*** Advisory: DC SocialPulse contains adult language,
objectionable content to some readers and spoilers
for international fans. Viewer Discretion is Advised. ***
@DC408dxtr / @DC408dxnow
Hi, hello, what's up and welcome back to DC SocialPulse on DCBLOG. Yeah, it's been a little while since we've last done an episode post on here. But we're glad to be back in the thick of things bringing you these twitter journals after taking some much needed and well-deserved rest & relaxation over the summer, for which we hope you enjoyed yours as well. During the first half of 2014, DC SocialPulse brought you the twitter interaction from three remarkable seasons of Real World Ex-Plosion, Are You The One? and The Challenge: Free Agents, along with both the Grammy's and the VMA's as well. Today as enter October, we begin anew here with the cast from one of those seasons, and a celebrated group for that matter, coming together once again.
Back in March 25th, the season 1 class of Are You The One? made history by winning the largest prize an MTV show has ever offered when the 10 girls & 10 guys came together with their respective perfect matches and shared in the prize of $1 million. That golden moment of them going 10 for 10 is one of my favorite moments of 2014, and seeing the group's entire ride from the beginning through that awesome season and to now is a highlight of my 16 years following the MTV world. And they then reunited for an entertaining reunion special, which was also documented in one of my Fan's View posts, and at the end saw Ethan successfully propose to Amber.
On Monday, 181 days after they were last on our screens, 10 years to the weekend of the debut of iconic MTV hit Laguna Beach, and to kick off the lead-up to season 2 of AYTO, the originals came together one more time in L.A. to celebrate the upcoming occasion of those two not only becoming a married couple, but also becoming parents to a new baby, for which they're expecting the new one to arrive over the holidays. Along with all the excitement surrounding Amber & Ethan's 2nd life-changing event in six months - and whether it's a boy or a girl, we'll also dig deep into what the rest of the originals have been up to since we last saw them last spring, from who's made up and broken up to who's hooked up and more. That's all ahead here.
But first off as we begin covering our 6th MTV series that we've provided full coverage of on here, for those of you checking out DCBLOG for the first time, as always welcome aboard...it's great to have you with us and make yourself comfortable here. If you're wondering what DC SocialPulse is about, these are one-of-a-kind posts that you can't really find anywhere in the blogosphere. Inspired by Challenge episode journals by blogger David J. Bloom (@DavidBloom7), and on advice by fellow MTV fan & webcast host Andrew Kirk (@CSUAKirk), these are my exclusive running diaries of how twitter sees TV shows and big events as they happen, straight from the people watching them in the twitter verse, including yours truly.
Something this great social platform has perfected is when people get the opportunity to witness the true communal experience that comes with watching TV and interacting with cast members, fans, friends and everyone else. As I've matured in the twitter verse since I joined the same day as premiere night of Real World St. Thomas two years ago, the reason why I become ultra busy tweeting during MTV shows or big events is for these posts. And earlier this year, I moved all my live tweeting to my new twitter handle dedicated to live tweets - DC NOW at @DC408dxnow - which allows me to still live tweet shows & events while safeguarding my primary twitter hub & audience.
If you're a fan who wants to relive how your favorite cast members reacted to a hookup, a fight, a challenge, truth booth, matchup or anything else that took place, of course we will have everything covered. Or, in the case of folks out west such as yours truly, those who might have stayed off social media while the episodes aired and wouldn't get the benefit of having the true TV & Twitter experience of your favorites tweeting along with you out west - or even watched it on your DVR a day or so later, DCSP is your first opportunity to catch up on the tweets you missed. These posts are designed & curated just for you so you don't have to do it yourself. Instead of having to go back and read up on all those tweets in your timeline or one by one after you've seen the episodes, let yours truly take care of that for you as I piece together everything in real-time, tweet-by-tweet, uncensored and unfiltered.
I monitor & compile tweets as it emerges while the shows airs out east, then RT certain tweets on DCNOW when it airs here to replicate the live twitter experience for west coast viewers, and then I burn the midnight oil to then edit it, and post these articles shortly after. This way, both on DCNow and here on DCBlog, you won't miss a single thing. And these posts serve as a public service so that everyone, regardless of where you live or when you watch it, can catch up on the social interaction. Regardless, it's a recommendation to have a two-screen experience to watch these shows, especially with an internet device handy to follow the other big show on at the same time: the spontaneous interaction among cast, fans and all of us.
Since SocialPulse launched during Rivals II in summer 2013 and then doing 36 editions covering Real World, Are You The One? and The Challenge, these SP diaries make up for a good number of DCBLOG's over 13,000 views. Yeah I know, it's a rather long process of copying & pasting cast tweets to my notepad and then putting it into my blog with commentary before & after, but the reward is lots of fans checking out my blog, including visitors from overseas in addition to U.S. fans here. And it's the work that I do compiling these tweets, along with getting views from fans and covering what I'm into that's made blogging such a great hobby of mine.
Again, DCBLOG will be offering all the tweets from cast, fans and me, plus I'll be offering an episode wrap-up when necessary, and also add thoughts & perspective when appropriate. As always, be sure to bookmark this site as this will post diaries a day or two after the episodes air, delayed of course in order to allow those who haven't had the chance to watch the episodes yet to get caught up and then head onto here for the social interaction as it happened.
Enough of this prologue. Let's get now to the reason you are actually here for: the following are the actual tweets of the cast, the season 2 group, fans and me as we got to see the 2nd reunion, along with some of the buildup in the week leading up to and the day after the reunion.
- As we begin, please note there is explicit language in many of the tweets below, but I am keeping it uncensored in order to retain the heat of the moment. So if you are mature enough, please read with discretion. :-)
- Plus, if you haven't watched the episode yet, then don't proceed. But don't worry, bookmark DCBLOG as I will compile all of these tweets into these posts after every episode so you won't be in the dark of how your favorites saw this all unfold.
- And there's also a number of twitter arguments that emerged with some members of the two casts while the reunion was airing. We've included all of their tweets in this post, and also carefully edited it to ensure that we showcase both sides of the matter.
- And there's also a number of twitter arguments that emerged with some members of the two casts while the reunion was airing. We've included all of their tweets in this post, and also carefully edited it to ensure that we showcase both sides of the matter.
So without further delay, join us after the jump as we welcome back the Season 1 Dream Team and kick off the final countdown to season two of Are You The One?, starting with the filming of it.
> Filming of "Special Delivery" - late July
@MTVShowBlog: There's an @AREUTHE1 baby on the way...and a special too! Congrats, @EDiamond007 and @amberleeMTV! http://t.co/YWnTF5AOyX
@MTV: @EDiamond007 @amberleeMTV SO happy we'll be seeing you two cuties VERY soon!! And congrats :~)
@amberleeMTV: Tune in to our baby shower special in September on MTV! http://t.co/ysojBWINSK
@amberleeMTV: Caught @EDiamond007 with his mistress...damn you, @BoomBeachGame !! http://t.co/LCM861hxv5
@JamieChinaMTV: So bummed I can't be there for @amberleeMTV & @EDiamond007 baby shower๐ญ congrats and hope y'all have fun!
@amberleeMTV: Wouldn't have survived my baby shower without this gem!! Love my gorgeous @MTVJessicaPerez โบ๏ธ๐ http://t.co/ciuvCacwz9
@EDiamond007: In LA for our first baby shower! Finding out the sex tomorrow! #boy #girl #aytobabyshower
@EDiamond007: Finally received all out first baby shower gifts! Level up: Daddy Mode. http://t.co/taHKK7bwL6
@TophsTweets: LA CAFรS http://t.co/GwqQjiMJHw
@illBeJacy: I'm their favorite!! ๐๐๐ http://t.co/PY8G7qTFw6
@brittany_baldi: @illBeJacy you are gorgeous inside and out <3 excited to see you tomorrow!!! :-)
@illBeJacy: @brittany_baldi aww so are you girl!! Love you! See you tomorrow!!
@shandathapanda: Got a match on Tinder and celebrated like it was the 4th of July @illBeJacy
@illBeJacy: @shandathapanda Such an epic moment lolll
@illBeJacy: We them favorite bitches! @shandathapanda http://t.co/lIN8zrwz6I
@illBeJacy: How bout this though? @IamAdamKuhn http://t.co/5XPys8Amwm
@illBeJacy: Well, what can I tell ya... http://t.co/UFN4zPXqBz
@Andre_sinclair1: It's hard to resist a BAD BOY who's a good man. #lovehard #playhard #f***hard ๐ http://t.co/eN0T5VYZT5
@Andre_sinclair1: Open night in LA, what's up???
@TophsTweets: @MaybachDiamonds get your bars ready because we are having a rap battle soon @dillanhoward you're the official judge
@dillanhoward: @TophsTweets @MaybachDiamonds it's me, Eminem, and Cher.
@TophsTweets: @dillanhoward @MaybachDiamonds Cher!? Damn she is a tough critic but "believe" I'll be alright #cornypunsforlyfe
@dillanhoward: Every day people do the right thing. Humanity is good. Start believing in our worth.
@brittany_baldi: I will be in #LosAngeles next week! wicked excited!! who is around!? #aytoreunion @amberleeMTV @EDiamond007 congrats babies xo
@brittany_baldi: missing my #ayto girls *too many to name*! excited to see u next week in #LosAngeles @MTVJessicaPerez @SimoneKelly_ @AshleighMorgh
@AshleighMorgh: @brittany_baldi @MTVJessicaPerez @SimoneKelly_ I can't wait ๐๐๐ #onemorestrike
@PaigeBrendel: @brittany_baldi @AshleighMorgh @MTVJessicaPerez @SimoneKelly_ ๐๐๐
@brittany_baldi: @shandathapanda can we get drinkys and sushi next week ?? :-) #missu #LosAngeles
@brittany_baldi: shout out to my NY boy @JayGMTV !! and did I mention he has cool watches!? check them out #crazewatches #realworld #MTV
@JayGMTV: @brittany_baldi these girls i met last night were obsessed with you haha
@brittany_baldi: @JayGMTV we should have a NY/BOS/NJ bash! with a bunch of us @ChrisScaliMTV @DeenaNicoleMTV @TracyDiMarcoEps :-) #realityfam
@IamAdamKuhn: I make the crappiest vines
@brittany_baldi: @IamAdamKuhn you need help from my boy @_LandonMoss teach him how to #vine LANIMAL :-)
@brittany_baldi: going #babyshower shopping for the gorgeous @amberleeMTV @EDiamond007 today! what should I get them!? #AreYouTheOne @mtv
@brittany_baldi: #mcm one of my favorite people of all time @ryanmalaty #MTVHottest
@ryanmalaty: @brittany_baldi aw thanks Britt you're the bee's knees ๐ ๐
@brittany_baldi: thanks @LightheartedTV @mtv for bringing together the @AREUTHE1 cast again! #LOSANGELES TOMORROW :) #excited
@brittany_baldi: every lost follower is a follower gained <3 no time for #fairweatherfans xo off to LOS ANGELES TOMORROW. @AREUTHE1 #reunion #MTV
@brittany_baldi: Goodbye Boston hello City of Angels #flight #MTV #areyoutheone #wearetheones #excited
@brittany_baldi: Hi everyone!! Airplane #selfie just arrived in #losangeles #mtv :) http://t.co/tHT1PihDLU
@brittany_baldi: Wicked excited to be reuniting with my #areyoutheone cast/family #MTV :-)
@brittany_baldi: Look who it is @iamadamkuhn christopherscali @illbejacy mtv http://t.co/UOXYXRGwlx
@brittany_baldi: This sexy cast mtv areuthe1 #mtv #hotties http://t.co/qGd0O82qW4
@brittany_baldi: christopherscali @tophstweets @ryanmalaty @iamjoeydillon these boys are the best :-) #mtv http://t.co/LfQ2ew5Y8M
@brittany_baldi: @shandathapanda @iamadamkuhn the are you the one crew hanging out :-) http://t.co/FUFTUvLUZy
@brittany_baldi: @ryanmalaty and I looking like cuties :-) #MTV http://t.co/VkUzDtLBhg
@brittany_baldi: Making every areuthe1 chick fans jealous right now. @ryanmalaty is coming to Boston with me #mtv
@brittany_baldi: Ry and I left LAX to hang in the Boston area #mtv http://t.co/sF9jQjCRh0
@brittany_baldi: In boston hanging with @ryanmalaty . thanks to hotkissclothing for this dope vest. patrickganino :-) #MTV http://t.co/TsVig0sKKQ
@brittany_baldi: being a sexy tourguide in Boston with the handsome @ryanmalaty :-) #MTV #boston #Colorado
@shandathapanda: I literally have no desire to get on a plane to LA in the morning.
@shandathapanda: Not only did I burn the shit out of my tongue but my coffee tastes like hot chocolate. The world is playing a cruel joke on me.
@shandathapanda: Yayo. All I know is yayo.
@shandathapanda: Stella ๐บ. LA โ๏ธ. Anyone jealous yet or nah?
@brittany_baldi: @shandathapanda you in LA yet??? :-)
@shandathapanda: K. ๐โ๐
@shandathapanda: You're welcome world. http://t.co/uWqwcO7XmH
@shandathapanda: LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL. http://t.co/poLKjY4rae
@shandathapanda: And that's a wrap. ๐
@shandathapanda: โ. http://t.co/8MJwoHuQOm
@shandathapanda: My main betch, my ride or die @maybachdiamonds ๐ http://t.co/hRWLZsaGo1
@ryanmalaty: Just landed in California for Ethan&Amber's baby shower! So excited to see the cast again!!! #AreYouTheOne
@ryanmalaty: Some of the OGs #AreYouTheOne http://t.co/1svC3urARC
@ryanmalaty: Santa Monica tonight with the #AreYouTheOne cast #comepartywithus
@ryanmalaty: Gangster #AreYouTheOne @brittany_baldi @AshleighMorgh @IamJoeyDillon http://t.co/3LXpijYHHZ
@ryanmalaty: Done filming! Heading to Boston with @brittany_baldi to have some wicked fun adventures โ๏ธ๐
@ryanmalaty: Movie date!๐ @brittany_baldi http://t.co/oFrbjMhABu
@ryanmalaty: The many faces of @shandathapanda #AreYouTheOne http://t.co/zPfEO7O2E2
@ryanmalaty: In case you missed it ๐
@10zinyangz: Guess who I just met!!! Yes!!! The cast from "Are you the one" on MTV. ๐ฑ๐๐บ #mancrush @ryanmalaty @brittany_baldi http://t.co/3OctRDcOl4
@dubbucksMTV: Sooooo I was getting settled in on my plane until all of a sudden I saw ๐ณ๐... Guess Jay-Z heardโฆ http://t.co/kUfYmwF1gi
@dubbucksMTV: Didn't see this coming buuuuut Do yourself a favor annnnnd.... No wash backs tho! ๐๐ #cokediditโฆ http://t.co/kuH2BewKIY
@MTVJessicaPerez: See you in a week!!!! :) @amberleeMTV
@MTVJessicaPerez: Can't believe I'll be in LA tomorrow!!
@AshleighMorgh: Can't wait to see everyone ๐๐๐ @MTV
@AshleighMorgh: I'm so happy lebron is coming back!
@AshleighMorgh: It's a good day to be from Akron ๐๐ #hesback @KingJames #thedirtythreethirty
@AshleighMorgh: #tbt can't wait to see all these crazy people in a week!! Did you miss us? #areyoutheone #seasonone #mtv http://t.co/ty2PTURFLr
@AshleighMorgh: @Coleysia missed me so much she FaceTimed me last night
@Coleysia: @AshleighMorgh lies
@AshleighMorgh: @Coleysia loves me long time
@AshleighMorgh: I love my #areyoutheone cast
@AshleighMorgh: LA time always kills me
@AshleighMorgh: paigebrendel and I #areyoutheone #reunited http://t.co/22vYRfRyMe
@AshleighMorgh: Lol no makeup on haha @illbejacy and @amberlee091 love them!! #lovethem http://t.co/GqkP07zaT1
@AshleighMorgh: @brittany_baldi and I <3 herrrrrr #areyoutheone #mtv #ayeeee http://t.co/8DYAebEM86
@AshleighMorgh: Out with some of my #areyoutheone cast
@AshleighMorgh: We like family y'all
@AshleighMorgh: @IamAdamKuhn @ryanmalaty @brittany_baldi @illBeJacy @SimoneKelly_ and scali lol we kicked it tonight bruh! I love y'all! #theroom #mtv
@SimoneKelly_: @AshleighMorgh and I'm paying for it this morning! Lol
@AshleighMorgh: @SimoneKelly_ bruh... ๐
@AshleighMorgh: This basically sums up last night. Love my cast. @illbejacy @ryanmalaty @brittany_baldi #areyoutheoneโฆ http://t.co/OEH0QhZH7z
@AshleighMorgh: @ryanmalaty @brittany_baldi @IamJoeyDillon miss you guys already ๐
@AshleighMorgh: Y'all know I was excited to see my boo coleysia she missed me so much #areyoutheone http://t.co/GVygo7WwGC
@IamJoeyDillon: Chillen with some of my #cast mates of #areyoutheone #mtv and my #match having a great time. Can't wait to get back though!!! Missin @imareward ๐ http://t.co/itGDnilkCv
@IamJoeyDillon: The mommy to beeee! Happy for #EthanandAmber #areyoutheone #mtv #shewastheone #babycomingsoon http://t.co/sl9B2hkEXb
@IamJoeyDillon: It's the #babydaddy #areyoutheone #mtv congrats my dude!! http://t.co/VvZhfNRKUL
@IamJoeyDillon: @kklusby until next time guys! #areyoutheone #mtv http://t.co/1yZIPL6s7q
@IamJoeyDillon: Always a good time with this guy! @maybachdiamonds hahaha #areyoutheone #mtv http://t.co/3pNIZVs2No
@IamJoeyDillon: coleysia #goodtimes #areyoutheone #mtv http://t.co/4kEObuNRSC
@IamJoeyDillon: Hahahaah and here we are! @dubbucksmtv @maybachdiamonds #areyoutheone #mtv @shandathapanda coleysia http://t.co/ViWSd3oTrp
@IamJoeyDillon: @iamadamkuhn and I #areyoutheone #mtv http://t.co/BmFfvoT5yF
@IamJoeyDillon: #santamonica tonight with my #AreYouTheOne #cast Come chilllll. #turnup !! #mtv
@SimoneKelly_: "Losing followers one tweet at a time" - @shandathapanda #Truestory LOL.
@SimoneKelly_: 3 days...๐
@SimoneKelly_: Season 2 of #AYTO *baby bye* lol
@SimoneKelly_: This shower at the hotel was just EVERYTHING! ๐๐๐ด #blessed #exhausted #ilovemyjob #filming #mtv
@SimoneKelly_: We woke up like this!!! Hahaha! @shandathapanda @iamadamkuhn christopherscali @illbejacy @ The Beverlyโฆ http://t.co/xKWOkKGJYC
@SimoneKelly_: Loving my outfit by @philthyragz!!! Styled by: @jaq_gibson
Hair: @tressesllc & @nlovewithhairโฆ http://t.co/GbSpPmCFIi
@SimoneKelly_: Yes, I film in slippers when you're not seeing my feet! Lol๐ http://t.co/31AW7hK2bU
@SimoneKelly_: Me && the wifey @brittany_baldi I love her sooooo much! Y'all just don't know๐ @ The Room Santa Monica http://t.co/nbNhY1XqZs
@SimoneKelly_: These white girls can't SEE ME on this dance floor in here tho! @IamAdamKuhn ๐๐๐
@SimoneKelly_: V.I.P ๐ @ The Room Santa Monica http://t.co/1CJ6NPzBYb
@Coleysia: Season 1 girls of AYTO are bullies. Lol!
@Coleysia: My hittas โบ๏ธ๐ @shandathapanda @dubbucksmtv http://t.co/uVrmKeIJNE
@Coleysia: LAX wouldn't let us be friends lol. So hard to say goodbye. ๐ข @shandathapanda @ Los Angelesโฆ http://t.co/0QwaXWvacZ
@Coleysia: I literally almost got left in LA. They had to page me! Luckily I heard my last name bc they totally butchered my first name. ๐
@IamAdamKuhn: Headed back to LA Saturday. Can't wait to see the homies #AreYouTheOne
@IamAdamKuhn: .@Andre_sinclair1 "If I go home somebody else is going home with me in an ambulance." Haha
@IamAdamKuhn: I may not be the best dancer on the dance floor.. But I'm always having the most fun.
@IamAdamKuhn: Leaving for LA tomorrow morning and of course I've waited until the night before to start packing.
- @JennaCompono: @IamAdamKuhn I always do that ๐
- @IamAdamKuhn: @JennaCompono whaaaaaaa
- @JennaCompono: @IamAdamKuhn hi do I know u?!?!
- @IamAdamKuhn: @JennaCompono what? Lol
- @JennaCompono: @IamAdamKuhn I'm joking lol I haven't talked to u in forever how u been stranger and the other tweet was about packin last min
@IamAdamKuhn: When attempting to dance with a girl approach from the front.
@IamAdamKuhn: Why try so hard to fit in when you were born to stand out.
@IamAdamKuhn: Just an average Sunday night saving the world. http://t.co/05IG0uqTDh
@IamAdamKuhn: I always love visiting LA. Not sure I could live here though.
@IamAdamKuhn: Shooting for MTV for the next 3 days. Prob won't have my phone.. Don't miss me to much!
@IamAdamKuhn: Are you the One? Season 2? I'm excited
@IamAdamKuhn: Living the life! In LA @illBeJacy http://t.co/iNywSVqvPi
@IamAdamKuhn: #AreYouTheOne takin over Santa Monica tonight!
@IamAdamKuhn: "The Room"is the spot in Santa Monica tonight. Party time.
@IamAdamKuhn: Can't stop won't stop.
@IamAdamKuhn: Throwback with my boy !! @dubbucksmtv http://t.co/iTQs5dPW3P
@IamAdamKuhn: I love you all.
> The Week-Long Buildup (Sept. 20-28)
During this week, those who participated on The Challenge 26, presumptively "Battle of the Exes 2," returned to social media. As we discussed previously, there's been rumors swirling that members of the AYTO Season 1 cast have been invited to participate alongside Real World & Challenge alumni, a first-ever cross-over twist.
@amberleeMTV: There's been some confusion tonight, but no worries! The #AYTO Baby Shower Reunion airs NEXT Monday, Sept 29th 10/9c on MTV. ๐ถ๐บ๐
@EDiamond007: Don't forget to watch our baby shower next Monday the 29th at 10/9c on MTV! #ethanamberbabyshower@MaybachDiamonds - 9/23: Today is my 25th birthday! and Thursday I'll be performing at University of Illinois in Champagne! HOLY SHIT I'M OLD! #StillTheOne
@amberleeMTV: ๐ฅ๐๐ฅ #TheDiamonds
@brittany_baldi - 9/23: first day of fall! #hockey season around the corner :-) #IsItOctoberYet #NHL #sportslove
@brittany_baldi: season 2 of #AYTO airs oct 6th! check them out, fun cast. 10pm on @mtv @AREUTHE1 #mtvfamily #MTV :-)
@brittany_baldi: thoughts are with the beautiful @DiemBrownMTV u can support her by grabbing @CaraMariaMTV https://www.etsy.com/shop/misscaramaria โฆ โฆ swag #MTV #medgift
@MTVShowBlog: With an @AreUThe1 baby on the way, look back at @amberleeMTV and @EDiamond007's sweetest moments: http://on.mtv.com/1xfr6FF
@IamAdamKuhn: Can it be Friday already!? I just want to be hammered drunk and on a dance floor.
- @dubbucksMTV: @IamAdamKuhn and do what dance!? ๐๐ lol
- @IamAdamKuhn: โ@dubbucksMTV: @IamAdamKuhn and do what dance!? ๐๐ lolโ I only dance strictly freestyle brah.
- @dubbucksMTV: @IamAdamKuhn does that mean having no control over your body parts and flailing your big ass arms everywhere?? ๐๐
- @IamAdamKuhn: @dubbucksMTV Wes I don't know if I'm the best dancer on the dance floor or the worst but I def have the most fun!
- @dubbucksMTV: @IamAdamKuhn haha and that's all that matters
@brittany_baldi: did I hang out with @IamAdamKuhn or @ryanmalaty ?? find out 10pm SEPT 29th on @mtv #ayto #mtv #triangle #reunion
@EDiamond007: To improve is to change, To perfect is to change often.
@brittany_baldi: passion over everything <3 #life #positivevibesonly
@usweekly: Ethan Diamond and Amber Lee (of @MTV's Are You the One) are expecting their first child together! http://usm.ag/1n0Zj8s
@AshleighMorgh: Our @AREUTHE1 reunion is gonna be crazy--you'd think we could all just get along for the baby shower..
@AshleighMorgh: Are You The One Special Delivery Sneak PeekโMTV Reunion Show | OK! Magazine http://okmagazine.com/meet-the-stars/exclusives-meet-the-stars/are-you-the-one-special-delivery-preview/ โฆ
@AREUTHE1 : Simone is going to turn things up during the #AreYouTheOne reunion! Don't miss #SpecialDelivery next Monday at 10/9c! http://on.mtv.com/ZSvlcn
@shandathapanda: About to get a job at In N Out bc I'm desperate and imma just pop, lock n drop it every time someone orders something animal style.
@TophsTweets: Well now that I'm over this place I'll set eyes on my original plan for the west coast...again
@SimoneKelly_: Thank U for the Article & HILARIOUS Sneak Peek I've never even seen before @OKMagazine! Lol. (MONDAY @10PM ON MTV!) http://bit.ly/1CpnyRc
@SimoneKelly_ : Besides me looking Fat As Hell in this clipโฆI think it's pretty funny! Haha. http://okmagazine.com/meet-the-stars/exclusives-meet-the-stars/are-you-the-one-special-delivery-preview/ โฆ
@brittany_baldi: never trust a guy that acts different in multiple situations. he is a psycho path and probably has no confidence #deuces :-)
@brittany_baldi: #DerekJeter takes the field for the last time at yankee stadium we salute you #respect #yankees #sports
@brittany_baldi: woke up to find my ma watching #ayto season 1. its on demand if you want to catch up! @mtv @AREUTHE1 #MTV #throwback
@brittany_baldi: "we either all WIN together or all lose together" season 1 memories #ayto #1milliondollars #mtv
@shandathapanda: Y U SO CUTE?!
@shandathapanda: My anaconda...is actually on the fence about it.
@Andre_sinclair1: At the #floydmayweather fight with big bro @iam_poochhall. Every time I see him his advice and wisdomโฆ http://instagram.com/p/tbR5K-vq1V/
@AREUTHE1: Start sharing your Season 2 predictions at http://www.perfectmatch.mtv.com/ and you could win a trip to meet the #AreYouTheOne cast!!
@PaigeBrendel: Misssssshhh my nugget @kklusby
@IamJoeyDillon: Taking care of myself #status #statusathleticclub @statusathleticclub #fitness #training #training #nike #fitlife
- @JustJem24: @IamJoeyDillon you sick? You look a little sick in that selfie..
- @IamJoeyDillon: @JustJem24 ๐lol
- @brittany_baldi: @IamJoeyDillon @JustJem24 hold up. I created this. you guys are a PERFECT MATCH ;)
@OK_Magazine: Congrats @amberleeMTV on this very happy baby news: http://okm.ag/1rjzDox
@shandathapanda: Just pounding way too many fireball shots like it was my damn job.
@dubbucksMTV: That look U give ya boy when he starts singing along to Kelly Clarkson in the club ๐ณ๐๐
@IamAdamKuhn: So I guess I should stop partying now
@AshleighMorgh: Everyone wish my boo/love of my life/A1 @Coleysia a happy birthday!!! Of course a collage will be coming today.
@Coleysia - 9/27: And to think the best days of my life haven't even happened yet. 23 was amazing! 24, lets get em. |nine. two. seven. nine. zero. LEYDay! http://instagram.com/p/tc_mZxErP0/
@AshleighMorgh: Today is my love @coleysia birthday!! I'm so thankful @areuthe1 brought us together! The Elsa to my Anna! Love you
@AREUTHE1: #AreYouTheOne flashback! Relive the #BoomBoomRoomโs Greatest Hits! http://on.mtv.com/YlqFu8
@brittany_baldi - 9/27: Saturday throwback with my Brooklyn brother <3 christopherscali #ayto #mtv #smile #brooklyn #boston #family http://instagram.com/p/tdPp5RkxwQ/
@shandathapanda: Waiting for someone to bring me pizza and/or take me to the beach like...
@SimoneKelly_ Sep 27: Tune into MTV on Monday at 10 PM!! ๐
@ryanmalaty: About to watch one of my best friends get married! Love these guys
@brittany_baldi: I like a challenge. But if he's a ball of headaches I drop him. No time for that #deuces #dating #ayto weekend :-)
@SimoneKelly_: You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough... @ Venice Beach http://instagram.com/p/td0ohMSISc/
@illBeJacy: Writing now!! http://www.illbejacy.tumblr.com #babyshowerreunion
@kklusby: How gorgeous is this sunset in Oxford, Mississippi tonight? #OleMissVsMemphis #vaughthemingwaystadium #nofilter
@IamAdamKuhn: Fall back I'm an opener
@brittany_baldi: My little cousin Tori is killing me in go fish right now haha #sleepover #family :-) http://instagram.com/p/teMuAokx4W/
@dillanhoward: Used to have cardboard boxes covering my windows. Now I have curtains. Officially made it.
@brittany_baldi: Shout out to my #boston homeboy @JohnDoomsday #UFC #MMA
@IamAdamKuhn: The return of @TheDomin8r!! So pumped
@dillanhoward: If my wife had a baby monkey instead of a baby human, I'd be like "meh...okay...I can deal".
@brittany_baldi: Tomorrow flip on @mtv at 10pm to see your @AREUTHE1 favorites one last time. Season 2 airs Oct 6th #mtv #ayto #originalsquad :-) xo
@brittany_baldi: U were born to standout. Don't be a wallflower. Boring is for lames #positivevibes #teambaldi
@AREUTHE1: Who was your favorite season 1 hookup?! #AreYouTheOne http://on.mtv.com/YlqFu8
@dillanhoward: God is my ride or die ๐
@IamAdamKuhn: Gunniess world record for pull ups with a 40lb backpack in 1 minute is 23.. I wanna take a stab at that record.
@brittany_baldi: @IamAdamKuhn damn babe. do I always have to correct you #guinness book. but thats what friends are for ;)
@brittany_baldi: @shandathapanda that a$$ is already on point :-) #bootyforDAYz
@brittany_baldi: Nothing is more sexy than a tall and handsome/ athletic looking man with gentleman charm <3 #loveit #melt #singleLIFE :-)
@AREUTHE1: 'Sorry' can go a looooong way with Simone. Don't miss the #AreYouTheOne season 1 reunion TOMORROW at 10/9c! http://on.mtv.com/ZSvlcn
@illBeJacy: Peek a boo bitch!! ๐๐
@AshleighMorgh: Vote to help cast @AshleighMorgh as Aspen in upcoming feature The Driver: http://juntoboxfilms.com/castings/2/auditions/507 โฆ via @juntoboxfilms
@AshleighMorgh: Help me guys and vote for me!! just drag and drop my photo in to the top nomination box!! http://juntoboxfilms.com/castings/2/auditions/507 โฆ
@AshleighMorgh: Tomorrow is the baby shower #areyoutheone @AREUTHE1
@brittany_baldi: QUALITY over quantity any day of the week <3 #dating #life #career why waste time and be bored? #lame
@amberleeMTV: Poor little Roxie will have to learn how to share mama once the baby's here! 11 more weeks!!
@CSUAKirk: Watching #areyoutheone season one makes me wonder how crazy season two is going to be
@CSUAKirk: I know one things for sure we won't have a couple that makes as good of tv as @brittany_baldi and @IamAdamKuhn #AreYouTheOne
- @brittany_baldi: @CSUAKirk @IamAdamKuhn haha. ya lots of crazy memories on that show. we are friends now, funny how things can change in a year :-)#ayto
- @CSUAKirk: @brittany_baldi both of you made great tv I kinda doubt we're going to get a pair like you two in season two
@CSUAKirk: Get to see my former guests on tv tomorrow #areyoutheone @dubbucksMTV @IamJoeyDillon @shandathapanda @Coleysia @AshleighMorgh
@CSUAKirk: Will be doing an #AreYouTheOne season 2 preview show Friday or Saturday just trying to get a co-host stay tuned #Bigtimerealitytv
@AshleighMorgh: Can we just talk about how good how to get away with murder is!!!
@SimoneKelly_ : Tune in tomorrow at 10PM on @MTV!!!!! ๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐
@EDiamond007: Don't forget to set your DVR for tomorrow night, 10/9c join @amberleeMTV and I as we watch our baby shower from @MTV
@RyanDevlin: Looking for a thrilling non-fiction read. Impress me with your suggestions..................now!
- @brittany_baldi: @RyanDevlin u need to write a book on the crazy ayto castmates and your experiences ;) haha #goodread miss u ry! season 2 I'll be watching
- @RyanDevlin: @brittany_baldi "Confessions Of A Reality Show Host In Hawaii". I like it! Can't wait to see the Baby Shower ep and season 2!
> Countdown to AYTO2
@mtvdario: ๐ฅStress free zone๐ฅ๐ฏ out in Puerto Rico this summer with the guy @curtishadzick #goPros #Waterfallsโฆ http://instagram.com/p/tS8h7DA6NE/
@mtvdario: @tabron27 "but at the same time" "personally like what I think myself is" "can I get half of that" "whatever like I'm good I'm good"
- @tabron27: @mtvdario lmfao I hate you ๐
- @EikeParis Sep 23
@tabron27 @mtvdario "what had happened was..." *hip swivel* *hair whip*
@whaattaafoxx: Happy Fall!! ๐๐๐๐ฐ
@MTVshelbs: I love watching celebrities old audition tapes. To be the best you have to learn from the best ๐ฌ
@whaattaafoxx: How many special people change, how many lives are living strange, where were you when we were getting high? ๐ถ๐ถ
@A_Bartolotte: I will be hosting a premier party for the 1st episode of "Are You The One" at Ike's on October 6th from 8-11 pm. All are welcome!
@whaattaafoxx: I know my heart will never be the same, but I'm tellin myself I'll be okay. I get a little bit stronger.... ๐
@LaytonJonesMTV: Here is a little preview! One of many 2 come! Get excited everyone! #AreYouTheOne? #MTV #Season2 Any Questions? #Logo pic.twitter.com/uyU89jJk9N
@LaytonJonesMTV: This is hilarious! Every1 must see The Do's and Dont's of dating @AREUTHE1 style! @MTV #BigCountry #SouthernGentleman http://on.mtv.com/1vdjfnQ
@dc408dxtr: Countdown to #AreYouTheOne Season 2: 13 Days. http://instagram.com/p/tTJ60UIbHV/
- @Tindel10: @dc408dxtr Yo DC. Where did you find this one?
- @dc408dxtr: @Tindel10 I found it at the XBOX Store late last night & posted pic to IG earlier. http://video.xbox.com/tv-series/are-you-the-one/7906ed0d-651e-4102-8361-dba9dc4b0a07 โฆ
@mtvdario: S/o to @dc408dxtr @BigTymers228 showing love everyday ! Appreciate y'all. #Oct6
- @dc408dxtr: @mtvdario @BigTymers228 for sure Dario, tomorrow will be 2 weeks from the big night. Can't wait for #Oct6 to come. #AreYouTheOne
- @BigTymers228: @mtvdario Sure No Problem Man Can't Wait To Watch AYTO In 2 Weeks
@EikeParis: #myteam #AreYouTheOne
@whaattaafoxx: Uhm @MTV y'all better do something about that picture of the group. Did y'all miss my face or something? What's corporates number!!! Please
@LaytonJonesMTV: Check out #BigCountry'sKoozies on Facebook fan page! http://www.facebook.com/MTVLaytonJones pic.twitter.com/srAuOPJZTv
@JasIPen: The whole gang is ready for arrival! #AreYouTheOne #AYTO2 #MTV @AREUTHE1
@AREUTHE1: The cast of #AreYouTheOne tells us their do's and don'ts of dating! http://on.mtv.com/1vdjfnQ
@LaytonJonesMTV: This is hilarious! Everyone must see The Do's and Dont's of dating @AREUTHE1 style! @MTV... http://fb.me/1j4x7zrYO
@whaattaafoxx: Go check out the MTV app and watch the Do's and Don'ts of dating!!! #AreYouTheOne #MTV @AREUTHE1 @MTV_JESS
@MTV_JESS: @whaattaafoxx @AREUTHE1 lmao ewwwww
@EikeParis: By far the craziest group of people I've ever met. Love all these monkeys! We're just two weeks away from the premier! http://fb.me/6OXHg0vAK
@jenniknapmiller: Coming soon โบ๏ธ @AREUTHE1 @MTV
@PrimeTimeSiebs: Countdown 13 days! #AreYouTheOne #Season2 #CheckItOut #MeetMyTeam! http://instagram.com/p/tVKFz-RzLU/
@whaattaafoxx: Lol go watch me and @MTV_JESS on the mtv app!! #AreYouTheOne @AREUTHE1 pic.twitter.com/RjxZPKcdl2
@MTV_JESS: @whaattaafoxx gonna kill you
@whaattaafoxx: @MTV_JESS Hahahahhahaha
@blacuesta: Check out me & @mtvdario in this "Dating Do's & Don'ts" clip: http://on.mtv.com/1vdjfnQ @mtv @AREUTHE1 #AreYouTheOne
@A_Bartolotte: Are you ready?
@laurashall93: Go download the MTV app & watch as we talk about blind dates, splitting the Check & being fashionably late! pic.twitter.com/Pu9S6ULADz
@Tindel10: Come catch me, run, I think Iโm done, A million reasons but I need a million more. Can I be your number one? Yeah. Yeah.
@whaattaafoxx: Bahahahaha @mtvdario "if you wanna order an app and a dessert? Guess what? Were splitting the check" ๐ญ๐ญ๐ญ๐ญ๐ญ
@whaattaafoxx" What did I ever do to MTV to make them hate me so much ๐ญ๐ญ๐ญ๐ญ @MTV
@mtvdario: ๐ฅDo's and Dont's๐ฅ from yours truly ๐ฏ๐S/o to mtv_briana looking amazing ๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ฅand killing theโฆ http://instagram.com/p/tTYrsRg6HN/
@mtvdario: check out the new clip for Are @AREUTHE1 premiering in 2 weeks !!
http://www.mtv.com/shows/are_you_the_one/dos-donts/1084259/video/#id=1731190 โฆ
@tabron27: "@CSUAKirk: "If he ain't skyping you that mother fucker is a catfish" @tabron27 o I can't wait to chat with ya during the season" damn st8!
@tabron27: "If he ain't skyping you, that motherfcker is a catfish! " haha #MTV #areyoutheone dating do's and don'ts! http://fb.me/1ByfUyJt7
@CSUAKirk: @whaattaafoxx 's accent I always got a thing for girls with the accents on reality shows #AreYouTheOne
@Tindel10: @laurashall93 That confessional literally tans us like an extra 4 shades.
@jenniknapmiller: I miss @AlexPhillipz real #BAD
@AlexPhillipz: @jenniknapmiller miss you more bae. Keep saving people :)
@jenniknapmiller: @AlexPhillipz can't stop, won't stop. Keepem' laughing stud
@chickalexx: Start sharing your #areyoutheone predictions NOW at http://www.perfectmatch.mtv.com and you could win a tripโฆ http://instagram.com/p/tUZNaUzO2X/
@whaattaafoxx: It's fucking cold!!!
@MTV_JESS: @whaattaafoxx I had a bad dream and now I'm up w Youu -_-
@whaattaafoxx: @MTV_JESS about what!! I was just about to pass out too lol..
@MTV_JESS: @whaattaafoxx lol go back to sleep tell you when ur up loveyouuuu
@whaattaafoxx: @MTV_JESS okay boo love you!!!!
@MTV_JESS: Love it when this happens -_- still not sleeping!
@MTV_JESS: It's cool to be in my dreams but do you have to turn it into a nightmare -___- always
@LaytonJonesMTV: Home from work 2:00am! Went 2 sleep 3:50! Awake showered & driving a hour to next job! Long Day! Give up sleep 2 be successful! #BigCountry
@JasIPen: @LaytonJonesMTV story of my life without the hour drive! Kept it up Layt.
@A_Bartolotte: Don't go on blind dates, and remember, showing up fashionably late is not the worst thing #AYTO2 #Confessional pic.twitter.com/Iagc17735R
@blacuesta: I luh you papi, I luh you, Luh you, Luh you papi, Ya dats my papi
@mtvdario: if your not watching @MTV on Monday nights you need to get your priorities right !
- @MTV: @mtvdario You got that right, Dario ๐
@mtvdario: ๐ฅAYTO2 #oct6 #mtv #twintv Puerto Rico to New York to Rhode Island ๐ฅ๐๐ฏ๐ฏ๐ฏ http://instagram.com/p/tVdeM1g6Fa/
@EikeParis: Wanna party with myself and the whole Season 2 cast in NEW YORK CITY?! Well get movin! Make your guesses and play... http://fb.me/1rnaGjSnS
@whaattaafoxx: Come on baby just party with me, let loose and set ya body free ๐๐ถ
@MTVshelbs: Find out how me and the other 10 ladies of @AREUTHE1 Season 2 were casted by checking out part of our interviews at http://on.mtv.com/1vhtqaY
@MTVJohnMoustis: Are you the betting type? If you are (or if you just like #AreYouTheOne) check this out to bet this week's match! http://www.mtv.com/shows/are_you_the_one/widget/perfect-match/ โฆ
@whaattaafoxx: Casting Interviews | Ellie http://on.mtv.com/1vhtVBO go check me out y'all!!
@MTV_JESS: #wherethefukcismyprincecharming
@AREUTHE1: Get to know the Season 2 ladies and see how they landed their spots on #AreYouTheOne! http://on.mtv.com/1B7IKbN
@mtvdario: I thought where hot until I saw your handwriting ...
@MTV_Christina: Just might tinkle a little in excitement for this weekend #WAHOOO
@MTV_Christina: "I definitely need someone who is stable, because I'm kinda not" Haha! #AreYouTheOne #PerfectMatch http://www.mtv.com/shows/are_you_the_one/casting-interviews-christina/1084537/video/#id=1731215 โฆ
@EikeParis: Everyone is sharing their audition videos and I'm all ermmmm naw I'm good ๐ณ #dearlord #saveme
@blacuesta: @EikeParis same hahahhaha. but imma do it anyway
@MTV_Christina: "I think she's a boy. She's pretty pissy at times" ๐
@MTV_JESS: Who's Rdy to win this game & meet the cast in NYC! Give me your best guess :) #AreYouTheOne at http://www.perfectmatch.mtv.com
@AREUTHE1: Play the game, make predictions, and you could win a chance to meet the #AreYouTheOne cast + win MTV prize packs! http://www.perfectmatch.mtv.com/
@Curtishadzicki: Special delivery. #dowhatyoulove http://instagram.com/p/tWX7oJSp3z/
@MTV_JESS: just watched it .. you are such a FUCK -_________- @LaytonJonesMTV
@LaytonJonesMTV: @MTV_JESS you better Stop Right Now! #Room2Talk?
@whaattaafoxx: @MTV_JESS @LaytonJonesMTV watched what!!
@Pratt_MTV: If the answer is no, can I change your mind?
@MTV_Christina: There are no words to describe the amount of love I have for my cast. The adventure we took together was crazy. #AreYouTheOne #family #team
@MTV_JESS: I rly need to be reunited w my Ellie thoooooo @whaattaafoxx @AREUTHE1 @MTV ๐๐
@whaattaafoxx: @MTV_JESS @AREUTHE1 @MTV yaaaasssss agreed!!! I'm tired of this now!
@blacuesta: TIME FOR #BB16Finale YAS
@blacuesta: HERE WE FUCKING GO #BB16 #BB16Finale
@blacuesta: okay i know you all so very much enjoyed my #BB16 tweets & I wish I could tweet more for you but im going to bed. I know you all are so sad
@whaattaafoxx: 'Cause we lost it all, nothing lasts forever; I'm sorry, I can't be perfect...
@Curtishadzicki: I throw tater tots at strippers #BAD
@Curtishadzicki: Does anybody know where @jenniknapmiller and I can do a poetry reading In Lincoln Nebraska. Hit me up.
@blacuesta: You ever wonder why you ever did things or chose some people? Like what was I thinking
@tabron27: I'm honored to have @EBONYMag following me.Thank you for the love and support.
@laurashall93 - 9/25: Exactly 3 months till christmas๐๐๐
@MTV_JESS: Why does it have to be one of those days -_- hate the rain
@PrimeTimeSiebs: #AreYouTheOne #Season2 hope you have been keeping up with the MTV app! Check out the new cast videosโฆ http://instagram.com/p/tX5duVxzNb/
@Tindel10: Dude really? Can I just cuddle right now?.......c'mon
@Curtishadzicki: You make me feel like . You make me feel like . You make me feel like summer. #dowhatyoulove
@blacuesta: Dear #Hitmen @Derrick_L13 I was on your team & still freaking ecstatic that you won. @Cody_Calafiore you will always, always be sexy.
@blacuesta: Dear Are You The One fans, we are so SO close, yet so far. October 6th were comin for ya! #AreYouTheOne #AYTO @MTV @AREUTHE1
@blacuesta: I love freaks I don't care if you're a wild one
@neyasivera: Does anybody know when will AYTO season 2 air in croatia? Of course not, 'cause wut is croatia? ๐
@MTV_Christina: Too hungover for life
@AlexPhillipz: I cracked my iPhone last night I think by jumping up and down yelling "let's get some pussy!" #BAD
@AlexPhillipz: Super sore, I don't wanna workout. But I'm gonna work out just so that I can brag about how hard I worked out today. #BAD ๐๐๐๐ช
@laurashall93: I โค๏ธ ALL my #AYTO girls but TEXAS girls are just a little bit better https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=531143147029386&id=565728036 โฆ
@MTVshelbs: If I could fast forward to next year that'd be great..
@EikeParis: Thor for real is one of the best movies evaaaaaa
@AlexPhillipz: I've never been to first base because I only hit home runs ๐๐ #BAD
@MTV_JESS: Evil queen that is ๐
@blacuesta: just went hammer on fergalicious
@blacuesta: was it me and you that could rap the entire super bass song??? @MTVshelbs
@MTVshelbs: @blacuesta yesss hahaha we killed that song ๐
@blacuesta: pour some SUGAR ON MEEEEEEE the ultimate stripper song
@blacuesta: Beverly Hills....Thats where i want to be!! Beverly Hills....Rollin like a celebrity!
@blacuesta: ohio is for lovers? anyone?
@MTV_Christina: Just saw a sex arcade. Ew yo. โ
@EikeParis: I'm in love with love. It's a blessing and a curse.
@Pratt_MTV: I can not get a break lately ๐
@MTV_JESS: And then I remembered why it never worked out .. Time to let go of this little fantasy of mine!
@whaattaafoxx: Damn I wanna take a trip somewhere. I just miss being on a plane... ๐ฉโ๏ธ๐
@mtvdario: Crazy how when things turn people still hate
@Curtishadzicki: Lets go for a ride. Happy friday people. #octoberiscoming #dowhatyoulove http://instagram.com/p/tavtaASp3i/
@jenniknapmiller: Everybody wants a thrill
@AlexPhillipz: You can also call me A.P but @jenniknapmiller you can call me Young Mav #BAD โ๏ธโ๏ธโ๏ธ
@AREUTHE1: Watch the guys' casting interviews to see how they snagged their spots on Season 2 of #AreYouTheOne! http://on.mtv.com/1BhKG1n
@LaytonJonesMTV: Well its getting closer everyone! We are almost to Premier Date! Watch these casting videos to see what each guy... http://fb.me/4gdwY79mV
@LaytonJonesMTV: Wow! What is a better way to find out what the guys from @AREUTHE1 want? Let them tell you in there casting videos! http://www.mtv.com/shows/are_you_the_one/casting-interviews-layton/1085401/video/#id=1731300 โฆ
@LaytonJonesMTV: Busting my ass for someone it seems! #BigCountry Did I find her? Tune in @ayto_mtv mtv October 6thโฆ http://instagram.com/p/tbAyGYPszM/
@mtvdario Sep 26: ๐ฅHosting my Premiere party๐ฅOCT 6 at Bonvue in Rhode Island. Without explanation this event will beโฆ http://instagram.com/p/tbAi1xg6KY/
@laurashall93: So blessed to have given the chance to meet such amazing people and be able to call them family. pic.twitter.com/UQnecGQTj3
@whaattaafoxx: Since it's Spirit Week!! #RaiderNation #RichmondRaiders #OnceARaiderAlwaysARaider ๐๐๐ pic.twitter.com/VlUL1zbL8R
@Pratt_MTV: It's Friday, friday, friday. Gotta get drunk on Friday! #drink #drank #drunk @PraterPride
@chickalexx: Man, I love the picture MTV chose for me! The best yet! .... #sarcasm #theyscrewedme Can I be your match? ;D xoxo
@BigTymers228: @whaattaafoxx AYTO Is Fastly Approaching Ellie
- @whaattaafoxx: @BigTymers228 ๐๐๐ idk if I'm ready for this
- @BigTymers228: @whaattaafoxx why not? I don't see nothing wrong with you & look on the bright side you still will be able to watch your man on Sundays
- @whaattaafoxx: @BigTymers228 lol idk!!!!
- @BigTymers228: @whaattaafoxx nah you'll be ight don't even worry about it
- @whaattaafoxx: @BigTymers228 I hope so ๐ฉ
-@BigTymers228: @whaattaafoxx I hear you if people say something about u on the show then fuck em their opinions on u dont even matter at the end of the day
- @whaattaafoxx: @BigTymers228 I'll kill myself. ๐ข lmfao I'm jk don't take me seriously
- @BigTymers228: @whaattaafoxx understandable you sure are funny & bubbly
- @whaattaafoxx: @BigTymers228 lol well thank you!!! โค๏ธโค๏ธ
- @BigTymers228: @whaattaafoxx you welcome & I love looking at your beautiful face on your avi it brighten up my tl
- @whaattaafoxx: @BigTymers228 ๐๐ thanks boo
- @BigTymers228: @whaattaafoxx you welcome Boo โฅโฅ
@LaytonJonesMTV: Chillin in the back yard teaching my buddy some new tricks! @AREUTHE1 @MTV #BigCountry
@LaytonJonesMTV: Oh you know just playing catch! Me and Deacon! #BigCountryBuddies @MTV @AREUTHE1
- @MTV: @LaytonJonesMTV SO CUTE
@AlexPhillipz: @Curtishadzicki our interviews are very similar bc I have records on the wall and you have hats.
@Curtishadzicki: @AlexPhillipz @Curtishadzicki and both our intros have california in them .
@MTV_JESS: Love getting these exciting phone calls ๐๐๐๐ #beyourself always!
@MTV_JESS: Whole squad on that real shit @whaattaafoxx @blacuesta @MTV_Christina ๐
@whaattaafoxx: @MTV_JESS @blacuesta @MTV_Christina love my squad
@MTV_Christina: @whaattaafoxx @MTV_JESS @blacuesta goon berries ๐๐ญ๐ญ ๐
@blacuesta: @MTV_Christina @whaattaafoxx @MTV_JESS GOONSQUAAAAD IT DONT MAKE A FUCK!
@whaattaafoxx: @blacuesta @MTV_Christina @MTV_JESS ๐๐๐
@whaattaafoxx: Bad times make the good times better, look in her eyes and you're gone forever.. ๐ถ
@whaattaafoxx: You've got me all high, head spinning around and around, I'm down if you're down to burn down this town ๐ถ
@MTV_Christina: Guess it was just one of those moments, a unique detail in an otherwise ordinary life. ๐ป๐
@mtvdario: Bar packed with high school gym teachers and 3s ... My kinda spot
@MTV_JESS: Thankyou for this awesome opportunity @MTV @AREUTHE1
@Curtishadzicki: The calm before the storm.#octoberiscoming #dowhatyoulove @ the caddy shack http://instagram.com/p/tb5IxGSp5x/
@JasIPen: It'll all be worth it in the end. If it's not your expectations yet....then it's not the end. #AreYouTheOne
@PrimeTimeSiebs: So here's an insider! I actually cut my hair 2 days before leaving for the show! Scared the casting people when I texted them and told them I cut my hair off they were like WHAT?! So I sent Em a picture and they ended up liking My short hair even more๐ Check out the Casting interviews!! #AreYouTheOne #Season2 http://instagram.com/p/tc-Q-cxzOZ/
@Modelboi12: Mannnn October hurry it up... It's #Showtime
@Modelboi12: This probably about to be the best fall season ill ever have in my life
@PrimeTimeSiebs: Can't wait til its October! #Fall #SweatsAndSweatshirt #Pjs #Halloween #ScaryMovies! #Pumpkins #AppleCider! Oh!! And #AreYouTheOne #Season2๐
@whaattaafoxx: When we see a love like that, something is triggered in our minds, hearts, etc. we long for that type of love.
@whaattaafoxx: But do you think we will get it in this day and time??? Fuuuuuck no. So I'll just live my life through romance movies, only "dreaming"
@MTV_JESS: Just watched some @brittany_baldi on pound town confessionals yupppp were deff similar boo Haha ๐๐
@MTV_Christina: SanDiego bound ๐๐ธ #pumped
@LaytonJonesMTV: Thank U Lord for leading me in the right direction! I Love U Lord & despite all of my faults Thank U for staying beside me! #BigCountryWays
@blacuesta: waiting for some of the best fucking people i know to arrive in SD
@whaattaafoxx: @blacuesta y'all are dead to me
@MTV_JESS: Wish I was in SD right now tho :/
@laurashall93: @MTV_JESS you and me both. Not. Fair. ๐ซ
@MTV_JESS: @laurashall93 I knowww ash ๐ฃ๐ฃ
@Curtishadzicki: @MTV_JESS I wish I was too
@MTV_JESS: @Curtishadzicki ๐
@whaattaafoxx: @MTV_JESS ๐ฉ๐ฉ๐ฉ it's not fair
@laurashall93: Literally more excited to party it up with all my cast mates at the reunion than to see my self on TV. #AreYouTheOne #21
@Pratt_MTV: People said i couldn't go back to high school. Fuck em. Viera Homecoming 2014 #21jumpstreet @PraterPride @brager23 @Jacksonprater
@whaattaafoxx: I'm so fucking jealous!!! @MTV_Christina @blacuesta ๐ฉ๐ฉ
@MTV_Christina: @whaattaafoxx @blacuesta ๐ miss you
@whaattaafoxx: @MTV_Christina @blacuesta miss youuu!!
@blacuesta: @whaattaafoxx @MTV_Christina goonies forev @MTV_JESS
@MTV_Christina: Throwing it down with some of the homies who do it best.
@MTV_Christina: "Can you dance there" - "well, technically you can dance anywhere" #true #truetrue
@Curtishadzicki: I used to be such a boss I used to chase shots with high fives @MTV_Christina
@MTV_JESS: The hypeeeeeeee is real 8days @MTV @Mtvareyoutheone
- @dc408dxtr: @MTV_JESS wow, hope you're ready for all this, Monday will be one week from the S2 premiere & the buzz will build to a fever pitch.
@Curtishadzicki: If your not on my team dont suit up. #owhatyoulove
@PrimeTimeSiebs: #NFLRedZone #AllDay #7HoursOfFootball
@PrimeTimeSiebs: #SelfiesOnASunday #EverySunday #Rollin #CreativeSelfie #Flyin #KillinEm ๐ฏโฆ๏ธ๐ธ๐ฃ http://instagram.com/p/tfuGkJxzC2/
@MTV_JESS: That's it fuck this @whaattaafoxx and I are moving to Cali <3
@whaattaafoxx: @MTV_JESS that was a givin! Let's go!
@MTV_JESS: @whaattaafoxx ๐ RLY tho December Ellie ๐๐๐
@whaattaafoxx: @MTV_JESS let's drive cross country!
@MTV_JESS: @whaattaafoxx yupppp we WILLL! I can't wait
@whaattaafoxx: @MTV_JESS eeeeeeek! Then I'll just come to you and then we can drive from NY!
@MTV_JESS: @whaattaafoxx I'm looking up apartments now ๐๐๐๐
@whaattaafoxx: @MTV_JESS I'm about to freeeaaaakkkk!!! Imma help I'll send you some links
@MTV_JESS: @whaattaafoxx this is RLY happening ๐
@whaattaafoxx: @MTV_JESS aaaaahhhhhh!!! ๐๐๐ I'm impatient
@whaattaafoxx: Everytime I do this emoji I say it's the @PrimeTimeSiebs face! ๐๐
@MTV_JESS: And I'm loving what I see on zillow!!! @whaattaafoxx @blacuesta @MTV_Christina
@mtvdario: Loling at things that are lolABLE
@MTV_Christina: @mtvdario you didn't send me the dance. #badfriend
@mtvdario: @MTV_Christina I'm sorry forgot to respond. It's on his Instagram
@MTVJohnMoustis: Today, I made the news: http://www.news-gazette.com/living/2014-09-28/ui-law-student-tried-perfect-match-mtv-show.html โฆ
@Pratt_MTV: Just saw a girl in a homecoming dress at the gas station. #ultimate #WalkOfShame
@MTV_Christina: I think I belong in SanDiego. #caligirl #socal
@AlexPhillipz: @jenniknapmiller Vikings vs Falcons. Our teams clash.
@jenniknapmiller: @AlexPhillipz nahhh I'm cheesehead ๐
@AlexPhillipz: @jenniknapmiller I fuck with the packers though
@blacuesta: Philly meets San Diego. @MTV_Christina @JasIPen #AreYouTheOne #ayto #AYTO2 #mtv #mtvareyoutheone #perfectmatch
@blacuesta: Id swim the oceans for you. #AreYouTheOne #AYTO #AYTO2 #mtv @AREUTHE1 @mtv @MTV_Christina @JasIPen
@blacuesta: Tune in to @mtv tomorrow: a baby shower special for @EDiamond007 & @amberleeMTV ! can't wait to see what @SimoneKelly_ has in store for us
@laurashall93: Be sure to watch my fellow TEXANS @EDiamond007 & @amberleeMTV on the #AreYouTheOne baby shower reunion on @MTV @10/9c
@blacuesta: Hey everyone check out my new twitter pic I went blonde. #teamblonde #team11 @MTV_Christina
@MTV_JESS: In and out of sleep -_- never fails #everynight
@mtvdario: @tabron27 "but at the same time" "personally like what I think myself is" "can I get half of that" "whatever like I'm good I'm good"
- @tabron27: @mtvdario lmfao I hate you ๐
- @EikeParis Sep 23
@tabron27 @mtvdario "what had happened was..." *hip swivel* *hair whip*
@whaattaafoxx: Happy Fall!! ๐๐๐๐ฐ
@MTVshelbs: I love watching celebrities old audition tapes. To be the best you have to learn from the best ๐ฌ
@whaattaafoxx: How many special people change, how many lives are living strange, where were you when we were getting high? ๐ถ๐ถ
@A_Bartolotte: I will be hosting a premier party for the 1st episode of "Are You The One" at Ike's on October 6th from 8-11 pm. All are welcome!
@whaattaafoxx: I know my heart will never be the same, but I'm tellin myself I'll be okay. I get a little bit stronger.... ๐
@LaytonJonesMTV: Here is a little preview! One of many 2 come! Get excited everyone! #AreYouTheOne? #MTV #Season2 Any Questions? #Logo pic.twitter.com/uyU89jJk9N
@LaytonJonesMTV: This is hilarious! Every1 must see The Do's and Dont's of dating @AREUTHE1 style! @MTV #BigCountry #SouthernGentleman http://on.mtv.com/1vdjfnQ
@dc408dxtr: Countdown to #AreYouTheOne Season 2: 13 Days. http://instagram.com/p/tTJ60UIbHV/
- @Tindel10: @dc408dxtr Yo DC. Where did you find this one?
- @dc408dxtr: @Tindel10 I found it at the XBOX Store late last night & posted pic to IG earlier. http://video.xbox.com/tv-series/are-you-the-one/7906ed0d-651e-4102-8361-dba9dc4b0a07 โฆ
@mtvdario: S/o to @dc408dxtr @BigTymers228 showing love everyday ! Appreciate y'all. #Oct6
- @dc408dxtr: @mtvdario @BigTymers228 for sure Dario, tomorrow will be 2 weeks from the big night. Can't wait for #Oct6 to come. #AreYouTheOne
- @BigTymers228: @mtvdario Sure No Problem Man Can't Wait To Watch AYTO In 2 Weeks
@EikeParis: #myteam #AreYouTheOne
@whaattaafoxx: Uhm @MTV y'all better do something about that picture of the group. Did y'all miss my face or something? What's corporates number!!! Please
@LaytonJonesMTV: Check out #BigCountry'sKoozies on Facebook fan page! http://www.facebook.com/MTVLaytonJones pic.twitter.com/srAuOPJZTv
@JasIPen: The whole gang is ready for arrival! #AreYouTheOne #AYTO2 #MTV @AREUTHE1
@AREUTHE1: The cast of #AreYouTheOne tells us their do's and don'ts of dating! http://on.mtv.com/1vdjfnQ
@LaytonJonesMTV: This is hilarious! Everyone must see The Do's and Dont's of dating @AREUTHE1 style! @MTV... http://fb.me/1j4x7zrYO
@whaattaafoxx: Go check out the MTV app and watch the Do's and Don'ts of dating!!! #AreYouTheOne #MTV @AREUTHE1 @MTV_JESS
@MTV_JESS: @whaattaafoxx @AREUTHE1 lmao ewwwww
@EikeParis: By far the craziest group of people I've ever met. Love all these monkeys! We're just two weeks away from the premier! http://fb.me/6OXHg0vAK
@jenniknapmiller: Coming soon โบ๏ธ @AREUTHE1 @MTV
@PrimeTimeSiebs: Countdown 13 days! #AreYouTheOne #Season2 #CheckItOut #MeetMyTeam! http://instagram.com/p/tVKFz-RzLU/
@whaattaafoxx: Lol go watch me and @MTV_JESS on the mtv app!! #AreYouTheOne @AREUTHE1 pic.twitter.com/RjxZPKcdl2
@MTV_JESS: @whaattaafoxx gonna kill you
@whaattaafoxx: @MTV_JESS Hahahahhahaha
@blacuesta: Check out me & @mtvdario in this "Dating Do's & Don'ts" clip: http://on.mtv.com/1vdjfnQ @mtv @AREUTHE1 #AreYouTheOne
@A_Bartolotte: Are you ready?
@laurashall93: Go download the MTV app & watch as we talk about blind dates, splitting the Check & being fashionably late! pic.twitter.com/Pu9S6ULADz
@Tindel10: Come catch me, run, I think Iโm done, A million reasons but I need a million more. Can I be your number one? Yeah. Yeah.
@whaattaafoxx: Bahahahaha @mtvdario "if you wanna order an app and a dessert? Guess what? Were splitting the check" ๐ญ๐ญ๐ญ๐ญ๐ญ
@whaattaafoxx" What did I ever do to MTV to make them hate me so much ๐ญ๐ญ๐ญ๐ญ @MTV
@mtvdario: ๐ฅDo's and Dont's๐ฅ from yours truly ๐ฏ๐S/o to mtv_briana looking amazing ๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ฅand killing theโฆ http://instagram.com/p/tTYrsRg6HN/
@mtvdario: check out the new clip for Are @AREUTHE1 premiering in 2 weeks !!
http://www.mtv.com/shows/are_you_the_one/dos-donts/1084259/video/#id=1731190 โฆ
@tabron27: "@CSUAKirk: "If he ain't skyping you that mother fucker is a catfish" @tabron27 o I can't wait to chat with ya during the season" damn st8!
@tabron27: "If he ain't skyping you, that motherfcker is a catfish! " haha #MTV #areyoutheone dating do's and don'ts! http://fb.me/1ByfUyJt7
@CSUAKirk: @whaattaafoxx 's accent I always got a thing for girls with the accents on reality shows #AreYouTheOne
@Tindel10: @laurashall93 That confessional literally tans us like an extra 4 shades.
@jenniknapmiller: I miss @AlexPhillipz real #BAD
@AlexPhillipz: @jenniknapmiller miss you more bae. Keep saving people :)
@jenniknapmiller: @AlexPhillipz can't stop, won't stop. Keepem' laughing stud
@chickalexx: Start sharing your #areyoutheone predictions NOW at http://www.perfectmatch.mtv.com and you could win a tripโฆ http://instagram.com/p/tUZNaUzO2X/
@whaattaafoxx: It's fucking cold!!!
@MTV_JESS: @whaattaafoxx I had a bad dream and now I'm up w Youu -_-
@whaattaafoxx: @MTV_JESS about what!! I was just about to pass out too lol..
@MTV_JESS: @whaattaafoxx lol go back to sleep tell you when ur up loveyouuuu
@whaattaafoxx: @MTV_JESS okay boo love you!!!!
@MTV_JESS: Love it when this happens -_- still not sleeping!
@MTV_JESS: It's cool to be in my dreams but do you have to turn it into a nightmare -___- always
@LaytonJonesMTV: Home from work 2:00am! Went 2 sleep 3:50! Awake showered & driving a hour to next job! Long Day! Give up sleep 2 be successful! #BigCountry
@JasIPen: @LaytonJonesMTV story of my life without the hour drive! Kept it up Layt.
@A_Bartolotte: Don't go on blind dates, and remember, showing up fashionably late is not the worst thing #AYTO2 #Confessional pic.twitter.com/Iagc17735R
@blacuesta: I luh you papi, I luh you, Luh you, Luh you papi, Ya dats my papi
@mtvdario: if your not watching @MTV on Monday nights you need to get your priorities right !
- @MTV: @mtvdario You got that right, Dario ๐
@mtvdario: ๐ฅAYTO2 #oct6 #mtv #twintv Puerto Rico to New York to Rhode Island ๐ฅ๐๐ฏ๐ฏ๐ฏ http://instagram.com/p/tVdeM1g6Fa/
@EikeParis: Wanna party with myself and the whole Season 2 cast in NEW YORK CITY?! Well get movin! Make your guesses and play... http://fb.me/1rnaGjSnS
@whaattaafoxx: Come on baby just party with me, let loose and set ya body free ๐๐ถ
@MTVshelbs: Find out how me and the other 10 ladies of @AREUTHE1 Season 2 were casted by checking out part of our interviews at http://on.mtv.com/1vhtqaY
@MTVJohnMoustis: Are you the betting type? If you are (or if you just like #AreYouTheOne) check this out to bet this week's match! http://www.mtv.com/shows/are_you_the_one/widget/perfect-match/ โฆ
@whaattaafoxx: Casting Interviews | Ellie http://on.mtv.com/1vhtVBO go check me out y'all!!
@MTV_JESS: #wherethefukcismyprincecharming
@AREUTHE1: Get to know the Season 2 ladies and see how they landed their spots on #AreYouTheOne! http://on.mtv.com/1B7IKbN
@mtvdario: I thought where hot until I saw your handwriting ...
@MTV_Christina: Just might tinkle a little in excitement for this weekend #WAHOOO
@MTV_Christina: "I definitely need someone who is stable, because I'm kinda not" Haha! #AreYouTheOne #PerfectMatch http://www.mtv.com/shows/are_you_the_one/casting-interviews-christina/1084537/video/#id=1731215 โฆ
@EikeParis: Everyone is sharing their audition videos and I'm all ermmmm naw I'm good ๐ณ #dearlord #saveme
@blacuesta: @EikeParis same hahahhaha. but imma do it anyway
@MTV_Christina: "I think she's a boy. She's pretty pissy at times" ๐
@MTV_JESS: Who's Rdy to win this game & meet the cast in NYC! Give me your best guess :) #AreYouTheOne at http://www.perfectmatch.mtv.com
@AREUTHE1: Play the game, make predictions, and you could win a chance to meet the #AreYouTheOne cast + win MTV prize packs! http://www.perfectmatch.mtv.com/
@Curtishadzicki: Special delivery. #dowhatyoulove http://instagram.com/p/tWX7oJSp3z/
@MTV_JESS: just watched it .. you are such a FUCK -_________- @LaytonJonesMTV
@LaytonJonesMTV: @MTV_JESS you better Stop Right Now! #Room2Talk?
@whaattaafoxx: @MTV_JESS @LaytonJonesMTV watched what!!
@Pratt_MTV: If the answer is no, can I change your mind?
@MTV_Christina: There are no words to describe the amount of love I have for my cast. The adventure we took together was crazy. #AreYouTheOne #family #team
@MTV_JESS: I rly need to be reunited w my Ellie thoooooo @whaattaafoxx @AREUTHE1 @MTV ๐๐
@whaattaafoxx: @MTV_JESS @AREUTHE1 @MTV yaaaasssss agreed!!! I'm tired of this now!
@blacuesta: TIME FOR #BB16Finale YAS
@blacuesta: HERE WE FUCKING GO #BB16 #BB16Finale
@blacuesta: okay i know you all so very much enjoyed my #BB16 tweets & I wish I could tweet more for you but im going to bed. I know you all are so sad
@whaattaafoxx: 'Cause we lost it all, nothing lasts forever; I'm sorry, I can't be perfect...
@Curtishadzicki: I throw tater tots at strippers #BAD
@Curtishadzicki: Does anybody know where @jenniknapmiller and I can do a poetry reading In Lincoln Nebraska. Hit me up.
@blacuesta: You ever wonder why you ever did things or chose some people? Like what was I thinking
@tabron27: I'm honored to have @EBONYMag following me.Thank you for the love and support.
@laurashall93 - 9/25: Exactly 3 months till christmas๐๐๐
@MTV_JESS: Why does it have to be one of those days -_- hate the rain
@PrimeTimeSiebs: #AreYouTheOne #Season2 hope you have been keeping up with the MTV app! Check out the new cast videosโฆ http://instagram.com/p/tX5duVxzNb/
@Tindel10: Dude really? Can I just cuddle right now?.......c'mon
@Curtishadzicki: You make me feel like . You make me feel like . You make me feel like summer. #dowhatyoulove
@blacuesta: Dear #Hitmen @Derrick_L13 I was on your team & still freaking ecstatic that you won. @Cody_Calafiore you will always, always be sexy.
@blacuesta: Dear Are You The One fans, we are so SO close, yet so far. October 6th were comin for ya! #AreYouTheOne #AYTO @MTV @AREUTHE1
@blacuesta: I love freaks I don't care if you're a wild one
@neyasivera: Does anybody know when will AYTO season 2 air in croatia? Of course not, 'cause wut is croatia? ๐
@MTV_Christina: Too hungover for life
@AlexPhillipz: I cracked my iPhone last night I think by jumping up and down yelling "let's get some pussy!" #BAD
@AlexPhillipz: Super sore, I don't wanna workout. But I'm gonna work out just so that I can brag about how hard I worked out today. #BAD ๐๐๐๐ช
@laurashall93: I โค๏ธ ALL my #AYTO girls but TEXAS girls are just a little bit better https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=531143147029386&id=565728036 โฆ
@MTVshelbs: If I could fast forward to next year that'd be great..
@EikeParis: Thor for real is one of the best movies evaaaaaa
@AlexPhillipz: I've never been to first base because I only hit home runs ๐๐ #BAD
@MTV_JESS: Evil queen that is ๐
@blacuesta: just went hammer on fergalicious
@blacuesta: was it me and you that could rap the entire super bass song??? @MTVshelbs
@MTVshelbs: @blacuesta yesss hahaha we killed that song ๐
@blacuesta: pour some SUGAR ON MEEEEEEE the ultimate stripper song
@blacuesta: Beverly Hills....Thats where i want to be!! Beverly Hills....Rollin like a celebrity!
@blacuesta: ohio is for lovers? anyone?
@MTV_Christina: Just saw a sex arcade. Ew yo. โ
@EikeParis: I'm in love with love. It's a blessing and a curse.
@Pratt_MTV: I can not get a break lately ๐
@MTV_JESS: And then I remembered why it never worked out .. Time to let go of this little fantasy of mine!
@whaattaafoxx: Damn I wanna take a trip somewhere. I just miss being on a plane... ๐ฉโ๏ธ๐
@mtvdario: Crazy how when things turn people still hate
@Curtishadzicki: Lets go for a ride. Happy friday people. #octoberiscoming #dowhatyoulove http://instagram.com/p/tavtaASp3i/
@jenniknapmiller: Everybody wants a thrill
@AlexPhillipz: You can also call me A.P but @jenniknapmiller you can call me Young Mav #BAD โ๏ธโ๏ธโ๏ธ
@AREUTHE1: Watch the guys' casting interviews to see how they snagged their spots on Season 2 of #AreYouTheOne! http://on.mtv.com/1BhKG1n
@LaytonJonesMTV: Well its getting closer everyone! We are almost to Premier Date! Watch these casting videos to see what each guy... http://fb.me/4gdwY79mV
@LaytonJonesMTV: Wow! What is a better way to find out what the guys from @AREUTHE1 want? Let them tell you in there casting videos! http://www.mtv.com/shows/are_you_the_one/casting-interviews-layton/1085401/video/#id=1731300 โฆ
@LaytonJonesMTV: Busting my ass for someone it seems! #BigCountry Did I find her? Tune in @ayto_mtv mtv October 6thโฆ http://instagram.com/p/tbAyGYPszM/
@mtvdario Sep 26: ๐ฅHosting my Premiere party๐ฅOCT 6 at Bonvue in Rhode Island. Without explanation this event will beโฆ http://instagram.com/p/tbAi1xg6KY/
@laurashall93: So blessed to have given the chance to meet such amazing people and be able to call them family. pic.twitter.com/UQnecGQTj3
@whaattaafoxx: Since it's Spirit Week!! #RaiderNation #RichmondRaiders #OnceARaiderAlwaysARaider ๐๐๐ pic.twitter.com/VlUL1zbL8R
@Pratt_MTV: It's Friday, friday, friday. Gotta get drunk on Friday! #drink #drank #drunk @PraterPride
@chickalexx: Man, I love the picture MTV chose for me! The best yet! .... #sarcasm #theyscrewedme Can I be your match? ;D xoxo
@BigTymers228: @whaattaafoxx AYTO Is Fastly Approaching Ellie
- @whaattaafoxx: @BigTymers228 ๐๐๐ idk if I'm ready for this
- @BigTymers228: @whaattaafoxx why not? I don't see nothing wrong with you & look on the bright side you still will be able to watch your man on Sundays
- @whaattaafoxx: @BigTymers228 lol idk!!!!
- @BigTymers228: @whaattaafoxx nah you'll be ight don't even worry about it
- @whaattaafoxx: @BigTymers228 I hope so ๐ฉ
-@BigTymers228: @whaattaafoxx I hear you if people say something about u on the show then fuck em their opinions on u dont even matter at the end of the day
- @whaattaafoxx: @BigTymers228 I'll kill myself. ๐ข lmfao I'm jk don't take me seriously
- @BigTymers228: @whaattaafoxx understandable you sure are funny & bubbly
- @whaattaafoxx: @BigTymers228 lol well thank you!!! โค๏ธโค๏ธ
- @BigTymers228: @whaattaafoxx you welcome & I love looking at your beautiful face on your avi it brighten up my tl
- @whaattaafoxx: @BigTymers228 ๐๐ thanks boo
- @BigTymers228: @whaattaafoxx you welcome Boo โฅโฅ
@LaytonJonesMTV: Chillin in the back yard teaching my buddy some new tricks! @AREUTHE1 @MTV #BigCountry
@LaytonJonesMTV: Oh you know just playing catch! Me and Deacon! #BigCountryBuddies @MTV @AREUTHE1
- @MTV: @LaytonJonesMTV SO CUTE
@AlexPhillipz: @Curtishadzicki our interviews are very similar bc I have records on the wall and you have hats.
@Curtishadzicki: @AlexPhillipz @Curtishadzicki and both our intros have california in them .
@MTV_JESS: Love getting these exciting phone calls ๐๐๐๐ #beyourself always!
@MTV_JESS: Whole squad on that real shit @whaattaafoxx @blacuesta @MTV_Christina ๐
@whaattaafoxx: @MTV_JESS @blacuesta @MTV_Christina love my squad
@MTV_Christina: @whaattaafoxx @MTV_JESS @blacuesta goon berries ๐๐ญ๐ญ ๐
@blacuesta: @MTV_Christina @whaattaafoxx @MTV_JESS GOONSQUAAAAD IT DONT MAKE A FUCK!
@whaattaafoxx: @blacuesta @MTV_Christina @MTV_JESS ๐๐๐
@whaattaafoxx: Bad times make the good times better, look in her eyes and you're gone forever.. ๐ถ
@whaattaafoxx: You've got me all high, head spinning around and around, I'm down if you're down to burn down this town ๐ถ
@MTV_Christina: Guess it was just one of those moments, a unique detail in an otherwise ordinary life. ๐ป๐
@mtvdario: Bar packed with high school gym teachers and 3s ... My kinda spot
@MTV_JESS: Thankyou for this awesome opportunity @MTV @AREUTHE1
@Curtishadzicki: The calm before the storm.#octoberiscoming #dowhatyoulove @ the caddy shack http://instagram.com/p/tb5IxGSp5x/
@JasIPen: It'll all be worth it in the end. If it's not your expectations yet....then it's not the end. #AreYouTheOne
@PrimeTimeSiebs: So here's an insider! I actually cut my hair 2 days before leaving for the show! Scared the casting people when I texted them and told them I cut my hair off they were like WHAT?! So I sent Em a picture and they ended up liking My short hair even more๐ Check out the Casting interviews!! #AreYouTheOne #Season2 http://instagram.com/p/tc-Q-cxzOZ/
@Modelboi12: Mannnn October hurry it up... It's #Showtime
@Modelboi12: This probably about to be the best fall season ill ever have in my life
@PrimeTimeSiebs: Can't wait til its October! #Fall #SweatsAndSweatshirt #Pjs #Halloween #ScaryMovies! #Pumpkins #AppleCider! Oh!! And #AreYouTheOne #Season2๐
@whaattaafoxx: When we see a love like that, something is triggered in our minds, hearts, etc. we long for that type of love.
@whaattaafoxx: But do you think we will get it in this day and time??? Fuuuuuck no. So I'll just live my life through romance movies, only "dreaming"
@MTV_JESS: Just watched some @brittany_baldi on pound town confessionals yupppp were deff similar boo Haha ๐๐
@MTV_Christina: SanDiego bound ๐๐ธ #pumped
@LaytonJonesMTV: Thank U Lord for leading me in the right direction! I Love U Lord & despite all of my faults Thank U for staying beside me! #BigCountryWays
@blacuesta: waiting for some of the best fucking people i know to arrive in SD
@whaattaafoxx: @blacuesta y'all are dead to me
@MTV_JESS: Wish I was in SD right now tho :/
@laurashall93: @MTV_JESS you and me both. Not. Fair. ๐ซ
@MTV_JESS: @laurashall93 I knowww ash ๐ฃ๐ฃ
@Curtishadzicki: @MTV_JESS I wish I was too
@MTV_JESS: @Curtishadzicki ๐
@whaattaafoxx: @MTV_JESS ๐ฉ๐ฉ๐ฉ it's not fair
@laurashall93: Literally more excited to party it up with all my cast mates at the reunion than to see my self on TV. #AreYouTheOne #21
@Pratt_MTV: People said i couldn't go back to high school. Fuck em. Viera Homecoming 2014 #21jumpstreet @PraterPride @brager23 @Jacksonprater
@whaattaafoxx: I'm so fucking jealous!!! @MTV_Christina @blacuesta ๐ฉ๐ฉ
@MTV_Christina: @whaattaafoxx @blacuesta ๐ miss you
@whaattaafoxx: @MTV_Christina @blacuesta miss youuu!!
@blacuesta: @whaattaafoxx @MTV_Christina goonies forev @MTV_JESS
@MTV_Christina: Throwing it down with some of the homies who do it best.
@MTV_Christina: "Can you dance there" - "well, technically you can dance anywhere" #true #truetrue
@Curtishadzicki: I used to be such a boss I used to chase shots with high fives @MTV_Christina
@MTV_JESS: The hypeeeeeeee is real 8days @MTV @Mtvareyoutheone
- @dc408dxtr: @MTV_JESS wow, hope you're ready for all this, Monday will be one week from the S2 premiere & the buzz will build to a fever pitch.
@Curtishadzicki: If your not on my team dont suit up. #owhatyoulove
@PrimeTimeSiebs: #NFLRedZone #AllDay #7HoursOfFootball
@PrimeTimeSiebs: #SelfiesOnASunday #EverySunday #Rollin #CreativeSelfie #Flyin #KillinEm ๐ฏโฆ๏ธ๐ธ๐ฃ http://instagram.com/p/tfuGkJxzC2/
@MTV_JESS: That's it fuck this @whaattaafoxx and I are moving to Cali <3
@whaattaafoxx: @MTV_JESS that was a givin! Let's go!
@MTV_JESS: @whaattaafoxx ๐ RLY tho December Ellie ๐๐๐
@whaattaafoxx: @MTV_JESS let's drive cross country!
@MTV_JESS: @whaattaafoxx yupppp we WILLL! I can't wait
@whaattaafoxx: @MTV_JESS eeeeeeek! Then I'll just come to you and then we can drive from NY!
@MTV_JESS: @whaattaafoxx I'm looking up apartments now ๐๐๐๐
@whaattaafoxx: @MTV_JESS I'm about to freeeaaaakkkk!!! Imma help I'll send you some links
@MTV_JESS: @whaattaafoxx this is RLY happening ๐
@whaattaafoxx: @MTV_JESS aaaaahhhhhh!!! ๐๐๐ I'm impatient
@whaattaafoxx: Everytime I do this emoji I say it's the @PrimeTimeSiebs face! ๐๐
@MTV_JESS: And I'm loving what I see on zillow!!! @whaattaafoxx @blacuesta @MTV_Christina
@mtvdario: Loling at things that are lolABLE
@MTV_Christina: @mtvdario you didn't send me the dance. #badfriend
@mtvdario: @MTV_Christina I'm sorry forgot to respond. It's on his Instagram
@MTVJohnMoustis: Today, I made the news: http://www.news-gazette.com/living/2014-09-28/ui-law-student-tried-perfect-match-mtv-show.html โฆ
@Pratt_MTV: Just saw a girl in a homecoming dress at the gas station. #ultimate #WalkOfShame
@MTV_Christina: I think I belong in SanDiego. #caligirl #socal
@AlexPhillipz: @jenniknapmiller Vikings vs Falcons. Our teams clash.
@jenniknapmiller: @AlexPhillipz nahhh I'm cheesehead ๐
@AlexPhillipz: @jenniknapmiller I fuck with the packers though
@blacuesta: Philly meets San Diego. @MTV_Christina @JasIPen #AreYouTheOne #ayto #AYTO2 #mtv #mtvareyoutheone #perfectmatch
@blacuesta: Id swim the oceans for you. #AreYouTheOne #AYTO #AYTO2 #mtv @AREUTHE1 @mtv @MTV_Christina @JasIPen
@blacuesta: Tune in to @mtv tomorrow: a baby shower special for @EDiamond007 & @amberleeMTV ! can't wait to see what @SimoneKelly_ has in store for us
@laurashall93: Be sure to watch my fellow TEXANS @EDiamond007 & @amberleeMTV on the #AreYouTheOne baby shower reunion on @MTV @10/9c
@blacuesta: Hey everyone check out my new twitter pic I went blonde. #teamblonde #team11 @MTV_Christina
@MTV_JESS: In and out of sleep -_- never fails #everynight
> AYTO Monday: The Big Day Arrives!
@MTV: The @AREUTHE1 season one cast is returning for #AreYouTheOne: Special Delivery tonight at 10/9c: http://on.mtv.com/1oq4s4Z
@AREUTHE1: We are officially ONE WEEK AWAY from the Season 2 Premiere! Don't miss it!!! #AreYouTheOne
@MaybachDiamonds: I woke up in a used Bugatti.
@MaybachDiamonds: Women don't lie about their age they just honestly can't count that high. #forever21
@MaybachDiamonds: Women are attracted to money and emotion. Men don't have time for emotions cause we're too busy gettin money. #bieber
@MaybachDiamonds: You ever see someone so fat you bonded with a stranger over it?
@brittany_baldi: Live tweet me tonight 10pm during the @AREUTHE1 special on @mtv I'll chat it up with u all :-) #mtv #AreYouTheOne
@AshleighMorgh: Tonight!!! @AREUTHE1 Season 1 baby shower! Who's excited?
@AshleighMorgh: If you're perfect match was standing right in front of you...would you even know it?
- @MaybachDiamonds: @AshleighMorgh nah
- @AshleighMorgh: @MaybachDiamonds I still have our cool photo matchey matchey. Be sure to tune in to @MTV tonight, might see yourself
@AshleighMorgh: #areyoutheone
@MaybachDiamonds: If you drink Natural Light odds are you're rarely seen in natural light.
@IamAdamKuhn: Always be yourself, don't change for anyone.
@shandathapanda: IM TRYNA B UR PRIVATE ISLAND.
@Tindel10: Rumors are there's going to be a sick sneak peak of OUR season 2 premiere after the AYTO S1 reunion tonight. Starts at 10pm #AreYouTheOne
@blacuesta: I heard from a little birdie that an epic sneak peak of #AreYouTheOne season 2 will air right after the #ayto BABY SHOWER tonight! @ 10pm!
@AREUTHE1: Tonight, things are getting awkward. Don't miss the #AreYouTheOne reunion at 10/9c on MTV! http://on.mtv.com/1mc08em
@brittany_baldi: I am donating. Please support our good friend and angel @diembrownmtv #medgift #mtv fight hard baby http://instagram.com/p/tic2Iikx20/
@brittany_baldi: I donated. CLICK HERE HELP @DiemBrownMTV kick cancers booty https://www.medgift.com/DiemsNextChallenge โฆ #MTV #strongheart
- @DiemBrownMTV: Thank you so much ๐ RT @brittany_baldi I donated. CLICK HERE HELP @DiemBrownMTV kick cancers booty https://www.medgift.com/DiemsNextChallenge โฆ #MTV #strongheart
@EikeParis: Sneak peak into Are You The One Season 2 tonight after the Baby Shower special!?! Whaaaaat crazayyy. ๐๐โค๏ธ @AREUTHE1 @mtv
@JayGMTV: Please help support one of the greatest people i have ever met @diembrownmtv. WYou are in my prayers. Every little bit counts. @TheOfficial_CT @mtv www.medgift.com/diemsnextchallenge http://instagram.com/p/tifSb6xgfs/
@dubbucksMTV: "When the obstacles and challenges are great, make sure your dream is even greater. In those situations when you must push forward, it is essential to have something truly meaningful to push toward. You can wish for what might be nice, and you'll probably be disappointed. Instead, reach deep inside, truly dream of how good you know life can be, and make that dream so big you absolutely must bring it to life." -- R.M http://fb.me/6NSSdddsZ
@tabron27: TONIGHT! SEASON ONE CAST, THEN SPECIAL SNEEK PEEK OF SEASON 2!!!!!!! #MTV #areyoutheone #doesntgetanybetter... http://fb.me/2i82rRWKN
@amberleeMTV: Don't miss the @AREUTHE1 Baby Shower reunion tonight on @MTV at 10/9c! I'll be live tweeting so don't misplace your phones! ๐๐ฑ
@AshleighMorgh: Be on the lookout-- I'm in a national McDonalds commercial
- @CSUAKirk: @AshleighMorgh Celeb status right there
- @AshleighMorgh: @CSUAKirk lol naaah
- @CSUAKirk: @AshleighMorgh lol thats a pretty sweet deal though looking forward to seeing you tonight on the reunion
@Coleysia: The clan is back together one last time! Tune it tonight at 9/8 c for the baby shower reunion special! ๐ http://instagram.com/p/tilrEzkrEa/
@AREUTHE1: In preparation for tonight's season 1 REUNION, let's take a look back at the greatest #AreYouTheOne hookups! http://on.mtv.com/YlqFu8
@AshleighMorgh: So cool people can see me in this commercial. #thankful
@dubbucksMTV: Yall be sure to check us out on a special edition of #AreYouTheOne! ๐๐ should be very interesting @AREUTHE1 @mtv http://instagram.com/p/tinqeLFkD4/
@jenniknapmiller: Selfie but moving on, just 1 week until the premiere of #areyoutheone season 2! Tune in tonight for a reunion special of season 1 and a sneak peak of season 2 :-) http://instagram.com/p/tipq1dyWXv/
@JasIPen: Don't miss the @AREUTHE1 Baby Shower reunion tonight on @MTV at 10/9c! Also stay tuned for a sneak peak into what's to come on Season 2!
@EikeParis: My season of #AreYouTheOne premiers in exactly one week! But first let me show you this selfie @AREUTHE1 @mtv
@MTVShowBlog: From decor to dining, here's what we think @amberleeMTV and @EDiamond007's wedding might look like: http://on.mtv.com/YD8Cjj
@IamAdamKuhn: #AreYouTheOne baby shower and Reunion is on tonight on MTV at 10pm. Do not miss it! Last chance to see our whole cast together.
@LaytonJonesMTV: Everyone tune in tonight for Are You The One Season 1 Reunion! Let the baby showers begin! 10/9c on MTV and Be Ready afterwards for Sneak Peek of a great Season 2 to begin October 6th! http://fb.me/1hoBa5HNZ
@EDiamond007: AYTO baby shower special tonight back-to-back on @MTV at 8 and 9pm! Tune in an tweet with @amberleeMTV and myself! #boy #girl
@amberleeMTV: Tune in tonight & watch @EDiamond007 and I find out if we're having a baby BOY or GIRL!! What do you think?! ๐#BlueDiamond ๐#PinkDiamond
@SimoneKelly_: Out in deez streets w/my main biotch @shandathapanda before our show tonight! Tune In Tonight on MTV on MTV at 10pm, will be reuniting tonight for a "special" occasion. http://instagram.com/p/tixKSKSIdM/
@AREUTHE1: Here's what an #AreYouTheOne dream wedding would be like: http://on.mtv.com/YI2beM
@AREUTHE1: 4 hours until #AreYouTheOne's Special Delivery!!
@illBeJacy: OG's
- @iiamkesh: โ@illBeJacy: OG's โ why is @IamJoeyDillon always out of the picture ๐ฉ๐ฉ
- @IamJoeyDillon: @iiamkesh @illBeJacy it was 19 cast members not 20. Didn't yall see that? Lol ๐๐
- @illBeJacy: @IamJoeyDillon @iiamkesh lmao where were you Joey??
- @IamJoeyDillon: @illBeJacy @iiamkesh I was in that photo. You decided to cut me out. Lol. #winning
- @dc408dxtr: @IamJoeyDillon @illBeJacy @iiamkesh well, I actually discovered that pic just before y'all got together in LA for the baby shower, it's actually avi for AYTO casting & somehow they cropped Joey out of it, it was too large to fit everyone
@MTV: If your perfect match was standing right in front of you, would you even know? Step into the #TruthBooth right here! http://matchmachine.mtv.com
@shandathapanda: Anyone else straddling the line between crazy anxiety and just not giving a fuck?
@brittany_baldi: find out the sex of my friends @amberleeMTV @EDiamond007 baby tonight 10pm EST on @mtv http://www.mtv.com/news/1946265/are-you-the-one-dream-wedding/ โฆ #mtv #AreYouTheOne #marriage
@A_Bartolotte: 1 more week....
@AREUTHE1: 3 hours!! #AreYouTheOne #SpecialDelivery
@amberleeMTV: Resting up with my hubby, baby, and puppy before the drama overload tonight!
@AREUTHE1: 2 hours until #SpecialDelivery! #AreYouTheOne
@whaattaafoxx: Less than 2 hours until the #AreYouTheOne Season 1 Baby shower reunion!!! Tune in @ 10 to watch and see a special sneak peak of season 2!
@AshleighMorgh: One hour people! #areyoutheone @MTV @AREUTHE1
@AREUTHE1: ONE HOUR until the #AreYouTheOne season 1 cast REUNITES! #SpecialDelivery
@shandathapanda: Not watching the #AreYouTheOne special until 10 pm on the west coast. Don't spoil it for me.
- @MTV_Christina: @shandathapanda we in the same ๐ฃ.
@ryanmalaty: Ethan and Amber's baby shower airs tonight on @MTV! Watch us get weird one last time #AreYouTheOne
@amberleeMTV: Ohhhh goody! Only in the MTV world would there be so much drama...at my baby shower. One more hour!! http://fb.me/4q7JPsE7s
@EDiamond007: One more hour until the AYTO cast unites for our first baby shower! Who's going to be watching?! #diamondboy #diamondgirl
@MTVshelbs: Be sure to tune into MTV at 10/9c for the Are You The One special delivery episode to see all of your season 1 faves & season 2 sneak peek!!
@whaattaafoxx: Not even an hour!!! Get ready east coast!! @AREUTHE1 #AreYouTheOne #SneakPeak
@EikeParis: I'll be live tweeting during this very special baby shower reunion in an hour! There's a sneak peak n @amberleeMTV 's beautiful baby bump! ๐
@amberleeMTV: Only in the @MTV world would there be SO much drama...at a baby shower. ๐ถ40 more minutes! @AREUTHE1
@MTV_JESS: Hope season 1 brings it tonight ๐ @AREUTHE1! Stay tuned for a brand new sneak peak of season 2 ๐ @MTV 10pm bitchessssss
@IamAdamKuhn: #AreYouTheOne Reunion show in 20 minutes!
@AREUTHE1: We are officially ONE WEEK AWAY from the Season 2 Premiere! Don't miss it!!! #AreYouTheOne
@MaybachDiamonds: I woke up in a used Bugatti.
@MaybachDiamonds: Women don't lie about their age they just honestly can't count that high. #forever21
@MaybachDiamonds: Women are attracted to money and emotion. Men don't have time for emotions cause we're too busy gettin money. #bieber
@MaybachDiamonds: You ever see someone so fat you bonded with a stranger over it?
@brittany_baldi: Live tweet me tonight 10pm during the @AREUTHE1 special on @mtv I'll chat it up with u all :-) #mtv #AreYouTheOne
@AshleighMorgh: Tonight!!! @AREUTHE1 Season 1 baby shower! Who's excited?
@AshleighMorgh: If you're perfect match was standing right in front of you...would you even know it?
- @MaybachDiamonds: @AshleighMorgh nah
- @AshleighMorgh: @MaybachDiamonds I still have our cool photo matchey matchey. Be sure to tune in to @MTV tonight, might see yourself
@AshleighMorgh: #areyoutheone
@MaybachDiamonds: If you drink Natural Light odds are you're rarely seen in natural light.
@IamAdamKuhn: Always be yourself, don't change for anyone.
@shandathapanda: IM TRYNA B UR PRIVATE ISLAND.
@Tindel10: Rumors are there's going to be a sick sneak peak of OUR season 2 premiere after the AYTO S1 reunion tonight. Starts at 10pm #AreYouTheOne
@blacuesta: I heard from a little birdie that an epic sneak peak of #AreYouTheOne season 2 will air right after the #ayto BABY SHOWER tonight! @ 10pm!
@AREUTHE1: Tonight, things are getting awkward. Don't miss the #AreYouTheOne reunion at 10/9c on MTV! http://on.mtv.com/1mc08em
@brittany_baldi: I am donating. Please support our good friend and angel @diembrownmtv #medgift #mtv fight hard baby http://instagram.com/p/tic2Iikx20/
@brittany_baldi: I donated. CLICK HERE HELP @DiemBrownMTV kick cancers booty https://www.medgift.com/DiemsNextChallenge โฆ #MTV #strongheart
- @DiemBrownMTV: Thank you so much ๐ RT @brittany_baldi I donated. CLICK HERE HELP @DiemBrownMTV kick cancers booty https://www.medgift.com/DiemsNextChallenge โฆ #MTV #strongheart
@EikeParis: Sneak peak into Are You The One Season 2 tonight after the Baby Shower special!?! Whaaaaat crazayyy. ๐๐โค๏ธ @AREUTHE1 @mtv
@JayGMTV: Please help support one of the greatest people i have ever met @diembrownmtv. WYou are in my prayers. Every little bit counts. @TheOfficial_CT @mtv www.medgift.com/diemsnextchallenge http://instagram.com/p/tifSb6xgfs/
@dubbucksMTV: "When the obstacles and challenges are great, make sure your dream is even greater. In those situations when you must push forward, it is essential to have something truly meaningful to push toward. You can wish for what might be nice, and you'll probably be disappointed. Instead, reach deep inside, truly dream of how good you know life can be, and make that dream so big you absolutely must bring it to life." -- R.M http://fb.me/6NSSdddsZ
@tabron27: TONIGHT! SEASON ONE CAST, THEN SPECIAL SNEEK PEEK OF SEASON 2!!!!!!! #MTV #areyoutheone #doesntgetanybetter... http://fb.me/2i82rRWKN
@amberleeMTV: Don't miss the @AREUTHE1 Baby Shower reunion tonight on @MTV at 10/9c! I'll be live tweeting so don't misplace your phones! ๐๐ฑ
@AshleighMorgh: Be on the lookout-- I'm in a national McDonalds commercial
- @CSUAKirk: @AshleighMorgh Celeb status right there
- @AshleighMorgh: @CSUAKirk lol naaah
- @CSUAKirk: @AshleighMorgh lol thats a pretty sweet deal though looking forward to seeing you tonight on the reunion
@Coleysia: The clan is back together one last time! Tune it tonight at 9/8 c for the baby shower reunion special! ๐ http://instagram.com/p/tilrEzkrEa/
@AREUTHE1: In preparation for tonight's season 1 REUNION, let's take a look back at the greatest #AreYouTheOne hookups! http://on.mtv.com/YlqFu8
@AshleighMorgh: So cool people can see me in this commercial. #thankful
@dubbucksMTV: Yall be sure to check us out on a special edition of #AreYouTheOne! ๐๐ should be very interesting @AREUTHE1 @mtv http://instagram.com/p/tinqeLFkD4/
@jenniknapmiller: Selfie but moving on, just 1 week until the premiere of #areyoutheone season 2! Tune in tonight for a reunion special of season 1 and a sneak peak of season 2 :-) http://instagram.com/p/tipq1dyWXv/
@JasIPen: Don't miss the @AREUTHE1 Baby Shower reunion tonight on @MTV at 10/9c! Also stay tuned for a sneak peak into what's to come on Season 2!
@EikeParis: My season of #AreYouTheOne premiers in exactly one week! But first let me show you this selfie @AREUTHE1 @mtv
@MTVShowBlog: From decor to dining, here's what we think @amberleeMTV and @EDiamond007's wedding might look like: http://on.mtv.com/YD8Cjj
@IamAdamKuhn: #AreYouTheOne baby shower and Reunion is on tonight on MTV at 10pm. Do not miss it! Last chance to see our whole cast together.
@LaytonJonesMTV: Everyone tune in tonight for Are You The One Season 1 Reunion! Let the baby showers begin! 10/9c on MTV and Be Ready afterwards for Sneak Peek of a great Season 2 to begin October 6th! http://fb.me/1hoBa5HNZ
@EDiamond007: AYTO baby shower special tonight back-to-back on @MTV at 8 and 9pm! Tune in an tweet with @amberleeMTV and myself! #boy #girl
@amberleeMTV: Tune in tonight & watch @EDiamond007 and I find out if we're having a baby BOY or GIRL!! What do you think?! ๐#BlueDiamond ๐#PinkDiamond
@SimoneKelly_: Out in deez streets w/my main biotch @shandathapanda before our show tonight! Tune In Tonight on MTV on MTV at 10pm, will be reuniting tonight for a "special" occasion. http://instagram.com/p/tixKSKSIdM/
@AREUTHE1: Here's what an #AreYouTheOne dream wedding would be like: http://on.mtv.com/YI2beM
@AREUTHE1: 4 hours until #AreYouTheOne's Special Delivery!!
@illBeJacy: OG's
- @iiamkesh: โ@illBeJacy: OG's โ why is @IamJoeyDillon always out of the picture ๐ฉ๐ฉ
- @IamJoeyDillon: @iiamkesh @illBeJacy it was 19 cast members not 20. Didn't yall see that? Lol ๐๐
- @illBeJacy: @IamJoeyDillon @iiamkesh lmao where were you Joey??
- @IamJoeyDillon: @illBeJacy @iiamkesh I was in that photo. You decided to cut me out. Lol. #winning
- @dc408dxtr: @IamJoeyDillon @illBeJacy @iiamkesh well, I actually discovered that pic just before y'all got together in LA for the baby shower, it's actually avi for AYTO casting & somehow they cropped Joey out of it, it was too large to fit everyone
@MTV: If your perfect match was standing right in front of you, would you even know? Step into the #TruthBooth right here! http://matchmachine.mtv.com
@shandathapanda: Anyone else straddling the line between crazy anxiety and just not giving a fuck?
@brittany_baldi: find out the sex of my friends @amberleeMTV @EDiamond007 baby tonight 10pm EST on @mtv http://www.mtv.com/news/1946265/are-you-the-one-dream-wedding/ โฆ #mtv #AreYouTheOne #marriage
@A_Bartolotte: 1 more week....
@AREUTHE1: 3 hours!! #AreYouTheOne #SpecialDelivery
@amberleeMTV: Resting up with my hubby, baby, and puppy before the drama overload tonight!
@AREUTHE1: 2 hours until #SpecialDelivery! #AreYouTheOne
@whaattaafoxx: Less than 2 hours until the #AreYouTheOne Season 1 Baby shower reunion!!! Tune in @ 10 to watch and see a special sneak peak of season 2!
@AshleighMorgh: One hour people! #areyoutheone @MTV @AREUTHE1
@AREUTHE1: ONE HOUR until the #AreYouTheOne season 1 cast REUNITES! #SpecialDelivery
@shandathapanda: Not watching the #AreYouTheOne special until 10 pm on the west coast. Don't spoil it for me.
- @MTV_Christina: @shandathapanda we in the same ๐ฃ.
@ryanmalaty: Ethan and Amber's baby shower airs tonight on @MTV! Watch us get weird one last time #AreYouTheOne
@amberleeMTV: Ohhhh goody! Only in the MTV world would there be so much drama...at my baby shower. One more hour!! http://fb.me/4q7JPsE7s
@EDiamond007: One more hour until the AYTO cast unites for our first baby shower! Who's going to be watching?! #diamondboy #diamondgirl
@MTVshelbs: Be sure to tune into MTV at 10/9c for the Are You The One special delivery episode to see all of your season 1 faves & season 2 sneak peek!!
@whaattaafoxx: Not even an hour!!! Get ready east coast!! @AREUTHE1 #AreYouTheOne #SneakPeak
@EikeParis: I'll be live tweeting during this very special baby shower reunion in an hour! There's a sneak peak n @amberleeMTV 's beautiful baby bump! ๐
@amberleeMTV: Only in the @MTV world would there be SO much drama...at a baby shower. ๐ถ40 more minutes! @AREUTHE1
@MTV_JESS: Hope season 1 brings it tonight ๐ @AREUTHE1! Stay tuned for a brand new sneak peak of season 2 ๐ @MTV 10pm bitchessssss
@IamAdamKuhn: #AreYouTheOne Reunion show in 20 minutes!
> As The Cast Saw It: "Special Delivery"
@MTV: #AreYouTheOne: Special Delivery starts right now! RT if you're watching! @AREUTHE1
@IamJoeyDillon: Let's see what this episode is all about. #AreYouTheOne #AYTO #mtv @AREUTHE1
@AREUTHE1: The #AreYouTheOne S1 cast is back for ONE NIGHT and ONE NIGHT only! Who's watching with me?
@EikeParis: Here we gooooooo #AreYouTheOne
@AshleighMorgh: I miss you @brittany_baldi
- @brittany_baldi: @AshleighMorgh miss u babe!
@AshleighMorgh: Aweeeeee
@Andre_sinclair1: Can't watch #AreYouTheOne , let me know what happens
@AREUTHE1: The anticipation is killing us all. Tell the people what they want to know, are you having a BOY or GIRL? @EDiamond007 #AreYouTheOne
@AREUTHE1: Here comes trouble @SimoneKelly_ and @shandathapanda we have missed you so. <3 #AreYouTheOne
@shandathapanda: WURR MAH HATAZ AT DOE IM READY #AreYouTheOne
@brittany_baldi: I'm rockin' them daisy dukes and cowgirl boots @mtv @AREUTHE1 #AreYouTheOne :-)
@AshleighMorgh: ๐๐๐๐ #areyoutheone
@SimoneKelly_: No fair...I'm on the westcoast and have to wait until 10PM to watch the show! Tell me all about it guys!! Lol
@AshleighMorgh: @MaybachDiamonds you're too funny for me
@jenniknapmiller: I'm chillin I'm out here
@AshleighMorgh: "I'm chillin, I'm out here" #areyoutheone
@IamJoeyDillon: Hahaah. "I'm chillen" answer the question my dude! #AreYouTheOne #AYTO #mtv @mtv @AREUTHE1
@AREUTHE1: Which cast member from S1 have you guys missed the most? #AreYouTheOne
- @dc408dxnow
@IamJoeyDillon: It's a "DONE DEAALLL" (2 chainz voice)
@amberleeMTV: All the @AREUTHE1 ladies look so goooooooddd!!!!! Ow owwwww!!
@IamJoeyDillon: That robe though!!! #AreYouTheOne #AYTO #mtv @AREUTHE1 @MTV
@brittany_baldi: Oh man. The @PaigeBrendel @ChrisScaliMTV @illBeJacy love triangle <3 #mtv
@EikeParis: Holy sh*t @illBeJacy! That's fk'd up!!!! ๐ #ontothenext #aintnothang
@amberleeMTV: You can always count on Simone to start drama....over INSTAGRAM! Really? We're dealing with children, I'm tellin ya.
@SimoneKelly_: โ@amberleeMTV: U can always count on Simone to start drama....Really? We're dealing with children.โ<<well at least I'm not having one.
@EikeParis: @SimoneKelly_ @AREUTHE1 @amberleeMTV @EikeParis: Haters gonna hate. Nothin better than having a baby ๐๐๐โค๏ธ
@EDiamond007: Nice to see u too Simone..
@dubbucksMTV: I can't see the AYTO special for another 2 hours ๐ฉ๐ฉ
@EikeParis: Guess what. I'm on tv right now! ๓พ Tune into MTV and check it out!
@SimoneKelly_: People will do anything for attention....A BABY, tho!?!? A tad bit much!
- @whaattaafoxx: โ@SimoneKelly_: People will do anything for attention....A BABY, tho!?!? A tad bit much!โ Ohhhhhhhh shiiiiittttttttt ๐ฎ๐ณ๐ณ๐ณ
@EDiamond007: The first and last baby shower Simone will ever attend.
@brittany_baldi: "Let's strip" those bodies though @kklusby @PaigeBrendel #MTV
@AREUTHE1: Sorry @ryanmalaty but the dream journal wasn't cool then and it sure isn't cool NOW! #AreYouTheOne
@AshleighMorgh: ๐๐๐
@shandathapanda: Okay I quit. Someone give me a play by play of #AreYouTheOne IM FREAKING OUT I WANNA WATCH ILY
@LaytonJonesMTV: It's getting crazy! Are You The One season 1 reunion! Releasing all new footage of Season 2 from 9-10c! Turn to MTV now and check it out!
@SimoneKelly_: Wats the next stunt Ethan? A leaked sex tape? It's over...u had no fame then, this still remains. The baby shower special isnt even about u.
@amberleeMTV: @ryanmalaty WE LOVE YOU! Hahahaa, even your cheesy poems ๐
@Andre_sinclair1: Anything good yet lol #AreYouTheOne
@IamJoeyDillon: Hahaah. Me and @dubbucksMTV just eatin our wings!! #AreYouTheOne #AYTO #mtv @MTV @AREUTHE1
- @dubbucksMTV: @IamJoeyDillon @MTV @AREUTHE1 dammit I can't watch yet!!! ๐ฉ๐ฉ๐ฉ๐ฉ๐ฉ
- @Andre_sinclair1: @dubbucksMTV @IamJoeyDillon @MTV @AREUTHE1 me neither
- @jenniknapmiller: @IamJoeyDillon @dubbucksMTV @MTV @AREUTHE1 the chillest dudes, just grubbin. I like your style.
- @dubbucksMTV: @jenniknapmiller @IamJoeyDillon @MTV @AREUTHE1 Duh ๐ Lol
- @IamJoeyDillon: @jenniknapmiller @dubbucksMTV @MTV @AREUTHE1 always.
@EikeParis: Well isn't Mr. @ryanmalaty just a charmer as always ๐โค๏ธ
@JustJem24: @SimoneKelly_ stop snapping on everybody & come do my hair ๐. I Also... I miss youuuuuuuuuu woman.
@IamJoeyDillon: OMG WHAT IS IT!!?? #AreYouTheOne #mtv #AYTO @mtv @AREUTHE1 @amberleeMTV @EDiamond007
@amberleeMTV: GIRL OR BOY?? What do you think??๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐ #AreYouTheOne
@IamAdamKuhn: That was kind of mean! Oops!
@SimoneKelly_: My plan was not to tweet Anything Negative...but ma'am, pls know your place or I'll be glad to point u on the direction.
@tabron27: Wait, #AreYouTheOne is actually killing me right now ๐๐ญ๐ญ who else is watching?!?!
@Andre_sinclair1: How I look lol? #AreYouTheOne
@AshleighMorgh: What do you think they're having? #areyoutheone @AREUTHE1
@MTVJessicaPerez: Just arrived a day late
@SimoneKelly_: Don't COME unless I call for u. Thanks.
@SimoneKelly_: Back to the program...Keep me posted, I'm not even watching! Lol
@Coleysia: Sorry I'm late! Back to live tweet!
@brittany_baldi: Me "@illBeJacy a$$ is like an apple i just wanna eat it" #AreYouTheOne #mtv
@AREUTHE1: IT'S A GIRL! Congratulations @EDiamond007 and @AmberLeeMTV Cheers to the first #AreYouTheOne baby.
@EikeParis: ITS A GIRL!!!!! ๐๐๐๐๐ #AreYouTheOnebaby
@EDiamond007: It's a GIRL!! Can't wait to hold my little princess. Couldn't be any happier I Love my beautiful fiancรฉ :)
@amberleeMTV: Anddddd here comes the water works! A mini me YALL!! ๐๐
@brittany_baldi: Its a girl!!! @amberleeMTV @EDiamond007 congrats!! #AreYouTheOne #mtv
@AREUTHE1: Well that was #Awkward. #AreYouTheOne
@shandathapanda: Lol @ the fact that the only play by plays I'm getting is that I'm being an alcoholic. #typical #AreYouTheOne
@AshleighMorgh": #bromance
@SimoneKelly_: By all means, having a child is one of the most beautiful things a woman and man can experience in their life.
@AREUTHE1: The BROMANCE is dead. #RIP #AreYouTheOne
@EDiamond007: Shoulda left Simone at home, ain't nobody got time for you and your hot air
@amberleeMTV: @kklusby was actually one of the sweetest and supportive girls at the baby shower! Thanks doll ๐
@whaattaafoxx: OMG Adam is such a dick lol #AreYouTheOnebaby
@Coleysia: Oh God. Lol!
@AshleighMorgh: So much drama,
@EikeParis: Really @SimoneKelly_? GEEEEEEZ. @AREUTHE1
@MTVJessicaPerez: Simone.... Something's never change. Lol love your crazy ass.
@Coleysia: Must @SimoneKelly_ throw drinks while sitting on my lap?? Lol
- @SimoneKelly_: โ@Coleysia: Must @SimoneKelly_ throw drinks while sitting on my lap?? Lolโ<<<<loveeee u! Lol๐
@SimoneKelly_: However, the fact An engagement/now baby has taken place && keep in mind we haven't known each other One Year does make one go...burr??!
@AREUTHE1: Don't worry guys @TophsTweets is JUST CHILLIN! #AreYouTheOne
@MTVJessicaPerez: The prettiest bestie's. @PaigeBrendel @kklusby
@Andre_sinclair1: I respect all ladies as u see #AreYouTheOne
@EDiamond007: Amber is now 30 weeks along and bigger than ever! Due December 17th!!
@AREUTHE1: OUCH! Why you gotta be so mean? #AreYouTheOne
@AshleighMorgh: OMG! #areyoutheone @AREUTHE1
@EikeParis: THANK GOD @SimoneKelly_ and I weren't in the same house. Hair woulda FLOWNNNN. @mtv @AREUTHE1
- @SimoneKelly_: โ@EikeParis: THANK GOD @SimoneKelly_ and I weren't in the same house. Hair woulda FLOWNNN<<<oh girl, I wouldn't have done that to u! ๐
- โ@AshleighMorgh: @SimoneKelly_ @EikeParis girl you wouldn't have said NOTHING to Simone...
- @EikeParis: @SimoneKelly_ @Modelboi12 Bahahah PLEASE. I'll see you in the challenge next season. Oh wait. You won't last. @mtv @AREUTHE1
@Coleysia: The roast!! Sooooo great!!
@AshleighMorgh: ๐ซ๐ซ๐ซ
- @dubbucksMTV: @AshleighMorgh whaaaaat?
- @AshleighMorgh: @dubbucksMTV he came at my neck.
- @dubbucksMTV: @AshleighMorgh I ain't seen nothing yet so i can't comment ๐ก๐ก๐ก
- @AshleighMorgh: @dubbucksMTV lol 3 hours later... They just showed the roast!
- @dubbucksMTV: @AshleighMorgh ๐ก๐ก๐ก faaaawkkkk lol
- @AshleighMorgh: @dubbucksMTV I know ๐ซ๐ซ๐ซ
@AshleighMorgh: Thanks @MaybachDiamonds
@illBeJacy: Such gentlemen!! ๐#AreYouTheOneSpecialDelivery
@tabron27: So much drama, so much awkwardness tonight on #AreYouTheOne #MTV! This is better than the actual season! ๐ฉ๐ญ but ohhhhh Wait for season 2!
@MtvJess: @MaybachDiamonds lmao this is great! Never seen #AYTO but #AreYouTheOnebaby is #epic
@AREUTHE1: Bravo @MaybachDiamonds you deserve a standing ovation because that was BRILLIANT! #AreYouTheOne
@IamJoeyDillon: YAAASSS the #roast #mtv #AreYouTheOne #AYTO @MTV @AREUTHE1 @MaybachDiamonds haha
@amberleeMTV: This roast doe...๐ณ๐ณ๐ณ all I wanted to do is put earmuffs on our baby! #AreYouTheOne
@AshleighMorgh: My baby love @illBeJacy
@dubbucksMTV: Now I understand why the west coast fans of #AreYouTheOne hated me for spoiling episodes an hour before they saw them this season ๐๐ฉ๐ฉ๐ฉ
@AREUTHE1: It's time to 'Turn Up' #AreYouTheOne style.
@IamJoeyDillon: Lol my #dad is watching this with me and is LOVING it.. Tha fuck? ๐ #AreYouTheOne #mtv @mtv @AREUTHE1
- @dubbucksMTV: @IamJoeyDillon @MTV @AREUTHE1 wait til he see what his son did ๐ณ๐ณ jk
- @IamJoeyDillon: @dubbucksMTV @MTV @AREUTHE1 ???? ๐ฆ
@AshleighMorgh: Obviously I dance really good..
@MTV_JESS: #AreYouTheOne ๐ ๐๐ @AREUTHE1 @MTV
@MTVJessicaPerez: I wasn't at the bar! Lol looks like no lines for me! Love you guys anyway :) I had to work!
@EDiamond007: I think ChrisT was "just out there" or maybe he was "chillin"
@IamJoeyDillon: That's my matchhhhhhh @brittany_baldi #mtv #AreYouTheOne @mtv @AREUTHE1
@MTV_Christina: @TophsTweets seems to be chillin
@shandathapanda: I like to chill too but like, I don't continuously have to say I'm just chillin' YA KNOW WUT IM SAYING? #AreYouTheOne
@brittany_baldi: Yup. Just did diamond pushups at the bar @areuthe1 #mtv #fitness
@MTVJessicaPerez: I still got paid though!!! Oh yeah hahahaha
@Tindel10: @TophsTweets this chilling shit is epic. Breaking the chillin record.
@IamAdamKuhn: @brittany_baldi doing your diamond push-ups haha
- @brittany_baldi: @IamAdamKuhn haha like a boss. Train hard. ;-)
@dubbucksMTV: Hmm good ?. @LightheartedTV @mtv @AREUTHE1 would know ๐ณ๐๐TT@Meeheejane: Ok when is @dubbucksMTV gonna have his own show ?!
@AshleighMorgh: There's no FORCED drama with us..it kinda just happens.. #areyoutheone
@tabron27: @brittany_baldi @illBeJacy wait, you guys can do so much better... #AreYouTheOne #MTV #toobeautiful #morefishinthesea ๐๐๐
@AREUTHE1: I guess some things will never change @brittany_baldi . #AreYouTheOne #Stop
@EDiamond007: If I had a Nickel for every time Adam and Britt were on and off again, I could buy ChrisT a dictionary.
@IamAdamKuhn: That just happened!? #AreYouTheOne
@IamAdamKuhn: Shout out to @BigMikeOD for teaching me that move!
- @MtvJess: @IamAdamKuhn @BigMikeOD lmao you're such an ass!!!!
@IamJoeyDillon: My own match "my@choices were always @ryanmalaty and @IamAdamKuhn " lol hahah. #dahwell #AreYouTheOne #mtv @AREUTHE1 @MTV
@SimoneKelly_ : My job title is Entertainer! That's what I do...I ENTERTAIN! I'm quick w/my words and fast on my feet. Just enjoy the show.
@Modelboi12: @EikeParis don't even give @SimoneKelly_ attention...that's all she wants as you can see
@EikeParis: โ@Modelboi12: @EikeParis don't even give @SimoneKelly_ attention...that's all she wants as you can seeโ BANG BANGGGGGG ๐ซ๐ฃ
@SimoneKelly_: @MTVJessicaPerez love u ma'am!
@AshleighMorgh: @shandathapanda is a boss
@EDiamond007: @illBeJacy We love you!
- @illBeJacy: @EDiamond007 I love you more!! We in the box!! โค๏ธโค๏ธโค๏ธ
@AREUTHE1: Can you guys please kiss and make up already. PRETTY, PRETTY please! #AreYouTheOne
@brittany_baldi: Haha #dumpyadam he can't keep his hands off of me. @IamAdamKuhn we are #justfriends #mtv #AreYouTheOne
@jenniknapmiller: YOU GUYS, CHRIS IS CHILLIN
@kklusby: Okay this was pretty awesome ... #AreYouTheOne #AYTO @PaigeBrendel should've listened to you from day 1
@Coleysia: Wait. Is a season 2 girl coming for @SimoneKelly_ ???
@shandathapanda: Rumor has it that my talk is on, so...thoughts? #AreYouTheOne
@AshleighMorgh: I have to audio narrate for @shandathapanda lol
@SimoneKelly_: Ppl w/their 300 followers from Season 2 that try to tweet me...๐ NO FREE PUT ONS GIVEN!!! Lol.
- @MTV_Christina: @SimoneKelly_ ๐
@IamAdamKuhn: Girls it's not to late to make me your #mcm Hahaha
@EDiamond007: Wait.... I thought this was our baby shower? I guess "Were just out here" I Better go like some of Simone's pics while I'm "chillin"
@MTV_Christina: Dying watching the #AreYouTheOne baby shower !! ๐ Cant front- I love the cast of the first season just as much as the rest of you!
- @Tindel10: @MTV_Christina Now that's a truuuee ass kiss
- @MTV_Christina: @Tindel10 kiss mine while you're at it ๐น
@blacuesta: ON THE REAL THO CAN SEASON 1 & SEASON 2 JUST GET ALONG K THANKS! this is #AreYouTheOne not battle of the seasons
@blacuesta: Season 1: we aren't trying to be you. You guys are the OG's and I think we all respect u guys for putting us on the map....
- @dubbucksMTV: @blacuesta respect that
- @blacuesta: @dubbucksMTV man it's sad honestly. We just wanna share our experiences w u guys cuz u guys can relate to us. We ain't lookin 4 shoutouts
- @dubbucksMTV: @blacuesta only if some folks had the capacity to understand that. I get it
- @EikeParis: @dubbucksMTV @blacuesta Geeez y'all. It was all fun and games till I was called basic. CHILL. NO ONES DYING HERE
- @dubbucksMTV: @EikeParis @blacuesta lmao I dunnoooo...
- @MTV_Christina: @blacuesta @dubbucksMTV I don't like Wes tho.... ๐๐
- โ@dubbucksMTV: @MTV_Christina @blacuesta HA!? oh woooooooord!!!??
- @MTV_Christina: @dubbucksMTV @blacuesta
- @dubbucksMTV: @MTV_Christina @blacuesta ๐๐๐
@blacuesta: Also why WOULDNT we wanna tweet you? You guys went through the same experience as us... Were not looking for "put ons" @SimoneKelly_
- @SimoneKelly_: @blacuesta not u all but in talking about Paris who's forgot to take her pills 2day...I made it very clear in my most recent tweet.
@brittany_baldi: @shandathapanda that eye roll cuts like a knife #mtv #AreYouTheOne
@Coleysia: Aw Shan! ๐ข @shandathapanda
@AREUTHE1: Parting is such sweet sorrow thanks for sending the #AYTO S1 cast off in style. #AreYouTheOne #NeverForget! Season 2 starts NEXT Monday...
@IamJoeyDillon: Let's see what this episode is all about. #AreYouTheOne #AYTO #mtv @AREUTHE1
@AREUTHE1: The #AreYouTheOne S1 cast is back for ONE NIGHT and ONE NIGHT only! Who's watching with me?
@EikeParis: Here we gooooooo #AreYouTheOne
@AshleighMorgh: I miss you @brittany_baldi
- @brittany_baldi: @AshleighMorgh miss u babe!
@AshleighMorgh: Aweeeeee
@Andre_sinclair1: Can't watch #AreYouTheOne , let me know what happens
@AREUTHE1: The anticipation is killing us all. Tell the people what they want to know, are you having a BOY or GIRL? @EDiamond007 #AreYouTheOne
@AREUTHE1: Here comes trouble @SimoneKelly_ and @shandathapanda we have missed you so. <3 #AreYouTheOne
@shandathapanda: WURR MAH HATAZ AT DOE IM READY #AreYouTheOne
@brittany_baldi: I'm rockin' them daisy dukes and cowgirl boots @mtv @AREUTHE1 #AreYouTheOne :-)
@AshleighMorgh: ๐๐๐๐ #areyoutheone
@SimoneKelly_: No fair...I'm on the westcoast and have to wait until 10PM to watch the show! Tell me all about it guys!! Lol
@AshleighMorgh: @MaybachDiamonds you're too funny for me
@jenniknapmiller: I'm chillin I'm out here
@AshleighMorgh: "I'm chillin, I'm out here" #areyoutheone
@IamJoeyDillon: Hahaah. "I'm chillen" answer the question my dude! #AreYouTheOne #AYTO #mtv @mtv @AREUTHE1
@AREUTHE1: Which cast member from S1 have you guys missed the most? #AreYouTheOne
- @dc408dxnow
@IamJoeyDillon: It's a "DONE DEAALLL" (2 chainz voice)
@amberleeMTV: All the @AREUTHE1 ladies look so goooooooddd!!!!! Ow owwwww!!
@IamJoeyDillon: That robe though!!! #AreYouTheOne #AYTO #mtv @AREUTHE1 @MTV
@brittany_baldi: Oh man. The @PaigeBrendel @ChrisScaliMTV @illBeJacy love triangle <3 #mtv
@EikeParis: Holy sh*t @illBeJacy! That's fk'd up!!!! ๐ #ontothenext #aintnothang
@amberleeMTV: You can always count on Simone to start drama....over INSTAGRAM! Really? We're dealing with children, I'm tellin ya.
@SimoneKelly_: โ@amberleeMTV: U can always count on Simone to start drama....Really? We're dealing with children.โ<<well at least I'm not having one.
@EikeParis: @SimoneKelly_ @AREUTHE1 @amberleeMTV @EikeParis: Haters gonna hate. Nothin better than having a baby ๐๐๐โค๏ธ
@EDiamond007: Nice to see u too Simone..
@dubbucksMTV: I can't see the AYTO special for another 2 hours ๐ฉ๐ฉ
@EikeParis: Guess what. I'm on tv right now! ๓พ Tune into MTV and check it out!
@SimoneKelly_: People will do anything for attention....A BABY, tho!?!? A tad bit much!
- @whaattaafoxx: โ@SimoneKelly_: People will do anything for attention....A BABY, tho!?!? A tad bit much!โ Ohhhhhhhh shiiiiittttttttt ๐ฎ๐ณ๐ณ๐ณ
@EDiamond007: The first and last baby shower Simone will ever attend.
@brittany_baldi: "Let's strip" those bodies though @kklusby @PaigeBrendel #MTV
@AREUTHE1: Sorry @ryanmalaty but the dream journal wasn't cool then and it sure isn't cool NOW! #AreYouTheOne
@AshleighMorgh: ๐๐๐
@shandathapanda: Okay I quit. Someone give me a play by play of #AreYouTheOne IM FREAKING OUT I WANNA WATCH ILY
@LaytonJonesMTV: It's getting crazy! Are You The One season 1 reunion! Releasing all new footage of Season 2 from 9-10c! Turn to MTV now and check it out!
@SimoneKelly_: Wats the next stunt Ethan? A leaked sex tape? It's over...u had no fame then, this still remains. The baby shower special isnt even about u.
@amberleeMTV: @ryanmalaty WE LOVE YOU! Hahahaa, even your cheesy poems ๐
@Andre_sinclair1: Anything good yet lol #AreYouTheOne
@IamJoeyDillon: Hahaah. Me and @dubbucksMTV just eatin our wings!! #AreYouTheOne #AYTO #mtv @MTV @AREUTHE1
- @dubbucksMTV: @IamJoeyDillon @MTV @AREUTHE1 dammit I can't watch yet!!! ๐ฉ๐ฉ๐ฉ๐ฉ๐ฉ
- @Andre_sinclair1: @dubbucksMTV @IamJoeyDillon @MTV @AREUTHE1 me neither
- @jenniknapmiller: @IamJoeyDillon @dubbucksMTV @MTV @AREUTHE1 the chillest dudes, just grubbin. I like your style.
- @dubbucksMTV: @jenniknapmiller @IamJoeyDillon @MTV @AREUTHE1 Duh ๐ Lol
- @IamJoeyDillon: @jenniknapmiller @dubbucksMTV @MTV @AREUTHE1 always.
@EikeParis: Well isn't Mr. @ryanmalaty just a charmer as always ๐โค๏ธ
@JustJem24: @SimoneKelly_ stop snapping on everybody & come do my hair ๐. I Also... I miss youuuuuuuuuu woman.
@IamJoeyDillon: OMG WHAT IS IT!!?? #AreYouTheOne #mtv #AYTO @mtv @AREUTHE1 @amberleeMTV @EDiamond007
@amberleeMTV: GIRL OR BOY?? What do you think??๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐ #AreYouTheOne
@IamAdamKuhn: That was kind of mean! Oops!
@SimoneKelly_: My plan was not to tweet Anything Negative...but ma'am, pls know your place or I'll be glad to point u on the direction.
@tabron27: Wait, #AreYouTheOne is actually killing me right now ๐๐ญ๐ญ who else is watching?!?!
@Andre_sinclair1: How I look lol? #AreYouTheOne
@AshleighMorgh: What do you think they're having? #areyoutheone @AREUTHE1
@MTVJessicaPerez: Just arrived a day late
@SimoneKelly_: Don't COME unless I call for u. Thanks.
@SimoneKelly_: Back to the program...Keep me posted, I'm not even watching! Lol
@Coleysia: Sorry I'm late! Back to live tweet!
@brittany_baldi: Me "@illBeJacy a$$ is like an apple i just wanna eat it" #AreYouTheOne #mtv
@AREUTHE1: IT'S A GIRL! Congratulations @EDiamond007 and @AmberLeeMTV Cheers to the first #AreYouTheOne baby.
@EikeParis: ITS A GIRL!!!!! ๐๐๐๐๐ #AreYouTheOnebaby
@EDiamond007: It's a GIRL!! Can't wait to hold my little princess. Couldn't be any happier I Love my beautiful fiancรฉ :)
@amberleeMTV: Anddddd here comes the water works! A mini me YALL!! ๐๐
@brittany_baldi: Its a girl!!! @amberleeMTV @EDiamond007 congrats!! #AreYouTheOne #mtv
@AREUTHE1: Well that was #Awkward. #AreYouTheOne
@shandathapanda: Lol @ the fact that the only play by plays I'm getting is that I'm being an alcoholic. #typical #AreYouTheOne
@AshleighMorgh": #bromance
@SimoneKelly_: By all means, having a child is one of the most beautiful things a woman and man can experience in their life.
@AREUTHE1: The BROMANCE is dead. #RIP #AreYouTheOne
@EDiamond007: Shoulda left Simone at home, ain't nobody got time for you and your hot air
@amberleeMTV: @kklusby was actually one of the sweetest and supportive girls at the baby shower! Thanks doll ๐
@whaattaafoxx: OMG Adam is such a dick lol #AreYouTheOnebaby
@Coleysia: Oh God. Lol!
@AshleighMorgh: So much drama,
@EikeParis: Really @SimoneKelly_? GEEEEEEZ. @AREUTHE1
@MTVJessicaPerez: Simone.... Something's never change. Lol love your crazy ass.
@Coleysia: Must @SimoneKelly_ throw drinks while sitting on my lap?? Lol
- @SimoneKelly_: โ@Coleysia: Must @SimoneKelly_ throw drinks while sitting on my lap?? Lolโ<<<<loveeee u! Lol๐
@SimoneKelly_: However, the fact An engagement/now baby has taken place && keep in mind we haven't known each other One Year does make one go...burr??!
@AREUTHE1: Don't worry guys @TophsTweets is JUST CHILLIN! #AreYouTheOne
@MTVJessicaPerez: The prettiest bestie's. @PaigeBrendel @kklusby
@Andre_sinclair1: I respect all ladies as u see #AreYouTheOne
@EDiamond007: Amber is now 30 weeks along and bigger than ever! Due December 17th!!
@AREUTHE1: OUCH! Why you gotta be so mean? #AreYouTheOne
@AshleighMorgh: OMG! #areyoutheone @AREUTHE1
@EikeParis: THANK GOD @SimoneKelly_ and I weren't in the same house. Hair woulda FLOWNNNN. @mtv @AREUTHE1
- @SimoneKelly_: โ@EikeParis: THANK GOD @SimoneKelly_ and I weren't in the same house. Hair woulda FLOWNNN<<<oh girl, I wouldn't have done that to u! ๐
- โ@AshleighMorgh: @SimoneKelly_ @EikeParis girl you wouldn't have said NOTHING to Simone...
- @EikeParis: @SimoneKelly_ @Modelboi12 Bahahah PLEASE. I'll see you in the challenge next season. Oh wait. You won't last. @mtv @AREUTHE1
@Coleysia: The roast!! Sooooo great!!
@AshleighMorgh: ๐ซ๐ซ๐ซ
- @dubbucksMTV: @AshleighMorgh whaaaaat?
- @AshleighMorgh: @dubbucksMTV he came at my neck.
- @dubbucksMTV: @AshleighMorgh I ain't seen nothing yet so i can't comment ๐ก๐ก๐ก
- @AshleighMorgh: @dubbucksMTV lol 3 hours later... They just showed the roast!
- @dubbucksMTV: @AshleighMorgh ๐ก๐ก๐ก faaaawkkkk lol
- @AshleighMorgh: @dubbucksMTV I know ๐ซ๐ซ๐ซ
@AshleighMorgh: Thanks @MaybachDiamonds
@illBeJacy: Such gentlemen!! ๐#AreYouTheOneSpecialDelivery
@tabron27: So much drama, so much awkwardness tonight on #AreYouTheOne #MTV! This is better than the actual season! ๐ฉ๐ญ but ohhhhh Wait for season 2!
@MtvJess: @MaybachDiamonds lmao this is great! Never seen #AYTO but #AreYouTheOnebaby is #epic
@AREUTHE1: Bravo @MaybachDiamonds you deserve a standing ovation because that was BRILLIANT! #AreYouTheOne
@IamJoeyDillon: YAAASSS the #roast #mtv #AreYouTheOne #AYTO @MTV @AREUTHE1 @MaybachDiamonds haha
@amberleeMTV: This roast doe...๐ณ๐ณ๐ณ all I wanted to do is put earmuffs on our baby! #AreYouTheOne
@AshleighMorgh: My baby love @illBeJacy
@dubbucksMTV: Now I understand why the west coast fans of #AreYouTheOne hated me for spoiling episodes an hour before they saw them this season ๐๐ฉ๐ฉ๐ฉ
@AREUTHE1: It's time to 'Turn Up' #AreYouTheOne style.
@IamJoeyDillon: Lol my #dad is watching this with me and is LOVING it.. Tha fuck? ๐ #AreYouTheOne #mtv @mtv @AREUTHE1
- @dubbucksMTV: @IamJoeyDillon @MTV @AREUTHE1 wait til he see what his son did ๐ณ๐ณ jk
- @IamJoeyDillon: @dubbucksMTV @MTV @AREUTHE1 ???? ๐ฆ
@AshleighMorgh: Obviously I dance really good..
@MTV_JESS: #AreYouTheOne ๐ ๐๐ @AREUTHE1 @MTV
@MTVJessicaPerez: I wasn't at the bar! Lol looks like no lines for me! Love you guys anyway :) I had to work!
@EDiamond007: I think ChrisT was "just out there" or maybe he was "chillin"
@IamJoeyDillon: That's my matchhhhhhh @brittany_baldi #mtv #AreYouTheOne @mtv @AREUTHE1
@MTV_Christina: @TophsTweets seems to be chillin
@shandathapanda: I like to chill too but like, I don't continuously have to say I'm just chillin' YA KNOW WUT IM SAYING? #AreYouTheOne
@brittany_baldi: Yup. Just did diamond pushups at the bar @areuthe1 #mtv #fitness
@MTVJessicaPerez: I still got paid though!!! Oh yeah hahahaha
@Tindel10: @TophsTweets this chilling shit is epic. Breaking the chillin record.
@IamAdamKuhn: @brittany_baldi doing your diamond push-ups haha
- @brittany_baldi: @IamAdamKuhn haha like a boss. Train hard. ;-)
@dubbucksMTV: Hmm good ?. @LightheartedTV @mtv @AREUTHE1 would know ๐ณ๐๐TT@Meeheejane: Ok when is @dubbucksMTV gonna have his own show ?!
@AshleighMorgh: There's no FORCED drama with us..it kinda just happens.. #areyoutheone
@tabron27: @brittany_baldi @illBeJacy wait, you guys can do so much better... #AreYouTheOne #MTV #toobeautiful #morefishinthesea ๐๐๐
@AREUTHE1: I guess some things will never change @brittany_baldi . #AreYouTheOne #Stop
@EDiamond007: If I had a Nickel for every time Adam and Britt were on and off again, I could buy ChrisT a dictionary.
@IamAdamKuhn: That just happened!? #AreYouTheOne
@IamAdamKuhn: Shout out to @BigMikeOD for teaching me that move!
- @MtvJess: @IamAdamKuhn @BigMikeOD lmao you're such an ass!!!!
@IamJoeyDillon: My own match "my@choices were always @ryanmalaty and @IamAdamKuhn " lol hahah. #dahwell #AreYouTheOne #mtv @AREUTHE1 @MTV
@SimoneKelly_ : My job title is Entertainer! That's what I do...I ENTERTAIN! I'm quick w/my words and fast on my feet. Just enjoy the show.
@Modelboi12: @EikeParis don't even give @SimoneKelly_ attention...that's all she wants as you can see
@EikeParis: โ@Modelboi12: @EikeParis don't even give @SimoneKelly_ attention...that's all she wants as you can seeโ BANG BANGGGGGG ๐ซ๐ฃ
@SimoneKelly_: @MTVJessicaPerez love u ma'am!
@AshleighMorgh: @shandathapanda is a boss
@EDiamond007: @illBeJacy We love you!
- @illBeJacy: @EDiamond007 I love you more!! We in the box!! โค๏ธโค๏ธโค๏ธ
@AREUTHE1: Can you guys please kiss and make up already. PRETTY, PRETTY please! #AreYouTheOne
@brittany_baldi: Haha #dumpyadam he can't keep his hands off of me. @IamAdamKuhn we are #justfriends #mtv #AreYouTheOne
@jenniknapmiller: YOU GUYS, CHRIS IS CHILLIN
@kklusby: Okay this was pretty awesome ... #AreYouTheOne #AYTO @PaigeBrendel should've listened to you from day 1
@Coleysia: Wait. Is a season 2 girl coming for @SimoneKelly_ ???
@shandathapanda: Rumor has it that my talk is on, so...thoughts? #AreYouTheOne
@AshleighMorgh: I have to audio narrate for @shandathapanda lol
@SimoneKelly_: Ppl w/their 300 followers from Season 2 that try to tweet me...๐ NO FREE PUT ONS GIVEN!!! Lol.
- @MTV_Christina: @SimoneKelly_ ๐
@IamAdamKuhn: Girls it's not to late to make me your #mcm Hahaha
@EDiamond007: Wait.... I thought this was our baby shower? I guess "Were just out here" I Better go like some of Simone's pics while I'm "chillin"
@MTV_Christina: Dying watching the #AreYouTheOne baby shower !! ๐ Cant front- I love the cast of the first season just as much as the rest of you!
- @Tindel10: @MTV_Christina Now that's a truuuee ass kiss
- @MTV_Christina: @Tindel10 kiss mine while you're at it ๐น
@blacuesta: ON THE REAL THO CAN SEASON 1 & SEASON 2 JUST GET ALONG K THANKS! this is #AreYouTheOne not battle of the seasons
@blacuesta: Season 1: we aren't trying to be you. You guys are the OG's and I think we all respect u guys for putting us on the map....
- @dubbucksMTV: @blacuesta respect that
- @blacuesta: @dubbucksMTV man it's sad honestly. We just wanna share our experiences w u guys cuz u guys can relate to us. We ain't lookin 4 shoutouts
- @dubbucksMTV: @blacuesta only if some folks had the capacity to understand that. I get it
- @EikeParis: @dubbucksMTV @blacuesta Geeez y'all. It was all fun and games till I was called basic. CHILL. NO ONES DYING HERE
- @dubbucksMTV: @EikeParis @blacuesta lmao I dunnoooo...
- @MTV_Christina: @blacuesta @dubbucksMTV I don't like Wes tho.... ๐๐
- โ@dubbucksMTV: @MTV_Christina @blacuesta HA!? oh woooooooord!!!??
- @MTV_Christina: @dubbucksMTV @blacuesta
- @dubbucksMTV: @MTV_Christina @blacuesta ๐๐๐
@blacuesta: Also why WOULDNT we wanna tweet you? You guys went through the same experience as us... Were not looking for "put ons" @SimoneKelly_
- @SimoneKelly_: @blacuesta not u all but in talking about Paris who's forgot to take her pills 2day...I made it very clear in my most recent tweet.
@brittany_baldi: @shandathapanda that eye roll cuts like a knife #mtv #AreYouTheOne
@Coleysia: Aw Shan! ๐ข @shandathapanda
@AREUTHE1: Parting is such sweet sorrow thanks for sending the #AYTO S1 cast off in style. #AreYouTheOne #NeverForget! Season 2 starts NEXT Monday...
> After Hours, The Day After and The Passing of the Baton
@EDiamond007: Well at least we got some pretty cool baby stuff! Baby registry on http://Target.com if y'all want to check it out! @Target #gotlove
@SimoneKelly_: Look Parona/Pig/Paris/whatever u call yourself. U R new to this...I am TRUE to this! Do ur research & utilize ur resources baby... #catchup
@MaybachDiamonds: Still lookin for that baby... #Stilltheone
@AshleighMorgh: @JasIPen and @MTV_Christina are my faves...of season two!
- @MTV_Christina: @AshleighMorgh @JasIPen Jaz and I were just talking this weekend about how much we love you!
- @AshleighMorgh: @MTV_Christina @JasIPen lets hangouttttt dennnn!
- @JasIPen: @AshleighMorgh @MTV_Christina well Cali's where it's at. Ask Christina. We converted her too
- @AshleighMorgh: @JasIPen @MTV_Christina is she moving?!!! I'll be in LA in January!!
- @MTV_Christina: @AshleighMorgh @JasIPen Actually, plans are in the making!!
- @AshleighMorgh: @MTV_Christina @JasIPen grotsky little biatches. I would but it's sooo far! Let's link in Cali!!
- @MTV_Christina: @AshleighMorgh @JasIPen Down ๐ we go too hard sometimes and get kicked out for dancing on tables but it'll be a good time! @blacuesta
- @AshleighMorgh: @MTV_Christina @JasIPen yes @blacuesta too!! Nothing wrong with a good turn up #ayto style ๐๐๐
- @JasIPen: @MTV_Christina @AshleighMorgh @blacuesta shes not exaggerating ....haha bring it!
@TophsTweets: #justchillen
@shandathapanda: Hey guys is it still cool to live tweet the show when it comes on here or naaaah? Actually idc bc I'm going to do it anyway #AreYouTheOne
- @blacuesta: @shandathapanda don't worry I'm gonna do it with you
@A_Bartolotte: That preview was fucking sick.... Stay tuned
@AshleighMorgh: Thanks everyone for watching us one last time!! #areyoutheone
@brittany_baldi: Season 2 looking pretty solid but they have some big shoes to fill Oct 6th 10pm #AreYouTheOne #MTV #teambaldi
@SimoneKelly_: Thanks everyone for watching tonight!!๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐ Hopefully you'll see me on your screens again...๐
@AshleighMorgh: Lol um soooo what was that water flying challenge doeeee? That looked like fun!! @AREUTHE1 #areyoutheone I miss challenges..
@Andre_sinclair1: Follow my IG Andre_sinclair1 #AreYouTheOne
@jenniknapmiller: How about that sneak peak thoooo, get ready ๐ @AREUTHE1 @MTV
@AshleighMorgh: Congrats to @amberleeMTV and Ethan on their baby girl
@AshleighMorgh: We're just a dysfunctional family..
@Tindel10: @shandathapanda and @TophsTweets never fail. Love those two. #AreYouTheOne
- @MTV_Christina: @Tindel10 @shandathapanda @TophsTweets ass kiss in the building orrrr?
@MTV_Christina: The ghetto stream to watch this damn show almost had me ramming my head through a wall BUT I successfully watched AYTO ๐ #yee
@AshleighMorgh: @MTVJessicaPerez lol jess
@MTV_Christina: @dubbucksMTV @blacuesta
@IamAdamKuhn: I'm all about making bold moves #areyoutheone
@A_Bartolotte: Missed the trailer for the second season? Flip on MTV at 11pm central time... Don't be late
@brittany_baldi: If you missed the @AREUTHE1 special with the SEASON 1 CAST its on @mtv NOW #mtv #AreYouTheOne :-)
@Andre_sinclair1: It's been real #AreYouTheOne passing the torch to season 2. I'm done. Back to my acting. Keep them ๐ open #AreYouTheOne
- @MTV_Christina: @Andre_sinclair1 ๐๐ thanks man
- @dubbucksMTV: @Andre_sinclair1 I'm sayin tho โ
@tabron27: You support me, I'll support you. Point. blank. period.
@AshleighMorgh: Season 1 will always be season 1... But season 2 of #ayto will be good..they're just as crazy haha! #areyoutheone @AREUTHE1 @MTV
@amberleeMTV: All in all, I'm so thankful for @mtv and @AREUTHE1 for bringing Ethan & baby into my life and for putting together this lovely baby shower ๐
@AshleighMorgh: Vote! RT @AshleighMorgh: Vote to help cast @AshleighMorgh as Aspen in upcoming feature The Driver: http://juntoboxfilms.com/castings/2/auditions/507 โฆ via @juntoboxfilms
@blacuesta: Yo......was that blood at the end of that #AreYouTheOne season 2 sneak peak? #notcool
@dubbucksMTV: Season 1 was dope... We made shhh happen... Got it poppin... But Season 2 of #AreYouTheOne is gonna be entertaining af! ๐๐ @mtv @AREUTHE1
@EDiamond007: Nothing else matters, Nothing else compares, I hope everyone can experience the feeling of being a parent one day. #gotlove #babydiamond
@IamAdamKuhn: #AreYouTheOne Season 2 I better see you all fighting and banging a lot this season!
- @MTV_Christina: @IamAdamKuhn Oh, for sure. For sure.
@brittany_baldi: @MaybachDiamonds killin' it with that roast. laughed just as hard as I did in person #AreYouTheOne #MTV #Comedian
@dubbucksMTV: Staaaawp lol RT@Iam_Blov3: I remember when @dubbucksMTV had 300 followers.. We go wayyyy back ๐๐
@MTVshelbs: If you missed the Season 2 sneak peek you can still catch it again at 11 on @MTV! #AreYouTheOne
@brittany_baldi: @ryanmalaty is such a kind hearted gentleman. we had fun together in Boston for those of u wondering :-) #AreYouTheOne #besties
@PrimeTimeSiebs: โ@breezyy_babyyy: @PrimeTimeSiebs do you think AYTO season 2 lives up to the first?!โ I loved the first season but we are way more fun ๐
@EikeParis: ANYWAYS! Congrats on a little angel girl @amberleeMTV @EDiamond007! You guys will make great parents. This reunion is about you ๐ @AREUTHE1
@brittany_baldi: a real man ALWAYS has nice things to say about a woman. A boy can't handle her confidence #AreYouTheOne
@MTV_JESS: And here we goooo ๐๐
@brittany_baldi: welp. thats a wrap! hope u enjoyed the craziness of season1 <3 love u all and thanks for watching xo #AreYouTheOne goodnight
@JasIPen: In honor of the fckin excitement for Season 2 of #MTVs #AreYouTheOne premiering in ONE WEEK....tune inโฆ http://instagram.com/p/tjiALrx7dW/
@brittany_baldi: the queen bee has spoken "good people always get redemption.... because tools stay tools" @laurelstucky #MTV #AreYouTheOne
@Andre_sinclair1: thanks boo
@MTV_Christina: Wait, lemme guess- the ultimate love experiment is BACK?! @AREUTHE1 @MTV #AreYouTheOne #MTV
@MTV_JESS: I love my fabfour watching them makes me miss them so much ! I love youuuuu @whaattaafoxx @blacuesta @MTV_Christina #goonies
- @whaattaafoxx: @MTV_JESS @blacuesta @MTV_Christina I miss y'all so muchhh
@brittany_baldi: last 1 of the night. for those of u that DID NOT KNOW @TophsTweets is #justchillin #AreYouTheOne ;)
@amberleeMTV: "Omg, can I smell your drinks? They smell so good..." ๐ธ๐น๐ท#PregnancyProblems
@MTV_JESS: " I do not give a flying f*ckkkkkkk" @Pratt_MTV
@PaigeBrendel: This little nugget of mine @kklusby
@MTV_JESS: #goonies didnt even know each other but still managed to walk in together! #bestfriends @whaattaafoxx @blacuesta
@MTV_JESS: If @MTV did it right, this season should be #MADNESS #waymoredrama ๐ @AREUTHE1
@tabron27: Are you guys even up right now? How was everyone's day? Good I hope.
@brittany_baldi: for the record NO I AM NOT DATING or HOOKING UP with Adam. better fish in the sea as u all tell me ;-) #AreYouTheOne
@brittany_baldi: Do what U love to do. Never change for anyone...and its HOCKEY season :-) #bruins #nhl #smile #mtvโฆ http://instagram.com/p/tjoyc8Exzb/
@MTV_JESS: It's a bird it's a plane .. No it's me trying to jetboardd ๐๐๐ @AREUTHE1 @MTV #typicalpose #barbieproblems ๐
@SimoneKelly_: Me and @shandathapanda bout to watch this "shower special" on MTV w/these Mitches @dillanhoward &&โฆ http://instagram.com/p/tjp60USIcp/
@dubbucksMTV: Yeaaaah! We out here! In Beverly Hills! Getting money! Getting honies! ...... Not really ๐ Checkin' out dis premiere
@blacuesta: Boy or girl!?!? What do you guys think @amberleeMTV and @EDiamond007 are havin!? #AreYouTheOne #AreYouTheOneSpecialDelivery
@SimoneKelly_: @MaybachDiamonds u the baby's daddy?!!? Lol. Watching it for the first time!!
@shandathapanda: WE ARE BOSSES DOEEEE @SimoneKelly_ @Coleysia @IamAdamKuhn
@SimoneKelly_: โ@shandathapanda: WE ARE BOSSES DOEEEE @SimoneKelly_ @Coleysia @IamAdamKuhnโ<<<< #LIMORIDE
@dillanhoward: We used to be on the television @shandathapanda @dubbucksMTV @SimoneKelly_ #AreYouTheOneSpecialDelivery
@shandathapanda: Wait you chillin' ??? #AreYouTheOne
@blacuesta: To Chris t has apparently "been out here" he's chillin #AreYouTheOne
@SimoneKelly_: "I'm chilling..." Chris T. Lol.
@shandathapanda: "He's racist." LOLOLOL - @MaybachDiamonds
@blacuesta: Dramarama I love it #AreYouTheOne #goodtv
@whaattaafoxx: That was such a great Sneak Peak!!! 6 days PEOPLE!!! @AREUTHE1 #AreYouTheOne ๐๐๐๐๐๐ณ
@blacuesta: Woah I just saw my head on tv #AreYouTheOne
@SimoneKelly_: Have u ever seen me post a picture of my toe on IG??? I'll wait.
@mtvdario: And that's a wrap for today
@dillanhoward: How are babies made? #AreYouTheOneSpecialDelivery
@JasIPen: "Are you the one" who got her pregnant ?" Haha that was great. #AreYouTheOneSpecialDelivery
@blacuesta: She's not allowed to date until she's 70 - @EDiamond007 @amberleeMTV
@blacuesta: My anaconda don't want none unless you got jacys buns hun! @illBeJacy
@SimoneKelly_: @brittany_baldi is such a DUDE!!!!! Talking about Jacy ass ๐๐๐๐๐ #AreYouTheOneSpecialDelivery
- @brittany_baldi: @SimoneKelly_ haha she has a nice booty though like a juicy apple ;) haha
@whaattaafoxx: KO time ๐ด
@blacuesta: It's a GIRL!!!! #AreYouTheOne #AreYouTheOneSpecialDelivery
@dillanhoward: Wait...Amber is Asian? #AreYouTheOneSpecialDelivery
@shandathapanda: CONGRATS TO @amberleeMTV and @EDiamond007! They're naming their baby girl Shanley! #AreYouTheOne
@dubbucksMTV: @IamAdamKuhn got me WEAK on this reunion ๐๐
- @blacuesta: @dubbucksMTV @IamAdamKuhn fucking hilarious
- @IamAdamKuhn: @dubbucksMTV haha bro it got crazy
@SimoneKelly_: I fucking LOVE U @IamAdamKuhn !!! Lol๐๐
@blacuesta: Living with Ryan is like living with a bitchy gf- @IamAdamKuhn ๐๐
@SimoneKelly_: Eff these commercials!!!! Lol
@blacuesta: Kayla's only friend Paige i amDYING @MaybachDiamonds
@blacuesta: Pretending to be straight HAHAHHAHAHA @MaybachDiamonds
@blacuesta: Anyone notice how slow and slurred I say "there's no way were not a match" like damn bitch calm down on the alcohol Jesus #AreYouTheOne
@blacuesta: Hey @illBeJacy there ain't nada wrong with HJs on a plane get it girl #AreYouTheOne #AreYouTheOneSpecialDelivery
@illBeJacy: @blacuesta lmao ๐
@blacuesta: What a cocky son of a bitch ๐ @IamAdamKuhn
@blacuesta: 5 minutes left of the #areyoutheone baby shower and then a sneak peak for season 2!!!! woooo!!
@MTV_JESS: Dysfunctional love stories ! Hey baeee @LaytonJonesMTV
@TophsTweets: Through all this experience I can honestly say woman are really good at talking shit in under 140 characters
@A_Bartolotte: @MTV @AREUTHE1 I've got one question for ya... Are you ready?
@JasIPen: Catch me, @blacuesta & @chickalexx on @KUSI_News tomorrow! Filming live in the morning at 9am. #AreYouTheOne #AYTO #SDnews
@shandathapanda: Well it's over for me and the OG's for a bit and it's bittersweet. Thank you all for the love and support! See you soon ๐ #AreYouTheOne
@blacuesta: proud to announce that me, @JasIPen , and @chickalexx will be on @KUSI_News tomorrow at 9am!!! Tune in to watch us talk about #AreYouTheOne
@Curtishadzicki: Cant wait for october 6th.
@shandathapanda: Oh totally forgot to tweet this gem #AreYouTheOne LIKE LITERAL GEM. GO DAD!
@shandathapanda: If I learned anything from the experience it's to not take anyone's bullshit. Dueces dickfuck.
@SimoneKelly_: Look Parona/Pig/Paris/whatever u call yourself. U R new to this...I am TRUE to this! Do ur research & utilize ur resources baby... #catchup
@MaybachDiamonds: Still lookin for that baby... #Stilltheone
@AshleighMorgh: @JasIPen and @MTV_Christina are my faves...of season two!
- @MTV_Christina: @AshleighMorgh @JasIPen Jaz and I were just talking this weekend about how much we love you!
- @AshleighMorgh: @MTV_Christina @JasIPen lets hangouttttt dennnn!
- @JasIPen: @AshleighMorgh @MTV_Christina well Cali's where it's at. Ask Christina. We converted her too
- @AshleighMorgh: @JasIPen @MTV_Christina is she moving?!!! I'll be in LA in January!!
- @MTV_Christina: @AshleighMorgh @JasIPen Actually, plans are in the making!!
- @AshleighMorgh: @MTV_Christina @JasIPen grotsky little biatches. I would but it's sooo far! Let's link in Cali!!
- @MTV_Christina: @AshleighMorgh @JasIPen Down ๐ we go too hard sometimes and get kicked out for dancing on tables but it'll be a good time! @blacuesta
- @AshleighMorgh: @MTV_Christina @JasIPen yes @blacuesta too!! Nothing wrong with a good turn up #ayto style ๐๐๐
- @JasIPen: @MTV_Christina @AshleighMorgh @blacuesta shes not exaggerating ....haha bring it!
@TophsTweets: #justchillen
@shandathapanda: Hey guys is it still cool to live tweet the show when it comes on here or naaaah? Actually idc bc I'm going to do it anyway #AreYouTheOne
- @blacuesta: @shandathapanda don't worry I'm gonna do it with you
@A_Bartolotte: That preview was fucking sick.... Stay tuned
@AshleighMorgh: Thanks everyone for watching us one last time!! #areyoutheone
@brittany_baldi: Season 2 looking pretty solid but they have some big shoes to fill Oct 6th 10pm #AreYouTheOne #MTV #teambaldi
@SimoneKelly_: Thanks everyone for watching tonight!!๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐ Hopefully you'll see me on your screens again...๐
@AshleighMorgh: Lol um soooo what was that water flying challenge doeeee? That looked like fun!! @AREUTHE1 #areyoutheone I miss challenges..
@Andre_sinclair1: Follow my IG Andre_sinclair1 #AreYouTheOne
@jenniknapmiller: How about that sneak peak thoooo, get ready ๐ @AREUTHE1 @MTV
@AshleighMorgh: Congrats to @amberleeMTV and Ethan on their baby girl
@AshleighMorgh: We're just a dysfunctional family..
@Tindel10: @shandathapanda and @TophsTweets never fail. Love those two. #AreYouTheOne
- @MTV_Christina: @Tindel10 @shandathapanda @TophsTweets ass kiss in the building orrrr?
@MTV_Christina: The ghetto stream to watch this damn show almost had me ramming my head through a wall BUT I successfully watched AYTO ๐ #yee
@AshleighMorgh: @MTVJessicaPerez lol jess
@MTV_Christina: @dubbucksMTV @blacuesta
@IamAdamKuhn: I'm all about making bold moves #areyoutheone
@A_Bartolotte: Missed the trailer for the second season? Flip on MTV at 11pm central time... Don't be late
@brittany_baldi: If you missed the @AREUTHE1 special with the SEASON 1 CAST its on @mtv NOW #mtv #AreYouTheOne :-)
@Andre_sinclair1: It's been real #AreYouTheOne passing the torch to season 2. I'm done. Back to my acting. Keep them ๐ open #AreYouTheOne
- @MTV_Christina: @Andre_sinclair1 ๐๐ thanks man
- @dubbucksMTV: @Andre_sinclair1 I'm sayin tho โ
@tabron27: You support me, I'll support you. Point. blank. period.
@AshleighMorgh: Season 1 will always be season 1... But season 2 of #ayto will be good..they're just as crazy haha! #areyoutheone @AREUTHE1 @MTV
@amberleeMTV: All in all, I'm so thankful for @mtv and @AREUTHE1 for bringing Ethan & baby into my life and for putting together this lovely baby shower ๐
@AshleighMorgh: Vote! RT @AshleighMorgh: Vote to help cast @AshleighMorgh as Aspen in upcoming feature The Driver: http://juntoboxfilms.com/castings/2/auditions/507 โฆ via @juntoboxfilms
@blacuesta: Yo......was that blood at the end of that #AreYouTheOne season 2 sneak peak? #notcool
@dubbucksMTV: Season 1 was dope... We made shhh happen... Got it poppin... But Season 2 of #AreYouTheOne is gonna be entertaining af! ๐๐ @mtv @AREUTHE1
@EDiamond007: Nothing else matters, Nothing else compares, I hope everyone can experience the feeling of being a parent one day. #gotlove #babydiamond
@IamAdamKuhn: #AreYouTheOne Season 2 I better see you all fighting and banging a lot this season!
- @MTV_Christina: @IamAdamKuhn Oh, for sure. For sure.
@brittany_baldi: @MaybachDiamonds killin' it with that roast. laughed just as hard as I did in person #AreYouTheOne #MTV #Comedian
@dubbucksMTV: Staaaawp lol RT@Iam_Blov3: I remember when @dubbucksMTV had 300 followers.. We go wayyyy back ๐๐
@MTVshelbs: If you missed the Season 2 sneak peek you can still catch it again at 11 on @MTV! #AreYouTheOne
@brittany_baldi: @ryanmalaty is such a kind hearted gentleman. we had fun together in Boston for those of u wondering :-) #AreYouTheOne #besties
@PrimeTimeSiebs: โ@breezyy_babyyy: @PrimeTimeSiebs do you think AYTO season 2 lives up to the first?!โ I loved the first season but we are way more fun ๐
@EikeParis: ANYWAYS! Congrats on a little angel girl @amberleeMTV @EDiamond007! You guys will make great parents. This reunion is about you ๐ @AREUTHE1
@brittany_baldi: a real man ALWAYS has nice things to say about a woman. A boy can't handle her confidence #AreYouTheOne
@MTV_JESS: And here we goooo ๐๐
@brittany_baldi: welp. thats a wrap! hope u enjoyed the craziness of season1 <3 love u all and thanks for watching xo #AreYouTheOne goodnight
@JasIPen: In honor of the fckin excitement for Season 2 of #MTVs #AreYouTheOne premiering in ONE WEEK....tune inโฆ http://instagram.com/p/tjiALrx7dW/
@brittany_baldi: the queen bee has spoken "good people always get redemption.... because tools stay tools" @laurelstucky #MTV #AreYouTheOne
@Andre_sinclair1: thanks boo
@MTV_Christina: Wait, lemme guess- the ultimate love experiment is BACK?! @AREUTHE1 @MTV #AreYouTheOne #MTV
@MTV_JESS: I love my fabfour watching them makes me miss them so much ! I love youuuuu @whaattaafoxx @blacuesta @MTV_Christina #goonies
- @whaattaafoxx: @MTV_JESS @blacuesta @MTV_Christina I miss y'all so muchhh
@brittany_baldi: last 1 of the night. for those of u that DID NOT KNOW @TophsTweets is #justchillin #AreYouTheOne ;)
@amberleeMTV: "Omg, can I smell your drinks? They smell so good..." ๐ธ๐น๐ท#PregnancyProblems
@MTV_JESS: " I do not give a flying f*ckkkkkkk" @Pratt_MTV
@PaigeBrendel: This little nugget of mine @kklusby
@MTV_JESS: #goonies didnt even know each other but still managed to walk in together! #bestfriends @whaattaafoxx @blacuesta
@MTV_JESS: If @MTV did it right, this season should be #MADNESS #waymoredrama ๐ @AREUTHE1
@tabron27: Are you guys even up right now? How was everyone's day? Good I hope.
@brittany_baldi: for the record NO I AM NOT DATING or HOOKING UP with Adam. better fish in the sea as u all tell me ;-) #AreYouTheOne
@brittany_baldi: Do what U love to do. Never change for anyone...and its HOCKEY season :-) #bruins #nhl #smile #mtvโฆ http://instagram.com/p/tjoyc8Exzb/
@MTV_JESS: It's a bird it's a plane .. No it's me trying to jetboardd ๐๐๐ @AREUTHE1 @MTV #typicalpose #barbieproblems ๐
@SimoneKelly_: Me and @shandathapanda bout to watch this "shower special" on MTV w/these Mitches @dillanhoward &&โฆ http://instagram.com/p/tjp60USIcp/
@dubbucksMTV: Yeaaaah! We out here! In Beverly Hills! Getting money! Getting honies! ...... Not really ๐ Checkin' out dis premiere
@blacuesta: Boy or girl!?!? What do you guys think @amberleeMTV and @EDiamond007 are havin!? #AreYouTheOne #AreYouTheOneSpecialDelivery
@SimoneKelly_: @MaybachDiamonds u the baby's daddy?!!? Lol. Watching it for the first time!!
@shandathapanda: WE ARE BOSSES DOEEEE @SimoneKelly_ @Coleysia @IamAdamKuhn
@SimoneKelly_: โ@shandathapanda: WE ARE BOSSES DOEEEE @SimoneKelly_ @Coleysia @IamAdamKuhnโ<<<< #LIMORIDE
@dillanhoward: We used to be on the television @shandathapanda @dubbucksMTV @SimoneKelly_ #AreYouTheOneSpecialDelivery
@shandathapanda: Wait you chillin' ??? #AreYouTheOne
@blacuesta: To Chris t has apparently "been out here" he's chillin #AreYouTheOne
@SimoneKelly_: "I'm chilling..." Chris T. Lol.
@shandathapanda: "He's racist." LOLOLOL - @MaybachDiamonds
@blacuesta: Dramarama I love it #AreYouTheOne #goodtv
@whaattaafoxx: That was such a great Sneak Peak!!! 6 days PEOPLE!!! @AREUTHE1 #AreYouTheOne ๐๐๐๐๐๐ณ
@blacuesta: Woah I just saw my head on tv #AreYouTheOne
@SimoneKelly_: Have u ever seen me post a picture of my toe on IG??? I'll wait.
@mtvdario: And that's a wrap for today
@dillanhoward: How are babies made? #AreYouTheOneSpecialDelivery
@JasIPen: "Are you the one" who got her pregnant ?" Haha that was great. #AreYouTheOneSpecialDelivery
@blacuesta: She's not allowed to date until she's 70 - @EDiamond007 @amberleeMTV
@blacuesta: My anaconda don't want none unless you got jacys buns hun! @illBeJacy
@SimoneKelly_: @brittany_baldi is such a DUDE!!!!! Talking about Jacy ass ๐๐๐๐๐ #AreYouTheOneSpecialDelivery
- @brittany_baldi: @SimoneKelly_ haha she has a nice booty though like a juicy apple ;) haha
@whaattaafoxx: KO time ๐ด
@blacuesta: It's a GIRL!!!! #AreYouTheOne #AreYouTheOneSpecialDelivery
@dillanhoward: Wait...Amber is Asian? #AreYouTheOneSpecialDelivery
@shandathapanda: CONGRATS TO @amberleeMTV and @EDiamond007! They're naming their baby girl Shanley! #AreYouTheOne
@dubbucksMTV: @IamAdamKuhn got me WEAK on this reunion ๐๐
- @blacuesta: @dubbucksMTV @IamAdamKuhn fucking hilarious
- @IamAdamKuhn: @dubbucksMTV haha bro it got crazy
@SimoneKelly_: I fucking LOVE U @IamAdamKuhn !!! Lol๐๐
@blacuesta: Living with Ryan is like living with a bitchy gf- @IamAdamKuhn ๐๐
@SimoneKelly_: Eff these commercials!!!! Lol
@blacuesta: Kayla's only friend Paige i amDYING @MaybachDiamonds
@blacuesta: Pretending to be straight HAHAHHAHAHA @MaybachDiamonds
@blacuesta: Anyone notice how slow and slurred I say "there's no way were not a match" like damn bitch calm down on the alcohol Jesus #AreYouTheOne
@blacuesta: Hey @illBeJacy there ain't nada wrong with HJs on a plane get it girl #AreYouTheOne #AreYouTheOneSpecialDelivery
@illBeJacy: @blacuesta lmao ๐
@blacuesta: What a cocky son of a bitch ๐ @IamAdamKuhn
@blacuesta: 5 minutes left of the #areyoutheone baby shower and then a sneak peak for season 2!!!! woooo!!
@MTV_JESS: Dysfunctional love stories ! Hey baeee @LaytonJonesMTV
@TophsTweets: Through all this experience I can honestly say woman are really good at talking shit in under 140 characters
@A_Bartolotte: @MTV @AREUTHE1 I've got one question for ya... Are you ready?
@JasIPen: Catch me, @blacuesta & @chickalexx on @KUSI_News tomorrow! Filming live in the morning at 9am. #AreYouTheOne #AYTO #SDnews
@shandathapanda: Well it's over for me and the OG's for a bit and it's bittersweet. Thank you all for the love and support! See you soon ๐ #AreYouTheOne
@blacuesta: proud to announce that me, @JasIPen , and @chickalexx will be on @KUSI_News tomorrow at 9am!!! Tune in to watch us talk about #AreYouTheOne
@Curtishadzicki: Cant wait for october 6th.
@shandathapanda: Oh totally forgot to tweet this gem #AreYouTheOne LIKE LITERAL GEM. GO DAD!
@shandathapanda: If I learned anything from the experience it's to not take anyone's bullshit. Dueces dickfuck.
> As The Fans Saw It
@BigTymers228: I Cant Wait To Watch @Andre_sinclair1 @ChrisScaliMTV @IamAdamKuhn @dubbucksMTV @IamJoeyDillon On The AYTO Originals Reunion Special Tonight
@BigTymers228: I Can't Wait To Watch @MaybachDiamonds @ryanmalaty @dillanhoward @TophsTweets On The AYTO Originals Reunion Special Tonight
@BigTymers228: ICant Wait To Watch @PaigeBrendel @MTVJessicaPerez @AshleighMorgh @Coleysia @brittany_baldi @illBeJacy On The AYTO Originals Reunion Special Tonight It's Gonna Be A Good One
@BigTymers228: I Can't Wait To Watch @shandathapanda @kklusby @SimoneKelly_ On The AYTO Originals Reunion Special Tonight
@BigTymers228: I Can't Wait To Watch @amberleeMTV @EDiamond007 On The AYTO Originals Reunion/Perfect Match/Baby Shower Special Tonight
@BigTymers228: @JasIPen @laurashall93 @tabron27 @blacuesta @whaattaafoxx We're Officially 1 Week (7 Days) Away From The Premiere Of AYTO Season 2. I Can't Wait To Watch You Next Week On AYTO & My Mondays Are Gonna Be Busy Now With Love & Hip Hop Hollywood,Basketball,Football,Wrestling, Work,Gym, & Ofc AYTO
@BigTymers228: @mtv_jess @MTV_Christina @MTVshelbs @chickalexx @EikeParis @jenniknapmiller We're Officially 1 Week (7 Days) Away From The AYTO Season 2 Premiere I Can't Wait To Watch You Next Week My Mondays Are Gonna Be Busy Now & Ofc Entertaining Again
- @MTV_JESS: @BigTymers228 stay tuned for the aftermatch at 11 ๐ !!!!
- @BigTymers228: @MTV_JESS ohh really? Ight Bet I'll Do That
@BigTymers228: @Modelboi12 @AlexPhillipz @mtvdario @Curtishadzicki @MTVJohnMoustis We're Officially 1 Week (7 Days) Away From Th Premiere Of AYTO Season 2. I Can't Wait To Watch You Next Week On AYTO For Real
@BigTymers228: @Pratt_MTV @A_Bartolotte @PrimeTimeSiebs @Tindel10 @LaytonJonesMTV We're Officially 1 Week (7 Days) Away From The Premiere Of AYTO Season 2. I Can't Wait To Watch You Next Week On AYTO For Real
@BigTymers228: The only thing Im gonna miss about aytos1 is seeing thesebeautiful women @paigebrendel @MTVJessicaPerez @AshleighMorgh @Coleysia @illBeJacy
@BigTymers228: These ayto Originals @andre_sinclair1 @ChrisScaliMTV @IamAdamKuhn @dubbucksMTV @IamJoeyDillon @dillanhoward @EDiamond007 Got Swag & Class
@CSUAKirk: what storyline's am i looking forward to seeing update @shandathapanda @SimoneKelly_ @amberleeMTV @brittany_baldi @illBeJacy @IamAdamKuhn @TophsTweets @MaybachDiamonds http://t.co/2tChqOraOL
@CSUAKirk: #NF @MTVshelbs aka my perfect match had I been on the show http://t.co/xt0OFKon2l
@BigTymers228: @CSUAKirk @MTVshelbs how did you do that?
@CSUAKirk: @BigTymers228 its somewhere on the http://t.co/pZ9oJpWqeA page
@BigTymers228: I Went On The MTV Website & I Went On The AYTO Perfect Match Machine & I End Up Getting @JasIPen As My Perfect Match http://t.co/iQW0whbQ15
@busdriversroute: Message to MNF: you better offer competitive football because I'll have no problem flipping over and watching @AREUTHE1 live moving forward.
@CSUAKirk: working on getting a new #AreYouTheOne season 1 guest for this weekend I think you guys are going to like it #Bigtimerealtytv
@Justin_Rhines: @CSUAKirk Who exactly?
@CSUAKirk: @Justin_Rhines not going to say quite yet but i've never had him or her on my shows
@Justin_Rhines: @CSUAKirk Sounds quite interesting then.
@JanelMcG: @CSUAKirk Sounds cool... we can recap the Special Delivery episode too...
@CSUAKirk: @JanelMcG let me see what day my guest wants to go on and we'll do the day before
@busdriversroute: And by "I want to reveal it with all my friends" that definitely means "MTV called and said we still own you so we're doing this." #AYTO
@kendallongg: They're playing Simone ๐ญ๐ญ๐ซ๐๐๐๐ #AreYouTheOne
@busdriversroute: I knew I liked @EDiamond007. I treat my news feed as sacred. Flood it with crap, I don't care who you are, you're getting unfollowed.
@kendallongg: Forgive & forget @shandathapanda ๐
@busdriversroute: If Simone doesn't get kicked out of the Challenge house for fighting that will be one of the great upsets in reality TV history.
- @MTVChallenge26: @busdriversroute Simone vs Nia LOL
@kendallongg: This roast ๐๐ #AreYouTheOne
@busdriversroute: I take back everything I ever said about John Jacobs. I cannot wait for your Challenge debut. Please hold nothing back. #AYTO
- @MTVChallenge26: @busdriversroute I am thinking the same
- @JanelMcG: @busdriversroute Him and Simone are gonna be almost too good for TV!
@JanelMcG: This is why I can't wait to see @MaybachDiamonds and @SimoneKelly_ on the challenge! ๐ฎ๐
@busdriversroute: OK, seriously, how high is Chris T? Does he even know where he is? #AYTO
@kmacisco: So happy to see @ChrisScaliMTV on tv again ๐๐๐๐ #AreYouTheOne
@busdriversroute: My lord are @IamAdamKuhn and @brittany_baldi going to be Challenge stars. Top draft picks whose stocks continue to rise. #AYTO
@busdriversroute: Wait wait wait, did Chris actually just start that with "for real dog"??? That can't be right. Is that right @shandathapanda?
@neyasivera: My tl is interesting now...more hilarious tho
@busdriversroute: Takeaways: Get Scali on a Challenge STAT. Shanley is still awesome. Chris is nuts. I didn't remember half of the cast. To season 2... #RHAP
@KatieeBug143: #AreYouTheOneSpecialDelivery WOOHOO!:) @PaigeBrendel @dillanhoward @dubbucksMTV @kklusby @amberleeMTV @EDiamond007 @illBeJacy @SimoneKelly_ @Coleysia @ryanmalaty @MaybachDiamonds @shandathapanda @ChrisScaliMTV @IamJoeyDillon @AshleighMorgh @brittany_baldi @MTVJessicaPerez I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!!
@KatieeBug143: How many times did Chris T say he was "chillin"!? LOL #AreYouTheOneSpecialDelivery #reunion #funny #missthem @AREUTHE1
@busdriversroute: I didn't realize how much I missed watching crazy people on MTV. Can't wait to #RHAP it up with @lashtweets tomorrow. http://www.robhasawebsite.com/challengeitunes
@KatieeBug143: NO ITS OVER..AGAIN! I miss "my" #AreYouTheOne season one cast! ๐ฉ๐ข lol Good update! @dubbucksMTV @dillanhoward @illBeJacy @PaigeBrendel @kklusby @EDiamond007 @MaybachDiamonds @Coleysia @AshleighMorgh @ChrisScaliMTV @ctolleson5 @shandathapanda @SimoneKelly_ @amberleeMTV @MTVJessicaPerez @brittany_baldi LOVE YALL!!!! ๐๐โบ๏ธ
@CSUAKirk: Voice over now time for #AreYouTheOneSpecialDelivery
@CSUAKirk: "Free food free cake and free champaign @SimoneKelly_ #AreYouTheOneSpecialDelivery
@CSUAKirk: Chris t already looks done #AreYouTheOneSpecialDelivery
@CSUAKirk: Dang two follows from two season one are you the one ladies @SimoneKelly_ and @illBeJacy awesome
@CSUAKirk: @brittany_baldi you super tan you look amazing #AreYouTheOneSpecialDelivery
@CSUAKirk: Oh god Ryan and his damn journal lol #AreYouTheOneSpecialDelivery
@CSUAKirk: Wouldn't have guessed Ryan and Adam weren't friends any more they were on an interview with @AshleyWeitzel together #AreYouTheOne
@CSUAKirk: @IamAdamKuhn about Ryan that was hilarious comparing him to a bitchy girl #AreYouTheOneSpecialDelivery
@CSUAKirk: @SimoneKelly_ I'm loving you on this reunion special
@CSUAKirk: Jj was on a roll till he tried roasting @illBeJacy went too far there bro #AreYouTheOneSpecialDelivery
@CSUAKirk: Is Chris t chilling #AreYouTheOneSpecialDelivery question of the day lol
@CSUAKirk: I didn't see that coming with @illBeJacy and @ChrisScaliMTV #AreYouTheOneSpecialDelivery
@CSUAKirk: I'm not going to say the two words I'm chilling ever again lol #AreYouTheOneSpecialDelivery
@CSUAKirk: @shandathapanda proud of you for sticking up for yourself :)
@CSUAKirk: My expectations for #AreYouTheOne season 2 are so freaking high please don't let me down guys and girls
@BigTymers228: I Can't Wait To Watch @MaybachDiamonds @ryanmalaty @dillanhoward @TophsTweets On The AYTO Originals Reunion Special Tonight
@BigTymers228: ICant Wait To Watch @PaigeBrendel @MTVJessicaPerez @AshleighMorgh @Coleysia @brittany_baldi @illBeJacy On The AYTO Originals Reunion Special Tonight It's Gonna Be A Good One
@BigTymers228: I Can't Wait To Watch @shandathapanda @kklusby @SimoneKelly_ On The AYTO Originals Reunion Special Tonight
@BigTymers228: I Can't Wait To Watch @amberleeMTV @EDiamond007 On The AYTO Originals Reunion/Perfect Match/Baby Shower Special Tonight
@BigTymers228: @JasIPen @laurashall93 @tabron27 @blacuesta @whaattaafoxx We're Officially 1 Week (7 Days) Away From The Premiere Of AYTO Season 2. I Can't Wait To Watch You Next Week On AYTO & My Mondays Are Gonna Be Busy Now With Love & Hip Hop Hollywood,Basketball,Football,Wrestling, Work,Gym, & Ofc AYTO
@BigTymers228: @mtv_jess @MTV_Christina @MTVshelbs @chickalexx @EikeParis @jenniknapmiller We're Officially 1 Week (7 Days) Away From The AYTO Season 2 Premiere I Can't Wait To Watch You Next Week My Mondays Are Gonna Be Busy Now & Ofc Entertaining Again
- @MTV_JESS: @BigTymers228 stay tuned for the aftermatch at 11 ๐ !!!!
- @BigTymers228: @MTV_JESS ohh really? Ight Bet I'll Do That
@BigTymers228: @Modelboi12 @AlexPhillipz @mtvdario @Curtishadzicki @MTVJohnMoustis We're Officially 1 Week (7 Days) Away From Th Premiere Of AYTO Season 2. I Can't Wait To Watch You Next Week On AYTO For Real
@BigTymers228: @Pratt_MTV @A_Bartolotte @PrimeTimeSiebs @Tindel10 @LaytonJonesMTV We're Officially 1 Week (7 Days) Away From The Premiere Of AYTO Season 2. I Can't Wait To Watch You Next Week On AYTO For Real
@BigTymers228: The only thing Im gonna miss about aytos1 is seeing thesebeautiful women @paigebrendel @MTVJessicaPerez @AshleighMorgh @Coleysia @illBeJacy
@BigTymers228: These ayto Originals @andre_sinclair1 @ChrisScaliMTV @IamAdamKuhn @dubbucksMTV @IamJoeyDillon @dillanhoward @EDiamond007 Got Swag & Class
@CSUAKirk: what storyline's am i looking forward to seeing update @shandathapanda @SimoneKelly_ @amberleeMTV @brittany_baldi @illBeJacy @IamAdamKuhn @TophsTweets @MaybachDiamonds http://t.co/2tChqOraOL
@CSUAKirk: #NF @MTVshelbs aka my perfect match had I been on the show http://t.co/xt0OFKon2l
@BigTymers228: @CSUAKirk @MTVshelbs how did you do that?
@CSUAKirk: @BigTymers228 its somewhere on the http://t.co/pZ9oJpWqeA page
@BigTymers228: I Went On The MTV Website & I Went On The AYTO Perfect Match Machine & I End Up Getting @JasIPen As My Perfect Match http://t.co/iQW0whbQ15
@busdriversroute: Message to MNF: you better offer competitive football because I'll have no problem flipping over and watching @AREUTHE1 live moving forward.
@CSUAKirk: working on getting a new #AreYouTheOne season 1 guest for this weekend I think you guys are going to like it #Bigtimerealtytv
@Justin_Rhines: @CSUAKirk Who exactly?
@CSUAKirk: @Justin_Rhines not going to say quite yet but i've never had him or her on my shows
@Justin_Rhines: @CSUAKirk Sounds quite interesting then.
@JanelMcG: @CSUAKirk Sounds cool... we can recap the Special Delivery episode too...
@CSUAKirk: @JanelMcG let me see what day my guest wants to go on and we'll do the day before
@busdriversroute: And by "I want to reveal it with all my friends" that definitely means "MTV called and said we still own you so we're doing this." #AYTO
@kendallongg: They're playing Simone ๐ญ๐ญ๐ซ๐๐๐๐ #AreYouTheOne
@busdriversroute: I knew I liked @EDiamond007. I treat my news feed as sacred. Flood it with crap, I don't care who you are, you're getting unfollowed.
@kendallongg: Forgive & forget @shandathapanda ๐
@busdriversroute: If Simone doesn't get kicked out of the Challenge house for fighting that will be one of the great upsets in reality TV history.
- @MTVChallenge26: @busdriversroute Simone vs Nia LOL
@kendallongg: This roast ๐๐ #AreYouTheOne
@busdriversroute: I take back everything I ever said about John Jacobs. I cannot wait for your Challenge debut. Please hold nothing back. #AYTO
- @MTVChallenge26: @busdriversroute I am thinking the same
- @JanelMcG: @busdriversroute Him and Simone are gonna be almost too good for TV!
@JanelMcG: This is why I can't wait to see @MaybachDiamonds and @SimoneKelly_ on the challenge! ๐ฎ๐
@busdriversroute: OK, seriously, how high is Chris T? Does he even know where he is? #AYTO
@kmacisco: So happy to see @ChrisScaliMTV on tv again ๐๐๐๐ #AreYouTheOne
@busdriversroute: My lord are @IamAdamKuhn and @brittany_baldi going to be Challenge stars. Top draft picks whose stocks continue to rise. #AYTO
@busdriversroute: Wait wait wait, did Chris actually just start that with "for real dog"??? That can't be right. Is that right @shandathapanda?
@neyasivera: My tl is interesting now...more hilarious tho
@busdriversroute: Takeaways: Get Scali on a Challenge STAT. Shanley is still awesome. Chris is nuts. I didn't remember half of the cast. To season 2... #RHAP
@KatieeBug143: #AreYouTheOneSpecialDelivery WOOHOO!:) @PaigeBrendel @dillanhoward @dubbucksMTV @kklusby @amberleeMTV @EDiamond007 @illBeJacy @SimoneKelly_ @Coleysia @ryanmalaty @MaybachDiamonds @shandathapanda @ChrisScaliMTV @IamJoeyDillon @AshleighMorgh @brittany_baldi @MTVJessicaPerez I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!!
@KatieeBug143: How many times did Chris T say he was "chillin"!? LOL #AreYouTheOneSpecialDelivery #reunion #funny #missthem @AREUTHE1
@busdriversroute: I didn't realize how much I missed watching crazy people on MTV. Can't wait to #RHAP it up with @lashtweets tomorrow. http://www.robhasawebsite.com/challengeitunes
@KatieeBug143: NO ITS OVER..AGAIN! I miss "my" #AreYouTheOne season one cast! ๐ฉ๐ข lol Good update! @dubbucksMTV @dillanhoward @illBeJacy @PaigeBrendel @kklusby @EDiamond007 @MaybachDiamonds @Coleysia @AshleighMorgh @ChrisScaliMTV @ctolleson5 @shandathapanda @SimoneKelly_ @amberleeMTV @MTVJessicaPerez @brittany_baldi LOVE YALL!!!! ๐๐โบ๏ธ
@CSUAKirk: Voice over now time for #AreYouTheOneSpecialDelivery
@CSUAKirk: "Free food free cake and free champaign @SimoneKelly_ #AreYouTheOneSpecialDelivery
@CSUAKirk: Chris t already looks done #AreYouTheOneSpecialDelivery
@CSUAKirk: Dang two follows from two season one are you the one ladies @SimoneKelly_ and @illBeJacy awesome
@CSUAKirk: @brittany_baldi you super tan you look amazing #AreYouTheOneSpecialDelivery
@CSUAKirk: Oh god Ryan and his damn journal lol #AreYouTheOneSpecialDelivery
@CSUAKirk: Wouldn't have guessed Ryan and Adam weren't friends any more they were on an interview with @AshleyWeitzel together #AreYouTheOne
@CSUAKirk: @IamAdamKuhn about Ryan that was hilarious comparing him to a bitchy girl #AreYouTheOneSpecialDelivery
@CSUAKirk: @SimoneKelly_ I'm loving you on this reunion special
@CSUAKirk: Jj was on a roll till he tried roasting @illBeJacy went too far there bro #AreYouTheOneSpecialDelivery
@CSUAKirk: Is Chris t chilling #AreYouTheOneSpecialDelivery question of the day lol
@CSUAKirk: I didn't see that coming with @illBeJacy and @ChrisScaliMTV #AreYouTheOneSpecialDelivery
@CSUAKirk: I'm not going to say the two words I'm chilling ever again lol #AreYouTheOneSpecialDelivery
@CSUAKirk: @shandathapanda proud of you for sticking up for yourself :)
@CSUAKirk: My expectations for #AreYouTheOne season 2 are so freaking high please don't let me down guys and girls
@dc408dxnow: Hi everyone, welcome to #AreYouTheOne on #DCNOW. I'm @dc408dxtr & I'll be your LT host to season 2 starting next week & tonight's S1 reunion
@dc408dxnow: To fellow followers here, please caution that this account will be flooded w/ tweets from cast & me coming up tonight & in the coming weeks.
@dc408dxnow: But this is being done to service west coast fans so that they can have the same live tweet experience as other viewers. So, welcome aboard.
@dc408dxnow: 188 days ago tonight, they won $1 million & then saw a proposal. Now, the season 1 cast of #AreYouTheOne gathers to celebrate a new baby.
@dc408dxnow: It was just after the reunion aired & @EDiamond007 moved down to Texas that @amberleeMTV found out that she was pregnant. #AreYouTheOne
@dc408dxnow: And then the dream team comes together. They entered Hawaii unlucky in love, but left the islands w/ friends, relationships & $1 million.
@dc408dxnow: We see @shandathapanda & @SimoneKelly_. Remember that one time when they were in each other's faces after that 2nd perfect match?
@dc408dxnow: Fellas are all laughing & enjoying themselves. But there's some awkwardness w/ some meeting each other for 1st time in months. #AreYouTheOne
@dc408dxnow: It's likewise for the girls too. And @illBeJacy is telling them about what happened w/ her & Scali. Now to the pool & the guests of honor.
@dc408dxnow: @AREUTHE1 I've missed everyone on the cast. I'm lucky to have followed their journey from the start, so I've been there all the way.
@dc408dxnow: Everyone's at the pool, and then the first awkward moment: Shanley sees Chris and she & Simone talk about the fallout from that relationship
@dc408dxnow: .@EDiamond007 & @brittany_baldi talking about what might happen w/ kids ahead. My fam knows, it's a tough thing to raise kids.
@dc408dxnow: Look who's made an appearance: @ryanmalaty's journal. He's reciting a very good message for @EDiamond007 @amberleeMTV. #AreYouTheOne
@dc408dxnow: There's a box w/ a question mark. @dubbucksMTV @Andre_sinclair1 & everyone wondering what's in there. A boy? A girl? Something else?
@dc408dxnow: There it is, Pink balloons mean that "it's a girl!" Nothing like celebrating it with those who you lived with in paradise. #AreYouTheOne
@dc408dxnow: .@RyanMalaty & @IamAdamKuhn talking at the bar, wasn't long ago they were living together in VA, but that bromance has faded a bit.
@dc408dxnow: Now to the stage, @MaybachDiamonds & it's a roast of the entire S1 cast. Well @AlexPhillipz, what you got for us as S2's resident comedian?
@dc408dxnow: Considering all the drama we've seen so far, it's always nice to take some time to lighten up & enjoy a laugh w/ friends. #AreYouTheOne
@dc408dxnow: .@Coleysia: "they don't throw baby showers like they used to." #AreYouTheOne #SpecialDelivery
@dc408dxnow: Time for our #AreYouTheOne friends to enjoy what they didn't get to do in Hawaii: enjoy the nightlife. Cranley is the talk of the club.
@dc408dxnow: Not only is Cranley talk dominating the buzz, @brittany_baldi @IamAdamKuhn also talking too. Who would've thought that few months back?
@dc408dxnow: Now Scali and Jacy talking face to face. This over what happened with him not showing up to hang out with her. Lots of awkwardness.
@dc408dxnow: As she & Scali continue talking, just a reminder @illBeJacy's home country of Puerto Rico will host #AreYouTheOne S2 starting next Monday.
@dc408dxnow: Well there it is! @brittany_baldi & @IamAdamKuhn share a kiss. Then she's w/ @ryanmalaty. A postseason triangle on our hands here?
@dc408dxnow: Now comes the hard part: Shanley is told by Simone to try & mend things w/ Chris in the street. Awkwardness in Hollywood. #AreYouTheOne
@dc408dxnow: Although our proud couple are the stars of tonight's reunion, it's safe to say others are sharing the stage in Hollywood. #AreYouTheOne
@dc408dxnow: Now some reflection from all the S1 cast of #AreYouTheOne. It's a special bond of strangers that is so much more than just a TV show.
@dc408dxnow: And now after S1's tremendous success, it's time to see what the sequel has in store for us. #AreYouTheOne S2 starts in 6 days & 23 hours.
@dc408dxnow: To fellow followers here, please caution that this account will be flooded w/ tweets from cast & me coming up tonight & in the coming weeks.
@dc408dxnow: But this is being done to service west coast fans so that they can have the same live tweet experience as other viewers. So, welcome aboard.
@dc408dxnow: 188 days ago tonight, they won $1 million & then saw a proposal. Now, the season 1 cast of #AreYouTheOne gathers to celebrate a new baby.
@dc408dxnow: It was just after the reunion aired & @EDiamond007 moved down to Texas that @amberleeMTV found out that she was pregnant. #AreYouTheOne
@dc408dxnow: And then the dream team comes together. They entered Hawaii unlucky in love, but left the islands w/ friends, relationships & $1 million.
@dc408dxnow: We see @shandathapanda & @SimoneKelly_. Remember that one time when they were in each other's faces after that 2nd perfect match?
@dc408dxnow: Fellas are all laughing & enjoying themselves. But there's some awkwardness w/ some meeting each other for 1st time in months. #AreYouTheOne
@dc408dxnow: It's likewise for the girls too. And @illBeJacy is telling them about what happened w/ her & Scali. Now to the pool & the guests of honor.
@dc408dxnow: @AREUTHE1 I've missed everyone on the cast. I'm lucky to have followed their journey from the start, so I've been there all the way.
@dc408dxnow: Everyone's at the pool, and then the first awkward moment: Shanley sees Chris and she & Simone talk about the fallout from that relationship
@dc408dxnow: .@EDiamond007 & @brittany_baldi talking about what might happen w/ kids ahead. My fam knows, it's a tough thing to raise kids.
@dc408dxnow: Look who's made an appearance: @ryanmalaty's journal. He's reciting a very good message for @EDiamond007 @amberleeMTV. #AreYouTheOne
@dc408dxnow: There's a box w/ a question mark. @dubbucksMTV @Andre_sinclair1 & everyone wondering what's in there. A boy? A girl? Something else?
@dc408dxnow: There it is, Pink balloons mean that "it's a girl!" Nothing like celebrating it with those who you lived with in paradise. #AreYouTheOne
@dc408dxnow: .@RyanMalaty & @IamAdamKuhn talking at the bar, wasn't long ago they were living together in VA, but that bromance has faded a bit.
@dc408dxnow: Now to the stage, @MaybachDiamonds & it's a roast of the entire S1 cast. Well @AlexPhillipz, what you got for us as S2's resident comedian?
@dc408dxnow: Considering all the drama we've seen so far, it's always nice to take some time to lighten up & enjoy a laugh w/ friends. #AreYouTheOne
@dc408dxnow: .@Coleysia: "they don't throw baby showers like they used to." #AreYouTheOne #SpecialDelivery
@dc408dxnow: Time for our #AreYouTheOne friends to enjoy what they didn't get to do in Hawaii: enjoy the nightlife. Cranley is the talk of the club.
@dc408dxnow: Not only is Cranley talk dominating the buzz, @brittany_baldi @IamAdamKuhn also talking too. Who would've thought that few months back?
@dc408dxnow: Now Scali and Jacy talking face to face. This over what happened with him not showing up to hang out with her. Lots of awkwardness.
@dc408dxnow: As she & Scali continue talking, just a reminder @illBeJacy's home country of Puerto Rico will host #AreYouTheOne S2 starting next Monday.
@dc408dxnow: Well there it is! @brittany_baldi & @IamAdamKuhn share a kiss. Then she's w/ @ryanmalaty. A postseason triangle on our hands here?
@dc408dxnow: Now comes the hard part: Shanley is told by Simone to try & mend things w/ Chris in the street. Awkwardness in Hollywood. #AreYouTheOne
@dc408dxnow: Although our proud couple are the stars of tonight's reunion, it's safe to say others are sharing the stage in Hollywood. #AreYouTheOne
@dc408dxnow: Now some reflection from all the S1 cast of #AreYouTheOne. It's a special bond of strangers that is so much more than just a TV show.
@dc408dxnow: And now after S1's tremendous success, it's time to see what the sequel has in store for us. #AreYouTheOne S2 starts in 6 days & 23 hours.
> theWRAP
As we look back on the last chapter on what has been a unbelievable and incredible ride that I've been lucky to follow from the very beginning, just a year ago the castmates of the first season of Are You The One? were famous only to their families & friends and were unlucky in the dating pool. Adam, Amber, Ashleigh, Brittany, Chris T., Coleysia, Dillan, Dre, Ethan, Jacy, Jessica, Joey, John, Kayla, Paige, Ryan, Scali, Shanley, Simone and Wes were all casted with absolutely no idea that this experience would change all of their lives. As a group of strangers who lived together in a mansion on the Hawaiian island of Kauai, they experienced a roller coaster of emotions, from the stressful search for their matches, to the tension, jealously & fighting they had in the house, to the fun of the numerous challenges and dates in their spectacular locale. And in the end of course, there was the joy of the moment that made them feel like champions: getting together with their perfect matches, going 10 for 10 and winning $1 million; not to mention Ethan proposing to Amber on the reunion.
Just two days after that original reunion aired on April 1 - 181 days earlier, when they arrived at her Austin, TX apartment after a long drive from his native Colorado, she found out via a pregnancy test that she was pregnant, for which cameras then documented them at the doctor as she saw her little one for the first time. But instead of finding out about it in the room, they decided to bring everyone back once again for their 2nd reunion in several months to find out the gender, and Monday was the baby shower. We had the opportunity to watch them all get together in L.A. and relive the whole experience of living together, albeit just for a few days. With a swanky hotel on Sunset Boulevard as their venue with pool and all, it also felt like an intimate high school reunion of sorts in which everyone had the chance to reminisce on the experience they had and reflect on good times & bad. But although we didn't have a challenge, truth booth or matchup this time, everyone didn't expect that this reunion would be just as dramatic as the other times they've been together, and they had to confront some unsettled drama.
The night's biggest drama belonged to that of a couple that wasn't a perfect match out of the gate, yet whose relationship was one that attracted the greatest interest among fans. Chris T. & Shanley experienced a bad breakup in the months after the show, and thanks to the awkwardness of being in the same place at the same time they did their best to avoid each other. He was at the heart of the drama with what everyone saw as questionable behavior. Obviously, it didn't sit well with the group and led the Panda to admit to how big of a psychopath he was, which made things awkward for everyone as he tried to cover himself up by saying "I'm chillin', I'm out here" and "just whatever." When the group went out to a post-shower party night on the town, Shanley was then told to face her demons. And thanks to having a bit too much to drink, Tophs finally had a chance to talk things out with her, but his "chillin'" stance stayed the course, even with her telling him of how bad she was hurt. Social media's great impact on AYTO also impacted Chranley, where Chris' disrespect of her in social world led to a strong hatred towards the ex by Shanley. Ultimately out in the streets of Hollywood after back & forth talk, he would say sorry for his actions, hugged it out and agreed to try to bury the hatchet and go their separate ways.
For the lady whose plan to separate Chranley ultimately led the group to the winner's circle, Simone was also involved in a lot of drama too, not surprising given her being outspoken and being full of energy. Being a guest at an event whose guests of honor were the lone perfect match that stayed together and are about to become man & wife w/ a baby, it's safe to say that she has a lot of resentment towards Amber & Ethan. Feeling a bit betrayed by them for being unfollowed on Instagram, Simone fired back at their even by admitting that she didn't click the "like" button on any of their bump pics. And as you saw in the tweets above, she and the couple got into twitter words as well. And it wasn't just Amber & Ethan that Simone had some drama with; she also got into a heated argument with her perfect match Dre (who, just after cameras stopped rolling after the group's victory, also had a last-night session in Poundtown), which also had champagne involved too. If the drumbeat is right, AYTO may be a warm-up act for what might happen down the road.
It wasn't long ago that I was on SpreeCast talking to the cast during the season with AK and Ashley Weitzel. In one webcast, Ryan popped up on Adam's chat with Ash while they roomed together in Virginia, but that seems all but a distant memory now. When they shacked up together in the District, it didn't take that long for them to find out, with no truth booth needed, that they weren't a match as roommates. We saw Adam compare Ryan in living in the same apartment to living with "a b!tchy girlfriend" as he couldn't stand living with him and they tried to talk things out, but the bromance has faded. Even before this, Adam also had some tension with the lady who had a love/hate relationship with in Hawaii, Brittany. But when they were at the club in a moment that even shocked me, the Hulk did a move that a friend taught him, which was of throwing a girl on top of the bar in a club and locking lips with her. That girl happened to be the Bostonian, and that turned out to be the only contact they had; when it was all over, Britt flew back home to the East Coast with Ryan by her side.
And for another duo that turned out to be a perfect match when the confetti fell, there was Jacy and Scali, which also caused drama in Hollywood too. We first heard about what happened to them when she had a hotel room girl talk when they were supposed to meet up in New York, but he never got back to her. And when our fiesty Puerto Rican made her way for the Brooklynite at the after party, she scolded him for not calling her after the season ended. Then she laid a bombshell: she revealed plans of relocating from her tropical paradise up the East Coast to Scali's NYC home court. Though she made it clear that this move wasn't one just that she would live closer to him, her not being ready to make a commitment to him and will just wait things out, it appears that they might see each other down the road, given that the smooth-talker stated his plans to grow up for her and eventually settle down.
But not everything in this reunion was all drama and tension: this was a chance to reflect on an incredible experience that bonded a group of strangers into becoming a newfound family, along with being one of MTV's most-beloved casts. And no intimate outdoor reunion would be complete without adding in a dose of humor and a chance to just relax and have a laugh. First off, there was Ryan dusting off his infamous journal, and a new entry which was a nice poem to the upcoming newlyweds/parents-to-be and saluting his entire cast (check out his twitter @RyanMalaty to read the whole thing). Then there was the group's resident comedian John, and as you would suspect his speech was just a roast of the entire cast. Everyone, for the most part, took his jokes all in stride until he made a secret and personal joke about the other two in the Jacy/Scali triangle he was in. But JJ ended it on a good note with the guests of honor (visit AreYouTheOne.MTV.com to see it in full).
But not everything in this reunion was all drama and tension: this was a chance to reflect on an incredible experience that bonded a group of strangers into becoming a newfound family, along with being one of MTV's most-beloved casts. And no intimate outdoor reunion would be complete without adding in a dose of humor and a chance to just relax and have a laugh. First off, there was Ryan dusting off his infamous journal, and a new entry which was a nice poem to the upcoming newlyweds/parents-to-be and saluting his entire cast (check out his twitter @RyanMalaty to read the whole thing). Then there was the group's resident comedian John, and as you would suspect his speech was just a roast of the entire cast. Everyone, for the most part, took his jokes all in stride until he made a secret and personal joke about the other two in the Jacy/Scali triangle he was in. But JJ ended it on a good note with the guests of honor (visit AreYouTheOne.MTV.com to see it in full).
In the end, when you get to the very heart of it all, the reason everyone came to SoCal for this one final get-together as a whole team of 20 people was to celebrate Amber & Ethan and their forthcoming addition. Like most future mom & dad, one wanted a boy that would be easier to raise & don't grow up quickly, while the other wanted a girl who can resemble her mom. And with bottles of the bubbly and gifts galore, the duo opened a big box with balloons inside which told them by the color of pink that they will have a girl. With 007 (Ethan's nickname on his social media handles) saying, "I know it's going to be daddy's little girl, and I know that Amber is so excited to raise a little princess," they tearfully embraced and shared a group hug with the people who will now become aunts and uncles to what will now be their own 11th girl, though she won't follow in their footsteps to the AYTO house down the road if they have their way. Next stop for them: an intimate wedding in December - just around the time their princess will be born, followed by a full-scale one in summer of next year when their kid has finally matured enough.
For me, as someone who got behind the show and its cast the moment they were revealed in January, Are You The One? has had a greater impact on me than I ever thought possible for a show outside of the bubble of The Real World and The Challenge, yet has become a show that, with respect to the entire MTV family, now I can say is definitely one of my now-three favorites. As JJ brilliantly pointed out to me on twitter, I will be one of those people who will tell other fans that I will have followed the entire season 1 cast before the show even aired, before they started a journey that changed their lives, and before they etched their names in MTV lore winning $1 million. Just as was the case in following the past three Real World casts just as, or before, their seasons began, I also got to know them from the beginning through the social-verse. There, I've become great social friends with the entire cast, and not a week has gone by that the cast has interacted with me in social world, and vice-versa.
It's because of Are You The One? that this site had a great deal of traffic coming in from all over the world who were driven to my coverage, whether it would be goggling AYTO or getting a tweet alert to one of my diaries - which amounts to now over 13,000 views. For my buddy Andrew, it's this show, not the Real World or Challenge, that gave him his biggest webcast audience when Shanley spoke to him after the EP6 drama. And for MTV, having a huge hit like AYTO, which garnered great buzz and kept most of its post-TM2 audience for its first season, has now given it reason to turn this into its next big reality franchise by, just as it did for Catfish, giving its sophomore season a one-hour-earlier timeslot advancement into the 10 Spot starting on Monday with a season that, if the trailers and promos are dead on, may match, even exceed, the excitement of this first go-around.
In the end, this experience has produced a true love relationship that is rare in this world of reality TV couples, along with life-long friends among all the cast members and a bond among former strangers that is just as strong as that of family and friends in their inner circles. Nobody on this team would've accomplished that $1 million goal without any one member refusing to contribute their part, and this is an experience that they will never forget. With that in mind, we'll leave the last words of this edition of theWRAP to the season 1 dream team, and their parting shots as they say so long.
For me, as someone who got behind the show and its cast the moment they were revealed in January, Are You The One? has had a greater impact on me than I ever thought possible for a show outside of the bubble of The Real World and The Challenge, yet has become a show that, with respect to the entire MTV family, now I can say is definitely one of my now-three favorites. As JJ brilliantly pointed out to me on twitter, I will be one of those people who will tell other fans that I will have followed the entire season 1 cast before the show even aired, before they started a journey that changed their lives, and before they etched their names in MTV lore winning $1 million. Just as was the case in following the past three Real World casts just as, or before, their seasons began, I also got to know them from the beginning through the social-verse. There, I've become great social friends with the entire cast, and not a week has gone by that the cast has interacted with me in social world, and vice-versa.
It's because of Are You The One? that this site had a great deal of traffic coming in from all over the world who were driven to my coverage, whether it would be goggling AYTO or getting a tweet alert to one of my diaries - which amounts to now over 13,000 views. For my buddy Andrew, it's this show, not the Real World or Challenge, that gave him his biggest webcast audience when Shanley spoke to him after the EP6 drama. And for MTV, having a huge hit like AYTO, which garnered great buzz and kept most of its post-TM2 audience for its first season, has now given it reason to turn this into its next big reality franchise by, just as it did for Catfish, giving its sophomore season a one-hour-earlier timeslot advancement into the 10 Spot starting on Monday with a season that, if the trailers and promos are dead on, may match, even exceed, the excitement of this first go-around.
In the end, this experience has produced a true love relationship that is rare in this world of reality TV couples, along with life-long friends among all the cast members and a bond among former strangers that is just as strong as that of family and friends in their inner circles. Nobody on this team would've accomplished that $1 million goal without any one member refusing to contribute their part, and this is an experience that they will never forget. With that in mind, we'll leave the last words of this edition of theWRAP to the season 1 dream team, and their parting shots as they say so long.
- "This whole experience completely changed my life. I have so many things going for me, and I am a new Jacy because of it." - Jacy
- "Are You The One taught me a little bit more about what I need to look for. I mean, Brittany and I are friends. I'm going back to Boston with her and see what happens. Ethan and Amber are proof that Are You The One? is real. It's not some fairytale story anymore, it's a happy ending." - Ryan
- "As a whole, we all experienced something. So, we do have a special bond, and at the end of the day, we're always gonna be family." - Shanley
- "Regardless of all the drama and all the craziness, all I really need is my Ethan and my new baby girl. I love you." - Amber
- "We're perfect for each other. I love you too." - Ethan
As we wrap up, if you were brought to this past Monday's reunion by just some curiosity of what this was all about and didn't catch the season in its entirety, as I wrote in my season preview it's a strong recommendation to do so, considering the amount of buzz it generated the first time out. If you're a cable or satellite customer and has On Demand service, the entire first season is available for you to binge-watch on your TV this weekend until season two premieres on Monday, or anytime if you're a subscriber to iTunes or Amazon Instant Video.
During season 1's original run this past winter & spring, this very blog compiled all the cast member tweets from every episode into these SocialPulse diaries. So while you watch the shows again or for the first time, have this site bookmarked to follow along with the cast's real-time twitter interaction. And when you get to the original Reunion show, also read my Fan's View post where two fans who were there in the audience give their thoughts on the whole thing.
Of course, every facet from our coverage of that great season will return for the sequel this fall, which began with my AYTO Primer, Review & Preview late last month. Plus, I'm looking at expanding my wings even further this season including more frequent editions of Fan's View to cover the live After Shows in addition to the reunion, and as mentioned in previous posts, the possibility of my first-ever cast interviews. In the case of the former, I may reconnect with one of my previous Fan's View guests to discuss season 2. As always, stay tuned to - and bookmark - DCBLOG as we provide wall-to-wall coverage of Are You The One? Season 2 right here.
This is just the start to what will be a very busy month around here. In addition to AYTO, coming up I'll be offering a Look into what maybe MTV's next big thing: the reality docu-comedy Slednecks, from the producers of Buckwild, along with a sampler review of other MTV shows. I'll also be writing about a talented vocal group that, while compiling & composing this very post, has suddenly caught my ear to the point that I like listening to them very much, and there's upcoming sports posts too. For my live tweets of Are You The One?, Slednecks and the year's busiest sports month, among others, be sure to follow my live twitter handle, DCNOW at @DC408DxNow. And of course there's my primary twitter hub & Instagram, both at @DC408Dxtr.
Once again, thanks very much to the original cast of Are You The One? for the amazing memories they brought us this year and wish them all the best of luck in their future endeavors, especially the couple who will eventually become Mr. & Mrs. Diamond with a little girl as well. And of course, we anxiously look forward to getting season 2 into full overdrive on my social platforms starting with the premiere on Monday...should be lots of fun. For now, thanks for reading and talk to you then.
Once again, thanks very much to the original cast of Are You The One? for the amazing memories they brought us this year and wish them all the best of luck in their future endeavors, especially the couple who will eventually become Mr. & Mrs. Diamond with a little girl as well. And of course, we anxiously look forward to getting season 2 into full overdrive on my social platforms starting with the premiere on Monday...should be lots of fun. For now, thanks for reading and talk to you then.
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