objectionable content to some readers and spoilers
for international fans. Viewer Discretion is Advised. ***
By DC Cueva
@DC408dxtr / @DC408dxnow
Welcome again to DCBLOG and to DC SocialPulse powered by DCNOW...an unusual one here. Usually, DCSP brings you the tweets of cast members before, during and after they watch episodes of MTV shows. But today, in this, the first part of a 2-part DCBLOG doubleheader, we're doing something rather different in that we're not presenting the episode tweets as twitter saw it, but to get a sense of the vibe among cast members heading into a big day.
In letting you read the conversations between cast members from both shows, you can get a sense of what the vibe is like among the casts as they await a big day, either the season premiere of a show that they're on that they anticipate the same way they do for Christmas, or the finale of a competition show like Are You The One? or The Challenge with money hanging in the balance.
We've done this post before, both before the season finale of The Challenge: Free Agents with the week-long buildup to the epic finale in South America and with the FIFA World Cup already underway. And just before the season 2 premiere of Are You The One?, we brought you the transition from the great season 1 cast to the season 2 cast that were destined to join that club, which was determined in this week's episode.
In this special edition of DCSP, we're presenting the week-long buildup to the season 2 AYTO finale and instead of bringing you the tweets as the season 2 cast, their Hawaiian predecessors and fans saw the dramatic, tension-filled finale, which we'll present in part 2 coming up later today (as we talk to you on Thursday, Dec. 11), as well as for the sake of conserving as much space as possible in these posts, we'll bring you the twitter interaction in the days leading up to Monday, December 8, a day that would either change the group's fortunes or live in infamy as a day they would forget.
Included in the lead-up posts is news of the Are You The One? S1 cast's crossover into The Challenge, where Adam, Brittany, John and Simone, who all took residency in the house in Kauai, will shack up again, this time in Panama with the big names from The Real World and The Challenge, along with fellow rookies for Real World Ex-Plosion. We'll be kicking off our Exes 2 and RW Skeletons coverage here this weekend, if not before Tuesday's premiere from Chicago. And at the end of this post, we'll have more on how you can get involved in our last AYTO post of the season, which we're saving just for the fans.
- As we begin, please note there is explicit language in many of the tweets below, but I am keeping it uncensored in order to retain the heat of the moment. So if you are mature enough, please read with discretion. :-)
So, following the jump, join us for the five-day countdown to the finale of Are You The One? Season 2.
> Lead-Up: 5 Days to The Finale / Wednesday
@mtvitaly: Guarda gli episodi di #AreYouTheOne > http://su.mtv.it/1FLSs5V
@jenniknapmiller: Life is too short to be comfortable all of the time. Ruffle your feathers and live a little.โฆ http://instagram.com/p/wJIH97yWfX/
@tabron27: my life is too entertaining loll
@shandathapanda: Pizza and Oreos...breakfast of champions.
@SimoneJKelly: This season of #AreYouTheOne is just about coming to an end BUT seems like it's just gettingโฆ http://instagram.com/p/wJ16vwSIaC/
@A_Bartolotte: Nothing worth while comes easy
@tabron27: Nothing is impossible, if you apply yourself.
@AlexPhillipz: Make sure you come watch me perform stand up at the Hollywood House Of Blues tomorrow night at 7pm! I'm gonna kill it!! #BAD #Sexy ๐๐โก๏ธ๐ธโก๏ธโก๏ธ
@blacuesta: One thing you absolutely cannot live without?
@blacuesta: Often often often often often often often often often food
@whaattaafoxx: NEW YEARS IS GOING TO BE THE SHIT!!!!! ๐๐๐ป๐๐น๐ฏ
@EikeParis: It's crazy looking back..... #AreYouTheOne. Can't wait to see how this whole thing ends....
@PrimeTimeSiebs: 0to100 #RealQuick
@whaattaafoxx: Who's going to be in MYRTLE BEACH for NEW YEARS?! Bc I will be!!!
@EikeParis: The future is a mystery, and that's how I like it.
@AREUTHE1: CONGRATZZZZ to our new PERFECT MATCH @AlexPhillipz + @JasIPen!!!! โค๏ธโค๏ธโค๏ธ #AreYouTheOne
@tabron27: Please check out my latest interview with @whosthatladyent @Whosthatladyinc
@MTVshelbs: Not motivated for my workout today AND I don't have my headphones.. This gym session is brutal
@mtvdario: The challenge though
@MTVshelbs: missing the best friend, come back to me. http://instagram.com/p/wKIqX5IS8s/
@A_Bartolotte: Not wearing underwear to class was a mistake. Caught my teacher lookin lmao.. Or was it a mistake?
@SimoneJKelly: Paying my rent months in advance makes me feel good about all the sacrifices I've made... #focus
@SimoneJKelly: Keep living...you'll keep learning.
@mtvdario: ๐๐๐A L L C O M E S D O W N T O T H IS๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ฏ๐ฅ๐ฅ #areyoutheone #mtv #twintalk #๐๐ http://instagram.com/p/wKLaT4A6Mc/
@MTVshelbs: Making chicken cordon bleu for dinner and I'm beyond stoked about it
- @JasIPen: @MTVshelbs hahaha Cordon Bleu reminds me Susie Carmichael's mom from Rugrats. Pls tell Me u know what I'm talking about lol
- @MTVshelbs: @JasIPen YES
@IamAdamKuhn: Is this about to turn into a Brazzers Scene?
@AREUTHE1: Things got WILD when the cast played a game of Strip or Dare. Watch the deleted scene! http://on.mtv.com/1vHbkBS
@EDiamond007: Doesn't matter if the glass is half-empty or half-full. All that matters is that you're the one pouring the water.
@tabron27: Check me out on Instagram @tabron27 Also on Facebook @ Tyler Abron and @ MTV Tyler Abron
@tabron27: Beach ๐ป๐ป๐ป #areyoutheone http://instagram.com/p/wKWU1eS3kj/
@brittany_baldi: Self motivate and CHALLENGE yourself <3 #teambaldi
@blacuesta: How i feel when people recognize me. I swear im not this awkward it's like i forget who I am under these ci... https://vine.co/v/OeMjVrZW7em
@PrimeTimeSiebs: Bout to win an easy 200$ for a natural born talent!! #BeerPongTourney #CatchMeAt @TheMixKzoo tonight
@A_Bartolotte: Keep it up il be ur step father in a week
@A_Bartolotte: Back at it in the gym and it feels so good. I'm pushing my body to the limit
@AlexPhillipz: Hakuna Matata #BAD
@MaybachDiamonds: I love when people start serious statements with "dead ass." That's literally the least serious phrase you could say.
@tabron27: Beach ๐ป๐ป๐ป #AreYouTheOne
@whaattaafoxx: Don't watch TV, watch ME, on @YouNow! (http://www.younow.com/whaattaafoxx/28081091/6084594/9/f/December-3,-2014 โฆ)
@MTV_JESS: See you in San Diego baby๐ sooner or later you know you'll be mineeeeeee ๐
@jenniknapmiller: Proof that there is ZERO routine in my life lately ๐ฉ
@LaytonJonesMTV: Headed to the gym! #Grind
@LaytonJonesMTV: Get in the Christmas spirit! #Christmas #Holidays http://instagram.com/p/wKsdMGvs97/
@LaytonJonesMTV: Definitely going to need a full body massage after this workout! #Success #Pain #BodyHurtin
@A_Bartolotte: You can't always make everybody happy
@illBeJacy: I have no respect for people who abuse of their authority.
@MTV_JESS: #Unconditional โ๏ธโ๏ธ๐๐ซ๐ฃ .. โค๏ธ http://instagram.com/p/wLAEx9j-Sl/
@LaytonJonesMTV: That moment when your exhausted from a workout and your dog looks at you like get yo ass up and let's play! #Tired #HeDontCare
@TophsTweets: Hi this is Chris tweet me xoxo
@JasIPen: How you determine "the one".๐ #NoSuchThing as #Overeating
@brittany_baldi: If you're gunna be a rookie make a statement <3 challenge yourself :-)
@MaybachDiamonds: I deleted my FaceBook. I officially don't exist anymore.
@A_Bartolotte: This is usually about the time where I eat everything I can find
@jenniknapmiller: Throw away old bank statements, keep old love letters
@PrimeTimeSiebs: Lost the championship in overtime by 1 cup!!! #Damnit!
@jenniknapmiller: Show up
> Lead-Up: 4 Days to The Finale / Thursday - and Exes 2 #AYTOTakeover
@jenniknapmiller: wide awake and drafting ๐
@Pratt_MTV: Saint Anger round my neck. He never gets respect. #SweetDreams
@busdriversroute: Listen to myself and @lashtweets CONQUER this week's @AREUTHE1 in our latest RHAP-up #AreYouTheOne #RHAP http://robhasawebsite.com/mtvs-are-you-the-one-episode-nine-rhap-up/ โฆ
@IamAdamKuhn: All the rumors are true! #Areyoutheone meets #TheChallenge @MTV
@blacuesta: Wow @tmish2 and I really did the most last night...damn you free drinks!
@EikeParis: Cheers to the weekend ๐บ๐ท๐ธ๐ป
@EikeParis: What's up with Instagram? It's pissing me off
@SimoneJKelly: I HATE KEEPING SECRETS!!๐ It's OFFICIAL!!! YES!!! Myself & John will be on this season of "Theโฆ http://instagram.com/p/wMhxb9yIao/
@SimoneJKelly: I HATE KEEPING SECRETS!!๐ YES!!! #AREYOUTHEONE is taking over the #TheChallenge #BattleOfTheExes2 ๐ช
@tabron27: Crazy 8 lights so far. Hey wait where were all the fans at when we needed you guys to help us at the match up ceremony Lol... #AreYouTheOne
@tabron27: We need to go back into the house and start over again and try to do things different. #AreYouTheOne #nexttime
@Tindel10: Your voice was the soundtrack of my summer. <3
@MTV_JESS: I fucking hate traveling w my dog! Most annoying shit ever
@ryanmalaty: The rumors are true! #AreYouTheOne meets #TheChallenge
@EikeParis: Oh what up #AreYouTheOne fam!!! On #TheChallenge! @brittany_baldi @IamAdamKuhn @SimoneJKelly @MaybachDiamonds #killinemmmm
- @IamAdamKuhn: @EikeParis @brittany_baldi @SimoneJKelly @MaybachDiamonds reppin hard girl #AreYouTheOne
@brittany_baldi: about to be a GAME CHANGER. check out my rookie season!! #thechallenge airs MTV JAN 6 11PM est #MTV #AreYouTheOne
@MTVshelbs: @IamAdamKuhn AND @TheChallengeMTV all in one? I'm not mad
@jenniknapmiller: Aw hell yea! #AreYouTheOne meets #TheChallenge CAN'T WAIT.@brittany_baldi @IamAdamKuhn @SimoneJKelly @MaybachDiamonds
@blacuesta: #AreYouTheOne meets #TheChallenge ๐ช๐ @MaybachDiamonds @SimoneJKelly @brittany_baldi @IamAdamKuhn
@AREUTHE1: Jess goes a little crazy when Layton tries to get to know Christina. #AreYouTheOne http://on.mtv.com/1yk7ukx
@IamAdamKuhn: So pumped for this Season of The Challenge Battle of The Exes 2. Glad to see everyone is excited to see #AreYouTheOne
@AlexPhillipz: #tbt to when I was 19 and yoked!!! #BAD #ShakeWeight http://instagram.com/p/wMlE95rtc_/
- @whaattaafoxx: @MTV_JESS AP MADE ME SAY IT HAHAHHAA @AlexPhillipz
- @AlexPhillipz: @whaattaafoxx @MTV_JESS hahahahahaha I totally was the mastermind behind that one ๐ #BAD
@MTV_JESS: Lmaooooo @whaattaafoxx "my dick is bigger than Brandon's " I'm dyinggggg
- @whaattaafoxx: @MTV_JESS where is this extended scene
@brittany_baldi: #AreYouTheOne vs #TheChallenge in #BattleOfTheExes2 @BunimMurray wicked excited read here!!! http://www.mtv.com/shows/challenge-battle-of-the-exes-2/ โฆ @MTV @IamAdamKuhn
@SimoneJKelly: The 'BLOCK' button was one of the best things created on this social media thingโฆLOL. Talk crazy and I will politely block ur ass.
@SimoneJKelly: People that follow me but comment negative/crazy things still seize to amaze meโฆlol #IDontCare #CutTheCheck
@EikeParis: Boys are cheats and liars, their such a big disgrace...
@EikeParis: You BEST BELIEVE I'll be watching #TheChallenge religiously @MTVChallenge26 @MaybachDiamonds @brittany_baldi @SimoneJKelly @IamAdamKuhn
@MTV_Christina: Do one thing everyday that scares you.
@AlexPhillipz: These hoes are loyal #PimpHandStrong #BAD
@AlexPhillipz: I'm an uncle!!!!!!!! That makes me the coolest uncle in the world ๐ #BAD #LaFamilia
@MaybachDiamonds: So can we unanimously recognize that I am "the one" yet?
@mtvdario: ๐ฅ๐ฅIf you can't sit back and laugh at this one idk where you left your sense of humor.. To all theโฆ http://instagram.com/p/wM5Rhfg6BC/
@AlexPhillipz: Just saw a hot chick roll by on a scooter wearing no helmet. It's the little things in life. #BAD
@MTV_JESS: Annnnndddddd who's ready for my drunk tweets in the airrrrr .. Travel time NYโ๏ธSD one way ticketttttt ๐๐ oh and my pup is w me
@AREUTHE1: There's a lot more to that blow up fight you saw in #OldFlames. Watch the extended version of it here! http://on.mtv.com/1zWTjPb
@whaattaafoxx: You can take a horse to water but you can't make him drink
@MTVshelbs: Wave after wave
@jenniknapmiller: when grown men over 40 act like 5 year old girls over fantasy football <<<<
@A_Bartolotte: Mind in one place.. Heart in another
@MaybachDiamonds: And I won the Tampa bowling championship? Today was a good day.
- @SimoneJKelly: โ@MaybachDiamonds: I won the Tampa bowling championship? Today was a good day. <<<why r u so good at everything!? FYI, Its pretty annoying๐
- @blacuesta: @MaybachDiamonds since when do you bowl
- @MaybachDiamonds: @blacuesta since I picked up that trophy
- @blacuesta: @MaybachDiamonds fancy
- @CSUAKirk: @MaybachDiamonds @wesbucklesmtv told me he's a bowler too you guys need to go head to head
- @MaybachDiamonds: @wesbucklesmtv lets go dude
- @wesbucklesmtv: @MaybachDiamonds bowling? U don't want these problems!!!
@jenniknapmiller: More importantly, Polar Express is on abc family.
@blacuesta: I have too many flaws to be perfect but I have too many blessings to be ungrateful.
@A_Bartolotte: Thirsty Thursday
@SimoneJKelly: Rocking my @jojnewyork hat! "Today was a good day" โบ๏ธ #TheChallenge #BattleOfTheExes2 #Panama #Jan6 ๐ http://instagram.com/p/wNM9dmSIU4/
@AREUTHE1: The #AreYouTheOne singles (and couples) are cutting it close with only ONE matchup left. Watch #OldFlames here: http://on.mtv.com/1yIxswu
@whaattaafoxx: My kids will know every Christmas movie there is to know!
@IamJoeyDillon: So my dude @dubbucksmtv surprised me for my bday this weekend. Came from #arizona but lied and told meโฆ http://instagram.com/p/wNSY9Oxv6b/
@IamJoeyDillon: And it begins. No sleeping tonight. #areyoutheone #mtv areuthe1 #friendsforlife #friends http://instagram.com/p/wNTgjHxvyc/
@whaattaafoxx: Face masks and wine type of night with @VivaLaLita3
@MTV_JESS: Okay everyone on this damn plane has a bladder problem because wtf w this bathroom line .... REALLY -_-
@whaattaafoxx: Do you really think you're better off alone? ๐ถ๐
@whaattaafoxx: Let's do #AskEllie
@Pratt_MTV: @LaytonJonesMTV Sessions.... $30. #PrattDaddy's Sessions.... Priceless.
- @LaytonJonesMTV: @Pratt_MTV Will the real the real Pratt please stand up! #SlimShady #PicFromThe90s
@jenniknapmiller: Watching @Modelboi12 on younow just losing it over this game ๐๐๐ yoooo I'm dying over here #AreYouTheOne
@jenniknapmiller: Haven't showered since the gym earlier, might as well just go round two. #gymrat
@MaybachDiamonds: Me and @MTVBananas had sex in the house. #spoiler
@mtvdario: No filters on this IG w/ @shaneo15 #mtv #areyoutheone #twintv http://instagram.com/p/wNfdtjA6IP/
@MTV_JESS: About to landddddd In my new cityyy๐ hello San Diego ๐ Im here to stay ๐
@A_Bartolotte: Just tease me
@whaattaafoxx: Dylan from #slednecks could totally get it... let me put it on YA boy @DbDylanburgess1
@brittany_baldi: RT IF YOU'RE AS PUMPED AS I AM FOR @TheChallengeMTV season 26!! some of your @AREUTHE1 faves are ROOKIES on it ;-) #mtv #BattleOfTheExes2
@brittany_baldi: While living in PANAMA I met these incredible babes. watch our journey <3 @jonnamtv @JennaCompono @NanyMTV #BattleOfTheExes2 #MTV
- @NanyMTV: @brittany_baldi @jonnamtv @JennaCompono awww my rookie queens/roomies/bunk mates :) Panama wouldn't have been the same without you beauties
@whaattaafoxx: Show me the meaning of being lonely
@JasIPen: Got recognized by a 40 year old man. I smiled on the inside :) #OldViewers #WatchMTV #AreYouTheOne #SanDiego
@jenniknapmiller: I feel like @laurashall93 and I are going to live on younow when she's in town
- @laurashall93: @jenniknapmiller bottles&rants
- @jenniknapmiller: โ@laurashall93: @jenniknapmiller bottles&rantsโ two of my favorite things.
- @laurashall93: @jenniknapmiller I'm thinking Vodka, wbu... Wines not strong enough
- @laurashall93: @jenniknapmiller how bout both
@SimoneJKelly: Sittin' courtside to the games you play...
@whaattaafoxx: So content with life right now... Couldn't be any better ๐๐๐โค๏ธ
@whaattaafoxx: Come vibe babyyy ๐
@PrimeTimeSiebs: Its 3am and I wanna go to bed.I gotta lady,runnin throu my head.Im outta money, Im lookin for a night shift. Its 3am and I wanna go to bed!
@whaattaafoxx: It's almost 4 am and I have to be up at 9! Kill me now
@whaattaafoxx: This IS HANDS DOWN WHAT I WANT FOR CHRISTMAS! Please!!! Just the mirror! I neeeeeed it ๐๐ ๐
@whaattaafoxx: I'm just waiting on 5am so i can sing "it's 5oclock in the morning, conversation got boring..."You know where I'm going here ๐ฉ๐
@Tindel10: Strawberry Frosting. :) #yumm
@MTV_JESS: It's moving dayyyyyyy!!! And I'm up at 7am cuz I'm too excited ๐๐๐ wakeup brianaaaaaa
@MTV_JESS: This is freakin GREAT! Bri just legit laughed for like 5mins while sleeping lmao #AreYouTheOne @blacuesta
@MTV_JESS: My dog is officially anti social w other dogs -_-
@tabron27: Good morning my loves...
@AshleighMorgh: Shoutout to my cast for making The Challenge!!!! Ayyyyyeeeee @MaybachDiamonds @brittany_baldi @SimoneJKelly @IamAdamKuhn
- @IamAdamKuhn: @AshleighMorgh @MaybachDiamonds @brittany_baldi @SimoneJKelly thanks ash.
- @SimoneJKelly: @AshleighMorgh @MaybachDiamonds @brittany_baldi @IamAdamKuhn thanks Brit!!! Love u!๐
- @brittany_baldi: @AshleighMorgh love u ash!!! FaceTime soon xo
- @AshleighMorgh: @brittany_baldi yes babe love you and miss you!! Def soon!!! I gotta get out there
@SimoneJKelly: Starting off the new year on your TV Screens!!!! Make sure you tune into "The Challenge: Battles ofโฆ http://instagram.com/p/wO-IvvyIey/
@whaattaafoxx: Loves a game, wanna play?
@Curtishadzicki: Embrace failure as a desired outcome of progress. Or fear it and let others pass you as they push the boundaries. #dowhatyoulove
@blacuesta: My dog is also black lol
@jenniknapmiller: To my MN ppl: I'm trying to get @laurashall93 to a Wild game on Dec 17th. Anyone know how I can get tix/are willing to sell? #AreYouTheOne
@Curtishadzicki: Flashing back to hot summers and cold beers. Take pride in great times with better company. Home teamโฆ http://instagram.com/p/wPGmPvyp_W/
@MTVshelbs: It's Friday, ayeeee
@brittany_baldi: Thanks for all of the love and luck! #BattleOfTheExes2 jan 6 2015 :)
@MaybachDiamonds: @MTVJessicaPerez hey I'm gonna be in Miami in a couple hours what're you up to?
@Tindel10: Look of Champions. @blacuesta #AreYouTheOne
- @blacuesta: @Tindel10 so dope
@EikeParis: Mentally preparing myself for the amount of booze I'm about to intake
@MTVshelbs: Idk if there's anyone in the world that makes me want to bang my head against a wall repeatedly more than you do, that's pretty impressive.
@Pratt_MTV: Hey guys, please go follow one of the best photographers and good friend @danielbatalles ! Guy's dope. #photography
@blacuesta: House shopping and food shopping with @MTV_JESS is a struggle wow
@MTV_JESS: Racing around Walmart w full carts with @blacuesta
@blacuesta: I beat @MTV_JESS in a race to the checkout lines in walmart. OF COURSE I WON. obv!!!-
- @MTV_JESS: @blacuesta she's lying it wasn't fair cuz I was winning and stopped for a dear old lady to pass by so NO!
@MTV_JESS: This GONNA be one funny chapter
@CSUAKirk: I wish people would stop being so salty about #AreYouTheOne being on the challenge give the four of them this season a chance
@MTV_JESS: I think @blacuesta just taught me the value of a dollar .... #winning
@jenniknapmiller: Mannheim Steamroller songs get me too amped for Christmas
@MTVRWNews: The verdict is in โ no love for Are You The One'ers showing up to The Challenge. I wonder if opinions will change after the premiere...
- @CSUAKirk: @MTVRWNews I'm bummed that those two teams took a spot from @MTVtrey and @LORAleeMTV but you can't be mad at them for crossing over show
- โ@busdriversroute: @CSUAKirk @MTVRWNews I'd MUCH rather have fresh AYTO blood over them.
- @CSUAKirk: @busdriversroute @MTVRWNews Season 2 like a Bri and Curtis maybe?
- @busdriversroute: @CSUAKirk @MTVRWNews Maybe. But biggest thing is just mixing it up. Worst thing the Challenge can do is be complacent. I'm 1000% on board.
- @shandathapanda: @busdriversroute @CSUAKirk @MTVRWNews psshhhh Id fuck some people up.
- @CSUAKirk: @shandathapanda @busdriversroute @MTVRWNews damn right you would!!
- @busdriversroute: @shandathapanda @CSUAKirk @MTVRWNews You and Scali could become instant stars on the Challenge. I hope you get the chance (and you take it).
- @CSUAKirk: @busdriversroute @shandathapanda @MTVRWNews cosigned
- @MTVRWNews: @busdriversroute @shandathapanda @CSUAKirk SHANLEYYY! ๐๐๐ bring that fire.
@shandathapanda: Man, if I ever get asked to be on #TheChallenge, I would take a huge shit on all you haters.
@jenniknapmiller: Got recognized at the gym... Shout out to the fan that wanted a sweaty hug
@tabron27: My marble eyes ๐ haha #areyoutheone only one more episode left to find out who my perfect match is โค.โฆ http://instagram.com/p/wPczmOS3jg/
@Pratt_MTV: What stands in between you and the fulfillment of your dream is the willingness to start, the courage to move ahead & the faith to finish
@Curtishadzicki: Are you the nature lover that drives the muscle car or the cigarette smoker that drives the prius. #contrast
@brittany_baldi: If you're afraid of change you will never advance <3 strive hard #teambaldi #TheChallenge #BattleOfTheExes2
@blacuesta: Watching Little mermaid with @MTV_JESS
@A_Bartolotte: I don't need much
@MTV_JESS: Lmao basically I'll be snapchatting all night with @blacuesta
@tabron27: I can't wait to go back to New York.
@EikeParis: What to wear, what to wear... that is the question....
@EikeParis: Not wearing a bra under a lace top...super euro fashion or trashy??
@mtvdario: Go to jersey tonight or naw?! Traffic is keeping me from moving
@AlexPhillipz: Go watch @apartment9tv now! Peace and Love โ๏ธ #BAD http://instagram.com/p/wPqwlbLtQU/
@EikeParis: Ohhhhh yeah. Looks like I'm goin bra-less tonight my loves. See you at @VIEnightclub tonight haha. I'll let you all know how it goes :D
@MTVshelbs: Eating cereal before going out.. Rookie mistake #1
@MaybachDiamonds: Just won runner-up at the Miami short film festival with my short film "one night in your mom."
@MaybachDiamonds: My award for "most humble person." Can't wait to cover it in diamonds!
@PrimeTimeSiebs: Was gonna go out tonight... But The Grinch is on. Priorities #Grinch
@Tindel10: On Friday I have No Chill.
@MTVshelbs: We're just hangin' around burnin' it down
@EikeParis: About to go out and in a bad mood..... Shit. I know what that means. ๐ป๐๐จ #drinktillyoudrop #Ptrain #choochooo #blackout
@A_Bartolotte: Girl you know that I remember.. Don't be a pretender
@whaattaafoxx: Wine and Relaxing tonight
@blacuesta: R@D.
@IamJoeyDillon: HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!! #birthday #todayisMYday #mtv #areyoutheone http://instagram.com/p/wQAzx7Rv75/
@MTVshelbs: can't. get. up. http://instagram.com/p/wQB-DnIS-_/
@A_Bartolotte: Half of me is good.. The other half nasty
@whaattaafoxx: There's a difference in drama and entertainment
@AshleighMorgh: @IamJoeyDillon HAPPY BIRTHDAY JOEY!!!!
@IamJoeyDillon: Joeys Twitter just got hacked by @wesbucklesmtv! I just wanna say, Joeys a chump and a diva! Toodles ๐๐
@alexandriakim_: Won't be online tonight, but offline tip 400 to get my snapchat and see what I do for #friskyfriday!
@EikeParis: This love is ours to make, so we should make it......๐น
@Tindel10: Got questions for me use hashtag #AskBrandon I will be chatting with @CSUAKirk tomorrow at 3 PT 6 ET so come watch. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XZKSpRBmCkw โฆ
@shandathapanda: Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Two can play this game.
@A_Bartolotte: If I said it I mean it
@PrimeTimeSiebs: Reppin these #CrazeWatches every i go! Showin some love for the #MTVFamily and dude @jaygmtv Theseโฆ http://instagram.com/p/wQLssTxzNj/
@PrimeTimeSiebs: Oh yeah well I'll be on #YouNow tonight #CatchMeOnIt ๐๐
@mtvdario: I D O T H I S F OR T H E M E M O R I Z E @j__fayee @alexablume #mtvโฆ http://instagram.com/p/wQOpAmA6Hg/
@MTV_Christina: #ICant #LiterallyCanNot
@Pratt_MTV: First weekend sober in months. What do I do with my hands? #sober #training #is #now #in #session
@blacuesta: @MTV_Christina ๐ญ๐ญ๐ญ I just ate a Corndog at state yesterday. I was judging myself
- @MTV_Christina: @blacuesta lolololol
- @blacuesta: @MTV_Christina get ur hoe ass to cali
@whaattaafoxx: Don't have time for HATERS. YALL are so irrelevant it's funny.
@jenniknapmiller: law student huh? Let me guess, your fav color is forest green, you have a PC, your celebrity crush is Emma Watson, & you drive a ford focus
@MTV_Christina: "I used to think you were a yellow dandelion, but you are all dried up with the puff blown off. But its not your fault, you are who you are"
@mtvdario: Like like like red nose #areyoutheone #mtv #twintv http://instagram.com/p/wQWRRxg6PP/
@MTV_JESS: WOAHHHH just realized i live 15mins away from the Mexican border ๐ณ San Diego !
@whaattaafoxx: If I just lay here; would you lie with me and just forget the world ๐
@shandathapanda: 2 on.
@MTV_JESS: Sleeeeepies in my new room
@brittany_baldi: Late at night it's hard to shake it. Still in shock <3 challengers @Knight_MTV @DiemBrownMTV #mtvfamily #love
> Lead-Up: Weekend Before The Finale
@IamAdamKuhn: Early morning gym sesh to start the day.
@MTVshelbs: Do I really have to go in at 8:30? Why can't I cuddle with my puppies ๐
@Tindel10: FVCK LUCK! Always working may ass off. Betting on myself.
@MTVshelbs: the 4am laughter made the 8am struggle http://instagram.com/p/wRMlYPoS41/
@AREUTHE1: Simone is impressed with "Anthony Einstein" in the latest #AreYouTheOne. Watch her recap here! http://on.mtv.com/1pNIL52
@A_Bartolotte: The idea is fun..
@AREUTHE1: The cast put together some crazy dares for their wild game of 'Strip or Dare.' Watch the deleted scene! http://on.mtv.com/1vHbkBS
@whaattaafoxx: Do old old men have orgasms? Or are they too old? #AskTwitter
@whaattaafoxx: My Brother is FINALLY home! @TimBraddock
@whaattaafoxx: Counting down the days till im SD bound!! #WestCoast #CaliLiving ๐
@MTVshelbs: I'm sleeping the rest of the weekend okay byeeee
@MTVshelbs: sunglasses & Advil, last night was mad real
@MTV_Christina: The struggle. Is real.
@ZachMTV: โ@MaybachDiamonds: @ZachMTV is this the twist?โ Suuuuper twisssttt
@blacuesta: This is when the feeling sinks in, I don't wanna miss you like this
@shandathapanda: I've had my quarter life crisis hit me about 20 times in the past 5 months. SUP WIT DAT?
@brittany_baldi: Check out mtv battle of the exes 2 premiering Jan 6th 2015 11PM #nosensor #mtv #BattleOfTheExes2โฆ http://instagram.com/p/wSDZV7Ex_N/
@AREUTHE1: Jess is having a hard time letting go of Layton. Watch the extended scene here! http://on.mtv.com/1yk7ukx
@Tindel10: I have a live chat in 30 mins. Talking #areyoutheone stuff. Watch it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XZKSpRBmCkw โฆ
@brittany_baldi: @tjlavin hey Teej!! happy holidays! I'm wicked pumped about the new challenge! #panama :)
- @tjlavin: Right on thanks a lot!! ๐ RT @brittany_baldi: @tjlavin hey Teej!! happy holidays! I'm wicked pumped about the new challenge! #panama :)
@JasIPen: When he grabs it from behind... #AreYouTheOne #AYTO #MTV ๐ณ http://instagram.com/p/wSG3hdR7fm/
@AlexPhillipz: Lightin joints on set of @Apartment9tv with a tazer #BAD โก๏ธโก๏ธโก๏ธ
@whaattaafoxx: Taylor Swift ; BLANK SPACE ๐๐ I know bitch shut up! But I just love this song!! @blacuesta
@shandathapanda: Stressful days cause alcoholics to do what they do best.
@A_Bartolotte: You'll never catch me trippin
@whaattaafoxx: Thank you to whoever invited headphones! I bow down
@AREUTHE1: MONDAY. THE FINAL TRUTH BOOTH. 10/9c. http://youtu.be/oa_sc2nPuvA
@jenniknapmiller: Got a hole in my leggings...my dad said eh just grab a sharpie and fill it in #problemsolved #shitmydadsays
@jenniknapmiller: When the song so good you miss your exit on purpose
@blacuesta: It's been a crazy couple of days
@jenniknapmiller: Bummed for 2014 to come to an end but I think 2015 is going to top it with ease. I feel it in my bones.
@amberleeMTV: Relaxing with some hot cocoa & counting down the days til behbehh! 11 MORE DAYS!! ๐๐๐ผ
@Curtishadzicki: We must all suffer two pains, the pain of discipline or the pain of regret. The difference is discipline weighs ounces regret weighs tons JR
@JasIPen: Out at December Nights in Balboa Park! #SanDiego #DecemberNights2014
@MTVshelbs: Still can't believe the finale is already Monday!
@A_Bartolotte: pic.twitter.com/HWXwkcaeq0
- @blacuesta: @A_Bartolotte got damn
@blacuesta: People be like: "why would she do that on national tv" I be like: ๐ถ it's my lifeeee! Don't you forgettttt!!!๐ถ
@jenniknapmiller: wait, you wanted to have a normal life after the show? Hm well, hot dog eating contest for you it is! Oh perfect, thx
@blacuesta: Still in that place and I'm FLEXXXIN
@Curtishadzicki: Great drinks and better friends. MAKE MEMORIES. #dowhatyoulove @ Shelter http://instagram.com/p/wSrk3XSp3q/
@blacuesta: It's goin down furrrrrreal
@MTV_JESS: #backyard #selfie #areyoutheone #goonsquad #gooniestakingoversandiego ๐ http://instagram.com/p/wSvVXdj-YN/
@EDiamond007: That moment when OK Google knows who you and your wife are.. #okgoogle
@AREUTHE1: 2 DAYS till the #AYTOFinale!!!
@MaybachDiamonds: People are into this shit. #miami
@whaattaafoxx: I AM SO STUPID.
@whaattaafoxx: You don't get another chance, love is no Nintendo game
@MaybachDiamonds: Oh fuck this guy is pushing a stroller with a wooden chair in it. I'm in the good part now.
@MaybachDiamonds: It's all good I found where Erykah Badu at.
@Tindel10: Flirty
@whaattaafoxx: ๐๐๐ #AreYouTheOne
@MTV_JESS: Pb San Diego tonight - come see us at avenue #AreYouTheOne with @blacuesta @mtv @AREUTHE1
@Curtishadzicki: Business meetings #DoWhatYouLove
@jenniknapmiller: It's a shame you're that predictable
@amberleeMTV: It's so easy to get lost in our anxieties. Take time today to sit quietly and just be thankful for everything you have.
@PrimeTimeSiebs: Don't forget!!!
@PrimeTimeSiebs: #SelfieSunday #SelfiesOnASunday #EverySunday #SeasonFinale #AreYouTheOne #TomorrowNight!! http://instagram.com/p/wT-0P2xzJ6/
@blacuesta: @MTV_JESS come downstairs
- @MTV_JESS: @blacuesta ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
- @blacuesta: @MTV_JESS yeah you're telling me
- @MTV_JESS: @blacuesta fuckingggg cable guy ๐
@blacuesta: Spongebob pajamas
@AREUTHE1: Get your questions ready because Christina is taking over this account tomorrow night! #AYTOFinale
@amberleeMTV: TEN MORE DAYS! ๐๐ผ๐ Do any wise mommies have some advice for the big day?
@EikeParis: The #AreYouTheOne FINALE IS TOMORROW!! What wha. #meow ๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐
@Curtishadzicki: Reminiscing. Happy birthday jkennedy32 #dowhatyoulove http://instagram.com/p/wUMVCXyp1f/
@tabron27: But seriously. Too many people criticize other people's actions instead of worrying about themselves.โฆ http://instagram.com/p/wUOKcgy3gT/
@whaattaafoxx: You're a fucking cunt for that one...
@AREUTHE1: There's only one match up left... http://on.mtv.com/1Ad0VOg
@tabron27: One reason why I don't go out: I have poodle hair ๐ lol http://instagram.com/p/wURl0DS3so/
@MTV_Christina: I hate it when bad things happen to good people.
@IamAdamKuhn: Today's workout was on another level! Wooo ima get me some cold cuts!!
@blacuesta: "My nickname is Gillette because I'm the best a man can get. I will also cut you"
@brittany_baldi: It's Sunday funday and @ryanmalaty is excited about it :-) #mtv #sundayfunday http://instagram.com/p/wUcRdlkx9-/
@mtvdario: S IM PLE
@whaattaafoxx: Carolina 41-10 THIS IS CRAZY!
@LaytonJonesMTV: Get it girl! Looking great as usual mtv_jess #AreYouTheOne #RealityTV http://instagram.com/p/wUhpCdPs-t/
@EikeParis: Headed to View House Downtown after my YOUNOW sesh at 4, if anyone's out and about.
@MTV_JESS: Who's watching the new eppp in brazil todayyyy ๐๐๐๐๐ #AreYouTheOne send me your questions babysssss ๐ @MTVBrasil
@tabron27: So I decided to go on YouNow tonight..
@Pratt_MTV: Just finished my first week of training and being sober. Not saying #PrattJuice won't come back but it's time to get my spring body ready.
@tabron27: Poodle hair ๐๐
@jenniknapmiller: John and I typically sit back & stay quiet at match ups. Tune into the FINALE of #AreYouTheOneโฆ http://instagram.com/p/wUmW8kSWTx/
@JasIPen: Cause I'm lookin like yes & she lookin like NO. #AreYouTheOne #AYTO http://instagram.com/p/wUn7rix7Yu/
@shandathapanda: On the island coolin' like Gullah Gullah
@MTVshelbs: Don't forget to watch us on the FINALE of Are You The One tomorrow on MTV at 10/9c to find out if weโฆ http://instagram.com/p/wUvlBcISy6/
@PrimeTimeSiebs: #Repost!! Wanna meet some of the cast?! Join Ellie, Shelby, Garland and season 1's Adam from MTVsโฆ http://instagram.com/p/wUvzWaRzHG/
@_danielleex0x3: Can't believe it's the end of AYTO tomorrowโค๏ธ
@shandathapanda: Thuggin' so hard on Manhattan Beach rn.
@MTV_JESS: I have the munchies and we had to go .... @blacuesta
@EikeParis: IM SO SORRY! Got locked out of my apartment! Getting on YOUNOW in TEN MINUTES! ๐ฃ
@LaytonJonesMTV: I am about to smash #KFC grilled chicken immediately after buying $200 in groceries from #Kroger #RealLife
@mtvdario: Bartending all night ! Come watch the pats at ponchos
@whaattaafoxx: I can't believe tomorrow is the season finale of #AreYouTheOne ๐ข๐ญ๐ญ why why why!?
@EikeParis: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaand my phone dies
@EikeParis: PS. I'm going back on YouNow peeps
@EikeParis: Soooooo that was struggle nation on YouNow and we still ended up trending. Thanks babes.
@Curtishadzicki: embrace moments of unplanned beauty. Be thankful for the present. #dowhatyoulove @ SNC Summitโฆ http://instagram.com/p/wU7C7LSp3a/
@EikeParis: I <3 BRAZIL
@A_Bartolotte: Cannot believe the finale is tomorrow
@MTVshelbs: Elf just never gets old
@LaytonJonesMTV: My Fans I adore U But w/o My Haters the things Im about 2 accomplish wouldnt be possible ThankU 4 making me the best I can be #AreYouTheOne
@MTV_Christina: #AreYouTheOne finale TOMORROW! Who will be watching?! Tweet with me on the @AREUTHE1 account as the show airs! ๐
- @JasIPen: @MTV_Christina @AREUTHE1 can't wait to ask you a million questions! Ahhhhh
@MTVshelbs: You smell like beef & cheese you don't smell like Santa!
@MTV_JESS: Cornawanda over here almost killed us! Oh that's @blacuesta alter ego .. #cornawanda #AYTO
@MTV_JESS: @blacuesta and I will be on YOUNOW tonight ๐ #AreYouTheOne
@EikeParis: Sweet dreams twitter. Might not even be able to sleep I'm so excited for the finale tomorrow ๐ณ #AYTOFinale
@LaytonJonesMTV: Who is looking for a personal trainer and diet plan in the Nashville area? #Fitness #GymTime #NewYearsResolutions
@mtvdario: I won't be off tv for long
@whaattaafoxx: I got your back boy, when you're high, when you're low; I promise I will never let you go... ๐๐ฏ๐ถ
@MTV_JESS: The best things in life are free. For example, my @YouNow broadcast http://www.younow.com/JessAndreatta/28433177/5573623/9/f/December-7,-2014 โฆ
@tabron27: Hey guys come join me on YouNow tonight at 10:30pm๐
#AreYouTheOne #chatwithme #MTV
@EikeParis: They say "Sex Sells" but I'm not for sale โ
@blacuesta: Come watch me and Jess on YouNow her username is jessAndreatta
@tabron27: My @YouNow broadcast, more entertaining than a Kanye West tirade http://www.younow.com/TylerAbron/28435297/5672604/9/f/December-7,-2014 โฆ
@AlexPhillipz: "We're all winners!" - some fucking loser #BAD
@MTV_JESS: http://YOUNOW.com/jessandreatta
@tabron27: I'm on YouNow come jump on and chat with me ๐ #AreYouTheOne #YouNow
@Pratt_MTV: Feeling lost. Need inspiration.
@whaattaafoxx: I'm sad tonight... Going to bed yall
@Pratt_MTV: Live on http://YouNow.com/Pratt_MTV
@mtvdario: If your going to be a groupie at least be a cool one
@LaytonJonesMTV: Movie nights are the best! Need someone to share it with! ๐๐ #WhoIsTheOne? #AreYouTheOne
- @brittany_baldi: @LaytonJonesMTV in a world where jizzle drips comes in watermelon pecan flavor haha miss u homie!
- @LaytonJonesMTV: @brittany_baldi miss you too! Damn that's a world that everyone should live in!
@blacuesta: In honor of the #AreYouTheOne season finale tomorrow, just wanted to say good or bad times yall are my forever family
@MTV_JESS: #hiiiiieee #areyoutheone #jessincali #sandiegoliving ๐ตโค๏ธ http://instagram.com/p/wVeJihD-aE/
@brittany_baldi: if shes loyal, a great cook, sexy as f*ck, health conscious and a go-getter... wife that up quick fellas <3
@jenniknapmiller: If you're working nights right now lemme hear you say ayyyooo
@Pratt_MTV: Downtown Los Angeles is on Fire! #LAFire
@jenniknapmiller: I'm too good at being last minute
@JasIPen: Well uhhh....at least she made it on TMZ hahaha. Hustler credit??? #AreYouTheOne
Well, that's just the start of this 2-part edition of DC SocialPulse covering the week-long buildup to the finale of Are You The One? Season 2, which in a season that has had plenty of great episodes, they definitely saved the best for last. We'll be covering that finale coming up later with all of the interaction before, during and after that episode on Monday, along with my view on the road the group would ultimately take to either victory or defeat.
Calling All Fans for DC Fan's View - AYTO2 Reunion Revealed
Finally, it's mission time on here, and I'm leaving it to you, the fans. For our last AYTO post of this season (next week is the penultimate one), DCBLOG will be covering the Are You The One? Season 2 Reunion for our DC Fan's View series, which of course airs next week to wrap up this great season and as the promos will attest, should be an eventful one as well. With this in mind, I'm once again posing a challenge to those in the social media world and to those who are as passionate about these show for this task. And if you're a die-hard fan who got the opportunity to see Team 21 face-to-face recently, then this one is just for you. So, heads up for the following...
This weekend, I'll be reaching out on social avenues to those lucky handful who went to the reunion to get their input for my AYTO2 Reunion Revealed article, which will be posted here shortly after. In the same way that my twitter friends Andrew Kirk, Brian Cohen, Ali Lasher and Ashley Weitzel do very well on their webcasts, I'll be involving the fans in the conversation for these blog Q&A's on here, just as I did so successfully covering the AYTO1 reunion as well as those for The Real World and The Challenge. And this is the only time that I get to do something that they do best: talk to people on here, just like they do brilliantly in talking with the casts of those three MTV shows.
If you attended the taping of the AYTO2 Reunion back on November 23rd in Los Angeles and would like to discuss it with me here, all you gotta do is to either tweet, follow or send me a direct message to my Twitter @DC408Dxtr, or simply email me directly to dc408dxtr@icloud.com and we'll set things up (i.e. asking for your email address privately via DM, ask for others if they would want to join in, etc.). Of course, with our utmost respect to MTV, I'll be greatly respectful to their embargo and wait until after the reunion airs for me to ask for your insight. All I just need to do is to watch the reunion again after its original airing on Monday to write down notes & put together the very best questions for me to ask, and giving you a chance to collect your thoughts beforehand.
Then just after at mid-week next week, I'll be emailing a questionnaire for you to fill out - there is not a phone or webcam interview. You'll have a week to answer as many questions in the form as you can, but answering every single question would be beneficial to us. And you should preferably reply back to me within 7-10 days of when you receive it in your inbox. As always, the quicker you reply, the faster I'll be in posting it. But to meet the high demand and exceptional fan interest in the show, I do have a deadline of Wednesday, Dec. 24th, which will be 9 days after it airs so I can have something AYTO-related to post while the buzz is still fresh, and to also post this on Christmas Day. But it's preferred to have it in well before 12/25 so things doesn't get carried away by the holidays.
So, if you were in the audience, make sure that you remember the show very vividly...you might want to jot down notes on everything you got to see live just in case, so you can be ready to answer all the questions I'll be asking you after it airs. And please don't mind the length of the email you'll find in your inbox - it will be anywhere around 25-35 questions. But DCBLOG will make an effort to cover every single aspect of the reunion & the season, plus clear the air on things that need clarification.
And of course, we'd love to hear about anything we didn't get to see in the final edited version (or in the web extras), along with some behind the scenes scoop too...the kind of scoop that the other gossip sites would make them jealous of this site. We're complimenting posts done by them and the media focusing on the on-air version of it by providing a one-of-a-kind fan's point of view on the entire reunion experience that can't be found anywhere else, just as we did for the first one last spring.
Here, if you're a passionate fan who got to see everything unfold, I'm saving my very last post of AYTO Season 2 for you, the fans. And as a fellow fan myself, I'm providing you this platform and the mic to talk about the biggest storylines from the season and on the reunion. Though I'm not a webcast host, I love being able to hear what's on your mind and DCBLOG is the ideal place for this. I'm not afraid to ask the tough questions and help provoke conversation among the fans. After all, you are the people who, more than anyone else, drive the conversation of the shows you love. And if you love Are You The One?, be my guest...I'd love to talk to you about it.
Again, the mission if you choose to accept it: if you went to the taping of the AYTO II Reunion in L.A. on Nov. 23, either tweet, follow or send me a DM to Twitter @DC408dxtr or email me directly to dc408dxtr@icloud.com, and to set things up and make things happen. I look forward to hearing from you about it and hope that you'll be able to open up & tell all once we see the reunion along with you. We love to hear your Fan's View and reveal everything from the Are You The One? S2 Reunion right here exclusively on DCBLOG.
And that's all for now, Make sure to follow me at @DC408Dxtr on Twitter and Instagram, and DCNOW, my live tweet home at @DC408DxNow, the venue for my live tweets to Are You The One? and more. For now, until we bring you the Season 2 Finale SocialPulse in just over an hour from now at lunchtime PT, thanks for reading and talk to you in a bit.
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