Monday, March 6, 2023

DC SocialPulse: The Challenge Ride or Dies - The $1 Million Final: Part 2

 ADVISORY:  #DCSocialPulse contains adult language, objectionable content and spoilers for some readers. Viewer Discretion is Advised. Due to its length, take frequent eye breaks if you're viewing this top to bottom. Enjoy...


Twitter @TheChallenge
We bring you all back on what will be quite the week ahead for those of us who follow this MTV world in one big world championship to take place just a few weeks after another one of those was determined out in the desert... but more on that will be forthcoming on here. As for what we got between now and then, we have a doubleheader to bring you to wrap up Season 38 of The Challenge: Ride or Dies.

When we last left you on here back on Friday night, we commenced the longest final by length of time that the fifth major pro sport has ever had: Aneesa & Jordan, Bananas & Nany, Devin & Tori, and Horacio & Olivia. They gathered at the start line to begin the 100-hour finale, and through the first day it has already tested each and every one of them... but one choice to sabotage the rookie pair of Olivia & Horacio set up one of the most memorable moments in Challenge history: a golf ball got slingshot off of her face, leaving her with both her hand and her face in ruins as did their chances to cap off the greatest rookie season ever with an ascent to the throne as part of the show's next generation. 

With Olivia & Horacio sent off, the spotlight is now on just on the veteran teams to duke it out for the money: two champion men with multiple championships looking to add to their trophy case once again, together with their female partners desperate for their first titles, and a scrappy pair who haven't won one of these yet but who have already established themselves in this world over the past half-decade. They've just survived the first 30 hours of so of this 100-hour final, but what lays ahead will test them quite a bit as only a Challenge final can... and that includes everyone's least-favorite finals checkpoint: a dinner table full of food that would want to make them not look forward to next Thanksgiving.

Ahead, DCBLOG brings you part two of the Challenge Pulse finale special as Ride or Dies enters the midway portion of the $1 million, 100-hour final... and we'll also let you in on something big coming up this month. We're glad you're here with us again...

AS THEY SAW IT: "The Hours"  
@TheChallenge: Swim into a suspicious swamp for a million dollars? No problem 🏊‍♂️ The final continues tomorrow at 8/7c on @mtv! 👏 #TheChallenge38
@TheChallenge: Is this the end of the road for Jordan and Aneesa? 😰 #TheChallenge38 is all-new tonight at 8/7c only on @mtv! 💥
@TheChallenge: The most EMOTIONAL #TheChallenge38 final yet continues tonight at 8/7c on MTV! 📺
@ZNichols15: Speaking of Goats. CT, Jordan, Frank, and Bananas all make it to a final. They’re all in their prime. Who’s coming out on top?
@MTVDevinWalker: "@tinalee85: @MTVDevinWalker needs to be on the next season of @TheTraitorsUS @peacock #TheTraitorsUS #TheChallenge" RT I’d win
@DerrickMTV: Promise you he had a lot more to say than he did on the show & basically evened up his elimination record!! Take a listen as Kenny Clark, @ThatStudMuffin’s brother joins Me & @SHOTOFYAGER !  - NEW PODCAST! 🎢🎲 #TheChallenge #TheChallenge38
@TheChallenge: And then there were ️⃣... #TheChallenge38 100-hour final continues in less than one hour on MTV! 👏
@blackzeusfit: I’ve grown in more ways than one! #blessed #mtv #bodybuilding
@TheChallenge: Keep your eyes on the MILLION dollar prize baby! 💰  Part ✌️ of #TheChallenge38 final starts NOW on MTV!  (GIF: Jordan to Aneesa - "Why are we doing this right now?")
@MTV: BUCKLE UP 🚗 #TheChallenge38 final continues right now on MTV!!!
@Alana28191162: Part Two of the final  #TheChallenge38  (GIF: "This is about to be so good.")
@TheChallenge: Now that's the spirit!! Say hi to Shrek for me 🤗 #TheChallenge38  (Video of Devin and Tori entering green lake)
@TheChallenge: "@MTVBURNVOTELEE: Yea lets just swim in the lockness monster home. No biggie 😭 #TheChallenge38" RT Not the Loch Ness monster 💀💀💀 #TheChallenge38
@TheChallenge: It's like it's a 3+ day final or something 😉 #TheChallenge38  (GIF: Bananas - "This thing could take all day")
@TheChallenge: POV: your friend just told you some UNBELIEVABLE tea ☕️ #TheChallenge38  (GIF of Bananas' face)
@TheChallenge: Pretty much any challenger ever 😂 #TheChallenge38  (GIF: Nany - "OMG another puzzle I can't... I can't take this anymore")
@_jazconley: I just need at least one person to do a Shrek impression for this part of the final 😂 #TheChallenge38
@TheChallenge: 💔 💔 💔 #TheChallenge38  (GIF: Aneesa - "I just feel alone in this.")
@TheChallenge: 🤯 🤯 🤯 hE DID NOT JUST #TheChallenge38 (Video of Aneesa having her leg looked at as Jordan watches)
@TheChallenge: This is what best friends are for 🥺 ❤️ #TheChallenge38  (Video of Tori comforting Aneesa)
@TheChallenge: TJ really thinks he got jokes 😂 #TheChallenge38  (Video of him showing next checkpoint of teams having to push car)
- @ravyn_rochelle: @TheChallenge That’s 🥶 🥶🥶😣
@TheChallenge: Banany's communication skills in a nutshell #TheChallenge38  (GIF: "We're like an old married couple... it's so weird.")
@TheChallenge: GO ANEESA GO 🗣 #TheChallenge38  (GIF of her pushing car)
@_jazconley: @tjlavin little evil laugh will never get old #TheChallenge38
@TheChallenge: "Don’t rush, there’s no point” 😂 Sounds like they’re gonna be here for a while #TheChallenge38
@TheChallenge: Bonne apple teeth! 🍴❌ #TheChallenge38  (GIF of Banany having their food)
- @EcuaSuperman: @TheChallenge Probably one of the easiest final challenges I’ve seen 😂
- @manformindy: @TheChallenge The eating challenges seem unethical to me. Forcing competitors to overeat to the point of vomiting is wrong.
@_nelsonthomas: Let’s Gooo shout out to the finalists @TheChallenge !!!!!
@TheChallenge: Banany is closer than ever 😂 💙 #TheChallenge38  (Video of them eating)
@MilwaukeeKate: I love TJ’s evil laugh #TheChallenge38
@TheChallenge: It all comes down to this! 😤 Find out who gets the million dollar pay day during #TheChallenge38 SEASON FINALE NEXT WEDNESDAY at 8/7c only on @mtv! 👏
- @ZNichols15: @TheChallenge 👀
@_nelsonthomas: Wow soo many puzzles in this final… @TheChallenge

@SHOTOFYAGER: New RIDE ALONG Podcast is up now where @DerrickMTV & I break down tonight’s EHHH episode of #TheChallenge38 & also talk some of the internet news and gossip from the last week. Available at
@TheAllanAguirre: The Cows in the Ride or Dies Final have already been allowed to talk more than Kaycee and her brother did all season. #TheChallenge38
@TheAllanAguirre: Devin: I'm already a Top 25  All-Time Challenge Competitor.  Fans:   #TheChallenge38
- @mobaby24: @TheAllanAguirre His ability to adapt on the fly is right at the top and his political game might be the best ever. He’s moving up to top 10 after this W
- @MeelzTV: @TheAllanAguirre you're going to be aggregated so hard.
@TheAllanAguirre: Aneesa: Let's see the damage  Jordan: *Roll eyes and looks away*  
Aneesa: *waiting for him to look*   ...   Aneesa: Look   Jordan: Looks like a rolled ankle. LMAO.    
I'm having way too much fun watch them put each other through their own personal hells.  #TheChallenge38
@Irving_A07: *in my Cara Maria voice*   SHUT UP ANEESA!! 😤 #TheChallenge #TheChallenge38 #TheChallengeRideOrDies
@CohenBrian_: Tori with a potentially championship winning moment #TheChallenge38
@TheAllanAguirre: Jordan's a dick, but he's only saying all the stuff Aneesa's preached for years. She's been talking about wanting to do this for 13 years and showing people she can do it. Aneesa doesn't care about her own words. She wants whatever is easiest in the moment. #TheChallenge38
- @Venus_Gawdess: @TheAllanAguirre The thing is, it’s worse when u consider she made the Allstars 1 final and still bombed. That was only a year ago.
- @Desertpuma: @TheAllanAguirre If Aneesa was really about winning the Final, then she should have put the work in with better fitness/cardio, endurance, tried to lose some weight, flexibility, etc   She has all the other tools: brains, emotions, political game, social game, etc  She needs to put in the work
- @SceneByAshlix: @TheAllanAguirre Yeah, but he's her partner. Darrell woulda never said the inside thoughts out loud.
- @kqueen123: @TheAllanAguirre Why are you such an Aneesa hater?
@TheAllanAguirre: Devin & Tori are absolutely crushing this Final. They must've won Day 2 by at least an hour.  Maybe two.  #TheChallenge38
- @Fashion_Nexus: @TheAllanAguirre I mean wow, beating people like nany and aneesa, super impressive
- @DanieGrainga: @TheAllanAguirre It doesn’t seem like they’re doing it by time though which is dumb because the only thing Devin and tori haven’t been completely dominant at is eating a lot of pasta real fast
- @thekhomish: @TheAllanAguirre They didn’t win that time tho. A few mins head start even tho they won the puzzles by hours
- @BBSavantTOG: @TheAllanAguirre They really found that the key to getting their favs a win is having Nany in the final
- @clblues8: @TheAllanAguirre Won by hours and we're given what five minutes head start the next day
@acenichols33: I don’t know.. the way y’all are clowning on Aneesa feels disrespectful to me #TheChallenge38
@TheAllanAguirre: Jordan & Aneesa coming in 2nd Place in Day 2 after everything is insane. Bananas & Nany should be embarrassed. She didn't even run. #TheChallenge38
- @AlphaBlak86: @TheAllanAguirre What funny is this is the same checkpoint that was in Amber/Chauncey elimination. And the whole cast was making fun of her for taking so long. Now they just cheated off each other. Interesting 🤔
@TheAllanAguirre: Bananas & Jordan are two of the Top 5 male competitors all-time. Nany & Aneesa are two of the most veterans females to ever appear on the show. They had to literally team up just to finish and lose to Devin & Tori by an hour on Day 2. Crazy. #TheChallenge38
- @CohenBrian_: @TheAllanAguirre maybe Devin was onto something
- @jonjonbobon: @TheAllanAguirre It’s not even that Devin needs to be better than Jordan and Bananas. He just needs to be better than Aneesa and Nany, which isn’t hard to do.
- @JamieLewis9: @jonjonbobon Not sure why there’s always hate on Nany. She out performs a good amount of the females a lot of the time.
- @jonjonbobon: @JamieLewis9 In dailies! Not in finals! Nany is actually very bad at finals.
- @A1Drizzy1: @jonjonbobon Finally someone gets it. It doesn’t matter how long/ fast bananas and jordan go, if nany and aneesa can’t keep up they have to wait. It’s Tori vs Aneesa vs Nany. Put any other guy in the final with tori and they win. It’s so simple
- @jonjonbobon: @A1Drizzy1 A part of me thinks Bananas isn’t even trying because he knows that Nany isn’t as good as Devin and Tori in a final. We’ve seen him turn it up more in a final and he just seem like he’s in it. Plus Nany’s always been mediocre and everyone knows it
- @jennacompano: @jonjonbobon devins been slaying this final fair and square whether you want to admit that or not....
- @jonjonbobon: @jennacompano I'm not saying he's not doing well. But if it were individual, he'd come in last place against Bananas, Jordan and Horacio. Maybe 3rd over Horacio because it's his first final.
- @kunoichi4ever: @jonjonbobon The thing is Devin and Tori compliment each other skills wise, the other teams dont. Tho I  d argue that if you let Jordan run this alone he d win 
- @MikeyMelendez1: @TheAllanAguirre Would CT, Darrell and Wes happen to be the other three men?
- @Venus_Gawdess: @TheAllanAguirre Most of these partner challenges come down to who has the best female partner. Tori, as cringe as I find her, is still better than Nany and Aneesa. Plus there’s that behind the scenes tea that production was trying to help Devin and Tori win.
- @LeoEson: @TheAllanAguirre While true, I do hate how puzzle & memorization heavy finals have become. Especially the last 3 seasons. Also, gotta think 2 1/2 years not in the game is showing for Johnny 😂🤷🏻‍♂️
- @Fashion_Nexus: @TheAllanAguirre But pairing champs with long time vets who suck just mean they drag you down, tori is definitely better than nany and aneesa, so devon just has to be bare minimum and they are good
- @BBSavantTOG: @TheAllanAguirre The sad part is Devin and Tori aren’t even amazing competitors
- @Bloy28: @TheAllanAguirre Nany and Aneesa are the most unaccomplished competitors ever. They have to be 1-2 in most seasons without a title. And they keep getting shoved down our throats.
- @RefractHD: @TheAllanAguirre Lando commando and turbo buries both of them Easily
- @zimmerm30782831: @TheAllanAguirre It’s not even that Devin needs to be better than Jordan and Bananas. He just needs to be better than Aneesa and Nany, which isn’t hard to do.
- @JazzFanAnon: @TheAllanAguirre Nany and Aneesa are the “most veteran” because they suck, because after like 15 seasons and even production trying to help them. They suck.
@Irving_A07: “No wonder it’s been 13 years”  This man gives no fucks 😭 #TheChallenge #TheChallenge38 #TheChallengeRideOrDies
@TheAllanAguirre: Aneesa: "It's impossible to win with someone like Jordan. " Don't get me wrong, Jordan is a dickhead. But it's not like you're winning with anyone else. You didn't go to a Final for 13 years and now you're in on with a partner who isn't gonna enable you. #TheChallenge38
- @BubbaGump0514: @TheAllanAguirre Why you always hatin on Aneesa man?
- @TheAllanAguirre: @BubbaGump0514 I've been waiting 13 years to tweet about her in a Final.
- @mystic_scully68: @TheAllanAguirre Bro chill out the only reason why they are behind is because she rolled her ankle. Jordan is a dick and only cares about winning. I feel bad for Aneesa
- @TheAllanAguirre: @mystic_scully68 Lmfao
- @JayKayOohh: @TheAllanAguirre If anything this was her final hailmary shot at a win and it still didn’t work. Time to clock out and say goodbye
- @MikeyMelendez1: @TheAllanAguirre Aneesa is the Layup Queen. Now she's also Aneesa the Victimizer.
- @MTVBURNVOTELEE: @TheAllanAguirre Right!!! & coddling her def wouldn’t make her win either bc she running at her own pace!!!!
- @DylanRasberry: @TheAllanAguirre She victimizes herself. She’s the reason she hasn’t made a final in over a decade and she’s the reason she wasn’t prepared for this final. It just is what it is
- @ih3artkarma: @TheAllanAguirre Aneesa literally wants someone to drag her to a win smfh. Jordan has been extremely supportive this entire season and had every right to be frustrated with her. She is a human anchor and I really hope they stop bringing her back.
- @kunoichi4ever: @TheAllanAguirre I feel horrible for Jordan..THAT woman owes him a 1 million. I have 0 doubts he d have won this seaosn if partnered with anyone else... #TheChallenge38
- @manni3fr3sh84: @TheAllanAguirre I’m sorry but this is for a million dollars. If i was there i would’ve been working out with Jordan every damn day. I don’t blame him for being upset. Maybe this is what Aneesa needed. Maybe when she looks back on this , she will be better prepared next time she comes back.
- @SayMyNay: @TheAllanAguirre Regardless of y’all’s opinions and feelings of Aneesa, most people would not appreciate being chastised while doing something as difficult as a final. Several things can be true, Aneesa hasn’t put in the work to physically be prepared for a final and Jordan lacks compassion.
- @imtheprincessj: @TheAllanAguirre It’s sad cause out of everyone that can be her partner she’s literally with the exact person who can take her to a win. If Jordan was partner with anyone else I guarantee they’d be in second or first.
- @Beckwtheck: @TheAllanAguirre That’s why Jordan won 3 times. She’s so disrespectful to say this bc no one wanted to be w her. There’s episodes of men wanting to get her out bc she cannot run in final and he was proud and wanted this for her and she “rolled her ankle” pathetic
- @Tweety_bird1285: @TheAllanAguirre She has to be joking. J has proven he can win. For 13 years she's watched the final get harder & harder, what did she expect? Everyone else there would let her walk past the finish line first? Jordan may be a dick, but A hasn't shown she actually wants to win.
- @bgizzle1121: @TheAllanAguirre Not to mention all season her saying oh jordan supports me I’ve never had someone believe me and push me do much.. then when it’s all on the line he’s being too mean… gtfoh
- @martydawwgg: @TheAllanAguirre This honestly was sad because it shows her self awareness and fails to realize he is a dick but her actions is causing it. And it showed today when he realized there is no way to win he gives up an just tried to get her to finish
- @toddanthony99: @TheAllanAguirre Sarah, ct, Rogan and dee won finals with Jordan so it’s not impossible
- @jenafa24: @TheAllanAguirre He went in on her first a lot. Jordan showed his ass in this season. He is a misogynistic prick.
- @luciferwrldwide:  @TheAllanAguirre This don’t add up seeing she in the finals cuz of who again?
- @JasminesBDay: @TheAllanAguirre I thrive under positive reinforcement. If my partner keeps shitting on me, I’d be crying and tripping over my own feet constantly in a final.
- @GoodGameDorn: @TheAllanAguirre He won with Sarah.  What’s she going on about?   She could be with Batman and she’s not winning this final.
- @ColetteKorber: @TheAllanAguirre You absolutely can not say that Jordan wasn't very dickish in that moment. Also her treated her like a dumb girl when she told him there was a pattern to that puzzle. He came off as if he thinks he is the smartest and she couldn't possibly know anything
- @ToTheJohnson: @TheAllanAguirre Aneesa needs to understand the winning mentality that Jordan has. Everyone who has ever played a team sport understands that there are times you are going to get yelled at and it’s coming from a place of wanting to win. You have to suck it up and fix what you are doing wrong.
- @daKingballa06: @TheAllanAguirre Yeah if you can’t win with Jordan you probably can’t win
- @naturalN123: @TheAllanAguirre Should have been written in bold so she would get it. It’s frustrating watching her complain. You’re not physically there for the finals, just say that rather than laying it in Jordan.
- @wiley_tira: @TheAllanAguirre How is it enabling her for him  admit taking her to rough patch where she twisted her ankle was wrong. You are just as delusional as Jordan.
- @symphanieaaliya: @TheAllanAguirre Also remember when she didn't want to give that energy to Chauncy at the night time daily. Everybody around her was trying to console chauncy and support him. She was his partner. She didn't say shit and all she did was throw shade at him in the confessional. Anessa is the worst
- @YuseMTrollin: @TheAllanAguirre I don't like Jordan but anessa has made 0 effort to become a better challenger... Jordan and her group of friends in the house were the only way she'd get to a finale, and Jordan was her best chance at winning a finale and yet.. she puts the blame onto him, get real, girl stop...
- @midnightmatney: @TheAllanAguirre They were in that house for like 3 months and Aneesa didn’t even try to get into any kind of shape for a potential final.  Could not be more selfish.
- @brooklyn_path: @TheAllanAguirre He going to lose because of aneesa, he is the one who would make you win. Picking her was an awful choice
- @TheChrisCayton: @TheAllanAguirre She walked the all stars final and didn't even sniff anywhere close to the lead
- @lifeispeachy2me: @TheAllanAguirre Right. Like with the knot elimination. She said if Jordan wasn't pushing her she would have just quit.
- @jenquin305: @TheAllanAguirre He took her to the final. Also that elimination with the skinny girl, can’t think of her name at this moment Chauncey’s girl was totally unfair and geared for aneesa to win
- @JudgmentalKyle: @TheAllanAguirre Jordan is literally the only person on earth she could even make it to a final with. She is dead weight and brings nothing to the show. Doesn’t fuck or fight anyone and can’t compete in challenges.
- @leezeglin: @TheAllanAguirre Jordan carried her to this point this season. If he didn’t have his status people would have gotten rid of her right away for this reason. The challenge is amazing because when it is this format you are only as strong as your ride or die. He needs his to ride or die
- @dancebabe28aolc: @TheAllanAguirre Jordon was a dick to her and Tori pulled her back down.  Ames’s a needs positive reinforcement.  Some people do well with negative comments it starts a fire in there belly but that is not her.  Tori was a good friend to talk her off the wall
- @RosanaCobos21: @TheAllanAguirre Aneesa does not deserve to be in that final, she does not prepare for it and it shows. Please don’t bring her back on. It’s over babe, time to quit.
- @beezybee1215: @TheAllanAguirre It’s impossible to win with a three time champ who won two of his three seasons with a partner or team!
- @Sunnyluv16: @TheAllanAguirre Aneesa made it this far cause of Jordan. He pushed her during the rope elimination and she realized she needed that and now is bad to crying about his tough love
@TheAllanAguirre: Tori: Look at the bright side, how long has it been since you've seen a Final? Aneesa: I would've made more if I didn't get taken out right before so many times. Aneesa said that like it was a bad luck. Not her losing the eliminations to better players.  #TheChallenge38
- @kmacisco: @TheAllanAguirre She really needs to fully heal her ankle/leg situation. It’s been an issue for years & her continuously going hard on these shows it’s destroying her
- @MikeyMelendez1: @TheAllanAguirre Aneesa really likes to toot her own horn just because she was in the show since the dawn of time. Her demise is never her own fault. Honestly, in Jordans shoes I would have just gone home knowing that I'd be partnered with her.
- @mich_dev: @TheAllanAguirre In hindsight, we have to admit every elimination loss before the final was doing her a huge favor.  I feel stupid for the years I put in rooting for her to make it after AS and this showing.
- @Fashion_Nexus: @TheAllanAguirre Ah no sweetie, you are like a josh or nany your alliance takes you far as a number, but if you have to go in, they are not all that concerned because more likely than not, they know you are losing
- @Normani_supreme: @TheAllanAguirre I think some of the times have been bad luck and other times she really did loose to better players.
- @WestUpFoLife: @TheAllanAguirre The finals layup queen, unfortunate 2 state it plain & simply, runnin and endurance is a HUGE part of the final, all want 2 run vs her but none with her. Big E almost died being out of shape, did something about it. Truth hurts, but Aneesa has done nothing 2 remedy her weakness.
- @Its_Collene: @TheAllanAguirre The lack of accountability she has displayed over the past few decades is exhausting. There’s one person to blame for her ankle and it’s not Jordan
- @Bluetraveler925: @TheAllanAguirre Tori is like that friend that says “don’t cry” to make you feel better but does nothing to help
- @Beckwtheck: @TheAllanAguirre And she’s in her 40s blaming it on Jordan and her bad luck . Not that everyone else trains and runs clean diet and exercise. I’d love to see aneesa win bc she’s black, Jewish like me but she’s not willing to do the work . She’s sluggish and entitled not determined
- @meyloose: @TheAllanAguirre It’s so old at this point.  We as viewers know when she comes back again and again it will never result in a win.  She had it on a silver platter to be paired with Jordan and it’s still the same song and dance.  I have mad respect for her and philly love, but it’s time to retire
- @LucasOwnes19: @TheAllanAguirre She really loves to play the victim, bad luck is the reason I never make the final. No you’re just not good
@TheAllanAguirre: How does Tori's hair look this perfect after running a Final for two straight days???  #TheChallenge38
- @helloalievans: @TheAllanAguirre The good hair life ain’t for everybody honey
- @Irving_A07: @TheAllanAguirre It’s that swamp hair glow
- @kaylanc89: @TheAllanAguirre I thought the same thing. Mine looks worse than that after a shower at night and sleeping on it
@TheAllanAguirre: CT lost 20-30 lbs between Day 1 and the Final of War of the Worlds 2. Obviously you want to get yourself into shape before the season, but it's not like they didn't have 2-3 months where the game was their focus. There was time to train in the house. #TheChallenge38
- @actvstArchitect: @TheAllanAguirre For some people, another day in the house is another day to party. For others, it’s another day to train. Fitness levels go way down for some and way up for others. I just try to feed people cake
- @toddanthony99: @TheAllanAguirre CT owned that season. Went to the enemy team with no allies on day 1 and ran their team all the way to a finals win.
- @fifthwardmedia: @TheAllanAguirre I’ve watched that season a couple times and this is the first time I noticed that. Thanks for pointing that out
- @bolt_up_10: @TheAllanAguirre damn that's an interesting take
- @EdwardKaske: @TheAllanAguirre This is why he is the goat. He beat those of his earlier days and the more athletic younger cast. And I might add, found away to put is issues aside with Wes to get that first W. Reshaped his whole game.
@TheAllanAguirre: Nany and her Noodles is one the longest ongoing storylines in Challenge History  #TheChallenge38
@TheAllanAguirre: Nany is having the time of her life. She is fucking that shit up. #TheChallenge38
- @SHOTOFYAGER: @TheAllanAguirre Boogeyman Vibes…
@TheAllanAguirre: NANY PROJECTILE VOMITING ON BANANAS 😂 She did what so many of his haters have wanted to do to him. Girl hit a bullseye by getting in his pocket too. #TheChallenge38
@CohenBrian_: Aneesa and Jordan should not still have a shot to win. Bananas and Nany should be far behind. But hey, MTV got their 100 hour promo/gimmick. #TheChallenge38
- @mtv_whore: @CohenBrian_ How long were the head starts? How long was the run that just kept going turn after turn? How far away was the puzzle key? WHY DONT THEY TELL US!!
- @ChrissaTodd1: @CohenBrian_ well i guess the next on explains it they made a whole finale zone and needed enough pairs for it
- @sportsgal50: @CohenBrian_ the issue is..the final would be over already if they went by true time difference it seems
- @rgeralde: @CohenBrian_ How much of the 100 do we think was spent on the overnight breaks and driving?
- @bolt_up_10: @CohenBrian_ I dunno, devin and tori did get a head start and bananany closed it and beat them before Devin and tori finished their spaghetti
- @MikeLJunior2525: @CohenBrian_ I prefer timed events where da clock stops when they go 2 sleep
- @natalie_july: @CohenBrian_ Apprently just surviving without an injury dq is the real factor here!!
- @alexxarnold: @CohenBrian_ How much of a lead do we think Devin and Tori has going into day 2? A couple of hours? That got wiped away too easily.
- @42forteetoo: @CohenBrian_ I’m sure banany will be similarly rewarded /s
@TheAllanAguirre: Based on the trailer, it looks like the last portion of the Final is going to be the players running through all the eliminations from this season. Which if true, I'd love to see it. #TheChallenge38
@TheAllanAguirre: NEW RECAP.  BROKE DOWN PART 2 OF THE FINAL. I Just Published: The Challenge Ride or Dies Episode 18 Recap: 10 Biggest Takeaways #TheChallenge38
@Challengeteamtv: I am sorry but finals doesn’t need to be this long it’s dragging 😴😴 #TheChallenge38
- @AllllGoood: @Challengeteamtv It's for a million dollars! Should be at least 100hrs!
- @Challengeteamtv: @AllllGoood Technically 500k & I couldn’t care less if it’s for 2 millions dollar I don’t want to watch 3 episodes of it.
- @willjames93: @Challengeteamtv They need to make this the first and last time they do a 100Hr final. They got us all fucked up
- @XavierOfLove: @Challengeteamtv Finals are always the most boring part of the season.
- @TylerHartigan: @Challengeteamtv Strong disagree. It's 100 hours! It's supposed to be grueling! This is the first tough final in a while. It's gonna be intense.
- @KlRBYREED: @TylerHartigan Respectfully we don’t care let’s wrap it up
- @TylerHartigan: @KlRBYREED I mean... they're going week. Wild to me that you'll watch 16 90 minute long episodes all leading up to the final, then be mad that it's not over in 2 hours 🤔🤔
- @mustagsue: @TylerHartigan I love the final and I want to see everything they have to go through. I love the challenge and never want it to end. So bring it on the more the better.
- @jasonwp41: @TylerHartigan The 100 hours included a 2 hour drive, sleeping, etc. I don’t mind it, but should’ve been 2 episodes. Just an opinion. I respect yours as well!  And don’t entirely disagree.
- @Main103s: @Challengeteamtv Agreed. 1, 2 hour episode should’ve been it. Feel like last night episode was nothing but aneesa and jordan yelling about an ankle, then everybody puking for 30 minutes… Until next time.
- @MiguelCoka: @Challengeteamtv I dig it! More too watch! I’m a sucker for the challenge 😆
- @toddanthony99: @Challengeteamtv I like it. The more episodes the better. I hate when it’s in between challenge seasons.
- @Leysamie: @Challengeteamtv Seriously.  I was straight up mad last night when I realized the episode was only an hour long!
- @nina_bye23: @Challengeteamtv I could have lived without all the vomiting footage
- @bzee_tha_boss: @Challengeteamtv Would’ve been way better if they did two 2-hour episodes
- @TheBossesSC: @Challengeteamtv Agreed, I feel like I’m forcing myself to watch it at this point
- @bennettbenn3tt: @Challengeteamtv still don't think this one is anywhere near as difficult as the WOTW final. it's just longer. and why do we need 30 minutes of people throwing up? come up with something else.
- @amygal1234: @Challengeteamtv I enjoy it give us more to watch and the check point gets harder. I think this is the best season yet.
- @Ziggler91: @Challengeteamtv For real. At least the episodes are an hour long now than 1hr 30min lol
- @psychomommie: @Challengeteamtv I don't agree - I will take every minute of the Challenge!!
- @DarkAngel1328: @Challengeteamtv I Love it!! 100 hours working their ass off! I think the winners should get a million each! 💪🏼💖
- @RESeattleAnn: @Challengeteamtv $1 mill - why not!  Enjoying this, looks like last day will be interesting
- @sherknd: @Challengeteamtv We really don’t need to see 15 minutes of puking each episode 🙈😊
- @KPING55: @Challengeteamtv I love it. This has been the best one in a long time
- @BooBreen: @Challengeteamtv The entire food episode pissed me tf off. When it ended I was like ANOTHER EPISODE
- @jfunk43: @Challengeteamtv Doesn’t need to be this long but to me more importantly there’s no advantage to going hard rn tori n Devin killed it to get a cpl min head start the next day idc if it’s a blowout the best team deserves to win
- @BROOKLYNSTAR211: @Challengeteamtv Just want to  skip to the  reunion show & here  Amber saying  " my man my man " even  Kam wasn't  like  that  with  Leroy
- @rachjames3669: @Challengeteamtv Waste too much time on the food challenges, we don’t want to see that! 😂
- @martinezcoven: @Challengeteamtv Disagree… it should be grueling. I want to see them struggling. I want to know it was this hard. It’s a final. I was pissed the years they were too easy.
- @_cgutierrez: @Challengeteamtv I think my biggest gripe is that it’s essentially between 2 teams. They should really consider a team getting DQd cuz of injury when they decide how many teams make it to the final. Even having 1 extra team right now would make all the difference. It’s just boring atm.
- @NIKONATIONLIVE: @Challengeteamtv Especially with this boring stuff with no elements like change areas give us snow or mountains
- @jddoyle5: @Challengeteamtv I agree, but I thinks it’s fans fault. We have complained in the past that production doesn’t show us everything… well, i can’t imagine that there is missing key pieces. We shouldn’t have a 3 episode final, even if it “100” hours
- @ABL3ROad1573: @Challengeteamtv I agree. In past season, I'd never miss an episode. If I did, Id feel a loss until it te-aired. I missed last night's eposode but didnt feel a loss. 🤷🏽‍♂️
- @MishaTye: @Challengeteamtv They’re trying to show CBS how to finish a final. #TheChallenge38
- @thekhomish: @Challengeteamtv The advantage Tori and Devin got for solving those puzzles was a crime.
- @pwauleeg: @Challengeteamtv I don’t mind it being this long but give me one 1.5/2 hour finale instead of dragging it through 3 episodes. It loses its value
- @Carothy01: @Challengeteamtv Nah
- @AndreaFatora: @Challengeteamtv Completely agree. They want to do 100 hour finals cool but to span it across three weeks is annoying. I feel like I didn't even watch an episode last night. It was super boring
- @bluecheckchuck: @Challengeteamtv 100 hours of racing only to have all progress reset each day because they all sleep at the same time anyway. Why rush if every morning you're tied again? 100 hours for it all to come down to some 30 minute puzzle that everyone starts at the same time or some other dumb idea
- @ShipIt1987: @Challengeteamtv Two, 2 hour episodes would have been more than okay. Instead of 90/60/90. Just make it 2 weeks of 120/120 min. Literally zero reason it should be 3 separate episodes.
- @theRyanGuerra: @Challengeteamtv huh? the show is about challenges and eliminations, right? 1/3 saw challenges and elimination. 2/3 saw more challenges. what you expect? 5 minutes of them at the bar getting liquor'ed up
- @jennaworldpeace: @Challengeteamtv I agree. Every season it just gets longer. It’s boring for the viewer.
- @RosanaCobos21: @Challengeteamtv Yeah I’m done, it should be an easy win for Devin and Tori considering the only team able to beat them were DQ’d bcuz of an injury. I’ll watch the first 30mins
- @LuckyDinero: @Challengeteamtv I thought it could be little more grueling…they let them sleep 😴 and eat pasta
- @jdubcincy2: @Challengeteamtv Disagree, they should be hard. This episode should have been the season finale though, make it 2 hours and get it in.
@MTVDevinWalker: There is nothing I won’t do to win this race.
@ZNichols15: For me, Bananas and Nany’s ability to make comedy of every situation good, bad, and ugly has saved the season for me. That, and Devin’s confessionals/one-liners.
- @amberborzotra: @ZNichols15 Facts ♥️
@ZNichols15: Nobody deserves a win more than this one.

HALFTIME: Nam at the Super Bowl, and World Champs  
@TheChallenge: Wouldn't be surprised if this all-you-can-eat buffet appeared in the challengers' nightmares 😂 #TheChallenge38
@TheChallenge: Work smarter, not harder 💭 Do you think Aneesa and Jordan should've helped Banany? 🧐 #TheChallenge38
@NamVoOfficial1: I‘m so HYPED!!! Personal invitation! 😍🙌🏼 #superbowl  @NamVoOfficial1
@DerrickMTV: Nany Noodles was back with a Vengeance! But this time, she brought her trusty sidekick @johnnybananas! - Take a listen as Me & @SHOTOFYAGER breakdown Ep.2 of 3 of the 100 hour final, as Team Banany take the lead!  - Available to patrons at 
@helloalievans: Jordan “figuring out” the pattern after Aneesa told him the pattern feels like every meeting I’ve ever been in where a man repeated my idea five minutes later and got credit for it. #TheChallenge38
@RyanJohn___: Aneesa the past 5 seasons of The Challenge #TheChallenge38
@ChallengeStats: Funny how Aneesa was in the shortest final of all time* (The Gauntlet 2) and now is on the longest final ever #TheChallenge38   *Not counting first two seasons
@MSandnasamy: This was the 1st time we’ve seen @MTVDevinWalker & Tori get in even a slight disagreement during a challenge & he immediately realized he upset her, apologized, told Tori he loved her & then continued on kicking ass. Their relationship is everything #TheChallenge38 #beavertail
@ravyn_rochelle: TJ says it’s the hardest final every season 😂 but tbh nothing beats that WOTW final
@ravyn_rochelle: If Jordan was doing the final for Aneesa in the first place, why is he so pressed on her performance? He should be supporting her regardless of what’s happening.
@CoryWharton: Trying to live in the moment more often, being present & spending quality time 🙌🏽👏🏽 @CoryWharton
@NurysKMateo: The super bowl needs to go back to being the first week of February cuz it keeps interfering with my birthday 😑
@mikethemiz: Something fun coming tomorrow…. 😎 #FOXSuperBowlPregame #SuperBowl @mikethemiz
@johnnybananas: 🔥SIZZLIN NEW EPISODE🔥 @AneesaMTV stops by to break down her historic season 👸🏾 how she navigated the Tori/Jordan Soap Opera 🧼 & the question on everyone’s mind… How’s the coo… I mean.. Ankle 👨🏻‍⚕️🩺 On an ALL NEW Death, Taxes, and Bananas Pod💀💰🍌
@DerrickMTV: NEW YORK CITY!! 🗽🎢 VIEWING PARTY! THIS WEDNESDAY!! -Watch the TRUE FINALE of #TheChallenge38 with 2X ALL STARS CHAMP @jonnamtv along side @TommyBracco, Roni & @SHOTOFYAGER! ⭐️⭐️  - TIX: ChallengeMania.LIVE 🍾🏆
@ChallengeStats: I said I wasn't going to add the international versions to the database but here we are  All time, all franchises top 10 youngest and oldest challengers coming very soon
@GamerVev: Ride or Dies finale duration - 3 weeks   The Challenge UK series duration - 4 days
@TheChallenge: In honor of tonight's #SuperBowl, we're throwing it back to that time CT got into it with Eagles Legend, TO 😬
@CoryWharton: Super Bowl Sunday 🏈 Rams still hold that ring for a couple of hours 💍, best to lucky both teams I just want to see a good game 👏🏽 #SuperBowl
@KyleCGShore: Good luck to Uncle Kain tonight entering the @LoveIsland Casa Amor Villa. We can’t wait to see what you get up to and no doubt you will have us glued. Love you brother, absolutely smash it…You deserve the world 🌎❤️ #kainreed #loveisland #casaamor @KyleCGShore
@lolojones: Last fall I spoke at the NFL summit and the Chiefs owners and Hunt family let me try on one of their Super bowl ring. Congrats to them and their fans @lolojones
@JOSHMBB19: Congrats Chiefs fans! hell of a fucking Super Bowl 🙌🏽👏🏽 #SuperBowl
@DevynSimone: #ChiefsKingdom ♥️  Kansas City Girl 4 Life xo
@MTV_AMANDAG: I know my sis Syl is fuckin LOSING IT RN!!!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️ GO CHIEFS!!!
@NamVoOfficial1: It’s just beautiful! 🙏🏼😍 #superbowl #Rihanna @NamVoOfficial1
It’s just beautiful! 🙏🏼😍 #superbowl #Rihanna
@SHOTOFYAGER: 🚨NEW PODCAST UP!!🚨 🔥Get the low down from AMBER B (@amberborzotra) on today’s #ChallengeMania as she tells me & @DerrickMTV when the baby is coming, what it felt like to win #TheChallenge on Double Agents, why #TheChallenge38 was tough on her & MORE  📲
@SHOTOFYAGER: Today’s #ChallengeMania includes a guest appearance from @NickHexum from @311 who sang a personalized version of “AMBER” for @amberborzotra back when she won #TheChallenge & we needed to play it again cause people need to remember that she won #TheChallenge! (I took this pic!)
@TheChallenge: Happy Birthday to the girl whose confessional looks were ALWAYS giving, @NurysKMateo! 🎂 🥳
@lashtweets: A @TheChallenge poem for your Valentine ❤️:  TJ’s laughter is gold; Olivia’s broken nose is blue; If we ever broke up; I’d never kiss Nurys in front of you.  #rhap
@JonBrennan_com: HAPPY BIRTHDAY @MTVBeth aka BBBEEEFFFF. #TrueStory  This pic from the rooftop of our @RealWorldMTV Homecoming reunion back in the same Venice Beach CA house after 30 years! #realworldhomecomingLA @paramountplus @MTV @TheChallenge  @BunimMurray   @JonBrennan_com
@ChallengeStats: I will never be satisfied until we have: - 38 Flagship / - 3 All Stars / - 3 Champs / - AUS, ARG, UK + Global / - 14 Road Rules / - 33 Real World + 4 Homecoming  / - Spring Break Challenge   Released in HD on all platforms globally #TheChallenge
@ChallengeStats: And I hit the character limit but it also includes the specials like: - Back to NY and The Quest casting / - Season previews / - The first Real World reunion that covered first 4 seasons / - We <3 Diem ♥️ / - CT's wedding / - All the After Shows that aired after the episodes
@ChallengeStats: Like we fought for YEARS for Inferno 3 imagine how much would it take for them to release again all of this 🥴
@ChallengeStats: Hey @paramountplus @ParamountPlusLA - Unlock ARG episodes with english subtitles on Paramount+ / - Unlock flagship episodes with spanish subtitles on Paramount+ LATAM   It is completely absurd this is happening!! Global airs in just a few weeks!! #TheChallenge
@MikeLewisPod: 🚨 NEW POD🚨 Jason Cornwell @cornwellcasting joins me to talk about Real World Boston, how he went from cast member to cast director, a Boston homecoming, and more! 👇🏻
@finaIRECKONlNG: Did you know that David Barta from Paradise Hotel & Ex On The Beach is Tina Barta’s son? Now you do!
@PaulCalafiore_: King & Queen. Ride or Die. Still here 💪🏼 @PaulCalafiore_
@TheChallenge: The competition is STACKED with MVPs from all around the globe 🌏, including those from down under! 🇦🇺 Get ready for The Challenge: World Championship streaming WEDNESDAY MARCH 8 only on @paramountplus! 🙌 #ChallengeWorldChamp
@TheChallenge: Who will be crowned the FIRST-EVER Challenge WORLD Champion?! 👑 🥇 Watch as Challenge Legends battle it out alongside 16 Global MVPs and International Champions 🌍 when The Challenge: World Championship streams WED MARCH 8 on @paramountplus! 😈 #ChallengeWorldChamp
@dannydmac44: LFG!!!
@emilylongeretta: #TheChallenge #WorldChampionship cast + key art is here! MVPs of the CBS series + Australia, plus Challenge "legends." (You be the judge of who is considered a legend. Anyways, a fun group. Yay, Jodi!) Two-part premiere March 8. Full list/teaser:
@DerrickMTV: WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP: CAST REVEAL! Take a listen as Me & @SHOTOFYAGER give you some details!  - UP NOW for Patrons at 🔱  - UP TOMORROW for Everyone at 🔱  - #TheChallenge #TheChallengeWorldChampionship

👪     🤼     💑

So, they've had to endure the hell of getting to eat, eat, eat like this is Thanksgiving night with plenty of imagery of them throwing up in beautiful 4K ultra-high definition. But they've just went through two-thirds of this 100-hour marathon... we'll cover the final hurdles of their quest to be champions coming your way later tonight on here once those of you you west get home from work and school. But first...

a Look Ahead...

This month of March means plenty to enjoy as far as big events are concerned... it's something we didn't get to say at this time three years ago -- but you know you don't want to go through that again. It's with this in mind that we'd like to bring you this look ahead at what's to come on the calendar... the most important item of which is what's to come in MTV land.
   The Challenge World Championship kicks off on Wednesday as familiar champions team up with those from the global Challenge series... and once we render the final verdict on Ride or Dies (as far as this site is concerned), we'll have our first-look preview of that new season along with our traditional "Who Are These Newbies?" rookie primer. There's also Are You The One? Global too -- and we'll have two posts covering the past few episodes also to come on here, together with the ExtraTime series.
   On a related note, I have reactivated my DCNOW Twitter portal (@DC408DxNow) to get to watch all these episodes for you out there as I watch them live... but what I'm really excited for is that for one full week later this month, a working out of some certain logistics means that I will be going on a rare week-long trip out of town to my sister's house. That means, there will be plenty of time on my hands to do a lot of binge-watching TV and YouTube around helping babysit the kiddies and working on this site.

Besides TV shows, the DCNOW account is where I get to live watch sports, music and big events without flooding the main @DC408Dxtr feed... and all four of those will come in handy during this Spring Break special: there's those aforementioned MTV shows above including what we think is the season finale of that Global AYTO, March Madness with the Sweet 16 & Elite 8, the Ultra Music Festival in Miami with EDM's biggest names from Afrojack to Zedd, and the iHeartRadio Music Awards... but something I haven't really do much of is live watching an actual movie.
   If you've been checking out my social stories and even a couple blog posts on them, despite being up there in age I've become a fan of the global pop collective Now United during this tough time in our world. For the last big project involving its first generation starring along its second gen members, they will star in The Musical: Welcome to the Night of Your Lives... a film where they star as up-and-coming performers auditioning to be in a Broadway play, but where both they and even the show's producers will encounter plenty of pitfalls before they arrive for opening night. And as of right now, this film may strike a chord with me as my niece is also starring in a play of her own: a middle school adaptation of the 13 musical that featured Ariana Grande and later turned into a Netflix movie.
   I plan to buy a ticket to watch the movie & all of its assorted content -- not available in theaters or even the major streaming services but through the OP3N NFT platform... and it will be among one of the big events I'll be enjoying during Spring Break which begins March 21 over on DCNOW and continues for a full week into March 28th. Your first look at The Musical is below along with the first song from that film (I plan to do a blog review of that film on here), and see you tonight for the Ride or Dies finale...


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