Friday, February 9, 2018

DC SocialPulse Extra: Before Vendettas Week 6

*** Advisory: DC SocialPulse contains adult language and objectionable content. Viewer Discretion is Advised. Due to its long length, take frequent eye breaks if you're reading this top to bottom. ***

BY DC CUEVA                     
■ @DC408Dxtr  TW / IG / YT

Welcome to the Weekend, and to this week's ride Inside the MTV Trifecta. As we have just watched the Opening Ceremony of the 2018 Winter Olympics and before the first medals are awarded in a few hours in Pyeongchang, we're about to bring you all the cast interaction between Episode 5 and Sylvia & Melissa's fantastic elimination duel, and Episode 6 - for which the main diary of that will come to you tomorrow before competition commences in Korea. Included: the Super Bowl, the halftime show, This is Us, and Kylie baby fever. That and more on a Jersey Shore surprise is ahead...

THURSDAY/FRIDAY/SATURDAY, and Bananas vs. Veronica 
@ChallengeMTV: If every Challenger had one Vendetta in common, it'd be swimming challenges 🏊 #TheChallengeVendettas is all new, Tuesday at 9/8c!
@DJMelReeves: Good morning beautiful people 😘
@tjlavin: @v_cakes hey lady sorry for the abundance of replies I honestly was just telling you I’d NEVER purposely help someone win or lose! All love girl hope you’re well! 🤙👊
- @v_cakes: @tjlavin It's ok Teej.  I never meant to come off as if I believed you would personally purposely affect the outcome of a competition.  I know you're the biggest true competitor @ChallengeMTV has ever seen.  All love over here too!
- @MTVBananas: @tjlavin Lemme get this straight TJ. @v_cakes unfairly accuses you of cheating in an elimination with ZERO facts or evidence. You then apoligize TO HER for fans supporting you and setting the record straight 🤔? You my friend aren't a host... You're a saint! 👼 #SaintLavin @ChallengeMTV
@tjlavin: @v_cakes I’ve NEVER pulled any bullshit on the show! EVER! You guys give it all you’ve got and are honing for real money. I don’t f w that stuff.  All love
- @v_cakes: @tjlavin 1/ TJ, my apologies if I questioned your character. Wasn’t my intention & I should have worded my statement differently. From the sidelines, it did seem like production desired a certain outcome. You, on the other hand, do not care, nor do you even know, about storylines.  2/ There’s no question that you are one of the good guys & really love the competition aspect of the show - & love when the competitors show they have heart.
@tjlavin: @MTVBananas @v_cakes @ChallengeMTV haha were cool... haha
- @CohenBrian_: @tjlavin Kick all of the rocks Veronica. Get OUT of here coming at TJ like that.
@v_cakes: "@lynne2301: @v_cakes Not nice to use kids against a person... even if he is ur stooping so low using his nephew to get back at him." RT Let me get this straight. I can’t call him out for broadcasting his niece all over his social but you don’t judge him for using his niece to get followers & sponsors?  I mean, who here is using the kid?
@v_cakes: "@challengetruth_: @MTVBananas @MTV Dont you have female family members? The way you constantly degrade other females is sad kind of like you’re overcompensating for that extra mini banana u have" RT He does.  But he uses his niece to get likes & engagement over social.  His own manager told him, ‘the more you post with a child in your arms, the more girls will like it & the more money you will make.’ You’re all participants in his desperate attempt to feed himself.
@ZNichols15: I could watch a sloth swim and climb all day long. Their majesty is without a doubt underrated.
- @JennaCompono: @ZNichols15 Oh now you like their slowness? Good to know, I’ll remember that 😜 #sid
@CaraMariaMTV: Current status: Vegas
@JustJem24: What I’m reading today. My roommate @NNBSisters is speaking my truth in her blog post today 🖤. We have been stuck on this topic all week & her delivery of the message is dead on 🙌🏼...
@Marie_TBD: February always reminds me of that one #valentinesday when I convinced my single friends to get blackout and let me buy us kings of Leon floor tickets — only to find out I bought tickets for the wrong arena. I ruined Vday, but still blacked out.
@MTV_AMANDAG: @BritniNicol @ChallengeMTV will get you verified!    I think they eventually do it for everyone.
- @BritniNicol: @MTV_AMANDAG @ChallengeMTV Really!?? HELL YES! #helpme
@loveistheammo: @CaraMariaMTV love that your staying out of all the fighting. Isn’t there enough of that in the world right now??? Love you ❤️💜
@SylviaMTV: "@Lizchallenge_: 3-1 and she’s only getting better 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻😎 " RT Working every day at it! @ChallengeMTV
@susie_meister: @ToriFiorenza I may or may not have tried to set you up w/ @JoshAllanMurray during our interview today. 😬
- @ToriFiorenza: @Marie_TBD @susie_meister @JoshAllanMurray The real question is, how serious is he about Pizza?! We all saw how serious the last guy was 🤔
- @Marie_TBD: @ToriFiorenza @susie_meister @JoshAllanMurray Qualifications: must love pizza in bed. 😂
@DJMelReeves: So Iv jusg creates a Youtube Chanel and Iv posted my first ever video. My side of the drama that happened on Tuesday.
- @JustJem24: @DJMelReeves See y’all my real intention was to diffuse the situation. Next time I try to diffuse a situation I won’t get so involved/will diffuse more efficiently. You live & you learn. But props to @DJMelReeves for apologizing for the body shaming comment she made, & I’m sorry as well girl!
@JennaCompono: Be loyal to your future, not your past 🙌🏼
@CaraMariaMTV: "@BritniNicol: @CaraMariaMTV aww they might show our true love after all🤗 …" RT If HE kisses HER than I am kissing YOU. thanks for having my back... err..ugh...front... in that? Haha good friend!
@blacuesta: 🗣🗣MEN AINT SHIT TRUST ME BROOOOOOO HAHAHA🗣🗣 if y’all could see this shit
@ChallengeMTV: TFW @tjlavin says the words "swimming," "challenge," and "at night." 😩 #TheChallengeVendettas is all new, Tuesday at 9/8c! 🔥
- @ThatCoral: @ChallengeMTV See i knew it wasn’t only me.
- @CaraMariaMTV: @ChallengeMTV Accurate.
- @BritniNicol: @ChallengeMTV @tjlavin knows what I like😎
@Kmorrisx: Trust & Loyalty in people is so rare these days.
@DJMelReeves: Walking, shopping and  typing doesn’t go well whilst trying to tweet 😂 as u can see in my last tweet. Anyway my YouTube video
@joss_mooney: Well thank f*ck January is over...😂
@JustJem24: My mood from now until Tuesday’s episode of the @ChallengeMTV #TheChallengeVendettas
@CaraMariaMTV: What do you call a big pile of kittens? A meowntain.
@n_zanattaMTV: I just want to be able to say I did everything I could before I close the door.
@t_raines33: What would you choose?
- @MTVBananas: @t_raines33 *Conducts polls on Bath Salts at 29
@Kmorrisx: Too tired to sleep!!!  I Duno how that makes sense but it’s what makes sense right now 🤷🏽‍♀️
@MTVBananas: Baby hugs 👼 #Ophelia #FitMom #NoMakeup #UncleBananas #bananasdoingthings
@ZNichols15: If I lived in a desert, I’d be nocturnal. Not just to avoid the heat tho.
@CaraMariaMTV: There are two types of girls in Vegas: those who strap on heels and pop bottles. And those who strap on stretch pants and smash buffets. Im the latter.
@EmoneySunset: Thought I was gonna be the only person in Reno who's been on TV. I was wrong. Just saw 3 people who were on To Catch A Predator.

@ChallengeMTV: Don't think about it too much, or you'll never jump in 😱 Tune into @MTV on Tuesday at 9/8c to watch an all new #TheChallengeVendettas! 
@joss_mooney: Your perception of yourself affects your vibe. Love yourself, be confident in your looks, express your talents & let your good vibes flow.
@mtv_vendetta: Before I rest this @iamkamiam_ vs @DJMelReeves BS, I watched both aftermath commentaries and I feel like Kam’s reasoning was pathetic. If Melissa is using her sexuality, let her. (girl power,no?)Be an adult and confront her when she’s not drunk
@MTVjennifer: secretly jealous of the @FloribamaShore cast and how they all live semi close to eachother. i hate that my cast is from different states & i can’t see them as often as i’d like. well mainly @or_lanaa...lana, move to jersey...thx.
@Bruce_Lee85: I struggle with this 😒
- @ChallengeMTV: @Bruce_Lee85 Who wrote this note, Lee?
- @kailah_casillas: @ChallengeMTV Fishy 🐠
@Marie_TBD: Gotta love seeing tweets about anti-bullying from people who called me a fat ugly irrelevant grinch. pick a side.
@Marie_TBD: When did we all get sooo sensitive? That bully who tortured me growing up made me who I am today. I dont support bullying; and some people should absolutely be punished for the measures they take to do it.. but theres levels to this shit.
@ChallengeMTV: .@iamkamiam_ I thought dolphins liked water??? 😂 Don't miss a new episode of #TheChallengeVendettas, Tuesday at 9/8c! 🐬 
- @iamkamiam_: @ChallengeMTV When you reconsider being a dolphin cause you can’t swim 😭🐬
@MTVBananas: "@v_cakes: @DenofRiley @MTVBananas Sadly, this is real. He turned on me the minute Vendettas ended.  He became a baby bitch bc his ego has been damaged & hasn’t let it go since." RT You can lie all you want V, but your  Tweets don't. Roll back the tape... Everything i've said to you has been in response to attacks by YOU, on ME and @tjlavin of all people 🤔 So which is it... Agressor or Victim? You can't be both 😠😯
- @v_cakes: @MTVBananas 1/ I just rolled back the tapes, as you like to call it. Next Tweet is our 1st Twitter interaction post #TheChallengeVendettas. Who is actually the liar?  STOP using my remarks abt TJ as a way to wind up the fan base against me & to use TJs likeability to get people on your side.
- @Pinkified_1976: @v_cakes Wow Veronica. You are a sad case bringing a child into this. Not enough camera time, so you revert to twitter. Lying and making shit up about @tjlavin and now this about @MTVBananas and his little niece? Get a grip on life. You are old enough to know better.
- @machristy6992: @v_cakes Yet, here you are. Talking about @MTVBananas . Aren't you also participating in making him relevant? & I dnt think he needs any help getting girls attention. U sound so fucking dumb talking about an uncle who loves his niece claiming it's for attention.
@v_cakes: "@v_cakes: I see you still have your panties in a bunch, far up your asshole. …" RT "So which is it... Agressor or Victim?"
@MTVBananas: I'm convinced that the only role my pinky toe plays is locating furniture in the dark...
@Marie_TBD: Waiting for Jenna’s return to @ChallengeMTV like......🤣🤣 #thechallenge #mtv #thechallengevendettas
@MTVCoryWharton: Ryder wasn’t for the push-ups 💪🏽@MTV_NellyT
@n_zanattaMTV: Flex Friday like ayeeee 💪🏼😏
@ChallengeMTV: WHO WROTE THIS NOTE!? 🕵 #TheChallengeVendettas is all new, Tuesday at 9/8c! 😱
- @v_cakes: @ChallengeMTV It’s not @shannanity!  My belief in friendship has been restored!!! #TheChallengeVendettas @JustJem24
- @JustJem24: @v_cakes Still dying at him saying hello hello. I can’t believe that ridiculous story he told up was the dead truth 😭
- @Marie_TBD: @ChallengeMTV Let the witch hunt begin.
- @v_cakes: @ChallengeMTV @Bruce_Lee85 - baby, is this you?  Not accusing, just asking. #thechallengevendettas
- @CaraMariaMTV: @ChallengeMTV Wanna see a dead body?😡
- @v_cakes: @ChallengeMTV @Bruce_Lee85 Baby, is this you? #TheChallengeVendettas
- @MTVBananas: @ChallengeMTV Apparently where @shannanity is from ghosts wear flip flops. 🤔👻  @ChallengeMTV #TheChallengeVendettas
@JustJem24: @Lizchallenge_ @ChallengeMTV He kept telling us that he was asleep and saying hello and never took off his eyemask and we were @shannanity this is the most ridiculous story ever. I am dying actually seeing it play out Bc he told the story exactly like this 😭😭😭
@BritniNicol: @Bruce_Lee85 you’re lucky I don’t have your number. Bc you’re under investigation by room blue currently. I repeat. You are under investigation. 🕵🏼‍♀️🕵🏼‍♀️ #thechallengevendettas #wholeftthenote
@Marie_TBD: I put in a special request for this one.  @SylviaMTV @ChallengeMTV #thechallengevendettas
@BradFiorenza: If you are going to spend Friday night in the gym; you better put in #hardwork #stayready #fitnessfriday @XSportFitness – at XSport Fitness
@CaitlinAlbers: A love letter to true #Challenge veterans, from a veteran viewer.  @v_cakes @MTVBananas @TheOfficial_CT @DerrickMTV @mtvrrdarrell @aneesaMTV @shannanity @BradFiorenza @CaraMariaMTV @JennaCompono @JordanW_usa @ZNichols15 @tori_deal  #TheChallengeVendettas
@v_cakes: 2/ We had press coverage - we appeared in US Weekly - & pop celebs like Paris Hilton, DJ AM, & Perez Hilton were photographed wearing our tees about town.  Not to mention, EVERY SINGLE CAST MEMBER wore our stuff bc it was cooler than wearing a step & repeat of the banana fruit 🍌

@ChallengeMTV: Scale of 1 - 10 how excited are we for this challenge? Let's just say we're as excited as @MTVDevinWalker is confident 👏 Don't miss it, Tuesday at 9/8c! #TheChallengeVendettas
@DJMelReeves: Oh my god I hate the sounds of birds chirping. It’s so annoying!! It’s 3am and I can’t sleep because they’re outside my window screaming their heads off.
@joss_mooney: That look when you’re waiting for your set but your mate is on their phone...😠🙄 Wearing @OneAthletic_’s 3M RUN line launching in March!! 🔥
@MTV_NellyT: The future is looking bright 😎Nothing like looking into the eyes of this little angel right here… 
@tjlavin: Good times w roxannelavin in Park City... We have a lot of people w us and it’s pretty funny! @… 
@JennaCompono: Much needed weekend 👯‍♀️🍕🍭🥞💕
@CHEYnotShy: last night I sat in a Pharrell studio session. My life is changed 😩 it took so much out of me not to have a fan girl moment.
@ChallengeMTV: New power-couple in the making? 🤔 Find out this Tuesday at 9/8c on a new episode of #TheChallengeVendettas! 👏 
@ChallengeMTV: See who goes the distance on a new episode of #TheChallengeVendettas, Tuesday at 9/8c! 🏊 
@kailah_casillas: ☀️🌴🌊
@kailah_casillas: (I’m a little late to post)— but the saying is just as relevant today as it was during World War II. “We Can Do It” — Rest In Peace, Naomi Parker Fraley.
@ChallengeMTV: Tony may have thrown Sylvia a bone last week, but now Sylvia has a grenade. Will she throw it at her Vendetta? 💣💥 #TheChallengeVendettas is all new, Tuesday at 9/8c! 
- @n_zanattaMTV: @ChallengeMTV Ughhh ohhhh only time will tel ohhh wait @SylviaMTV I believe I’m single again just throw it in my face one more time 🤣
@WestonBergmann: PSA: @Hooters is giving away free wings to single people on Valentine’s Day. #Genius
@WestonBergmann: You know you’re a good pet parent when they adapt all your personality traits. Like, my dog is grumpy yet adorable and vying for the best cuddle companion in the world.
@KendalSheppard: "@BytesPodcast: The next guest on Reality Bytes Back Podcast is none other than @KendalSheppard 🚨‼️🚨‼️Part 1 & 2 of her THREE Part Interview will drop this Tuesday 02/06 on iTunes! Link in Bio to subscribe! " RT Untold stories from the Good ol' Days... #Roadrules #TheChallenge  #TheInferno #OldSchool #MTV #Likewhentheystillplayedmusicvideos
@MTVBananas: Turn darkness into light ☻🌝 #FitChick #TrainingDay #Fitfam #Traindirty #weekendwarrior #Bananasdoingthings
@Marie_TBD: It’s funny how quickly someone will beg to love you when you decide to leave them. Don’t be fooled; You can’t teach someone to love. Change is temporary.
@Bruce_Lee85: Harry Potter came thru my Barber School today ... check out my IG story 👉🏼“RoyleeTheBarber “to see the finished product!
@ave_tress: Just had a guy take off his clothes at work and I'm in the back eating... I miss everything good!!! #barlife
@blacuesta: I’ve been working really hard on expressing how i feel to my friends which has always been something that was tough for me & wow, it feels really good to just let down my wall and be emotional about the people & situations that have hurt me without making a joke out of the pain. Keep growing. Never stop pushing your own limits. Don’t lose who you are loving someone else.
@kailah_casillas: the love of family & the admiration of friends is much more important than wealth and fame.

SUPER BOWL SUNDAY: The Game, JT, and This is Us 
@ChallengeMTV: According to @Kmorrisx, the hardest part of this next challenge won't be swimming across, but something else... 😱 Catch an all new episode of #TheChallengeVendettas, Tuesday at 9/8c!
- @Kmorrisx: @ChallengeMTV That something else may have something to do with my inflatables preventing me from diving down 😂 #TheChallengeVendettas
@Marie_TBD: Don’t wait on anyone else but yourself.
@CHEYnotShy: can’t wait to pop some of y’all bitches in the head.
@ChallengeMTV: .@SylviaMTV has a a couple decisions to make: which grenade to choose and whom to use it on 💣💥 See what happens next on #TheChallengeVendettas, Tuesday at 9/8c!
- @SylviaMTV: @ChallengeMTV What will I do? @ChallengeMTV 😈😈😈
@ChallengeMTV: Do you wish CT was on this season? Then watch a new Challenge special: "What Would CT Do?" this Tuesday right after #TheChallengeVendettas, starting at 9/8c! 🙌
- @Marie_TBD: @ChallengeMTV Pretty sure @AneesaMTV and @JennaCompono are on this too.... 👀🙄🙄 #whatwouldtheysay
@ChallengeMTV: Lazy Sunday? Catch up on #TheChallengeVendettas before a brand new episode, Tuesday at 9/8c! 💻👀🍿
@Bruce_Lee85: This book is everything ✈️✌🏿#LiftedAndGifted
- @MTVBananas: @Bruce_Lee85 Strange name for a coloring book? 🤔🖍
- @Bruce_Lee85: @MTVBananas Lmaoooo you’re such a witty dick, and that’s why I love u 🤦🏾‍♂️😂😂😂😂😂
- @MTVBananas: @Bruce_Lee85 Luh you Lee 😗
@n_zanattaMTV: "@Angelina3lugo: Thank you @n_zanattaMTV for being a hero and a first responder" RT Hahaha thank youuuu happy I can help, wouldn’t want it any other way!
@kailah_casillas: Am I the only one who thinks @G_Eazy & @halsey “Him & I” is the next aged “Bonnie & Clyde” @beyonce @S_C_

@JustJem24: The 6am flight leaving LGA right now going to Minnesota is ALL @Eagles fans....  #SuperBowlSunday
@JustJem24: These girls next to me are now having hardcore bible study and I casually just  dropped the F 💣 to the guy next to me. So now I’m just gonna go sit in the corner Bc it’s not even 6am and I’m a complete asshole 🤦🏻‍♀️
@MTVDevinWalker: As a raiders fan it's usually tough to go all in for the @Patriots but after seeing the ample and inherently obnoxious behavior of @Eagles fans this past week this ones a no brainer. #SuperBowl2018 #gopats #tomiswierdAF #butilovehim #gronkspike
- @MTVjennifer: @MTVDevinWalker as a giants fan i hate both teams, BUT for the same reason...rooting for the pats👏🏼🏈 @TheMarkLong: Eagles by 20 ... bet it @eagles #SuperBowl52
@ToriFiorenza: Everyone is talking about #Eagles this and #Patriots that, and I’m just over here mentally preparing for Jack’s death...#ThisIsUs #SuperBowlSunday
@JazMTV: The only thing I’m excited about for this Super Bowl is winning some money playing squares! #DontlikePATS #DontlikeEagles #CowboysNation
@JustJem24: Phillyyyyy. Who wants to play?
@ZNichols15: It’s not smart to bet against Tom Brady. Pats by 3. #SuperBowlSunday
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: I don't really give a shit who wins today. I just wanna drink.
@CaraMariaMTV: Yes. We are. @JustJem24  #orlando #universal
@HaydenPWeaver: Blount to his old team
@DerrickMTV: Yo Philly!! 🏆We'll be there to celebrate with you in 3 weeks!! #FlyEaglesFly   TICKETS: …   @BradFiorenza @mtvrrdarrell @JustJem24 @JennaCompono @BritniNicol @ZNichols15 @AshleyMarieMTV @hbarfield13 @EricBanks
@AshleeFeldman: Ya cool SuperBowl.. Kylie had a baby.
@kailah_casillas: I think it’s so awesome that @KylieJenner was private about her pregnancy. To not have the pressure and stress... to just be human and enjoy it. So cool. So respectable.
@Marie_TBD: Did anyone else cry watching Kylie’s movie? LOL
@iamkamiam_: I’m so happy for @KylieJenner 💕 privacy is key too!
@AneesaMTV: @kailah_casillas “when’s April fools day... February what???” 🙄
- @kailah_casillas: @AneesaMTV I’m not good at months ok.... give me a break 😂😂🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️
@Marie_TBD: This is my nightmare. @robb_schreiber
@CamilaMTV: Let’s go! #patsnation @ New York, New York
@iamtheophi: First @JimmyG_10 now @k_grugierhill in the Super Bowl. Blessings!!
@MTVBananas: Congrats @JJWatt on being recognized as the 2017 @walterpayton man of the year 🏆 #SuperBowl @NFL
@DevynSimone: Eagles
@TamiRoman: I can’t love @Pink anymore than I do right now - amazing National Anthem even with the flu! #SuperBowl52 #greatjobsis #Pink
@Marie_TBD: I low key want Foles to win this championship. #superbowlsunday
@iammikeyp: I might not be in Philly right now but we are still representing out in in Cali! 🙌🏻🙌🏻 @kailah_casillas  #eagles 🦅
- @kailah_casillas: @iammikeyp GO EAGLES!!
@MTVBananas: I'll always remember the first time  I met Tom Brady 🏈🐐 @Patriots @TB12sports @NFL #superbowl #tombrady #patriots #eagles
@KendalSheppard: Shut em down #Eagles !!!
@imdroc15: Gotta respect the GOAT Tom Brady!! I got the #Patriots winning tonight!
@DerrickMTV: Misses the extra point...unbelievable..wonder if that haunts the #Eagles later.
@TheoVon: Damn Howie Long in sketchers?! Errybody gettin old
@mtvrrdarrell: I’m sorry Howie I’ve never noticed anyone in first class wearing sketchers 🤔#superbowlcommercials #SuperBowl2018 #sketchers
@tori_deal: I meannnnnn.....  I think Peter Dinklage just won the super bowl #SuperBowlLll
@MTVtrey: Is there a movie that Dwayne Johnson isn’t playing in?
@IWantMyEmTV: That was a literal suck my d #pats #SuperBowlLII #PatriotsNation
@DerrickMTV: Dilly dilly!! 🍻
@MtvNateSiebs: I’m trying not to get to excited when the Eagles score bc nothing really matters until the 4th quarter with Tom Brady🙄 #SuperBowlLll
@MTVtrey: #BleepDontStink #DillyDilly
@ave_tress: #GoPats #SuperBowl #NotDone #SBLII #Patriots
@DevynSimone: It’s the game of missed field goals. #YouHadOneJob #MyWigWouldveDoneBetter #RIPTamara #superbowl
@Marie_TBD: 🤗🤗🤗
@EmoneySunset: It's the 2nd quarter and I still haven't seen a commercial with puppies wtf is going on.
@MTVtrey: Wowowowow wtf kinda play is thattttttt?!?!??? That was awesome
@n_zanattaMTV: Best commercial so far we are all one team! Good job @Toyota #SuperBowlAds
@AshleyMarieMTV: Thank god he threw it back with all these hits bc this new album just isn’t doing it for me.
@MTVBananas: Brokeback Timberlake 🤠🐴 #SuperBowl #HalftimeShow
@DevynSimone: Take me to church Justin! #superbowl
@Marie_TBD: Me right now.
@Marie_TBD: JT showed up!!!!!!!! I’m crying. LOL
@Marie_TBD: I’m so happy.
@CaraMariaMTV: Justin Timberlake rollin into the Super Bowl like he just finished raiding a Montana thrift store. 🤦🏻‍♀️
@MTVBananas: Not even sure an exposed boob could save the #halftimeshow at this point 💩#SuperBowl  @jtimberlake #JustinTimberlake
@MtvJess: #Prince 💜
@Marie_TBD: Best. Halftime. Ever. #PepsiHalftime @jtimberlake welcome back!!!! I’ve missed you.
@giannahammer: This halftime show is a BOP 👏🏽🎉💃🏽
@TheRealAnthonyM: I was waiting for NSYNC to come out 😪
@CarsonWall3 Carson/Siesta Key: Justin Timberlake is absolutely amazing wow what a performance
@Bruce_Lee85: That Lil kid had no idea what to do when @jtimberlake started singing next to him
@_gelesann: 1. But like why wasn’t there an NSYNC reunion  2. I never knew I had so many friends that were Philadelphia eagle fans
@EmoneySunset: Made sure not to miss JT at halftime because last time I did I missed Janet Jackson's right tit.
@tylersemicolon: Treat me like Justin Timberlake treats his microphone stand
@tylersemicolon: Justin Timberlake’s discography is longer than half of your relationships
@uchaachi: O K A Y JUSTINNNNNN #superbowl h#
@uchaachi: PUSH👏🏾THROUGH👏🏾VOCALS👏🏾
@TheRealAnthonyM: Justin Timberlake killing this half time show!!!!!!!
@__GarrettMiller Garrett/Siesta Key: Justin Timberlake is still the man!
@IWantMyEmTV: Hopefully the @Patriots start playing like @jtimberlake. . Just killed the game. Justin’s leaving the winner tonight. Just proved despite shitty album reviews he’s here to stay 💁🏻‍♀️ #SuperBowlLII #patsnation
@mistergiuntoli: The super bowl is the “world series of poker” of football #SuperBowl
@MtvJess: So what happened to #Nsync guest star?! #SuperBowlLll
@MtvJess: Feels like they forgot to book an act for the #SuperBowlLll #HalftimeShow so they called up JT yesterday 😂 and went with it
@AneesaMTV: Let’s go!!!!! #eagles
@MTVtrey: This is the moment where people will say the game is rigged. Because if there’s any potential for a fix, this is it.
@__GarrettMiller: FINALLY a call that doesn’t go towards the Patriots 🙌🏼
@MtvNateSiebs: FLY EAGLES FLY!!👏🏼👏🏼 #SuperBowlLll
@__GarrettMiller: Down goes Brady, down goes Brady.
@itSabrinaK: Kylie’s pregnancy video was more eventful and tear jerking than this super bowl
@juliettep0rter Juliette/Siesta Key: Super bowl or Kylee Jenner’s baby?? What’s more relevant today‼️
@mtvrrdarrell: Let’s go 🦅 #SuperBowlSunday #greatgame #Eagles #stillraidernation
@ZNichols15: Still sitting here waiting on Tom Brady’s winning drive.
@MTVtrey: I mean, he’s still the GOAT. I’m not a New England fan by any stretch but I can appreciate greatness, especially seeing it during my lifetime. Great game 🏈
@MTVtrey: The important question now: Is it Wentz or Foles?
@tori_deal: Yes philly yessssss!!!!!!!!!! Go eagles!!
@JayGMTV: #philly tonight #SuperBowlLll
@MTVtrey: That could’ve been you, Atlanta. 😂
@Bruce_Lee85: When Hunter sent you Home on #TheChallenge Dirty 30, but his favorite team just lost the Super Bowl #Petty #Revenge 🤷🏽‍♂️😂
- @mtvrrdarrell: @Bruce_Lee85 🤭
@DevynSimone: Couldn’t be more proud for a city I practically didn’t know existed 5 months ago. #FlyEaglesFly #Superbowl #CongratulationsChamps!
@n_zanattaMTV: Congrats Philly! You played one hell of a game, a win well deserved!!! Dolphins next year 😏
@ave_tress: .
@MTVBananas: I wonder how much of the city of Philadelphia will be left standing come morning 🔥🏛🔥🏠🔥🏫 @Eagles #SuperBowl #Eagles #FlyEaglesFly
@MTVtrey: Philadelphia is gonna look like hell tonight 🔥🔥🔥 @robb_schreiber I am thinking of you
@CaraMariaMTV: Welp. 🤷🏻‍♀️ @JustJem24 @hbarfield13
@KatieCooley26: Can This is Us just start already? I’ve been waiting all day for this and I think I’m prepared to handle Jacks death. #itslatethough #bedtime
@v_cakes: Jack.  I want a Jack. #ThisIsUs
@IWantMyEmTV: Depressing.. but a very well played game. I’m sending lots of cookies to @RobGronkowski because he gave heart #SBLII
@IWantMyEmTV: The Patriots are my heart but the Eagles truly shined tonight. It was an amazing game between two great teams. @Patriots always come back stronger after a loss ❤️
@imdroc15: It’s the year of backups. Alabama’s backup QB won it, Eagles’ backup QB won it... the NBA is next!!!
@ryanmalaty: Most entertaining Super Bowl in awhile. Including commercials #SuperBowl52
@whaattaafoxx: Don’t EVER say Justin Timberlake is more talented than ADELE! They ain’t even on the same LEVEL. Adele surpasses everyone. EVERYONE.
@whaattaafoxx: Congrats to the #EAGLES y’all deserved it after that game y’all played!!  #SuperBowlSunday #SuperBowlLII #SuperBowl2018 #SuperBowl52
@whaattaafoxx: CONGRATS to HAMLET NC’s VERY OWN @ellerbe59 on his super bowl win tonight!! You made RCO proud!! #SuperBowl2018
@whaattaafoxx: #Eagles
@whaattaafoxx: Now I really like this Budweiser commercial #StandByMe
@BombshellChels: Sure this is the Super Bowl but this is also the night we all lose Jack Pearson 😩
@stephenjohnii: #Worldchampions #FLYEAGLESFLY
@HaydenPWeaver: Dear god. This episode, not ready/expecting any of this 😭 #ThisIsUs
@HaydenPWeaver: JT and Fallon are an insane duo on television
@HaydenPWeaver: I can see the fires in Philly all the way from Los Angeles
@giannahammer: *snot running down my face crying* #ThisisUs
@HaydenPWeaver: JT got the WHOLE DAMN CITY lit up in purple in TRIBUTE and people are still complaining.
@keith_klebacher: Jeep: says too many car commercials make unrealistic claims and manifestos... Yet they had a rubicon racing and chasing a T Rex an hour ago lol
@uchaachi: Giants out here LIVIN not worried about being in the game #superbowl
@MTVBananas: Philadelphia Police Scanner 😂🚔 #FlyEaglesFly …
@AneesaMTV: Though I don’t miss the weather, I’m living for the win. Wish I was in my city celebrating with my philly family #FlyEagleFly #SuperBowl2018 #underdogs
@EmoneySunset: Was gonna play a drinking game where I take a shot every time Bill Belichick smiles but then I remembered that I want to get drunk.
@EmoneySunset: Tom Brady is 41 with the haircut and attitude of a 12 year old who throws fits when his Mom brings home regular cheerios instead of honey nut.
@uchaachi: Eleven come get ur daddy #superbowl
@EmoneySunset: If you think your career went to shit, just remember that Morgan Freeman lip synced Get Ya Freak On in a Mountain Dew commercial.
@uchaachi: I know it’s the super bowl and everything but the only person I’m really rooting for tonight is Jack #ThisIsUs
@uchaachi: I just want whatever is gonna make Bradley Cooper happy. #Superbowl
@__GarrettMiller: All I wanted was a good game & that was a damn good game.
@stephenjohnii: . @cj_wentz .... this super bowl is also yours bro! You lead us here too! Philly can’t wait to have you back on the field. Congrats.. you got a ring coming to you #flyeaglesfly
@WestonBergmann: When Kansas City won the World Series in 2015, a million people congregated downtown and hugged each other. There were zero arrests. Philly is burning itself to the ground.
@tylerobrienn: To all of you talking down on Tom Brady, he wasn't the reason for the loss. No quarterback in the WHOLE HISTORY of football in pre season, regular season, or post season statistically had the performance he did as a quarterback & lost the game
@ave_tress: We're there when they win. We're there when they lose. #wellbeback #GoPats

MONDAY: One Day to Challenge Tuesday 
@ChallengeMTV: MONDAY MOOD 😫 Don't miss an all new episode of #TheChallengeVendettas TOMORROW at 9/8c!
@ChallengeMTV: What's happening behind closed doors, @BradFiorenza!? 🤔 Find out on a new episode of #TheChallengeVendettas TOMORROW at 9/8c!
- @BradFiorenza: @ChallengeMTV Don’t miss the best water challenge EVER!!!!  TOMORROW @ 9/8c
- @Marie_TBD: @ChallengeMTV Oh shet!! Does someone make a move to take down Brad tomorrow?? @ChallengeMTV #TheChallengeVendettas
- @Marie_TBD: @ChallengeMTV This note caused a lot of chaos in the house that trickled over into gameplay. Excited to see how it all pans out. @ChallengeMTV #thechallengevendettas
@JennaCompono: If you don’t sacrifice for what you want, what you want becomes the sacrifice.
@EricBanks: How have we not figured out a way to make the Monday following the Super Bowl a National Holiday and let everyone sip and converse about it👀
@MTVCoryWharton: I’m really starting to realize ALOT OF YOU are living your life to please others CUT THAT ISH OUT!!!!!
@Marie_TBD: Hey NY/NJ - Myself, @JennaCompono @00Hitsdiidii @JustJem24 and @DevynSimone will be pampering ourselves just in time for Vday. Visit my instagram @mar8e for details!!
- @00Hitsdiidii: @Marie_TBD LADIES, Come get pampered with us💆🏼💅🏼💕
- @Marie_TBD: Update: @DevynSimone out .. @NataliaNegrotti in!!! #newjersey #bigbrother
@BritniNicol: all I want to do today is go shopping for crystals and smudge😩😩
@BradFiorenza: We don’t get these days back; make the most of yours.. #MondayMotivaton
@JustJem24: I think @v_cakes left the note.. the more I think about it 🤷🏻‍♀️🤔 Ummm that was @Bruce_Lee85. Blame shifting? Was it actually him? #TheChallengeVendettas
- @v_cakes: @JustJem24 You finally figured it out!  FINALLY, how long did it take?  You’d make a terrible #Dateline detective 🕵️‍♀️
@Bruce_Lee85: "@MTV_Candice: Yassss bih! Showing love for every shade!!!! 😍 …" RT 🗣Ima need all of those... bitch yassssssssss 💄💁🏿‍♂️
@kailah_casillas: Holy shit I’m so hungover.
@ChallengeMTV: Jump for joy because CT is returning to your TVs in an all new Challenge special: "What Would CT Do?" On TOMORROW after #TheChallengeVendettas at 9/8c! 🎉
@MTVBananas: *Finishes builing @Ikea desk   *Still has 15 bolts leftover 😡
@Kmorrisx: I’m forever hungry 😩
- @n_zanattaMTV: @Kmorrisx That’s me every minute of the day lol
@Rogan_OConnor: Daddy
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: Saying I was on one last night is an understatement
@DJMelReeves: Did anyone else get really emotional watching Kylie Jenner’s baby reveal video 👀
@ChallengeMTV: When you remember #TheChallengeVendettas is all new tomorrow at 9/8c 💃
@Kmorrisx: Crazy how u can get countless likes and comments on social but ur really looking out for a selective few or that 1 person to acknowledge and ur happy 🌝
@BritniNicol: Since there’s a water challenge tomorrow... here’s a little throwback on summer of me swimming freely🤗🧜🏼‍♀️
@cambruckman: Most depressing day of the year. Football season is officially over 😭
@MTVAUSTRALIA: Hey @nillythesquid, we promised we'd introduce you to @KyleCGShore - let the Twitter romance begin! 😍 #FloribamaShore #GeordieShore >>> …
- @CaraMariaMTV: @MTVAUSTRALIA How bout no.
@KendalSheppard: "@ThatCoral: @KendalSheppard Right next to me" RT My heart just skipped a beat. I've always looked up to this classy, strong woman... she spoke to me in the airport once. 😍 #fangirling
@MTV_AMANDAG: Idk how this fuckin guy got to be the bachelor.....he’s creepy af. 🤢
@MTVBananas: Law and Disorder 👮‍♂️🍌 @FINALLEVEL #IceT #NoMakeup @poolafterdark
@cmonneey: I know I wasnt the only one  @SylviaMTV @iamkamiam_ @Marie_TBD  @kailah_casillas
- @SylviaMTV: @cmonneey Omg! This is hysterical
- @kailah_casillas: @cmonneey Omg I love it. So fitting too 💁🏻‍♀️ bratzzzzz
@CaraMariaMTV: What does a nosey pepper do? .......gets jalapeٌo business. 😏

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 #DCExtraTime FOLLOW-UP 

This week, we found out about the premiere date for the much-anticipated premiere of Jersey Shore: Family Vacation. It'll premiere on Thursday, April 5th... thus, "JERZDAYS" will return as well as will the entire cast. Well, make that everyone except Sammi Sweetheart but someone else may also be making the trip too.
   In a teaser dropped by MTV along with the first promo for that new season, the girl who we featured here briefly during both Floribama Shore and much earlier on when she met her replacement Deena and the brother of Real World Skeletons & Challenge Invasion castmate Bruno, Angelina, made a visit to the Family Vacation retreat down in South Florida. And the person who opened the door had a very surprised look on his face in Mike the Situation. That video is embedded below.

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Tomorrow, we'll have the Pulse of Week 6 of Vendettas as the competitors take to the seas below for the most daunting challenge yet, plus the mystery is on of, "Who wrote the note?" And what happens when a girl with a British accent gathers her friends for a good old eating contest? Find out who can become the first to consume 40 chicken wings around the dinner table.
   But before that, tonight & for the next fortnight the world's focus is on South Korea for the XXIII Olympic Winter Games in Pyeongchang. It's no secret that I'm as huge a fan of the Olympics as the Trifecta, and during these next two weeks I'll be setting aside much of my MTV focus to watch & enjoy the one sports event I look forward to the most. That includes DCBLOG posts, and live tweets, updates and more every night & morning as the drama unfolds from across the Pacific on DCNOW -- give me a follow at @DC408DxNow and join the conversation at #DCGames18. And after it began with the Opening Ceremony, it all begins with the first medals being awarded this late Friday night and it's all ahead on DCNOW...enjoy that, and see you here then.


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