*** Advisory: DC SocialPulse contains adult language, objectionable content & spoilers for some readers. Viewer Discretion is Advised. Due to its length, take frequent eye breaks if you're reading this top to bottom. ***
Along with this being the Thanksgiving holiday, this is a big Saturday in college football as Ohio State vs. Michigan, Alabama vs. Auburn, Florida vs. Florida St. and other rivalry games dominate the last week of the regular season before conference championships and the traditional battle between Army and Navy. And the regular season is coming to an end for the teams representing the United States and Great Britain as it's now crunch time on The Challenge, as War of the Worlds 2 is knocking on the door of the final that will determine who wins the lions' share of $1 million.
Last week marked the start of the serious business as TJ Lavin dropped a Teej-bomb on the remaining players with a Purge: a paired swimming & puzzle challenge determined which guy & girl would see their hope of joining the multi-day dash for the cash vanish... and in the end it was Kayleigh and Joss who swam the slowest cumulative time and decimated an already crippled British side. Team USA won that challenge and once again the Brits threw in their male turncoat, Jordan, to face Josh in, what turned out to be, our last trip to the Proving Ground, and the 2-time champ's clever strategy in that tug of war gave him another elimination win.
The field for the men is now set in Leroy, Paulie & Zach for Team USA, and CT, Jordan & Rogan for the Brits... and this week, it's the ladies' turn to see who will be joining them for the chase to the jackpot. And once again, water plays a role as the season's last regular challenge will determine who will have the edge going to the marathon for the cash, and who will have to earn their way to the start line for the million. One of the men already in may play a role in the outcome of this last daily, and whoever gets thrown in will have a treacherous super elimination and a mini-final to contest the last ticket to the chocolate factory.
After the jump, it's Semifinal Week on War of the Worlds 2 as we bring you the Pulse of The Challenge, plus everyone's favorite mama becomes a kid again. Thanks for joining us...
@ChallengeMTV: *walking into my high school reunion now that I've outgrown my awkward phase* #TheChallenge34
@TheAllanAguirre: Challenge War of the Worlds: What if the Vets picked their partners?
- @TheAllanAguirre: This was the hardest articles I've ever written. I broke down how War of the Worlds 1 would have gone if the Vets pick their partners. Find out how your favorite would have done with a different partner. I accounted for challenges, eliminations, nominations, and call outs.
@Giannis_An34: "@mariahdanae15: Sooooooo..... @ChallengeMTV can you please please please create a challenge based on the strongest competitors and not all of these politics and alliances! I truly want to see who the actual strong competitors are! 💪🏽" RT 💯
@people: #TheChallenge34 Star @Ninja_Natalie Reminds Cast Mates They 'Aren't Here to Fall in Love, They're Here to Win $1M' #RealityCheck
@mikethemiz: We going old school to my RW/ RR Challenge days. Gotta love the support in Chi-town. wweonfox #Smackdown @ Allstate Arena https://instagram.com/p/B5Me3YcJxaN/?igshid=h0u64urej157
@SeanALineker: So proud of my girl @theogbig_t and everyone at the launch of @get_pulped absolutely smashed it! 💙 #getpulped #pulpedparty
@SeanALineker: Final photo from the @get_pulped launch event 🙌🏼📷
@ChallengeMTV: Love was in the air this season with not one, not two, but THREE power couples still crushing it in the game! 💕 #TheChallenge34
@RobertLeeJr: Got to meet the God Father of the challenge finally @TheMarkLong let’s go! @ChallengeMTV #challengemania
@brosenquist4: This happened today. This pregnant girl was in heaven 😍 @DerrickMTV @TheMarkLong @BradFiorenza @SHOTOFYAGER #ChallengeManiaLIVE
@RealTeamFight: When you come across a few @ChallengeMTV #Legends @BradFiorenza
@TheMarkLong an ole friend @DerrickMTV and a random #Dad on his knees I present to you #ChallengeMania thanks for signing my sons #BrainTumor #Survivor shirt boys! #Respect #TeamFight
@PaulB1176: #ChallengeMania Chicago definitely ranked up there with the best. These gentlemen helped pave the way for the show we all love today. It was a pleasure meeting OGs in my age bracket. @DerrickMTV @TheMarkLong @BradFiorenza ghost Jamie Murray
@iamkamiam_: Just had the CRAZIEST day ever with @angelababicz wtf 😂 was not expecting ANY of this
@angelababicz: Went from telling @iamkamiam_ to fix her wig to having to fix mine 😂🤣 the karma I’ve been served!!! Wheww
@ChallengeMTV: Me when Cameron Diaz finally cries during The Holiday. #TheChallenge34
@DayDaVonne_: I hope it was by someone from Big Brother 😌
@jossie_flores: Yo y’all about to be so mad!! 😂 Big brother done took over the full house 👀 🔥🔥🔥
@nillythesquid: Ok I’ll say it, @angelababicz and @iamkamiam_ is the friendship we never knew we needed. I’m living for yalls Instagrams stories right now! Queens
- @iamkamiam_: @nillythesquid SIS just wait for the tea 💀
@joss_mooney: I need to get away.
@Kmorrisx: someone once told me that “anyone can paint whatever photo of you that they want”. you could’ve lost your phone but the story they tell is you ignored their call. we cannot control anyone’s perspective. we can’t control the stories they share. let it go. u know your heart.
@RobertLeeJr: #ChallengeManiaLIVE @DerrickMTV @SHOTOFYAGER @BradFiorenza @TheMarkLong Thank you.
@ChallengeMTV: It’s the most intense elimination of the season when this tug-of-war style elimination become a battle of brawns vs brains! 💪 #TheChallenge34
- @mtvrrdarrell: @ChallengeMTV Ain’t going to lie my back hurts just from watching this
@BradFiorenza: How about @mtvrrdarrell , @DerrickMTV , & myself take out the entire cast. We don’t run and hide from eliminations 💯% Name a better 3 pack? I’ll wait 🤔 We actually we’re the challenge b4 we gave it to @johnnybananas
- @ZNichols15: @BradFiorenza Me, @tonyraines @jordan_wiseley. Love you Brad.
@tori_deal: Don’t be pretty like her. Be pretty like you.
@ChallengeMTV: Remember when these two elimination LEGENDS went head-to-head? Rewatch Free Agents and other classic seasons of The Challenge FREE on @PlutoTV! http://bit.ly/2920FB
@JustJem24: Y’all I had an Aneesa dream. Prayer circle for our girl...
- @JustJem24: Also. Im not saying it was a bad dream.. I am interpreting it as a good dream to speak positive things into the universe but just send good vibes to our girl🌙🌈🔮
@JustJem24: Starting to think my Aneesa dream was a good sign 🔮🌙🌈💜
@JustJem24: I’m going to say this & be done: The Kailah situation hasnt even aired yet I can’t speak on something that hasnt aired. Paulie/Cara situation: 1.Had aired 2. Was made VERY public by them 3. Danielle did an article about it & then Cara did a whole different article with Danielle
@JustJem24: & if yall think for a minute when whatever happened airs I’m not gonna comment & then recap it on #JemmyeExplainsItAll yall truly dont know me.. All I’ve been saying the past few days is Im not comment on my friend’s business on Twitter when the whole story isn’t out yet. The end
@BigTymers228: Me Meeting MTV Personality Zoe Pugh zoein_wonderland Of The MTV Show Are You The One Season 6 #ZoePugh #Beautiful #Youthful #Model #Funsized #FunsizedGirls #FunsizedGirlsAreSexy #FunsizedBeauty #MTV #AreYouTheOne… https://instagram.com/p/B5Qrmo0gjY6/?igshid=7xvv2b073phu
@BigTymers228: Me Meeting MTV Personality Nicole Spiller @nicole_spiller Of The MTV Show Are You The One Season 6 #NicoleAmber #NicoleSpiller #Beautiful #Youthful #Model #MTV #AreYouTheOne #AYTO #AreUThe1 #AreYouTheOneSeason6… https://instagram.com/p/B5Qr0qPg1Oz/?igshid=e98kthbry6f1
@BigTymers228: Me Meeting CBS Personality/Islander/Love Island Contestant Emily Salch @emily_salch Of Love Island Season 1 #EmilySalch #Beautiful #Youthful #Model #CBS #LoveIsland #GameDayTailGateExperience @ Edison ParkFast https://instagram.com/p/B5QsBPfgFvs/?igshid=1j5vrrgy0o1ey
@BigTymers228: A Group Shot Of Me & TV Personalities Zoe Pugh zoein_wonderland , Nicole Spiller @nicole_spiller Of The MTV Show Are You The One Season 6 & Emily Salch @emily_salch Of Love Island Season 1 #ZoePugh #NicoleAmber… https://instagram.com/p/B5QsZT9Azog/?igshid=m8ck4c7nys2h
@ChallengeMTV: Me when I go for seconds during Thanksgiving Dinner before everyone has finished their first serving. #TheChallenge34
@n_zanattaMTV: Black and white and some gray ❤️
@joss_mooney: It’s all Gucciiii baby...😝👌🏼
@Kmorrisx: I love my true friends ♥️
@JustJem24: I’ll forever be the biggest @taylorswift13 stan.. #TaylorOnAMAs
@JustJem24: Hi! Did I mention I stan @taylorswift13 for life... #TaylorOnAMAs
@JustJem24: Also I’ve been a @ShaniaTwain stan since 1995 and this bitch is the same level of bad bitch #ShaniaAMAs
@TheMarkLong: Great time in #Chicago for #ChallengeMania w/ @DerrickMTV @BradFiorenza @SHOTOFYAGER and Jamie👻#HallOfFame #Godfather #ChampChamp #HOFer
- @NotoriousSammyC Congratulations to one of the greatest challengers of all time🐐 The Tony Stark of @ChallengeMTV (the one who started it all)
@SHOTOFYAGER: Gonna tell my kids this was the nWo. Thanks for the hospitality at #Smackdown tonight, @MikeTheMiz! #ChallengeMania #Awesome
@lashtweets: Very late to the party but this past ep of #thechallenge was the best of the season. A much needed reminder of why I watch the show
@ChallengeMTV: Team USA has dominated all season but Team UK is lean well oiled machine. Who will pull out a win in the last Challenge before the final?! Find out on The Challenge: War of The Worlds 2 TOMORROW at 9/8c on @mtv! #TheChallenge34
@JustJem24: Hey babes! Tomorrow is the 5th anniversary of knights passing so I made a video talking about him & sharing some of my favorite memories! Make sure you’re subscribed to my channel(link in bio) bc I’ll be dropping the video tomorrow 💜💚
@turabicamkiran: Yarın görüşürüz.
@turabicamkiran: ⚜️Aksiyon Çekimleri İçin Silah ve Atış Eğitimi.⚜️(Eğitim güvenli alanda ve güvenli ekipmanlar eşliğinde yapılmıştır.) -Bu işin ustası Mehmet Behmen ‘e desteğinden dolayı Teşekkür ederim. #TurboTurabi #TurboTurabiTeam #Gun #Silah #Army #Taktikal #SelfDefense
@Kmorrisx: Random Wild weekend .....
@tonyraines: Anybody with some editing skills out there?! I need a video or picture montage of some challenge highlights and lowlights of me on the show. The best one will be featured on my Instagram and Twitter! Let’s see what ya got! Send the video via DM, thanks!
@TheAllanAguirre: 10 of the Worst Individual Seasons in Challenge History https://t.co/o9ytJrSaO5?amp=1
- @TheAllanAguirre: Joss committed himself to the Cara Cult, but got none of the benefits that other alliance members had. He didn't get to avoid eliminations and was the one getting blood on his hands. That's an all-time bad season. I wrote about 10 of the worst experiences in Challenge history.
- @TheAllanAguirre: * Sarah getting the money stolen from / * Jonna's being verbally abused by Zach / * Derrick getting cheated on in the same season he was on. / * Devin losing his dad, then getting DQ'd because of Cory. / There were some of the worst? Which should have been on the list?
@JennaCompono: She dressed herself in confidence everyday, and refused to wear anybody else’s insecurities 🖤
- @ZNichols15: @JennaCompono 😍
@SHOTOFYAGER: 🚨NEW PODCAST UP!🚨 @georgiaharisonx returns to #ChallengeMania to discuss #TheChallenge34, blindsides, her Dec. MMA fight, her @ChallengeMTV future & MORE! Great to finally get a chance to speak w/ her on everything that’s gone on since we last had her at http://ChallengeManiaPodcast.com
@ChallengeMTV: During this week's challenge, EVERYONE must play.Don't miss The Challenge: War of The Worlds 2 tomorrow at 9/8c on @mtv! #TheChallenge34
@ChallengeMTV: With only THREE episodes left, someone hits the end of their rope! Don't miss The Challenge: War of The Worlds 2 at 9/8c on @mtv! #TheChallenge34
- @DerrickMTV: @ChallengeMTV SUPER ELIMINATION?!!
@1stlooktv: Taco tuesday, anyone?! #1stLooktv with @JohnnyBananas is all new Saturday after SNL on NBC! @guerostacobar
- @johnnybananas: @1stlooktv Tacoooo Tuuuuueeesdaaaaaayyy 🌮
@iamkamiam_: Didn’t realize how much sushi I ate until I made a food and travel page 😩😂
@iamkamiam_: I still don’t have Disney plus 😢
@iamkamiam_: 2020 will be a major decade... all of us 90’s babies will be entering our 30’s 😅
@iamkamiam_: Always put time aside for YOURSELF
@ExOnTheBeach: .@n_zanattaMTV is bringing the same energy she had on @ChallengeMTV, to the PEAK for the love 💙 🏔 Less than TWO weeks away from #ExOnTheBeach: Peak Of Love premiering 12/5, at 9/8c on @MTV ❄️
- @n_zanattaMTV: @ExOnTheBeach You can like me if you want, hate me if you chose...maybe a little to confident, but I’m always 100% authentic and loyal to a fault 💋
@ChallengeMTV: Nicole is headed to the peak! Less than TWO weeks away from #ExOnTheBeach: Peak Of Love premiering 12/5, at 9/8c on @MTV ❄️
@n_zanattaMTV: I’m not sure if I want a coffee a tattoo or a vacation maybe all of the above.
@AREUTHE1: What's the best way to get over an EX? @ItsAll_AboutTee has the tea to help you move on to your NEXT ☕️What's the best way to see Tyranny on your TV? Watch the premiere of #ExOnTheBeach: Peak Of Love, December 5th on @MTV 🗻
@AdoreDelano: Are you ready for next week? “@ExOnTheBeach: Peak of Love” airs Thursday, December 5th on @MTV 🗻
@EW: Drag Race alum Adore Delano talks Ex on the Beach season 4: 'We have every spectrum of sexuality' https://t.co/ZD9y5cNx0g?amp=1
@AntiqueRoadTrip: When @PhilipSerrell met @georgia_steel... 🤣🙌 Tonight at 7pm on @BBCTwo.#CelebrityAntiquesRoadTrip 🏝️
@AdoreDelano: Here's the first 6 minutes of the "Ex on the Beach: Peak of Love premiere! Airing Thursday, December 5th! https://on.mtv.com/2Op97Lh via @MTV
@jossie_flores: Wow how time fly’s it feels like this was just yesterday ❤️ @angelababicz @NataliaNegrotti
- @angelababicz: @jossie_flores The night me and @iamkamiam_ almost fought who could forget .. not me
@ChallengeMTV: "I can take my glasses off cause I don't need to have them on." 👀TONIGHT on The Challenge: War of The Worlds 2 at 9/8c on @mtv! #TheChallenge34
- @PaulCalafiore_: @ChallengeMTV @MTV Best skit incorporating this line into it wins $500 to their Venmo
@ChallengeMTV: Five years ago we lost Ryan Knight. Gone but never forgotten. ❤️
@JustJem24: The man. The myth. The legend. https://t.co/GoOFpwbnUt?amp=1
- @JustJem24: Just read all the comments left on my Knight tribute video & I promise to respond to all of them very soon so thank you for y’all’s kind words💚💜. If you haven’t watched the video yet here is the link:
- @JustJem24: Also if you want to make a donation in honor of Knight here is the link to his annual memorial hockey game. @CCKnight 💙 https://t.co/DMWp1w6u4q?amp=1
- @EricBanks: @JustJem24 RIP BROTHER: I’ll never forget the phone call I received on Thanksgiving morning. 😞
- @LadyFougere: @JustJem24 V I haven’t watched yet!! Jem you know how close Knight and I were he was my brother like know other! I’ma get my jack drink & tissues ready to watch! You know I’ve told you this 100 times. Knight always said he loved you. #missingyouKNIGHT
- @LisaMarie8202: I can remember watching their story on the Real World, and then on the challenge. I cried watching this . @JustJem24 you did an amazing job creating this. Thank you for sharing your stories. Knight truly was one of the best cast members and so relatable.
- @queengarcias: there's few women i admire more than @JustJem24. her video about knight just made me bawl my eyes out. love you sis, your strenght inspires me to be better. 😭
@MTVtrey: First Thanksgiving without Mom is gonna be hard. To anyone who has ever lost a parent, I am with you.
@DerrickMTV: 2 NEW PODCASTS, 2 SEPARATE SIDES of THE WAR, ALL TYPES of CONTROVERSY!! #TheChallenge34 😈🎧 - Take a listen as @georgiaharisonx stops by #ChallengeMania and gives Me and @shotofyager an exclusive about the big… https://instagram.com/p/B5YKtvxJ8OZ/?igshid=7plcyd83iv2x
@johnnybananas: New episode of @1stlooktv this Saturday after SNL? You’ve GOAT-ta be kidding! #1stlooktv #HappyThanksgiving #SpecialGuest #WWEdivas @mikethemiz 🐐 @ Austin, Texas https://instagram.com/p/B5Y1wdfnXXE/?igshid=s9qn8rnwc8fa
@ChallengeMTV: THREE EPISODES LEFT! Who's ready?! Don't miss The Challenge: War of The Worlds 2 TONIGHT at 9/8c on @mtv! #TheChallenge34
@PaulCalafiore_: "@MerylNorych: How thankful and blessed are we to have known this fine young man. #theregional #wearehowell @PaulCalafiore_" RT Love these two women to death. Always believed in me and my path no matter what! Never forget where you came from and who helped shape you along the way ❤️ @MerylNorych
@KearnsHhs Thanks for letting me surprise these two @BravermanHHS if you ever need me, I’m always here to help!
@nillythesquid: The amount of support I’ve received from my family, my friends, my roommates, fans of the show and even complete strangers is honestly incredible. My business is my Dream, my passion, and everything I’ve wanted. A million thanks! I am so grateful 💜
@tonyraines: Day 3 of giving thanks goes to everyone @mtv @bunimmurray for allowing me the opportunity to travel the world, compete, and be apart of the greatest show on tv!•#7daysofthanks #7daysofthanksgiving #mtv… https://instagram.com/p/B5Y1WQxn14Y/?igshid=12ko0vt90rcok
@TheAllanAguirre: The Challenge is giving us a 60 minute episode. Should have just given us a 2 hr finale.
@tori_deal: Here’s the Spark Notes of my MTV career from @DrewAngelman lol 😂💗
@ZNichols15: Has anyone ever purchased anything from Cracker Barrel s store.?
- @kailah_casillas: @ZNichols15 The candy canes 🤤
► AS THEY SAW IT: "The Right Honorable Rogan"
@ChallengeMTV: Try not to stress! #TheChallenge34 is starting RIGHT NOW on @mtv!
@ChallengeMTV: #TheChallenge34 is starting RIGHT NOW! Who's watching?
@TheAllanAguirre: Ashley is serving #TheChallenge34
@ChallengeMTV: Feel like a "but" is coming... #TheChallenge34 (GIF: CT - "We think your abilities are awesome")
@ChallengeMTV: Keep your eye on the prize! #TheChallenge34 (GIF: Ashley - "I'm here to win")
@TheAllanAguirre: Rogan and Dee are a couple who wants to break up but still have 2 months left on their lease. #TheChallenge34
@TheAllanAguirre: Jordan and Tori: So you'd rather run a final with Rogan and Dee than us? CT: Uh, yeah, I guess. #TheChallenge34
@ChallengeMTV: Muhahahaha! #TheChallenge34 (GIF of Jordan laughing)
@TheAllanAguirre: The first thing I thought of when I saw the first photo. #TheChallenge34
@TheAllanAguirre: The funniest thing about this daily challenge is that you can tell MTV planned it before the season started and thought the teams would be even at this point. Instead of making a new and simple challenge, they just create this unbalanced mess. #TheChallenge34
@TheAllanAguirre: Jordan looking at the women of Team USA knowing they have swim against him. #TheChallenge34
@ChallengeMTV: Diving into bed after a long day like. #TheChallenge34 (GIF of Leroy and Nany falling into water)
@TheAllanAguirre: Praying for Leroy and Nany 🥺 #TheChallenge34
@ChallengeMTV: That million dollars is so close you can almost taste it. 🤑 #TheChallenge34 (GIF: CT - "Let's go win some money")
@ChallengeMTV: When your S.O. asks "where do you want to go for dinner?": #TheChallenge34 (GIF of Rogan covering his face)
@StevenPlummer22: YO CT JUST CHANGED THIS WHOLE GAME UP #TheChallenge34
@TheAllanAguirre: I don't want to hear anyone say CT is playing chess for not putting Tori into the final elimination. It was the easiest and most logical move. If he was really playing chess, he'd have voted Cara or Ashley into elimination instead of Ninja. #TheChallenge34
@TheAllanAguirre: Ashley being upset about getting voted in is hilarious considering the fact that she technically turned on her alliance when she voted Ninja into elimination back in Episode 4. #TheChallenge34
@ChallengeMTV: Team UK heading back to the house knowing they're all going to the final. #TheChallenge34 (Video of TikTok of basketball players dancing to locker room)
@ChallengeMTV: Ashley when she gets thrown in then remembers she's already a millionaire. #TheChallenge34
@ChallengeMTV: Win some money, up that wedding budget. #TheChallenge34 (GIF: Tori to Jordan - "Now we have to go win some money to pay for our wedding")
@joe_torgerson93: Jordan’s a beast period
@joe_torgerson93: I’d love to try some of the swimming challenges. Not too many of the other ones though
@ZNichols15: Just got my new NordicTrack Commercial X32i. Its been amazing to workout all over the world and I love using the iFit personal trainer which personalizes my workouts for me!Click the link to get your own NordicTrack complete with theiFit personal trainer https://nordictrack.com/commercial-treadmills?utm_campaign=zachdec19ig
@ChallengeMTV: When your sibling takes the last piece of pie at Thanksgiving. #TheChallenge34 (GIF: Ashley - "I'm mad. I'm sad. I'm hurt. I'm betrayed.")
@ChallengeMTV: Who do you want to see win this elimination? #TheChallenge34
- Ashley 25% / Nany 75% 932 votes · Final results
@TheAllanAguirre: Cara is now the first person in Challenge History to have made it to 9 Finals. She did so in 14 appearances. She is also the only Female to have ever make the Final in 5 straight appearances. A win would tie her for the most all-time by a female with 3. #TheChallenge34
@nourfraij_: every time i watch an episode of the challenge and cara marie gets on my screen, i just cringe. there’s something really off about her.
@TheAllanAguirre: CT is now tied for the MOST Final appearances by a male with 8 (tying Bananas). He did so in 16 appearances. Another win would be CT's third, and would potentially send him off properly. #TheChallenge34
@kareem_fathalla: Fuckin love CT man 💪🏽
@realitytvtrash_: Now we have a game!!! CT did that!!! #TheChallenge34
@ChallengeMTV: Me every Sunday morning thinking about my night. #TheChallenge34 (GIF: Nany - "I may have to reconsider my life choices")
@sjmedd: Someone on the UK team finally made a smart decision! CT should have said Cara Maria tho #TheChallenge34
@TheAllanAguirre: This is going to be Jordan's 4th career Final in 5 seasons. Another win would make him the first 3 time champion since Bananas did it back on Rivals 1. A Jordan win would also be the first 3 peat in Challenge history since Derrick on Inferno3/Island/Ruins #TheChallenge34
@sjmedd: Running elimination?! I think Ashley got this. Nany tends to not win eliminations, and is not as good at running #TheChallenge34
@TheAllanAguirre: Leroy is now a 4 time Finalist. There have only been two competitors to have not won by their fourth finals appearances'. One is Jenn Grijavla, the other is CT. However, CT won his fifth final (Rivals 1). Hoping Leroy can finally get a win. #TheChallenge34
@TheAllanAguirre: Zach is also a 4 time Finalist now. He is like the Sheamus of the Challenge. His career started off so well that you'd think we'd view a Champion with four finals appearances in 9 season higher. This just feels eh? #TheChallenge34
@TheAllanAguirre: Tori and Kam are now two time finalists. Tori made her second final in three seasons, while Kam made her second in four seasons. The two have been linked since their back to back amazing rookie seasons. #TheChallenge34
@TheAllanAguirre: Paulie and Ninja were partners on WOTW1 and now they are both in their second final. Ninja made two finals in two seasons while Paulie made two of three. Paulie did need some production help the first time. #TheChallenge34
@TheAllanAguirre: America's Favorite Couple is going to their first final. #TheChallenge34
@TheAllanAguirre: Imagine being so fucking corny that Rogan's corny ass is making fun of you? #TheChallenge34
@TheAllanAguirre: Nany enjoying the appearance check. That's it. That's the tweet. #TheChallenge34
@sjmedd: Ashley killed it! What a beast .. even with loss time #TheChallenge34
@Caramariastea: Cara, Kam & Ninja werent even happy they made the final Because Ashley went into elimination...the loyalty they showcase ! #TheChallenge34
@sjmedd: Nany got soo close to the Final! Idk if she’ll ever win. She can work on improving puzzles and swimming #TheChallenge34
@ChallengeMTV: *gulp* #TheChallenge34 (GIF: Ashley - "You're not gonna like the taste of...")
@TheAllanAguirre: Ashley is now 3 time Challenge finalist, having done so in 6 appearances. Ashley has won an elimination every season she has won. She won her even numbered appearances (2nd and 4th). She won an elimination this season and it's her 6th season. #TheChallenge34
@TheAllanAguirre: Paulie saying his 3 season stretch is an all-timer is hilarious. 2 finals with a 3-3 elim record is good, but... Wes went 8-1 in elims and was the first individual champion / Darrell and Jamie won their first three in a row. / Emily S won a title, went 5-0 in elims #TheChallenge34
@DerrickMTV: Damn..he said: “I just mugged the U.S. team for a million dollars...put the money in the bag.” 🔫 #TheChallenge34 #Bang
@ChallengeMTV: Me critiquing Christmas trees: #TheChallenge34 (GIF: Paulie - "Well it's not perfect")
@sjmedd: Zach is right .. having more people can be a disadvantage, especially in a Final #TheChallenge34
@sjmedd: Both sides don’t have their potentially strongest playera by choice #TheChallenge34
@StevenPlummer22: I was totally expecting #TheChallenge34 to be an hour in a half. The hour took me by surprise
@ChallengeMTV: How much British slang do you know?? #TheChallenge34 👇 https://bit.ly/37GFiNH
@TheAllanAguirre: Challenge War of the Worlds 2 Episode 14 Recap : 10 Biggest Takeaways #TheChallenge34 https://t.co/ZKe5ihw9RK?amp=1
- @TheAllanAguirre: My Episode 14 Recap is up. My biggest takeaway is this could have been a half hour episode. Regardless, I breakdown: * Nany/Ashley elimination / * The struggles of being Nany fan / * Weird daily challenge / * JorTor Powerhouse / * Cara sort of killed it #TheChallenge34
@TheAllanAguirre: Alright, I've been watching Nany lose on the Challenge for almost a decade, but I'm ready to convince myself that next season will finally be my girls year. #TheChallenge34
@PaulCalafiore_: 3 Seasons / 20 Daily Wins / 3 Elimination Wins / 2 Final Appearances I’m happy of the path I’m on. Just want to shout out @DerrickL I took a lot of my strategy from his book just in case this season turned into a social/political game which it did very early on #TheChallenge34
@helloalievans: #TheChallenge34 Roses are red, Violets are art,On tonight’s ep CT was like: (Pic: "Okay, actually let's play smart")
@morbeen4444: Jordan has definitely proved that he’s one of the best competitors on this show!! #TheChallenge34
@JustJem24: Watching this week’s episode of @ChallengeMTV.. For the record I never said the curse was not making a final. I said it’s not making money/winning the final. Just for clarification.. #TheChallenge34
@JustJem24: @MTVASHLEYBROOKE is 💯 the best girl competitor left in this game. #TheChallenge34
@JustJem24: @ZNichols15 is 💯 the best part of #challenge34. I love that y’all are finally see how likeable of an asshole is he...
@JustJem24: I also hate this entire US team alliance expect @MTVASHLEYBROOKE. She’s somehow still very likeable even if she’s in the middle of a trash alliance. #challenge34
►LAST CALL: Happy Thanksgiving!
@ChallengeMTV: Me forcing down my aunt’s bland, mushy, undercooked, mashed potatoes so I don't start drama at the Thanksgiving table. 🦃
@CJKoegel: Happy Thanksgiving y’all! ❤️🦃
@angelababicz: Instagram is down... again?! a f*cking gain. This is why I'm #thankful for Twitter🧡🦃 #HappyThanksgiving to Twitter and only Twitter
@JennaCompono: Happy Thanksgiving 🦃🍽🍁
@JennaCompono: It really hit me today how different MI is from NY... went to 2 Italian bakeries ... THEY ARE ALL CLOSED TODAY... 😳😒😞 my feelings are so hurt lol
@n_zanattaMTV: Happy Thanksgiving everybody!! 🦃 Eat some great food, watch some football & spend time with family and friends and talk about what you’re thankful for! ❤️
@morgan_willett: Happy Thanksgiving, y’all! Hope your day is filled with carbs, loved ones & laughter. Heavy emphasis on carbs. 🧀
@TheMarkLong: Happy Thanksgiving everyone...wait for it....🦃 #Godfather
@tonyraines: Happy Thanksgiving ♥️ • Day 4 of giving thanks goes to the most important people in my life...my family. I’ve said it over and over again but they are my reason for everything and what I’m thankful for the most! Love… https://instagram.com/p/B5bbXovnAsH/?igshid=hyvzcfqlhnyj
@angelababicz: Always a winner in my eyes ❤️ #SoProudOfYou
@KirkMedas: Happy Thanksgiving!!! 🦃🍽🍁
@blairherter: Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
@MattieLBreaux: Happy Holidays 🖤
@DayDaVonne_: Happy sit at the off limits table at ya mama’s house Day ....And congratulations if you can finally sit at the grown folks table ❤️
@NataliaNegrotti: Happy Thanksgiving I love u all! I got spanked today...
@mikethemiz: I’m thankful for my beautiful little girls. Everyday I love you more and more monroeskymizanin madisonjademizanin. #HappyThanksgiving 🍁🦃 https://instagram.com/p/B5bkgz7pNMH/?igshid=9hm1zc1ny47g
@pimpfriedrice_: My first Thanksgiving holiday alone but it’s a good one. It’s actually cold and rainy in Los Angeles for once and i can finally turn the heat on at my place. I’m still in the kitchen tho, just making body butter, scrubs, and soaps... relaunch soon! Happy 🦃 Day y’all! ❤️
@nillythesquid: Happy Thanksgiving! So much to be thankful for...❤️
@nillythesquid: Aimee’s Thanksgiving text to me “I love you, Happy Thanksgiving let me know if I need to come to Atlanta and beat anyone up” 😂😂😂
@nillythesquid: Sorry if I forgot to individually text anyone a “Happy Thanksgiving” I’m already drunk.
@nillythesquid: Thanksgiving was our shit. I miss you, but I’m sure you’re feasting on honey ham and drinking all the mago claws with Jesus ❤️
- @JustJem24: @nillythesquid Sending you love my girl 💔
@FloribamaShore: Welcome to Floribama Friendsgiving Bitches! 🦃 Good food, good meat, good God, let’s eat! #MTVFloribamaShore
- @JeremiahBuoni: #MTVFloribamaShore Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!! #Thanksgiving
@JerseyShore: I got my eating pants on—let's do this! 🍽 #HappyThanksgiving, fam! 🍁
@SiestaKey: May your plates be full and your toasts (slightly) shady. 🥂#HappyThanksgiving from the #SiestaKey Crew!
@_BG_Gomes: Happy thanksgiving world 🦃
@JuliaRose_33: What is something you’re actually thankful for but can’t say it at the dinner table?
@TheoVon: Bout to relapse on this Turkey. LETS GOOOOO!!!
@Daniel_Vilk: Ayooo Happy Thanksgivings!! 🦃 Spend it with your family, friends, loved ones & I love y’all 💚
@JustJem24: Very thankful for @corimarie_ @vhsdemetri & @Idrisvirgo for making sure I was good today 💜.... and so grateful for all of y’all’s kind words & messages throughout the day.. It means so much to be surrounded by love on the hardest day of the year..
@JustJem24: Thankful Instagram is down bc I don’t want to see y’all’s raggedy plate photos all day...
@mtvrrdarrell: Happy Born Day Shorty V!! @v_cakes
@kailah_casillas: it’s weird not being home for thanksgiving, but being thankful today is still on my mind all day. I’m thankful for all of you who aren’t assholes & I hope you’re having an amazing day with family ♥️
@MrAshleyCain: How’s your life when instagram is down?
@turabicamkiran: ⚜️TAKLAYLA HAVADA DÖNERİM, DELİYE DÖNERİM, GERİYE DÖNMEM.⚜️ #TurboTurabi #Takla #Flip #Webster #FreeRunning #Parkour #YubaRiver #Usa #California #TurboTurabiTeam #Turbo
@DayDaVonne_: Come on California ! 💃🏾
@DayDaVonne_: Lmaooooo 😂😂 you can tell we ain’t never been in snow
@DayDaVonne_: I ..... I tried 😂
- @_LizNolan: @DayDaVonne_ Lmfaoo his commentary + you are fuckin hilarious 🤣😫🌨
@SHOTOFYAGER: 🦃Happy Thanksgiving, Maniacs! Tomorrow is officially the 2 Year Anniversary of #ChallengeMania & our 1st ever episode. @DerrickMTV & I are thankful for that & for all of you. Have a great holiday, enjoy some delicious food, football, War Room, whatever you like. Appreciate you!
▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪
So, the finals field is set for the ladies: Ashley, Cara, Kam and Ninja on the American side, and Dee and Tori for the Brits... and the girl who stole that million the last time she made it this far won her way into the final in beating Nany, and more heartbreak for one who came back last season looking to win that first ring but she'll have to wait another day after that tough super elimination, as well as one more trip into the water for the players.
A program note: the final of this season will once again be spread out over two weeks starting this coming week, but since many of you would prefer to delay your viewing of part 1 to just before part 2 airs, we will hold over the 'Pulse of the first half of the finale for the following week and part 2 of that coming up in two weeks from now. We will, though, have something we've not been able to do in quite a while on here: a trip into our Strategy Room to look at the field of finalists who will be headed to the start line to contest for the $1 million... that comes your way on Wednesday.
This does, though, clear the stage for us to give our attention on what's ahead: the new season of Ex On The Beach: Peak of Love kicking off this coming Thursday, and that will be the focus for the rest of this week's blog wave. A preview of the first American & international season of "The Ultimate Relations-XXX Show" is ahead, along with our traditional introduction to the new members of Team MTV and which single got to test out their dating skills on the new version of Blind Date.
Meanwhile, we're in the midst of this 4-day extended holiday weekend and in case you're feeling curious about the days that kick off the holiday season: in 2013 we offered a primer on Thanksgiving, Black Friday, Cyber Monday, Small Business Saturday (that's today), Blackout Wednesday and the two busiest travel days of the whole year. From giving thanks to going shopping, read that post here and we hope to answer those questions you've got about the Holiday Madness.
And on that note of winter arriving, how about the wild weather we've been having? It's cold in just about everywhere in the country, and that includes a cold front gripping California and rain headed out west at the back end of this. One person who is feeling the joy of winter is the one & only Da'Vonne... we'll leave you with her embracing the snow and doing her own snow angel as we say, have a great Saturday everyone...
Come on California ! 💃🏾 pic.twitter.com/6cWjM7IJDk— Da'Vonne Rogers (@DayDaVonne_) November 28, 2019
Lmaooooo 😂😂 you can tell we ain’t never been in snow pic.twitter.com/iKcnnHwAuE— Da'Vonne Rogers (@DayDaVonne_) November 28, 2019
I ..... I tried 😂 pic.twitter.com/1knBtLofoJ— Da'Vonne Rogers (@DayDaVonne_) November 28, 2019
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