Wednesday, November 27, 2019

DC SocialPulse: Floribama Shore S3 - A Birthday, Blow-Ups, and a Break-Up (Pt. 2)

*** Advisory: DC SocialPulse contains adult language, objectionable content & spoilers for some readers. Viewer Discretion is Advised. Due to its length, take frequent eye breaks if you're reading this top to bottom. ***

BY DC CUEVA                        

Welcome back... the third summer for the crew of Floribama Shore has been quite eventful just 1- and-a-half weeks into this new season, and when we left them (just an hour or so ago in our time), Kortni got back from her night's stay at the hospital and proceeded to go off on the group for their loud noise. Candace and Codi went on a lunch date after some tension in their first week back and she decided that they are best off being roommates than lovers. But something that has dominated the buzz this late autumn has been of Gus' girlfriend Lisa, and what happened in week 1 and in the first hour of this past week's double shot has been THE news.

As we rejoin them in SPB, things have gotten tense there in the beach house as Codi has gone off on Gus just after what we saw in the double premiere. Aimee came to Panama City Beach a single lady after her 10-year relationship ended badly, but as she comes to SPB she has a new boyfriend - but with how things are in living in a small secluded area in Alabama where she was front page news last time out, will she be in for more trouble when technology can't get hold of her man. And a crossroads comes for Gus as he tries to maintain his relationship with Lisa, while Jeremiah is making moves himself - both on the dance floor and in the girl department.

After the jump, the Pulse of Hour 2 of Week 2 of Floribama Shore Season 3...

AS THEY SAW IT: "Tryna Have a Good Time" 
@nillythesquid: Stay tuned! Another episode of #MTVFloribamaShore is coming up right now!!!!
@drewtappon: I am loving @FloribamaShore so much tonight, I might pee my pants. #MTVFloribamaShore @495Prods @sallyannsalsano
@aimeehall1001: Is this @FloribamaShore or WWE #MTVFloribamaShore
- @nillythesquid: @aimeehall1001 I’m confused too lol... #MTVFloribamaShore
- @MarissaLucchese: @aimeehall1001 Literally 💀 tonight’s episode is amazing
@nillythesquid: "@rianseeley: “If you’re going to waste your time with someone, at least make sure it’s someone that makes you feel good.” Some of the best relationship advice I’ve heard @nillythesquid #FloribamaShore" RT 💜💜💜 #MTVFloribamaShore
@s_d_lev: @pimpfriedrice_  @codibutts when you two went to Crabby Bills, that was one of my Grandpa’s favorite restaurants when he was alive. We always went #MTVFloribamaShore
@ItsMsHawkins2u: Somebody go get that pizza! It will make everything all better!!!#Mtvfloribamashore @GusSmyrnios @codibutts @nillythesquid @pimpfriedrice_ @JeremiahBuoni @KirkMedas @aimeehall1001
- @nillythesquid: @ItsMsHawkins2u Pizza man to the rescue #MTVFloribamaShore
@nillythesquid: "@JChozet_2010: Why is @nillythesquid my favorite in the whole house 😁😁 #MTVFloribamaShore" RT Awwww thanks love #MTVFloribamaShore
@aimeehall1001: The way we fight in this house if we ever get a spin off it will be on cops. #MTVFloribamaShore @FloribamaShore @KirkMedas @codibutts @JeremiahBuoni @GusSmyrnios @pimpfriedrice_ @nillythesquid @K0nigi
@nillythesquid: Well @codibutts sleep with one eye open tonight #MTVFloribamaShore
@drewtappon: ‘Don’t have my girl’s name in your mouth.’  @GusSmyrnios to @codibutts @FloribamaShore #MTVFloribamaShore
@pimpfriedrice_: Lisa must got some golden pussy for Gus to be getting THAT mad lol ✨ 🐱 #MTVFloribamaShore @FloribamaShore @drewtappon @sallyannsalsano
@Landonjobe3: @nillythesquid Nilsa going straight for the pizza is a mood! F the bull crap, pizza is where it’s at! #MTVFloribamaShore
@JeremiahBuoni: I know I said I was gonna stay out of the drama but the look in @GusSmyrnios eye, no way I could stay out of it!  But my halftime speech might have been a little much🤷🏼‍♂️ #MTVFloribamaShore
@nillythesquid: God bless you Mr. Pizza man. #MTVFloribamaShore
@FloribamaShore: TBH same... #MTVFloribamaShore  (GIF: Nilsa - "I'm honestly too drunk for this s___")
- @nillythesquid: @FloribamaShore Mood #MTVFloribamaShore
@aimeehall1001: RETWEET if you wanna be @GusSmyrnios girlfriend and not call him trash and also use #MTVFloribamaShore in the comments. @GusSmyrnios I’m pimping yo ass out.
- @aimeehall1001: Y’all @nillythesquid retweeted this what is going on?!?! @GusSmyrnios #MTVFloribamaShore @FloribamaShore
- @nillythesquid: @aimeehall1001 @GusSmyrnios @FloribamaShore Wait I meant like retweet if you want to...
- @whaattaafoxx: @aimeehall1001 @GusSmyrnios @FloribamaShore Girl I’m trying to figure out why kourt can call her a bitch and cuss her on the phone and he SMIRK laying on the couch but he wanna fight @codibutts “sips tea”
- @paulj0529: @whaattaafoxx Codi was wrong but he was just trying to sleep. He kept saying it. Props to @codibutts for being the bigger man and apologizing anyway
@nillythesquid: "@writer_j: I love pizza as much as @nillythesquid does. It literally is the best thing ever. #MTVFloribamaShore" RT My fave #MTVFloribamaShore
@drewtappon: I love when the girls are the voice of reason on a drunken night. @aimeehall1001 @nillythesquid @GusSmyrnios @codibutts @JeremiahBuoni @FloribamaShore #MTVFloribamaShore @495Prods @sallyannsalsano
@Katelynsaywut: Angry @GusSmyrnios is kinda hot 🥴
@MikeKoop: PIZZA! @nillythesquid #MTVFloribamaShore
@nillythesquid: Lol @JeremiahBuoni is so awkward right now lol #MTVFloribamaShore
- @JeremiahBuoni: @nillythesquid Lol #MTVFloribamaShore
@FloribamaShore: Just two bros out here trying to have a GOOD TIME!  #MTVFloribamaShore  (GIF: Jeremiah to Gus - "I'm trying to have a good time, with my BOY")
- @nillythesquid: @FloribamaShore Famous words #MTVFloribamaShore
@Tar_Tar_Banks: Me patiently waiting for @GusSmyrnios to realize his exponential potential and worth 🥺
@KirkMedas: This is kinda uncomfortable @GusSmyrnios @JeremiahBuoni 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 #MTVFloribamaShore
@shmoodytings: @aimeehall1001 's face when @JeremiahBuoni had his talk with Gus had me rolling almost dying🤣🤣
@Its_Toniii: 🤣🤣🤣 @KirkMedas  walking in on that convo!!!
@oliviaduncan55: I’m on the same page with @aimeehall1001 why is he so upset 😂😂😂😂😂 #FloribamaShore
@Jess_Me_95: I just spit my water out watching @aimeehall1001 watching the bro fest😂😂
@Alicia5960: HAHAHAHAHAH I’m @aimeehall1001 in the corner like what the hell is happening! #MTVFloribamaShore @FloribamaShore
@KirkMedas: I don’t do well with crying grown men 🤣 sorry #MTVFloribamaShore
@pimpfriedrice_: @JeremiahBuoni and @GusSmyrnios having this pep talking on the balcony is like watching the finale of Days of our Lives #MTVFloribamaShore @FloribamaShore @drewtappon @sallyannsalsano
@aimeehall1001: This is the weirdest shit.. @JeremiahBuoni and @GusSmyrnios #MTVFloribamaShore lol
@drewtappon: Honestly @aimeehall1001’s reactions are PRICELESS @FloribamaShore @495Prods @sallyannsalsano #MTVFloribamaShore
@Toddcase4: Lmfao at the reactions on @aimeehall1001 and @KirkMedas faces, that will never get old lol #MTVFloribamaShore
@KathleenGraceee: @aimeehall1001 ”Jeremiah and Gus are super awkward” I couldn’t agree more! I’m awkward just watching the tv lol #floribamashore
@stayreckless711: @aimeehall1001 is ALL of us right now 😂💀 I am DYING!!
@aimeehall1001: "@courtneygirlx7: @aimeehall1001 @GusSmyrnios @nillythesquid @pimpfriedrice_ Real question, do y’all always go to sleep with the lights on? Literally everytime yallve gone to bed the lights have stayed on. #idontgetit" RT Yea I clap and they don’t go off wtf. #MTVFloribamaShore @495Prods @FloribamaShore
@hit_this_tweet: I swear I would be @aimeehall1001 reacting to this bromance 😂 #FloribamaShore
@GusSmyrnios: Didn’t mean to lose my cool that much. Definitely need to get that under control but I just don’t do well when someone comes at me disrespectful like that. #MTVFloribamaShore
@ItsMsHawkins2u: So whyyyyyyyyyy was @JeremiahBuoni crying again? #Mtvfloribamashore
- @nillythesquid: @ItsMsHawkins2u Still a mystery lol #MTVFloribamaShore
@GusSmyrnios @codibutts @aimeehall1001 @drewtappon @sallyannsalsano @MTV @495Prods
- @aimeehall1001: @ItsMsHawkins2u We still don’t know.. #MTVFloribamaShore
@nillythesquid: Hey guys keep using #MTVFloribamaShore so I can find your tweets and tweet you!
@DarliiingB_: @aimeehall1001 is my fav on @FloribamaShore Her facial expressions send me. 😂
@rachelnicole30: @aimeehall1001 my face def matched yours during that Gus and Jeremiah moment😂 #MTVFloribamaShore
@Laurieeeee55: @GusSmyrnios should be treated like the king he is 🥺 #MTVFloribamaShore
@DQ_the_Man: @nillythesquid As I always say about pizza, it’s the nectar of the gods and goddesses. 🍕🍕🍕 #MTVFloribamaShore
@shonniemac23: Oh @aimeehall1001 now I know what you were talking about. Bless your heart, you weren’t gossiping or talking shit, you were worried about your man and speaking from your heart. Love you mama xoxo #MTVFloribamaShore
@RealityTVBabe00: @pimpfriedrice_ asking @codibutts what he wants for lunch as he’s throwing up is hilarious!😂😂#MTVFloribamaShore
@FloribamaShore: STILL. NOT. OVER. THIS! What do y'all think?? #MTVFloribamaShore  (Video of guys' night)
@hey_tay03: Seeing @GusSmyrnios that mad is life changing 🥵  #MTVFloribamaShore
@aimeehall1001: "@TeresaT47555276: @aimeehall1001 and @K0nigi Amen" RT Look even my mom is tired of Lisa talking down on @GusSmyrnios #MTVFloribamaShore
@katlynlacy1999: @GusSmyrnios You were protecting your girl every guy does that hun
@FloribamaShore: Rewind the tapes! 📼 #MTVFloribamaShore (GIF: Gus - "I have her back over everybody else's")
@Wns0090: Is it me or is #MTVFloribamaShore on freakin steroids this season?!?! Like it has not calmed down since the first episode?! Damn @aimeehall1001 @nillythesquid @codibutts @GusSmyrnios @pimpfriedrice_ @K0nigi @KirkMedas @JeremiahBuoni @FloribamaShore
@JeremiahBuoni: Hey @kirkmedas did you step on my shoes dawg😂 The two hours of floribamashore is not disappointing tonight🙌🏼🙌🏼 Tune in guys!!! #mtvfloribamashore #mtv #495productions #shoes #dawg #season3 @ St. Pete Beach, Florida
@codibutts: Damn @GusSmyrnios I am sorry I shouldn’t have said that about Lisa. #MTVFloribamaShore
@aimeehall1001: Haha haha @GusSmyrnios girlfriend said she never heard anyone talk like that.. umm has she not been out of the house? #MTVFloribamaShore
- @nillythesquid: @aimeehall1001 Has she never seen any reality show ever? #MTVFloribamaShore
@Autymobile: Oh here she is whining and making shit about her again. 🙄 Gus treats you like a queen girl, stop! @GusSmyrnios #mtvfloribamashore
@cdknight34: @GusSmyrnios is damned if he does or doesn't!! Like your mad he didn't stick up for you against Kortni but upset that he is fighting Codi. I'm not sure what he is supposed to do? Hahah
@aimeehall1001: Wow Lisa how dare YOU to ask him to snatch a phone out of a woman’s hand. @GusSmyrnios would never hurt a woman!!! #MTVFloribamaShore @FloribamaShore
@StephanieYu: Why does Lisa ALWAYS hang up on @GusSmyrnios lol #MTVFloribamaShore
@nillythesquid: Awww @codibutts is already crying and it isn’t even 1:00 pm #MTVFloribamaShore
@FloribamaShore: Aww! 💕 #MTVFloribamaShore (GIF of Codi and Gus hugging and making up)
- @nillythesquid: @FloribamaShore My heart ❤️ #MTVFloribamaShore
@codibutts: @GusSmyrnios you couldn’t mess up my guy lights and that face! #MTVFloribamaShore
@KirkMedas: @codibutts cry baby ass 😂 #MTVFloribamaShore
- @codibutts: @KirkMedas Fuck you bitch! Hahahahaha lol! #MTVFloribamaShore
@aimeehall1001: "@rodymillerz32: @aimeehall1001 and @GusSmyrnios You can see the sadness in his eyes when she is talking to him that way #MTVFloribamaShore 😒" RT Yea what a fuckin bitch. I love you Gus Gus @GusSmyrnios #MTVFloribamaShore
@codibutts: @KirkMedas lookin like an 06 starter kit! #MTVFloribamaShore
- @KirkMedas: @codibutts 😂😂😂😂😂😂
@GusSmyrnios: Know you didn’t mean it man, I love you and know you’re a good dude. Sorry I lost it on you 😂 @codibutts #MTVFloribamaShore
@nillythesquid: It’s ok @codibutts we’ve all said some dumb shit... and even worse shit than that about Lisa lol #MTVFloribamaShore
@FloribamaShore: Me watching my own Instagram Stories. #MTVFloribamaShore  (GIF: Aimee - "That bitch is really entertaining as f___")
@JeremiahBuoni: "@CourtneyNeering: Honestly @JeremiahBuoni is an entire spirit animal this episode of #MTVFloribamaShore and I’m living for it" RT 🐺🐺🐺 #spiritanimal #MTVFloribamaShore
@GusSmyrnios: We all are working on ourselves , some days are better than others #MTVFloribamaShore
@nillythesquid: I know how to work the stripper pole.... #MTVFloribamaShore
@codibutts: @GusSmyrnios however, I don’t like the way she talks to you! She has one more time to talk to you crazy! #MTVFloribamaShore
@aimeehall1001: Not shown on @FloribamaShore I out threw everyone but @GusSmyrnios\ during ax throwing. #MTVFloribamaShore @FloribamaShore
@JeremiahBuoni: "@CorraJenna: The halo around @JeremiahBuoni is so accurate In this situation omg 😇😂 #MTVFloribamaShore" RT 😇😇😇 #MTVFloribamaShore
@aimeehall1001: “If I would have known we could have brung pets to the bar I would have brung my crab.” #MTVFloribamaShore @FloribamaShore
@nillythesquid: “And then I won’t be able to work for two days....” 😂😂😂 @aimeehall1001 #MTVFloribamaShore
- @aimeehall1001: @nillythesquid Or walk #MTVFloribamaShore
@FloribamaShore: @K0nigi We miss you and your splits! #MTVFloribamaShore
@nillythesquid: Kristin is hott.... 👀 #MTVFloribamaShore
@codibutts: Fergs is where it’s at! I love that bar! #MTVFloribamaShore
@FloribamaShore: Is there anything more Florida than this? 😂 #MTVFloribamaShore  (Pic of Aimee holding raccoon in her arms)
@JeremiahBuoni: Hello Kristen! I look forward to calling her😍 #MTVFloribamaShore  #kristen
- @nillythesquid: @JeremiahBuoni And I’m looking forward to her coming over... 👀👀👀 #MTVFloribamaShore
@nillythesquid: "@MikeKoop: pickleback shots are good as well - where were you Nilsa? @nillythesquid #MTVFloribamaShore" RT So what you guys don’t see if I had an allergic reaction to the skunks, the medic came and all #MTVFloribamaShore
@codibutts: @aimeehall1001 holding that skunk! That’s nasty I hope she washed her hands! #MTVFloribamaShore
- @aimeehall1001: @codibutts I hope you washed your ass. #MTVFloribamaShore
@aimeehall1001: Y’all I ain’t gonna lie. I wanted to snatch that skunk and bring it home with me. #MTVFloribamaShore
@ItsMsHawkins2u: @KirkMedas @pimpfriedrice_ I wanna go to the bar with the pole!! Take me take me I got tricks 😜🤣 #Mtvfloribamashore @codibutts @drewtappon @sallyannsalsano @MTV @FloribamaShore @495Prods
@KirkMedas: Oh gussy 😂 smh @GusSmyrnios #MTVFloribamaShore
@AmandaV1979: I love @codibutts #MTVFloribamaShore
@RikkiWisener13: @aimeehall1001 makes my Thursday’s better along with #MTVFloribamaShore
@pimpfriedrice_: "@beefcheif045: #MTVFloribamaShore @pimpfriedrice_  you can be my chocolate goddess ❤️❤️❤️" RT 😘😘😘 #MTVFloribamaShore
@ItsMsHawkins2u: @JeremiahBuoni put in some work for that phone number with that long ass monologue #Mtvfloribamashore #thottinandplottin @drewtappon @sallyannsalsano @MTV @495Prods @FloribamaShore
- @JeremiahBuoni: @ItsMsHawkins2u It’s not about how you start, it’s about how you finish 🙌🏼😜#MTVFloribamaShore
@ItsMsHawkins2u: @codibutts for his heart and how he wanted to amend his actions with @GusSmyrnios He even cries cute. #Mtvfloribamashore @drewtappon @sallyannsalsano @MTV @FloribamaShore @495Prods
@angiekelly24: @KirkMedas @codibutts Never saw more grown men crying in one place n my life 😭
@aimeehall1001: Me and @GusSmyrnios have such a good friendship this year, It’s weird. That perdido special worked wonders because we love each other like bro and sis. #MTVFloribamaShore @FloribamaShore
@nillythesquid: "@shmoodytings: @GusSmyrnios 's girl cries more time this season than @nillythesquid has eaten pizza this season😂🤦‍♀️" RT Dayyyyuuummm that’s true #MTVFloribamaShore
@EvanMPowers: @DJPaulyD and @GusSmyrnios are two guys I’d like to party with. Like sheesh! They my dudes and I don’t even know them!
@codibutts: @GusSmyrnios and @JeremiahBuoni  very uncomfortable after how could @GusSmyrnios be mad! #MTVFloribamaShore
@brooke_bassetti: If I wasn’t a married woman I would totally snatch up @codibutts #HesBringingSexyBack
@FloribamaShore: Caption this 👇 #MTVFloribamaShore  (GIF of Candace dancing on top of Aimee on a pole)
@Wns0090: Watching @GusSmyrnios and @JeremiahBuoni bro fest like..... @FloribamaShore #MTVFloribamaShore @aimeehall1001
@codibutts: Drinking  just right out the pitcher! #MTVFloribamaShore
@codibutts: Man I love Vegas bombs! #MTVFloribamaShore
@nillythesquid: Lol @JeremiahBuoni is a pool table whore #MTVFloribamaShore
@nillythesquid: The famous last words “I’m only going to have one...” #MTVFloribamaShore
@FloribamaShore: "Shots are like potato chips, you can't just have one" Can one of y'all knit this on a pillow for me? #MTVFloribamaShore
- @JeremiahBuoni: @FloribamaShore A quote that will last through the ages😂 #drunkhistory #MTVFloribamaShore
- @nillythesquid: @FloribamaShore I’ll take one too #MTVFloribamaShore
@JeremiahBuoni: I like playing pool😂 I can help it guys, that’s my bar thing😄 #MTVFloribamaShore #pool
@codibutts: Shots are like @LAYS you just can’t have one! #MTVFloribamaShore
@aimeehall1001: Lol @pimpfriedrice_ always humping my neck, It’s fine, I’m cool with it. #MTVFloribamaShore @FloribamaShore
@codibutts: @aimeehall1001 you have a great guy! You don’t have to worry! #MTVFloribamaShore
@nillythesquid: Do y’all see how red my face is?! I legit had an allergic reaction to the skunks at that bar... which is funny because I’m allergic to skanks too. 🤷🏽‍♀️ #MTVFloribamaShore
@drewtappon: The brilliance of Aimee. @aimeehall1001 you are a national treasure. @495Prods @FloribamaShore #MTVFloribamaShore @sallyannsalsano #CookieMonster
@Wns0090: @aimeehall1001 girllllll calm. You know that boy ain’t messing around on you. #MTVFloribamaShore @FloribamaShore
@Clarence_Pryor: I love @JeremiahBuoni. I love @GusSmyrnios. I love @codibutts. I love @KirkMedas. I love @pimpfriedrice_. I love @aimeehall1001. I love @nillythesquid. I love @K0nigi. They're more than just friends, they're family. I'm glad I get to know them in my life. #MTVFloribamaShore
- @nillythesquid: @Clarence_Pryor We all love you #MTVFloribamaShore
@LeaMaggio: I don’t like seeing @aimeehall1001 crying 😭 #MTVFloribamaShore
@pimpfriedrice_: It’s okay @aimeehall1001 just trust him baby... he’s a good man #MTVFloribamaShore @FloribamaShore @495Prods @drewtappon @sallyannsalsano
@nillythesquid: Sending you a hug @aimeehall1001 #MTVFloribamaShore
@codibutts: Lisa is so inconsiderate it’s my birthday what a stunk up spoiled rotten bitch! #MTVFloribamaShore
- @nillythesquid: Damn @codibutts tell us how you really feel #MTVFloribamaShore
@nillythesquid: "@CooksieCandice: But the real question is ... is Lisa watching this episode? If so, poor baby 😭 #MTVFloribamaShore @FloribamaShore @aimeehall1001 @pimpfriedrice_ @K0nigi @codibutts @nillythesquid @GusSmyrnios @KirkMedas @JeremiahBuoni" RT Damn lol #MTVFloribamaShore
@drewtappon: I love seeing my @aimeehall1001 in love. It warms my heart. @FloribamaShore #MTVFloribamaShore @495Prods @sallyannsalsano ❤️
@codibutts: This is the first time I have ever been taken on date to get put in the Friend zone! #MTVFloribamaShore
@nillythesquid: Let’s just think positive... maybe he just doesn’t have cell signal #MTVFloribamaShore
@she_ratchet19: I strive to find more friends like @nillythesquid and @aimeehall1001 💕 #getonthatlevel #MTVFloribamaShore
@lyss_mako: I think @GusSmyrnios has the potential to be an amazing boyfriend if he's dating the right girl. #MTVFloribamaShore
@codibutts: @aimeehall1001 you have the best boyfriend in the world! He loves you to the moon and back! #MTVFloribamaShore
@codibutts: The shot clock. That’s how you take shots in moderation! #MTVFloribamaShore
@FloribamaShore: LITERALLY THE BEST SUNDAY EVER! #MTVFloribamaShore  (GIF: Jeremiah - "Brunch, mimosas, be out by the pool")
- @JeremiahBuoni: @FloribamaShore Right?!!!!! 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼 #MTVFloribamaShore #brunch
- @nillythesquid: @FloribamaShore Oh yeah because family sit down eats always go good. #MTVFloribamaShore
@aimeehall1001: 😍😍🥰🥰 #MTVFloribamaShore
@aimeehall1001: "@TeresaT47555276: @MikeKoop and @nillythesquid Better add @aimeehall1001 so she can keep it real" RT Lol what is my momma talking about keep it real? 😂🤣 I love her ratchet ass. #MTVFloribamaShore
@JeremiahBuoni: I wonder if Kristen likes brunch, definitely a deal breaker if she doesn’t😜 @kristenhutch #MTVFloribamaShore #Kristen
@nillythesquid: Dillon is an awesome man! I have never seen @aimeehall1001 this happy! He has had my approval since day one! Someone’s past does not define who they are! NO ONE is perfect! #MTVFloribamaShore
@DQ_the_Man: @aimeehall1001 Keep your head and Chi Chis Up Aimee. 💖💖💖 #MTVFloribamaShore
@nillythesquid: I couldnt pick a better man for @aimeehall1001 #MTVFloribamaShore
@drewtappon: All the girls in the house are going to go apeshit of Dillon doesn’t call soon! @aimeehall1001 @K0nigi @pimpfriedrice_ @pimpfriedrice_ #MTVFloribamaShore @FloribamaShore
@kinleighkaeee: mhm i just googled “toxic relationships” and Gus & Lisa came up🤔 weird 🤨😂 #MTVFloribamaShore #FloridabamaShore @aimeehall1001 @pimpfriedrice_ @codibutts @GusSmyrnios @K0nigi @KirkMedas @FloribamaShore @nillythesquid
@CarleighStewart: @aimeehall1001 and the skunk 😂😂😂 #MTVFloribamaShore
@nillythesquid: "@Wns0090: @aimeehall1001 @FloribamaShore #MTVFloribamaShore everyone has a past and makes mistakes. Dear god don’t we all know we have all made bad decisions. You move on and learn from them and never look back. #TeamDillimee" RT 💯 #MTVFloribamaShore
@Wns0090: @nillythesquid has the best advice to make @aimeehall1001 calm down and realize it will all be ok. #MTVFloribamaShore @FloribamaShore
@nillythesquid: Hey @aimeehall1001 remember that time you told me, “Chi chi’s up and chin up too!!!!” #MTVFloribamaShore
- @aimeehall1001: @nillythesquid I love you angel!! #MTVFloribamaShore
@codibutts: Men can be synchronized just like women, but only in throwing up! #MTVFloribamaShore @JeremiahBuoni
@nillythesquid: "@Clarence_Pryor: What's this?!? A puke and tally battle?!? #MTVFloribamaShore" RT Unfortunately lol #MTVFloribamaShore
@nillythesquid: "@123amanDUH: Did @pimpfriedrice_ just say “I can’t wait to throw weapons.”? Omg 😆 #MTVFloribamaShore" RT Damn sure did lol.... 😂😂😂 #MTVFloribamaShore
@aimeehall1001: Y’all I swear @codibutts throws up more than anyone I know. #MTVFloribamaShore
@nillythesquid: @k0rtni Be apart of the trend!!!! #MTVFloribamaShore
@codibutts: This mother fucker @JeremiahBuoni is cooking bacon on the grill? WTF! #MTVFloribamaShore
@aimeehall1001: "@TeresaT47555276: @drewtappon @aimeehall1001 and 3 others Just love @aimeehall1001 period she truly has the biggest heart" RT Thank you momma I love you, I get it from you. #MTVFloribamaShore
@pimpfriedrice_: Hell nah... them burnt ass sausages blacker than me #MTVFloribamaShore @FloribamaShore @495Prods @drewtappon @sallyannsalsano
@nillythesquid: You guys we are #4 trending!!!! Let’s get to #1 #MTVFloribamaShore
@codibutts: Yeah we are putting you on blast! @JeremiahBuoni you can’t cook! #MTVFloribamaShore
@nillythesquid: Kristin is hotttttttt #MTVFloribamaShore
@nillythesquid: Who looks better in the crop top, Kristin or @codibutts? #MTVFloribamaShore
- @codibutts: @nillythesquid I think myself! Duhhhh! #MTVFloribamaShore
@codibutts: Damn @GusSmyrnios Mr. steel ya girl! #MTVFloribamaShore
@aimeehall1001: That girl @JeremiahBuoni brung home was hot. #MTVFloribamaShore
@BillingsOctavia: Lmao I can’t stop laughing at @JeremiahBuoni and @codibutts  they’re puke at the same time 🤣🤣🤣 #FloridabamaShore #MTVFloribamaShore
@FloribamaShore: RT if you love day drinking. Like if you love day drinking #MTVFloribamaShore  (GIF: Nilsa - "I love day drinking")
- @nillythesquid: @FloribamaShore My fave type of drinking #MTVFloribamaShore
- @JeremiahBuoni: @FloribamaShore 🙋🏼‍♂️🙋🏼‍♂️
@RealityTVBabe00: So Kortni can call Lisa a bitch, yet @codibutts can’t...🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️Maybe it’s a guy thing?!? #MTVFloribamaShore
@nillythesquid: Yeah... tell Lisa to come @GusSmyrnios #MTVFloribamaShore
@aimeehall1001: I love @KirkMedas he’s always checking on me. #MTVFloribamaShore
- @KirkMedas: @aimeehall1001 Love you
@ItsMsHawkins2u: Idk why @codibutts is tryna get cut. He knows that perdido special isn’t too far from @aimeehall1001 hands. #Mtvfloribamashore @drewtappon @sallyannsalsano @FloribamaShore @MTV @495Prods @pimpfriedrice_ @nillythesquid
@JeremiahBuoni: Well I hope this brunch taste good, because it sure looks good😋 #MTVFloribamaShore
@KirkMedas: 😂😂😂😂 got damn #MTVFloribamaShore
@nillythesquid: Day drinking is my favorite type of drinking who’s with me? #MTVFloribamaShore
@aimeehall1001: Well there goes my anger management certificate straight out the window threatening to stab someone with a fuckin fork. Somebody get my life!!!! #MTVFloribamaShore
@alyssa2152: Awww that friendship @codibutts @GusSmyrnios 😩 #MTVFloribamaShore
@codibutts: Damn I just ask question! @aimeehall1001 it wasn’t directed to you! #MTVFloribamaShore
@kiraszarka1: Did @GusSmyrnios really just say to @codibutts "quit being a baby back b*tch" 🤣🤣🤣👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻💀💀💀#MTVFloribamaShore
@nlknight16: #FloribamaShore Drunk Kirk is just amaze-balls hilarious! @nillythesquid @aimeehall1001 @KirkMedas
@JeremiahBuoni: "@JadziaMarie: @JeremiahBuoni and Codi is me when I’m washing dishes and a piece of food touches me #gagging #MTVFloribamaShore" RT 😂🤮 @codibutts and I never stood a chance! Thanks to @pimpfriedrice_ for that delightful salad that created that terrible smell😜 #MTVFloribamaShore
@DQ_the_Man: @FloribamaShore Don’t be too hard on yourself @codibutts. We all have days where we get angry and flustered and all we can do is move forward and make amends with each other. #MTVFloribamaShore
@codibutts: That old couple is @pimpfriedrice_  and myself! #MTVFloribamaShore
@AlwaysCasey: I appreciate MTV showing that clip as a reminder of all the shit Kourtney said to the gf but one comment from @codibutts after Gus wouldn't leave him alone and @GusSmyrnios turns into the hulk. Keep some consistency#MTVFloribamaShore
@FloribamaShore: "@cayla_byrd04: @JeremiahBuoni and @codibutts syncing puking together has me dead 😂😂😂 #MTVFloribamaShore" RT This friendship reached a whole new level! #MTVFloribamaShore
@aimeehall1001: "@itsbwomackpimp: Always #teamaimee we love you and team Dilimee forever. He’s still a criminal cause he stole your heart. ❤️ @aimeehall1001 #MTVFloribamaShore @FloribamaShore @495Prods" RT Team #dimee that’s our dogs name anyways. #MTVFloribamaShore
@JeremiahBuoni: The bacon in the grill seemed like a good idea at the time😜 #MTVFloribamaShore #bacon
@nillythesquid: And this is how Jeremiah became jerefiah #MTVFloribamaShore
@nillythesquid: "@mackenziesayss: This is the Gus + Nilly we love. #MTVFloribamaShore  @nillythesquid @GusSmyrnios" RT If you love it now, you’ll love what’s to come... 👀👀👀💜 #MTVFloribamaShore
@aimeehall1001: Me and @nillythesquid are champagne besties for life!! Tag your champagne partner!! #MTVFloribamaShore
- @nillythesquid: @aimeehall1001 For life!!!! #MTVFloribamaShore
@nillythesquid: Lol I’ve meant @KirkMedas friends and they would fit right in with us #MTVFloribamaShore
@codibutts: I think it’s safe to say I rock that crop top better than Kristen! #MTVFloribamaShore
@drewtappon: Oh @codibutts   What were you thinking?!?! @FloribamaShore #MTVFloribamaShore @495Prods @sallyannsalsano
@Wns0090: It’s “SIGNIFICANT” @codibutts @FloribamaShore #MTVFloribamaShore
@KirkMedas: Terrible game bruh. Wtf. @codibutts  #MTVFloribamaShore
- @codibutts: @KirkMedas Well sorry I will do better next time! #MTVFloribamaShore
@nillythesquid: "@hayleyypettit:  @nillythesquid @codibutts Codi, most def #MTVFloribamaShore" RT Agreed #MTVFloribamaShore
@codibutts: @aimeehall1001 see I told you! You have a great guy! You nothing to worry about! #MTVFloribamaShore
@pimpfriedrice_: "@Tia_Gordon_: Aye you want a shot of Hennessy - @pimpfriedrice_ #MTVFloribamaShore" RT The only greetings I know #MTVFloribamaShore @FloribamaShore @495Prods
@FloribamaShore: What being on a diet feels like. #MTVFloribamaShore  (GIF of Kortni watching from a distance)
@Wns0090: Damn That Perdido Alabama cell phone service never works. @aimeehall1001 #MTVFloribamaShore @FloribamaShore
@nillythesquid: Lol @aimeehall1001 and Dillon live in the sticks which means no cell signal #MTVFloribamaShore
@codibutts: @K0nigi just flipped out for no reason! #MTVFloribamaShore
@pimpfriedrice_: 33 times @nillythesquid ??!!! You a Lisa huh? #MTVFloribamaShore @FloribamaShore
- @nillythesquid: @pimpfriedrice_ Hahahahahaha hell no #MTVFloribamaShore
@nillythesquid: The last dude I called 33 times wanted to marry me 🤷🏽‍♀️ #MTVFloribamaShore
- @codibutts: @nillythesquid Lucky him I guess???? #MTVFloribamaShore
@nillythesquid: Lol so I have nothing against sorority girls, but Lisa was a sorority girl that’s why I said kapa kapa ding dong #MTVFloribamaShore
@pimpfriedrice_: The editing dnt show that I said, “My bad” & I took the pancake I touched OFF the plate and made and microwaved her a NEW ONE. Guess what! I made the damn pancakes so if you didn’t want my nasty fingers to touch them, u shouldn’t have ate one in the first place #MTVFloribamaShore @FloribamaShore
- @nillythesquid: @pimpfriedrice_ 💯 all true. #MTVFloribamaShore
- @pimpfriedrice_: @nillythesquid She never will cause she don’t look at me as an equal. But she’ll never admit she’s actually prejudice and never respected me as a person #TheRealTruth #MTVfloribamashore @FloribamaShore
@aimeehall1001: I feel so bad for assuming my boyfriend was on drugs. Now let me go suck his dick to apologize since it’s all over national television. #MTVFloribamaShore @FloribamaShore
- @nillythesquid: @aimeehall1001 Sucky sucky you owe him 3 in a row #MTVFloribamaShore
- @megcash22: @aimeehall1001 I fucking love this bitch 😂
@codibutts: Don’t buy no more pancakes and touch them pancakes! #MTVFloribamaShore
@pimpfriedrice_: GERMS bih?! Got some nerve. After i slept in the same room with you when YOU had bronchitis last summer? Or when you peed in my bed, AND you’ve smoked cigarettes after @aimeehall1001 But my black fingers touching a pancake an issue huh? #MTVFloribamaShore
- @faithstowers: @pimpfriedrice_ Right !! Really out here wasting film laying in the bed all day just to wake up and look like you snuck on earth! #FloribamaShore
@nillythesquid: Well... Kristin welcome to the beach house #mtvfloribamashore
@JeremiahBuoni: Welcom to the beach house Kristen😂 She honestly is handling herself well in all this craziness👏🏼 #kristen #MTVFloribamaShore
@nillythesquid: What a brat..... @K0nigi not cool #MTVFloribamaShore
@codibutts: @pimpfriedrice_ made them damn pancakes! #MTVFloribamaShore  I am scared to touch any more pancakes!
@aimeehall1001: Hey @pimpfriedrice_ come lick my pancake, come bite my pancake, come whatever my pancake and my fat ass is still gonna eat it baby. #MTVFloribamaShore @FloribamaShore
- @pimpfriedrice_: @aimeehall1001 Love you boo! 😘 #MTVfloribamashore
- @nillythesquid: @aimeehall1001 Same #MTVFloribamaShore
@pimpfriedrice_: @K0nigi @drewtappon @nillythesquid Prejudice much?
@nillythesquid: @K0nigi Exactly. You need to apologize to @pimpfriedrice_ she was trying to be good to you! She made those pancakes #MTVFloribamaShore
@KirkMedas: "@torirrayne: @KirkMedas You’re my favorite ever. Have your own show plz thanks" RT Let’s make it happen
@ItsMsHawkins2u: Looks like @K0nigi is permanently parked at Irritation Station. Watch out y’all! May the odds ever be in your favor. #Mtvfloribamashore @pimpfriedrice_ @nillythesquid @JeremiahBuoni @drewtappon @sallyannsalsano @MTV @FloribamaShore @495Prods
@nillythesquid: @K0rtni You need it sometimes. You act unreasonable. It’s hurtful..... @pimpfriedrice_ literally was trying to be good to you! Just take this and learn from it #MTVFloribamaShore
@DeeQueen96: Over accidently touching a pancake? Nurp there’s some deeper issues here. @pimpfriedrice_ #MTVFloribamaShore
@ashlynkillian_: @pimpfriedrice_ at least you was considerate enough to make the whole house pancakes 🥺 u handled it well sis #MTVFloribamaShore
@codibutts: Mission get @pimpfriedrice_ fucked up! Begins now! #MTVFloribamaShore
@nillythesquid: My girl @pimpfriedrice_ handled that pancake altercation like a queen #MTVFloribamaShore
@FloribamaShore: The EXACT moment when Sunday scaries turn into Sunday funday. #MTVFloribamaShore  (GIF of Hennessy being poured into Candace's mouth)
@JeremiahBuoni: What is going on right now in this hot tub😂🤯 #MTVFloribamaShore
@nillythesquid: Time to christen Kristin into the beach house #MTVFloribamaShore
@codibutts: Damn @GusSmyrnios just put the phone down and ain’t listening to that shit anymore! #MTVFloribamaShore
@codibutts: But @GusSmyrnios it’s her birthday! #MTVFloribamaShore
@KirkMedas: "@torirrayne: @KirkMedas Imagine a Kirk show, everybody chill and actually having fun 😂😂😂" RT RIGHT!!!?? #GOODVIBES
@pimpfriedrice_: I have a restraining order on all negativity... it’s to be kept within 100 feet of me 😤 ✌🏾😬 #MTVFloribamaShore @FloribamaShore @495Prods
- @ItsMsHawkins2u: @pimpfriedrice_ I’m using this line from now on
@nillythesquid: How is this the worst thing Lisa has ever been though? Your boyfriend missing your birthday? Damn girl you are in for a rude awakening called adult life #MTVFloribamaShore
@FloribamaShore: .@pimpfriedrice_ is an ENTIRE relatable mood! 😂 #MTVFloribamaShore  (Video of her drunken self knocking over lamp)
- @amanda_m915: @FloribamaShore Me drunk trying to fix shit @pimpfriedrice_
@pimpfriedrice_: "@thatrachelshow: .@pimpfriedrice_ you can't be paid enough for how the people in the floribama house have treated you ." RT I’m really not... I wanted to walk away everyday #TheRealFactz
@JeremiahBuoni: What an ending🤯🤯 I WANT MORE😫😫 #MTVFloribamaShore
@aimeehall1001: I’m trying to figure out what @GusSmyrnios did to make Lisa cry like this? Like he’s literally just trying to help @pimpfriedrice_ drunk ass pick up a lamp. #MTVFloribamaShore
@pimpfriedrice_: "@atwash101: Ugh, I can look at this @K0nigi and peep her type. @pimpfriedrice_ girl, she’s upset about something you can’t change lol" RT The skin color huntyyy #MTVfloribamashore
@codibutts: I feel so bad for @GusSmyrnios that’s sucks. But you deserve so much better. #MTVFloribamaShore Hold your head up big guy!
- @nillythesquid: @KirkMedas Same!!!! I’m dying #MTVFloribamaShore
@nillythesquid: Awww @GusSmyrnios ..... #MTVFloribamaShore
@Landonjobe3: @pimpfriedrice_ Candace closing the door while Gus is on the phone is my whole mood right now! Funniest thing I’ve seen in a while 🤣 #MTVFloribamaShore
@FloribamaShore: If you've ever tried to be quiet coming home drunk, this one's for you! 👆 #MTVFloribamaShore
@VictoriaHope6: @pimpfriedrice_ apologies to the lamp.😂 #me
@lavender_deluxe: bruuuuhhhhh @pimpfriedrice_ the fact that all that happened and his gf was still crying on the damn phone!! 😂😂😂😂😂
@pimpfriedrice_: "@jaixo_lo: @pimpfriedrice_ let’s be friends boo I’ll treat you better than them mfs smh #floribamashore" RT I know you would #MTVFloribamaShore
@drewtappon: I literally could watch @pimpfriedrice_ trying to be quiet while @GusSmyrnios is on the phone for three hours straight. @FloribamaShore #MTVFloribamaShore @495Prods @sallyannsalsano
@aimeehall1001: Wowowowowowow that Lisa girl stopped crying real quick and hit @GusSmyrnios with the what’s wrong with you! Who thinks I should get on the phone with her next?!?! I have something I wanna say!! #MTVFloribamaShore
- @sallyannsalsano: @aimeehall1001 Ke ke ke 1 2 3
@cb_yellowjacket: Proud of @pimpfriedrice_ for handling the whole pancake situation well! #MTVFloribamaShore
@southernangel81: @pimpfriedrice_ girl you deserve better. All that over pancakes. Then says she doesn't like you. That was already obvious.
@raffety_nick: @pimpfriedrice_  mood with that lamp #MTVFloribamaShore
@codibutts: @K0nigi always has something wrong with her! #MTVFloribamaShore
@ItsMsHawkins2u: Yoooo wait a minute!!! She just cut them tears off real quick. Baby girl must be a drama major. 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾 #Skills #Mtvfloribamashore @GusSmyrnios @aimeehall1001 @pimpfriedrice_ @KirkMedas @drewtappon @sallyannsalsano @MTV @495Prods @FloribamaShore
@codibutts: Damn @K0nigi went to the hospital for nothing pretty much! #MTVFloribamaShore
@shonniemac23: Damn. Once again #MTVFloribamaShore did not disappoint. @aimeehall1001 @codibutts @nillythesquid @KirkMedas @GusSmyrnios @FloribamaShore
@codibutts: Lunch date! #MTVFloribamaShore
@codibutts: That egg sandwich fucked me up! @JeremiahBuoni can’t cook! #MTVFloribamaShore
@codibutts: Damn I am about to get friend zoned @pimpfriedrice_ #MTVFloribamaShore
@sallyannsalsano: "@dearrealitytv: Dear @pimpfriedrice_ , This lamp scene is the funniest shit I’ve seen in a long time! 😂🤣😂🤣 #MTVFloribamaShore @FloribamaShore #thanks #lmao" RT For real lol
@codibutts: Sometimes it’s just best to be friends @pimpfriedrice_  it worth fucking up a friendship! #MTVFloribamaShore
@codibutts: "@RealityTVBabe00: If you could party with one of the #MTVFloribamaShore cast, who would it be?! Love them all, but my vote is Codi and Kirk! @codibutts @KirkMedas" RT Well the people have spoken! #MTVFloribamaShore
@cdknight34: This girl just had a full vent session to her damn self while @GusSmyrnios helped @pimpfriedrice_ hahahaha
@crystalX0X0: Highlight of the episode: @pimpfriedrice_ and the lamp while @GusSmyrnios’s EX girlfriend was sobbing on the phone.. I was laughing so hard I was crying 🤣🤣🤣 #MTVFloribamaShore
@JaxzonTV: @FloribamaShore Y’all should seriously consider adding at least one new car roommate (preferably a black woman) who will stand with @pimpfriedrice_ cause this shit is actually just sad and annoying!
@codibutts: @pimpfriedrice_ we argue like an old married couple. #MTVFloribamaShore
@codibutts: @pimpfriedrice_ 25 and up club. #MTVFloribamaShore
@ByrgeTaylor: I’m so happy to see @pimpfriedrice_ again 🥰 and she just keeps everything real @FloribamaShore
@codibutts: @nillythesquid is licking her chops watching @GusSmyrnios and Lisa fight! #MTVFloribamaShore
@codibutts: @JeremiahBuoni stop dancing. #MTVFloribamaShore
@codibutts: Damn @GusSmyrnios put his whole life on hold for this skeeza! #MTVFloribamaShore
@codibutts: I love the crafty squirrel. Probably my favorite bar in that Tampa/St. Pete area! #MTVFloribamaShore
@codibutts: This the gym I like going too! #MTVFloribamaShore 12oz curls!
@codibutts: @JeremiahBuoni You got something alright! But I don’t think it’s rhythm! #MTVFloribamaShore
@codibutts: Damn @KirkMedas is hammered! #MTVFloribamaShore
@codibutts: I loved @KirkMedas mood right now! #MTVFloribamaShore
@codibutts: @K0nigi fucking went off on this bitch! #MTVFloribamaShore
@LeannSeairra: @GusSmyrnios oh my gosh she is still going on about your birthday . Your helping @pimpfriedrice_  and she is still going on and on.. #MTVFloribamaShore
@ItsMsHawkins2u: I need to get to a watch party with @pimpfriedrice_ #Mtvfloribamashore
@FloribamaShore @MTV @drewtappon @sallyannsalsano
@codibutts: Can the taxi take me through the drive-thru #MTVFloribamaShore
@codibutts: SYeah I ain’t lifting shit! #MTVFloribamaShore
@codibutts: @pimpfriedrice_  and I might be the only people that go to the gym and come back with a buzz! #MTVFloribamaShore
@codibutts: Ain’t nobody bothered @K0nigi this whole time. #MTVFloribamaShore
@codibutts: @K0nigi is the only girl I know that’s gets flowers then flips out. #MTVFloribamaShore
@codibutts: @KirkMedas and @pimpfriedrice_ could use some anger management. #MTVFloribamaShore
@codibutts: Down to the cave she walks! #MTVFloribamaShore
@codibutts: That’s a Conversation that needs to be had that conversation about derogatory language. @pimpfriedrice_ @KirkMedas  big props to y’all. #MTVFloribamaShore
@codibutts: Wow that’s a lot of Vegas bombs! #MTVFloribamaShore
@IIIMarvin: OMFG!!!!!! @sallyannsalsano @drewtappon I'm Loving @pimpfriedrice_ Look!!! She's So Freaking FABULOUS!!!!!! #MTVFloribamaShore
@codibutts: Damn @GusSmyrnios I think you might have over reacted a little bit. #MTVFloribamaShore
@codibutts: Now what the fuck is going on with @JeremiahBuoni and @GusSmyrnios now? #MTVFloribamaShore
@codibutts: Now @JeremiahBuoni is cry and upset too! WTF??? #MTVFloribamaShore
@aimeehall1001: I love my best friend @DADDYRyanR he’s a fucking legend!! #getitgoing
@codibutts: I just wanted to be left alone. #MTVFloribamaShore
@nillythesquid: Do y’all think Lisa should come visit....? #MTVFloribamaShore
@JustJem24: They need to evict kortni #MTVFloribamaShore
@JM00Nsaywhaa: So how was it okay for @K0nigi to go at @GusSmyrnios gf but when @codibutts says “ bitch ass Lisa “ it’s a problem ?! #FloridabamaShore #imconfused
@GusSmyrnios: Wouldn’t wish going through a break up on national television on anyone. One of the most stressful things ever lol #MTVFloribamaShore
@FloribamaShore: ALRIGHT signing off with this under appreciated @KirkMedas moment! 🏀 No new episode on Thanksgiving so see y'all in TWO WEEKS! #MTVFloribamaShore
- @KirkMedas: @FloribamaShore 😂😂😂
- @codibutts: @FloribamaShore @KirkMedas Don’t bring that weak shit in here! #MTVFloribamaShore


So, lots going down this week: Codi gets friendzoned by Candace, Jeremiah having a good time, a fight with Gus & Codi, Aimee having nothing to worry about with her man, Kortni losing it over noise, and Gus & Lisa heading to Splitsville. All in all, what a first two weeks.

As we are now officially at the weekend, this week is a three-day one for most of us as we get to have this short week at work and school as the holiday season is now officially on here on this Wednesday night. And owing to the fact that the fourth Thursday of November is designated as that holiday of giving thanks, Thanksgiving sees Floribama Shore take the week off.

The good news is that this week, DCBLOG will be devoting energies to what we have for you ahead: the 'Pulse of semifinal week of The Challenge: War of the Worlds 2 which begins in a few hours from now, our preview of Ex On The Beach: Peak of Love which begins a week from tomorrow, and some extra juicy stuff coming... TWO posts are coming your way tonight.
 After this week's episode airs on the East Coast, we'll have a Pulse Extra of a special marathon of the most recent MTV series to take place in the snow, Winter Break Hunter Mountain from last year, produced by the same team behind Floribama and Jersey Shore.
And after the show airs out west, we'll look back at how it all began for Joss when he appeared on the first series of Ex On The Beach UK five years ago... and you won't believe what he looked like back then.
And in addition to our Pulse of the WOTW2 semifinal coming up over the holiday weekend, we'll look at when one of the singles from Peak of Love getting to bring their talents to the new revival of one of TV's most addictive dating shows.

Also this week, be sure to follow my YouTube channel as it will begin posting this year's installments of video from my most recent #DCVegas trip, which took place one month ago this week. And as an appetizer of what's to come, live videos as captured by yours truly on Instagram, Periscope & Facebook are up now at before the polished, post-produced content goes live starting on Thanksgiving night. And as is custom for holidays like these, DCNOW at Twitter @DC408DxNow will host special sessions of #DCPlaylist all during the 4-day weekend.
   So, that's what we have in store for you here and across the social net... enjoy this week's Challenge if you can, and have a safe holiday weekend.


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