*** Advisory: DC SocialPulse contains adult language, objectionable content & spoilers for some readers. Viewer Discretion is Advised. Due to its length, take frequent eye breaks if you're reading this top to bottom. ***
Hello, and welcome to winter... if you happen to be living in one of the many places to have snow on the ground to start this extended, four-day holiday weekend. And it's a fitting backdrop for us to bring you something special this Thanksgiving Eve...
The winter portion of our MTV Reality journey will soon take us to a rare sight for MTV fans in the United States: the snow and the slopes. It's not that often for these shows to feature the magic of the coldest of the four seasons, though two of the toughest and memorable finals ever on The Challenge did involve winter when Battle of the Exes and Free Agents were decided on mountain tops capped in snow and resulted in Johnny Bananas winning both of them, part of his six titles.
Come December 5th, MTV's global phenomenon Ex On The Beach will take the American version of "The Ultimate Relations-XXX Show" from the sands of the world's most exotic beaches & locales to a new kind of paradise. This time, it's a ski resort, with colder temperatures, snowboards and everything the winter has to offer, and faces familiar to both MTV and reality TV fans will again grace your screen, as they will have their exes ski onto their turf.
But as we segue way toward kicking off our coverage of that season later this long weekend, we at DCBLOG are pleased to bring you something very special as part of our lead-up to Peak of Love: a Backtracked edition of the SocialPulse covering the last time we were gifted with this magical sight of ours.
All the way back in February & March of 2018 while our focus was on The Challenge: Vendettas, another show was airing... at least only briefly. From the producers of the Shore franchise - where Floribama Shore is now into its third season and the ninth overall season of the original Jersey show having just ended and it being sandwiched in between those two shows, Winter Break: Hunter Mountain brought eight winter-loving young adults -- Alessandra, Carissa, Jillian, J-Brew, Marc, Sheen, Taylar and TJ - to the Catskill Mountains north of New York City and the slopes and villages for some good old winter fun in a winter Shore.
But due to matters beyond everyone's control, it disappeared from the main MTV channel after it premiered after the Winter Olympics and was shifted over to the lesser-known MTV2 where after a couple Fridays, the rest of the season was "burned off" in a special season marathon. And that took place on the last Saturday in March in 2018, and when I did watch that it marked a rarity for me in binge-watching a whole season of (or at least, half of) an MTV series - something that, if you have Pluto TV, you can do so with that app now as does the MTV Hits channel on Amazon Prime Video.
To refresh everyone's memory, when we last left the lodge - in the time of this site back in early March of last year, the story that had those handful of viewers watching this talking was the feud between J-Brew and Alessandra, where a call to her parents to stop calling her every day for a welfare check left the house divided. Meanwhile, another person who joined those two in competing against Johnny Bananas and Team Challenge on Celebrity Fear Factor months prior, Marc, had the opportunity to finally seal the deal with Californian blonde Taylar.
And as we rejoin the house after all this time for this special attraction, plenty going on: There may be feelings for one of the girls to fall for the guy who loves to snowboard in the winter and go cliffdiving over the summer. Some friends from back home decide to surprise one of the guys, while the rollercoaster ride continues on for Marc & Tay. Plus, don't be surprised if there are multiple trips to the doctor, as well as plenty of tensions brewing amidst the fun of snow outside, such as one being faced to stay loyal to his girl and two relationships reaching a crossroads. And the house takes advantage of their time to enjoy the snow and hash out all that drama before it all comes to an end.
After the jump, we take an escape from real life for a Winter Break in Hunter Mountain, New York on this Pulse Extra special attraction ahead of Ex On The Beach: Peak of Love. Nice to have you with us...
For the 'Pulse of how the first three weeks of Winter Break went down - provided you've watched the show, check it out at these links: EP. 1, EP. 2, and EP. 3, plus our Look at the show before it premiered.
► AS THEY SAW IT: The Bingeathon
@MTV2: TOMORROW watch as #MTVWinterBreak HEATS UP! We have a SEASON MARATHON coming your way starting at 1:55/12:55c on @MTV2! 🏂🎉
@sheen_is_back: Don't forget to tune into @MTV2 @ 1 50 PM ET for the rest of @WinterBreakHM #MTVWinterBreak #banter
@Jilly_ashley: @WinterBreakHM has an all day marathon starting at 1:55 PM today on @MTV2 for episodes 4-8. #MTVWinterBreak #realityTV #TV #Saturday #MTV #MTV2
@MTV2: Weekend plans, anyone? Time to get rockinnn! 💃☺️
- @MarcToddd: @MTV2 Yea, watching the Saturday MARATHON of @WinterBreakHM at 1:55/12:55c!!!! #MTVWinterBreak
@WinterBreakHM: Amp level x1000 🙈 It may be #MTVWinterBreak, but things are starting to heat up! Catch an ALL DAY marathon TOMORROW starting at 1:55/12:55c on @MTV2!
@MarcToddd: PSA! PSA! PSA! Episodes 4-8 of @WinterBreakHM will be airing as a MARATHON from 1:50 EST to 7:30 EST on @MTV2! I’ll be live tweeting but idk how much my fingers can take 😂 usually a one hour episode is enough for me! The rest of the season gets CRAZY!!! #MTVWinterBreak #mtv2
@sheen_is_back: Well cats out of the bag on our #surprise @WinterBreakHM will air the remaining episodes in a marathon on Saturday on @MTV2 starting at 1:50 PM et. So go #ham Friday and spend your hangover with us!! This Saturday will be full of #banter #MTVWinterBreak #SaturdaysAreForTheBoys
@ItsJBreww: Well guys, it was fun while it lasted.. Unfortunately @MTV / @MTV2 is pulling us. The remaining episodes will air this Saturday. Appreciate all the love and support these past few weeks. #CeaseAndDesist 💀 #MTV set us up for disaster. #FuckTheSystem #MTVWinterBreak #ThanksForNada
@Jilly_ashley: Who is ready to 👀 in less than 30 min!! #MTVWinterBreak @MTV2
@MTV2: Honestly there's no rejection more painful than when you call your pup into your room and they just run in the opposite direction 💔 Great day to be chillen in bed, though, because #MTVWinterBreak has a season marathon happening NOW on @MTV2!!
@WinterBreakHM: Does this look like you right now? Don't know how to spend this lovely Saturday afternoon? Turn on @MTV2! #MTVWinterBreak season marathon is starting at 1:55/12:55c!
- @drewtappon: @WinterBreakHM It’s almost time. Are you ready to see how the rest of the winter went down?!?! Get to @MTV2 now!!! #WinterBreakHunterMountain @carissamiche11e @alessandratbh @ItsJBreww @TEJANGUS @MarcToddd @Jilly_ashley @sheen_is_back @495Prods @sallyannsalsano
- @ItsJBreww: @WinterBreakHM Roll some j bones and grab some cold ones! The Winter Break: Hunter Mountain marathon starts now on #MTV2 !!! Shits about to go down!! You want reality? Watch #MTVWinterBreak !! Hey @MTVBananas , watch my pranks and take some notes bud!! #GoodButNotGoodEnough #Fired #MTV #WeDead
@495Prods: The #MTVwinterbreak Marathon starts NOW on @MTV2- @WinterBreakHM @Jilly_ashley @taylarshinn @MarcToddd @sheen_is_back @alessandratbh @carissamiche11e @ItsJBreww @TEJANGUS @drewtappon @sallyannsalsano
@sheen_is_back: @MarcToddd is putting in a lot of work #MTVWinterBreak
@sheen_is_back: Hahahaha @ItsJBreww is #cupid #MTVWinterBreak
@dc408dxnow: As we start this Binge Fest, the talk of the #MTVWinterBreak house is of TJ and his girlfriend and how this has turned upside down after she called the house and he hooked up with Jillian
- @drewtappon: @dc408dxnow Oh please keep the flames on. You won’t believe how this one turns out. #MTVWinterBreak @495Prods @sallyannsalsano
- @drewtappon: @dc408dxnow @ItsJBreww and 2 others Shades of #JerseyShoreFamilyVacation
@drewtappon: Saturday afternoon — watching the insane things that happen to #WinterBreakHunterMountain All in one bingeable watch. Tune in now! Right now! @MTV2 @495Prods @sallyannsalsano @MarcToddd @sheen_is_back @ItsJBreww @TEJANGUS @carissamiche11e @alessandratbh @Jilly_ashley
@Jilly_ashley: Most awkward car ride ever..was never so excited to be at work #MTVWinterBreak
@Jilly_ashley: Dude, you didn’t even spell “Taylar” right #MTVWinterBreak
@sheen_is_back: Hahahahahahahahahahha this #note #MTVWinterBreak
@Jilly_ashley: Should @MarcToddd tell #Tay he didn’t write the note?
@nicholasmartinn: if you’re not binge watching #MTVWinterBreak rn then you’re wasting your day. also @MTV terrible move taking off my dudes @MarcToddd and @ItsJBreww
@MarcToddd: Hahaha keep ya head up sheen #MTVWinterBreak
@sheen_is_back: Well #strikeoutsheen tho @carissamiche11e #MTVWinterBreak
@Jilly_ashley: Lighthearted letter...yeah, bc @ItsJBreww wrote it. #cheesyAF #MTVWinterBreak
@carissamiche11e: I just died at our scene @sheen_is_back I truly love you lmaoooooo #MTVWinterBreak
@Jilly_ashley: FIRE SHOTS..gettin lit #MTVWinterBreak
@Jilly_ashley: DENIED!! @carissamiche11e @sheen_is_back #WHOMP #MTVWinterBreak
@MarcToddd: Marc is out here just using his God given gift #MTVWinterBreak
@Jilly_ashley: #Tay breath girl...#runonsentences #MTVWinterBreak
@sheen_is_back: Now or never @MarcToddd #thenote #MTVWinterBreak
@drewtappon: @dc408dxnow @ItsJBreww And he wrote it in #ranchdressing #MTVWinterBreak
@Jilly_ashley: Don’t tell her @alessandratbh, don’t do it!! #MTVWinterBreak
@MarcToddd: Should Marc tell Taylar about the note??? #MTVWinterBreak
@Jilly_ashley: Who needs “approval” #idome #MTVWinterBreak
@MarcToddd: Marc chill the f*ck out with these emotions dude #MTVWinterBreak
@Jilly_ashley: Yikes...😓 I legit thought @alessandratbh might have gone the other way and told #Melissa #MTVWinterBreak
@Jilly_ashley: Is @TEJANGUS going to man up and tell #Melissa we are hooking up?
@Plsshutupmk: OMFG SHES GONNA TELL HER #mtvwinterbreak
@DivaActressQt: Agreed he needs to tell melissa himself #MTVWinterBreak
@Jilly_ashley: Brews face is as red as an apple #mtvwinterbreak
@aoccidentale: IT FINALLY HAPPENED!!!! I MET @MarcToddd FROM @WinterBreakHM. HOLY. CRAP. . . THIS SO GREAT... #MTVWinterBreak. WATCHING LIVE WITH HIM 😍😍 Tune in!!
@sheen_is_back: @ItsJBreww is evil cupid #MTVWinterBreak
@ColetteLala: Heads up! It looks like MTV is phoning it in again. They’re rolling out the rest of Winter Break today. 5 episodes in a row. It’s so frustrating how much MTV screwed this up. They screwed up marketing, then got lazy with scheduling and now they’re giving up.
- @carissamiche11e: @ColetteLala MTV can give up, but the cast is still supporting each other. Watch the marathon with us right now. It will be good #MTVwinterbreak
- @MarcToddd: @carissamiche11e: @colettelala Yea we won’t let their absence in all of this ruin our experience #MTVWinterBreak
@sheen_is_back: Well...there goes that prank #MTVWinterBreak
@MarcToddd: Yo @alessandratbh why girl why???? #MTVWinterBreak
@MarcToddd: Oh shit I’m fucked #MTVWinterBreak
@MarcToddd: Taylar the run-on sentenced #MTVWinterBreak
@MarcToddd: Did I just get broken up with??? #MTVWinterBreak
@carissamiche11e: Bitch I go hard 🎶 I actually like our music on #MTVWinterBreak
@MarcToddd: Get the fuck outta my room children #MTVWinterBreak
@sheen_is_back: There goes our fucking room @MarcToddd #MTVWinterBreak
@WinterBreakHM: .@MTV2 is basically Cupid setting us up with an @MTVWinterBreak season marathon, happening RIGHT NOW! 😍💖🏂
@sheen_is_back: Marsh..mellow the hell out boys @MarcToddd @ItsJBreww #MTVWinterBreak
@sheen_is_back: Tornado brew #MTVWinterBreak
@_BryanOBrien: I've been in the same position my dude got drruuunkk and then got set off and then went off @ItsJBreww #MTVWinterBreak
@sheen_is_back: Abolish Sleevery #MTVWinterBreak
@sheen_is_back: Oh boy... #laterbrew #MTVWinterBreak
@carissamiche11e: As much as I hate @ItsJBreww, I love him #MTVWinterBreak
@MarcToddd: Umm @Jilly_ashley yes the hospital 😂😂😂 #MTVWinterBreak
@sheen_is_back: @ItsJBreww worried about the homie #MTVWinterBreak
@sheen_is_back: Haha rolling out of the hospital like a boss @ItsJBreww #MTVWinterBreak
@sheen_is_back: Sorry homie...but I gotta get her back #MTVWinterBreak
@drewtappon: "@carissamiche11e: @aimeelrossi Agreed. There’s a marathon on @mtv2 right now #MTVwinterbreak" RT Wait until you see how this shit plays out. These kids are mental AF. @sallyannsalsano @495Prods @MarcToddd @MTV2 @sheen_is_back @alessandratbh @Jilly_ashley @ItsJBreww
@drewtappon: @dc408dxnow This is why this show blows my mind. If it were scripted, you would tell them it’s unrealistic. This shit was mental. Bless @Jilly_ashley for letting us capture this ‘relationship’ so totally. @495Prods #MTVWinterBreak
@DQ_the_Man: @alessandratbh When @Jilly_ashley hears that @TEJANGUS gf is coming down in a week and is pissed off after hearing that. Good luck TJ. #MTVWinterBreak
@Daniegirl1030: I totally admire @alessandratbh for her integrity and speaking up for what’s right #MTVWinterBreak
@sheen_is_back: Sorry...but you guys keep the drama. I'll take the #banter @WinterBreakHM the girls wanna talk shit but guess what ...I'm hear to party. #MTVWinterBreak #sorrynotsorry #laterriss #lateralessandra
- @MarcToddd: @sheen_is_back Amen to that #mtvwinterbreak
- @sheen_is_back: @alessandratbh Later drama....
- @alessandratbh: @sheen_is_back You say drama I say having my friend’s back
@MarcToddd: You’re a whole ass woman @Jilly_ashley fuck him and his bullshit #MTVWinterBreak
- @Jilly_ashley: @MarcToddd Love you #MTVWinterBreak
@sheen_is_back: Hey @alessandratbh @carissamiche11e ... am I not saying anything now? #fbc #banter #MTVWinterBreak
- @carissamiche11e: @sheen_is_back @alessandratbh You ain’t doin shittttt boyyyyyyy haha jk. I give you credit for having Jill’s back
@Plsshutupmk: Why tf is tj so upset that someone told her??? Did he expect her to not find out? Stupid af #MTVWinterBreak
@alessandratbh: Me the entire time on #MTVWinterBreak
@sheen_is_back: Always got @Jilly_ashley her back #MTVWinterBreak
- @Jilly_ashley: @sheen_is_back Love you Sheeny #MTVWinterBreak
@MarcToddd: Yo @ItsJBreww, she needed to take that advice and f*ck around for a little bit #MTVWinterBreak
@alessandratbh: Everyone in the shred house when there’s a slight degree of conflict #MTVWinterBreak
@Jilly_ashley: @drewtappon @dc408dxnow @495Prods These are my real emotions ..completely raw. If it was acting I should win an academy award. #realitytv #itisreal #MTVWinterBreak
- @drewtappon: @Jilly_ashley @dc408dxnow @495Prods #MoveOverMeryl
@DQ_the_Man: I love when @alessandratbh and @carissamiche11e have @Jilly_ashley back. True definition of Girl Power. #MTVWinterBreak 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻
@MarcToddd: The funniest thing is that @TEJANGUS on the show is me in real life 😏🤫 ...was me...I’m changed #MTVWinterBreak
@sherryj341: @MTV2 this might be a stupid idea, but you guys should keep the show but have like two episodes each weekends. #MTVWinterBreak
@alessandratbh: Me every time I see @TEJANGUS #MTVWinterBreak
@DQ_the_Man: @alessandratbh @sheen_is_back Alessandra is just having @Jilly_ashley back. That’s what bffs do for each other. There’s a difference Sheen. I’m just saying. #MTVWinterBreak
- @alessandratbh: @sheen_is_back @DQ_the_Man @Jilly_ashley I’ll say it again
@Daniegirl1030: #MTVWinterBreak @Jilly_ashley you deserved BETTER than that 😞
@Plsshutupmk: WAIT. He doesn’t want Melissa’s feelings hurt? But if their relationship is open....? LIAR LIER #MTVWinterBreak
@Jilly_ashley: New drinking game..every time I cry DRINK,..every time I say I’m getting played..DRINK, everytime an open relationship is said DRINK. Who is wasted? #MTVWinterBreak
@carissamiche11e: When life isn’t going your way, get some good friends, big ass glasses, and drinkkkkk #CheersBitches #MTVwinterbreak
@Jilly_ashley: Yo, never talk shit about the #unitedstatesmilitary #MTVWinterBreak
@sheen_is_back: There goes @TEJANGUS #MTVWinterBreak
@carissamiche11e: Oh look the cops are here again. But this time it’s not because of @alessandratbh. First for Brew, now a fight #MTVwinterbreak
@sheen_is_back: Talk shit get hit #MTVWinterBreak
@alessandratbh: Lol @TEJANGUS is mad bc he’s the one taking some heat for fucking with people 😂 #MTVWinterBreak
@carissamiche11e: Who talks shit about someone who has fought for our country #America #Respect #MTVWinterBreak
@sheen_is_back: Time to prank sheen #MTVWinterBreak #banter
@sheen_is_back: The #marsheen is fucking up #MTVWinterBreak
@sheen_is_back: For all the shit talk...everyone loves #mayorsheen #teamsheen #banter #MTVWinterBreak
@sheen_is_back: Girls room o'clock #banter #MTVWinterBreak
@sheen_is_back: No more mr. Nice sheen #MTVWinterBreak
@Jilly_ashley: Pot is stirrrrrin #MTVWinterBreak
@sheen_is_back: Hahah I'm getting talked shit about and this kid is mad.... #children #MTVWinterBreak
@drewtappon: @dc408dxnow And @alessandratbh ‘s mom was nowhere to be found! #ShockingTruths @495Prods @sallyannsalsano
@sheen_is_back: Appreciate the #realtalk @alessandratbh #MTVWinterBreak
@Daniegirl1030: #MTVWinterBreak side note, I TOTALLY want and NEED a SNOWBIRD hoodie 🤗
@sheen_is_back: So shit talking against me...turns into telling at @alessandratbh ? #MTVWinterBreak
@drewtappon: @dc408dxnow @ItsJBreww Pranks, cops and questionably ‘open’ relationships. We serve it all for you. #MTVWinterBreak @sheen_is_back @Jilly_ashley @MarcToddd @TEJANGUS @alessandratbh @carissamiche11e @Jilly_ashley @495Prods @sallyannsalsano
@MarcToddd: All of this is just jokes and #banter...guys f*ck with each other like this all the time 🤦🏽♂️ #MTVWinterBreak
- @sheen_is_back: @MarcToddd Buh what just happened #MTVWinterBreak @alessandratbh said something to me and then people flip out hahaha I was just like...fuck it. @Beer0Cl0ck
@sheen_is_back: Well this was too confusing #MTVWinterBreak
@sherryj341: About to burn the house down lmao #MTVWinterBreak
@Jilly_ashley: Shoutout to Dr. G for my side profile nose job 🙌🏽 #MTVWinterBreak
@carissamiche11e: When #MTVwinterbreak plays “I’ve got issues” and feel that shit. I need the soundtrack to this season
- @Jilly_ashley: @carissamiche11e Hahahahah I have so many #issues #MTVWinterBreak
@Jilly_ashley: Ommmmgggg SMH at myself ..yeah I wanna be there for Teej, but he is clearly not treating me right in return #wakeup #MTVWinterBreak
@drewtappon: "@sherryj341: Who else is planning on watching this to the finale? #MTVWinterBreak" RT If you’ve been on the journey, I promise you will NOT BE DISAPPOINTED. truly one of thof gnarliest finales I’ve ever seen. And I’m old. #MTVWinterBreak @495Prods @sallyannsalsano @sheen_is_back @MarcToddd @TEJANGUS @ItsJBreww @Jilly_ashley @alessandratbh @carissamiche11e
@DQ_the_Man: @alessandratbh I know this is supposed to be serious but I laughed a bit when after the talk, @ItsJBreww said he’s gonna take a s***. 😂😂 #MTVWinterBreak
@sherryj341: Who else is planning on watching this to the finale? #MTVWinterBreak
@MarcToddd: We’ll see how @taylarshinn really feels when I bring a girl back #MTVWinterBreak
@alessandratbh: See? I wasn’t lying. They were really talking shit! #MTVWinterBreak
@sherryj341: Alessandra is speaking straight facts. #MTVWinterBreak
@sheen_is_back: #boozybrunch #MTVWinterBreak
@alessandratbh: Who thinks the snow bros were joking or making fun of @MarcToddd and @sheen_is_back behind their backs? #MTVWinterBreak
@sheen_is_back: Hahahahaha pop! #30seconds #MTVWinterBreak
@sheen_is_back: Beer goggles bahahaha #MTVWinterBreak #bornagainvirgin #strikeoutsheen
@dc408dxnow: Well, here we are with yet another @ItsJBreww prank in the #MTVWinterBreak house. We've had more of these pranks here that I've seen than we had in a long time on these shows
- @ItsJBreww: @dc408dxnow And to think I was just getting started... #MTVWinterBreak
@carissamiche11e: I’m the friend that says, “This is so bad! Just go. Let’s do it” @alessandratbh I’m down for whatever crazy idea you have #MTVWinterBreak
@DQ_the_Man: @carissamiche11e saying @sheen_is_back is a born again Virgin is the best!! 🤣🤣🤣 #MTVWinterBreak
@DQ_the_Man: @alessandratbh and @carissamiche11e first prank of the whole season and it’s by far the best one yet. #MTVWinterBreak
@alessandratbh: Just call me the queen of pranks. Sorry not sorry #MTVWinterBreak
- @sheen_is_back: @alessandratbh Savage move girl
@_BryanOBrien: I CAN'T WITH THEIR LAUGHS 😂😂😂😂 I LOVE Y'ALL #MTVWinterBreak
- @carissamiche11e: @_BryanOBrien My laugh is out of control. I cringe #MTVwinterbreak
@alessandratbh: Carissa’s screaming is KILLING ME #MTVWinterBreak
- @DQ_the_Man: @alessandratbh Just the way you @Jilly_ashley and @carissamiche11e can’t hold in your laughs! I can’t either!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 #MTVWinterBreak
@sheen_is_back: Hahahaha tj pooped his pants #MTVWinterBreak
@Jilly_ashley: But @ItsJBreww IT IS funny #babyshit #shitspray #MTVWinterBreak
@Jilly_ashley: Here we gooooo COCK BLOCK CITY #tay @MarcToddd #MTVWinterBreak
@MarcToddd: Do I f*ck this redhead or do I just play it safe with Taylar? #MTVWinterBreak
@sheen_is_back: Essentially. Taylar sucks @MarcToddd is the man. @carissamiche11e is real af and I'm a born again virgin #MTVWinterBreak
- @MarcToddd: @sheen_is_back Re-f*ckin tweet man! 🙌🙌 #MTVWinterBreak
@Jilly_ashley: One of my fav memories was jumping on top of @carissamiche11e while she was dying laughing from the #shitspray ..she legit had a laugh attack #bestmemory #MTVWinterBreak
@alessandratbh: Peeing my pants thanks to our genius prank 😂😂😂 sorry @ItsJBreww!!💥 @carissamiche11e @Jilly_ashley #MTVWinterBreak
- @Jilly_ashley: @alessandratbh @ItsJBreww @carissamiche11e Best #prank ever #MTVWinterBreak
@MarcToddd: I keep crying my eyes out just seeing @ItsJBreww flip out about the poop smell 😂😂😂 #MTVWinterBreak
- @ItsJBreww: @MarcToddd Yep, don’t remember that
- @MarcToddd: @ItsJBreww Dude your eyes are so slow 😂😂 half of our “drama” was done when we were cross-eyed drunk #MTVWinterBreak
@attitudera4ever: @carissamiche11e It's cute, no cringe
@DivaActressQt: #MTVWinterBreak @TEJANGUS pooed his pants 😂
@sheen_is_back: Tips for season 2 @WinterBreakHM get laid, dont be a pussy, dont invite tay, dont bring ranch, marry @carissamiche11e, prank @ItsJBreww , hug @alessandratbh, get bubble wrap for @Jilly_ashley , get adult diapers for @TEJANGUS , and get @MarcToddd new lotion #MTVWinterBreak #goals
- @drewtappon: @sheen_is_back @WinterBreakHM #VisionBoard that shit. @495Prods @sallyannsalsano #MTVWinterBreak
- @MarcToddd: @sheen_is_back @WinterBreakHM 😂😂😂😂😂 yo this is the best #MTVWinterBreak
@sheen_is_back: My boy is finally becoming a man!!!! @MarcToddd #MTVWinterBreak
@MarcToddd: Marc just grew a pair of balls...almost forgot I had them. Step the f*ck back Taylar #MTVWinterBreak
@sheen_is_back: Mankini is on point baby!!! #MTVWinterBreak
@MarcToddd: Taylar you need to get your sh*t together! #MTVWinterBreak
@MarcToddd: Hey we need some subtitles for @taylarshinn 😂😂 #MTVWinterBreak
@sheen_is_back: Consoling tay in a bikini is just so real #MTVWinterBreak
@sheen_is_back: @MarcToddd hahahahaha dog your face!!!! #MTVWinterBreak
@MarcToddd: MARC! noooooooo! MARC NOOOOOOOOOOO! Get the f*ck Out!!!! #MTVWinterBreak
@MarcToddd: Look at you! You sly devil you!! #CueTheMusic #MTVWinterBreak
@MarcToddd: Marc you are a big ol b*tch but whatever #MTVWinterBreak you’re getting played dog
@sheen_is_back: Hahahaha @carissamiche11e let's get plastered #MTVWinterBreak
@sheen_is_back: Trouble in paradise #MTVWinterBreak #snowbros
@MarcToddd: Yo @TEJANGUS chill the f*ck Out bro!! #MTVWinterBreak
@Jilly_ashley: This just in: Snow bros are breaking up #MTVWinterBreak
@dc408dxnow: TJ and JBrew were close from the start but now there's some trouble in this paradise of snow here. #MTVWinterBreak
- @drewtappon: @dc408dxnow It’s not just the ladies who bring drama in reality tv. #MTVWinterBreak @495Prods
@RabbitHoleTX: Damn TJ you need to have a little more respect for women Boo #MTVWinterBreak
@Jilly_ashley: @ItsJBreww’s girlfriend ...like he didn’t do anything wrong #nosupport #sorrymichelle #MTVWinterBreak
@drewtappon: We’re in the home stretch and I mean it — you will not believe how intense the finale of #MTVWinterBreak is. Keep it locked on @MTV2 @495Prods @sallyannsalsano @sheen_is_back @alessandratbh @carissamiche11e @ItsJBreww @Jilly_ashley @MarcToddd @TEJANGUS
- @sallyannsalsano:@drewtappon My favorite finale moment maybe ever
@MarcToddd: Uhhh no sh*t there’s feelings. @taylarshinn you talk in circles all day #MTVWinterBreak
@MarcToddd: OBVIOUSLY I HAVE BEER GOGGLES ON!!! I probably funneled like 5 beers before this friggin conversation #MTVWinterBreak
@MarcToddd: Single and open relationship are different #MTVWinterBreak
@Jilly_ashley: Whose #Melissa? #livemybestlife #live #MTVWinterBreak
@Jilly_ashley: I love a good house partyyyyy #MTVWinterBreak
@sheen_is_back: This house is ridiculous and were about to burn it to the mufuckin ground #MTVWinterBreak
@Jilly_ashley: Later @TEJANGUS #MTVWinterBreak
@Jilly_ashley: Cool talk to other girls in front of me ..@TEJANGUS #truecolors #peopledontchange #lies #MTVWinterBreak
@Jilly_ashley: Any chance @TEJANGUS got he talked to another girl ..I am finally starting to realize what a POS he really is #wakingup #MTVWinterBreak
@LeaMaggio: honestly girl, did you really think Marc would have worded the note that way? #MTVWinterBreak
@_BryanOBrien: I would love to have jbreww as a homie he's real as fuck he's done wrong but what person hasn't #MTVWinterBreak
@Jilly_ashley: Seems like @TEJANGUS just got what he wanted and he does not need me any more #MTVWinterBreak
@sheen_is_back: Brew is on Mars #MTVWinterBreak
@Jilly_ashley: I’m over talking about @TEJANGUS ..#naptime #powernap #MTVWinterBreak
@Jilly_ashley: 🚨NAP POLICE @ItsJBreww 🚨
@Jilly_ashley: Girl fight.. @carissamiche11e #MTVWinterBreak
- @DQ_the_Man: @Jilly_ashley @carissamiche11e Carissa is just looking out for you Jillian. It’s nothing personal. #MTVWinterBreak
@Jilly_ashley: Me trying to play it cool #MTVWinterBreak
@Jilly_ashley: “I’m not being dramatic”#MTVWinterBreak
@Jilly_ashley: I’m about to #snap @ItsJBreww #MTVWinterBreak
- @DQ_the_Man: @Jilly_ashley @ItsJBreww That’s what happens when you wake up a sleeping beauty. #MTVWinterBreak
@MarcToddd: Hey I think we need some subtitles #MTVWinterBreak
@LeaMaggio: There are like 5 more @ItsJBreww 's in the house right now #MTVWinterBreak #brewandfriends
- @carissamiche11e: @LeaMaggio When you live with people for that long, people start to snap #5Brews #PeopleSnapping #MTVWinterBreak
- @MarcToddd: @LeaMaggio All the personalities are really starting to come out now 😡 I’m not holding back shit anymore #MTVWinterBreak
@sheen_is_back: Last night baby!!! #MTVWinterBreak
@sheen_is_back: Uh oh ...trouble brewing...#MTVWinterBreak
@MarcToddd: Uh oh #mtvwinterbreak
@Daniegirl1030: @Jilly_ashley @sheen_is_back and 8 others Ahhh yes!! We (viewers) for sure want to know how y’all are doing and what’s going on now 😊
- @MarcToddd: @Daniegirl1030 I just do research, enjoy life and snowboard #MTVWinterBreak
@sherryj341: Carissa was shook #MTVWinterBreak
@_BryanOBrien: I have a bad experience with getting drunk and doing or saying stupid shit because of my personal issues so every time I see someone doing something similar on #MTVWinterBreak I feel for them
@Jilly_ashley: So you have a “girlfriend,” “side piece” now you want “a wife” ...later Teej #MTVWinterBreak
@Jilly_ashley: @ItsJBreww ...trouble in paradise 😫 #MTVWinterBreak
@MarcToddd: 🍑 #MTVWinterBreak
@Daniegirl1030: At least @ItsJBreww is owning his actions and not saying he’s in an “open relationship” #MTVWinterBreak
@MarcToddd: Uber milan on the phone!!!!!!! #MTVWinterBreak
@sheen_is_back: Playing the orchestra over here tay #MTVWinterBreak
@MarcToddd: Me getting played by Taylar #MTVWinterBreak
@Jilly_ashley: Meeting the #family already @MarcToddd #Tay #mtvwinterbreak
- @MarcToddd: @Jilly_ashley MARC NOOOOOOOOOOO! #MTVWinterBreak
@LeaMaggio: I enjoy @alessandratbh snapping off on @ItsJBreww so much #quality #MTVWinterBreak
@sherryj341: So confused about Marc and taylar's relationship. What's going on? #MTVWinterBreak
@sheen_is_back: Hahaha shes using you as a purse!!! #MTVWinterBreak
- @Jilly_ashley: @sheen_is_back Yupppp 👀👀👀 we see you #Tay #MTVWinterBreak
- @MarcToddd: @sheen_is_back You right #MTVWinterBreak
@RabbitHoleTX: Jbrew spraying TJ with air freshener because he thinks he pooped his pants #MTVWinterBreak
@sheen_is_back: Hahaha 0% drama 100% banter #ddicksheen #strikeoutsheen #banter #MTVWinterBreak
@DQ_the_Man: @alessandratbh @Jilly_ashley @carissamiche11e I’m so happy you rekindled your friendship. Jillian you’re so much better than this and I do hope you find that guy. Alessandra and Carissa, props to you two having her back. God bless you three. #MTVWinterBreak
@Jilly_ashley: At the end of the day I know that @carissamiche11e and @alessandratbh had my best interest. Yeah, I may have thought they tried to stir the pot at times, but they were looking out for me. #friendship #girltalk #mtvwinterbreak
@DForinoLA: “She’s using you as a purse now.” Classic! @sheen_is_back @MarcToddd #MTVWinterBreak
@Jilly_ashley: Time to board 🏂 #MTVWinterBreak #snowbros
@Jilly_ashley: And he’s down @ItsJBreww 💥😫
@sheen_is_back: Oh shit... the homie is down @ItsJBreww #MTVWinterBreak
@Jilly_ashley: Prayers up for @ItsJBreww 🙏🏼 #MTVWinterBreak
@Jilly_ashley: @alessandratbh 😷😷😷 #MTVWinterBreak
@sheen_is_back: Lay on sheens couch and talk to the doc.... #MTVWinterBreak
@Jilly_ashley: @sheen_is_back always having my back 🤗💖 Sheen always tells me how it is, even if it hard to hear. #MTVWinterBreak
- @sheen_is_back: @Jilly_ashley My homie for life #MTVWinterBreak
@Jilly_ashley: @ItsJBreww looks like an escaped mental patient - @carissamiche11e #MTVWinterBreak
@MarcToddd: Marc packed only schmediums for @WinterBreakHM #MTVWinterBreak
@Jilly_ashley: Bring on the #faketears #tay #MTVWinterBreak
@Jilly_ashley: @MarcToddd stay strong LAY DOWN THE LAW‼️ #MTVWinterBreak
@MarcToddd: Clap it up for Marc for finally laying out his emotions #MTVWinterBreak
- @sheen_is_back: @MarcToddd So proud
@Jilly_ashley: Who thinks #tay just wants a free trip to #NYC #MTVWinterBreak
@MarcToddd: Why are you crying so much Taylar if you didn’t think anything of this??? #MTVWinterBreak you are so confusing
- @Jilly_ashley: @MarcToddd #Tay wants to see the big apple 🍎 #MTVWinterBreak
- @MarcToddd:@Jilly_ashley F*ck that girl #MTVWinterBreak
- @DQ_the_Man: @Jilly_ashley @MarcToddd Taylar is giving the opportunity to see NYC for the first time. It’s not the best time to bring this up. #MTVWinterBreak
@DQ_the_Man: @Jilly_ashley TJ’s gf is here!! Run!!! #MTVWinterBreak
@sheen_is_back: So much drama! All you need is #banter #MTVWinterBreak
@Jilly_ashley: I need answers and I WANT THEM NOW #MTVWinterBreak
- @drewtappon: @Jilly_ashley Thus begins the most insane confrontation I have ever seen on any reality show ever. #MTVWinterBreak @sallyannsalsano @495Prods
@Jilly_ashley: So you can look me in the eyes and tell me it’s open? @TEJANGUS #MTVWinterBreak
@dont_itsatrap: #WinterBreakHunterMountain is crazy! #teamjillybean all the way! @Jilly_ashley you deserve better than TJ and his 11 concussions
- @drewtappon: @dont_itsatrap America has spoken. -#MTVWinterBreak @495Prods @sallyannsalsano
@LeaMaggio: What was TJ just going to wait until his girlfriend showed up to tell Jill? #MTVWinterBreak
@Jilly_ashley: Who is ready for me to go face to face with #Melissa? #MTVWinterBreak #thetimeiscoming
- @DQ_the_Man: @Jilly_ashley One way or another, the truth has to come out. It’s like I said before. Jillian deserves the answers!! So start talking TJ! #MTVWinterBreak
@sheen_is_back: Full savage sheen baby #lastnight #MTVWinterBreak
@Jilly_ashley: Sexy time @MarcToddd ..now she wants to give it up when she really wants that NYC trip #MTVWinterBreak
@MarcToddd: Am I sure if I want to do this?!?! I’ve been trying to get some 🍑 since we got here 🤷🏽♂️... #MTVWinterBreak
@sheen_is_back: Last breakfast #MTVWinterBreak
@Jilly_ashley: When @ItsJBreww finds out about he #shitspray #prank #MTVWinterBreak
@Jilly_ashley: @ItsJBreww and @alessandratbh just f*** it out #MTVWinterBreak
@sheen_is_back: We made our mark on hunter mountain #MTVWinterBreak
@Jilly_ashley: When we find out @MarcToddd finally had sex with #Tay #MTVWinterBreak
@Jilly_ashley: We’ll #Tay just f*cked her way into a free trip to #NY #MTVWinterBreak @MarcToddd sorry babes #used
@Jilly_ashley: Well, look who we have here #Melissa #MTVWinterBreak
@sheen_is_back: Well...@TEJANGUS has a gf. Whoops #MTVWinterBreak
@MarcToddd: Oh wow I WONDER what changed your mind about going back to NYC with me @taylarshinn 🍆 #MTVWinterBreak
@Jilly_ashley: Get @TEJANGUS outta here and hide Jillian - Marc #MTVWinterBreak
@DQ_the_Man: @Jilly_ashley @alessandratbh @carissamiche11e UH OH!! Melissa aka TJ’s GF is here!! This would be me if I see her and Jillian in one room. #MTVWinterBreak
@DivaActressQt: Strike 3 , she’s meeting the family #MTVWinterBreak
@Jilly_ashley: Hi, I’m Jillian!! #MTVWinterBreak #blind
@Jilly_ashley: And I don’t even realize who she is #melissa #MTVWinterBreak
@Jilly_ashley: My face when I realize THAT’S #MELISSA #MTVWinterBreak
@Jilly_ashley: Ironic @TEJANGUS is taking a shit when #Melissa arrives #pieceofshit #MTVWinterBreak
@sheen_is_back: Ummmm.... #laterteej #MTVWinterBreak
@Jilly_ashley: You should probably just flush yourself down the toilet @TEJANGUS #MTVWinterBreak
@Plsshutupmk: TJ is text book manipulator. He gets mad anytime someone talks to Jill about him, gets mad when anyone questions his motives. Kisses Her ass after he disrespects her. Turning her against friends. I’m sorry he treated you this way. You deserve a man not a child #MTVWinterBreak
@Jilly_ashley: Well this is awkward 🐢 #MTVWinterBreak
- @drewtappon: @Jilly_ashley Poor @TEJANGUS is off the grid this weekend. He’s coming back to a world of Twitter comments he never saw coming. #MTVWinterBreak @495Prods
- @Jilly_ashley: @drewtappon @TEJANGUS @495Prods Typical he’s running away #MTVWinterBreak
@Jilly_ashley: How is @TEJANGUS going to talk himself out of this one #MTVWinterBreak
@sheen_is_back: 1 more night!!! #MTVWinterBreak
@Jilly_ashley: When @TEJANGUS wants to flee like an escaped prisoner #MTVWinterBreak
@Jilly_ashley: Should I tell #Melissa? #MTVWinterBreak
@Jilly_ashley: @TEJANGUS is legit threatening me not to ask her, and it is making me want to ask her even more. #MTVWinterBreak
@MarcToddd: ahaha yup im sure she KNOWS you are in an “open” relationship @TEJANGUS #MTVWinterBreak
@Jilly_ashley: Someone’s looking guilty @TEJANGUS #MTVWinterBreak
@Jilly_ashley: Here we goooooo #catandmouse #MTVWinterBreak
- @drewtappon: @Jilly_ashley The Chase begins!!! #MTVWinterBreak
@Jilly_ashley: Melissaaaaaa melissaaaaa melissssaaaa ..I cant get a word in #guilty #MTVWinterBreak
@MarcToddd: Lmfaooo this is too f*ckin funny!! @TEJANGUS is so screwed 😂😂 #MTVWinterBreak
- @Jilly_ashley: @MarcToddd @TEJANGUS He’s screwed #MTVWinterBreak
@carissamiche11e: Me to Jill: “I’ll start, if you finish @Jilly_ashley” ❤️ I have your back. You can do this #MTVwinterbreak
- @Jilly_ashley: @carissamiche11e You always do 👯♀️ #MTVWinterBreak
@Jilly_ashley: i don’t think #Melissa wants to hear it #MTVWinterBreak
@Jilly_ashley: I’m really enjoying this #pizza #MTVWinterBreak
@MarcToddd: Ima just eat my pizza and watch this marinate #MTVWinterBreak
@Jilly_ashley: It must have been really hard being in an #openrelationship ..I’m glad you guys are getting back together. He told me a lot about you. We had a lot of fun. #MTVWinterBreak #herfacesaiditall #shessteaming
@sheen_is_back: So hard to say goodbye to the fam @WinterBreakHM #MTVWinterBreak
@carissamiche11e: I truly love you @Jilly_ashley ❤️
- @Jilly_ashley: @carissamiche11e Love you..truly.
@Jilly_ashley: @TEJANGUS has a lot of explaining to do.. #MTVWinterBreak #notanopenrelationship
@MarcToddd: Yo fuck off @taylarshinn loll #MTVWinterBreak
@Jilly_ashley: I’m becoming a #lesbian #MTVWinterBreak
@sheen_is_back: I love you all @WinterBreakHM #MTVWinterBreak
@Jilly_ashley: After the show ended MUCH more happened. Here is a snip of it when I had even more of real confirmation from #Melissa. To confirm it was NOT open, and I was completely played. He fed me lies not only during filming but months after. #MTVWinterBreak @TEJANGUS, you are a REAL POS.
@sheen_is_back: On my way to Red Bank to #banter with the best
@Jilly_ashley: Most awkward car ride. I felt so stuck. Everyone needs to butt out of our business. #MTVWinterBreak
@Jilly_ashley: Finally at work...never been so happy to be at work and get out of that car #MTVWinterBreak
@Jilly_ashley: Dude, you didn’t even spell “Taylar” right #MTVWinterBreak
@DADDYRyanR: Just got done watching @WinterBreakHM !!!! I thought it was a hell of a show!!!! @carissamiche11e was amazing all these guys are great!!!! @MTV @sallyannsalsano can’t wait to have @carissamiche11e on our podcast @GonzoPodcasts
@MTV_Candice: So I kept thinking to myself who does @MarcToddd remind me of? 🤔..... And finally it clicked!!!! My bae @TheRock 😍 #MTVWinterBreak
@sheen_is_back: @alessandratbh and I didn't seem like we were close in the house. But I love that girl. Shes one of the strongest women I know and real af #MTVWinterBreak
@sheen_is_back: @carissamiche11e is a homie...I'll always love her #MTVWinterBreak
@sheen_is_back: @MarcToddd def fucked up but hes still my lil bro for life. #marsheen #MTVWinterBreak
@sheen_is_back: @ItsJBreww and I had our differences. But at the end of the day....he's one of my closest friends #snowbros #MTVWinterBreak
@sheen_is_back: @Jilly_ashley is my #bean for life. Love you girl #MTVWinterBreak
@MarcToddd: Shoutout to my Z list celebrities!!!! It’s pretty dark and grimy down here in this pit 😂😂 jkjk I loved every minute of filming and being crazy and wild and being myself...LOVE YOU ALL!! #MTVWinterBreak this is not the last of me! 😉 #StayTuned
@carissamiche11e: Feb 2017 I stepped into the #MTVWinterBreak house and had no idea what I was getting into. It wasn’t an easy ride in there and became more difficult once we were out. Regardless of what happened to us, I’m happy I did it, I love you all, and will forever have your backs. #Family
@MarcToddd: Went back home w @taylarshinn after filming @WinterBreakHM and we both ended up “falling” for each other. She met all of my family and friends and even visited all of my friends at school in Boston. I dropped everything for this girl. BUT...she ended everything WHILE I was in Cali w/ her...worst feeling ever. Then, she told me she was going to visit her “good friend” in Texas a week after I left BUT really she went to Florida to move in with her “ex boyfriend” #FuckThatGirl #MTVWinterBreak
@MarcToddd: So, basically, Taylar used me for a good trip in NYC and then played me/dropped me and went right back to the guy she described as one of the worst people ever. After watching @WinterBreakHM, I just need a f*cking drink 🥃 that’s the end of a season but not the end of me #MTVWinterBreak #mtv2 #mtv
@drewtappon: This has been an amazing ride. Thank you #MTVWinterBreak friends. @MarcToddd @sheen_is_back @ItsJBreww @TEJANGUS @alessandratbh @carissamiche11e @Jilly_ashley @taylarshinn @MTV2 @sallyannsalsano @495Prods @ebearah
@sheen_is_back: Thanks to everyone who supported us. We love you all and hope to see you all again soon #banter #MTVWinterBreak #strikeoutsheen #marsheen #bean #tornado @MTV @MTV2 @WinterBreakHM @DJPaulyD #mtvfam @GusSmyrnios @OfficialKorrekt
So, winter came to an end for the Winter Break kids: hospital visits for a few of the crew, a bromance being busted, police popping in for welfare checks, fighting among a few, a shocking secret for TJ, a romance turned sour later for Marc & Taylar, and so much more. If you're one who loves winter and loves the Shore franchise, it's worth getting on your favorite streaming service to check it all out.
While their run was short but sweet, Alessandra, Carissa, J-Brew, Jillian, Marc, Sheen, Taylar and TJ's time in the Catskills offers the appetizer to what winter has in store for those who are not snowboarders or skiers like the Hunter Mountain crew, but are ready to bring us some fireworks during the coldest season of the year. We'll have our first look Ex On The Beach: Peak of Love later this weekend as some of The Challenge's big names join other reality royalty for one memorable winter vacation. Get set for all the madness coming your way then...
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