Thursday, March 24, 2016

DC WRAP: Real World Go Big or Go Home - The Premiere

BY DC CUEVA                           
@DC408dxtr / @DC408dxnow

Welcome back once again to DCBLOG and our coverage of Real World: Go Big or Go Home as we bring you a Wrap-Up of the eventful season premiere from last week as we prepare for tonight.
   We began season 31 of this reality original with, once again, another twist to the original seven strangers formula with the show implementing the "Go Big or Go Home" twist of Road Rules-style missions where if one doesn't complete that task they are sent home. Of course, this theme best fits the season's host city of Las Vegas, but we didn't deter from the Real World we all know and love of drama on the first two nights of Jenna causing friction with the group, and the show's title ringing true in CeeJai opening up on her tough upbringing.
   Coming up, our Five Things to Know recap of the notable moments from the premiere, plus a DC FORUM with perspective on CeeJai's revaluation. And after fan reaction to the season's first act, ExtraTime will join some familiar friends for the annual rite of March known as Spring Break, along with the announcement of a new show I'll be live tweeting this spring. All that and more is ahead.


● Up, Up and Away: We begin our premiere Wrap with, what else?, the beginning. Typically, a RW season begins with the roommates arriving at the house, but this time we're in for something different. Instead of walking to the house, the roommates are driven to the desert and when they see two hot air balloons, a producer comes from behind the cameras to reveal the twist: participate in the first mission and you'll be in the RW house, or you'll be sent home before you even set foot in Las Vegas. Here, the roommates go up in the hot air balloon and bungee jumping out of it, which excites and scares the group. But no one wanted to have that stigma as all of the group jumped and got out of it safely, with just the sole exception of CeeJai who hesitated for a moment and had a minor panic attack before finally descending.

● In Downtown!: After all that, the roomies arrive at their house: a penthouse suite at the Gold Spike in Downtown Vegas with the usual kid inside all of them coming out in the joy of them checking out the house: hover board and all. After a little bit of "get to know you", words begin among Kailah, Dione and Dean. It begins with her claiming that every guy she's ever slept with has fallen in love with her, and Kailah and Dione begin to flirt. Citing her cockiness, Dean says he needs to go to the bathroom and Dione makes a joke about needing help, and the guys begin to say mean things about Kailah in mocking her thoughts privately.

● Kailah Eavesdrops: As the guys are in the bathroom, they have no clue that Kailah is actually in that bathroom the entire time and, just as we saw with Aneesa and Rianna when they heard Cory and Mitch in Turkey, is eavesdropping and listening to the guys' words. When Dione & Dean emerge from the room, Kailah comes up to them and says she doesn't appreciate how how they were talking behind her back. She agrees that their thoughts were funny, but didn't like how they did it behind her back, and adds chances of Dione and her hooking up were, at least momentarily, is gone. Jungle Boy does go up to her later on to fess up and apologize.

● Jenna's in the Hot Seat: This show never shies away from getting things going as far as controversy is concerned, and this year is no exception. As they get ready for their first night out, Jenna begins to talk to CeeJai and Dean. As she was raised in the South, the South Carolinian seems to be unaware of things outside of the region and she shares with them that her parents are racists. It seems she's talking to the wrong people as the people she's chatting with are African American and this seems to be a harbinger of coming attractions. But fortunately, CeeJai is very understanding and Dean walks away without causing drama, and the ladies do finish the conversation and then leave it alone. Yes it's awkward, but CeeJai reaffirms that she will do everything she can to be patient and teach her about the things her parents never taught her as the roommates enjoy Night 1 in Vegas, as well as Day 2 with the city's famous weekend pool parties.

● CeeJai's Revelation: The next day, the group gathers for a talk on the patio to try and air things out, as Sabrina suggests to all the housemates to be honest with one another and wanting to work together in this new twist. It's obviously simple that the roommates can't work with those they don't trust and this won't work unless everyone puts pride aside and work together. And that's where CeeJai mentions Jenna's comments from the night earlier where she wasn't offended by her comments and then brings up a very unfortunate thing that happened to her six years earlier.
   She grew up in a tough family environment where she saw her mom get beat up by her dad all the time and discussed it in vivid detail, but it was when she went to school one morning and saying goodbye to her parents as she went to school that she had no idea of what would happen next. When she got home after a call at school she got that same day that she found out her dad killed her mom, and he was fatally shot by police. And she had come home to the sight of local authorities and an entire neighborhood being around her house.
   She tells the roommates that she is alright and still healing from that experience, and leaves everyone speechless as they couldn't believe how she could overcome that traumatic experience. And after that surreal talk, the group goes to the RiSE Festival, a nighttime event in the Mojave Desert where people wrote messages to loved ones who've past or simple messages of hope on a lantern and then being released into the night sky. The roommates release their own individual lanterns and then another one as a group, as this eventful premiere ends on a high note.

Without needing much explanation, my Winners of the Night for last week are: CeeJai (her story), Dione (for his jungle boy personality) and Chris.

Perspective on CeeJai

Now, DC FORUM - the part of DCBLOG's MTV coverage that's done here on occasion that features an opinion piece, essay or interview of sorts elaborating on what we've seen in the episodes.
   This season's theme is Go Big or Go Home and there's a Road Rules vibe to this TV icon's return to Las Vegas. But after what we saw in the premiere, The Real World has never let go of the single thing that distinguishes itself from the other shows of the Trifecta, and sharing a common attribute as Teen Mom and True LifeAnd that would be of casting genuine people with powerful stories that shows that there's substance to the style of these people and this great show. Yes, it's the beautiful people, big moments and the twists that bring the viewers in at first, but it's the life stories these roommates have and viewers can instantly relate to that give RW its distinctive feel and unique standing in this voyeuristic genre.
   The two previous Vegas Real World seasons, and of course so many of the other seasons over the years, have seen roommates with life stories that have seen them go through hardship in their lives before moving into the house. We've had Alton dealing with his brother's abduction & murder, Dustin's questionable past that put him in US Weekly, Nany having not known about her dad, Mike Mike and his parents, and all else. And for this season's cast, there's Chris disaffiliating with the Mormon LDS Church in favor of being who he is, and Sabrina having a common trait with last year's Skeletons cast and Nany in having never met a biological parent.
   In August 2014, all eyes were on Ferguson, MO when Michael Brown was killed by policeman Darren Wilson and an entire small town outside St. Louis erupted in several days of riots and a racial divide that have never been seen on our shores since the Rodney King verdict and the ensuing L.A. riots. It was everywhere in the news that late summer of two years ago, and you couldn't get away from it. CeeJai is a native of that great part of the country that was in the news for the wrong reasons, and the violence that took place just 20 minutes northwest of her native East St. Louis was an all-too familiar sight.
   What we saw in the late part of the premiere when, after all that racial talk that came up with Jenna and the house and all else, the group was told by Sabrina on the patio to try when possible to be honest and to work together in this new environment. And though the bios provided a hint of what could come up as this season goes along, what we didn't expect was of the story CeeJai told the group when she had the floor.
   It is certainly one of the saddest things we've ever heard or seen in this show's long history in finding out about CeeJai's tough upbringing. And if we thought seeing what Danny and Jay went through in having gone through that palpable grief of losing a parent suddenly while they were filming their RW seasons, or Nany's quest for her biological dad coming up short the last time we were in Vegas, it certainly pales in comparison to hearing CeeJai's story.
   Domestic violence should never ever be the solution to any situation whenever that comes up in your life, and her having seen her mom get beat on by her dad for as long as she had them in her life should never happen. It was just a simple day of CeeJai going to school and saying to her mom "I love you" not knowing it would be the last contact they would ever have. And it was hours later that she would see not one, but both of her parents for the last time when the news got to her of both losing both on the same day. I was like everyone else after hearing her: speechless with nothing much to say other than just a "surreal" tweet.
   And when we saw them at the RiSE Festival, it got emotional seeing the joy of the castmates when they released those lanterns with those messages of hope and remembrance. I'm obviously sure that those who watched it last week shed a tear or too as CeeJai got to pay tribute to the parents Jenkins that night in the Mojave and everyone else joined her to enjoy this first weekend with her.
   To go through that kind of traumatic and devastating experience that changed her life in one day, and then be able to not only recover from it, cope with it and the healing process that came after that, I will never know. The feeling of losing a loved one, which was the same feeling the Trifecta family went through in losing Diem Brown and Ryan Knight in the same month over a year ago, as well as something I've dealt with also in 2014 myself, is a profound one that needs no words. And when it comes in the most unexpected manner, just as CeeJai went through, it is especially painful.
   Being a fan of this show for a long time who also enjoys watching documentaries and feature stories, no wonder why I am a storytelling enthusiast and enjoys great stories being told well, which serves as a basis for this site. This is one of those stories where the words "The Real World" are rung true, where as I tweeted after CeeJai opened up, it's "Real life and Real World in its purest form." Even with the twists the past two seasons, I always appreciate the casting folks having those with life experiences the MTV audience can relate to in consideration for the cast. They know that this show is different from other reality shows: its relatable, documentary-oriented and honest.
   Often times, it's the stories that emerge from these people that resonate with viewers through the prism of this show: unlike those who remember him for quitting the Exes 2 final, I remember Jay from Real World Ex-Plosion more for dealing with his mom's unexpected passing, how he dealt with it and the outpouring of support he got from fans. What we've seen with CeeJai in the past week has been great support for her in everyone sending support to her after revealing that story to the roommates and how she's overcome that tragedy when she was in high school.
   Yes, The Challenge is the "fifth major pro sport" with great competition. Are You The One? has the feel of The Bachelor being combined with what we love from the MTV world. This very RW season has elements of Road Rules and its old school missions. And of course, all of these shows have the great people and the big time drama we love. But what has made The Real World stand out in the Trifecta is that it's about the people and their stories they have that MTV viewers can look in the mirror and say to the cast that "I can relate to what you've been through." That's why it's been my first love in this MTV world for this very reason. Last week reaffirmed this show's unique standing.

 #DCSocialPulse EXTRA: FAN'S VIEW 
How did you, the fans, and I react to last week's premiere? Here's a DC SocialPulse Fan's View.

> Fan's View: "The Big Leap"
@dc408dxnow: Well, a month after #TheChallenge finale, it's time for the main event: to Las Vegas for #RealWorldGoBig. Here we go.  #DCRealWorld
@dc408dxnow: They're in the middle of the Nevada desert in limos as they're ready to begin this ride in a way we've never seen before on #RealWorld.
@dc408dxnow: Well, there's @MTVDIONE. They call him Jungle Boy for a reason: he loves to have fun. And he's got a spandex and funny shoes on.
@dc408dxnow: .@MTV_Dean is wondering what's going on here. Is it possible they're heading to their house from this balloon? #DCRealWorld
@dc408dxnow: The roomies are in the desert and there's a good mixture of the people we come to expect from this icon. Now, the news... #DCRealWorld
@dc408dxnow: Producer: "you're going into this balloon & you're gonna jump out. This seasons theme is Go Big or Go Home." Fitting for Vegas. #DCRealWorld
@dc408dxnow: They started Road Rules S5 with a bungee jump. Now in the Vegas desert, this ride begins above the desert w/ bungee off a hot air balloon.
@dc408dxnow: .@MTV_Christopher is first to go and piece of cake. Now @kailah_casillas is next, 2-2. @MTV_Dean now up, perfect so far. #DCRealWorld
@dc408dxnow: 5 for 5, it's perfect so far. Now, it's @MTVCeeJai's turn. Our first moment of someone being scared. Remember, try or it's all over.
@dc408dxnow: No problem for @MTVCeeJai. And it seems this mission was made for @MTVDIONE and he backflips out of the balloon. Off to DTLV... #DCRealWorld
- @MTVDIONE: @dc408dxnow 😈😈😈
@dc408dxnow: I was in Vegas when filming of #RealWorldGoBig began. Now, the cast is in their humble abode at @GoldSpikeDTLV, nice one to say the least.
@dc408dxnow: It never gets old: the moment the cast moves in their pad, almost feels like Christmas as they check out their new digs. It's fantasyland.
@dc408dxnow: Safe to say Dione has the best fashion collection of this cast as Dean reveals he's divorced. Now they're pool-bound. #DCRealWorld
@dc408dxnow: Well, they only do pool parties from spring to late fall. But it's pool season again here as we see a body shot. Now a potential romance.
@dc408dxnow: Nothing like being in Vegas when the weather is so nice. And nothing like being poolside with everyone enjoying this 90-100 degree sun.
@dc408dxnow: But now, our first piece of suspicious stuff here with the guys degrading Kailah. Well, the vibe in Vegas has changed a bit... #DCRealWorld
@dc408dxnow: Now Dione apologizes to Sabrina and now all's well again. And nothing like hearing a southern accent in a RW house in Jenna here.
@dc408dxnow: Jenna and CeeJai talking to one another, and now the first night on the town. And this is a different atmosphere than what we've seen before
@dc408dxnow: This is downtown Las Vegas, where the city's origins began before there was a LV Strip. Now this part of town has been revived over time.
@dc408dxnow: .@MTV_Christopher sees pictures on the wall that he believes are the missions we'll see. This is something new & different here. #RealWorld
@dc408dxnow: Now, they're at the Golden Nugget and feeling like kids at the water park as they're enjoying this pool party. Nothing like summer in Vegas
@dc408dxnow: Group talking on the patio and CeeJai opens up about the most devastating time of her life. Real life & RW in its purest form. Surreal.
@dc408dxnow: The group is a night party as they send these dreams off into the sky like what we saw in Hangover 2. This is a great sight right here.
@dc408dxnow: Dione is definitely one of a kind. Got to hear int w/ Kailah from LW on ATL radio and she's gotta overcome this roommate thing here
@dc408dxnow: The castmates are seeing everyone else's casting tapes and the reactions are very interesting in seeing who they are before this begins.
@dc408dxnow: Gosh, the Chris we're seeing in the RW house is totally different from the various forms of him we're seeing in those pics in the tape.

@CSUGradAkirk: Leroy and @NanyMTV  on my tv screen just brought a big smile to my face 😀 #realword
@CSUGradAkirk: Almost #RealWorldVegas three time  so stoked
@CSUGradAkirk: @kailah_casillas  your gorgeous mtv was smart by showing you first :) #RealWorldGoBig
@CSUGradAkirk: @itSabrinaK  is killing it in the one liners in the first five mins I'm going to love her #RealWorldGoBig
@CSUGradAkirk: @kailah_casillas  your gorgeous mtv was smart by showing you first :) #RealWorldGoBig
- @kailah_casillas: @CSUGradAKirk Hehe thanks! I was confused when they dropped me off 😆
- @CSUGradAkirk: @kailah_casillas I'm sure bet it was overwhelming seeing yourself on tv for the first time
- @kailah_casillas: @CSUGradAkirk Beyond weird. Still can't believe it's real life
- ‏@CSUGradAkirk:
@kailah_casillas I'm a podcaster and defiantly plan on talking with ya guys during the season I have your pr email
@CSUGradAkirk: First impression of cee jay is that she's going remind me so much of my fav @LaToyaJMTV  #realworldgobig
@CSUGradAkirk: The dude totally did a backflip out of the balloon totally would've been something @JordanW_usa  would've done lol #realworldgobig
@CSUGradAkirk: #nf my first dude of the #gbogh  cast @MTV_Dean really enjoying this premiere  you guys probably destroyed Vegas so looking forward to it
@CSUGradAkirk: Jenna is going to be the Ashley from explosion of this season #gbogh
@CSUGradAkirk: God I hate when people make up excuses for their comments regarding race #realworldgobig
@CSUGradAkirk: I'm curious to know how long this convo went on Jenna just kept yapping lol #realworldgobig
@CSUGradAkirk: Food women totally agree with ya on that @MTV_Dean  haha #realworldgobig
@CSUGradAkirk: That's intense she lost both her parents in one night can't even imagine what I'd do  #realworldgobig
@CSUGradAkirk: Haven't done #ff in so long but @kailah_casillas  @itSabrinaK  and @MTV_Dean  the three new real worlders good premiere last night
@AceNichols33: REALLY CURIOUS if I'm gonna like the new #RealWorld that premieres tonight... Are you gonna watch?!  52%YAS!  48%That show's STILL on?!  25 votes•Final result
@AceNichols33: Dude. @MTVDIONE is just... I don't know yet. #RealWorldGoBig #THISguy
@AceNichols33: Chris is curious.. I think he's my new friend.. He looks like he'd rather be on his way to Coachella. Someone lied to him. #RealWorldGoBig
@AceNichols33: PINK CROP TOP JUST SHOWED UP! #RealWorldGoBig
@AceNichols33: Oh shit nevermind, she might shoot me. #RealWorldGoBig #CropTopShootsGuns
@AceNichols33: Hahaha @MTV_CHRISTOPHER gives zero fucks. #RealWorldGoBig
@AceNichols33: "Am I on The Challenge or am I on the Real World?" = you're on MTV's new attempt at Road Rules. #RealWorldGoBig
@AceNichols33: COMMERCIAL. Let's all take a second to breathe. #RealWorldGoBig
@AceNichols33: Yo @MTV_CHRISTOPHER is smart.. Look at his pinned tweet. YOU KNEW PEOPLE WERE GONNA BE LOOKING & YOU GOT READY. 👏🏼
@AceNichols33: Tube top is a Mormon... #RealWorldGoBig
@AceNichols33: Dude. LOL'ing at the #AluminumPussy. #RealWorldGoBig
@AceNichols33: "@RealWorldMTV: @AceNichols33 Okay, it was pretty funny." RT Hahaha. It totally was...😂
@AceNichols33: Can this girl just be like I DIG YOU instead of "yeah... I like long hair... on dudes.. on dudes like you.. HOLD MY HAND." #RealWorldGoBig
@AceNichols33: I ain't used to black.. I mean colored... I mean... JUST SHUT UP RIGHT NOW. #RealWorldGoBig
@AceNichols33: "@MTVCeeJai: Do you not hear yourself??? #RealWorldGoBig" RT Dude what the actual F?
@AceNichols33: I might wanna choke her just a little bit. Just a little bit.. Ok a lot.. #RealWorldGoBig
@AceNichols33: "Attractive cuz he looks like Jesus" = @MTVDIONE #RealWorldGoBig #EveryoneWantsSomeJesusDUH
@AceNichols33: DUDE I SAID @MTV_CHRISTOPHER IS FUCKING SMART. If it turns out those are the words
@AceNichols33: YES! Let's have some hoverboard fails! #RealWorldGoBig
@AceNichols33: Not gonna lie.. I'll take some of that breakfast before I choke her out.. #RealWorldGoBig #LooksGoodAF
@AceNichols33: Ok, I HAVE TO PEE. *sips whiskey and runs* BRB #RealWorldGoBig Tagging my favs so far @MTV_CHRISTOPHER @MTVDIONE @MTVCeeJai @kailah_casillas
@AceNichols33: Can we please put this dude @MTVDIONE on The Challenge and ditch all these Are You The One idiots? #RealWorldGoBig
@AceNichols33: @MTVDIONE by the way, I think you should know who I am and what I do.. for the past 6 years.. LOL. … GET ON IT
@AceNichols33: Dear @MTV_CHRISTOPHER why you sittin' by the window naked smoking cigarettes? #RealWorldGoBig
@AceNichols33: REP ME @MTVCeeJai! 🙌🏼
@AceNichols33: Dude. I love half of this crew already. A little more than half. But just a little. Don't get too excited. #RealWorldGoBig
- @CSUGradAkirk: @AceNichols33 Me and you totally need to get a podcast  in  on this season
@AceNichols33: This dude intimidating the cast is no @tjlavin. #RealWorldGoBig LOLOLOL
@AceNichols33: I don't want to meet Dylan. #RealWorldGoBig
@BringMeYourTorc: What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas...unless it's shown on @MTV. The #RealWorldGoBig journey starts tonight & it's going to be fantastic!
@BringMeYourTorc: It's time for #RealWorldGoBig! We'll be live tweeting! Watch the premiere & then listen to our preview podcast! …
@BringMeYourTorc: Forget the other @RealWorldMTV seasons where they meet at the house. Now they meet in middle of nowhere at hot air balloons! #RealWorldGoBig
@BringMeYourTorc: Last but not least we meet @jenstaxo...and wow!!! ❤️ #RealWorldGoBig
@BringMeYourTorc: Wanna go into the #RealWorldGoBig house? You've gotta jump out of a balloon. Don't wanna do the missions? You'll be replaced #RealWorldGoBig
@BringMeYourTorc: Some early boner talk from @MTVDIONE! #RealWorldGoBig #JungleBoy
@BringMeYourTorc: Wow, @MTV_CHRISTOPHER is a total baller and jumped out of the hot air balloon first! Hopefully @MTVCeeJai follows! #RealWorldGoBig
@BringMeYourTorc: @MTVCeeJai there we go! We never doubted you 😄 #RealWorldGoBig
@BringMeYourTorc: @kailah_casillas when has that ever stopped anybody? 😄
@BringMeYourTorc: Note to self...stock up on whipped cream @itSabrinaK #RealWorldGoBig
‏@BringMeYourTorc: @kailah_casillas better to break up before rather than cheat on tv! It's the kind thing to do!
- @kailah_casillas: ‏@BringMeYourTorc Lol that was the logic for sure
@BringMeYourTorc: Another note to self...take up yoga #RealWorldGoBig
BringMeYourTorc: @MTV_Dean drops the divorce bomb. But he survived & came out the other end it's time to party! #RealWorldGoBig
@BringMeYourTorc: @kailah_casillas can braid my hair any day! #RealWorldGoBig
@BringMeYourTorc: Sometimes it's best to just 😶 if you wanna get some luvin #RealWorldGoBig
@BringMeYourTorc: @itSabrinaK No! #RealWorldGoBig
@BringMeYourTorc: Is it ok for a 34 year old podcast host to have a crush on @kailah_casillas @MTVCeeJai @jenstaxo & @itSabrinaK? Umm..I'm asking for a friend
@BringMeYourTorc: Not to get ahead of ourselves...but which @RealWorldMTV cast members are we going to see on @ChallengeMTV? #RealWorldGoBig
‏@BringMeYourTorc: Much love to @MTVCeeJai for being so strong & for fighting to make the world a better place! #RealWorldGoBig
@BringMeYourTorc: That's a wrap on our #RealWorldGoBig live tweeting. If we can trust the previews, this season is gonna be a bumpy, but fun, ride!!!
@RealityRadioPod: This season was meant for me.... #gobigorgohome @RealWorldMTV
@RealityRadioPod: "Only thing i fear is meeting my biological mother" A comment has never felt so forced and out of placed lol #gobigorgohome
@RealityRadioPod: Casting people from all walks of life is what I love most about this show. Never stop doing it @RealWorldMTV Ppl can learn so much.
‏@RealityRadioPod: I respect @MTVCeeJai so much #gobigorgohome @RealWorldMTV
‏@busdriversroute: Finally watched the premiere of Real World, my only thought: I can't wait till Jenna takes them all to a Donald Trump rally.
@Justin_Rhines: Omfg @RealWorldMTV #RealWorld31 starting NOW!!!!!!!!!!!
@Justin_Rhines: Shit is already crazy!!!! #GoBigOrGoHome @kailah_casillas @MTV_Dean @itSabrinaK @jenstaxo @MTVDIONE @MTVCeeJai @MTV_CHRISTOPHER
‏@Justin_Rhines: Everyone looks good this season #RealWorldGoBig
@Justin_Rhines: Hey, @RealWorldMTV is NOT The Challenge haha. @itSabrinaK & @MTVCeeJai are awesome. Love them #RealWorldGoBig
- @itSabrinaK: @Justin_Rhines @RealWorldMTV @MTVCeeJai YOU ARE AWESOME
@Justin_Rhines: @MTVDIONE is unique & love his style and swag. #RealWorldGoBig
@Justin_Rhines: Man, you ladies & gents have hover boards so cool #RealWorldGoBig
@Justin_Rhines: This season, I bet @MTVDIONE will be the ladies man 😎 #RealWorldGoBig & @jenstaxo is such a catch
@Justin_Rhines: Let me just say that already @MTV_Dean & @MTVDIONE are cool as hell. I would be friends with y'all #RealWorldGoBig
@Justin_Rhines: Hi, @itSabrinaK . She's a Pretty Blonde #RealWorldGoBig
- @itSabrinaK: @Justin_Rhines you are very handsome
-  ‏@Justin_Rhines: @itSabrinaK Thank You😊 
‏@Justin_Rhines: @RealWorldMTV Thank You for hooking up the house with hover boards. I love it  😎 #RealWorldGoBig
‏@Justin_Rhines: @MTV_CHRISTOPHER you rock man!!!!!!!! #RealWorldGoBig
@Justin_Rhines: LOL😅 These people are horny this season, it's crazy #RealWorldGoBig
@Justin_Rhines: @MTV_Dean & @jenstaxo THAT ASS LMAO!!!! Jen is attractive tho. Country girl!!! #RealWorldGoBig
@Justin_Rhines: @MTVCeeJai don't make me cry right now because I totally can relate 😢😢 #RealWorldGoBig
@Justin_Rhines: @kailah_casillas I agree! So elegant #RealWorldGoBig
@Justin_Rhines: @MTV_Dean was my dude in this episode. You cool as hell, Dean!! #RealWorldGoBig
@Justin_Rhines: @MTVDIONE is a wildcard!!!! You never know what goes in his mind #RealWorldGoBig
@Justin_Rhines: @AceNichols33 I agree with @MTVDIONE being on The Challenge. He's crazy & a wildcard #RealWorldGoBig
@Justin_Rhines: @jenstaxo & @itSabrinaK LOVE YOU❤❤❤ #RealWorldGoBig
@Justin_Rhines: I feel like Ceejai will be like the Hurricane Nia (Portland season) when you get on her bad side😈😅  #RealWorldGoBig @RealWorldMTV
@Justin_Rhines: Dammmmmnnnn, these girl replacements tho #RealWorldGoBig
@Justin_Rhines: So what are the replacements Twitter handles, @RealWorldMTV ?? #RealWorldGoBig
@Justin_Rhines: Thank You @itSabrinaK @jenstaxo @kailah_casillas @MTVCeeJai @MTV_Dean @MTVDIONE @MTV_CHRISTOPHER THIS EPISODE WAS EVERYTHING #RealWorldGoBig
@JimmyEsqueda: I need to watch #RealWorldGoBig @RealWorldMTV 😩😩
- @Justin_Rhines: @JimmyEsqueda @RealWorldMTV This episode was awesome!!! You'll love it, plus love your profile photo btw
- @JimmyEsqueda: @Justin_Rhines @RealWorldMTV really? I need to watch it now. And thanks Justin!!
@JimmyEsqueda: @RealWorldMTV Season 31 started and I'm already a huge fan of #RealWorldGoBig I decided to make the cast something💙
@KyleMcCann24: My goodness @jenstaxo is out of this world hotttttttt #RealWorldGoBig @RealWorldMTV
@KyleMcCann24: 110% chance I shit my pants just thinking about going bungee jumping #RealWorldGoBig @RealWorldMTV @MTV
@KyleMcCann24: @RealWorldMTV @MTV Its fun to watch other people do it though haha #RealWorldGoBig
@KyleMcCann24: I love you already! @itSabrinaK #RealWorldGoBig
@KyleMcCann24: @itSabrinaK can we be friends?! you're amazing!! #RealWorldGoBig
- @itSabrinaK: @KyleMcCann24 we are friends babe <3
@KyleMcCann24: Man @MTVCeeJai's story really hit me hard. What an awful tragedy to go through! Peace, Love, & Hugs girl! #RealWorldGoBig
@KyleMcCann24: @itSabrinaK This is fantastic Sabrina!! Beautiful voice!! 
‏@J_Medd: New season of Real World ! #GoBigOrGoHome
@J_Medd: Soo excited for this new Real World ! :D
@J_Medd: #RealWorldGoBig
@J_Medd: This new season is like Road Rules #RealWorldVegas
@J_Medd: They spoiled who's gonna be on the show next #RealWorld31


Now for many of you who are checking out this site and catching up on RW matters, chances are you are reading this post while you're enjoying time in the comfort of your own home with no homework or anything to worry about for at least one week or so. That's because you are on your Spring Break and you've got this whole week to relax, unwind and let loose. Well for this piece of ExtraTime, you're not alone.
Credit: IG @CohuttaLee
   If you're an MTV fan, then you know that for many years the channel devoted an entire weekend of programming in March, from Friday afternoon until the wee hours of early Monday morning, to covering the great tradition of college students heading to one city in the Sunbelt and partying all day and night, with music and madness aplenty. MTV has since shifted its springtime signature event to another big event taking place during this month in the Woodies Awards that took place last week at the South by Southwest Festival in Austin, TX to honor independent artists, but it didn't deter Team MTV from taking part in Spring Break activities.
   South of Austin near the Mexican border is South Padre Island, and since laws were passed in the traditional SB hotbeds of Fort Lauderdale and Panama City, Florida, this vacation town south of Corpus Christi has become the epicenter of Spring Break for most college students. Like Seaside Heights, NJ whose small population balloons to over 65,000 on a summer weekend, South Padre Island goes from 2,000 residents 10 months out of a year to as many as 120,000 in March and April, enough for a top 30 spot in Texas' largest populated cities list. Not surprisingly, tourism is the top industry in this part of the Lone Star State, as it is also a popular family resort destination as well.
Credit IG @jessandreatta
   Spring Break in South Padre this year is no different, and it has seen some familiar faces from the MTV Trifecta descend on the border city for the biggest bash of the springtime. Abram from Bloodlines, fellow Challenge veteran Cohutta and RW Ex-Plosion & Exes 2's Jay have been joined the whole month by Are You The One? alums Jessica from Season 2 and Stacey from Season 3, as well as Nick from RW Hollywood. And we can't forget that Challenge OG, Eric "Big Easy" who is also there in South Padre and who operates a Spring Break travel company, Big Easy Travel Agency, to cater to all the students going to all the madness, the parties and all the sights on the beaches of SPTX.
   And as Episode 2 airs tonight, there is also Trifecta activity taking place in the same city that was once the Spring Break stomping grounds of the kids of Laguna Beach: Cabo, San Lucas, Mexico. That's where Sabrina and Kailah have also been doing some spring break stuff down there in the southern tip of Baja California as the episode that features them as part of the story airs later on this evening.

Finally, as we turn the page to springtime, the slate of shows and events I'll be following on DCNOW in the upcoming season is starting to come into focus. Yes, we will be all over Real World there and right here, plus Wednesday nights with Survivor and Catfish. March Madness has kicked into full gear, and shortly thereafter golf's Masters Tournament will take place, as will the postseason in the NBA & NHL. And before you know it, we'll be into covering Rivals III and the Road to Rio 2016.
   First, I was originally just going to tweet only three shows during this spring, but when I looked into adding the next new show I'm live tweeting this season fits perfectly into the middle of the week and thus keeping the cap of nights I can live tweet a week to two in Wednesday and Thursday - less is more, as they say. Plus, it's airing on MTV's sister channel CMT Thursdays at 9PM, right before the main event of Real World Go Big or Go Home and, in a way, it might be the co-main event when you consider how enormously successful the show's stars are.
   So, it's with great pleasure that we tell you that The Dude Perfect Show will be joining those shows that I've been able to befriend in the social world and will be watching and live tweeting as well when it debuts in mid-April. Make no mistake that Coby, Cory, Tyler, Cody & Garrett, and their mascot panda, have become the darlings of the digital age. They have become a viral phenomenon the past few years with YouTube's top sports channel in 9 million subscribers and 1 billion online video views, as well as over 23 million fans & followers on their social platforms.
   I first discovered Dude Perfect when they were featured in a segment of NBC's Super Bowl XLIX pre-game show with Giants wideout Odell Beckham, and the guys have such an infectious energy and have made the impossible look oh so easy in making trick shot after trick shot after trick shot from whatever angle they can get their hands on. And after I announced the addition of their CMT show to my slate, I spent time over the weekend and this week watching their web videos and like everyone was amazed by their great talents, awesome shots and how they've defied the limits of what is possible and making it all more routineSo, it was an easy call for me to add the show to my list - the 3rd from outside the MTV universe that I've given the treatment of it being live tweeted on my DCNOW channel and become hopefully good social friends.
   So again, The Dude Perfect Show on CMT is the newest show I'll be live tweeting on DCNOW starting in mid-April when it premieres. And we'll be offering a look at the guys' rise to the top of the YouTube sports world on the next edition of our DC Sports posts coming up here around the time of its premiere. It's sure to be an absolutely fun time with these great guys.

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And that will bring us to an end of this first DC WRAP of the new Real World season. Our coverage is just getting started here as we'll again be covering this show wall-to-wall all season long. As you wait for tonight's second episode, indulge yourself in the following webcasts:
● Check out my buddy Andrew Kirk (@CSUGradAKirk) joining Whitney on Reality Radio Podcast's review of last week's RW GBOGH premiere as they talked about the twist, the cast and all else, which you can listen to here. Plus check out his MTV & RTV coverage on BTR, YouTube, SpreeCast & the BTRTV blog. Watch for DC FORUM posts with the both of us as we discuss all things Trifecta and beyond here.
● Before the premiere last week, Kailah joined Rock 100.5 in Atlanta and their morning show, Bailey and Southside, to discuss the season and, most particularly, the casting process and offering advice to those trying out for Season 32. Check out that podcast here, and whenever a castmate talks to any local radio station or webcast, you'll find the podcast links right here in this epilogue.
● If you're anxious for anything Challenge, then check out the latest episode of The Brain Candy Podcast with Susie Meister & Sarah Rice, which you can check out at Earlier this week, they were joined by Challenge vet Sarah Grayson from Road Rules 12 as they discussed everything you wanted to know from the ladies. Check out that podcast here, and of course watch for extensive Rivals III coverage come later this spring there.
● As tomorrow marks two years since she & her season 1 cast claimed the $1 million, last week Boston Herald Radio welcomed Are You The One? original and Exes 2 competitor Brittany as she and host Tyler Sullivan on the Fargo Street show as they discussed sports, pop culture and more. Check out that podcast here, and in next week's posts we'll tell you more what two of her AYTO 1 castmates have been up to.
● Also check out various Trifecta coverage with Brian Cohen & Ali Lasher on the RHAP podcasts, Challenge recaps with Ace Nichols, Trifecta chats with Ashley Weitzel, Reality Radio Podcast and much more. In addition to Andrew, I plan to invite all these people to this site for Forum discussions as this Real World season progresses and as we count down to Rivals III and AYTO Season 4.
● And if you want to learn more about the RiSE Festival, check out, which has info and video on last year's festival and how you can take part in the 2016 event taking place in October.

Bookmark DCBLOG for all your MTV Trifecta coverage, with ''Pulse diaries, WRAP recap posts, dedicated ExtraTime articles and the like - all the ingredients for a must-read fan site that will cover this Real World Go Big or Go Home season and the Trifecta world like no other. I've got some good stuff planned for this site as this season rolls along, including a retrospective on the first RW Las Vegas and my recent post on NCAA March Madness, so stay tuned to this site.
   As always, be sure to follow my live coverage Twitter account, DCNOW at @DC408DxNow for live tweets of tonight's Real World episode, plus the Sweet 16 & Elite Eight starting tonight, as well as one of boxing's best - Andre Ward returning to the ring this weekend, and the PGA Tour's World Golf Championships Match Play event. And there's DC Instagram at Twitter & IG @DC408Dxtr.
   Again, thanks for reading and until we talk shortly on DCNOW, thanks for reading, talk to you then and stay safe.


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