*** Advisory: #DCSocialPulse contains adult language, objectionable content and spoilers for some readers. Viewer Discretion is Advised. Due to its length, take frequent eye breaks if you're viewing this top to bottom. ***
It's the first weekend of November 2021, and today sees the first installment this season of the biggest club match in English football in the Manchester Derby between United and City, plus UFC 268 as Usman and Covington vie for the welterweight belt, and Canelo Alvarez facing Caleb Plant in the boxing ring. And as far as the fifth major pro sport is concerned, we're into week 13 of MTV's The Challenge: Spies, Lies and Allies.
Last week marked a major milestone for the show that gave birth to the competitive subgenre of reality television: it was episode 500. The players took on a physically draining mission of transferring money bags into an end zone, and a team that has gelled since the teams were merged into three, the Emerald cell, took away their third straight win. But the real drama surrounded something that is always a big gamble: trying to make the selectors' task an easy one by volunteering into elimination, which Bettina tried to do... but eventually she went up against Emy to see who would be the last remaining rookie girl in Croatia, and the Romanian joined elite company of winning three eliminations in their first season.
If you follow me on social media, then you know I'm now preparing for a return trip to my favorite city come the end of next week... and something that I'd like to have on the flight back to California after DC Vegas XI is to have some sort of treasure. Well this week, the teams will dive in to look for those under the water as they try whatever they can to foil the perfect second half of the team in charge. For the one who comes in as a nurse taking a break from keeping us safe and being a new mom, having to fit into her team make be as hard as it seems... but it's just as much the case for another who is also a parent who might have a loyalty being tested in this house.
After the jump, DCBLOG brings you the agents trying to look for a treasure in a titanic on the MTV Reality SocialPulse of Spies, Lies & Allies... and we'll have a follow-up on the revelation that unfolded just after last week's episode aired. Welcome to the weekend, Challenge Nation.
► BEFORE WEEK 13: Halloween
@ChallengeMTV: We're kissing the weekend goodbye. Kiss mark Hope you're all having a happy and safe Halloween!
@johnnybananas: More Boo's Please #halloween2021 #Halloween
@MTV_AMANDAG: Happy Halloweeeeen! it’s Avonnis first time trick or treating tonight… ahhhhh can’t wait!
@fessyfitness: Happy Halloween from Amsterdam. Ain’t no rest for the wicked.
@jenngeoghan: let the killing commence (Pic of her Halloween costume)
@Kmorrisx: #halloween2021 (Pic of her costume, as Catwoman)
@TheLionelGreen: Happy Halloween Jack-o-lantern!
@DJMelReeves: Happy Halloween (Pic of her and baby kid)
@mike_manning_: What’s up, pup? @BOO2BULLYING #Halloween #halloween2021 (Pic of his costume, as a dog)
@morgan_willett: Aint no laws when you’re drinking the laws Happy Halloweekend!
@n_zanattaMTV: Happy Halloween (Pic of her costume, with girlfriend)
@MattieLBreaux: Happy Halloween
@_LizNolan: Happy Halloween y’all
@blairherter: Suburban Thanos Chores are inevitable.
@mikethemiz: We want candy!!! #HappyHalloween #ItFamily #MizAndMrs #TrickOrTreat https://instagram.com/p/CVtqcCqJ6Tn/?utm_medium=twitter
@itskcheyenne: My first holiday without Rydie and I am definitely feeling it
@CoryWharton: Halloween 2021 Fully embracing fatherhood
@bernacanbeldekk: HALLOWEEN 2021
@bernacanbeldekk: Halloween with new friends 2021
@meeshfitz: I didn’t participate in Halloween this year because my week was scary enough
@ChallengeMTV: Emy is an ABSOLUTE ALIEN in the Lair! #TheChallenge37
@ChallengeMTV: With one elimination win under her belt, Bettina's leaving the game with her head held high! #TheChallenge37
@GamerVev: Bettina was pregnant while filming #TheChallenge37 Yikes - production HAS GOT to do a better job at checking for that.
- @tcf0987: @GamerVev Yikes I have so many questions....did she get pregnant WHILE filming or before??? Whos baby was it? Fessys? She was drinking the whole time. How did she NOT know? Sickness? Missed periods? Wow
- @bbfandom77: @GamerVev The challenge doesn’t film for over 15 weeks so Fessy couldn’t be the father. It had to happen weeks before coming onto the show. Bettina made it pretty far in the game (let’s say around week 7) so she was at least 6 weeks pregnant on opening challenge.
- @micheleerae: @GamerVev I feel so bad for her! Glad she made the right choice that will benefit her, but 15 weeks is not ideal.. the sooner the better when it comes to that situation. Lots of pain and more traumatizing the farther the wait is..
@fessyfitness: Your favorite challengers dream partner
- @bernacanbeldekk: @fessyfitness challenge dream partner!
@bernacanbeldekk: I can’t post enough of this dress @fatekastrati you are magical. Thank you Black heart guysssss, my first reunion at @mtv USA FOR @challengemtv !! can you believe that I can’t !!!!
@TheOfficial_CT: Remake of the 1930s Classic @deadline @koenigpictures @justinleedirect #MostDangerousGame #LFG
@FilmCult: #TheChallenge’s Chris ‘C.T.’ Tamburello & Tom Berenger Set For Remake Of 1930s Classic ‘The Most Dangerous Game,’ @DEADLINE reports. https://deadline.com/2021/11/chris-ct-tamburello-tom-berenger-remake-the-most-dangerous-game-1234865619/
@amayasays: November 24th! Circle it on your calendar! @RealWorldMTV LA is coming your way on @paramountplus ⚡
@LauraLeeWeander: When your reality TV experience has been found out by new neighbors and you plan to binge your season and make a drinking game out of the terrible decisions in your early 20's. #RealWorld #STT #thisisthirty #momlife #cheers
@SHOTOFYAGER: HAPPY HALLOWEEN! I threw up our #ChallengeMania Podcast w/ IBIS DEL MAR a day early! Hear about her 1st impressions of @DerrickMTV & why when asked by The “Gods” recently, she said she could not trust him! All that & a TON of behind the scenes talk! http://ChallengeManiaPodcast.com
@DerrickMTV: OG @IbisDelMar joined the MTV family alongside me on Road Rules Extreme. She joins me and @SHOTOFYAGER for a fun new #ChallengeMania ep about the differences between being a Cast-Member and Producer, how TV has changed, why she doesn't TRUST me AND MORE! http://ChallengeManiaPodcast.com
@ChrisVillegas88: @SHOTOFYAGER After the interview part 1, had relive the "The Backstab/Betrayal" moment. @DerrickMTV @IbisDelMar. Can's wait interview part 2. ll#ChallengeMania #RoadRules #MTV
@Karamo: It’s my birthday…. Wait till the end because that’s 41 for me!
@peopletv: Happy birthday, @Karamo! We'll always remember this incredibly beautiful moment
@itskcheyenne: New Episode of @TeenMom comes on today! Woohooo @MTV
@MikeLew52: NEW POD is up w Irene! @ISuttner Come stop by to hear about how she prepared to be reunited on Homecoming with former roommates, her time as a correctional officer, getting married on TV, and more!
- @JonBrennan_com: Mom! Love u @ISuttner and @MikeLew52 it was great talking to u bro. Thanks for doing a great podcast
@MikeLew52: NEW POD Jon Brennan @JonBrennan_com joins me for a talk about Homecoming, the state of challenge union, #truestories & more!
- @JonBrennan_com: Loved every minute of our chat @MikeLew52 ! You do a great job. That’s why so many @RealWorldMTV @ChallengeMTV @MTV people come on. Thanks for the invite. #TrueStory
- @MikeLew52: @JonBrennan_com As did I jon! #TrueStory
@MikeLew52: Hi all! If you haven’t already I’d love & appreciate a follow on my New Instagram account I made exclusively Challenge/Podcast related!
@ChallengeMTV: This is NOT the welcome Amanda was expecting... A brand new episode #TheChallenge37 airs tomorrow at 8p on @MTV!
- @MTV_AMANDAG: @ChallengeMTV Can’t wait to show them what a shitty player reallllllly is muahahahahaha.
@ChallengeMTV: When @tjlavin blows that horn you know it's go time. See who will be sent home next when #TheChallenge37 returns TOMORROW at 8p on @mtv!
@turabicamkiran: These are responsible for a millions of dollars damage on the reality tv shows. #TheChallenge #Survivor #GotTalentShow #SoYouThinkYouCanDance #gta @ Las Vegas, Nevada
@ChallengeMTV: "Honestly, our plan was sh*t." Will Emerald Cell be able to pull out another W? Or will a new cell become the Agency? Eyes #TheChallenge37 returns TONIGHT at 8/7c on @MTV!
@ChallengeMTV: ISSA PARTY, ISSA PARTY, AYEEE Happy Birthday to our boy, Scuba Nelly T! Hope you have this much fun today @_nelsonthomas!
- @_nelsonthomas: @ChallengeMTV Let’s go!!!! #TheChallenge37
@_nelsonthomas: I wanna Thank everybody wishing me a Happy Birthday. This journey has been a blessing. Today I’m reflecting on everywhere I’ve been and everyone I’ve met and I’m so thankful. Thank YOU!!! From the bottom of my heart.... #blessed #Bday #nov3 #scorpio
@MTV_AMANDAG: Happy birthday @_nelsonthomas -from your little “toxic” sister
- @_nelsonthomas: @MTV_AMANDAG Love you to…
@PaulCalafiore_: It’s Scorpio season and I’ve realize that 95% of the people I keep in my close circle are Scorpios I say that to say this. Happy Birthday QUEEN! The realest of the real! @iamkamiam_
- @Kmorrisx: @PaulCalafiore_ Happy birthday to my favourite human
@ChallengeMTV: Tori's feeling the pressure and we're not just talking about from the shower. Join @DevynSimone for a new episode of The Aftermath TONIGHT at 9:30p after #TheChallenge37 on The Challenge socials.
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: One of my favorite past times is drinking and talking shit on Wednesday nights . Then regretting everything on Thursdays bc Im not the same person
@ChallengeMTV: "What do you mean you haven't signed up for #TheChallenge37 fantasy league yet?!" Don't miss your shot to win prizes and become a Challenge champion Sign up before a brand new episode of The Challenge kicks off in 1️⃣ hour on @mtv! http://mtv.com/fantasy
- @_nelsonthomas: @ChallengeMTV Hmmm so what y’all think the guys are thinking right now
@MTV: Got a brand new episode of #TheChallenge37, coming right up for ya... it starts right now on MTV! (GIF: Nelson - "Yeah baby!")
@ChallengeMTV: Dive into a brand new episode of #TheChallenge37 starting RIGHT NOW on @mtv! (GIF of challengers diving into water)
@ChallengeMTV: CT's about to be the next Salt Bae #TheChallenge37 (GIF: "I know my way around a grill a lil bit.")
@ChallengeMTV: Friendships where you both feel respected, listened too AND supported #TheChallenge37 (GIF: Logan - "Everything is perfect.")
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: Wow. I eat donuts every day and still beat them all. Although I have cellulite thighs, I still compete
@dramabananna: Tori:’We were just fixing the shower…’ #TheChallenge37
@notsogabby: Just heard @JOSHMBB19 speak Spanish & Oh Mí Amor
@katrinaglick: Is it just me or is @JOSHMBB19 one of everyone else’s favorite competitors this season too??
@ChallengeMTV: Me too Big T, me too #TheChallenge37 (GIF: "Donuts are a weakness of mine.")
- @MTVASHLEYBROOKE: @ChallengeMTV @MTV I'm sorry looking at big t.
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: I saved donuts every day for @MTV_AMANDAG and me. That's facts. IF YOU DON'T LIKE DONUTS THAT'S ON YOU!!!!!
@luwegii_: This challenge is going to be kinda hard. #TheChallenge37 @ChallengeMTV
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: Season 3 real world looks fiiireeeee.
@ChallengeMTV: How do you think you'd do in Sunken Intelligence? 🛥 #TheChallenge37 (GIF: Cory - "This mission is no joke.")
@challengemedad: just @MTVASHLEYBROOKE exposing @KyleCGShore for the fishboi he is #thechallenge #TheChallenge37
@ChallengeMTV: I don't think I've seen this one on a menu before #TheChallenge37 (GIF: Ashley - "It's just a s___ sandwich")
- @MTVASHLEYBROOKE: @ChallengeMTV Welcome to the challenge house. It's usually for lunch
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: ok.. Kyle wasn't doing horrible , but my bad for yelling. still think he was pulling the wrong way hahahah
@ChallengeMTV: Only ️⃣ team left! Do you think Ruby's got it? #TheChallenge37 (GIF: Nelson - "We're fired up and ready to go!")
@challengepoddy: Is @MTVASHLEYBROOKE “talking and arguing” or is she figuring the puzzle out because it feels like the second one…#TheChallenge37
@ChallengeMTV: Titanic (2021) 🛳 Starring @MTV_AMANDAG #TheChallenge37 (GIF of her imitiating the film during the mission)
@divinefloras: CT and Ashley are doing all the work on their team... can we get a season where we get them as partners for the entire thing?! #TheChallenge37
@ChallengeMTV: When someone tells me to "be happy" when I'm in a bad mood. #TheChallenge37 (GIF: Kyle - "Yay.")
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: I honestly feel for Cory. It's sad we've came from the same shit deal with the same shit and are pitted against eachother honestly upsets me
@ChallengeMTV: Moments before I'm about to call someone out 🗣 #TheChallenge37 (GIF: Amanda - "Oh no no no no")
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: "@RalphHartman: Well one thing is definitely a fact on this season of #TheChallenge37 @MTVASHLEYBROOKE is serving looks in every confessional she's done so far!" RT I'm doing my best hungover each time
@ChallengeMTV: Sounds like some friendships are about to be broken. #TheChallenge37 (GIF: Nany - "Everyone has relationships with pretty much everyone here")
@johnnybananas: Get ready to stimulate your brain like a snake to the drain BrainSnake On an ALL NEW Death, Taxes and Bananas Podcast DROPPING SOON @ringer #thechallenge37
@MTV_AMANDAG: Starting the episode late hiiiiiiii #TheChallenge37
@MTV_AMANDAG: Eman likes jumping on pigs MAKES SENSE LOLOLOLOL #TheChallenge37
@ChallengeMTV: Everyone looking at the Agency like #TheChallenge37
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: I put on my moms life i didn't know he was going I'm tonight. And these are the people calling me snakes. I'm so over it
@MTV_AMANDAG: Donut hating fuckin losers. Unhappiness at its finest. #TheChallenge37
@Zboyzmama3: Who wins four times in a row? @MTVDevinWalker
@lizannecio: not them blaming amanda when they literally told her to stand there #TheChallenge37
@ChallengeMTV: Anyone else on the edge of their seat right now? #TheChallenge37 (GIF of Tori with her hand over her mouth)
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: I just want to say. Don't dull your shine. Don't stop winning. If people call you paranoid it's because you see through them. You are not too big they are too small. Watching back this season has me crying so much bc from the beginning they were always against me. And I felt it.
@MTV_AMANDAG: I love watching @MTVASHLEYBROOKE and @KyleCGShore argue during this. So fuckin funny CMON BROOOOO #TheChallenge37
@MTV_AMANDAG: @MTVASHLEYBROOKE can dive and yell now that’s talent #TheChallenge37
- @MTVASHLEYBROOKE: @MTV_AMANDAG Shut up. Wait till next week
- @MTVASHLEYBROOKE: @MTV_AMANDAG I'm so happy to have a real friend on this show.
@AlupeiEmy: Let’s gooo Loghii #TheChallenge37 @ChallengeMTV
@MTV_AMANDAG: Fun fact I didn’t jump for a long time cuz FUCK them #TheChallenge37
@MTV_AMANDAG: Fuck you Ruby Dooby Dooooooooooo #TheChallenge37
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: Was I the only vet rooting for C besides Nelson lol.
@AlupeiEmy: The strongest muscle is the Brain #TheChallenge37
@MTV_AMANDAG: I’m dying at me arguing with Nelson at the club. GO DOWN AND SWITCH TEAMS HOW BOUT THAT hahahahhaahhahjahhhahhahah #TheChallenge37
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: Gaslighting is hearing you're paranoid while everyone plots behind your back. It really hurts to watch on tv with yall
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: When the same people tell you you're crazy. You're just paranoid. I've got your back.
@MTV_AMANDAG: Hahahaha if anyone believes they will stay on Ruby they are in fact as dumb as they look #TheChallenge37
@MTV_AMANDAG: Emerald acting like they need to discuss who’s goin in when they already know it’s gunna be Cory IM DEAD #TheChallenge37
@MTV_AMANDAG: Pretends to be shocked GOOD LUCK CORY, NOTTTTTTTT #TheChallenge37
@MTV_AMANDAG: Cory shut up you never had the vets backs you fuckin rookie wrangler #TheChallenge37
- @MTVASHLEYBROOKE: @MTV_AMANDAG Amanda! get off his back a Lil. You know my fam love Cory
@MTV_AMANDAG: they didn’t show that Cory was possibly gunna pick Kyle for elimination-once me and kyle heard that we exposed Logan making sneaky deals with everyone so Cory would DEF pick him instead muahahahahah #TheChallenge37
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: Everyone can say I'm full of bs or faking this. But I'm not. I haven't been. If I've seen fake to them it's bc I've been seeking their approval. And I'm realizing. I don't suck no matter how much they try to sell that story Woman shrugging. They do.
@MTV_AMANDAG: @theogbig_t me and @MTVASHLEYBROOKE stand behind you on the donut sitch. DONUTS ARE GOOD THEY CAN HAVE THEIR EGG YOLKS FUCKIN FREAKSSSSSS. CHOKE ON IT. #TheChallenge37
@MTV_AMANDAG: Fun fact: I actually already had a convo with Josh & Devin last week saying I would throw it to keep them safe if they promised they would put in Cory bcuz I knew that would make Nelson automatically safe. SO YOURE WELCOME @_nelsonthomas . HOWS THAT FOR “TOXIC” #TheChallenge37
@MTV_AMANDAG: I also wanted Cory put in and sent home cuz he does nothing but fuck up Nelson’s game. GO DOWN THERE AND LETS SEE HOW GOOD YOU REALLY ARE BOYYYYYYY #TheChallenge37
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: @MTV_AMANDAG Just my grandma and mom lol its a ting
@MTV_AMANDAG: Hahahahahaha shit sandwhich #TheChallenge37
@MTV_AMANDAG: Someone show me the preview for next week my recording cut off #TheChallenge37
@MTV_AMANDAG: PSA: I won’t be on any after shows after the last one I appeared on because I had to fly out for a family situation. I was booked for every one so enjoy my boring ass fill ins. Sowwwwyyyyy
@MTV_AMANDAG: Can’t wait for next week. TUNE IN ITS GUNNA BE GOOOOOOOOD #TheChallenge37
@britbrat878: Im over Nelson… stop yelling at women and fake apologizing for it. Just say you’re misogynist and hate women and move on #TheChallenge37
@GamerVev: So what I’m hearing is Tori Deal fat shamed Big T on tonight’s episode?? Homophobic, been fisted by a racist, and now encouraged eating disorders - Yep she checks off all of @MTV boxes!
@helloalievans: It makes zero sense to make someone feel completely unwelcome on your team and then *demand* they act like a better team player. #thechallenge37
@d_e_r_e_kc: Lol Corey, Nelson ain't winning if none of yall throw CT in. Are yall really gonna just let him coast? He won last season and no one is even gonna make this a hard journey for him?
@johnnybananas: I'm joined by my long time nemesis @CoryWharton to discuss where his game went wrong, who's to blame for his early exit, and what he plans to do about it. ALL NEW Death, Taxes, and Bananas Podcast LISTEN NOW @ringer #thechallenge37 https://open.spotify.com/episode/3nx1PYRZjUPmpH6J43Psft?si=8pB-ew8LSqW81dkeVM6ykw&utm_source=copy-link
@ChallengeMTV: Tensions rise as Cory and Josh share their sides of the story with @DevynSimone on tonight's episode of The Challenge Aftermath. Watch the FULL episode on The Challenge YouTube channel. #TheChallenge37
@danorlovsky7: I like Cory—but it’s another season of him being all bark no bite @ChallengeMTV
- @johnnybananas: @danorlovsky7 Come on the Podcast Daniel... We can talk about it @ringer #thechallenge37 #DeathTaxesBananas
- @danorlovsky7: @johnnybananas @ringer Legend When and where
- @johnnybananas: @danorlovsky7 They're not ready for this Dan! I'll have my people get in touch with your people
@meeshfitz: I don’t get CBS or MTV when I travel out of the country (about 90% of the time) which means I can never watch the show while it’s actually airing and y’all suck w spoilers TBH. #TheChallenge37 #Survivor41
@CoreyLay: Maybe if I had a vet to hookup with I wouldn't have been everyone's easy target in the beginning of the season #TheChallenge37
- @TheAllanAguirre: @CoreyLay Hooking up with someone can be 1000% strategic and has been used to great effect over many seasons. If you don't come on the Challenge show as a rookie and single, then you're putting yourself behind the 8 ball.
- @CoreyLay: @TheAllanAguirre Yeah - it's a strategy for straight rookies when there's a plethora of straight vets to choose from. Not for me or Hughie. I just laugh when people act like certain rookies making it far in the game is a feat when they had so much stacked in their favor.
@CoreyLay: People love to talk about "social game". Starting with a vet partner and having someone to hookup with isn't skill it's luck. #TheChallenge37
@TheAllanAguirre: Not them shaming Big T for her Breakfast of Donuts & Fruit Big T comes on each season in better shape. Let the girl eat her donuts!!! #TheChallenge37 #TheChallenge
- @PurpleAries2: @TheAllanAguirre Okay, but if you just Hallbrawled Cory right then and there like he slammed Tony over sat-on pasta, it would be a problem right?
- @supadupaflyyyz: @TheAllanAguirre Loved that she still picked up that donut on the floor. We don’t waste food lol
- @roleyrun: @TheAllanAguirre Another person posting about this? Y’all stop trying to reach tht big T fan base.
- @TEAMleemend: @TheAllanAguirre They was playing y’all damn lol you think big t would of put up with that shit if it was real serious. Lol y’all gotta chill.
- @mlruff12: @TheAllanAguirre This breaks my heart that they bullied her for this. Like okay she's eating a donut?
@TheAllanAguirre: Nelson & Cory saying Amanda doesn't take the challenges seriously when since Final Reckoning, Amanda has more Daily Challenge Wins (5) than Nelson & Cory combined (4). She did so in 3 appearances, compared to their 8. #TheChallenge37 #TheChallenge
- @arthas822: @TheAllanAguirre To be fair, the competition nelson/cory face is way tougher than Amanda's competition. So, you can't really base that on the number of wins of a daily challenge. You can tell by each of their mindset/and preparation who takes the challenge more seriously.
- @TheAllanAguirre: @arthas822 Actually, no, Amanda won them in pair settings as a co-ed team, compared to Nelson & Cory who had male partners. She won them in a bigger field, while Cory won his in bigger team settings.
- @LezliWelge: @TheAllanAguirre There is no comparison really she's a female and they are Men I think she was being that way from the shit she was able to hear them talking as soon as she gets on their team!
- @Makeupw_ocakeup: @TheAllanAguirre I hope you’re right..because she didn’t even try in this last challenge. Then again, if you *are* right, that’s not the mentality she should have, especially this late in the game. Woman shrugging
- @KissMyCheeksTV: @TheAllanAguirre Those were thanks to Zach I believe. But it’s still a fact.
- @TheAllanAguirre: @KissMyCheeksTV Zach fell in the water during the most physical challenge while Amanda was the only female to complete it other than Cara. Amanda was the one knocking down all the mental portions too.
- @alkikodibear: @TheAllanAguirre Nelson and Cory together are terrible when it comes to women. They feed off each other. Nelson was a rival of Amanda one season and Cory was a rival of Ashley’s. TYB will always be unfair to the 2 women on Hunter’s account. Amanda because she’s friends with Ashley.
- @Diamond92122762: @alkikodibear You can’t put what hunter did to Ashley on Cory and Nelson, yes Nelson is emotional and he talks crazy to women, Cory at least have matured and actually tries to give the women encouragement and support
- @onikasovaries: @TheAllanAguirre if nelson and cory took the challenge seriously they would vote in ct so that they wouldn’t get washed every time they’re in a final
- @jayayeeelisa: @onikasovaries Wouldn’t it make sense for the house vote to have been CT? Nelson and Cory haven’t been part of the agency to do that?
- @Daisyy_S4: @TheAllanAguirre She did throw it though, like that was obvious. I think Amanda very clearly new she was not going to win this season period. Which is fine I love Amanda and I feel like she does moves that out smart everyone.
- @Slimedl1: @TheAllanAguirre Let’s talk eliminations know they are never on the top of alliances which Amanda was & To Add Amanda has never touched a final While being The numbers atleast 3 different seasons & Cory & Nelson Always Had Targets And Made Finals just saying
- @jayayeeelisa: @TheAllanAguirre Josh is literally telling her the same shit they did in the preview for the next episode by telling her “well if you come to emerald I can’t stop you”… aka she is not a valuable teammate. Why do y’all keep bringing back Amanda?
- @HashtagSterf: @jayayeeelisa I recall him telling her who he was okay with her replacing... but I could be remembering wrong.
- @bogb803: @TheAllanAguirre They boys pray on the girls insecurity. Like she’s makes jokes because people view her as week and she wants to act like she doesn’t care but honestly she’s not bad
@TheAllanAguirre: As someone from a Spanish-Speaking Home, getting a scene where I watch two people on US Reality TV speak Spanish together means a lot for representation. Were Josh and Logan my 1st choice for this? No, but it still means a lot. Plus Surfboards are cool. #TheChallenge37
- @ChallengeRewind: @TheAllanAguirre Needed this sooner. All I wanted from Logan was subtitles, I didn’t care what the language was… A lot of his game play and strategy was spoken in Spanish (as it should be) and we missed out.
- @Mmarlow_3001: @TheAllanAguirre And you could really tell how much more comfortable Logan was speaking Spanish it was nice to see.
- @cindylvelux: @TheAllanAguirre We now need some Mexicans! Some of the cast from Acapulco shore have potential!
- @Charmed_One_Too: @TheAllanAguirre I've heard @NataliaNegrotti speak Spanish several times. Even though it was to tell someone off. ❤
@TheAllanAguirre: CT really be thirst-trapping mid daily challenge(s) #TheChallenge37 #TheChallenge
@TheAllanAguirre: Sapphire is a Mess. Emy can barely tie her shoes, so untying these knots is a problem. CT is frustrated his kid can't tie their shoes. Ashley is calling out Kyle's laziness, while not doing much herself. Not their challenge at all. #TheChallenge37 #TheChallenge
@TheAllanAguirre: Logan told Amanda to not get in their way and stay off to the side, so she had herself a damn fun time. #TheChallenge37 #TheChallenge
- @roleyrun: @TheAllanAguirre Y’all act like Amanda listens to anyone or that they didn’t come in with a mentality about her without reason… she’s obviously been difficult and they have treated her a certain way because of it.
@TheAllanAguirre: Kaycee, Nany, and Tori would be IDIOTS to not vote CT into elimination. If CT loses, you take out your biggest competition. If he wins, he can switch to your team, and now you have the best player on your team. Worst case, he wins and stays Sapphire. #TheChallenge37
- @arthas822: @TheAllanAguirre but the guys don't want to vote CT in (which is why I think Ct never faces elimination). The girls would want to keep Ct for the finals and be his partner *cough* kaycee =)
- @TheAllanAguirre: @arthas822 There's no reason to think it would be partners currently. You operate in the known, not the unknown.
- @brandidavis107: @TheAllanAguirre The guys should be the ones trying to get CT out. The females probably are thinking that maybe this will still be partners with male and female in the final, so why would they want to risk it and get CT out?
- @TheAllanAguirre: @brandidavis107 Well, if you're a man, you don't want CT taking your spot on your awesome team, then beating you down with it. Or if CT joins your team, and you lose a daily, then you might have to get called in by him.
- @phoenixrisng821: @TheAllanAguirre Get over your getting rid of CT pipe dream. The guys are scared af of him. The girls want to be his partner. That’s why the girls are aiming against any female he might want except Emy.
@TheAllanAguirre: Gotta give credit to the MTV editing team for putting the most Kumbaya scene of the Emerald Team when Amanda points and says: "LOOK AT THEM." #TheChallenge37 #TheChallenge
@TheAllanAguirre: Josh asking Cory for a Mature Conversation, because most their non-mature ones usually end up with Josh's feelings getting hurt. #TheChallenge37 #TheChallenge
@Irving_A07: TJ: and that rope is on fire The viewers at home: #TheChallenge #TheChallenge37
@GamerVev: I only wanna see like 8 ppl from season 37 on season 38! @ChallengeMTV
@TheAllanAguirre: Cory is playing this elimination like a Rookie. He is relying too much on his arms. Meanwhile, Logan has a wide-stance and based, allow him to use his legs for strength and his arms for grip. Cory needs to be using a lot more ass. #TheChallenge37 #TheChallenge
@TAKEMEBACK2LA: I'M DYING. "Cory's been to finals, he ranks" YALL LOOKING AT CORY OVER CT??????
@TheAllanAguirre: Cory on Double Agents/Total Madness was legit. I think he got too comfy coming into this season. Logan worked his ass, and if not for Bettina, he doesn't win that first elimination. I think Cory's one of the best to never win, but we both need a break. #TheChallenge37
@TheAllanAguirre: Logan dominated a guy with a 9-3 Record who has been to 4 Finals and hadn't been eliminated in 2.66 seasons. The guy is legitimately talented, athletic, etc. Let it be known though, he still stinks. #TheChallenge37 #TheChallenge
- @BriannaLiquori: @TheAllanAguirre I am confused at all the Logan hate .. I really like him, my favorite rookie guy this season at least. I think he's a good competitor. A little too ballsy throughout the season but I don't think he was as off-putting as I see people on Twitter feel.
- @babylocs9181: I agree...I really like Logan! @TheAllanAguirre your being too harsh on Logan lol lighten up on him buddy... however you did give him his credit so I'll give you that lol
@Irving_A07: Cory and eliminations involving fire do not go well together #TheChallenge #TheChallenge37
@TheAllanAguirre: Cory turning him getting Blindsided for playing a Poor Social and Political Game into him sacrificing himself for Nelson AFTER he lost the elimination... Never change my guy. Never change. #TheChallenge37 #TheChallenge
- @dsuarez89: @TheAllanAguirre You do realize at the end of the day, he knows he’s filming a television show so he’s going to say whatever he thinks the producers/fans/show runners want. Cast actions done always reflect ‘reality’ as people think.
- @TheAllanAguirre: @dsuarez89 No, this is the first TV show I've ever watched.
- @therunningman22: @TheAllanAguirre Nelson and Amanda are the same type of player - loyal to a fault. Their bffs constantly get the bigger end of the stick while Amanda and Nelson take the bullets each time. When Nelson and Amanda are fighting the house, Cory and Ashley stay on the sidelines to protect their game.
- @andrewmendez93: @TheAllanAguirre Nelson needs to realize Cory at the end of the day, is all talk and no play when it comes to really having his back.
- @Daisyy_S4: @TheAllanAguirre There was nothing blindsided about this move at all, Cory definitely saw it coming. This could’ve been predicted by episode 3 or 4 when looking at who is friends in this game. This comment is so out of pocket. If any friendship is real it’s Cory and Nelson.
@TheAllanAguirre: I PUBLISHED: The Challenge Spies, Lies & Allies Episode 13 Recap & 10 Biggest Takeaways #TheChallenge37 #TheChallenge https://t.co/MjtBgPhTmn?amp=1
- @TheAllanAguirre: EPISODE 13 RECAP: Mentally, feeling better and refreshed, and the nice messages I got in my DMs made this recap easy to write. I breakdown: * Logan v Cory / * Spanish Connection / * Why Aren't People Going After CT / * Food / * Amanda's Welcome Party #TheChallenge37
@OTHPod_: Just turned on the episode for 10 seconds and immediately turned it off. This has to be the most unlikeable, annoying, insufferable team in challenge history. #TheChallenge37
- @WalkingMuch: @OTHPod_ It’s called having great chemistry! Tori & Emmanuel have that due to showmanship, Josh & Kaycee are the forever BB alliance, and then there’s Devin who’s the team mastermind/brain.
- @SamTheAli: @OTHPod_ This is the worst cast MTV has ever had. I don't like any of the big brother people, Devin is annoying and the rookies this season specifically Emy and Emanuel are overhyped.
- @shewolfeyes: @OTHPod_ This team concept, oh wait I mean cell concept is complete @ChallengeMTV you need to go back to more old school concepts with a twist to keep your main fan base. Why do you think ratings keep going down these past 3 seasons.
- @peppercorny3109: @OTHPod_ The arrogance is too much, I agree. They act like they're winning all these challenges based off athletic merit but I'd argue their wins are because they have more players than the other teams and are being given that unfair advantage at each challenge.
- @Life_s_a_Beach: @peppercorny3109 Could not, for the life of me, figure out why they didn't take a person from the team of 6 & move to the team of 4. It would have made it much more even of a competition
- @mjraschka: @OTHPod_ I put this team up there with Cara/Paulie's team on WOTW2, Team Vegas on BOTS, and the red team on Cutthroat. Just awful to watch.
- @WalkingMuch: @mjraschka Soo…in otherwords a team that WON its season (Cutthroat), & a team that MADE it to the finals (Cara/Pauline)?! Oh.
- @NoHayMal: @OTHPod_ I like them, actually. They aren't the best players but they show what good chemistry can do. I think that's why they haven't been infiltrated, if you remove any one of them from the team, the team fails.
- @WalkingMuch: @NoHayMal Hence WHY they keep winning! They understand the IMPORTANCE of teamwork…especially after seeing how some people (Kyle) openly despise being on their teams.
- @oceanfstrong: @OTHPod_ The fact that only Kaycee and Tori are the strong competitors, and let's say even Emanuel... But they have their egos as if the team is Bananas, Evelyn, Laurel, Kenny, Cara Maria and Darrell... Common.
@britbrat878: Why did it take this long for us to see Josh and Logan speaking Spanish? This is clearly something they do often and I would have loved to see this friendship from the beginning #TheChallenge37
@MikeyG_TBD: Starting my Challenge watch but I KNOW Cory did not just slap food out of somebody’s hand after BODY SLAMMING his boy over pasta sooo.. It’s the inconsistency for me #TheChallenge37
@willjames93: Abolish Hall Brawl. I’m tired of that shit. Y’all act like it’s the only headbanger elimination that can be brought back. #TheChallenge37
- @kenyaxmark: @willjames93 they ran hall brawl into the GROUND and I’m sick
@ChallengeMTV: With her team pushing her to the sidelines, Amanda decides to have some fun on top of the shipwreck... too bad the rest of her cell doesn't find it as amusing. #TheChallenge37
@ChallengeMTV: These All Stars have learned a thing or two from last season and are switching up their strategies for #TheChallengeAllStars2! Stream The Challenge: All Stars 2 THURS NOV 11TH on @paramountplus!
@ChallengeMTV: .@_nelsonthomas stopped by The Official Challenge Podcast to discuss with Tori and Aneesa the rising tension amongst the Ruby cell, this week's elimination, and why he puts the "tea" in Nelly T. Listen to what he has to say here http://podcasts.iheartradio.com/xajHTNf0?sid=twitter
@KyleCGShore: TB to last weeks Reunion, one of the best designed sets I’ve worked on @ChallengeMTV #TheChallenge37
@ChallengeMTV: What's the key to having great balance? Become a surfer. Watch the FULL episode of The Challenge Aftermath with @DevynSimone on The Challenge YouTube channel.
@RealiTEAspilt: How the producers think we act when we see explosions, semi trucks, and “vets” VS how we really act. #TheChallenge37
🔴 🔵 🟢
So, Logan comes away victorious in sending Cory off back to the States and the Emerald side continues to hold onto their hold in this game, and it appears that that won't change much to most everyone's anger. But then, there's this story...
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IG @bettinabuchanan |
Last weekend, Bettina went onto Instagram and posted below in both Swedish and English of why she wasn't performing to her best in the Lair and her entire season in the Mediterranean. She wrote, "I was much more sensitive than I ever used to be. I am an elite athlete and a trained PT and am usually quite strong - but despite the fact that I trained, I became weaker and slower, and gained weight, with each passing week. Call me crazy, but I'm always sure if I have to go home all of a sudden it’s for a reason."
When she came home from Croatia from filming this Challenge (which was this spring & summer), Ms. Buchanan found that she was fifteen weeks pregnant, which came as a big surprise to her... but because she was not ready to take on the big task of having to go from competing on a global reality competition show to tackling motherhood was not what she had in mind, it became clear that had to take an abortion. By comparison to other nations, Sweden has one of the world's most liberal laws when it comes to pro-choice... and Bettina added, "I know that it is absolutely not legal everywhere. I also know that many do not dare to have an abortion due to patriarchy. But I want you to know it is OK to have an abortion. All of us who actually dare [to have an abortion], need to talk about this to push the boundaries."
In her getting support from both her fellow Challengers and those in the Scandinavian TV community, Bettina's revelation brings up whether women should compete on a Challenge season, and where one who we'll be seeing this coming week on All-Stars 2, Casey, tweeted after the fact, "Pregnancy tests should be part of physicals, period," and for which another fellow competitor, Melinda, also went her ordeal of miscarrying her second kid earlier this year. The Swede is among a handful who've found out that they were pregnant while competing, including fellow Season 37 rookie Natalie who was also carrying a baby and later miscarried. And last year, we had Melissa who made it to the Total Madness final but withdrew after finding out that she was carrying her kid Vienna while in the finale.
On the topic of that aforementioned spinoff, we're less than a week away from kicking off Paramount+ 's take on the show we know and love... and just ahead we'll be previewing Season 2 of The Challenge All-Stars. But before we head over there, we'll be headed to camp with the Floribama Shore bam as they set off for a nice little retreat in the woods, but the resident mommy-elect has other ideas. And we'll leave you with this one tweet below as for now, enjoy your Saturday everyone.
Titanic (2021) 🛳 Starring @MTV_AMANDAG #TheChallenge37 pic.twitter.com/lOZv2FH9DU
— The Challenge (@ChallengeMTV) November 4, 2021
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