*** Advisory: DC SocialPulse contains adult language and objectionable content. Viewer Discretion is Advised. Due to its long length, take frequent eye breaks if you're reading this top to bottom. ***
■ @DC408Dxtr @ TW / IG / YT
►TH-FRI: Bananas on the News, Another Baby, D-Roc's B'Day
@ChallengeMTV: if you could ask @TheOfficial_CT one thing, what would it be? 🤔 #AskCT
@JustJem24: I can’t wait to end whoever did this. Y’all know I have dirt on everyone.... 🕵🏻♀️. #TheChallengeVendettas
@SHOTOFYAGER: 🔥NEW #EXTRALONG PODCAST🔥 #The Godfather of @TheChallengeMTV, MARK LONG (@TheMarkLong) joins @DerrickMTV & I for 90 MINUTES of #ChallengeMania! Mark tells some amazing stories, reveals whether he’s on #CelebrityBigBrother, takes YOUR questions & MORE! 💪🏻https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/challenge-mania/id1204429149?mt=2#episodeGuid=challengemania.podbean.com%2Fep-16-mark-long-24b00f90dd1700f333f1ee8f1a4eedd1 …
- @DerrickMTV: @SHOTOFYAGER Trying to LISTEN NOW as @TheMarkLong mentions @ChallengeMTV being postponed during 9/11, but I've got get ready for #ChallengeMANIA date with @NataliaNegrotti 🤷♂️🎙
@KyleCGShore: 🌏💦
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: Too much sauce.
@AshleyMarieMTV: Remember when Mariah Carey came out with all those bangers back in her Honey days. 🍯
@CHEYnotShy: How are you going to speak/write on a child that is not yours without conferring with the parents? Ryder is a minor... she has nothing to do with either one of your lives. @MTVCoryWharton has been a great father to Ryder. That classless article @emilylongeretta wrote, is a false representation of him.
@MTVBananas: Hey SoCal tune into @KTLAent now!
@SHOTOFYAGER: 💥💥Here comes a LONG one! 90 minutes of @TheMarkLong, @DerrickMTV & I talking @BradFiorenza, @Marie_TBD, #TheChallengeVendettas, Channing Tatum, @BigBrotherCBS, his @TheChallengeMTV future, Eric…
- @DerrickMTV: @SHOTOFYAGER Having to bring a STONE from RUNYON CANYON to Puck's HOUSE as a right of passage was close to my fave...almost knocking out Jose Canseco at the Celebrity Event was a close 4th of 5th...just sayin
- @Marie_TBD: @SHOTOFYAGER Haha! @TheMarkLong is a legend. I swear I'm not as terrible in real life.. most of the time....
@ChallengeMTV: IT'S TONY TIME! Here's what @t_raines33 thought about "Food Wars." 🍔 Don't miss his deliberation on an all new #TheChallengeVendettas, Tuesday at 9/8c! http://on.mtv.com/2rxxPPY
@ktlaENT: Johnny Bananas @MTVBananas on Turning 15 Minutes of Fame into Almost 15 Years in Reality TV https://youtu.be/tIYbNy1-Mzc via @YouTube @MTV @ChallengeMTV #TheChallengeVendettas @DaynaDevon
@KyleCGShore: I fucking love this crazy little island! 🌏🏝
@joss_mooney: Let your eyes do the talking...👁💭
@Marie_TBD: Update: I am not Pocahontas. 💔
@JustJem24: Men shame women for having a lot of consensual sex more than they shame other men for rape....
@Bruce_Lee85: I can’t breathe @JennaCompono 😂😂😂😂 https://twitter.com/the_helenkeller/status/954221357499338755 …
- @JennaCompono: @Bruce_Lee85 Lmao that’s something you’d try and pull 😂 I’m dying 😂😂😂
@MTVBananas: Anchorman-anas 📽🍌 #TheChallengeVendettas @KTLA @ktlaENT @challengemtv @mtv
@MTVCoryWharton: I’m about to train and get drafted to the XFL 🏈 #XFL2020 Jersey name : Dirty D
@mtvrrdarrell: Damn homie they must don’t feed you back home @t_raines33 🤢#Vendettas @ChallengeMTV #hogstatus 💪🏾
@ChallengeMTV: This is my favorite intro to a challenge ever! 👏 Watch it again NOW on @MTV.com! #TheChallengeVendettas http://on.mtv.com/2rxxPPY
@kailah_casillas: Kailah @iamkamiam_ & @Marie_TBD take Vegas in less than 24 hours. Pray for us.
- @_ayiiia: @kailah_casillas @iamkamiam_ @Marie_TBD good luck to Vegas
- @Marie_TBD: @kailah_casillas Or watch us... cause I’m taking over @ChallengeMTV Instagram all.weekend.long 🙏🏻😈 #thechallengevendettas
- @Bruce_Lee85: @kailah_casillas @RBofFU and 2 others @kailah_casillas that perfectly fine! I’ll just cut it when you’re drunk and passed out 💁🏿♂️
- @MTVBananas: @Bruce_Lee85 So Lee that gives you about an 8 hour window, on any given day of the week... Including Sunday 🍺😪
@kailah_casillas: Going through all of my expenses from 2017 for taxes... omg... if I didn’t drink 😱 the amount I spent on Uber’s alone to get home after nights of drinking is insane 🤦🏻♀️🤦🏻♀️🤦🏻♀️
@JennaCompono: Sometimes I just crave a whole loaf of Italian bread 😐
- @kailah_casillas: @JennaCompono Lol.... that one time I went to grab the whole loaf for us at dinner with my hand wide open 😂😂😂
- @JennaCompono: @kailah_casillas Lmao when someone went to grab 1 piece with 2 fingers.. then u have Kailah with both hands grabbing the entire loaf lmfao I diedddd.. u apologized but still took all of it 😂😂😂 and the pizza “oh no she won’t like that one, pass her that one over there” 😂
@Marie_TBD: If I keep procrastinating life, will I live forever??
@shannanity: So... @Marie_TBD I’m mostly white, but African and Indian just so you know 😘😘 plus everyone always asks... so here you go guys... why is Shane so dark... now you know
@JennaCompono: Pet peeve: when people drive miles not knowing their blinker is on 🤨
@JustJem24: I weight 130 pounds but I am living proof men attack women based on their weight when they have nothing else to say. I am happy with myself so if you want to upset me dig a little deeper fuck boysss
@ItsAll_AboutTee: Just got done watching the challenge from Tuesday and all I’m going to say is ...... karma works . Like that bitch karma be scheming to takeout people that tried to take you out too . #WhatgoesaroundComesaround
@ItsAll_AboutTee: I just wanna take the time to shout out to all the people that actually takes the time to answer my phone calls . Life is so short , and you never know when it’s the last time you’re going to talk to someone .
@Jonnyboyy10: I can't wait for @MTVBananas to shit on Terrell Owens again in the @ICTVBigBrother house! What's the over/under on how many episodes in before TO quits again?
@Itslluna: So impressed by @t_raines33’s eating abilities. I don’t know how your stomach didn’t explode. #TheChallengeVendettas
@Itslluna: I just wanna watch @ChallengeMTV with @Marie_TBD while we eat pizza.
@MTV_NellyT: Shout out to @royaltiesatx for the Interview. #512#royalities #interviews #austintx @ Austin, Texas https://www.instagram.com/p/BeZSJRNFGYo/
@princeofnorway: Any of y’all ever gotten a second chance and know that you don’t deserve it but then you remember all those times you retweeted a dumbass picture for good luck?
@tjlavin: Thanks so much!! RT @woodywood16: @tjlavin @BunimMurray @ChallengeMTV this season is on a new fucking level! These graphics are so frigen amazing!! I love it! Great job guys! @darthestar11
@CaraMariaMTV: What happens in Vegas... can usually be cured with antibiotics.
@CaraMariaMTV: Climbing up the top sail! ☠️ https://instagram.com/p/BeZNZjKlRM4/
@CaraMariaMTV: i miss my obnoxiously long extensions. I'm going to put those bad boys back in at some point. cept half dark purple on one side n half red on the other... just nice and long. ;) #extra
@CaraMariaMTV: Sometimes i honestly just want a gorgeous human to hug me, feed me donuts, tell me i’m pretty... and then leave for a while. 🤨
@CSUGradAkirk: listening to #ChallengeMania @DerrickMTV and @SHOTOFYAGER talking to the man the myth the legend the Ric Flair of MTV @TheMarkLong one guy that I'm glad that I've gotten to talk to! #BOOM
@iamkamiam_: I wanna look like a snack, but I keep eating them 😭
@ChallengeMTV: With Marie and Tony in The Troika, two of her Vendettas, Cara is feeling the pressure 😰 #TheChallengeVendettas is all new, Tuesday at 9/8c! http://on.mtv.com/2rxxPPY
- @CaraMariaMTV: @ChallengeMTV If i dont win. Im in. Never feel safe. Never get comfortable. Its always in your hands only in the end! Also. Weird stitches. Where did those come from? 😑😡 #barfloor
@TheAllanAguirre: I just published “Challenge Vendettas: Inside PizzaGate with Marie Roda” https://medium.com/p/challenge-vendettas-inside-pizzagate-with-marie-roda-148e279776ce Pizza has the power to unite people more than anything. However, anything with that great power can also divide people. @Marie_TBD
@mtv_vendetta: Respect Where It Is Due! 💯 @MTV_NellyT current record in eliminations. He has been responsible for sending these competitors home! 🏆 #TheChallengeVendettas !! Trivia: who was responsible of sending him home on his ONE/7 loss!?
@DerrickMTV: Some people call him "The GodFather" of challengemtv, but I prefer to refer to him as "The… https://www.instagram.com/p/BeakeEkBn_l/
@ChallengeMTV: Now Tony is in The Troika, and his Vendetta, Brad, is the one in the hot seat 🔥 Check out this sneak peek from an all new episode of #TheChallengeVendettas, on Tuesday at 9/8c!
- @DerrickMTV: @ChallengeMTV Beef Squashed huh...
@MTVBananas: Gut Feeling: Don't do it Me: Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm....... I'll do it
@JazMTV: Here we go bring on the labor pain next post pictures of baby number 2. #Leonardo #labortime #contractionsSuck – at Brigham And Women's Center For Women And Newborns
@JazMTV: Leonardo James-Lloyd Fougere 5lbs 14oz 18inches long entered the world at 11:51am! #proudparents @ImperatorTruth we are so 😍😍😍😍😍💙💙💙💙
@n_zanattaMTV: Bonnie & Clyde ;)
@SHOTOFYAGER: ✈️Alright gang, RT this: I’m going dark for the next few weeks. Thanks for all the love. #ChallengeMania podcasts will keep coming & @DerrickMTV mans the ship on social media. We’ve banked the next 4 eps & I think you’ll dig them all. Best way to stay on point is to SUBSCRIBE✅
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: Omg look at this throwback FB have me today @MTVCoryWharton, back when I was a wrestler 😂🤦🏼♀️😘.
@ChallengeMTV: Need Friday plans? Stay in, grab a snack, and rewatch "Pizza Gate" before an all new episode of #TheChallengeVendettas, Tuesday at 9/8c! 🍕 http://on.mtv.com/2rxxPPY
@t_raines33: Rare pic of Justin Timberlake from his N'Sync days
@imdroc15: I swear I have so much love for @Cas_martinezz!!! Thank you PM ❤️🙏🏾💯!!!
@iamkamiam_: Happy Birthday to my Jamaican King @imdroc15 🇯🇲💕☺️ enjoy your day!
- @imdroc15: @iamkamiam_ Awww thank you my Jamaican Queen!!!
@AliviaHuntxr: Happy birthday to the only reason I even decided to apply to AYTO. Meeting you was a blessing bro @imdroc15 ✊🏼❤️
@n_zanattaMTV: Women have some desires that only trust can reveal. 💋
@MTVBananas: A GOAT and a Godfather 🐐🕵️♂️ @TheMarkLong #NoMakeup #fitchicks #FridayFeeling #Bananasdoingthings
@kailah_casillas: Vegas with my girls @SylviaMTV @Marie_TBD @iamkamiam_
- @iamkamiam_: @kailah_casillas 😭🐬❤️
- @SylviaMTV: @kailah_casillas The girls are back together again 😂😂😂😂
@iammikeyp: I’m going out with @kailah_casillas @Marie_TBD @iamkamiam_ @MTVASHLEYBROOKE and @Bruce_Lee85 ....should be a low key sober night 😂🤦🏼♂️
- @iamkamiam_: @iammikeyp It’s lit 😜
@Steven_Plummer2: I’ve been binge watching older seasons of The Challenge lately and I just finished Battle of the Seasons. A lot of hate on that season it seemed like but for the most part I did enjoy it besides the constant hate
►LAST WEEKEND: Vegas Vibes, Kailah Pops Off
@ChallengeMTV: Bone apple tea! 👅🍽 Vote for the most voracious vets in Challenge history: http://on.mtv.com/2DPhuet
@kailah_casillas: So the @AEexpo is this weekend in Vegas.... so.... we just had a lady come up to us wanting to take a pic with her husband thinking we got some sort of award... she thought we did porn @iamkamiam_ @Marie_TBD @MTVASHLEYBROOKE
- @iamkamiam_: @kailah_casillas No snacks allowed in Vegas 😩
@Kmorrisx: It’s totally cool to have cellulite or even stretch marks. I mean if I didn’t or edited them out in my every day pics is that even acceptable. I don’t think so 🤨
@Kmorrisx: S A T U R D A Y 🌴
@CamiLiModel: Catching up on #challengevendettas & I love @DJMelReeves 😂💕
- @DJMelReeves: @CamiLiModel 😂💗
@BritniNicol: PSA: I prefer to cleanse my crystals during the new moon🖤 Everyone should know the phases of our moon 🌚 🌝 Seeming how the phases effect us&our planet in so many ways💫
@shannanity: This is for all my sick gays who want to be spit on and choked when they’re fucked... Thanks 😘 @MTVBananas
@DerrickMTV: This is how well me and the vets got along when I first started playin games with challengemtv.… https://www.instagram.com/p/BedQchShIGx/
@MTVCoryWharton: Mornings are always better when you have someone to spend it with . The casual arm over your body umm that ish feels good in the A.M 👌🏽😂
- @MTVjennifer: @MTVCoryWharton theeee fuckinnnnggg besssstttt
- @MTVBananas: @MTVCoryWharton Awww... What's his name?
@DJMelReeves: Not gonna lie I’m absolutely made up the hotel receptionist at the hotel Iv just checked into asked me for I.d to prove I’m over 18 to stay in this hotel alone 😂
@JennaCompono: I want a baby manatee
@mikethemiz: First Family Photo. The #ItCouple is gonna be The #ItParents
@ThatCoral: @v_cakes Yeah Tonya “kick ass competitor” not sure sure about that title. But she’s doing so good now and that’s the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow for her.
@ChallengeMTV: Melissa may have earned a new Vendetta in Kailah after "Food Wars." 🎯 Check out an all new episode of #TheChallengeVendettas, this Tuesday at 9/8c! http://on.mtv.com/2rxxPPY
@JustJem24: Group chat things @BritniNicol @CaraMariaMTV #myteam
@MTVjennifer: it’s crazy finding out about couples i’d see on social media that i was jealous of cause they looked so happy are not as happy as they seem. makes me realize it’s best to keep a relationship more private because posting on social media doesn’t always mean you’re happy🤷🏼♀️
@ChallengeMTV: Digging the new look, @KyleCGShore! 😂 Don't miss a brand new episode of #TheChallengeVendettas, Tuesday at 9/8c! http://on.mtv.com/2rxxPPY
- @Bruce_Lee85: @ChallengeMTV Ayeeee #RoyleeTheBarber @MTV_NellyT ✂️💈
- @MTV_NellyT: @Bruce_Lee85 Shout out to my boi @Bruce_Lee85 with the Fresh Cut💈💯
@Rogan_OConnor: What’s the best thing to watch when you’re really high?! Asking for a mate...
@iamkamiam_: Vegas Nights 🥂✨
@Marie_TBD: Late start to my @ChallengeMTV Instagram takeover due to severe hangover. Will make up for it with hilarious story. Tune in. #thechallengevendettas
@MTVDevinWalker: NBA finals preview tonight baby! Let's gooooo
@AceNichols33: Omg.. watching myself back desperately trying to get these accents down and failing every single time is the funniest shit. #TheChallengeVendettas
@CaraMariaMTV: "@TeamSuperTrin1: Just when I thought I couldn't love them more...@MTVBananas posted this picture, while @CaraMariaMTV played the GOT theme song on their IG stories 😩❤️❤️" RT I think we are meant to be together but we both just havent quite realized it yet. 🤷🏻♀️..... clearly im talking about me and jon snow on the tv there.
@imdroc15: Thanks for all the birthday love everyone 💯❤️!!!
@princeofnorway: Me and @imdroc15 killed a 5th of Hennessy last night in about 45 minutes. Great call
- @imdroc15: @princeofnorway Epic Nights!!!
@tylerobrienn: If the Patriots & Celtics both win championships this year, I'll cut off all my hair
@kailah_casillas: Lol so hot.
@iamkamiam_: #DLU just missing @SylviaMTV
@CaraMariaMTV: Im hungry. Yet also too lazy to do anything about it.
@CaraMariaMTV: And then there was pizza. (I also ate wendys before the night started. 🤷🏻♀️ #no regerts)
@ChallengeMTV: Got the Sunday Scaries? Then stay in and rewatch the latest episode of #TheChallengeVendettas before an all new one, Tuesday at 9/8c! 💻👀 http://on.mtv.com/2rxxPPY
@ChallengeMTV: According to Leroy, "Food Wars" would have been a lot easier to stomach if he got to eat this food instead 🍪 #TheChallengeVendettas http://on.mtv.com/2rxxPPY
- @KyleCGShore: @ChallengeMTV “Just want to thank all my fans” Lee you kill me! 😂😂😂😂😂
@RyanAndes: Today I met @iamkamiam_ and @Bruce_Lee85 from @ChallengeMTV AND I taught him how to do a muscle up. Catch me in the challenge in a future season 👀👀
- @iamkamiam_: @RyanAndes Great meeting you 💪🏽
@Kmorrisx: I cracked my phone screen and I have a stinking hangover. Great Sunday 🤜🏽
@kailah_casillas: Update * Highlight of my night. The bitch walked with my crew to the next club. I had my friend who has pull make sure the bitch didn’t get in. She stood confused with security as to why she couldn’t get in and I did a small wave and blew a kiss. Don’t fuck with me.
@kailah_casillas: Girl keeps lookin over at me like a bitch Kailah gives her the middle finger Girl says I’ll see you later to fight you Kailah thinks.... *I’m never scared with @iamkamiam_ with me* 💁🏻♀️ Also I elbowed someonr in the face for her so she owes me 👀
- @iamkamiam_: @kailah_casillas Well I’m glad you’re never scared with me 💕 #KK 😂
@iamkamiam_: You always meet the sweetest girls in the bathroom 😂
@n_zanattaMTV: Never let your routine stop because someone’s not part of your life, just improve it. Goood morning 😘
@joss_mooney: When you’re so hungover, your iPhone X face recognition doesn’t recognise you to unlock your phone...😑
@WestonBergmann: My dog always gets so jealous when I look at other bitches on Instagram.
@challengemtv__: Wow, Bananas back at it again talking shit about Devin like he does on majority of his lives, called him the most overrated player this season. Also said he contributes nothing to the show. Does he have anything better to do? @MTVDevinWalker LOVE YOU👑😍
@CaraMariaMTV: Saying “i have no motivation” is the same as saying “i dont want it bad enough”.
@KyleCGShore: You know it’s your best mate when you’re talking to them on 4 different forms of social media! 👀
@MTVDevinWalker: Not drinking beers sucks
@ChallengeMTV: This elimination is going to be one for the books. Don't miss it, Tuesday at 9/8c 👊💥 #TheChallengeVendettas http://on.mtv.com/2FkcVWN
- @Marie_TBD: @ChallengeMTV Do not miss this one.
@JennaCompono: Grateful for where I am at, excited about where I am going
@DerrickMTV: Watching @WWE's #RoyalRumble on PPV for the 1st time since I was a kid. Lol. My son's 1st "Royal Rumble." Crazy to see @mikethemiz as a regular headliner. #Awesome
@TheRealNiaMoore: Rihanna just gave what I would describe as a Mariah Carey performance...and that is not a compliment 🤐😢
@JustJem24: Rihanna body is the star of this show. Come thruuuuuu woman. Come all the way thruuuuu
@MTVBananas: Knock em dead boys 🤜🏂 #XGames #Merica @XGames @JakePates @gregbretzz
@JennaCompono: Do you ever watch a movie and the music hints that they just figured out something important, and you’re supposed to make the connection... but realistically you’re sitting there like did I miss something? 🤦🏼♀️
@Marie_TBD: Thank you @KendallJenner - finally.
@Marie_TBD: Started this weekend highkey considering moving to #Vegas - after 2 days it’s safe to say I changed my mind. Not only can I not live here, I should provably never be allowed back. Zero self control.
@JustJem24: Blue Ivy... the only human that can actually tell beyonce to chill...I stan for that child and idgaf
@kailah_casillas: So @Marie_TBD & I aren’t watching the Grammys but we see angry tweets about Ed Sheeran & want to know why??! Tell us what we missed
@CSUGradAkirk: that ending with Rhonda freaking Rousey coming out!!! wow #RoyalRumble
@Marie_TBD: Me and @kailah_casillas just did a live on @ChallengeMTV Instagram. We ain’t live though, we dead. #vegasvacation #thechallengevendettas
@ChallengeMTV: TFW it's Monday but at least #TheChallengeVendettas is on tomorrow 👌 Watch an all new episode, tomorrow at 9/8c! http://on.mtv.com/2FkcVWN
@Bruce_Lee85: Listening to motivational speaking every morning & throughout my day has my life in the progress of doing a 180 #LiftedAndGifted #180YourLife
- @JennaCompono: @Bruce_Lee85 Is that what you’re considering machine gun kelly now? “Let you go” that I got u obsessed with 😂
- @Bruce_Lee85: @MTV_Candice Nah cuz... I’m the only Man U listen to for motivation! Ain’t no men in your life but me.
@BritniNicol: Oooh yah know... when a mermaids scales dry up, you find the closest V to cover your V💁🏼♀️ Thanks @mtv for always being there for me😜😜 #lovemyjob #mermaidoffduty #thechallengevendettas #blessed
@n_zanattaMTV: "@engravedscars: On the mtv app,trying to catch up watching the challenge vendetta .. @n_zanattaMTV I just have to tell you ...you are so fucking hot lol (which you know already haha )" RT Hahah thanks for the support and confidence boost ;) enjoy the season!
@JustJem24: If your state of happiness depends on a person, or how your relationship is with a person, it isn’t love...
@Marie_TBD: Vegas airport is a breeze. It’s been real. ✌️ #eastcoastwarrior
- @iamkamiam_: @Marie_TBD Bye 💕
@loveistheammo: Get #healthy (people will hate u for it) Be #creative (people will hate u for it) Make #love (people will hate u for it) #Work hard (people will hate u for it) Love yourself (people will hate u for it) — but you’ll be so busy, you won’t even notice.
@imdroc15: Please tell me @TayloriasSecret is the only person that uses “Tfim”... which means “Thanks for inviting me” because i had no idea what it meant lol hahaha
- @BritniNicol: @imdroc15 @TayloriasSecret I can’t keep up w half the terms anymore 😂 #officiallygettingold
@BradFiorenza: It was a hard move to make & all game play @gr8us It was discussed before she volunteered, plus she was aligned w/ Marie.
@blacuesta: Also what’s good w @DJMelReeves trying to come at @iamkamiam_ ‘s full course meal lickable from head to toe body?? Kams Body was crafted from the snatched gods themselves. CONFUSED
@ChallengeMTV: A #TBT, #MCM, and CT all in one pic? I die! 🔁: http://bit.ly/2rK7A8Y
@keith_klebacher: When .@NurysKMateo and .@ayeejaeeee are near me in NJ and they don’t hit me up for girl talk <<<<<<<< #DontLikeWhiteChocolateAnymore #WeAreNoLongerFriends #NotMyPerfectMatch
- @ayeejaeeee: @keith_klebacher @NurysKMateo keith honey i’m sorry ! 😩❤️ we love white chocolate #ForeverYourPerfectMatch #GirlTalk
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: How in the hell have three cars stopped to see if I need a ride.... I'm literally jogging with ankle weights?! #creep
@BritniNicol: @SylviaMTV Fucking Sylvia lmao
@Marie_TBD: Captain just came over the speaker on my flight and said to buckle up due to severe weather. Define SEVERE SIR!!?
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: And with their powers combined they took over the world 🌎 #girlpower https://www.instagram.com/p/Bejdv_MF72-/
@MTVBananas: Gun Show 🔫💪 @EmFitMTV #NoMakeup #fitchicks #Fitness #crossfit #mondaymotivation
@ChallengeMTV: Tony and Brad are up to something in this sneak peek from an all new episode of #TheChallengeVendettas, on tomorrow at 9/8c:
@JustJem24: I am done defending/acknowledging Kim K. I don’t care if she’s naked on the gram but she’s wearing cornrows and calling them "Boderrick braids” & that’s complete bullshit. You are raising black daughters, do better. Also, Kanye ain’t shit either for not checking her ignorant ass.
@CaraMariaMTV: Looks like theres some more drama tomorrow on @ChallengeMTV. For the record i support beautiful naked free spirited women who just want to live their best lives.
- @BritniNicol: @CaraMariaMTV This makes two of us🙋🏼♀️
@ChallengeMTV: Me going to bed knowing that tomorrow is Challenge Day 💃 #TheChallengeVendettas
@CaraMariaMTV: @ItsAll_AboutTee @blacuesta and 5 others For the record i think kams body is bangin as well. I love all the bodies. Especially neked ones. Im not ok with anyone talking bad on anyones looks. Lets just love eachother and be naked.
- @KyleCGShore: @CaraMariaMTV Most lesbian tweet in the history of twitter. 😂
- @CaraMariaMTV: @KyleCGShore Was LITERALLY just going to tweet you that I am not a lesbian. Im just supporting freedom. Damnit. 🤣 no but really. Gimmi the pirate D.
@JennaCompono: Everybody has a chapter they don’t read out loud. 🥠
@ChallengeMTV: In one corner we have Melissa. In the other we have Kam. Both are rookies trying to prove themselves. Let's see how this plays out 👊💥 #TheChallengeVendettas is all new, tomorrow at 9/8c!
- @Marie_TBD: @ChallengeMTV This whole time I actually didn’t think I caught this fight. Apparently I had front row seats with @Kmorrisx 😹😹😹 I hate my life. #thechallengevendettas
- @BritniNicol: @ChallengeMTV There’s 2 ways to live in the Challenge house... this way.. & my way.. YEA I like my way MUCH better😂 #peaceandlove #letsgetlaid #thechallengevendettas
- @blacuesta: @ChallengeMTV KAM KAM KAM KAM KAM KAM KAM @iamkamiam_
- @n_zanattaMTV: @ChallengeMTV Can’t wait to watch this for the first time.... @NataliaNegrotti let’s go live during this ;)
- @HaydenPWeaver: @ChallengeMTV Kam gonna hit her with a stone cold stunner
- @ItsAll_AboutTee: @ChallengeMTV @iamkamiam_ DOESNT HAVE TO PROVE HERSELF ! She PROVED herself when she got in ol girl face TRYING to give her the tea on what every one was saying ! That PROVES kam IS and ALWAYS will be the better competitor . #TeamKam
- @RealityRadioPod: @ChallengeMTV Yooooo @JustJem24 be coming through with the commentary! 😂😂😂😂...She said exactly what I was thinking. Mad love for Jem! She's always coming through with REALNESS. 💯 #TheChallengeVendettas
- @ThatCoral: @ChallengeMTV Watch the body shaming girlie. If you didn’t know, thick is the new hells yeah normal so don’t even try to come for her like that. Nope.
- @DJMelReeves: @ThatCoral Watch the show babe. There is no such thing as normal when it comes to a woman’s body. I said she is bigger than me that is all
@DJMelReeves: @alexis_19xx Stupid would be to sit down and say nothing. I’ll stand up for myself whenever I have to. No matter of the size of the girl trying to intimidate me.
- @ItsAll_AboutTee: @DJMelReeves Hey @DJMelReeves standing up for yourself doesn’t mean to tear another woman down at the same time . So, yea stupid 🙄😂
- @kailah_casillas: @DJMelReeves Stupid is saying @iamkamiam_ is fat. If anything you’re closer to stupid than she is fat. Sit the fuck down.
- @DJMelReeves: @kailah_casillas First of all. No1 got your irrelevant ass Involved in this...so you can sit your ass down. & I said she is fatter than me.... not saying that’s a bad thing. We argued but she got a nice booty so not saying that isn’t a bad thing. Bye bitch 😉
- @kailah_casillas: @DJMelReeves Lol the fact that you think I’m irrelevant is actually really comical to me. But alright, I see you trying to back pedal on the body shaming.... 😂👏🏼 this will be the least of your worries soon.
- @DJMelReeves: @kailah_casillas was you in this season? Didn’t notice you until i put you in the bottom two then you cried. 😢
- @DJMelReeves: @kailah_casillas I got with a girl. That’s fine. That was our agreement. Plus He was cheating on me so if I did get with anyone else F***ing what.
- @CohenBrian_: @DJMelReeves Guys Krystal is having a meltdown right now, I can’t handle two 🔥 🔥 situations at once.
- @MTVBananas: @DJMelReeves CAT FIGHT!!! 🐱💫🐈 #TheChallengeVendettas
@DJMelReeves: "@larryndylan: @DJMelReeves LMAOO Kailah trying to involve herself in shit that doesn't include her at all. Nice try girl, sorry you're not getting enough screen time so you're trying to start drama with the other girls on twitter. Go home Kailah!" RT Exactly hahahahha need some attention do we
@JustJem24: @kailah_casillas I think this was the exact moment me & u became friends Kailah 😭.
- @iamkamiam_: @JustJem24 It was I was there 😭
- @kailah_casillas: @JustJem24 Lol it was a bonding moment 💕
@iamkamiam_: People always forget to be humble like karma doesn’t work.
@DJMelReeves: You tried to get involved in an argument that you weren’t involved in. I know irrelevant has beens need airtime too so i forgive you boo 😘 gonna sleep now. Btw does your boyfriend know you kissed someone else during filming @iammikeyp
- @kailah_casillas: @DJMelReeves Definitely didn’t. YOU my friend were the one with your pants around your ankles all season. Don’t put that one on me 😂👏🏼 good try babe
- @DJMelReeves: @kailah_casillas 😂 ok hunny bunny. Only time will tell. Best of luck in your ‘relationship’. 😘❤️
- @iammikeyp: @DJMelReeves You don’t know me like that to tweet nonscense at me. Go crawl back under whatever bridge you came from.
- @DJMelReeves: @iammikeyp Ok I will. I’ll try the one you met your girl from. It’s ok. I dated a cheat too. We’ve all been there.
- @kailah_casillas: @DJMelReeves We’re doing great as ever ♥️ I’ve got nothing to hide babe. Not everyone hoes at much as you do.... 👀
- @DJMelReeves: @kailah_casillas That’s great! Your open relationship must Be going to be going well so he shouldn’t mind when YOU’RE hoe antics come out to play. Like when you opened your legs and pee’d in front of all the guys #HoeLife
- @kailah_casillas: @DJMelReeves Melissa... I watched you with my own two eyes cheat on your boyfriend and try and get with multiple people wtf are you talking about lol you have no argument here
- @DJMelReeves: @kailah_casillas I got with a girl. That’s fine. That was our agreement. Plus He was cheating on me so if I did get with anyone else F***ing what.
- @MTVBananas: @DJMelReeves Fair point... Totally fine 👭 #TheChallengeVendettas
- @MTVBananas: @iammikeyp *nonsense #TheChallengeVendettas
- @MTVBananas: @DJMelReeves "Hello 911? I'd like to report a murder..." 🚑🚔 #TheChallengeVendettas
- @DJMelReeves: @MTVBananas Truth hurts when it comes out 😏
- @Marie_TBD: @MTVBananas Loll I hate you. Reporting LIVE from twitter....
- @ZNichols15: @DJMelReeves Who was it?
- @MTVBananas: @ZNichols15 Ooh good question Zach 🤤🍿 #ReleaseTheMemo
@DJMelReeves: "@jemmyestan1: @DJMelReeves Girl kailah’s nick name is coochie. And choochie is a hypocrite! She body shamed 2 girls her first season" RT I wouldn’t know this cause I have no idea who this girl is. From what the challenge fans tweet me shes a hypocrite
@BritniNicol: When people try to give wise advice... bitch why don’t you sit down & take your own “wise advice”✋🏼
@DJMelReeves: Bitch it ain’t cheating if it’s with a girl. That’s our arrangement sweetie pie. Bye bye
- @SylviaMTV: @DJMelReeves Are we referring to the cave? That was me. I had to pee. I have an extremely small bladder but I’ve never opened my legs for any random. So....
@kailah_casillas: I could go all season sooo well behaved to the point where I didn’t even sit next to boys on the bus and people are still gonna accuse me of shit 🤦🏻♀️ I can’t ever win lol but for the record, I loveeee @iammikeyp and we’re strong as ever ♥️
@iamkamiam_: It’s funny how someone who cheated on their boyfriend the entire time is coming at someone who didn’t cheat on theirs 😂
- @kailah_casillas: @iamkamiam_ #ironic
@iamkamiam_: I think one of the last things any woman should do is body shame another woman.
@MTVBananas: "@DolphinsTalk: @MTVBananas If @kailah_casillas was on a boat with Cara Maria, Melissa, and Hunter and the boat is going down and she can ONLY save 1, Who is she saving? #LetsTakeSomeBets" RT She's drowning herself 😵🛳 #TheChallengeVendettas
@SylviaMTV: @DJMelReeves Are we referring to the cave? That was me. I had to pee. I have an extremely small bladder but I’ve never opened my legs for any random. So....
- @DJMelReeves: @SylviaMTV Your peeing was not your fault 😂😩 i felt for you then. Gotta go when u gotta go 😘
@SylviaMTV: Now I normally don’t get involved with any twitter nonsense but that was just a bold face lie... @kailah_casillas didn’t cross that line at all! @iammikeyp
- @kailah_casillas: @SylviaMTV Believe it or not, people can be loyal to significant others in that house 💕
- @Marie_TBD: @SylviaMTV I normally do get involved... so I’ll back this one up too 🤗
@CaraMariaMTV: Ive got so many insecurities that i cant and wont throw any stones anymore. It just comes back to me double in size and speed.
@iamkamiam_: People confuse me. Claiming to be the victim but acting like the biggest bully. Pick a side 🙃
- @tylerobrienn: @iamkamiam_ We call these people fakers.. they'll eventually get what's coming to them
@iamkamiam_: Team Kam said I’m slim thick with my cute ass though 😂💕
@DJMelReeves: "@theRealKrisKay: @DJMelReeves just became one of my faves. Poor Kailah -- NOT 😂😂. Everyone is so fuckin sensitive, you told the girl you don't care if she's thicker than you. Wtf is wrong with that? 🤔🤔#TheChallengeVendettas" RT Thank you !
@kailah_casillas: "@ndlovesndcoiris: @FabulousFlaire @kailah_casillas But she is not saying she is not. She is just calling @kailah_casillas out. I personally don’t see her making that up. I mean she could be but more then likely there were witnesses" RT I want those witnesses to stand up. I’ll wait.
@JustJem24: @DJMelReeves Do you know the definition of body shaming? You can’t be this stupid.... I should have let @iamkamiam_ drag your ass...
@DJMelReeves: "@nataliesglitter: @DJMelReeves don’t pay attention to kailah she was doing it last year “ RT Honestly @kailah_casillas calling me out on body shaming. Pfttttttttt
@Marie_TBD: Body shaming is a tactic we’re all guilty of when we have nothing intelligent to say. Kinda like when I call someone the c word. I’m not really sure if they are a c word, or even what that really means, but that doesn’t matter, bc she’s DEF a c word.
- @blacuesta: @Marie_TBD @iamkamiam_ Amen to that sister
@Marie_TBD: @FanOfBadTV @kailah_casillas and 2 others Literally didn’t even mention her here. Just backing up the fact that @kailah_casillas was boringly faithful to @iammikeyp
- @DJMelReeves: @Marie_TBD She flipped at me for flirting with a certain person then got with him Later on. 👀 maybe faithful means something different in America 🤷♀️
- @kailah_casillas: @DJMelReeves WHEN... WHERE.... WITH THAT PROOF?Thats a huge accusation. Just because you’re relentlessly flirting with my friend and I told you to stop.... bc I didn’t want you to ruin someone’s life?? Now you’re tying to ruin mine on a lie? Wow.
- @FanOfBadTV: @diamondovelove1 @DJMelReeves @iammikeyp Melissa has almost twice your # of followers, has actual talent/DJ, & is known in TWO countries. RELEVANT. YOU, Kailah, hated by your entire cast on both shows u were on, kicked off by cast on the 1st show, STILL unknown in ONE country. IRRELEVANT. #thechallenge @kailah_casillas
@iammikeyp: Last i checked... -i graduated high school in 2003. -I’m not adam Sandler in the movie Billy Madison, and I’m not going back. -i care more about @RondaRousey signing with WWE than anything y’all are saying. -i love @kailah_casillas & hot Cheetos. Now can i lift in peace ✌🏼
- @kailah_casillas: @iammikeyp Hot Cheetos >
@n_zanattaMTV: @kailah_casillas @DJMelReeves Woahhh seriously that’s not even necessary, the episode didn’t even come out and already with this. Can’t we just see what happens?! I’m on for a second and there’s already way to many tweets. No ones perfect in this scenario!
@DJMelReeves: “@thechallengeob1: @DJMelReeves were you even on this season for more than 3 episodes? and when you were you made shit game moves so bye ✋🏻“ RT We’re on episode 5 and I’m still in. Learn to count
@n_zanattaMTV: @DJMelReeves Don’t go there wrong direction babe, that’s not the case. I’d be the first one to say something with that being said you know I have your back. You’re wrong here though... ignore all this until it airs. Everyone’s going to have an opinion.
- @DJMelReeves: @n_zanattaMTV Opinions are opinions Nicole. Facts are facts.
@DJMelReeves: “@CaraMariaMTV: @MTVFanatic86 @iamkamiam_ and 5 others No need to include me on this. I think @DJMelReeves is fantastic.“ RT & I think @CaraMariaMTV is the most fantastic girl that was in the challenge house !!
@kailah_casillas: this made my day 👀💕
@Marie_TBD: And just like that, with one @kailah_casillas twitter war, the trolls have a new leader.
@kailah_casillas: “@kimmiekims26: @kailah_casillas Funny... everybody was going off on kailah and now that they know it’s tony they understand. People shut the fuck up until you know the story. Get over it kailah is here to stay and compete!“ RT Yep. I know he’s a sucker for the blondes and didn’t need her to be flirty and trying to be all over him so I put an end to it & told her to chill. That’s what friends do.
@MTVBananas: “@DJMelReeves: Honestly @kailah_casillas calling me out on body shaming. Pfttttttttt https://twitter.com/nataliesglitter/status/958159846137835521 …" RT You know shit's gotten real when they start producing evidence! 🔎📚 #CourtIsNowInSession
- @KyleCGShore: @MTVBananas You stay out of this @MTVBananas this can only be settled one way................naked lubed up wrestling day 1 of Season 32! 💦💥 #ImTheReffre
- @DJMelReeves: @MTVBananas Imagine posting real hard core evidence. People would have to crawl back under bridges they came from 🐸 ☕️
- @kailah_casillas: @DJMelReeves What are you waiting for? Post it if ya got it. Please please please
- @DJMelReeves: @kailah_casillas Send me your boyfriends address. I’ll print, laminate and post.
- @kailah_casillas: @DJMelReeves Post it here. Take a pic of it. If you had anything you would... but you just don’t....
- @kailah_casillas: @DJMelReeves And you said his kiss happened while filming right... ? did you have a burner phone with you... or did you draw a pic of what you though this interaction might look like? Lol wtf... you’re not making sense at all.
@shannanity: ALSO... thats Clearly sarcasm - I love @iammikeyp and @kailah_casillas she ain’t touch no one with her lips or clit ... FOR SURE
- @kailah_casillas: @shannanity Hahahaha we love you too 💕
- @Marie_TBD: @shannanity @iammikeyp @kailah_casillas Oouuu a lot shane. LOL
@KyleCGShore: The Challenge Vendetta girls tonight need to take an absolute bow you have provided me and twitter with a hell of a performance keep up the good work and keep up slaying tweets ladies!!!!!!!! 😂😂😂 #TheChallengeVendettas
- @JustJem24: @KyleCGShore 😭😭😭
@JustJem24: "@CaraMariaHive: But wait didn't Jemmye and V say that the only people faithful this season were Joss and Victor? The other two in relationships were Zach and Kailah right? Am I forgetting someone else?" RT We NEVER said that... We talked about joss writing his gf name on his shoes and how victor never shut up about his gf but we NEVER said they were the only two that were faithful nor is that statement true...
@Kmorrisx: So I just woke! 🤷🏽♀️ and it’s not me for a change so 🤜🏽🤣🌴🧚🏽♂️
@Kmorrisx: Something I learned quite quickly in that @ChallengeMTV villa.... I DETEST gang mentality. Melissa could be right or wrong but she will argue her point SOLO!
@shannanity: Well @MTV_AMANDAG told me that @kailah_casillas got Finger Banged in the bathroom by @BrunoBttencourt so I mean - EVERYONE KNOWS 😂😂😂
- @MTV_AMANDAG: @shannanity @kailah_casillas @BrunoBttencourt Hahahahahahaha omfg 🤦🏻♀️🤣
- @NicolexoRamos: @shannanity @MTV_AMANDAG and 2 others Ommmmggg 🐸☕️
- @KendalSheppard: @shannanity @MTV_AMANDAG and 2 others Who says "finger banged"?!
- @kailah_casillas: @MTV_AMANDAG @shannanity @BrunoBttencourt Hahaha add me to the list 👀😂🤦🏻♀️🤦🏻♀️🤦🏻♀️
@Marie_TBD: Not everyone deserves to know the real you. Let them criticize who they think you are.
- @kailah_casillas: @Marie_TBD true that
@SusyRivero: Dude it's monday and I'm more invested in #TheChallengeVendettas today because @MTVBananas is stirring the pot between the girls... he is the mastermind in this game... he is already playing for the next #Challenge and y'all don't even know!
@MTVBananas: They see me stirrin, they hatin... 🍌🥄
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