Friday, March 3, 2023

DC SocialPulse: The Challenge Ride or Dies - The $1 Million Final: Part 1

 ADVISORY:  #DCSocialPulse contains adult language, objectionable content and spoilers for some readers. Viewer Discretion is Advised. Due to its length, take frequent eye breaks if you're viewing this top to bottom. Enjoy...


Twitter @TheChallenge
It's now the month of March: it's been a few weeks since Patrick Mahomes collected his second Super Bowl, Mac McClrug and Jason Tatum rule NBA All-Star Weekend, and we're now onto the Road to the Final Four which will take both the men's and women's fields to Texas. But as far as the fifth major pro sport is concerned, as far as the timeframe this site has on this third day of the third month a season 38 of The MTV Challenge that has seen plenty go down has reached its climatic point which, by the time we wrap this month's first weekend will have reached its conclusion.

When we last were in Argentina -- and it has been a long time since we last spoke to you just after that Super Bowl (real life & family responsibilities as the man of the house have something to do with it), it was what we at this site refer to as "Semifinal Week" -- our definition for the episode that features the season's last regular daily challenge and elimination that set the field for the final. There in the kind of freezing conditions of sorts that those out here in California have had to put up the past week, Tori & Devin won their way into the final and then opted to put Bananas & Nany into the last elimination against Feysal & Moriah. In the end, the former came away victorious -- and that has usually meant that it would lead to a Bananas title -- a few of his seven rings came by way of carrying that momentum from that last "Win or Go Home" battle to winning the whole box of crayons.

Those two teams have joined with Jordan & Aneesa and the unqualified Rookies of the Year of Olivia & Horacio, who have all emerged out of that pack of seventeen pairs that began this thing back in October, to becoming the four finalists who have made it to the season's final stage. They will all have to endure not just an ordinary Challenge final that will test everything that they learned in the game itself and also testing the bonds of their relationships with their partners. In this case, this is a final that is double the length of what five of our finalists have been used to in the past of it taking place over two days... it is the same length as most any golf tournament. And it's not just one that will take place over four days, it's exactly four days & four hours... which equates to 100 hours -- easily the longest final ever.

After the break, DCBLOG and our Challenge 'Pulse presents Part 1 of our coverage of the Ride or Dies Final, which includes one game-changing moment where one team doesn't have their eye on the big prize -- quite literally. And welcome to the weekend, folks...

AS THEY SAW IT: "Riders on the Storm"  
@TheChallenge: These ride or dies are about to face the ULTIMATE (and 💯-hour long) TEST. 💥The final starts tomorrow at 8/7c on @mtv! 📺 #TheChallenge38
@TheChallenge: Good morning to Horacio, and Horacio only. 🥵 #TheChallenge38 (Pic of him at pool)
@johnnybananas: Let the PAINS begin ☠️🤑 Watch your boy go for his 8th dub as @thechallenge Ride or Dies Final kicks off TOMORROW NIGHT 8/7c only on @MTV 📺👀 #SomewhatAthletic #IamTheChallenge #thechallenge38
@SHOTOFYAGER: Just cause #ChallengeMania Philly is SOLD OUT doesn't mean we're done adding guests! Pleased to announce that @NurysKMateo will be joining our loaded lineup of @oliviakaiserxo @TheMarkLong @ejeason & @AneesaMTV! Plus @DerrickMTV & I might even have more surprises up our sleeves!
@DerrickMTV: GET THOSE #Survivor2023 & #TheChallenge FINALE juices flowin! DOUBLE CHAMP-Sarah Lacina joins Me & @SHOTOFYAGER! 🏝️🔥 - NEW PODCAST is UP! From Survivor Savagery to Challenge Triumph! 🏝️🔥
@DerrickMTV: Challenge Mania LIVE:NEW YORK CITY 5! Coming your way MAY 20TH! 🗽  - Ticket Availability!! 🚨🚨🚨 2/15-NYC Ride or Dies: Season Finale Viewing Party Attendees get 1st dibs! 2/16-All Patrons (Patron Presale) at 🗽 2/17-Everyone at ChallengeMania.LIVE
@DerrickMTV: "@jlsupreme: #TheChallenge Inferno 3 has just been added to Paramount+ @DerrickMTV @susie_meister" RT Watch ya boy get his first Chip…@paramountplus 😝🤘
@MTVDevinWalker: Imagine being a d1 athlete or an Olympian and constantly getting beaten by a guy with a bowl cut, a 40 year old, or a chubby drunk 🫣😂🍻
@MTVDevinWalker: I think it’s safe to say turbo will be rooting for Horacio and Olivia tmrw 😂
- @oliviakaiserxo: @MTVDevinWalker Hahahahaha
@TheChallenge: Faysal and Moriah were SOOOOO CLOSE, but they just couldn't get it done. 😔 #TheChallenge38 is all-new tonight at 8p on @mtv. 👏 #TheChallenge38
- @moriahjadea: @TheChallenge 💔🥹
@ChallengeStats: Not me thinking we were going to have the champions announced today 💀 3 more episodes left just for the final making the full season to have 19 episodes 🫠🫠 #TheChallenge38
- @Challenge_Fan_: @ChallengeStats Did you notice that episode 5 and 18 have the same title?
- @oliviasvictory: @ChallengeStats And then I heard the reunion is three parts. There's still a good amount of episodes left
- @BBSavant: @ChallengeStats I’m not watching 6 hours of tv for that final lol. I miss when the final was one episode
- @Desertpuma: @ChallengeStats I still miss the episode titled "The Shit They Should Have Shown"
- @_Cailin_Corcra_: @ChallengeStats I know it's a 100 hour final but three episodes? Come on!
- @JeremyySpoken: @ChallengeStats @CohenBrian_  @lashtweets  the final is 3 episodes! good luck!
- @v1nnyp0ntz: @ChallengeStats 19 ONE AND A HALF HOUR EPISODES. We didn't need this. Lmao
- @Kenyan83: @ChallengeStats Nothing is worse than when we had to wait until the end of the reunion to find out Cara was the sole winner.
@CohenBrian_: Why does The Challenge do this to us? #TheChallenge38
- @DrAmandaR: @CohenBrian_ I don’t understand this, but I love it
- @KPiccard: @CohenBrian_ Cast them on ride or dies 2
- @woah_ang: @CohenBrian_ this was my first time watching the challenge and I didn’t know it ran this long 💀
- @JacobKTweets: @CohenBrian_ I’m not gonna watch until after the finale lol there’s no point in keeping up over the next 3 weeks.
- @ifelicious: @CohenBrian_ wait, is it 3 parts? i assumed 2
- @smalls96: @CohenBrian_ They’re really doing it in 3 parts, hey? Next week where you neither see the start or end of the final is gonna be a weird episode in that case
- @Laureen1130: @CohenBrian_ They're challenging the audience now.
- @42forteetoo: @CohenBrian_ We’re getting 100hr in 4.5hr. Way more than the 100hr to 1.5hr that we’re used to, and at this point in the season they can barely fill that.
@TJsAirhorn: SPOILERS: This #TheChallenge38 Final is 100 hours long because no one knows how to do a Sudoku again.
@TheChallenge: The pressure is ON and everyone's feeling it. 🔥 😬 Don't miss Part 1 of #TheChallenge38 final tonight at 8p only on @mtv! 📺
@johnnybananas: To all the Fans and Stans… You did this! Thank you for your loyalty and support 🫶🙏 @TheChallenge @RuPaulsDragRace @JerseyShore
- @WestonBergmann: @johnnybananas Quite the coincidence this happens on the episode of my giant cameo 🤔
@WestonBergmann: Question I get the most: Why weren’t you on Dirty 30? Answer: I didn’t fit the theme. I don’t play dirty. I play hard, against those who cross me. Those who don’t (roughly 95% of people) get free passes to the final. Thus, I was excluded for playing too “clean”.
@WestonBergmann: Thank god for photoshop and steroids @WestonBergmann
@johnnybananas: If “Suck My Ass TJ” was a picture 😡 See if #TeamBanany can continue their historic run as @thechallenge 38 Final kicks off TONIGHT 8\7c on @MTV 📺👀 @tjlavin #TeamBanany #Suckmyasstj #thechallenge38
@oliviakaiserxo: Tonight’s a BIG night! #TheChallenge38
@TheChallenge: Patiently waiting for the final to start like 🙇‍♂️🙇‍♂️🙇‍♂️ A brand new episode of #TheChallenge38 is just ️⃣ hour away on @mtv! 👏
@meeshfitz: 📣 ANNOUNCEMENT 📣 finally, after 12 seasons, someone identifies with me (I am truly honored) Now we all must watch, follow and support the new winner of #Survivor44 @claire_rafson
@JamesWallington: The alliance you never knew you needed… 😘✨ @CBS reality family will always show up & show out. 💜🙌🏻 #AmazingRace #BB24 #BB23 #Survivor @TheTayMack @williamjardell @romeoesco2 @hannah_chaddha @JamesWallington

@TheChallenge: you heard the man: LETS GOOOO! 📢 #TheChallenge38 starts now on MTV 👏  (GIF: TJ Lavin - "Let's go!! Get your @$$ over here")
@MTVDevinWalker: Can’t watch episode live so I’ll let you know when I settle in for it
@TheChallenge: he did not just 💀💀💀 #TheChallenge38 (Video of Bananas referencing to his infamous Rivals III steal as finalists chat before they depart and Nany reminding him to not do it)
@johnnybananas: Welcome to the Wine-al 🍷 #TheChallenge38
@oliviakaiserxo: Let the games begin 🙏🏼
@TheChallenge: there are two kinds of people when it comes to the final 😂 #TheChallenge38 (GIF: Olivia - "I'm terrified." Horacio - "I'm excited.")
@johnnybananas: “This guy is a piece of shit! But I like him” 🍌💩 (if I had a dollar for every time I heard that) #TheChallenge38
@TheChallenge: with ️⃣ STACKED teams, anyone could walk away with the million dollars 😤 #TheChallenge38 (GIF: Tori - "This is anybody's game")
@TheChallenge: doing my due diligence and posting this on the Internet 🫡 #TheChallenge38  (Video of Horacio with his shirt off while on the exercise bike)
- @johnnybananas: It just moved a little 😐
- @luvelizabethany: @TheChallenge
- @itsreallyak_ Aqel/AYTO Global: @TheChallenge
- @taylork_13 Taylor/AYTO Global: @TheChallenge Put me in coach 🙋🏼‍♀️
- @MsBettyboo_222: @TheChallenge Big Thank you to t
- @mmdisney200: @TheChallenge Kind of in love with Horacio honestly
@johnnybananas: What’s the over/under on the amount of times we’ll see Horacio shirtless in the first 10 minutes of tonight’s episode? #thechallenge38
@TheChallenge: the temperatures are riiiisiiiinnngggg 📈😬 #TheChallenge38  (GIF: Nany - "Can you pretend you're in the final???")
@johnnybananas: Aaaaaand the final just turned into Pornhub #TheChallenge38
@johnnybananas: “Let’s persevere, anyone can win this Final” - @AneesaMTV   “If this bike had wings we could fly” - @oliviakaiserxo   “Can you pretend like you’re in a final…Fuckin idiot” - Nany   @TheChallenge  #TheChallenge38
@TheChallenge: bring ✍️ Olivia ✍️ with ✍️ me ✍️ the ✍️ next ✍️ time ✍️ I ✍️ go ✍️ camping ✍️ #TheChallenge38  (Video of her discussing about how she learned how to build a tent due to her Alaskan roots)
@johnnybananas: "@AlisonMai1: @johnnybananas is hilarious during this final. 😂😂😂 poppin wheelies… i am DEAD! I feel like that is the way to go to last the 100 hours though @MTV @TheChallenge #TheChallengeRideorDies" RT I’m playing chess, they’re playing checkers 🤓
@TheChallenge: after that “warm-up”… CLEARLY 🥵 #TheChallenge38  (GIF: TJ - "This is not a traditional final")
@johnnybananas: “Does a Banana shit in the woods?” #TheChallenge38 @TheChallenge
@johnnybananas: “If at first you don’t succeed, you must not be Somewhat Athletic” 🏀🏈🏓Available Now 👉 #TheChallenge38
@TheChallenge: OKAAAY Olivia 👏 that's the spirit #TheChallenge38  (Video of her talking about not wanting to quit despite her first injury)
@TheChallenge: anytime I have to go to the DMV 🙃 #TheChallenge38 (GIF: Devin - "It's miserable but I'm gonna do it")
@TheChallenge: MOOD watching this challenge right now 🤢 #TheChallenge38  (GIF of Tori retching)
@johnnybananas: “I’m not quitting over a finger, cut it off” is the most Alaskan thing I’ve ever heard 😆 @oliviakaiserxo #TheChallenge38
- @oliviakaiserxo: @johnnybananas Hahahhahahah
@oliviakaiserxo: This drink was 🤮
@oliviakaiserxo: We got fully sabotaged 😂
@oliviakaiserxo: I’m reading all your tweets ❤️❤️❤️ sooo much love already💋💋💋
@oliviakaiserxo: I love Horacio 🥹❤️
@DerrickMTV: Nice puking montage! I really just literally gagged. #TheChallenge FINAL!
@DerrickMTV: GO @AneesaMTV GO!! #TheChallenge 3 week Final!
@TheChallenge: POV: you walk into a party where you only know the host 🧍‍♂️ #TheChallenge38  (GIF: Tori - "Who is even here?!")
@johnnybananas: "@dfmckinstry: I only watch The Challenge bc of @johnnybananas…and his jokes…and his perfect beard 🧔🏻‍♂️" RT What other reasons are there? 😉
@johnnybananas: "@Caciquemusicguy: Today I learned Regis Philbin isn’t the only Regis to ever exists. There is a Regis Bananas! @johnnybananas #TheChallengeRideorDies #TheChallenge36" RT Papa Bananas is a legend!
@johnnybananas: “80 hours left… You’ve gone harder for 80 hours in Vegas Nany… You got this!” #teambanany #TheChallenge38
@oliviakaiserxo: My booty be popping in this episode 😂😂😂
@TheChallenge: just another silly little TJ appreciation tweet 🥰 #TheChallenge38  (GIF of him riding on an ATV)
@johnnybananas: "@kellita913: "You've gone harder in Vegas for 80 hours." - @johnnybananas 😂  #TheChallenge #TheChallenge38 #TheChallengeRideorDies @TheChallenge" RT Where’s the lie? 😆
@DerrickMTV: Is that @MTVDevinWalker or Rambo?! #TheChallenge FINAL
@johnnybananas: "@kaylanc89: I can’t with @johnnybananas and the @moriahjadea tire 😂😂 But also poor Nany. He’d be pissing me off too in that moment #TheChallenge38" RT Yeah Nany was definitely getting TIRED of me 😏🛞
@johnnybananas: 😗🛞  @moriahjadea #TheChallenge38
@oliviakaiserxo: Buckle up 🫣
@oliviakaiserxo: Sabotaged yet again…
@TheChallenge: once again, GIVE 🗣 ANEESA 🗣 HER 🗣 FLOWERS 🗣 #TheChallenge38  (GIF: "Believe me... I've been through a lot of s___")
@johnnybananas: Mom, Dad… I’d like you to meet Moriah 🛞 @moriahjadea #TheChallenge38
@johnnybananas: "@ztaylor2036: Ready watch my boy @johnnybananas aka the 7 time aka the challenge GOAT go for number 8. #TheChallengeRideorDies" RT My dawg!
@TheChallenge: UH OH 😰 #TheChallenge38  (GIF: Horacio - "I don't know what to do right now")
@oliviakaiserxo: Yo my finger really hurt though….👀
@oliviakaiserxo: …………….
@oliviakaiserxo: Not me apologizing…
@oliviakaiserxo: The challenge is literally no joke.
@johnnybananas: Hole in one! ⛳️ @oliviakaiserxo #TheChallenge38
@DerrickMTV: HOLY BLOODY FACES BATMAN?! @oliviakaiserxo?!?! 🩸🩸🩸
@Gabzillaaaaaaaa: Someone please wrap @oliviakaiserxo in bubble wrap 😭 #TheChallenge36
@TheChallenge: Currently: 🥺😓😭 #TheChallenge38
@DerrickMTV: The shot that @oliviakaiserxo just took from a backfired golf ball is easily one of the Gnarliest things that’s ever happened @TheChallenge?!! 🙏  #TheChallenge38
@TheChallenge: You NEVER know what's around the corner. 😨 The final continues next Wednesday at 8/7c only on @MTV ‼️ #TheChallenge38

LAST CALL: Challenge Nation Reacts to the Eye Pop  
@thskeeta: you better bring my girl @oliviakaiserxo and my boy horacio back next season @TheChallenge #TheChallenge38
@TheRightReality: Congrats to @johnnybananas on the HONORRRR of getting this week's "Ass of The Week". Congrats sir! #TheChallenge38
- @johnnybananas: Honored
@TheAllanAguirre: SHE WANTED TO KEEP RUNNING THE FINAL AFTER THIS???? Obviously she couldn't but my god. Olivia is a beast, a star, a Queen. #TheChallenge38
- @amberr_em: @TheAllanAguirre It’s like the golf ball inserted itself between her eyes. How it swoll sooo quickly I - 😳
- @TheAllanAguirre: @amberr_em CRAZY
- @peffer_jeremiah: @TheAllanAguirre Everyone says they want to, but they say it knowing they won’t let you.
- @TheAllanAguirre: @peffer_jeremiah You're so lame, bro. Oh my god.
- @TWfan19: @TheAllanAguirre Really hope Olivia is back for future seasons
- @ThatGirlAngD44: @TheAllanAguirre Queen.
- @seriouslybitchx: @TheAllanAguirre She said “put a bandaid on it so I can keep going”.
- @MissDinSD: @TheAllanAguirre She  is INCREDIBLE! Crushing all the stereotypes of "girly girls" that wear makeup because she also kicks ASS!
- @LeoEson: @TheAllanAguirre Olivia is an absolute SAVAGE. She and Horacio have been the best parts of this season. They alone make this season better than the last two.
- @ChafinsMadison: @TheAllanAguirre We Stan an Alaskan queen 💖 Olivia and Horacio are beasts
- @Silbeez: @TheAllanAguirre Lets not forget the real hero here. Aneesa, who leisurely walked through the final on a maybe possibly sprained ankle.
- @Fashion_Nexus: @TheAllanAguirre Im not there yet, but what qualifies a dq theh for injury, because kaycee when she got hurt couldn't walk, why weren't they taken out
- @carrie0marie: @TheAllanAguirre So much blood loss poor thing
- @Phil_PhaReal: @TheAllanAguirre There's been a lot of times these challengers "had to leave" and I've been like 🙄🤨... This was one I immediately was like "oh wow, she done". @oliviakaiserxo a beast.
- @fifthwardmedia: @TheAllanAguirre Meanwhile, former D-1 “athletes” on the show can’t get past an eating portion and quit in prior seasons 😂😂😂 #TheChallenge38
- @BigLowery: @TheAllanAguirre True warrior!
- @Tebzlightsaber: @TheAllanAguirre How negligent of production for not providing proper protective gear. No goggles or helmet? We’ve seen the dangers of this game on other shows.
- @Gregkin00217789: @TheAllanAguirre That was the craziest thing I have seen
- @Delaine44072225: @TheAllanAguirre Ouch po Olivia
- @JulieCl33573551: @TheAllanAguirre Haven't watched yet but DANG, ouchy!! I hope she is ok.  She and Horacio need to be regulars. Loved them and after about 2 episodes I was rooting for them to win
- @notonmyisland1: @TheAllanAguirre Icon.
- @Peb2006: @TheAllanAguirre And that's the type of Challenge competitors we expect!! No quitters unlike the #thechallengeusa version. New fan of these rookies!!
- @N0TC0ACH: @TheAllanAguirre Legend!!!! I feeeeeeelll so bad……
- @cbudelz89: @TheAllanAguirre FOR REAL SHE IS
- @thereal_kd94: @TheAllanAguirre Hardcore but damn at the luck twice in final Shes bleeding sheesh
- @SmokeSignal_: @TheAllanAguirre @oliviakaiserxo And Horacio out here saying he’ll do double work if they let him. No lies were told.
- @AO911x: @TheAllanAguirre It’s not even that bad, not really impressive. Every says they want to keep going they’re on tv
- @Forever_Hygh: @TheAllanAguirre I feel so bad for both of them. They both wanted it so bad
- @ciaobaybay: @TheAllanAguirre My heart sank. 1st the finger & now this just was awful! I hate this happened. Not just for being eliminated but for the pain she went thru physically & emotionally.
@CourtneyLee_91: @oliviakaiserxo really said “Put me in coach! I can still race!” after cutting off her finger AND breaking her nose. And anyone who’s not giving this girl ALL of the respect is doing it wrong!! #TheChallenge38
@DerrickMTV: Impressive ass rookie seasons!! Helluva of a run Horacio & @oliviakaiserxo! And out with a bang! #TheChallenge38 🤘🩸
@MTVDevinWalker: Me “I’m not gonna do dumb shit” literally my senior quote
@MTVDevinWalker: Did @oliviakaiserxo just deodorize her cans?! Elite move.
- @oliviakaiserxo: @MTVDevinWalker Hahahhah you know it 😂
@TheGilmourGirl: wtf with @MTVDevinWalker  and a slingshot!! laser focused!#TheChallenge #TheChallengeRideorDies
@ChallengeFanOG: @MTVDevinWalker as a kid: #TheChallenge38 @TheChallenge
@DerrickMTV: Bruh?! @johnnybananas looked way more ripped than Horacio did during that im a maniac bike strip scene! 🦾🍌 #TheChallenge
- @johnnybananas: @DerrickMTV How much do I owe you for this tweet? Send me your Venmo D!
@TheDerekFrazier: Damn @johnnybananas is sexy as fuck on that bike 😍#TheChallenge #TheChallenge38
- @johnnybananas: @TheDerekFrazier What if I told you there wasn’t a seat on it 🫢
@DerrickMTV: And just like that, Jordan & @AneesaMTV cruise into a very safe, but shaky 3rd place… #TheChallenge 3 Week Final 🩸
@helloalievans: I’m fully convinced Horacio knew he couldn’t finish the final the second Olivia got hurt but refused to get emotional until she wasn’t around to see it 💔 I love their friendship. #thechallenge38
@MTVDevinWalker: Vacation alliance representing 50% of the final… again… call it what you wanna call it but we party hard and show up to compete. Isn’t that the point?
@TommyBracco: Made it to the final (episode) ✅ #TheChallenge38
@TommyBracco: When @oliviakaiserxo gets hurt and the first thing she says is “I’m sorry” to Horacio while blood is pouring down her face. That broke my heart🥺💔
@Irving_A07: Funny that Aneesa says “have you ever seen Paula perform a day in your life” knowing that Paula sends her home this season 😆 She really has been a hater 😭 #TheChallenge #TheInferno3
@Irving_A07: 100 hours is SO unnecessary 🥴🥴🥴 when is production going to understand that we just want a good ol race to the finish with some eating, puzzles and other checkpoint along the way #TheChallenge #TheChallenge38 #TheChallengeRideorDies
@Irving_A07: Aneesa lucked out big time this season. No way she even makes it through half of the season with her original ride or die #TheChallenge38 #TheChallenge #TheChallengeRideorDies
@Irving_A07: Not Johnny asking Nany if she speaks horse knowing damn well how the fandom is 😭 #TheChallenge38 #TheChallenge #TheChallengeRideorDies
@TheAllanAguirre: Nany: I remember watching you on Real World and thinking, "Wow, this guy is such a piece of shit." Bananas: .... Nany: But I like him #TheChallenge38
- @riskytaxi: @TheAllanAguirre Bananas was actually kinda nice on the real world from what I remembe
@TheAllanAguirre: The Challenge calling it a 100 Hour Final but then spent the first 2-4 hours of it being a leisure drive. It's like me making my Name, Date, and Title part of my Word Count when submitting a 1,000 Word Essay. #TheChallenge38
@TheAllanAguirre: Olivia looks like she is having the greatest bike ride of her life. #TheChallenge38
@TheAllanAguirre: They kinda tried to play Devin taking off his shirt next to Horacio as comedy. Honestly, Devin has a great body and he looks pretty damn good too. He's not Horacio, but nobody is, except Horacio. #TheChallenge38
- @prioritizing_: @TheAllanAguirre I don’t like him but his work ethic to lose weight for this show is pretty amazing
- @tajho: @TheAllanAguirre I’ve seen enough on the internet to know Devin’s abs are not his best asset.
- @Venatrix18: @TheAllanAguirre I was thinking the same thing. I feel like 90% of people who randomly ran into him in real life would think he's very fit. And for someone who doesn't come across as one of those people who just develop muscles overnight doing nothing, he's doing great and looks great
@Irving_A07: I just know Queen @DevynSimone os having PTSD watching the final right now. on that freaking bike on that freaking mountain 😩 but she freaking did it!! 👏🏼👑❤️ #TheChallenge38 #TheChallenge #TheChallengeRideorDies
@TheAllanAguirre: Nany brings Bananas in as a partner so she'll have a serious partner during the Final. Meanwhile Bananas during the Final  #TheChallenge38
@Irving_A07: That slow-Mo of Horacio riding the bike 🥵 #TheChallenge #TheChallenge38 #TheChallengeRideorDies
@Irving_A07: Olivia and Horacio are so cute 🥰 they’re just so excited to be in the final #TheChallenge38 #TheChallenge #TheChallengeRideorDies
@TheAllanAguirre: Week 17 Update: I still love them. #TheChallenge38
@emilylongeretta: Wasn't sure if I was watching #TheChallenge38 or OnlyFans for a min.
@TheAllanAguirre: Jordan maybe shouldn't have taken him & Aneesa off the path. But it's not the reason Aneesa hurt her ankle. Aneesa hurt her ankle because it's a recurring issue due to the fact she's never learned proper running form and isn't shape for a long-distance run. #TheChallenge38
- @kmcorder: @TheAllanAguirre They should have stayed on the path. Running through and open field with debris is never a good idea.
- @TheAllanAguirre: @kmcorder I would say Aneesa had a high likelihood of getting injured this Final regardless given her history and fitness. A rolled ankle might actually be a best case scenario.
- @errca314: @TheAllanAguirre I broke my foot from hitting it the wrong way. And almost every year I re-injure it from hitting it the wrong way, again. I would say that I’m not not athletic and have done workout competitions throughout those years too
- @gingerBPDqueen: @TheAllanAguirre She’s actually at higher risk of injury because she has previous injured her ankles. Nothing looks wrong about her form when running and she clearly has some newfound endurance from her performance on the bike.
- @Nysocrgrl: @TheAllanAguirre You don't have to do much for an ankle sprain, ESP if that area is already weak. It's not Jordan's fault though, obviously
- @sjcfour20: @TheAllanAguirre I agree! I was a runner for years and last night I said the only reason she hurt her ankle is #1 she clomps her feet down and doesn't engage her abs or rest of her body.  #2 she was tired  most rolled ankles don't hurt like while you're still running and blood is circulating.
@CohenBrian_: Jordan won a final after breaking his leg falling out of the sky. I don’t think he’s going to have much sympathy for Aneesa twisting her ankle on a walking path. #TheChallenge38
@TheAllanAguirre: Olivia is a trooper. She got hurt and immediately went "give me stiches so I can keep going." That's a real competitor. #TheChallenge38
- @andher1994: @TheAllanAguirre I was a big fan of her on love island and by looking at her on that show, I would have never guessed she’d do this great on the challenge.
- @jayandtysdad: @TheAllanAguirre And she was like…I’ll start drinking these drinks while you put my finger back together 💪🏾
- @Jennife43171793: @TheAllanAguirre @oliviakaiserxo She is a total badass. Best addition to the lineup in years.
- @andrea_n_brown: @TheAllanAguirre @oliviakaiserxo She’s a badass!
- @Suz_Q33: @TheAllanAguirre Beast mode!! That team hasn’t disappointed this season. At all.
- @msjackdaniels1: @TheAllanAguirre @oliviakaiserxo Her daddy gave her the best tools… She can take care of her own! Great job, Papa!
- @EryDeppBrito: @TheAllanAguirre @oliviakaiserxo Same girl!!! She surprised me and now I love her even more!!! 💖
@TheAllanAguirre: I respect the hell out of Devin for solo-chugging for him and Tori because she's a Vegan. Also, he has the right strategy where if you sloppy chug, you can just let 1/3rd of your drink just fall on your shirt. #TheChallenge38
- @FinalAlliance1: @TheAllanAguirre Lol I noticed this too. That was brilliant.
- @KimMcBride33: @TheAllanAguirre He's a better better friend than I am. No way I'm drinking 3 of those. 😂
- @sjcfour20: @TheAllanAguirre The chugging challenges are a cop out. They either spill to the sides or immediately spit it out.  I miss when they had to eat gross stuff and show tj their empty mouth #TheChallenge38
- @NotPurfect07: @TheAllanAguirre Glad it’s all vegan now so no one can opt out. It’s the show, eating gross stuff is part of the show.
- @brianecolpa: @TheAllanAguirre People have been doing sloppy chug for years  Take mouthful of "whatever" cough and gag and spit it out, generally puking comes next  A tried and true method of getting through eating challenges
- @phil_meagher: @TheAllanAguirre I'll still never get over how most of the show's budget goes for super high speed 8k cam footage of vomiting.
@TheAllanAguirre: Olivia asking for a Mug to Chug as she's getting Medical Attention is so damn awesome. What a beast. Also, it was adorable her asking if there was a designated Puke Area 😂 #TheChallenge38
- @lamannanana: @TheAllanAguirre Ok but her face after she puked back into her cup…MVP whether or not she wins.
- @m1ne1sg0ld: @TheAllanAguirre I think she’s America’s sweetheart.
- @CallmeKia35: @TheAllanAguirre I know!!! I thought that was so cute and genuine for her to ask cause everyone else is puking any and everywhere😂😂 I bet she’s a good houseguest! Lol
- @booksaremyjam77: @TheAllanAguirre Adore! She is the literal best, and I hope they bring her and Horacio back for more. I need some fresh challengers to cheer for 😁
- @NamesCito: @TheAllanAguirre LMAO when she said “where do we puke” as if there wasn’t open land around
@TheAllanAguirre: My boy is going through hell  #TheChallenge38
@CohenBrian_: It’s going to be hysterical after this whole day the winners have like a 15 second advantage tomorrow. #TheChallenge38
@Irving_A07: Olivia continues to be absolutely adorable! 🥰 “where do we puke?” Bless her heart 😩 #TheChallenge #TheChallenge38 #TheChallengeRideorDies
@Irving_A07: Aneesa: Jordan has a suck it up attitude, he’s not responding well to me rolling my ankle  This man ran a final AND won with a BROKEN LEG!!!  #TheChallenge #TheChallenge38 #TheChallengeRideorDies
@TheAllanAguirre: Jordan dominated CT & Derrick in a Challenge Final where he fractured his leg. He cannot fathom Aneesa running slower than his walking pace after a lightly rolled ankle. #TheChallenge38
- @vtgstickerlove: @TheAllanAguirre and she's still going. she has not quit. same as Jordan on dirty 30. is she moving at the speed of a triathlete? no but she's doing better than 98% of 40 yr olds under similar (ankle re-injury paired with 100hr finale ahead) circumstances.
- @TheAllanAguirre: @vtgstickerlove I don't think she's doing better than 98%  Maybe 45%   I've hung out with enough 40 year olds to know they have better cardio than her.
- @nycgyps: @TheAllanAguirre I wish Horacio and Jordan could team up and just disqualify their injured partners and win like they deserve 🏆 ☺️
- @themiddl3child: @TheAllanAguirre Was he doing whatever he could to get Tori her first win though? 🤥
- @Fashion_Nexus: @TheAllanAguirre Problem is she can barely run when not injured
- @RobbieCoachella: @TheAllanAguirre Too bad he got saddled with her.  She’s had her moments, but damnit every final it’s the same thing, Anessa moaning and groaning, walking instead of running.
- @GoodGameDorn: @TheAllanAguirre Can’t fault Jordan for wanting to win.  He wants to be the goat.  Knows he’d smoke these dudes if it wasn’t coed final.
- @kellita913: @TheAllanAguirre This 💯
- @RachelOdongo: @TheAllanAguirre Can Aneesa please train during her off season…. Every season it is always a problem of endurance. Like  jog once in a while … a final is endurance
- @mclerobe: @TheAllanAguirre I wonder why Jordan wasn’t carrying both tires? He must not have been allowed
@TheAllanAguirre: Ride or Dies has gone on so long that even the players forgot some of the people on this season 😂😂 #TheChallenge38
- @Tgraham0711: @TheAllanAguirre Imagine if they did a memory challenge a la Big Brother or did they? I haven't watch in a while
@ih3artkarma: I don’t wanna see Aneesa back until there’s a completely individuals season. I’m tired of her injury prone ass always dragging ppl down #TheChallenge38 #TheChallenge
@TheAllanAguirre: Holy Hell. I've watched sports for a lot of years. I've never seen a more immediate nose break than what happened to Olivia. The amount of blood on the ground that quickly looked like a kid spilled a cup of paint. Good lord.  #TheChallenge38
- @MissFoucault: @TheAllanAguirre That was so hard to watch. I felt so bad for that girl
- @HeatherCody8: @TheAllanAguirre Shes lucky she didnt loose an eye. They should have been wearing goggles. I feel for Olivia and Horacio
- @mtv_whore: @TheAllanAguirre Truly a shame there were not more precautions taken by production, like wearing safety goggles or hockey helmets, this should not be what takes out a challenger!
- @jonjonbobon: @TheAllanAguirre Between this and the watermelon incident on The Amazing Race, they need to ban slingshots now.
- @AdrienneAurora: @TheAllanAguirre Ouch! That looked SO painful!!
- @kinscollective: @TheAllanAguirre That was insane!
- @abach516: @TheAllanAguirre My first thought watching live was that it got her in the eye.
- @IdaBT2: @TheAllanAguirre They should’ve given them like motorcycle helmets! 😳😨
- @LaurenSposato: @TheAllanAguirre The worst injury I’ve seen on the show. Olivia is going through it
- @brina_becca88: @TheAllanAguirre Why did they have helmets on but no eye protection I just read the article she’s lucky she didn’t lose an eye or die. MTV failing again disgrace.
- @reel1777: @TheAllanAguirre Sue the challenge for negligence. This is ridiculous. Wonder if they make any changes going forward.
- @Corystark420: @TheAllanAguirre Im still tryinf to figure out what she hit to make it ricochet like that lol
- @N0TC0ACH: @TheAllanAguirre Omfg!!!!! I saw the ball falling out of the slingshot….. poor Olivia…. 😭
- @JeremyD7: @TheAllanAguirre And it seemed like it took FOREVER for anyone to help her 🤬
- @Renoroller1: @TheAllanAguirre I guess they should have had a shield on their helmets?
- @jayandtysdad: @TheAllanAguirre Im glad it didn’t hit her in the eye…that could have been pretty devastating if that happened
- @NorthWestMex: @TheAllanAguirre They should have let Horacio do her shots since Devin got to drink for Tori. Her hurt finger compromised her shot & led to that broken nose.
- @pmurphey47: @TheAllanAguirre She is a true bad ass, so impressive with the finger then the nose wow
@CohenBrian_: Olivia by the time this Final is over #TheChallenge38
@TheAllanAguirre: Olivia telling Horacio that SHE'S SORRY ... AFTER SHE BROKE HER NOSE. Oh my god 😭😭😥😥 Olivia is an absolute saint. Traumas just happened and all she cares about is her friend/partner. Wow. Horacio was so sweet in this moment too.  #TheChallenge38
- @ThatGirlAngD44: @TheAllanAguirre She can’t get any sweeter I just love her 😭😭
- @oliviasvictory: @TheAllanAguirre Horacio wanting to continue the final alone warmed my heart 🥹 I think they should've let him
- @ebobkin: @TheAllanAguirre Compare this to Fessy and Kaycee after her injury took them out. Horacio is the rookie Fessy wishes he could have been.
- @AdrienneAurora: @TheAllanAguirre MTV needs to bring them back for sure!
- @LaurenSposato: @TheAllanAguirre Olivia is a challenge legend
- @plister: @TheAllanAguirre I don’t get why each partner needed to shoot on this one. It’s an equalizer, but  I’d think that doesn’t happen if Olivia wasn’t already working around her finger injury.
- @clblues8: @TheAllanAguirre Mtv is lucky she didn't lose her eye. Can't believe they didn't get goggles for Jordan and anessa after that happened to her
- @irregardlestly: @TheAllanAguirre That clutz was an absolute menace in the final
@CohenBrian_: Legitimately gasped at the bruising on Olivia. My god what a superstar. #TheChallenge38
@TheAllanAguirre: I need this Medic to give me daily affirmations. #TheChallenge38
@TheAllanAguirre: A big reason why I've loved Olivia all season is because she's open, vulnerable, and herself the entire season. Doing this confessional after the injury just shows her strength and willingness to let us see who she is. #TheChallenge38
- @kunoichi4ever: @TheAllanAguirre Olivia is truly a GEM!
- @martydawwgg: @TheAllanAguirre LEADING UP 2the injury she was just getting on my nerves. The whole eating portion I’m convinced she only drunk one and and the way she acts sometimes is condescending. Obviously feel for her breaking her nose that’s crazy. First :30 when bananas was toasting she removed his hand
- @sccrgirly25: @TheAllanAguirre She did all confessionals the whole show with the injury. You can see the mark between her brows. Good makeup, like hers, can cover all of that, except the actual wound mark. If you go back and watch her confessionals in the episode, you’ll see it too. She’s a beast for sure.
@TheAllanAguirre: Horacio was willing to do Double in the Final if it meant he could win for him and Olivia still. He is an admirable dude and already a legend. #TheChallenge38
- @jojoTHATone: @TheAllanAguirre Good dudes are so uncommon, when we get it we shoidl cherish him. So he’s, he gets all the flowers.
- @ThatGirlAngD44: @TheAllanAguirre He has so much heart - I was legit sobbing watching this part 😭😭😭 Just feel so bad they had to go out like this - I hope they come back next season
- @NotPurfect07: @TheAllanAguirre I cried. I wanted them to win so badly. And for him to be supportive and then open with his emotion? Then beg to stay? 😭 If the Challenge gods don’t grace us with their presence again it’ll be a huge loss.
- @PieInHimmel13: @TheAllanAguirre I really really hope he comes back next season & becomes a staple, along with Olivia.
- @kayla_m_allen: @TheAllanAguirre They both better get a call for next season
- @BigRitt21: @TheAllanAguirre Everytime I see those sling shots I think oh amazing race.  What an incredibly stupid challenge
- @Meghann_88: @TheAllanAguirre @oliviakaiserxo Honestly! Made me cry.
- @tennisprincess2: @TheAllanAguirre My heart was broken 4 him. I couldnt believe he said he would do double the work. Awwwww hes so sweet!! Wish he could continue. Agree hes a Legend!! #TheChallenge38
- @cwallace2505: @TheAllanAguirre This was sad! They should have let him keep going!!!!
- @lily_adame: @TheAllanAguirre I died for him ! I kept thinking at least let him finish if he wants too
- @Moe_Gallagher: @TheAllanAguirre Absolutely refreshing to see such an amazing rookie take the challenge stage.  I hope we see sooo much more of Horacio.
- @poisonouskevin: @TheAllanAguirre definitely earned a ton a ton of respect from the fans and casuals, hope to see them two in the future again!!
- @LamujerChavez: @TheAllanAguirre I feel like they should have let him stay. It’s rude or die he’s still there. Hopefully they bring both of them back !
- @mamariley04: @TheAllanAguirre I cried along with him. How heartbreaking. Horacio is such a pure soul. He deserves every good thing in this world. We have to see him back. 💗
- @Alockera12: @TheAllanAguirre They both put there all in it
- @Galli71: @TheAllanAguirre I just wanted to hug him so bad. Such a sad way for their amazing rookie season to end
- @Jordasiann: @TheAllanAguirre i hope we see both of them back next season
- @MaTaDoR_Pr10: @TheAllanAguirre Horacio was the best conpetitor this season by far and is easy to cheer for because he also is a good dude and he should definetly should be brought back, all that i said also applies to Olivia.
- @KC1133xxo: @TheAllanAguirre I felt this part and it was heartbreaking 💔💔
- @plythrghyrhrt: @TheAllanAguirre Horacio was my favorite person in that house from day 1 and it was so easy to love Olivia. Figures that'd be how they went out. No one else could take em out, so they were always either gonna win or get pulled.
- @Suz_Q33: @TheAllanAguirre I cried a little. When Wes hugged Jonna. When Derek lost his sister. When Diem took her gf her wig. Now when Olivia was unable to continue and Horacio offered to double duty.
- @LaurenFinesse: @TheAllanAguirre This broke my heart for him
- @j_dups: @TheAllanAguirre he deserves the world and a win, and I hope he gets that
- @caarmenc650: @TheAllanAguirre @oliviakaiserxo Pls come back next season. You have so many fans 🥺
- @Inspireu4life: @TheAllanAguirre Hands down new classic pair on the challenge. Trying to convince her that her nose was fine and she was still perfect. That kid was raised right!
- @sshelby75: @TheAllanAguirre He is my FAVORITE fresh meat by far in a long time. Please bring him back @TheChallenge ! He deserves another chance.
- @andrea_n_brown: @TheAllanAguirre @oliviakaiserxo He’s had my respect and admiration from episode one.  I hope we see them both again!
- @TheMyteMouth: @TheAllanAguirre @oliviakaiserxo That part broke my heart. It was everything.
- @LoveyStar: @TheAllanAguirre I still want to know how Devin could drink everything and Tori didn't have to bc she's vegan but Horacio couldn't do all the sling shots bc of Olivia's finger. Please make it make sense.
- @tylernewberry19: @TheAllanAguirre He’s a competitor this means something to him
- @an_robinson5: @TheAllanAguirre This broke my heart for him 😓 definitely a new challenger favorite for me.
- @darthsheppy: @TheAllanAguirre Yeah I wish they had let him do it and if he even came close would show how great he is in these challenes
- @ciaobaybay: @TheAllanAguirre Not to mention that he didn't blame Olivia for such a freak accident & pull a Fessy! Respect!
- @AminDamelaa: @TheAllanAguirre Need him to be a regular on the show
- @Tplusha: @TheAllanAguirre They did my bro so wrong! He’s bout to come back with a vengeance tho!
- @shewasacat: @TheAllanAguirre His dedication not only to the challenges and the game itself but to Olivia was amazing. I adored him from ep 1 and I hope he's in the next seasons.
- @TeamRedBeard49: @TheAllanAguirre This was a fail by @TheChallenge and @MTV  how's it live by your ride or die and you not let this man complete the rest of the final .
- @robear_toe: @TheAllanAguirre The last time I was this emotional during The Challenge was when @johnnybananas didn’t split the money with Sarah. She was so hurt…imagine doing a whole season of challenges, eliminations, WINNING the actual final and not having your partner split a million dollars with you.
- @beebeedubs89: @TheAllanAguirre I felt soooo bad for them…they had an amazing rookie season💕
- @AngieEllahh: @TheAllanAguirre Such an amazing guy 👏👏 So sad to watch them leave like that 🥲#challenge38 #TheChallengeRideorDies
- @KristenWhelche5: @TheAllanAguirre well expected nothing less when Tj showed up about 100 hour final and he was grinninh from ear to ear
- @JeremyM_: @TheAllanAguirre WE NEED HORACIO BAAAAAAACK!!! #TheChallenge38 AND WHILE YOU’RE AT IT BRING BACK OLIVIA!! @BunimMurray @MTV @TheChallenge @oliviakaiserxo ❤️🔥 best rookies of the last 5 years!!
- @gaddie_hayley: @TheAllanAguirre My heart broke for him! I’ve loved seeing their bond & how bad ass they are! I really hope they come back for another season. They need a redemption story for sure.
- @MammaJ1983: @TheAllanAguirre Horacio and Olivia will be back. They proved themselves at every turn. #rookies to #Veterans in one season. #challenge38
- @Tetoern: @TheAllanAguirre Dude, i was in tears. Much respect to the both of you. Horacio, i looked up true ride or die & your pictures came up. Much love to both you you from San Diego California
- @itsmelatiesha: @TheAllanAguirre Bring him back! We haven’t had rookies this good in forever.
- @RobbyIsAFreeElf: @TheAllanAguirre automatic spot next season and make him a series staple. heart broke for him
- @itsLEnri: @TheAllanAguirre I havent fell in love w a challenger since CT! Horacio made me a proud mexican! #RookieOfTheYear #TheChallenge38
- @closbgt: @TheAllanAguirre They are the best rookie team, hope we are able to see them on the next season
@TheAllanAguirre: Olivia & Horacio. Now & Forever. Rookies of the Year. #TheChallenge38
- @__vivalaajay__: @TheAllanAguirre This should be an actual award they give out at the reunion and give them a prize or a trip!! @MTV DO SOMETHING!!
@Irving_A07: Can we somehow DQ Aneesa and get Jordan & Horacio to run together? Jordan & Horacio would be as much ride or dies as Aneesa and Jordan have been 🤭 #TheChallenge #TheChallenge38 #TheChallengeRideorDies
@TheAllanAguirre: Also, for anyone watching worried, don't sweat, Olivia still looks great. Better than ever some might say. Respectfully. #TheChallenge38
@TheAllanAguirre: NEW RECAP UP. BREAKING DOWN PART 1 OF THE FINAL. I Just Published The Challenge Ride or Dies Episode 17 Recap: 10 Biggest Takeaways  #TheChallenge38
@CohenBrian_: Maybe next year for Horacio and Olivia #TheChallenge38
@Broseidon711: I understand this was a freak accident that happened to Olivia but all I’m saying is if Tori didn’t have to drink that Tuna cum juice then Olivia shouldn’t have had to do the slingshot with a broken finger #TheChallenge38 #TheChallenge #TheChallengeRideorDies
- @rtvjennifer: @Broseidon711 literally!!! why did devin get to drink all of the drinks for the team, but olivia and horacio had to get 2 hits on the targets EACH?? fucking rigged
- @Broseidon711: @rtvjennifer AMEN TO THAT!
- @Venatrix18: @Broseidon711 I really don't care too much but: 1. I'm at least happy they are respecting people's dietary restrictions. They shouldn't require someone eat/drink something that is against their beliefs  2. Isn't it worse that Devin had to drink all of them? Takes longer and makes him more sick
- @Broseidon711: @Venatrix18 Ur opinion is invalid because they shouldn’t be casting people who know what they are getting themselves into 💯 eat the cow coochie or gloomy go on the show simple as that
- @CraftySlayer1: @Broseidon711 Olivia has two hands. She absolutely didn't have to use her right hand to do it. She didn't feel comfortable doing it with her left, which is weird because the aim doesn't depend on which hand she used.
- @Broseidon711: @CraftySlayer1 Ok and Tori has a mouth and coulda used it to get o chug that foul drink the same way she uses it to chug 🍆 on the daily so ur argument is invalid
- @SirEscapeALot: @Broseidon711 Production of the challenge has always been awful. They make it up as they go, it rarely makes sense.
- @Broseidon711: @SirEscapeALot They legit make it up as they go whenever they find it convenient! Whenever they know us fans want something and would enjoy something they do the exact OPPOSITE
- @nana0f05: @Broseidon711 There was no rules for the drinks plus the teams didn’t have the same amount. The sling shot did specify probably because Devin was so good helping the guys earlier. Agree all challenges should be for both in pair finals. If not Fessy would make his partners eat everything.
- @Broseidon711: @nana0f05 Thank you for proving my point that I am correct and the challenge was unfair
- @challenge_OGme: @Broseidon711 Tori made the throws and Devin chose to do the drinking - is what it is.
- @Broseidon711: @challenge_OGme Exactly so thank u for proving my point why I am indeed correct and the rules were unfair
- @eyelidgrl: @Broseidon711 Tori didn’t have to drink the tuna juice because it wasn’t stated that they each had to drink,with the sling shot it was stated that they each had to make at leastone,or two in their case because they were sabotaged.Tori did however say that she would drink if devin wanted her 2.
- @Broseidon711: @eyelidgrl Ok and? Production legit makes up rules as they go they rigged Total Madness for Bananas to win because at the START of the season only 1 winner was allowed and on the final it magically became 2 so thanks for proving my point that Olivia shouldn’t have had to do the slingshot
- @_Ryannaaa: @Broseidon711 EXACTLYYYYYYY “you live & die by your ride or die” Horacio should’ve been able to carry the weight of the slingshot challenge. Since Devin was allowed to do so with the drinking challenge.
- @Broseidon711: @_Ryannaaa PREACH!! Say it louder for the idiots and haters in the back 🗣️📣
- @ShelliceB: @Broseidon711 If Tori didn’t have to eat due to being a vegan, and Olivia didn’t have to slingshot due to a hurt finger, then Aneesa shouldn’t have to run with a rolled ankle, right? No. Where do you draw the line? The Challenge has done these long enough, the rules are stated in advance.
- @Broseidon711: @ShelliceB Shellie BFFR idk if this is the first time you have watched the Challenge but contradicted urself. In the final especially u MUST complete every checkpoint. So if Tori doesn’t eat the rat pussy smoothie then Olivia doesn’t have to shoot the slingshot simple as that
- @momaImadeIt_lol: @Broseidon711 How many seasons of The Challenge have you watched? Eating challenges have their set of rules, in a pair, unless stated otherwise, one person can choose to eat or drink everything. With the slingshot part the rule was, both ride or dies make the where is the confusion?
- @Broseidon711: @momaImadeIt_lol Clearly this is ur first time watching the show which congratulations but eating challenges has always been mandatory participation, Nehemiah is a vegan and still had to eat non vegan stuff on All Stars so Tori shoulda had to eat the camel toe smoothies as well
- @KeeJaex3: @Broseidon711 All I’m saying is if they didn’t give a shit about Nehemiah being vegan in all stars, then Tori should have had to drink the damn smoothie they can’t pick and choose when they can work as a pair and when not the rules should be the same for everyone. Justice for Olivia + Horacio!
- @Broseidon711: @KeeJaex3 Amen to that Kiana! 💯
- @Above_water3: @Broseidon711 Eating competitions have had rules in the past that only 1 partner needs to eat, so this has been established in the past and only applies to eating challenges. Not saying it is fair, but that's the answer
- @Broseidon711: @Above_water3 Yeah no in the final that isn’t applicable, look at Rivals 2, look at The Ruins, Look at All Stars 3. U MUST eat and if u don’t ur DQ’d so now that we’ve proven you are wrong and don’t know what ur talking about u can learn from this
- @carrie0marie: @Broseidon711 It is a good point and would be interesting to see it go down in person. As we know in seasons past they have specifically said that each team member had to eat or drink their assigned food but they didn’t say that this time. Possible it could’ve been pre planned out that way?
@britbrat878: All of the usual challenge explainers have been eliminated so now TJ has to do 
@DerrickMTV: Moment of the Year Candidate?! Take a listen as Me & @SHOTOFYAGER breakdown the GOLF BALL that FINALLY eliminated #TheChallenge rookie/rookie powerhouse, injuries, angst, the lead & Much More!  - Ride Along Bonus Podcast is Up & available to patrons at 
- @ChallengeStats: I'm still very angered by this. One inch left or right, Olvia could've had permanent eye damage. They should've forced them to use goggles for this checkpoint. She also was too exposed as this isn't supposed to be done with one hand only
@danorlovsky7 Dan Orlovsky/ESPN: Oohhhh Olivia’s nose 👀 @TheChallenge
@lifeasneka: I feel like that wasn’t fair with the sling shot. If Devin was able to drink all of their drinks cause Tori is “Vegan” than Horacio should have been able to shoot all 4 golf balls since Olivia finger was hurt #TheChallenge38
@TAKEMEBACK2LA: There it is!!!!! The REAL Jordan starting to crack through the surface!!! I know he’s ready to call Aneesa a f*tass any minute rn! #TheChallenge38
@TheRightReality: We've seen a lot in our days of watching @TheChallenge but @oliviakaiserxo taking a golf ball to the face is one of the most intense moments in show history. A TRUE QUEEN. Way to start your legacy to on this show! 👑#thechallenge38
@DerrickMTV: Horacio put up some historical rookie numbers & hit us with this sweat scene on the way out!! But did he do enough to become a mainstay in the jaws of #TheChallenge?!! - Take a listen as Me & @SHOTOFYAGER discuss this & MUCH MORE from the Final at 💧🩸
@TheAllanAguirre: Hit 5k Followers on here last night. Just wanna say I'm very thankful for all of you who put up with my Reality TV Rambles. And extremely thankful for those who were following when I was tweeting into a void from 2010-2018.  Once again, thank you all.
@ChallengeFanOG: Before @oliviakaiserxo’s turn, I seriously sat there watching @TheChallenge last night and thought “wow they made them wear helmets for this slingshot?”  Little did I know they should have required a face mask, too. #TheChallenge38
@jaychallenge1: This was so sad! #TheChallenge38
- @Dumbledore_BB: Horacio gave us this side of Latino representation that I’ve been wanting to see for YEARS. The Challenge has a long history with the “spicy Latina” archetype, so it was awesome to see him compete at this level (props to Theresa for killing it on s36 too) #TheChallenge38

@TheChallenge: Only 5 hours in and there's already trouble in paradise for Banany 😬 #TheChallenge38
@TheChallenge: None of us were expecting this 🥺 #TheChallenge38  (Video of that moment)
- @TheOviKabir Ovi Kabir/Amazing Race: So irresponsible by production that no competitors were given full head protection for this task. A few cm over and she could have easily been blinded. These type of challenges are supposed to be game-tested & assessed for risk which clearly wasn’t the case here.
- @GamerVev: @TheChallenge FUCK NO!!!!!!!! This is INCREDIBLY irresponsible???? Why the fuck were they using GOLF BALLS???? This is actually sick tbh
- @MorganRumpfTV: @GamerVev This exact thing happened when I was in high school during physics class but we were using watermelons and a kid in my class was hit in the stomach - it was horrible. I believe they stopped doing that lab after
@johnnybananas: Next on the Hot Seat @oliviakaiserxo 🥵💺 What questions would you like to hear her answer? (Golf related questions only please) ⛳️🏌️‍♀️#DeathTaxesBananas
@meeshfitz: Omg my heart just BROKE 💔#thechallenge38
@meeshfitz: Olivia & Horacio left their blood, sweat & tears in that final 👏🏻🤍👑
@johnnybananas: Hell of a season Olivia and Horacio, you earned your stripes and then some! Definitely won’t be your last Rodeo @oliviakaiserxo #thechallenge38
@TheTough_Cinco: Proud of you @oliviakaiserxo & Horacio Unfortunate circumstances but you both are a champs in my eyes for sure. Great season 🙏🏾✊🏾💯 #TheChallengeRideorDies
@ravyn_rochelle: Finally watching the final… brb w my thoughts 😄🤣
@ravyn_rochelle: Damn I’m just noticing Horacio really is sexy ASF 🔥 driving that 4by4 all laid back & chill 🤣

@oliviakaiserxo: My face is trending on Twitter💀
@emilylongeretta: After watching #TheChallenge38 finale (pt1), I had so many questions for @oliviakaiserxo about what happened + the aftermath. Here, she breaks down both injuries & gets really honest about the "self hate" that followed. More from the ROOKIE OF THE YEAR:
@emilylongeretta: Olivia was discharged after spending 2 nights in the hospital.. then had to go back IN: “I was contemplating my entire life. I was like, ‘Did I just get permanently damaged for the rest of my life because of a TV show?’ I was so mortified." #TheChallenge38
@iHeartPodcasts: @MTVChallenge Rookie of the year @oliviakaiserxo is on the podcast today! She tells @tori_deal and @AneesaMTV all about working with Horacio, her relationship with Nelson and the dramatic and scary end to her incredible rookie season. Listen >
@TAKEMEBACK2LA: Olivia wanting to still continue to compete despite literally getting her finger cut & her face cracked with a golf ball is iconic!!!!! SHE WILL BE BACK! #TheChallenge38
@Challengeteamtv: Olivia’s confessional remind me of the one Trishelle did years ago 😬 #TheChallenge38
- @oliviakaiserxo: @Challengeteamtv @TrishelleC Hahahhahahhahahaha
- @TrishelleC: I flipped my mountain bike in Telluride and @mikethemiz and Nathan literally saved my life. They called mountain rescue and I was banged up but ok. 
@TrishelleC: Not that this matters. But after I looked like this, I wanted to compete and production said I couldn’t. And then I was cleared and I still have scars from it. Also while I was in the hospital the entire cast came and took pics of my ass looking like sloth from goonies. 😂 
@LLeRose17: @oliviakaiserxo When you asked “Is it broken?”  Everyone looking at you thinking … “We hope that’s all it is” Needed a damn MRI after that. You didn’t want to quit.  Look forward to watching you on more challenges.  Keep it going.

@oliviakaiserxo: This has been an insane experience for me, I’m going to take a bet and collect my thoughts. Thank you so much for all the sweet messages my inbox is flooding. I’ll get back to y’all as soon as I can
- @meeshfitz: We love you and are so proud of you queen 👑
@oliviakaiserxo: To everyone in @TheChallenge world that has reached out, thank you so much🥹 your support means the world❤️❤️❤️❤️

👪     🤼     💑

The Final Begins, & the Pop Off

Below, the final kicks off with that first night striptease by Horacio, and the moment that ended he & Olivia's quest for the capper to their all-time rookie campaign.

So as we talk to you on 3/3, we are left with three teams remaining in the quest for the $1 million... and the finale of this Ride or Dies final comes your way on Sunday night -- we promise it will not be over a week before our next one... there is a preview of the World Championship series that will be riding on its coattails after, along with Global Are You The One? kids throwing a raunchy, risqué shindig at their own Playboy Mansion. For now, enjoy your Friday...


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