Adult Language. Viewer Discretion is Advised. ***
By DC Cueva
@DC408dxtr / @DC408dxnow
Hi again everyone and welcome to another edition of DC SocialPulse as we cover season finale night of Real World Ex-Plosion. And boy, this has been one hell of a season...I don't normally curse in the social media world (pardon my language), but I pretty much had to utter it out to describe the wild and crazy nature of this Real World season that I have enjoyed so much. And on Wednesday, the season that has revamped & revitalized this pioneer of reality television came to a close in, fittingly enough, rather explosive fashion, along with the usual emotions surrounding the cast leaving the city.
Last week, we saw a reconnection between Jenny & Cory making Brian jealous, Jamie getting a reality check for her aggressive behavior, and a touch of old-school Real World as Arielle pursued her aspirations of filmmaking. And it ended with the two guys turning on each other. And that's where the finale picks up with that confrontation as Brian reaches the depths after losing Jenny, and threatens to tear the house apart just before they move out. And as is custom for finales, the roommates all prepare to say farewell as the relationships they have are tested one more time. But isn't all sadness, after this finale we then saw the hilarity of what I like to call The Clip Show (you can call it by another name if you want but I'm calling it by the original name when the Seattle season first had something like this.
Following twitter's view of both of these, we'll have an extended wrap of both last week's and this week's episodes (we tabled the EP11 wrap due to the cliffhanger & my busy blog schedule). First, Just a reminder here that there's adult language in some tweets below, but I am keeping it uncensored in order to retain the heat of the moment. So if you are mature enough, please read with discretion. :-) But first off, in addition to a marathon, there was also a proposal on the same day Ethan & Amber pulled that off on the Are You The One? Reunion...or so we thought. Join us for what happened next and more from finale day of RW Ex-Plosion after the jump.
> The Night Before, and a Proposal! (Or so we thought)
@missashc: At first i thought you were joking, but now I know how serious you are. I'm ready. Love you lades @itsarifitz.
@JamieChinaMTV: Holy shit congrats @itsarifitz & @missashc I'm so happy for the both of y'all!!! Bahhhhh💍❤️
@JayGMTV: Sayy whhaaaaaatttttt. Real World Explosion marathon tomorrow leading up to the season finale at 10pm #TeamJayG #king
@JayGMTV: Guess who has insomnia. This guy! #teamnosleep #teamjayg real world marathon tomorrow then finale! @RealWorldMTV
@jennycdelich: #RealWorldExplosion marathon starting at 10:30amPT Tomorrow!
@JayGMTV: Tomorrow is going to be a long day filled with Real World Explosion! And the shit they should have shown show is on after the season finale!
> Real World Wednesday...and a Marathon!
@itsarifitz: alright guys. time to come clean...
@itsarifitz: we love you all!! @missashc and i are very happy, but we're not engaged. you shd know #aprilfools is my fave holiday. 😚😚😚😚
@missashc: So @itsarifitz & i are not engaged. We love ea other very much but are not quite ready 2 settle down just yet. Love you guys! #AprilFools
@JamieChinaMTV: Oh & did in mention how sloppy I get in tonight's finale episode?! Hey last night bottoms up, let's partyyyyyy #RealWorldExPlosion
@RealWorldMTV: Ready for the #RealWorldFinale tonight? Watch a marathon of the season starting right now on @MTV!
@MTV: Our #RealWorldMarathon in honor of tonight's finale starts right now!
@JamieChinaMTV: Awwww watching this first episode has got me reminiscing!! 😭😭 just like it was yesterday. What a great experience @mtv @RealWorldMTV ❤️❤️
@MTV: @JamieChinaMTV @RealWorldMTV <3
@itsarifitz: so #realworldexplosion finale airs tonight... no joke. you guys ready or nah?
@JamieChinaMTV: Just kidding yall☺️☺️☺️ love him too much ❤️❤️ @ThomasBuellMTV
@JamieChinaMTV: Tweet me your favorite pictures from the marathon of #RealWorldExPlosion and I'll choose the best to post and tag y'all innnn❤️❤️
@JazMTV: So tonight is the last episode of #RealWorldExPlosion I actually enjoyed this season & look forward to seeing them on future challenges.
@JamieChinaMTV: First confessional vs our last together @ThomasBuellMTV ❤️ @mtv @RealWorldMTV
@haileychivers: Real World Explosion season finale tonight followed by The Sh*t They Should Have Shown show! Be there. Watch it. #RealWorld
@JamieChinaMTV: For the season finale tonight, All signed pictures will be buy one get one free today!! ❤️💋 #realworldexplosion
@missashc: RT if you're watching the #RealWorld marathon & finale today! Seriously can't believe it's over. Hope u guys enjoyed it as much as we did :)
@RealWorldMTV: So tell me - what were some of your favorite quotes or moments from this season? #realworldfinale
@JamieChinaMTV: Let's not lie y'all that was the most epic first kiss anyone could ever have!!! @ThomasBuellMTV 😘☺️❤️
@JennaCompono: Real world explosion marathon rn!
@BunimMurray: All-day #realworldmarathon on @MTV now!! Who's watching?!?
@RealWorldMTV: Tonight's the night! #RealWorldFinale
@ThomasBuellMTV: There is a first time for everything...smh 😒😒
@MTVCoryWharton: Can't believe tonight is the last episode, I just did a Season of The Real World, Crazy to think I use to watch it as a kid. #youngbutready
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: I love just sitting in the sun
@JayGMTV: Real World Explosion marathon all day.Mom i miss you so much every day. Thank u for the support everyone. I need it
@RealWorldMTV: ICYMI, there's a #RealWorldFinale marathon on @MTV right now.
@JennaCompono: Even though it's the last episode tn.. This won't be the last time u c us!!
@jennycdelich: Had to cancel my new show series at this time due to contractual agreements. Thank you everyone for your continued support. All the donations are being refunded.
@JayGMTV: But first let us take a Selfie! Real World Explosion marathon all day leading up to the Season Finale…
@JamieChinaMTV: For the season finale tonight, All signed pictures will be buy one get one free today!! ❤️💋 #realworldexplosion
@MTVCoryWharton: Y'all trying to get your followers up, when you should be trying to get your 💵💵💵 up 😂😂😂😏
@BunimMurray: MUST READ!! Jon Murray gave @HuffingtonPost a sneak peek at what it took to make #RealWorld: EX-PLOSION!
@itsarifitz: ... sigh, some people need bigger goals.
@JayGMTV: I think its funny when people call me a cheater. Because i never cheated once. Lmao. #teamimconfused
@itsarifitz: "you can't depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus" #allworkallplay
@MtvJess: Who is watching the #RealWorldExPlosion marathon?!
@IamAdamKuhn: The house hated when their exs moved into the house but the ratings sure didn't! @mtv #realworldexplosion
@IamAdamKuhn: I'm jealous that the #realworldexplosion got to make phone calls..In the #AreYouTheOne house I had to go 5 weeks without talking to my mom!
@JayGMTV: Watching Episode 3 brought back so many feelings.This is a pic of my brother, my mother, and myself.RIP mom.Love you
@JayGMTV: RT if your sad tonight is the Real world Explosion Finale. LETS SEE HOW FAR IT CAN GET @JayGMTV #TeamJayG #realworld
@JamieChinaMTV: What an amazing experience that im so lucky to have shared with this motley crew!! Y'all are all…
@JamieChinaMTV: Don't forget!! By one get one free sale for signed pictures at in honor of #RealWorldExPlosion season finale!! ❤️💋
@RealWorldMTV: What would #RealWorldExplosion be without these ladies?
@jennycdelich: I can't wait for the Shit Show!! Right after the #RealWorldExPlosion finale! 😄
@jennycdelich: They are gonna air all the pics we took on the show in a commercial break tonight to the #selfie song! 😂
@RealWorldMTV: The #RealWorldFinale is in 2 hours. I have mixed emotions about this.
@JamieChinaMTV: Sooo season finale tonight... Whose ready to see me get super sloppy on that last night to leave with a bang?! 😂😂 #RealWorldExPlosion
@JayGMTV: Dont forget. After the Season finale episode stay tuned for THE SHIT THEY SHOULD HAVE SHOWN show!! Its all our bloopers @RealWorldMTV
@JayGMTV: Dont forget to follow @CrazeWatches to purchase the watches you see us wear on the season!
@JayGMTV: Since its the Season Finale Tonight of THE REAL WORLD EXPLOSION My twitter default pic. Thank you to everyone who watched and supported me through the good times and the bad. I shared the most intense moment of my life with all of you and your love and support helps me get through it every day.
@JayGMTV: Follow me on instagram same name as twitter. Thank you to everyone who supported me during this season! I luv u guys
@jennycdelich: In two hours! #realworldexplosion
@itsarifitz: roll call! who's following me on instagram?
@JamieChinaMTV: Less than an hr till the season finale airs, means less than an hr till we say our temporary goodbyes. It was a bumpy ride but we came out on top babe @thomasbuellmtv ❤️ love you!
@missashc: So idk if you guys are prepared for the finale tonight #justsayin #itsgonnabecray @JamieChinaMTV @itsarifitz
@itsarifitz: @missashc @JamieChinaMTV bloody noses everywhere.
@JamieChinaMTV: @itsarifitz @missashc I was so sloppy😂😂😂
@missashc: @itsarifitz @JamieChinaMTV Lol!! No red lipstick next time k?
@JamieChinaMTV: Hearing so many of y'all wishing we had a season 2!! Believe me that would be amazing!! I wish haha!
@itsarifitz: can i edit this next #thuglfe AND watch the season finale? we shall see. #allworkallplay
@RealWorldMTV: AHHHH!! 15. Minutes. #RealWorldFinale
@MTVShowBlog: Who's ready for the atomic season finale of #RealWorldExPlosion?! T-10 minutes!
@JamieChinaMTV: I'm not gonna lie, the 'Shit They Should've Shown' show is going to be amazing😂😂😂 like I'm so excited to reminisce on the funny moments❤️
@itsarifitz: make. it. last. forever. #realworldexplosion @RealWorldMTV
@JayGMTV: Its real world explosion season finale time! Its been a great season. I love you all for the support. Thank you
@itsarifitz: uh oh ... already. #realworldexplosion
> As They Saw It: "The Ex-odus"
@MTV: The #RealWorld Ex-Plosion finale starts right NOW! RT if you're watching with me!
@RealWorldMTV: The #RealWorldFinale starts right now on @MTV!! So bittersweet. :(
@MTVShowBlog: Let's see where that To Be Continued left off...FINALE TIME! #RealWorldExPlosion
@IamAdamKuhn: #RealWorldExPlosion time!!!
@JamieChinaMTV: The Season Finale of #RealWorldExPlosion begins RIGHT NOW!!! @Mtv
@BunimMurray: RT if you're watching @RealWorldMTV finale NOW. It's about time these love triangles are put to rest!
@JennaCompono: Finale!!!!!!
@itsarifitz: RT if you also do a fist bump and hip shimmy when the theme song plays. @RealWorldMTV #RealWorldExPlosion
@MTVShowBlog: Put your legs in the air like you just don't care! Unless you're being attacked in a white van. #RealWorldExPlosion
@itsarifitz: my face though ... #RealWorldExPlosion
@itsarifitz: no you're not.
@MTVShowBlog: "Does that sound reasonable?"-Producer. I think so...#RealWorldExPlosion
@itsarifitz: what in the raggedy walk? #iloveme
@JayGMTV: #RealWorldFinale
@brittany_baldi: #RealWorldExPlosion finale lets go! @JayGMTV @jennycdelich RT if you're watching!! @mtv... and I am also watching @NHLBruins #multitasking
@JennaCompono: Jenna's eating
@itsarifitz: #itdoesnt aka #yesitdoes
@RealWorldMTV: What a way to start an episode. #RealWorldFinale
@JamieChinaMTV: Diggin this song thoughhhhh, who knows who just sang that?!
@itsarifitz: "everything that i've earned in my life ..." is always at stake.
@missashc: 💥💥💥💥 @MTVCoryWharton @BrianTWillJr who do you think came out on top?
@MTVShowBlog: "I will be a lonely soldier."-@BrianTWillJr. Also a wet soldier, apparently. @jennycdelich #RealWorldExPlosion
@itsarifitz: wait ... what happened here?
@missashc: "I've ruined my brain with you."well damn. #RealWorld
@itsarifitz: bed = power #gotit #realworldexplosion
@itsarifitz: what if though? ...
@JamieChinaMTV: Yes I talk to my dog on the phone.... 😂😂😂 ❤️❤️❤️🐶
@JennaCompono: Lmaoo @MTVCoryWharton
@RealWorldMTV: I feel the tension through my TV screen! #realworldfinale
@missashc: 💦💦 Lol. Well that's one way to get someone not sleep in their bed @jennycdelich
@itsarifitz: @ThomasBuellMTV has apparently learned prime instigating techniques from @JamieChinaMTV
@itsarifitz: i should ... but "i aint gon' do it." #realworldexplosion
@jennycdelich: Putting a whole new meaning to "wet the bed"
@itsarifitz: Ok guys ... final episode ... we must go in on these #AutoAri questions! #sosad #holdme #whodoyoulove
@CallherJade: I don't even know if I'm on the shit they should've shown.. 😳 guess I'll find out.
@itsarifitz: why are we really rehashing the details of what was almost a fight? #RealWorldExPlosion
@itsarifitz: #thebigpicture ... you dont see it. apparently none of us see it.
@itsarifitz: actually, im pretty sure @BrianTWillJr understood the word.
@RealWorldMTV: "You don't make sense." "You don't EVER make sense!" Facts on facts on facts. #realworldexplosion
@MTVShowBlog: "Don't use these big words you don't know."-@MTVCoryWharton #RealWorldExPlosion
@itsarifitz: the longest ever pre-fight ... #RealWorldExPlosion
@itsarifitz: is tom sunburned or nah?
@MTVShowBlog: Lots of "Awwwww-ing" right now across America...#RealWorldExPlosion
@missashc: Ok so ummmmm does anyone have any clue what either Cory or Brian were saying?
@JennaCompono: Lmao have up on that fight
@JennaCompono: I'm getting Hott
@itsarifitz: i'm clearly lying ... bc i clearly said "who are these ppl" when the exes came in?
@itsarifitz: must. have. more. brunch. #realworldexplosion
@JamieChinaMTV: I will get results!!! Lol
@RealWorldMTV: If you want a relationship to happen, make it happen! #realworldexplosion
@JayGMTV: I had such a great time @JamieChinaMTV @ThomasBuellMTV @MTVCoryWharton @jennycdelich @itsarifitz @JayGMTV OG's baby.
@MTVShowBlog: Long distance relationships: What's your verdict? Y/N #RealWorldExPlosion
@JamieChinaMTV: "If you want it bad enough, you make it work" ❤️
@RealWorldMTV: A #RealWorldExplosion selfie!
@jennycdelich: Can't wait for the selfie video! #RealWorldExPlosion coming up on a commercial break!
@MTVCoryWharton: I got to Grow up in Front of America 🇺🇸 talk about pressure!! #YoungbutReady
@MtvJess: Who is watching #RealWorldExPlosion tonight!?!?
@itsarifitz: woops. that just happened.
@itsarifitz: ::whistles while slowly sipping tea and scrolling timeline::
@itsarifitz: so ... tell me ... what would you guys have wanted to see on this season of #RealWorldExPlosion cc: @RealWorldMTV
@MtvJess: Who is ready for #TheChallengeFreeAgents to come on APRIL 10th on @MTV #teamjess
@JennaCompono: Jenna driving the boat
@MTVShowBlog: One last twist: The cast gets locked in at Alcatraz #RealWorldExPlosion
@RealWorldMTV: Of course @jennycdelich would have a Titanic moment. #realworldfinale
@EmileeMTV: Super excited for #RealWorldExPlosion Sh*t They Didn't Show special. Most fun to film and watch, always!
@MtvJess: RT ✨ If you will be catching the premier of @MTV #TheChallengeFreeAgents APRIL 10th 🎉💪👑💋✨
@JennaCompono: Words of wisdom by Jenna
@JamieChinaMTV: Watching this seriously makes me miss it.. @ThomasBuellMTV @itsarifitz @MTVCoryWharton @jennycdelich @JayGMTV 😪❤️ #RealWorldExPlosion
@JennaCompono: How to be a whore by jay simple and easy
@JayGMTV: #lessonsbyjay
@itsarifitz: so .. that was me being sad ... in case you guys didn't notice.
@JayGMTV: My socks look so gross cuz the house wS friggen nasty n dirty. #RealWorldExPlosion #RealWorldFinale
@MtvJess: "She might throw me off the boat" #RealWorldExPlosionFinale 😂👏👌✨
@RealWorldMTV: Oh hey, @MTVCoryWharton. #realworldfinale
@missashc: O the scramble for closure
@itsarifitz: no one else was weirded out by that commercial right?
@itsarifitz: #RT if you, too, are pouring out Hi-C and thug tears for the last episode of #RealWorldExPlosion
@IamAdamKuhn: This episode of #RealWorldExPlosion is CRAZY
@ryanmalaty: I just wanna see a brawl #RealWorldExPlosion
@MTVShowBlog: .@JamieChinaMTV and @ThomasBuellMTV...swoon #RealWorldExPlosion
@RealWorldMTV: Ugh, so many feels. #realworldfinale
@JennaCompono: It's true black makes u look skinny
@itsarifitz: #superexcited
@itsarifitz: prepare for the jazzercise of life right @jennycdelich? <3
@RealWorldMTV: Brian is literally ready for war. @BrianTWillJr I can't. #realworldfinale
@JamieChinaMTV: That literally made me tear up😭 @ThomasBuellMTV love this guy so much.❤️
@missashc: Awww Tamie is official again ❤️ @JamieChinaMTV @ThomasBuellMTV
@MTVShowBlog: All we need is Hurricane Ashley...#RealWorldExPlosion
@itsarifitz: im so hype.
@RealWorldMTV: Soooo many memories from this season! #realworldfinale
@MtvJess: @JayGMTV how to be a whore? 😂👏😂👏😂 y'all's show is full of epicness #realworldfinale #RealWorldExPlosionFinale #RealWorldExPlosion
@CallherJade: @itsarifitz ❤️❤️
@MTVShowBlog: .@jennycdelich is like "Mhmmmm ok." #RealWorldExPlosion
@itsarifitz: hope u guys are prepared for this. #threewaykiss
@JamieChinaMTV: Are y'all ready to see me @itsarifitz & @missashc get some girl on girl action?!
@RealWorldMTV: Who saw that kiss coming?!?! #realworldfinale
@JamieChinaMTV: "Tom I cheated on you with Ashley" 😂😂😂😂 @missashc
@RealWorldMTV: Of course @ThomasBuellMTV would be sleeping. #realworldfinale
@itsarifitz: for the record @JamieChinaMTV wanted it. ;) *shrugs* #sorrytom
@RealWorldMTV: Ummm is Brian okay? #realworldfinale
@MTVShowBlog: I guess the lesson they can learn from this season is, fights always happen while making drunk food #RealWorldExPlosion
@itsarifitz: "keep your cool man" ... me ... to all my b*tches.
@itsarifitz: i kid.
@RealWorldMTV: WTF?! #realworldfinale
@itsarifitz: but umm... "do you have a little brother?"
@itsarifitz: can i or can i not use "keep your cool man" as a standard peacemaking technique? for like ... everything?
@itsarifitz: like late pizza?
@MtvJess: Aweeeee #RealWorldExPlosionFinale makes me miss my crazies @JordanMTV @TheRealNiaMoore @JDeezyMTV 💋💋💋✨
@missashc: Believe me when I say sh*t is about to go down w/@BrianTWillJr #wow
@JayGMTV: To the last night out and my new family. Through thick and thin you guys lived it all with me
@RealWorldMTV: Looking good, @ThomasBuellMTV! #realworldfinale
@itsarifitz: @ThomasBuellMTV just said bro 37 times. just so u know.
@MtvJess: This bromance is hilarious lmao @MTVCoryWharton &Brian hate each other but Cory can calm him downmind boggled Props C 👏✨#RealWorldExPlosion
@MTVShowBlog: Legit demonic possession #RealWorldExPlosion
@RealWorldMTV: Brian has left the building. #RealWorldFinale
@MTVShowBlog: Saint @itsarifitz always comes through. #RealWorldExPlosion
@itsarifitz: so ... u mad?
@RealWorldMTV: On the bright side, he won't have to sleep in that bed too much longer... #realworldfinale
@JamieChinaMTV: Hell no Brian did not just do that to @itsarifitz 😡
@itsarifitz: uh oh ...
@RealWorldMTV: ....Did anyone else see @itsarifitz and that body slam?! DAYUM GIRL! #realworldfinale
@IamAdamKuhn: What the heck did Brian just do to Arielle?? #RealWorldExPlosion
@MTVShowBlog: HELL NO. That is unacceptable. Period. #RealWorldExPlosion
@missashc: If you mess with lades @itsarifitz, you get taken out of the house
@itsarifitz: @missashc aww lades just saw this! <3
@itsarifitz: so ... i pretty much just got bodied by @BrianTWillJr. i need to know what he was on that night. so i can stay far from it. #loveuthough
@MtvJess: Oh shit son they have security now?! Whoaaaaa..... #RealWorldExPlosionFinale #RealWorldExPlosion #Godzilla
@davidbloom7: @MtvJess This is just hard to watch. As bad as it got in Portland (and it got really bad), this feels totally unsafe.
@jennycdelich: #RWSelfie !!!
@MtvJess: Poor @jennycdelich #RealWorldExPlosionFinale 😢
@RealWorldMTV: Yet another selfie. #realworldfinale
@JayGMTV: Ladies show me your best selfie n tag #teamjayg and #RWSelfie
@RealWorldMTV: Like. I really have no words for the #RealWorldFinale right now.
@missashc: You like our selfies? 😊
@itsarifitz: awwwwwkwarrrrrrd.
@JamieChinaMTV: Lol here comes drunk Jamie😂😂😂 missing everyone and crying and ishhhh!! Classic haha
@MTVShowBlog: Today's the day...#RealWorldExPlosion
@JennaCompono: Yeah Jenna that's one way to close a box
@JayGMTV: Plane station? Im pretty sure its called an airport jenna lol
@itsarifitz: i kinda love that brian came back in w gatorade.
@missashc: Can we talk about the jaws theme music when @BrianTWillJr walks back into the house? Lol.
@JayGMTV: REAL WORLD HAS COME TO AN END :( :( :(. RT this if your gonna miss us @RealWorldMTV @BunimMurray #RealWorldFinale
@jennycdelich: @BrianTWillJr was possessed!
@MTVShowBlog: If drunkenly tackling women is what you call "going big"...then byeeeeeeee #RealWorldExPlosion
@itsarifitz: "keep ur head up" and all standard yearbook endings.
@ryanmalaty: Damn, Brian took down Ari faster than Cory took down Jenny 🙊 #RealWorldExPlosion
@RealWorldMTV: It's now called a plane station. Don't question it. Just go with it. #realworldfinale
@itsarifitz: oh guys drop it. clearly he wasnt trying to fight me ... we all saw that he was clearly on one. a big huge one.
@JennaCompono: Plane station airport ... Potatoe patatoe
@itsarifitz: but i love u for bein there for me.
@itsarifitz: if someone jumps out at me in the middle of the night ... im tweeting each and everyone of u ...
@itsarifitz: dont be busy and shit ... -_- lol
@JamieChinaMTV: Yea I'm just saying, Real World Explosion season 2 with just the OG's give us a chance to have the full experience!! @mtv @BunimMurray ❤️
@EmileeMTV: It's weird they keep showing production. The mystery makes it fun I don't like sharing my invisible amigos w/ the world #RealWorldExPlosion
@JennaCompono: Nooo I don't wanna leavee
@RealWorldMTV: It's ending! I wasn't ready! 😭😩 #realworldfinale
@missashc: Stay tuned for the sh*t they should have shown afterwards! #watchingwithoneeyeopened #noideawhattoexpect
@itsarifitz: did i just pretend cry?
@CallherJade: @itsarifitz lol y'all knew you were heading straight to the hotel 😜
@RealWorldMTV: REAL. TEARS. #realworldfinale
@jennycdelich: Don't stalk them! @itsarifitz HAHA
@NanyMTV: It ain't #TBT but I had to. Missing my Vegas familia. Always.
@MTVShowBlog: "It's you?" "No, it's us." Great line to end a season! @itsarifitz #RealWorldExPlosion
@missashc: And we're out! @itsarifitz
@JayGMTV: Dammit @itsarifitz they show you rapeing me in the shit show!!!! Nooooooooooooooo
@IamAdamKuhn: Cory should just smash Jenny one more time in the confessional #RealWorldExPlosion
@MTVShowBlog: Bye, y'all! Till next time...#RealWorldExPlosion
@itsarifitz: ::cues music:: it's so haaaaard to say goodbyeeeee ...
@RealWorldMTV: Wow. What an amazing, crazy, unforgettable, quotable season. Loved every second of it. #realworldfinale
> The Clip Show
@MTV: Don't go anywhere yet! The #RealWorld Ex-Plosion S#!@ They Should've Shown starts NOW!
@RealWorldMTV: Don't change the channel yet! 'The S#!t They Should Have Shown' starts right now!
@JennaCompono: I always forget stuff!
@itsarifitz: .. fish tacos..
@JamieChinaMTV: The Sh&t They Should've Shown show starts now!!
@missashc: Adios San Francisco. Well actually not really for @itsarifitz and I. We still here.
@JustJem24: Everybody knows the last person to leave the house is MVP of the season. So congrats @MTVCoryWharton for joining an elite group of us😘😘
@itsarifitz: uh oh... @JayGMTV
@JamieChinaMTV: Aahahaha @itsarifitz fell off that counter gracefully 😂😂😂
@itsarifitz: just promise you'll love me after this guys ...
@jennycdelich: THE SHIT SHOW! Yes! @mtv
@missashc: Wow way to start the sh*t show 😳
@itsarifitz: shout out to my short though ...
@JayGMTV: I took one for the team for @itsarifitz FIRST PLACE. WE WON lol. Smh
@JakePerry56: Congrats to the @RealWorldMTV cast on another successful season! #mtvfam
@MTVCoryWharton: Bottom line THANK YOU GUYS for showing Love to me all Season!! 💯👏👏🙏
@itsarifitz: shout out to fred ...
@JayGMTV: That house was haunted!
@CallherJade: Yes the house was haunted!!!
@JamieChinaMTV: Omg this 'Sh$t They Didn't Show' show is just quality😂😂😂😂 so amazing!!
@jennycdelich: YES FRED glitched the camera!
@EmileeMTV: that "weird presence" is Jim Johnson. BOO! #RealWorldExPlosion
@JustJem24: “@EmileeMTV: that "weird presence" is Jim Johnson. BOO! #RealWorldExPlosion” right? Always lerkin to make sure nobody is smoking weed😂😂
@EmileeMTV: @JustJem24 lmao "WE ALWAYS HEARD VOICES.. AND FELT A PRESENCE." Yes. You're in a house with mics in the headboard. #alwayswatching O_O
@itsarifitz: i tried ... @jennycdelich
@JayGMTV: So this is what @jennycdelich did in her confessionals. Lmao. Gotta love her
@itsarifitz: so ... i appreciate u guys constantly giving me RT love ... but awhile ago ... i really meant shoutout to my shirt. <3
@itsarifitz: that's so gross @ThomasBuellMTV
@JamieChinaMTV: Just to be clear on the show, that's the most I've ever weighed in my life!! Lol we all gained so much weight haha.
@itsarifitz: @BrianTWillJr has the bomb face mask btw.
@jennycdelich: TWERK! @MTVASHLEYBROOKE @itsarifitz
@itsarifitz: my shirt really helps the twerk. i promise.
@itsarifitz: what the hell?!?!
@itsarifitz: #bambilegs
@ryanmalaty: If @MTV made a "shit they should've shown" episode for #AreYouTheOne they would've shown the bubble bath...and the orgy for sure
@CallherJade: I need a full body massage 😩
@MtvJess: OMG never do that again @JayGMTV 😂👏😂😂😂
@itsarifitz: @EmileeMTV uh oh you too!?
@EmileeMTV: @itsarifitz I fall everywhere I go. It's definitely a #Fitzuation.
@CardellChris: @EmileeMTV @itsarifitz my friend is a Fitzpatrick too!
@itsarifitz: yeah... that's gonna be GIF'd. #BAMBILEGS
@jennycdelich: #2Nutz! @MTVASHLEYBROOKE
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: @jennycdelich forever
@MtvJess: #RealWorldExPlosion ain't got nothing on our twerk @AneesaMTV 💃💃💃
@itsarifitz: salsa ... and cilantro ...
@itsarifitz: welp ... that was that.
@JamieChinaMTV: 'Salsa and Cilantro" for life @itsarifitz @jennycdelich 😂😂
@JayGMTV: @JustJem24 keep tweeting
@missashc: Aww this sh*t show is bringing back so many memories 😊😫😂😔😊😩
@kklusby: Watching #RealWorldExPlosion supporting the charming @JayGMTV .. Even if he has a creepy 6th finger... 😳😂😂😂
@JayGMTV: @kklusby hate you lol
@itsarifitz: "idk ... it was just weird."
@jennycdelich: WOH @MTVASHLEYBROOKE 😜
@itsarifitz: "what happenned.... i dunno..." cc: @jennycdelich @MTVASHLEYBROOKE
@itsarifitz: she didnt have to put me on blast though ...
@itsarifitz: shit... here we go.
@JamieChinaMTV: Guys @ThomasBuellMTV still farts around me... All the time.. Every chance he can get.. But it's okay because I love him😂😂
@MtvJess: OMG poop talk 👏😂👏😂👏😂 @mtv #RealWorldExPlosion #RealWorldExPlosionFinale
@itsarifitz: LADIES... meet @TheStoutKyle #realworldexplosion
@MtvJess: Rookie has her own promo 💋👌👑💪 #TEAMJESS
@itsarifitz: clearly i found it funny.
@JamieChinaMTV: Hahahaha poor @MTVCoryWharton always getting picked on😂😂
@itsarifitz: "let's be adam and eve"
@itsarifitz: are u folks still watching?! Bc apparently they're about to show the shit you should have seen!
@itsarifitz: wait but fr fr... did you get your AUTO by ARI tank yet? --->
@CallherJade: I feel yucky 😑
@JamieChinaMTV: Don't forget in honor of the season finale of #REALWORLDEXPLOSION all signed photos are by one get one free tonight!
@itsarifitz: yall know you can still #autoari me questions during the sh!t show right? hit me!
@itsarifitz: shit... they knew what they were doing. #bearsuits #folsomstfair
@itsarifitz: honestly i was more distracted by the fake handcuffs on his briefs...
@itsarifitz: i mean... #8SANDABOVEBRUH...
@itsarifitz: wait... did we just see @JamieChinaMTV get on top? #oooweee
@JamieChinaMTV: Hahahaha @HannahEveBorel the atomic wedgy is happening!!! @ThomasBuellMTV 😂😂😂😂
@itsarifitz: i may have went too far.
@itsarifitz: but umm... @MTVCoryWharton were you always in a towel, boo?!
@JamieChinaMTV: We loved our crew so much❤️ #RealWorldExPlosion
@itsarifitz: can someone send me a photo of me in that leopard shirt? #iwasfeelinfly
@JayGMTV: I like my socks ok!
@JayGMTV: I beat @ThomasBuellMTV in a staring contest!!!!!!!
@JamieChinaMTV: Literally @ThomasBuellMTV is the most competitive person I've ever met in my life. It's cool though, keeps me on my toes😂❤️
@itsarifitz: man... what a wild ride. i've grown so much since the @RealWorldMTV house & wouldn't change a mf'n thing. #goodlucknextseason
@robb_schreiber: Things I wish I had during my season on RW: 1) a car 2) more Subway 3) maturity 😬
@JennaCompono: Hey imma cheap date 😛
@JayGMTV: @scooter5000 honestly. This shit show was hilarious. We should do a season of just this. I think people would love it! @RealWorldMTV
@scooter5000: @JayGMTV @RealWorldMTV stop trying to make me love you more than i already do.
@itsarifitz: wait... but can i spend like 20 minutes just repaying yall for the love real quick?
@itsarifitz: ALRIGHT. LOVE TIME.
@JamieChinaMTV: I mean hey, you're gonna spit on my boyfriend?? I'll spit on you.. Lol
@JamieChinaMTV: "We came to have the full experience, no just half ass it" and that's exactly what we did. Love my #RealWorldExPlosion fam, so blessed❤️
@JennaCompono: I had an amazing season but it's not the end of me I promise that ;)
@JayGMTV: BEST SEASON EVER FOR A RT! #RealWorldFinale #teamjayg
@BigTymers228: @JayGMTV RWE It's The Best Season Ever In My Opinion Because I Watched & Met You At The Same Time Jay
@ThomasBuellMTV: Well I sleep through everything...even the finale and the sh!t the didn't show show... 😂😂👍👍
@missashc: Ps Thank u all so much for everything over these past few months! I am forever in awe of all the love & support. I ❤️every single one of u 😘
@itsarifitz: whew.. that was fun! love you guys, fa real! <--- so much i typed out "fa real"
@missashc: RT if you thought this was one of the best seasons of#RealWorld ever
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: Omg going to see @azizansari I'm so so stoked
@JayGMTV: Im actually kinda sad its over :(
@ThomasBuellMTV: Ya...I did sail a boat under the Golden Gate! Great experience 😆😆 #RealWorldExPlosion
@itsarifitz: speaking of which.. dunno if you guys know but i made a FVCKING MOVIE while living in the house. sign up here --->
@JayGMTV: Honestly. It was so much fun being in that house i hope i get on a challenge so i can do it again. Oh. And win! #teamjayg
@ThomasBuellMTV: Thanks for all the love and support the entire season y'all, the fans are what make the experience that much bettrr!! 👌👌
@MTVCoryWharton: Real World house was like a 3 month long Spring break Prison!!!! 😂#SocialExperimentLowkey
@JayGMTV: I guess i gotta look forward to the challenge. @MtvJess @BrandonDNelson @JustJem24 @cohuttaMTV Its your turn guys! #freeagents
@MtvJess: @JayGMTV @BrandonDNelson @JustJem24 @cohuttaMTV 👑💪 thanks love 💋💋💋
@JayGMTV: These challenge commercials are dope! @TheChallengeRW @MTVChallenge25 @RWRRMTV @Challenge_MTV @mtv #freeagents Cant wait!
@MTVCoryWharton: You look like a Dam Gorilla in a Cage!!😂😂😂
@MTVCoryWharton: West Coast Stay Tuned after the episode to the watch the :: Shit They Should of Shown Episode ,I haven't seen it yet😬
@JennaCompono: Where to party nexttt
@JayGMTV: Great Real World marathon today. The finale was awesome and the Shit Show was hysterical! Overall. Great Real World Day! @BunimMurray @mtv
@JennaCompono: gr finally going to sleep
> As The Fans Saw It
@BigTymers228: Icantwait to watch @JennaCompono @jennycdelich @JamieChinaMTV @itsarifitz @JaygMtV @ThomasBuellMTV @MtvCoryWharton on the RWE Finale Tonight
@kmacisco: Real world marathon while waiting for hoodie tickets to go on sale. Today is good
@CSUAKirk: Will be speaking with @JayGMTV tomorrow time is TBA on @spreecast
@busdriversroute: Happy last day of the minor league season everyone. The major leagues get started in 8 days!!! #RealWorldExPlosion #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@CSUAKirk: I wonder if the #RealWorldExPlosion reunion will bring out text messages like #AreYouTheOne to spice things up
@DjJesseJ: TUNE IN 2NITE! #RWEXPLOSION #THEREALWORLD@afterbuzztv Aftershow 8pm pst Streaming Live on
@JanelMcG: @DjJesseJ You guys are missing the Sh*t show!!?? Any luck getting Brian, Cory, or Jenny to join you??
@DjJesseJ: @JanelMcG maybe. ....:)
@CSUAKirk: hear what @itsarifitz relationship with @BrianTWillJr was like and what made it easy for him to talk to her
@Money_Showers: #RealWorldMarathon #ShitShow @JamieChinaMTV @ThomasBuellMTV @jennycdelich @JayGMTV @MTVASHLEYBROOKE @MTVCoryWharton @itsarifitz
@IcedCOfNewYork: Hey jamiechinamtv and @thomasbuellmtv! This one's for you for the season finale of #RealWorldExPlosion…
@EricC_Official: Anyone as sad as I am about tonight's #RealWorldEXplosion finale tonight?? 😖😖😞😢Thanks @BunimMurray for this AMAZING season
@EricC_Official: #WCW the beautiful OG ladies of #RealWorldEXplosion 💘 @JamieChinaMTV @itsarifitz @jennycdelich #SeasonFinale @MTV
@CSUAKirk: Will be talking with @JayGMTV tomorrow 11 am PST 2 PM EST #RealWorldExPlosion
@AceNichols33: MY DUDE @JayGMTV I LOVE YOUR FACE. You know why. Shhh. Thank you!
@busdriversroute: My favorite ep of every season of Survivor is tonight...merge night! Plus the #RealWorldExPlosion finale mixing in some Knicks & Yanks.
@Money_Showers: #RealWorldExPlosion Season finale is tonight sadly! :( @jennycdelich @JayGMTV @JennaCompono @ThomasBuellMTV @JamieChinaMTV @MTVCoryWharton
@IcedCOfNewYork: Getting to know @jennycdelich @MTVCoryWharton @JayGMTV @itsarifitz @JamieChinaMTV & @ThomasBuellMTV was great! Best wishes to all of you!
@EricC_Official: Lmao 😂😂@thomasbuellMTV we punk flies! Come at us bro 😉
@J_Medd: Season finale of Real World !
@therealjordanh: I'm so sad this is the last episode! I'm gonna have withdrawals from my weekly dose of @jennycdelich 💔💔💔💔
@kmacisco: Real world finale > people
@kendallongg: Bruh production stopped that fight with the quickness
@busdriversroute: "We don't want to see any violence." - Real World producer. Tell that to @JohnnyReilly_ and @ave_tress.
@therealjordanh: #RealWorldFinale gonna miss seeing @jennycdelich & @itsarifitz every week 💔💔💔💔💔💔
@busdriversroute: Was @BrianTWillJr asked to fill out a thought record? Seemed like the way I would've gone...
@GoldenGreggy: Producers being fake lol don't act like u don't want them to fight #RealWorldExPlosion
@SINSEDONTPLAY: #selfieeee 👋 Who's ready for #therealworldexplosion aftershow ???? Headed to @aftsrbuzztv
@kendallongg: Lmao drenching his bed was PERFECT @jennycdelich 👏👏
@therealjordanh: The tension between @MTVCoryWharton @BrianTWillJr is unreal 😳 #RealWorldExPlosion #RealWorldFinale
@kendallongg: Cory is a crying ass baby and nobody cares anymore. Just fight or shut the hell up #RealWorldExPlosion
@JanelMcG: Notice how @BrianTWillJr always confront straight up while @MTVCoryWharton mumbles while walking a way? #ManvsBoy #RealWorldExPlosion
@IcedCOfNewYork: Hey @ThomasBuellMTV! It's Clarence. When summer comes I hope you and @JamieChinaMTV can hang with me at the beach in NYC. Best wishes buddy!
@therealjordanh: "Can I get 2 eggs your way.." 😂😂😂 @MTVCoryWharton #RealWorldExPlosion #RealWorldFinale
@IcedCOfNewYork: Hey @MTVCoryWharton! It's Clarence. Your trademark phrase #YoungButReady has given me confidence. I hope we meet one day. Best wishes!
@GoldenGreggy: Jamie and Tom needa chill, y'all are in the same state lol it's not like LA and Miami or anything crazy #RealWorldExPlosion
@EricC_Official: Wanna check out my goodbye blog for the #RealWorldExPlosion cast? @RealWorldMTV --->
@GoldenGreggy: Imma miss seeing you guys on my tv @jennycdelich @itsarifitz @MTVCoryWharton :(
@kendallongg: I hate finales 😩😩I'll miss this cast by far the most @jennycdelich @JamieChinaMTV @itsarifitz
@busdriversroute: "You'll see be seeing me" - @MTVCoryWharton. Challenge 26 best be on notice...
@busdriversroute: It took 11 1/2 episodes but that was the best moment for Jamie this season. #RealWorldFinale
@CardellChris: Please help support @jennycdelich in her new project as she starts her new endavour! #RealWorldExPlosion #mtv
@JanelMcG: LOLOLAHALDHAHFDJHA!!!!!! Where has drunk Brian been all this time??? @BrianTWillJr
@JanelMcG: "I don't have a little brother" Um.. ok. #RealWorldFinale
@busdriversroute: And just like that @itsarifitz jumps to #4 in my #RealWorldExPlosion Challenge Draft Board. What a body slam.
@JanelMcG: So this is the best #RealWorldFinale I've ever seen. And I'll probably take that back but right now I'm standing by that...
@therealjordanh: Gotta admit... @JamieChinaMTV would be a bomb ass roomie 😍
@busdriversroute: Jackson is now my favorite person on #RealWorldExPlosion. Is he eligible for the Challenge? @MTV @BunimMurray
@davidbloom7: @itsarifitz So it appears that your awesomeness has no bounds. So much respect.
@kendallongg: "My mouths not bloody, that's Gatorade." -Brian 😂😭😭😭 @jennycdelich
@roxystriar: Peacemaker @itsarifitz !! You're the shit girl. Can't believe we didn't get you into @afterbuzztv this season! Obsessed #RealWorldExPlosion
@therealjordanh: Can I plz just turn up with @itsarifitz @jennycdelich & @JayGMTV 🎉🎉🎉 y'all come to Savannahhhh
@therealjordanh: Very happy for @JayGMTV & @JennaCompono 😁😁😁😁 #RealWorldExPlosion #RealWorldFinale
@kendallongg: Shit they should've shown is always my favorite episode each season! @itsarifitz @jennycdelich @JamieChinaMTV @JayGMTV
@busdriversroute: So #RealWorldExPlosion is over but the Challenge is almost here. I spoke to @KennySantucci to preview it. Stay tuned for the link tomorrow.
@kendallongg: LMAO I'm with @jennycdelich on the whole supernatural thing. I am a believer! 👻
@JanelMcG: Girl @jennycdelich Fred was trying to communicate with you through @BrianTWillJr... but you were blowing him off.
@SINSEDONTPLAY: Look who is wit us tonight on the #aftershow for #therealworldexplosion mtvcorywharton ! It's about to…
@kendallongg: Sold their ass to the devil 😩😩😩 @jennycdelich
@kendallongg: Damn my mentions went wild real quick cos @jennycdelich retweeted me
@AceNichols33: The @jennycdelich song of the season! #RealWorldExplosion covered by yours truly.
@kendallongg: "Hannah's my best frienddddd💅 my ride or die bitchhh👭" @JamieChinaMTV
@kendallongg: Jenna and I have practically the same diet. Chicken nuggets and noodles with butter
@EricC_Official: Give a round of applause to the OG's! 👏 @JayGMTV @ThomasBuellMTV @MTVCoryWharton Thank U for a amazing season& setting the bar so high👍✌
@EricC_Official: Give a round of applause to the OG's! 👏👏👏 @JamieChinaMTV @jennycdelich @itsarifitz Thank U for a amazin season& setting the bar so high😘
@KatieeBug143: Finally getting to watch #RealWorldExPlosionFinale 👍👍😕 @JennaCompono @jennycdelich @MTVCoryWharton @JamieChinaMTV @ThomasBuellMTV @JayGMTV
@JanelMcG: So @MTVCoryWharton says something about @jennycdelich @BrianTWillJr on @afterbuzztv and @roxystriar @DjJesseJ @SINSEDONTPLAY eat it up lol
@Challenge24MTV: S/O to the San Fran cast for making it a great season. @itsarifitz @JayGMTV @JamieChinaMTV @jennycdelich @ThomasBuellMTV @MTVCoryWharton
@CardellChris: @Challenge24MTV @itsarifitz @JayGMTV @JamieChinaMTV @jennycdelich @ThomasBuellMTV @MTVCoryWharton thanks and a job well done!
@JohnyZig: @Challenge24MTV most likely we see them again in a challenge cuz majority seem interested
@KevinTocci: @Challenge24MTV @itsarifitz @JayGMTV @JamieChinaMTV @jennycdelich @ThomasBuellMTV @MTVCoryWharton what an amazing season, thanks again!
@JanelMcG: Lol at Cory acting like he threw Brian down on @afterbuzztv. He was sloppy drunk and fell on his own. #TVToughGuy @DjJesseJ @roxystriar
@BigTymers228: I Want To Take The Time To Congratulate All Of The Real World Explosion Cast On Their Season Especially Including These People @MtvCoryWharton @ThomasBuellMTV @JayGMTV & @JennaCompono < -That I Was Blessed & Honored To Have Met Formally In Person During This Season. I Enjoyed Every Minute Of Watching You All Season On The Real World Explosion. Good Luck To All Of You On Your Future Endeavors. Much Love & God Bless. #MTV #RealWorldExplosion #RWE #RealWorld29 #RW29 #RealWorldSanFrancisco #RWSF
@BigTymers228: The Best Part About The RWE Is That I Watched & Met @JayGMTV @MTVCoryWharton @ThomasBuellMTV @JennaCompono In Person
@EricC_Official: Just cuz this season is over, don't think @JayGMTV is going anywhere! This was only the beginning! Join the CRAZE & cop a #CrazeWatch 👍
@EricC_Official: Can you ALL thank @JayGMTV for me plz. He's great & gave me opportunities even when it was HIS time to shine! Cheers to us collabing soon!
@CSUAKirk: speaking to @JayGMTV #RealWorldExPlosion 11 am PST 2 PM EST tune in RT
> And As I Saw It on #DCNow
@dc408dxtr: #DCNow Alert: about to watch #RealWorldFinale of #RealWorldExPlosion. Fans out west, follow me @dc408dxnow for live tweeting of the madness.
@dc408dxtr: I always get this emotional feeling every time finale comes around. Sad its ending, but lots to look back on & be proud of. #RealWorldFinale
@dc408dxnow: Well, tonight we wrap things up, but not before a bang. Fitting enough for a season called #RealWorldExPlosion. #RealWorldFinale
@dc408dxnow: And a huge fight to start this off, we ended last week with one, we start off with that one. But security comes in to avoid all that.
@dc408dxnow: Cory, Jenny and Jay are talking at the table over this whole thing, she feels her & Cory would've been close friends had Brian not entered.
@dc408dxnow: As Brian is back home, Jenny & him are talking in bed and some heated words from him. And she's watering that bed. #RealWorldFinale
@dc408dxnow: All this drama has led Brian to sleep out in the hallway. Then Jamie gets a call while the suitcases are packed up. #RealWorldFinale
@dc408dxnow: Cory & Brian wake up day after the blowup, and they're now talking at the comp. Feelings are gonna boil over yet again. #RealWorldFinale
@dc408dxnow: As Cory & Brian are arguing again, Jenny just heads over to her bedroom. Her dream of them getting against each other comes true. But civil.
@dc408dxnow: Now to love. @JamieChinaMTV @ThomasBuellMTV & @itsarifitz @missashc. Plus @JayGMTV @JennaCompono too. Then OG's. #RealWorldFinale
@dc408dxnow: Now they're riding a yacht in the Bay. Good to hear of everyone talk about how they've all changed bc of this experience. #realworldfinale
@dc408dxnow: Can't ask for a better city to see the revival of this franchise I love than the very part of this country I call home. #RealWorldFinale
@dc408dxnow: Then Jenny & Brian talk on the sofa and it feels like they're done. All of what we've seen has now caused this to blow up. #RealWorldFinale
@dc408dxnow: Everyone's headed out to make the best of their last night in the city. Always awesome to see the bond these people rest of their lives.
@dc408dxnow: And then comes the kisses. @JamieChinaMTV @missashc are making out, & @ThomasBuellMTV is sleeping. More fireworks now. #RealWorldFinale
@dc408dxnow: Vibe now turning from celebrating the last night to now one more fight before this ends. This is explosive! #RealWorldFinale
@dc408dxnow: Oh my gosh, one last night, one last fight. Security has come out to get them, and Jenny is definitely p'd off about this. #RealWorldFinale
@dc408dxnow: And security is doing right thing to send Brian to the hotel for the night & @jennycdelich is oh so relieved about this. #RealWorldFinale
@dc408dxnow: And after @JamieChinaMTV @MTVCoryWharton hug, they even embrace the audio guy Jackson. Then the last day comes. #RealWorldFinaler
@dc408dxnow: And then the first to go is @BrianTWillJr. Very soon it'll be time to get out the Kleenex, the hardest part is coming up. #RealWorldFinale
@dc408dxnow: Next to go to head back to the Bronx are @JayGMTV @JennaCompono. Then @JamieChinaMTV & @JamieChinaMTV to head back to TX. #RealWorldFinale
@dc408dxnow: Now it's @itsarifitz @missashc who head across the way to another part of town. Last are @jennycdelich @MTVCoryWharton. #RealWorldFinale
@dc408dxnow: And then, that is that. Quite a ride this has been. Loved every minute of #RealWorldExPlosion. But it's not done yet. Here comes Clip Show.
@dc408dxnow: Except for the 1st summer I spent on twitter, they've had a Clip Show. Always good to have a laugh watching the funny stuff. #RealWorld
@dc408dxnow: And that is that. Wow, what a season of #RealWorldExPlosion, definitely enjoyed it so much it's now a standout favorite season of mine.
Now to the Wrap, and we begin with last week's episode. As we mentioned when Jay's mom passed and when Lauren got pregnant, even with this newly revamped Real World they haven't forgotten about the things that's made the show unique in the reality world, and one of them is documenting the roommates' career aspirations. For one of them, we heard from Arielle early on that one of her dreams is to direct horror films. Her roommates got the chance to see one of her films that's in the can and began work on her second film called "Casting Cast," about a casting call gone wrong. Inside the house, she tries out some scenes with Jenny & Cory stepping in to work with her. As you'd expect, they turn this into something rather semi-sexual with Jenny ripping Cory's belt off with her teeth.
Meanwhile as she enjoys that acting work, Jenny herself is "broke as a joke," and decides to make some much-needed money by becoming a go-go dancer. She's done this before and she enjoys it, but Brian isn't feeling that new gig. He knows it very well as her mom did strip-dancing and Mrs. Williams saw how working in that risqué industry would have a negative impact. Jenny contends that go-go dancing is different, but Brian feels he's a "deep dude" and like what happened to his mom, he feels that the same negative impact will be on Jenny if she go-go dances. Not surprisingly after he and the rest of the house go to the club to offer support to her, Brian came home to complain about Jenny's new job, and the original roommates step in to defend Jenny. Jay & Tom get annoyed by Brian and tell him to be quiet, but Brian doesn't respond well to it. And it becomes a screaming match.
In need for some relief from the house madness, and knowing that no Bay Area trip would be complete without one (at least if you're legal, of course), the roommates decide to take a trek up north to the pleasant & peaceful surroundings of the Napa Valley for wine tasting and relaxation in Wine Country. Dressed up as if she's heading to the Kentucky Derby, Jenny is aware that this is an environment that's more sophisticated, but also knows that the guys just want to grab the alcohol. Unlike most people who do it single-fisted, Tom grabs wine glasses with both hands and begins cussing. Jenny tells him to stop swearing in an environment that's a far cry from the club, but he's too drunk to even think about it. And as they head home, Tom passes out. In my tweets, I mentioned that I went to a winery a couple years ago, but being that I never drink alcohol, I wasn't even going there...just being a visitor.
Then, when the group went out, a girl comes up to Cory at the club. He's aware that she's just wanting to get camera time, so he ignores her. Then ten minutes after that, she is spotted with Brian. And as they ride home, this sparks a fight right in the van between Cory and Brian. After being in a bromance that has frustrated Jenny a bit an episode or two earlier, the two guys finally admit that they don't like each other, and Cory adds that he hooked up with her in two days. Then, they get into each others' faces, and it is on.
And that fight would pour right into Wednesday's finale, or so we thought. Cory tried to punch Brian, but the group had to restrain him, and the only thing violent that came out of this is Brian landing a kick in Cory's fact. Other than that, the fight never happened. When the house wakes up, Brian tried to talk to Cory, and while Cory did admit to wanting to go after Brian, they go about their day without harm.
Something that's always a topic in any Real World finale (and also on Are You The One?) is the dilemma that comes in among those who are in love but has to deal with how to handle a long distance relationship after this ends. That's the concern Tom has in the relationship he has with Jamie, even though they both live in Texas and it's only a one-hour flight or few hours drive between Tom in Dallas & Jamie in Houston. She feels this relationship can work if he wants to, but Tom knows that experience of dealing with a long-distance relationship hasn't worked for him. But ultimately, both give it a try.
After seeing what happened over the course of the last few episodes between both of them, Jenny and Brian finally get a chance to talk. Brian wants to make sure that he's committed to her, but knowing that was something she wanted all this time, Jenny feels she's now over their relationship. All of what happened and the work that they've put into fixing things are not just all for naught, and it appears that this won't work after all. After spending their last night clubbing in the city, Brian comes home a bit too inebriated and angry, knowing he wasted 5 years of his life on a now-failed relationship. He tries to talk to her, but the roommates can see his anger and try to separate them.
Then, Brian settles down in his room and Cory comes in to talk to him. Brian tries to charge his way past Cory, but Cory catches him and tackles him to the ground before he can get to Jenny. Brian's anger continues afterwards as he breaks Jenny's frame in his room (just earlier, Jenny had sprayed water in his bed so he wouldn't sleep in the same room), and screams like an ape ready to go after someone in the zoo. Arielle then tries to calmly talk to him, but his anger gets the best of abroad and he throws Arielle to the ground. This is the straw that broke the camel's back, and security then steps in and relocates Brian to a hotel for the last night. Did producers do the right thing to put security into the house after the events of last season? Yes they did.
Well, after three months in the city - an eventful one to say the least, here comes the part everyone looks forward to the least in every Real World season...the time that comes at the end of all this. The roommates bid their tearful and emotional goodbyes to each other, and leave one-by-one knowing they have survived the first-ever twist to over 20 years of reality TV tradition. Jenny and Cory are the last two to leave the Polk District, and do one last confessional together before they head home. As I tweeted in my live tweets many times, I get this same feeling at the end of every season of these shows just as I do at the Closing Ceremony of the Olympics - it's obviously sad that it's all ending, but there's a lot to look back on and a lot to be proud of. And in the case of these people, there's also a lot that they have learned about when it comes to living with your ex in addition to new strangers too.
Now that this season is over, all that's left before this ends is the Reunion which airs on Wednesday - or make that tonight. In addition to airing on Wednesday, it will also be given an advanced sneak peek screening tonight as well. And just as I did for Are You The One?, I'll be working the contacts the next few days to track down a fan or two to join one person who I've got lined up to give us their thoughts on that get-together for part two of our Reunion Revealed double-dip. Fulfilling the role Brian Cohen (@BusDriversRoute) provided last year, next weekend you'll hear from them about the Real World Ex-Plosion Reunion from the Fan's View exclusively here in the 'Blog. Check out our last Fan's View post for contact info:
Speaking of that, prior to the finale the guy I talked to in our Fan's View of the EP 7 & 9 After Shows, Eric Ceballos (@EricC_Official), wrote a thank you note to the cast that he got to meet and know as well as me. Read up on it at: I'll be writing my thank you note to the cast in our Reunion SocialPulse.
In addition to getting the Fan's View, we will be covering that Reunion as the cast, the fans and those who were in the audience see it on the very last edition of RW Ex-Plosion SocialPulse coming after it airs next week. That will be just the start to a busy 48 hours as the next night, The Challenge: Free Agents kicks off. Of course, we will have a preview, a look at newcomers and of course our SP diary on that too. And don't forget, follow my live twitter hub, DC NOW at @DC408DxNow, where my live show/event tweeting is now located.
Until I join you on twitter and then on the blog in a day or two, hope you enjoyed both this finale post and Real World Ex-Plosion as much as I did. And for now, thanks for reading, have fun and see you then. Off to Uruguay we go...
- DC
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