Saturday, April 12, 2014

DC SocialPulse - The Challenge: Free Agents Premiere (SuperSizedEdition!)

*** Reader Advisory: DC SocialPulse Contains Adult Language & Content 
Some Readers May Find Objectionable. Viewer Discretion is Advised. ***

By DC Cueva
@DC408dxtr / @DC408dxnow

Hi everyone and welcome again to DC SocialPulse, and to our first diary for The Challenge: Free Agents - a very special super-sized edition to cover all the buzz of the action-packed premiere. Back when this was all taped several months ago, host TJ Lavin tweeted to fans, "Wow I just wanna go on record and say this is the best start to a Challenge I've EVER seen!!! Be ready!" Well, the premiere on Thursday night not only backed up his words up, but also provided us with a brilliant start to this silver anniversary season. This begins with TJ welcoming the cast to Uruguay and informing them of a stunning twist of it being an individual game that will alter the plans of many of the players. It continues with an opening mission that sees the group confront the country's largest skyscraper, including a death-defying walk 47 stories above ground. And with a game-changing twist to how the process of who goes home, in the end we get a fantastic elimination battle between a finalist from last season and an upstart in her very first Challenge. We'll be covering all of that here.

First off, for those of you visiting DCBLOG for the first time, DC SocialPulse is a unique post that I do that you can't really find anywhere in the blogosphere. These are our exclusive running diaries of how twitter sees television shows and big events as they happen. One of the things twitter does best is when people get the opportunity to see & experience the true communal experience that comes with watching television and interacting with cast members, fans and everyone else. As I've matured gradually in the twitter verse since I joined on, fittingly enough, premiere night of Real World St. Thomas on June 27, 2012, the reason why I go crazy tweeting and retweeting things when The Real World or The Challenge is on or during big events is for these posts. And in response to an issue I've had of losing followers on my primary twitter account, I recently launched a new twitter hub, DC NOW at @DC408dxnow as an place for me to still do live tweeting while protecting my primary audience.
   If you're a person who wants to relive how your favorite cast members reacted to a hookup, a fight, a huge challenge or an elimination round, or anything else that took place, we will have everything covered. Or, in the case of folks out west such as yours truly, those who might have stayed off social media while the episodes aired and wouldn't get the benefit of having the true TV & Twitter experience of your favorites tweeting along with you out west, these SocialPulse posts are just for you. Instead of having to go back and read up on all those tweets in your timeline after you've seen the episodes, let yours truly take care of that for you as I piece together everything in real-time, tweet-by-tweet, uncensored and unfiltered. I monitor & compile tweets as it emerges while the show airs out east, then RT certain tweets on DC Now when it airs here, and then I burn the midnight oil to then edit it, and post these articles a day or two after. These days, it's required that fans not only have their sets tuned to MTV for the shows as they watch it live, but also have an Internet device handy to follow the other big show on at the same time: the spontaneous interaction among cast, fans and all of us.
   Since we launched SocialPulse last year during the Rivals II premiere and then continuing along with the rest of that season near the end, and then this winter with Real World Ex-Plosion and Are You The One?, these SP diaries make up for a good number of DCBLOG's nearly 7,500 views, with visitors from many foreign countries checking out the twitter interaction, among others, of these shows. Yeah I know, it's a rather long process of copying & pasting cast tweets to my notepad and then putting it into my blog with commentary before & after, but the reward is lots of fans checking out my blog, not only from North America but also from overseas. And it's the work that I do compiling these tweets, along with getting views from fans and covering what I'm into that's made blogging such a great hobby of mine. For this Challenge, just as it was for RW Ex-Plosion and Are You The One?, we will be offering the same thing in bringing all the tweets together, but also I will post them the Friday or weekend after the episodes air, complete with my own commentary and thoughts & perspectives on them too.

Enough of my prologue. Let's get now to the reason you are actually here for: the following are the actual tweets of the cast, alumni, fans and me as we got to see the premiere of The Challenge: Free Agents, along with the week leading up to and the day after the premiere.
As we begin, please note there is explicit language in many of the tweets below, but I am keeping it uncensored in order to retain the heat of the moment. So if you are mature enough, please read with discretion. :-)
- Plus, if you haven't watched the episode yet, then don't proceed. But don't worry, bookmark DCBLOG as I will compile all of these tweets into these posts after every episode so you won't be in the dark of how your favorites saw this all unfold.
- And there's also a number of twitter arguments that emerged with some members of the community while the premiere was airing. We've included all of their tweets in this post, and also carefully edited it to ensure that we showcase both sides of the matter.

So without further delay, off we go on a long ride into Challenge land... That's after the jump.

> The 7-Day Lead Up
@JayGMTV: I guess i gotta look forward to the challenge. @MtvJess @BrandonDNelson @JustJem24 @cohuttaMTV   Its your turn guys! #freeagents
@MtvJess: @JayGMTV @BrandonDNelson @JustJem24 @cohuttaMTV 👑💪 thanks love 💋💋💋
@JayGMTV: These challenge commercials are dope! @TheChallengeRW @MTVChallenge25 @RWRRMTV @Challenge_MTV @mtv #freeagents  Cant wait!
@JazMTV: 1 more week #FreeAgents
@PrestoMagicmtv: One week until the Premier of The Challenge Free Agents Thursday April 10th 10pm MTV
@JohnnyReilly_: One week left until #TheChallenge #FreeAgents #NoSanity...10pm Showing everyone Tune in @MTV #Retweet
@CamilaMTV: I say we need a reunion... RT if you agree 👅 #throwbackthursday @DiemBrownMTV @paulawalnutsMTV @EmFitMTV @peoplemag
@BrandonDNelson: "Those who live by the sword get shot by those who don't."  Also remember to tune in 4/10/14 MTV's The Challenge: Free Agents
@MtvJess: US Weekly 👌❤️💋👏👑💪✨ #socool mtv #thechallengefreeagents @usweekly
@DevynSimone: Have you picked up a copy of Us Weekly Magazine this week? If you do here's a sneak peek of what…
@BSwiftMTV: UsWeekly article  👍  #ChallengeFreeAgents April 10th Leggo!! mtv @USWEEKLY
@paulawalnutsMTV: Ok everyone ...bedtime for this gal...big day tomorrow...get to marry the love of my life. #toomanyblessingstocount
@CamilaMTV: I love you 💜 @JustJem24
@JustJem24: “@CamilaMTV: I love you 💜 @JustJem24” I love you more Camilaaaaaaaaa💜
@heathermarter: 💕Ahh! Our first Vegas roomie off the market! Can't wait to see you guys! @mikerossmtv @tayl0r0berts
@MtvJess: Raleigh with @LaToyaJMTV #girltalk #love watch us on #TheChallengeFreeAgents Thursday!!
@DerrickMTV: THE CHALLENGE: #FreeAgents. Thursday April 10th. @MTV @BunimMurray  It's BACK! 🔥💣💰..........😆
@NanyMTV: We're on each others team #andyouknow 🎶🎵
@MtvJess: Girls day with latoyajmtv #shopping #raleigh
@JayGMTV: @JustJem24
@MtvJess: Thanks for being sweet y'all. Makes this journey a lil easier. 💋🙏☝️❤️✨
@Morgan_MacAdam: #FreeAgents in 4 days! Can't wait to see @laurelstucky @DevynSimone @BSwiftMTV @BrandonDNelson @TheresaMTV @TheOfficial_CT back on @mtv
@EmileeMTV: Four Sleeps. #freeagents
@JayGMTV: No teams, no alliances, no sanity #freeagents
@JayGMTV: Me n my man @TheOfficial_CT   Good luck on #freeagents  looks crazy
@laurelstucky: Get ready: #TheChallenge #FreeAgents this Thursday April 10th, 10pm on @MTV
@laurelstucky: Hey. #TheChallenge #FreeAgents Thursday April 10 @ 10pm on @MTV
@paulawalnutsMTV: My wedding day with my mothers #soblessed #amazingladies #herecomesthebride
@Morgan_MacAdam: #FreeAgents in 4 Days!! Pumped to see @TheRealNiaMoore @MtvJess @dustinzito @Chet_Cannon @cohuttaMTV @MTVBananas @JohnnyReilly_ can't wait!!
@ZachMTV: Congrats to the beautiful bride @paulawalnutsMTV on her wedding this weekend. Her husband just guaranteed himself a lifetime of laughter!
@DevynSimone: Game on. Let the countdown begin.  #4days #TheChallenge #MTV #FreeAgents #Thursday #April10 photo…
@MtvJess: Loving all of the positivity! #love #positive
@MtvJess: Rock, Paper, Scissors with miss Nany on #TheChallengeFreeAgents THURSDAY AT 10 on mtv
@Chet_Cannon: I hear The Challenge starts on Thursday... @MTV
@BrandonDNelson: The countdown begins... The Challenge Free Agents this Thursday @10pm.  #teambrandon
@EmileeMTV: And on Mondays we wear hoops. @nanymtv #hooplife 😂
@DevynSimone: Thanks @MTV for putting me and my exhibitionist ways on blast 😳! #TheChallenge #FreeAgents
@MtvJess: Check out #thechallengefreeagents power rankings…
@LAURAleeMTV: As much as I loved this season of RW bring on the challenge... I can't wait to see these two kill it!!!!♡♡ @swiftmtv @latoyajmtv
@MTVCoryWharton: The Challenge ?????😏💪🙌
@JayGMTV: Goal: get on real world - check. Next goal: get on a challenge!
@LaToyaJMTV: I know I wasn't the only one waiting for a trailer @mtv.....#freeagents Thurs @10pm et!
@ThomasBuellMTV: No facetime for me when it comes to the Challenge??? Come on now @MTV 😤😤
@robb_schreiber: In my brief 23 yrs, this may be the best tourney finals I've ever seen, outside of my Blue Devils winning it all of course 😏 #NCAAFinals
@AshleyMarieMTV: U-C-O-N-N Uconn Uconn UCONN!!
@JONAMANIA: Well congrats UCONN. You had more points at the end. But my KY Wildcats always seem to peak in March and make me proud. I bleed BLUE #BBN
@TyrieBMTV: When u get the shaft on the last challenge but don't get a call for the individual one
@CardellChris: Thursday 10 pm new Challenge! First episode is called "live free or die" and is an hour and a half long. #challengefreeagents
@MtvJess: Let the games begin. #TheChallengeFreeAgents #Thursday
@JazMTV: 2 more day's & everyone is going to see you for who you really.  Hope you got your back up paddle speech ready!  #FreeAgents #NoEXCUSES
@JazMTV: May 29th @mtv will be airing a special to honor 25 seasons with you the FANS favorite fights? Hook ups etc. So wanna see your favorite challengers. Well you gotta vote! So check out today answer start voting!
@LaToyaJMTV: The countdown is on! #3days until the season premiere of #TheChallengeFreeAgents on @mtv this Thursday at 10pm et!!! Don't miss out on what might just be #TheBESTseasonEver.
@MtvJess: 2 More days @LaToyaJMTV 🎉👯🍹🍹 #TheChallengeFreeAgents #girlsnight
@LaToyaJMTV: Tune in for a special spreecast  LIVE w me & @MtvJess Thurs night following the premiere of #TheChallengeFreeAgents!!
@EmileeMTV: MTV will be airing a Challenge Special based on your favorite moments and challengers! Today's category is Male...
@NanyMTV: Two more days kids! #FreeAgents #14
@JustJem24: #teamsubtitles turned #freeagents.. Will we stick together when it becomes an individual game.. camilamtv
@EmileeMTV: Sneak Peek @ #FreeAgents first episode.. @DevynSimone has a lot of courage because NOOOO THANKS.
@dustinzito: It's almost here The Challenge #FreeAgents so program your TV now to @MTV on Thursday at 10pm
@TKOTalkdotcom: New edition of 'The TKO Show' up now on the site! Previewing this season of the MTV Challenge with @CSUAKirk and I.
@KO_Skuba: Previewed 'The Challenge: Free Agents' on @TKOTalkdotcom with @CSUAKirk. Check it out! #TheChallenge #FreeAgents
@laurelstucky: Sneak peek via @huffingtonpost of Episode 1 of #TheChallenge #FreeAgents premiering Thursday April 10 on @MTV
@dustinzito: @NanyMTV we look like a couple of eager kids stealing moms car headed for the candy store!
@NanyMTV: @dustinzito Brother & Sister type ish 😎
@AceNichols33: @dustinzito @NanyMTV love it!!!!
@NanyMTV: In my world, when you're knocked down, you get right back up and keep it moving
@dustinzito: Sneak Peak of The Challenge #FreeAgents 1st Episode #YourWelcome oh and thanks @HuffingtonPost :) < Follow
@laurelstucky: Submit your vote for #TheChallenge All-Time Female MVP on @MTV
@BunimMurray: The Challenge: Free Agents PREMIERE Thursday at 10/9c on @MTV! Exclusive sneak peek JUST for you! @HuffingtonPost
@Morgan_MacAdam: Approximately TWO Days until the Premiere of #FreeAgents!! @MtvJess  @laurelstucky @LaToyaJMTV @DevynSimone @TheRealNiaMoore Are you ready?!
@MtvJess: God uses us to influence people and speak to their needs to let them know his presence. How amazing ❤️✨ #blessed
@TheMarkLong: Who is up for some LIVE TWEETING April 10th during the #freeagents #challenge @mtv #mtv ??? RETWEET and let's get some chatter going!
@EricC_Official: can't wait to see the beautiful @MtvJess on #TheChallengeFreeAgents 💘 she's comin for you 💪👊
@AshleyMarieMTV: First the men now the ladies!! #proudalumni #UCONN
@dc408dxtr: @AshleyMarieMTV congrats to all the UCONN fans, they're the only ones to do this double, it's the basketball capital of the world right now.
@AshleyMarieMTV: @dc408dxtr yes it is!! #Huskies
@J_Medd: @AshleyMarieMTV Congrats ! Hope you been celebrating. (:
@MtvJess: I guess I should probably start watching past @RealWorldMTV and @mtv challenges!
@MtvJess: Two more days&Raleigh will b painted Real by @LaToyaJMTV &I. Tune in to our LIVE💥 @spreecast followin the premier of #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@MtvJess: Pretty sure if @EmileeMTV and I parties together one night we would end up dead! #challengeproblems
@MtvJess: See what all the fuss is about THIS Thursday at 10pm on mtv #thechallengefreeagents @nanymtv jazmtv…

> The Calm Before The Storm
@MtvJess: 💥Extended Preview Ep1 #TheChallengeFreeAgents 💥 Heights, Hook ups 💋 and Drama 🙈 Tune in at 10p tomorrow @MTV 💪👑
@MtvJess: Find out tomorrow what it is that makes the Princess go "hmmmm, I wonder....." at 10pm mtv don't miss…
@MtvJess: Check @LaToyaJMTV out just killin the camera!!! That's my gurllllll!👏👑💪#TheChallengeFreeAgents 💥👊❤️
@paulawalnutsMTV: Me and my husband keeping it classy #iputaringonit #love #weddingbells
@ZachMTV: Go to @MTV and vote for the male and female all-time challenge MVP. A lot of great competitors to choose from.
@Chet_Cannon: @ZachMTV @MTV I have been relegated to a "fill in name"
@MtvJess: Will @JordanMTV and I be able to put aside our differences or will our rivalry bring the black team … more
@MTVShowBlog: Let the rumor mill start spinning! Which competitors did @CamilaMTV say might have hooked up on #FreeAgents?
@ChallengeMTV: Have a hook-up related question for @DevynSimone @JordanMTV @ZachMTV @laurelstucky ? Use #AskFreeAgents and your question could be answered!
@JohnnyReilly_: #FreeAgents #Tomorrow #Challenge #RookieDebut @MTV @BunimMurray #LetsGo
@JazMTV: I totally forgot that I said haha. At least I'm honest #freeagents
@ZachMTV: not gonna lie, it made me a little sick.. “@JazMTV: I totally forgot that I said haha. At least I'm honest #freeagents”
@JazMTV: @ZachMTV are you serious it's a joke. I don't get action or hit on. So I took it upon myself to flirt.  You don't like it oh well :)
@ChallengeMTV: Here's a sneak peek of tomorrow's premiere episode of The Challenge: #Free Agents. Enjoy!
@cohuttaMTV: This debauchery begins at 10pm tomorrow. mtv #thechallenge #freeagents #buckleupbuttercup
@laurelstucky: Have a hook-up related question?? Send it in using #AskFreeAgents and your question could be answered coming up on!
@ZachMTV: On a serious note, who else is #teamJess this season? I know I am! @MtvJess
@MtvJess: @ZachMTV I can feel your sarcasm all the way over here 😱
@IcedCOfNewYork: @ZachMTV I am!
@MtvJess: Poor baby @LaToyaJMTV bumped around and still killed it up those stairs 😢 #badass #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@JordanMTV: Oh geez, I can only imagine some of the zingers we'll be fielding. Doubt these stay PG-13.  #challengefreeagents
@CamilaMTV: @JustJem24 I don't remember wearing this dress lol who's is it? 👯 #FreeAgents “@ayyjay_haines: #TeamSubtitles 😩😍🙌”
@BrandonDNelson: Tomorrow night... we meet again.
@CamilaMTV: Want to see the first half of #TheChallenge #FreeAgents before tomorrow's premiere? Download the @MTV app” 😋👊👅
@ChallengeMTV: How did @MTVBananas almost land himself in an Eastern European prison on #Cutthroat? Get the juicy details here:
@CaraMariaMTV: can i go through and favorite all of your tweets to me? wish i could respond to you all. you def make me smile. thank you!
@EmileeMTV: Lucky headbands on.. how will we do? #freeagents 10pm tomorrow night on MTV
@MtvJess: #PrincessHulk is stepping up this year and ain't takin ANYONES SHIT! If 
I say "I CAN DO IT" better…
@TheresaMTV: Download the @MTV app to see the 1st half of #TheChallenge #FreeAgents before tomorrow's premiere!!🎉😊👊
@MTVBananas: My pleasure! RT @MtvJess: @Demahom__ watching it back made my hands sweat!!! And thanks @JazMTV  and @MTVBananas for that commentary lol 😑"
@JazMTV: @MTVBananas @MtvJess @Demahom__ what did I say?  Lol. Was. It mean probably do Sorry keep it. Personal
@MtvJess: @JazMTV @MTVBananas @Demahom__ no y'all were hilarious was about @dustinzito family jewels ha ha
@CSUAKirk: got the opportunity to talk #TheChallengeFreeAgents  with my good friend @KO_Skuba  check it out
@MtvJess: ❤️✨👑💪 #TheChallengeFreeAgents photos on my IG 💥MTVJess 👑💪❤️✨
@MtvJess: #thechallengefreeagents mtv @bunimmurray #princesshulk #imback
@TheresaMTV: Broads talking shit on the Challenge... I be like #swerve👊😜🎉🏀
@EmileeMTV: @TheresaMTV but not me.. no never meeeeeeeee <3 Just handing out street cred..
@EmileeMTV: Well, I will be providing more one liners this season that I encourage you all to use and utilize into your daily life. LOL #FreeAgents
@LaToyaJMTV: TOMORROW!!!!!!!! #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@EmileeMTV: I hope everyone that questioned me has fun watching that there was never any hidden agenda & everything was always in the open! #FreeAgents
@JUDDNATION: Get your I know judd shirt like the wildman @cohuttaMTV from #TheChallengeFreeAgents at
@ChallengeMTV: Relive all the most insane challenges and catch the #FreeAgents premiere tomorrow at 10/9c:
@MTVChallenge25: It's me or does @dustinzito and @cohuttaMTV looks like Brothers? Do you agree @NanyMTV? #_FreeAgents #tomorrow #10PM
@dustinzito: @MTVChallenge25 @cohuttaMTV @NanyMTV When Real World Vegas aired I had a ton of people tell me I looked like Cohutta!
@EmileeMTV: Porch sessions with my faves. Tune in to see what we were chatting about tomorrow at 10pm on mtv…
@dustinzito: First 16Mins!! of The Challenge #FreeAgents SNEAK PEAK! @MTV thanks for the Leak!
@MtvJess: Find out what's going on tomorrow on mtv at 10p #thechallengefreeagents djzito25
@NanyMTV: Girl talk 💁 jazmtv @emileemtv
@JustJem24: I eat entirely too much pizza now that I'm in NYC..
@BrandonDNelson: @JustJem24 where we eatin when I get there?
@JustJem24: “@BrandonDNelson: @JustJem24 where we eatin when I get there?” We don't eat. We drink. Lol. 😘
@EmileeMTV: Lucky headbands on.. how will we do? #freeagents 10pm tomorrow night on MTV
@TheRealNiaMoore: Smile. You're alive aren't you??💋
@EmileeMTV: Hate math, love puzzles ;) #FreeAgents 4/10/14 10pm on mtv
@CaraMariaMTV: Just saw first 35 min sneak peek of @mtv #freeagents ep1. So proud of @mtvjess @CamilaMTV. My tummy was in my mouth just watching! #gogirls
@MtvJess: @CaraMariaMTV @MTV @CamilaMTV aweeee 💋💋💋
@CardellChris: @CaraMariaMTV @MTV @MtvJess @CamilaMTV Cara you are amazing! So is Jess and Camila! #ilovefreeagents 😃
@MtvJess: "My strategy for this challenge is DON'T DIE!" #thechallengefreeagents #mtv mtv @bunimmurray
@CaraMariaMTV: The rolling log 2ft in the air is tough enough let alone suspended on the highest building in Uruguay. @mtvjess @CamilaMTV #nofear #getit
@NanyMTV: #MTV #FreeAgents #Tomorrow
@frankcsweeney: Did you hear that? I'm not going to give up unless I collapse. #FreeAgents is tomorrow at 10PM on @MTV
@DevynSimone: Who's excited for The Challenge: Free Agents premiere 2morrow night? This little guy already has his spot by the TV!
@RobinMTV14: Trying to stay up to watch #RealWorldFinale #RealWorldExPlosion great season cool cast  me fav @JayGMTV @jennycdelich.
@CaraMariaMTV: @frankcsweeney <---The stair Master. you werent out of breath for one second. and @JohnnyReilly_ laughing the whole way up. #FREEAGENTS @mtv
@frankcsweeney: ...And you, @CaraMariaMTV THE SURVIVOR. Girl, that headlock was tighter than your dreads. 💁💪 #IllAlwaysPickYouForMyTeam
@infamouskey: @latoyajmtv @jazmtv @caramariamtv @aneesamtv yall got some comp!! lolol
@LaToyaJMTV: @infamouskey @JazMTV @CaraMariaMTV @AneesaMTV ayyyyyyye LOL that was us!!!!
@CaraMariaMTV: @LaToyaJMTV @infamouskey @JazMTV @AneesaMTV circle twerk. I failed.
@LaToyaJMTV: @CaraMariaMTV @infamouskey @JazMTV @AneesaMTV Cara this is ur challenge for the next season >>> LOL now hit the gym
@MtvJess: @LaToyaJMTV @CaraMariaMTV @infamouskey @JazMTV @AneesaMTV lmao 😂👏😂👏😂
@CaraMariaMTV: @CamilaMTV <- never seen her bar an eyelash at any challenge. Totally fearless. #pokerface
@CamilaMTV: @CaraMariaMTV Miss carita! Thanks for be compliments girl!! You're a badass b*tch yourself! 😘 How is Montana treating ya?
@CaraMariaMTV: @CamilaMTV You are a lot of fire in one little solid brick house of a body. You always make me proud on these things. :) Love Montana :)
@MTVBananas: Can't wait till tomorrow for your #Challenge fix?! This link should help curb your craving! @mtv #FreeAgents
@BrandonDNelson: The madness begins tomorrow... Here's a little refresher. #teambrandon...
@CamilaMTV: #goodnight See you tomorrow at our date on your tv screen 😘 #FreeAgents
@NaomiMTV: I hope everyone is showing support to my @mtv family tomorrow for the challenge #freeagents esp @NanyMTV @RoyLee25mtv @dustinzito
@NanyMTV: @NaomiMTV @MTV @RoyLee25mtv @dustinzito thanks sis 💋💋
@NaomiMTV: The best thing about my real world season is that we always represent no matter what occasion what show and what challenge @FreeAgentsMTV
@NaomiMTV: @NanyMTV you better work bitch @britneyspears voice 🙊🙊 @FreeAgentsMTV
@NanyMTV: @NaomiMTV @britneyspears @FreeAgentsMTV I always do 💃
@NaomiMTV: “@NanyMTV: @NaomiMTV @britneyspears @FreeAgentsMTV I always do 💃”---exactly 🙌🙌
@NaomiMTV: What you think we wearing black for..ready for that war ready for that war ready.jay z voice #teamvegas @FreeAgentsMTV @NanyMTV #LaFamillia
@JohnnyReilly_: Against the ropes, jab jab back it up.
@frankcsweeney: I dare anyone to try to beat me to the top. #FreeAgents #Hard #Fast #Dirty #LookBackAtEm 4/10 @ 10PM…
@EmileeMTV: "Don't be mad at me because I'm the white man's kryptonite" - @JazMTV  tell em 👏👏👏👏👏😂😂😂
@CaraMariaMTV: humbled to even be on a list with…
@RoyLee25mtv: Another night out @SurrenderVegas

> Challenge Thursday
@LaToyaJMTV: Live it! Love it! The day is yours! #Goodmorning
@RobinMTV14: I hate to say this, even tho this challenge looks hella hard. I still miss competing. I love the game. @BunimMurray @MTV can't wait to watch
@ZachMTV: Need a snack to ride  you I've until @mtv #freeagents feast tonight? Check this out;
@JohnnyReilly_: #Challenge #FreeAgents #Tonight @MTV everyone best be tuning in, tonight sets the bar high for the rest of the season !!!!
@Chet_Cannon: Tonight's the night! Tune into The Challenge #FreeAgents and watch @BSwiftMTV show @ZachMTV and @frankcsweeney how to do a WOD
@LaToyaJMTV: Tonight is the night! Season premiere of #TheChallenge  #FreeAgents 10pm ET on mtv!…
@EmileeMTV: Today is the day. #FreeAgents
@EmileeMTV: It's Challenge day.  See you all at 10pm. #freeagents #thechallenge #mtv
@laurelstucky: The rumor that @camilamtv started was incorrect. That's why you should never listen to gossip.
@CamilaMTV: @laurelstucky Well rumors are rumors... That's the fun of them. I guess well find out when we watch! 😘 #FREEAGENTS
@laurelstucky: @CamilaMTV I don't like rumors and I definitely don't start them
@CamilaMTV: @laurelstucky I don't either unless they're true.
@laurelstucky: @CamilaMTV well you were wrong so what does that say then?
@CamilaMTV: @laurelstucky & to clarify, to me, sleeping w/ someone doesn't mean having intercourse, it means 'sleeping' on the same bed as someone else.
@laurelstucky: @CamilaMTV oh ok. Silly Cameela
@CamilaMTV: @laurelstucky Gosh you scared me for a second... thought you were gonna punch me... #foreshadow ;P #freeagents
@laurelstucky: @CamilaMTV hahahahah
@ChallengeMTV: Find out the do's and don'ts of surviving a challenge and tune into the #FreeAgents premiere TONIGHT at 10/9c:
@EmileeMTV: Check out some classic Challenge moments before tonight:
@TheRealNiaMoore: Kinda blurry but you get the point. ☺️Season premiere of The Challenge: Free Agents airs tonight at…
@BunimMurray: @TheRealNiaMoore SO EXCITED!!!!
@JordanMTV: So tonight is the premier of @MTV 's #TheChallenge #FreeAgents! Even better cast! Bigger challenges! Tons more money! Watch us tonight!!
@ChallengeMTV: Rumor has it there's going to be a juicy hook-up on this season of #TheChallenge and @CamilaMTV's got the deets:
@ZachMTV: I'll be live tweeting all 90 minutes tonight with @JSBaglione talking shit, being offensive, and making you all laugh. #ripcity
@RoyLee25mtv: THE BEST WAY TO predict the future IS TO INVENT IT.
@ChallengeMTV: Try and stump @DevynSimone @JordanMTV @ZachMTV @laurelstucky now!  Use #AskFreeAgents to tweet your toughest trivia questions!
@BunimMurray: RT MANIA! THE CHALLENGE: FREE AGENTS PREMIERES TONIGHT AT 10/9C ON @MTV! Tweet us your favorite CHALLENGE moment and you might be RT'd! ;)
@laurelstucky: Don't forget to tag #AskFreeAgents for your question to be read!!
@TylerDuckMTV: Had I been on The Challenge #FreeAgents I would have been like Judi Dench aka "M" in SkyFall. Old, beguiling but deadly! @mtv @ChallengeMTV
@TheresaMTV: Hello Bahamas!! Miss me?😎
@BunimMurray: We are so pumped for the premiere tonight so relive the most insane Challenges with us! Exclusive video on @EW:
@JohnnyReilly_: #Challenge #Challenge #Challenge
@TheRealNiaMoore: Once upon a time I lived in Uruguay. Talk about paradise😍 Meet the cast and see our sick pad on tonight's premiere!
@NanyMTV: Don't miss the season premiere of #FreeAgents TONIGHT 10pm sharp💋
@NanyMTV: They ask me what I do and who I do it for...🙏
@EmileeMTV: Where it all began. #tbt #cancun
@BSwiftMTV: Ready to take a trip down to Montevideo &watch an epic battle in the skyscraper! #challengefreeagents  10pmEST @Mtv
@NanyMTV: @JazMTV @EmileeMTV girls, @cohuttaMTV got #nanywasted last night. I have a thread of the most confusing text messages to prove it 😂
@EmileeMTV: @NanyMTV @JazMTV @cohuttaMTV was he draaaaanking that moonshine or what??? 😂😂😂
@NanyMTV: @EmileeMTV @JazMTV @cohuttaMTV LOL probably
@CamilaMTV: Do you like it? 💋
@BSwiftMTV: GAAAAMMMMEEE TIIIMMMEEE!!   👊I'm busting through doors^ (Literally)  and your TV Screens  TONIGHT!…
@TheresaMTV: #TheChallenge: Free Agents PREMIERE TONIGHT at 10/9c on @MTV 💸😜👊
@EmileeMTV: Baby we livin' in the moment, I've been a menace for the longest but I ain't finished - I'm devoted. & you know it, you know it ;)
@JazMTV: @EmileeMTV @cohuttaMTV @NanyMTV I'm confused let me have a fewer these and then maybe I'll get it are talking about
@NanyMTV: @JazMTV @EmileeMTV @cohuttaMTV BYE JAZ BYE
@EmileeMTV: @JazMTV @cohuttaMTV @NanyMTV sweet baby Jesus, hutta was drinking that Jazzy Kool Aid
@PrestoMagicmtv: Tonight is the first episode of The Challenge: Free Agents - watch it 10pm est MTV - help me pay my bills
@CamilaMTV: Are you pumped for #TheChallenge TONIGHT? If yes, I DARE YOU to Fist Pump, snap a #selfie & hashtag #camilanator! My fav pic wins a prize! 💋
@MTV: #TheChallenge #FreeAgents premieres TONIGHT at 10/9c:
@laurelstucky: Do you have the @MTV app on your iPhone? If you did… you'd be able to sneak preview the 1st 35 minutes of #TheChallenge premiering tonight!
@laurelstucky: Oh shoot, you guys better get ready for the show tonight. This is good. #TheChallenge #FreeAgents @MTV
@laurelstucky: I'm Back and I'm Blonde. Hey, bitches.
@laurelstucky: @caramariamtv i keel u
@laurelstucky: #DoWork
@laurelstucky: #BlackTeam Episode 1
@JordanMTV: These classic moments are Sick!! But this new season will blow em away. #FreeAgents
@ChallengeMTV: If you love March Madness then you’ll love this. Enter and you could WIN a free trip to the #FreeAgents Reunion.
@LaToyaJMTV: New night! New people! #TheChallenge #FreeAgents!
@LaToyaJMTV: Busy, busy day. I got waaay to much to do before 10pm.
@BrandonDNelson: Tonight 10/9C The Challenge: Free Agents tweet me during the show!...
@MtvJess: #tbt to #rivals2 #thechallenge where #princesshulk started! First one to leave but let's see if I…
@JamieChinaMTV: Happy that 'Everything is debatable' by @itshellogoodbye was the song playing on #RealWorldExPlosion for me & @ThomasBuellMTV first kiss☺️❤️
@MtvJess: If you haven't seen it here is #thechallenge #FreeAgents OFFICIAL trailer
@MtvJess: Do's 👍 AND Don't 👎 in surviving #thechallenge house:
@TheMarkLong: In celebration of the #PREMIERE of mtv 's #FREEAGENTS #CHALLENGE airing tonight at 10pm is…
@MTVBananas: Put the kids to bed, batten down the hatches, because S#*t is about to get BANANAS! Join me tonight…
@cohuttaMTV: 10pm tonight. I'll be hanging on the roof tonight at @werehearforyou if you kiddos wanna watch the…
@MTVBananas: Show up tonight to the #FreeAgents premiere party dressed as a Banana you will be showered in gifts and free drinks!
@TheMarkLong: It's time...check out #25 on this #Greatest #MTV #Challenge #Moments #Countdown @mtv @buninmurray #UNretiring 👊👊👊
@TylerDuckMTV: #tbt Rivals Reunion tonight in the OC! Premiere Party for #TheChallengeFreeAgents @MTVBananas @frankcsweeney @RWRRMTV
@JayGMTV: Good luck to my boy @cohuttaMTV tonight #freeagents Me @NickBrownOnline n @cohuttaMTV  in South Padre #inertiatours
@EmileeMTV: I always feel like... somebody's waaaaattching meeeeeeeeeee 😂
@tjlavin: The Challenge: Free Agents Trailer tonight!!!!
@ChallengeMTV: In honor of #TheChallenge's 25th Anniversary we've got 25 wild memories to share with you:
@tjlavin: 'The Challenge': 25 Seasons, 25 Wild Memories | Photo 1 of 25 | via @EW
@rachel_fitness: for all of u #thechallenge fanatics -words straight from our mouths #ew - enjoy the premiere & have a great season!!
@BunimMurray: T-minus two hours. #TheChallenge #FreeAgents @MTV
@TylerDuckMTV: Who are your top 3 picks before the premiere for Mens & Women's Finalists #TheChallengeFreeAgents ??? @BunimMurray @MTV @challenges_MTV
@PrestoMagicmtv: Just in case any of you missed this I'm going to SCREAM & Shout! 10pm MTV CHALLENGE #FREEAGENTS - WATCH IT
@DevynSimone: My Uncle sent me this to celebrate tonight's Season Premiere! Now I'm officially ready to watch and…
@BrandonDNelson: Almost showtime.  Let me go grab this Vodka... #thechallenge #freeagents #teambrandon
@TylerDuckMTV: I'm live tweeting @ChallengeMTV tonight! Be sure to follow @bustle to see my tweets during the premiere! #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@RobinMTV14: @TylerDuckMTV @ChallengeMTV @bustle mass you and are high kicks love u
@MtvJess: About to turn up in #Raleigh for the premier of #thechallenge #FreeAgents with @LaToyaJMTV #MTV 👑💪✨
@MTVCoryWharton: No disrespect to any guys on The Challenge, but I can't lie I don't see me losing to anyone! But the top treats have to be CT, Zach, Leroy.
@robb_schreiber: My man @BSwiftMTV gonna dong on bitches this challenge.
@BSwiftMTV: “@robb_schreiber: My man @BSwiftMTV gonna dong on bitches this challenge.” U kno! Lol love ya brotha
@robb_schreiber: @BSwiftMTV are we going to find out the exact length of your bone hammer is during this challenge?
@BSwiftMTV: @robb_schreiber It was a central topic lol couldn't walk into a room w/o some1 talking about my  package or asking for a measurement smh lol
@JohnnyReilly_: #TheChallenge #FreeAgents
@JohnnyReilly_: #FreeAgents #F.M.K.
@JohnnyReilly_: #FreeAgents #AnyonesGame
@JohnnyReilly_: #FreeAgents #Do&Donts
@JohnnyReilly_: #FreeAgents #RoadToTheChallenge @CaraMariaMTV
@ChallengeMTV: No teams. No alliances. No sanity. #TheChallenge #FreeAgents premieres in 1 hour. RT if you can't wait!
@RobinMTV14: I meant give me a chance to take @CamilaMTV out lol. Payback is a bitch!
@MtvJess: Don't miss our 💥EXCLUSIVE💥 spreecast latoyajmtv and I will be spreeing tonight at 11:30 after…
@RoyLee25mtv: The moment all you Challenge Fans have been waiting for.. Is less than an hour away!! #FreeAgents @MTV I can't wait for y'all to see it 😜👍👏
@TheMarkLong: Who's ready for the @mtv #CHALLENGE #FREEAGENTS ??? New format...same crazy!!! #MTV @buninmurray
@frankcsweeney: #FreeAgents premieres in less than an hour! I expect Twitter updates since I can't watch it myself! #FillMeIn #TellMeILookPretty
@ToiboxRadio: Tonight @ 11;30PM @LaToyaJMTV @MtvJess @infamouskey will be on Spreecast discussing Free Agents episode 1! Tune in
@RobinMTV14: I want to come back and kick @CamilaMTV ass
@RobinMTV14: Look I'm getting old so @BunimMurray @MTV  I want one more chance! @CamilaMTV I need a re match!
@MtvJess: 💥SPREECAST ALERT💥 11:30p @LaToyaJMTV and I will be doing an 💥EXCLUSIVE💥@spreecast together live. @mtv #FreeAgents
@MTV: 30 minutes until #TheChallenge #FreeAgents premiere! I'm tweeting with excitement!
@MtvJess: How many Real Worlders does it take to put together a lamp!? #thechallenge is real ha ha latoyajmtv…
@RobinMTV14: I can't wait to watch these babies in a challenge that they have nobody but there self to win. Can't wait #freeagent
@RobinMTV14: @MTVBananas love u and @TheOfficial_CT good luck
@LaToyaJMTV: Showtime in less than 30!!!!!! #TheChallenge #FreeAgents
@BrandonDNelson: @SometimesISAAC could've used you last month man.
@SometimesISAAC: @BrandonDNelson haha why u were being to responsible?
@BSwiftMTV: @SometimesISAAC  yo Isaac..your profile pic 😂😂😂 I love it! Great representation of you lol
@SometimesISAAC: @BSwiftMTV i love you big boy!!!
@LaToyaJMTV: Eating tacos, drinking vodka, and putting together a lamp w @MtvJess. One hell of a #PreGameParty!
@susie_meister: You're probably too old to do another Challenge when you can't stay awake late enough to watch one.
@CamilaMTV: Come watch the show premier with me at the Mckinney's Pub if you're in Lincoln!!! 😘👅🙅☀️💋🙌👯👍 @MckinneysPub #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@RobinMTV14: I have been thinking about a re match against @CamilaMTV since ex I sure she could care less but I want to destroy her! For fun lol!!
@BSwiftMTV: Preview of me Yappin away in the interview room of tonight's episode  in 20min.  @10pm only @MTV #MyFacesThoSMHlol
@NanyMTV: 15 minutes East Coast! #FreeAgents #SeasonPremiere @MTV
@MtvJess: Don't miss our 💥EXCLUSIVE💥 spreecast latoyajmtv and I will be spreeing tonight at 11:30 after…
@AneesaMTV: 7 minutes to go #freeagents
@PrestoMagicmtv: 9 minutes till the premier...... #FreeAgents #TheChallenge

> As They Saw It: "Live Free or Die"
@ChallengeMTV: B*tches it's about to begin! Head to @MTV right now for the premiere of #TheChallenge #FreeAgents!
@JohnnyReilly_: @MTV @BunimMurray #FreeAgents #GameTime #TheChallenge #5MINUTES
@laurelstucky: #TheChallenge is now on @MTV turn your channels 👊
@ChallengeMTV: @TheMarkLong Oh no, hurry head to the nearest bar!
@MTVBananas: March Madness is over! Time to kick off April INSANITY! #TheChallengeFreeAgents  #freeagents @MTV
@LaToyaJMTV: Tonight following the premiere of  #TheChallenge #FreeAgents tune in to watch a LIVE @spreecast w ME & @MtvJess!
@JayGMTV: Its that time! The challenge #Freeagents on MTV baby.   Whos #team are you on? #teamjess ? #teambrandon ? #teammcohutta? #teamjemmye ?
@IamAdamKuhn: Challenge Time! #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@DevynSimone: The Challenge Free Agents premiere starts in 3 minutes.  Turn on MTV and join me on twitter @DevynSimone  for a...
@MTVBananas: Johnny Bananas Tee - Men's
@ChallengeMTV: Challenge fans let’s get LOUD. The #FreeAgents premiere starts now!
@JohnnyReilly_: #HereWeGo
@LaToyaJMTV: OH GOD IM FREAKING OUT @MtvJess!!!! ITS ON!!!!!!!!! #TheChallenge #FreeAgents
@MtvJess: I swear @LaToyaJMTV won't quit screaming!!!!! #TheChallenge #FreeAgents #mtv
@MTV: #TheChallenge #FreeAgents starts right NOW! RT if you're watching with me!
@BunimMurray: RT if you are tuning in to #TheChallenge season premiere NOW on @MTV. We hope you don't mind a little blood. #FreeAgents
@ZachMTV: 90 min of the #challenge #freeagents on @mtv and @JSBaglione has a monster stinger.
@DevynSimone: Awww Hell.. and so it begins.. #TheChallenge #FreeAgents @MTV
@TheRealNiaMoore: It's time! Tune in now east coast! @mtv #FREEAGENTS
@RobinMTV14: @AneesaMTV I love you
@ZachMTV: Hey @EmileeMTV what's more empowering being on the challenge or the way you feel in a full on sprint?  Wind blowing thru your hair
@JayGMTV: Look at @BrandonDNelson with no mohawk
@RobinMTV14: Wtf @tjlavin  I should have been there! @BunimMurray
@frankcsweeney: Yea, I've got a bad reputation. But I bet I'll blow away your expectations. #FreeAgents #NiceGuysFinishLast
@ZachMTV: I'm a #lonewolf anyways... Unless I'm pooping then i need @JSBaglione
@MTVBananas: Not only is #TheChallengeFreeAgents premiering, so is my new website
@laurelstucky: Let's go get drunk and warch #TheChallenge @NanyMTV
@LaToyaJMTV: That shxt craay!
@JustJem24: Is it the hunger games or nah?
@BrandonDNelson: RT @JayGMTV: Look at @BrandonDNelson with no mohawk<lol shouldve gone with rhe hawk
@RobinMTV14: I love @JazMTV get it girl!
@laurelstucky: #FreeAgents bitches
@MtvJess: My GIRL KULLIN IT @LaToyaJMTV #dolla #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@RobinMTV14: Ok who are theses people lol?#freeagent
@MTVBananas: Now available on #freeagents @MTV
@TheMarkLong: CHALLENGE GAME: every time @CamilaMTV drops an F-bomb this season, do a shot of @PocketProtein 👊👊👊 #LoveYouCamila #freeagents
@ChallengeMTV: @TheMarkLong @CamilaMTV @pocketprotein Oh it's on!
@AneesaMTV: House was super sick
@LaToyaJMTV: Get em @BSwiftMTV!!!! LOL
@RobinMTV14: There are a few major names the rest huh?
@AneesaMTV: @JazMTV d and b all day 😂😂😂😂
@TyrieBMTV: Me too! *gatorade thirst “@RobinMTV14: @AneesaMTV I love you”
@MtvJess: Ha ha lemons @SometimesISAAC really lol a big ass lemon! #TheChallengeFreeAgents 💋
@BSwiftMTV: Lets get it @LaToyaJMTV ! #StThomas all day!
@MTVBananas: Thata girl @JazMTV way to make papa proud! #freeagents @mtv
@LaToyaJMTV: 1 time for @JazMTV keeping it REAL!!! LMAO #CrazyBitch
@MTVBananas: Who saw @Jbanobblehead make his cameo during my traditional challenge kickoff toast!?! @mtv #freeagents
@RobinMTV14: I love @DevynSimone
@TylerDuckMTV: @JazMTV #sluttyInSouthAmerica #GetItDone #challengefreeagents
@ZachMTV: Hey @Chet_Cannon
@Chet_Cannon: Hi @ZachMTV!
@ZachMTV: .@Chet_Cannon best basketball game I've ever seen.
@MTVBananas: "I don't like it" @RoyLee25mtv said what everyone else in the house was thinking! @mtv #freeagents
@RoyLee25mtv: “@MTVBananas: "I don't like it" @RoyLee25mtv said what everyone else in the house was thinking! @mtv #freeagents” RT amen brotha
@ChallengeMTV: Whose advice would you rather take: @NanyMTV’s or @MTVBanana’s? #FreeAgents
@MTVBananas: MINE!!!!! @ChallengeMTV @NanyMTV
@NanyMTV: @MTVBananas @ChallengeMTV lol never in a million years Bananas ✋
@RobinMTV14: I love @TheOfficial_CT
@MTVBananas: CUT LOOSE!!!! @dustinzito Take my advice bro! @mtv #freeagents
@MtvJess: Uh oh @TheresaMTV got game 🏀🏀🏀🏀🏀🏀🏀🏀🏀🏀 #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@DevynSimone: This striptease basketball game was by far one of my favorite events.. can't we have that as a challenge? #FreeAgents
@MTVBananas: Little known fact about me: I may be a man on the outside, but I'm a woman on the inside! @mtv #freeagents
@AneesaMTV: Yes for my west side loca look
@TylerDuckMTV: Its Bear Hunting season apparently... Are you looking @TheOfficial_CT #challengefreeagents @frankcsweeney @EmileeMTV
@JayGMTV: Ok the ladies on the challenge #freeagents are so hott. I need to get on one of these asap! Haha
@RobinMTV14: They always our strong men but they bed to remember us strong females who fight  !
@MTVBananas: Who wants one?!? @MTV #freeagents
@ZachMTV: Yess!!! #teamjess all day. Where'd you get all those abs!!! @MtvJess
@MTVBananas: @ZachMTV @MtvJess bunches of crunches!!!
@MtvJess: “@MTVBananas: @ZachMTV @MtvJess bunches of crunches!!!” Glad y'all were looking hard enough to admire my hardwork 💋👌💪👌
@MTVBananas: Do it @dustinzito !!! Dance with the devil! @MtvJess @mtv #freeagents
@LaToyaJMTV: @MtvJess just ran out the room! Loud ass in hear screaming, I cant even hear the damn TV!!!! LOL #TheChallenge #FreeAgents
@RobinMTV14: I love @AneesaMTV  make it far love u
@AneesaMTV: @RobinMTV14 love u
@ChallengeMTV: Oh, hell YES. Bring on the first Challenge! #FreeAgents
@DevynSimone: That is a tall ass building. #TheChallenge #FreeAgents
@MTVBananas: How about those sick Uni's!!! @mtv #freeagents
@BrandonDNelson: Yeah i play off this tall ass building like it aint nothin... yeah right lol #thechallenge #freeagents
@MTVBananas: Hashtag all your tweets with #FreeAgents lets get it trending! @Mtv
@CamilaMTV: The show barely started and I'm already dancing @JustJem24 😋 #thechallenge #freeagents
@DannyWascou: Yay!  #TheChallenge #FreeAgents is trending!  GREAT season ahead!  @tjlavin
@TylerDuckMTV: Its a heights challenge... Everyone's Upset! #challengefreeagents #OnBelay #BelayOn @CamilaMTV This challenge seems familiar... @bustle
@RobinMTV14: Ok I have to ask who are these people ? Not thru to be a bitch lol. But most of u I have no clue? Guess I'm old but don't take that as weak!
@IamAdamKuhn: I can already tell this #TheChallengeFreeAgents season is going to be the craziest challenge yet.
@JohnnyReilly_: Early stages of #TheChallenge #FreeAgents only getting #Weirder and #MoreIntense
@CaraMariaMTV: #THECHALLENGEFREEAGENTS - trending! @mtv Best Season EVER.
@TylerDuckMTV: Always listen to the Challenge Godfather aka @MTVBananas ...
@RobinMTV14: Dude I live heights lets ride I'm ready to play @BunimMurray make it happen !
@MTVBananas: It might not look like it but we all just pooped ourselves simultaneously! #freeagents @mtv
@DevynSimone: You know this season is going to be crazy because this first Challenge is crazy as hell!! 😏  #FreeAgents
@MTVBananas: Yeah @PrestoMagicmtv get over here girl! @MTV #freeagents
@PrestoMagicmtv: Killing it on the stairs fight the FRANK @MTVBananas @MTV
@RobinMTV14: Look @BunimMurray @mtv the boys aren't always the money makers give us old school girls a shot! I promise good ratings!
@MtvJess: I didn't see anyone else stepping up!!!! #TheChallengeFreeAgents take one for the team! #princesshulk
@DevynSimone: I volunteered for heights because the wig is wind proof. #FreeAgents #TheChallenge
@TylerDuckMTV: Did u just give a signature Tyra runway walk @JazMTV Dying!! #challengefreeagents #fashionHeights
@MtvJess: STEP UP OR SHUT UP 👊👋👋👋👋 #TheChallenge @MTV
@RobinMTV14: @tjlavin love you I'm missing the thrill. You know what I mean !
@BrandonDNelson: Man they always sleeping on ya boy... #thechallenge #freeangents
@DevynSimone: Ok @MTV this is The Challenge not 12 Years A Slave. Do we really need to be chained together? #TheChallenge #FreeAgents
@MTVBananas: Gnarliest 42 flights of stairs I've ever climbed! @mtv #freeagents
@CamilaMTV: HEIGHTS??? Hell yeah!!!! @Chet_Cannon thanks for picking me first 😘 #freeagents #thechallenge
@Chet_Cannon: .@CamilaMTV best girl by a mile.
@TylerDuckMTV: @Chet_Cannon Yes!!! Chet leads the Red Team yet again!!! @DunbarMerrill @ToriFiorenza @BradFiorenza @paulawalnutsMTV #tbt #cutthroat
@Chet_Cannon: @TylerDuckMTV @DunbarMerrill @ToriFiorenza @BradFiorenza @paulawalnutsMTV haha.
@CamilaMTV: @TylerDuckMTV @Chet_Cannon @DunbarMerrill @ToriFiorenza @BradFiorenza @paulawalnutsMTV can't forget me & @BrandonDNelson ✌️
@TylerDuckMTV: “@CamilaMTV: @TylerDuckMTV @Chet_Cannon @DunbarMerrill @ToriFiorenza @BradFiorenza @paulawalnutsMTV can't forget me & @BrandonDNelson my bad
@ZachMTV: I used that stairway as an excuse to grope @LaToyaJMTV bum. I was helping her run 🙊
@LaToyaJMTV: @ZachMTV LMAO that was one hell of a motivation for me!
@LaToyaJMTV: I aint pick that shit forreal.Them fools gave me the position to run! I wld have much rather gave birth 2 a whale #TheChallenge #FreeAgents
@JayGMTV: #freeagents baby
@Chet_Cannon: And now a message from Joey Fatone on hair loss #freeagents
@BradFiorenza: Here we go with @MTV 's @RWRRMTV #TheChallengeFreeAgents !!  Wait till you see the twist in this shows elimination rounds!!
@NanyMTV: That stairway was a war zone #FreeAgents
@RobinMTV14: Ok good luck y'all bet I secretly want to put @CamilaMTV in get place ! Please @BunimMurray @MTV give me a chance lol if not a chance to....
@iamheathercooke: Soooo free agents basically seems like the universe better be on your side.. All about luck I'm thinkin
@ToriFiorenza: Ahhh @BradFiorenza  just made me pause the challenge so he can make popcorn #wth #lame
@BradFiorenza: @ToriFiorenza lies!lol
@TheRealNiaMoore: Fuck Scandal y'all better be watching @MTV right now!!! #freeagents
@MTVBananas: Remember folks ALL is fair in Love, War, and Challenges! Even putting chicks in headlocks! @MTV #freeagents @CaraMariaMTV
@LaToyaJMTV: 42 flights of stairs,10 lbs of chain locked around your ankles, and a slim supply of oxygen. Add pushing, pulling, screaming & clawing #HELL
@AneesaMTV: @LaToyaJMTV miss you girl
@TylerDuckMTV: @laurelstucky is like, move over @MTVBananas I wanna choke hold some bitches!! #freeagents
@MTVBananas: Atta boy @BSwiftMTV BEAST MODE!!!!!! @mtv #freeagents
@MtvJess: Don't die @LaToyaJMTV 😱😱😱
@CamilaMTV: 👊👊👊 LOVE THIS!!! Keep them coming!!!! #freeagents #thechallenge #camilanator
@RobinMTV14: I'm not dead I'm ready to fight. These kids have no idea lol.
@MtvJess: @AneesaMTV killin puzzles 👌✨ on BLACK TEAM!!!!!! #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@Chet_Cannon: .@ZachMTV did you just see Swift turn into an X-Man?
@ZachMTV: “@Chet_Cannon: .@ZachMTV did you just see Swift turn into an X-Man?” He definitely just got it Poppin. #MaryPoppins
@JustJem24: Puzzles are everything.. #TeamSubtitles learned that the hard way in the final last year..
@BSwiftMTV: Don't ever block my team!!  Or ima come bustin through the door everytime!! Lol
@B_Brutality: @BSwiftMTV I hate myself for watching this dumb shit but you're my boy and I wanna support you. Nice jump move
@BSwiftMTV: @B_Brutality lol good lookin brotha !
@B_Brutality: @BSwiftMTV oh I know I am😇
@MTVBananas: Why didn't I get an invite to CT's Frantic Puzzle Party?!?! @TheOfficial_CT @mtv #freeagents
@TheRealNiaMoore: @LaToyaJMTV team left her when she was going in and out of consciousness. And laughing. I stayed with her. And she ain't on my team. #trill
@RobinMTV14: Really you only go out at a final not a first challenge wtf?
@AneesaMTV: Team black killed that puzzle
@PrestoMagicmtv: Oh I any wait fer y'all to see the rest of the challenges! #Freeagents
@dustinzito: @Chet_Cannon you gotta be smarter than tha Puzzle! Haaha! #yourkillinmesmalls
@AshleighMorgh: @cohuttaMTV respect!
@Chet_Cannon: No, @CamilaMTV, I don't spend my free-time turning smaller shapes into bigger shapes. #FreeAgents
@B_Brutality: @BSwiftMTV btw you gotta meet my daughter
@TylerDuckMTV: When I'm dehydrated I drink a gatorade, I dont get backboarded by an EMT! #CardioClubGirl @LaToyaJMTV lets hike Runyan!
@iamheathercooke: Truthfully I'd be like @frankcsweeney .. all about gettin up those stairs but be pissed nobody else could go as fast as us hahahah
@frankcsweeney: @iamheathercooke Nobody's got burners like us. #WeDontStop
@JustJem24: I would take my chances falling off that building than to have to do another  puzzle with @CamilaMTV
@RobinMTV14: Bring me and @ThatCoral back and see people freak the fuck out!
@DerrickMTV: Choke Holds,Flying Knees,and and a Stretcher!!  😆😆😆😆 #TheChallenge #FreeAgents
@NanyMTV: @TheRealNiaMoore picked one hell of a team #GetItRookie
@LaToyaJMTV: LOL sooo turns out @BSwiftMTV knocked the fuck outta my head to get revenge from me pushing him on that sea urchin in #StThomas.
@LaToyaJMTV: Gassed out?? Bitch I was thirsty! #TheChallenge
@frankcsweeney: I'm see so much love! Thanks for making this last #Challenge worth it. PS, low key Tweeting from the back of class. #ShhDontTell #FreeAgents
@DevynSimone: Please don't make me go first..
@TylerDuckMTV: Spotted! @JustJem24 signature headband for the season! #BedazzleItBitch #LoveIt #challengefreeagents @mtv @bustle
@MtvJess: 🙈OH HELLLLLLL NO! 🙈 #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@BSwiftMTV: @LaToyaJMTV  lol I'm slowly letting it go hahaha
@DevynSimone: Damn.. I'm first. #FreeAgents
@WestonBergmann: I can't even watch. I'm too jealous. Sometimes I really hate responsibility. I miss that part of my life.
@LaToyaJMTV: Yessss I loooove me some @DevynSimone  LOL
@DevynSimone: @LaToyaJMTV and I love me some you!! #FreeAgents
@MtvJess: @DevynSimone has balls dude!!!!!! #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@TylerDuckMTV: @DevynSimone God just told you to sit yo ass on the ground and give thanks to the lord! #IWouldHaveFallenToo
@MtvJess: Soooo close @BrandonDNelson so close!!!!
@MtvJess: Looking like I wanna cry already #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@PrestoMagicmtv: Up next my girl @MtvJess #freeagents
@TheRealNiaMoore: And y'all see why I chose the stairs. Hellllllllll no I'm not jumping off the tallest building in Uruguay😭😭😭😭
@CamilaMTV: God the ADRENALINEEEEEE #freeagents #TheChallengeFreeAgents good try D @BrandonDNelson
@MtvJess: Felt like my shoes were filled with cement! hell noooooo #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@LaToyaJMTV: Major FUUUUUUUCK moment. Sooo close @BrandonDNelson ! #TheChallenge
@BrandonDNelson: @LaToyaJMTV MAAAAAAN!
@BSwiftMTV: @BrandonDNelson I felt like they OD'd on you and moved the log homie cause it was crazy still for Camilla and jess lol
@TyrieBMTV: “@BSwiftMTV: @BrandonDNelson I felt like they OD'd on you and moved the log homie cause it was crazy still for Camilla and jess lol” smgdh
@Chet_Cannon: Dear @CamilaMTV: did the other people do well on the puzzle or did I just lose the puzzle section for everyone? #FreeAgents
@CamilaMTV: @Chet_Cannon is that what I said??  Watching but can't hear! 😁
@BSwiftMTV: Lets go @MtvJess!!
@MtvJess: Aweeeeeee @PrestoMagicmtv ❤️❤️❤️❤️
@LaToyaJMTV: My bitch @MtvJess did that shxt!!!!! #FreeAgents
@LAURAleeMTV: My girl Toy is deaddddddd. Way to go Swifty! @LaToyaJMTV @BSwiftMTV
@PrestoMagicmtv: You got this Baby Girl! @MtvJess
@RobinMTV14: Really@MtvJess go don't think run ?
@ZachMTV: Who else is inspired by @MtvJess right now? #teamjess
@LaToyaJMTV: The hate from Jordan is real....he wanna be @MtvJess sooooo bad! LMAO
@JayGMTV: @JordanMTV always yellin at jess from the sideline
@BrandonDNelson: RT @CamilaMTV: God the ADRENALINEEEEEE #freeagents #TheChallengeFreeAgents good try D @BrandonDNelson<thanks love!
@IamAdamKuhn: RT if you're watching #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@paulawalnutsMTV: Sorry my Walnuts on @MTV #freeagents but me and my #babybump are supporting all my favs! #whosgettingthemoney
@brittany_baldi: I loved Devyn's animal "go for it" hard attitude! no fear is the way to be #nofear #challengefreeagents #mtv @mtv
@ZachMTV: Are we really going to blame @Chet_Cannon for that poor puzzle solving? Come on... I mean..
@MtvJess: Biggest fear in life 🙈#TheChallengeFreeAgents
@MTVBananas: C'mon @MtvJess just invision a @dustinzito dong on the other platform!!! @mtv #freeagents
@MtvJess: Never been closer to Jesus in my life 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️ #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@ChallengeMTV: That a girl @MTVJess! Way to pull through for your team. #FreeAgents
@MTVBananas: Atta girl @mtvjess !!! @mtv #freeagents
@MtvJess: “@MTVBananas: Atta girl @mtvjess !!! @mtv #freeagents” ❤️
@ToriFiorenza: This challenge has some heavy's going to be a dog fight! #freeagents #TheChallenge
@MtvJess: LOVE YOUUUUU @JordanMTV well sometimes......
@iamheathercooke: @MtvJess was that pissin pants reference to me? Hahah
@BrandonDNelson: RT @LaToyaJMTV: Major FUUUUUUUCK moment. Sooo close @BrandonDNelson ! #TheChallenge < maaaaaan!  Preciate it
@MtvJess: Guess my draft stock went up.... @mtv #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@ryanmalaty: That a girl @MtvJess ✊ #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@MTVBananas: I would have killed to see @ZachMTV tackle that rolling log! @mtv #freeagents
@ZachMTV: “@MTVBananas: I would have killed to see @ZachMTV tackle that rolling log! @mtv #freeagents” only if it were a hotdog instead of a log
@MtvJess: Sorry but @dustinzito can ice his own balls 👌✨ #TheChallengeFreeAgents  @JazMTV
@IamAdamKuhn: "Dustins giving you oral sex tonight"  @MtvJess Johnny bananas Is hilarious #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@JayGMTV: Everyone had somthin to say but @MtvJess is the only one who made it so far. Get it underdog. @JordanMTV tried but uhh bye felicia
@TheRealNiaMoore: Following spree now! Hashtag #teamNIA and @mtv 💋💋
@EmileeMTV: Seems my diamond was front and I mumbled from the first second we started.  Bye Felicia.
@WestonBergmann: BTW I now own part of 70 companies now, so 30 is so last season. It should be over 200 in a 1.5 years.
@RobinMTV14: I hope @CamilaMTV falls
@paulawalnutsMTV: And I'll miss being on this season but gonna enjoy sitting back and watching the anarchy along with all of you #freeagents #wheresmypopcorn
@LaToyaJMTV: OOOOUCH @dustinzito. I bet them balls had rug burn after that lol
@dustinzito: @LaToyaJMTV you tell me!? All you did was watch me shower every day #creep
@LaToyaJMTV: @dustinzito did!
@brittany_baldi: Dustin is a smokebro though! damn wish I was on that season of realworld. #MTV #freeagents #hottie #challengeday
@MtvJess: @CamilaMTV the damn challenge ninja!
@EmileeMTV: @ZachMTV my name is Forrest. FORREST GUMP.
@JustJem24: My bitch @CamilaMTV 👏
@MTVBananas: Damn @JordanMTV I guess you're human after all. @mtv #freeagents
@ZachMTV: Pretty sure @CamilaMTV was still drunk when she crossed that log.
@RobinMTV14: @AneesaMTV girl love you but I can't love. @CamilaMTV .
@RobinMTV14: I knew she would make it but man I'm ready to nock her our @CamilaMTV
@JustJem24: “@RobinMTV14: I knew she would make it but man I'm ready to nock her our @CamilaMTV” Go mother your child... Camilla is not your business..
@RobinMTV14: @JustJem24 really my kids are great I got boys I'm just wanting to play. I love you please don't get involved . I'm aware I may never get to
@RobinMTV14: @JustJem24 @CamilaMTV my children are mothered . Don't mess with a mother. I will kill you if we ever meet
@RobinMTV14: @JustJem24 look u bing u my kids and it will get personal
@PrestoMagicmtv: Here's the time tall should follow me on Instagram! I take photos like this. @CharlespMagic
@JayGMTV: @cohuttaMTV thats my boyy. Making it to the bell. Good job
@TylerDuckMTV: @cohuttaMTV I love u man but cant understand a word out of ur mouth! Keep rockin' out though dude!
@BrandonDNelson: Of course @CamilaMTV comes thru!  CAPTAIN!  #FREEAGENTS #TheChallenge
@JustJem24: Y'all I was terrified
@BSwiftMTV: @cohuttaMTV  My Man cohutta killed it so smooth and calmly!!
@MTVBananas: Yeah co-hooter! @cohuttaMTV @mtv #freeagents
@TylerDuckMTV: I think @lindsaylohan should hire @TheRealNiaMoore to be her new life coach. Then we'd see some results! #LindsayonOWN #NiaKnowsBest
@dustinzito: Oh thanks Johnny @MTVBananas not like we just talked about my pact or anything..
@DevynSimone: Who do you guys think is going to win? Team Black or Team Red? #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@LaToyaJMTV: AND...I was somewhere rejuvenating on these hoes with a oxygen tank, ice pack, and a case of water! #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@BrandonDNelson: @NanyMTV You better get the girls tryin to court Mr. @cohuttaMTV #southerncharm #thechallenge #freeagents
@NanyMTV: @BrandonDNelson LOL BRANDON! I miss you!
@RobinMTV14: @BrandonDNelson love you alway
@brittany_baldi: Dustin is a smokebro though! damn wish I was on that season of realworld. #MTV #freeagents #hottie #challengeday
@JamieChinaMTV: Everyone is killing it on #FreeAgents right now!!! Not gonna lie, I'm scared of heights😳 oh well gotta balls up to win that monaaaaay!!
@ToriFiorenza: Just for the record @DiemBrownMTV is the ultimate tanagram queen...#unbeatable #redteamneedsher
@JustJem24: “@RobinMTV14: I want to come back and kick @CamilaMTV ass” that would never happen so keep your ass home with your kid & husband #byefelicia
@RobinMTV14: @JustJem24 that's not your decision and u like you so why are you coming at me ?
@RobinMTV14: @JustJem24 @CamilaMTV please understand I'm not bad because I got beat. It happens I just don't like her her attitude you don't see us ugly
@ZachMTV: Hey @CaraMariaMTV I know @JSBaglione would never put you in a headlock, well maybe, but you'd like it.
@dustinzito: @LaToyaJMTV you tell me!? All you did was watch me shower every day #creep
@LaToyaJMTV: @dustinzito did!
@AneesaMTV: These slow mo's are giving me life
@JustJem24: They should have solved that puzzle thou 😂
@TylerDuckMTV: @JustJem24 How Could U!!!
@MTVBananas: Victory Is OURS!!!! @mtv #freeagents
@Chet_Cannon: Swift just won the challenge #FreeAgents
@JordanMTV: @MtvJess Pulling through like a Boss! And I Bow to your performance Miss! #Clutch #Freeagents
@PrestoMagicmtv: I hate routing for my girls know I love you @JustJem24
@DevynSimone: @LaToyaJMTV is so gangster. My sister from another mister. #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@MtvJess: Til she dies! #savage #beast #nofear @LaToyaJMTV #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@LaToyaJMTV: LMAOOOOO @JohnnyReilly_ u tried me!
@JohnnyReilly_: “@LaToyaJMTV: LMAOOOOO @JohnnyReilly_ u tried me!” Haha you battled Latoya !!
@MTVBananas: Weak?! It takes a strong chick to rock a wig like that!!! @LaToyaJMTV @mtv #freeagents
@TheRealNiaMoore: What else would you guys expect for my first challenge?? #HurricaneNia all day! #teamblack #teamnia #freeagents @mtv
@ChallengeMTV: “It’s nothing personal. It’s a game.” My girl @JazMTV tells it like it is.
@JordanMTV: At the end of the day #freeagents is a competition and as competitors we push, hard. I pushed and @MtvJess delivered. #humbled
@BrandonDNelson: Everything is a blur from here... #thechallenge #freeagents
@TylerDuckMTV: @LaToyaJMTV and her bangs refuse to give up! Let it be a lesson to us all! meanwhile @JazMTV has ZERO sympathies #challengefreeagents
@RobinMTV14: @CamilaMTV look I started before you and I had to bite my tongue bc of @TheMarkLong but trust me you will see me and I will destroy you!
@MtvJess: IT'S A GAME!!!! #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@PrestoMagicmtv: .@MTVBananas I like your reasoning!
@JordanMTV: Who is this, @JayGMTV ???  #superfan #sticktothedatingshows
@JayGMTV: @JordanMTV what dating show homeboy?  Same show as you. Except i dont complain about everything and then lose when its my turn
@JordanMTV: @JayGMTV lol That's right, You just sit and watch US do work. No go play w your exes lil guy. #angryelf
@JayGMTV: @JordanMTV i cant watch it if all you do is complain the whole time #basic
@ToriFiorenza: If I was picking a team @DevynSimone and @MtvJess would be my top picks...#teamawesome #purecomedy #Beautyqueens #workitgirls
@MtvJess: Blood Shed! #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@TheRealNiaMoore: @MTVBananas is real shit!! Always telling the truth 💋💋 that's why I love that dude
@Chet_Cannon: Sensible words from @MTVBananas. Individual game and people want a team vote #FreeAgents
@RobinMTV14: @CamilaMTV talk about my family and It only makes me want to fucking destroy you. :)
@CamilaMTV: @RobinMTV14 honey, please quit harassing my twitter. I haven't talked to you since I kicked your ass in Dominic republic. #byefelicia
@RobinMTV14: @CamilaMTV I'm not harassing you bc of ex I just think your a loud as bitch who needs to be put in her place grow up
@MTVBananas: Spoken like a seasoned VET!!! #tootingmyownhorn @mtv @freeagents
@JamieChinaMTV: Well damn... If any of our cast gets on the next challenge we are screwed in the politics department for being rookies😱
@brittany_baldi: @tjlavin and @RyanDevlin need to go head to head in a challenge. who would win!? #freeagents vs #AreYouTheOne hosts haha love u guys
@CamilaMTV: If ur LOVING #TheChallenge Throw up a fist pump, take a #selfie & hashtag #camilamator #freeAgents best pic will get a gift from me 😘
@CaraMariaMTV: I've been in so many eliminations at this point. Never run from one. No point. What will be will be. #dowork #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@JustJem24: Y'all I've been behaving lately on twitter but Robin is not about to talk shit about my partner.
@MtvJess: MY EPIC SOCKS ARE @AskTeamUA everyone who is asking 💛💙💜💚❤️
@CaraMariaMTV: Just assume you are going in every time... and then you'll never have to sweat! @mtv #TheChallengeFreeAgents #eliminations #justdoit
@KatieDoyle26: I'd eliminate all the strong players ASAP...Hell, I'd prob have a fair shot on this show-I'm "weak" enough that I'd fly under the radar!
@DerrickMTV: "This game is gonna get so nasty,it's gonna wanna make you throw up." -@MTVBananas  And then a Ball Brawl to follow it up💔. #TheChallenge
@TheRealNiaMoore: I miss that beach house! Wasn't it sick?!! #freeagents @mtv
@MtvJess: Ugh I suck at this part 🙈👎🙅🙅 #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@TheRealNiaMoore: How is it an individual game and we are on teams?? 😭😂😂😂 oh ok @mtv... #freeagents
@MtvJess: Sorry babe @LaToyaJMTV I didn't have the whole story 💋
@bustle: So who is the hottest guy this season on the #challengefreeagents ? My top 3 are 1) @SometimesISAAC 2) @JordanMTV 3) @MTVBananas Thoughts?!
@SometimesISAAC: @bustle @jordanmtv @mtvbananas hit it on the nose!
@JordanMTV: @SometimesISAAC @bustle @MTVBananas I agree. Bout right. 👌
@MTVBananas: I DID NOT want to throw in @Chet_Cannon but the votes were already stacked in his favor @mtv #freeagents
@TheRealNiaMoore: Look. EVERYONE on my team voted @LaToyaJMTV in because she passed out on the stairs in first challenge. It wasn't personal. This is a game!
@LaToyaJMTV: @MtvJess u aint shxt!! lol
@MtvJess: “@LaToyaJMTV: @MtvJess u aint shxt!! lol” shut up ha ha
@CaraMariaMTV: my entire timeline is Retweets from  @cohuttaMTV - when you are done.. wanna do all my mentions too?
@Chet_Cannon: Friends don't let friends vote Chet #FreeAgents
@TheRealNiaMoore: I was always so confused as to why Latoya was so mad she got voted in. These people aren't ur "friends"! This is about $350 grand. That's it
@MTVBananas: Just reliving this draw is giving me anxiety! @mtv #freeagents
@MtvJess: I fuxxxxxxd up @LaToyaJMTV 😖😑
@BrandonDNelson: RT @NanyMTV: @BrandonDNelson LOL BRANDON! I miss you!<miss u too!  Get ya ass back out here
@BSwiftMTV: @BrandonDNelson my man B wave game giving me a run for my money lol
@TyrieBMTV: Turn on the challenge to see they voted in @LaToyaJMTV. Nigga I'm mad.
@RobinMTV14: @CamilaMTV I don't give a fuck about relevance bitch! I'm Robin what season were you on? oh ya you weren't so keep it moving,
@AneesaMTV: @JayGMTV muah
@JayGMTV: “@AneesaMTV: @JayGMTV muah” luv u gurl. Awesome to watch you right now
@AneesaMTV: @JayGMTV you're so damn sweet
@CaraMariaMTV: Apparently I'm not getting voted in for the first elimination? In other news... hell just froze over! @mtv #thechallengefreeagents
@laurelstucky: Chet and Latoya... time to show us what you got. #FreeAgents @MTV
@RobinMTV14: @CamilaMTV your just a loud ads Creasy Brazilian bitch. Who got a luck spring break enjoy...:)
@laurelstucky: Any signs of weakness is a time for you to go into Elimination. #TheChallenge #FreeAgents
@CaraMariaMTV: luck be a lady tonight @mtv #thechallengefreeagents
@ToriFiorenza: Watching this whole flip card thing is stressing me out...#whositgunnabe? #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@TheRealNiaMoore: The thing with this game was...the only way to be safe is to come in first place in each challenge. If u don't, ur not safe @mtv #freeagents
@MTVBananas: Who wants a @Jbanobblehead ?!?! Available only on #freeagents @mtv
@ChallengeMTV: I am LITERALLY shaking in my seat right now. Nervous to find out which #FreeAgents are going into the draw!
@dustinzito: @LaToyaJMTV I Love You Right Now Though!! Spitting Shade Like it Waddn Nothin!
@laurelstucky: OK, the Draw .... is awesome #FreeAgents
@BSwiftMTV: The draw 😱😱😱
@BrandonDNelson: RT @BSwiftMTV: @BrandonDNelson my man B wave game giving me a run for my money lol<man them was some rough days, still was decent tho lol
@JordanMTV: “@BrandonDNelson: RT @stephonamos: Why the hell Jordan throw @BrandonDNelson name out #thechallenge #freeagents<thanx @JordanMTV lol” <My B!
@JustJem24: Y'all I'm not a lucky bitchhhhhhh
@JayGMTV: @JustJem24 oh nooo. I was hoping you didnt pull the skull
@TheRealNiaMoore: "The Draw" is the absolute worst feeling in the game. You immediately feel like you have to go to the bathroom 😩 @mtv #freeagents
@LaToyaJMTV: Vote for me because im a "Rookie" #FuckYOU and the horse u rode in on! #BitchesLoveToFollowOthers
@CaraMariaMTV: @BrandonDNelson well..i just about shat out a baby elephant standing there.lets not do this again ok? #THEDRAW #THECHALLENGEFREEAGENTS @mtv
@BrandonDNelson: @CaraMariaMTV @MTV i kept tellin you that you were good girl #freshmeat2 #thechallenge #freeagents
@MTVBananas: That weird feeling in your gut wasnt anxiety @JustJem24 , it was that pre elimination Twinkie you crushed! @mtv #freeagents
@laurelstucky: "Balls In" lol ..... ????? nice @MTV
@TylerDuckMTV: Thankfully @SometimesISAAC was saved! Women across America are soaking wet... #challengefreeagents
@iamheathercooke: Shouldn't we be using our feet for this one??
@LaToyaJMTV: Game time lets go! #FreeAgents #TheChallenge
@TheRealNiaMoore: Following spree is still going and I'm getting everybody ☺️ hashtag #teamnia and @mtv 💪
@BradFiorenza: This elimination round gives me mad flashbacks!lol. You watching? @AbramBoise
@MTVBananas: BEAST MODE! Frank the tank!!! @frankcsweeney @mtv #freeagents
@DevynSimone: This is actually hard to watch. Brutal... #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@CamilaMTV: Man that draw was way worse than any challenge I've ever done, I Literally almost popped my pants- I was not lying.💩 #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@MtvJess: @frankcsweeney and Chet looking like a death match #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@laurelstucky: What is Frank's twitter? Frank is LEGIT ..... bam
@shandathapanda: @JordanMTV 🙌 LOLOLOLOL #virtualhighfive
@JordanMTV: “@shandathapanda: @JordanMTV 🙌 LOLOLOLOL #virtualhighfive” 🙏
@laurelstucky: It's a cut..... get back on the field.... hello, have you ever played a sport. Bandage that shit up and get back out there.
@MtvJess: 😳😷😷😷😷😷 @Chet_Cannon poor baby!!!!#TheChallengeFreeAgents
@frankcsweeney: Luck is stupid. #FreeAgents
@CaraMariaMTV: @frankcsweeney fuck luck!
@LaToyaJMTV: Chet face leaking like faucet brush that shxt off and get back in there!
@MTVBananas: Damn @Chet_Cannon maybe popping popcorn isn't your only skill!  @mtv #freeagents
@dustinzito: Do it @Chet_Cannon show the Picture!! Everybody tweet Chet to show the Picture!!!!!!!!
@CaraMariaMTV: My little bull!  @frankcsweeney
@iamheathercooke: Why out of all of my eliminations I never had a physical one.. I would love this one! Hands or feet.
@ToriFiorenza: @Chet_Cannon is holding his own!!! #proud #freeagents
@RobinMTV14: @JustJem24 @CamilaMTV please understand I'm not bad because I got beat. It happens I just don't like her her attitude you don't see us ugly
@BrandonDNelson: Well we know @Chet_Cannon does not have a glass jaw (chin) #freeagents #thechallenge
@laurelstucky: It's a cut..... get back on the field.... hello, have you ever played a sport. Bandage that shit up and get back out there.
@CaraMariaMTV: @laurelstucky I believe if you actually told @Chet_Cannon that to his face he'd be scared enough to run back into the death ring. #Ikeelyou
@laurelstucky: @CaraMariaMTV @Chet_Cannon #ikeelyou ...
@LaToyaJMTV: Adrenaline was rushing like I was high off amphetamines!
@MTVBananas: C'mon @Chet_Cannon rub some dirt on it! @mtv #freeagents
@JordanMTV: Duct tape that bitch and play on Homie!! #thechallenge #freeagents
@IamAdamKuhn: Frank is going to kill Chet #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@IamAdamKuhn: Chet you better sack up and fight! #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@DevynSimone: I agree with Chet. It's not that deep! Here's a pic of his stitches
@BradFiorenza: @DevynSimone not to mention @Chet_Cannon 's facial hair is coming in real nice!  Endless possibilities for beards moving forward.
@MtvJess: @frankcsweeney Frankie lives a her day!!!! 💋👏👌
@LaToyaJMTV: Guess who back from the dead!
@BSwiftMTV: @JustJem24 and @LaToyaJMTV  lets go girlss!  Turn up!
@laurelstucky: Here goes Toya my favorite #FreeAgents
@BrandonDNelson: You gotta understand the nearest hospital was like 2hrs away.  You dont want an infection out there @Chet_Cannon #freeagents #thechallenge
@CaraMariaMTV: @BrandonDNelson @Chet_Cannon and i hear those hospitals are sketchier than the Twilight Zone..... i just "hear" that though......
@RobinMTV14: Coming back may never happen but if it does watch out @CamilaMTV lol  :)
@MtvJess: @LaToyaJMTV looks like she's got Hells fire in her eyes! #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@TheRealNiaMoore: @jazmtv always got something to say😭 knowing @mtv only casts her because of affirmative action. No one believes u can win. Not even YOU💋
@JazMTV: @TheRealNiaMoore you won't see a final either you lost to a chick way smaller than.  Bye rookie!
@JazMTV: @TheRealNiaMoore first or chick you was all friendly and my face in the house you're only coming at me because you won't ll to be on next challenge everyone knows that even production
@JazMTV: @TheRealNiaMoore Save Twitter beef for something else I'll see you in NYC next rbitch this time don't sit in a chair and look scared when I'm in your face
@Chet_Cannon: Haha @JazMTV, a coward? Coming from a girl who wants to be known as the house whore?
@MTVBananas: Damn @LaToyaJMTV you got moves!!!! @mtv #freeagents
@BradFiorenza: God bless you @Chet_Cannon #TheChallengeFreeAgents !
@LaToyaJMTV: Bitches wont ready......#TheChallengeFreeAgents
@MtvJess: This game is INSANE!!!! #thechallenge #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@frankcsweeney: @Chet_Cannon is the man. Suave, handsome, and trying to stay that way. #ForgetTheNoise #GoodManStrongChin
@Chet_Cannon: .@frankcsweeney you're a good man. Thank you, Frank! See you next week
@BSwiftMTV: @LaToyaJMTV  iight Barry sanders jr I SEE YOU!!! #breakingankles!! #petersburg! #stthomas!
@TheRealNiaMoore: @JazMTV been on like 7 challenges and never made it to finals. Plus she gonna be doing this show for rest of her life of she can. #JOKE😞
@MtvJess: @LaToyaJMTV giving me anxiety! #tough #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@TylerDuckMTV: @JustJem24 c'mon gurl!!!
@CamilaMTV: This is the part where I get all big sis style on @LaToyaJMTV 🙈🙉🙊 sry girl... It's all the Brazilian mixed w/ my love for @JustJem24 😘
@dustinzito: Watching the Premier with my boy @MTVCoryWharton @Nola hittin @EiffelSociety
@TheRealNiaMoore: My heart was beating fast and I wasn't even in the elimination 😩 @mtv #freeagents
@CaraMariaMTV: @JustJem24 and @LaToyaJMTV  best. match. ever. All fire. Go girls! Love you both! @mtv #thechallengefreeagents
@LaToyaJMTV: Check the stage.... faces look like stone!!! #TheChallengeFreeAgents #BitchesWasSleepOnMeTho
@MTVBananas: Who knew the Girls elimination would be more intense than the Guys? @mtv #freeagents
@Chet_Cannon: Definitely the right choice. God bless the USA and my specialized surgeon. Uruguay (left) USA (right) #FreeAgents
@TheRealNiaMoore: I think I followed all u guys! If I missed u let me know ☺️💋
@iamheathercooke: @CaraMariaMTV I liked knowing in advance we were going into eliminations and then being pleasantly surprised when we didn't. Screw the draw!
@CaraMariaMTV: @iamheathercooke It doesn't even matter. You would crush all these eliminations. Just assume you are going or draw. and get it done
@ZachMTV: After that draw I had to change my undies. #freeagents @mtv
@LaToyaJMTV: "Don't kick me in the head bitch, don't kick me in the head" Lmaoooo!!!
@MTVBananas: Check out my new website for behind the scenes content and original Bananas inspired Gear! @mtv #freeagents
@JayGMTV: @JordanMTV i cant watch it if all you do is complain the whole time #basic
@ZachMTV: Let's be honest, they used the draw to even the playing field. We all know who the big dogs are. #FreeAgents @MTV
@LAURAleeMTV: KILLED IT. Girl you bad!!! @LaToyaJMTV
@PrestoMagicmtv: Agreed “@DevynSimone: I agree with @Chet_Cannon . It's not that deep! Here's a pic of his stitches”
@LaToyaJMTV: Done! Now all yall bitches go back in the house and run me a warm bath! #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@DevynSimone: #TeamUnderdog #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@TyrieBMTV: Easily top 5 elimination match ladies @JustJem24 and @LaToyaJMTV congrats
@JustJem24: It is what it is....
@LaToyaJMTV: I pity the fool that thought I was going home tonight!
@JustJem24: Success is a mixture of preparation and luck.. And luck was not on my side this time around..
@CamilaMTV: 😢 @JustJem24 #TheChallengeFreeAgents #TheChallenge
@TheRealNiaMoore: I love me some @JustJem24. If you are an athlete u understand, every game is about who played if better that night. That's it! Love u girl!
@LaToyaJMTV: Like a refund, I brought that ass back!!! See yal next week. #SMOOCHES
@JustJem24: Going home 1st sucked but I flew from Uruguay to NYC to film the Dr. OZ show & that's when I met my book editor and the book became real...
@JustJem24: So everything truly happens for a reason. And even when I lose I'm winning.. #bookcomingverysoon
@JustJem24: I hate losing, but I don't think my book would be a reality if I hadn't done the Dr.Oz show so in reality, it all worked out in my favor
@laurelstucky: I loved LaToya's attitude. #FreeAgents show me what you got rookie ..... #damnstraight
@laurelstucky: This looks great. #FreeAgents #TheChallenge
@DevynSimone: Well guys it's been fun! Hope you enjoyed it. See ya next week.
@MtvJess: Heights, Hook ups 💋 and DRAMA, DRAMA, DRAMA!!!! #TheChallengeRivalsFreeAgents @MTV
@JustJem24: It sucked leavin @CamilaMTV. We came in the house as partners, every1 knew we had each others back & I felt leavin this early could hurt her
@TylerDuckMTV: By the end of this season I predict @LaToyaJMTV @JazMTV & @DevynSimone will be the new Destiny's Child #AreUReady4ThisJelly
@DerrickMTV: Yep....#TheChallenge looks good. If you're not watching it,you should. #FreeAgents @MTV @BunimMurray @MTVShowBlog
@EricBanks: @DerrickMTV Agreed! 
@JustJem24: Unlike a lot of challengers, I'm blessed to have a lot going on outside of challenges So losing sucked, losing always sucked. Leaving didn't
@TheRealNiaMoore: Great first episode of @MTVChallenge25  right?!!! Whole season is intense. Stay tuned or get left behind 💃@mtv #freeagents
@CamilaMTV: What'd y'all think?? 😎 #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@illBeJacy: That was so dope! #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@laurelstucky: YES>>>>> I love this #Preview @caramariamtv begins to stick up for herself all I want to see
@paulawalnutsMTV: I gotta admit...all the trash talking on twitter about @MTV #freeagents between the competitors is almost as intense as the show itself
@Chet_Cannon: I've been called "f....." and "p...." about 1,000 times tonight. Do I mind? No. I choose HAPPY! #FreeAgents
@cohuttaMTV: @CaraMariaMTV hahahah
@MtvJess: How many Real Worlders does it take to put together a lamp!? #thechallenge is real ha ha latoyajmtv…
@BSwiftMTV: In celebration of my homie @latoyajmtv KILLIN IT! In tonights elimination my #tbt is back in st Thomas at the confessional #FREEAGENTS #ProudOfHer!!
@JustJem24: Yall ill be doing one podcast about tonight and everything that's happened &  it's with @busdriversroute. Tweet him any questions you have
@PrestoMagicmtv: Here for another week see y'all next Thursday fer #freeAgents Thursday!
@kendallongg: @EmileeMTV took control over that puzzle and caught up on the time! That's my girl
@LaToyaJMTV: Join me and @MtvJess right NOW on a LIVE @spreecast!!!
@MtvJess: 💥💥💥💥LIVE NOW💥💥💥💥 @LaToyaJMTV
@TheRealNiaMoore: That was fun y'all. Same time next week?? Time for a glass of wine and some basketball 💋 love you guys!
@JordanMTV: Cats out the bag.
@JustJem24: I spent a minute maybe less on it... & still got paid more than a lot of the people there 💰😂💰💵.
@LaToyaJMTV: Sorry for the delay. We are LIVE, join me & @MtvJess on @spreecast right NOW!
@paulawalnutsMTV: My next and greatest "challenge" will be raising a loving, respectful, happy boy #cantwait
@RobinMTV14: @paulawalnutsMTV good luck trust me it's true about mamas boys.
@JDOrdonez: @paulawalnutsMTV we are overdue for a catchup honey!!! Love and miss ya!
@TyrieBMTV: Not gon comment on how they picked jaz before the folk @BrandonDNelson
@CamilaMTV: I hope Ur ready 4the rest of the season! Stay tuned for my new CHALLENGE DIARY at #comingsoon💋
@BSwiftMTV: My #tbt @LaToyaJMTV  and I back in st Thomas.. She KILLED it TONIGHT! #freeagents #proud
@JustJem24: Thank y'all for the support.. It's never taken for granted. Now bigger & better things to come 💋
@BrandonDNelson: Gotta bout 40min WEST COAST!  Tune into @mtv #thechallenge #freeagents #teambrandon
@JazMTV: @Chet_Cannon first chet you went home first #Checkmate
@JazMTV: Not watching Challenge tonight personal situation.
@JazMTV: I've done 5 @TheRealNiaMoore don't be mad cause you will only be known for sucking Leroy s dick back of the bus and bathroom
@JazMTV: @TheRealNiaMoore oh and one more thing before I end this Twitter beef with you I got the text message that you wrote a oh boy not telling joy that you f***** her man
@JazMTV: @TheRealNiaMoore if you only knew what production really thought about you I do cause I'm good friends with them
@JazMTV: @TheRealNiaMoore I get it now you're obsessed with me thats cute and everything but like I said I only do dick and balls so how about you go find someone else
@iamheathercooke: I wanna highlight tape of my one loan challenge.. Pretty crazy bada$$ sh1t we did!
@JazMTV: @TheRealNiaMoore by the way does your locked up  boyfriend get MTV in jail so he can watch how suck as competitor
@JazMTV: @TheRealNiaMoore instead of writing a book about how to get a baller write a book on how to be a jailhouse girlfriend
@PrestoMagicmtv: .@TheRealNiaMoore @JazMTV  Save the words fer da court we will see who's the true #FreeAgent is.
@Chet_Cannon: When the water gets especially cold in my apartment at night. I like drinking that.
@JazMTV: Okay I have had my fun for the day with Twitter beef with some stupid bitch who couldn't even afford an apartment without MTV cosigning for her
@dustinzito: "1 of us is going to be like.. Fuck! The rest of us are gonna be like.. Pssh good luck bro" #TheDraw #FreeAgents @MTV 
@JustJem24: Y'all.. This Jasmine/Nia twitter fight is pure comedy. I fucking can't 😂😂.
@JazMTV funny thing is you was friendly with every bitch in the house but then afterwards you want to go on Twitter and talk s*** you are fake as b****** they won't be calling you back
@iamheathercooke: The first day I met @caramariamtv 😂😂😂 #tbt
@CaraMariaMTV: @iamheathercooke  what a great first date!
@LaToyaJMTV: @TheRealNiaMoore I wasn't confused as to "why people voted me in" I was confused as to why people were giving me excuses....That's it
@TheRealNiaMoore: @LaToyaJMTV oh...ok well then I feel u on that then
@LaToyaJMTV: We are still LIVE
@LaToyaJMTV: WESTCOAST...YALL LIVE IN FIVE!! #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@frankcsweeney: Alright West Coast. @MTVBananas, @TylerDuckMTV & I are watching with ya. #Legggggo #FreeAgents #RivalsReunion
@AshleyMarieMTV: @frankcsweeney @MTVBananas @TylerDuckMTV have fun boyssss!! #earlymorningsleadtonofun
@BSwiftMTV: Make sure to make your Bracket for the RockPaperShoot Tournament! @MTV @RWRRMTV
@ChallengeMTV: Mad props to @LaToyaJMTV . Never underestimate an underdog! #FreeAgents
@MTVBananas: Alright west coast, its time for The Challenge #FreeAgents round 2! @MTV
@MTVBananas: Check out my website The Challenge #FreeAgents @mtv
@BSwiftMTV: Westcoast!   get ready for a crazy dose of the #TheChallengeFreeAgents !
@MtvJess: Thanks @JayGMTV for crossing over and showing some love 👌❤️✨ #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@MtvJess: Coming out fierce with it this time! #TheChallengeFreeAgents #mtv mtv #iwill
@MtvJess: Even if everyone is against you, use that as motivation to prove to yourself that they don't matter 👌 #TheChallengeFreeAgents @mtv
@MtvJess: @LaToyaJMTV house has two temperature settings: Ice box ❄️or cremate 🔥
@LaToyaJMTV: @MtvJess LMAOOO u ass stay complaining....sound like my BF
@BunimMurray: WOW! That premiere was CRAZY! Way to show 'em who's boss, Latoya!
@TylerDuckMTV: Remember the night I went down on @MTVBananas ?! @frankcsweeney #titsOutForTheBoyz
@MtvJess: Sneak Peek 🙈 of next weeks Episode #TheChallengeFreeAgents a little feelings, a lot of flirting and even a touch of jealousy! @mtv 💋🙈👑✨
@MtvJess: Guys be like...
@MtvJess: Live your life to the fullest, seeking the truth, exposing the flaws and making them better.
@CamilaMTV: Don't wait till you lose something to value something. ✌️ #lifeistooshort
@JazMTV: @Chet_Cannon  who are you again?  Some Mormon who claims to be a virgin but fucks his girl in the ass.  #phonyMormon Goodnight
@ChallengeMTV: This season is going to be more INTENSE than ever. Tell us what you thought of the premiere! #FreeAgents

> Day After, Laurel's Birthday, and More Shots Fired!
@JayGMTV: Hey @JordanMTV you wanna retweet your fans talking shit about me. I got you. But i hope you have thick skin
@JayGMTV: @JayGMTV don't even argue with home boy,u didn't disrespect women and throw around racist remarks during your season like he did @JordanMTV
@JayGMTV: Never get too attached to something that isn't yours.
@TheMarkLong: So how did everyone like the first episode of @mtv #freeagents #CHALLENGE last night??? Any favorites so far? @buninmurray
@TheRealNiaMoore: @JazMTV I have a boyfriend in prison now??😭😭😭😭 This girl is clearly getting her information in the wrong crack alley. I can't even deal lmao
@JazMTV: @TheRealNiaMoore sweetheart I got my information from someone very close to you
@TheRealNiaMoore: @JazMTV if production "hated"'s a wonder why I always have more promos and camera time than you have in five five minutes
@TheRealNiaMoore: @JazMTV the diff between u and me is this honey...u NEED these challenges baby girl. What other opportunity would a ugly troll have in life?
@NehemiahMTV: @TheRealNiaMoore @JazMTV there's already not enough beautiful black women on MTV. Y'all need to join and fight the real enemy.
@TheRealNiaMoore: @JazMTV you need to spend all this energy wisely and go get a therapist, a dildo, and spend more time on YouTube looking up makeup tutorials
@JazMTV: I just can't get over my good friend of 7 years  slept and went on dates behind my back with my ex for 2 month's  and she doesn't feel sorry
@TheRealNiaMoore: “@JazMTV: I just can't get over my good friend of 7 years slept with my ex for 2 month's  and she doesn't feel sorry” 👈😂 cuz ur a #NONFACTOR
@TheRealNiaMoore: @Chet_Cannon you realize this is all @JazMTV has in life so she is desperate to get recasted. She doesn't have options in life like US 💋💰💰😭
@TheRealNiaMoore: Point is cunt, @JazMTV my squad is deeper, and more credible lol. I know it hurts. But u should be used to "struggle." Ur whole life is one💋
@TheRealNiaMoore: Left: undies & ponytail (effortless) Right: Pounds of makeup, wack ass outfit, hair a lost cause. This why she MAD!😩😂
@TheRealNiaMoore: @jazmtv only sleeps with whoever is wasted drunk and feels bad enough to give her suicidal ass a little dick. If she wasn't on this show..😞🔫
@TheRealNiaMoore: What kills me the most is that @JazMTV really thinks these cast mates are her friends lmao. The things they say behind her back tho😭😭😭😭
@TheRealNiaMoore: @JazMTV I know u reading this somewhere shaking with a cigarette in ur hand. Just wish my opponent was a taller. Not a loud ass hamster.😞
@TheRealNiaMoore: Y'all know I'm usually so peaceful and we keep the energy positive on my page! But sometimes you gotta be more Malcolm X than Martin Luther🔫
@TheRealNiaMoore: It must be hard @JazMTV when America can't deny that even my puppies are more attractive than u. Ya'll vote!👇😭
@TheRealNiaMoore: It's like the whole mayweather/pacquaio ordeal. He talks all that noise but won't step in the ring with the champ. Same applies with @JazMTV
@TheRealNiaMoore: He'll, @mtv we can even wear gloves if you want to save @JazMTV crooked ass teeth. I'll even close my eyes and put one hand behind my back😭😭
@JordanMTV: Everyone go and help me wish the Beautiful @laurelstucky the most wonderful Birthday ever! Happy Birthday Gorgeous. #SeeYouSoon #imsorry
@laurelstucky: @JordanMTV Thank you, jordan
@TheRealNiaMoore: @JazMTV ur too dumb! The show was my last JOB, all apartments/condos require all of those docs. U wud know if u didn't live at an orphanage
@TyrieBMTV: LORDY @ this challenge beef. Y'all really got that much beef or nah?
@DerrickMTV: By the way,the only man to ever beat  Landon...this guy--->@BradFiorenza. 1 on 1 BATTLE!  "All Time Male MVP Voting"
@BradFiorenza: @DerrickMTV my fav elimination win of strategy and execution. Between the two I would say depends on game and not looking forward 2 either.
@DerrickMTV: @BradFiorenza You da man B!
@CaraMariaMTV: In case you missed it---> episode1 of @mtv #THECHALLENGE #FREEAGENTS #watchingnow
@LaToyaJMTV: Tryna figure out when @MtvJess gonna get up & cook US for breakfast...azz still sleep
@MtvJess: “@LaToyaJMTV: Tryna figure out when @MtvJess gonna get up & cook US for breakfast...azz still sleep” 😴😴😴😴
@jonnamtv: Happy Birthday Miss @laurelstucky !!
@laurelstucky: @jonnamtv aw jonna thank you xx
@TyrieBMTV: @laurelstucky happy birthday luv
@laurelstucky: @TyrieBMTV thanks tyrie bizzer
@jonnamtv: So what did everyone think of the premire of #FreeAgents?
@MtvJess: HEY YALL IT'S @laurelstucky BIRTHDAY 🎉 Be sure to wish @laurelstucky a very happy birthday 🎉🎈🎁✨ #HappyBirthday
@laurelstucky: @MtvJess Thank you, jess you're so niiiiice
@MtvJess: “@laurelstucky: @MtvJess Thank you, jess you're so niiiiice” you're so awesome!
@laurelstucky: 🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈
@laurelstucky: I'm going to go open my first present of today. WEEEEEEEEE 🎁✨
@MtvJess: I miss NYC 🌆❤️💋✨ #nyc #NewYork
@CaraMariaMTV: There's no way to predict how @mtv #THECHALLENGE #FREEAGENTS will unfold. So many twists... so little time. Thankful for this life!
@LAURAleeMTV: Hey @JazMTV I don't know if you know this or not but I think you have a hater.......  or maybe she secretly loves you. I can't figure it out
@TheRealNiaMoore: Who heard @jazmtv say "I wanna be the house whore. I want all the dick and balls I can get" Invest in a dildo and keep those STDs to urself
@TheRealNiaMoore: Ok I'm done😭. I'll stop pissing on @jazmtv grave and leave baby girl in the cemetery so she can rest in pieces. 💋
@NanyMTV: I should consider smiling more often #FreeAgents
@MtvJess: #TwerkTeam @aneesamtv 😂👏
@AneesaMTV: @MtvJess I was gonna text you yesterday when I saw that cake cake cake
@MtvJess: “@AneesaMTV: @MtvJess I was gonna text you yesterday when I saw that cake cake cake” ha ha everyone loves a nice set of 🎂🎂's 💋👏👏👏
@AshleyMarieMTV: What did every one think of #thechallenge last night? I didn't get to watch but I heard things are a little different this season?!
@MtvJess: I need an advanced twerking 101 sesh with @AneesaMTV before @LaToyaJMTV and I turn up tonight 
💃💃💃🍹🍷🍸❤️✨ #twerk #TwerkTeam &@SometimesISAAC
@robb_schreiber: I'm not salty about not being involved in this challenge, but I would like to see myself without a teammate.
@TheRealNiaMoore: @JazMTV still waiting for name of this prison boyfriend I have..I assume he is a terrorist too? Does he have visitation? I wanna meet him!!😭
@TheRealNiaMoore: “@Chet_Cannon: Haha @JazMTV, a coward? Coming from a girl who wants to be known as the house whore?”👈👈LOL the lil gremlin lying on EVERYBODY
@MtvJess: Real talks with @LaToyaJMTV I swear 👌✨
@JazMTV: I see  this bich once again woke up still thinking about about.  Dammn girl you mist be b in . love
@JazMTV: seriously people but I want to be a hoe in the house was just a joke that I made stop taking everything so f****** personal
@JazMTV: @TheRealNiaMoore this is not a thing why are you talking s*** now about me and everyone else when you could say nothing in the house
@JazMTV: @TheRealNiaMoore the only thing you have is social media!  have a life I have a job my own place friends.
@TheRealNiaMoore: @JazMTV you still live at home with that nappy headed mom of yours who feels bad enough to let you still sleep in a twin bed. Quit it lmaooo
@JazMTV: @TheRealNiaMoore so if you want to go in and do all this stuff why don't you wait until next weekend say something but we all know you're not so sit down bitch
@JazMTV: @TheRealNiaMoore   and first off you're not even original real world you are replacement! So such as back on the bench waterboy
@TheRealNiaMoore: @JazMTV still stuck on real world Portland? 😭😭 What does it mean when the "replacement" was the breakout Star? U are secretly a fan so obvi
@JazMTV: @TheRealNiaMoore  sweetie I never watched her season
@TheRealNiaMoore: liesssss again. She watched every episode😂😂
@JazMTV: @TheRealNiaMoore  you talk about me doing challenges back to back to back bitch you are trying to be me and you will never be me!
@TheRealNiaMoore: @JazMTV u are so obsessed!😭😭And clearly u stalk my IG because u know EVERYTHING about my life. All we know is u serve burgers to old men
@TheRealNiaMoore: “@JazMTV: @TheRealNiaMoore  you talk about me doing challenges back to back to back you are trying to be me and you will never be me!”👈😂😂😩
@JazMTV: @TheRealNiaMoore its funny how you try to tallk mer an LA last week after the after shw applgogizing to me and "black girls need to stick together cuz all these white bitch are after us: #racustNia
@TheRealNiaMoore: @JazMTV ur mouth is full of LIES & CUM! You apologized to me ON CAMERA first! I felt bad for u and tried to be the bigger person, yes...
@TheRealNiaMoore: @JazMTV ..and I said I don't wanna beat up another black girl on tv. TO UR FACE! 😂 U pipped down til u got home on twitter. Those are FACTS💋
@TheRealNiaMoore: @JazMTV NO one will ever believe these lies because they've seen what a garbage ass cunt you are for like 5 seasons already. It's over for u
@JazMTV: Anyways I don't have time to deal with scary as cgicks you wjo. are nothing but replacements I have better things to do in my life today
@JazMTV: so anyways how's everyone day going?
@JazMTV: I actually need to finish watching the first episode I never got to finish it
@JazMTV: at the end of the day I don't care what anybody thinks that has to say about me because none of you would say it to my face!
@JennaCompono: @laurelstucky happy birthday pretty girl! Enjoy the weekend!! 💕🍸🍹🍺🎈🎉🎁
@laurelstucky: @JennaCompono ☺ Jenna you are such a sweetheart. Thank you! 💞
@laurelstucky: Does anyone else ever just feel tired of fighting? Life can be easy, but we make it hard on ourselves.
@laurelstucky: Today is a great day. Love the ones you love, hug the ones you want and kiss the lucky one :). No need to waste any more moments.
@laurelstucky: Happiness, helpfulness and smiles are contagious.
@laurelstucky: Pass it on... #HappyFriday
@laurelstucky: @JayGMTV woah J, you need to lay down real quick cause you cheat on girls and then say @jordanmtv disrespects them. Just keep it to yourself
@BrandonDNelson: @laurelstucky @JayGMTV @JordanMTV and to think... Jordan was supposed to meet us in Padre.  That would've been weird @Knight_MTV
@BrandonDNelson: @laurelstucky its your bday?  Well i hope its a GREAT one!
@TheRealNiaMoore: @JazMTV I sure hope you fake sick and don't show up next week. Ur gonna have some serious surprises from multiple castmates. #tablesturn 😭😭
@JazMTV: @TheRealNiaMoore don't worry bitch I'll be there and I'm prepared for what all y'all got coming
@TheRealNiaMoore: @JazMTV you wouldn't know what it's like to be on a billboard, magazines, runways, tv pilots because ur a burger server. Not a model like I.
@TheRealNiaMoore: @JazMTV that evil jealous soul of yours is going to be the death of you. When it comes to you and I there is NO competition. U hate it!!💃☺️
@TheRealNiaMoore: @JazMTV you still live at home with that nappy headed mom of yours who feels bad enough to let you still sleep in a twin bed. Quit it lmaooo
@TheRealNiaMoore: @JazMTV said "I want to be her" So I guess that's like Beyonce wishing she was Michelle. YOU aren't even pretty! Or paid. Or popular 😞
@JazMTV: Why is everyone so worried about what I say and what I do you need to be worried about yourself thats why its called free agents
@TheRealNiaMoore: Talk is cheap. And so is @jazmtv entire lifestyle. I see this bird next wk. Whether it's on a iPhone or TV it WILL be recorded. BYE Orphan☺️
@TheRealNiaMoore: Shit I'm tryna get paid! PAY PER VIEW? Will anyone bet money that @JazMTV can actually "beat my ass?" Someone set up a bidding website ASAP
@TheresaMTV: Thank guys for all the lovely comments, you have no idea how much it means to me!!☺️ Appreciate it a lot😘😘😘
@JazMTV: @Chet_Cannon I want to apologize to you about that statement that I made last night I have deleted it you have done nothing wrong to me and I shouldn't have said that!
@MTVCoryWharton: @dustinzito French Quarter Fest down in New Orleans
@MtvJess: 💛💙💜💚❤️💛💙💜💚❤️ Check out my boy @jaygmtv and his sick @crazewatches  💛💙💜💚❤️💛💙💜💚❤️ 👑💪💋✨
@MTVBananas: Thats what I call a good old fashioned landslide! @MTV #FreeAgents
@TylerDuckMTV: “@MTVBananas: Thats what I call a good old fashioned landslide! @MTV #FreeAgents” Hats off to you! #SimplyTheBest
@MTVBananas: @TylerDuckMTV Thank you sir! How's @jbanobblehead ? @MTV
@BrandonDNelson: @TylerDuckMTV @MTVBananas @MTV Numbers don't lie.
@TylerDuckMTV: “@BrandonDNelson: @TylerDuckMTV @MTVBananas @MTV Numbers don't lie.” Glad to see you back on the Challenge big guy! I'm rootin' for u!
@BrandonDNelson: @TylerDuckMTV @MTVBananas @MTV Gracias Mr. Duckworth!
@JazMTV: This Twitter beef is ridiculous and gone too far we are all grown ass adults it's going to far. she wants to have it she can have it!
@JazMTV: But thanks to everyone for all the support of watching last night I know I'm goofy and crazy!  That's why yall luv me ;)
@MTVBananas: No need to slap yourself, the rumor that @TheMarkLong is Un-Retiring from #TheChallenge isn't a dream!
@TheRealNiaMoore: I never watch the challenges but those who saw Portland know I don't bluff. Who has @jazmtv ever hit besides a wall when she's drunk?? LOL
@LaToyaJMTV: @TylerDuckMTV HAHA Im sorry I missed the shade u TRIED 2 thro last night. Email me your bio so I can get a better idea of who the fuc u r?!
@BSwiftMTV: @laurelstucky happy birthday love hope you enjoy your day!
@laurelstucky: @BSwiftMTV thank you swifty 🌞
@BrandonDNelson: @TheRealNiaMoore @JazMTV oh no.... not WORLDSTAR!
@JustJem24: “@BrandonDNelson: @TheRealNiaMoore @JazMTV oh no.... not WORLDSTAR!” And we are gonna be there to witness it all go down Brandon. Front row😂
@JazMTV: @JustJem24 @BrandonDNelson @TheRealNiaMoore tall can have that.  I'm over this shit
@JazMTV: Honestly I watched the show but I have nothing else to tweet about with people I miss the old challenges. This calling people names and talking s*** its ridiculous
@JazMTV: And I know I'm just as guilty as a lot of people for doing that but from here on it so I'm only going to talk about the competition and anything else if anybody has something to say about me that's on you
@JazMTV: If it makes you feel good to bully people and talk about people and their family and everything like that then you go right ahead and do that because that means you have a lot of growing to do
@cohuttaMTV: A little FaceTime with this one..@NanyMTV
@NanyMTV: @cohuttaMTV No fair. I couldn't even see you!
@MtvJess: @cohuttaMTV @NanyMTV so damn cute 👌
@NanyMTV: @MtvJess thanks love 😘
@MtvJess: @NanyMTV love ya girl ❤️✨
@MTVBananas: Time to add blogger to my resume! @MTV #FreeAgents
@davidbloom7: “@MTVBananas: Time to add blogger to my resume! @MTV #FreeAgents” Well done, my man. Stellar addition to the sphere.
@MTVBananas: @davidbloom7 Yeah man, I may need to hire you as my ghost blogger! @MTV
@EmileeMTV: Finally watching the second half of the challenge.. @JustJem24 and @LaToyaJMTV are bad bitches. Get money honey $$
@TheMarkLong: @MTVBananas my man! I hope we can "ride or die" again soon! @mtv #CHALLENGE #BunkBeds #LetsGo 👊👊👊
@JazMTV: At the end of the day I'm a grown ass woman and people have problems with me thats on them I'm not going to entertain it I'm not going to talk about anybody else anymore
@JazMTV: I miss when Kenny and Evan were on the challenges that's what made these things fun!
@PrestoMagicmtv: Well that was a great beginning to what looks to be another awesome season of #TheChallenge #FreeAgents
@laurelstucky: @PrestoMagicmtv thanks presto miss u silly goose
@PrestoMagicmtv: .@laurelstucky absolutely you know I think yer voice is pure heaven. Shine like a star! Happy B-day :)
@JazMTV: @laurelstucky happy birthday beautiful you've always been the voice of reason for me to remind me to be a classy lady not a trashy lady
@laurelstucky: @JazMTV thank you so much Jazzy that's so nice. I'm in your corner. PS my finger still hurts and I think about you every time. 💪 #ouchie
@EmileeMTV: Thanks for watching guys! I know I didn't tweet much last night but I will most definitely be live tweeting next week.
@JazMTV: Seriously why is this chick still worried about me and my life u do your thing I do my thing.
@JazMTV: I am over Twitter beef it is stupid on both of our parts
@CaraMariaMTV: mtv nightmare on #rivals2. #thechallenge
@NanyMTV: Happy birthday to my main chick @laurelstucky 💜
@laurelstucky: @NanyMTV Edward: It's just that, uh, very few people surprise me.
Vivian: Yeah, well, you're lucky. Most of 'em shock the hell outta me.
@NanyMTV: @laurelstucky #prettywoman 💃
@laurelstucky: @NanyMTV 👊
@EmileeMTV: I'll be live tweeting from NYC next week w/ a few #freeagents ;) @JustJem24 @JazMTV @BrandonDNelson @TheRealNiaMoore can't wait to see you!
@EmileeMTV: Happy birthday to the beautiful @laurelstucky. She has the body of an Olympian and a heart of gold. XO
@TyrieBMTV: Jesus Christ y'all gotta chill
@TyrieBMTV: Lowkey I'd love to get everyone together from the last Vegas bash. Event was wonky, but easily most fun I've had there.
@CaraMariaMTV: My Biggest regret....mtv #thechallenge #freeagents live&learn
@EmileeMTV: Can we all agree I looked like the Scream mask watching that elimination? 😱😱😱 #thechallenge #FreeAgents
@frankcsweeney: A few organic thoughts on my final season. This one is for my fellow Challengers. #FreeAgents #TheChallenge
@Chet_Cannon: @frankcsweeney well said, Frank!
@EmileeMTV: @frankcsweeney 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏 thanks for our talk today. That right there made me tear up. #emolee
@TheRealNiaMoore: @jazmtv since u can't tap my phone line yet...I thought I'd be nice and share this. Since IG stalking ain't enough💋
@ZachMTV: Truth be told, @LaToyaJMTV was impressive last night. I loved her competitive spirit, proving people wrong. #winorgohome
@IcedCOfNewYork: @ZachMTV That's what I like about @LaToyaJMTV. She never gives up and still growing strong. Never give up until the end!
@NanyMTV: He said yes... However I don't think he really had a choice😂 @cohuttamtv
@MtvJess: @NanyMTV @cohuttaMTV 😂👏😂 OMG Nany!
@MtvJess: @NanyMTV can't wait to watch the Latina turn up next week!
@NanyMTV: lol I can 🙈 RT "@MtvJess: @NanyMTV can't wait to watch the Latina turn up next week!”
@MtvJess: @NanyMTV ha ha, can we boycott next weeks episode!!
@Chet_Cannon: Less looking at your phone when crossing the street, more not doing that
@JazMTV: Don’t let little things get you down. You have got many reasons to look up to God and say thanks tonight.
@CamilaMTV: I wish I could go to #Coachella2014... But I guess I'll have to settle for #MTVMovieAwards 😜👯🎶😎👅👍 #tks @MTV 💋
@ToriFiorenza: @laurelstucky happy birthday pretty lady!!! Hope it's a great day! Xoxo
@RobinMTV14: @JustJem24 you really were a cunt last night! Never meet ya so I hate to judge you on some dumb twitter shit!
@EmileeMTV: Sometimes keeping your mouth shut and swallowing your pride is better than looking like a raging asshole.  #friendlyadvice
@RobinMTV14: @EmileeMTV but sometimes it's fun lol
@EmileeMTV: @RobinMTV14 yeah, but there's a difference between fun and games and being mean spirited.
@RobinMTV14: @EmileeMTV yes it's a fine line but @JustJem24 crossed it when she talked about my kids my family!
@EmileeMTV: @RobinMTV14 @JustJem24  I wasn't talking about that so let's put THAT fire out and let it burn, babe.
@RobinMTV14: @EmileeMTV for sure peace love and life.
@LaToyaJMTV: Ooooooo @MtvJess just became single so we outchea bout to mingle! #Imalreadytakenbutshenot
@TheRealNiaMoore: "Sweater weather" by the neighborhood will never get old. This song is an instant classic!!!
@KevinGonzalez_: “@TheRealNiaMoore: "Sweater weather" by the neighborhood will never get old. This song is an instant classic!!!” Good song👌
@LaToyaJMTV: @laurelstucky its yo birthday, its yo birthday! Bad bish contest u in 1st place!!! Luv u girlie, enjoy!!
@laurelstucky: @LaToyaJMTV Toya I Love You!thank you :)
@MTVBananas: My photo gallery dedicated to the greatest trio to ever grace the television screen! @theJEKempire #FreeAgents
@RoyLee25mtv: Sold out Saturday tomorrow @EncoreBeachClub 👏👏
@RobinMTV14: @RoyLee25mtv love ya
@RoyLee25mtv: “@RobinMTV14: @RoyLee25mtv love ya” RT love u too Robin!! You gotta come visit @BrandonDNelson and I in vegas :)
@MtvJess: No sweat, keep it moving ✌️💋✨ Turn up, painting the town real @LaToyaJMTV tonight 👯 

> As The Fans Saw It

@davidbloom7: @Jacoby_ & @julietlitman: Should we be working on #TheChallenge holiday? It seems like it should be a day off from work. Clarify, please?
@BigTymers228: @TheRealNiaMoore today is finally here you Grace my tv once again Niagara I Can't Wait To Watch You Tonight On The Challenge For Real
@BigTymers228: @MtvJess I can't wait to see you grace my tv for the 3rd time in a yr Jessica I can't wait to watch you on the challenge tonight good luck
@BigTymers228: @BSwiftMTV Yo Swift I Can't Wait To Watch You On The Challenge Tonight Man Good Luck To You
@rileys731: Do you hook up w/ppl during a challenge that you maybe wouldn't in real life? If so, is it because of boredom or strategic? #AskFreeAgents
@Money_Showers: Props to my boy @CSUAKirk for all his interviews with people from #MTV 👏👏👏👏
@CSUAKirk: @Money_Showers  thanks boss!
@Money_Showers: @CSUAKirk No problem G!
@IcedCOfNewYork: So happy to see @ZachMTV back in action on #TheChallengeFreeAgents starting tonight at 10:00 only on @MTV! Yeah buddy!
@IcedCOfNewYork: So excited to see my buddy @tjlavin back on #TheChallengeFreeAgents starting tonight at 10:00 only on @MTV! So excited!
@Morgan_MacAdam: The Challenge: #FreeAgents is FINALLY Tonight!!!!!
@davidbloom7: #Rivals partners @laurelstucky and @CaraMariaMTV start 1 and 2 on #TheChallengeFreeAgents preseason women rankings
@DjJesseJ: Tune in tonight! #MTV #TheChallenge #FreeAgents Live @afterbuzztv 10pm pst on
@CSUAKirk: in less then an hour my final #RealWorldExPlosion  @spreecast  with @JayGMTV tune in got a lot to talk about
@IcedCOfNewYork: Hell just froze over because @ZachMTV is back and better than ever on #TheChallengeFreeAgents tonight! Watch him conquer! Better recognize!
@CSUAKirk: 15 mins till I chat with @JayGMTV  live on @spreecast  final #RealWorldExPlosion  interview
@CSUAKirk: five mins till @JayGMTV  and I chat on @spreecast #RealWorldExPlosion
@DjJesseJ: Don't Miss it! #MTV #TheChallenge #FreeAgents Live @afterbuzztv 10pm pst on
@kendallongg: Work till 9:30 then The Challenge 😜✌️
@CardellChris: #AskFreeAgents How many active volcanoes are in South America?
@CSUAKirk: have been incredibly grateful for the awesome guests i've had from #RealWorldExPlosion  and #AreYouTheOne
@CSUAKirk: the great thing about my interviews with those two shows I felt like i've made one genuine friend in each @dubbucksMTV  and @JayGMTV
@JayGMTV: @CSUAKirk @dubbucksMTV you did man
@dubbucksMTV: @JayGMTV @CSUAKirk yup you did, no doubt 🙌
@KatieeBug143: @CSUAKirk @dubbucksMTV @JayGMTV They're awesome!! So are you andrew!
@CSUAKirk: #TBT @Morgan_MacAdam  and I with @MtvJess  on #RIvals2 premiere day #FreeAgents
@CSUAKirk: might have a special surprise for you guys on @spreecast  tomorrow I'll let you guys know who and what time when I know #FreeAgents
@busdriversroute: Tonight's the night. The Challenge Free Agents premiere! Hear my preview with @KennySantucci to get you all set
@matt_marcello: The challenge returns tonight. All is right with the world 🙏
@davidbloom7: @laurelstucky your return is most welcome. The #TheChallengeFreeAgents power rankings were demanding your presence:
@busdriversroute: Time to defend my title starting tonight in my Challenge fantasy league. @laurelstucky @CaraMariaMTV @BrandonDNelson @LaToyaJMTV. Lets do it
@PinedaStephanie: Really looking forward to this Challenge! @TheRealNiaMoore @NanyMTV @CaraMariaMTV @laurelstucky @cohuttaMTV @JohnnyReilly_ @dustinzito
@rileys731: Only one thing on my mind today. #FreeAgents #TheChallenge #TheChallengeFreeAgents #teamCT #love #love #love thanks @BunimMurray for 25!!
@PinedaStephanie: It's always a good show when these guys come back! @TheOfficial_CT @JordanMTV @MTVBananas @ZachMTV
@AceNichols33: Watching all the show clips of #TheChallengeFreeAgents - I just remembers how much I love @laurelstucky and I'M SO EXCITED FOR TONIGHT!!!!
@AceNichols33: Quick Twitter Q&A while I eat my lunch? Well, why the heck not? Tweet me your Qs!
@CSUAKirk: @AceNichols33  who's the second best real world challenge recapper number 1 i yourself in case you didn't know :D
@AceNichols33: @CSUAKirk OHHHH don't put me on the spot!
@tylerwilfong27: 4 hours 40 minutes till I see my all time favorite @laurelstucky ❤️👌
@AceNichols33: Things I noticed going thru cast pics of #TheChallengeFreeAgents: The girls must pose with belly buttons out & guys must be casually sitting
@AceNichols33: You should subscribe to my Twitter list of the whole cast #TheChallengeFreeAgents! Makes following the drama EASY!
@busdriversroute: Join myself @CSUAKirk & @Morgan_MacAdam preview #FreeAgents a little after 7:00. Also yell at @neyasivera for bailing
@HashtagBarbee: @busdriversroute @CSUAKirk @Morgan_MacAdam Awwww @neyasivera wth?! lol As they say, the show must go on!
@WWesWilliams: The Challenge: Free Agents is on tonight! The best American sport behind baseball!
@busdriversroute: Here's the spot to be to hear the #FreeAgents preview with @CSUAKirk and @Morgan_MacAdam. And me too I guess
@busdriversroute: Starting now... @CSUAKirk @Morgan_MacAdam ...not @neyasivera #FreeAgents
@Morgan_MacAdam: @neyasivera @busdriversroute @CSUAKirk it's ALL Neyas fault! Heartbreaker!!!
@neyasivera: @Morgan_MacAdam @busdriversroute @CSUAKirk NOOOO IT'S THEIR FAULT
@EricC_Official: tonight's the night!! Let's RT & support #TeamJess #TheChallengeFreeAgents ❤ @MtvJess 👏💪
@BigTymers228: I Want To Take The Time To Give A Shout Out & Wish This Awesome Dude That I Had Watched On Both The…
@BigTymers228: I Also Want To Give A Shout Out To This Beautiful Lady That I Also Had The Honor Of Formally Meeting…
@BigTymers228: & Last But Not Least I Want To Give A Shout Out & Wish Good Luck To Another Beautiful Lady That I Also…
@BigTymers228: @latoyajmtv tonight is finally here I Can't Wait To Watch you grace my tv again tonight on the challenge Latoya I missed you so much
@neyasivera: Guys #FreeAgents starts in 2 hours!!i gotta finish this beer and run home! @dustinzito won't cheer for himself...I mean he will but ya knwo
@Morgan_MacAdam: @neyasivera less than two hours until #FreeAgents rooting for @dustinzito @NanyMTV @DevynSimone @laurelstucky @mtvjess @BrandonDNelson
@Justin_Rhines: Watching some bonus clips and show clips for @RWRRMTV #ChallengeFreeAgents before the season premiere
@CSUAKirk: might have two of my favorites in one @spreecast  tomorrow both I've talked to like 38890989848989 times
@Morgan_MacAdam: So excited to see @cohuttaMTV and @SometimesISAAC back on #FreeAgents
@Battle_S: Can we all agree that @tjlavin is greatest host of any TV show! @MTV's #TheChallenge is back on tonight #FreeAgents #LetsGo
@CardellChris: T minus 1 hr 20 mins until liftoff! 🚀 The Challenge Agents of Free!!!😃😃😇 #TheChallengeFreeAgents @Challenge25Mtv @RWRRMTV
@CardellChris: This should be a national holiday! National Challenge Day! #TheChallengeFreeAgents @RWRRMTV @Challenge25Mtv @MtvJess @CamilaMTV
@AceNichols33: Do u dig the intro screen I made 4 the new #TheChallengeFreeAgents recaps @DevynSimone @NanyMTV @laurelstucky @JazMTV
@AceNichols33: Can u tell who I'm hiding behind the logo, cuz I don't care about them? LOL Hint: Not TJ in the middle. He is just there for space reasons..
@rileys731: One hour until the challenge!!! @madeyanju I expect txts during it
@davidbloom7: #TheChallengeFreeAgents Season Predictions and Awards: Best Interview: @DevynSimone and @Chet_Cannon
@davidbloom7: #TheChallengeFreeAgents Season Predictions and Awards: The Leap: @JustJem24 and @JordanMTV
@busdriversroute: I can't wait to live tweet the shit out of #FreeAgents.'ve been warned.
@davidbloom7: #TheChallengeFreeAgents Season Predictions and Awards: The Breakout: @MtvJess and @PrestoMagicmtv
@neyasivera: @davidbloom7 david, my love, did you really put jemmye in front of nany? noooo
@davidbloom7: @neyasivera I did. I could have gone many ways. Honestly, I have NO IDEA where this season is going to go. You ready???
@neyasivera: @davidbloom7 SO READY BABE!!!!
@busdriversroute: It is really embarrassing how excited I am for the next 32 minutes to pass by. You'd think I was a 5 year old waiting for Santa #FreeAgents
@NotoriousAJM: @busdriversroute im on the same exact boat!!!!
@CardellChris: Jessica and Laytoya doing an aftershow on spree cast @MtvJess #challengefreeagents
@CardellChris: T minus 30 mins. Adrenaline pumping! @TheChallengeRW @Challenge25Mtv #challengefreeagents
@davidbloom7: #TheChallengeFreeAgents Season Predictions and Awards: Final 4 Women: @laurelstucky @CaraMariaMTV @JustJem24 @MtvJess
@busdriversroute: The best thing you can say about the Challenge is outside of Laurel winning for the girls, there's so much parity. Expect the unexpected.
@TheSteamer: @busdriversroute At least 8 men have at least a shot at winning. Maybe 4 women.
@busdriversroute: @TheSteamer The men yes, the women...I just don't see a scenario where Laurel doesn't get it done.
@TheSteamer: @busdriversroute It shouldn’t happen but I can see her getting frazzled in an elimination is she happens to end up there.
@TheSteamer: @busdriversroute Couple that with Nany’s past performance and it opens the door slightly for Camila or Cara Maria.
@davidbloom7: #TheChallengeFreeAgents Season Predictions: Final 4 Men: @TheOfficial_CT @MTVBananas @JordanMTV @dustinzito
@busdriversroute: With that, my predictions … Men: 1. @JordanMTV, 2. @MTVBananas, 3. @ZachMTV.   Women: 1. @laurelstucky, 2. @NanyMTV, 3. @CaraMariaMTV
@davidbloom7: @busdriversroute In a season of unpredictability, interesting how we align on our top picks...
@davidbloom7: @busdriversroute My no. 1s are the same. My top 4s are a little different...
@neyasivera: Let the games begin!! @NanyMTV @EmileeMTV @cohuttaMTV @dustinzito @laurelstucky @JordanMTV @TheresaMTV #myteamisbetterthanyours
@busdriversroute: The one thing we can all agree on? Preston has no shot. Carry on...
@TheSteamer: @busdriversroute WHY IS HE THERE?!?!?!? WHY?!?!? ANSWER ME!!!!
@busdriversroute: @TheSteamer I-I-I I don't know. One of life's great mysteries.
@neyasivera: I missed this!!My whole timeline is #TheChallenge #FreeAgents
@neyasivera: Frank is crying again ughh DUDE COME ONNNNN
@CSSandersSNE: @CSUAKirk I have to watch the season premiere tomorrow after my exam.Tonight in studying for it. Don't tell me anything after u watch it lol should be a good show.
@neyasivera: I'm more of a man than frank will ever be...
@busdriversroute: Hey @MTV why don't you treat this like the sport it is and hire a studio crew to do pre/post game for each episode? Like always, I'm free...
@CardellChris: Ladies and gentleman!! Free Agents is here!! #challengefreeagents
@Noel_Slawinski: #FreeAgents
@Justin_Rhines: #TheChallengeFreeAgents STARTS NOW ON MTV!!!!
@kendallongg: ITS ON
@Morgan_MacAdam: #FreeAgents Starts NOW!!
@neyasivera: IT'S STARTRINGGGGG !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! #FreeAgents
@NotoriousAJM: WOOOT WOOOT!!! #TheChallenge #FreeAgents
@Morgan_MacAdam: #FreeAgents Lets Gooooooo
@Jeff_Rabinowitz: The Challenge Free Agents!!! @TheOfficial_CT  @MTVBananas  @RWRRMTV @SometimesISAAC @frankcsweeney @CamilaMTV @laurelstucky
@busdriversroute: I love @CamilaMTV. Please go absolutely batshit again. Please. Signed, everyone
@KevinGonzalez_: Watching #TheChallenge #FreeAgents
@Justin_Rhines: Hi, @MTVBananas @CamilaMTV #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@kendallongg: NIAAAAAAA 🙌🙌🙌🙌
@neyasivera: Frank you don't play it hard, you take IT hard #FreeAgents
@busdriversroute: Oh good, Nia is back in my life. Yippie.
@kendallongg: My girl is back, FINALLY @EmileeMTV 😍😁🙌🙌🙌 @mtv
@busdriversroute: I'm sorry I can't get over @tjlavin not wearing a hat.
@CardellChris: FREE AGENTS TIME!!
@Justin_Rhines: #TheChallengeFreeAgents is underway
@NotoriousAJM: Season 25👍
@NotoriousAJM: Good to see @EmileeMTV & @cohuttaMTV back!!!
@kendallongg: Devyn, Jess, Jem, Laurel, Latoya, Jasmine, Nia, Cara, Emilee, Aneesa, Jonna, Namy, Cara, Camilla 😍😍🙌🙌🙌
@busdriversroute: I counted at least 3 voice overs in TJ's opening monologue. God I missed this show.
@kendallongg: I'd love to be in the hunger games though! Beat some ass and take names
@kendallongg: Your $ earrings though 😩 @LaToyaJMTV
@busdriversroute: Why is everyone sitting there in suspense? He told you the total amount of money, gave you 2nd and 3rd place prize...just add and subtract.
@Battle_S: #TheChallenge makes my life complete @MTV
@NotoriousAJM: This is hands down the best house in challenge history. #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@kendallongg: A basketball court inside the house, that's dope as hell!
@Morgan_MacAdam: #freeagents house is SICK!!
@busdriversroute: I can guarantee NO ONE will say the phrase, "oh snap, Swift got it poppin."
@kendallongg: LMAO "I wanna be the whore of the challenge" 😭😭😂😂😂 @JazMTV
@busdriversroute: If Devyn and Big Easy can't make it as a couple than I don't know what chance the rest of us have...
@kendallongg: Johnny from Portland is so awkward. He can go first for all I care.
@NotoriousAJM: How would Dustin embarrass heather if they're not together?
@Justin_Rhines: It seems like everyone is single, haha #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@busdriversroute: That was a bizarre edit for @JohnnyReilly_'s first Challenge confessional... What was up with the music
@NotoriousAJM: Rule #1: Never take @MTVBananas advice. Lol
@kendallongg: Those pigtails 😩😂😭 @CaraMariaMTV
@neyasivera: Guyssssss IT'S LAURELLLLL!!SHE IS BACK 🙌🙌🙌🙌 @laurelstucky #FreeAgents
@kendallongg: My baby is back! @laurelstucky AGHHHH it's been too long 😁
@busdriversroute: This is like if Peyton Manning took three seasons off. You can feel the desire to win coming through the screen @laurelstucky
@NotoriousAJM: YES LAUREL!!!! @laurelstucky 😍😍😍
@busdriversroute: Phew, @tjlavin back in a hat. The world is right again.
@kendallongg: I give Preston mad props. He tries hard on this show and forever not coming close.
@kmacisco: Seriously the challenge is as serious for me as the uconn game was. Like I want to burn a couch I'm so excited 🔥
@davidbloom7: The basketball court in the house is the best idea on #TheChallenge since they hired @tjlavin. Um, @TheresaMTV that was incredible...
@busdriversroute: I'd pay big money to be in stage seriously holy crap what a difference #FreeAgents
@IcedCOfNewYork: This year @MTVBananas will win and become the 7th time #TheChallenge champion! #FreeAgents
@Morgan_MacAdam: Craziest Challenge to kick a season off EVER!! Right @tjlavin ?!
@NotoriousAJM: So many good people that I have NO IDEA who's gonna win! @laurelstucky @TheOfficial_CT @AneesaMTV @JordanMTV @TheRealNiaMoore @RoyLee25mtv
@busdriversroute: Did @MTVBananas just fall to like the 10th pick? Wow
@TheSteamer: @busdriversroute I’m more aghast at Chet picking Camila first. Nia’s team seems much better. We’ll see.
@kendallongg: S/O to @TheRealNiaMoore for choosin her RW crew @MtvJess
@busdriversroute: UPDATE: Team Nia is a -185 favorite over Team Chet.
@Morgan_MacAdam: Dude wtf 42 flights of Stairs?! I struggle on 7 when the elevator breaks down!! #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@GoldenGreggy: Am I the only one forgetting who some of these people are? #freeagents like 6 or 7 of these people I was like "who are you?" Lol
@IcedCOfNewYork: "Long hair, don't care." That's @ZachMTV motto! Always has been. #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@JohnyZig: love how the names r on the back of the jersey instead of the fronts #thewayitssupposetobe
@neyasivera: Ok...I'm in love with @SometimesISAAC DONE.
@kendallongg: Johnny's weak for goin after @CaraMariaMTV because he's gassed out
@busdriversroute: Good to see nice Laurel lasted about 30 minutes. She's the best #FreeAgents
@Morgan_MacAdam: Yeah @MTVBananas you don't need to put a girl in a chokehold, Johnny!! - @laurelstucky
@NotoriousAJM: Swift just leaped into the air😂😂😂 #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@busdriversroute: Please don't die @LaToyaJMTV, you're on my fantasy team!
@J_Medd: Starting the Challenge a bit late, but here it is ! #FreeAgents
@NotoriousAJM: Y'all see bae just kill that puzzle tho😍👍 @AneesaMTV
@Morgan_MacAdam: Way to go @BSwiftMTV on knocking your girl @LaToyaJMTV on the door frame!! #TeamSTThomas haha #freeagents
@kendallongg: Swift bashed her head into the door and made her woozy
@brianteng2014: im tweeting and retweet mtv the challenge stuff like crazy
@busdriversroute: Hahaha I love @jonnamtv fixing her hair during her confessional. #FreeAgents
@kendallongg: Swear @laurelstucky is always on the black team every challenge.
@J_Medd: Liking this new format ! Individual games depending on winning and not as much politics.
@BigTymers228: @DevynSimone the way how you look in the challenge you certainly ain't playing no games with the gym workouts Devyn
@IcedCOfNewYork: I believe in you @frankcsweeney. You're not a bad guy. I would never judge you. Battle with everything you got! #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@Justin_Rhines: You can do it @MtvJess #TheChallengeFreeAgents #FreeAgents
@davidbloom7: I am not sure a commercial cliffhanger has ever left me so much on the ledge, @MtvJess. My heart is racing for you. #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@Morgan_MacAdam: For all you haters @mtvjess just blew everyone's mind!!
@NotoriousAJM: What I tell you? @MtvJess will come through!!!🙌
@kendallongg: The way Dustin fell 😂😂😂
@davidbloom7: #PrincessHulk the return! @MtvJess deserves @tjlavin first "You killed it" of the season. #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@Justin_Rhines: YOY DID IT!!!! @MtvJess #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@NotoriousAJM: And of course @CamilaMTV kicks EVERYBODY ass!! 18 seconds? Love this girl!!!
@kendallongg: With the quickness and effortlessness @CamilaMTV ran across that log 😂👏👏
@ShimBo84: I'm DVRing #TheChallengeFreeAgents, but I had someone text me & say it's actually a great premiere episode & premise.
@busdriversroute: I just can't believe we saw @JordanMTV fail at something. I'm still stunned.
@kmacisco: @busdriversroute and jessica did it & he didn't hahahah
@neyasivera: @busdriversroute @JordanMTV someone put a weird spell on him
@taynaelaine24: @busdriversroute @JordanMTV me tooooo! Dude is good at literally Everything!!!
@busdriversroute: As cool as this challenge is, it's going on like 40 minutes now. Show me some drunken craziness!!!
@neyasivera: BLACK WINSSS YASSS @NanyMTV @cohuttaMTV @laurelstucky @JordanMTV  #FreeAgents
@KevinGonzalez_: Haha the way Dustin got up like "fuck it's over" #TheChallenge #FreeAgents
@KevinGonzalez_: Don't act like you don't knowww 👀👀
@NotoriousAJM: Am I the only one that's scared AF about this draw tho? #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@kendallongg: First game ever and a rookie pulled the win! Go @TheRealNiaMoore
@NotoriousAJM: Balls In. @BradFiorenza & @AbramBoise. Possibly the most FRUSTRATING elimination on the Inferno 2
@kendallongg: Lmao @jonnamtv is like shit it ain't me 💅💁 y'all continue to be shady #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@Justin_Rhines: Damn, @LaToyaJMTV. I love LaToya #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@kendallongg: Lmao good explanation @DevynSimone 😂
@Justin_Rhines: Ya'll @Chet_Cannon is cool #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@kendallongg: 1st elimination EVER not voted in by the house 👏👏 @CaraMariaMTV
@NotoriousAJM: Oh shit LaToya😳😳😳 @LaToyaJMTV
@NotoriousAJM: This random draw is very startling for me
@kendallongg: I'm nervous for this draw 😰
@Justin_Rhines: It's @LaToyaJMTV & @Chet_Cannon . Good luck you guys #TheChallengeFreeAgents #ChallengeFreeAgents #TheChallenge #FreeAgents
@zachh24_: c'mon @LaToyaJMTV girllll! 👏😜 you got this! #freeagents
@kendallongg: Wait Jemmye just hoed Robins life 😩
@kendallongg: This draw is like Russian roulette #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@kendallongg: Yay @EmileeMTV is safe 💃💃💃
@davidbloom7: Has there ever been anyone on #TheChallenge who deserved good fortune more than @CaraMariaMTV?
@NotoriousAJM: LaToya vs Jemmye lets go.
@neyasivera: #TeamVegas always!!no matter what challenge or show @NanyMTV @dustinzito @RoyLee25mtv
@NotoriousAJM: That was the most gut wrenching shit ever
@kendallongg: It's a physical elimination. Just bein real when you compare who's against who #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@busdriversroute: Great elimination round. Great sequence with the kill card. +1 @MTV
@kendallongg: Chet got FUCKED UP! His chin is literally oozing of blood. Bet production is going to send him home w/o finishing #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@busdriversroute: That's quitting points for @Chet_Cannon. -25. Good showing kid...
@neyasivera: No comment.Weak ass move #freeagents
@NotoriousAJM: Really didn't want Chet to go home
@neyasivera: Lets go @LaToyaJMTV !!!!!!!!!
@busdriversroute: This is quickly becoming one of my favorite female eliminations ever. Great show #FreeAgents
@sancheese96: @busdriversroute I don't know. I think it looks good because they both aren't seasoned. It's like the best of the not so good.
@busdriversroute: @sancheese96 Fair, but it's very entertaining. Nice to see them competing.
@sancheese96: @busdriversroute No doubt! Both are showing tremendous determination.
@JustJem24: “@busdriversroute: This is quickly becoming one of my favorite female eliminations ever. Great show #FreeAgents”can't wait to talk about it
@kendallongg: Tbh girl I didn't know you had this fire @LaToyaJMTV 😳🔥
@busdriversroute: No matter what happens the winner better get a "you killed it" @tjlavin. #FreeAgents
@Battle_S: .@LaToyaJMTV got the moves #GetItGirl #FreeAgents
@NotoriousAJM: Me watching @LaToyaJMTV vs. @JustJem24 #TheChallengeFreeAgents <>
@kendallongg: My TL is full of subtweets and shade over the challenge 🙊
@kendallongg: Noooooooo not jem 😕😞
@kmacisco: IM FUCKING CRYING @JustJem24 I still love you
@busdriversroute: YOU KILLED IT! YAY! HUGE POINTS. Thanks @LaToyaJMTV, helluva performance
@davidbloom7: Just a huge night for the women in Raleigh @MtvJess @LaToyaJMTV #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@NotoriousAJM: I love you yo. @LaToyaJMTV
@AceNichols33: Can't wait to watch the damn challenge! Rawrrr. Subscribe to make sure u see the recaps!!
@kendallongg: Great first episode @BunimMurray @MTV #TheChallengeFreeAgents 👏👏👏🔥🔥🔥
@busdriversroute: My brain just exploded from the "This season on The Challenge."
@neyasivera: WILL YOU MARRY ME? 👫👰🎩❤️❤️ #FreeAgents
@Battle_S: I'm sorry but for a chance at that much $$$ I'm not quitting unless all my bones got crashed or something! #TheChallenge #FreeAgents
@JamieLewis9: Damn this challenge would have been perfect for you @EmFitMTV
@kmacisco: Can I have a jersey 😭😭 @MtvJess @JustJem24 i have on jemmye's short I need to match
@busdriversroute: After an epic elimination round loss, I will be speaking with @JustJem24 this weekend to get her thoughts on the premiere #FreeAgents
@Morgan_MacAdam: @MtvJess you made me so proud I legit screamed and teared up when you killed that rolling log!! My girl!! #freeagents #shutupjordan
@Morgan_MacAdam: @LaToyaJMTV I've never screamed so loud at the tv screen EVER! Most intense elimination...EVER! Omg. #freeagents
@Morgan_MacAdam: @LaToyaJMTV omg LaToya. That was by far the craziest performance I've ever seen! Amazing my friend! Upset of the century! #FreeAgents
@Justin_Rhines: Bye, @JustJem24 #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@kmacisco: I may or may not have just had a panic attack over the challenge
@davidbloom7: @JustJem24 You could not have exited in a classier way. Thrilled to hear you are killing it in NYC. #TheChallengeFreeAgents will miss you.
@JustJem24: @davidbloom7 thank you. Means a lot coming for you :)
@davidbloom7: Awwwww, you are very kind. Total class, @JustJem24. :)
@rileys731: Only thing that was missing was a speech from @tjlavin about quitting. If there's 1 thing TJ hates, it's quitters #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@PinedaStephanie: OMG  @dustinzito and @MtvJess are the cutest things ever! :) Their accents ahh
@WWesWilliams: Wish Chet would have stayed and finished the elimination, but I think he realized that he was fighting a losing battle.
@neyasivera: My timeline and I are so happy!! #FreeAgents all over the place!!GOD IS GOOD YOU GUISSSS
@rileys731: So excited to get more @JordanMTV @RoyLee25mtv and @TheOfficial_CT on my tv every Thursday!
@KevinTocci: @MTVBananas @MTV @Challenge24MTV @RWRRMTV Man was that a sick start to the new season of The Challenge, DAMN that was good!
@Challenge24MTV: All I can say is WOW!!! #FreeAgents
@busdriversroute: Anyone else see the feud between Portland & Explosion tonight with Averey, Jordan, Jay & Tom? Taking Battle of the seasons to new levels.
@NotoriousAJM: I can't deal with this Portland Vs. Explosion beef right now. Whose side do I choose?😖😖😖😖😖
@busdriversroute: It's been an hour and I may or may not have watched the "this season on The Challenge" 3 dozen times. Is there a support group I can attend?
@NotoriousAJM: Y'all kill me picking you fantasy challenge teams not based on skill, but who you think would RT or reply to the tweet😒 #TheChallenge
@neyasivera: I fell in love...@SometimesISAAC I'm coming for you
@BigTymers228: @LaToyaJMTV Good Show Tonight Toya You Definitely Proved People Just Because You're Small & Petite You Ain't No Joke & Don't Play No Games
@CSUAKirk: challenge #FreeAgents starts right now going to watch some of it now some of it tomorrow go @MtvJess  @LaToyaJMTV  @BrandonDNelson  etc
@CSUAKirk: so glad to see @EmileeMTV  on #FreeAgents   I hope @ayiiia_eliza  comes back soon love all the girls on Cancun
@PinedaStephanie: I always thought @KennySantucci and @AshleyMarieMTV were going to go at least on a date ! lol
@CSUAKirk: glad to see @BSwiftMTV  making his debut in this one #FreeAgents
@BSwiftMTV: @CSUAKirk thanks Andrew glad to hear from you bro !
@CSUAKirk: @BSwiftMTV  you made your return  to MtV next stop @spreecast
@CSUAKirk: I love @JazMTV  she's always keeping it real   girl has no filter #FreeAgents
@CardellChris: Watched @mtvjess and Latoya on spree cast!
@CSUAKirk: so far loving the heck out of this challenge #FReeAgents
@CSUAKirk: hear how things changed with one friendship @JayGMTV  had after the show was over
@AceNichols33: Here we go!!!! Who's crying first? #TheChallengeFreeAgents #HereComeTheRecaps!!
@CSUAKirk: @AceNichols33  challenge premiere day whats good Ace!
@nld9620: Ok this is bugging me what show was Issac from? #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@CSUAKirk: hate to see @LaToyaJMTV  go in that ambulance :/ #FreeAgents
@CSUAKirk: First @DevynSimone  classic one liner   @AceNichols33  hope you got that  #FreeAgents
@CSUAKirk: First @DevynSimone  classic one liner   @AceNichols33  hope you got that  #FreeAgents
@MtvJess: “@CSUAKirk: how bout @MtvJess  socks though  #FreeAgents” @AskTeamUA
@CSUAKirk: @MtvJess @AskTeamUA    pretty bomb  girl :)
@CSUAKirk: @MtvJess and you look amazing as always in your one on one interviews!  #FreeAgents
@nld9620: Omg I hope @MtvJess goes across that log! Go Jess! I know you can do it! #teamjess
@CSUAKirk: great job @MtvJess   love you girl!  #FreeAgents
@CSUAKirk: to heck with it I'm staying up till the end of this thing tomorrow's Friday #FreeAgents
@CSUAKirk: Wasnt  this on Inferno 2 Balls Out with @AbramBoise  vs @BradFiorenza  #FreeAgents
@TheSteamer: @CSUAKirk I believe so. And neither of them bitched out. I love eliminations like that.
@CSUAKirk: @TheSteamer  that elimination was so frekin good i hope they replay this elimination and have two big dogs go at it
@TheSteamer: @CSUAKirk It would be ideal. Can’t have the girls show them up on a physical elimination.
@CSUAKirk: Surprised that @tjlavin  didn't give him a bad time  #FreeAgents
@TheSteamer: @CSUAKirk You know he was thinking it especially after watching it and seeing Chet roll his eyes. Fuck Chet.
@CSUAKirk: @TheSteamer  we didn't get to see your favorite hat though Steamer
@TheSteamer: @CSUAKirk Next time you see him, he’s going to have giant band aids with Chet written on them.
@CSUAKirk: @TheSteamer  sucks we didn't have afterbuzz tonight  guess will have to wait a week till you return
@TheSteamer: @CSUAKirk Agreed. Always love hearing their opinions. Shit happens.
@AceNichols33: Ahhhhh!!! #TheChallengeFreeAgents was awesome!! So many faces I've missed. @JustJem24 way to fight girl!! You did awesome. Xo
@AceNichols33: So happy @DevynSimone's fantastic one liners are back and stronger than ever!! #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@AceNichols33: And you were so damn happy @MtvJess to make it across that beam!! Hahah!! Pure joy in yo face. #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@MtvJess: @AceNichols33 I was just happy to be alive ha ha never been closer to Jesus in my life!
@CardellChris: #TheChallengeFreeAgents @LaToyaJMTV @MtvJess @CamilaMTV @Challenge25Mtv @NanyMTV The still to come clip:

Fan's View: The Day After
@ccaliri01: Twitter is wild this morning! 😂👊
@BigTymers228: @TheresaMTV I See You Got Mad Handles & Skills When It Comes To The Game Of Basketball Theresa I Love That About You
@IcedCOfNewYork: Shout out to my friend @tjlavin for coming back on #TheChallengeFreeAgents! He's the best BMX Champion and best host ever!
@CSUAKirk: Happy Bday to @laurelstucky  so glad to see you back on my tv screen you looked so lovely last night
@busdriversroute: Happy birthday @laurelstucky. I have a feeling well be seeing your true gift be unveiled in a couple months.
@PinedaStephanie: Wait wasn't @JazMTV that started all this beef with @TheRealNiaMoore ?! Nia is def finishing it!
@WWesWilliams: Oooooh @JennaCompono favorites @JordanMTV 's tweet. Poor Jay hahaha
@CSUAKirk: so much twitter beef with people that i've had on my podcast/webcast before  sometimes I wonder if they're on the challenge not another BMP show
@neyasivera: just wrote the recap for episode 1 so take a look if you wanna #FreeAgents :) @NanyMTV @TheresaMTV @EmileeMTV
@CSUAKirk: Idk if i think this twitter beef going on is hilarious  or stupid maybe a combo of the two #FreeAgents
@kaylaschneider1: @CSUAKirk both! And it's highly entertaining!
@CSUAKirk: @kaylaschneider1  one individual just keeps going and going to think if we had twitter during the earlier seasons how bad it would be
@kaylaschneider1: @CSUAKirk I can't even imagine lol
@KatieeBug143: @CSUAKirk I'm a tad confused by what I saw lol
@tylerwilfong27: Happy Birthday @laurelstucky all time favorite girl to ever be on the challenge ❤️👌
@KO_Skuba: Finally watching #TheChallenge #FreeAgents. First note. @TheresaMTV's jump shot. Coming from a basketball nerd, that is pure!
@KO_Skuba: Second note - I can already tell @MTVBananas ain't fuckin' around this Challenge. This is a good first test. #TheChallenge #FreeAgents
@KO_Skuba: Third #FreeAgents Note - @cohuttaMTV remains a popular sleeper pick. He showed why in this Challenge. Well done. #TheChallenge
@KO_Skuba: Fourth #FreeAgents Note - Competitively, politically, and visually, this show is so much better with @laurelstucky on my TV. #TheChallenge
@CSUAKirk: @KO_Skuba @laurelstucky  couldn't have put it better myself bro!
@KO_Skuba: Fifth #FreeAgents Note - @Chet_Cannon looks like he went into a cage fight with Wanderlei Silva circa-2005. That's a cut!! #TheChallenge
@KO_Skuba: Sixth #FreeAgents Note - That was an intense elimination round. That's what the fans want to see! #TheChallenge
@Money_Showers: This Nia vs Jaz fight is not even gettin old! Hahaha thanks @MTV @TheRealNiaMoore @JazMTV
@busdriversroute: Here's the sad truth, @TheresaMTV would be the fourth best player on the Knicks. Maybe even in third. #FreeAgents
@busdriversroute: Bus Driver's Route: The Challenge Free Agents Scoring Week 1
@EricC_Official: why is everyone on twitter saying if anyone else has noticed that @Chet_Cannon gained weight? WTF? #random #haters
@IcedCOfNewYork: I like @frankcsweeney because he's kind, sexy and very funny all around. I'm happy he's back on #TheChallengeFreeAgents. Love him!
@EricC_Official: What bout @MtvJess on the #challengefreeagents last night? #BeastMode 👏 deathly afraid of heights, took 1 for the team & made it across!
@busdriversroute: The star of the week was @LaToyaJMTV. The dud was @Chet_Cannon. Here's the complete Week 1 Review #FreeAgents
@EricC_Official: fuck that @Chet_Cannon is NOT a coward. If you had a gash that big that needed stitches you'd go home too! Imagine if that got infected
@PinedaStephanie: haha @tjlavin's face when @CamilaMTV made it across was hilarious! :)
@Money_Showers: The first challenge was a way to kick off this season! #TheChallengeFreeAgents

> And As I Saw It on #DCNOW
@dc408dxtr: Well tonight, the madness begins, #TheChallenge #FreeAgents. Should be a very busy day on here. Live tweeting later on #DCNow: @dc408dxnow.
@dc408dxtr: And not only is this Challenge Thursday, it's also day 1 of The Masters, so the so-called 5th pro sport & golf's 1st major both start today.
@dc408dxtr: @MtvJess @JordanMTV @TheRealNiaMoore @JohnnyReilly_ good luck you all on #TheChallenge #FreeAgents tonight. #TeamPortland
@dc408dxtr: @LaToyaJMTV @BSwiftMTV good luck you two on #TheChallenge #FreeAgents tonight. #TeamSTT
@dc408dxtr: @dustinzito @NanyMTV @RoyLee25mtv good luck you all on #TheChallenge #FreeAgents tonight. #TeamVegas
@dc408dxtr: @JazMTV @EmileeMTV @jonnamtv good luck ladies on #TheChallenge #FreeAgents tonight. #TeamCancun
@dc408dxtr: @laurelstucky @BrandonDNelson @CamilaMTV @CaraMariaMTV @TheresaMTV good luck you all on #TheChallenge #FreeAgents tonight.
@dc408dxtr: @Chet_Cannon @cohuttaMTV @DevynSimone @SometimesISAAC @AneesaMTV @frankcsweeney Good luck you all on #TheChallenge #FreeAgents.
@dc408dxtr: @TheOfficial_CT @JustJem24 @MTVBananas @ZachMTV @PrestoMagicmtv good luck on #TheChallenge #FreeAgents tonight.
@dc408dxnow: Hi everyone, welcome to #TheChallenge #FreeAgents on #DCNow. I'm @dc408dxtr & I'll be your host thru the madness of this upcoming season.
@dc408dxnow: least here on this page. To followers, please be cautioned this account will be flooded coming up in an hour during the premiere.
@dc408dxnow: But, I'm doing this as service to west coast folks so they can have the same TW experience as everyone else. So again, welcome aboard all.
@dc408dxtr: Got the warriors game on right now, but no longer. Gonna move the game over to the radio for one special reason for what's coming on next.
@dc408dxnow: #NowWatching #TheChallenge #FreeAgents. So without further ado, let's head off to Uruguay and get this extravaganza under way.
@dc408dxnow: For the first time, they're documenting the cast arriving at the airport all en route to their venue. Hearing from everyone. #FreeAgents
@dc408dxnow: .@tjlavin welcomes everyone to #TheChallenge #FreeAgents, and it's the magic 25th edition. And it's a whole new ball game folks.
@dc408dxnow: This is an individual Challenge - 1st one in 5 years, and same prize money as last year: $125k 1st, $35k 2nd, $15k 3rd. #freeagents
@dc408dxnow: And this must be a very rad house that they've got here, probably much better than the jungle house that we saw last year. #FreeAgents
@dc408dxnow: Welcome back @SometimesISAAC, @cohuttaMTV, @EmileeMTV, @laurelstucky & @DevynSimone. #TheChallenge #FreeAgents
@dc408dxnow: Everyone's all having fun on this 1st night, and now a basketball game between @TheOfficial_CT @TheresaMTV. T's showing what she's made of.
@dc408dxnow: As @CaraMariaMTV @laurelstucky talk by the pool, got some good memories of #TeamBlack on Rivals come back to many. #FreeAgents
@dc408dxnow: .@DevynSimone reads the 1st clue, and reality sets in, it's the first challenge, a sky high one in a 42-story skyscraper. #FreeAgents
@dc408dxnow: They're all together, and @Chet_Cannon @therealniamoore have dibs on who to pick for their two teams. 3 stages, winner w/ best time wins.
@dc408dxnow: Everyone's all strategizing on who's gonna do what. It's #TeamRed vs. #TeamBlack. And they're all chained up too. Here we go. #FreeAgents
@dc408dxnow: They're climbing up a stairwell & now they're at a puzzle, but @BSwiftMTV is being blocked in the door, but @LaToyaJMTV is on the ground.
@dc408dxnow: #TeamBlack completes the puzzle, but @LaToyaJMTV is being taken off for a stretcher for possible dehydration. Be strong 'Toya! #freeagents
@dc408dxnow: Now to stage 3 of this first mission, and all the players have to walk across a rolling log located above ground. This is scary. #FreeAgents
@dc408dxnow: Oh poor @DevynSimone. Can't make it across. Now it's @BrandonDNelson's turn, but he can't make it either. Well well well. #freeagents
@dc408dxnow: Next is @MtvJess, great that everyone's cheering on Jessica to try to get across. But this is a tough task. You can do it girl! #FreeAgents
@dc408dxnow: But @MtvJess makes it! Oh, that is fantastic. Now @dustinzito's is on, but that is a rather bad fall. Now @JordanMTV. No limits to this guy.
@dc408dxnow: Now up: @CamilaMTV. She's the only girl in this field who's won a final, and she makes it across in :18. That is speedy! #FreeAgents
@dc408dxnow: .@cohuttaMTV makes it across in his first challenge in 5yrs, now last up is @JustJem24. And she is having fears right now. #FreeAgents
@dc408dxnow: .@justjem24 does not make it across, and #TeamBlack takes victory! Now a lot of concern for Team Red. But Latoya is okay. #FreeAgents
@dc408dxnow: As I see @LaToyaJMTV come home, I always think of 6/27/12, it is both the day RW St. Thomas debuted & the day I joined twitter. #FreeAgents
@dc408dxnow: But there's a lot of talk in Team Red of who they might throw in elimination. But remember, it's different this time around. #FreeAgents
@dc408dxnow: Now, it's selection time, it's gonna be tough to see someone who I talk to potentially going home, and everyone's voting for @LaToyaJMTV.
@dc408dxnow: While for guy who might be voted in, Dustin & Chet are tied though it's all over the place, & Chet is chosen, but not over yet. #FreeAgents
@dc408dxnow: Team Red - half of the house - is packing up knowing they could be going home. It's crazy, but quite an opening salvo to #FreeAgents.
@dc408dxnow: Now The Draw - the players Latoya & Chet will face will be determined by a simple flip of the card. This is gonna be rather fun. #FreeAgents
@dc408dxnow: Everyone's now flipping the cards to find out who goes in. And @JustJem24 will go in for the girls. And for the guys, it's @frankcsweeney.
@dc408dxnow: Now it's @frankcsweeney vs. @Chet_Cannon, and it's a best of 5 in a basketball/football hybrid. Still 0-0 but Chet is hurt a little but OK.
@dc408dxnow: But @Chet_Cannon is not feeling okay, and forfeits to @frankcsweeney. Now it's @LaToyaJMTV vs. @JustJem24. Gonna be fun. #FreeAgents
@dc408dxnow: And @LaToyaJMTV strikes first. After being voted in and after going through what she went thru, she has something to prove. #FreeAgents
@dc408dxnow: This is becoming a bit more of a contact sport than what we'd find elsewhere, and @JustJem24 @LaToyaJMTV are still tied 1-1. #FreeAgents
@dc408dxnow: .@LaToyaJMTV up 2-1, but no longer. @JustJem24 ties it. Then Toya takes 3-2 lead. Then Jem ties it. Now it comes down to a golden score.
@dc408dxnow: Is this premiere night of #thechallenge gonna once again be #TeamSTT night, like we saw w/ Trey & Robb winning D1 on Rivals2? It could.
@dc408dxnow: Now it's down to one try & it's over. @LaToyaJMTV has taken down @JustJem24. Major upset tonight. #TeamSTT #TheChallenge #FreeAgents
@dc408dxnow: Well that was special. Great premiere of #thechallenge #FreeAgents, I knew @tjlavin was hyping up this beginning & it delivered TJ. Congrats

Now to the Wrap, and in an effort to get these posts out early to meet the high demand, I will try to keep my post-SP wraps to a minimum and talk about only the key moments & not a full wrap as I've done w/ some of the posts during RW Ex-Plosion & Are You The One?. But with this premiere, we'll be doing a full wrap up, and we begin with the beginning. This season is several things: the missions will vary from one to the other in the way that they are either a team challenge, a pairs challenge or an individual challenge. But the elimination process will be much different, in that while there will be players voted in, their competition will be drawn by a simple card instead of politics.
   When the group moved into their house, the memories of the jungle pad 16 of them lived in Thailand seems all but a distant memory as this crib brings a Real World house atmosphere that we didn't see on Rivals II. And it also has a basketball court as well, and we saw Theresa and CT in a very good battle, a revealing one to say the least as they took off clothes as well. While CT came up with the winning shot, Theresa definitely showed what she is made of as a high school basketball player who's anxious to compete on her own this time around.
   The opening challenge, the only one where everyone competes, saw the 28 competitors split up into two teams of 14 and captained by Nia and Chet, representing Teams Black and Red. For me as still a returnee to this world, this was my first time watching a large team mission since I last watched Challenges a long time ago. And they encountered the tallest building in Uruguay - the country's World Trade Center in a 3-stage mission where 6 players were chained to each other and had to climb the stairway of 47 stories to another group of 4 on the roof, followed by them completing a puzzle after they had all come together. And finally all competitors had to walk across a rolling log, grab a flag in the middle and ring the bell at the end.
   While we saw so much happen that I can direct fans to other blogs from my friends for the full wrap, the highlight for me in this mission was seeing Jessica and her brave attempt in trying to walk across the log. For someone who I got to follow before she became famous and has seen her evolution, my blogger colleague David J. Bloom has tipped Princess Hulk to contend this season, thanks to her great fitness regimen. And after being terrified at first, and being rooted on by everyone, she walked across the way, grabbed the flag and completed the course, much to my delight. To go in, conquer the fear of heights Jess had, being able to grab that flag, walk across the log and be one of a few to complete this task, it has certainly garnered Jessica a star and has made her a threat to sneak in.
   Most everyone else did not complete the task and fell down, but for those who did, Camila took care of the course in a speedy 18 seconds, while Cohutta, who hasn't been on a Challenge in 5 years, showed no signs of rust in being the only guy to go across, giving the win to Team Black. Afterwards, the lengthy deliberations that the winning team had in voting which two players on Team Red saw Latoya and Chet voted in. And then in The Draw, the new twist in determining the elimination opponents saw Jemmye and Frank being given the "kill" card and going into the jungle.
   This new twist will prove that anyone is vulnerable to being eliminated, much in the same way that we've just seen in the NCAA Tournament where the top teams could be sent home by a smaller program. It's what gives March Madness that special mystique, and had this twist been used on Rivals II and most especially in the last mission before the final, who knows what would've happened had Paula & Emily gone to that last jungle. And in the case of this first visit to the chamber, it's three competitors who have been to a final, and a fourth who's on her first Challenge & seemingly thought she would get the usual rookie treatment of being thrown into elimination and being the very first out.
   For this elimination, it's "Balls In", the same game that saw a famous battle between Abram & Brad on Inferno II, where a player is given 5 chances to score a basket, and both players alternating on offense and defense. The guys were first, and after a few rounds, Frank was leading over Chet, and Chet was also injured with his chin being bloodied up. Not wanting to risk getting infected, Chet decides to forfeit and give the win to Frank. Whether or not it was the right call for Chet to call it a day, it's up to anyone else to call it. But while many feel he should've gone on, others feel it was the right move to avoid injury.
   Last year, we talked about how Team St. Thomas were the winners on Rivals II premiere night when Trey & Robb won the first mission & jungle, and also that they're a special group to me as the first RW cast I ever got to talk to, starting on that June day two years agoWell, as it turns out, the co-MVP of this premiere is the bubbly & energetic Latoya. Earlier on, she got shaken up by, oddly enough, her supposed STT hookup Swift when they were on opposite teams at the WTC, and then went to the hospital for dehydration, but 'Toya returned to the house and was then voted into elimination. She faced Jemmye, and I was torn 50/50 between who to root for, but I had no idea that this would be not just a physical arena but also a closely-fought one that some say now ranks as a top 5 girls battle.
   Physical eliminations are responsible for a couple of my favorite Challenge moments: Zach vs. CJ on BOTSeasons and Team Portland upsetting Leroy & Ty on Rivals II, plus others that fans might've seen that I haven't yet. As we talked about last time, when it's an physical elimination round and players are going head to head and it's a closely fought battle, it always makes for great television. And the battle between Latoya & Jemmye had the makings of a classic, with both of them giving everything they've got in every single part of their match, and you couldn't tell who could win - it was anyone's game. From reading that twitter dialogue, the players and the alumni were on the edge of their seat as this battle dragged on, much in the same way that the players were when they watched it live.
   In the end, while there is definitely no losers in this great battle, it was Latoya who emerged victorious and took out the bronze medalist from last year. And being the great competitor & lady she is, Jemmye took the devastating loss in great stride in being classy and congratulated Toya on the win. Nany best described the mood of the cast when she talked in that post-game interview that after Jem was eliminated first, any one of the competitors could be going home next, and she's right. It's the volatility of this new format that changes the game considerably, and those who win won't have to worry about going home.
   The winners on this night, and the MVP's of this premiere, are two ladies who watched this episode together in college hoops territory - Raleigh, NC, and also part of the two RW casts who I've been able to follow from the start.
- For one, she had the usual rookie shortcomings of being put into elimination first and going home first. But for someone who's more fit & ready to handle the rigors of this whole thing, and also being pegged by some to go deep, not only did Jessica do well, she also conquered her fear of heights and delivered at the right time, and earned some valuable cred. And now with one of the big competitors out early, Princess Hulk's odds to be in the final three have definitely gone up.
- And the other winner is someone who's described as "fiesty and energetic," and the Latoya who I got to see on Hassel Island is much different this time in Uruguay. She recovered from a trip to the hospital on that first Challenge day, and not only did Toya come back from that, she made a huge impact on everyone by taking out one of this season's contenders in the very first elimination in impressive fashion. She's making it clear the new kids are in for the win.

All in all, Team Portland continued right where they left off from last year, while Team St. Thomas again figured in the Challenge opener. From the twist to the house, the first mission in the skyscraper to another epic elimination battle, there's absolutely no doubt that in definitely enjoyed this episode. I knew TJ was hyping up this beginning all the way back, and I have to admit, it definitely delivered. Now, of course, comes the long wait until the 2nd episode, and it's just the start to all this. Can't wait for Challenge Thursdays.

Well, that's that, and hope you enjoyed this special extended edition of DC SocialPulse covering the premiere of The Challenge: Free Agents. But this is just the beginning, as DCBLOG will be covering this season like never before. If you've enjoyed our coverage of Rivals II, Real World Ex-Plosion and Are You The One?, than expect the same kind of extensive coverage of this season on here. In addition to DC SocialPulse which will be posted every weekend after the episodes, this site will be a complement to everyone else's power rankings, predictions and cast interviews as we will be offering a more unique perspective on the season, the show and the people. And after seeing Latoya steal the show, we'll be talking about her and other rookies & returnees who might not be familiar to some of you in our Who Are These Newbies? post which will come your way before episode two.
   Besides Free Agents, stay tuned in the coming days for an exclusive behind-the-scenes look at the reunions of Are You The One? and Real World Ex-Plosion from the angle of the fans who watched them unfold in person, along with some other things related to those shows & anything else. And in case you haven't known by now, the live tweeting of Free Agents is now at my dedicated live twitter account, DC NOW at @DC408DxNow (RT's included, and be aware of TL's being flooded if you follow DC NOW). And of course, follow me @DC408Dxtr for my usual tweets & conversations with fans & followers and Team MTV, and alerts to MTV-related show material & DCBLOG posts.
   So, we're off and running. For now, until we blog again, thanks for reading, have fun, and enjoy the weekend. See you then.

- DC

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