Friday, April 18, 2014

DC SocialPulse - The Challenge: Free Agents - "Love in the Fast Lane"

*** Reader Advisory: DC SocialPulse Contains Adult Language & Content 
Some Readers May Find Objectionable. Viewer Discretion is Advised. ***

By DC Cueva
@DC408dxtr / @DC408dxnow

Welcome again to DC SocialPulse and to our wrap of episode 2 of The Challenge: Free Agents. Last week, of course, the season began in grand style (and with a mega-wrap to boot) with a twist of the season being an individual Challenge that sent the competitors' pre-laid plans into for a tailspin, followed by a grueling opening challenge that saw the group confront the country's tallest building. And with a game-changing twist to the elimination process as we've known it, we get a great elimination battle that saw the continuation of the rookie revolution when a battered, bruised & bubbly St. Thomas lady took out a key contender & finalist from last season in a fantastic elimination battle.
   This week, it's Love in the Fast Lane as the week's mission shifts from a skyscraper to the race track as competitors drive their way towards the podium. A night of celebration to celebrate a birthday leads to hookups we never expected and an a huge fight between two close friends. And the volatile nature of the eliminations this season and its aftermath forces a budding romance to end just as began to blossom. And after our episode wrap - a much shorter one than what we had last week along with the SP diary, we'll talk about the latest member of the Real World/Challenge family, and someone on this cast, to take themselves off the bachelor list.

As we begin, please note there is explicit language in many of the tweets below, but I am keeping it uncensored in order to retain the heat of the moment. So if you are mature enough, please read with discretion. :-)
- And if you haven't watched the episode yet, then don't proceed. But don't worry, DCBLOG will compile all of these tweets into these posts after every episode so you won't be in the dark of how your favorites saw this all unfold.

So with that, after the jump, we'll have the announcement and congratulatory tweets of that newly-engaged challenger, along with this week's diary and wrap.

> Days Before...and Chet Gets Engaged!
@Chet_Cannon: I'm getting married to this beautiful girl!
@robb_schreiber: Gotta S/O my buddy @Chet_Cannon on his engagement. Such a cool thing happening for one of the coolest dudes I've ever met! So stoked for ya!
@Chet_Cannon: @robb_schreiber thank you, brotha!!! I miss you...and Chad Kroeger
@robb_schreiber: @Chet_Cannon if you need a wedding band you're in luck! I lead a Nickleback cover band. I'm just trying to put clothing on their backs...
@MikeRossMTV: Congrats to @Chet_Cannon on his engagement!! Sending much love and happiness your way!
@ZachMTV: Congratulations @Chet_Cannon and his beautiful fiancรฉ on their engagement.
@CaraMariaMTV: @Chet_Cannon you made the right decision for u. Everyone is an expert finger pointer from their comfy couches. #dontstress #freeagents
@Chet_Cannon: @CaraMariaMTV absolutely. Thank you
@iamheathercooke: i was gonna tweet how excited i was about the challenge on tonight.. and i realized it changed to thursdays!!! let down!
@ZachMTV: .@Chet_Cannon can @BSwiftMTV make it two weeks in a row as challenge MVP? Can he keep it poppin once it's been popped? #FreeAgents @mtv
@Chet_Cannon: @ZachMTV @BSwiftMTV @MTV perpetual poppin'? Easier said than done. Tune in Thursday to find out!
@CaraMariaMTV: Congrats again to @LaToyaJMTV for braving her first elimination and fighting like a champ. You should be proud :) @mtv #FREEAGENTS
@LaToyaJMTV: @CaraMariaMTV @MTV Thank Yooooooou Cara!!!!!! You are the best...I'm such a fan LOL xoxo love u girlie
@EmileeMTV: #WCW is my "rival" @mtvjess .. didn't start out on the best foot and anything mean I say tomorrow Iโ€ฆ
@MtvJess: @EmileeMTV lmao I love you now more than ever ha ha
@EmileeMTV: @MtvJess I kept looking for your avatar pic in the yellow!!! Son of a gun! LOL
@AbramBoise: Lmao- 2years later @CaraMariaMTV are still together:)
@CaraMariaMTV: @AbramBoise 4 years. Since cut throat filmed in may 2010. Grr.
@CaraMariaMTV: no "luck" getting across this log. Pure guts is more like it! Go @mtvjess #freeagents @mtv #faceyourfears
@MtvJess: @CaraMariaMTV @MTV ๐Ÿ’‹โค๏ธโœจ
@ayiiia_eliza: This Challenge is looking better than fucking ever!!!! hope you're all tuning in at 10pm to support these crazies. West Coast you're next!

> Challenge Thursday
@ToriFiorenza: Happy Anniversary @BradFiorenza, i feel so blessed I get to walk this life with you! Xoxo
@BradFiorenza: โ€œ@ToriFiorenza: Happy Anniversary @BradFiorenza, i feel so blessed I get to walk this life with you! Xoxoโ€ love you!
@KatieDoyle26: @BradFiorenza happiest birthday to you!!!!
@BSwiftMTV: Last night...what happened on stage though..๐Ÿ˜†
@BrandonDNelson: And I'm bout to go right back to sleep... Hopefully.
@laurelstucky: #ChallengeDay
@laurelstucky: at @MTV studios with @devynsimone @zachmtv @jordanmtv #TimeSquare #ILoveNewYork
@MTV: @laurelstucky @DevynSimone @ZachMTV @JordanMTV This makes me happy.
@CaraMariaMTV: @laurelstucky @MTV @DevynSimone @ZachMTV @JordanMTV my invite must have been lost in the mail ;)
@laurelstucky: @CaraMariaMTV i like this new pic you have. Talked about you today.
@TheresaMTV: It's Thirsty Challenge Thursday!! #FreeAgents #MTV๐Ÿ’ฅ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ’ธ
@DevynSimone: Recognize these handsome faces? @MTV studios playin with @ZachMTV @JordanMTV. The Challenge: Free Agents airs 2night!
@susie_meister: Watch me be snarky on @TheChallengeMTV #AfterShow tonight at 11pm. It's a public service.
@TylerDuckMTV: โ€œ@susie_meister Watch me be snarky on @TheChallengeMTV #AfterShow tonight at 11pm. It's a public service.โ€ But actually, she's being serious
@CaraMariaMTV: New Night! New Format! Hangin on a prayer. Luck be a lady tonight @MTV #THECHALLENGE #FREEAGENTS #bestseasonever
@CamilaMTV: Friends make time 4Friends. Don't let b*tches fool U w/ "I'm too busy" crap. Value those that value you! ๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ‘…๐Ÿ‘Š๐Ÿ˜‰ #ibusy #imaketime #byefelicia
@EmileeMTV: It's Challenge Day. Be sure to tune in at 10...all I can tell you is expect one or two very SPECIAL moments from me. ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ™ˆ๐Ÿ™Š๐Ÿ™‰๐Ÿ’ƒ๐Ÿ’จ
@MTVBananas: Get your Speedos ready... Because it's CHALLENGE DAY! mtv @thechallengemtv #FreeAgents
@PrestoMagicmtv: Tonight is a Challenge night #FreeAgents 10pm MTV
@cohuttaMTV: @BSwiftMTV haha. I just saw this! What's up big cat?
@BSwiftMTV: @cohuttaMTV Im chillin my dude had an appearance last night so I've  been recovering today lol I'm might be in ATL start of may for 2 weeks
@BSwiftMTV: @cohuttaMTV so you already know I gotta see you &@SometimesISAAC  while I'm out there. miss you guys lol
@cohuttaMTV: @BSwiftMTV @SometimesISAAC yessir!
@EmileeMTV: Get ready.... 10pm EST on mtv. #ChallengeDay #FreeAgents #TheChallenge #BorntoRun
@JordanMTV: Hanging out in the @MTV studios w this rowdy bunch! @ZachMTV @laurelstucky and @DevynSimone #FreeAgents
@JazMTV: Don't forget #FreeAgents  tonight ..luv( ohh SWIFT!!) drama & the need for speed tonight.  Probably my fav challenge!  #TheChallenge @mtv
@RoyLee25mtv: I'm on dog duty until my friend comes back from vacation..I stole a bunch of Gatorade and random food out his fridge๐Ÿ˜œ
@ChallengeMTV: Sparks will be flying on tonight's episode of The Challenge: #FreeAgents! Sneak a peek here:
@dustinzito: So wake me up before you Go Go!!
@MTVBananas: Johnny Bananas couture available only at #freeagents @MTV @ChallengeMTV
@cohuttaMTV: So I'm sitting in an interview when I look up to notice that angelhepburn is reading #50shadesofgrayโ€ฆ
@CamilaMTV: #tbt last week's episode- not gonna lie, that s*t was SCARYYYYY ๐Ÿ˜ฑ I had to tell myself, "count toโ€ฆ
@MtvJess: Who is ready for #TheChallengeFreeAgents tonight @mtv ?! #teamjess
@CamilaMTV: "All Is fair in love & war & halloween parties..." I think that's how @MTVBananas quote goes, right?! @MtvJess ๐Ÿ˜œ
@JayGMTV: Just saying. The Challenge is getting smashed when i get my chance
@MtvJess: The party heats up and so does the romance: #TheChallengeFreeAgents #TeamJess #smooches ๐Ÿ’‹๐Ÿท๐ŸŽ‰
@CamilaMTV: #tbt last week's episode-not gonna lie, that s*t ws SCARYYY ๐Ÿ˜ฑ RT if Ur ready for tonight! ๐Ÿ‘…๐Ÿ’‹๐Ÿ˜‰ #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@frankcsweeney: The world isn't ready for my #FreeAgents costume tonight... or my driving skillz. Check it out. 10pm on @MTV.
@EmileeMTV: Vroom vroom... #FreeAgents tonight @ 10pm mtv #bostonstrong theofficial_ct therealniamoore @frankcsweeney
@JohnnyReilly_: #TheChallenge #FreeAgents #Tonight
@MtvJess: Secrets don't stay secrets long in #thechallengefreeagents house! #oops #thechallengefreeagentsโ€ฆ
@ChallengeMTV: Less than 5 hours til' a brand new ep of The Challenge: #FreeAgents airs on @MTV. Srsly can't wait!
@CaraMariaMTV: mtv#freeagents #thechallenge Been driving stick shift my whole life... Lets see how that plays outโ€ฆ
@LaToyaJMTV: Tonight's the night! #TheChallengeFreeAgents new ep @ 10pm ET on @MTV don't miss it!
@JustJem24: Now I remember why I never leave my neighborhood bc I hate NYC traffic ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก
@Knight_MTV: Rooting  for @justjem24 tonight on the #challenge @MTV #freeagents
@JustJem24: โ€œ@Knight_MTV: Rooting  for @justjem24 tonight on the #challenge @MTV #freeagentsโ€ OMG im so rooting for you too.. Asshole ๐Ÿ˜‚.
@LaToyaJMTV: Watch how quick things "switch gears" on tonights ep of #TheChallengeFreeAgents ๐Ÿ˜†
@BSwiftMTV: Yea buddy!! Tonight #TheChallengeFreeAgents new episode @ 10pm ET on @MTV don't miss it!
@MtvJess: Wine and Paint ๐Ÿ‘Œ
@CamilaMTV: Born to be a mermaid @NanyMTV โ˜€๏ธ๐Ÿ‘ฏ๐Ÿ‘…๐Ÿ™Š๐Ÿ˜‹โœŒ๏ธ
@PrestoMagicmtv: Hot mama babes! <3 these spicy Latina's  โ€œ@CamilaMTV: Born to be a mermaid @NanyMTV โ˜€๏ธ๐Ÿ‘ฏ๐Ÿ‘…๐Ÿ™Š๐Ÿ˜‹โœŒ๏ธโ€
@NanyMTV: @PrestoMagicmtv I miss you Presto ๐Ÿ’œ #roomielove
@TheresaMTV: Me & ...Them โœŒ๏ธ๐Ÿ’ธ #FreeAgents  Tune in tonight or else๐Ÿ”ช๐Ÿ”ช๐Ÿ”ช๐Ÿ˜‰
@CaraMariaMTV: if you blink you might miss the Best #JohnnyDepp costume ever seen on @mtv #FREEAGENTS
@MtvJess: I think I've painted more on myself than  the canvas! #wineandpaint #wino #buzzin
@robb_schreiber: Playoff hockey is on my list of favorite things to ever exist ever.
@MTV: #FreeAgents @JordanMTV @ZachMTV @laurelstucky + @DevynSimone take a break while filming a #Challenge after show!
@NanyMTV: What idiot gave @CamilaMTV and I #Tequila on tonight's episode of #FreeAgents? @MTV ๐Ÿ™ˆ
@cohuttaMTV: @NanyMTV @CamilaMTV I'm gonna give you tequila Saturday night.. just see what happens. Im also gonna wear a helmet.
@CamilaMTV: tequila, camila, Latina, Hair...I see a pattern here โ€œ@NanyMTV: wat idiot gave @CamilaMTV &I #Tequila on 2nights episode #FreeAgents? @MTV๐Ÿ™ˆโ€
@frankcsweeney: #TeamHurricane might be a MESS, but we're a pretty mess.  #MyBitch #FreeAgents
@CamilaMTV: Send me all of ur questions & tag #askcamila #TheChallenge- I'll be posting a video answering them! A lucky winner will get a gift from me!๐Ÿ˜‰
@MtvJess: New Yorkers have theeeeeee sexiest accents ever ahhhh #heaven ๐Ÿ˜
@DerrickMTV: 25th season of THE CHALLENGE starts in 40 minutes. #FreeAgents Ep. 2
@MTV: @ZachMTV I told someone to tell you I said hi today and I really hope the message got to you. If not -- Hi.
@ZachMTV: @MTV hello! You ready for tonight!?!
@laurelstucky: What a good bunch today. #FreeAgents @MTV
@Chet_Cannon: Hey @ZachMTV: What's poppin' tonight? #FreeAgents
@ZachMTV: @Chet_Cannon just some big things, like @BSwiftMTV ' a pecs
@laurelstucky: As seen from the Green Room @DevynSimone @jordanmtv @zachmtv
@laurelstucky: Tonight #TheChallenge #FreeAgents is on. 15 more minutes .... @MTV. Flick, flick change your channels.
@CaraMariaMTV: Did a chin over bar pull up with 29lbs strapped on my waist. Tomorrow aiming heavier :) #crossfit
@laurelstucky: This is a really good season.
@MTVShowBlog: T-10 minutes till an all new episode of #challengefreeagents! BE THERE.
@laurelstucky: @nanymtv i miss you. ๐Ÿ’™
@MTV: @Chet_Cannon Congrats on your engagement even though you've crushed my high school dream of marrying you xoxo
@Chet_Cannon: Thank you, @MTV! Polyamory? Man, Wife, TV Station....think about it
@CamilaMTV: See you soon ๐Ÿ˜˜ #Freeagents
@laurelstucky: Fajitas and @MTV #Challenge night. 8 min.
@MTVBananas: Here's an appetizer to get you ready for tonights episode of #FreeAgents @MTV @ChallengeMTV
@CaraMariaMTV: Watching and Tweeting live @mtv #THECHALLENGE #FREEAGENTS 10pm TONIGHT. #bestseasonever
@PrestoMagicmtv: Who's ready to get their engines revving?  It's going down tonight on @MTV #TheChallenge #FreeAgents
@dustinzito: The Challenge #FreeAgents on Next after I watch my boy @tjlavin on #Rediculousness @MTV #Awesomeness

> As They Saw It: "Love In The Fast Lane"
@MTV: #TheChallengeFreeAgents starts right NOW! RT if you're watching with me!
@MtvJess: HERE IT GOESSSSS #TheChallengeFreeAgents @mtv #teamjess
@jonnamtv: wooohooo #theChallenge #freeagents turn it on now east coast on @mtv :)
@TheresaMTV: Who's ready to party with Meeeeee?! @grad_city ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜ #FreeAgents
@MTVShowBlog: Here. We. GO. #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@MTVBananas: LET THE GAMES BEGIN! #FreeAgents @mtv
@MTVShowBlog: "I don't know how to flirt; I just know how to hang out."-@EmileeMTV #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@TheRealNiaMoore: Right now on mtv!! Tune in ๐Ÿ˜‹ #freeagents
@JustJem24: #teamemilee @EmileeMTV
@MTVShowBlog: .@AneesaMTV's Lil Kim costume may have topped @MileyCyrus's. #justsayin #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@PrestoMagicmtv: Famous last words #freeagents
@JustJem24: Camila over all these bitches @CamilaMTV
@BSwiftMTV: New episode of #TheChallengeFreeAgents  right now !only on @MTV
@MtvJess: SHIT!!!! I thought my hiding spot was good too! #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@TheRealNiaMoore: Saw a certain nobody in the hotel hallway. Checked that shit off the dribble. Shaking like the punk bitch you already knew she was. EASY๐Ÿ’ฐ
@EmileeMTV: I supplied the costumes.  I've been throwing halloween since 1987 #freeagents
@MTVBananas: Who had the best costume? @mtv #FreeAgents
@MTVShowBlog: .@dustinzito has his hands full...#TheChallengeFreeAgents
@RobinMTV14: I love the idea of the new challenge rules love it @BunimMurray @MTV no one can just sneak by.
@EmileeMTV: I DONT REMEMBER THIS.  #freeagents
@MtvJess: Love @NanyMTV ๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ’‹
@NanyMTV: I like both Jess and Emilee, btw.
@MTVBananas: @dustinzito you dirty dawg! @MTV #freeagents
@dustinzito: #Wastyface @MTV can't show me Wastyface! Haaha! #FreeAgents
@LaToyaJMTV: It was freezing that day btw! #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@EmileeMTV: So embarrassed ๐Ÿ™ˆ #freeagents #drunkilee
@JustJem24: Y'all I just played security....saved a life
@NanyMTV: Did anyone think I wouldn't choose @dustinzito to be my partner?! I mean COME ON GUYS! #VegasSticksTogether
@TylerDuckMTV: @JazMTV Love ur signature ANTM runway walk up to TJ every time! #werk #FreeAgents
@PrestoMagicmtv: .@CamilaMTV couldn't ask fer a better partner
@frankcsweeney: My weave, though. #FreeAgents #Ratchet #Quadzilla
@MtvJess: Last kid picked in dodgeball let's kill it @RoyLee25mtv ๐Ÿ‘Œโœจ #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@BSwiftMTV: @TheresaMTV  I don't think they're ready for stick skills! Smh lol
@RobinMTV14: Omg I so know how to drive stick this challenge would be so much fun!
@DevynSimone: Uhh @MTV  I still don't know how to drive stick... @tjlavin lessons? #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@MTVShowBlog: .@PrestoMagicmtv, can we get another cartwheel please? #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@PrestoMagicmtv: .@MTVShowBlog in my head that cart wheel looked more graceful.
@dustinzito: You remember that Go Kart race #RWLasVegas well this is my Redemption! #FreeAgents @MTV
@MTVCoryWharton: Reality tv awards I think soo.
@ZachMTV: .@BSwiftMTV again, your man card is revoked until further notice. #stillgotitpoppintho
@cohuttaMTV: I think @MTVBananas should pull a complete overhaul like Prince. He is now Johnny Tangerine. #TheChallenge #freeagents @mtv
@MTVBananas: Alright @BSwiftMTV your man card has officially been revoked! @mtv #FreeAgents
@BSwiftMTV: @MTVBananas @MTV ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ haha F*** you bananas  #IDeserveItTho lol
@jonnamtv: hahah tonights episode.. for real..
@MtvJess: They doubt me on #TheChallengeFreeAgents but I will not quit!!!!!! #teamjess
@Chet_Cannon: Somebody 'bout to lose a weave! #FreeAgents
@TheMarkLong: I gotta come clean...@ZachMTV is really my son...@mtv #mtv #freeagents #challenge
@ZachMTV: @TheMarkLong @MTV dad!?!?!
@TheMarkLong: @ZachMTV @MTV good job tonight son! Your mother and I are proud! ๐Ÿ‘ฑ๐Ÿ‘ธ๐Ÿ‘ถ๐Ÿ˜œ
@ZachMTV: @TheMarkLong @MTV thanks for teaching me to drive a stick pops!!!
@DerrickMTV: UP NEXT.....Cat Fight. #TheChallenge  Looks the like The Camilanator is Back!!  Get em @CamilaMTV
@MTVBananas: Rapidly approaching all sides of the globe! #BananaSwag mtv #FreeAgents
@shandathapanda: I only watch #TheChallenge to oogle the fucking beautiful @NanyMTV and my Challenge crush forever @JordanMTV #imnotashamedtoadmitit
@MtvJess: OMG I suck at running!!!! #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@djstweetarazzi: @MtvJess You can't be as bad as me running lol. I am so slow running that I go backwards running forward! lol #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@MTVShowBlog: Will anyone who doesn't know how to drive stick please stand up? *most of us stand up* #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@MtvJess: Was so entertaining to watch #TheChallengeFreeAgents @mtv
@cohuttaMTV: I got my first stick shift when I was 12. Come at me bro. #TheChallenge #freeagents
@MTVBananas: That old asian woman paired up with @TheresaMTV looks an awful lot like @BSwiftMTV @mtv #freeagents
@TheresaMTV: โ€œ@MTVBananas: That old asian woman paired up with @TheresaMTV looks an awful lot like @BSwiftMTV @mtv #freeagentsโ€ Got Jokes!!๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜‘
@dustinzito: "It's Not a Race or Anything" @NanyMTV @MTV #FreeAgents
@MTVShowBlog: .@BSwiftMTV rockin' that Burberry...#TheChallengeFreeAgents
@ZachMTV: .@Chet_Cannon do you feel like swifts whole life might be one big game of over-compensation?
@MTVBananas: Lets get #FreeAgents trending! @mtv @ChallengeMTV
@MtvJess: #teamhurricane @TheRealNiaMoore @frankcsweeney #babies
@dustinzito: "Get at Me @JeffGordonWeb" @MTV The Challenge #FreeAgents
@MtvJess: Come one guys can't even drive a stick?!? #wtf @mtv #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@TylerDuckMTV: Shocker! @frankcsweeney knows how to drive stick like a pro! #MakingWehoProud #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@MTVBananas: Challenge Fact: @frankcsweeney purposely took the seat off his bike in hopes  of a more comfortable ride! @mtv @ChallengeMTV #freeagents
@frankcsweeney: @MTVBananas @MTV @ChallengeMTV You're confusing me with @TylerDuckMTV. But I did work that stick shift like a casual Saturday night.
@TylerDuckMTV: @frankcsweeney @MTVBananas @MTV @ChallengeMTV Your Saturday night is a typical Tuesday for me! #PartyGirlPandemonium #SluttyInSantaMonica
@MtvJess: Ha ha @EmileeMTV #MEOW ๐Ÿ˜บ ha ha l#venus
@BSwiftMTV: If its any consolation I learned how to drive manual  finally.. #couplemonthslate ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
@PrestoMagicmtv: I saw tears
@TheRealNiaMoore: That was a volleyball roll. A bad ass one at that. If you play, you know. ๐Ÿ˜ฉ๐Ÿ˜‚
@TylerDuckMTV: @laurelstucky vs. Usain Bolt... Laurel Wins. #impressiveSprintGirl
@MtvJess: Harder than it looks omg @mtv #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@TheRealNiaMoore: Not gonna fave and reply all these tweets I'm drinking with these losers from the show and enjoying the show just like y'all ๐Ÿ’‹๐Ÿ’‹ love yall
@SometimesISAAC: Happy rebirthday @cohuttaMTV !!! Crushin the game
@cohuttaMTV: @SometimesISAAC thanks brotha!
@MtvJess: Uh oh @MTVBananas on the scene
@djstweetarazzi: @MtvJess @MTVBananas I think Bananas slipped on a banana peel, cause he def looked like Donkey Kong from Mario Kart for a sec there lol
@JazMTV: I strut all day #FreeAgents
@NanyMTV: @JazMTV girl yes you do! ๐Ÿ’
@dustinzito: "When I saw thoes damn cars it was like the heavens opened up and shined a big fat beam of UV Rays one me" Thanks for that @tjlavin @MTV
@TylerDuckMTV: @CaraMariaMTV Excellent move girl! Cant beat 'em? Block 'em! #VetsKnowBest
@CaraMariaMTV: Drove stick my whole life so I'm smooth with a clutch- but when it comes to steering... #curbalert -sorry @JohnnyReilly_ @mtv #FREEAGENTS
@SometimesISAAC: In a room with 8 real worlders watching the challenge... Or at least screaming at each other while it plays in the background ha!
@JohnnyReilly_: โ€œ@MTVBananas: Challenge Fact: @JohnnyReilly_ still has training wheels on his bike at home @mtv #FreeAgents @ChallengeMTVโ€ #bumperbikes
@CaraMariaMTV: @JohnnyReilly_ killed it- but my one regret is not racing on national TV- my dad woulda been so proud! grr @mtv #THECHALLENGE #wishidrove
@DerrickMTV: Haha!! Nothin like getting @MTVBananas worked up!
@ToriFiorenza: It's challenge time!!! Bouncing back and forth between the #hawks and #freeagents....great ending to the day!
@CamilaMTV: I got a hot date tonight ๐Ÿ’‹ @PrestoMagicmtv #freeagents #TheChallenge
@PrestoMagicmtv: What does that mean? @CamilaMTV
@IamAdamKuhn: Hell yea! #TheChallengeFreeAgents is on!
@jonnamtv: so a few i hate: loud noises (yelling), groups of people, sprinting, and being on @MTVBananas team and not knowing left from right..
@ryanmalaty: Am I the only one who yells at the tv? #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@TheRealNiaMoore: Couldn't have asked for a more calm and supportive partner! This was my fave challenge. Not to mention @frankcsweeney is drop dead gorgeous! Who's watching! @mtv #freeagents
@CaraMariaMTV: Challenge one- i get choked out up the stairs. Challenge two i get slammed off my bike. #RottenBananas @mtv #Thechallenge
@MTVShowBlog: Can't help but laugh at someone saying, "Bananas is yelling at me!" #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@TylerDuckMTV: @MTVBananas Jonna just cant tell the difference btwn left & right #sluttygirlproblems #FreeAgents
@EmileeMTV: YOURE MINE TODAY @TheOfficial_CT ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
@frankcsweeney: Yo, @TheRealNiaMoore did we at least look tough? #HurricanesTakeATumble #FreeAgents
@TheRealNiaMoore: โ€œ@frankcsweeney: Yo, @TheRealNiaMoore did we at least look tough? #HurricanesTakeATumble #FreeAgentsโ€๐Ÿ’… it's nothing to a boss like us
@ZachMTV: @JazMTV you really know how to work a stick while @JordanMTV yells "harder" #idigthat
@EmileeMTV: @JazMTV look back at it... holding that stick like danuhnuhnuh #freeagents
@TylerDuckMTV: @JazMTV Talk about riding a stick like a pro! #HollaHouston #Ms3rdWard #FreeAgents
@JazMTV: Catch a bitch running cops ain't getting ne!!
@EmileeMTV: I cant run... but at least I'm pweettttyy. #freeagents
@MTVShowBlog: "He lives in New York. He doesn't own a car....and he's @PrestoMagicmtv.:" #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@TheMarkLong: That flag girl though...#mtv #freeagents
@TheRealNiaMoore: Ima follow all you new ppl who just hit me up tonight I promise! Welcome to the dream team!!๐Ÿ’ƒ๐Ÿ’‹
@JazMTV: Look back at that ass always!  #FreeAgents
@MTVBananas: Oh don't you worry @CamilaMTV , @PrestoMagicmtv definitely knows his way around a stick! @mtv #freeagents
@PrestoMagicmtv: Pervert @MTVBananas @CamilaMTV @MTV
@MtvJess: glad my partner could drive a stick ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ˜‚ @RoyLee25mtv #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@RoyLee25mtv: โ€œ@MtvJess: glad my partner could drive a stick ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ˜‚ @RoyLee25mtv #TheChallengeFreeAgentsโ€ RT good job.. Could not have done it without ya๐Ÿ‘
@MtvJess: Catch me if you can @RoyLee25mtv ๐Ÿ’‹ ha ha #killinit
@DerrickMTV: My guess is @cohuttaMTV ๐Ÿ’ฐ๐Ÿ’ฐ๐Ÿ’ฐMoney Bags Wilson and @laurelstucky take this one....
@JazMTV: Yall didn't know i could run i got legs #FreeAgents #TheChallenge
@CamilaMTV: You're only truly a badass when you can drive that stick shift baybey โœŒ๏ธ #freeagents #TheChallenge
@JustJem24: Those are my bitches @CamilaMTV @PrestoMagicmtv
@MtvJess: Eat yo words @mtv #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@brittany_baldi: watching my Boston buddies drive off the tobin bridge haha @TheOfficial_CT @EmileeMTV #freeagents #mtv @MTVChallenge25
@MtvJess: Booty booty booty @mtv #TheChallengeFreeAgents @PrestoMagicmtv ๐Ÿ’‹
@ZachMTV: Nobody should underestimate the power of Jess!! #teamjess #abs @MtvJess
@MtvJess: โ€œ@MTVrealityfan: @ZachMTV @MtvJess move over @dustinzito ! Zach wants in! #FreeAgents #TheChallengeFreeAgentsโ€ ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ˜‚ he just wants my hair ๐Ÿ’
@JohnnyReilly_: Still bitter about that #Challenge @CaraMariaMTV
@MTVShowBlog: "Who knew that @MtvJess's ass would become such an ass-et."-That sounds like a Sex and the City pun, @PrestoMagicmtv #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@PrestoMagicmtv: You know it! watched every episode durning my freshman year of college! @MTVShowBlog @MtvJess
@DerrickMTV: @cohuttaMTV @laurelstucky Yo! That guess before u were in the top 2....drum roll.....
@JazMTV: @MtvJess is killing the challenges damn you lol #goodjob
@MtvJess: โ€œ@JazMTV: @MtvJess is killing the challenges damn you lol #goodjobโ€ ha ha thanks baby
@SometimesISAAC: @frankcsweeney Love the shirt, get to NY and party... Hashtag 'MERICA!
@frankcsweeney: @SometimesISAAC I'm greeting you shirtless. Hashtag gay.
@SometimesISAAC: @frankcsweeney hashtag ill be downtown boner city
@MTVBananas: Banana Swag! @mtv #freeagents #besomebody
@ZachMTV: Retweet if you think @JohnnyReilly_ is wicked awesome!
@cohuttaMTV: It really is amazing how well I get along with old folks . #zombiesconcert
@NanyMTV: Awww congrats babies @cohuttaMTV @laurelstucky #winnerwinner ๐Ÿ’ฐ
@MTVBananas: Take a virtual tour of the #FreeAgents house! @mtv
@JazMTV: Happy birthday @cohuttaMTV best night ever
@MTVShowBlog: Let's all take a second to acknowledge that they're at a bar called "Moby Dick" #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@JustJem24: My bitch.. Mad respect for this one.. @LaToyaJMTV
@LaToyaJMTV: @JustJem24 u kno i looooove u right!?!
@JustJem24: โ€œ@LaToyaJMTV: @JustJem24 u kno i looooove u right!?!โ€ Real bitches stick together
@DevynSimone: @cohuttaMTV and @NanyMTV are so cute! "Baby baby baby" #TheChallenge #FreeAgents
@NanyMTV: Love is in the air ๐Ÿ’œ #freeagents
@JazMTV: Swift is soo sexy! Yeah I want it!! #FreeAgents
@TylerDuckMTV: This club night will end in tears! Starting in 3-2-1... #BitchSlap #CohuttaGoneWild @cohuttaMTV #uGetUrsBuddy
@ZachMTV: I'm the top girl competitor and @MTVBananas was the top guy. We shoulda hooked up too.
@MtvJess: HOLY HELL @cohuttaMTV and @NanyMTV are sooooooo DAMN CUTE!!! ๐Ÿ’‹๐Ÿ‘Œโœจ #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@TylerDuckMTV: @EmileeMTV STAY AWAY from DustinZito
@RobinMTV14: Love all the loving on #freeagents
@MtvJess: Bitch award goes toooooo drum @EmileeMTV
@NaomiMTV: Lmaooo at @FreeAgentsMTV aka lovers lane!!
@brittany_baldi: @NanyMTV IS A SMOKESHOW!!! I seen that kiss girl. Cohutta has a cute country boy accent @MTVChallenge25 #freeagents #mtv
@JazMTV: Yeaaa @EmileeMTV  best quote lol
@RobinMTV14: @TheOfficial_CT lol too funny!
@ToriFiorenza: This is like Gauntlet 3 all over again...all these couples..#challengelove
@MTVShowBlog: "You're a loser with a beard."-@CamilaMTV #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@TylerDuckMTV: Yup! Cue tears & anger! @CamilaMTV love me some Brazilian Bitches!!! #TearsAndBeers #freeagents
@JazMTV: Yoo we all missed the beginning of the fight
@NaomiMTV: โ€œ@JazMTV: Yoo we all missed the beginning of the fightโ€--watching u on tv makes me fucking miss ur crazy ass
@JazMTV: @NaomiMTV I'm in new York
@NaomiMTV: โ€œ@JazMTV: @NaomiMTV I'm in new Yorkโ€---get the fuck outta here till when biatch
@JazMTV: @NaomiMTV Saturday
@NaomiMTV: โ€œ@JazMTV: @NaomiMTV Saturdayโ€--let's party tomorrow โ„๏ธโ„๏ธ
@DevynSimone: Side note.. thanks to this epic fight I got left on the back of the bus that night with just me and the Uruguayan bus driver. #FreeAgents
@RobinMTV14: @DevynSimone that sucks your the best hope they came back for you!
@RobinMTV14: Here it comes @CamilaMTV monster.... Crazy I've been there!
@MtvJess: Count my abs #abs #teamjess @mtv #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@MTVShowBlog: .@CamilaMTV is coming through with the quotes tonight. "I'm not here for the friendship. I'm here for the money." #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@ZachMTV: Does everyone see @NanyMTV holding her weave in her hand while fighting. #worldstarhiphop
@susie_meister: These kids on the Challenge seem nice.
@MTVBananas: Damn @TheOfficial_CT thats a whole lotta Manic Hispanic for one man to take on! #FreeAgents @MTV
@cohuttaMTV: I apologize for the retweeting but this is all very flattering.
@EmileeMTV: There's about to be a..girl fight.. and its not @MtvJess @jessand me ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ˜ฑ
@JazMTV: Damn @NanyMTV I never want to fight with you lol
@ryanmalaty: ๐Ÿ˜ณ Don't mess with @NanyMTV #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@NaomiMTV: @NanyMTV #thuglife You look like Spider-Man the way you are climbing on the walls ๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ˜Ž
@jonnamtv: ok anyone in @NanyMTV 's way is literally going down. ok she's a bittch we get ittttt....
@iamheathercooke: This is why I say no to another challenge... Not all about this drama! Can I just do the challenges and live in a seperate house?
@JanelMcG: @iamheathercooke They should have a separate house for you and @EmFitMTV. Y'all just show up and win.
@iamheathercooke: @JanelMcG @EmFitMTV I wish ๐Ÿ˜‚I'm broke I need that money! But I'm sure em rather kill a wod and I'd rather kick a ball โšฝ๏ธ๐Ÿ’ช
@EmFitMTV: @iamheathercooke @JanelMcG haha! Most days yes. ๐Ÿ˜Š #stillmissingthechallenges
@TheRealNiaMoore: See Hurricane Nia is really the chill pretty black girl with a fat ass who likes to get drunk and suck her thumb. I missed that whole fight๐Ÿ˜ฉ
@dustinzito: Nany is kinda like a little sister when her big brother is around! @NanyMTV @MTV #FreeAgents
@IamAdamKuhn: This fight would have never happened if @MTV would have picked up that bar tab #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@NanyMTV: Sure, CT instigates the fight and leaves us two crazies to battle it out ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜ฉ
@frankcsweeney: Are they fighting over who has the better weave? Because I CLEARLY won that earlier. #FreeAgents #HairTracksForSale
@TheRealNiaMoore: I was prolly at pool drunk and talking real shit with @SometimesISAAC when Camila and Nany got it poppin! Lol I wish Daisy was in that house
@SometimesISAAC: @TheRealNiaMoore fluv ya hottie
@iamheathercooke: And wow emilee.. Low going in on a girl's body and brain! #meangirl
@Chet_Cannon: This is one of the benefits of leaving early. #FreeAgents
@MtvJess: #TEAMJESS Shirts coming soon!!
@MTVShowBlog: Let's never fight again!!!! Let's get brunch! #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@ZachMTV: Who thinks @NanyMTV and @CamilaMTV should make out after they apologize.
@NanyMTV: @ZachMTV @CamilaMTV LOL stop Zach ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
@MTVBananas: "whats wrong with you people?" @PrestoMagicmtv @mtv #freeagents
@JohnnyReilly_: Lol at the apology music #TheChallenge #FreeAgents @NanyMTV @CamilaMTV
@CamilaMTV: Ct instigates, we want 2go after him &realize "thats unrealistic" then decide 2kill each other @NanyMTV Sounded like a good plan.#freeagents
@CamilaMTV: On a different note (๐Ÿ™ˆ)... Jordan & Laurel, cute right?! ๐Ÿ˜˜ @JordanMTV @laurelstucky #freeagents #thechallenge
@laurelstucky: @CamilaMTV @JordanMTV we did not kiss! Everyone needs to het their eyes checked. We were just cheek to cheek
@ChallengeMTV: @CamilaMTV @JordanMTV @laurelstucky totally!
@MtvJess: @CamilaMTV and @NanyMTV fighting ๐Ÿ˜–๐Ÿ˜ฑ #latinasgohard #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@JazMTV: @laurelstucky notebook was scary! !
@laurelstucky: @JazMTV omg what is this thing about the notebook?!? Lol
@TylerDuckMTV: Hug it out girls... Time to Samba! @CamilaMTV ... Meanwhile, @laurelstucky fell in love with @JordanMTV ... #challengeNights
@JordanMTV: @TylerDuckMTV @CamilaMTV @laurelstucky Arrrrriba!!! Haha #notopposite
@laurelstucky: @TylerDuckMTV wait hold up Tyler you got that backwards @jordanmtv
@laurelstucky: @JordanMTV @TylerDuckMTV @CamilaMTV i don't know when the last time i heard arriba was but i like it
@TylerDuckMTV: โ€œ@laurelstucky: @JordanMTV @TylerDuckMTV @CamilaMTV i don't know when the last time i heard arriba was but i like itโ€ Arrriba = Dance It Out
@CamilaMTV: @laurelstucky @JordanMTV @TylerDuckMTV ARRIBAAAAAAAA
@ZachMTV: Everybody welcome @laurelstucky burn book to the challenge. #deadkittens
@laurelstucky: @ZachMTV haaaaa
@EmileeMTV: Laurels notebook was scarier than the challenges themselves. ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ˜ฑ
@iamheathercooke: Even tho I didn't have that long with @MtvJess on rivals 2 she still struck me as a beauty inside and out. Don't let anybody say otherwise!
@MtvJess: @iamheathercooke thanks baby ๐Ÿ’‹๐Ÿ‘Œ hope to see you back soon!
@JayGMTV: Watching the challenge right now with @JustJem24 @EmileeMTV @LaToyaJMTV and @JazMTV
@LaToyaJMTV: Bishes actin up tonight! #thechallange #freeagents
@TylerDuckMTV: My favorite cast member this season is the color Neon! The more the better @mtv #freeagents
@CaraMariaMTV: For the record: I told @laurelstucky to play her own game with her votes. I'll go against whoever I have to go against.
@laurelstucky: @CaraMariaMTV but! I considered you every chance that I could โ™ฅ
@PrestoMagicmtv: I spy @kipwinger back on MTV #FreeAgents
@NickBrownOnline: Thanx 4 invite! Smh RT @JayGMTV Watching the challenge right now with @JustJem24 @EmileeMTV @LaToyaJMTV and @JazMTV
@CaraMariaMTV: Never play scared when it comes to draws/eliminations. just. do. work. @mtv #TheChallenge #Freeagents
@frankcsweeney: Oh, cool. Another draw. #FreeAgents #IsThisRealLife
@DerrickMTV: Ahhh...The Power of Alcohol. And it's always bc of a man isn't it. Couldn't someone have just paid for C.T.'s $750 tab....smh. #FreeAgents
@jonnamtv: oh look who woke up, just in time for deliberation...
@TheMarkLong: They should do a challenge called #FreeTequila ...someone will die, trust me. #mtv #FreeAgents
@RobinMTV14: @TheMarkLong lol I think they did that one in Mexico
@ChallengeMTV: @TheMarkLong I think you're on to something!
@JohnnyReilly_: @PrestoMagicmtv what a commercial that was ... Gotta sell my body for @UnderArmour apparel
@MtvJess: @PrestoMagicmtv ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ˜‚ love you boo ha ha @Johnny
@TheRealNiaMoore: Ok I'm over this episode. I'm not going home so I'm over it. Lmao who did I miss on following spree?? Hashtag #HurricaneNia
@TheresaMTV: I don't drive stick- I drive...๐Ÿ˜‹๐Ÿ†โœŒ๏ธ
@RobinMTV14: โ€œ@susie_meister: @CamilaMTV You are one sassy Brazilian!โ€ Sassy are sure that's the word you want to use....
@MTVBananas: I would have loved to see the look on @JohnnyReilly_ fathers face during that clip with @PrestoMagicmtv #freeagents @mtv
@JohnnyReilly_: @MTVBananas @PrestoMagicmtv @MTV just got a text "what the fuck?"
@PrestoMagicmtv: Totally had the biggest rush on Jonny 10pack!!! Love it. #freeagents
@RobinMTV14: โ€œ@NanyMTV: Sure, CT instigates the fight and leaves us two crazies to battle it out ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜ฉโ€at least your smart enough to realize...
@TylerDuckMTV: Nice scarf @BSwiftMTV ... #Questionable #freeagents
@DevynSimone: Worst part of the draw = packing. #TheChallenge #FreeAgents
@davidbloom7: โ€œ@DevynSimone: Worst part of the draw = packing. #TheChallenge #FreeAgentsโ€ Yeah. I can imagine especially with your wardrobe.
@ZachMTV: .@BSwiftMTV when you get it poppin as much as you do, all you can really ooze is confidence.
@jonnamtv: @laurelstucky i'm coming for you!!! ahhhhh lol
@laurelstucky: @jonnamtv haaaahaaa
@MTVBananas: Damn @jonnamtv you'd better hope this isn't a determine your right hand from left hand elimination! @mtv #freeagents
@NaomiMTV: @jonnamtv u look soooo cute!!
@JohnnyReilly_: #GodDamn this #draw
@MTVShowBlog: Gotta love @tjlavin's poker face...#TheChallengeFreeAgents
@TylerDuckMTV: Best highlights award this season goes to... @laurelstucky #Loreal #YoureWorthIt
@laurelstucky: @TylerDuckMTV thanks ty ty
@jonnamtv: hey i mean, at least i dont have to do this draw... im already in!
@MtvJess: @CaraMariaMTV is FREEEEE
@JohnnyReilly_: 50/50...
@JazMTV: This was the hardest thing to watch!  #cancun4life @EmileeMTV @jonnamtv
@JohnnyReilly_: I'm nervous again
@TylerDuckMTV: This card flipping thing is tantamount to getting ur STD results back... #anxietyattack #freeagents
@EmileeMTV: I don't hate anyone but that card #freeagents
@JohnnyReilly_: Sorry @frankcsweeney
@LaToyaJMTV: @EmileeMTV NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!
@EmileeMTV: @jonnamtv I love you.
@MtvJess: Hope y'all brought your rage #rage @mtv #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@RobinMTV14: Omg wrecking ball @tjlavin where's @MileyCyrus ... I'm lame lol
@djstweetarazzi: @RobinMTV14 @tjlavin @MileyCyrus You know how I know we have spent too much time talking, I was thinking the exact same thing! #LameNAwesome
@TylerDuckMTV: South America literally HATES poor @frankcsweeney ... #GetItFranky #FreeAgents
@NaomiMTV: @jonnamtv is a fucking beast #freeagents
@ZachMTV: That's a wall you're suppose to break not your neighbors door. @emileemtv #killedit
@MTVBananas: Battle of the two most un athletic females on the planet! @jonnamtv @EmileeMTV  @mtv #freeagents
@jonnamtv: @MTVBananas @EmileeMTV @MTV thanks bananas.. i fucked up in the challenge so i guess this is punishment.
@davidbloom7: โ€œ@MTVBananas: Battle of the two most un athletic females on the planet! @jonnamtv @EmileeMTV  @mtv #freeagentsโ€ Bananas for the win!
@busdriversroute: @MTVBananas Katelyn would like a word with you for not including her in that.
@davidbloom7: @laurelstucky It is just so good to have you back. #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@TylerDuckMTV: @laurelstucky has zero fucks to give #ItsOfficial
@JazMTV: I luv both my girls
@NaomiMTV: @dustinzito good luck bruh
@DevynSimone: This is the second time that the girl who pulled the kill card got sent home. This game is all sorts of crazy! #FreeAgents #TheChallenge
@EmileeMTV: It was @jonnamtv's before I even pulled that card. She deserved it. And kicked ass. I love you! #freeagents
@TylerDuckMTV: @frankcsweeney Every REAL gay man in America is rootin' for u!!
@jonnamtv: ok so this looks easy.. but let me tell you. its not.. i fuckeddd my arms up!
@MtvJess: I can't watch ๐Ÿ™ˆ๐Ÿ™ˆ๐Ÿ™ˆ๐Ÿ™ˆ #TheChallengeFreeAgents @mtv
@PrestoMagicmtv: .@laurelstucky your absolute indifference is marvelous
@DerrickMTV: 2 Very Cool Elimination Round Set Ups. Good shit @BunimMurray.
@brittany_baldi: did u know @EmileeMTV broke 1 of her fingers during that challenge? she showed me it last weekend.  #warrior #freeagents @MTVChallenge25
@EmileeMTV: "@MTVBananas: Battle of the two most un athletic females on the planet! @jonnamtv @EmileeMTV" are you still mad that I drowned the bobble?
@BSwiftMTV: Great job throwing them bows @jonnamtv  all the way to the top !#ThemBruisesWereSerious! #BossStatus!
@EmileeMTV: I broke my middle finger on that wall... it will forever look like ETS dick. #freeagents
@brittany_baldi: @EmileeMTV hahaha STFU dude like ETS dick lmao. I seen that in person. I just tweeted about it
@JazMTV: @BSwiftMTV :)
@TylerDuckMTV: I'd be singing "Bust the Windows out Yo' Car" towards victory @frankcsweeney has got this, I have faith (the George Michael kind) #gaygaygay
@TylerDuckMTV: The key to victory? #fisting #teamFrank @frankcsweeney #freeagents
@MtvJess: Aweeeeee good job Frankie love you boo @TeamFrankMTV #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@IamAdamKuhn: Whoaaa! @frankcsweeney is a beast! #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@NanyMTV: Okay guys! Enough of the challenge. Time for work! #BottomsUp come see me!
@TylerDuckMTV: @frankcsweeney Always goes put on TOP #WinningInWeho @MTVBananas #freeagents #BottomsUp
@MtvJess: Thanks @dustinzito
@ZachMTV: Hats off to @frankcsweeney however #teamjess just took a huge hit, how's she gonna get that "release"
@MtvJess: @ZachMTV @frankcsweeney killing challenges duhhhhh ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿ’
@MTVShowBlog: "You pull that card and it's like..." *CHAOS* See y'all next week! #TheChallengeFreeAgents

> After Show, After Hours, and the Day After
@TylerDuckMTV: @susie_meister Time for the Queen of Challenges to keep it real!!! #AfterShow #FreeAgents #BlondeBombshell
@RobinMTV14: @susie_meister you look great!
@PrestoMagicmtv: Preach @NanyMTV
@RobinMTV14: โ€œ@susie_meister: @RobinMTV14 Thanks, mommy!โ€ Yes my boys were trying to stay up late bc no school tomorrow. :)
@MTVBananas: Damn @frankcsweeney you're getting pooped on, on the Aftershow! @mtv #freeagents
@frankcsweeney: @MTVBananas @MTV Nobody likes a dirty bottom. #ShitDick
@frankcsweeney: Sick & still slaying. You can call me the #PneumoniaNinja. #FreeAgents
@MtvJess: Dustin left but I had a game to play โœŒ๏ธ #TheChallengeFreeAgents @mtv
@DerrickMTV: Hahahaha!! "I just got Eliminated." -Challenge 25. The Evolution of the Challenge.
@MTVBananas: Damn, @dustinzito you couldn't pay for publicity like that! @mtv #freeagents
@JazMTV: Noooo!!! Lol
@DevynSimone: OOoo they just put @JazMTV and @SometimesISAAC on blast! Guess who i had lunch with today too... ill give u 2 guesses..#FreeAgents
@LaToyaJMTV: My ninja @dustinzito pullen all the hunnies, playboy bunnies, girls wanting money!
@JustJem24: I put bitches on blast
@MTVBananas: Holy Shitballs! @SometimesISAAC you took down @JazMTV ?! @mtv #freeagents
@SometimesISAAC: @MTVBananas @jazmtv @mtv all movie magic... That didnt even look like me๐Ÿ˜œ
@JustJem24: Sorry jaz and Isaac ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
@frankcsweeney: Say what you will. But I'm sitting in Grad School class right now and my record is still undefeated. #FreeAgents #MovingOnAndMovingForward
@JustJem24: I always know wtf is going on
@JazMTV: Why yall so mad!
@RobinMTV14: @JustJem24 this old ass will put you over her knee for a good old spanking or I may need to put a bar of soap in that filthy mouth of yours!
@JustJem24: When I left I told @CamilaMTV if these bitches fuck with you ill catch a flight back.... Bc nobody beats #TeamSubtitles in a real fight
@SometimesISAAC: Its all movie magic.... Notice they have NO footage, no proof, no dice๐Ÿ˜œ
@JustJem24: But I love @NanyMTV and @CaraMariaMTV. I would have put my sister in timeout
@MtvJess: @NanyMTV is so freakin cute ha ha @TeamCohuttaMTV
@CaraMariaMTV: My #boston comes out when I'm pissed. @mtv #Thechallenge #Freeagents
@CaraMariaMTV: What the house says behind someones back- i discuss to someones face. I aint about that shadey challenga drama caca. @mtv #Thechallenge
@MtvJess: Two years ago VS two days ago....don't forget why you started. It's not easy, we all fall off but youโ€ฆ
@SometimesISAAC: @JazMTV is my girl, love her to death, would proudly give er that D, buut sex? All i saw was a pan shot of the beach... Movie magic folks
@RobinMTV14: @susie_meister badass female, good competitor and quick witted! Got to love it!
@ryanmalaty: If you ain't first, you're last #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@MtvJess: So I say dumb things yet @susie_meister "can't remember"  Rightttyttt. That's dumb โœŒ๏ธ๐Ÿ‘‹
@tjlavin: Come on! Haha RT @DevynSimone: Uhh @MTV  I still don't know how to drive stick... @tjlavin lessons? #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@DevynSimone: @tjlavin @MTV I'll take that as a yes! When I come to vegas you're giving me lessons. #IGetToDriveTJsCar #BadAss
@RobinMTV14: @susie_meister totally agree with you about the format it makes it a pure dog fight to win. You can't scheme yourself to a win!
@CamilaMTV: What we all don't know is that some of the people on this show ain't real. They're trying to become something they'll never be.
@CaraMariaMTV: @CamilaMTV water under the bridge now. just angers me when the house talks smack but hides the next day. You know we tell it like it is :)
@tjlavin: Haha RT @RobinMTV14: Omg wrecking ball @tjlavin where's @MileyCyrus ... I'm lame lol
@TylerDuckMTV: @susie_meister Gorgy & Bess!!! Look at that smokey eye! So beautiful! Teach me how to be pretty #Aftershow
@RobinMTV14: @AneesaMTV remember on G2 when you were @TheMarkLong entertainment! You were hot and still are! I'm still working on how to make it clap lol
@djstweetarazzi: @RobinMTV14 @AneesaMTV @TheMarkLong Okay I missed something... I pray to god I am thinking of what you made clap correctly lol
@RobinMTV14: @djstweetarazzi yes my butt. @AneesaMTV has tried to help me learn. It's hard lol well at least for me :)
@djstweetarazzi: @RobinMTV14 @AneesaMTV Now this is one training session that I think should def be shown to the world :) or at least me lol
@frankcsweeney: If I'm going to talk the talk, I'm going to strut the mothafuggin' walk. #FreeAgents #ItsOvah
@CaraMariaMTV: lmao at @frankcsweeney  and i texting about @RuPaulsDragRace #shade #werk
@frankcsweeney: @CaraMariaMTV @RuPaulsDragRace #TheImportantThings
@RobinMTV14: Ok taking my old ass as says @JustJem24 to bed so I can color Easter Eggs with my boys tomorrow. My Real Life Challenge! Love It!
@NanyMTV: I don't care what was said on that aftershow, Camila and I were both at fault. Not one of us is better than the other. End of story.
@RobinMTV14: @NanyMTV well they edited you to look better just saying.
@NanyMTV: I was feeling some type of way!
@CamilaMTV: When ur confident in who U are the fall downs can only make you better. #HatersGonnaHate #iamonlyhuman โœŒ๏ธ #freeagents
@RobinMTV14: Now I know why @JustJem24 was talking shit last week she lost. That sucks it go home first been there.
@JustJem24: @RobinMTV14 went home & give no fucks bc the challenge isn't my life. I got other shit going on while you're at home begging to get casted
@RobinMTV14: @JustJem24 I don't need to beg I'm Robin! I have a family and kids relax I just love watching and playing!
@JustJem24: @RobinMTV14 but I promise u if you say one more thing about @CamilaMTV I will tell @BunimMurray to bring you back so I slap your old ass
@RobinMTV14: @JustJem24 you got serious problems and if I want to say something about any over you or @CamilaMTV I will! Freedom of Speech. Relax!
@RobinMTV14: @JustJem24 lol mine either babe didn't know you had so much hatred for me. Ok wish you well anyways!
@RobinMTV14: @JustJem24 I don't need to beg I'm Robin! I have a family and kids relax I just love watching and playing!
@RobinMTV14: @JustJem24 little girls slap id hit you with a left hook... Ok now off to bed lol.
@MtvJess: Thanks @NanyMTV love you baby girl. @EmileeMTV one week they love you, the next they hate you. Both you got payed. #nosweat #loves
@robb_schreiber: I retract my previous tweet. Playoff hockey is the greatest thing on this planet.
@dc408dxtr: @robb_schreiber def agree w/ you, watched it before F/A tonight, we had 2 OT games tonight, def enjoy watching it as much as NBA playoffs.
@TheOfficial_CT: when in @rippysnashville ... #nashville brantaylor I missed me some Nashville!
@TyrieBMTV: Get on twitter after a long day of work to see kats giving @MtvJess problems. N.... I'm mad
@MtvJess: @TyrieBMTV they're scrubs, no sweat
@JordanMTV: So uhhh #TheChallenge #FreeAgents happened tonight. Who watched? What happened?? Go.
@laurelstucky: @cohuttamtv nice work cohutta. Happy birthday again! ๐Ÿ‘Š #team
@cohuttaMTV: @laurelstucky yes mam! 
@laurelstucky: We did not kiss! What the hizell.
@TylerDuckMTV: @CamilaMTV She fights, she Sambas, she dances on roofs... True she almost got us arrested @JordanMTV @AneesaMTV
@JordanMTV: @TylerDuckMTV @CamilaMTV @AneesaMTV He ain't lyin' #shesananimal #shesFam
@JordanMTV: May not have won tonight, but couldn't be more proud of @JazMTV !!  Stayed so calm! And set the pace on that run! #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@JazMTV: @JordanMTV I had the best person I could trust.  Peeps for life!  Thanks for showing me how to drive stick #FreeAgents
@TylerDuckMTV: This is TOTALLY @laurelstucky in a challenge house... #SleepWithOneEyeOpenBitches #challengeNights
@laurelstucky: @TylerDuckMTV you and @zachmtv both say stuff like that to me about me. I die laughing
@RoyLee25mtv: @tjlavin I see you homie.. Rockin the @Forgiven shirt on #RIDICULOUSNESS โœŠ๐Ÿ‘
@laurelstucky: Man Country boys I'll tell you can't get enough they have it all.
@MtvJess: Instagram: @MtvJess #instagram
@heathermarter: Treat everyone with kindness, even those who are rude โ€” not because they are nice, but because you are.
@CamilaMTV: That's life yall...S*@& happens. Especially locked in the environment like we are.@CaraMariaMTV @NanyMTV See u next week ladies! #freeagents
@RoyLee25mtv: I'm About to watch The Challenge  #FreeAgents ๐Ÿ˜œ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘
@dustinzito: viproomnyc
@TheRealNiaMoore: God I miss my puppies. Can't sleep the same. I miss them taking up all the space on my bed ๐Ÿ˜ฉ Cant wait to get home.
@laurelstucky: @emfitmtv i'm smiling about our dinner and I am so happy for you, genuinely. I can't wait for what's coming.
@EmFitMTV: @laurelstucky โค๏ธโค๏ธโค๏ธ so much love to you, pretty lady
@CamilaMTV: #SUBSCRIBE Yall've been requesting me to sing, so here...RT if you like & subscribe for more videos ;") #comingsoon
@Knight_MTV: @CamilaMTV yo people this girl can sing so check out her songs. LUV YA CAMILA
@AnastasiaClaire: @MtvJess I made an account tonight to specifically tell YOU how amazing you were. I was disappointed with what was said after. You rocked.
@AnastasiaClaire: @MtvJess handled things with grace and it's very hard to in that house. I loved that. Xo.
@AnastasiaClaire: @EmileeMTV ๐Ÿ˜ hello wall lover. I suspect you had a deep passion for that wall, so you couldn't punch it to climb...duh! #illmissu #wah
@EmileeMTV: @AnastasiaClaire I love you.  โ™ก
@AnastasiaClaire: @EmileeMTV I love you too! :-) shit happens.
@MTVBananas: Gotta love a girl who has her priorities in order! RT @Noel_Slawinski: Can't go out until I watch Free Agents because I love Bananas ๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿ’›"
@laurelstucky: I would love to do a reading of my tweets from last nights episode.
@laurelstucky: What a SICK Challenge last night.
@EmileeMTV: I have no comment on the elderly who got dropped from this challenge bc her walker was making ratchet noises #byefelicia
@laurelstucky: Aw Cohoots I love you a lot. You are seriously an amazing person, man, musician, the list goes on. @cohuttamtv
@laurelstucky: So many things happening on #TheChallengeFreeAgents this season. LOVE IT. This is so good.
@EmileeMTV: I would sit here and talk shit but.... a quitter is a quitter and that speaks volumes for itself. You can go shave your back now.
@EmileeMTV: AND IIIIIII....WILLLLLL ALWAAAAAAYS LOVEEEE YOUUUUUUUUUUU. #rideordie #cancun #byetoallthefelicias
@laurelstucky: @frankcsweeney Love the pick up that they made me do yesterday for you :) I am sorry you were feeling sick Franky
@laurelstucky: Have you seen #TheChallengeFreeAgents #AfterShow ? So many cool, un-seen footage shown. Really, this season thumbs up
@MtvJess: The gym is calling my name butt I just wanna sleep ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿ˜ด๐Ÿ’‹โœจg 
@laurelstucky: @DevynSimone  @aneesamtv @nanymtv What's it really like in #TheChallengeFreeAgents house?!? HA!
@laurelstucky: Having my friends and family say they are proud of me.
@laurelstucky: I am the happiest I have ever been in my entire life.
@laurelstucky: I like @jonnamtv :) she is pretty, a good player in a small little package.
@laurelstucky: Sometimes it's just like: I just don't have enough time to walk you through it an explainโ€ฆ. sorry.
@TheRealNiaMoore: Face time with my baby mama @PeaceLoveJoi. I miss you beautiful
@laurelstucky: Comparte el amor hoy. Y no, esto no quiere decir amor romรกntico, sino amor universal. โค
@JazMTV: Hungover as hell!
@TheRealNiaMoore: For those who keep asking about that epic crash I had on last nights episode, it didn't hurt. The embarrassment was far more painful๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ฉ @MTV
@CaraMariaMTV: โ€We see things not as they are, but as we are.โ€ - H. M. Tomlinson
@CaraMariaMTV: It's easy to point the finger at others. Its harder to take a look inward to yourself. Be a good person first.... the rest will follow.
@ayiiia_eliza: @CaraMariaMTV take a negative and turn it into a positive :) awesome job
@CaraMariaMTV: @ayiiia_eliza Things I've said to you on twitter years ago still haunt me. I hate my past actions and behaviors. But I can only learn.
@ayiiia_eliza: @CaraMariaMTV we are all wrapped up in this dysfunctional world. Cast members need to respect one another more often. We've forgiven each other although other people think just because we're on a show it's ok to hurt each others feelings for fun, it's not. i love and respect you. You've grown tremendously, i congratulate you babe :) keep your head up. you're better than the drama.
@CaraMariaMTV: Don't be afraid to be proud of your accomplishments... and always be thankful for your blessings. Make each day worth something.
@MtvJess: I swear I live in @AskTeamUA @UnderArmour clothes. Their pants make my booty look ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ’‹๐Ÿ’ฏ thanks #TeamUA
@JamieChinaMTV: @MtvJess @AskTeamUA @UnderArmour Neeeed. The stuff they gave us on our show was too small for me๐Ÿ˜ญneed some for this new kickboxing nonsense!
@MtvJess: @JamieChinaMTV @AskTeamUA @UnderArmour it would be nice if they sent us some stuff!
@MtvJess: @CaraMariaMTV is amazing love you girllll! You're such a beautiful person.
@MtvJess: During these challenges you meet some pretty amazing people who completely change your life forever. #love #learn #grow #mtv
@MTVBananas: Airline ticket person: "Enjoy your flight". Me: "You too"
@NanyMTV: #Familia @dustinzito
@MTV: All's fair in love and war and #TheChallengeFreeAgents:
@JayGMTV: Starting wed night 10pm eastern time (same time slot as Real world) I will officially be running a spreecast interview internet show!
@iamheathercooke: I was thinkin who I would have picked had I got the choice to for the challenge last night..Thinkin Jordan, Frank, Dustin, Cohutta, or Leroy
@MTVCoryWharton: Satisfied??? What's that!!!!! #GrindMode
@MtvJess: Looking like Cali in the next 8-12 months โœŒ๏ธ
@MtvJess: The fire burns hot, burns quick and burns out. Ain't nothing but a flame....๐Ÿ”ฅ
@ChallengeMTV: Sneak a peek at next week's episode of #TheChallengeFreeAgents:

> As The Fans Saw It
@BigTymers228: I Can't Wait To Watch @MtvJess @LaToyaJMTV @TheRealNiaMoore @DevynSimone On The Challenge Tonight
@BigTymers228: I Can't Wait To Watch @TheOfficial_CT On The Challenge Tonight
@BigTymers228: I Can't Wait To Watch @BSwiftMTV On The Challenge Tonight
@BigTymers228: I Can't Wait To Watch @TheresaMTV On The Challenge Tonight
@CSUAKirk: chatting with @EmileeMTV  4:30 PST 7:30 #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@AceNichols33: Convinced all of the people on the current season of #TheChallengeFreeAgents hate me. LOL. WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.
@davidbloom7: #TheChallenge Women weekly Power Rankings: Top 6 @laurelstucky @CamilaMTV @CaraMariaMTV @AneesaMTV @MtvJess @NanyMTV
@CardellChris: Challenge tonight followed by an aftershow! #challengefreeagents ๐Ÿ˜ƒ
@brianteng2014: todays mtv the challenge free agents
@DjJesseJ: Tune in tonight #freeagents #thechallenge @afterbuzztv Aftershow 8 pm pst Live on
@WWesWilliams: It's Thursday which means #TheChallenge is on! No better start to the weekend
@davidbloom7: Inspired by @JustJem24 comment, I cast THE HUNGER GAMES from #TheChallengeFreeAgents cast starring @laurelstucky.
@Justin_Rhines: Yea buddy! #TheChallengeFreeAgents is tonight! Rooting for @TheRealNiaMoore
@CSUAKirk: will be talking to @EmileeMTV  in about 30 mins tune in #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@CSUAKirk: 20 mins till I chat with @EmileeMTV  about #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@CSUAKirk: will be talking with @EmileeMTV  in a couple mins #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@CSUAKirk: reschduling the interview with @EmileeMTV  to Saturday 3 PST  6 EST  doing free agents chat instaed
@davidbloom7: Her time is now. Check out my interview and profile with the beautiful @MtvJess from #TheChallengeFreeAgents @RWRRMTV
@PinedaStephanie: and it's another #ChallengeDay :P @MtvJess @TheRealNiaMoore @dustinzito @cohuttaMTV @NanyMTV @laurelstucky @JohnnyReilly_ @CaraMariaMTV
@davidbloom7: #TheChallengeFreeAgents tonight. Check out last week's recap and power rankings: @RWRRMTV @mtv @BunimMurray
@busdriversroute: I hope Twitter is ready, under 30 minutes until I live tweet the crap out of @TheChallengeMTV. Be prepared.
@CSUAKirk: signing off twitter till i watch the episode of #TheChallengeFreeAgents  later tomorrow
@zachh24_: it's about that time.. #FreeAgents! Lets gooooo @EmileeMTV @TheRealNiaMoore @LaToyaJMTV
@Justin_Rhines: #TheChallengeFreeAgents STARTS NOW!!!
@kendallongg: FREE AGENTS BABY
@busdriversroute: Who will be the leading point scorer of the episode? #FreeAgents
@busdriversroute: Please @MTV, just one more time, give me an old school open with @theevanstarkman leading them all on some crazy ritual dance #FreeAgents
@kendallongg: Getting to see bae every week @EmileeMTV ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜ #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@kendallongg: Lmaoo Jess left Dustin high and dry ๐Ÿ˜ฉ
@busdriversroute: Our first hook up points of the season! Congrats @MtvJess and @dustinzito
@busdriversroute: I saw a kiss, I'm giving out points. Congrats @EmileeMTV and @dustinzito again. #FreeAgents
@djstweetarazzi: Well I have heard of #hitnrun but now @MtvJess has shown us the #kissnrun @dustinzito you a lucky somebody!
@kendallongg: Ctfu everyone hiding from @EmileeMTV ๐Ÿ˜ฉ๐Ÿ˜ฉfor what though ๐Ÿ˜‚ #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@busdriversroute: Hahahahahahaha poor @EmileeMTV. You can pick me #FreeAgents
@CardellChris: Watching challenge free agents rooting for @CamilaMTV  to win. #challengefreeagents ๐Ÿ˜ƒโค๏ธโค๏ธ๐Ÿ˜
@Jeff_Rabinowitz: I think @MtvJess is a good competitor
@kendallongg: Preston stays not getting picked and just thrown to a team ๐Ÿ˜ฉ๐Ÿ˜ฉ I'm weak #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@djstweetarazzi: Are these guys fools? I would have picked @MtvJess 1st! @RoyLee25mtv is lucky as hell! #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@kendallongg: Yessssss @NanyMTV throwin it DOWN tonight
@brianteng2014: watching the challenge free agents
@Justin_Rhines: Ah man, @BSwiftMTV doesn't know how to start the car haha #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@busdriversroute: Nia fell. My night is made #FreeAgents
@TheSteamer: @busdriversroute If she doesnโ€™t talk Iโ€™d sooner see her than Emilee.
@busdriversroute: "Obviously we're doing well, it's not that hard." @laurelstucky is the best.
@busdriversroute: In case there was any doubt @JohnnyReilly_ is a true Bostonian he just dropped the word "wicked."
@kendallongg: Poor @CamilaMTV stuck with Preston ๐Ÿ’€
@busdriversroute: "...And he's Preston." It really doesn't get better than that from @CamilaMTV. #FreeAgents
@TheSteamer: @busdriversroute @CamilaMTV I normally would laugh but I canโ€™t drive stick either.
@busdriversroute: @TheSteamer @CamilaMTV Neither can I lol
@kendallongg: WAIT PRESTON AND @CamilaMTV KILLED IT ๐Ÿ˜ฑ
@kendallongg: WOOTWOOT my girl killin it this season ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘ @MtvJess
@busdriversroute: Ok @tjlavin is just messing with us now. That's FOUR "you killed it" points to do dolled out. #FreeAgents
@djstweetarazzi: Hey @PrestoMagicmtv, @MtvJess ass is just as much of an asset as her intelligence & heart! #DontUnderestimateJess #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@kendallongg: Pullin in the big W tonight @laurelstucky ๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘
@busdriversroute: The hook up points are out of control right now! #FreeAgents
@busdriversroute: Woah! Woah! Woah! They don't get bar service when they go out on The Challenge?!?!?!?!
@kendallongg: 4:30am and still fightin? Shit I'm sleep I would've missed the entire fight
@NotoriousAJM: "@ZachMTV: Does everyone see @NanyMTV holding her weave in her hand while fighting. #worldstarhiphop" hilarity
@JanelMcG: Why are y'all holding them back??? If they wanted to fight they would have already... #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@busdriversroute: I wish I can give more points to @CamilaMTV and @NanyMTV, this is fantastic. #FreeAgents
@CardellChris: Cohutta is lucky! Wish I had @NanyMTV proposing to me! But @cohuttaMTV is a an awesome guy for Nany! ๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐Ÿ˜
@Justin_Rhines: It's Nany vs. Camila. I like it #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@kendallongg: Shawty swerved me again ๐Ÿ˜ฉ๐Ÿ˜ฉ @EmileeMTV lmfao
@busdriversroute: Oh no Jonna is coming for @laurelstucky, what will Laurel do????
@TheSteamer: @busdriversroute @laurelstucky I think I woke my neighbors laughing at that.
@kendallongg: I'd die in the draw. This is legit Russian roulette.
@kendallongg: Yayayayayayay going from sent in every elimination last season to having this season a break @CaraMariaMTV ๐Ÿ™Œ
@busdriversroute: I swear I thought @tjlavin said "wrecking ball" and would never forgive The Challenge for incorporating Miley Cyrus into this. #FreeAgents
@kendallongg: One of my faves is going home ๐Ÿ˜– @jonnamtv @EmileeMTV a Cancun elimination
@kendallongg: Please come back next season boo ๐Ÿ˜ฟ @EmileeMTV
@busdriversroute: I feel like I should just have this tweet saved because it'll be repeated a lot but @laurelstucky is the best. "I don't care who comes back"
@davidbloom7: โ€œ@PrestoMagicmtv: .@laurelstucky your absolute indifference is marvelousโ€ Preach, @PrestoMagicmtv
@GoldenGreggy: Did you have as much tattoos on your season ? @JohnnyReilly_
@GoldenGreggy: That challenge looks fun #freeagents #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@JohnyZig: emilee shouldve used ace quote 1st challenge i went home 1st 2nd challenge go home 2nd & my 3rd challenge im going home 3rd lol
@kendallongg: Aye aye aye @frankcsweeney won ๐Ÿ‘Š๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘
@busdriversroute: Wow @frankcsweeney good job, you didn't kill it but good job. #FreeAgents
@TheSteamer: @busdriversroute @frankcsweeney He beat a very good competitor with no real prep. I think he did.
@busdriversroute: @TheSteamer @frankcsweeney Not according to Teej lol
@TheSteamer: @busdriversroute @frankcsweeney He gave out too many after the challenge. He had to dial it down.
@kendallongg: This season is so unpredictable. I love it! @mtv @BunimMurray #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@Noel_Slawinski: Can't go out until I watch Free Agents because  I love @MTVBananas ๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿ’›
@Justin_Rhines: #TheChallengeFreeAgents was awesome. @dustinzito kick butt, @jonnamtv kick butt, hell it was awesome #FreeAgents
@NotoriousAJM: #GoTeamAneesaBananas
@busdriversroute: Hey @JazMTV you get a lot more than just "1 point" for that hook up. Congrats to you and Isaac #FreeAgents
@djstweetarazzi: Okay @dustinzito didn't win the money on #TheChallengeFreeAgents but he most def won! How? He got to kiss @MtvJess! #Winning! #HeWon!
@JohnyZig: the amount of charismatic @dustinzito oozes is ridiculous. his def the most electrifying man in challenges #dustinisclass
@AceNichols33: Watch last week's CHALLENGE #FREEAGENTS *RECAP* - KILL CARD!: New one soon!
@busdriversroute: Infinite props @JohnnyReilly_ with @NanyMTV next week. Infinite props.
@davidbloom7: There is no better person to watch #TheChallengeFreeAgents than @roxystriar. Thank you for letting borrow her tonight @TheMarkLong @DjJesseJ
@busdriversroute: I should be speaking with @EmileeMTV at some point over the next few days to talk about her unfortunate second short stint on The Challenge.
@djstweetarazzi: You know if @MtvJess kisses someone else, & then they go home as well, she may be known as the Black Widow of #TheChallengeFreeAgents lol
@djstweetarazzi: @MtvJess Heres whats going to happen, Jess is gonna keep dominating, & whatever guy she kisses is the one who goes home! lol
@davidbloom7: #TheChallenge winners of tonight: @cohuttaMTV - great birthday, @laurelstucky as partner, kisses @NanyMTV, @SometimesISAAC as friend
@davidbloom7: #TheChallenge winners of tonight: @PrestoMagicmtv finally got a chance to show off his running skills, a masterful but realistic peacemaker
@davidbloom7: #TheChallenge winners of tonight: Catwoman, beautiful representation at the costume party by @NanyMTV and @CamilaMTV
@davidbloom7: #TheChallenge winners of tonight: @laurelstucky for being awesome in every aspect of this game (maybe with exception of next day memories)
@davidbloom7: #TheChallengeFreeAgents winners of tonight: @JazMTV I saw you girl. Somebody may have had her best performance in a challenge yet.
@davidbloom7: #TheChallenge winners of the night: @ZachMTV for winning the partner's sweepstakes, @TheOfficial_CT for withstanding an undesirable partner
@davidbloom7: #TheChallenge winners of the night: @MtvJess - 2 weeks. 2 dominant performances. 2 times proving everyone wrong. #princesshulk the return
@davidbloom7: "It was great to see @dustinzito sent home." - says nobody ever. Another big loss on #TheChallenge. Tough times #teamNewOrleans. @JustJem24
@davidbloom7: #TheChallengeFreeAgents winners of the night: @CamilaMTV may be a bit of an enigma, but is truly amazing to watch. #teamsubtitles lives on
@brianteng2014: @RWExplosion @MTVRWNews @RWRRHOTTIES @ForBananas @busdriversroute @dc408dxtr @dc408dxnow what a episode of free agent it was
@GoldenGreggy: I cannot keep up with all these people lol #TheChallengeFreeAgents it's like 30 right? And every 5 seconds I'm saying "oh yeah he's there"
@NotoriousAJM: SUSIE๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜
@davidbloom7: There is something really special about @laurelstucky reaction to @CaraMariaMTV pulling the safe card. #friendship #Loyalty
@GoldenGreggy: #nf @PrestoMagicmtv cause duh, lucky duck with that breakfast in bed ;)
@PinedaStephanie: This girl is obsessed, no one was even talking about her! damn! @MtvJess you got nothing to worry girl, she's the crazy one!
@J_Medd: The Challenge: Free Agents ๐Ÿ˜
@AceNichols33: Ok y'all. Ready to finally watch #TheChallengeFreeAgents! Let's goooooo
@JanelMcG: Looks like we'll be speaking with @laurelstucky today about #TheChallengeFreeAgents! @RealityRadioPod
@kmacisco: Dear @cohuttaMTV your voice is the most adorable thing. When you said baby baby baby ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜
@kmacisco: I love you @dustinzito
@kmacisco: Absolutely loved @susie_meister on the aftershow โค๏ธ
@busdriversroute: The most fascinating moment of last night's @FreeAgentsMTV by far was @TheOfficial_CT paying for all the drinks. So many questions!
@CSUAKirk: love @ZachMTV  in the interviews being like don't pick me don't pick me dude has great one liners #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@CSUAKirk: man that has to hurt @TheRealNiaMoore  #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@CSUAKirk: was the bar they went to really called Moby Dick lol #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@CSUAKirk: a @CamilaMTV  meltdown already hell ya!! #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@CSUAKirk: deja vu @dustinzito  holding @NanyMTV  back #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@CSUAKirk: gotta give an e for effort to @BrandonDNelson  and @dustinzito  for trying to hold those two back bet that wasn't easy #FreeAgents
@CSUAKirk: @susie_meister 's back on MTV yessss  glad to have the opportunity to talk to her numerous times #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@CSUAKirk: The way @BSwiftMTV  flipped that card was what his last name is Swift #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@CSUAKirk: @DjJesseJ  havent watched the afterbuzz yet but did you get my steamer question?
@TheSteamer: @CSUAKirk Yes. Yes he did.
@CSUAKirk: @TheSteamer  so far the challenges  have rocked i think MTV listened to us  that we want more intense challenge and less drama
@DjJesseJ: "@CSUAKirk: @DjJesseJ  havent watched the afterbuzz yet but did you get my steamer question?"he was unsure but he answered correctly!!
@CSUAKirk: @DjJesseJ  would you have gotten it right without me asking it it being a recent season you've covered?
@CSUAKirk: @NanyMTV  tells it like it is when it comes to people she doesn't like which i respect #TheChallengeFreeAgentsaftershow
@CSUAKirk: breaking down the 4th wall again @BunimMurray  your pleasing a lot of fans by doing this #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@CSUAKirk: oh no @JazMTV  not a big fan of the hookup we heard about on the after show #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@CSUAKirk: hoping to get all of that love triangle @EmileeMTV  @dustinzito  and @MtvJess  on @spreecast  b4 the next episode #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@CSUAKirk: damn can hear that heavy boston accent in @CaraMariaMTV   fight with @CamilaMTV  love it #FreeAgents

> And As I Saw It on #DCNow
@dc408dxtr: #DCNow Alert: #TheChallenge #FreeAgents beginning shortly on west coast...follow me @dc408dxnow for live tweeting of tonight's episode.
@dc408dxtr: As always, gonna have long night ahead of me after this ends compiling all these tweets for DCBLOG wrap. Good thing I work late tmrw.
@dc408dxnow: Now from hockey & two games going to OT, and with the Sharks winning at this point, off to Uruguay for #TheChallenge #FreeAgents.
@dc408dxnow: And we begin w/ @dustinzito @MtvJess talking w/ each other, and @EmileeMTV talking about their flirtation. Halloween is on. #FreeAgents
@dc408dxnow: And everyone's all dressed up for Halloween night in #TheChallenge house, can't tell who is who but it's an interesting night. And a kiss.
@dc408dxnow: Did we see that Dustin had a pact to not hook up w/ any other girls? Now he's w/ Jessica & Emilee, and Nany's not feeling it. #FreeAgents
@dc408dxnow: Now the day's mission: Auto Body Rally, & a pairs one. Speed is gonna be the name of the game today, in the car & on the bike. #FreeAgents
@dc408dxnow: Everyone's getting paired up, and how about Preston w/ the cartwheel? @BSwiftMTV @TheresaMTV & @NanyMTV @dustinzito up first. #FreeAgents
@dc408dxnow: As @dustinzito @NanyMTV are off & running and running away w/ this, @BSwiftMTV is still stuck back @ the start line. Poor Swift. #freeagents
@dc408dxnow: If you watched RWXXV, you'll remember Dustin doing go-kart racing, he most definitely lives for this, he & @nanymtv killed it! #teamVegas
@dc408dxnow: Now it's Team Hurricane @frankcsweeney @TheRealNiaMoore vs. Team Boston @EmileeMTV @TheOfficial_CT, and Emilee's running! #FreeAgents
@dc408dxnow: Oh, that was a bad fall by @TheRealNiaMoore @frankcsweeney, but thank goodness Nia had that helmet on. #FreeAgents #TeamHurricane
@dc408dxnow: Now @laurelstucky @cohuttaMTV vs. @ZachMTV @AneesaMTV. Becoming bit of a tough thing to do maneuvering that tricycle around. #FreeAgents
@dc408dxnow: .@MTVBananas @jonnamtv vs. @CaraMariaMTV @JohnnyReilly_ next up here. Bananas takes it, while the other Team Boston struggles but finishes.
@dc408dxnow: .@BrandonDNelson @LaToyaJMTV vs. @JordanMTV @JazMTV and Jordan & Jasmine are gonna take this by a mile. Jazzy's loving it. #FreeAgents
@dc408dxnow: Now @SometimesISAAC @DevynSimone vs. @CamilaMTV @PrestoMagicmtv and this is a shocker: Preston & Camila win. I didn't expect that.
@dc408dxnow: .@MtvJess @RoyLee25mtv vs. the clock, and they kill it! And in the end, they & @cohuttaMTV @laurelstucky are the top finishers. #freeagents
@dc408dxnow: One of those few nights out after a mission day, and it's @cohuttaMTV's bday tonight. And he & @NanyMTV share a kiss. Another romance here.
@dc408dxnow: And @JordanMTV has done it again, he's becoming interested in @laurelstucky, while @dustinzito @MtvJess share a connection. #FreeAgents
@dc408dxnow: But now we got some drama in this night, CT gets into it w/ Isaac & Camila, and Nany is defending the Brazilian. Now there's fighting. Wow.
@dc408dxnow: Now it's @NanyMTV & @CamilaMTV getting into words after all that. And @dustinzito @BrandonDNelson having to separate the two. #FreeAgents
@dc408dxnow: I really like how @dustinzito @NanyMTV are sort of like brother & sister, seen this a lot before on these shows, love 'ya both. #FreeAgents
@dc408dxnow: The elimination deliberations, and Cohutta sends in Dustin, while Laurel concurs in guys choice. And she picks Jonna to go in. #freeagents
@dc408dxnow: Now the Draw. In the past, players would have a day to strategize what to do in the elimination, but not here. Emilee goes to elimination.
@dc408dxnow: And for the guys, Johnny puts up a blank card, which means Frank goes in once again. Emilee vs. Jonna, Frank vs. Dustin. #FreeAgents
@dc408dxnow: As @jonnamtv wins over @EmileeMTV , tough seeing two people from the same cast face off, always will be supportive of #TeamCancun.
@dc408dxnow: Now it's @dustinzito vs. @frankcsweeney in elimination. We know what happened the last time they faced each other in #TheChallenge house.
@dc408dxnow: This is a close one between @frankcsweeney & @dustinzito, and it's Frank who wins. And @MtvJess doesn't know what has just happened.
@dc408dxnow: You may or may not like him, but Frank has really proved himself in winning these last two eliminations back-to-back. Good episode tonight.
@dc408dxtr: Pretty cool they've brought a studio show feel to #TheChallenge #FreeAgents After Show as @susie_meister @jonnymoseley are analyzing EP02.
@dc408dxtr: And they're going around the #FreeAgents house, I'll concur w/ the cast, it's prob best Challenge house ever, way better than jungle last yr
@dc408dxtr: Very good episode of #TheChallenge #FreeAgents. Now as I watch After Show, now compiling tweets for #DCSocialPulse @

DC WRAP and Chet Gets Engaged
Now to my episode wrap, and unlike last week & to meet the high demand of having this out sooner, I will make the effort in the rest of my post-episode wraps, with perhaps an exception or two if needed, to make it be brief and will only talk about the key moments from the episodes up until the final.
- We begin with the romances that we saw in this episode. In the premiere, we saw Dustin mention about a pact he had with his ex Heather that he wouldn't hook up with any girls while he is in Uruguay. Well, he broke that deal, but at least Heather didn't get mad at him on twitter about all this. First, he became flirty with Jessica and they kissed a couple times. And at the same time, Emilee is also feeling him. I'm not gonna join the talk of whether or not he is thirsty for attention, but as I'll be writing about in my Who Are These Newbies? post, there seems to be that charm about Dustin that gets girls interested in him, and with him being single now, it really caught on in the brief time he was there.
- Last week, we featured in our mega-wrap the huge twitter beef that arose between Jasmine & Nia. But something that both girls (who both actually follow me on twitter, but as always I won't take a side in their fight owing to my impartiality) agree on is that this week's mission is their favorite this season. Last week was a grueling one; this week is all about fun. The competitors were all paired up as if we were all back in Kauai during Are You The One?, and everyone from two Teams Boston to Team Vegas to Team Hurricane took their shot at going drag racing w/ a manual car, then going on an oversized bike and maneuvering their way across the winding course. In the end, the comeback kids, Laurel & Cohutta, had the fastest time to win immunity, and she has taken her first step to perhaps winning what's certainly her Challenge to win. 
- Then, there's the hookups, first with Nany & Cohutta. As I'll be writing also in that Newbies, this is the first Challenge that Cohutta has been on that doesn't involve his Sydney love Kelly-Anne, and like Dustin, there's a Southern charm about this cowboy that draws the ladies to him. And Nany is the first one in a while to make a connection with him, and we might be in for another Challenge romance. And so are Laurel & Jordan as they are hitting it off at the bar. She might not know where this new thing stands, and Camila believes she saw her kissing on the cheek, but Laurel denies it. One thing's for certain, Mr. Wiseley's romantic escapades with leading Challenge ladies are at it once again.
- Along with that night out to mark Cohutta's birthday came our first visit to the fight club this season. CT gets mad over how all the drinks they bought ends up on his $750 tab, but Camila tells him to shut it. That doesn't go as planned as Nany tried to defend Camila, only for this argument to be against them as both Latinas scream at each other when they get home late. This leads to Dustin & Brandon getting in between both of them, and eventually making up, much to Cara Maria losing all that sleep. 
- Finally, there's the elimination. And though it might not have been as epic as what we had to start this off last week, reality is settling in of how unpredictable this Challenge season is. As Jemmye talked about with Brian Cohen last week, eliminations are totally different this time around, and in addition to the Draw, potential competitors have only moments to think about what to do in they arena once they get picked, compared to having a full day to strategize how to handle it. Now, this has set reared its head with two contenders, and two finalists from the last two challenges going home early.
   This week saw Jonna & Dustin go in, while the Draw sees Emilee & Frank as their opponents for "Wrecking Wall," where players climb a 30-foot wall to a bell at the top, while also making hand & foot holes too. You either like or hate how Frank plays this, but after making two straight arena trips - both via the draw, and winning both, he's starting to regain some respect, along with mellowing out too. The first was given to him by Chet, but it's the 2nd one against Dustin where he won a close battle and took out one of the contenders who, ironically, was the same guy he got in that huge fight in Turkey.

I can look over the list of people who might choose to be my winners of the night, but for me I've singled out a few.
- First, next week will be five years since Team Cancun left Suite ME when RW filming ended, and the trio who are flying the flag figured prominently here. Jasmine had probably her best performance in a mission as she overcame some difficulties she had with Jordan, as well as show what she is made of in running to the cycle, to do very well and prove she is a legitimate contender here. And when her two castmates had the unfortunate hand being dealt of facing one another in the arena, Jonna & Emilee took everything in stride and both showed nothing but class before & after Jonna's easy win. No wonder it's this friendly vibe & sense of family that they and their castmates have, dating back to Rivals, BOTS & of course in Mexico, that makes Cancun one of my favorite RW casts.
- Second is Cohutta. It took him five years to return to this Challenge world, and he has definitely performed very well as if he never left. And this week, the stars all aligned for his birthday. He got a night out in his honor, teamed with Laurel to win the week's mission, got to kiss Nany, and had the backing of fellow Sydneysider Isaac. Adding to what we saw last when he was the only guy to cross the rolling log in the opening mission, and now validating it by winning that 2nd challenge, he is quietly becoming a dark horse to perhaps sneak into the final three. 
- Third here is Team Vegas, who figured prominently here too. Leroy did his part to help my last winner of the night, but it was Dustin & Nany who stand out this week. In addition to him with Jess & Emilee, Dustin & Nany teamed up on the mission as he got to do what he loves best. Then for the 3rd time - after the Adam fest at HRH and then her fights w/ Knight & Frank, I saw Dustin become the big brother that he is to Nany when she got into that fight with Camila. It's something I really love about them (and not just because both follow me socially). No doubt Dustin will use this early exit, along with Exes & BOTS, as motivation to finally break through, and I firmly believe he will win one of these.
- And finally, what else can you say about Jessica? Through two weeks, Princess Hulk has been tearing things up in these two challenges. Last week, she showed poise & grit 40+ stories above ground, and this week in being the only pair to race alone, with Leroy as her partner, they were among the top finishers. And though they didn't get the dibs, Jessica's newfound mission to be fit has certainly paid off with two stellar performances, and two successful opportunities to prove the doubters wrong. Jessica has made it clear to everyone that she will be a force to be reckoned with going forward, and the chances she will be in the final three have greatly increased. And it was also the night her Rivals II partner Anastasia emerged from her twitter hiatus to show support for her. Welcome back.

Now, back to that newly-engaged cast member. Last week, Chet had the unceremonious distinction of being the first eliminated from Uruguay when a bloodied-up cheek led him for forfeit his match with Frank. But to compensate for being the first to go, Mr. Cannon did reveal to everyone news that's just as good as winning a final challenge. On Tuesday, he proposed to his Salt Lake City girlfriend, Danielle Paxton, and she uttered "yes" as she donned his engagement ring. And after having crushes in the past on people like Trishelle & a couple others in the Challenge house, it seems Chet has found his perfect match, and not that she also has blond hair like him; it's a perfect match all around.
   He's the latest in Team RW/Challenge to be engaged, joining newlywed Paula, Mike from Back to Las Vegas and others; not to mention Ethan & Amber from Are You The One?. This, of course, means everyone who heads to Chet's ceremony will undoubtedly receive bow ties as part of the party favors. And no doubt those who will be his best man & entourage will have those on as well, just as it was when his bromance buddy Ryan got married a couple years ago, and Chet, JD & Scott had bow ties on as well. So Mr. Bow Tie Guy, much congrats to you and Danielle. All the best to both of you as you both embark on this new journey together.

Well with that happy ending, that's our SocialPulse diary and wrap-up of episode 2 of The Challenge: Free Agents. As we wrap, as we typically do on here, we'll close with reminders of webcasts and other related show material to The Challenge and Real World.
- After her elimination loss to Jonna this week, Emilee will be the first guest this season of my friend Andrew Kirk (@CSUAKirk) on Talking Challenge: Free Agents this Saturday at 6PM ET/3PM PT on SpreeCast: chat was originally slated for before Thursday's episode, but a last minute change, along with the irony of her being eliminated, will mean Fitz will have her first exit interview with Andrew this weekend.
- Emilee will also be talking to Brian Cohen (@BusDriversRoute) coming up at www.busdriversroute.comIn both chats, AK and Brian will talk to her about the elimination, her hookup with Dustin, her & Jessica's battle for Zito's affection, the first two episodes, and maybe go back in time to relive Cancun and other things too. Brian also spoke to the other eliminated girl, Jemmye last week, check that out and all his interviews on his site.
- And fellow blogger David J. Bloom (@DavidBloom7), the guy whose running diaries of Challenge episodes on his blog inspired DC SocialPulse, got to talk to Jessica this week and wrote a very good profile of Princess Hulk, who through two episodes has already made a huge impact. That's at Also check out his weekly power rankings and recaps on his site too.

As for here, make sure to bookmark DCBLOG for our coverage of Free Agents as we roll along from Uruguay. In addition to DC SocialPulse wraps being posted every weekend after the episodes, stay tuned here for our complementary coverage of the season and the people. Over the weekend, we'll be  profiling the newbies of this season - including Dustin, Emilee, Cohutta & others. Plus, with Team Vegas playing a huge role in this week's episode, among the stories coming up on here include how a new technological gadget could change the negative reputation of RW XXV's resident bad boy.
   Also this weekend, as we've been promoting, we'll have the latest edition of DC Fan's View as we bring you an exclusive insiders view of the Are You The One? Reunion from two fans who watched more of the on-stage drama of one of MTV's most popular casts ever than what you got to see on TV. And we'll be covering the beginning of the NBA & NHL playoffs, and a few other things here as well.
   And don't forget, the live tweeting of Free Agents and the big events in sports & entertainment is now at my devoted live twitter hub, DCNOW at @DC408DxNow. And of course, follow my primary account @DC408Dxtr for my usual tweets, conversations with fans & followers and Team MTV, and alerts to MTV-related show material & DCBLOG posts.
   So now until we blog again later, thanks for reading, have fun, and enjoy the Easter weekend.

- DC

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