*** Advisory: DC SocialPulse contains adult language and objectionable content. Viewer Discretion is Advised. Due to its long length, take frequent eye breaks if you're reading this top to bottom. ***
■ @DC408Dxtr @ TW / IG / YT
Hello, and Happy 4/20 Weekend... and welcome to this week's ride Inside the MTV Trifecta. Ahead, all the action, reaction and interaction to not one, but THREE episodes of three shows: the finale of The Challenge Vendettas, the premiere of Champs vs. Stars III, and the American debut of Ex on the Beach. To get you prepared for the main course and the dessert that is to come while you're ready to party up and get down on this Saturday, indulge yourself in the In-Between interactions of the cast after what went down in between Part 1 of the Reunion and Challenge Tuesday, as well as the anticipation of the cast of EOTB to their big night on Thursday. Enjoy that before we bring you our Challenge diary later tonight.
@ChallengeMTV: Things got VERY personal ☕️ #TheChallengeVendettas
- @t_raines33: @ChallengeMTV Imma go with 100% good game play. #TheChallengeVendettas
@DJMelReeves: "@OfficiallyUnoff: Was @MTV too cheap to fly @Kmorrisx , @KyleCGShore and @DJMelReeves to NYC for #TheChallengeVendettas for this reunion?" RT we don’t have visas x
@AneesaMTV: I'm on Team Devin! Whose side are you on? #TheChallengeVendettas
@JazMTV: I'm on Team Devin! Whose side are you on? #TheChallengeVendettas
@paulawalnutsMTV: Out on knee surgery so catching up on @mtvvendettas and just watched the epic battle of @DerrickMTV and @joss_mooney !! Hands down one of the most bad ass eliminations EVER! Hats off to you both !!
- @DerrickMTV: @paulawalnutsMTV Holy Canoli Paula?! Didn’t recognize you!! Not sure if it’s bc I haven’t seen you in about 8 years or bc you changed your profile pic?! 😊
@DerrickMTV: "@princessalli32: I am loving the challenge mania podcast and seriously how can anyone NOT be totally in love with @DerrickMTV??" RT 🤷♂️
@DerrickMTV: "@CSUGradAkirk: @DerrickMTV looks like such a g with that black headband #challengevendettas" RT Bruh..🤜
@JustJem24: On to new things 💫⭐️🌟✨
@WestonBergmann: I love how Mark Zuckerberg was just trying to get laid and now he’s essentially standing trial for how society should police it’s social democracy.
@ave_tress: I just booked myself a nice little one night get away to #SanDiego. Just because. 🌞🌊🏖️ #GoMe #BeachSide #MeTime #AdventureTime
@ChallengeMTV: Here's your chance to bid on memorabilia from #TheChallengeVendettas, including game-worn jerseys, grenades, and more! All proceeds benefit @BeBrightPink in honor of Diem Brown 💞 http://ebay.to/2rDDwfl
@WestonBergmann: These “💫⭐️🌟✨’s” out here talking shit already. Did they not watch any of the previous seasons?
@LouiseHazel: My face when @westonbergmann tells me he used to run hurdles! Stay tuned to see who comes out… https://www.instagram.com/p/BhcA_zfnpXs/
- @WestonBergmann: @LouiseHazel There will come a time, and place, where there is nothing but you, me, and a row of hurdles. On this day you will not be able to deny me the race of my dreams. A race in which I have absolutely nothing to lose.
@mikethemiz: My little princess monroeskymizanin’s Blue Steel. She’s such a model. 📸 by snapsstudio https://www.instagram.com/p/BhcUkcaH2hE/
@kailah_casillas: Lol @JennaCompono types out the word “Effin” when she texts. HOW EFFIN WEIRD 😂♥️
- @JennaCompono: @kailah_casillas Lmao Kailah!!! Shut it!!! Don’t make me Effin fly there! 😂🤦🏼♀️
@MTVjennifer: happy birthday @laurelstucky ! ❤️
@ChallengeMTV: Get your head in the game!!! The new season of The Challenge: Champs vs. Stars premieres Tuesday, April 17 at 10/9c on @MTV! 🏆🌟 #ChampsVsStars http://on.mtv.com/2EETWFl
@Jonnyboyy10: Love how Kailah ego is so big because she “made a final” which by the way she really only made because 80% of the girls she was friends with. And on top of that, she SHOULD make finals based on the shitty female cast @TheSteamer @RealityRadioPod @CSUGradAkirk
- @CSUGradAkirk: @Jonnyboyy10 @TheSteamer @RealityRadioPod All these new kids since ayto has been on the show think that they’re gods gift to the challenge
@MTV: Was Tony's vote for Bananas on #TheChallengeVendettas betrayal or just good gameplay? https://on.mtv.com/2qmJ3D4
@SHOTOFYAGER: 🗽NYC, @DerrickMTV & I are bringing #ChallengeMania straight into the heart of #TimesSquare & #Broadway for http://ChallengeMania.Live on Saturday, June 2nd at 2pm from @CarolinesonBway! @TheMarkLong is our special guest & THIS TUESDAY we announce guest number 2! Tix going⚡️fast!
@WestonBergmann: What is more beautiful, the shuttlecock, the grass, the sky, or the ginger? @ Kansas City, Missouri https://www.instagram.com/p/BhcrGVkF92N/
- @MTVBananas: @WestonBergmann Hope you put on your SPF 500 before going out in that sun, @WestonBergmann.
- @WestonBergmann: @MTVBananas I hate you
@n_zanattaMTV: You don’t have to like me or agree with my decisions, however I promise you’re going to remember me. Never tarnish my last name, I’ve worked too hard for it.
@blacuesta: Whole heartedly believe your soulmates will come as both friends and lovers.
@JustJem24: I die a little on the inside when I think about all the moments when I neglected myself..
@JustJem24: Make your own recovery the first priority in your life.....
@kailah_casillas: I’m so tired of seeing people argue with each other in my mentions. Fuckin A.
@braincandypod: We heard the latest #ChallengeMania & possible shade thrown at @ImSarahRice? 🤔We’ll comment during today’s live Q&A! http://Patreon.com/BrainCandy
@blacuesta: What does wooing on a bitch mean
@ItsTheSituation: We in here! 🙌🏼 @MTV @JerseyShore #JSFamilyVacation
@DeenaNicoleMTV: Thank you to our our supporters we hit 10 million views in our first weekend back after 6 years!!!
@RealRonnieMagro: It’s like we never left!!!! #BreakingOurOwnRecord #TheBestToDoItSinceWellSinceUs 😂😂#THANKYOUTOALLTHEFANS #BestFans
@Jilly_ashley: HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME<33
@sheen_is_back: Happy birthday to the one and only @Jilly_ashley happy big 3.0. Love you #bean #sheenandbean
@ChallengeMTV: Secret hookups were revealed, new Vendettas were created, and that was only Part 1 😱 #TheChallengeVendettas
@t_raines33: Tuesday is gonna be crazy! Vendettas Finale then @ChallengeMTV Champs vs. Stars premiere! Let’s do this!#TheChallengeVendettas #ChampsVsStars
@JustJem24: Beach life is the best life 🧜🏼♀️
@JennaCompono: Things I never really realized people noticed is posture.. I’ve been complimented on my posture 4x today... well you can thank my mom for screaming SHOULDERS BACK my whole life 😂💕
@tjlavin: Thanks a lot guys!! 🤙❤️
@BritniNicol: I love @khloekardashian dude🖤 Bitch is bad. Men always gotta cheat on a baddy 🙄🤔🤔 (and not all men, yea, I know.)
@MizzHogan: Make sure to watch @ChallengeMTV ‘s Champs vs. Stars! It all goes down at 10/9c on @MTV starting Tuesday, April 17! #ChampsVsStars https://ift.tt/2qqWQsr
@kailah_casillas: "@skysohighsofly: @kailah_casillas Idk how you guys deal with that shit. Too bad you can’t turn mentions off for certain tweets." RT For real! Like non-stop negativity all damn day. Ugh. Makes me want to punch myself in the face.
@mikethemiz: When I brought the #ICTitle back to #Raw last year, I made it the title to fight for; when I brought it to #WrestleMania, fans everywhere said it was the match of the night. I'm not bragging. I'm telling you the truth: Miz makes @WWE TV must-see. #SuperstarShakeUp
@ChallengeMTV: "Be sure to tune into something or other, on such and such day." 😂😂😂 Don't miss THE BIG REVEAL on Part 2 of #TheChallengeVendettas Reunion, Tuesday at 9/8c! But first, watch all the unfiltered, behind the scenes moments provided by The Banana Cam! 👀
- @n_zanattaMTV: @ChallengeMTV Ahhhh Do I not love this!! 🤣 part II ♠️
@ChallengeMTV: ATTENTION! @MizzHogan has taken over our Instagram stories! Head over to our Insta NOW to see what she's up to 👀 #ChampsVsStars
@MTVCoryWharton: Never leave a good thing if it feels right ⚠️
- @JennaCompono: @MTVCoryWharton look at you actin like a squished broken fortune cookie
@JennaCompono: Quote of the day:
@ChallengeMTV: What's better than one Challenge? TWO CHALLENGES! Don't miss the season finale of #TheChallengeVendettas, followed by the season premiere of #ChampsVsStars, this Tuesday starting at 9/8c! 👏👏👏
@iamtheophi: Officially 6 days until my 25th birthday
@WestonBergmann: For fucks’ sake people . . . not all red heads look alike. It’s borderline racist when you compare me, or any other ginger, to one another, and say by default that we are doppelgنngers.
@t_raines33: "@brian_gregory90: I’m ready to see Tony again on the season premiere of Champ vs Stars this coming Tuesday at 10/9c. Can’t wait. TONY TIME!!!⏱ @t_raines33 #TeamRaines #TonyTime " RT I’m ready for it! ⏱⏱⏱ #TonyTime
@kailah_casillas: Lol in my newest insta pic, I’m wearing a sparkly pinkish lipgloss and someone commented “I had that lip color when I was 7.” Like bitch me too!! Sparkly pink shit will be cute for life, get with it girl 💕😂
@BytesPodcast: In honor of #TBT check out some of our interviews with old school Real World & Road Rules cast members @KendalSheppard @thegreysauce @melissabeck @ThatCoral @MissArissa @NehemiahMTV @AbramBoise & more on iTunes & our website. Link in Bio
@RealitySteve: Podcast #73 with the very witty and outspoken @susie_meister of the Challenge and the @braincandypod now up at: http://wp.me/pN72j-4MG . A lot of good reality TV talk in this one.
- @susie_meister: @RealitySteve Just spilling my guts about all things reality tv w/ my buddy, @RealitySteve. Have a listen to this de facto therapy sesh.
@blacuesta: I’ve typed out five different tweets to express how I feel and they either seem like I care too much or don’t care at all so all I’m gonna say is: Men ain’t shit
@blacuesta: Give your time to people who give their time to you. Friendships/relationships take constant work to keep it from failing. Recognize who is putting in the work to keep building with you.
@DJMelReeves: So what do you guys think of The Challenge Vendettas Reunion Last night? I'm on my computer for the next hour, so lets so some questions and answers! Any questions about the show?
@DJMelReeves: "@EssenceOfLouLou: @DJMelReeves How did you prepare for Vendettas?- Did you watch any seasons of The Challenge beforehand?" RT I couldn't really prepare, i couldn't watch the show in the UK xx
@DJMelReeves: "@nickcoban23: @DJMelReeves I wish you were there in person! Who did you like the most from Vendettas cast?" RT I wish I was there in person! and out of the new people i met i love @BritniNicol
@DJMelReeves: "@ciriescastle: @DJMelReevesWas Kailah being as extra as she was shown being last night and jumping into things that didn't involve her like on the season?" RT Who?
@DJMelReeves: "@TheFace34: @DJMelReeves Are Devin and Johnny at each other like that all the time, or mostly outta of each other hair? Did you not find any of the US boys attractive? Would you up for another go at The Challenge?" RT I feel like Johnny and Devins's issues are real, whatever they are! & I didn't find any of the guys imparticularly attractive. xx
@DJMelReeves: "@Ltorres3685: @DJMelReeves Would you rather have Joss or Kyle as a partner on a Challenge?" RT I love Kyle <3
@DJMelReeves: "@sharksfan08: @DJMelReeves do you still talk to nicole ? you were pretty close during the show ( in every sense of the word )" RT yes we are friends x
@DJMelReeves: "@HansAlison: @DJMelReeves you are a great addition to the show! Please always come back if you get a call. In an elimination, would you rather compete in an endurance, physical, or puzzle comp?" RT Physical I think!
@DJMelReeves: "@TSavi1: @DJMelReeves Who was your favorite person to be around during the downtime on the show?" RT Bananas is the only person during Vendettas who helped me and Nicole of course x
@DJMelReeves: "@BRlTNI: @DJMelReeves who was the fakest person in the house" RT Almost every person changed personalities when filming began, except a few x
@DJMelReeves: "@BRlTNI: @DJMelReeves if you guys were able to be at the reunion do you think you would’ve gotten into any fights" RT I think people would of kept their mouths shut a little more x
@DJMelReeves: "@Emi_bear1999: @DJMelReeves What was your favorite part about being on the show? Also do you have any regrets about doing the show?" RT I loved the whole experience, it was so random and new to me. I wish i could have learnt the game first before competing xx
@DJMelReeves: "@CaraMariaTea2: @DJMelReeves Thoughts on @CaraMariaMTV ? She said she loves you!" RT I love her!
@DJMelReeves: "@ItsCoreyTho: @DJMelReeves what are your thoughts on Natalie? <3 & would you work with her in an upcoming season?" RT I like her <3
@DJMelReeves: "@Flinklaw: @DJMelReeves thought you and all the brits were great adds to cast...especially you though...sexy and witty.. do you think you will do more seasons of the challenge is my question...comment is your pic at top of your page is on fireeeeeeeeee" RT Thank you! glad you like my pic! & never say never!
@DJMelReeves: "@josreason_: @DJMelReeves How long did you and Sylvia Battle for i the ring? Also, did you think you picked the right teams with your Grenade?" RT my teams with the grenade were random as I didn't understand the game. & I and Sylvia battled for a few hours. It was so cold as well x
@DJMelReeves: "@buhein: @DJMelReeves you are a strong, beautiful woman! I was wondering what is the status of your friendship with Kayleigh? Hugs from a peruvian fan! " RT Thank you! We spoke since the show and became friends again x
@DJMelReeves: "@sharksfan08: @DJMelReeves 1- you are so beautiful 2- what would be your favorite part of this season ?" RT Thank you! My fave part of the season was actually reaching the top of the Gibraltar rock! x
@DJMelReeves: "@gil_in_atx: @DJMelReeves Is the Challenge what youe expected? And will you do more?" RT I didn't know what to expect when going on The Challenge but It was a unique experience x
@ChallengeMTV: If looks could kill, Cara is SLAYING in that dress 🔥 Don't miss part 2 of #TheChallengeVendettas finale to find out who becomes the first individual winner in Challenge HISTORY! Tuesday at 9/8c 👀 http://on.mtv.com/2v7mrMo
- @Bruce_Lee85: @ChallengeMTV Straight 🔥
@kailah_casillas: So Cooper (my pug) runs and barks while he’s sleeping as if he’s having puppy dreams. Do we think he dreams about hanging out with me and @iammikeyp too?!! He better 🐶 ♥️👧🏽👨🏼
@BritniNicol: I love my man🤗🖤
@BritniNicol: I hope you all enjoy this amazing #fridaythe13th and embrace all the magic this day brings. Only a fool is afraid of Friday the 13th. Tap into your magic today and feel the power flow through you🤗🔮
- @DerrickMTV: @BritniNicol You cray...🧙♂️
- @BritniNicol: @DerrickMTV You know you love me! POWER TO THE WEIRDOS😜😜
- @DerrickMTV: @BritniNicol SHOUTOUT to my Weirdos ✊😜
@SHOTOFYAGER: 🔥NEW PODCAST UP!🔥This #ChallengeMania has it all! @ChallengeMTV #ChampsVsStars finalist MICHELLE WATERSON (@karatehottiemma) is back in the cage Sat. at @UFCONFOX & back on the podcast! PLUS @DerrickMTV & I answer TONS of your @TheChallengeMTV questions! https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/challenge-mania/id1204429149?mt=2#episodeGuid=challengemania.podbean.com%2Fep-36-michelle-waterson-returns-24b00f90dd1700f333f1ee8f1a4eedd1 …
@SHOTOFYAGER: Lots of news from @DerrickMTV about potential upcoming guests on #ChallengeMania today. Just sayin!
@Bruce_Lee85: So True.. Happy Friday Tweeps
@DerrickMTV: The @ChallengeMTV “UNIVERSE” is EXPLODING this wk and it’s all over the NEW PODCAST!!Today’s Guest is #ChampsVsStars Finalist,@UFC Fighter-@karatehottiemma-FIGHTING Free @UFCONFOX Saturday Night 8PM ET! @SHOTOFYAGER co-hosts 🏝 P.S.-Enter @ExOnTheBeach 😉 https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/challenge-mania/id1204429149?mt=2 …
@blacuesta: "@Cosmopolitan: Khloé Kardashian Has Reportedly Forgiven Tristan Thompson and Blames His "Stupid Groupies" for Cheating http://csmo.us/IcoGkUM " RT Tell me it’s a lie sis
@ChallengeMTV: Can Kailah silence the haters and win a Final!? Find out THIS TUESDAY at 9/8c on part 2 of #TheChallengeVendettas Reunion! 🏆 http://on.mtv.com/2v7mrMo
- @kailah_casillas: @ChallengeMTV Hey haters, guess where I’m at? 😏😏 oh ya, about to take home some $ 😜
@iammikeyp: Has anyone seen the movie “The Lovely Bones” ? @kailah_casillas and i are watching it and it’s just a fucked up movie. I wanna kill the character “Mr Harvey” 👊🏼😠
- @kailah_casillas: @iammikeyp YOUR IDEA AND IM SAD NOW. Wtf.
@kailah_casillas: I’ve been out of the house for like 5 mins today and already seen so much weird activity. Happy Friday the 13th.
@AndyHerren Andy Herren/Big Brother: Very few things in life make me mad. Congratulations, producers of The Challenge on MTV! By stretching the finale out over the course of A FULL MONTH, you’ve done the unthinkable! You’ve irked me! Nice work! Also whoever thinks a 4-week finale is a good idea should be fired.
@NataliaNegrotti: 🌹✨
@ChallengeMTV: An all new season of #ChampsVsStars premieres THIS TUESDAY after #TheChallengeVendettas Finale starting at 9/8c, and we're so f*cking excited 🙊
@ave_tress: I was so up in the air about going back to Hooters and I got a lot of crap about it. I still have a "real job" and this is my fun job. I feel so blessed to work for a company that supports and encourages women. Thank you to my amazing friends & Thank you @Hooters @hootersarizona
@TheMarkLong: Did you guys know i actually was in the @mtv #RoadRuled original pilot Read all about it in last week’s #EntertainmentWeekly #Godfather @ChallengeMTV @EW
@ChallengeMTV: ATTENTION: Place your bids in our charity auction for your chance to own a piece of Challenge history! All proceeds benefit @BeBrightPink in honor of Diem Brown 💞 Link: http://ebay.to/2rDDwfl
@kailah_casillas: "@MrChrisByrd: @kailah_casillas I didn’t know Farrah Abraham was on the challenge." RT Haaa well, unlike her I’ve never had plastic surgery and I beat teen pregnancy but... I’ll take that Farrah money though, so say what you want 😏
@JennaCompono: Loyalty comes with crazy .. but I’d take that any day 💑
@kailah_casillas: I know we already talked about how I really want FaceTime voicemails... but I really need it rn to tell @Bruce_Lee85 that he’s a bitch.
- @Bruce_Lee85: @kailah_casillas This is true .. I am 🤣🤣
@kailah_casillas: Woah guys I was joking. He called my boyfriend and then I called him twice and he didn’t answer. I meant he was a bitch for ignoring me. Love him @Bruce_Lee85
- @Bruce_Lee85: @kailah_casillas That’s cause he’s the man 🤷🏽♂️🤣
@kailah_casillas: I need a mute button on instagram so bad.
@ImSarahRice: You’ll love this 15 Minutes of Blame w/ @Marie_TBD. She talks about that battle w/ @kailah_casillas, whether she’s coming back, & who she crushed in the #vendettas house. http://Patreon.com/BrainCandy
@CHEYnotShy: MOOD // what you say?
@WestonBergmann: There is no rest for me in this world. Perhaps in the next.
@ChallengeMTV: Want to see more shocking Challenge moments like this one? Then watch the second part of #TheChallengeVendettas THIS TUESDAY at 9/8c, and find out who the first individual winner in Challenge history is! 😱 http://on.mtv.com/2v7mrMo
- @n_zanattaMTV: @ChallengeMTV Oh gosh I think it comes to a end on Tuesday! Don’t miss it 🤣
- @MTVBananas: @ChallengeMTV All the girls love me. #BananaCam @ChallengeMTV
@MTVBananas: Starting the weekend off right because Saturdays are for the boys! @barstoolsports #BananasDoingThings #SaturdaysAreForTheBoys
@JennaCompono: "@BritniNicol: @JennaCompono @ExtensionsbyTor @Rogue_Contour So no go see?" RT No way, the movie barely had any talking.. all you could hear was my hand going in and out of the candy bag, distracting the entire movie theater lmao
@ChallengeMTV: Derrick is ready to FIGHT Jordan over Cara's reputation at The Reunion, THIS TUESDAY at 9/8c! 👊💥 #TheChallengeVendettas
- @SHOTOFYAGER: @ChallengeMTV 🚨Wow, @DerrickMTV teased that something like this might be going down on the last #ChallengeMania podcast but man, way to stick up for @CaraMariaMTV, D! Hard not to be rooting for her now, after that. Talk about @ChallengeMTV MANIA!🤬#TheChallengeVendettas #VendettasReunion 🍿
- @kailah_casillas: @ChallengeMTV here we go.
@JustJem24: "@joylinn_: Is that @JustJem24 saying shes earned it ? Cause she is right !! #TheChallengeVendettas" RT That’s exactly what I said. I’m over here just adjusting @CaraMariaMTV crown... 💋
@WestonBergmann: If you’re not proud of your city, leave. Ya feel me? @ Kansas City, Missouri https://www.instagram.com/p/Bhj9tUyFYoV/
@ChallengeMTV: So THAT'S how Cara got her chinstrap! 😂 Don't miss even MORE unseen footage like this on part 2 of #TheChallengeVendettas Reunion, Tuesday at 9/8c! 👀 http://on.mtv.com/2v7mrMo
@JennaCompono: Seeing Nany in 2 weeks.. this should be fun 😂💕 #soulsisters
@CSUGradAkirk: @RealityRadioPod @Jonnyboyy10 she wants to be the Cara we know in love from Fresh Meat 2 to Free Agents before she won a challenge but we saw how much of a "keyboard warrior" she needs to own her shit I think if she does that maybe I'll go back to liking her the way I did before
- @Jonnyboyy10: @CSUGradAkirk @RealityRadioPod I don’t think she’s talkin about entitlement because she IS entitled because she’s been there the longest out of the majority of girls besides V but V took an absence and she’s done somethin on the show. Cara imo doesn’t walk around like she’s better than everyone. I don’t see it
@kailah_casillas: I heard @PostMalone was horrible at #Coachella2018.... which makes me sad bc I love him 😫😫😫😫😫
@_ayiiia: the way beyonce looks at jay, forgiveness. that's love man. forgive the fucks and love each other through your mistakes. ✨
@_ayiiia: i just took a bunch of naked pictures of myself after watching @beyonce ’s set. she made me feel so beautiful and empowered 🙌🏽 #weruntheworld
@JazMTV: So I just watched Beyoncé’s performance at Coachella last night ... excuse me BeyChella!!! She slayed that, felt like I was watching a HBCU homecoming at TSU!! #beychella2018
@DeenaNicoleMTV: So Destiny’s Child needs to do a reunion tour ! Like tomorrow!
@TripleBeees: Beyoncé and the greatness that is her thighs..... praise Yahweh
@WestonBergmann: Every Instagram model in the world is within ten miles of each other right now #Coachella
@cbmcnary: Not feeling like my best form this Coachella Sunday morning 🤦🏽♂️. Send help!
@blacuesta: I want everyone who gets tables at clubs to understand something. Your table MINIMUM is NOT going to be your TOTAL at the end of the night. Your total will be your minimum plus tax and gratuity. Also always tip your bottle server. Don’t be an asshole.
@blacuesta: Y’all really out here dedicating the same song to different people and that’s why I have trust issues.
@ChallengeMTV: You had me at "lube." 👀💦 Check out this sneak peek from the season premiere of #ChampsVsStars, on THIS TUESDAY after #TheChallengeVendettas Finale at 9/8c! 🙌
- @kailah_casillas: @ChallengeMTV Hahahah soooo much fun 😂👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
- @n_zanattaMTV: @kailah_casillas Love this lmao CT’s a boss 🤗 @kailah_casillas I see you though one step up two steps down 🤣 you should be a pro with lube we had it on so many challenges! 🙄
- @kailah_casillas: @n_zanattaMTV Hahahah right. I think production bought lube for half price or something and now just cover everything in it 😂
- @carissamiche11e: @ChallengeMTV CT is (and always will be) life 😍 #ChampsVsStars
@n_zanattaMTV: There are two different types of people in the world, the ones that go for it and the ones that wish they did.
@v_cakes: What is going on here!?! I’m blushing & honored that I’ve received the most bids & am currently tied with @CaraMariaMTV in raising the most $ towards @BeBrightPink in honor of our #1 gal, @DiemBrownMTV. Keep placing those bids!!!
@JordanW_usa: UGHHH I’m so sorry @CaraMariaMTV I know we talked but damn it I’m an idiot.
@WestonBergmann: New show airs Tuesday! #champsvsstars @ Marina del Rey, California https://www.instagram.com/p/BhmVHGtlh8x/
@ChallengeMTV: ANOTHER NOTE has surfaced, and this one suggests that Kyle tried to fool around on the side while he was with Cara 😱 Find out if this note is fact or fiction on part 2 of #TheChallengeVendettas Reunion, THIS TUESDAY at 9/8c! 🕵
- @iamtheophi: @ChallengeMTV Don’t nobody make moves on my woman @SylviaMTV 😒😡
@BritniNicol: Last day of being 26😈🤗 #Aries #letsgoletsgo
@ChallengeMTV: Cara and Nicole's beef didn't end with The Final... ☕️ Don't miss #TheChallengeVendettas Finale, THIS TUESDAY at 9/8c! 🏆
@JustJem24: Why ain’t nobody tell me @kanebrown was fine AF. I just fell off the couch when he walked onto the stage #CMAawards
@kailah_casillas: "@totheoceans: @kailah_casillas I feel bad that she’s an introvert and doesn’t have many girls on her side for support. Everyone just wants to beat her in their confessionals instead of make friends. It seems like people are first intimidated by her?" RT An introvert, ya that’s the reason.
@JennaCompono: She was a wild one; always stomping on eggshells that everyone else tip-toed on.
@MarcToddd: Idc how thug any dude is. When Cardi B’s album plays in the club, even my ass is taking snapchats while sipping my drink🤷🏽♂️ #CardiBRules #justsayin
@KaramoBrown: Me photo bombing @antoni and @NevSchulman’s photo earlier tonight! Lol Antoni was sooooo over me for about 1 min after this lol 😂😂😂😂😂 Btw: Nev and his wife Laura are the sweetest people ever!
@kailah_casillas: I don’t get starstruck but... 5 feet away is @jtimberlake & @JessicaBiel 😱 I can’t
@ChallengeMTV: Happy birthday, Queen 🔥 @BritniNicol
- @BritniNicol: @ChallengeMTV Thanks fam!!!😍😍 love you guys to Uranus and BACK!!!😈😍😍😘😘😘
@blacuesta: Happy birthday to the queen of my life @BritniNicol ! I love you & admire you for being a confident, fun loving, genuine woman who struts through life effortlessly. You are everything. I’d go to battle for you & will forever be a hand to hold whenever you need me. #queen #sister
- @BritniNicol: @blacuesta I love you w my whole heart baby. Thank you SOO much for this! You mean the world to me🖤 stay perfect my heart🖤😘😘😘
@JustJem24: Happy birthday to one of my favorite people ever.. @BritniNicol. I 💜 you mermaid girl 🧜🏼♀️
@BritniNicol: "@FamousBirthdays: @BritniNicol Wishing you a fantastic and special Birthday!" RT Thanks babessss😍😍😍😘😘😘
@ItsAll_AboutTee: Happy birthday me love you so much 💕 @BritniNicol
- @BritniNicol: @ItsAll_AboutTee These make me so happy☺️☺️ I love you to the moon & back my girl🖤🖤
@BritniNicol: @JennaCompono YAS, Queen 👑👑
- @JennaCompono: @BritniNicol 👑👑👑💕
@v_cakes: Happy birthday baby girl @BritniNicol! Wishing you the best today & every day!
- @BritniNicol: @v_cakes Thanks sis!!! Love you always🖤
@BritniNicol: "@Clarence_Pryor: @tjlavin @MTVBananas @MTVDevinWalker @KyleCGShore @Marie_TBD @JustJem24 @BritniNicol @BradFiorenza @hbarfield13 @loveistheammo @Bruce_Lee85 @t_raines33 @TheShaneRaines TODAY'…" RT HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABY!!!@ChallengeMTV: Everybody knows about Bananas and Kayleigh, but new footage has emerged and it suggests Bananas may have hooked up with another Brit!? Get the inside scoop, TOMORROW at 9/8c on part 2 of #TheChallengeVendettas Reunion! ☕️
@ChallengeMTV: Leroy was ready to throw down at part 1 of #TheChallengeVendettas Reunion, but Tony had a brilliant plan to defend himself 👓😂 http://on.mtv.com/2v7mrMo
- @KendalSheppard: @ChallengeMTV The true stars of this clip are Veronica's girls. Holy wow. Her body knows no gravity. 😍😇
@emilylongeretta: This @ChallengeMTV reunion sneak peak is 🔥. Did @MTVBananas & @DJMelReeves hook up after #TheChallengeVendettas?
@usweekly: .@MTVBananas & @DJMelReeves got pretty close after being sent home from #TheChallengeVendettas. Exclusive reunion sneak peek:
@Viacom: Who will reign supreme? @ChampsVsStars will bring 10 champs from past seasons and 10 celebrity athletes and entertainers head to head to compete for their favorite charities. Watch @HennessyCB from @LoveHipHopVH1 on April 17th 10/9c on @MTV. #ChampsVsStars
@JazMTV: Good morning!! It’s #MarathonMonday Good luck to all the runners!! @ImperatorTruth and I hope to be able to run the Boston marathon next year!!
@BritniNicol: Good bye mercury retrograde!!!! You’ve fucked w my mojo ENOUGH 😂👋🏼
@ChallengeRewind: Production is not showing us something regarding Cara’s personality (like how they hid John’s cheating and Camila’s racism). Jordan’s reaction this reunion, Laurel’s reaction during the Invasion reunion, plus many reactions in the past... something is up. 🧐
- @BRlTNI: @ChallengeRewind it’s literally jealousy. we all know jordan has a hard on for cara & can’t keep her name out of his mouth. laurel doesn’t like cara bc cara doesn’t take her shit anymore. interesting that when all these people were cool w/ cara they never said anything about her acting entitled
- @BRlTNI: @chalchitchat cara explained the reason her & laurel stopped being friends & it had nothing to do with that. if cara has entitled moments they would show them to back up what everyone’s saying. caras not one of productions faves. they have no problem throwing her under the bus
- @LostMarbles88: @TheChallengeSim @BRlTNI @chalchitchat Yeah, during free agents they came in very close friends and once Cara stood up for herself and called Laurel a bad friend their friendship ended and then they were okay but not close and now they are literally nothing Laurel likes to be the top dog she has said herself
- @actualgreatest: @TheChallengeSim @BRlTNI @chalchitchat Lol anyone who doesn't believe this, it's true. Laurel literally said she has issues when she can't be the top dog of a relationship.
@ChallengeMTV: "I definitely do not want to go against her..." 🙊 #ChampsVsStars
@ChallengeMTV: Shane is picking a fight with Hulk Hogan's daughter in the very first challenge! Let's see how this works out for him... Tune into @MTV TOMORROW at 9/8c to watch the season finale of #TheChallengeVendettas, followed by the premiere of #ChampsVsStars! 👏
- @MizzHogan: @ChallengeMTV This is so funny, I’m dyin’ laughin’. I can’t WAIT to watch tomorrow!
@JazMTV: Everyone on social media was supporting the hell out Khloé Kardashian for Tristan cheating but she goes and names the baby True
@SHOTOFYAGER: On Tomorrow’s #ChallengeMania @DerrickMTV & I reveal our 2nd Special Guest joining @TheMarkLong on stage @CarolinesonBway for http://ChallengeMania.Live NYC🗽on Sat. June 2nd & that person will join us ON THE PODCAST to make the announcement! Tune in to find out. Tix are going fast!
@mikethemiz: I’m hosting the season finale of #TheChallengeVendettas, YES, we will have a winner AND then the… https://www.instagram.com/p/BhpbCXLHDFX/
@JennaCompono: "@KendalSheppard: @JennaCompono can relate 💟💟 https://twitter.com/PopularPups/status/985359835389710337 …" RT Oh my goodness! So cute! And it’s a really amazing machine for not being able to walk for so long! I love that they have puppy ones!
@JustJem24: True Thompson is what they named that baby??
@WestonBergmann: So did all the Starbucks in California shut down for three days because all their basic customers were at a music festival? #coachella
@JennaCompono: Defend each other in public.. correct each other in private 👸🏼🤴🏻
@ChallengeMTV: When it comes to smack talk, Devin may have finally met his match in Hennessy 👏 Tune into the season premiere of #ChampsVsStars, TOMORROW after #TheChallengeVendettas Finale at 9/8c!
@AbramBoise: I’ll be doing a podcast with @derrickmtv coming up, and will be giving away 4 of my old MTV… https://www.instagram.com/p/BhpGGXIHMJP/
- @ThatCoral: @AbramBoise @DerrickMTV Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do...
@mikethemiz: This hype up video I shot for the @cavs just made its debut at the playoff game tonight. I’m honored and humbled to be able to show my support for a team who has brought me so much joy through the years. This is where the hard work pays off. Protect #TheLand #WhateverItTakes
@MizzHogan: Make sure to catch an all new Champs vs Stars on @MTV TOMORROW at 10pm/9c Thick thighs be killin’ em! #SorryImNotSorry @challengemtv https://ift.tt/2IXbH5C
@MizzHogan: Who’s kicking butt and taking names this Monday?! I am! 🙋🏼♀️ .. NEW MUSIC on iTunes! “So Many Summers” (link in bio) .. @MTV ‘s Champs vs Stars airs TOMORROW @ 10pm/9c https://ift.tt/2Hpd2Vt
@smFISHMAN: Check out my candid interview with @MizzHogan about why she decided to join @ChallengeMTV and other hot topics: https://www.tvinsider.com/681918/brooke-hogan-interview-the-challenge-champs-vs-stars-mtv/ … #ChampsvsStars
@BEAUcasperSMART: It’s going DOWN tmrw!!!! 🔥🔥🔥 Check me out on @ChallengeMTV's Champs vs. Stars! I10/9c on @MTV starting Tuesday, April 17! #ChampsVsStars #letsgo
@WestonBergmann: This is both literal and figurative imagery to describe all the feels @MTVDevinWalker and I had… https://www.instagram.com/p/BhplvPwFSD1/
@actualgreatest: Some of y'all need to remember that ChampsVsStars is for CHAIRTY. Obviously the name is annoying but at the end of the day who actually cares as long as money is raised for good reasons and to help the many different people in our country who need it.
@v_cakes: "@Rockies: 5 @MLB seasons. 5 Gold Gloves. 3 All-Stars. 3 Silver Sluggers. 3 Wilson Defensive Player of the Year Awards. 1 Platinum Glove.…" RT Happy bday to my cuz! We need him on Champs vs Pros @ChallengeMTV
- @SHOTOFYAGER: @v_cakes @ChallengeMTV No way! Is Nolan Arenado really your cousin?! He’s one of my favorite baseball players & one of the best 5-10 players in the world.😲(PS: somewhere there is someone asking him “Veronica Portillo is your cousin?!”)
►COUNTDOWN TO #NationalExDay
@ExOnTheBeach: This sh*t is about to be CRAZY. 6 days. Get ready.
- @imdroc15: @ExOnTheBeach FACTS!!!!!!! 💯💯💯 #AndYouKnowThat
- @MTVCoryWharton: @ExOnTheBeach @ChallengeMTV Lol little do they know I almost drowned, but we got the shot 🙌🏽😂
- @ExOnTheBeach: @ChallengeMTV @MTVCoryWharton THAT WATER EXIT THO 😍😰😰😍
@princeofnorway: "@oddscorpio396: @princeofnorway is ex on the beach why you had that one way ticket to Hawaii after AYTO? 🤔" RT Nah I’m just spontaneous and irresponsible. They had a flight for me home but once I got to the airport I thought Maui sounded better ☀️ 🤸🏼♂️
@angelababicz: Pulling up on your ex with your new upgrade like @ExOnTheBeach
@princeofnorway: It’s going to be the boston tea party when I show up these teasers are cracking me up 😅 #exonthebeach
@ExOnTheBeach: I meaaaaaan just give me some pizza and we should be good. 🍕💛 #ExOnTheBeach What's Your Ideal Date? #ExOnTheBeach premieres in 6 DAYS on MTV!
@TayloriasSecret: Already trying to act big and bold on social media 😴 we see you, we don’t care
@MTVCoryWharton: @JennaCompono Wow Jenna that’s deep 🙄
- @JennaCompono: @MTVCoryWharton Better than your print out of quotes.. “weed is great” “weed is good” “don’t worry, be happy” the sad thing is ppl think I’m joking, no you really printed those quotes out and brought it with you on dirty 30 😂
@RomeoMiller: The only way to do Coachella! My fave tee and my fave goodies. Selena Forever. #Coachella2018
@BionicBrooks_: When you get put in a volatile situation and you fed up with everyone’s 💩@ExOnTheBeach #ExOnTheBeach
@ExOnTheBeach: went too hard last night? here...you must be thirsty 😅
- @imdroc15: @ExOnTheBeach 😏💦
@princeofnorway: Finally seeing @LilTunechi live and it’s in a warehouse in the desert 🌵
@MtvNateSiebs: My gf hates when I eat snacks in bed bc she claims I eat like a child🙄 but last night I had the munchies man. So i grabbed some fruit snacks and ate that shit quiet af. Woke up with that shit smeared all over the bed, she bout to be so pissed.. I’m lettin her sleep in today😬
@ExOnTheBeach: ~WEEKEND VIBES~ Shake It! Get ready for some fun when #ExOnTheBeach premieres in 5 DAYS on MTV!
@CSUGradAkirk: watched the #Exonthebeach preview show IMO this is a mess show but I have a feeling that fans who gripe of AYTO being on the challenge will actually watch this show as opposed to AYTO along with having a BGC Bachelor BB among others on the show I think this new show will do ratings wise and maybe it'll be the new real world who knows #Exonthebeach
@ExOnTheBeach: me @ all the f*ckboys..
@MTVMorganSt: Just set the betting line for # of hook-ups night 1 on @ExOnTheBeach this Thursday on @Mtv. It’s 2. Who’s got the over, who’s got the under?? ( #fingerscrossed for the over ) Thoughts @shandathapanda @camkobo @MTVCoryWharton @RomeoMiller @AREUTHE1 ?
@MTVCoryWharton: When you make each other laugh 😂
@BionicBrooks_: I’m in heaven right now. @NBA playoffs and @ExOnTheBeach, we don’t need deserve this much entertainment! 🙌🏿
@whaattaafoxx: My girl crush is Shanley like I can’t even express the lesbian vibes I get 💕 @shandathapanda
- @shandathapanda: @whaattaafoxx I LUB U
@_hannahrathbun: Coachella in my eyes: you know that annoying bitchy girl you hate? Yeah there’s 50,000 of her and they’re all wearing nipple pasties and see through pants on Molly spilling their drinks on you screaming the wrong words to post Malone in your ear #Coachella18
@tylerobrienn: Pay attention when someone tells you about the things their ex used to accuse them of or be suspicious of.. they may not have been wrong
@ExOnTheBeach: live-footage of me trying to convince myself I didn't send all those texts last night...
@giannahammer: When Hayden wins one game in the playoffs finally and starts getting cocky with my family
@blacuesta: What are your thoughts on threesomes
@blacuesta: The best thing I’ve ever done was throw away my expectations of what age I need to have things done. What age I need to get married or have kids etc
My time for these things will come when it comes.
@ExOnTheBeach: OH 🔥 HOT 🔥 DAMN 🔥...3 DAYS until the wild begins! #ExOnTheBeach
#ExOnTheBeach premieres THIS THURSDAY at 9/8c on MTV!
@ExOnTheBeach: If the cast had to pick, what would it be — single or a relationship??? Single vs. Relationship #ExOnTheBeach premieres in 3 DAYS on MTV!!!
- @angelababicz: @ExOnTheBeach More like guaranteed migraines
@princeofnorway: Survived our first Coachella @marcodelvec. For sure bringing walkie talkies next time
@princeofnorway: I promise you that who you know is more important than what you know
@TayloriasSecret: She said she’s gonna try me how come I ain’t seen it yet
@TayloriasSecret: I know what Gianna and Hayden’s baby is already 😛
@angelababicz: Apology not accepted 🤬😤 @ExOnTheBeach
@giannahammer: My lil skater boy 💙 @HaydenPWeaver
- @AliviaHuntxr: @giannahammer SCREAMMIINNGGG AHHHH!!! So happy for you 💕
@HaydenPWeaver: Our little BOY will be ready to steal hearts starting this August 💙 @giannahammer and I cannot wait to meet you little guy #MiniMe #DaddysBoy
@angelababicz: 3 days until the series premiere of @ExOnTheBeach! Pick a side...
@angelababicz: When you’re trying to enjoy a beach day with your man and your boyfriend shows up 🙄
@TayloriasSecret: @giannahammer @ExOnTheBeach I was probably fighting somewhere
@Viacom: #ExOnTheBeach: A complicated web of hookups, deceit, revenge & drama unfolds as couples decide if their love can be reignited, or if the flame of romance is gone for good. Let the drama begin this Thursday on @MTV.
@audreydiazz: Some people have no sense of reality it’s honestly sad. Makes me want to thank my parents for raising me the way that they did
@princeofnorway: I’d rather be disliked for being myself than be liked for being someone I’m not
@blacuesta: “Why dont u let anyone in? What are u scared of?” In the past I have given people all. of. me. Just to watch them look me in the eyes & rip my heart out. I’m scared of wasting my time w people who will swear up and down that their intentions are good only to let me down, again.
@blacuesta: “How can you cut people out of your life so effortlessly?” Bc I have given these people chance after chance and they treat their chances as if they’ll get a lifetime supply. Know that they were given many opportunities to stay. They walked out and all I did was close the door.
▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪
It's a packed week with plenty of drama in the studio, on the beach and in the islands. A Double Shot of the Pulse is ahead.
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