Bare Bones:
@IamAdamKuhn: @roxystriar @RealityRadioPod @DjJesseJ @SINSEDONTPLAY whether you all agree or not thank you for being fair and letting me voice my opinion.
@MTVBananas: Lets stack 38 pillows on the bed every morning, then throw them on the floor every night, and repeat this process every day. -Women-
@ChallengeMTV: Last night's challenge was no joke & it's only going to keep getting harder from here! #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@AlexPhillipz: Bruce Jenner is such a great Father. He realized Kim Kardashian needed another mother and took charge #BAD #BruceJenner πŸ‘„πŸŒβš‘οΈπŸŽΈ
@_Kazuhnova: @AGabs2169 Hey if the opportunity comes I'm sure @n_zanattaMTV will be down to shut the challenge scene down cause I know I would be
- @n_zanattaMTV: @_Kazuhnova @AGabs2169 wouldn't this be a interesting team Jason and I wolfpack for life??? Right?! <|3
- @_Kazuhnova: @n_zanattaMTV @AGabs2169 You already know Cole! Team work make the Dream work #yesslawwwdddd #wolfpack
@MTV: #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2 cast faces their toughest challenge yet:  @ChallengeMTV
@RealWorldMTV: Currently downloading all the music from last night's #RealWorldSkeletons:
@MtvJess: Whoa. Like what the actual fk.
@_Kazuhnova: Who wants to see the Wolfpack on the Challenge? @n_zanattaMTV @t_raines33 @brunorealworld #WolfPack #Arghoooooo
@n_zanattaMTV: @_Kazuhnova (Pic of "Walk Thru" by Rich Homie Quan)
- @_Kazuhnova: β€œ@n_zanattaMTV: @_Kazuhnova ” I be feeling like the man when I walk thru 🎢🎢🎢 now watch me watch me watch me walk thru
@WestonBergmann: The people have spoken #TeamToBeat
@MTV_Christina: You will put me on your shoulders at a Bassnectar show. #MyFutureValentine … @LightheartedTV
@AshleyMarieMTV: Find someone you can experience life with. Life is not about what you have or what you make, it's about who you spend it with and how.
@MikeCManning: Nobody is going to work harder for You than You. #DontStop
@MTVshelbs: we're gonna party like its ya birthday 🎈
@whaattaafoxx: Birthday Dinner ❀️
@ChallengeMTV: #ICYMI, watch last night's episode!  #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@RealWorldMTV: Last night's #RealWorldSkeletons was a whirlwind:
@jenniknapmiller: Friday night. Come to spadesnightclub in #Minneapolis it's going to be a good time, and you should be…
@MTVshelbs: Hibachi chefs tricking you about giving you your fried rice on their spatula are the reason for my trust issues
@MTVshelbs: Ellie just said gracias and asked the hibachi chef if he was Mexican and he goes "this ain't no Taco Bell" πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜­πŸ˜­ #dead
@mtvdario: Some people can't be alone.
@TheJayDillinger: No one can ever deny the power and inspiration Whitney Houston brought to us 80's babies #RestInPeace
@heathermarter: How do I donate to the homeless gentleman that was just kicked off American Idol? The look on his face made my heart sink.
@CamilaMTV: Imma make you beg for it 🎢πŸ’ͺ #SWETZONE @VidaSWET #Gettinitttttt
@TheresaTime20: β€œ@AceNichols33: Dude serious shit...@WestonBergmann @TheresaTime20 #WTFWINNING” #πŸΈβ˜•οΈ
@JasIPen: What would you say to your future husband? "You had me at burrito😍" #MyFutureValentine #LightHearted …
@PrimeTimeSiebs: High up and were floatin, don't know where we're going to, night until the morning, we rollin rollin rollin
@TheRealNiaMoore: Thank me later.. …
@cohuttaMTV: I just wanna say there's a very fine line between #50shades of Grey and 5 to 10 in prison.
@JayGMTV: Are you watching #blackflamecandle ? Do you know what that means?
@MtvJess: Shoulda just called him Whiskey
@RealWorldMTV: Nicole just can't settle down:
@jenniknapmiller: Anxiety is a real bitch
@robb_schreiber: Thanks goodness for Metallica's Black Album.
@whaattaafoxx: Only see the truth when I'm standing in the mirror
@JayGMTV: I put a spell on youuuuuu #dancetilyoudie
@ryanmalaty: Dear #MyFutureValentine, you look better in a ponytail with no makeup
@MTVtrey: I feel like that movie Chappie is gonna make me cry.
@EDiamond007: Listening to Usher, "I don't mind". Then Nick Jonas, "I still get jealous" comes on..  Oh the generation gap.
@brunorealworld: You think someone really cares about you? See how much they respond once they're on a vacation! Lol
@Tindel10: I know #myfuturevalentine will be even cooler than Jenna Marbles.
@JennaCompono: the scary thing about dating is that you are either going to marry that person or break up😐
@itsJennyDelich: Between 14 credit hours and working 32 hours a week I'm πŸ’€ #cantwaitforthepayoff
@blacuesta: has a fever: i'm ok   coughs out lungs: i'm ok   throat on fire: i'm ok   is hungry: death, despair and chaos has entered my life
@blacuesta: So0o0o0o0o kylie Jenner got dreads... When the fuck did we get ice cream yall?
@blacuesta: "Future bae is probably texting his bae he got right now about their future together, sike see you in a few years bitch" 😭😭😭😭
@brittany_baldi: To #myfuturevalentine you're business savvy, have a great personality, health conscious and make me your 1st priority πŸ’•
@brunorealworld: Nowadays people know the price of everything and the value of nothing.
@SarahRiceMTV: I was so in to the @TEDTalks podcast I was listening to that on my way home I drove an extra 20 minutes past my new house to my OLD  place!
@SarahRiceMTV: The funniest part of the story, the podcast was on memory! #gofigure
@SarahRiceMTV: Creativity= Applied imagination.
@brunorealworld: Generation Iron - #netflix time . Late nights...
@shandathapanda: books are tite
@whaattaafoxx: Sooooo we're high officially
@Tindel10: I'm so hannnggrryyy. Will one of my twitter followers get off their ass and deliver me food to my bed?

> As The Fans Saw It (Views expressed not necessarily those of DCBLOG)
@busdriversroute: Bruno was comparing Violettas Instagram beef as rich people problems. What is it called when you fight over actual beef? #RealWorldSkeletons
@busdriversroute: Everyone (or me) is doing a mental count of what food if someone stole would lead to a 2 year fight with their sibling. #RealWorldSkeletons
@busdriversroute: The fact that @n_zanattaMTV skeletons are her sisters just confirms that she was casted strictly for The Challenge. #RealWorldSkeletons
@busdriversroute: This Bruno situation is one of the most outrageous things I've heard. Where do they find these people? #RealWorldSkeletons
@busdriversroute: Tony wanting Madison the second she ends it with him is so clichΓ© I can't even come up with a snarky joke about it. #RealWorldSkeletons
@busdriversroute: "You have to solve this puzzle at the top of that mountain. I know it sounds easy." - @tjlavin. Haha oh Teej, you would think that's easy.
@busdriversroute: A++ for this challenge MTV, but it almost feels like this should be worth double power couple status. #BattleOfTheExes2
- @TheReaLegend: @busdriversroute would it be smarter to put all your pieces on the board first, save some weight to carry?
- @busdriversroute: @TheReaLegend I'd guess they were told that wasn't allowed.
- @TheReaLegend: @busdriversroute that makes sense, like your @stephenfishbach analogy, he would of finished in one trip
@busdriversroute: Yea Zach and Jonna would do splendidly in a final. #BattleOfTheExes2
@busdriversroute: I'm only here to see if @MTVBananas and @NanyMTV win tonight's Exile. #BattleOfTheExes2
@busdriversroute: BREAKING: Wes and Theresa got pizza. #BattleOfTheExes2
@busdriversroute: Averey you know I'm a fan, but the reason why you haven't been voted in yet is because of Johnny...gotta be fair here. #BattleOfTheExes2
@busdriversroute: @TheChallengeMTV @JayGMTV @JennaCompono Flying under the radar..aka hooking up with Zach.
@busdriversroute: So lame MTV. And now there's no Exile with Bananas. #BattleOfTheExes2
@busdriversroute: The thread for questions for this week's @ChallengeMTV RHAP-up (being recorded Thursday) w/ @lashtweets is now up at
@busdriversroute: Bus Driver's Route: The Challenge Battle of the Exes 2 Fantasy Scoring Week 6 …
@CSUAKirk: Didn't I call tony and Madison being back to normal @RealityRadioPod  #RealWorldSkeletons
- @RealityRadioPod: @CSUAKirk That's a given lol. But I called Jason being the last person to have his skeleton enter the house. We still don't know who thou.
- @RealityRadioPod: @CSUAKirk That's a given lol. But I called Jason being the last person to have his skeleton enter the house. We still don't know who thou. Prob is dad. I remember seeing a clip in trailer. But I like #Tadison. nevermind! Madison still has a skeleton. She may be last!!!! #RealWorldSkeletons
@CSUAKirk: Don't mess with @brunorealworld  and his food like wow dude #RealWorldSkeletons
@CSUAKirk: Who ate my burger lol #RealWorldSkeletons
@CSUAKirk: Dang both @n_zanattaMTV  sisters are married such a bummer lol #RealWorldSkeletons
@CSUAKirk: This is awesome  that they got to see this race #RealWorldSkeletons
@CSUAKirk: So @VMilerman  hit @madiwadi2by4  again but this time on accident  kinda bizarre #RealWorldSkeletons
@CSUAKirk: Zach comes off more annoying every episode I like jonna so much because I can't stand Zach #exes2
@CSUAKirk: Kills me to see team Portland being so far apart really love both of them so much on this show #Exes2
@lashtweets: what's the point of TO BE CONTINUED when the editing is so obvious #thechallenge #BattleOfTheExes2
@murtzjaffer: @brunorealworld joins me in 2 hours to discuss his skeleton's debut at 12 AM EST. Join us!  #RealWorldSkeletons
@murtzjaffer: I am completely on @brunorealworld 's side in this burger argument. Sorry @t_raines33 #RealWorldSkeletons
@murtzjaffer: Happy to see more of @n_zanattaMTV in this episode #RealWorldSkeletons
@murtzjaffer: I really like this #RealWorldSkeletons cast. I like how each roommate has layers. @brunorealworld 's one side w Carla & other side w burgers
@murtzjaffer: @SylviaMTV I need @sheenajeanette tips
@murtzjaffer: I was being serious @SylviaMTV
@murtzjaffer: Wolfpack explodes. Cause?  Meat. @_Kazuhnova @brunorealworld
@murtzjaffer: @VMilerman 's confessionals are my favorite #RealWorldSkeletons
@murtzjaffer: @t_raines33 in a nutshell:  has to pay for his drinks, good with chicks, likes burgers.  Or #babesblondesburgers #RealWorldSkeletons
@murtzjaffer: It is SKELETON time. Welcome @briughh #RealWorldSkeletons
@murtzjaffer: Now that @MTVBananas is gone, I basically want @SarahRiceMTV to go nuclear and eliminate EVERYONE #BattleOfTheExes2
@murtzjaffer: Ohhhhh!  I totally thought it was going to be @briughh on #RealWorldSkeletons  awesome editing MTV. You got me!
@murtzjaffer: @SarahRiceMTV I am really upset about Bananas being eliminated Sarah. I am now only watching for you. You know this!
@murtzjaffer: Hahahaha. Did they just say 'Ashley Madison' on @RealWorldMTV ?  Tell me someone got that reference #RealWorldSkeletons
@murtzjaffer: @n_zanattaMTV bring your sisters to the party on Sunday!!!!!!!!!
@murtzjaffer: @brunorealworld discusses his temper, protein, Carla & @briughh tonight.  #RealWorldSkeletons
@murtzjaffer: @t_raines33 is such a smooth talker. #RealWorldSkeletons
@murtzjaffer: @brunorealworld gives us a preview of what happens with @briughh in one hour  #RealWorldSkeletons join us!
@murtzjaffer: Wow @ave_tress looks ah-mazing #BattleOfTheExes2
@murtzjaffer: "This hill is hell and you're the devil" Hahahaha #BattleOfTheExes2
@murtzjaffer: @TheresaTime20 owned that puzzle.
@murtzjaffer: Live w @brunorealworld RIGHT NOW to discuss #RealWorldSkeletons …
@murtzjaffer: @SarahRiceMTV riddle me this Sarah. Should I be rooting for @JordanW_usa or would that be cheating on my Banana fandom?
@murtzjaffer: Miss tonight's #RealWorldSkeletons After-Show w @brunorealworld ?  Here's the playback …
@RealityRadioPod: "You look really good tonight" - @IamAdamKuhn to @ave_tress on #TheChallenge.. I bet you @JayGMTV would've got them digits #justsaying
@RealityRadioPod: Violetta's skeletons were boring last week! Let's hope this week is different. #RealWorldSkeletons
@RealityRadioPod: Really hope @JanelMcG takes over and tweets tonight! Her tweets be on πŸ”₯. #RealWorldSkeletons #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@RealityRadioPod: Ok #RealWorldSkeletons fans: Who's the better boyfriend? @JayGMTV or @t_raines33
@RealityRadioPod: Darn you Real @brunorealworld! @SylviaMTV was planning on gettin' some tonight! #RealWorldSkeletons
@RealityRadioPod: @brunorealworld Is that what I have to do to gain good weight? Eat 3 burgers. Sweet πŸ‘ #RealWorldSkeletons
@RealityRadioPod: Y'all ain't talking because of food? @brunorealworld @briughh Man it must been some deep dish pizza type greatness! That'd be understandable
@RealityRadioPod: If @brunorealworld had to choose either to share his woman or his food with the rest of the wolfpack.. what would he do? #RealWorldSkeletons
@RealityRadioPod: Triplets!!!!! #RealWorldSkeletons Yay for @n_zanattaMTV but how unfair for @t_raines33 lol!
@RealityRadioPod: I wonder how many of them even knew who Kyle Larson was before that day? #RealWorldSkeletons
@RealityRadioPod: Of course @madiwadi2by4 would get a black eye from a shot bottle.... #ouch  #RealWorldSkeletons #OnlyMadison
@RealityRadioPod: Oh geeze.. I may have to abandon my #Tadison ship... @t_raines33's just not acting right... #RealWorldSkeletons Do you girl @madiwadi2by4!
@RealityRadioPod: A tuna sandwich @brunorealworld? Tuna Sandwich!!!?? I hope y'all make up, a tuna sandwich just isn't worth it.. @briughh #RealWorldSkeletons
@RealityRadioPod: I wanna spend a whole day with @t_raines33 and @_Kazuhnova... #RealWorldSkeletons
@RealityRadioPod: Aww be still my #Tadison heart! #RealWorldSkeletons @madiwadi2by4 @t_raines33
@RealityRadioPod: Dang... @briughh's my type of dude... #Sexy #ThatHair #Love #RealWorldSkeletons
@RealityRadioPod: Yes! I love these type of challenges! #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2 #MakeEmWork for that money!
@RealityRadioPod: I bet Nia didn't really pull her weight 😠. #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@RealityRadioPod: Yes!!!! @WestonBergmann @TheresaTime20 does it again!! #TheChallenge #PowerCouple
@RealityRadioPod: I have to eat my words!!!!! @TheRealNiaMoore and @RoyLee25mtv came in 2nd place!!!!!!!! #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@RealityRadioPod: β€œ@OmgItsRocky__: @TheRealNiaMoore I wish you and @RoyLee25mtv would have won 1st place  and became power couple #soclose πŸ˜©β€ #TheChallenge
@RealityRadioPod: Why are you sending your friends in Theresa? Nooooooo. #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@RealityRadioPod: @JanelMcG I thought about it. You're right. Wes's speech made sense. Johnny has a lot of friends and they were fast. #BattleOfTheExes2
@RealityRadioPod: Wait, did @tjlavin say you killed it to @WestonBergmann and @TheresaTime20? #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2 #FantasyPoints !!!!!
- @busdriversroute: @RealityRadioPod @tjlavin @WestonBergmann @TheresaTime20 Negative. Basically everything but that lol
- @RealityRadioPod: @busdriversroute lol. I'm totally hearing things!!!!! I thought he did. 😒.... I heard it somewhere. Lol thanks
- @busdriversroute: @RealityRadioPod Zach said it to jonna sarcastically. I have a weird ear for this lol
- @RealityRadioPod: @busdriversroute was it Nia and Leroy?
@RealityRadioPod: β€œ@SlayinDays: It hurts seeing @jonnamtv be treated so badly on the challenge, I am screaming at the tv #BattleOfTheExes2” me too!
@RealityRadioPod: @TheresaTime20 You killed that puzzle! Smarty pants! :) πŸ‘πŸ˜‰πŸ’ͺ #Underestimated #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@RealityRadioPod: β€œ@queenmegan: @JennaCompono lmaooo queen #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2 ” lol! This is funny. I like Jay and Jenna!!!!
@HashtagBarbee: @TheChallengeMTV by far the ladies. The lift looked hard but it's temporary. The girls had the mental and physical part of the hill. =worse
- @RealityRadioPod: @HashtagBarbee will have to agree too! The men had it temporary and then running up hill. Women had their brains working constantly
@RealityRadioPod: β€œ@jonnamtv: I'm having nightmare flashbacks of logged out from battle of the seasons..” Yup! Thought the same!
@RealityRadioPod: #TheChallenge @afterbuzztv After Show and @DjJesseJ @SINSEDONTPLAY @roxystriar are drilling @IamAdamKuhn! … Love it!
@RealityRadioPod: OMG You guys should see your faces when @IamAdamKuhn explaining himself! @DjJesseJ @SINSEDONTPLAY @roxystriar
- @roxystriar: @RealityRadioPod @IamAdamKuhn @DjJesseJ @SINSEDONTPLAY hahahha , a little skeptical.
- @IamAdamKuhn: @roxystriar @RealityRadioPod @DjJesseJ @SINSEDONTPLAY whether you all agree or not thank you for being fair and letting me voice my opinion.
@RealityRadioPod: I totally called that Jason's skeleton will be the last skeleton. πŸ‘ #RealWorldSkeletons
@RealityRadioPod: @brunorealworld I like you more Bruno this last episode! I totally felt u bout the burgers. Especially if it's part of your workout routine.
@RealityRadioPod: I hate that one of these teams will be eliminated next week on #Exes2 πŸ˜” @ave_tress @brittany_baldi @IamAdamKuhn
@RealityRadioPod: Can't wait for @itsJennyDelich @JamieChinaMTV @BrianTWillJr @MTVCoryWharton to make their challenge debut! @BunimMurray @mtv
@neyasivera: I would rather watch an hour of ex-ile than the real episode #freebanany
@neyasivera: Hiking with @MTVBananas this morning was pretty fun...
- @MTVBananas: Represent! #teambananas RT @neyasivera: Hiking with Bananas this morning was pretty fun...
- @neyasivera: @MTVBananas done :)
@neyasivera: Can somebody watch the new episode of #BattleOfTheExes2 instead of me? Just tell me does adam have an upper lip and did zach get his period?
@AceNichols33: Really don't have the time to watch, film, edit the Challenge video 4 Thurs. I might hold out & do a 2-for-1 next week,but that's hard too!
@AceNichols33: Fuck shit all of the balls I have to watch #BattleOfTheExes2 right now and take notes on vacation!!!!! 😫
@AceNichols33: @WestonBergmann @RealityRadioPod SIGH... When is your "winner" ass gonna make Ace an intro and be a trooper?... 😁
@AceNichols33: Dude serious shit...@WestonBergmann @TheresaTime20 #WTFWINNING
@AceNichols33: @JayGMTV love your face.
@AceNichols33: What the fuck ending....... #tobecontinued @JohnnyReilly_ @ave_tress #BattleOfTheExes2 RAWR
@AceNichols33: Going to still film the recap on the run. It'll be different, but something. I'll let u know when it will be up. Prob sometime tomorrow.
@AceNichols33: Back in MS and G's editing the vlog while I'm editing the #BattleOfTheExes2 on-the-go recap! #Dedication #TeamNoSleep #MyPerfectOtherHalf <3
@AceNichols33: So, the recap will prob not be up tomorrow but Friday morning. Trying yall! Vacation problems. Goodnight!
@AceNichols33: The recap is done and halfway edited.. It will be up sometime this weekend. Trying yall, but ... Vacation. =)
@loco4laurel: #RealWorldSkeletons now and one hour until #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2!! Let's get HYPE for #TEAMBRADAM @brittany_baldi @IamAdamKuhn
@loco4laurel: #Rivals3 Madison and Dogs @madiwadi2by4 #RealWorldSkeletons
@loco4laurel: #Rivals3 @SylviaMTV and positivity #RealWorldSkeletons
@loco4laurel: #RIVALS3: ME AND FLAT BRUNO #RealWorldSkeletons
@loco4laurel: #Rivals3: @brunorealworld and Flat Bruno #RealWorldSkeletons
@loco4laurel: #Rivals3: @SylviaMTV and water conservation #RealWorldSkeletons
@loco4laurel: This scene reminds me of the infamous Danny/Pete "Meat and Potatoes" fight from Fresh Meat 2. #RealWorldSkeletons
@loco4laurel: #Rivals3: @t_raines33 and "Random Dude" #RealWorldSkeletons
@loco4laurel: I'm so sick of Violetta's third-grade arm-chair psychoanalysis each episode. #RealWorldSkeletons
@loco4laurel: Which producer told the guys to eat Bruno's food to have a backstory for this episode?? #RealWorldSkeletons
@loco4laurel: I thought this was Real World Skeletons not Real World Sisters #RealWorldSkeletons
@loco4laurel: I thought Bruno didn't like to go out?
@loco4laurel: Saying it now... While there have been a few good moments this season, overall the Skeletons twist is a DUD. #RealWorldSkeletons
@loco4laurel: HELLLLLLLLLO, BRIAH! #mamalike #RealWorldSkeletons
@loco4laurel: A girl that orders lemon drops is a girl after my heart. @ave_tress #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@loco4laurel: #Rivals3: @JohnnyReilly_ and @IamAdamKuhn #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@loco4laurel: #Rivals3: @JohnnyReilly_ and this rope #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@loco4laurel: This is the part where you tweet a gif of @SarahRiceMTV vomiting during the Cutthroat final -- Thanks! #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@loco4laurel: okay did someone give Theresa a xanax before this episode's interview? #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@loco4laurel: I think multiple teams should lose this mission. #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@loco4laurel: Odds that after the hardest mission ever, the elimination tonight will be the eating challenge again? #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@loco4laurel: Is Theresa drinking punch out of a wine glass? #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@loco4laurel: "You're not Johnny anymore, you're REILLY" -- my response to everything now. #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@loco4laurel: .@brittany_baldi and Vitamin D #BestFriends1 #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@jeff_thurm: OMG it is a black eye!  β€œ@TheChallengeMTV: Poor @madiwadi2by4. You'll make it through this!" #RealWorldSkeletons
@jeff_thurm: TONIGHT!!!!!!! #RealWorldSkeletons β€œ@RealWorldMTV: I'm ready I'm ready I'm ready. #realworldskeletons ”
@jeff_thurm: Really? Angry over a burger? An airplane bottle to the face? That's it?  This episode needs some real fucking drama.... #RealWorldSkeletons
@jeff_thurm: Good for you @madiwadi2by4. Love yourself first! πŸ™Œ Just learned the importance of that myself. #RealWordSkeletons @RealWorldMTV
@jeff_thurm: Oops. Spoke too soon. Wish you the best @madiwadi2by4 and @t_raines33. Hope it works out! #RealWordSkeletons @RealWorldMTV
@jeff_thurm: #skeletontuesday πŸ’€| #realworldskeletons afterbuzztv @ Afterbuzz Tv
@jeff_thurm: Well tonight's episode may not have been that great, but that didn't stop @DjJesseJ @SINSEDONTPLAY and I from going off! #RealWordSkeletons
@SINSEDONTPLAY: Hey heyy heyyyy πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ #therealworld #aftershow afterbuzztv
@roxystriar: Thanks to @IamAdamKuhn for calling in to our @afterbuzztv #ABTVChallenge show  and telling his side of the story ;)
@Morgan_MacAdam: @RealWorldMTV @brunorealworld bro he had his own cow!
@Morgan_MacAdam: @n_zanattaMTV @RealWorldMTV @AshleyZanatta luckiest skeletons ever! Clearly all your roommates are hella jealous!
@Morgan_MacAdam: @TheChallengeMTV @_Kazuhnova we've got another @RoyLee25mtv on our hands! Better start watching YouTube videos & learn to swim!
@Morgan_MacAdam: @TheChallengeMTV @_Kazuhnova @RoyLee25mtv he's a mini lee in training! πŸ˜‚
@Morgan_MacAdam: @_Kazuhnova @RealWorldMTV at least you admit it!! ;)
@ThatCoral: Anyone watch "Girls" on HBO? Is it good?? What's it about?
- @Morgan_MacAdam: @ThatCoral it's great! You'd love it! About a young struggling writer in NYC that deals with the curveball life throws you! It's funny!
- @ThatCoral: @Morgan_MacAdam So it's not about lesbians? What a cruel joke on someone who needs a lesbian drama on her tv screen.
- @Morgan_MacAdam: @ThatCoral no haha. It's definitely not about lesbians! I think that's called "The L Word" haha
@Morgan_MacAdam: I really feel bad for @jonnamtv this season because she shouldn't ever be spoken to in the way Zach does when he's frustrated!
@Morgan_MacAdam: I just want to give @jonnamtv a hug!!
@Morgan_MacAdam: @TheRealNiaMoore keep doing your thing girl! That was a hard challenge for sure!
@Morgan_MacAdam: Gotta give @TheresaTime20 and @WestonBergmann credit where credit is due... That was one crazy hard challenge and they killed it!
@Morgan_MacAdam: @ChallengeMTV if it wasn't indication enough after 5 and a half hours!! Geez intense
@Morgan_MacAdam: @JennaCompono @_tspoon @JayGMTV I'm waving the I love you both flag! I just want you to WIN!
@Morgan_MacAdam: @TeamVG4 dude tonights day challenge is so ridiculous it looked like a final!
@Morgan_MacAdam: Dude eff you MTV that is some bull right there! I'm so sick of this to be continued crap!
@Morgan_MacAdam: @RealityRadioPod I'm so mad right now
@Morgan_MacAdam: I'm seriously so mad about this "To Be Continued" elimination round right now. My face turned darker red than this emoji! 😑😑@ave_tress
‏@Morgan_MacAdam: @RealityRadioPod this cliffhanger stuff is getting to be so annoying! I'm seriously pissed about it!!! Ugh!
@Morgan_MacAdam: @RealityRadioPod I also hate that I didn't pick Wes and Theresa.... Who knew?!?
@Morgan_MacAdam: I'm going to bed I'm mad about the challenge! 😑 humphhhh
@TheSteamer: .@RoyLee25mtv I know you are pals with @MTVBananas, you need to step up your toast game. Be an all around monster! #BattleOfTheExes2
@TheSteamer: I love the montage of guys struggling lifting the rope and @RoyLee25mtv is just chilling. #BattleOfTheExes2
@TheSteamer: Sarah crushed the stamina puzzle in Battle of the Seasons, you’d think this would be her comp. #BattleOfTheExes2
@TheSteamer: @RoyLee25mtv Have to give you credit for taking charge and doing it in the first place. Next time it’ll be better.
@TheSteamer: This challenge is pretty simple conceptually and yet pretty damn awesome. I love the ones that test them relatively early. #BattleOfTheExes2
@TheSteamer: I can’t stand them but have to give credit to Wes and Theresa for winning that challenge. #BattleOfTheExes2
@TheSteamer: How much money do you think Zach could make doing a motivational speaker tour? He’d rake it in, right? #BattleOfTheExes2
@TheSteamer: I’d think that Wes/Theresa throw in either Jordan/Sarah or Nia/Leroy if Zach/Jonna are in the dome. #BattleOfTheExes2
@TheSteamer: @busdriversroute The Exile this week is seeing how many times you can say dude in five minutes.
@TheSteamer: Averey, if you had a different partner you’d be gone already. #BattleOfTheExes2
@TheSteamer: Did they really do β€œTo Be Continued” this early in the season?!? Not cool, @TheChallengeMTV, not cool. Now what do I do? #BattleOfTheExes2
@GregWJHG: Hands down, this Challenge on #TheChallenge is the most physically demanding/grueling I've ever seen. Like Final-light.
@GregWJHG: .@WestonBergmann is the Don of #TheChallenge.
@NotoriousAJM: β€œ@prettygrl_rocky: On the bright side of today, my two shows are on!!! #PLL #RealWorldSkeletons πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘β€ πŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ™Œ @t_raines33 @SylviaMTV @_Kazuhnova
@NotoriousAJM: @brunorealworld look bruh I would've went off too. Hell nah don't eat my food. Especially not my damn burgerπŸ˜‘ #RWSkeletons
@NotoriousAJM: @brunorealworld & u know when we cook, we save the BEST 1 for last. Probably had sharp cheddar & caramelized onionsπŸ˜’ @_Kazuhnova @t_raines33
@NotoriousAJM: My tv just froze. I'm pissed off.  glad it's during commercial break
@NotoriousAJM: Just put @RoyLee25mtv @TheRealNiaMoore @TheresaTime20 @WestonBergmann @SarahRiceMTV & @JordanW_usa in the final please #BattleOfTheExes2
@NotoriousAJM: @busdriversroute I agree. This one was one of the better missions this season.
@NotoriousAJM: Bruh, the FINISHED PUZZLE is literally to your LEFT! LOOK AT THE OTHER TEAMS' COMPLETED PUZZLE WTF! #BattleOfTheExes2
@NotoriousAJM: Why are they not looking at the damn finished puzzles?!?!? #battleoftheexes2
@NotoriousAJM: None of y'all have brains. Wes/Theresa Nia/Leroy & Jordan/Sarah all finished the puzzle. Common sense: LOOK AT THEIR BOARD #BattleOfTheExes2
@NotoriousAJM: When it's THAT close, it doesn't matter HOW you finish as long as you finish. I would've cheated I'm sorry. #BattleOfTheExes2
@NotoriousAJM: @WestonBergmann & @TheresaTime20 stay getting fed. #PowerCouplePerks #BattleOfTheExes2
@NotoriousAJM: Y'all, if @ThatCoral comes back, I might not make itπŸ˜©πŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ™Œ #TheChallenge @MTV @BunimMurray
@NotoriousAJM: I. Hate. To. Be. Continued. Episodes.
@NotoriousAJM: Y'all remember the days when alliances were frowned upon? #TheChallenge
@NotoriousAJM: In the old days, If you couldn't make it to a final based on your own merit, you probably didn't make it to a final. #TheChallenge
@NotoriousAJM: @WestonBergmann bitter, jealous, petty, they hate you cuz you know how to play the game.
@NotoriousAJM: @n_zanattaMTV @blacuesta y'all just need to hook up already. Lol
@BigTymers228: I can't wait to watch @brunorealworld @SylviaMTV @n_zanattaMTV @VMilerman @madiwadi2by4 @briughh @_Kazuhnova @briughh on the Rw Tonight
@BigTymers228: I Can't Wait To Watch @JayGMTV @JennaCompono on the challenge tonight
@BigTymers228: I can't wait to watch @RoyLee25mtv @TheRealNiaMoore on the challenge tonight
@BigTymers228: I can't wait to watch @IamAdamKuhn @brittany_baldi on the challenge tonight
@BigTymers228: #PhotoGrid I Can't Wait To Watch Tonight's New Episodes Of The Real World Skeletons & The Challenge.…
@JimmyEsqueda: Barley catching up on the new episode, why are these three so BEAUTIFUL 😍😍 #KittyKatPack #RealWorldSkeletons
@JimmyEsqueda: @n_zanattaMTV 😘😘😘 love seeing you all happy #RealWorldSkeletons
@JimmyEsqueda: @madiwadi2by4 digging your selfie, too cute @RealWorldMTV having too much fun😍 #RealWorldSkeletons
@JimmyEsqueda: Nice to meet you @briughh ☺️ looking forward to next week #RealWorldSkeletons
@GoldenGreggy: I don't know if we are ready yet 😱 @briughh
@GoldenGreggy: It's not like anybody shoved that burger up your rectum, chill #RealWordSkeletons
@GoldenGreggy: Is #flatbruno trending? Lol
@GoldenGreggy: @t_raines33 @RealWorldMTV Yall already know that's a struggle
@GoldenGreggy: @n_zanattaMTV lol I should marry myself too #RealWordSkeletons
@GoldenGreggy: Jasonand Tony as the camera crew πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ #RealWordSkeletons
@GoldenGreggy: Save the best for the last 15 seconds of the episode #RealWordSkeletons @briughh
@GoldenGreggy: "I wouldn't mind getting a little wild with adam" πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘Œ #BattleOfTheExes2
@GoldenGreggy: The two teams that Did the worst have the worst communication #shocker #BattleOfTheExes2
@GoldenGreggy: The tortoise and the hare #BattleOfTheExes2
@GoldenGreggy: I saw hurricane nia coming out next week πŸ˜‰ @TheRealNiaMoore #BattleOfTheExes2
@YaBoyKyle22: #ChallengeDay #BOTE2 @WestonBergmann @TheresaTime20 @JayGMTV @JennaCompono @RoyLee25mtv @TheRealNiaMoore @JohnnyReilly_ @ave_tress
@YaBoyKyle22: 2 for 1 special for @VMilerman ouch!! #RealWorldSkeletons
@YaBoyKyle22: @madiwadi2by4 zero privacy in the house am i right? #RealWorldSkeletons
@YaBoyKyle22: Jimminy Christmas @brunorealworld i thought i had a bad temper #RealWorldSkeletons
@YaBoyKyle22: once a player, always a player. am i right? @t_raines33 #RealWorldSkeletons
@YaBoyKyle22: Watching a challenge without @MTVBananas is like watching the Super Bowl without Tom Brady or Peyton Manning involved #BattleOfTheExes2
@YaBoyKyle22: @MTVBananas Yo Bananas can i get a follow dude?
@YaBoyKyle22: @WestonBergmann & @TheresaTime20 power couple twice in a row!! awesome job guys!! #BattleOfTheExes2
@YaBoyKyle22: Puzzle Queen without a doubt @TheresaTime20 #BattleOfTheExes2
@YaBoyKyle22: @westonbergmann y'all killed it!!
@YaBoyKyle22: @MtvJess who do you think is the favorite to win #BattleOfTheExes2 right now?
@YaBoyKyle22: any true challenge fan knows @tjlavin loves throwing curveballs in the game #BattleOfTheExes2
@YaBoyKyle22: @brittany_baldi If you and Adam lose the elimination, ill cry! #BattleOfTheExes2
@YaBoyKyle22: God damn @MTVBananas is one lucky guy to be sharing that EX-ile house with @NanyMTV #BattleOfTheExes2
@YaBoyKyle22: @westonbergmann & @TheresaTime20 #PowerhouseCouple #TeamToBeat been a fan since the RW Austin days
@Itslluna: @SarahRiceMTV Come on Sarah!!! #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@Itslluna: @ChallengeMTV "To be continued..." Why!!??!
@Itslluna: @JayGMTV @JennaCompono Still rooting for y'all!
@WWesWilliams: Why does Jonna keep coming on this show? She's not an athlete, she has no brains, and she's a basket case.
@WWesWilliams: @jennnyshafer_ she still sucks. Zach is a terrible partner but not as awful as Jonna. She's worthless, no matter who her partner is. obviously you aren't aware of Jonna's challenge history. She always throws pity parties. It's everyone vs Jonna in her eyes like on Battle of the Seasons where she kept refusing to go into eliminations because she couldn't "afford" to be sent home. she really is worthless as a competitor and a slimy human being
@WWesWilliams: The Challenge is so great, I hope this show never ends. Here's to hoping that Banana never rots @MTVBananas
@WWesWilliams: lol can't believe Dustin and Jessica lost to AYTO.... Twice
@kendallongg: @VMilerman's style >>> πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘Œ
@kendallongg: Finally Tony & Madison
@kendallongg: @SarahRiceMTV is going to beast this puzzle
@kendallongg: Son of a bitch Wes & Theresa won again #BattleOfTheExes2
@kendallongg: @TheRealNiaMoore queen got 2nd place πŸ‘
@kendallongg: Lmao Zach is so savage towards Jonna πŸ˜‚ #BattleOfTheExes2
@kendallongg: Fingers crossed for Johnny & Avery #BattleOfTheExes2
@kendallongg: @TheRealNiaMoore girl who you about to fight next week?
@djstweetarazzi: @n_zanattaMTV @RealWorldMTV This is awesome! I love this! You 3 together are too special! :)
@djstweetarazzi: @SylviaMTV @n_zanattaMTV @RealWorldMTV Imagine if there was 3 of all of the roomies, what would you all do? :) #RealWorldSkeletons
@djstweetarazzi: @SylviaMTV @n_zanattaMTV @RealWorldMTV Why wasn't I invited to the wedding? :( lol #RealWorldSkeletons
@djstweetarazzi: @SylviaMTV @RealWorldMTV Did any try & get your number? #RealWorldSkeletons
@djstweetarazzi: @n_zanattaMTV @SylviaMTV @madiwadi2by4 What were you doing at this time Nicole? #RealWorldSkeletons
@djstweetarazzi: @madiwadi2by4 Awww :( *hugs* *hands you ice thru the comp* #RealWorldSkeletons
@djstweetarazzi: @SylviaMTV @RealWorldMTV @madiwadi2by4 Just drink the contents & it'll help start to soothe the pain :) lol #RealWorldSkeletons
@djstweetarazzi: @SylviaMTV @KyleLarsonRacin @RealWorldMTV Remember, he is lucky to meet you, not the other way :) #RealWorldSkeletons
@djstweetarazzi: @_Kazuhnova @RealWorldMTV Unless 2nd and 3rd pay out too lol #RealWorldSkeletons #Nascar
@djstweetarazzi: @t_raines33 @n_zanattaMTV @RealWorldMTV Love this! :) lol #RealWorldSkeletons
@djstweetarazzi: @n_zanattaMTV It definitely is hard, 100 percent, especially if you've been hurt, letting ur guard down is hard #RealWorldSkeletons
@djstweetarazzi: @n_zanattaMTV @SylviaMTV @RealWorldMTV I love the bond you 2 have :) #RealWorldSkeletons
@djstweetarazzi: @SylviaMTV @_Kazuhnova @RealWorldMTV He got out of that water quick! lol #RealWorldSkeletons
@djstweetarazzi: @SylviaMTV @madiwadi2by4 #SassyBubbles is such a fierce but still cute nickname for her :) #RealWorldSkeletons
@djstweetarazzi: @AshleyZanatta @n_zanattaMTV @_Kazuhnova @t_raines33 That looked fun as hell tho :) #RealWorldSkeletons
@djstweetarazzi: @IamAdamKuhn @madiwadi2by4 Yeah it definitely did, that bottle was mean lol (the bottle not the person who threw it) #RealWorldSkeletons
@djstweetarazzi: @AshleyZanatta @n_zanattaMTV You'll never be alone in this world. You have your AMAZING family, die hard fans & friends from RW 4 Life! :)
@djstweetarazzi: @_Kazuhnova @RealWorldMTV Yeah, you do, or get some awesome floaties :) #RealWorldSkeletons
@djstweetarazzi: @_Kazuhnova @RealWorldMTV Awesome floaties, maybe some that look like muscles or wear a life vest as a style accessory #RealWorldSkeletons
@djstweetarazzi: @brunorealworld @t_raines33 @_Kazuhnova @RealWorldMTV Dude three musketeers candy bar thats what im cravin right now lol #RealWorldSkeletons
@djstweetarazzi: @brunorealworld @t_raines33 @_Kazuhnova @RealWorldMTV Dude three musketeers candy bar thats what im cravin right now lol #RealWorldSkeletons
@djstweetarazzi: @brunorealworld @t_raines33 @RealWorldMTV @madiwadi2by4 Lmao cuff it? They have handcuffs for asses now? lol #RealWorldSkeletons
@djstweetarazzi: @n_zanattaMTV Lmao! lol #RealWorldSkeletons
@djstweetarazzi: @TheRealNiaMoore Yes, of course, maybe a lil more minus the clothes lmao *runs before she sicks Kylie & Kendall on me lol* #BattleOfTheExes2
@djstweetarazzi: @WestonBergmann @IamAdamKuhn @ave_tress You really went there lol #BiblicalPuns lol #BattleOfTheExes2
@djstweetarazzi: @TheRealNiaMoore @RoyLee25mtv @tjlavin I believe you 2 can do anything, puzzle or not! You 2 got this! #BattleOfTheExes2
@djstweetarazzi: @brittany_baldi This is something I am shocked wasn't for the final challenge #BattleOfTheExes2
@djstweetarazzi: @TheRealNiaMoore This is a Final challenge type competition here #BattleOfTheExes2
@djstweetarazzi: @IamAdamKuhn Puzzles doesn't determine intelligence, just saying #BattleOfTheExes2
@djstweetarazzi: @jonnamtv I was thinking of that too but couldn't think of the name of it #BattleOfTheExes2
@djstweetarazzi: @JayGMTV I think this is THE hardest one you guys have done yet, it looks like anyways #BattleOfTheExes2
@djstweetarazzi: @JennaCompono They need to have a escalator on these things lol #BattleOfTheExes2@djstweetarazzi:
@RoyLee25mtv @TheRealNiaMoore You both are doing awesome! #BattleOfTheExes2
@djstweetarazzi: @TheRealNiaMoore @Spaghetti_Os_ @RoyLee25mtv Would've been funny if you just threw some up & got it right #BattleOfTheExes2
@djstweetarazzi: @JennaCompono Lmao, you do realize you don't have to do it again right? :) lol #BattleOfTheExes2
@djstweetarazzi: @brittany_baldi Was Adam helping you at all? #BattleOfTheExes2
@djstweetarazzi: @jonnamtv Can we just free the Nany part of that combo? lol #BattleOfTheExes2
@djstweetarazzi: @TheRealNiaMoore @justjimmylyons Shame on you for saying your ass is bad lol #BattleOfTheExes2
@djstweetarazzi: @brittany_baldi If I was your partner I'd have helped you unlike @IamAdamKuhn  #BattleOfTheExes2
@djstweetarazzi: @IamAdamKuhn No, you needed to help @brittany_baldi by helping her repeat them like Sarah & Jordan, called teamwork #BattleOfTheExes2
@djstweetarazzi: @TheRealNiaMoore @RoyLee25mtv Told you both I believed in you 2! Knew you could do it! #BattleOfTheExes2
@djstweetarazzi: @brittany_baldi Yeah you do #BattleOfTheExes2
@djstweetarazzi: @IamAdamKuhn Its called working as a teammate & helping her repeat the puzzle pieces back & forth to win aka be a team #BattleOfTheExes2
@djstweetarazzi: @RoyLee25mtv @TheRealNiaMoore Waldo Faldo Geraldo was the star of that show! lol #BattleOfTheExes2 #FamilyMatters
@djstweetarazzi: @TheRealNiaMoore Lmao, easy mistake to make #BattleOfTheExes2
@djstweetarazzi: @TheRealNiaMoore @RoyLee25mtv but you & Leroy are right behind them! #BattleOfTheExes2
@djstweetarazzi: @TheRealNiaMoore @MikeyTBH @RoyLee25mtv They probably textin & bickerin lol or snapchattin :) #BattleOfTheExes2
@djstweetarazzi: @WestonBergmann Seemed more like 44 minutes lmao #SmartAss #BattleOfTheExes2
@djstweetarazzi: @WestonBergmann How cold did it get? #BattleOfTheExes2
@djstweetarazzi: @jonnamtv He shouldn't be talking to you like that, he should have supported you #BattleOfTheExes2
@djstweetarazzi: @TheRealNiaMoore Lmao, its fun to watch but he needs to treat her better #BattleOfTheExes2
@djstweetarazzi: @JayGMTV Wow! That is a LOT of miles! #BattleOfTheExes2
@djstweetarazzi: @JennaCompono The heat can make things boil over #BattleOfTheExes2
@djstweetarazzi: @brittany_baldi @jonnamtv That hill was evil lol #BattleOfTheExes2
@djstweetarazzi: @JordanW_usa @SarahRiceMTV How many wardrobe changes? #BattleOfTheExes2 #DontEatWhileYouWatchSomeonePuke
@djstweetarazzi: @SarahRiceMTV @JordanW_usa That was seriously a Final challenge type comp #BattleOfTheExes2
@djstweetarazzi: @brittany_baldi I think you rocked it! You did that challenge by yourself for your team! #BattleOfTheExes2
@djstweetarazzi: @SarahRiceMTV That would have been awesome! #BattleOfTheExes2
@djstweetarazzi: @brittany_baldi You rock Brittany! #BattleOfTheExes2
@djstweetarazzi: @TheRealNiaMoore Lmao, I love your tweets as much as I love your snapchats lol #BattleOfTheExes2
@djstweetarazzi: @IamAdamKuhn If you would have helped @brittany_baldi remember them it would have not taken as long #BattleOfTheExes2
@djstweetarazzi: @SarahRiceMTV @MTV Damn thats a lot of puking! lmao #BattleOfTheExes2
@djstweetarazzi: @TheRealNiaMoore You know u can jump on snapchat, walk on snapchat, u could mime on snapchat & still rock! #BattleOfTheExes2 #NiasSnapChat
@djstweetarazzi: @SarahRiceMTV @JordanW_usa I don't blame you one bit! That hill looked evil! #BattleOfTheExes2
@djstweetarazzi: @SarahRiceMTV @JordanW_usa I'm shocked @tjlavin didn't save it for then #BattleOfTheExes2
@djstweetarazzi: @brittany_baldi I have To be continues crap lmao #BattleOfTheExes2
@djstweetarazzi: @TheRealNiaMoore For some reason I no longer see your snapchats anymore :(
@KO_Skuba: If there is a Challenge God, please let #TeamBaNany win Exile & beat that long lost Weasley brother. #BattleOfTheExes2 @MTVBananas @NanyMTV
@KO_Skuba: This Challenge looks like the producers first draft attempt at a Final concept, but figured they'd just torture the cast w/ it anyway #Exes2
@KO_Skuba: Adam/Brittney & 'The Dome' are back together again! #battleofthexes2
@KO_Skuba: I just want to hug @jonnamtv and buy her a smoothie or something... #BattleOfTheExes2
@KO_Skuba: I rep hard. @MTVBananas #TeamBaNany
@KO_Skuba: @jonnamtv Had a great strawberry banana with hemp protein one today! Ha. Sounds like a date if I'm ever in SoCal ;)
@HashtagBarbee: @Challenge24MTV I'm up to speed and watched just for @tjlavin. I love any time they let his personality shine through.
@HashtagBarbee: @TheChallengeMTV @SarahRiceMTV she bounced back much better this time around lol
@HashtagBarbee: @TheChallengeMTV by far the ladies. The lift looked hard but it's temporary. The girls had the mental and physical part of the hill. =worse
@HashtagBarbee: Good to be continued @mtv. Relying on @JohnnyReilly_ and @ave_tress to pull out the win, I know you have it in you! #BOTE2 #TheChallenge
@HashtagBarbee: @WestonBergmann I feel like you have more fuel for your fire with @MTVBananas battling you. I hope you keep that intensity. #BOTE2
@HashtagBarbee: @JordanW_usa I see a lot of myself in you That being said I hope you can pull it out + you have a great partner who is overdue @SarahRiceMTV
@SarahRiceMTV @JordanW_usa No problem! Been waiting on that win since #TheRuins  You finally have a partner who wants it bad! #8thSeasonFTW
@EricC_Official: This challenge is so fuckin cuthroat my God. Everyone throws hella low blows 😦 idk how they don't fist fight
@EricC_Official: Did Zach just call Jonna "Lenny" from "Of mice and Men" πŸ™Š
@Johnny_Ziggler: todays crop of challengers are scared to go into elimination & cry if they go in more than once.psh try going in 5 times like @thegreysauce
@Johnny_Ziggler: @_Kazuhnova @SylviaMTV @t_raines33 @VMilerman did u guys also meet ricky bobby at the NASCAR event?
@Johnny_Ziggler: @VMilerman its not shake & bake anymore though its #magicman & #eldiablo lol
@Johnny_Ziggler: @MTVBananas lol seriously. i think the mentioning of ur name is getting more air time then half the cast still there competing

> #DCDoubleShot: And As I Saw It on #DCNOW
@dc408dxnow: So we begin this week w/ the girls walking in the street & Maddy talking Tony. Wasn't long ago they were fighting in the patio. #DCRealWorld
@dc408dxnow: Bruno will stay to meet Carla while everyone's going out. And @SylviaMTV makes #flatbruno. @brunorealworld #DCRealWorld
@dc408dxnow: Bruno makes a meal for Carla, and #flatbruno is at the club. A Chicago local notices @n_zanattaMTV's accent. Maddy wanting to keep distance.
@dc408dxnow: .@SylviaMTV playing firefighter to @t_raines33 @madiwadi2by4. Then they kiss on the patio, then they're in bed together. #Tadison
@dc408dxnow: .@brunorealworld notices his burgers were made by the others. His relationship w/ brother Briah ended bc of food. #DCRealWorld
@dc408dxnow: Bar security kick out Tony bc of a fight that took place inside. He's fuming, now Bruno wants to get to the heart of #Burgergate here.
@dc408dxnow: Now Bruno getting into it w/ Sylvia yet again. It's over food of all things. Small things can become big news here. #RealWorldSkeletons
@dc408dxnow: Bruno finds out that it's Jason who stole the burgers. So after he explains that, he apologizes. They're cool. But there's that temper.
@dc408dxnow: Madison says her ex-BF is reminiscent of Tony. V feels she should respect herself before going in on him. Signs on Bruno's burgers...
@dc408dxnow: It was Briah touching his food that led to the fight that led to Bruno cutting ties to him. Could he be the next one whose skeletons come?
@dc408dxnow: So, the doorbell rings. Cab is here. And now the question is... Is that Bruno's brother or someone else arriving. Fun goes to jaw dropped.
@dc408dxnow: The skeletons this week is @n_zanattaMTV. But she love her skeletons, it's her sisters - Triplets! @SylviaMTV: "breath of fresh air."
@dc408dxnow: I would think @n_zanattaMTV got herself a lucky break here. It's a family affair w/ no drama & that's a great sight to see here. #RealWorld
@dc408dxnow: This weekend sees the countdown to the biggest event in NASCAR down in Daytona. Racing's best making a cameo w/ the RW cast.
@dc408dxnow: Got a #DCBLOG NASCAR post planned. Qualifying for #Daytona500 is this weekend, big race is on same day as Oscars, a week from Sunday.
@dc408dxnow: Triplets & V head out to eat. Nicole talks about reputation of being a player and sisters elaborate on how she needs to open up.
@dc408dxnow: Tony's flirting with girls at the club. And Madison has a bruise on her eye. Poor girl. Now Bruno tells his story as they play ping pong.
@dc408dxnow: Bruno was hit by a 50mph car after an argument w/ an ex, leading to extensive recovery. Plus we see his brother Briah for the first time.
@dc408dxnow: They're in the city. The ball finds the Chicago River and @_Kazuhnova tries to get it. Pays the price by getting wet. Poor Jason. #RealWorld
@dc408dxnow: We've seen a lot of drama w/ the other skeletons. Not here w/ @n_zanattaMTV & her sisters. It's fresh air this week. #RealWorldSkeletons
@dc408dxnow: So, Ashley & Sam leave and it's a completely different story w/ these skeletons. It's nothing but family love here. @n_zanattaMTV #realworld
@dc408dxnow: Attention turns to #Tadison now & Madison talks to Tony on the patio. This has been the story in the house all season here. She's over him.
@dc408dxnow: .@t_raines33 @madiwadi2by4 are in the bathroom and they're talking by the sink. He's opening up about what happened to his exes...
@dc408dxnow: ...and now you can say @t_raines33 @madiwadi2by4 are official. It's #Tadison's world & we just live in it. @SylviaMTV excited. #realworld
@dc408dxnow: As they design a pumpkin, @briughh is walking to the door. It's @brunorealworld's brother...he's the next skeleton. #RealWorldSkeletons
@dc408dxnow: So, we start off #exes2 w/ them in the club again. Is @IamAdamKuhn making a play on @ave_tress? Now J-PDX wants to get in on the fun.
@dc408dxnow: .@JordanW_usa @SarahRiceMTV have great chemistry & rightfully so as they talk alone. Not much drama, they're equals in what they do.
@dc408dxnow: Don't Forget About Me is this weeks game. Looks like a mini-final ala Logged Out on BOTS2. Who can keep up w/ the teams? Off we go.
@dc408dxnow: .@WestonBergmann: "it's a Dead lift that won't go away. Longer guys have rope up, they'll figure out shapes & piece together puzzle.
@dc408dxnow: I do agree w/ @brittany_baldi, those getaway challenges we saw on AYTO much easier than these on #TheChallenge. No piece of cake here.
- @brittany_baldi: @dc408dxnow ya ayto was more cutesy and fun the challenge is challenging πŸ‘
@dc408dxnow: Guys have done their part. Now the girls have to put this together. Sarah relishes doing these puzzles, it's her specialty. #DCChallenge
@dc408dxnow: 2 hours have past since the opening horn, @JordanW_usa takes off his shirt to try & help Sarah out. Jonna/Zach & #bradam in trouble here.
@dc408dxnow: Jordan's frustrated w/ Sarah. First sign of what many see as his arrogant attitude & she throws up on cue. Contenders to pretenders perhaps?
@dc408dxnow: .@JohnnyReilly_ believes this is the toughest challenge he's ever been through - Challenge or not. I agree, this is a finals preview here.
@dc408dxnow: So, @WestonBergmann @TheresaTime20 show them the puzzle. Now we know who the favorites are in the house now. First to 3 mission wins.
@dc408dxnow: .@SarahRiceMTV has one more piece left. She thinks it's in @TheRealNiaMoore's bag. Here come the other teams. 2nd to finish. #DCChallenge
@dc408dxnow: It's now finding out who's got the pieces. And it's a game of patience. @SarahRiceMTV's patience pays off. How about other teams?
@dc408dxnow: Johnny is very frustrated. So is Adam. Jay is exhausted. Patience is key. Sunset nearing for the non-finishers. Brittany not having it.
@dc408dxnow: Last attempt for the remaining teams. Jay/Jenna time out. So do Bradam. Z/ Jonna also. Javerey also. Now who goes to the Dome? #DCChallenge
@dc408dxnow: For 4th time, @brittany_baldi @IamAdamKuhn going to the Dome. @SarahRiceMTV thinks this is a game changer in how these teams will work.
@dc408dxnow: Talk now is who will Wes/Theresa put in? Johnny/Averey are his pick bc Wes thinks he is in Bananas' boat more than on Ave. now some words.
@dc408dxnow: I agree w/ friend Andrew, really unfortunate to see this disconnect here w/ Team PDX. Love both of them along w/ whole group. #DCChallenge
@dc408dxnow: We've come to decision time w/ Wes/ Theresa in the drivers seat. Johnny/Averey go to the Dome vs Adam/Brittany. Dome time, or next week?
@dc408dxnow: It's getting so late that perhaps that dreaded word could come in. Anyway, it's Stacking Up. Crates to reach the top to determine things.
@dc408dxnow: But they go off. Balance, patience, trust agility will earn you the win. Now Adam is shaking & trying to stay on top. #DCChallenge
@dc408dxnow: Adam falls off. Johnny up huge as he's nearest to the bell. Now he's edging closer. So, game of trust here. And it's slow here.
@dc408dxnow: Well, those words just popped up. Now the wait begins... #tobecontinued
dc408dxnow: That also means, my #DCSocialPulse recap will only recap #RealWorldSkeletons in my Wrap. TW's #exes2 moves to NW as part of 7 things to know
@dc408dxnow: We're not done just yet... It's time for #BattleOfTheEXiled. Finally, we get to see these online only competitions on TV. #DCChallenge
@dc408dxnow: We get those words, but the good news is we should have a double elimination next week. Stay tuned, things getting better & better on #exes2


So, after seeing the the first three skeletons of this season walk in the door in Sylvia's boss from hell, Tony's exes and Violetta's bullies, there was some time to unwind this week as Nicole's skeletons, or sisters, gave her a surprise visit to the city to help her get some life advice while enjoying the city. Tony & Madison's long love affair that began all the way back when they moved in finally saw them become official. After what happened last week with him and Violetta, Bruno clashed with the group over, of all things, his food before having to face meeting his skeleton for the first time in 3 years. And there was them taking in NASCAR just before Speedweeks in Florida starting this weekend.
   And on Exes 2, we had that sign that the business end of the Challenge season has arrived when the remaining contestants had to endure their toughest mission yet: a puzzle. The guys had to use a rope to lift a box with a pattern, and the girls had to form the puzzle by memory. This was reminiscent of the Log mission during BOTS2 that saw, similarly, Zach get on the nerves of a female partner - Sam in Turkey and now Jonna in Panama. We saw Wes & Theresa win once again, and we saw Averey get into words with Johnny just after they were voted into face Adam & Brittany for what is already a huge Dome battle. And it ended it those dreaded three words: "To Be Continued."

Because of that cliffhanger, it also means we'll have to table The Challenge portion of this week's WRAP to next week's 'Pulse to cover both that and next week's episode too. It's bad news for all of us in the short term of course, but the good news is that it also means next week, we should have both a double elimination and two Exile's. And just as it was for what happened on BOTS2, the first TBC that season, which came before Big Easy quit on Camila in what turned out to be Devyn's only elimination, a sneak peek reveals we'll have a trivia contest next week...always a lot of fun and you know Sarah is anxiously awaiting that too.
   And good news on the DCBLOG front is that we'll have an expanded edition of my post-diary writeup that may have as many as NINE(!) topics to cover including this week's grueling Exes 2 mission, the ongoing Dome and Bruno's brother visiting the house. So, instead of bringing you the Five Things to Know from this week's Double Shot Tuesday, this week it's just the Four Things to Know from Real World Skeletons only. So, off we go...

1. Tadison is Official: Aside from the skeletons, this has been the big story: Tony & Madison. We saw the couple talking and flirting and despite Sylvia's attempt to bring to an end to that session by becoming a firefighter, she just lets them do their thing. When they went on a night on the town, she gets frustrated over seeing him flirt with others at the bar, just after his bout with his exes. Later she gets some advice from Syl and V to see what's been going on with this relationship and how he's hurt her since they moved to Chicago. And there at the end, Maddy finally sticks up to herself with Tony, telling him she's not gonna let him continue to treat her like he cares one day and then become something much different the next day. With that in mind, they then become boyfriend and girlfriend.
2. Bruno's Burgers: There's a show in FOX's Sunday animation block called Bob's Burgers...this episode might as well have been called Bruno's Burgers. An odd fight involved, of all things, Bruno's food when Tony and Jason had eaten his burgers, but squashed things afterwards. This bought into focus the fight he had with his skeleton, brother Briah (and told before here as well) when after he had some of Bruno's food it led to a huge argument where the bro told him that he wished he would have died in that car accident Bruno was in. This also brought about the temper that we had seen from him last week with Violetta, and now he will have to face his demons...almost right on cue.
3. Nicole's Sisters: I would think that Nicole must've gotten the luckiest break of this RW Skeletons cast. She didn't have a skeleton to butt heads with and instead, it was her triplet sisters Ashley & Samantha who came for a surprise visit much to her delight. Both girls are married and they gave her some advice in trying to commit herself to the right girl and to grow up since, after all, Nicole's the only single among the triplets, who are obviously all very closeIn my preview, I had options of who Nicole would have to deal with, but I didn't expect her skeletons would be just as welcoming. I do agree with the others, it brought a much-needed breath of fresh air to the drama-filled house.
4. NASCAR: As we post this on the weekend, it felt like perfect timing for a sport to gain free promotion ahead of the countdown to its biggest event. The group took a trip out to Chicagoland Speedway for one of the races during the Chase for the Sprint Cup, and got to meet Kyle Larson, Danica Patrick and other top drivers. We also saw Madison get hurt by by Violetta once again, albeit accidentally, when a little liquor bottle hits her in the eye, causing a black eye. I've been growing an appetite for motorsport lately, and we'll have a look at the growth of a sport that's evolved from a regional circuit to a national phenomenon on a future DC Sports post.

- Nicole, Ashley & Samantha: With moving the Exes 2 half of theWRAP to next week, my winners of the night for this week are from Chicago. Last season, Jamie didn't have to deal with her ex moving in to create a possible San Fran love square, and Johnny dodged every kill card in the Draw to get to the Free Agents final. This season, Nicole got that lucky break when her sisters came in for what turned out to be more like a family & friends visit than what we've seen with the other skeletons that we've seen so far and who will be coming next. It's true...Nicole is someone everyone likes because of her fun, wild nature and it's hard not to like her, as well as her sisters too. It felt it was time to recognize her as a Winner of the Night here.
- Jason: There's also been love for Jason as well, especially with having to go down into the Chicago River to re-obtain that small $6 football and only to get wet in trying to do so. He feels like he's the most down-to-earth person on this cast, certainly among the guys, with him staying out of the drama and being well-spoken too. We do give him W.O.T.N. credit here this week for that effort, but we have a feeling his skeleton will be the most emotional one. And unlike what we've seen with the other skeletons and with Nicole's sisters, Jason's skeleton will probably be the one where you'll probably have a tissue box next to you when his dad comes and he meets his should be a tearjerker.


Seeing Nicole's sisters come to Chicago to visit her was definitely a breath of fresh air to all the drama that's been taking place this season. This, along with the group heading to the Speedway, provided us a reminder that The Real World isn't all about big-time drama, it's also the experiences the roommates go through in their surroundings, and most importantly seeing the role family plays in the lives of their sons and daughters getting their biggest exposure. It's something that will come up again when Jason's skeletons come in and will undoubtedly change his life in so many ways.
   Something that's been recurring over the years watching this is when family or friends from back home travel to the RW house to visit their sorely missed friend and meet his/her housemates. The moment of that roommate meeting that friend they hang out with on the weekend at a local bar or when the parents or a sister or brother visit is always a good sight to see on this show, especially when they haven't seen one another in a while because of the roomie being away on this experience.
   Sometimes, it can be a troublesome experience - ask Adam from RW Vegas XXV when some of his friends visited him from Maine and he got so caught up in all that, he behaved badly and it cost him his spot in the Hard Rock. Other times, it can become a bit awkward, when a castmate starts to flirt with the brother or sister. But we always enjoy that time when the cast takes the family all over the city and show what they've been doing since they moved in. It's something I know well when my family gets to go out & about in the Bay to show our visiting relatives this great place of ours.
- I remember watching RW Vegas '02 when Alton's mom came up from San Diego to visit him when one would think that they were filming an episode of Blind Date because Mrs. Williams looked almost the same age as him, when in reality she was helping him with dealing with a court case involving Alton's late brother.
- On Back to SD a few years ago, we saw the tight-knit bond between Priscilla and her mom who gave birth to her when the mom was in high school, and that touching moment when Priscilla moved to the RW house and cried as she moved in reality down the street but was nonetheless an emotional moment. And the mom later invited the cast over to her house for a party with her extended family.
- The same happened on the first RW Chicago 13 years ago when local castmate (and later Jim Rome's radio producer) Kyle invited his roommates to the place where he lived with his parents and family, on the outskirts of the Windy City. And when Frank's parents came to RW Vegas '02, they gave him an air filter for the guys' room to filter out their dirty air.

I always tell castmates that, when possible, three things among others should take precedent over being on The Real World or being on a Challenge: work/career, school and most importantly, family. When we see family members or friends from back home visit the Real World house, it always provides some refreshing moments to this show, and proves that nothing is as precious as spending time with the ones you love. And with what happened to the MTV family last November, along with what we saw with Jay's mom last season, this very fact has become even more important.

While we're saving this week's Challenge wrap for next week, there's good news for the person who will be most remembered once this season wraps up. Two legacies have been created for Diem Brown as today, Saturday, Feb. 14 as we post this on Valentine's Day, is three months since her passing.
   First, her MedGift site has been hosting an eBay charity auction in auctioning off some of Diem's MTV-related items to help raise money for the site that she created a few years ago and has left behind as her legacy. Of course, this includes her Challenge jerseys which, for the first item, her Battle of the Exes shirt, saw the winning bidder bid $1,305 after 88 bids for the item for which they commented in the feedback, "It's perfect! Truly blessed to have this, will treasure forever." This week sees her Guantlet III jersey go up for bid ($890.00 at press time), as well as the outfit she wore for her promo pictures for Exes 2 ($630.00 at press time).
   And second as the events surrounding football player Jameis Winston and a recent shooting hover over the campus, Diem's alma mater, Florida State University, is honoring her memory also. This week, the college's fundraising platform, SparkFSU, created The Diem Brown Scholarship Fund to reward students going through financial hardship and need emergency financial assistance due to exceptional circumstances that effect their ability to pursue their academic goals. The scholarship fund is a tribute to Diem's spirit of overcoming life's challenges and her commitment to Florida State. The Fund will help FSU College of Communication & Information students in pursuing degrees in Communication, Advertising, Public Relations, Media Production, and Integrated Marketing.
   A fundraising campaign for the Diem Brown Scholarship Fund began began back in late January and will end on March 31st, with the hope that the university and donors can reach their goal of $50,000. For more information on how you can help, check out the FSU campus news page located at this link, and to do your part and donate, visit the SparkFSU fundraising site at And of course, you can head to MedGift at

Now, I want to again send some positivity to my good friend and fellow MTV fan Andrew Kirk (@CSUAKirk). Earlier this week, he encountered a senseless troll who unfortunately bashed him on his YouTube channel in the comments of his most-recent video for no reason, other than to make a total fool of themselves in putting him down. This comes during this tough time of negativity in the social media world which is just about everywhere you go. And this inspired Coca-Cola to buy a Super Bowl ad to help call to action to stop the online negativity and "#MakeItHappy."
   There's a reason why Andrew has earned his reputation as among the best in the business in doing these webcasts covering he & I's passion of All Things MTV. I'm among those fans who's been supporting AK since he started earning his stripes three years ago during Real World St. Thomas, Battle of the Seasons II and, to an effect, the first Battle of the Exes. He's interviewed over 60 people from the RW/Challenge franchise and Are You The One? and like me has become great social media friends with many in the MTV community. And of course, I'm a loyal listener & viewer to his chats and recaps and sometimes pitch in my questions. And with him now doing writing for the college newspaper this semester at CSU Stanislaus across the way in the Central Valley, perhaps he will build on this webcast success to becoming more of a well-rounded journalist as well in doing more writing alongside doing webcasting.
   Andrew, if you're reading this (and of course I always tweet the link to these posts to you first when I post them), my words to you are: Don't let the negativity get you down. You're among the best in the business in doing these webcasts, and keep doing your thing. I am one of your best friends in the social world, and you always got this fan's full support. Stay strong Andrew.

#PrayForJJ AND #PrayForGandee
As you saw at the top of our diary, on Grammy night there was suddenly huge concern for John when, according to his girlfriend, he had suffered a massive heart attack and was rushed to the hospital, with a pic of him resting on his hospital bed being posted on Twitter. Everyone feared that this would happen yet again to the Exes 2 cast and the MTV community, and you saw the great support for him from his MTV family. We still don't know what the cause of it was, but in the end, JJ would be released from the hospital the next day and is thankfully resting safe & sound. We send our best wishes for a speedy recovery for Mr. Jacobs.
   And finally, DCBLOG would like to send condolences out to the Buckwild cast and to the family of the late Shain Gandee where, last weekend, Shain's dad, Dale, died of a heart attack. His castmate, Shae, shared the sad news via Twitter and IG and asked fans to pray for the man referred to as "Wolf Penholler" on the show and to help lessen the burdens on, and heal the hearts of, the family who have been through so much the past two years. Our thoughts are with the Gandee family during this time.

That concludes The 'Pulse for Double Shot Tuesday Week 6 recapping Episode 9 of Real World Skeletons and Episode 6 of Battle of the Exes 2. We enjoyed the company of Nicole's sisters and look forward to getting to see Bruno's brother Briah on our screens next week, just after we introduced you to him when her met Angelina & Deena. And we had a game-changing mission in Exes 2 and a close Dome that has yet to see its conclusion, but as we all know waiting can be the hardest part, and Tuesday will be here before you know it.
   Of course there's a lot for my fellow webcast hosts to discuss from this week's Double Shot, and here's your roadmap to find all of them...

- Check out the must-listen Exes 2 RHAP with Brian Cohen (@BusDriversRoute) and Ali Lasher (@LashsTweets) on Rob Has A Podcast. This week sees them discuss the difficult mission, whether Wes & Theresa made the right move of putting Johnny & Averey in, Zach's treatment of Jonna and how the episodes are being edited. And you may even get a cameo from yours truly in the fan's questions as well. Listen to that recap and past podcasts at, and see who's on top of Brian's power rankings at
- After that unfortunate encounter on Thursday, Andrew was joined later in the day by Tony as they discussed his skeletons episode, the drama with Madison and more. Check out that chat here, plus past ones with Violetta, Bruno, Sylvia & Brittany at his YouTube hub, SpreeCast & BlogTalkRadio pages, and his Big Time Reality TV blog.
- On Wednesday after the RW episode aired, Murtz Jaffer (@MurtzJaffer) welcomed Bruno to the Murtz Show as they discussed BurgerGate from EP9, the season so far and previewed the upcoming episode with his brother Briah. Check out that interview here, plus all of Murtz's chats with the Real World and Exes 2 casts, among others, at and on his SpreeCast page.
AfterBuzz TV (@AfterBuzzTV) is recapping both RW30 and Exes 2 with After Shows for both, with hosts DJ Jesse JanedyRoxy StriarNicolette GaonaDrea NewellMark Long & Jeff Thurm. This week, the Exes 2 A/S was joined by Adam to get his view of everything going on...check out that, the RW wrap and cast interviews at, plus Brittany hosting the wraps for CMT's Redneck Island and Eye Candy.
- On Tuesday before the episodeCheap Pop Radio (@CheapPopRadio) and hosts J-Mac & Sexy Monkey were joined by Violetta to talk about her skeleton episode and the season as it stood before EP9. Listen to that podcast here, plus their chat with Jason, the megashow with Tony, Bruno & Sylvia and past chats with Nicole and the AYTO2 cast at
- Check out Reality Radio (@RealityRadioPod) and their recaps of episodes from both shows, plus their interviews with Averey and Tony. Check out both of those interviews and other chats at BlogTalkRadio, their YouTube channel and their blog at
- There's the Challenge wrap videos with the one & only Ace Nichols (@AceNichols33). Although she's on vacation in New Orleans with wife Gina for Mardi Gras madness, that hasn't stopped her from doing her latest recap video, and make sure to visit her YouTube channel for that to be posted this weekend (link), done for the very first time on the road.
- And check out Ashley Weitzel (@AshleyWeitzel) and her webcasts with not just the Real World & Challenge casts, but also key reality TV figures as well. Check out her chats with Sylvia, Jason, Nia, Simone, American Idol's Jess Meuse and CMT's Redneck Island at Get Real LOL's YouTube channel and at

As for this page, keep it on DCBLOG for wall-to-wall coverage of both Real World Skeletons and The Challenge: Battle of the Exes 2. With the recent milestone of this site reaching 20,000 overall page views last weekend, this site continues to get better and better. Of course, it's your support that allows me to keep doing these 'Pulse diaries and other things to cover the shows we love.
   As we mentioned earlier, next week's 'Pulse will feature an extended edition of theWRAP to cover not just next week's Real World, but also both this week's & next week's Challenge episodes. That way, we'll be able to break down this week's grueling mission, the Dome between Adam & Brittany and Johnny & Averey and next week's episode, all with no 7-day wait in between. Also there, I plan to announce the next new series I will be live tweeting, so look out for that in next week's diary.
   To help bridge that gap, I will be bringing along fellow Challenge fan & blogger David J. Bloom (@DavidBloom7) for the DCBLOG Exes 2 Halftime Report later this weekend or early next week as both of us will discuss here the season at its midway point. David, watch for your inbox, the questions should be there soon. Keep an eye out for that coming before this week's episode, along with separate ExtraTime posts on Nany and Wes.
   And with NBA All-Star Weekend in New York this weekend, if you're an hoops fan make sure to follow my dedicated live twitter hub, DCNOW at @DC408DxNow, to follow the festivities including tonight's All-Star Saturday Night and Sunday's All-Star Game. Of course, DCNOW is home to my live MTV show tweets, and while you watch (if you're out west), join the discussion during my live tweets at hashtags #DCNOW, #DCDoubleShot, #DCRealWorld #DCChallenge.
   You can also follow me on Beamly, and there's always my Twitter and Instagram @DC408Dxtr for all the tweets, chats, alerts & pictures, and Tumblr at as I'll be posting short-form blog excerpts from this site for those who want your DCBLOG fix, bite-size style.

Once again, thanks for joining us here for this edition of SocialPulse and our twitter diary and recap of Week 6 of Double Shot Tuesday. And be sure to join me on DCNOW at around 5 PM PT/8 PM ET for All-Star Saturday Night from Brooklyn. Until I talk to you there and then here on the BLOG for the Fan's View Halftime Report, thanks for reading, stay warm (or stay cool if you're here in California), have fun, see you then and enjoy your holiday weekend. And of course, Happy Valentine's Day.


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