Sunday, December 28, 2014

DC SocialPulse: Real World Skeletons - "Love & Other Drugs" + Holiday Special

*** Advisory: DC SocialPulse contains adult language and
spoilers for some readers. Viewer Discretion is Advised. ***

By DC Cueva
@DC408dxtr / @DC408dxnow

Hi again and Happy Holidays, welcome back to DC SocialPulse and Episode 2 of Real World Skeletons. Things are starting to get heated in Chicago to warm our senses during this cold and dark of this first official week of winter and the festive mood of Christmas. Last week, we began Season 30 of this franchise as we welcomed Bruno, Jason, Madison, Nicole, Sylvia, Tony and Violetta and the usual pomp and circumstance of them moving into their new city & house. We saw two romances right out of the starting gate Tony & Madison and Bruno & Sylvia, plus we relived the bar tip situation that happened on Free Agents earlier this year, and had some fighting as well. And this all comes before the twist of the skeletons coming in to cause havoc.
   This week, the group gets to know their Chicago surroundings, including a trip to Wrigleyville and the Second City. And the attention turns to one of those budding romances suddenly gets threatened by the heated tempers of the two. The housemates clash with Madison eventually leads to a haunting secret being revealed from her past that opens their minds behind the voice and persona. And the group finds out about what is about to go down, along with learning more about the others' pasts.
   After twitter's view of the episode, we'll be sharing how Team MTV celebrated the merry holiday known as Christmas. And when that is done, we'll again reflect on a simple thing that separates The Real World from other reality TV.

- As we begin, please note there is explicit language in many of the tweets below, but I am keeping it uncensored in order to retain the heat of the moment. So if you are mature enough, please read with discretion. :-)
Plus, if you haven't watched the episode yet, then don't proceed. But don't worry, bookmark DCBLOG as I will compile all of these tweets into these posts after every episode so you won't be in the dark of how your favorites saw this all unfold.

So join us after the jump for Episode 2 from Chicago and Christmas, Team MTV style.

> Real World Tuesday
@RealWorldMTV: New #RealWorldSkeletons tonight. Don't miss it.
@VMilerman: If you missed the chance to fall Inlove with me last week, here's the link to catch up ๐Ÿ‘‰  .. โŒโญ•๏ธโŒโŒโŒ see you tonight โค๏ธ
@RealWorldMTV: TONIGHT. #RealWorldSkeletons
@MtvJess: Hope that you fall in love and it hurts so bad...the only way you'll know is if you give it all you have.
@MTV: Some of the housemates get extra close on tonight's #RealWorldSkeletons at 10/9c... @RealWorldMTV
@brittany_baldi: On that meal prep and university of gym rats grind. Merry FITmas ๐Ÿ’ช #teambaldi
@NanyMTV: My mission this week: Get as tan as possible. Pastey-white just isn't a good look for me.
@JayGMTV: The Challenge Battle of the Exes ll airs january 6 at 11pm on @mtveyecandy #TeamJayandJenna
@BunimMurray: Who's watching the new #RealWorldSkeletons tonight??
@RealWorldMTV: Catch up on #RealWorldSkeletons before tonight's new episode!
@t_raines33: "1st clue skeletons are coming" โ€ฆ @Zap2it @RealWorldMTV #RealWorldSkeletons
@SylviaMTV: Tonight's the night yall!!! Tune into @RealWorldMTV 10/9c I go live at 8pm I'm an open book baby!
@RealWorldMTV: The house is about to get reeeaaaal crazy tonight:
@ChallengeMTV: Will #AreYouTheOne exes @brittany_baldi + @IamAdamKuhn hook up in #TheChallenge house? See what they have to say!
@brunorealworld: I'm not Santa but you could still sit in my lap ๐Ÿ˜‚
- @n_zanattaMTV: @brunorealworld lmaoo!!!!
- @madiwadi2by4: @brunorealworld fucking love this!
@CamilaMTV: Bye bye winter blues ๐Ÿ™‹๐Ÿ˜ #BrazilBound #earlysummer #AnoNovoPromete
@madiwadi2by4: Y'all just saying.. Im so incredibly nervous about tonight ๐Ÿ˜ฏ*Lip bitter* lol seriously though..
- @madiwadi2by4: @madiwadi2by4 ๐Ÿ˜€ oh nothing
@SylviaMTV: 3 Hours Until Show Time @n_zanattaMTV  let's try and and keep it together tonight! Tune in 10/9c @RealWorldMTV  #RealWorldSkeletons
 @_Kazuhnova: Tune in and watch Real World Skeletons on MTV tonight at 10! #yesslawwwdddd #Realworldskeletons #whatsgoodbo #910
@madiwadi2by4: Because in a fantasy world..... ๐Ÿ’‹๐Ÿ’„๐Ÿ™Œ
- @t_raines33: โ€œ@madiwadi2by4: Because in a fantasy world..... ๐Ÿ’‹๐Ÿ’„๐Ÿ™Œ โ€ Dutchess
- @madiwadi2by4: @t_raines33 well well well.. cute. #hm
@RealWorldMTV: Did you see the first #RealWorld cast reunite?!
@brittany_baldi: I heard @tjlavin is hosting an EX-tra baggage special next Tues 11pm on #mtv check it out #BattleOfTheExes2
@madiwadi2by4: @brunorealworld Bruno i might have a heart-attack. Haha doubt it. Miss u
@madiwadi2by4: I feel so inspired, inspiration. In two different ways. ๐Ÿ  Humanity is still alive!!!  Hallelujah*giggle*
@madiwadi2by4: Yessss puhh lease! #Mistletoe ๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜
@jenniknapmiller: Thank you @mtveyecandy for this smashing all red onesie ๐Ÿ˜ #iwantmymtv #areyoutheone @ this onesie hasโ€ฆ
@n_zanattaMTV: @SylviaMTV found Jesus!!!! I'm telling you in a different world all I see all I see all is see is----- lmao!!!!!
- @SylviaMTV@n_zanattaMTV I'm so fucking confused!!! ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
- @n_zanattaMTV: @SylviaMTV hahahah don't worry that makes both of us like ๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ˜ง๐Ÿ˜ฎthan he speaks ๐Ÿ˜ฒ
- @SylviaMTV: @n_zanattaMTV I'm over here ordering drinks trying to get on the level of godliness!!
- @n_zanattaMTV: @SylviaMTV hahahah please order me something strong I think I'm going to need it!!! Wife for life
@MTVtrey: GTA today is unreal, lol
@t_raines33: It's turn up Tuesday time with your boy Tony....make sure you got your t.v. on #RealWorldSkeletons tonite! @RealWorldMTV
@RealWorldMTV: Only 30 minutes until a brand new episode of #RealWorldSkeletons!
- @n_zanattaMTV: @RealWorldMTV ahhhhh ahhh ahhhhhhh ๐Ÿ˜
@MaybachDiamonds: Merry Christmas eve eve! Only one more day til one more day!
@Pratt_MTV: We don't want to be normal. Normality is what weak people call living. I call it death. #TT
@madiwadi2by4: @laurashall93 @VMilerman @RWCHICAGO2014  @SylviaMTV๐Ÿ‘ฏladys ladys,i smell Vegas soon!๐Ÿ™‹Im in if you are๐ŸŒปAtleast to scottsdale !!๐Ÿฏ #puttytatgang
- @laurashall93: @madiwadi2by4 @VMilerman @RWCHICAGO2014 @SylviaMTV ummmm hell yes. ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿ™Œ
- @n_zanattaMTV: @laurashall93 @madiwadi2by4 @VMilerman @RWCHICAGO2014 @SylviaMTV I just vomited where's my girl @blacuesta ๐Ÿ˜˜
@RealWorldMTV: @t_raines33 going up on a TUESDAY! #RealWorldSkeletons
@SylviaMTV: 10 minutes who's getting EXCITED!!! #RealWorldSkeletons
@n_zanattaMTV: Whose ready for #RealWorldSkeletons  episode 2!!!! 2 mins for the east coast!!! ๐Ÿ˜ @RealWorldMTV

> As They Saw It: "Love and Other Drugs"
@RealWorldMTV: #RealWorldSkeletons starts RIGHT NOW! RT if you're watching with me!
@RealWorldMTV: All new episode of #RealWorldSkeletons starts RIGHT NOW on @MTV!
@MTV: #RealWorldSkeletons starts right NOW! RT if you're watching with @RealWorldMTV ๐Ÿ’€
@t_raines33: @RealWorldMTV has an early Christmas present for y'all turn on your television #RealWorldSkeletons starts right now!
@SylviaMTV: It starts now!!!! @RealWorldMTV #RealWorldSkeletons
@n_zanattaMTV: Best pantie game in the house!!!!!
@SylviaMTV: #holysideboob @VMilerman
- @VMilerman: @SylviaMTV them titties don't lie #RealWorldSkeletons
- @EikeParis: @SylviaMTV @VMilerman SIDE BOOB DOE ๐Ÿ™Š๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ™ˆ
- @VMilerman: @EikeParis @SylviaMTV them boobies gonna freeze Thursdayโ›„๏ธ
@brunorealworld: #muskles #realworldskeletons @RealWorldMTV
@EikeParis: What what @RWSkeletons  I like thatttttt
@RealWorldMTV: @n_zanattaMTV could be my wing woman ANY day. #FourWayKiss WHAT?
@RealWorldMTV: I wish I could be a member of the #WolfPack! @n_zanattaMTV @brunorealworld @_Kazuhnova you guys make living in the RW house look FUN.
@RealWorldMTV: @SylviaMTV you are one lucky girl, please share some of that #Sexualness with US! #RealWorldSkeletons
- @SylviaMTV: @RealWorldMTV A lady never kisses and tells! Xoxox
@n_zanattaMTV: @t_raines33  got you too my man always!!!!
@VMilerman: @madiwadi2by4 are you part ghost? Always disappearing๐Ÿ‘ป#RealWorldSkeletons
- @madiwadi2by4: @VMilerman Gypsy soul๐ŸŒ› Just getting back to basics, maybe processing everything yea know?๐Ÿ˜ i've been missin you Violettaโค
@t_raines33: @n_zanattaMTV I got you lmao #quadrupolekiss #FourWayKiss #RealWorldSkeletons
- @n_zanattaMTV: @t_raines33 always winning!!!!
- @RealWorldMTV: @t_raines33 @n_zanattaMTV Next time include me!! ๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜
@VMilerman: @SylviaMTV  getting frisky aye?#RealWorldSkeletons
- @SylviaMTV: @VMilerman I feel like you'd look great with black and blue lol
@SylviaMTV: I like to conserve water!! #RealWorldSkeletons
@t_raines33: Put the cigarettes down Tony!!! #RealWorldSkeletons
@EikeParis: @SylviaMTV Get it gurrrlll
- @SylviaMTV: @EikeParis ๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ’
@t_raines33: My boy @_Kazuhnova speaking truth! Lmao #RealWorldSkeletons
@t_raines33: "Bring me to my palace!" Lmao @brunorealworld
@RealWorldMTV: @_Kazuhnova thanks for being the voice of reason thus far!
@VMilerman: Ya..... They won't be room for skeletons @n_zanattaMTV #RealWorldSkeletons
-@n_zanattaMTV: @VMilerman hahahha boy was I wrong I was like nahhhh did it last season ;)
@brunorealworld: #Musk-els and no shirts #TheRealWorldSkeletons @RealWorldMTV I like crayons ๐Ÿ˜„
@VMilerman: @SylviaMTV I know babe I wrote it here already
@RealWorldMTV: @n_zanattaMTV I feel like we should be bffs.
- @n_zanattaMTV: @RealWorldMTV we can be  wolves for life ;)
- @RealWorldMTV: @n_zanattaMTV YESSSS!!
@laurashall93: @madiwadi2by4 @SylviaMTV seriously, 6th street all over again with madison๐Ÿ™ˆ๐Ÿ˜‚
- @madiwadi2by4: @laurashall93 @SylviaMTV hahah #day drinking
@SylviaMTV: Making Mama Proud! #nosex #RealWordSkeletons
@t_raines33: When I'm sleeping I'm sleeping but #IDGT #RealWorldSkeletons
@brunorealworld: @madiwadi2by4 @RealWorldMTV she was just bored go Maddi
@n_zanattaMTV: @VMilerman lmaoo!!! I remember this like it was yesterday wtf!!!!! Lmaooo
- @VMilerman: @n_zanattaMTV haha whatttt
- @n_zanattaMTV: @VMilerman when we were watching Barbie with the stupid robot!!!
@SylviaMTV: Who doesn't know the difference between soaps! #RealWorldSkeletons
@RealWorldMTV: Awww Madison, we love you girl! #RealWorldSkeletons
@madiwadi2by4: โค (love emoji)
- @RealWorldMTV: @madiwadi2by4 we love you girl!
@brunorealworld: @SylviaMTV @RealWorldMTV she cheated
- @SylviaMTV: @brunorealworld @RealWorldMTV I'm a natural at everything!
- @brunorealworld: @SylviaMTV @RealWorldMTV natural cheater
- @SylviaMTV: @brunorealworld @RealWorldMTV whatever helps you sleep at night!
- @RealWorldMTV: @brunorealworld @SylviaMTV You are too cute! I can't ๐Ÿ™ˆ #RealWorldSkeletons
@blacuesta: Damn look at @n_zanattaMTV hitting those balls. You got experience with balls orrrrr? #RealWorldSkeletons
- @n_zanattaMTV: @blacuesta nope but I'll make you experiment ;)
@t_raines33: There's a 1000 tomorrow's but only 1 tonight! #RealWorldSkeletons #toast #cheers
@VMilerman: Carry me peasant @_Kazuhnova๐Ÿ‡
- @_Kazuhnova: @VMilerman absolutely baby ๐Ÿ˜˜
- @VMilerman: @_Kazuhnova Miss you brown bearโค๏ธโค๏ธ
- @_Kazuhnova: @VMilerman I miss you too honey ๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜
@t_raines33: Where's @madiwadi2by4 lmao this happen too many times! @RealWorldMTV #RealWorldSkeletons
- @madiwadi2by4: @t_raines33 @RealWorldMTV #takinatour #pottybreak whoooops!...
@VMilerman: Raise your hand if drinking is your favorite sport ๐Ÿ™‹๐Ÿธ๐Ÿป๐Ÿบ๐Ÿน๐Ÿท๐Ÿถ #RealWorldSkeletons
@blacuesta: Don't laugh!!!! @brunorealworld @n_zanattaMTV #RealWorldSkeletons
- โ€@brunorealworld: @blacuesta @n_zanattaMTV ๐Ÿ˜‚
- @n_zanattaMTV: @blacuesta @brunorealworld hahah babe we all know it, it's Coles world @_Kazuhnova
@RealWorldMTV: Yass @brunorealworld be the man of the house!!  #RealWorldSkeletons
@madiwadi2by4: "@brunorealworld: @madiwadi2by4 @RealWorldMTV she was just bored go Maddi" Bruno!Im interesting person to get to know forsure lol ๐Ÿ˜#wolfpack
@RealWorldMTV: I should not be laughing at @_Kazuhnova 's @madiwadi2by4 impersonation but it was so funny! #RealWorldSkeletons
@RealWorldMTV: I should not be laughing at @_Kazuhnova 's @madiwadi2by4 impersonation but it was so funny! #RealWorldSkeletons
@blacuesta: I ain't nobody's babysitter โ˜๏ธ @brunorealworld #RealWorldSkeletons
@RealWorldMTV: LOL @_Kazuhnova is so funny! #RealWorldSkeletons
@madiwadi2by4: Just now starting the show!!!!
@t_raines33: @RealWorldMTV drop the pixelation lmao #RealWorldSkeletons @SylviaMTV
@RealWorldMTV: "It was nothing but nakedness" - @_Kazuhnova LOL
@SylviaMTV: You shouldn't make bets when you're not very good! #RealWorldSkeletons
- @madiwadi2by4: @SylviaMTV #shithappenswhenyoupartynaked
- โ€@_Kazuhnova: โ€œ@SylviaMTV: You shouldn't make bets when you're not very good! #RealWorldSkeletonsโ€ Lmao ๐Ÿ˜‰
@t_raines33: Roommates of the round table #whysoserious #RealWorldSkeletons @RealWorldMTV
- @n_zanattaMTV: @t_raines33 @RealWorldMTV im not damaged im fcuken amazing
@n_zanattaMTV: To every woman know what your worth point blank, know what you deserve!!!!
@blacuesta: Agggggh @SylviaMTV sorry for you loss my girl! I know what it's like ๐Ÿ˜” keep doin you!
- @SylviaMTV: @blacuesta thanks babe!
@madiwadi2by4: #fiddlesticks ๐Ÿณ that cute lil guy
- โ€@madiwadi2by4: @madiwadi2by4 he was so cool ๐Ÿ˜Š
@n_zanattaMTV: @SylviaMTV @madiwadi2by4 @RealWorldMTV  ahhhh ahhh ahhhh dead lmao ๐Ÿ˜ฒ๐Ÿ˜ฒ๐Ÿ˜ฒ๐Ÿ˜ฒ๐Ÿ˜ฒ
@blacuesta: fucking nicole dying laughing GET IT TOGETHER @n_zanattaMTV #RealWorldSkeletons
@VMilerman: @madiwadi2by4 don't mind me bitch look my face usually rests like that... And @n_zanattaMTV you need to stop laughing...You're kinda a dick
- @n_zanattaMTV: @VMilerman @madiwadi2by4 lmao shut up you fcuken know we were all dying soooo please!!! And she knows I love her @SylviaMTV always me!!
@RealWorldMTV: Don't cry @madiwadi2by4 ๐Ÿ˜ข #RealWorldSkeletons
@VMilerman: @madiwadi2by4 ... Put a foot in my mouth.. #awkward @madiwadi2by4
@madiwadi2by4: "@VMilerman: Raise your hand if drinking is your favorite sport ๐Ÿ™‹๐Ÿธ๐Ÿป๐Ÿบ๐Ÿน๐Ÿท๐Ÿถ #RealWorldSkeletons"๐Ÿ™‹
@RealWorldMTV: @n_zanattaMTV PREACH!
@VMilerman: @jm4r  your debut #RealWorldSkeletons
@madiwadi2by4: Partying my ass off whats up! Hahahaha ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜ holla!
@brunorealworld: merry Xmas to you too bro and your fam
@madiwadi2by4: "@laurashall93: โ€œ@n_zanattaMTV: To every woman know what your worth point blank, know what you deserve!!!!โ€ ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿ™Œ" girl call me soon๐Ÿ’Œ
@amber_stepp: jenniknapmiller my mtv onsie #selfie ! I just had to copy your Christmas tree background !! ๐Ÿ˜˜merryโ€ฆ
@n_zanattaMTV: @RealWorldMTV @brunorealworld  we all know I didn't poop for days!!!!!@SylviaMTV
@SylviaMTV: Hello girls go more than men duh! #RealWordSkeletons
- @n_zanattaMTV: @SylviaMTV not this one
@RealWorldMTV: "Do you ever just feel like a monkey and want to crawl on things?" - @madiwadi2by4 is too cute #RealWorldSkeletons
@t_raines33: I njoy watchin n reminiscin but this shit was real n I hope people can relate n its helpful for any1 goin thru stuff #RealWorldSkeletons
@madiwadi2by4: Fuckin Chicago๐Ÿท ๐ŸŽˆ๐ŸŽˆ๐ŸŽˆ #realworldroomies
- @n_zanattaMTV: @madiwadi2by4 sooo proud of you at the end of the day you fcuken know!!
@RealWorldMTV: Aww @madiwadi2by4 ๐Ÿ˜ข. You are a survivor girl. #RealWorldSkeletons
@whaattaafoxx: Shots Fired! BANG BANG
@t_raines33: This is why the show is called Real World #RealWorldSkeletons @RealWorldMTV #missudaddy
- @RealWorldMTV: @t_raines33 we โค๏ธ you Tony!
- @madiwadi2by4: @t_raines33 @RealWorldMTV love ya ton
@SylviaMTV: Cheers to strong women around the world! #RealWordSkeletons
@madiwadi2by4: @SylviaMTV aww your so sweet sylvia!
@blacuesta: Eating my applesauce enjoying some #RealWorldSkeletons and a wild hater comes out the wood works. Like can u not when I'm eating applesauce
@t_raines33: @madiwadi2by4 is one of the most strongest women I know @RealWorldMTV #RealWorldSkeletons #tadison ๐Ÿ˜˜
@SylviaMTV: Oh man who would of thought hanging out with Aladdin would of been a problem! ๐Ÿ˜‰ #RealWordSkeletons
@madiwadi2by4: #whereismadison
@VMilerman: Mama bear taught baby bear how to twerk #twerkteam #catchmytwerk  #upsidedown @madiwadi2by4 #RealWorldSkeletons
@VMilerman: Wtf @SylviaMTV  was I not good enough for you? #RealWorldSkeletons  I'm the only one you need in your life #RealWorldSkeletons โค๏ธ๐Ÿ‘ญ
- @SylviaMTV: @VMilerman you're my number one!
@RealWorldMTV: Oh snap, @brunorealworld! Better watch out! #RealWorldSkeletons
@MtvJess: Cause we're young and we're reckless, We'll take this way too far....
@RealWorldMTV: Our girl @SylviaMTV is not having it! #RealWorldSkeletons
@madiwadi2by4: "@RealWorldMTV: "Do you ever just feel like a monkey and want to crawl on things?" - @madiwadi2by4 is too cute #RealWorldSkeletons" ๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ’
@RealWorldMTV: Briah, though!! Yes to @brunorealworld 's hot brother! #TheRealWorldSkeletons
@briughh: Oh hi world
@RealWorldMTV: Thanks for watching with us! #TheRealWorldSkeletons
@_Kazuhnova: @brunorealworld @luke_farrell1 it would be light work, team work make the dream work #RealWordSkeletons #wolfpack #yesslawwwdddd
@JennaCompono: Ahhhh who's excited to see battle of the exes II ?!
@SylviaMTV: Well.... What did everyone think?!? #RealWordSkeletons @RealWorldMTV
@JMorrisfitness: Big ups to my gorgeous friend @MtvJess for always showing me love. Gotta catch up and see that perfect smile soon! #hotfriends #RealityTV
@RealWorldMTV: @t_raines33 until next time 
 @_Kazuhnova: I guess I should definitely stick to football because volleyball is not my sport smh lol ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ #RealWorldSkeletons @RealWorldMTV
@laurashall93: @SylviaMTV seriously my brother was like "dayummmm her teeth are so white๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜"
- @SylviaMTV: @laurashall93 I don't like to toot my horn but here hey crest white strips lol
@t_raines33: @MTV hello bae
@n_zanattaMTV: It's Christmas Eve wish I had a mistletoe so I can push you against the wall grab you and kiss you!! Happy Holidays:) #RealWorldSkeletons <3
@madiwadi2by4: Sorry i was doing me. From the bottom of my heart.
@_Kazuhnova: @SylviaMTV @crazy_cupcake33 I know Bo but it just felt oh so good to get that W lol
@VMilerman: @n_zanattaMTV hahahahahahaha we where talking about something intense too
@VMilerman: Thank you guys so much for the support! Drinking for the night but holler at me where you're from & don't forget to tag #RealWorldSkeletons
@madiwadi2by4: I AM SO SORRY. #Tadison you silly boy. #Nicebod
@madiwadi2by4: I missed this ๐Ÿ• 

> As Me and the Fans Saw It
@dc408dxnow: So, we started last week with romance & a $800 bar tip. Now what does tonight have in store? Off to Chicago... #RealWorldSkeletons
@dc408dxnow: .@_Kazuhnova @n_zanattaMTV @brunorealworld clicking early here, they're having lots of fun in the house. And pillows aplenty too. #RWonDCNOW
@dc408dxnow: .@brunorealworld & co. going tanning on the beach. This is debuting during the winter, and it's filmed in summer. I like summer weather more
@dc408dxnow: Madison meets up w/ girls, roomies playing beach toss, some also roaming the sand. Nothing like the beach during the summer. #RWonDCNOW
@dc408dxnow: The search is on for Madison, everyone's looking for her. Good thing I got my mobile at all times to tell everyone where I'm at. #RWonDCNOW
@dc408dxnow: Girls inviting @brunorealworld into the shower. CHI is where we saw the double shower head for the first time on #realworld back in 02.
- @CSUAKirk: @dc408dxnow @dc408dxtr I thought Miami had it no? #RealWorldSkeletons
- @dc408dxtr: @CSUAKirk oh I think you're right. That famous shower scene comes to mind.
- @CSUAKirk: @dc408dxtr I didn't watch Miami but I've seen it on a highlights show
@dc408dxnow: Night on the town after that day on the beach. I've never been to Chicago, got a fascination w/ that town, wanna go there one day.
@dc408dxnow: .@SylviaMTV @brunorealworld make out, @n_zanattaMTV spots them kissing. And @t_raines33 @madiwadi2by4 together again. #RealWorldSkeletons
@dc408dxnow: And then @madiwadi2by4 @t_raines33 take it to the hot tub, and everyone else sitting in the bedroom. Just another night in the RW house.
@dc408dxnow: So, @_Kazuhnova spots @t_raines33 & @madiwadi2by4 in bed thanks to that peek-a-boo opening in the door.
@dc408dxnow: The webcam talking to Bruno & Sylvia, and there's a vacuum called fiddlesticks that Madison likes. 8th roommate. #RealWorldSkeletons
@dc408dxnow: Group has made their way to Wrigleyville, Cubs country. Getting a first look at what they might have down the road. Challenge ready?
@dc408dxnow: Bruno trying to watch for Madison, and it seems she is tipsy. And there's the unicorn again, saw this on VT. She is drunk. #RealWorld
@dc408dxnow: Now we got some fireworks on the way home between Madison & Sylvia on the train platform. Now it continues back home. #RealWorldSkeletons
@dc408dxnow: The house is turning on Madison. Poor girl.
@dc408dxnow: Now @_Kazuhnova @SylviaMTV playing ping pong. The winner gets no gold medal, but the loser has to run around naked. Sylvia loses the bet.
@dc408dxnow: Oh dear. @SylviaMTV reveals she had a miscarriage during that round table. Be strong Sylvia, you'll eventually be the best mom you can.
@dc408dxnow: Girls gathering to talk to Madison about her having to regain her soul. Nic thinks it's funny, but this is serious talk here. #realworld
@dc408dxnow: So, we've had house fun one moment, a few minutes later there's some rather serious subject matter being discussed. #RWonDCNOW
@dc408dxnow: Madison is scared about sharing the story she just told them. Violetta about to confront her skeletons for the first time. Serious stuff.
@dc408dxnow: But that's what makes #RealWorld different & unique in really TV: young people confronting real-life situations we can all relate to.
- @dc408dxnow: .@dc408dxnow *reality on that one. That's why though Challenge & AYTO are gaining on it, #realworld remains my first love.
@dc408dxnow: .@madiwadi2by4 about to tell Tony her drug addiction story on the patio. Many's impressions of her have changed in the course of this hour.
@dc408dxnow: .@t_raines33 shares w/ @madiwadi2by4 that his dad also dealt w/ drugs. That's some powerful conversation they had there. #RealWorldSkeletons
@dc408dxnow: Bruno & Jason talking outside about what's up with Sylvia. Sometimes that first impression doesn't go according to plan. #RealWorldSkeletons
@dc408dxnow: Sylvia & Violetta talking as they head back, Bruno & a girl named Carla talk at the bar. Now back home Syl is not happy about him.
@dc408dxnow: Now Bruno & Sylvia getting into words in bed. Things about to get ugly in the house, and even better from a viewers POV too. #RWonDCNOW
@dc408dxnow: .@brunorealworld talking on the patio about what's up at the bar. He's very angry about what happened, now there's his brother. #RealWorld
@CSUAKirk: I want the next season of #realworld to have the twist start right away
@CSUAKirk: Had to rewind @brunorealworld's interview dude really mispronounced muscles lol #RealWorldSkeletons
@CSUAKirk: @n_zanattaMTV  and @t_raines33  better dynamic duo then Sam and Nate #RealWorldSkeletons
@CSUAKirk: @brunorealworld  is truly the man #RealWorldSkeletons
@CSUAKirk: Really liking this @SylviaMTV  and  @brunorealworld  thing  #RealWorldSkeletons
@CSUAKirk: @_Kazuhnova  is so hilarious #RealWorldSkeletons
@CSUAKirk: Madison has some issues to put it lightly #RealWorldSkeletons
@CSUAKirk: I love that @VMilerman  says drinking is her favorite sport haha great #RealWorldSkeletons
@CSUAKirk: This girl is going to drive this house crazy I can already tell she's something else #RealWorldSkeletons
@CSUAKirk: @SylviaMTV  I remember u told me u had no filter I totally see that now #RealWorldSkeletons
@CSUAKirk: @madiwadi2by4  I really wanna know more about you  there's something I know what I'll like bout u #RealWorldSkeletons
@CSUAKirk: They know what the twist is now #RealWorldSkeletons
@CSUAKirk: Wish we would've seen this side of @madiwadi2by4  the first episode liked her after last week loved her now #RealWorldSkeletons
@CSUAKirk: Have three #RealWorldSkeletons  cast members following me so far hope to see an increase in that soon
@CSUAKirk: @itsarifitz  you gotta teach @madiwadi2by4  how to twerk I remember u doing that move last season
@CSUAKirk: #exes2  looks like it's going to be the best season yet
@CSUAKirk: I thought this took away the aspect of the name #RealWorld but after two episodes and speaking with @VMilerman  i think it makes it stronger
@Morgan_MacAdam: So much for the Skeletons being a surprise.... #RealWorldSkeletons
@Morgan_MacAdam: Love that you guys got to experience Wrigleyville & went to Sluggers!! @_Kazuhnova @t_raines33 @VMilerman @SylviaMTV @brunorealworld
@Morgan_MacAdam: Happy that @madiwadi2by4 was able to open up about her past addictions & that @t_raines33 was by her side 100% & was able to relate!
@Morgan_MacAdam: @brunorealworld you sure do know how to get over your jealousy over @SylviaMTV REAL quick! haha! That's #Chicago #RealWorldSkeletons
- @brunorealworld: @Morgan_MacAdam @SylviaMTV ๐Ÿ˜’๐Ÿ˜’
- @SylviaMTV: @brunorealworld  You can't stop fate!!
- @brunorealworld: @SylviaMTV ๐Ÿ˜‹๐Ÿ˜‹๐Ÿ˜Š
- @Morgan_MacAdam: @SylviaMTV @brunorealworld Hate to say it but Carla is Bougie version of Sylvia... Sorry Bruno!
- @brunorealworld: @Morgan_MacAdam @SylviaMTV not at all
- @SylviaMTV: @Morgan_MacAdam @brunorealworld not at all she really is a beautiful!
- @Morgan_MacAdam: @SylviaMTV @brunorealworld hahah I was trying to compliment you Sylvia! But yes she was pretty.
- @brunorealworld: @SylviaMTV @Morgan_MacAdam both beautifully things just take a change
- @SylviaMTV: @Morgan_MacAdam @brunorealworld thank you!!
@Morgan_MacAdam: Is it January 6th Yet?!? I'm way too excited for #TheChallenge #BattleOfTheExes2
@Morgan_MacAdam: Dude that episode went by WAY too quick! I'm ready for another one! #RealWorldSkeletons #RealWorldChicago
@RealityRadioPod: F*ck, Marry, Kill.. @_Kazuhnova (Jason) @t_raines33 (Tony) @brunorealworld (Bruno)?? Let's hear it ladies?! #RealWorldSkeletons @BunimMurray
- @t_raines33: @RealityRadioPod @_Kazuhnova @brunorealworld @BunimMurray id fuck Bruno, marry Jason, and then kill myself lmao ๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ”ซ
- @_Kazuhnova: @RealityRadioPod @t_raines33 @brunorealworld @BunimMurray why you do me like that playa, now you know everybody gonna kill me smh ๐Ÿ˜” lol
- @brunorealworld: @RealityRadioPod @_Kazuhnova @t_raines33 @BunimMurray kill everyone
- @MtvJess: @_Kazuhnova @RealityRadioPod @t_raines33 @brunorealworld @BunimMurray I'd marry you! #910 #standup
- @_Kazuhnova: @MtvJess @RealityRadioPod @t_raines33 @brunorealworld @BunimMurray #yesslawwwdddd #910 #theluckiestmanalive lol
- @SylviaMTV: @t_raines33 @RealityRadioPod @_Kazuhnova @brunorealworld @BunimMurray  ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
@RealityRadioPod: What is it about Real World that makes everyone feel entitled to hear everyones darkest secret? She'll tell you when when she wants to.
@RealityRadioPod: Woah...... Didn't see this coming. #RealWorldSkeletons #Rivals3 Bruno and Tony???
@RealityRadioPod: "She's not dumb, she's just faking being happy." - @VMilerman #RealWorldSkeletons  Very deep....
@murtzjaffer: Watching #RealWorldSkeletons w my faves @madiwadi2by4 @t_raines33 @VMilerman @n_zanattaMTV
@murtzjaffer: No don't talk to those "beach guys" @madiwadi2by4 #RealWorldSkeletons
- @madiwadi2by4: @murtzjaffer ๐ŸŒŠ๐Ÿ‹  fun in the sun, duh ๐Ÿ˜‰ teh
- @murtzjaffer: @madiwadi2by4 I don't like those beach guys!
@murtzjaffer: Omg @madiwadi2by4 is totally my favorite #RealWorldSkeletons
@murtzjaffer: Lol. It is surreal seeing @t_raines33 on this show. #RealWorldSkeletons
@murtzjaffer: I am so jealous of @t_raines33 right now, it isn't even funny #RealWorldSkeletons
@murtzjaffer: @madiwadi2by4 is so hot, my TV just melted. #RealWorldSkeletons
@murtzjaffer: Don't mess w @VMilerman, Jessica #RealWordSkeletons
@murtzjaffer: @madiwadi2by4 fighting again
@murtzjaffer: You are back to being the top dog @t_raines33  I am mad @madiwadi2by4 again!
@BigTymers228: #PhotoGrid I Can't Wait To Watch Tonight's Episode Of The Real World Skeletons. #MTV #RealWorldโ€ฆ
@BigTymers228: I would love to have a girl like @n_zanattaMTV to be my home girl one day I can relate to her in certain ways
@BigTymers228: @SylviaMTV @VMilerman @madiwadi2by4 3 Beautiful & Youthful Ladies
@BigTymers228: @madiwadi2by4 your name Madison reminds me of the basketball arena in nyc Madison Square Garden
@BigTymers228: @madiwadi2by4 you look mad youthful & you got a baby face Madison
@BigTymers228: "@n_zanattaMTV: To every woman know what your worth point blank, know what you deserve!!!!" <- This #Facts Nicky
@BigTymers228: @SylviaMTV oh man that's deep sorry for your loss Sylvia
@BigTymers228: #PhotoGrid I Seen This From n_zanattamtv & She Hit This Right On The Money. #MTV #RealWorldโ€ฆ
@BigTymers228: @madiwadi2by4 wow that's deep what you went thru Madison it's sucks ass that all of this horrible stuff happened to you thank god you alive & you're too beautiful to even go through something like this
@BigTymers228: @t_raines33 damn that's crazy sorry for the loss of your pops tony
@BigTymers228: @brunorealworld @SylviaMTV @n_zanattaMTV @VMilerman @madiwadi2by4 @t_raines33 @briughh @_Kazuhnova good show tonight I can't wait for next episode of the real world Skeletons
@busdriversroute: Actually a little excited for @RealWorldMTV tonight. Or just to live tweet the shenanigans, one of those.
@busdriversroute: I'm sorry but "bar locals" > "beach guys" #RealWorldSkeletons
busdriversroute: Shout out to the camera man getting a better angle of two 23 year olds making out in a hot tub. #RealWorldSkeletons
@busdriversroute: Ok, seriously @n_zanattaMTV..Get on the Challenge......NOW. And same goes for "drinking is my favorite sport" @VMilerman #RealWorldSkeletons
@busdriversroute: That is the smallest ping pong table ever. Where did they get that? Kids Walmart? #RealWorldSkeletons
@busdriversroute: First PSA in between scenes of the season! That's how you know it's officially the @RealWorldMTV. #RealWorldSkeletons
@busdriversroute: The phone booth looks like they're recording a podcast. And @VMilerman can almost pass as a younger Sarak Koenig. #RealWorldSkeletons
@busdriversroute: Not judgement at all, but is going on the Real World and drinking and smoking the best place for a recovering addict? #RealWorldSkeletons
@busdriversroute: Did @brunorealworld just end that argument calling @SylviaMTV goofy? That's amazing. Well done sir. #RealWorldSkeletons
@ItsYaaBoyyKyle: @SylviaMTV and @VMilerman are without question my favorite on the show #RealWorldSkeletons
@ItsYaaBoyyKyle: LOL "Madison is off in unicorn land" #RealWorldSkeletons @SylviaMTV @madiwadi2by4
@ItsYaaBoyyKyle: SHITS GO DOWN! #RealWorldSkeletons @SylviaMTV @VMilerman @n_zanattaMTV @madiwadi2by4 @brunorealworld @t_raines33 @_Kazuhnova
@ItsYaaBoyyKyle: My heart truly breaks for @madiwadi2by4 i love her! #RealWorldSkeletons
@ItsYaaBoyyKyle: @madiwadi2by4 I've been where you have in that position. I struggled with alcohol after a friend of mine committed suicide.
@kmacisco: "Women look to their father for protection. And when they don't have that growing up, they entertain verbally abusive men"
@kmacisco: Very well said @_Kazuhnova
@kmacisco: Battle of the Exes 2 promos keep coming on & I give that whole cast so much credit- I would quit on the spot if I had to work with my ex ๐Ÿ˜‚
@AceNichols33: I'm just realizing how soon #TheChallenge actually starts.... Haha! I'm not ready, but are you ready for the recaps?....

So, after all the usual excitement and anticipation that comes with the premiere of any Real World season, the attention turns this week to what will be an intense season, starting with personal issues of drug addiction and loss. There, the clashes between the roommates and Madison caused her to reveal that six-year battle with heroin and drugs, and Tony revealing that his dad succumbed to addiction as well. We also saw Bruno & Sylvia's romance get jeopardized by their tempers, and Violetta finding out what will happen as well. And this week's episode proved once again the one unique aspect of the show that can't be found much on a reality competition show or a celeb-reality series. We'll explain more about it in a bit.

SocialPulse Extra: Christmas with Team MTV
Now, to something very special... There's nothing like that holiday spirit this time of year, and for Team MTV this comes at the end of what has been a great year. Of course, here on this site we have followed Real World Ex-Plosion, The Challenge: Free Agents and both seasons of Are You The One?, and now we are into RW Skeletons and counting down to Exes 2.
   In the interest of those who not only watch the Trifecta but also are overall MTV fans like me, on the broader side of things in addition to Teen Mom and Ridiculousnessthere was the intriguing new drama Finding Carter, the LGBT-themed comedy Faking It and a death of a key character at the end of season 4 of Teen Wolf. And my large Team MTV twitter list (link) got bigger as I watched House of Food, Virgin Territory and Slednecks as well, becoming friends with the casts of those shows too.
   To pay homage to the MTV family, this DCSP Extra will be looking at how they got to celebrate Christmas. And not only will this section span the Real World & Challenge family and the two Are You The One? casts, we will also include, for the first time on the 'Pulse, holiday tweets from shows outside of the Trifecta. So for fans of those shows, those from Awkward, Teen Mom, Jersey Shore, Ridiculousness and others are featured here. We'll start off with X'Mas Eve.

> Christmas Eve with Team MTV
@whaattaafoxx: Merry Christmas Eve everybody!๐ŸŽ„๐ŸŽ…๐ŸŽ
@whaattaafoxx: Tomorrow is Jesus' Birthday!!! We gotta turn up for the King! So with that being said I'll start today ๐Ÿท
@SylviaMTV: I've come to the realization that I will forever SOUND like I smoked 12 packs of cigarettes a day! ๐Ÿ˜” all the while actually hating them!
@MTV_JESS: Cuz all I really want is you*
@whaattaafoxx: 5 Days till Nate and Garland are in NC and 6 till Shelby is here! I'm leaping with JOY over here!!!!! ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿ™Œ
@TheRealNiaMoore: Spread a little happiness while ur out today. Smile at the ppl u pass. Tell ur loved ones their appreciated. Forgive ur enemies.
@TheRealNiaMoore: This new season of #thechallenge hasn't even aired and I'm already ready for the next one lol. @BunimMurray @MTV let's just leave now ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜›
@MTVCoryWharton: People get mad when you try to become a better person. Tell me how that makes sense.๐Ÿ‘
@MTVRWNews: Yesterday's episode of #RealWorld was very REAL! I appreciate the cast for opening up - you guys are helping so many people. Even myself.
@JasIPen: This photo is too dope not to share. MERRY CHRISTMAS EVE FROM #AreYouTheOne ! Shoutout to whoever made this. #AYTO
@MTVtrey: Merry Christmas Eve everyone!
@blacuesta: Christmas is tomorrow. Who wants to be my present?
@madiwadi2by4: ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ
@brittany_baldi: About the beach life. Jan 6th see how #teamBRADAM holds up against the @ChallengeMTV vets! #mtv #BattleOfTheExes2 โœŒ๏ธ
@IamAdamKuhn: Glad to see so many people are excited about #AreYouTheOne joining the Challenge cast. Merry Christmas everyone!
@ChallengeMTV: .@dustinzito's not off to a great start with his partner @MtvJess on #BattleOfTheExes2:
@brittany_baldi: Merry Christmas ya filthy animals ๐Ÿ‘…๐Ÿ’ฆ. ๐Ÿ’•. #holidays #Christmas
@madiwadi2by4: We met for a reason, either you're a blessing or a lesson. ๐ŸŽ„๐ŸŽ
@Pratt_MTV: First Christmas without my family. I'll try and make the best of it I guess. #IwontBeHomeForChristmas
@Pratt_MTV: Merry Christmas from The Pratt's! #FamilySticksTogether
@jenniknapmiller: I love this #AreYouTheOne Christmas fan edit ๐ŸŽ„๐ŸŽ…
@mtvdario: Why is everything on Instagram fitness now ? I like my cheeseburgers. Thanks ๐Ÿ’ฏโœ”๏ธ
@JayGMTV: My recommendation for CHRISTMAS. Be thankful and spend it with your family #MerryChristmas
@madiwadi2by4: ๐ŸŽ„๐ŸŽ๐ŸŽ…  Merry Christmas, and a happy New year!
@blacuesta: Biggest pet peeve: when people say they need to talk to me about something but they cant talk to me about it yet. THEN WHY EVEN BRING IT UP
@MtvJess: Watch out for those eyes โ€˜cause sheโ€™s armed and dangerous Like bow, hit you with that one shot ๐ŸŽถ๐ŸŽถ
@MtvJess: Hands up she said give me everything you got &then she'll dip like it never even happened She could kill with those looks fatal attractionโœŒ๏ธ
@madiwadi2by4: So my next tatoo..
@MTV_Christina: Take a sad song, and make it better ๐ŸŽถ
@JordanW_usa: Hope everyone is staying close to the Fam and having a very Merry Christmas Eve!
@mtvdario: Fuck you 1% I'm not trying to get up and charge you
@RealWorldMTV: My heart was so heavy for Madison last night:
@MTV_JESS: Never be this many ppl wish me a merry xmas before โ˜บ๏ธ thanks guys ๐Ÿ˜˜ merry xmassssss โค๏ธ
@CaraMariaMTV: Caught me! @mtveyecandy #iwantmyMTV
@_Kazuhnova: They say the shoe can always fit no matter whose foot its on but Im squeezin in em n Whoever wore em before just wasnt thinkin big enough
@whaattaafoxx: Always waiting on a man
@DbDylanburgess1: Merry Christmas Eve everyone #slednecks#akchristmas
@Zeke_turecki: Merry X-MAS to all the #slednecks out there hope yall have a good one!! #christmaseve #AKlife #perse
@EDiamond007: Dear Santa,  Nevermind I'll buy my own presents.
@MtvJess: More of a fighter than a lover....what can I say? @mtv #bote2 #BattleOfTheExes2
@mtvdario: You know what came to do
@blacuesta: Dear future significant other: I promise to love you with all the madness in my soul.
@A_Bartolotte: Good to be with family
@laurelstucky: Thinking about those who are overseas for Christmas. ๐ŸŽ„๐ŸŽ Thank you and we miss you and love you. โค๏ธ Get the job done and come home soon. XO
@brunorealworld: Just watched the trailer for episode 3 #RealWorldSkeletons @RealWorldMTV "the 5 minute" thing was a bit exaggerated. It was 32 seconds long!
@ShalyahEvans: I actually loose weight at Christmas because so far hummus isn't a classic holiday treat
@ShalyahEvans: I have received Downton Abbey costume exhibit furry sleeve cuffs. Happy Christmas.
@brittany_baldi: Happy holidays from my wife and I!!! @simonekelly_ thank you MTV! #mtv #battleoftheexes2#iwantmymtv
@jenniknapmiller: Christmas mass went by fast this year, I had a direct view of my future husband. Peace be with me? no no, peace be with YOU ๐Ÿ˜
@jenniknapmiller: Now I feel guilty tweeting about the church hottie #catholicguilt
@whaattaafoxx: "Seeing isn't believing, believing is seeing" -TheSantaClaus
@amber_stepp: Roxi is waiting for SANTA!!! #xmassweater #lmao #shelovesit #notreally
@jenniknapmiller: I'm 23 and Christmas Eve is still as magical as it was when I was 3. Merry Christmas everyone โ˜บ๏ธ
@NevSchulman: xo (Happy Holidays picture with him and Max)
@jenniknapmiller: "I'm all done wrapping my gifts but I didn't have scissors, so don't judge" -@KnappyBoyRadio
@WestonBergmann: Happy holidays everyone!
@MelanieIglesias: Enjoy your Christmas, everyone. โœˆ๏ธโ˜๏ธ๐ŸŽ…๐ŸŽ„
@VINNYGUADAGNINO: I look high but I don't smoke . Merry Christmas
@DeenaNicoleMTV: Spending Christmas Eve with @CBuckner_ and his family in Brooklyn
@whaattaafoxx: What if i told you it was all meant to be? Would you believe me, would you agree?
@JENNIWOWW: Pajama party!!! #iwantmymtv onesie lol @rogermathewsnj
@Pratt_MTV: Christmas came early this year. Shoutout to @theZCLIP for hooking me up with this dope money clip to store my $tacks!
@laurelstucky: It's a Wonderful Life.
@RyanDevlin: Merry Almost Christmas from SANTA Monica.
@erikalauren: Merry Christmas Eve everyone!  Love y'all!
@MTV_JESS: #merrychristmas ๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ™
@MTV_JESS: #andreattaxmas my favorite boys in the entire world ๐Ÿ’™ #love
@MTV_JESS: Yayyyy momiii got me an iPhone 6 ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ™ this woman is such an angel !! I love youuuuuu @aandreatta67 !!
@whaattaafoxx: I've always been good at dealing with physical pain. I handle it well. I can't say the same about emotional pain though...
@tosca_yeager: Merry Christmas from the hash family! ๐ŸŽ„๐ŸŽ„๐ŸŽ… #fiancรฉ #hashlife #merrychristmas
@VMilerman: I'm sorry,I don't take insults from people who's eyebrows I can take off with one lick of my thumb
@TrishelleC: Merry Christmas Eve!๐ŸŽ„๐ŸŽ„๐ŸŽ„
@laurelstucky: There's a lizard in my Christmas tree. #FloridaChristmas
@mtvdario: ๐Ÿ’ฅThe fam BAM๐Ÿ’ฅ caught off guard. I โค๏ธ my momma !!   With raphymedrano25 #merrychristmas #AreYouTheOneโ€ฆ
@Chet_Cannon: Cheers to you and yours!
@amber_stepp: My beautiful family decorates so perfect ! Merry Christmas everyone xoxo๐ŸŽ„๐ŸŽ…๐ŸŽ #tree #decorationsโ€ฆ
@JasIPen: At this point I can have #Fireball for breakfast! #drinkup
@_shaebradley: HAHAHHAHA Merry Christmas
@ShalyahEvans: "All happy families are alike; each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way. Have a scotch."- Santa Clause
@ryanmalaty: You'll shoot your eye out #ChristmasEveProblems
@maxjoseph: Apparently this is how you say "Merry Christmas" in Brazil. I'm into it. Ps that's Pri's Grandma! @โ€ฆ
@tabron27: Merry Christmas all.
@mtvdario: Rockafellas !!!
@brittany_baldi: Damn all these challenge fan predictions. You all need a fantasy league ๐Ÿ’ฏ๐Ÿ˜œ
@CamilaMTV: Merry Xmas!!! Wishing you all lots of love and joy!!! ๐Ÿ˜˜๐ŸŽ„๐ŸŽ… #FelizNatal
@snooki: Santa asked us to help him build Lorenzo's present ๐ŸŽ… we're elfs for the night ๐Ÿ‘Œ
@JustJem24: Remember no man is a failure if he has friends.
@MTVshelbs: well.. they look cute, and then there's me in my polar bear sweater ๐Ÿ˜ merry Christmas!
@jenniknapmiller: Mannnn I cannot wait to play santa for my kids someday.
@ChelseaHouska: Merry Christmas Eve! ๐Ÿ’•
@mollytarlov: Now's the part where I try to stay awake until at least 10 so I'm not up in the middle of the night byyyyye
@JillianRoseReed: Merry Christmas ๐ŸŽ„๐Ÿ’š
@cthagod: Yo I never watch Breakfast Club interviews until the end of the year when it's the holiday season. I don't know why I just do...
@cthagod: It's almost like a end of the year evaluation type shit. Let me see if I personally like this Breakfast Club shit....
@cthagod: The Breakfast Club interviews yall hate I bet I love the ones yall love I bet I hate.....
@cthagod: You learn things in the moment but you really learn things when you sit back and watch. It's like watching game tape.
@cthagod: I just want to get better. Be great.
@cthagod: Rule of 10. 3 people will like it, 3 people will hate it. 4 people won't give a fuck either way. Remember that.
@cthagod: It's hard being a fan and interviewing because I got personal questions don't know if that's the questions the people want.
@cthagod: Can definitely tell ya'll the OG's is my favorite to interview. Don't think we interviewed a lot of OG's this year. Chris Rock? Who else?
@MTV_JESS: #andreattafamily #crazycousins #merrychristmas ๐Ÿ’™
@MTV_JESS: Why does my heart have to drop everytime I see a picture of you .. Will this ever stop ๐Ÿ˜’
@JackieNanini: YES! YES!YES!!!! Got to open one present tonight ๐Ÿ˜Just what I needed and I absolutely #love thisโ€ฆ
@MTV_JESS: My rock ๐Ÿ’Ž she's everything ๐Ÿ’™ momiiii first and forever love! Loveyouuuu so much words can't describe!
@MTV_JESS: Ugh I hate some of your stupid questions tho .. Seriously guys seriouslyyyyy
@MTV_JESS: Like no
@JustJem24: A perfect Christmas Eve.. One word comes to mind. Blessed
@cthagod: I'm really up studying this game tape. I never do until the end of the year. Same day every year theโ€ฆ
@JackieNanini: Merry Christmas everyone ! โ„๏ธโ›„๏ธ๐ŸŒฒ๐ŸŽ„๐ŸŽ๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽŠ๐ŸŽ…
@JessimaePeluso: I'm currently sleeping in my childhood bed and staring at dolls that haunted me for most of my adolescence. #HomeForTheHolidays
@ChelseaHouska: Santa definitely hit the Houska household ๐ŸŽ… coledeboer
@IWantMyEmTV: December 24th, 2014... The day every single one of my Facebook friends got engaged.
@blacuesta: & THIS CHRISTMAS WILL BE A VERY SPECIAL CHRISTMAS *chris brown voice*
@JakePerry56: Before I die I want to party with @JamesFrancoTV and @Sethrogen. #TheInterview
@blacuesta: Baby it's cold outside @n_zanattaMTV

> Christmas Day with Team MTV
@MTVtrey: Happy Day of Christ! ๐ŸŽ„๐ŸŽ… Oh, and Santa too!
@PBandJenelley_1: Merry Christmas! ๐ŸŽ„๐ŸŽ๐Ÿ˜ฑ
@blacuesta: Me and @deeemoneyyy just did the entire mean girls jingle bell rock dance. Yes were awesome
@akkellyhill: Brews at my place ! Maybe some apple crown idk haven't made my mind up yet.
Merry Christmas Twatters
@Curtishadzicki: Merry Christmas from me and mine to you and yours #dowhatyoulove
@blacuesta: LIKE BYE ๐Ÿ‘‹โœŒ๏ธ
@blacuesta: Get on your kneed by Nicki and Ariana turns me Into a stripper
- @JasIPen: @blacuesta this might be my new " let your inner nasty out" song ๐Ÿ™Œ
- @blacuesta: @JasIPen seriously I get nasty to this song
- @JasIPen: @blacuesta as my fellow twerker....we shall combine abilities & turn this song the fck out! Next time I see u....twerk & Sims. done deal.
- @JasIPen: @blacuesta not enough! U may not be on ur hiking game...๐Ÿ˜‘ but we got each other on them other levels haha. Love u.
- โ€@blacuesta: @JasIPen you really gotta catch me on a good day to go hiking I'll die
@blacuesta: Jesus I meant KNEES not KNEED lol my inner john kneeing me in the face came out there for a second best
@blacuesta: Not a second best I meant a second**** maybe I should go to sleep
@n_zanattaMTV: Make it hurt I like it better-scratch deep, bite hard, kiss me longer and make sure you leave your mark.
@blacuesta: Me and @deeemoneyyy straight having a Taylor swift party
@A_Bartolotte: You don't see as many Christmas lights anymore
@JasIPen: Packing for Denver with @NICKIMINAJ  on blast. #DoWork #NoComplaints #AllNickiEveryDay
@blacuesta: It's all fun and games till somebody falls In love
@blacuesta: My heart is set on you I don't want no one else
@blacuesta: And if you don't want me I guess I'll be all by myself
@_amdavis: Merry Christmas all. You're welcome. ๐ŸŒฒโค๏ธ
 @HaliLaughlin: Happy Holidays everyone!!!
@TamiRoman: Merry Christmas everyone!  Peace and love to you and your families.
@paulawalnutsMTV: Merry Christmas & happy holidays2 everyone. Hug your family tight. Kiss your kids. Tell the ones u love, u love them #AllIWantForChristmas
@RogerMathewsNJ: Wishing everyone the happiest of holidays and I hope you all get to spend it with your loved ones. Many blessings to all.
@AshleyRickards: For Christmas I got you an overexposed selfie. #YoureWelcome
@MTV_JESS: #merrychristmas โค๏ธ I only see them once a year! But everytime it's like I never left <3 I love youuuuuโ€ฆ
@JLaValle: Merry Christmas!!!
@snooki: Santa came! ๐ŸŽ…๐ŸŽ…๐ŸŽ…๐ŸŽ…๐ŸŽ…๐ŸŽ…
@akkellyhill: Super hammered merry christmas
@LaytonJonesMTV: Merry Christmas to all! #HappyBirthdayJesus #GodIsGood #AllTheTime
@LaytonJonesMTV: Merry Christmas to all! #HappyBirthdayJesus #GodIsGood #AllTheTime (Created with tweegram app)
@SammiSweetheart: Merry Christmas Everyone! ๐ŸŽ…๐ŸŽ„๐ŸŽ
@SlednecksMTV: Wasn't there a 10th reindeer named Carl? Merry Christmas from your Alaskan bffs! ๐ŸŽ„๐ŸŽ๐ŸŽ‰ #Slednecks
@ShalyahEvans: MARY had a baby even though she wasn't MARRIED, so MERRY Christmas
@EikeParis: Merry Christmas from me to you and yours ๐Ÿ˜˜๐ŸŽ„
@shandathapanda: Christmas af so be merry.
@maxjoseph: And last but not least #HappyHolidays from your #Catfish cohorts!! Season 4 coming soon!
@mollytarlov: At this point my parents should just wrap the cheese plate and give it to me christmas morning
@TheresaTime20: Merry Christmas Errybody!!!๐Ÿ˜Ž๐ŸŽ„๐ŸŽ
@_Kazuhnova: Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to everyone!!
@JENNIWOWW: Seeing her BFF on Christmas ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ’
@JennaCompono: โญ๏ธMerry Christmas my loves! โญ๏ธ
@TheJayDillinger: To all my #YungAndWavy supporters MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!
@DeenaNicoleMTV: Merry Christmas tweetballs!!!! Have a blessed day! โค๏ธ๐ŸŽ๐ŸŽ„๐ŸŽ…๐Ÿ’š
@AshleeFeldman: ๐ŸŽ…๐ŸŽ
@AshleeFeldman: Santa found out who was nice โœ”๏ธ๐ŸŽ…
@cthagod: Thank You God for Blessing Me with Another Day of Life!!!
@TophsTweets: Merry Christmas bitches.
@brunorealworld: Death is what gives life meaning..Death makes it so we want to live.
@madiwadi2by4: Merry Christmas!!!! ๐ŸŽ…๐ŸŽ…๐ŸŽ… Listening to sweet nothing's
@SylviaMTV: Merry Christmas from my family to yours!! Have a wonderful day #Christmas #FamilyTime #everthing
@JayGMTV: Merry christmas!
@mtvcanada: Hope everyone is safe and merry today! Sending happy holiday wishes to our friends @MTV and everyone across Canada, especially YOU. ๐Ÿโ„๐ŸŽ…๐ŸŽ๐ŸŽ„
@IWantMyEmTV: Merry Christmas my baaaaaybaaaays ๐ŸŽ…๐ŸŽ„๐ŸŽ
@ThatCoral: Happy Christmas everyone! Make this the best day and radiate love all around you. Xoxo
@JessimaePeluso: Nothing says "I really don't care about you enough to send you a card" like a mass holiday text does. Take this as mine tho. #MerryXmas
@AshleighMorgh: Merry Christmas!!!!
@snooki: Merry Christmas from us! โค๏ธโค๏ธโค๏ธโค๏ธ @jenniwoww
@ThomasBuellMTV: Merry Christmas!
@MTVBananas: Dec. 25th is the only day of the year that I'm a morning person! #MerryChristmas #SantaClaus
@PaigeBrendel: Merry Christmas ๐ŸŽ…๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ๐ŸŽ„
@CCKnight / Cecila, Knight's sister: Hey bro I know you're up there laughing that Jake got tons of toys and then asked to go outside and play hockey!!! We miss you tons
@IamAdamKuhn: Merry Christmas!
@JordanW_usa: A huge MERRY CHRISTMAS from our family to yours!! Enjoy your families today folks!
@neyasivera: So nobody bought me @MTVBananas hoodie? Really?? I need it for my collection come on, there's still time...I've been a good girl ๐Ÿ˜‡๐Ÿ˜‡
@robdyrdek: ๐ŸŽ…๐ŸŽ„๐ŸŽ๐ŸŽ…๐ŸŽ„๐ŸŽMerry Christmas to all from myself and @bryiana_noelle ๐ŸŽ„๐ŸŽ…๐ŸŽ๐ŸŽ„๐ŸŽ…๐ŸŽHope everyone has an amazing dayโค๏ธ๐Ÿ™
@LaytonJonesMTV: Christmas Breakfast #MerryChristmas
@snooki: What a happy kid.
@MTVNate: Merry Christmas ya filthy animals...
@AshleyMarieMTV: Merry Christmas ya'll! James 1:17 #blessed #givethankstohim
@JamieChinaMTV: Merry Christmas to all you lovebugs!! Hope yall have an amazing day with family and friendsโค๏ธ๐ŸŽ„
@KennySantucci: Merry Christmas everyone!                     Love hopes and wishesโ€ฆ
@CaraFnParrish: A seven course seafood dinner yesterday and a pound of roast per each person today..... I'm going to be Orca sized by the time Xmas ends
@CJKoegel: From my very childish heart to yours, Merry Christmas!!!
@PrimeTimeSiebs: Hope you all have a safe and merry Christmas!! #Thankful
@DeenaNicoleMTV: Shout out to my amazing boyfriend @cbuckner_ at being the cutest gift giver ever โค๏ธ I love youโ€ฆ
@JennaCompono: Watching divergent theo James is so sexy
@MTVshelbs: Christmas just isn't the same when you're older... Growing up sucks
@dillanhoward: Happy Birthday J ๐ŸŽ๐ŸŽ„
@briughh: Happy Holidays to all, now it's time to get back to #WORK!
@snooki: Merry Christmas from my lady ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐ŸŽ…
@KailLowry: Merry Christmas! โค๏ธ @michaelpeach89
@haileychivers: Merry CHRISTmas everyone ๐ŸŽ„๐ŸŽ…โ„๏ธโ›„๏ธ๐ŸŽ #joy
@blacuesta: I'm the best Christmas wrapper alive
@JENNIWOWW: Merry Christmas!!!
@JENNIWOWW: Love this pic @rogermathewsnj @snooki
@JENNIWOWW: Best friends holding hands @snooki
@MTVJohnMoustis: Oh @mtveyecandy, you shouldn't have.
@_shaebradley: So blessed for my family and excited to rage in Detroit tomorrow with my bestie @morgannmaxine ๐Ÿ‘ฏ๐Ÿˆ๐ŸŽ„Merry Christmas everyone!
@Tindel10: Whoahhh!!! Holographic 1st edition Charizard for Christmas!!!!
@A_Bartolotte: Food > Gifts
@MTVshelbs: happy holidays everyone!
@wesbucklesmtv: Merry Christmas everybody! โ›„๏ธ๐ŸŽ…๐ŸŽ„
@n_zanattaMTV: Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas to all :) #RealWorldSkeletons imagine if we were still in the house cooking for the holidays?!?! <3
@MaybachDiamonds: I got coal :/
@KatieSaria90: Merry Christmas. My dad has a man bun.
@Sahar_Dika: Merry Christmas ๐ŸŽ…๐ŸŽ„๐ŸŽโค๏ธ Wishing you all a blessed day!
@ItsTheSituation: Merry Christmas ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿ™Œ
@emilyeIizabeth: Merry Christmas!!! ๐ŸŽ…๐ŸŽ„โค๏ธ๐Ÿ’šโค๏ธ๐Ÿ’š
@MaybachDiamonds: I celebrate Christmas the same way jesus did. Crying and screaming in pain and confusion.
@VMilerman: Made is to Phoenix after experiencing the most rudest security people at Tampa Bay International airport. I'll die before I get that bitter๐Ÿ’
@Curtishadzicki: Merry Christmas and I hope You got everything you wanted. Shout out to @sipping_with_stella for the custom mug that continues to inspire and a shoutout to @nobigg for the beanie keeping my head warm photo credit @jakehadzicki__ #dowhatyoulove
@whaattaafoxx: MERRY CHRISTMAS Everybody! Don't forget to Thank The Lord and don't forget our troops over seas that can't be with family today ๐ŸŽ„๐ŸŽ…๐ŸŽ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ
@itsJennyDelich: #MerryChristmas Twitter!
@DJPaulyD: Merry Christmas To All Who Celebrate !!!
@jenniknapmiller: Merry Christmas and warm fuzzies from my family to yours โ˜บ๏ธ๐ŸŽ„
@madiwadi2by4: Woke up to this dream. Family ๐Ÿ˜๐ŸŽ„
@t_raines33: Merry Christmas ๐ŸŽ… and happy birthday Jesus ๐Ÿ™
@JustJem24: Glad Burger King was open today so we could grab food for the homeless...
@blacuesta: You know you're getting old when you get excited over a new cutlery set
@MTVtrey: Hello
@brunorealworld: Is Santa ๐ŸŽ… real? Or did a stranger walk in my house and eat all the cookies I left out?
@JayGMTV: Christmas day and i miss my mom so much. This is two years ago. If you are spending christmas with your family. Just hug them for me โ“‚ฬ‡โ“”ฬ‡โ“กฬ‡โ“กฬ‡โ“จฬ‡โ €โ €โ €โ’ธฬ‡โ“—ฬ‡โ“กฬ‡โ“˜ฬ‡โ“ขฬ‡โ“ฃฬ‡โ“œฬ‡โ“ฬ‡โ“ขฬ‡
@tabron27: Wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas to you all ๐ŸŽ„.
@KatieSaria90: So happy and blessed. Yay yay yay yay. Happy birthday Jesus!
@_amdavis: I love my family.
@VINNYGUADAGNINO: My mom got me a twin for Xmas
@_amdavis: It's cool. I just have the perfect niece. ๐ŸŽ€
@MTVBananas: Its Christmas time in the city! #London #MerryChristmas #JingleBells
@snooki: Merry Christmas from my family to yours...  ๐Ÿ˜๐ŸŽ„๐ŸŽ…
@DeenaNicoleMTV: Spending Christmas Day with my family in Staten Island ๐ŸŽ„๐ŸŽ๐ŸŽ…
 @NanyMTV: โค๏ธ
@TrevorHash: I'm trying to go and ride a mountain and when I look over @tosca_yeager is crying because of puppy videos.
- @tosca_yeager: @TrevorHash THEY GOT PUPPIES FOR CHRISTMAS. It's bittersweet tears of joy
@snooki: Loving all your Christmas presents of my stuff! Enjoy everyone! Happy Holidays๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜
@DeenaNicoleMTV: Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! Everyone have a blessed day!
@MTV_JESS: Do I really need a caption or nah? Naaaaaahhhhh ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜
@JENNIWOWW: Merry Christmas from me, Roger and baby Meilani...  ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ’
@TrevorHash: Merry Christmas you filthy animals
@EDiamond007: Little Roxie learning to share her new bed with baby Scarlett.  #twopeasinapod #lovemyfamily
@Zeke_turecki: MERRY CHRISTMAS!! To all the #slednecks out there!! #season2please #perse #Christmas2014 #MerryChristmas #RealityTV #ilovethefans
@blacuesta: Finally got a Ho-pro. Watch out hos I'm coming for ya.
@SimoneJKelly: Merry Christmas everyone! @dj_era is off the road. Between brunch & these mimosas, we're holidayโ€ฆ
@erikalauren: A Merry Christmas indeed!
@MTVshelbs: Don't forget the reason for the season!
 @MTVshelbs: Christmas is exciting, but I think I'm more ready for New Years because that means a new year, a new home & new beginnings ๐ŸŽ‰
@TheRealNiaMoore: All I want for Christmas is about two more cups of rum and the Spurs to lose this game.
@JayGMTV: If she got a nice ass. Im already sold
@EDiamond007: The real reason Santa is jolly is because he knows where all the bad girls live.
@MTVCoryWharton: You know it's a good present ๐ŸŽwhen they bust out there phone๐Ÿ“ฑ to record you๐ŸŽ„. #MerryChristmas
@amberleeMTV: ๐ŸŽ„๐Ÿ’‹๐Ÿ’•Sending hugs, kisses, and Christmas wishes from the Diamonds!
@JENNIWOWW: Thank u daddy I love my tricycle @rogermathewsnj
@DeenaNicoleMTV: Merry Christmas! From my cousins and I ๐Ÿ’š๐ŸŽ„๐ŸŽโค๏ธ @amandagallox0 @alyssaminajj @dayyyy_naa nicoleegalloโ€ฆ
@NanyMTV: #MyView #MerryChristmas โ˜€๏ธ @ Tampa, Florida
- @MaybachDiamonds: @NanyMTV dude stop you're in Tampa right now!? Lets do something!!
- @NanyMTV: @MaybachDiamonds see you later love!!! ๐Ÿ˜ฌ
@ChallengeMTV: Happy Holidays! โค #TheChallenge
@ChallengeMTV: Watch @ZachMTV spread even more cheer when he hosts #HolidayLeftovers January 3 at 9pm on @MTV.  ๐Ÿ˜„
@robb_schreiber: This Christmas, it became conclusive. I'm officially SuperMan. @ ๐ŸŽ„๐ŸŽ…๐ŸŽ
@KatieSaria90: It's not Christmas unless my moms drunk and asking who im sleeping with.
@carlyaquilino: Merry Christmas to all of you!! ๐ŸŽ„๐ŸŽ„๐ŸŽ„๐ŸŽ„๐ŸŽ„๐ŸŽ„๐ŸŽ„๐ŸŽ„๐ŸŽ„๐ŸŽ„๐ŸŽ„๐ŸŽ…
@jenniknapmiller: ๐ŸŽ„โค๏ธ @laurashall93
@A_Bartolotte: I feel like I'm gonna explode
@MtvJess: My God brothers and sister๐Ÿ’• #cousins #love #Durans #merrychristmas
@JasIPen: Shoutout to #MTV for my awesome onsie! #iWantMyMTV #AreYouTheOneโค๏ธ
@mik_sims: the amount of tips I made in the last 24 hours makes working on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day worth it ๐Ÿ’ธ๐Ÿ’ธ๐Ÿ’ธ
@TM2LeahDawn: I thought 2014 was going to turn out to be the worst year of my life, but after Dec. 8 It turned out to be the BEST by God's GRACE & MERCY! NOW, Bring on 2015!! I love my Family!! ๐Ÿ˜Š
@TM2LeahDawn  ยท  Dec 25
I hope each and everyone had a Christmas  full of blessings and too much food just like  The Calvert Fam...  Hehe  Merry CHRISTmas!! ๐Ÿ˜™๐Ÿ˜˜
@amber_stepp: Merry Christmas everyone so thankful for how wonderful yet another year has been! ๐Ÿ’‹๐ŸŽ„โ„๏ธ๐ŸŽ… #xmasselfieโ€ฆ
@ItsTheSituation: Merry Christmas ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿ’ฏ๐Ÿ’ฏ๐Ÿ’ฏ๐Ÿ’ฏ@ItsTheSituation @lauren_pesce
@Andre_sinclair1: #MerryChristmas. ๐ŸŽ๐ŸŽ„๐ŸŽ…๐ŸŽ๐ŸŽ„๐ŸŽ…. Love ya!!!!
@JackieNanini: Made a early Christmas dinner last night and was to tired to post after words #earlychristmasdinnerโ€ฆ
@JackieNanini: Good morning ! MERRY CHRISTMAS ๐ŸŽ…๐ŸŽ„๐ŸŽ #coffee #presents #nomakeup #holidays #mtvonesie #Slednecks
@DeenaNicoleMTV: Family โค๏ธ
@JustJem24: Onesie life.. Thanks @MTV ๐Ÿ˜˜โค๏ธ
@IWantMyEmTV: I miss the stone ages.. where I had to find out my ex was getting married or having a baby by teradactyl messenger instead of social media.
@brunorealworld: #oceanbreeze and #palmtrees ๐ŸŒด๐ŸŒŠ
@RealRonnieMagro: #HappyHolidaysFromMyPeanuts #MerryChristmasYaFilthyAnimal #BlessYou&YourFamilies
@PrimeTimeSiebs: The Rents ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š obviously I get my looks from my Madre ๐Ÿ˜ I don't know what I would do without my biggest support. #LoveMyParents #Thankful
@missashc: Hope everyone is having a very Merry Christmas!
@ryanmalaty: Merry Christmas ya filthy animal ๐ŸŽ…๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŽ„๐Ÿ””๐ŸŽ๐ŸŽถ๐Ÿท
@CaraMariaMTV: Snatching presents with my new weight lifting belt. @mtveyecandy #iwantmyMTV #christmas #crossfitโ€ฆ
@TrishelleC: ๐ŸŽ…๐ŸŽ„๐Ÿท๐Ÿ‘ซ
@CaraMariaMTV: Im super. Thanks for asking.  #superhero @mtveyecandy #iwantmyMTVโ€ฆ
@CaraMariaMTV: You will have to peel these off me. @mtveyecandy #iwantmyMTV #boston #bostonstrong #christmas
@EDiamond007: Maybe Christmas,  the Grinch  thought, doesn't come from a store.  Dr.  Seuss.
@brittany_baldi: Merry Xmas chillin' with @dillanhoward  #AreYouTheOne #MTV #christmas
@BSwiftMTV: Last night On Christmas Eve I came home to my House ON FIRE with fire trucks and ambulance stretchers outside with the fear that my most cherished love one was still inside. Although I lost the majority of my personable belongings and clothing to the fire.. I thank god no one was injured or killed. Instead of focusing on what I lost last night, I cherish more than ever today on Christmas Day what I STILL HAVE which is the moments with my family๐Ÿ™. S/O to everyone over at @MTV for the surprise onesies x-mas present. #RealG'sWearOnesies #IWantMyMtv #ThankingGodForKeepingMyLovedOnesSafe #Sis,LilCuz,AuntieInThePic
@whaattaafoxx: Leave it to me and Emily to end up wearing the same outfit for CHRISTMAS lmfao @aug312014
@amber_stepp: My beautiful grandma such a wonderful generation of women all thanks to her ๐Ÿ’‹๐ŸŽ„โ„๏ธ๐ŸŽ… #familyโ€ฆ
@MTV_JESS: I love @chrisbrown but can you plz stop posting all this dumb shit on insta -_- not cute at allllll โœ‹
@A_Bartolotte: I remember everything
@jenniknapmiller: Highlight of Christmas Day is always 'the nap'
@whaattaafoxx: "Our love is here to stay" I love the #AppleCommercial #SoSweet
@cthagod: Chicks on IG lonely as fuck posting their Christmas dinner they cooked talking bout "Too bad I gotta eat this by myself."
@cthagod: Shit gotta suck to have been half naked on IG all year but still wind up single on Christmas.....
@jamiechung1: Merry Christmas everyone! x
@MTV_JESS: I get to Brazil and in immediately back to being super Brazilian like I neeeeeeeeed to meet @ivetesangalo before I die!!!!! ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜
@brittany_baldi: "Bitch I want my money!!" @simonekelly_ @dillanhoward #AreYouTheOne #mtv ๐Ÿ‘
@TrevorHash: Haha so I found this. That's super weird.  @tosca_yeager
@snooki: Hope everyone had a Merry Christmas! I am back on etsy! Only a few in stock, will add more soon! XOโค๏ธ โ€ฆ
@A_Bartolotte: As one door closes, another opens
@DeenaNicoleMTV: Great time with my family โค๏ธ now relaxing with my baby @CBuckner_
@brittany_baldi: My wife be killin' it right now @simonekelly_  these hoes ain't loyal @jennacompono  #plow #mtv
@shandathapanda: merry christmas buttholes from me and barkley
@DJFishhh: Gaining lots of holiday weight, and not regretting it one bit. I'll work it off eventually
@A_Bartolotte: It always came easy
@cohuttaMTV: Thanks for the union suit @MTV . #iwantmyMTV #purplerain #9pointer #pappashouse
@blacuesta: I have an unhealthy obsession with Evan Peters I'm not even gonna lie about it
@whaattaafoxx: It's A Wonderful Life
Why is no1 ever good enough for me? I always gotta find something on a guy and be like naaaaa bye
@MTV_JESS: I can think you're ridiculously good looking one day and the next be like naaaaaaaahhhhh ๐Ÿ˜‘
@DevynSimone: Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night! - Brooklyn the Pup๐ŸŽ„ #MerryChristmasโ€ฆ
 @JackieNanini: Just posted a photo
@JustJem24: #iwantmyMTV
@jenniknapmiller: In the mood to subtweet. Hold me back, hold me back!!
@MTVshelbs: Beyond ready to see @whaattaafoxx @IamAdamKuhn @PrimeTimeSiebs and @Modelboi12 in 5 days....
@SledneckSierra: Merry Christmas everyone! I spent mine with family- how did you spend your Christmas? ๐ŸŽ„๐ŸŽ…๐ŸŽโ€ฆ
@blacuesta: Got this badass shirt
@whaattaafoxx: I will be your hero baby
@SledneckSierra: Another typically beautiful day here in Alaska! Photo credit- @theflashh3 #alaska #mountains #beautiful #home ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ™Œโ„๏ธโ›„๏ธ
@nicolebyer: My sister is currently making me the nachos I demanded because you know Christmas is here for a short while.
@brunorealworld: Something real and genuine beats a fake ass and pair of tits any day!
@MTV_Christina: My slippers are so gangster I can't ๐Ÿ˜ #love #fucktotheyeah
@blacuesta: GOT THE CLUB GOIN UP... ON CHRI$TMA$ @falashaaa @deeemoneyyy
@SylviaMTV: ReWatching last weeks episode of #RealWordSkeletons Who's ready for NEXT Tuesday? @RealWorldMTV
@MTV_Christina: BABY BRANDON! @Tindel10
- @Tindel10: @MTV_Christina bahahahahah!!!!!
@TheresaTime20: Hโญ•๏ธ Hโญ•๏ธ Hโญ•๏ธ!!! #MTV๐ŸŽ„
@brittany_baldi: When my MTV family facetimes on Christmas @SimoneJKelly @NanyMTV @MaybachDiamonds @Pratt_MTV #MTV #AreYouTheOne #thechallenge ๐Ÿ’•
@brittany_baldi: Here we are @ChallengeMTV family face timing on Christmas ๐Ÿ’•  #MTV #AreYouTheOne
@brittany_baldi: Merry Prattmas. It's been a fun holiday with everyone ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ’ฏ #christmas #holidays
@blacuesta: I don't give a fork
@ryanmalaty: I never want Christmas to end
@MTV_Christina: I need a partner in crime for all of the musical festivals I plan on attending in 2015. Any takers?
@MaybachDiamonds: @NanyMTV is my best friend now. Look forward to our beautiful babies
- @NanyMTV: Love you boo! RT "@MaybachDiamonds: @NanyMTV is my best friend now. Look forward to our beautiful babiesโ€
@jonnamtv: Finally off work, about to get weird in my onesie;) #merrychristmas #iwantmymtv

> The Boxing Day Hangover
@MTV_JESS: Time to pack up!! Going going back back to Cali Cali 
@nicolebyer: The true meaning of Christmas is realizing ur baby cousins who are now young adult in relationship cousins will 100% get married before you
@cthagod: "Most people do not listen with the intent to understand; they listen with the intent to reply." Which are you?
@cthagod: There is a huge difference between listening and hearing.....
@ChallengeMTV: Awww, did you know #BattleOfTheExes2 competitors @ThomasBuellMTV & @haileychivers were high school sweethearts? 
@RealWorldMTV: Classic #RealWorld hot tub action: 
@mtvdario: Why do I still feel like crap
@robb_schreiber: I don't get people telling me to trim my beard. The concept for me is to grow a beard, not grow one to cut it down.
@madiwadi2by4: Cheating on a good person is like trading a diamond for a rock.
@Curtishadzicki: Clothing doesn't define you actions do. #dowhatyoulove
@SimoneJKelly: I'm not perfect...but I'm worth it! 
@Tindel10: When I chill, I chill hard.
- @blacuesta: @Tindel10 odd
- @Tindel10: @blacuesta wording is def odd..
@A_Bartolotte: 2014 was a good year
@whaattaafoxx: Now we're standing here looking at each other baby eye to eye
@RealWorldMTV: Stuff in the #RealWorldSkeletons house is gonna get real, real fast: 
@MTV_JESS: Ugh can I just be home alrdy ๐Ÿ˜’ not looking forward to traveling a million hrs fml
@MTV_JESS: And I'm fucking sick which makes this day even better ugh
@blacuesta: Pet peeve #2: when ur in line and the person in back of you is so damn close to you that you can feel their breath on Ur neck BITCH BACK UP
@JamieChinaMTV: Boyfriend got me the best Christmas gifts ever๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜ including the Go Pro 4 Hero Silver๐Ÿ™Š holy balls, gonna have some great vids from Colorado!!
@dillanhoward: @EDiamond007 @amberleeMTV figured I would wait until everything dies down a bit...Congrats on the baby ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿ™Œ
- @EDiamond007: Thanks! Hope all is well and we wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year!  @dillanhoward
- @dillanhoward: @EDiamond007 likewise ๐Ÿ™Œ
@MTV_JESS: It always sucks saying bye to my fam 
@SylviaMTV: When I knew @vmilerman and I were going to LOVE eachother! #realworldskeletons @realworldMTV 
@Curtishadzicki: STAY STARY EYED. Progress is success. #dowhatyoulove @ Cardiff State Beach 
@JasIPen: Enjoying coffee in the snow! Denver bound. #AreYouTheOne #Colorado โ„๏ธโ›„๏ธ 
@amberleeMTV: Scarlett cuddles and Harry Potter marathon all day! 
@EikeParis: My Cali girl and I braving the storm ๐Ÿ’™โ„๏ธ๐Ÿ’›๐ŸŒด @jasipen 
@AneesaMTV: Every time I run I think of @DiemBrownMTV and how proud she would be of me. I miss you and love you "baby girl"
@JennaCompono: 5 days until my birthday!!! And 11 days until the challenge battle of the exes 2!!! @mtv @TheChallengeMTV ahh
@RealWorldMTV: Here's to hoping that Madison's secret brings everyone together: 
@A_Bartolotte: Thinkin about hittin the card table tonight
@MTV_JESS: #travelwjess fact I hate people who walk super slow in front of me like dudeeeee you're at an airport -_-
@MtvJess: The BEST food ever steak so tender on my Philly cheesesteak I swear I'm in heaven!!!! #ChicagoSteakandFish #losgatos
@MTV_JESS: Ok the flight attendants know who I am & asked for pics let's hope this flight ends up being ok!!
@A_Bartolotte: Midwest Muscle 
@MTV_JESS: Powerful picture ๐Ÿ’™ exactly what I'll be doing! #2015 in ready for you! #areyoutheone #dreams willโ€ฆ 
@JasIPen: Cheers to no basic bitches!!! @EikeParis  #WildForTheNight #NoBasics #LoveColorado
@jenniknapmiller: Bathing suit shopping for Hawaii. Heavy flexing, my bad 
@IWantMyEmTV: "And I put my injuries all in the dust, in my heart is the 8 of us, in white houses. And you, maybe you'll remember me what I gave is yours to keep, in white houses." #realworld #cancun #family #mtv #22 
 @IWantMyEmTV: Can't believe it's been six years since @BunimMurray told me I would be leaving to join 7 strangers in Cancun for a life changing experience
@RealWorldMTV: I'm still not over the original #RealWorld cast reuniting: 
@MTV_JESS: When ur having a conversation w the person next to u and don't know how to end it so u can just kick it and listen to music ๐Ÿ˜ณ #travelwjess
@blacuesta: Picking up @MTV_JESS in the morning! FINALLY! Now we just wait for @MTV_Christina Miss my best freaking friends
- @MTV_JESS: @blacuesta @MTV_Christina miss you more canttttt waitttttt to see youssssssss ๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’™
@whaattaafoxx: I like smokin weed I like gettin fly ๐Ÿ’จ
@VMilerman: So it begins @EikeParis @JasIPen โค๏ธ๐Ÿ’‹
@whaattaafoxx: I ain't never care what a bitch had to say about me
@A_Bartolotte: When I know.... I KNOW
@jenniknapmiller: The roads are SO slippery guys. The new kia and I just had our first accident but we're okay ๐Ÿ™Œ be safe.
@EikeParis: It's just the beginning bae @VMilerman @JasIPen
@EikeParis: #weimportit
@Curtishadzicki: Home team for life #theotherguys #dowhatyoulove
@MtvJess: Exactly 2 years ago today! (via @timehop) โ€ฆ PIC: "Yes I am going to be on the next season of Real World. It was the best and worst moments of my life and it has forever changed me!"
- @DC408dxtr: @MtvJess wow, time's definitely flown by so fast, always is when you're having fun. I'm fortunate I've gotten to know you since before RWPDX. and guess what? In 11 days from now, I get to enjoy your presence on my TV once again. #exes2 #princesshulk
@blacuesta: Yes mom, my dog IS talented. 
@MaybachDiamonds: Onesies bunsies! Enjoy the rage punched hole in the wall behind me. #iwantmyMTV 
@JasIPen: Girls over boys. All day everyday. @VMilerman  @EikeParis #GirlCode #AreYouTheOne
@MTV_Christina: "Where are you taking me?" Downnn the rabbit hole.
@SylviaMTV: It's a sport! Practice makes perfect @madiwadi2by4 #realworldskeletons #twerkteam #twerklife The #mileycyruseffect #WhiteGirlBeLike lol #mtv...
@MTV_Christina: Really cant express how excited I am to be back with my best friends this week. I miss them so much. @MTV_JESS @blacuesta
@blacuesta: When the crap is #FindingCarter coming back!?!?
- @MTV_Christina: @blacuesta Is what im sayin ^
@MTV_Christina: Groove with me - โ€ฆ
@Curtishadzicki: Shelter lets do this #dowhatyoulove
@A_Bartolotte: And u prolly think this tweet is about you
@whaattaafoxx: Baby put ya phone down, you should turn it off 
@Curtishadzicki: Your hot and I know it.never forget your greatest asset is the confidence you carry that I continue to chase. #dowhatyoulove
@A_Bartolotte: Would've came back for you
 @jenniknapmiller: He could have me out of the game
@whaattaafoxx: 2 DAYS! 2 days... ๐Ÿ˜ฉ๐Ÿ˜ฌ๐Ÿ˜‹
@SarahRiceMTV: โ€œ@ThisDudeRiots: @SarahRiceMTV Get on my TV again please? You+Challenge=YESโ€. It's almost time! Just a little over a week to go!

DC's VIEW: Real World at Its Best
At a couple points in this week's Real World episode, at times during Ex-Plosion last season, and at countless number of times in its history, you saw the one thing that separates this pioneer from all other reality shows. And it epitomizes both the documentary form style of storytelling it has perfected for 30 seasons and MTV's proud role in public service, social activism & mental health awareness. This season is tailor-made to meeting both of those things and it is only the 2nd episode, with the first "skeleton" to come to the house very shortly.
   Unlike other shows, and very much like what we see on Teen Mom, 16 & Pregnant, True Life, and a show I enjoyed before RW Portland in Washington Heights, The Real World brings into focus, more often than its competition and celeb-reality counterparts, real-life situations and real issues that viewers can directly relate themselves to. For every hook-up, sip or fight, there's always been a moment in every season that has given us a moment to put the experience and everything all into perspective and where the words "The Real World" are made so true.
   The show has documented life changing moments, explored social issues and chronicled real-life struggles of the thirty sets of seven (and sometimes, more) strangers, and that is where the show is both at its very best and in its purest form just as it was in 1992. Before that, young people have never had a show like theirs that has reflected exactly what they're going through. And even after the show changed up its format earlier this year, The Real World hasn't let go of this one unique aspect.
   This week, just after she had started to become romantic with Tony and receiving some twitter negativity for her first impressions, we saw Madison tell the girls of her six-year relationship with a boyfriend in Texas and how she was introduced by him to heroin and other drugs. When she told him of that experience, he would become very understanding of it and her being honest because his late dad was an addict. There was also Violetta getting hold from her friend that two people she knows would ultimately head to Chicago before the twist was ever known about it, and those would be her skeletons of those she bullied when she was in high school. And there was Sylvia opening up about getting pregnant but suffering a miscarriage, which brought back the memory of Briana from Are You The One? Season 2 opening up to Curtis about that traumatic experience, also in the 2nd episode of their season.
   Last month's passing of Challenge legend Diem Brown brought back to the first generation of Real World viewers the enormous impact of Pedro Zamora of the original San Francisco season had on everyone during his battle with AIDS 20 years ago. As I wrote in my remembrance of Diem, both lived their lives to the fullest, fought courageous battles with deadly diseases had an enormous impact beyond the TV screen, and had an overwhelming outpouring of sorrow after their deaths.
   Last season after episode 3 and the passing of Jay's mom - with the feelings of grief & sadness that his fellow MTV family would ultimately go through two times later in the year, we discussed those moments where a phone call from back home would change a roommate's life: Lindsey in Seattle learning of a friend committing suicide, Danny in Austin learning of his mom's fatal heart attack, and three from the Back to Vegas cast learning of the passing of their loved ones.
   In Brooklyn, a season that I enjoyed and one that reminded viewers of its NY roots, the group there was full of ambitions and amazing backstories. There was Katelynn who was transgendered, Chet - a Mormon with conservative beliefs, and Sarah & JD who had both went through family issues. And there was Ryan, who was an Iraq war veteran who had just gotten home after defending Saddam, and on Veteran's Day, just after the election of a new president, he was surprisingly recalled.
   And on the topic of what Madison had gone through, addiction and alcoholism has been documented here. In Hollywood, we saw Chicagoan Joey battle alcoholism during his stay, and an intervention saw him go to rehab and eventually head home, but saw his life get cut short just a few years later. In Hawaii, we saw Ruthie battle alcoholism as well and whose one night joyride being drunk led to an intervention and rehab, but not only did she emerge out of it stronger, she eventually became a Challenge staple. And when we met him on Back to NOLA, we saw Knight and how he had just emerged out of a battle with painkillers which ended a budding hockey career.
   From virginity, self-injury and pregnancy, to abortion, depression and beyond, just about every personal struggle has been brought to the fore by The Real World. Events and social issues that have taken place during the years have also been recorded by the RW cameras, including the last time the show went to Chicago: that dark day when Aneesa's 20th birthday fell on 9/11. And people from all walks of life have all been represented, mirroring the diverse nature of the Millennial audience.
   Although I've embraced The Challenge, fell in love with Are You The One? and become social friends with the broader MTV world, The Real World is, has and will always be my first love. It's one of those types of programming that I feel very comfortable watching, with a relative down-to-earth atmosphere, genuine & relatable people, and something that I feel more at home with. The main hook in me watching The Real World and docu-style reality TV is my passion for great storytelling. And behind all the drunken debauchery, conflict and drama, there are great stories of young people like ourselves told by a team who's been doing it since the old MTV video days.
   Watching Episode 2 and learning more about the backstories of this season's cast - Madison & Tony sharing stories of common struggles with drug abuse, Sylvia opening up about losing her child, Violetta's bully past and Bruno too - has reaffirmed my 15-year love affair with this show.

And that'll wrap things up on the 'Pulse of Episode 2 of Real World Skeletons...hope you enjoyed our recap and our holiday special. And as we wrap, a few reminders...
- On the day after Christmas, Andrew Kirk (@CSUAKirk) spoke to Bruno on Google+ about what has happened so far and looking ahead at the rest of the season. Check it out at, and his Exes 2 preview on G+ next week. And Andrew will be my latest Fan's View guest on here this week as we wrap up the year in reality television with our Reality Debrief with DC & Andrew, just in time for New Year's.
- On AfterBuzz TV, DJ Jesse Janedy, Roxy Striar, Nicolette Gaona and Drea Newell are offering their thoughts on what's happening in Chicago on the RW After Show and soon, Challenge Wraps when Exes 2 begins. And once again, the castmates will be calling in throughout the season. Check it out at, plus Brittany from AYTO1 & Exes 2 hosting the Redneck Island After Show's as well.
- Check out reality TV extraordinaire Murtz Jaffer (@MurtzJaffer), and his chats with Tony and with Jamie from last season. Check them out, along with Free Agents chats among others in the RTV community, all at
- Also, there's Cheap Pop Radio (@CheapPopRadio), and hosts J-Mac and Sexy Monkey are slated to have castmates from RW Skeletons and Exes 2 throughout the season, in addition to having talked to Layton, Ellie and Tyler from AYTO2 and Brandon and Cara Maria during Free Agents. Check them out at
- And after their acclaimed & successful AYTO2 coverage, Brian Cohen (@BusDriversRoute) & Ali Lasher (@LashTweets) will shortly begin covering Exes 2 on Rob Has A Podcast. Check out all previous webcasts at and Brian's newly-posted season preview at, as he compares the season's cast to those from HBO's The Wire.

As for here, keep it on DCBLOG for wall-to-wall coverage of both Real World Skeletons and the upcoming season of The Challenge: Battle of the Exes 2. Come January 6, DC SocialPulse will be doubled in size as we'll be featuring episode tweets for both RW Skeletons and Exes 2 in the same diary posts each week starting when Exes 2 premieres, so you can get caught up on all the interaction before, during and after the episodes on Double Shot Tuesdays.
   Plus, we'll look at the nine Challenge newcomers for Exes 2 in our third edition of Who Are Those Newbies?, so you can get to know the Ex-Plosion and AYTO1 castmates and Averey more before they make their MTV returns. Also, with last week's reunion of the Season 1 cast with Oprah Winfrey on OWN, we'll have the thoughts of co-creator Jon Murray on the show's growth and evolution, our belated AYTO2 Reunion 'Pulse, and other posts complementing the recaps, rankings and chats.
   And for the live tweets of RW Skeletons and Exes 2, the big events in sports & entertainment and more, follow my devoted live tweet hub, DCNOW at @DC408DxNow. When I live tweet the episodes (West Coast time, with both my live and real-time tweets), join in the conversation with the hashtags #DCNOW, #RWonDCNOW, #CHALonDCNOW and #DCDoubleShot. And of course, there's my twitter and Instagram @DC408Dxtr for tweets, chats, alerts and pictures.

So, hope you enjoyed your Christmas as much as I did. And until I talk to you later, either on Twitter or on the 'Blog, thanks for reading, stay warm, have fun, see you then and Happy Holidays.


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