Sunday, June 6, 2021

MTV Reality WRAP: Siesta Key - Getting Shipwrecked in the Caribbean

BY DC CUEVA                        

Well, we have made it to the first weekend of June... and as it was back in the summer of 2010, three shows are dominating the MTV buzz: the Teen Mom franchise, Jersey Shore and The Hills. But just as it was last year, summertime in MTV Reality also means Siesta Key, and we're well into Season 4 of the drama down in Florida -- but not for long as they'll soon be headed out of town.

The first month of 2021 in the Key has already been eventful, and last week saw the crew's latest party give toasts to the newly engaged couple of Madisson and Ish as they marked their engagement by the beach. But clouding over that was talk of a potential pre-nuptial agreement that was brought up by her dad just after daddy Hausberg talked to the old boss man. That gathering also gave Brandon another chance to try and appease his ex Camilla to no avail, while also filming his latest music video on a yacht. And Jules' boo Sam helped set the course for what we'll expect next when he invites everyone to a private Caribbean island paid out of his wallet.... but with one notable no-show in Chloe.

At many times during this series, the Key kids have ventured of their familiar surroundings, including Alex coming uninvited to one of Jules' college parties at Florida State up in Tallahassee on Season 1. Last year, we had four vacations out of town: Georgia for the 4th of July, Nashville afterwards with all the drama that went down there in Music City, New York City where Maddy & Ish patched things up, and the group's second trip to Miami to ring in that lost 2020. And the last time Siesta Key went down to the Caribbean, Bimini on Season 1 saw Alex & Kelsey's indiscretions surface with a harbinger of what we would ultimately see with her and Jules, among other things down in the Bahamas.

Now, the latest trip out of Sarasota and their return to the Caribbean is more than just a simple weekend retreat: it's a whole month that the cast is calling an island in the West Indies home. We'll join them down in St. Vincent and the Grenadines just ahead on the Siesta Key Wrap.

EPISODE 3 ▪ "I Can't Help If 
Someone Is Attracted to Me"

🧳 PACKING & FAREWELLS - We begin with the pre-trip festivities -- and the buzz at Sam's house and at the beach is still about Madisson's engagement party. Most are relieved that there wasn't as much drama as they feared despite the talk of the prenup clouding over... other than for Brandon and Jordana hitting up which, as it turns out, became a precursor. And for the new father, this trip means that he is going away on a business trip, and it brings young Quincy into tears - as you would suspect.

🖤 CAMILLA'S REVELATION - The thought that Brandon would become a dad was something we totally did not expect... but what if he had put himself into a spot a certain MTV King knows all too well of being a dad to two kids? While talking with Jules and Amanda in reference to whether he would bring his son on (which he wouldn't), his ex Camilla brings up something that she had never shared outside of her family: a year ago she found out that she was pregnant, but afterwards her hormone levels increased which led to a hospital trip when she found something was not okay. As it turned out, she had an ectopic pregnancy, which required an immediate surgery, but in the end she had a miscarriage. The girls come to her side to console her after that revelation, as she writes below more on a traumatic time in her life.

ON THE ISLANDS - As the group makes their way to the islands on a plane and then on a yacht, the focus turns to everyone being stranded on this island... and they have to deal with just each other for the next month. And for the latest girl to be drawn to the appeal of the musician, there is now some added pressure on Jordana when she has to deal with his ex Brandon... but as it turns out, there's more to that... more on that shortly.

⚔️ ISLAND CEASE FIRE? - As it was for the party at Sam's house, Kelsey is being invited along by him and Juliette to the Caribbean... and obviously this could be a chance for things to be mended a bit, or it could be a recipe for disaster as it there and at the film screening. That is the topic of discussion among the group at a Shipwrecked party where it's also how everyone is dressing up is just as important as the topics, and keep an eye for how Joe is dressed up...

💋 JORDANA & BG K-I-S-S-I-N-G - Whenever we go on these trips with the Key kids, there's things that are bound to happen -- and just glancing over at what we discussed up top will more than suffice. Since we first saw her walk into Sam's house to make that portrait of Juliette, we've seen Jordana not only paint that $10k piece of artwork, but also make that aforementioned noise with Brandon last week. So, it's that attraction that is no surprise that they would seal the deal... and when you do it in front of everyone on the island, then this is just the tip of the iceberg to quite a vacation ahead.

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And below, the 'Pulse of this fourth episode as the big vacation begins... and other things that went down this week Garrett's roommate Will getting being reminded by BG to not mess with his ex, and Jules' clothing line plans bringing to the Caribbean social influencer Serena Kerrigan -- which we told you on here back during filming of this season back earlier this year -- and she should be arriving on shore in the next episode.

🏝️    🏝️    🏝️

With the show taking this coming week off - and with that tease of someone making a return to town, in the weeks ahead we'll be featuring two YouTube reality series. Coming up first (and pushed back from a week or two ago), we'll shine the light on the star of the moment in the social sphere in Bretman Rock... then the week after, we'll rejoin Dre & friends head out west for The Life We Live in Dallas.

To those in Challenge Nation, join us after the Mayweather/Logan Paul fight tonight for an ExtraTime special attraction as the All-Stars gather to give a golden toast to The Godfather. We'll see you then...


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