Wednesday, February 26, 2014

DC SocialPulse: Are You The One? "Turn the Paige"

*** Reader Advisory: DC SocialPulse Contains Adult Language and 
spoilers for international readers. Viewer Discretion is Advised. ***

By DC Cueva

Hi again everyone, welcome back to DC SocialPulse and our twitter diary of episode 6 of Are You The One?. Now that the Sochi Winter Olympics are now in the books, most of my attention will focus back to the MTV world, and last night we had an explosive episode to say the least. Last week, we saw tensions rise among John and Simone reach a breaking point, a potential love triangle was brought about with Wes, Kayla and Ryan, and the fun of a waterfall challenge. The group had their chances improved in the path to a million thanks to getting their first perfect match in Dillan & Coleysia, while they also garnered their best perfect match number yet: five at the halfway mark.
   This week in episode 6 entitled "Turn the Paige", the house will try to figure out who the second perfect couple is. Kayla finally gets called out for her Ryan & Wes threesome, while Simone will try to break up with Chris T and Shanley machine. And the latest trip to the Truth Booth undoubtedly send the house and the group into chaos mode, while the week's challenge is a good, old-fashioned drinking contest.
   And following twitter's view, I'll offer perspective on an unwritten rule that I have which explains why I am so well respected among this cast (and Team MTV as well), and how, inadvertently and rather coincidentally, I actually pictured this very episode and two of the key figures in it. Two reminders before we start:
- 1. Please note there is explicit language in certain tweets below, but I am keeping it uncensored in order to retain the heat of the moment. So if you are mature enough, please read with discretion. :-)
& 2. As AYTO is airing hot off the U.S. presses on other MTV international channels and this episode hasn't aired where you live, please don't proceed with reading this post. But I will be compiling all the cast tweets from when it airs here each week into weekly DCSP posts, so you won't miss a thing of how your favorite castmates reacted to this episode when they get to see them for the first time.
So with that, as we begin this week's SP, let's start with the Monday before this episode, including some mini live tweeting of when last week's aired in the UK and a lengthy convo between a couple of the castmates.

The Monday Before
@Coleysia: I don't give crap, I will not accept it. I give my best and that is what I demand in return. Excuses not acceptable.
@Coleysia: What you accept is what will continue. Don't continue to accept crap if that's not what you want to keep.
@MTVJessicaPerez: My #mcm goes to this smooth criminal. #themeyes #owwoww @ChrisScaliMTV
@SimoneKelly_: Chillin w/my Wiiiife @brittany_baldi on Television! Simone fix ur face... Lol #AreYouTheOne
@IamAdamKuhn: It doesn't matter where you're coming from. All that matters is where you're going.
@RyanDevlin: Ran into @BenAffleck at LAX and gave him a @thisbar. Saving lives one Oscar winner at a time.
@brittany_baldi: If he doesn't add to my life in a positive way. I don't want him in my life #neversettle #dreamteam #AreYouTheOne
@AshleighMorgh: This means so much to me. Sometimes we can't always see what lies ahead of us, we just have to make the first move. We can't let fear or other people prohibit us from taking chances, we could miss out on a lot of life.
@shandathapanda: Alright, I GUESSSSSS my #MCM goes to this baby-faced doucher @TophsTweets with hair like a Greek god. πŸ‘ŒπŸ˜»
@TophsTweets: @shandathapanda AWEEEE look at this lil suck up...😍
@dillanhoward: Head colds are like monopoly. They take way too long. FF (fun fact)...I was always the top hat.
@SimoneKelly_: Make goals. Write them down. Implement a plan. Take action. Enjoy results! -Simone Kelly #areyoutheone #mtv
@ryanmalaty: You don't need a reason to smile :)
@ChrisScaliMTV: too many critics with no credentials!!
@illBeJacy: I like you less and less everyday.
@illBeJacy: Some people think that if you're humble and give in to fix what is broken they can walk all over you. They are sadly mistaken.
@ChrisScaliMTV: the best kiss is the one that has been exchanged a thousand times between the eyes before it reaches the lips #AreYouTheOne @mtv @AREUTHE1
@AshleighMorgh: So proud of what my love @Coleysia big things are on the way!! And I'll be right by your side 😘
@Coleysia: @AshleighMorgh thanks sis! I love you! I'm so excited! 😊😊
@AshleighMorgh: Love you more RT @Coleysia: @AshleighMorgh thanks sis! I love you! I'm so excited! 😊😊
@IamJoeyDillon: I like a busy woman. Let's me know she's on her boss shit too. #boss #women #womaninbiz
@ryanmalaty: I loved the waterfall challenge on #AreYouTheOne πŸ™Œ
@illBeJacy: I have like no hispanic friends here nobody comments on my spanish tweets but i dont care when im mad itsy best form of shit talking.
@EDiamond007: I keep getting asked for a selfie, if this gets 100 RT ill post a selfie for you all #areyoutheone #selfie @areuthe1
@brittany_baldi: You can't please everyone. Live for yourself. The path to the right people and career will be paved accordingly #confidence #AreYouTheOne
@dubbucks: Whelp! Looks like opening the door 4 ladies is a lost art πŸ˜” The guys out here are a joke. I need to give a class on chilvary #AreYouTheOne
@SimoneKelly_: Ooh now you tripping boo. Why hold on when I don't want you? You find another girl who would love to put up with you.
@SimoneKelly_: TOMORROW IS TUESDAY DAMN IT!!!! 😁😁 #AreYouTheOne
@ryanmalaty: Hey Italia! Grazie per la visione! Ti amo! @mtvitaly #AreYouTheOne
@IamAdamKuhn: UK episode 5! Get ready! #AreYouTheOne
@ryanmalaty: The relationships on #AreYouTheOne were so raw....No phones, internet or tv to distract us from each other.
@dubbucks: As a matter if fact! I wanna go toooo... Brazil. Italy. Portugal. Sweden... F it! Lol all over Europe AND South America! Why!? Bcuz they show MAD love for #AreYouTheOne! πŸ™ŒπŸ™Œ we thank everyone 4 the support!
@TophsTweets: I need to hop on this job swagger vacation is over...but I don't want get a normal job😭😭😭
@dubbucks: @TophsTweets dawg! I'm already on it! Come over to the dark side *darth vader voice* 😈
@TophsTweets: @dubbucks I don't know where the "dark side" is but I'm in!
@dubbucks: @TophsTweets yaaaaaas πŸ™Œ lol walking blind is the way to go 😳
@TophsTweets: @dubbucks send a pidgin over with the details so it can't be traced
@IamAdamKuhn: John Jacobs making it rain #AreYouTheOne
@IamAdamKuhn: Dre and Ashleigh.. #areyoutheone
@IamAdamKuhn: Dillan and Coleysia Match! #AreYouTheOne
@amberleeMTV: BRAND NEW #AREYOUTHEONE TOMORROW! I'm bouncing off the walls..these episodes just get better and better!! 😁😬😁 RT if you're gonna tune in!!
@TophsTweets: I may need to have a watch party tomorrow for this next episode of #AreYouTheOne
@dubbucks: Interesting thought: I believe that "too good to be true" is often a reality. So when u find that 1 that meets your criteria... Cherish them
@dubbucks: When someone says you stank, you ugly, you dumb...etc... Simply respond w/ "yo momma" and walk off like a boss! works 4 me 😳 #cornball
@dubbucks: OR start babbling some Harry potter nonsense... That's some annoying shhh right there... Works every time lol
@IamAdamKuhn: 1 more day till #AreYouTheOne Each episode gets crazier!
@Coleysia: I love laughing and smiling. If you can make me laugh, you can win my heart. Simple.
@Coleysia: Hey @dubbucks ! πŸ‘‹πŸ‘‹
@dubbucks: @Coleysia haaaaay boo!!!
@Coleysia: @dubbucks you used to be my friend. Then I got dumped. πŸ˜’
@dubbucks: @Coleysia who got lumped!? Who's a chump!? I left my hearing aid in Hawaii!! Say whaaaaat!??? Lol
@Coleysia: @dubbucks hahahaha!! Don't pretend!! You know you gave me the boot! πŸ‘žπŸ’’
@dubbucks: @Coleysia see you're lying! I don't even own a pair of boots! So deceitful lol no wonder our friendship is torn to shreds 😩😩
@Coleysia: @dubbucks πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ shut up!! Don't use jokes to cloud my eyes of your hurtful deeds! You hurt my feelings! πŸ˜₯πŸ˜­πŸƒπŸƒ
@dubbucks: @Coleysia mmhmm well who's right and who's wrong!!? Meh... Maybe I'll have to be the bigger one here and just proclaim my love huh??! 😳
@Coleysia: @dubbucks that's all I ask! Lol
@dubbucks: @Coleysia fine! Twitter world! I... ❀️... Col.... Hell naw! Lmao!! Lol
@Coleysia: β€œ@dubbucks: @Coleysia fine! Twitter world! I... ❀️... Col.... Hell naw! Lmao!! Lol” Lmbo!!! Sooooooooooo close!!!! Yet so far. πŸ˜’ πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
@dubbucks: @Coleysia miss u though!!! ❀️
@Coleysia: @dubbucks lies. πŸ˜’
@dubbucks: @Coleysia I doooooo though... The look I give when I'm being genuine and they don't believe me πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
@Coleysia: @dubbucks Wes you are so retarded!!!!! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ I miss you too Wes!!!!! ☺️☺️
@dubbucks: @Coleysia damn skippy lol FT at some point b4 we die!?
@Coleysia: @dubbucks the same FT we were supposed to have 2 months ago? πŸ˜’
@dubbucks: @Coleysia EXACTLY! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜”
@Coleysia: @dubbucks you do me so bad. πŸ˜”
@dubbucks: @Coleysia that's what she said. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
@Coleysia: @dubbucks ugh. I hate you! Lol!
@Coleysia: @dubbucks I'll believe it when I see it!!
@dubbucks: @Coleysia πŸ˜” no faith
@Coleysia: @dubbucks prove me wrong!
@dubbucks: @Coleysia Psssh... DONE!!
@Coleysia: @dubbucks β˜ΊοΈπŸ˜‰
@shandathapanda: You all need to understand one thing: in that house, 3 days felt like 3 weeks in the dating world. You live with the person 24/7, you learn
@shandathapanda: Their flaws, their habits...everything. So fuck all of you for assuming I need to get over it after LIVING with a person for 5 weeks.
@shandathapanda: It's a totally different ball game. Those 19 other people were all I knew when we filmed.
@shandathapanda: Sorry for the short rant. I just wanted to give you guys another perspective. Tomorrow's episode is an intense one for me. #AreYouTheOne
@IamJoeyDillon: Life is so much more positive and fun when you cut out the negative. Don't waste your time.
@IamAdamKuhn: I may cry during tomorrow's episode of #AreYouTheOne Okay im not gonna cry but it's going to be intense and you need to stay up and watch it
@ryanmalaty: Hear me talk about my dream journal on the radio πŸ”Š #AreYouTheOne
@MaybachDiamonds: On April 2nd I'll be opening up for @carlyaquilino from Girl Code at fairmont state university in West Virginia!  MTV takeover!! #iamtheone
@brittany_baldi: I really really REALLY want the ability to teleport #AreYouTheOne #MTV #teleport #wishfulthinking xo
@shandathapanda: Did anyone just catch the #AreYouTheOne commercial? I LOOK LIKE A MAD WOMAN.
@illBeJacy: i had to go alone on my date because JJ had diarrea! #AreYouTheOne
@MaybachDiamonds: @illBeJacy LIES!!!!!!!
@illBeJacy: @MaybachDiamonds proove it!
@MaybachDiamonds: @illBeJacy it's "prove."
@illBeJacy: @MaybachDiamonds oh fuck you proove prove u get it

AYTO Tuesday
@Andre_sinclair1: Not everyone is going to want, accept or know how to receive you energy , make peace with that and keep on.
@Andre_sinclair1: Get to the point you no longer have the energy for meaningless friendship, forced interaction, and unnecessary conversation.
@Coleysia: Today will be a great day! Claiming it in advance!
@MTVJessicaPerez: #AreYouTheOne #AreYouTheOne #AreYouTheOne ... tonight, tonight, tonight!!!
@AshleighMorgh: All new #PLL and #areyoutheone tonight!! Love my tuesdays!
@AshleighMorgh: All new #areyoutheone tonight 😁😘 tune in!
@illBeJacy: You could be my match or my english teacher? @MaybachDiamonds
@MaybachDiamonds: @illBeJacy why can't it be both? Also did you see Ali G is coming back?
@illBeJacy: @MaybachDiamonds You can be both!! Get out of here Ali G is coming back???
@amberleeMTV: β˜€πŸ˜Ž RISE AND SHINE LOVELIES! Woke up with a smile on my face this morning because there's a new #AREYOUTHEONE on tonight!!! Be there or be πŸ”²!
@AshleighMorgh: Dear @MileyCyrus notice me cause I adore you.
@SimoneKelly_: Tonight's Episode.... #ItWasntMe #AreYouTheOne Lol. πŸ‘€
@brittany_baldi: RT if you're pumped to see @IamJoeyDillon and I crush #challengeday on tonights new ep at 11pm EST! @AREUTHE1 #AreYouTheOne #MTV
@EDiamond007: I will never eat Shaved Ice again.... Your not going to want to miss tonight's new episode of #areyoutheone trust me.. @areuthe1 #mtv
@ChrisScaliMTV: everything im not made me everything i am #AreYouTheOne #tonight #mtv
@IamJoeyDillon: The thought of tonights episode gives me goose bumps. mehh #AreYouTheOne #Teamjoey #mtv @AREUTHE1 @mtv #letuspray
@IamAdamKuhn: New episode of #AreYouTheOne on tonight!
@dubbucks: πŸ˜’πŸ˜’ The look I give someone when they say they aren't watching #AreYouTheOne on Tuesday night 😑😑 it's TUESDAY FOLKS!!
@EDiamond007: YES I will be live tweeting during tonights new episode! Have your questions ready ad ill answer them all! #gotlove #areyoutheone @areuthe1
@dillanhoward: #AreYouTheOne is going hard in the paint, while dunking, while shooting threes, while also playing exceptionally well defense tonight #Ep6
@ryanmalaty: What's that? What's that you say?? #AreYouTheOne is on today???
@shandathapanda: This is the most drama packed episode of them yet. You all will see how much I really did invest my feelings into Chris. #AreYouTheOne #MTV
@shandathapanda: Let's just say I cried a bit when I watched it. πŸ‘Œ #AreYouTheOne
@SimoneKelly_: Just watched tonight's episode of #AreYouTheOne and I have no regrets!
@SimoneKelly_: Tonight by far is probably one of the most intense episodes thus far... #AreYouTheOne
@shandathapanda: β€œ@ChrisScaliMTV: who has ever heard the term - silent but deadly? #AreYouTheOne #MTV @MTV” sounds a bit like my gas.
@TophsTweets: WHAT IF ME AND @shandathapanda had a spin off!!!!!😳😳
@IamJoeyDillon: Read very closely and don't take this for granted. Don't waste your time. On anything or anyone. If you do, you'll regret it later.
@brittany_baldi: Get pumped! 11pm EST the #AreYouTheOne cast will be live tweeting during the new ep tonight!! @areuthe1 lots of twists and turns. Tune in
@Coleysia: Lol. A&M so funny acting. Whether you support me or not I'm still gone shine!!! So you might as well get used to me. ✨
@Coleysia: Lol. I'll call you out in a sec. I see you though! It's all good. πŸ˜‰
@MTVJessicaPerez: Everyone ready to see Shanley get really real on tonight's episode? Don't miss it! #AreYouTheOne @shandathapanda
@SimoneKelly_: In Atlanta & want somewhere to watch MTV's "Are You The One?"  Meet us tonight 10:30PM @ Hudson Grille…
@SimoneKelly_: Guys that write "yeeeesss" "yaaaaas" "yeeeez", etc... SuspectπŸ‘€ or Nah??
@MTVJessicaPerez: I want to broadway freestyle.. Where are you when I need you?! @TophsTweets
@MTV: Fights brew tonight on #AreYouTheOne at 11/10c due to @TophsTweets + @shandathapanda's undeniable connection:
@EDiamond007: Was asked what my Fav thing to do in the house was... SCARING THE SHIT OUTTA EVERYONE! #areyoutheone
@ChrisScaliMTV: how you make other people feel says alot about the kind of person you are #AreYouTheOne
@amberleeMTV: πŸ’‹Someone I loved once gave me a box of darkness.It took me years to learn that this too was a gift-REGRET NOTHING*CHERISH ALL #AreYouTheOne
@SimoneKelly_: I love my followers...u guys crack me up! πŸ’‹
@Coleysia: Woo! I just about cried when I saw that. #AreYouTheOne  will be crazy tonight!!
@AREUTHE1: Tune in tonight to see why @SimoneKelly_ 's housemates have to hold her back! #AreYouTheOne
@Coleysia: I'm convinced that I go temporarily insane when I like a guy. Lol! Some of the things I say scare me. Lol! #AreYouTheOne
@ryanmalaty: Anyways, #AreYouTheOne is on tonight and I'm happily terrified
@MTVShowBlog: Who is @kklusby's perfect @AreUThe1 match? Take our poll and tell us!
@TophsTweets: The last mission before I separated #AMURICA
@shandathapanda: @TophsTweets you used to be so attractive! What happened?!
@ChrisScaliMTV: In order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure. #AreYouTheOne @mtv #mtv
@brittany_baldi: What he took for granted. The next guy will appreciate. Never settle ladies #AreYouTheOne #love #perfectmatch @AREUTHE1
@illBeJacy: Lista para ver el nuevo episodio de #AreYouTheOne por @MTVLatinAmerica en solo minutos! Mis amores pregunten lo que quieran!
@ryanmalaty: 🎢 Bang bang, gorilla 🎢
@AshleighMorgh: When you truly love someone, you take the good with the bad. You work through your complications and find middle ground, happiness.
@AshleighMorgh: Not everyone has the same pattern as you, that's when communication comes in. Communication is key.
@SimoneKelly_: Money can't buy you love cuz it's overpriced!
@shandathapanda: I am totally "shit my pants" nervous for y'all to see tonight's episode. #AreYouTheOne #MTV #TeamShanley
@dillanhoward: @shandathapanda please don't seriously poop your pants...if you know it might happen, watch the episode in or near a bathroom #TeamShan
@SimoneKelly_: Is it weird that I use my boobs as an arm rest while texting sometimes??  #AreYouTheOne
@ryanmalaty: Real talk. Tonight's #AreYouTheOne is the best episode so far. I'm telling ya SHIT GOES DOWN. Fair warning.
@SimoneKelly_: Everytime I hear "type of way" by @RichHomieQuan I think of @MaybachDiamonds!!!! Hahaha πŸ™ˆπŸ˜‚
@SimoneKelly_: That was Our Song!! Lol #AreYouTheOne
@dubbucks: Three hours.... Muhahahhaha! #AreYouTheOne
@ryanmalaty: Chipotle is my perfect match #AreYouTheOne
@MTVPaigeBrendel: Tonight's episode of Are You The One is crazy, who is going to be watching with me?
@SimoneKelly_: 3 Hours! πŸ’… #AreYouTheOne
@ryanmalaty: I'm getting nervous for this episode #AreYouTheOne
@kklusby: Watch and see just how serious @ryanmalaty and I took the challenge tonight on #AreYouTheOne @AREUTHE1
@IamAdamKuhn: Catching up on #AreYouTheOne @IamAdamKuhn with @shannonk83ck @catxodonnell Tonight's episode of #AreYouTheOne will be crazy @mo_pinkston
@Coleysia: I'm hungry. My hair is horrible. #AreYouTheOne is taking forever to come on. And I need a hug. πŸ˜•
@brittany_baldi: @Coleysia girl your hair needs my straightener... and we need a night at kauai sands on our balcony <3 miss you!! #AreYouTheOne
@JamieChinaMTV: Ready for it to be 10pm so I can watch my fave @amberleeMTV and her man @EDiamond007 on #AreYouTheOne !! ❀️
@JamieChinaMTV: Catching up on #AreYouTheOne and omg @Coleysia and @dillanhoward are too precious ❀️❀️
@brittany_baldi: SEEING ALL OF U GET WICKED PUMPED FOR TONIGHTS #AreYouTheOne IS GETTING ME EXTRA EXCITED! #MTV @AREUTHE1 1 and a half till air time! 11est
@Coleysia: @brittany_baldi yessssssss!!!! We were so bad sneaking off and throwing food at the chickens. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
@Coleysia: I'm about to take a nap. I'm turning my ringer on my phone. Tweet me when it's show time. #AreYouTheOne
@brittany_baldi: you're all teaching me NEW LINGO. what does "I ship you" and "fangirling" mean?? I keep getting that posted to me #AreYouTheOne  <3
@EDiamond007: one more hour for #areyoutheone fans!! have any questions??? dont hesitate ask away, live tweeting all night starting right meow! @areuthe1
@amberleeMTV: RT if you're counting down the minutes with me till #AREYOUTHEONE?! To help this hour fly, tweet Qs at me and I'll try my best to answer! xo
@ChrisScaliMTV: I am thankful for all of those who said NO to me. Its because of them I’m doing it myself #AreYouTheOne #MTV @mtv
@ryanmalaty: 45 minutes till shit hits the fan #AreYouTheOne
@EDiamond007: for everyone who is asking about @amberleeMTV and I being a match, just google it! #areyoutheone
@illBeJacy: Ready to watch #AreYouTheOne at 11pm on mtv Dont be devastaded because i am hardly in this episode loll but still watch and tweet with me!
@SimoneKelly_: About to watch tonight's episode of MTV's "Are You The One?" @ Hudson Grille in Midtown!! πŸ’ƒ @ Ernst &…
@dillanhoward: Please pray for @whitee_rabbitt, her grandfather, and her family. Lord, surround them as they encounter this difficult situation πŸ™.
@IamAdamKuhn: 30 minutes!! #AreYouTheOne get ready everyone I'll say it again.. This episode will be so Powerful! You don't want to miss it.
@AshleighMorgh: 20 minutes you filthy animals
@shandathapanda: If you have ever loved or cared about someone immensely, you'll understand this episode. #AreYouTheOne #teamshanley
@EDiamond007: Ready with my Cold One to live tweet during the show! Get At Me! #areyoutheone #areuthe1 #TEAMDIAMOND
@illBeJacy: I love how im everybodys best friend in the house lol @amberleeMTV  @EDiamond007 @shandathapanda @Coleysia @AshleighMorgh @IamAdamKuhn
@IamJoeyDillon: 15 min!! Stay tuned!! @AREUTHE1 !! #AreYouTheOne #mtv #teamjoey
@illBeJacy: Can't forget @dubbucks @MTVJessicaPerez @ryanmalaty @TophsTweets Special bonds happen with good people!
@ryanmalaty: 10 minutes!!! Oh and I live-tweet like a madman. Enjoy the storm! #AreYouTheOne
@Andre_sinclair1: #AreYouTheOne in 10min. Let's get it! #teamdre me so I can feel the love and your energy!
@TophsTweets: TO FALLEN....long over due I love you... you're awesome!!!
@amberleeMTV: Got my β˜•β˜•β˜• and ready to LIVE TWEET the show! Ready, set...GO! #areyoutheone #mtv πŸ’‹πŸ’‹
@EDiamond007: The fan who can tweet me the best MEME from tonights episode will get a follow and a shoutout! #areyoutheone @areuthe1
@illBeJacy: Actually I was everybodys best friend except for like 3 people! Can you guess who??  hahaha #AreYouTheOne
@IamAdamKuhn: 5 minutes to #AreYouTheOne ..Yes I will be live tweeting giving my play by play!
@illBeJacy: How can I forget the person i almost went home for on the first night! My daughter lol @kklusby i was also her bff! love u
@MTVShowBlog: Get your light beams ready... an all new #AreYouTheOne in 4 minutes!
@EDiamond007: two minutes!! DOS MINUTOSSS!!! #areyoutheone @areuthe1
@illBeJacy: i see 2 right answers haha
@TophsTweets: I don't know where my friends areeeeeeeeeeeee buttttt I'm cracking a brew and playing this game alone

As The Cast Saw It: "Turn the Paige"
@MTV: Will the housemates find a perfect match tonight? #AreYouTheOne starts right NOW!
@dubbucks: Oooh kill em!!! It's time!! #areyoutheone πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘
@illBeJacy: ok here we go lets watch #AreYouTheOne now!!!
@EDiamond007: PUT YOUR GAME FACE ON whos gonna be the match>>>>???? #areyoutheone
@ryanmalaty: Just like Kenan & Kel once said..... Ahhhhh here it goes!! #AreYouTheOne
@ryanmalaty: Previously on #AreYouTheOne .... DRAMA FOR DAYS
@ryanmalaty: If your perfect match was standing right in front of you, would you even know it? #AreYouTheOne
@ryanmalaty: 10 women, 10 men, 10 chances to find love and $1 million #AreYouTheOne
@AREUTHE1: @chrisscali why don't you tell us how you really feel? #PoorPaige #AreYouTheOne
@MTVShowBlog: More camera time on the pizza please...#AreYouTheOne
@ryanmalaty: All that pizza after the match ups KILLED my stomach ...the whiskey never bothered me though  #AreYouTheOne
@MTVShowBlog: More camera time on the pizza please...#AreYouTheOne
@ChrisScaliMTV: a girl will play with your head but a WOMAN will explore it- when they play games its simple! SHOW THEM YOU DONT GIVE A SHIT! #AreYouTheOne
@SimoneKelly_: It's times!!!
@ryanmalaty: Haha "how long is it gonna take?" @IamAdamKuhn #AreYouTheOne
@IamAdamKuhn: How long is this going to take Brittany #AreYouTheOne
@EDiamond007: shit sounds like @amberleeMTV is EVERYONES match! #areyoutheone too bad guys.... hehe
@amberleeMTV: FIVE perfect matches last week! This week is a whole new ballgame...#AreYouTheOne Hope ya'll are ready for a WICKED INTENSE EPISODE!
@AREUTHE1: @brittany_baldi GURL, I'm sorry to say this but he's just NOT that into you! #AreYouTheOne
@ChrisScaliMTV: ill replace her before i regret her #brooklyn #teamscali #AreYouTheOne #MTV @MTV
@ryanmalaty: Yo Brittany, if you make me breakfast I'll let you ignore me all you want #AreYouTheOne
@IamAdamKuhn: Your ignoring me? YOU MADE ME BREAKFAST! #AreYouTheOne
@TophsTweets: Everyone take a shot I said shanley @shandathapanda
@EDiamond007: on a scale of 1-CRAZY how crazy do u think Brittany is??
@ryanmalaty: "You're so f*cking crazy it's ridiculous" #AreYouTheOne
@ryanmalaty: "I'm out" @IamAdamKuhn haha yeah we'll see #AreYouTheOne πŸ˜‚
@Andre_sinclair1: Who wants to be picked up like I did @AshleighMorgh #AreTouTheOne
@amberleeMTV: Can I get a show of hands? RT if you are team @shandathapanda & @TophsTweets !!! I KNOW I AM! Love you both!
@IamJoeyDillon: That evil look @SimoneKelly_ be giving people on the show.
@SimoneKelly_: They have's a must!! #AreYouTheOne
@ryanmalaty: Amber always had a level head, 'twas refreshing #AreYouTheOne
@EDiamond007: Amber gives me butterflies when I talk to her... incase you couldnt tell... #areyoutheone @areuthe1 @amberleeMTV
@brittany_baldi: Real talk. I was ignoring Adam for a week. No contact. I don't deal with bullcrap #AreYouTheOne
@AREUTHE1: It's okay @EDiamond007 we forgive you. #TwuLove #AreYouTheOne
@shandathapanda: I take all the credit for @EDiamond007 and @amberleeMTV LERVEEE
@amberleeMTV: Anyone notice how sad I am? @EDiamond007 ...You are sweet as hell, but I seriously wanted to SHAKE YOU! #AreYouTheOne #MTV
@ryanmalaty: "Chris and Shanley have to split up in order for this to work" #AreYouTheOne
@EDiamond007: "For someone SO smart... im pretty F****** stupid sometimes" AMEN ethan AMEN.
@AREUTHE1: RT if you think @TophsTweets and @shandathapanda are ruining THE GAME for everyone in the house? #AreYouTheOne
@ryanmalaty: It was obvious that Chris T. liked Shanley more than she liked him. #AreYouTheOne
@AshleighMorgh: Look how pretty @shandathapanda looks :) #areyoutheone
@ryanmalaty: Money doesn't buy happiness, but it definitely helps #AreYouTheOne
@SimoneKelly_: Thank u @dubbucks! #AreYouTheOne
@AREUTHE1: #Malarkey #AreYouTheOne
@ryanmalaty: "Don't tell me how to live my life!" Children. Play nice. #AreYouTheOne
@Andre_sinclair1: Damn @TophsTweets and @shandathapanda really like each other willing to lose the πŸ’°πŸ’°#AreTouTheOne that's REAL ISH
@AshleighMorgh: @TophsTweets "it's malarkey" #areyoutheone
@ryanmalaty: I feel bad for Chris and Shanley's matches #AreYouTheOne
@EDiamond007: I think we need A: a confessional and B: a drunkfessional for @TophsTweets and @shandathapanda lmaooo
@ryanmalaty: The first words you shouldn't say to a girl's mom is "Send her more birth control." #AreYouTheOne
@SimoneKelly_: Send her more birth control!! 😹😹 #AreYouTheOne
@IamAdamKuhn: Chris T smacking his ass Omg! #AreYouTheOne
@Andre_sinclair1: Did @TophsTweets jus smack his ass πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚#areyoutheone
@dillanhoward: #AreYouTheOne @TophsTweets "Malarkey"
@Andre_sinclair1: It's my ninja @IamJoeyDillon #AreTouTheOne
@ryanmalaty: All Chris and Shan did in the house is drink and bang each other.. Not a bad vacation! #AreYouTheOne
@IamAdamKuhn: Brittany keep your guard up you have the upper hand!! #AreYouTheOne
@AshleighMorgh: @illBeJacy "uncle shave ice"
@amberleeMTV: "@shandathapanda 's MOM....Send her more birth control!" This is exactly WHY I've avoided the boom boom room... #AreYouTheOne #MTV
@SimoneKelly_: Fans, let's trend AGAIN!!! #simonekelly #AreYouTheOne
@AshleighMorgh: This challenge sucked! #areyoutheone
@shandathapanda: YO DAT AZZ DOE #AreYouTheOne (my ass is always on tv dammit)
@brittany_baldi: @IamJoeyDillon and I clicked so well on every level #AreYouTheOne
@ryanmalaty: "Kiss my ice" πŸ˜„ #ilovepuns #AreYouTheOne
@Andre_sinclair1: REAL MEN WHERE PINK#AreYouTheOne
@EDiamond007: excuse me while i puke my face off watching this Shaved Ice challenge.... #fml #areyoutheone @areuthe1
@illBeJacy: "@AshleighMorgh: @illBeJacy "uncle shave ice"" lmao uncle shave ice!!!
@AREUTHE1: Ain't that the pot calling the kettle black @chrisscali! #AreYouTheOne
@brittany_baldi: I have the power. I choose who to talk to #AreYouTheOne
@ryanmalaty: I'm pairing up with Kayla DUH #AreYouTheOne
@AshleighMorgh: Which one would you eat? #areyoutheone
@illBeJacy: oh hell nah!! #AreYouTheOne
@Andre_sinclair1: This ish was so nasty#AreTouTheOne
@ryanmalaty: Fun fact: pickle juice with vodka is pretty good #AreYouTheOne
@amberleeMTV: So..I definitely got a Groupon for free shaved ice the other day...and seriously almost threw up. THANKS #AreYouTheOne ...NOT. @MTV
@ryanmalaty: BRAIN FREEZE #AreYouTheOne
@Andre_sinclair1: @ChrisScaliMTV 😭😭😭
@EDiamond007: @amberleeMTV always so descriptive with her shaved ice tastes... literally on the money with them too... #grossssssss
@IamJoeyDillon: This #challenge though!? #AreYouTheOne #mtv @AREUTHE1 @mtv TEAMMMM JOEY #teamjoey
@amberleeMTV: EVERYONE RT RT RT IF YOU WANT @EDiamond007 AND I TO WIN! It's about time we earned a date...yeah yeah? #AreYouTheOne #MTV
@ryanmalaty: RT if you want me and Kayla to win this challenge! Favorite if you want us to puke! #AreYouTheOne
@MTVJessicaPerez: Seriously gross... The only yummy part about this challenge was being next to @dubbucks πŸ˜›πŸ˜›πŸ˜›
@ryanmalaty: Haha I forgot about the spoons on our noses πŸ™ˆ #AreYouTheOne
@EDiamond007: YES, my shirt says "I love big tetons" mhmm mhmm mhmm #areyoutheone
@MTVPaigeBrendel: That shit was nasty.
@SimoneKelly_: I didn't wanna go on a date w/his ass anyway...I wanted to get out the house!
@amberleeMTV: Okay y'all! EVERY commercial break, I WILL FOLLOW the first FIVE fans who follow me!! May the odds be ever in your favor! #AREYOUTHEONE #MTV
@brittany_baldi: What guy doesn't want a loyal girl that is pretty and makes you breakfast? #deuces #AreYouTheOne #next
@AshleighMorgh: I wanna go to the MTV movie awards
@Andre_sinclair1: Ask me anything #AreTouTheOne
@ChrisScaliMTV: @SimoneKelly_ i fucks w u tho for real
@EDiamond007: I do love the #oldspice commercials #oldmoms hilarious with tunes
@ryanmalaty: I like pickles #AreYouTheOne
@shandathapanda: Just because two people care, doesn't mean we can't still figure out who are perfect match is. DUH. Jeeeeeez #AreYouTheOne
@AREUTHE1: Suck it up @AshleighMorgh it’s just like a pickleback, right? #AreYouTheOne
@AshleighMorgh: @AREUTHE1 it was so gross!!
@AshleighMorgh: @IamAdamKuhn sorry I tried, too gross. You were a great teammate though #areyoutheone
@IamAdamKuhn: "@AshleighMorgh: @IamAdamKuhn sorry I tried, too gross. You were a great teammate though #areyoutheone" it was gross I still love ya girl
@AshleighMorgh: @IamAdamKuhn least we didn't eat pigs feet
@SimoneKelly_: U see ppl TRUE COLORS in these interviews! #AreTouTheOne
@Andre_sinclair1: I usually win . Who thinks I will again #AreYouTheOne
@ryanmalaty: Fish juice? WTF IS FISH JUICE?! #AreYouTheOne
@IamAdamKuhn: I'm never eating shaved ice ever again! #AreYouTheOne @AREUTHE1 @mtv
@SimoneKelly_: MenπŸ’ ...Boys πŸ™‡
@ryanmalaty: That fish juice was by far the worst thing I've ever tasted #AreYouTheOne
@amberleeMTV: Can I just say...that FISH JUICE snow cone seriously tasted like the asshole of the ocean. THE ASSHOLE OF THE OCEAN. #AreYouTheOne #MTV
@kklusby: There is nothing more attractive than throwing up on national television 😎.. At least  I wasn't alone @ryanmalaty πŸ™Œ #areyoutheone
@ryanmalaty: Watching Kayla puke made me puke. MATCH!!! @kklusby #AreYouTheOne
@IamJoeyDillon: Throw that shit up! @ryanmalaty
@AREUTHE1: @amberleeMTV I'm not sure what DEATH smells like NOR do I want too! #Gross #AreYouTheOne
@ryanmalaty: "I had to block my nose and suck it back" @brittany_baldi yeah you did 😏 #AreYouTheOne
@EDiamond007: I would rather put my meat in a grinder than eat that pigs feet again....
@IamAdamKuhn: Pigs Feet! #AreYouTheOne
@ryanmalaty: Watching this brings back some pretty fucked up memories #AreYouTheOne
@MTVJessicaPerez: Pigs feet... Umm as @ChrisScaliMTV would say.... Go F*** yourself!!!!
@AREUTHE1: MAN UP! @TophsTweets  #AreYouTheOne
@IamJoeyDillon: @brittany_baldi killed it! Great one on one date!! #AreYouTheOne #mtv @AREUTHE1
@IamAdamKuhn: Oh course Brittany kicks ass when I'm not on her team! #AreYouTheOne
@amberleeMTV: @EDiamond007 was SUCH a champ for taking the PIGS FEET! He was puking it up...and swallowing it back over and over again... #AreYouTheOne
@EDiamond007: @amberleeMTV dont remind me....
@brittany_baldi: @IamJoeyDillon such a boss! Knows about compromise. We killed #challengeday #AreYouTheOne
@ryanmalaty: Of course the one challenge I'm not paired with Brittany is an eating contest and she kills it! #AreYouTheOne
@ryanmalaty: All you gotta do is swallow! #AreYouTheOne
@SimoneKelly_: Good teamwork @TophsTweets && @MTVPaigeBrendel !!! #AreYouTheOne
@Andre_sinclair1: Once agin I'm a winner of ANOTHER challenge #AreTouTheOne this ish comes easy to me
@AREUTHE1: Which couple would you send into the truth booth? #ChrisTpaige #EthanAmber #JoeyBritt #DreShanley
@ryanmalaty: *Insert swallowing joke here* #AreYouTheOne
@AshleighMorgh: YEAAAAAH E YEAAAAAAAAAH @TophsTweets #areyoutheone
@EDiamond007: ReTweet #ethanamber if you wanna see us in that truthbooth #areyoutheone @areuthe1
@shandathapanda: FISH SAUCE IS THE NASTIEST FUCKING THING IN THE WORLD. And yes, I swallowed my own throw up 4 times. #competitiveasFUCK #AreYouTheOne
@SimoneKelly_: I was kinda glad Scali didn't wanna do the challenge because I wouldn't have ate that Shit anyway!! Lol! Frfr. #AreTouTheOne
@ryanmalaty: Tweet now to vote for who you'd send into the truth booth #christpaige #ethanamber #joeybritt #dreshanley #AreYouTheOne
@MTVJessicaPerez: Who do y'all wanna see in the truth booth!?? #ChrisTpaige #DreShanley #EthanAmber #joeybritt
@ryanmalaty: Awww Dillan and Coleysia are so cute!!! #AreYouTheOne
@ChrisScaliMTV: Tweet now to cast your vote for the couple you would send into the Truth Booth? #ChrisTPaige #EthanAmber #JoeyBritt #DreShanley
@SimoneKelly_: @Coleysia MARRIED???!!! πŸ‘°πŸ’πŸ˜³ lol
@Coleysia: @SimoneKelly_ I was drunk. Lol
@dillanhoward: Tweet now to cast your vote for the couple you would send into the Truth Booth? #ChrisTPaige #EthanAmber #JoeyBritt #DreShanley
@dubbucksMTV: @SimoneKelly_ I gotchu! Lol #AreYouTheOne
@AREUTHE1: @SimoneKelly_ SNEAKY! SNEAKY! #AreYouTheOne #StirringThePot
@amberleeMTV: Hey @EDiamond007 - screw all this drama, LOOK HOW CUTE WE ARE snuggling with each other!! xoxo #HOWCOULDWENOTBEAMATCH #AreYouTheOne
@dillanhoward: #AreTouTheOne "If you hike with me, I'll definitely have sex with you on this show" #classic
@ryanmalaty: Uh oh. Simone's got that CRAZY look in her eyes πŸ‘€ #AreYouTheOne
@Andre_sinclair1: I look like a bottle of πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚#AreYouTheOne
@EDiamond007: I wanted nothing more than to be in a honeymoon sweet with @amberleeMTV talk about incentive.. #areyoutheone
@Coleysia: Nobody woke me up! 😩😩😩 #AreYouTheOne
@MTVJessicaPerez: What's a truth boof?!
@AshleighMorgh: Who do you vote to the truth booth? #areyoutheone
@shandathapanda: TROOF BOOF DOE. @Andre_sinclair1
@Andre_sinclair1: @shandathapanda it's about to go down
@IamAdamKuhn: So my yellow pants were on point? #AreYouTheOne
@EDiamond007: RT if you agree Amber fits so perfect on my chest @amberleeMTV #areyoutheone She cant do no wrong. #gotlove
@Andre_sinclair1: Best part of the show is talking to y'all during the show#AreYouTheOne #loveyall
@brittany_baldi: Who should get tossed into the sin bin?? #truthbooth #AreYouTheOne @areuthe1
@ryanmalaty: #TeamRyan 😊 #AreYouTheOne
@Coleysia: Husband? Marriage? Lol. I had to be drunk. Please tell me I was high! Jk. I was clearly smitten by Dillan! Lol! #AreYouTheOne
@dubbucksMTV: @MTVJessicaPerez ooooh woooooord!!? πŸ˜³πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜‹
@AshleighMorgh: What's going on with Brittany and Joey doe πŸ‘€πŸ‘€ #areyoutheone
@IamAdamKuhn: I have a feeling 90% of this date Will consist of talking about me #AreYouTheOne @AREUTHE1
@ryanmalaty: Good to see our host found HIS perfect match πŸ’ #AreYouTheOne
@TophsTweets: @IamJoeyDillon my dick would shrink too hahaha
@ryanmalaty: Sometimes falling in love feels like jumping off a cliff #AreYouTheOne
@AREUTHE1: @SimoneKelly_ just loves stirring that POT. #Shady #AreYouTheOne
@brittany_baldi: Real talk. I got such a huge wedgy! But I had so much fun with @IamJoeyDillon #cliffdiving #AreYouTheOne he is so mature
@amberleeMTV: Okay, is it just me or are @IamJoeyDillon and @brittany_baldi SO adorable together?! So out of the blue..but it works! #AreYouTheOne @MTV
@ryanmalaty: Preach! @SimoneKelly_ #AreYouTheOne
@MTV: @ryanmalaty @SimoneKelly_ Oh please,  @ryanmalaty what were you doing with Kayla? #AreYouTheOne
@ryanmalaty: @MTV um, playing the game?
@SimoneKelly_: I only was speaking facts...
@EDiamond007: @IamJoeyDillon leave it to Gisseppi to tell it like it is! #gotlove
@MTVJessicaPerez: Oh I see you trying to sneak a cuddle, doe. @dubbucks
@ryanmalaty: "Girl's crazy! But who's not?" @IamJoeyDillon atta boyyy #AreYouTheOne
@IamAdamKuhn: I'm really jealous at this point... not #AreYouTheOne
@ryanmalaty: Haha no way Brittany kissed Joey to make Adam jealous #AreYouTheOne
@EDiamond007: ohhh shitttt Adam! @IamAdamKuhn your girl @brittany_baldi kissin up on @IamJoeyDillon lmaooo #areyoutheone Whatchu gonna doooooo??
@Andre_sinclair1: I don't care if @shandathapanda and @TophsTweets is a match or not. Let's jus try and win, and y'all do u #teamdre approves #AreTouTheOne
@EDiamond007: can you say CORNY @kklusby
@ryanmalaty: Wow Kayla 😳 #AreYouTheOne
@ryanmalaty: Somebody tell me when it's over πŸ˜” #AreYouTheOne
@AREUTHE1: Uh oh, we’ve got ourselves a major TEASE @kklusby ! #AreYouTheOne #MakeUpYourMind
@kklusby: Ima flirt.True true.Then Im trying to play the game too.Unlike others who know they aren't a match and won't let each other go #teamplayer
@shandathapanda: Teases man...
@ryanmalaty: Fun fact: @shandathapanda is wearing my lucky bandana! I've climbed many, many mountains with that thing #AreYouTheOne
@TophsTweets: @dubbucks got dem jokes!!!!! Get em!
@IamAdamKuhn: Kayla is a tease #AreYouTheOne
@MTVShowBlog: "My d*** just shriveled and s***"-@IamJoeyDillon #AreYouTheOne
@ryanmalaty: If you're not physically attracted to someone, chances are you're never going to be #AreYouTheOne
@SimoneKelly_: They were in a freaking relationship trying to date other ppl...smh #AreYouTheOne
@AREUTHE1: Get off the roller coaster @ryanmalaty I'm pretty sure it's not going anywhere. #AreYouTheOne
@amberleeMTV: Little miss KAYLA is a playa playa...what are y'all thoughts on this? Southern sweetheart or just a damn tease...#AreYouTheOne
@EDiamond007: #RyanVsWes Shit never changes.... crotches are TAKIN OVER!
@Andre_sinclair1: πŸ‘€πŸ‘€πŸ‘€wasn't she jus on Wes #AreTouTheOne
@AshleighMorgh: Kayla doesn't know who she wants.. #areyoutheone
@ryanmalaty: "Would I lie to you?" "I don't know" #AreYouTheOne
@shandathapanda: Damn, I feel so bad for @ryanmalaty and @dubbucks
@ryanmalaty: It's like we're on a roller coaster that never ends #AreYouTheOne
@brittany_baldi: @ryanmalaty and @kklusby though #AreYouTheOne love them
@AREUTHE1: MORALS? @kklusby #AreYouTheOne
@ryanmalaty: We started playing the game with our minds, our hearts got involved, now our crotches are taking over #AreYouTheOne
@IamAdamKuhn: Kayla wants the D @ryanmalaty
@ryanmalaty: Of course I wanna have sex, but not with a girl who just got out of bed with another man #AreYouTheOne
@Coleysia: Uh oh!!! #AreYouTheOne
@ryanmalaty: "Wanna go in the boom boom room and um..." @kklusby play chess? 😏 #AreYouTheOne
@EDiamond007: @shandathapanda Say it with your CHEST! @kklusby mhmm mhmmm mhmm #areyoutheone
@amberleeMTV: Think what you want about notorious @shandathapanda , but she'll ALWAYS say it how it is. I'VE GOT UR BACK GIRL, ALWAYS! #AreYouTheOne @MTV
@TophsTweets: @shandathapanda "she is such a bitch" @itri_THE_pilot "says the bitch"πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
@Andre_sinclair1: @dubbucks better then me. I would have sent her πŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒπŸ‘‹πŸ™…the other way #AreYouTheOne
@IamAdamKuhn: Take a shot every time brittany mentions me!!?? Terrible drinking game! You'd die! #AreYouTheOne #drinkresponsibly
@amberleeMTV: Send me your BEST photo of you watching the show and I will follow you back! Can't wait to see all of your cute faces! #AREYOUTHEONE
@SimoneKelly_: Shanley gets to say something to @kklusby which also has nothing to do w/her but I couldn't say anything to @TophsTweets??  #AreYouTheOne
@kklusby: Wait did Shanley just call me out on my game play? That's random but okay #hatersgonnahate #wheredidyoujustcomefrom ? 😏 #AreYouTheOne
@Andre_sinclair1: @shandathapanda I love her she's so funny!! #bestfriend #AreTouTheOne
@IamAdamKuhn: Shanley is bad ass calling people out on their shit #AreYouTheOne @shandathapanda
@ryanmalaty: I tried to call Kayla out as delicately as possible.. #AreYouTheOne
@illBeJacy: Dramaland! #AreYouTheOne
@ChrisScaliMTV: @shandathapanda your the greatest #AreYouTheOne
@Coleysia: Wow! That was a lot! #AreYouTheOne
@ryanmalaty: Sooo THAT's what 'keeping it southern' means... #AreYouTheOne
@IamAdamKuhn: My boy Ryan getting his D sucked! #AreYouTheOne @ryanmalaty
@shandathapanda: Does giving a blow job underneath a blanket on global television count as kissing and telling? #AreYouTheOne
@ryanmalaty: (It's exactly what it looks like) #AreYouTheOne
@AREUTHE1: @TophsTweets Make it stop! Please, make it stop! #AreYouTheOne
@EDiamond007: little does she know.. That "southern girl" wasnt just cuddling under those sheets with @ryanmalaty #bj #areyoutheone gettemmmmm
@amberleeMTV: "and the OTHER people...I was just...connecting with." Yeah. There's a lot that the cameras don't show...JUST SAYIN'.  #AreYouTheOne
@Andre_sinclair1: πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ look at everyone's face . Everyone drunk as hell #AreTouTheOne . I had to get up on that
@ChrisScaliMTV: @ryanmalaty were you pressure washing her throat? #AreYouTheOne
@illBeJacy: we are so drunk haha #AreYouTheOne
@ryanmalaty: Wait, so Thomas Edison defied gravity, said f*ck science and invented the truth booth? #AreYouTheOne
@AshleighMorgh: So many shots fired tonight ! #areyoutheone
@IamAdamKuhn: Trust me there was nothing "classy" about that Classy Cove. #AreYouTheOne @AREUTHE1
@EDiamond007: RT if you think its about time @amberleeMTV and I get on our FIRST DATE!!! #areyoutheone
@ryanmalaty: Shocka brah!!! #SouthPark #AreYouTheOne
@amberleeMTV: BEST DAY IN first date with THE @EDiamond007 ! And so begins a sweet and unforgettable journey with my best friend #AreYouTheOne
@dubbucksMTV: @shandathapanda got me f'n WEAK!! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
@TophsTweets: THOMAS FUCKING EDISON!! #areyoutheone
@ryanmalaty: It was nice when people would actually sit down and LISTEN #AreYouTheOne
@Coleysia: I adore @amberleeMTV and @EDiamond007 😍😍😘😘😘
@EDiamond007: @Coleysia @amberleeMTV I adore you Coley!!!!! #gotlove
@Coleysia: @EDiamond007 @amberleeMTV 😘😘😘😘
@Andre_sinclair1: This was on of the best times of my life. However . I stay going on dates who have other dates there πŸ˜”πŸ˜”πŸ˜”#AreYouTheOne
@dubbucksMTV: 😩😩 I guess good guys finish last right?? Naaaah... Just gotta be patient 😏 #AreYouTheOne
@MTVJessicaPerez: Chris & Paige??! #AreYouTheOne
@ryanmalaty: Mr. Strategy says: put Paige and ChrisT in the truth booth #AreYouTheOne
@ryanmalaty: We're well past "fair" in this house #AreYouTheOne
@ryanmalaty: Love, lust or money? #AreYouTheOne
@IamJoeyDillon: Lol. I love my fans! Y'all loving me huh? #AreYouTheOne #mtv @AREUTHE1 #teamjoey TURN UP!!
@Andre_sinclair1: Who honestly thinks we could workout as a match. U and I ??? #AreTouTheOne
@AshleighMorgh: BAM
@ryanmalaty: Moment of truth......booth #AreYouTheOne
@EDiamond007: "get this bitch off my D though" SCALLIIII @ChrisScaliMTV #G
@IamAdamKuhn: I picked Joey and Brittany! #AreYouTheOne
@ryanmalaty: Haha love how Adam votes for Brittany #AreYouTheOne
@AREUTHE1: OUCH! Why you gotta be so MEAN @TophsTweets? #PoorPaige #AreYouTheOne
@EDiamond007: WEEIIIRRDDDD @MTVPaigeBrendel has no sombrero... Por Que??!! Date Dinner
@amberleeMTV: But Paige...why no sombrero? #AreYouTheOne #MTV
@ChrisScaliMTV: @MTVPaigeBrendel you must of got me really mad #AreYouTheOne
@ryanmalaty: Paige might be crying because ChrisT doesn't care about her feelings, or maybe it's because she doesn't have a sombrero #AreYouTheOne
@brittany_baldi: Is it just me. Or did we never fully enjoy dates because all we did was stress over the #truthbooth #AreYouTheOne @areuthe1
@IamAdamKuhn: Paige stop crying #AreYouTheOne
@Coleysia: Awww! Poor Paige! 😒 @MTVPaigeBrendel
@ryanmalaty: I mean seriously everyone else had sombreros....where can a girl get a sombrero?? #AreYouTheOne
@SimoneKelly_: Truth Booth time!!! #AreTouTheOne
@MTVPaigeBrendel: πŸ˜”
@AshleighMorgh: The moment of truth #areyoutheone
@ryanmalaty: I could use a margarita right about now #AreYouTheOne
@TophsTweets: @ChrisScaliMTV  get this bitch off my dickπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
@MTV: @TophsTweets You're trending! #AreYouTheOne
@illBeJacy: "You need to keep your cool" Yeah right!! #AreYouTheOne
@ryanmalaty: Atomic bombs are about to go off #AreYouTheOne
@IamAdamKuhn: Simone is ready to go off on Shanley.. well I think that means shits about to get real #AreYouTheOne
@SimoneKelly_: I'm a game changer!
@AREUTHE1: Things are about to get REAL! #AreYouTheOne
@ryanmalaty: Who better to get in a CAT fight than @shandathapanda? #AreYouTheOne
@dubbucksMTV: Whelp! It was fun while it lasted! πŸ‘€πŸ˜³ right?? #AreYouTheOne
@Andre_sinclair1: I'm always standing up during the booth looking like wtf is about to go down tonight #AreTouTheOne
@Coleysia: That darn truth booth!! #AreTouTheOne
@brittany_baldi: @SimoneKelly_ and @shandathapanda ITS ABOUT TO GO DOWN! DO NOT CHANGE THE CHANNEL! I REMEMBER THAT TENSION #AreYouTheOne @AREUTHE1
@IamAdamKuhn: When "The baddest bitch in the house" says it's about to get real.. it's about to get real @SimoneKelly_  #AreYouTheOne
@dubbucksMTV: She doesn't want me though!? Do I πŸ˜”πŸ˜©? Naaah I just 😁 and play my role #AreYouTheOne #knowyourlane
@EDiamond007: we didnt make it to the #truthbooth but ReTweet if you wanna see us in that Matchup Chair again!!! #areyoutheone @amberleeMTV @AREUTHE1
@ryanmalaty: Do you suck at relationships? Apply to Season 2 of #AreYouTheOne here:
@ryanmalaty: That clown mask is unholy #AreYouTheOne
@Andre_sinclair1: We use to have so much fun pranking people @EDiamond007 #areyoutheone
@EDiamond007: @Andre_sinclair1 Im bringin that mask to LA ;)
@amberleeMTV: @EDiamond007 that clown mask dooeeee!! Imagine waking up next to THAT mug every morning...#AreYouTheOne #justalittlescared
@ChrisScaliMTV: i mean @MTVPaigeBrendel was being an asshole and playing games so its the truth! #sorrynotsorry #AreYouTheOne
@AshleighMorgh: Eeeek πŸ™ˆ.
@IamAdamKuhn: Truth booth time! #AreYouTheOne
@SimoneKelly_: It was so quiet during this truth booth...
@Andre_sinclair1: My face like damnnnnnnn #areyoutheone
@AshleighMorgh: Damn #christpaige #areyoutheone
@IamAdamKuhn: Chris and Paige Truth Booth!
@EDiamond007: Yeah @RyanDevlin poke the @SimoneKelly_ bear again at the Truthbooth!! hahaha never a boring moment #areyoutheone
@MTVPaigeBrendel: Just keep swimming, just keep swimming
@ryanmalaty: Now taking bets: Simone's street style vs. Shanley's cat-like kung fu #AreYouTheOne
@amberleeMTV: Our hearts dropped when we didn't get into the truthbooth. BUT we were just happy to get more time with our FAM! #AreYouTheOne @EDiamond007
@SimoneKelly_: "We're trying to help you" lol #AreYouTheOne
@shandathapanda: Does giving a blow job underneath a blanket on global television count as kissing and telling? #AreYouTheOne
@MTV: @shandathapanda You're trending GURL! #AreYouTheOne
@shandathapanda: And now my notifications are about to blow the fuck up. #AreYouTheOne
@AshleighMorgh: Awe @MTVPaigeBrendel is just stuck in the middle #areyoutheone
@ChrisScaliMTV: NO MATCH?? #AreYouTheOne #MTV @MTV
@ryanmalaty: #lasersdontlie #AreYouTheOne
@AshleighMorgh: Seeing @shandathapanda cry kills me #areyoutheone
@Andre_sinclair1: Poor @shandathapanda feelings are real. Let's burn the booth #AreTouTheOne @AshleighMorgh @TophsTweets
@Coleysia: I'm about to cry. 😫😫😫😭😭😭😭 #AreYouTheOne
@SimoneKelly_: Damn those commercials!! Fuuuuck! #AreYouTheOne
@IamJoeyDillon: #commercials thoughhhhhhh!!! AHHHHH!!! #AreYouTheOne #mtv
@IamAdamKuhn: OMG COMMERCIAL #AreYouTheOne
@MTVPaigeBrendel: ...and there ya have it @mtv
@EDiamond007: RT if you wanna see more Ethan and Clown Mask footage! lmaoo #areyoutheone lets keep it light folks! @areuthe1 #teamdiamond
@dubbucksMTV: Someone is gonna dieeeee!!! πŸ™ˆπŸ™ˆπŸ™ˆπŸ™ˆ lol #AreYouTheOne
@JayGMTV: My entire timeline is #AreYouTheOne
@amberleeMTV: Alright...BRB while I run to my medicine cabinet to grab some anti-acids. RT if you want some! STRESSED AS HELL! #AreYouTheOne @MTV
@SimoneKelly_: Do you think @MTVPaigeBrendel && @TophsTweets are a match?!?!? #AreYouTheOne
@MaybachDiamonds: Not much love on tonight's #AreYouTheOne cause they're saving the best for last.
@Coleysia: I've had it with these commercials!! 😑😑 #AreTouTheOne
@ryanmalaty: These commercials give me anxiety #AreYouTheOne
@ChrisScaliMTV: i smell beef in the hood somebodys gonna get smoked @MTV #AreYouTheOne #MTV
@Andre_sinclair1: I didn't vote I was on the date #AreYouTheOne
@SimoneKelly_: PERFECT MATCH!!!! #AreYouTheOne
@ryanmalaty: PERFECT MATCH!!!....this is awkward #AreYouTheOne
@AshleighMorgh: Damn man #areyoutheone
@AREUTHE1: And they are a PERFECT MATCH! #AWKWARD #AreYouTheOne
@MTVJessicaPerez: I feel deeply for other people. It's my biggest flaw... I care for everyone. Hate me or love me... I'll love you anyway. #AreYouTheOne @MTV
@Andre_sinclair1: Damnnnnnn #AreYouTheOne my boy @TophsTweets leaving the house
@ryanmalaty: This truth booth is the definition of 'bittersweet' #AreYouTheOne
@EDiamond007: @TophsTweets yeah heesss FIIINNEEEEE... NOT!
@kklusby: Wow. Relax everyone. Namaste 😘 I need the remote and popcorn or  a bucket of chicken or something ...#AreYouTheOne
@EDiamond007: @kklusby LMAOOO
@shandathapanda: It's really hard to relive this right now. #AreYouTheOne #teamshanley
@ryanmalaty: πŸ‘ I want my money bitch πŸ‘ #AreYouTheOne
@AshleighMorgh: @SimoneKelly_ and these claps though #areyoutheone
@Andre_sinclair1: @shandathapanda was kinda strong I was trying to hold her back #AreYouTheOne
@AREUTHE1: Harsh much @SimoneKelly_ ? #AreYouTheOne
@SimoneKelly_: We got a perfect match....nothing personal. I was happy! #AreTouTheOne
@ryanmalaty: Trying to hold Shanley back was like holding the tail of a Bengal tiger #AreYouTheOne
@IamAdamKuhn: To put it in perspective I'm 6'3 200 lbs and I had a hard time holding back Simone ' s Rage! #AreYouTheOne @SimoneKelly_
@ryanmalaty: OH MY GOD THE DRAMA #AreYouTheOne
@EDiamond007: @amberleeMTV and I just chillin watching our "live TV drama" like always #areyoutheone #ethanamber
@dillanhoward: Wanted that lamp for a keepsake...then @shandathapanda happened #AreYouTheOne
@SimoneKelly_: I wasn't the ONLY PERSON WHO VOTED!!!!! WHY HATE ME??? #AreTouTheOne
@AshleighMorgh: @MTVJessicaPerez and I were bawling #areyoutheone
@ChrisScaliMTV: HES NOT GONNA BE HAPPY! @mtv #AreYouTheOne #MTV
@ryanmalaty: How could the inevitable be so unexpected? #AreYouTheOne
@Andre_sinclair1: I love u @shandathapanda but don't break up my house #AreTouTheOne
@illBeJacy: ohhh shit! #AreYouTheOne
@AREUTHE1: To be continued.....Thanks for watching and LIVE tweeting guys! #AreYouTheOne

@MTVPaigeBrendel: Guys with the name Chris <
@ryanmalaty: Too be continued... #AreYouTheOne
@AshleighMorgh: @MTVJessicaPerez took the words right out of my mouth
@Andre_sinclair1: I hope @dubbucks punches him lmao πŸ‘ŠπŸ‘ŠπŸ‘Šjk #kinda #AreYouTheOne
@EDiamond007: AIGHT everyone.  Lemme hear how great this episode was! RT lets hear it! #areyoutheone @AREUTHE1 gettemmmmm
@SimoneKelly_: These haters can't hold me back!! #areyoutheone πŸ˜‚
@brittany_baldi: "I WANT MY 50K I WANT MY MONEY!!!" @SimoneKelly_  PUTTIN' IT DOWN! #AreYouTheOne @AREUTHE1
@dillanhoward: #AreYouTheOne ... watch them or don't
@dubbucksMTV: "YES Ryan! I'm talkin bout u!" Ooooh maaan this is about to get real! @ryanmalaty #AreYouTheOne πŸ™ˆπŸ™ˆ
@IamAdamKuhn: Brittany feels bad for whatever girl gets stuck with me #AreYouTheOne
@brittany_baldi: @IamAdamKuhn I do actually you're bipolar as F*CK people just don't see it yet. you're the crazy 1 your resume says u act diff with the girl
@IamAdamKuhn: ...Your Basic @brittany_baldi #AreYouTheOne
@brittany_baldi: @IamAdamKuhn you're BASICally a moron  bipolar emotionless pyschotic syndrome #AreYouTheOne you need to be diagnosed with it. #AreYouTheOne
@IamAdamKuhn: @brittany_baldi can you go back to "Ignoring" me? #AreYouTheOne
@brittany_baldi: @IamAdamKuhn gladly brah. just leave me off of your twitter feed. do you secretly love me? #AreYouTheOne  YOU'RE CRAZY.
@IamAdamKuhn: ...Your Basic @brittany_baldi #AreYouTheOne
@MaybachDiamonds: Thanks for demanding more of me!!!! I promise much more awesome stuff to come! #teamjacobs #iamtheone
@IamAdamKuhn: #youmademeBreakfastthismorning #AreYouTheOne
@AshleighMorgh: What's your reactions? #areyoutheone @AREUTHE1 @MTV
@ryanmalaty: To be continued... #AreYouTheOne
@JayGMTV: Is there real twitter beef going on right now on #areyoutheone
@IamAdamKuhn: Guys buy a pair of yellow pants.. it'll get you laid #AreYouTheOne
@IamAdamKuhn: Alright Everyone I'll be answering questions about tonight's episode on #AreYouTheOne
@IamAdamKuhn: Everyone please respond to the tweet under This one LMAO #AreYouTheOne
@illBeJacy: I am watching #AreYouTheOne again!! Did you like it??
@Andre_sinclair1: Every go follow me on Instagram and see more of me andre_sinclair1 same a twitter #AreYouTheOne #teamDRE
@JayGMTV: #AreYouTheOne was a good episode tonight. Now #RealWorldExpolsion is up tomorrow!
@amberleeMTV: Thanks for tuning in on SUCH a stressful episode! I would not have survived it w/out your love and support! YOU STAY CLASSY, #AreYouTheOne
@EDiamond007: I think @amberleeMTV and I should have sold popcorn while @shandathapanda and @SimoneKelly_ were throwin down, anyone..? anyone...? Bueller?
@Coleysia: I'm so mad y'all didn't wake me up! I missed half of the show!! πŸ˜‚ #AreTouTheOne
@brittany_baldi: HE IS BIPOLAR HE ADMITS IT IN HIS RESUME HERE. WATCH. you'll see it soon. I am not the crazy one #AreYouTheOne #Adam
@Andre_sinclair1: Looking for a WCW, and Skype dates. #AreTouTheOne go to IG show love and it might be u #AreTouTheOne
@illBeJacy: Don't worry my amazing friends! You cant even imagine the drama that is coming up in my life lol Stay tuned! #AreYouTheOne
@Coleysia: Lol!! I love @brittany_baldi and @IamAdamKuhn !! They're hilarious!! 😘😘😘😘
@shandathapanda: Whether you love me or hate me, y'all made me trend nationwide. #AreYouTheOne THANK YOU AND GOODNIGHT πŸ‘βœ‹
@EmileeMTV: I missed my calling. I should have been on #AreYouTheOne instead of well... Let's just say I'd have that 1 mil. in the palm of my hand
@amberleeMTV: OKAY, I am officially opening the floor for a Q&A! Ask away!! #AreYouTheOne @AREUTHE1
@kklusby: All my #AreYouTheOne fans are so AMAZE! Seriously no matter if ya like it or hate it tonight was GREAT tv! Follow me on my insta @kklusby !
@IamJoeyDillon: Can we get a #teamjoey going here?! Let's start #trending !!!! #AreYouTheOne #MTV
@Coleysia: Make sure you guys truck it over to Instagram and follow me there! @Coleysia
@IamAdamKuhn: I never lose arguments with @brittany_baldi #AreYouTheOne
@IamAdamKuhn: Just so you all know I don't have a filter #AreYouTheOne
@EDiamond007: Questions...??? anyone? anyone?? SHOOT
@ChrisScaliMTV: being REAL and being SMART can conflict! know when to open ur mouth n say it how it is and know when to keep your mouth shut n play the game
@illBeJacy: I did vote for Chris&Paige but they know I've always supported their relationship i mean, i told them to go have sex in the second episode.
@illBeJacy: I knew it would be good for the house, but i obviously was not with the sneaky  bullshit! #AreYouTheOne
@IamAdamKuhn: Keep the questions coming! #AreYouTheOne
@IamAdamKuhn: Haha @MTV when are you releasing @brittany_baldi and I's Boom Boom Room confessional #AreYouTheOne
@brittany_baldi: @IamAdamKuhn @MTV no... PLEASE DON'T @MTV I BEG YOU DON'T :) #boomboomROOM #AreYouTheOne
@EDiamond007: I LOVE scaring people... Watch it.. When you least expect it.. GOTCHA!! #areyoutheone @AREUTHE1 only the beginning..
@brittany_baldi: @MTVPaigeBrendel @TophsTweets a #perfectmatch !? what do u all think about that!? #AreYouTheOne @AREUTHE1
@IamAdamKuhn: #AreYouTheOne was absolutely insane tonight!!
@brittany_baldi: RT if you want to see @IamAdamKuhn and my BOOM BOOM ROOM confessional!! #AreYouTheOne @AREUTHE1. they say angry sex is the best... right?
@shandathapanda: Shame on the you if think money over love is correct. It's called integrity and being a real human being with real emotions. #AreYouTheOne
@IamAdamKuhn: Shanley and Simones fight will never get old #AreYouTheOne
@brittany_baldi: the love triangle @kklusby @ryanmalaty @dubbucks gives me a straight HEADACHE. damn #AreYouTheOne @AREUTHE1
@AshleighMorgh: You all must understand too our perfect matches were determined before we were at the house. It was our job to figure out who was our match
@EDiamond007: Incase your wondering.. that IS 007 at the end of my name. Would you watch me as the next 007
@RyanDevlin: I won't be able to see #AreYouTheOne until tomorrow. Don't ruin it for me, jerks! (I was often drunk while shooting and forgot the outcome)
@JayGMTV: #areyoutheone is over yet still dominating my timeline @AREUTHE1 @mtv
@AshleighMorgh: LOL RT @JayGMTV: #areyoutheone is over yet still dominating my timeline @AREUTHE1 @mtv
@AshleighMorgh: Love or Money? #areyoutheone
@SimoneKelly_: F*** w/ know I got it!
@brittany_baldi: what did u think about @IamJoeyDillon and I? he brought out the best in me during that date NO DRAMA. @AREUTHE1 #AreYouTheOne
@brittany_baldi: @AshleighMorgh love u ash!!!!! <3
@AshleighMorgh: I choose love over money (even though I need it) because money can be diminished but true love is forever #areyoutheone @AREUTHE1
@AshleighMorgh: @brittany_baldi love you Malibu Barbie and your wildness!
@illBeJacy: ok friends thank you for watching #AreYouTheOne Go get your beauty sleep! love you! Buenas Noches!
@Coleysia: Great episode! I love my cast. They're hilarious. Goodnight beautiful people! 😘 #AreYouTheOne
@SimoneKelly_: FANdamonium next week!!! Chat w/me LIVE ON U-STREAM Tuesday, March 4th 7PM-8PM EST!!! #areyoutheone…
@brittany_baldi: my girl @SimoneKelly_ don't play though! she walks the walk and doesn't just talk the talk. "I WANT MY $$$$$$" #AreYouTheOne #epic
@EDiamond007: I'm outtttt #KCCO everyone thanks for watching and tweeting! #gotlove #areyoutheone
@brittany_baldi: 50 RT GETS A #spoileralert I WILL TELL YOU WHO MY MATCH IS!! #AreYouTheOne #teambaldi #MTV
@SimoneKelly_: In have ppl that love u & u have ppl that hate you. One thing for sure, it takes effort to do either. So thank you! GOODNIGHT! 😎
@SimoneKelly_: 😴😴😴
@ryanmalaty: A big thanks to everyone for watching #AreYouTheOne 😊 I had fun live-tweeting!! Can't wait for next week!!!
@IamAdamKuhn: Alright I'm done blowing up everyone's timeline with #AreYouTheOne tweets. Hope everyone enjoyed tonight's episode I love our cast.
@shandathapanda: Remember that one time I hooked up with everyone in the house? No? Good. Because I actually, 100% cared about a person in the house.
@ryanmalaty: If you haven't seen episode 6 yet, my live-tweets are below this tweet πŸ‘‡ hope you like em!!! #AreYouTheOne
@JayGMTV: Im assuming i have more west coast fans than anything because my timeline is filled with #AreYouTheOne again lol #teamjayg
@JayGMTV: RT if your watching #AreYouTheOne  #TeamJayG
@IamAdamKuhn: "The dingo ate your baby"
@IamAdamKuhn: Night Everyone!

As The Fans Saw It
@tylerwilfong27: Starts now bitches #AreTouTheOne
@tylerwilfong27: Paige and Chris T yuppoo
@tylerwilfong27: Yay @brittany_baldi looking so sexy
@tylerwilfong27: Paige and Chris both like others more then they like eachother #AreYouTheOne
@tylerwilfong27: Look its the start of @IamJoeyDillon and @brittany_baldi ❀️
@tylerwilfong27: Im really starting to like @MTVPaigeBrendel a lot more then usual
@Justin_Rhines: Haha, Kiss My Ice, lol :) #AreYouTheOne
@tylerwilfong27: Amber has me dying πŸ˜‚ #AreYouTheOne
@Justin_Rhines: Ugh, pickle juice #AreYouTheOne
@tylerwilfong27: Jacy and JJ are my favorite couple doe πŸ’•
@tylerwilfong27: I wish I could pick who matches up for theses things @ryanmalaty and @AshleighMorgh would automatically go together
@tylerwilfong27: Go @MTVPaigeBrendel!!!
@tylerwilfong27: I think that was blood @TophsTweets
@Justin_Rhines: That's nasty #AreYouTheOne
@Justin_Rhines: Congratulations to the winners #AreYouTheOne
@tylerwilfong27: #ChrisTpaige
@tylerwilfong27: #CHRISTPAIGE yessssssss
@Justin_Rhines: Brittany & Joey looks like a perfect couple #AreYouTheOne
@tylerwilfong27: Here comes the beef between Shanley and Paige
@tylerwilfong27: I feel bad for @dubbucks been in same situation
@neyasivera: Can't get over the fact how gorgeous @Coleysia is!! #lesbehonest #AreYouTheOne
@tylerwilfong27: Oh my god πŸ˜‚ @TophsTweets
@Justin_Rhines: #AreYouTheOne <3
@tylerwilfong27: Prepare for the storm #AreYouTheOne
@tylerwilfong27: Jacy always has the best bonus clips @illBeJacy
@busdriversroute: Just hit me, Chris T looks a lot like @frankcsweeney. Throwing that out there.
@kendallongg: WHY COMMERCIAL WHY
@tylerwilfong27: Bye @TophsTweets and @MTVPaigeBrendel πŸ˜‚
@tylerwilfong27: Perfect Match πŸ˜‚
@kendallongg: Paige is ecstatic and Chris is like bye bitch
@tylerwilfong27: Awe @MTVPaigeBrendel i will go on a honeymoon with you
@kendallongg: Simone is a bitter broke trick
@kendallongg: Simone is a damn rat
@tylerwilfong27: Next week last episode im guessing #AreTouTheOne
@busdriversroute: We need to see a battle between @shandathapanda and @haileychivers. #smallbutpowerful
@haileychivers: @busdriversroute @shandathapanda hahaha NO were basically the same person I would never fight her 😻
@tylerwilfong27: Im sorry but this episode still wasnt amazing cutting out the match up ceremony is irritating
@neyasivera: Keep calm people @TophsTweets is my peasant, there for he is MY perfect match #levels πŸ‘‘πŸŒ΄ #AreYouTheOne
@EdwinMontanez: I want you to know Chris making you cry makes me wanna deck the bastard @MTVPaigeBrendel
@kmacisco: So if @ChrisScaliMTV isn't @MTVPaigeBrendel's match, can I be Chris's match or? #AreYouTheOne
@CSUAKirk: just saw who #theperfectmatch was on #AreYouTheOne  all i gotta say is holy shit
@CSUAKirk: @MTVPaigeBrendel  the way you took in Chris T's feelings after you guys were a match you won my respect even more #AreYouTheOne
@CSUAKirk: "You made me breakfast this morning"  haha @IamAdamKuhn  your hilarious bro #AreYouTheOne
@CSUAKirk: I hope @brittany_baldi  fading  from Adam is a good I hope I like her on the show again #AreYouTheOne
@CSUAKirk: will be speaking with the star of #AreYouTheOne  tomorrow @shandathapanda  on @spreecast  time TBA
@CSUAKirk: I will schedule the interview with @shandathapanda  from #AreYouTheOne  a little later today looking forward to this interview
@shandathapanda: If you guys want to ask me questions and hear some dirt tune into my interview with @CSUAKirk tomorrow! #AreYouTheOne
@CSUAKirk: hate that  I feel like my boy @dubbucks is getting played #AreYouTheOne
@CSUAKirk: Chris T quoting Thomas Edison lmao I can't #areyoutheone
@CSUAKirk: #NF @TophsTweets  from #AreYouTheOne  you live two hours away from me which is bad ass and you are one of the talks of this showfor sure
@CSUAKirk: I love how @MTVPaigeBrendel  thought  about @TophsTweets  feelings  I knew she was one of my favorites for a reason sweetheart #AreYouTheOne
@CSUAKirk: @dubbucks  is going to call Ryan out next episode can't wait for that #AreYouTheOne
@CSUAKirk: @Coleysia  wanting to watch Tv when she gets in the suite @dillanhoward  you got one great match haha #AreYouTheOne
@CSUAKirk: as far as this situation goes on #AreYouTheOne  its strategic  and it paid off but no need to rub it in @shandathapanda  face  uncalled 4
@CSUAKirk: I mean you didn't see people  rubbing into @MTVJessicaPerez  when Dillon found his perfect match its just uncalled for to rub it in ones face and what sucks is that  I liked that girl on the show but that ship sank
@CSUAKirk: I really hope I at least make a friend that is as kind and caring about other peoples feelings as @MTVPaigeBrendel  is
@CSUAKirk: chat with #AreYouTheOne 's @shandathapanda  tomorrow at 12 PST 3 EST heres the link

And As I Saw It
@dc408dxtr: As I look at #DCBlog stats, much of my traffic this past month has been related to #AreYouTheOne posts, about 300 overall views. Pretty cool
@dc408dxtr: Well, off we go now to Hawaii and #AreYouTheOne. Should be a good one here, let's see what drama & matches we have waiting for our friends.
@dc408dxtr: Well, things are getting more upbeat & optimistic for our friends: five matches last week, & 1st perfect match. Hope for more. #AreYouTheOne
@dc408dxtr: While everyone's optimistic, they're also concerned about ChrisT & Shanley and whether this may make or break their chances. #AreYouTheOne
@dc408dxtr: And then @shandathapanda @TophsTweets go to Poundtown, while @IamJoeyDillon @brittany_baldi are talking after what happened w/ her & Adam.
@dc408dxtr: And this week's challenge: Kiss My Ice. This is gonna be a good old fashioned eating contest, but it's gonna be very delicious. Or not.
@dc408dxtr: And cuz they can't handle it, @ChrisScaliMTV @SimoneKelly_ are the first ones out, followed by @MaybachDiamonds @illBeJacy. #AreYouTheOne
@dc408dxtr: And as everyone continues on, here comes the fish juice & jalapeΓ±o flavor. Everything's getting tense here, now pig's feet & what else?
@dc408dxtr: .@brittany_baldi @IamJoeyDillon take 1st, then @EDiamond007 @amberleeMTV, @TophsTweets @MTVPaigeBrendel, @Andre_sinclair1 @shandathapanda
@dc408dxtr: And @EDiamond007 @amberleeMTV. Finally some relief after all that, and meanwhile @Coleysia @dillanhoward are just relaxing. #AreYouTheOne
@dc408dxtr: .@brittany_baldi @IamJoeyDillon are enjoying themselves on the beach, meanwhile the non-winners are deciding who's going to the #truthbooth.
@dc408dxtr: I'm thinking, does @dubbucksmtv look a bit like Stephan Curry? I know others on here liken him to Chris Brown. #AreYouTheOne #DubNation
- @dubbucksMTV: @dc408dxtr 😳😩😩😩
@dc408dxtr: .@EDiamond007 @amberleeMTV, @shandathapanda @Andre_sinclair1 & @TophsTweets @MTVPaigeBrendel are zip-lining, that seems fun. #AreYouTheOne
@dc408dxtr: While everyone has sombreros on & having dinner, it's feeling awkward for the three couples being around those w/ tension w/ one another.
@dc408dxtr: @AshleighMorgh yeah I agree, there's lot of tension in the house. Good thing I stay out of the drama & just remain neutral. It's tense.
@dc408dxtr: And the couple who goes in the #truthbooth, by near unanimous vote, is @TophsTweets @shandathapanda. Oh, this is gonna be interesting here.
@dc408dxtr: And the lasers have @TophsTweets @shandathapanda to be a Perfect Match, and unlike last week, mixed emotions in the house. #AreYouTheOne
@dc408dxtr: And after that, now boiling point has been reached w/ @SimoneKelly_ @shandathapanda. It is on now. This is getting very tense. #AreYouTheOne
@dc408dxtr: Well that was tense. Unlike 1st, this 2nd perfect match not celebrated by everyone, should get very intense next week, great episode tonight
@dc408dxtr: Just lookin at my IG composite of #areyoutheone cast & had Simone & Shanley in same corner, is it coincidental they got into this fight? ;-)
@dc408dxtr: Well yeah. Sometimes the cards just seem to fall into place perhaps. Gonna compile tweets for DCSP now, then bedtime. Tweet dreams all.

With my mind still numbing over this episode, I have decided to table the post-SP wrap of this episode to joining the three other previous episodes in a devoted DC Wrap post coming up over the weekend. But the events of this last night also brings to mind sort of an unwritten rule that I have for myself that I follow in the social media world. And as I wrote in one of my posts, that rule is whenever an argument or beef arises between certain cast members of any MTV show, it's my policy to maintain a consistent level of objectiveness, both on twitter when I live tweet episodes & tweet with them, and write about it on here. In other words, I remain neutral and not side with one cast member in any manner perhaps risking my impartiality.
   With almost half of the cast following me on twitter & Instagram, and having interacted with every member of this cast in me being very good friends with everyone, it is vital that this policy is maintained amidst the tension that has brewing in these last few episodes and still ahead of us in Hawaii. And considering everything we saw in this episode with Shanley and Simone getting into a fight that we will see more of next week following that dreaded cliffhanger, the post-episode twitter beef that arose between Adam and Brittany we showcased in our diary and other situations arising among the cast, I will remain Switzerland and not get in the way of things.
   But last weekend, I posted one of those composite pix of the Are You The One? cast on my Instagram @DC408dxtr, mixing & mashing the individual snaps of the 20 castmates, and rotating them guys/girls regardless of whether they're perfect matchesThe irony in all of this is that in the upper left-hand corner of the pic, the two ladies who were featured in there were Shanley & Simone. And one of the guys who was in that quad box was John, who was part of that fight with Simone on last week's episode.
   To be totally honest with you, I had absolutely no idea that both ladies would be involved in the drama of this week (and next week, too). I actually turned off the TV in the living room at the end of last week's episode to go back to my room & enjoy Jimmy Fallon and didn't see the mini tease for this week's episode, and because of my Sochi schedule didn't catch a rerun either. So, to see that both Simone and Shanley get into a fight after Chris T. and Paige were confirmed as the 2nd perfect match, and that both of those ladies also liked my picture, is, perhaps, more than just a coincidence.

As we wrap up here, a few interview reminders
- After talking to Wes last weekend, my buddy Andrew Kirk (@CSUAKirk), who like me has also become interested in this show along with The Real World, has pulled off a big scoop and has landed a SpreeCast show with one of the key figures from this episode, Shanley. Of course, they will talk about the fight with Simone, the reaction to the 2nd perfect match and much more, and it happens tomorrow at 3pm ET/Noon PT at And there's sure to be a good sized audience taking a break from lunch & work for that chat.
- For a local view on Are You The One?, check out an interview NBC affiliate WSFA in Montgomery, AL did yesterday with Coleysia prior to last night's episode: 
- And around the time of Valentine's Day, Colorado State University TV did an interview with fellow Ram alum Ethan about the show and his advice on love:

This weekend I'll be writing devoted wrap ups of the last few episodes of Are You The One? and Real World Ex-Plosion. Speaking of the latter, be sure to join me later tonight on Twitter @DC408dxtr for live tweeting of this week's episode and After Show as the roommates find out about Lauren being pregnant and what promises to be a dramatic episode (which also means I'll be approaching LA fans for their Fan's View on tonight's activities). Of course, check out our exclusive SocialPulse diaries of past episodes and other posts on these shows. And with buzz for Challenge 25 beginning at any moment now, expect DCBLOG to be on top of it all the moment the trailer is released.
   Also check out my DC Games 2014 blog posts as we cover everything Olympics, and we will continue posting blogs on the Olympic world to until the conclusion of the Paralympic Winter Games in late March. And watch for a blog post covering Mardi Gras as well with the celebrations taking place in New Orleans. For now, hope you enjoyed both this post and episode 6 of Are You The One?. And until we blog again later & also join you on twitter for RW Explosion, have fun and thanks for reading.

- DC

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