*** Advisory: #DCSocialPulse contains adult language, objectionable content and spoilers for some readers. Viewer Discretion is Advised. Due to its length, take frequent eye breaks if you're viewing this top to bottom. ***
On this penultimate October weekend, this is an epic one athletically: Thursday saw the 25th Sports Equinox in history with all four American major team sports in action, while yesterday the Braves wrapped up the NL pennant, the Seattle Kraken debuted at home, and Notre Dame's drubbing of USC. Today, soccer's biggest rivalries take center stage in Spain, England and France, plus the road to the Winter Olympics has commenced as grand prix seasons in figure skating, alpine skiing, short track and curling begin. And the action has kicked into high gear in our fifth major sport: The MTV Challenge, as Spies, Lies & Allies rolls along.
It might be safe to say that this has been a busy but also a little bit predictable season so far when you compare it to other recent seasons. But last week saw the absolute game-changer to Season 37: the first half of the players being paired up was gone, those who remain in Croatia now being mixed around again to a trifecta... and just as it was on Cutthroat in 2010, one of these three teams will be victorious: Emerald, Ruby, or Sapphire. The first team came away victorious in the first mission post-merge, and Ashley sent home Priscilla in the Lair, where another twist was revealed where the one voted in at nominations can choose their opponent, in addition to the other usual post-elimination pleasantries.
Now that things have now changed up quite considerably -- and that also includes Big T and Logan's relationship going out the door, this week the players find themselves by the sea and having to navigate their way through a slippery, sloping wheel. If history has proven of having seen dailies that take place above the water, then we will sure see many a wipeout and many a laugh-out by TJ Lavin... and we may even a blunder that may prove costly -- especially when you're one of the many who's come here for reasons other than competing for yourself. And, we also have the latest chapter in another timeless classic in Challenge elimination lore known as Pole Wrestle.
Join us after the break as DCBLOG brings you the MTV Reality SocialPulse of Week 11 of Spies, Lies & Allies, along with the lead-up to what will sure be a highlight of my upcoming #DCBDay birthday festivities in a few weeks: Season 2 of All-Stars. Welcome on in, Challenge Nation...
► UP TOP: Before Week 11, and All-Stars First Look
@ChallengeMTV: I can't believe this pic just called me broke.
@ChallengeFanOG: I like the idea that the OG’s said they couldn’t do the regular @ChallengeMTV because it’s too long but many have now left for their 3rd consecutive season of #TheChallengeAllStars in less than a year. @MTVAllStars @WeWantOGs
@ChallengeMTV: Currently: Taking a walk down memory lane. 🛣 Relive your favorite Challenge moments with the cast of All Stars 2 before #TheChallengeAllStars2 premieres Thurs, Nov. 11th on @paramountplus!
@ChallengeMTV: We're rewinding time and seeing what these All Stars have been up to since we last saw them! Catch up with your fave OGs before #TheChallengeAllStars2 streams Thurs, Nov. 11th on @paramountplus.
@Jason_Tartick: Imagine being on 20+ seasons of reality tv! The money and business behind @johnnybananas and MTVs The Challenge! Listen here https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/trading-secrets/id1556286270?i=1000538920957
@SHOTOFYAGER: NEW PODCAST UP! GABO joins me & @DerrickMTV on #ChallengeMania to talk #TheChallenge37 & MORE! Plus we surprise him w/ an appearance by his IDOL Mike AKA @ItsTheSituation! This is a podcast you do NOT want to miss! Warsaw Shore Meets Jersey Shore! https://spreaker.com/user/challengemania/cm-256-gabo
@ChallengeMTV: Priscilla came, she saw, and although her time on #TheChallenge37 may have ended, she DEFINITELY conquered.
- @PriscillaAnyabu: @ChallengeMTV I appreciate you guys! Thank you for the opportunity x
@MikeLew52: if all goes accordingly I’ll be recording 5 interviews this week, told you when i returned from break I’d come ready to work & work I WILL
- @MikeLew52: will be recording the pods all this week, but i cannot physically drop them all until weekend/next Monday the earliest! i appreciate your patience
@KyleCGShore: @ChallengeMTV on @MTVUK right now #TheChallenge37
@PriscillaAnyabu: UK! @ChallengeMTV is on MTVUK right nooowwwww!!! Trust me you don’t want to miss this! #TheChallenge37
@TheAllanAguirre: So the term/phrase "All-Stars" is supposed to have the -, but MTV calls the show Challenge All Stars with no -. A very small detail that just gives my Spell-Check/Grammar Checker a number of issues. That, and my Dylsexia. lol.
@shboogies: Me when I have to revert to my old Twitter life ways because All Stars 3 premieres. #TheChallenge37 #TheChallenge
@ChallengeMTV: #TheChallengeAllStars2 cast is reminiscing on their fave Road Rules missions of yesteryear! Don't miss the new season THURS NOV 11TH on @ParamountPlus.
@ChallengeMTV: Emerald is looking to crush some hopes and dreams during this week's mission. See if they can do it TOMORROW during a brand new episode of #TheChallenge37 at 8p on @MTV!
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: Me every Wednesday on twitter
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: Oh maybe that's why the guys hate me #TheChallenge37 and it's always #Warriors
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: Lol that's the challengers competing. OH MY GOD IT WAS AN ACCIDENT #LakersVsWarriors
@LadyFougere: Happy Wednesday! Be your best today even against all odds!!
@SHOTOFYAGER: FULL AUDIO from our #ChallengeMania Hall of Fame inductions featuring @DerrickMTV @ImSarahRice @KatieCooley26 & Timmy Beggy with a special appearance by Leah G is now UP at http://Patreon.com/ChallengeMania!
@SHOTOFYAGER: ☝🏻We’ve got ONE #ChallengeMania show left this year. Don’t miss it! @DerrickMTV & I are going to pull out all the stops for this one! SAN FRAN at @CobbsComedyClub on December 18th! @KendalSheppard! @mtvrrdarrell! More TBA! Hope to see you there! 🎟Tix at http://ChallengeMania.Live
@ChallengeMTV: Twenty-four of the strongest and fiercest All Stars are returning for their chance to win $500,000. See who takes home the prize when #TheChallengeAllStars2 premieres THURS NOV 11TH on @paramountplus.
- @LadyFougere: @ChallengeMTV Here we go!!!!
- @JOSHMBB19: @ChallengeMTV This looks so Sick can’t wait to watch
- @MikeLew52: @ChallengeMTV as soon as i heard “somebody once told me” that was all i needed can’t wait
- @SHOTOFYAGER: @ChallengeMTV DID NOT know I needed a cover of that Smash Mouth song in that style but I definitely did. #ChallengeMania
@people: The Challenge: All Stars Season 2 Trailer Teases Action and Ambulances: 'It's About to Get Ugly!' https://t.co/8cMuznEKAd?amp=1
- @d_e_r_e_kc: @people Hope you guys enjoy this as much as I did
@KatieCooley26: "@Timster3: @ChallengeMTV @paramountplus Queen @KatieCooley26 giving us more good falls in the trailer." RT I fully admit to looking like a screaming toddler begging to be lifted out of their crib. Except, I’m in my 40s and on the side of a super tall building during a storm. Same thing.
@MTVDevinWalker: @fessyfitness and @MTV_AMANDAG are back ON!!! Let’s go babyyyyyy
- @hughie_maughan: @MTVDevinWalker Excuse me, what the helll, is this true, more on and off than light switch
@johnnybananas: The Devil takes care of his own @MTVASHLEYBROOKE FULL EPISODE https://open.spotify.com/episode/21rqW4Lpwpq4yuPj48wKMD?si=qhghW5ILTKutsXR8sny2dQ&utm_source=copy-link
@paramountplus: A second chance at victory. Stream season 2 of The Challenge: All Stars November 11, only on #ParamountPlus. #TheChallengeAllStars2 https://bit.ly/3ATgCyU
@ChallengeMTV: Drafting potential couple names like Is love in the air for Tori and Emanuel? Find out during a brand new episode of #TheChallenge37 TONIGHT at 8p on @MTV!
@ChallengeMTV: Team Dad's newest member is TIRED AF. Join Aftermath host, @devynsimone and your Challenge faves right after a new episode of #TheChallenge37 at 9p on The Challenge socials.
► AS THEY SAW IT: "Mucus Plug"
@MTV: GET READY... an all-new episode of #TheChallenge37 starts right now on MTV!
(GIF of Nelson dancing)
@ChallengeMTV: Are y'all locked in?! Lock An ALL-NEW episode of #TheChallenge37 starts RIGHT NOW on @mtv! (GIF of CT)
@girlonthefly17: Me right now for this new #TheChallenge37 episode
@ChallengeMTV: This is what we call team spirit #TheChallenge37 (GIF of Logan holding sign, "Ruby Until Death")
@ChallengeMTV: All these calls from home are making me so sentimental. #TheChallenge37
@ChallengeMTV: Raise your hand if you can relate to Nelson's mom #TheChallenge37 (GIF: "She's screaming at the TV sometimes at TJ")
@aye_its_abe: I’m so here for this “Family / Friend video sesh” on @ChallengeMTV
@Clarence_Pryor: @tjlavin is the master of plot twists through each season of @ChallengeMTV! #TheChallenge37
@_nelsonthomas: @TheOfficial_CT said it perfect “all you can think about is falling to your death” #TheChallenge37 to night 8/7c
@ChallengeMTV: It's time for Satellite Sabotage! Who are y'all rooting for? #TheChallenge37 (GIF: Cory - "Let's goooooo!")
@ChallengeMTV: My significant other: Don't jump to conclusions. Me: #TheChallenge37 (Pic of Nelson holding onto his balance)
@dramabananna: Nelsom jumping from platform to platform #TheChallenge37
@ChallengeMTV: positive mind = positive vibes #TheChallenge37 (GIF of Nelson thinking of happy thoughts, and cloud opens to him & Cory)
@dramabananna: Loving this challenge #TheChallenge37
@AlupeiEmy: I WANNA GO TO MY MAMAAAA #TheChallenge37 @ChallengeMTV
@ChallengeMTV: Every time I see another person hit the water #TheChallenge37 (GIF: TJ Lavin - "Damn.")
@MTV_AMANDAG: Came in to the episode late but ya really looks like you guys are on the outside of the white line. Cheatersssssss s#TheChallenge37
@ChallengeMTV: Amanda is NOT holding back! #TheChallenge37 (GIF: "I hope you go up there and eat s___!")
@ChallengeMTV: He said what now?!?!?!?! #TheChallenge37
@MTV_AMANDAG: Logan’s response to Ed going in has me DEAD!!!!!!! #TheChallenge37
@ChallengeMTV: I, for one, do not have this problem. #TheChallenge37 (GIF: Logan - "If I could know how to cry I would.")
@ChallengeMTV: What would you do? #TheChallenge37 (GIF: Ashley - "You're gonna risk a million dollars for a literal stranger?")
@fessyfitness: What y’all think I’m wearing for the reunion
@fessyfitness: Y’all getting tired of making those stupid ass articles you know nothing about yet or nah
@ChallengeMTV: #TheChallenge37 (GIF: CT - "This could be a game changer.")
@MTV_AMANDAG: Ed feelin real stupid rn picking the fuckin champion of pole wrestles #TheChallenge37
@_nelsonthomas: These rookies are funny!!! Speaking out there ass Rolling on the floor laughing #Logan I’m taking notes, let’s see if you keep that same energy through out the season. #TheChallenge37
@MTV_AMANDAG: Tory rooting for kyle to win only cuz Ed rejected her #TheChallenge37
@johnnybananas: You gotta play the game WITH heart, not WITH YOUR heart! My guy @ejeason learns the distinction, and we get a special appearance from Mama ED @tammyeason on an ALL NEW Death, Taxes, and Bananas Pod Dropping after #TheChallenge37
@JOSHMBB19: Kyle is the king of pole wrestle #TheChallenge37
@MTV_AMANDAG: Roid rage screams of being rejected im dead #TheChallenge37
@JOSHMBB19: What a blindside that steal was brutal #TheChallenge37
@_nelsonthomas: This guy @KyleCGShore... Let see what I have to say about this on the next episode Of #TheChallenge37 8/7c on Wednesday.
@MTV_AMANDAG: Nelson maybe this is your best bet to be on Ruby with Cory…. I have a good feeling. But of course still sad you had to switch teams #TheChallenge37
@jaychallenge1: Amanda says bitch so strong every time #Thechallenge37
@_whitneyAM: Lemme fix this.. The girlies and the gays** cause @hughie_maughan and @CoreyLay providedddd hunty
@d_e_r_e_kc: Was in the mood for some pumpkin ale while I watch #thechallenge
@ChallengeMTV: Tip: Always make sure you understand the rules BEFORE the competition starts. Watch the FULL episode of Aftermath with @devynsimone on The Challenge YouTube channel.
@johnnybananas: Nice guys finish last! @ejeason learned the hard way that there is no honor amongst thieves. We discuss on the Death, Taxes, and Bananas Podcast @ringer #thechallenge37 https://open.spotify.com/episode/6EwEalS5YalKaeAExHObWd?si=0a762557ed8a42a9
@ringer: .@johnnybananas has some sage advice for @ejeason: “You need to play the game with heart. You can’t play with your heart.” #TheChallenge37 http://therin.gr/7fmnQ5V
@DerrickMTV: This week on #ChallengeMania @ItsTheSituation answered Gabo’s prayers #TheChallenge37
@CoreyLay: Let's goooooooo #TheChallenge37
@CoreyLay: I miss the challenge house lmao #TheChallenge37
@CoreyLay: Awe Cory's shirt with his daughters on it is so cute #TheChallenge37
@CoreyLay: Another Britney song! Should've used them during my elimination win though #TheChallenge37
@CoreyLay: The way Nelson is jumping is smart but looks hilarious lmao #TheChallenge37
@CoreyLay: I like Cory as a team captain #TheChallenge37
@CoreyLay: Wow... Ruby almost had that #TheChallenge37
@CoreyLay: "Let's see if you talk in 3 months" lmfao Ashley #TheChallenge37
@CoreyLay: Ed v Kyle! #TheChallenge37
@CoreyLay: I would've seen that pole and known not to choose someone who's won it before... not to mention Kyle is also way taller with a longer wingspan lmao #TheChallenge37
@CoreyLay: Love Ed but omg. Good luck #TheChallenge37
@CoreyLay: Fucking Ed is a beast #TheChallenge37
@CoreyLay: Damnnnnnnnnn. Note to self, never go against Kyle in a pole wrestle. #TheChallenge37
@TheAllanAguirre: Gotta agree with Big T on this one #TheChallenge37 #TheChallenge (Pic: "It's almost midday, and I can't work out in the midday sun.")
@TheAllanAguirre: My Sleep Paralysis Demon #TheChallenge37 #TheChallenge
@TheAllanAguirre: I knew I had seen that look before. #TheChallenge37 #TheChallenge
@TheAllanAguirre: Amanda always has the biggest smiles on her face before she knows she's about to Die in a Daily Challenge. She was born in the flames. #TheChallenge37 #TheChallenge
@TheAllanAguirre: Big T took one of the scariest falls I've ever seen on the Challenge. Meanwhile, TJ is just cackling laughing as her fellow cast members just be in fear/shock. This man low-key got no soul. #TheChallenge37 #TheChallenge
- @ThisEndsYrTime: @TheAllanAguirre I really think his influence is part of why the dailies are always super dangerous but not necessarily fun to watch. I miss silly ones like “ride an exercise bike to keep a ping pong ball in the air”. So much more entertaining than half the heights over water shit I’m not a sadist though and don’t inherently enjoy watching people get hurt doing dangerous stuff so maybe that’s part of it lol
- @LibbiiStevens: @TheAllanAguirre Could have been editing honestly but the way some of these girls laughed if at her made zero sense cos they all quit! I’m shocked TJ didn’t say anything about that
@TheAllanAguirre: Josh really be tall for no reason. This man is 6'2 and could have walked/hopped off across half the beams for this daily challenge. Instead, he Goofs it up on a small jump and falls immediately. #TheChallenge37 #TheChallenge
- @Alcides82366937: @TheAllanAguirre @JOSHMBB19 the worst competitor in challenge history by far.. & the one that talks the most.. he’s the big T of the guys
- @TheAllanAguirre: @Alcides82366937 Josh is a good teammate, good swimmer, and decent with certain daily challenges. Plus he makes it far into every season. Definitely nowhere close to the worst player. He's improved a lot, but heights and stuff like this, no shot.
@shadesofgregory: Oh my gosh Ed #Challenge37 #TheChallenge
@TheAllanAguirre: Ed basically volunteering to go into elimination for Logan since Logan has a Bad Hamstring. He must be thinking.... I don't know what the hell he's thinking. Lmao. #TheChallenge37 #TheChallenge
- @aoiii617: @TheAllanAguirre Eight million rookies and the only one who ended up showing any strategic chops this season was Priscilla lol
- @BriannaLiquori: @TheAllanAguirre I think he was thinking why set Logan up to actually get injured worse .. but Logan competing in the daily sorta disproves that I guess.
- @0samaBinDiesel: @TheAllanAguirre The man’s got a good heart but that ain’t gonna get you the money
@TheAllanAguirre: Reality TV Women looking at their Dating Options from 2015 to 2019 #TheChallenge37 #TheChallenge
@TheAllanAguirre: Ed done messed up. His Pole Wrestle Options: CT: Decent player. Nelson: 9-4-1 Record in Elims. Headbanger Beast. Cory: 8-3 Record in Elims. Kyle: Never lost a Pole Wrestle. Big Ass Teeth. #TheChallenge37 #TheChallenge
- @1jingrassia: @TheAllanAguirre This shouldn’t have had to be a choice if Kyle hadn’t screwed his team out of the win. Kyle is entertaining but equally as annoying as with his idgaf attitude.
- @tricktaylor1983: @1jingrassia sI dont understand why he keeps getting invited back. At 1st to see him with Cara and then w her and Paulie was ok but ever since dudes veen desperate for a storyline.and i hate the whole im not athletic pose...dude youre 6'2" 215 of muscle. You clearly work out and diet. So stop.
- @Nickky143: @TheAllanAguirre I feel like Ed not picking Logan was low-key long term thinking, if he didn't lose it would low-key be genius, the more rookie guys the less likely Ed is to go in, especially if emerald keeps winning. But when you are in the sand short term thinking is the best
- @tricktaylor1983: @Nickky143 How about this...ed knew win or lose that move would be remembered by producers and was his best way of getting invited back
- @AllllGoood: @TheAllanAguirre Did you just say CT is a "Decent" player? Rolling on the floor laughingRolling on the floor laughing The man is the Goat in the challenge and this is not even "Dad Bod" CT this season. Put the crack pipe down pls! Your Twitter needs a "TIME OUT"
@TheAllanAguirre: Every season you forget how Big & Tall Kyle is until he stands next to someone before an elimination. #TheChallenge37 #TheChallenge
@Irving_A07: These little montages of Ed and Kyle before the elimination are… cringe AF #TheChallenge #TheChallenge37
@Irving_A07: Ed is manhandling Kyle And I’m low key into it #TheChallenge #TheChallenge37
@TheAllanAguirre: Not Ed trying to Power Bomb a 200 lb man mid Pole Wrestle lmaoooo #TheChallenge37 #TheChallenge
@TheAllanAguirre: Gotta love Kyle's Pole Wrestle Strategy of just getting his ass kicked until his opponent gets tired. This man knows if he can do anything, it's take a beating. #TheChallenge37 #TheChallenge
@jaychallenge1: Don’t bring him back @ChallengeMTV
- @ChallengeRewind: @jaychallenge1 @ChallengeMTV Literally zero need to bring him back. He danced, awkwardly. He talked to his reflection. And yet production still tried to force him onto us…
- @z_coop: @ChallengeRewind @jaychallenge1 @ChallengeMTV Because Ed is the most likable cast member
- @WwwBedard: @jaychallenge1 @ChallengeMTV Massively disagree! He was a bit of fresh air with the rookies. Likeable, tries his ass off, not scared to go into an elimination. He’s got great confessionals. I’m #teamed I hope they bring him back
@Irving_A07: We really lost tonight Loudly crying face so sad to see @ejeason go home tonight! Best male rookie by far, crazy that he was an ALTERNATE!! We need him back next season! @ChallengeMTV #TheChallenge #TheChallenge37
@TheAllanAguirre: I PUBLISHED: The Challenge Spies, Lies & Allies Episode 11 Recap & 10 Biggest Takeaways... My Challenge All Stars Trailer Breakdown will be up this week. However, EPISODE 11 RECAP right here. #TheChallenge37 #TheChallenge https://t.co/00E2cGuxjX?amp=1
@finaIRECKONlNG: Imagine how much better #TheChallenge37 would be if they got rid of some of the obscure international rookies and instead used: Turbo-Turkey, Natalie-Sri Lanka, JP-Brazil, Asaf-Israel, Kam-Jamaica, Kailah- ………. UK
@biodomer: Anyone who thinks @MTVDevinWalker isn’t here to win, just needs to look at how intently he watches eliminations. You can see the gears turning the whole time, playing out every variable, so he’s prepared for any outcome.
@LaLambo12: Oh hey look who saved the day for emerald again, just @MTVDevinWalker #TheChallenge37
@TvWithBryce: It’s the classic @MTVDevinWalker LETS GO saying for me…we love to see it #TheChallenge37
@xSuicidalPanda: I miss when a cast members value to the show had little to do with whether or not they had a chance to win or have won. The amount of fans that have bought into the idea that someone shouldn’t be cast because they’re never gonna win is insane.
- @xSuicidalPanda: I’m glad @DevynSimone
liked this because she is the exact type of challenger I was referring too. There’s so much more a cast member can provide to the show beside competing but that’s all they want it to be about now.
@danorlovsky7: Credit to Kyle he was a beast in Pole Wrestle vs Ed (from Conshy)…but Team Saphire wanted NO PART of him on their team @ChallengeMTV
@ChallengeMTV: Next week is the FIVE HUNDREDTH episode of The Challenge! And to celebrate, these Challengers are revealing their favorite mems throughout Challenge history. #TheChallenge500
🔴 🔵 🟢
The penultimate post there above is the latest take from one who uses this show as his pregame to the weekly NFL slate, as Dan Orlovsky sums up what was a comprehensive win by Kyle over Ed in Pole Wrestle, and that is a huge bounce-back from what happened earlier when the new Geordie dad cost Sapphire an apparent win in the daily. And perhaps, it was the big move on his part to cause yet another game of musical chairs, only this time it's teams in bringing Nelly and Cory together and him taking the former's spot on the Emerald team.
Ahead of us here, a plenty: birthday fun with the Floribama bam, ExtraTime matters and other things... and maybe, there might just some big news to come from yours truly as we all prepare for next week's Halloween madness -- our heads-up: keep the number 11 in mind. For now, talk to you then...
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