Thursday, October 9, 2014

DC SocialPulse: Are You The One? S2 - Road to the Premiere

*** Advisory: DC SocialPulse contains adult language, 
objectionable content to some readers and spoilers 
for international fans. Viewer Discretion is Advised. ***

By DC Cueva
@DC408dxtr / @DC408dxnow

Welcome again to DCBLOG and to DC SocialPulse powered by DCNOW. Usually, we present the tweets of cast members before, during and after they watch episodes of MTV shows. But today, in this, the first part of a 2-part DCBLOG doubleheader, we're doing something rather different in that we're not presenting the episode tweets as twitter saw it, but to get a sense of the vibe among cast members heading into a big day.
   For the season finale of DCSP last June before the season finale of The Challenge: Free Agents, we brought you the week-long buildup to the epic finale in South America, which also included a key moment in the summer's biggest blockbuster: the FIFA World Cup and the USA's heart-stopping draw with Portugal.
   In this special edition of DCSP, we're presenting the week-long buildup to the premiere of season 2 of Are You The One?. Instead of bringing you the tweets as the season 2 cast and their Hawaiian predecessors saw the fun-filled premiere, which we'll present in part 2 coming up in the coming days before episode 2 on Monday, as well as for the sake of conserving as much space as possible in these posts, we'll bring you the twitter interaction in the days leading up to Monday, October 6th, and just after we saw a final curtain call for the celebrated season 1 cast at Ethan & Amber's baby shower.
   In reading the conversations between cast members from both shows, you can get a sense of what the vibe is like among the casts as they await their time in the sun. I always would think of the days leading up to the premiere of an MTV season as akin to the lead-up to Christmas, with kids everywhere feeling the anticipation of what it's gonna be like when the big day arrives and seeing what the man with the red suit might leave them under the tree. That's the feeling every MTV cast member goes through as they count down the days to premiere night.

- As we begin, please note there is explicit language in many of the tweets below, but I am keeping it uncensored in order to retain the heat of the moment. So if you are mature enough, please read with discretion. :-)

So, following the jump, join us for the five-day countdown to the premiere of the sequel of Are You The One?.

> The Week-Long Build-Up (from 9/30 to 10/5)
@GoodMorningSD: Catch @chickalexx, @blacuesta and @JasIPen talking about #AreYouTheOne coming up on #GMSD and online at !
@GoodMorningSD: Thanks to @chickalexx, @JasIPen and @blacuesta for coming in this morning to talk about #AreYouTheOne!
@chickalexx: We on the news #kusi #sandiego #areyoutheone #mtv
- @janniel0ve: @chickalexx i just saw your interview, you're from OSIDE CA ?? Girl, im from SM & all i gotta say is represent! β€οΈβ€οΈπŸ™Œ
@EikeParis: HOLY SHIT. …
@EikeParis: I'm gonna be honest, that sneak peak in the purple shirt. Definitely remember the night. DO NOT remember that part tho.....Lol
@EikeParis: I like to do hood rat stuff with my frandz @mtv @AREUTHE1 @MTV_Christina @blacuesta @MTV_Christina
@EikeParis: Just be ready to see my hair looking ratchet everyday! @AREUTHE1 @mtv #puertorico #humidityaintmyfriend
@EikeParis: Just THREE DAYS until the #AreYouTheOne Season 2 Premier! Can't wait to live tweet with all my new loves! @mtv @AREUTHE1 πŸŽ‰πŸŽΆπŸ™Œ
@MTV_Christina: @Tindel10 you need a new birthday joke. #sorrynotsorry ;)
@mtvdario: We are acquaintances not friends
@MTV_Christina: @mtvdario #monsters
@MTV_Christina: @blacuesta @LaytonJonesMTV nnnAAAAAA skimbaaaaayyaaaa baba ishky ba boooo when yen habaaaa. <- me singing lion king to both of you.
@blacuesta: @MTV_Christina @LaytonJonesMTV I think it was more like: AHHHH SABENYAAAA ABABABISH AWAWAWAAA
@MTV_Christina: @blacuesta @LaytonJonesMTV dang I guess I forgot the lyrics! *facepalm*
@MTV_Christina: Just got recognized for being on "Are you the one" 😭 the feels man. The feels <3
@RyanDevlin: Get ready, it's bonkers. β€œ@AREUTHE1: The ultimate love experiment is BACK this MONDAY! #AreYouTheOne ”
@busdriversroute: #AYTO Draft is complete. Notable picks: Top pick: @A_Bartolotte. Not drafted: @Curtishadzicki. Last pick: @laurashall93. Girls taken early.
@Curtishadzicki: @busdriversroute undrafted free agent. Shoot back to flipping burgers. Hahahah good luck @A_Bartolotte lets rage with that signing bonus.
@busdriversroute: My squad: @blacuesta, @MTV_Christina, @PrimeTimeSiebs, @MTV_JESS and @LaytonJonesMTV. Let's get it done! #AYTOFantasyDraft @AREUTHE1
@blacuesta: @busdriversroute @MTV_Christina @PrimeTimeSiebs @MTV_JESS @LaytonJonesMTV @AREUTHE1 gotchu
@MTV_Christina: @busdriversroute you picked a good squad.
@busdriversroute: @MTV_Christina Ha thanks. I hope so!
@Tindel10: @busdriversroute @MTV_Christina How I didn't go as the #1 overall pick.....I have no idea.
@MTV_Christina: @Tindel10 @busdriversroute because cockiness isn't a category you can win
@Tindel10: @MTV_Christina @busdriversroute Man on woman physical fighting for
-50 points. Coming right up!!!
@busdriversroute: @Tindel10 @MTV_Christina Our league tries to put a focus on that more than @nflcommish.
@Tindel10: @busdriversroute How do you even earn points bahahaha
@busdriversroute: @Tindel10 Boom, right here …
@Tindel10: @busdriversroute Literally epic.
@busdriversroute: @Tindel10 Haha we do a similar thing for The Challenge too. It's based on the Grantland model.
@LaytonJonesMTV: @blacuesta @busdriversroute @MTV_Christina @PrimeTimeSiebs @MTV_JESS @AREUTHE1 hey that's my movie "Lion Ling"
@blacuesta: @LaytonJonesMTV @busdriversroute @MTV_Christina @PrimeTimeSiebs @MTV_JESS  lion LING? Is that supposed to be an asian joke towards me? πŸ‘²
@busdriversroute: @blacuesta @LaytonJonesMTV @MTV_Christina @PrimeTimeSiebs @MTV_JESS Simba-son can't wait to be Emperor #LionLing
@LaytonJonesMTV: @blacuesta @busdriversroute @MTV_Christina @PrimeTimeSiebs @MTV_JESS  haha no just my favorite movie they messed up on my bio!
@MTVshelbs: Annnnd back to the airport life
@MTVshelbs: San Diego is chilll
@MTVshelbs: I'm 100% meant to live in Cali.
@MTVshelbs: For those of you who haven't seen my article in the Wichita Eagle yet, go check what I had to say about the show at …
@MTVshelbs: For all of you Derby people, my article in the Derby Informer is now up if you'd like to go read it! …
@MTVshelbs: I got a million trillion things that I'd rather do
@MTVshelbs: One of the hardest things is pretending something doesn't matter to you that actually matters a lot.
@LaytonJonesMTV: Oh yeah it's about to start! Everyone be ready! #Nashville @AREUTHE1 @MTV
@LaytonJonesMTV: Thank you mtv areuthe1 #GoodPictures #PremierSoon
@LaytonJonesMTV: Oxford MS Bound... #GameDay #Oxford #HottyToddy #GoRebels #BigCountry #SoFancy
@LaytonJonesMTV: That moment when you see people you wish you never met! Sweetheart you are not good looking enough to be that bitchy! #SomePeopleNeverGrowUp
@laurashall93: Come to chimys in San Marcos Monday Oct. 6th @ 9pm for #AreYouTheOne season 2 premier SPECIAL GUEST @amberleeMTV❀️
@laurashall93: I used to hate the way I laughed, but it shows how much I enjoy the life I was given and how much I love living it❀️
@Modelboi12: I've seen it all literally...
@Modelboi12: Yooooo!!!
@Modelboi12: Can't wait to see @blacuesta that's my girl
@Modelboi12: Man @mtvdario @A_Bartolotte @Curtishadzicki @LaytonJonesMTV are about to be out here....
@mtvdario: @Modelboi12 @A_Bartolotte @Curtishadzicki @LaytonJonesMTV we out here cuuuuuuuuuuuz
@Modelboi12: I miss @jenniknapmiller and @MTVshelbs
@MTVshelbs: @Modelboi12 ugh miss you so much G!!
@Modelboi12: Ok I'm done
@Modelboi12: Life is good....can't wait til Monday
@Modelboi12: "They say Garland why you still working and you about to be on tv".... I say the hustle never stops and never will I get too comfortable..
@Modelboi12: I feel really bad for guys who have hot chicks as friends.....and is stuck in the friend zone....
@Pratt_MTV: Are you for team #PrattAndParis ?
@Pratt_MTV: Headed out to First Friday in St Pete tomorrow! Hope to see you all there!
@Pratt_MTV: Sip was going off last night with @djjustinjames in St Pete! #sip #FirstFriday #stpete
@Pratt_MTV: Hey St Pete. Fuck you 😫 #hangover
@Pratt_MTV: And now that it's over, I'll never be sober.
@Hollywood_com: We can't wait to see @mtvdario, @jenniknapmiller, @MTV_Christina, & @Pratt_MTV on @AREUTHE1
@A_Bartolotte: My favorite month
@A_Bartolotte: Well.... Looks like I'm starting the weekend early
@A_Bartolotte: 1 more day...
@blacuesta: To all of the #SanDiego #AreYouTheOne fans! Check out this flyer if you want to come to our premiere party!
@blacuesta: You ever see a post that makes you just wanna slam your head against the wall? Me rn #ByeFelicia #iaintlovethesethotties
@blacuesta: Who knew you could write 9 pages of notes on a 33 second video? #healthcommunicationmajor #sdsu @sdsu #nobigdeal
@blacuesta: After the show airs and I get a few more followers I am going to challenge @ranceypants @Cody_Calafiore @Derrick_L13 to an HOH comp #BB16
@TinaThomsen4: 4 more days til the brand new season of #AreYouTheOne airs Monday October 6th at 10 on #MTV !! It's gonna be inane, there will be blood
@blacuesta: I am really so lucky to have met some of the most AMAZING human beings while being on #AreYouTheOne I love you crazy muhfuckas
@blacuesta: I realized why my natural hair color is black..... my hair follicles grow straight out of my soul #truelife #blacklikemysoul
@blacuesta: Everytime I go run somewhere real quick lookin like something out of the halloweentown movie I always see the FINEST MEN damn πŸ˜’πŸ˜©
@blacuesta: In the SDSU library working on this paper with my group & the only thing I can think about is the #AreYouTheOne Premiere on MONDAY! #YAS
- @deannalyn15: @blacuesta can't wait...season 1 was awesome and excited to see what season 2 has in store!! Looking forward to meeting you haha
- @blacuesta: @deannalyn15 haha you will love it. Lots of drama, tears, laughter, drunken nights and blood! So DONT miss the premiere!!
- ‏@deannalyn15: @blacuesta oh I won't! I already have an alert set on the calendar on my phone hahah I've been waiting for weeks, ur def 1 of the prettiest girls I've seen on this season and hope you found your soul mate...don't forget about me being your 1st fan when you're famousπŸ˜‰
- @blacuesta: @deannalyn15 haha thank you. Before monday Ill be putting all of my fans prior to the show in a list on twitter so when/if I do get more followers I can still see what you guys tweet & can respond to you guys since we all started from da bottom NOW WE HERE!
- @deannalyn15: @blacuesta sounds're AWESOME. Already my favorite and the show didn't even premiere! πŸ˜‰
@blacuesta: You know those people who shouldn't tweet while intoxicated? Yeah me either.
@blacuesta: I'm sorry but you ARE the weakest link. #YouAreNOTTheOne #Bai
@blacuesta: Forget Monday I can't wait to see @MTV_JESS on TUESDAY! #bffl #mybish #soulsister  fuck a fake friend where ya real friends at!!!
@TinaThomsen4: 2 more days until the second season of #AreYouTheOne airs Monday October 6 at 10 on #MTV !! I am so excited!! I love this show!!
@blacuesta: Hair change...again. Red ombre shawwwtaaay! oh & #AreYouTheOne premieres MONDAY!!! Eeek! Tune in to live tweet w me!
@blacuesta: You ever reflect on life & realize how fake some people are? Lol fake fake fake fake fake fake fake
@blacuesta: Guys...... #AreYouTheOne premieres tomorrow how exciting is that!!!!! So stoked on life!
- @dc408dxtr: @blacuesta gosh today feels like Xmas Eve for you all w/ anticipation of the big day, hope you're ready to handle these last 31 hours.
- @blacuesta: @dc408dxtr hahaha we have waited for so long!! I'm done waiting!
@blacuesta: so...... @shandathapanda shits unicorns and rainbows maybe some gummy bears too. WE NEED A DOCTOR ASAP
@blacuesta: Idk if you guys have been living under a rock or nah but #AreYouTheOne PREMIERES TOMORROW LIKE WUT!! IM SO READY FOR THE TEARS, DRAMA&BLOOD
@mollytarlov: Gonna be answering questions live tmrw night on Are You the One: The Aftermatch. If you have any questions tweet them using #AYTOAftermatch!
@tabron27: ha! sitting on the sidelines all nonchalant like "dude, you guys just met…" #areyoutheone #MTV …
- @jenniknapmiller: @tabron27 exactly. oh my πŸ˜‚ this makes me miss you
@tabron27: want to know more about me and my casting experience for #AreYouTheOne? Stay tuned for my interview tomorrow! #MTV #jamn945
@tabron27: ARE YOU THE ONE ?  for me
@tabron27: How did i get casted on #AreYouTheOne? How was my experience? What is my type?! Stay tuned for my interview! #jamn945
@STARFORCEHH: Starforce Hip Hop | Take a peek at the Season 2 premiere of β€˜Are You The One?’ … @Gorillajoeyoung @Tabron27 @MTV
- @tabron27: @STARFORCEHH @GorillaJoeYoung @MTV thanks guys  for supporting me on this amazing journey.
@tabron27: The awkward moment when.... πŸ˜‘πŸ˜’ #AreYouTheOne
@tabron27: "@blacuesta: @tabron27 I TOLD YOU!!!!!!!!!!!! FREAKIN TWINS" lol as long as I get to play her in a movie one day I'm good πŸ‘
@JosephAGarcia: Pretty excited for Are You The One Season 2 to drop on Monday. It's my favorite show I've ever worked on. Don't forget to watch.
@JosephAGarcia: I'm done on Are You The One S2. Time to chill on my balcony & get fucking lit. Word to my baby girls @whaattaafoxx & @tabron27 #AYTO2 #MTV
@JosephAGarcia: @whaattaafoxx @tabron27 babygirl, you, Tyler, Jess, Bri, I can go on. It's been a pleasure working on this season #AYTO2 #BestSeason #turnup
@tabron27: Good morning everyone!! Only 2 MORE DAYS until #AreYouTheOne! Are you guys excited?! πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„
@tabron27: Do's & Don'ts Lol don't judge me     ;)
@tabron27: representing @BostonCollege on my MTV reality show #AreYouTheOne tomorrow! Monday,10pm! come watch the show with me @BostonCollege :) :)
@tabron27: #AREYOUTHEONE GET TOGETHER IN MY ROOM TOMORROW 9PM! β€” feeling excited
@tabron27: #AreYouTheOne premier in 22 hours! WHOOOOOP! RAISE YOUR HANDS IF YOU'RE EXCITED! πŸ™‹πŸ™‹πŸ™‹πŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ˜„ #mtv #finally
@tabron27: Make sure while you're turned in to @AREUTHE1 on @MTV  you tweet me to let me know how you like the show. I can't wait to talk to you all .β™‘
@mtvdario: @blacuesta what it do. We know what it is. Whole squad on that REAL shit
@blacuesta: @mtvdario ONE HUNNNNNID. WE (ME&YOU) know what it REALLY is. i love doing life w/ you!!!
@mtvdario: @blacuesta always πŸ’―
@mtvdario: I have no time for nonsense. I'm on the come up
@BigTymers228: @Modelboi12 @AlexPhillipz @mtvdario @Curtishadzicki @MTVJohnMoustis Just 2 Days Away From The Premiere Of AYTO Season 2
@mtvdario: @BigTymers228 2 days for the best show to be back. Let's go
@BigTymers228: @mtvdario yup ayto is the best show & don't forget 3 days till nba 2k15 comes out too man it's gonna be an eventful week for sure #Facts
@mtvdario: thats just somethin to do whens theirs nothin to do
@SSUDrunks: Everyone watch @AREUTHE1 tomorrow night! Salem's down @mtvdario is one of the lucky people to be aired on the show! Dont miss it!
@Hollywood_com: We can't wait to see @mtvdario, @jenniknapmiller, @MTV_Christina, & @Pratt_MTV on @AREUTHE1
@mtvdario: πŸ’₯tomorrow night πŸ’₯ BIG BiG nightπŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯ BoNvUe. Doors open at 9. Come out and get after it with…
@MTV_Christina: @mtvdario lmao miss you dude
@mtvdario: @MTV_Christina miss you too chrisssssssss
@Curtishadzicki: With how many beats per minute can I break your heart. #dowhatyoulove
@Curtishadzicki: Welcome to cali. Enjoy your stay. #areyoutheone #octoberishere #dowhatyoulove
@Curtishadzicki: I go skinny dipping on Wednesdays #dowhatyoulove
@PrimeTimeSiebs: Premiere Party at the Mix!!!!!!!!!πŸ™ŒπŸ˜πŸŽ‰πŸŽŠπŸŽ‹πŸŽŠπŸŽ‰πŸŽ‡πŸ“ΊπŸ“·
@PrimeTimeSiebs: October 6th at The Mix KZoo!! #BeThere! #SeeMe #OnTV😁 #ItsGonnaBeGood
@PrimeTimeSiebs: It's all or nothin. Be my all or nothin. Its all of you or nothin.
@PrimeTimeSiebs: #TBT my last high school football home game! #MommyDaddy #SeniorNight #BeastCancerAwarenessMonth…
@PrimeTimeSiebs: Sunday!!! #Binday #Redzone #NFL #Football #Selfies #LazyDay!
@RealityRadioPod: @PrimeTimeSiebs Thanks for the follow, Nate. Looking forward to the premiere of #AreYouTheOne season 2. BTW, are you a fan of #TheChallenge?
@PrimeTimeSiebs: @RealityRadioPod huge fan!
@jenniknapmiller: Just heard a jingle ball advertisement but I swear it was 82 degrees last Saturday
@jenniknapmiller: That shift last night is going to mess with my head for a few days
@jenniknapmiller: Stay far far away from those who do not recognize their own faults
@jenniknapmiller: To each their mf'ing own
@jenniknapmiller: Finally had time to peak at the score in a patients room. LOLZ #GoPackGo
@jenniknapmiller: Thanks @MTV fam! Made my Friday ☺️
@jenniknapmiller: My facial expression is identical to hers rn. SAY WUT? I love you Minnesota, budddamn!
@jenniknapmiller: If he calls you 'baby doll' is that creepy or cute? ..asking for a friend
@jenniknapmiller: One must eat continuously in order to remain happy
@jenniknapmiller: cheers to bacon beer. Bacon beer is a thing?!?! Sweet baby JESUS
@MTVJohnMoustis: Episode 1 sneak peek! This season is going to be crazy. …
@AlexPhillipz: A man in Chicago says he "suffers" from 100 orgasms a day. I have 200 every single day & I don't let that shit get in he way #BAD πŸ‘„πŸŒ
@AlexPhillipz: She's hot but her friend is hotter.πŸ”₯πŸ”₯#AlexPhillipsProblems #BAD
@AlexPhillipz: Make sure you tell your mom you love her. Moms love that shit
@AlexPhillipz: I ❀️ America too but if you really think America is "God's country" & we're better than everyone else. You're a real fucking idiot. #BAD
@AlexPhillipz: At an audition listening to these actors talk about actory bullshit. Hey pal I don't care who your agent is or what u booked. Scram! #BAD  πŸŽ₯
@AlexPhillipz: If you kick somebody's ass and the entire fight fits on vine; you're a badass πŸ‘ŠπŸ‘ŠπŸ‘Š #BAD
@AlexPhillipz: TGIF!! I treat everyday like a Friday but I have to wait all week for you mutha fucka$ to catch up. #BAD
@AlexPhillipz: You can stand by the dance floor trying to be all cool. but I'm gonna be in the middle with my clique dancing my ass off #BAD
@AlexPhillipz: Hey fellas, here's a tip. Fishing & sporty glasses are horrendous & they are the most unfashionable sunglasses you can purchase. STOP #BAD
@whaattaafoxx: No words
@whaattaafoxx: @MTV_JESS lets just move out of the country???!!! I'm so down to leave this melting pot
@MTV_JESS: @whaattaafoxx let's go all I need is you and goonies anyway
@whaattaafoxx: @MTV_JESS we can go to Greece or the UK meet some fine ass #BritishMen #Yummy
@MTV_JESS: @whaattaafoxx 😍 and the sexy accents make me happy! I instantly feel smarter too lmao YES let's go I'm down πŸ‘Œ
@whaattaafoxx: @MTV_JESS okay deal!!! Hahaha
‏@BigTymers228: @whaattaafoxx after watching the sneak peek of I realized that you're fun bubbly, & ofc fun sized ellie
- @whaattaafoxx: @BigTymers228 well duh!!!!
- @BigTymers228: @whaattaafoxx yea well hey I like all kinds of girls especially fun sized girls like you
@blacuesta: TO MAH BITCHES @MTV_JESS @whaattaafoxx @MTV_Christina: "I feel bad for people who aren't us. We are some hilarious mother f....ers."
‏@whaattaafoxx: @blacuesta @MTV_JESS @MTV_Christina why yes indeed we are!! (British accent)
@MTV_JESS: @blacuesta @whaattaafoxx @MTV_Christina this is so perfect 😈
@whaattaafoxx: Myrtle Beach today and all I can think about is #SpringBreak @MTVJohnMoustis !!!πŸ˜πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘
@whaattaafoxx: πŸ˜˜πŸ˜πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜πŸ‘ŒβœŒοΈ
@blacuesta: @whaattaafoxx sexxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
@IamJoeyDillon: @whaattaafoxx oh yah! πŸ™Œ
@whaattaafoxx: @IamJoeyDillon @Modelboi12 @blacuesta okay okay I see yall πŸ‘€πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜
@IamJoeyDillon: @whaattaafoxx @Modelboi12 @blacuesta I'm just trying to be like you all when I grow up thats all.
@whaattaafoxx: β€œ@IamJoeyDillon: @whaattaafoxx @Modelboi12 @blacuesta I'm just trying to be like you all when I grow up thats all.” Get on my level πŸ™ˆπŸ™ŠπŸ™‰
@Curtishadzicki: @IamJoeyDillon @whaattaafoxx @Modelboi12 @blacuesta preach joey
@IamJoeyDillon: @Curtishadzicki @whaattaafoxx @Modelboi12 @blacuesta haha
@Modelboi12: @IamJoeyDillon @Curtishadzicki @whaattaafoxx @blacuesta <> we just trying to keep the movement going Joey lol
@IamJoeyDillon: @Modelboi12 @Curtishadzicki @whaattaafoxx @blacuesta I'm with it! #mtv @AREUTHE1
@whaattaafoxx: Over here dying πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ we are having too much fun with this iOS 8 update!! @blacuesta @MTV_JESS @MTV_Christina
@MTV_JESS: @whaattaafoxx @blacuesta @MTV_Christina lmao we have way too much fun even when we're apart! I love my sisters 😘😜
@blacuesta: @whaattaafoxx @MTV_JESS @MTV_Christina except im using voice memos -_-
@whaattaafoxx: β€œ@blacuesta: @whaattaafoxx @MTV_JESS @MTV_Christina except im using voice memos -_-” bahahahahahahhH
@whaattaafoxx: β€œ@jenniknapmiller: If he calls you 'baby doll' is that creepy or cute? ..asking for a friend” I mean... How old is he?
@whaattaafoxx: Only miss the sun when it starts to snow, only know ya love her when you let her go...
@BigTymers228: @whaattaafoxx well ofc you happy that your team along with your Mcm everyday won today & ofc you're ready for AYTO tomorrow ellie
- @whaattaafoxx: @BigTymers228 yes!! This is going to be the best week ever!! #lukekuechly #AYTO
- @BigTymers228: @whaattaafoxx yup it sure is & ofc course I get to watch you & hear more of your voice on ayto
- @whaattaafoxx: β€œ@BigTymers228: @whaattaafoxx yup it sure is & ofc course I get to watch you & hear more of your voice on ayto” ahhhhhh lol idk
- ‏@BigTymers228: @whaattaafoxx yea tomorrows gonna be epic for real& Ive seen a lot of fun sized girls in my life but never have I seen a country girl like u
- @whaattaafoxx: @BigTymers228 wooooo!!! πŸ‘ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜
@JasIPen: Nights like these man... nights like these. Never second guess your greatness based off unrealistic environments. Happy.
@CSUAKirk: @JasIPen  watching one of the clip videos on  you like one of the Victor Twins from BGC idk if you've ever got that
@JasIPen: @CSUAKirk -____-
@CSUAKirk: @JasIPen   I think based on twitter interaction with you and the videos I think  your going to be a favorite of mine and your a cali girl 2
@JasIPen: @CSUAKirk Cali is the best way to go
@JasIPen: I could sleep or I can eat. Or I can eat and tweet. Hmmm can you guess which I choose? #AlwaysChoiceC #SoAwakeHomiesss
@JasIPen: Woke up and my house is submerged in the smell of bacon.... This shall be a great day. Question is....who cookin?
@MTV_JESS: I can't stop blasting #XTheAlbum @chrisbrown !! Legit tried can't do it 😍😍😍
@MTV_JESS: What you doing? Chillen on the balcony getting fucking LIT!
@MTV_JESS: 90's cartoons wine wisdom & sleeeeeepppppppies
@MTV_JESS: This is Freakinnn crazy ... Ohhhh the hype πŸŽ‰
@MTV_JESS: Out of sight out of mind * it's the only way.
@MTV_JESS: I just get attracted to power .. You know
@MTV_JESS: Everyone go watch @whaattaafoxx and I talk abt dos & donts of sex ! Lmao πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ #areyoutheone #season2 @AREUTHE1 @MTV
@whaattaafoxx: @MTV_JESS @AREUTHE1 @MTV lol where is this at??
@MTV_JESS: @whaattaafoxx @AREUTHE1 @MTV link under this one lol
@whaattaafoxx: @MTV_JESS @AREUTHE1 @MTV hahahahahha "dirty bitch" lmfao loveee you 😘😘
@MTV_JESS: @whaattaafoxx lmaooo ahhh love you miss my beeeeetch 😍😍😍
@whaattaafoxx: @MTV_JESS I miss you toooooo!!!! I'm so ready to see you
‏@MTV_JESS: @whaattaafoxx I'm coming to see you next 😍😍
‏@whaattaafoxx: @MTV_JESS don't play with my emotions now!!
@MTV_JESS: @whaattaafoxx I would nevaaaa!!!! You're next very soon 😍😜 can you imagine how much fun we're gonna have when we finally reunite tho !!!!
@whaattaafoxx: @MTV_JESS uhmmmm tons!!! I can't even imagine dude!!! I can't wait!!
@MTV_JESS: This has got to be the funniest one yet! Watch @whaattaafoxx and I πŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹ #ellieandjess #confessionals
@MTV_JESS: In my opinion there were ppl in that house who decided to play a character instead of being themselves
- @CSUAKirk: @MTV_JESS  happens in all Reality TV I'm sure it'll be easy to see who your referring to shortly
- @MTV_JESS: @CSUAKirk mayb you'll see a few but others I'm legit still questioning who the fuck they RLY are -_-
- @CSUAKirk: @MTV_JESS  from interviewing and following the shows real world challenge and are you the one  I can tell for the most part whos putting up a front got respect for all i talk to but do I think they're some things they want to hide and guess we'll see that start monday
@MTV_JESS: With that being said I'm thankful for getting to meet my incredible #goonies Truly beautiful girls inside & out 😘 #realbitchesonly
@MTV_JESS: Lmao funny how our camera guys legit seen EVERYTHING and anything we ever tried to hide #areyoutheone
@MTV_JESS: I only wanna die alive*
@MTV_JESS: Dinner & wisdom tonight please ? @brittany_baldi @ChrisScaliMTV
@Tindel10: @AREUTHE1 @MTV_JESS ask her what the temperature of the truth booth is
@MTV_JESS: @Tindel10 @AREUTHE1 BAHAHAH holy shit Brando we almost died every time -_-
@MTV_JESS: @carlyaquilino Bahahahaha hope I get to meet you soon!!!
@MTV_JESS: I PROB just looked insane to other ppl driving .. There was a fly in my car -_-
@MTV_JESS: I'll be answering any questions you have for me LIVE on the #AYTOAftermatch right after our season premiere MONDAY NIGHT!!! #AreYouTheOne
@MTV_JESS: Send me your questions!!! And use #AYTOAftermatch lovers 😘 #AreYouTheOne @AREUTHE1
@MTV_JESS: MTVfam taking over NJ tonight 😘 @brittany_baldi @JayGMTV @ChrisScaliMTV #REIGN
@MTV_Christina: @MTV_JESS @brittany_baldi @JayGMTV @ChrisScaliMTV Could have totally came out with you all. #salt
@MTV_JESS: @MTV_Christina @brittany_baldi @JayGMTV @ChrisScaliMTV ughhhhh fml
@MTV_JESS: @MTV fam 😜😘😍 loveeeee them❀️ @brittany_baldi @JayGMTV
@blacuesta: @MTV_JESS @MTV @brittany_baldi @JayGMTV prime
@MTV_JESS: @blacuesta @MTV @brittany_baldi @JayGMTV time
@blacuesta: @MTV_JESS @MTV @brittany_baldi @JayGMTV dime
@MTV_JESS: @blacuesta @MTV @brittany_baldi @JayGMTV crime
@blacuesta: @MTV_JESS @MTV @brittany_baldi @JayGMTV slime
@MTV_JESS: @blacuesta @MTV @brittany_baldi @JayGMTV shine
@blacuesta: @MTV_JESS @MTV @brittany_baldi @JayGMTV line
@JayGMTV: @blacuesta @MTV_JESS @MTV @brittany_baldi wtf is wrong w you two lmao
@blacuesta: @JayGMTV @MTV_JESS @MTV @brittany_baldi stop it Ron
‏@MTV_JESS: @blacuesta @JayGMTV @MTV @brittany_baldi lmao can't wait for you all to meet each other ❀️❀️❀️❀️
@blacuesta: @MTV_JESS @JayGMTV @MTV @brittany_baldi I can't wait to pick ya bubble butt up on TUESDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@MTV_JESS: @blacuesta @JayGMTV @MTV @brittany_baldi me toooo yayyyyy
@MTV_JESS: Dropped my phone in the toilet -___- and idfk how I'm still tweeting
@MTV_JESS: Yay no more phone calls for me! Txt only BCUZ I obv dropped my phone in the toilet! YAYYYY
@MTV_JESS: Who's a lucky bishhhh ? πŸ™‹πŸ™‹πŸ™‹ wokeup and my phone works !!!!
@MTV_JESS: Someone come get me out of bed and drop me off in the tanning bed then bring me back to my bed, thanks #lazybishproblems
@MTV_JESS: Send me your questions!!! And use #AYTOAftermatch lovers 😘 #AreYouTheOne @AREUTHE1
@JasIPen: @MTV_JESS @AREUTHE1 Do you like your toilet paper over, or under? #AYTOAftermatch
@MTV_JESS: @JasIPen @AREUTHE1 lmao great question!! I'll defffff be answering LIVE BAHAHAH I miss youuuuu
@JasIPen: @MTV_JESS @AREUTHE1 omg thxs! Huge fan girl huge fan!
See u soon ;)
@MTV_JESS: Oh and someone come pack my clothes for me 😁 LA tomorrow
@MTV_JESS: Uhm you can haveeeee me 😍😍
@MTV_JESS: Loved my weekend w @brittany_baldi 😘😘😘 see you soon bb
@MTV_JESS: See you soon LA πŸ‘…
@Curtishadzicki: @MTV_JESS welcome to california.
@MTV_JESS: @Curtishadzicki Thankyou Thankyou 😍😍😍😍
@MTV_JESS: Complimentary baileys in my coffee why yes please thank you 😁
@MTV_JESS: I guess tomorrow's episode is all ABT ME! #AYTOaftermatch send me your questions & I'll be answering them live tomorrow night!!!!
@MTV_JESS: #Maleficent on the plane to LA 😍 is this real life !
@MTV_JESS: Muahahah tweeting while flying
@MTV_JESS: #mtvfam 😍😏 @brittany_baldi @zachmtv πŸ‘…
@MTV_JESS: #MTVladies 😘
@MTV_JESS: Major #jessfact if I want it I get it 😍
@MTV_JESS: Can I just shout out #americanairlines for giving me complimentary everything and anything I want on this flight ✈️ so sweet!
@MTV_JESS: I don't think I'm Rdy for this ...
@MTV_JESS: If you have a mustache and you're in your 20's you're taking yourself off the market
@MTV_JESS: I got the coolest driver right now !!! Loveeeee William @LightheartedTV he's the shhhhhh
@Tindel10: This Kamikaze is hella strong. It's wed...I don't even care. #birthdaymonth #october
@Tindel10: I'm that guy that knocks the shit out of milk bottles and darts balloons to win you a giant carnival teddy bear...or small rainbow ones...
@blacuesta: when I'm bored, I get wrapped up in a sleeping bag and lather butter all over myself&slide around the kitchen floor pretending I'm a slug.
@Tindel10: @blacuesta ya foot loop dingus; froot loop Dingus**
@blacuesta: @Tindel10 bahahahahahahaha foot loop hahahaha
@Tindel10: @blacuesta foot loop is great!
@blacuesta: @Tindel10 I know you like feet especially toes!!
@Tindel10: @blacuesta ewww...only if there is whip cream on it.
@blacuesta: @Tindel10 right on
@Tindel10: Watch me on MTV's "Are You The One" tomorrow at 10pm!!! It's finally here :) …
@BigTymers228: @Tindel10 ofc you're ready for AYTO tomorrow Brandon
@Tindel10: @BigTymers228 you know it. ;)
@BigTymers228: @Tindel10 it's gonna be epic
@JasIPen: @MTVshelbs @blacuesta Monday is the day, but Monday night is THE NIGHT! exciteddd
@dubbucksMTV: @JasIPen @MTVshelbs @blacuesta πŸ˜³πŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ™Œ
@MTVshelbs: @dubbucksMTV oh and can't forget you! πŸ˜›
@dubbucksMTV: @MTVshelbs Mmhmm πŸ˜’πŸ˜’ it's cool! I ain't wanna be there no way
@MTVshelbs: @dubbucksMTV ohhhh stop!! did you want some pepper to go with that salt? #someonesalitttttlesalty
@dubbucksMTV: @MTVshelbs haha oh? That was cute. I got some pepper for ya ass tho. #dontbelievemejustwatch

@TophsTweets: we pulled him out of a burning car and after 4 months of being in a hospital he is good as ever Good…
@TophsTweets: You don't need someone in your life to make you miserable. You can do that all on your own.
@TophsTweets: Remember that one time you thought about how great things were going to be... you probably shouldn't think anymore
@TophsTweets: I'm way to critical of other peoples #tattoos
@TophsTweets: It's ok to hate me I've got enough love for it.
@MaybachDiamonds: @TophsTweets if I hadn't seen you bang a girl on TV I'd swear you're gay.
@TophsTweets: @MaybachDiamonds ohh HEYYYYπŸ’
@MaybachDiamonds: @TophsTweets hey baby boy!
@dillanhoward: We built this city on Rock n Roll...and cement and tar and paint and brick and wood.
@amberleeMTV: Just killed my prenatal yoga class! Feeling like a super mommy already πŸ˜ŠπŸ‘Ά #Namaste
@brittany_baldi: @amberleeMTV get it girl <3 #milf #fitness
@MTV: AH! Congrats on your marriage, @amberleeMTV & @EDiamond007:  #AreYouTheOne πŸ’–πŸ‘°πŸ’–
@amberleeMTV: Post yoga lunch with my parents at this lovely Thai restaurant!! πŸŽπŸ’• good to be back in Texas.
@amberleeMTV: Flashback to being newly engaged while exploring the mountains of Colorado!
@AREUTHE1: Want more from the #AreYouTheOne reunion? Watch @MaybachDiamonds extended roast and other bonus scenes here!
@MaybachDiamonds: But like why only 5 seconds of summer? #AmericanApparelUnderwear
@MaybachDiamonds: @AshleighMorgh are you really in a commercial with lebron! Omggg matchey poo!
@AshleighMorgh: @MaybachDiamonds match we're famous! You opened for @RickeySmiley !!
@MaybachDiamonds: @AshleighMorgh @RickeySmiley he's on stage right now!! I'll tell him you said hi
@AshleighMorgh: @MaybachDiamonds @RickeySmiley yes!!! And that I listen to him in the morning!!
@MaybachDiamonds: @AshleighMorgh so like you wanna be my girlfriend now and have a baby? We could probably get a baby shower reunion out of it. #swagsurfin
@AshleighMorgh: @MaybachDiamonds john lol lets host the #ayto seasons
@shandathapanda: @MaybachDiamonds @AshleighMorgh john, you cheatin' ass. WE WERE SUPPOSED TO BE IN LOVE AND HAVING BABIES
@AshleighMorgh: @shandathapanda @MaybachDiamonds back off shanda! He's my match!
@MaybachDiamonds: @AshleighMorgh @shandathapanda how about we all co host my new TV show #TeenDad
@AshleighMorgh: @MaybachDiamonds @shandathapanda can be an audience member
@shandathapanda: @AshleighMorgh @MaybachDiamonds ASH NO ONE LIKES YOU YOURE NOT INVITED YOU CANT SIT ANYWHERE
@MaybachDiamonds: @shandathapanda @AshleighMorgh ladies please! There's plenty of diamonds to go around. Mormon wedding? I'm down. #3way
‏@AshleighMorgh: @shandathapanda @MaybachDiamonds Shanley wake up bro! I'm invited anywhere.. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ can Shanley be my sister wife?
@MaybachDiamonds: @AshleighMorgh @shandathapanda the real question is who still has their AYTO money? I know Shanley "blew" through it πŸ˜‰
@AshleighMorgh: @MaybachDiamonds @shandathapanda 😫😫😫😫
@shandathapanda: @MaybachDiamonds @AshleighMorgh LOLOLOL fucking guilty πŸ’
@MaybachDiamonds: @shandathapanda @AshleighMorgh it's ok. Same😬
@AshleighMorgh: @MaybachDiamonds @shandathapanda πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
@EDiamond007: If I had a tail I would never be bored!
@brittany_baldi: @RyanDevlin said it best. we are picky, we are a bit wild, we are focused on "doing us"... and we SUCK AT RELATIONSHIPS #AreYouTheOne
@brittany_baldi: if you dare to dream you will open up many possibilities. color OUTSIDE the lines xo #teambaldi #positivevibes
@brittany_baldi: I love @GirlCode but @MTV2GuyCode is my fave. @chrisdcomedy all day! #mtv #toofunny #loveguycode #preach
@brittany_baldi: #tbt here #chillin with @tophstweets mtv #areyoutheone
@brittany_baldi: … #AreYouTheOne podcast wrap up check it out if you'd like @busdriversroute #mtv
@brittany_baldi: @busdriversroute I just heard you saying "I am here just chillin" just chillin haha chris t
@brittany_baldi: @busdriversroute love the #diamondpushup talk and u mentioning adam being the persistent one. SOLID u all see it :-) #AreYouTheOne
@busdriversroute: @brittany_baldi Yep, @lashtweets was all over that.
@brittany_baldi: @busdriversroute @lashtweets LASH TWEETS be killin' it girrrrlll
@brittany_baldi: your man needs to be your best friend. your go to and if hes not... ditch him #deuces #love
@brittany_baldi: road trippin' it to NYC and I get to see 1 of my besties tonight! @ChrisScaliMTV #AreYouTheOne #MTV #brooklyn #boston
@brittany_baldi: I don't want no mediocre <3 new hair color thanks to itsnotyoursitsmine #selfielove #nofilter #mtv #smile
@brittany_baldi: Club REIGN NJ tonight with @MTV_JESS @ChrisScaliMTV @JayGMTV  #mtvfamily  :-)
@brittany_baldi: NYC partying with @ZachMTV @JennaCompono #plow #mtv :-)
@brittany_baldi: Pretty ladies @johannamelisa @jennacompono #smile #nyc #prettyladies #mtv #love
@brittany_baldi: He's like my brother. #plow @zachmtv
@brittany_baldi: Rockin' red <3 #nyc #mtv #areyoutheone #smile #bostonstrong #teambaldi
@brittany_baldi: That smile u give when u know your ex is a lame <3 nEXt #smile
@brittany_baldi: Meet @LaytonJonesMTV tomorrow #areyoutheone season premier. :-) #mtv
@brittany_baldi: Check out @AREUTHE1 season 2 tomorrow 10pm on @mtv I'll be doing some live tweets! :-) #mtv #areyoutheone
@shandathapanda: My dislike for someone can go from 0 to 100, real quick.
@shandathapanda: And my ability to βœ‚οΈ unnecessary people out of my life is unparalleled.
@shandathapanda: Bottom line is: if you respect me as a human being, I won't treat you like a piece of shit.
@shandathapanda: How many more followers does a girl hafta have before someone orders me a pizza and has it delivered to my fucking door? SRSLY FTW
@shandathapanda: If I see another shirtless picture of Nick Jonas being compared to OG Marky Mark, I'm going to fucking punch so many things.
@shandathapanda: Chill game nonexistent.
@Tindel10: @shandathapanda Subtweet game!
@shandathapanda: @Tindel10 casually subtweeting about myself
@shandathapanda: My kitten is constantly ripping ass at the most inconvenient while she's sitting next to my face.
@shandathapanda: Decisions made in the past month = questionable.
@shandathapanda: Just had a Marilyn Monroe moment on Highland except that it wasn't controlled and everyone saw my ass. #LYFE
@shandathapanda: You guys bout that friday turn up life or nah?
@shandathapanda: The fact that my ability to read people became an inability tonight is embarrassing. Also my uber driver said good morning.It's time for bed
@shandathapanda: Side note: never allow me to go out in public (on a Friday night) looking like I just scrounged through a dumpster. Thanks homies πŸ‘Œ
@shandathapanda: Mad jealous of everyone who gets to see the homie @PAPERDIAMOND kill it tonight at MSG. Wish I was there fool!
@MTV_Christina: @shandathapanda @PAPERDIAMOND BASSNECTAR DOE.
‏@shandathapanda: @MTV_Christina Hell yeah. I was supposed to go but I didn't buy my plane ticket in time.
@MTV_Christina: @shandathapanda I'll take videos for you. And also bring you some fall leaves. Then we must get drunk. πŸ˜πŸŽ‰πŸ»πŸπŸΈ
@shandathapanda: @MTV_Christina see you soon πŸ˜‰
@shandathapanda: The fact that I'm staring at the clock waiting for 11 to roll around so that I have more restaurant choices to order delivery from.......
@blacuesta: so...... @shandathapanda shits unicorns and rainbows maybe some gummy bears too. WE NEED A DOCTOR ASAP
@dubbucksMTV: San Fran! It's been real ✌️✌️✌️Until next time...
@MTV_JESS: @dubbucksMTV come to SD next weeeeeeek!!!!!
‏@dubbucksMTV: @MTV_JESS ima be there Monday foo! Wbu?
@MTV_JESS: @dubbucksMTV I won't make the party but Bri's coming to get me in LA on Tuesday 😁😁😁 and I wanna vine w you !
@dubbucksMTV: @MTV_JESS haha forreal? Let's do it I'm down. Have a couple ideas ready. I'll be back in LA on Tuesday tho. I'm only goin 4 da premiere
‏@MTV_JESS: @dubbucksMTV ok fine we'll meet up in LA then 😁
@blacuesta: @MTV_JESS @dubbucksMTV Jess just gon make plans for me okay I see u
@dubbucksMTV: @blacuesta @MTV_JESS πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ U mad?
@MTV_JESS: @blacuesta @dubbucksMTV lmao mamm this is a serious week next week! 😍😁😜😝
@blacuesta: @dubbucksMTV @MTV_JESS lil bit lol syke syke syke syke syke
@dubbucksMTV: @blacuesta @MTV_JESS yall are so geeked up! Lol that's good, yall should be
@MTVJessicaPerez: I spy with my little eyeeee...
@AshleighMorgh: @Andre_sinclair1 go to bed lol
@Andre_sinclair1 : @AshleighMorgh why u up
@AshleighMorgh: @Andre_sinclair1 lol I'm wired..planning stuff..why you up!
@AshleighMorgh: Love this dress from @abercrombie :) #ootn had a great night tonight! Been awhile since I've been out! #rubywoo
@AshleighMorgh: @cavs are gonna be so good this season!!!!
@AshleighMorgh: Ready to work--acting work
@AshleighMorgh: @AREUTHE1 @MTV should match up season 1 to season 2.. See who would be who's perfect match..or at least attracted to.
@AshleighMorgh: I also saw @MTV has all the teen moms together..obviously watching that @MaciBookoutMTV  was always my favorite!
@AshleighMorgh: Love that my #ayto babes are so supportive @Coleysia @PaigeBrendel 😘😘😘
@IamJoeyDillon: They call us #dreamers but we are the ones that dont #sleep
@SimoneKelly_: ...and the games begin! Lol @ Dave & Buster's Hollywood
@SimoneKelly_: It's 100 Degrees
@kklusby: You know you're truly a fat kid at heart when one of your last lines are "here's some cake" --Had a…
@kklusby: These game officials 😳 #olemiss #bama ...... I have no words
@kklusby: UNDEFEATED ! I AM AN OLE MISS REBEL #proud #byebyebama #fieldrush #hottytoddy
@kklusby: I would just like to thank @katyperry ! You sure know how to pick em' ! #hottytoddy #undefeated #olemiss #CollegeGameday
@kklusby: Flipping it back and forth between Titans game and Giants game #sundayfootball #Giants #Titans #NFL ❀️🏈 #EliManning #DexterMccluster
@kklusby: Re-Watching Ole Miss beat Bama..Why do our fans jumping onto the field remind me of the zombies in the movie World War Z? #hottytoddy
@IamAdamKuhn: Season Premier of season 2 of #AreYouTheOne tomorrow at 10! I can't wait!

Well, that's just the start of this special 2-part edition of DC SocialPulse covering the week-long buildup to the premiere of Are You The One? Season 2. Coming up later, we'll be covering the season premiere from Puerto Rico, plus a recap of all the events. Also, Fan's View returns this weekend to cover the premiere and the first after show featuring a former guest of mine on here. And make sure to follow me at @DC408Dxtr on Twitter and Instagram, and DCNOW, my live tweet home at @DC408DxNow, the venue for my live tweets to Are You The One? and more.

   So now until we bring you EP1 of Season 2, thanks for reading and see you then.


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