spoilers for some readers. Viewer Discretion is Advised. ***
> @DC408dxtr / @DC408dxnow
Well, we are now officially into Double Shot Tuesdays as we welcome you to DCBLOG's continuing coverage of Real World Skeletons and Battle of the Exes 2 with this Special MEGA Edition covering the first of these shows airing back to back. And if you are able to binge-read the first of this two-part post (and also by my recommendation, take some breaks for your eyes to relieve that eye strain), than it'll be worth every minute of your time because we have a lot to cover from this week's episodes.
> @DC408dxtr / @DC408dxnow
Well, we are now officially into Double Shot Tuesdays as we welcome you to DCBLOG's continuing coverage of Real World Skeletons and Battle of the Exes 2 with this Special MEGA Edition covering the first of these shows airing back to back. And if you are able to binge-read the first of this two-part post (and also by my recommendation, take some breaks for your eyes to relieve that eye strain), than it'll be worth every minute of your time because we have a lot to cover from this week's episodes.
Last week in Chicago, we saw a divide emerge between the guys and the girls by way or wild partying and big hookups, and we saw Jason reveal that he has a baby mama and is an expecting dad. This week, the first Skeleton rolls into town as the first Blast from the Past - in this case, it's Sylvia's Skeleton - her boss from hell, arrives and the roommates get the shock of their lives. And when the KC lady's temper reaches a boiling point, it's Violetta who leads the charge to try & kick out the unwelcome visitor out of town.
And, of course, then comes the season premiere of Exes 2 from Panama. The competitors arrive and anxious to learn it's their EXES who'll they'll be competing with. With almost half of the house being rookies, there's sure to be new flirtations sparking inside. The first mission takes place 500 feet above ground, and it's who wins, who gets sent in, who emerges out of the first elimination and the startling revaluation those losers got that will set the tone. And after the cast's view of the episodes, my thoughts on them in my Three Things to Know, and my Winners of the Night.
And, of course, then comes the season premiere of Exes 2 from Panama. The competitors arrive and anxious to learn it's their EXES who'll they'll be competing with. With almost half of the house being rookies, there's sure to be new flirtations sparking inside. The first mission takes place 500 feet above ground, and it's who wins, who gets sent in, who emerges out of the first elimination and the startling revaluation those losers got that will set the tone. And after the cast's view of the episodes, my thoughts on them in my Three Things to Know, and my Winners of the Night.
- As we begin, please note there is explicit language in many of the tweets below, but I am keeping it uncensored in order to retain the heat of the moment. So if you are mature enough, please read with discretion. :-)
- Plus, if you haven't watched the episode yet, then don't proceed. But don't worry, bookmark DCBLOG as I will compile all of these tweets into these posts after every episode so you won't be in the dark of how your favorites saw this all unfold.
- Plus, if you haven't watched the episode yet, then don't proceed. But don't worry, bookmark DCBLOG as I will compile all of these tweets into these posts after every episode so you won't be in the dark of how your favorites saw this all unfold.
And, before we proceed with the twitter diaries, we understand that while there's people like me of course who's a duel fan of both shows, many of you are here only for the interaction from The Real World or likewise for The Challenge, or even to see if your tweets were included in the fan's section. So, starting with this week's SP post, we're making it even easier for you to access the sections you want to go to. We're offering inside links to sections within this post at this moment of the jump break so you can cut to the chase of the episode interaction of the section you want without having to sift through the entire timeline. And for this week only to help conserve space & file size, tweets from the fans and me will be posted separately.
And also included here, the post-diary write-ups I do offering my thoughts on the episodes and my Winners of the Night.
With that in mind, here are the links to the sections...
And also included here, the post-diary write-ups I do offering my thoughts on the episodes and my Winners of the Night.
With that in mind, here are the links to the sections...
Post 1: Road to Tuesday, Double Shot Tuesday, Real World, The Challenge, Wednesday Hangover, DC's View, Winners of the Night
Post 2: As The Fans Saw It, As I Saw It on DCNOW
Post 2: As The Fans Saw It, As I Saw It on DCNOW
So with all of that, off we go... That's after the jump.
> Road to Tuesday, and Remembering Stuart Scott
@robb_schreiber: 15 yrs Ive been watching ESPN, and not only the most enjoyable, but my favorite anchor has been Stuart Scott. Such a shame. #RIPStuartScott
@EricBanks: RIP Stuart Scott
@MTVCoryWharton: Stuart Scott ✊ legend
@AshleeFeldman: RIP Stuart Scott
@JazMTV: #RIPStuartScott he was cooler than the other side of a pillow! Watching Sportscaster you can tell everyone just found out about Stuart Scotts death. Its heartbreaking to watch! #booyah
@AshleighMorgh: RIP Stuart Scott...
@MTVCoryWharton: Stuart Scott ✊ Beat cancer 3 times 3 TIMES!!! His shirt says it all EVERYDAY I FIGHT. #Ripstuartscott… http://instagram.com/p/xcDJcgiqBc/
@TyrieBMTV: FUCK CANCER! #RIPStuartScott
@JazMTV: I hate cancer!! It takes way too many good people, including my own dad 2 years ago #fuckcancer
@JennaCompono: 2 days!!! Battle of the exes 2!!!
@heathermarter: "When you die, it does not mean that you lose to cancer. You beat cancer by how you live, why you live, & in the manner in which you live.”
@AshleighMorgh: No one knows when it's our time to go, thus we need to make every day meaningful.
@IamAdamKuhn: RIP Stuart Scott.. Such a sad story. Stuart was an amazing anchor.
@laurelstucky: I'm actually so happy Lebron James is back with Cleveland. That's where he belongs.
@RealWorldMTV: Two. Days. #RealWorldSkeletons
@amberleeMTV: Feed. Burp. Change Diaper. Repeat. Still all smiles though, anything for me little princess!
@CJKoegel: My best friend turns 11 today 😄🎊🍰🎂
@shandathapanda: Sad to see another great has left us. RIP Stuart Scott #fuckcancer
@brittany_baldi: Just road tripped it back to LA with @Pratt_MTV . Bomb weekend with the crew 💯
@whaattaafoxx: Chicago Bound! ✌️ Then I'll be in Kansas!!!!
@RealWorldMTV: I really can't wait for Tuesday's new episode: http://on.mtv.com/1HiZr96 #RealWorldSkeletons
@MTVtrey: Extremely sorry to hear about the passing of Stuart Scott this am. Like everyone else who watches ESPN, he was a major part of what we love.
@IWantMyEmTV: My girl.. Or should I say grown women nights with @JazMTV is the way we do it... Football and wine 😁👯🙌 #girlsnight
@JordanW_usa: Never gave a fuck. And some shit don't ever change.
@SylviaMTV: Me and Wife @n_zanattaMTV don't forget tune in next Tuesday watch her have my back! #realworldskeletons @realworldmtv
@MtvJess: Family is everything. I mean this. If you haven't spoken to your mom, dad, grandparents, siblings. Call them. Life is too short 💋
@MtvJess · 2 MORE DAYS UNTIL @MTV #BattleoftheExes2 #BOTE2 who will be tuning in?! Going to be the craziest season ever!
@SarahRiceMTV: Olympic triathlon, here I come. #aintnothang I just ran 10.0 mi with Nike+. #nikeplus
- @robb_schreiber: @SarahRiceMTV you just give up on untangling that headphone knot..? 😂
@JDOrdonez: Random airport pic of @sarahricemtv and me after finishing Battle of the Seasons in Africa finale!… http://instagram.com/p/xcucQhO_j9/
@brittany_baldi: When you're with family u can't have a bad time 💕#mtvfamily @JasIPen @n_zanattaMTV @MTV_Christina
@CaraMariaMTV: "To be at peace, your opinion of yourself must outweigh the assumptions of others about who you are...."
@MTVCoryWharton: Money can buy you WINS now 💰💰💰
- @ThomasBuellMTV: @MTVCoryWharton someone is salty
@MtvJess: Single life is the life for me 💕 Yo ho ho and a bottle of wine! #cheers
@TheresaTime20: TUESDAY on MTV!!💥👫💔 #TheChallenge #BattleoftheExes2 http://instagram.com/p/xdJmgORc2s/
@whaattaafoxx: I never changed my screen saver #AreYouTheOne
- @MTV_Christina: @whaattaafoxx The goon squad will never change. Everyone goes through shit but at the end of the day, we love eachother. #GoonSquad #forever
@n_zanattaMTV: My favorite bad bitches & partner in crime <3 about that life @blacuesta #RealWordSkeletons #AreYouTheOne
@blacuesta: Oh my god when @n_zanattaMTV laughs she sounds like a dying hamster WOW
@n_zanattaMTV: No one will ever understand the connection people make when they're able to just laugh and have a good time with or without cameras! Xoxoxo
@JustJem24: It doesn’t matter if they’re gone for a week or a month or forever, you are never without them...
@SylviaMTV: There is Good in the Worst of us, but there's also Bad is the Best of us!
@brunorealworld: I like being more low key. Showcasing yourself ain't shit if you ain't got the right people with you.
@MtvJess: Packing to go back home, so much has changed for the best. Bittersweet but so it goes when you're growing. See you soon for sure Cali 💋💕
@brunorealworld: Swear I'm on that #vampire life never sleep, never tired. Energizer bunny with no batteries!
@brunorealworld: When I take girls out on dates it's a late night picnic with lunchables and a candle ! @n_zanattaMTV
- @n_zanattaMTV: @brunorealworld hahahha dead!!! I got the bottle of wine and the piZza lunch able if their nice they get a protein bar snack ;)
- @brunorealworld: @n_zanattaMTV if they're nice they get the d ahha
- @n_zanattaMTV: @brunorealworld they can't handle the 8 soft lol
- @brunorealworld: @n_zanattaMTV true
@whaattaafoxx: It was SO GOOD seeing @MTVJohnMoustis and @A_Bartolotte but I'm so HAPPY to get out of this freezing weather! #KansasBound #LaterChicago
@brittany_baldi: LADY @ChallengeMTV FANS tshirts for sale and FELLAS swim posters. click my store http://brittanybaldi.com/store/products/dont-doubt-the-determined-t-shirt/ … #MTV
@JordanW_usa: #TeamWonderTwins About to take over your televisions! @MTV #TheChallenge Tomorrow at 10p! @SarahRiceMTV
@RealWorldMTV: ONE DAY, PEOPLE. #RealWorldSkeletons
@JennaCompono: Battle of the exes 2 premiers tomorrow at 11pm!!! Get excited!! @mtv @TheChallengeMTV
- @brittany_baldi: @JennaCompono @MTV #plow #plow #plow #plow love u both u crazy duo haha
- @JennaCompono: @brittany_baldi @MTV lmaooo love you!! #plow #hoesaintloyal I see you soon!!! 😍😍😍
- @brittany_baldi: @JennaCompono @MTV uggghhh the suspense is killing me! <3
- @JennaCompono: @brittany_baldi @MTV you me and Nany= shitshow ... Did I hear tequila ?!😜 @NanyMTV
- @NanyMTV: @JennaCompono @brittany_baldi @MTV girls I'm actually trying this new thing where I don't drown my face in tequila... 😅
- @JennaCompono: @NanyMTV @brittany_baldi @MTV 😜
@TheRealNiaMoore: Comeback season in the works tomorrow night on @mtveyecandy. 11pm est. Me and roy_lee25 not playing… http://instagram.com/p/xevdDml0gI/
@SimoneJKelly: Last night @nicolebyer had me cracking up!! 😂😂 #Improv #comedy #GirlCode #AreYouTheOne… http://instagram.com/p/xeyrlcyIVa/
@ryanmalaty: TSA is giving out pat downs like hard candy on Halloween
@haileychivers: TOMORROW NIGHT watch these 2 cheesy smiles do cool shit on your TV screen @ThomasBuellMTV @ChallengeMTV #rookies
@MTVBananas: Are you #Teambanay ?!?! Available at http://realjohnnybananas.com #BattleOfTheExes2 @ChallengeMTV @MTV @NanyMTV
@VMilerman: Almost all the "skeletons" that are coming to the house are coming because they are being dirt on someone there. So no I won't play nice.
@Chet_Cannon: Hi, @ZachMTV and @SarahRiceMTV. I'm excited to watch you two on #TheChallenge tomorrow!
@RealWorldMTV: Sylvia is in for a rude awakening tomorrow. Don't miss #RealWorldSkeletons at 10/9c!
@JamieChinaMTV: Trying so hard to keep my mouth shut.... Poor poor girl 😂😂 #WatchYourMan
@JamieChinaMTV: So very lucky to have the amazing boyfriend that I have. Ladies never settle for anything less than the best. Make sure you're his #1👌
@Coleysia: Ugh! @JamieChinaMTV just took the words right outta my mouth. But I digress. I'm gonna let the people live today.
@brittany_baldi: when these baes come into town we are gunna party like we are celebrating a DOME WIN!!! @NanyMTV @JennaCompono <3 #BattleOfTheExes2
@ChallengeMTV: TOMORROW!!! #BattleOfTheExes2
@t_raines33: “@RealWorldMTV: Sylvia is in for a rude awakening tomorrow. Don't miss #RealWorldSkeletons at 10/9c! https://amp.twimg.com/v/da280e43-3332-4afc-80c5-8a62df3e7e55 …”oh shit!
@JasIPen: Shout out to the best playa in the game! #StayForever #RealWorldSkeletons #FlippinStraightGirls… http://instagram.com/p/xfGqGsx7bR/
@AlexPhillipz: Sad to hear about Stuart Scott, he was a really really hard worker. It's just that one eye that lacked the work ethic. #BAD #RIPStuartScott
@IamAdamKuhn: Haha what a throwback.. 18 year old college freshman.. It's been a long journey. http://instagram.com/p/xfIYkawqsx/
@EikeParis: Cannot accurately describe the feels I got for tomorrow! #toomuch #icant @TheChallengeMTV
@MTVTV: #RealWorld's very first Skeleton arrives tomorrow night, but you might be surprised by the first fight she causes: http://on.mtv.com/1BBlBjc
@laurelstucky: Don't forget to tune in January 6th @MTV 11/10c. #TheChallenge #ExesII is on. AND MY FAVORITE @NanyMTV will be letting people have it.
- @MTVBananas: You said I was your favorite RT @laurelstucky: Don't forget to tune in Tomorrow @MTV 11/10c. #TheChallenge #ExesII AND MY FAVORITE @NanyMTV
- @laurelstucky: @MTVBananas I think I'm YOUR favorite.
@RealWorldMTV: A skeleton is moving into the #RealWorldSkeletons house tomorrow and nothing will be the same: http://on.mtv.com/1Ihy4en
@brittany_baldi: My bestie comes back home from his 2 week vaca today @ryanmalaty ✈️ 💯
@laurelstucky: I want a #BattleoftheSexes for the next #Challenge. With girls that kick butt like @EmfitMTV @CamilaMTV @CaraMariaMTV @NanyMTV.
- @MRoda88: @laurelstucky What about girls that haveeee big butts? :(
- @laurelstucky: @MRoda88 come on in the circle girl :)
- @MRoda88: @laurelstucky I'm a ringer in an eating contest :) Let's get drinks soon w/ @DevynSimone
- @laurelstucky: @MRoda88 @DevynSimone yes please love hanging with you girls
- @DevynSimone: “@MRoda88: @laurelstucky Let's get drinks soon w/ @DevynSimone” I second that! Friday Feb 6 put it on ur calendar
- @laurelstucky: @DevynSimone @MRoda88 okay that is a longgg time, but it's down.
- @AceNichols33: @laurelstucky @DevynSimone @MRoda88 I want drinks.
@t_raines33: I'm about to head to the gym in search of gains 💪👀 #goldsgym #idgt
@JennaCompono: Lil nap than gym
@laurelstucky: You don't like me cause you don't like you.
@RealWorldMTV: It's about to go down. Don't miss a new episode of #RealWorldSkeletons tomorrow!
@ChallengeMTV: Can @AREUTHE1 rookies @MaybachDiamonds & @SimoneJKelly cut it on The Challenge #BattleOfTheExes2? http://bit.ly/17e5SO3
@MtvJess: #battleoftheexes2 @mtveyecandy 11pm you DON'T want to miss this! #ripdiem #angel #love #beauty… http://instagram.com/p/xfZki-gyjo/
@RealWorldMTV: In case you missed last week's #RealWorldSkeletons, catch up here: http://on.mtv.com/1y7sgUs
@ChallengeMTV: Can't wait for the premiere TOMORROW! What are your predictions for #BattleOfTheExes2?
@TheRealNiaMoore: Waiting for the challenge to start like...
@RealWorldMTV: I'm way too excited for @brunorealworld to take over this Twitter account tomorrow night. 🙊
@JennaCompono: Piña coladas with @_nicolegruman tomorrow watching the challenge!!!! @mtv @TheChallengeMTV
@JustJem24: Still haven't decided if I'm gonna watch tomorrow...
- @AneesaMTV: @JustJem24 Aww boo I know. I love and miss you mama
@SimoneJKelly: Can't wait to see everyone in LA at HOOTERS tomorrow for the official Watch Party of "MTV's The… http://instagram.com/p/xf3aCkyISZ/
@brittany_baldi: LOS ANGELES MTV challenge fans come watch the premier with us tomorrow! Special guests #mtv #BattleOfTheExes2
@blacuesta: Goon House Preview on YouTube! Follow us and watch!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iExXFA7K6Lc&feature=youtu.be …
@n_zanattaMTV: Seriously want to say thank you!!the goonhouse was amazing you women and the man of the house were awesome love you all!! Cali <3 xoxo! NY<3
@laurelstucky: @nanymtv everything is going to be okay. and this should be our #MANTRA I LOVE YOU
- @NanyMTV: @laurelstucky hahah YES
- @laurelstucky: @NanyMTV #ijustfartedimsorry
- @cohuttaMTV: @laurelstucky she is my favorite. I've been following that little one for a while.
@MTV_JESS: Just dropped off our lovely guest @n_zanattaMTV just gained 3 best friends 👌 see you ladaaaa whoreeee
- @n_zanattaMTV: @MTV_JESS totally going to miss you legit I fcuken love you beautiful!
- @MTV_JESS: @n_zanattaMTV love youuu
@NanyMTV: Long night at work makes getting into bed #heavenly
@MTV_JESS: If you're #teamgoons go subscribe to our new YouTube channel ❤️ slight preview https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iExXFA7K6Lc&feature=youtu.be …
@MTV_Christina: "The Goon House" check out our new YOUTUBE channel! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iExXFA7K6Lc&feature=youtu.be …
- @RyanDevlin: @MTV_Christina @blacuesta Wait, wtf is this?! You guys aren't contractually allowed to have fun unless I'm there to ruin it.
- @blacuesta: @RyanDevlin @MTV_Christina 😈😈😈 you thought the party ended in Puerto Rico!? I think you know us a little better than that #FireballAnyone?
@MTV_JESS: Subscribe if you're #teamgoons #goonhouse ❤️ you guys have NO IDEA what you're in for! http://instagram.com/p/xgIfwKj-aR/
@MTV_JESS: I can feel you thinking of me
@MaybachDiamonds: "Are You The One?" Is just a really long audition for "Goon House"
- @EikeParis: @MaybachDiamonds Erm no. #loveemtho
@whaattaafoxx: She's a good girl, loves her mama, loves Jesus and America too 🎶
@whaattaafoxx: "California here we come" ; 80%of the AreYouTheOne cast 🎶🇺🇸😭
@Zap2it: 'Battle of the Exes II': The history of CT and Diem http://bit.ly/1Ddw1tw
@MtvJess: I would wish you the best but darlin you've already had it 💋
@mtvdario: rip Stuart Scott. Easily my favorite anchor of all time. Great guy with the right outlook on life. Going to miss this guy ...
@blacuesta: I just fucking broke My Hookah FML
@jenniknapmiller: Hawaii doesn't take a damn day off, weeeeeee
@MTV_Christina: Dance under the stars with me. Open your heart- open your mind ✨
@RyanDevlin: 3:30am.
- @blacuesta: @RyanDevlin same...same. Minus having a baby.
- @RyanDevlin: @blacuesta Sleep is for chumps. I bet Brandon is out like a light right now. #burn
- @blacuesta: @RyanDevlin hahahaha! Prob passed out with some droolage on the streets of Vegas
@robb_schreiber: 15 yrs Ive been watching ESPN, and not only the most enjoyable, but my favorite anchor has been Stuart Scott. Such a shame. #RIPStuartScott
@EricBanks: RIP Stuart Scott
@MTVCoryWharton: Stuart Scott ✊ legend
@AshleeFeldman: RIP Stuart Scott
@JazMTV: #RIPStuartScott he was cooler than the other side of a pillow! Watching Sportscaster you can tell everyone just found out about Stuart Scotts death. Its heartbreaking to watch! #booyah
@AshleighMorgh: RIP Stuart Scott...
@MTVCoryWharton: Stuart Scott ✊ Beat cancer 3 times 3 TIMES!!! His shirt says it all EVERYDAY I FIGHT. #Ripstuartscott… http://instagram.com/p/xcDJcgiqBc/
@TyrieBMTV: FUCK CANCER! #RIPStuartScott
@JazMTV: I hate cancer!! It takes way too many good people, including my own dad 2 years ago #fuckcancer
@JennaCompono: 2 days!!! Battle of the exes 2!!!
@heathermarter: "When you die, it does not mean that you lose to cancer. You beat cancer by how you live, why you live, & in the manner in which you live.”
@AshleighMorgh: No one knows when it's our time to go, thus we need to make every day meaningful.
@IamAdamKuhn: RIP Stuart Scott.. Such a sad story. Stuart was an amazing anchor.
@laurelstucky: I'm actually so happy Lebron James is back with Cleveland. That's where he belongs.
@RealWorldMTV: Two. Days. #RealWorldSkeletons
@amberleeMTV: Feed. Burp. Change Diaper. Repeat. Still all smiles though, anything for me little princess!
@CJKoegel: My best friend turns 11 today 😄🎊🍰🎂
@shandathapanda: Sad to see another great has left us. RIP Stuart Scott #fuckcancer
@brittany_baldi: Just road tripped it back to LA with @Pratt_MTV . Bomb weekend with the crew 💯
@whaattaafoxx: Chicago Bound! ✌️ Then I'll be in Kansas!!!!
@RealWorldMTV: I really can't wait for Tuesday's new episode: http://on.mtv.com/1HiZr96 #RealWorldSkeletons
@MTVtrey: Extremely sorry to hear about the passing of Stuart Scott this am. Like everyone else who watches ESPN, he was a major part of what we love.
@IWantMyEmTV: My girl.. Or should I say grown women nights with @JazMTV is the way we do it... Football and wine 😁👯🙌 #girlsnight
@JordanW_usa: Never gave a fuck. And some shit don't ever change.
@SylviaMTV: Me and Wife @n_zanattaMTV don't forget tune in next Tuesday watch her have my back! #realworldskeletons @realworldmtv
@MtvJess: Family is everything. I mean this. If you haven't spoken to your mom, dad, grandparents, siblings. Call them. Life is too short 💋
@MtvJess · 2 MORE DAYS UNTIL @MTV #BattleoftheExes2 #BOTE2 who will be tuning in?! Going to be the craziest season ever!
@SarahRiceMTV: Olympic triathlon, here I come. #aintnothang I just ran 10.0 mi with Nike+. #nikeplus
- @robb_schreiber: @SarahRiceMTV you just give up on untangling that headphone knot..? 😂
@JDOrdonez: Random airport pic of @sarahricemtv and me after finishing Battle of the Seasons in Africa finale!… http://instagram.com/p/xcucQhO_j9/
@brittany_baldi: When you're with family u can't have a bad time 💕#mtvfamily @JasIPen @n_zanattaMTV @MTV_Christina
@CaraMariaMTV: "To be at peace, your opinion of yourself must outweigh the assumptions of others about who you are...."
@MTVCoryWharton: Money can buy you WINS now 💰💰💰
- @ThomasBuellMTV: @MTVCoryWharton someone is salty
@MtvJess: Single life is the life for me 💕 Yo ho ho and a bottle of wine! #cheers
@TheresaTime20: TUESDAY on MTV!!💥👫💔 #TheChallenge #BattleoftheExes2 http://instagram.com/p/xdJmgORc2s/
@whaattaafoxx: I never changed my screen saver #AreYouTheOne
- @MTV_Christina: @whaattaafoxx The goon squad will never change. Everyone goes through shit but at the end of the day, we love eachother. #GoonSquad #forever
@n_zanattaMTV: My favorite bad bitches & partner in crime <3 about that life @blacuesta #RealWordSkeletons #AreYouTheOne
@blacuesta: Oh my god when @n_zanattaMTV laughs she sounds like a dying hamster WOW
@n_zanattaMTV: No one will ever understand the connection people make when they're able to just laugh and have a good time with or without cameras! Xoxoxo
@JustJem24: It doesn’t matter if they’re gone for a week or a month or forever, you are never without them...
@SylviaMTV: There is Good in the Worst of us, but there's also Bad is the Best of us!
@brunorealworld: I like being more low key. Showcasing yourself ain't shit if you ain't got the right people with you.
@MtvJess: Packing to go back home, so much has changed for the best. Bittersweet but so it goes when you're growing. See you soon for sure Cali 💋💕
@brunorealworld: Swear I'm on that #vampire life never sleep, never tired. Energizer bunny with no batteries!
@brunorealworld: When I take girls out on dates it's a late night picnic with lunchables and a candle ! @n_zanattaMTV
- @n_zanattaMTV: @brunorealworld hahahha dead!!! I got the bottle of wine and the piZza lunch able if their nice they get a protein bar snack ;)
- @brunorealworld: @n_zanattaMTV if they're nice they get the d ahha
- @n_zanattaMTV: @brunorealworld they can't handle the 8 soft lol
- @brunorealworld: @n_zanattaMTV true
@whaattaafoxx: It was SO GOOD seeing @MTVJohnMoustis and @A_Bartolotte but I'm so HAPPY to get out of this freezing weather! #KansasBound #LaterChicago
@brittany_baldi: LADY @ChallengeMTV FANS tshirts for sale and FELLAS swim posters. click my store http://brittanybaldi.com/store/products/dont-doubt-the-determined-t-shirt/ … #MTV
@JordanW_usa: #TeamWonderTwins About to take over your televisions! @MTV #TheChallenge Tomorrow at 10p! @SarahRiceMTV
@RealWorldMTV: ONE DAY, PEOPLE. #RealWorldSkeletons
@JennaCompono: Battle of the exes 2 premiers tomorrow at 11pm!!! Get excited!! @mtv @TheChallengeMTV
- @brittany_baldi: @JennaCompono @MTV #plow #plow #plow #plow love u both u crazy duo haha
- @JennaCompono: @brittany_baldi @MTV lmaooo love you!! #plow #hoesaintloyal I see you soon!!! 😍😍😍
- @brittany_baldi: @JennaCompono @MTV uggghhh the suspense is killing me! <3
- @JennaCompono: @brittany_baldi @MTV you me and Nany= shitshow ... Did I hear tequila ?!😜 @NanyMTV
- @NanyMTV: @JennaCompono @brittany_baldi @MTV girls I'm actually trying this new thing where I don't drown my face in tequila... 😅
- @JennaCompono: @NanyMTV @brittany_baldi @MTV 😜
@TheRealNiaMoore: Comeback season in the works tomorrow night on @mtveyecandy. 11pm est. Me and roy_lee25 not playing… http://instagram.com/p/xevdDml0gI/
@SimoneJKelly: Last night @nicolebyer had me cracking up!! 😂😂 #Improv #comedy #GirlCode #AreYouTheOne… http://instagram.com/p/xeyrlcyIVa/
@ryanmalaty: TSA is giving out pat downs like hard candy on Halloween
@haileychivers: TOMORROW NIGHT watch these 2 cheesy smiles do cool shit on your TV screen @ThomasBuellMTV @ChallengeMTV #rookies
@MTVBananas: Are you #Teambanay ?!?! Available at http://realjohnnybananas.com #BattleOfTheExes2 @ChallengeMTV @MTV @NanyMTV
@VMilerman: Almost all the "skeletons" that are coming to the house are coming because they are being dirt on someone there. So no I won't play nice.
@Chet_Cannon: Hi, @ZachMTV and @SarahRiceMTV. I'm excited to watch you two on #TheChallenge tomorrow!
@RealWorldMTV: Sylvia is in for a rude awakening tomorrow. Don't miss #RealWorldSkeletons at 10/9c!
@JamieChinaMTV: Trying so hard to keep my mouth shut.... Poor poor girl 😂😂 #WatchYourMan
@JamieChinaMTV: So very lucky to have the amazing boyfriend that I have. Ladies never settle for anything less than the best. Make sure you're his #1👌
@Coleysia: Ugh! @JamieChinaMTV just took the words right outta my mouth. But I digress. I'm gonna let the people live today.
@brittany_baldi: when these baes come into town we are gunna party like we are celebrating a DOME WIN!!! @NanyMTV @JennaCompono <3 #BattleOfTheExes2
@ChallengeMTV: TOMORROW!!! #BattleOfTheExes2
@t_raines33: “@RealWorldMTV: Sylvia is in for a rude awakening tomorrow. Don't miss #RealWorldSkeletons at 10/9c! https://amp.twimg.com/v/da280e43-3332-4afc-80c5-8a62df3e7e55 …”oh shit!
@JasIPen: Shout out to the best playa in the game! #StayForever #RealWorldSkeletons #FlippinStraightGirls… http://instagram.com/p/xfGqGsx7bR/
@AlexPhillipz: Sad to hear about Stuart Scott, he was a really really hard worker. It's just that one eye that lacked the work ethic. #BAD #RIPStuartScott
@IamAdamKuhn: Haha what a throwback.. 18 year old college freshman.. It's been a long journey. http://instagram.com/p/xfIYkawqsx/
@EikeParis: Cannot accurately describe the feels I got for tomorrow! #toomuch #icant @TheChallengeMTV
@MTVTV: #RealWorld's very first Skeleton arrives tomorrow night, but you might be surprised by the first fight she causes: http://on.mtv.com/1BBlBjc
@laurelstucky: Don't forget to tune in January 6th @MTV 11/10c. #TheChallenge #ExesII is on. AND MY FAVORITE @NanyMTV will be letting people have it.
- @MTVBananas: You said I was your favorite RT @laurelstucky: Don't forget to tune in Tomorrow @MTV 11/10c. #TheChallenge #ExesII AND MY FAVORITE @NanyMTV
- @laurelstucky: @MTVBananas I think I'm YOUR favorite.
@RealWorldMTV: A skeleton is moving into the #RealWorldSkeletons house tomorrow and nothing will be the same: http://on.mtv.com/1Ihy4en
@brittany_baldi: My bestie comes back home from his 2 week vaca today @ryanmalaty ✈️ 💯
@laurelstucky: I want a #BattleoftheSexes for the next #Challenge. With girls that kick butt like @EmfitMTV @CamilaMTV @CaraMariaMTV @NanyMTV.
- @MRoda88: @laurelstucky What about girls that haveeee big butts? :(
- @laurelstucky: @MRoda88 come on in the circle girl :)
- @MRoda88: @laurelstucky I'm a ringer in an eating contest :) Let's get drinks soon w/ @DevynSimone
- @laurelstucky: @MRoda88 @DevynSimone yes please love hanging with you girls
- @DevynSimone: “@MRoda88: @laurelstucky Let's get drinks soon w/ @DevynSimone” I second that! Friday Feb 6 put it on ur calendar
- @laurelstucky: @DevynSimone @MRoda88 okay that is a longgg time, but it's down.
- @AceNichols33: @laurelstucky @DevynSimone @MRoda88 I want drinks.
@t_raines33: I'm about to head to the gym in search of gains 💪👀 #goldsgym #idgt
@JennaCompono: Lil nap than gym
@laurelstucky: You don't like me cause you don't like you.
@RealWorldMTV: It's about to go down. Don't miss a new episode of #RealWorldSkeletons tomorrow!
@ChallengeMTV: Can @AREUTHE1 rookies @MaybachDiamonds & @SimoneJKelly cut it on The Challenge #BattleOfTheExes2? http://bit.ly/17e5SO3
@MtvJess: #battleoftheexes2 @mtveyecandy 11pm you DON'T want to miss this! #ripdiem #angel #love #beauty… http://instagram.com/p/xfZki-gyjo/
@RealWorldMTV: In case you missed last week's #RealWorldSkeletons, catch up here: http://on.mtv.com/1y7sgUs
@ChallengeMTV: Can't wait for the premiere TOMORROW! What are your predictions for #BattleOfTheExes2?
@TheRealNiaMoore: Waiting for the challenge to start like...
@RealWorldMTV: I'm way too excited for @brunorealworld to take over this Twitter account tomorrow night. 🙊
@JennaCompono: Piña coladas with @_nicolegruman tomorrow watching the challenge!!!! @mtv @TheChallengeMTV
@JustJem24: Still haven't decided if I'm gonna watch tomorrow...
- @AneesaMTV: @JustJem24 Aww boo I know. I love and miss you mama
@SimoneJKelly: Can't wait to see everyone in LA at HOOTERS tomorrow for the official Watch Party of "MTV's The… http://instagram.com/p/xf3aCkyISZ/
@brittany_baldi: LOS ANGELES MTV challenge fans come watch the premier with us tomorrow! Special guests #mtv #BattleOfTheExes2
@blacuesta: Goon House Preview on YouTube! Follow us and watch!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iExXFA7K6Lc&feature=youtu.be …
@n_zanattaMTV: Seriously want to say thank you!!the goonhouse was amazing you women and the man of the house were awesome love you all!! Cali <3 xoxo! NY<3
@laurelstucky: @nanymtv everything is going to be okay. and this should be our #MANTRA I LOVE YOU
- @NanyMTV: @laurelstucky hahah YES
- @laurelstucky: @NanyMTV #ijustfartedimsorry
- @cohuttaMTV: @laurelstucky she is my favorite. I've been following that little one for a while.
@MTV_JESS: Just dropped off our lovely guest @n_zanattaMTV just gained 3 best friends 👌 see you ladaaaa whoreeee
- @n_zanattaMTV: @MTV_JESS totally going to miss you legit I fcuken love you beautiful!
- @MTV_JESS: @n_zanattaMTV love youuu
@NanyMTV: Long night at work makes getting into bed #heavenly
@MTV_JESS: If you're #teamgoons go subscribe to our new YouTube channel ❤️ slight preview https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iExXFA7K6Lc&feature=youtu.be …
@MTV_Christina: "The Goon House" check out our new YOUTUBE channel! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iExXFA7K6Lc&feature=youtu.be …
- @RyanDevlin: @MTV_Christina @blacuesta Wait, wtf is this?! You guys aren't contractually allowed to have fun unless I'm there to ruin it.
- @blacuesta: @RyanDevlin @MTV_Christina 😈😈😈 you thought the party ended in Puerto Rico!? I think you know us a little better than that #FireballAnyone?
@MTV_JESS: Subscribe if you're #teamgoons #goonhouse ❤️ you guys have NO IDEA what you're in for! http://instagram.com/p/xgIfwKj-aR/
@MTV_JESS: I can feel you thinking of me
@MaybachDiamonds: "Are You The One?" Is just a really long audition for "Goon House"
- @EikeParis: @MaybachDiamonds Erm no. #loveemtho
@whaattaafoxx: She's a good girl, loves her mama, loves Jesus and America too 🎶
@whaattaafoxx: "California here we come" ; 80%of the AreYouTheOne cast 🎶🇺🇸😭
@Zap2it: 'Battle of the Exes II': The history of CT and Diem http://bit.ly/1Ddw1tw
@MtvJess: I would wish you the best but darlin you've already had it 💋
@mtvdario: rip Stuart Scott. Easily my favorite anchor of all time. Great guy with the right outlook on life. Going to miss this guy ...
@blacuesta: I just fucking broke My Hookah FML
@jenniknapmiller: Hawaii doesn't take a damn day off, weeeeeee
@MTV_Christina: Dance under the stars with me. Open your heart- open your mind ✨
@RyanDevlin: 3:30am.
- @blacuesta: @RyanDevlin same...same. Minus having a baby.
- @RyanDevlin: @blacuesta Sleep is for chumps. I bet Brandon is out like a light right now. #burn
- @blacuesta: @RyanDevlin hahahaha! Prob passed out with some droolage on the streets of Vegas
> Double Shot Tuesday
@TheRealNiaMoore: You will never reach your height with a fear of flying or falling. Be bold.
@ToriFiorenza: Ok baby Fiorenza your eviction notice has been served...hurry up...late is not fashionable. #wewanttomeetyou
@JordanW_usa: Thanks for the sick pic @uhhmariah Starts TONIGHT! on @mtv
@JordanW_usa: Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will. #gogetit
@ChallengeMTV: Join @mtvrealworld & #TheChallenge creator Jon Murray for @reddit_AMA today at 12:30 PM ET here: https://www.reddit.com/r/iama
@JennaCompono: Tonight's the night! Battle of the exes 2
@TheresaTime20: TONIGHT!! on @MTV #TheChallenge #BOTE2 ..Enjoy Friends!!!😎💋 http://on.mtv.com/1wFGPYW
@AshleighMorgh: @Brittany_baldi wooooaaaaahhhhhhhh
@TheRealNiaMoore: True athletes never make excuses for a loss, but my rookie season last year on #TheChallenge was… http://instagram.com/p/xhLFNWl0jl/
@RealWorldMTV: Join @mtvrealworld & @ChallengeMTV creator Jon Murray for @reddit_AMA today @ 12:30 PM ET here: https://www.reddit.com/r/iama
@MTVTV: Which #Challenge newbie said she and her ex broke up because he's a "f***ing d***"? http://on.mtv.com/1BDPxet
@JazMTV: Tonight the challenge airs not going to lie it feels good to actually just be a viewer!! #Exes2 @MTV #luvingRetirement
@JazMTV: @nanymtv and bananas or @JennaCompono & @JayGMTV RT @fantasy4reality: @jazmtv @mtv who are you betting on to win? #BattleOfTheExes2 #Exes2
@JustJem24: It's the first day of carnival season in the Nola babyyyyyyy 💜👑🎉🍻💃🍰💚
- @JazMTV: @JustJem24 I might be coming out to Nola for Mardi gras!!!
- @GinaBonelli: @JazMTV @JustJem24 uhmmmm lets meet up for drinks & beads!! @AceNichols33 & I should be there for at least 2 weeks!! #MARDIGRASrules
- @AceNichols33: @GinaBonelli @JazMTV @JustJem24 YESSSSSSS!!!!! THIS NEEDS TO HAPPEN!!!
@RealWorldMTV: The first skeleton moves in tonight. #RealWorldSkeletons
@HollywoodLife: You guys, the 1st skeleton arrives tonight & Violetta may kill her. Watch: http://hollywoodlife.com/2015/01/06/real-world-skeletons-first-skeleton-violetta-threat-video/ … #RealWorldSkeletons @RealWorldMTV
@brittany_baldi: Never under estimate a rookie. Tonight's the night! 11pm on MTV ✌️#BattleOfTheExes2 #mtv #thechallenge #teambradam
@ChallengeMTV: IT'S CHALLENGE DAY!!! #BattleOfTheExes2
@IamAdamKuhn: It's Challenge Day! #BattleOfTheExes2
@_Kazuhnova: Tune in to Real World tonite on MTV at 10! The first Skeleton comes and you don't want to miss it #RealWorldSkeletons
@ThomasBuellMTV: The Challenge tonight on @MTV. Be there or be square.
@JamieChinaMTV: What is life?! 🙈🙉
@BunimMurray: Join BMP Chairman Jon Murray for a @reddit_AMA here NOW! --> http://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/2rj5vt/i_am_jon_murray_creator_of_mtvs_the_real_world/ …
@JamieChinaMTV: Be the person that can never be replaced
@t_raines33: Jon Murray, creator of Real World and Challenge, is answering all questions MTV right now! http://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/2rj5vt/i_am_jon_murray_creator_of_mtvs_the_real_world/ … #RealWordSkeletons #reddit
@brunorealworld: You ready for the countdown? I take over @RealWorldMTV Twitter handle so be prepared to ask whatever , all fun all play. #reaworldskeletons
@brittany_baldi: The mastermind behind tons of TV shows, including #thechallenge is live now on reddit! Jon Murray https://twitter.com/BunimMurray/status/552520099782205441 …
@n_zanattaMTV: Blurry as can be whose watching me on #RealWorldSkeletons & @JayGMTV on #TheChallenge @RealWorldMTV Tuesday night's!
@RealWorldMTV: I'm way too excited about tonight's #RealWorldSkeletons: http://on.mtv.com/1HiZr96
@MTVBananas: Who's watching #TheChallenge #BattleOfTheExes2 tonight?! FAV: For "Yes" RETWEET: For "F%#K YES" @MTV @ChallengeMTV
@TheRealNiaMoore: Exec producer Johnathan Murray's answering questions about this season of the challenge NOW. Hit him up @BunimMurray
http://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/2rj5vt/i_am_jon_murray_creator_of_mtvs_the_real_world/ …
@shandathapanda: can i just go to coachella 4 free?
@SylviaMTV: Who ready to see what's about to go down tonight? I know I am!! Tune in 10/9c on @RealWorldMTV #RealWorldSkeletons
@BrandonDNelson: Ok, my "New Year" starts today.
@laurelstucky: she gets you @emfitmtv
- @EmFitMTV: @laurelstucky haha yessss
@ChallengeMTV: Today marks a great day in history...#TheChallenge has become America's fifth official sport: http://bit.ly/1s27bc6 Thanks @ComplexMag!
@EmFitMTV: Don't forget to pick up this month's issue of @womenshealthmag and read my #beyourownsuperhero tips ❤️… http://instagram.com/p/xhfSsizh1h/
@NanyMTV: Who's ready? @MTV's The Challenge #BattleOfTheExes2 premieres TONIGHT at 11pm! Enjoooooooy! 💋
- @AceNichols33: YAY!!!!!! RT @NanyMTV Who's ready? @MTV's The Challenge #BattleOfTheExes2 premieres TONIGHT at 11pm! Enjoooooooy!
@ave_tress: Guess what day it is?!?! CHALLENGE DAY!!!! Don't miss it at 11! @mtveyecandy #thechallenge… http://instagram.com/p/xhhnzsEA8m/
@JayGMTV: John Murray @BunimMurray himself is answering question about real world skeletons and The Challenge. Ask away!! https://twitter.com/BunimMurray/status/552520099782205441 …
@MTV: Don't miss the premiere of #TheChallenge: #BattleOfTheExes2 TONIGHT at 11/10c! @ChallengeMTV
@JayGMTV: Are you ready for the premier of
The Challenge Battle of the Exes 2 tonight? At 11pm on @mtveyecandy… http://instagram.com/p/xhkTUFxgQZ/
@A_Bartolotte: Lately I can't get you off my mind
@whaattaafoxx: @IamAdamKuhn how are you verified! I'm pissed!
- @IamAdamKuhn: @whaattaafoxx I'm kind of a big deal
- @whaattaafoxx: “@IamAdamKuhn: @whaattaafoxx I'm kind of a big deal” lmfao bye 😆😝
@t_raines33: Tonite on Real World: Bruno love "ships", more bar tab issues, someone cries, n @SylviaMTV has a guest! #RealWorldSkeletons @RealWorldMTV
@JamieChinaMTV: Need @KylieJenner hair asap....
@SimoneJKelly: NEVER underestimate a Rookie! Make sure you tune in tonight @11/10c to @mtveyecandy!!!!! #TeamSimone… http://instagram.com/p/xhnKheyIU-/
@brittany_baldi: I'm gunna live tweet during the east coast premier! Right after my friends on #RealWorldSkeletons kill it. @ChallengeMTV #BattleOfTheExes2
@haileychivers: Ok it looks like everybody in the @MTV family got a holiday onesie except for me... What is this!? 😢 I would have totally posted pics in it and worm it tonight for #BattleOfTheExes2 premier
- @laurashall93: @haileychivers thank you!! not at the moment, I'm in ETX.. I'll be back next week around the 15th! Come visit some time!! ☺️
- @haileychivers: @laurashall93 absolutely!! Finally some more southerners in the @mtv fam!! You & @t_raines33 & @madiwadi2by4 🙌
- @_Kazuhnova: @haileychivers @t_raines33 @laurashall93 @MTV @madiwadi2by4 Hey!!! Hold up!! I'm a southerner 😔 North Carolina we in here!!!
- @haileychivers: @_Kazuhnova @t_raines33 @laurashall93 @MTV @madiwadi2by4 oh shit! You're right!! What's up man!
- @laurashall93: @_Kazuhnova @haileychivers @t_raines33 @MTV @madiwadi2by4 you sound like @whaattaafoxx?!
- @haileychivers: @_Kazuhnova didn't mean to leave you out! You're one of my faves on Skeletons 👻
- @t_raines33: @_Kazuhnova @haileychivers @laurashall93 @MTV @madiwadi2by4 #yeslawd haha can't leave my boy out
- @_Kazuhnova: @haileychivers ☺️
- @whaattaafoxx: @_Kazuhnova @haileychivers @t_raines33 @laurashall93 @MTV @madiwadi2by4 you already know NC stand up! 👌🙌
- @laurashall93: @whaattaafoxx @_Kazuhnova @haileychivers @t_raines33 @MTV @madiwadi2by4 that means you gotta come to Texas now little missy!
- @t_raines33: @laurashall93 @whaattaafoxx @_Kazuhnova @haileychivers @MTV @madiwadi2by4 this lil missy will try his best to be there lol
- @whaattaafoxx: @laurashall93 @_Kazuhnova @haileychivers @t_raines33 @MTV @madiwadi2by4 me and Shelby going to ride thru!
- @laurashall93: @whaattaafoxx @_Kazuhnova @haileychivers @t_raines33 @MTV @madiwadi2by4 🙌🙌🙌
@MaybachDiamonds: #TEAMJACOBS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B_YVZVJxNYU …
@ryanmalaty: 2015 is gonna be a great year
@brittany_baldi: I'm gunna live tweet during the east coast premier! Right after my friends on #RealWorldSkeletons kill it. @ChallengeMTV #BattleOfTheExes2
@MTVBananas: It's Challenge Day... GET PUMPED!!! @mtveyecandy themarklong #TheChallenge #BattleOfTheExes2 http://instagram.com/p/xhuqdlNFFe/
@RealWorldMTV: Tonight @brunorealworld is taking over this account, the first skeleton arrives AND @ChallengeMTV premieres?! 🙌
@tabron27: Workout time
@ryanmalaty: STOKED for a new season of #TheChallenge premiering tonight on @MTV at 11pm!!!! #BattleOfTheExes2
@MTV_JESS: Can't wait to see my girls and guys tonight on #BattleOfTheExes2 ❤️ @brittany_baldi @MtvJess @JayGMTV @MTVBananas 😍
@MTV_JESS: And I forgot to add @NanyMTV to my last tweet cuz she's sexy af and I'm excited o watch her 😁👌
@MTV_JESS: Margarita/taco party tonight 😏 #goonhouse
@MTV_JESS: Pedi mani time w my sissyyyy
@briughh: Live tweeting tonight @RealWorldMTV feeling bad for my girl @SylviaMTV tonight tweet with me at 10/9 C
@whaattaafoxx: Everything's falling into place here in Kansas!! I'm employeed yall! I start in the morning 👌🙌😁😝
@MTV_JESS: Lmao so basically 80% of these girls are thirsty as fuck .. Someone give them some waterrrrr 😂
@BekahMarie8: So @RealWorldMTV and @ChallengeMTV are both on tonight. It's safe to say @MTV got it goin up #OnATuesday
@blacuesta: Can't wait to see my girl @brittany_baldi on #BattleOfTheExes2 tonight!! Kill it! 💪
- @n_zanattaMTV: @blacuesta @brittany_baldi thanks for the support of your other girl!!! ;) miss you!!
- @brittany_baldi: @n_zanattaMTV you better be going ham tonight this episode! @blacuesta love you bri! ✌️
@EikeParis: CANNOT WAIT TO WATCH YOU MOTHER FUCKERS @MaybachDiamonds @SimoneJKelly @IamAdamKuhn!!!! @TheChallengeMTV @MTVChallenge26
@brittany_baldi: Much love to my #AreYouTheOne family for their support!! 💕💪 #BattleOfTheExes2
@JamieChinaMTV: Make sure you check out my girls tonight on @MTV for the Challenge #BattleOfTheExes2 @JennaCompono @brittany_baldi & @SimoneJKelly 😽❤️
- @JennaCompono: @JamieChinaMTV @MTV @brittany_baldi @SimoneJKelly 😘😘😘
- @brittany_baldi: @JamieChinaMTV 💕💕💕
@blacuesta: Obviously can't wait to see my main bitch @n_zanattamtv tonight on #realworldskeletons
@RealWorldMTV: In 5 hours, it's going down. #RealWorldSkeletons
@PrimeTimeSiebs: I feel like if @n_zanattaMTV is with you, you're prolly gonna have the best time of your life.. Can't wait to meet you!!
@BunimMurray: Tuesdays are our new favorite days here at BMP!! New episodes of #RealWorldSkeletons and #TheChallenge back-to-back!!
@IamAdamKuhn: So excited for #BattleOfTheExes2 everyone appears to be supportive of #AreYouTheOne joining the cast to shake things up!
- @WestonBergmann: @IamAdamKuhn ummmm no. Not supportive at all. 😎
- @IamAdamKuhn: .@WestonBergmann haha I think the doubters will change their minds as we get the season going!
- @WestonBergmann: @IamAdamKuhn pffffffft
- @NotoriousAJM: @IamAdamKuhn @WestonBergmann I swear it's too many people to root for this season
@WestonBergmann: Uh oh! It's that time again. The Challenge airs tonight! @ChallengeMTV @MTV #BattleOfTheExes2. Who is on #TeamWes?
- @CSUAKirk: @WestonBergmann @ChallengeMTV @MTV I hope you and @TheresaTime20 work well together rooting for you both
@blacuesta: I'm a dog today
@RealWorldMTV: The first skeleton is finally moving in. Don't miss #RealWorldSkeletons followed by @ChallengeMTV tonight at 10/9c!
@brunorealworld: Getting my fitness on before the showdown of #RealWorldSkeletons @RealWorldMTV tune in at 10pm (EST) #runforyourlives
@CaraMariaMTV: Excited for tonight! 3 hours at crossfit livingston for olympic lifting work and then the wod 😁 #playtime #happy
@CaraMariaMTV: Excited for tonight! 3 hours at crossfit livingston for olympic lifting work and then the wod 😁 #playtime #happy
@MTV: Things are getting even crazier on a new episode of #RealWorldSkeletons tonight at 10/9c: http://on.mtv.com/14sC9zL
@MTV_Christina: Officially an outbacker, oh yeah! Yes I'm just a normal waitress 😜 but I can't wait to start working! #serverlife
@TheMarkLong: I started a tradition after my very first CHALLENGE many many years ago of sending my DAD my jersey after every one. Just found this one in his drawer in honor of tonight's #BattleOfTheExes2 premiering tonight at 11pm on @mtv #mtv #bote2 oh, and he told me today he wants a few more jerseys, I guess it might be time to dust off the cleats...#unretired #returnoftheMACK #orMARK #2015 #TheRockReturnsToWWE #mtvchallenge http://instagram.com/p/xh9izprlAb/
@Curtishadzicki: When they ask me what I'm looking for I describe you. hoping one day you'll hear in passing and know exactly what I Mean #dowhatyoulove
@whaattaafoxx: No I won't be afraid, Oh, I won't be afraid, just as long as you stand, stand by me 🎶
@BunimMurray: Check out this awesome article by @ComplexMag: "How @MTV's #TheChallenge Became America's 5th Official Sport" -- http://bit.ly/1s27bc6
@RealWorldMTV: Sylvia's skeleton is coming for her. #RealWorldSkeletons
@haileychivers: Watch me and some other awesome people tonight on @ChallengeMTV for #BattleOfTheExes2 right after Real World Skeletons! I'll be live tweetin
@SarahRiceMTV: My girl @theresamtv holding it down!! Catch the PREMIER tonight!!!! 11pm !! http://instagram.com/p/xiBI4JxqY2/
@SarahRiceMTV: How bout that premier tonight!?? Who's gettin excited!?!
@ryanmalaty: Bringing #AreYouTheOne cast onto #TheChallenge is so great! More to love. More to hate. This season will be historic. #BattleOfTheExes2
@SarahRiceMTV: #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2 , America's 5th professional sport! #teamwondertwins
@RoyLee25mtv: Challenge Fans!! The moment you've been waiting for is finally upon us 🙌 #BattleOfTheExes2 @ChallengeMTV @TheChallengeMTV starts tonight
@JohnnyReilly_: It's #ChallengeDay !!!!
@SylviaMTV: The only kind of bush I don't like is an ambush. #RealWorldSkeletons @RealWorldMTV
@RealWorldMTV: Are you ready for tonight? #RealWorldSkeletons
@JayGMTV: #realworldtuesday decided im gonna watch the beautiful @n_zanattaMTV on #RealWorldSkeletons and then #BattleOfTheExes2 with the whole crew
@jonnamtv: Tonight be sure to watch @mtv at 11pm to Battle of the Exes 2!
@AliciaKayGlenny: And so it begins. Tune in to #RealWorldSkeletons
@JennaCompono: 3 more hours!!!
@ChallengeMTV: #BattleOfTheExes2 competitors @JohnnyReilly_ & @ave_tress explain how their #RealWorld relationship turned sour: http://bit.ly/1xCvJJl
@LORAleeMTV: Bachelor Monday. PLL, Real World, & the Challenge Tuesday. No one will see me either of these days for the next few months!!! ❤❤
@whaattaafoxx: I always had your back no matter what now I see where your loyalty lies. ✌️
@MtvJess: TONIGHT @ 11pm only on @mtveyecandy don't miss it! #mtv #bote2 #battleoftheexes2 @dustinzito http://instagram.com/p/xiJ8nwgyvJ/
@ToriFiorenza: Excited to see our sweet friend @DiemBrownMTV on #BattleOfTheExes2 tonight. #sheissomissed #medgift
@BrandonDNelson: Am I gonna watch The Challege tonight? Hell naw! I ain't on it... I'll be watching.
@PBandJenelley_1: Oh man! 😍💍 someone's engaged. http://instagram.com/p/xiK8GVikGe/
@PBandJenelley_1: Gorgeous!!!! 💕💎 http://instagram.com/p/xiL5aPikH1/
@A_Bartolotte: Life is about creating yourself
@Tindel10: Keep my name out of your mouth unless it's positive. Please and thank you.
@RealWorldMTV: The first skeleton is moving in tonight. Nothing will be the same. #RealWorldSkeletons
@jonnamtv: Me: Boobs, wings, and beer?? You know I'm down! Come support #TeamJonna tonight for the premiere of… http://instagram.com/p/xiNg1QIkHs/
@brunorealworld: Ladies and gents' are you all ready for this 9pm @RealWorldMTV take over? I'll be answering questions and all! #rw30
@RealWorldMTV: Seems like @VMilerman is ready for the skeletons to arrive. #RealWorldSkeletons airs tonight 10/9c!
@brittany_baldi: CHALLENGE FANS! come watch tonight with some of your #mtv faves! @shandathapanda @Pratt_MTV @ryanmalaty and more!!
@shandathapanda: Guess I'm going to the restaurant I hate most (Hooters) on Hollywood Blvd to support the #MTV crew and #TheChallenge. See you losers there
@ChallengeMTV: Tonight's pre-game begins at 10p EST with #RealWorldSkeletons followed by the PREMIERE of #BattleOfTheExes2: http://bit.ly/1xCKA6s
@VMilerman: Tonight is hands down my favorite eps yet! I lived it and can't wait for next week 🙌❤️ #RealWorldSkeletons
@RealWorldMTV: @brunorealworld is taking over this account starting right NOW! Use the hashtag #AskBruno with your burning questions.
@CaraMariaMTV: Made the board. 37.5 pound weighted pull up...... Going up! #crossfit #pullup #pr http://instagram.com/p/xiRCH7Hiq4/
@DeenaNicoleMTV: Tune into @mtv tonight at 11pm to watch my friend @jaygmtv ..and to pay tribute to the beautiful diem #mtvchallenge
@laurelstucky: Tonight #BattleOfTheExes2 on @MTV 11/10c
@RealWorldMTV: @brunorealworld is taking over this account right NOW! Use the hashtag #AskBruno and he JUST may answer your questions!
@MaybachDiamonds: The role or John Jacobs on The Challenge will be played by Denzel Washington. We apologize for the inconvenience.
@RealWorldMTV: Hope you're enjoying last weeks episode and that you're all ready for tonight's new episode!! Use #askbruno and #RealWorldSkeletons
@JordanW_usa: East Coast!! Yall got less than 2hrs till the new #TheChallenge #BOTE2 on @MTV This season WILL be the best yet. #JustWatch
@CheapPopRadio: @brittany_baldi LIVE Thurs. @ 9PM Est @AREUTHE1 @ChallengeMTV Call in 646-478-5714 Listen http://tiny.cc/BrittanyMTV
@SylviaMTV: 30 minutes until showtime #RealWorldSkeletons and then #BattleOfTheExes2 @RealWorldMTV
@RealWorldMTV: Bring in the extra bed because in 30 minutes a skeleton is moving in: http://on.mtv.com/1BwsHHQ #RealWorldSkeletons
@RealWorldMTV: That boy @t_raines33 always clowning! reminds me of my ex girlfriend, dont take em serious he means well @VMilerman
@CamilaMTV: Beijinhos 💋🎶✨ PS- #battleoftheexes2 start tonight!!! @mtveyecandy Who you rooting for??? http://instagram.com/p/xiUlymTEbk/
@RobinMTV14: Good thing I'm not due till Friday wouldn't want to miss #BattleOfTheExes2 tonight.
@JordanW_usa: It's the imperfections in life that make it worth the ride. Don't let small set-backs keep you from… http://instagram.com/p/xiVPNUOrAH/
@jonnamtv: Drake is headlining coachella 2015!! Ahhh who wants to take me?
- @JustJem24: “@jonnamtv: Drake is headlining coachella 2015!! Ahhh who wants to take me?” Let's do it J...
@mtvdario: Yo you yo yooooooo
@RealWorldMTV: Under 10 minutes till that 💀 possible skeleton walks through! #realworldskeletons
@CamilaMTV: Even though I won't be able to watch #BattleOfTheExes2 tonight, my ❤️ goes out to my beautiful friends & their families. #RIPDiem #RIPKnight
@CamilaMTV: @JustJem24 @TheOfficial_CT I love you. #staystrong
@RobinMTV14: Ok my prego butt is grabbing something to eat and setting in to watch #RealWordSkeletons and then my fav #BattleOfTheExes2 great night of TV
@t_raines33: 5 mins and counting #RealWordSkeletons
@brunorealworld: Do I like shy? Don't forget to @RealWorldMTV and use #askbruno and #realworldskeletons . Pass it on
@whaattaafoxx: My hearts on my sleeve but it's turning black...
@t_raines33: @RealWorldMTV @brunorealworld warm your typing fingers up! You need a pre-workout?
- @brunorealworld: @t_raines33 @RealWorldMTV I need a shot with you lol im ready post gym bro
@whaattaafoxx: If you hurt me imma hurt you 10X worse. So enjoy.
@RealWorldMTV: A skeleton is moving in and things are getting awkward. #RealWorldSkeletons starts RIGHT NOW on @MTV!
@MTV: #RealWorldSkeletons starts right NOW! RT if you're watching + tweeting along with @RealWorldMTV 💀
@RealWorldMTV: #RealWorldSkeletons on now tune in, watch and tweet !!
@mtvcanada: It's #RealWorldSkeletons night and the first one is about to walk through the door... tune in now for a new ep, followed by #TheChallenge!
@t_raines33: Here we go! #RealWordSkeletons
@SylviaMTV: It's starts #NOW #RealWorldSkeletons @RealWorldMTV
@MaybachDiamonds: Omgggg only one hour until a new Daily Show!!!
@briughh: Ran home in this freezing NYC weather to tweet with you guys. @RealWorldMTV starts now! #realworldskeletons
@RealWorldMTV: @brunorealworld always on his pranks with @SylviaMTV is it true love?
- @SylviaMTV: @RealWorldMTV @brunorealworld I'd say the kitty Kat pack was way better!
- @brunorealworld: @SylviaMTV @RealWorldMTV doubt it
@SylviaMTV: Prank wars have begun!! #RealWorldSkeletons @RealWorldMTV
@t_raines33: Get em Bru #pillywiggings #RealWordSkeletons
@briughh: ooo now I get it :) @brunorealworld @SylviaMTV @RealWorldMTV
@t_raines33: I'm a sucker for females period #RealWordSkeletons @RealWorldMTV
- @t_raines33: @RealWorldMTV @brunorealworld BRUNO LOVE
@RealWorldMTV: is there chemistry and tension between @SylviaMTV ? Tune in and see it all unfold #RealWorldSkeletons
@n_zanattaMTV: Hahaha game on yes!!! #RealWorldSkeletons
@briughh: Guess we're both suckers for hair stylists ;) haha @t_raines33 #notSaying #yet
@RealWorldMTV: That boy @t_raines33 always clowning! reminds me of my ex girlfriend, dont take em serious he means well @VMilerman
@VMilerman: @RealWorldMTV @t_raines33 bigbootyhoe❤️💋
@RealWorldMTV: Maybe this cast wouldn't be so broke if we drank less! #RealWorldSkeletons
@t_raines33: Let's go get this money #RealWordSkeletons @RealWorldMTV
@briughh: Quit being a douchebag @brunorealworld #NoBueno
@RealWorldMTV: Check out @n_zanattaMTV guns thiugh!
@MTVBananas: T-Minus 1 hour till showtime! #TheChallenge #BattleOfTheExes2 @ChallengeMTV @MTV
@haileychivers: I am so jealous that they had jobs this season! Make that money!! #RealWordSkeletons @RealWorldMTV
@MtvJess: TONIGHT 11p (Easten time) #battleoftheexes2 @mtveyecandy @dustinzito25 You DON'T want to miss this… http://instagram.com/p/xiX8hngyj3/
@briughh: AGREED .. I don't share never will @SylviaMTV
@briughh: So can we have a conversation? cause I miss you @n_zanattaMTV
@RealWorldMTV: @brunorealworld seeing all hearts when he sees Carla!
@CaraMariaMTV: @DiemBrownMTV @TheOfficial_CT @JustJem24 and @Knight_MTV ... Nothing else needs to be said. Straight love to my @mtv fam 🌠 #live #love
@RealWorldMTV: Broken hearts, high tabs, frustration, sex appeal we got it all. If you're not watching #RealWorldSkeletons I feel bad for you.
@laurelstucky: aww @sylviamtv it's ok
@briughh: Carla is actually amazing and a sweet heart I'ma throw that out there @brunorealworld @RealWorldMTV
- @brunorealworld: @briughh @RealWorldMTV beautiful everything. People are just haters lol
@briughh: Just fell in love with you in the confessional .. ;( @SylviaMTV
- @SylviaMTV: @briughh I'm such a pansy
@RealWorldMTV: RT if your are watching #RealWorldSkeletons tonight! Who's ready for @SylviaMTV Skeleton? Keep watching/live tweeting with @brunorealworld
@DJFishhh: These next two hours are my guilty pleasure hours of television thanks to @RWSkeletons and @TheChallengeMTV #BattleOfTheExes2. Thanks @MTV
@t_raines33: Going up on a Tuesday! #RealWordSkeletons #tonytuesday #turnuptuesday @RealWorldMTV @brunorealworld
@n_zanattaMTV: @brunorealworld you will never howl at the moon solo!! I'll always be there next to you wolfpack for life!!! Love you bae
@RealWorldMTV: Sometimes a man gotta do what a mans gotta do, sorry @SylviaMTV
@TheMarkLong: Hey #BattleOfTheExes2 I hope the first episode will be as #SUPER #SEXY as the original...#BOTE2 tune… http://instagram.com/p/xiY8vJLlIm/
@RealWorldMTV: Uh-oh is Bruno Love done being a douche-bag tune in and watch. #RealWorldSkeletons
@t_raines33: I appreciate the monetary help roomies #RealWordSkeletons @SylviaMTV putting me on blast but who always kept beer/liquor in the fridge 4 us?
- @SylviaMTV: @t_raines33 Its okay I was just paying ha back for all the support with Alicia 😘
@RealWorldMTV: @t_raines33 youve got some explaining to do!
@n_zanattaMTV: Always got you wifey don't even worry about it and carrying Tony in the house yes yes yes in that dress what! #RealWordSkeletons
@EikeParis: @_Kazuhnova you crack me uppppp! So sweet and funny!
@briughh: I feel you @t_raines33 I don't normally pay for liquor either haha.. #Fuggit #NYC
@t_raines33: She's a spicy Latino @SylviaMTV @brunorealworld #RealWorldSkeletons lmao 😁
- @SylviaMTV: @t_raines33 @brunorealworld I love my southern gentleman!
@jm4r: @n_zanattaMTV you were just in two places at once holding them both back 😂
@tabron27: Gahhhhhhhhhh. 10pm watching #mtv and E! True Hollywood story. Anyone else being Super productive? http://instagram.com/p/xiZVgwS3pE/
@ave_tress: Are you ready?! @mtveyecandy #thechallenge #battleoftheexes2 #onemorehour #teamportland #exisintheair… http://instagram.com/p/xiZkJxEA5-/
@EikeParis: @n_zanattaMTV just seems like that #RideOrDie. We all need one.
@t_raines33: My boy @_Kazuhnova talking sense #RealWordSkeletons @RealWorldMTV
- @_Kazuhnova: “@t_raines33: My boy @_Kazuhnova talking sense #RealWordSkeletons @RealWorldMTV” #yesslawwwdddd
@JayGMTV: Retweet if your watching The Challenge: Battle of the Exes 2 tonight #BattleOfTheExes2
@brunorealworld: Clearly made my choice so quit crying . Shit was clearly flipped #byeeeeeeee
@MTV_JESS: #goonhouse http://instagram.com/p/xiaSEnj-RQ/
@t_raines33: Apology time....I love @SylviaMTV #RealWordSkeletons
- @SylviaMTV: @t_raines33 I love you more!
- @_danielleex0x3: @SylviaMTV @t_raines33 favs!!
@t_raines33: Hey I only drink Budweiser tho #RealWordSkeletons @RealWorldMTV
@RealWorldMTV: Could this be the complete end of the dynamic duo of @SylviaMTV and @brunorealworld
@AliciaKayGlenny: I have all the love in the world for @brunorealworld @t_raines33 @_Kazuhnova
@n_zanattaMTV: Took a nap for @blacuesta @MTV_JESS @MTV_Christina see xoxoxo
@t_raines33: Ding dong....hello unwelcome guest of @SylviaMTV #RealWorldSkeletons @RealWorldMTV
@jm4r: @VMilerman I know you were so disappointed that it wasn't me at the door
- @VMilerman: @jm4r soon my pretty soon..
@tjlavin: Anyone that wants to eat breaky in the am I'll see you there! You know where!
@SylviaMTV: Win some lose some! #RealWorldSkeletons @RealWorldMTV
@EikeParis: Watching this Skeleton walk up and my minds like.... This bitch got some huge calves @RWSkeletons #rude #whateva
@RealWorldMTV: Things just got REAL! #RealWorldSkeletons
@AliciaKayGlenny: But that @n_zanattaMTV has my 💛💙💜💚❤️
@SylviaMTV: @VMilerman @n_zanattaMTV Always having my back!!! Wish I could say the same about @madiwadi2by4 hmmmm.. #RealWorldSkeletons @RealWorldMTV
- @VMilerman: @SylviaMTV @n_zanattaMTV @madiwadi2by4 @RealWorldMTV 🙌
@briughh: How does this girl boss around @SylviaMTV there's no way haaha @doubtit #uSoundWeak @RealWorldMTV
@WestonBergmann: This is the only way to get through a challenge night http://instagram.com/p/xia90juUNI/
@RealWorldMTV: Boy is Sylvia in for a surprise and @n_zanattaMTV always getting the ladies!
@briughh: no but for real @_Kazuhnova is real AF. #RealWorldSkeletons
@t_raines33: @AliciaKayGlenny had me fooled on that @SylviaMTV not being clean issue #RealWorldSkeletons @RealWorldMTV
@n_zanattaMTV: @SylviaMTV wife lmao I love you but woahhhh time out now hahahah I just woke up ;)
@SylviaMTV: @_Kazuhnova @brunorealworld Had the back too!
@IamAdamKuhn: Season Premier #BattleOfTheExes2 in 20 minutes!
@whaattaafoxx: Okay Jason I see and HEAR that NC twang!!! 🙌😊 #RealWordSkeletons
@RealWorldMTV: Original #wolfpack @n_zanattaMTV @_Kazuhnova howl at the moon!
- @_Kazuhnova: @RealWorldMTV @n_zanattaMTV ARGHOOOOOOOOOooooooo!! #WolfPack
@RealWorldMTV: I cannot wait to see how Sylvia reacts when she lays eyes on her #RealWorldSkeletons !
@MtvJess: 20 MINUTES @mtv #BattleOfTheExes2
@Tindel10: I would be the most sober person in the history of The Real World. I ain't paying for any Alcohol. #skeletons
- @whaattaafoxx: @Tindel10 I know that's right! Fuck that shit. I'll pay for weed
- @Tindel10: @whaattaafoxx bahahahahahah Ellie!!!! Bahahahhahaha
- @busdriversroute: @whaattaafoxx @Tindel10 I miss you Ellie.
- @whaattaafoxx: @busdriversroute @Tindel10 I miss you more!!!
- @Tindel10: @busdriversroute @whaattaafoxx same man. same. She sweet.
@MtvJess: I swear I hate watching myself on tv
@EDiamond007: "Real World Skeletons" or "Murder She Wrote"..? I'm glad I'm on this side of the TV #RealWorldSkeletons
@EikeParis: "I'M SO EXCITED. THIS IS EXCITING."..... Ewe bye bitch @RealWorldMTV
@whaattaafoxx: Hahahahahha Violetta!!! I'm fucking gg dead #RealWordSkeletons
@RealWorldMTV: Is @AliciaKayGlenny telling the truth? will there be a great divide within the household? stay tuned. #RealWorldSkeletons
@RealWorldMTV: @VMilerman what do you guys think about V handling the situation she does?
@n_zanattaMTV: @VMilerman I love you!! Just watching this I remember every fcuken thing ahhhh and @madiwadi2by4 what would we do without you!!
@RealWorldMTV: I love that @madiwadi2by4 is the friendly peacekeeper! go #bubbles
@briughh: People are so mean though I'm just saying the girl seems like a liar but let's not judge her looks haha.. @RealWorldMTV
@briughh: I've been rejected by so many modeling jobs, let's not call anyone ugly! #realworldskeletons #liar #notugly
@ChallengeMTV: The wait is almost over! #BattleOfTheExes2
@RealWorldMTV: @n_zanattaMTV are you sure you werent seen getting frisky with a young lady?
@n_zanattaMTV: @RealWorldMTV you guys are really good at your job I thought I was fast and sneaky gotta hit the gym work on cardio ;)
@t_raines33: @n_zanattaMTV is a pimp hands down #RealWorldSkeletons @brunorealworld @RealWorldMTV
@TheRealNiaMoore: 10 minutes til showtime! Who's ready?? Me and my partner roy_lee25 are. 😛💪 11pm est on @mtveyecandy… http://instagram.com/p/xicqajl0pV/
@SylviaMTV: I have a feeling your employees aren't afraid I happen to be great friends with them!! Hmmmm... @RealWorldMTV #RealWorldSkeletons
@MtvJess: So cool seeing familiar camera men and producers @mtv and interview rooms!
@jonnamtv: Battle of the Exes 2... Tune in to @mtveyecandy right now! (Excuse my outfit.. But I lounge in nets… http://instagram.com/p/xic2kWokOz/
@n_zanattaMTV: @_Kazuhnova got my back Til the end
- @_Kazuhnova: @n_zanattaMTV Always no matter what!
@RealWorldMTV: I would hate to be " the boss from hell" with all these new strangers ready to pick at her brain.
@MtvJess: Going to be a hard one to watch 💔 we miss you @DiemBrownMTV Knight @mtv #angels #mtvfamily #BattleOfTheExes2
@t_raines33: Poor @SylviaMTV #RealWorldSkeletons
@PrestoMagicmtv: And @MTV be like... #iwantmyMTV
@MTVBananas: Put the kiddies to bed, crack open a cold one, and getcha popcorn ready! T-Minus 10 minutes till showtime!! #TheChallenge #BattleOfTheExes2
@IamAdamKuhn: Daaaam watcha gonna do @SylviaMTV #RealWordSkeletons
@EikeParis: This London Look thing.... And the teeth. I.... Just.... CANT
@brunorealworld: I'm not a player I just crush a lot
@brittany_baldi: East coast lets go! #AreYouTheOne rookies in the @ChallengeMTV house! #teambradam #BattleOfTheExes2
@ThomasBuellMTV: 3 min. #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
- @AneesaMTV: @ThomasBuellMTV ok rooks
@MTVshelbs: Everyone better be turning to MTV to watch @ChallengeMTV in 2 minutes to watch @IamAdamKuhn do work! #BattleOfTheExes2
@JennaCompono: 2 minutes!!!
@RealWorldMTV: Who's anticipating the ultimate throw down?
@RealWorldMTV: That was it for me you guys @brunorealworld is out and I hope you all enoyed and look forward to next weeks #realworldskeletons
@RealWorldMTV: Thanks for watching and live tweeting with us, until next week #RealWorldSkeletons
@SylviaMTV: Sooo what did everyone think? #RealWorldSkeletons @RealWorldMTV
@DJFishhh: Lesson learned from today's Real World: Don't piss off @SylviaMTV or else she won't piss on you if you are on fire.
@SylviaMTV: Thanks everyone for watching NOW #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2 #BattleOfTheExes2 @RealWorldMTV
> BATTLE OF THE EXES 2: As They Saw It - "Where Is The Love?"
@MTV: Get ready... #TheChallenge: #BattleOfTheExes2 premiere right NOW! RT if you're watching + tweeting with @ChallengeMTV 💪
@ryanmalaty: On your mark.. get set.. #BattleOfTheExes2
@MtvJess: Thanks for the love so far
@ave_tress: Ahhhh shit!!! @MTV #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2 #TheChallenge #BattleOfTheExes2
@MtvJess: Nerves are so high walking in to see @tjlavin and find out what the game is all about #BattleOfTheExes2
@laurelstucky: AWW Chris and Diem
@TheRealNiaMoore: #teamNiRoy 😏🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌
@EikeParis: Here we goooooo #AREYOUTHEONE meets #THECHALLENGE!!!
@WestonBergmann: Booooooooo
@AneesaMTV: So hard to watch the challenge #RIPDiem #BattleOfTheExes2
@MtvJess: Diem💕💔 #missyousunshine ☀️ #rip #angel
@whaattaafoxx: Look at my biiitchhhhh @SimoneJKelly woop hey boo! #BattleOfTheExes2
@PrimeTimeSiebs: @MTV the Challenge LETS GO!!!! @IamAdamKuhn @brittany_baldi @SimoneJKelly rep that #AYTO
@MtvJess: Think my face says it all 🙈 @mtv #BattleOfTheExes2
@jamiechung1: It feels like she's still here #BattleOfTheExes2 #diembrown
@briughh: Check @JayGMTV on @TheChallengeMTV Right now.
@whaattaafoxx: CT lookin FINE as always ❤️ #BattleOfTheExes2
@MTVBananas: We have lift off! #TheChallenge #BattleOfTheExes2 @MTV
@SarahRiceMTV: I get all the same butterflies watching us walk into that dome!! #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2 @MTV @ChallengeMTV #teamwondertwins
@JennaCompono: Ahhh exes it is!
@MtvJess: My boo @TheRealNiaMoore #BattleOfTheExes2
@ChallengeMTV: NEWBIES!!! #BattleOfTheExes2
@blacuesta: I'm peeing I'm tip$y
@MtvJess: #RIPKnight
@AneesaMTV: Ugh knight was so damn funny.
@MTVBananas: Ive seen better talent in my toilet bowl!!! #Rookies #TheChallenge #BattleOfTheExes2 @mtv @ChallengeMTV
- @IamAdamKuhn: @MTVBananas @OfficiallyUnoff @MTV @ChallengeMTV haha
@JamieChinaMTV: Thanks so much for all the love on here and on Instagram yall😘😘 so much love for yall❤️❤️
@MTVBananas: Are you #TeamBanany ? Prove it!!! http://Realjohnnybananas.com #BananaSwag @ChallengeMTV @MTV
@laurelstucky: Save the best for last...... #CTandDiem
@A_Bartolotte: Anthony for #TheChallenge
@TheRealNiaMoore: Diem and Knight...I can't stop smiling at them.
@SimoneJKelly: Who's watching #BattleOfTheExes2??!! 😘😘
@laurelstucky: ugh I love her.
@MTVBananas: Are you #TeamBanany? Prove it!!! http://Realjohnnybananas.com #bananaswag http://instagram.com/p/xifKInNFDJ/
@MtvJess: @DiemBrownMTV 💔💔💔 love you mama #BattleOfTheExes2 so hard to watch.
- @AneesaMTV: @MtvJess @DiemBrownMTV right
@ave_tress: Diem😍😍😍💖💖💖 #ripdiem #love #diemstrong
@JustJem24: Not watching... So y'all just let me know how it is
@WestonBergmann: This is very tough to watch. My loving sister looks so beautiful and classy.
@t_raines33: The challenge #BananaSwag #BattleOfTheExes2 #BOTE2 #CTandDiem #RIPDiemBrown #RipKnight
@TheRealNiaMoore: I reminded Diem that her hair was everything like every morn lol. She never got it cut either after cancer it grew out layered like that🙌🙌
@MTVBananas: Fighter coming through!!! @DiemBrownMTV @mtv @ChallengeMTV
@SimoneJKelly: I👏WANT👏MY👏MONEY!! 😩😂😉 #TheChallenge #BattleOfTheExes2
@PrimeTimeSiebs: This season of #TheChallenge is gonna boss.
@haileychivers: LOL @ThomasBuellMTV
@WestonBergmann: This is why I want to take my dog back to his Swiss roots
@neyasivera: So good to see Diem and Knight happy and smiling...makes this challenge that much better #Exes2
@JennaCompono: This is gona get crazy 🙊
@SimoneJKelly: Commercial break: East coast, what's uppppp?!?! I'm trying to keep up with you guys...😘😘😘😘😘
- @whaattaafoxx: @SimoneJKelly I tried tweeting you asshole and can't rt me
@JayGMTV: Seeing knight and diem is crazy
@IamAdamKuhn: #RipDiem #RipKnight #BattleofTheExes2
@JordanW_usa: This season of @MTV #TheChallenge #BOTE2 is like no other, and will never be the same again.. Dedicated to @DiemBrownMTV & @Knight_MTV #RIP
@MTVBananas: Your master of ceremonies!!! @MTV @ChallengeMTV
@MtvJess: Room selection is SO important for the game! @mtv #BattleOfTheExes2
- @AshleyMarieMTV: @MtvJess unmm agree! Haha
@ChallengeMTV: Diem Brown was a true warrior. #RIPDiem #BattleOfTheExes2
@t_raines33: Johnny bananas @MTVBananas toast like I do!!! #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@JennaCompono: Zach Lookin like Thor !
@dustinzito: #TheChallenge #BattleOfTheExes2 Now! @MTV so find your Remote!!
@SimoneJKelly: DIEM👼😘
@brunorealworld: Watching #BattleOfTheExes2 get em @JayGMTV
@PrestoMagicmtv: .@NanyMTV Your Face is priceless while falling!
@whaattaafoxx: Me and Shelbs need to get on this shit! #TheChallenge #BattleOfTheExs2
@JennaCompono: Make sure to follow me on Instagram! @JennaCompono
@Modelboi12: I would do work in #TheChallenge I love doing physical sh*t #BattleOfTheExes2
- @whaattaafoxx: @Modelboi12 bitch you can't even row lmfao 😭😭😭😭
- @Modelboi12: @whaattaafoxx 😂😂😂 lol but I can eat a HOT DOG
- @whaattaafoxx: @Modelboi12 lmfao 😭😭😭😭 fuck youuuu! Hahahaha
@TheRealNiaMoore: pardon the hideous expressions of terror ur about to see smeared across my face on the 1st challenge coming up. I have never been so scared😩
@JordanW_usa: Hope everyone enjoys the premier!! Thank you for all the support! And Let me know how it goes!!! Night everybody! #TheChallenge #onMTV
@JennaCompono: First challenge coming up!!!! Who's excited
@JMorrisfitness: All my #redneckisland faithful need to be watching my friends @IamAdamKuhn @MtvJess & @brittany_baldi on #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2 now!
@haileychivers: RIP DIEM 💕 RIP KNIGHT
@EikeParis: There's some obvious picks for next season..... 💁 #righthere @TheChallengeMTV
@JayGMTV: Lets clarify. " not dying"
@TheRealNiaMoore: i literally cannot read all these tweets they are coming so fucking fast. I see y'all. I love you and thank you so much for the support!!!
@AshleyMarieMTV: Gorgeous! Inside and out. ❤️ RT @Cory_Kenney: @AshleyMarieMTV http://twitter.com/Cory_Kenney/status/552682410689974273/photo/1pic.twitter.com/boJgLFLfVm
@JennaCompono: Lmao my butt
@JayGMTV: I love the letter "J"
- @IWantMyEmTV: @JayGMTV the weirdest to land on planet Jearth.
- @JayGMTV: @IWantMyEmTV your name should be jemilee
- @IWantMyEmTV: @JayGMTV pic.twitter.com/f457VAzZSI
- @IWantMyEmTV: @JayGMTV lmao
@whaattaafoxx: Zach is soooo sexy! #BattleOfTheExs2
@MRoda88: Reminiscing watching the challenge <3 #jellybelly @MTV @TheChallengeMTV #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@PrimeTimeSiebs: Ay!! @JayGMTV !! You my hero bro! Hahah
@MtvJess: And this is why i hated @djzito #asshole was supposed to be your teammate!
@TheRealNiaMoore: @ZachMTV has the best fucking one liners this season hands down 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😏😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
@whaattaafoxx: NC JUST ROCKING ALLA MTV HERE LATELY!! STAND UP! @MtvJess @_Kazuhnova 🙌👌
- @_Kazuhnova: “@whaattaafoxx: NC JUST ROCKING ALLA MTV HERE LATELY!! STAND UP! @MtvJess @_Kazuhnova 🙌👌” WE IN HERE!! 🙌
@MtvJess: I should have just fessed up! 💕 to you @JayGMTV
- @JayGMTV: “@MtvJess: I should have just fessed up! 💕 to you @JayGMTV” its all good baby gurl
@JustJem24: Come on now... Y'all know I like black men..
@SimoneJKelly: It takes timmmmmeeeeeee
@mtvdario: Educate yourself
@MtvJess: Thanks for looking out @dustinzito #BattleOfTheExes2
@AneesaMTV: God I miss @DiemBrownMTV so much
- @NotoriousAJM: @AneesaMTV @DiemBrownMTV literally it's hard to watch.
@TheRealNiaMoore: Who else bites their lip every time Diem and CT look at each other. So hard or to cry..
@JennaCompono: Aw diem ❤️❤️❤️
@MtvJess: Hope daddy didn't hear that 🙈#sorrydad
@TheRealNiaMoore: Adam was lowkey more terrified than me and Leeroy combined lmaooo
@WestonBergmann: As you get older, you have way more to lose - the heights get worse, and worse, and worse.
@PrimeTimeSiebs: 500 feet over streets and moving cars on a string???? Chyeah fuck outta here!!
@JennaCompono: Height!!! Gettin nervous plus the first challenge wish me luck!
@imalacey: I love how #diembrown was always looking ahead, past the obstacles...always moving forward.
@MTVBananas: Scooby Dooby Dooby Doo where are you?! #TheChallenge #BattleOfTheExes2 @MTV @ChallengeMTV
@MTVshelbs: @MtvJess is so damn beautiful, hoping she kicks some ass! #BattleOfTheExes2
- @MtvJess: “@MTVshelbs: @MtvJess is so damn beautiful, hoping she kicks some ass! #BattleOfTheExes2” thanks mama 💋
@blacuesta: #RIPDiemBrown #warrior
@RobinMTV14: Watching #BattleOfTheExes2 is harder than I thought it would be RIP @DiemBrownMTV.
@blacuesta: Honestly me and @EikeParis on #rivals would be SOME FUCKIN SHIT. We're both fighters and we don't take NO shit from nobody.
@t_raines33: The challenge is so dope right now #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@MtvJess: If Jesus wanted me to be up that high honey he would have given me wings. @mtv 🙈😭😱😱 #ummmbyeeeee #BattleOfTheExes2
@RoyLee25mtv: I'm pretty sure @TheRealNiaMoore and I went first
- @TheRealNiaMoore: @RoyLee25mtv 😂😂😂😂right lmaoooo
@whaattaafoxx: There ain't no way I would do this challenge unless they gave me 2 xans and a blunt before.. #BattleOfTheExes2
@WestonBergmann: My beautiful and amazing gf @ajhornick http://instagram.com/p/xiiIcFOUHA/
@MtvJess: I wanted to cry 😭 #BattleOfTheExes2
@EikeParis: Let's be honest. Either we'd tear off the competitions heads. Or each others. @blacuesta #thechallengerivals @TheChallengeMTV
- @blacuesta: @EikeParis @TheChallengeMTV such truth hahahahaha
- @n_zanattaMTV: @EikeParis @blacuesta @TheChallengeMTV doubt it!!! Id kick your asses the first day ;)
- @blacuesta: @n_zanattaMTV @EikeParis @TheChallengeMTV you may have abs but me and paris are sore losers we'd smoke your ass #bye
- @n_zanattaMTV: @blacuesta @EikeParis @TheChallengeMTV lmao wanna play a game I love games @brunorealworld @t_raines33 @_Kazuhnova tell them wolfpack>
- @_Kazuhnova: @n_zanattaMTV @blacuesta @EikeParis @TheChallengeMTV @brunorealworld @t_raines33 #wolfpack #WDGT #yesslawwwdddd We love games!!!
- @blacuesta: @_Kazuhnova @n_zanattaMTV @EikeParis @TheChallengeMTV @brunorealworld @t_raines33 im the queen of games #watchyourback
@whaattaafoxx: @MtvJess girl I wouldn't have even gone... So I'm proud of you! #BattleOfTheExes2
- @MtvJess: @whaattaafoxx if @dustinzito wasn't my partner and so encouraging I wouldn't have. Was thinking not again!
- @whaattaafoxx: @MtvJess @dustinzito omg I would have died!! Literally they would have had an amazing dramatic scream scene from the fall
@IamAdamKuhn: This challenge was absolutely terrifying. What a way to break my challenge cherry! 500 feet in the air!
@TheRealNiaMoore: Why am I laughing so hard at everyone struggling on this rope. Knowing my ass bout to embarrass myself 😂😂😂😂😂😂
@MtvJess: WORST FEELING EVER!!!!!!! #BattleOfTheExes2 @dustinzito @mtv
@haileychivers: Graceful af fall by @MtvJess
- @MtvJess: “@haileychivers: Graceful af fall by @MtvJess” I wanted to cry! So scary!
- @djstweetarazzi: @MtvJess @haileychivers *hugs* Hey @tjlavin needs to give ya pts for such a awesome fall! #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@JennaCompono: Poor Jonna dragging the biggest guy!
@t_raines33: Come on @dustinzito you gotta represent my boy!!! #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@JayGMTV: Is jonna pulling FABIO??
@MRoda88: @JustJem24 Thinkin about how hilarious/raunchy Knights tweets would be this season - Kid still manages to make me laugh. loveu<3 #RIPKnight
- @JustJem24: @MRoda88 love u roda 💜👯
@AndyHerren: I love Sarah. #BattleOfTheExes2
@ave_tress: Woot woot! #firstchallengedone #rookie #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2 #TheChallenge
@MTVBananas: CHALLENGE FACT: @WestonBergmann has no soul which makes him lighter than the other guys, and easier to pull across a tight rope. @MTV
- @WestonBergmann: . @MTV CHALLENGE FACT: @MTVBananas only chance of winning a challenge is this 1 cus he's strung up like a banana
@ryanmalaty: Are you #TeamAYTO #TeamRealWorld or #TeamBananas? #TheChallenge #BattleOfTheExes2
@MtvJess: My sock game strong 💪💛💙💜💚❤️ #rainbowbrite @Bravotv @AskTeamUA
- @ChallengeMTV: @MtvJess @Bravotv @AskTeamUA there's no denying that!
@MtvJess: If Jesus wanted me to be up that high honey he would have given me wings. @mtv #ummmbyeeeee #BattleOfTheExes2
@EikeParis: @blacuesta @n_zanattaMTV @TheChallengeMTV @brunorealworld @t_raines33 @_Kazuhnova CORRECTION Devour @nb_zanattaMTV ur just a light snack.
@IamAdamKuhn: Haha graceful fall @TheresaTime20 #BattleOfTheExes2
@AneesaMTV: @RoyLee25mtv face right now
@MtvJess: #teamnia @TheRealNiaMoore
@SylviaMTV: The Mexican Marilyn eh?!? Love you @_Kazuhnova #realworldskeletons
@MTVBananas: CHALLENGE FACT: @WestonBergmann suffers from a rare and uncurable form of Ginger-Vitus @MTV @ChallengeMTV #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
- @WestonBergmann: CHALLENGE FACT: @MTVBananas is too chubby to make it to that finish line @MTV @ChallengeMTV #BattleOfTheExes2
- @imalacey: @WestonBergmann Chunky monkeys like bananas.
@JennaCompono: I tried!!!! :/ we did pretty good though!! What you think
@MRoda88: @DevynSimone's weave >>
@IamAdamKuhn: Damnit!!! #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2 @brittany_baldi
@MtvJess: That fall was my worst nightmare coming true! Just kidding! Working with Dustin was. #kidding
@laurelstucky: The slow-mo falls. #TheChallenge #LOLZ
@SimoneJKelly: Without trust... 😰😰😰😰 #TheChallenge #BattleOfTheExes2
@laurelstucky: GO @NANYMTV! #TheChallenge
@NanyMTV: Not watching the show tonight but thanks for all the LooOoOve & support in my mentions💋❤️❤️
@JennaCompono: Knight ❤️
@brittany_baldi: Oh damn I was too wobbly! Keep watching I make up for it #battleoftheexes2
@whaattaafoxx: @SimoneJKelly beasting it!! #BattleOfTheExes2
@AndyHerren: I miss Cohutta, Devyn, Trishelle, and Cara Maria. #BattleOfTheExes2
@IamAdamKuhn: .@brittany_baldi smh #BattleOfTheExes2
@CaraMariaMTV: lmao thanks for the love guys- I just haven't kissed enough people... and @mtv didn't want to repeat me and @AbramBoise team! #exes
@SimoneJKelly: #TeamAYTO 💪💪💪💪
@JennaCompono: This first challenge may have looked easy! But once your up there dam!
@LaytonJonesMTV: Just got chills... Very proud of my season one family #AreYouTheOne @iamadamkuhn brittanybaldi… http://instagram.com/p/xijkkklxB9/
@blacuesta: Crusty ass
@MRoda88: @NanyMTV Looking good child!!
@CaraMariaMTV: Next season- lets quit with this exes/lovers/relationship crap and bring people who want to f*king compete. Thanks ;) @mtv @TheChallengeMTV
@TheRealNiaMoore: I repented for all my sins and future ones while on that rope. @tjlavin told me to relax and that I wouldn't die but I never believed him 😂😂
@JennaCompono: @JayGMTV @ZachNicholsMTV 😂😂😂😂 his Twitter is @ZachMTV !
@AneesaMTV: @TheresaTime20 get it boo. So proud of you. #chorizo
@EikeParis: @SimoneJKelly did they spell your name wrong on your helmet?? @TheChallengeMTV
@JennaCompono: Ct killing the inch worm
@laurelstucky: CT invents the inchworm technique.
@MtvJess: They found Saras show btw 😂😂😂😂😂 #BattleOfTheExes2
@brittany_baldi: My girl!!! Go Diem!! @DiemBrownMTV #BattleOfTheExes2 #mtv
@EikeParis: Damn! EREBODY droppin like bombs 💣💣💣 @TheChallengeMTV
@IamAdamKuhn: So inspirational, great job Diem #BattleOfTheExes2
@ChallengeMTV: This season isn't going to be easy, as you can tell from this first challenge, but it sure as hell will be entertaining! #BattleOfTheExes2
@AneesaMTV: That's my flexy partner Diem. Hates heights but killed that challenge.
@whaattaafoxx: They are so cute @TheOfficial_CT @DiemBrownMTV ❤️❤️ #BattleOfTheExes2
@PrimeTimeSiebs: I put my #AYTO money on @IamAdamKuhn and @brittany_baldi to win @ChallengeMTV.. Pull it together!! 😜
@VMilerman: @SylviaMTV I love you and I think everyone knows it now. #RealWorldSkeletons ❤️💀
@ryanmalaty: Crossing my fingers for an ice bucket challenge #BattleOfTheExes2
@IamAdamKuhn: Going in the Dome #BattleOfTheExes2 this is going to get interesting.
@JayGMTV: JennaCompono @JennaCompono did a hell of a job. Especially with big ass @ZachMTV up her ass. Lots of added weight.
- @JennaCompono: @JayGMTV @ZachMTV thanks jay!
@imalacey: I didn't know hooking up with people made them an actual ex? Maybe some of the more legit RealWorld ex couples said 'hell no' to coming on?
@MRoda88: Meeting Diem was 1 of the biggest take aways for me doing #TheChallenge- She has&will always remain, an inspiration to me. #RIPDiem #medgift
@WestonBergmann: Diem is smiling right now cus she knows whichever one of us wins - she's safe. Ten year long alliance! #BeatThat
@PrestoMagicmtv: @Knight_MTV just stole the show. loves #BattleOfTheExes2
@JennaCompono: Phew thank god that's over! And we didn't come in last wooh!!
@EDiamond007: Pretty entertaining watching how Jay gets picked on #redheadedstepchild #BattleOfTheExes2
@IamAdamKuhn: I worked my ass off for this challenge and I knew id have to showcase my abilities but not this soon. #BattleOfTheExes2
@ChallengeMTV: No matter what CT and Diem will always be a power couple! #BattleOfTheExes2
@haileychivers: Hood job pahtna! We killed it!! @ThomasBuellMTV
- @ThomasBuellMTV: @haileychivers yes maam!
@JennaCompono: Just sippin on tha wine
@JamieChinaMTV: I feel like I should be watching #BattleOfTheExes2 lol all these tweets are killing me😂😂
- @ChallengeMTV: @JamieChinaMTV yessss, you should be! 😄😄
@laurelstucky: There's my girl @NanyMTV
@LaytonJonesMTV: New favorite show hands down @ChallengeMTV #About2GoDown
@MtvJess: @TheresaTime20 COWARD!
@brittany_baldi: Wes And Theresa! Who is going into the dome with Adam and I?? #BattleOfTheExes2
- @EDiamond007: I know @IamAdamKuhn and @brittany_baldi could beat them blindfolded. #dontmesswiththehulk
@MtvJess: It's a game but don't lie to my face and say it was @WestonBergmann decision! @TheresaTime20
@TheRealNiaMoore: Mastermind Wes. literally a puppeteer...i respect it!
@MTVBananas: Some things never change!!! @WestonBergmann @mtv @ChallengeMTV #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@RoyLee25mtv: Fuckin' @WestonBergmann smh lol
- @WestonBergmann: .@RoyLee25mtv I thought you'd like that
@whaattaafoxx: It's "Are You The One" damn. @dustinzito
@RobinMTV14: Love ya @WestonBergmann miss you bro. Love watching you make everyone squirm!!! #BattleOfTheExes2
@imalacey: @WestonBergmann speaks slower and over enunciates when he's doing is master negotiating 😉
@JennaCompono: Makin alliances with Wes hmm good idea?
@TheRealNiaMoore: Tell me @TheresaTime20 isn't fucking adorable. Even with her hair tied, sweaty jersey and no makeup. Love that girl
@laurelstucky: Technical difficulties @MTV
@MTVBananas: The higher up you are on the ladder, the bigger the target on your ass gets! @mtv @ChallengeMTV #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@MtvJess: Awe you do have a heart @dustinzito #BattleOfTheExes2
@MRoda88: @MTV @BunimMurray #RealWorldSkeletons cast is #everything. I'm happy to see u changed the height requirement for guys to over 5'0
- @MTVtrey: @MRoda88 @MTV @BunimMurray 😴😴😴
@PrimeTimeSiebs: I hope he throws banana in there!
@IamAdamKuhn: I'm def not someone you want to see in an elimination. #BattleOfTheExes2
- @ChallengeMTV: @IamAdamKuhn noted!
@brittany_baldi: Who is facing these rookies in the dome!? It's our home @IamAdamKuhn #mtv #BattleOfTheExes2
@brunorealworld: Just saw a preview for #BoyNextDoor looks so good I mean if @JLo is in it im with it.
@RoyLee25mtv: Let's go @dustinzito you got this brotha
@AndyHerren: Okay, @MtvJess and @dustinzito need to win. #BattleOfTheExes2
@MtvJess: Those socks tho 💛💙💜💚❤️ @AskTeamUA
@MTVBananas: CHALLENGE FACT: Every time an angel gets its wings, @WestonBergmann gets a freckle. @MTV @ChallengeMTV #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
- @WestonBergmann: CHALLENGE FACT: @MTVBananas begged me to not choose him. I donate a portion of my time and $ to charity, this was 1 of those times
- @laurelstucky: CHALLENGE FACT: @MTVBananas & @WestonBergmann stories are so polarized, no one knows the real story. #TheChallenge
@EikeParis: Can't wait to watch this. #teamareyoutheone ALLDAY #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@TheRealNiaMoore: Never thought @mtvjess and @dustinzito would go in first. Smart of Wes. But at the time I felt like we should screw the AreUTheOne kinds 1st
@JordanW_usa: That insta be @jordan_wiseley
@ChallengeMTV: Which team are you rooting for to win The Dome? #BattleOfTheExes2
@JennaCompono: Ohh @brittany_baldi Lookin good ! 😜 my girl
@MRoda88: @frankcsweeney Hey sista, miss ya!
@IamAdamKuhn: Elimination time!!! #BattleOfTheExes2
@brittany_baldi: Who wins!? Rookies or vets!?
@JennaCompono: Who's gonna win!!
@MtvJess: @dustinzito foot came undone from the board 😒😒😒😒
@TheRealNiaMoore: This elimination was wayyyyyy harder looking that it looks
@MaybachDiamonds: So looks like I survived?
@IamAdamKuhn: Challenge was so physically demanding.. Harder than it looks. #BattleOfTheExes2
@IWantMyEmTV: Lolzing. Who the fuck casts these things. You have 0 intuition.
@MTVBananas: Job well done Tweet heads, #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2 is trending nationwide! @MTV @ChallengeMTV
@haileychivers: I literally could not pick my jaw up from the ground. Very intense dome competition @MtvJess @brittany_baldi @IamAdamKuhn @dustinzito
@MtvJess: I'm not a jungle animal, I don't climb walls..... #BattleOfTheExes2
@IamAdamKuhn: Let me hear it... #AreYouTheOne so proud of @brittany_baldi on this elimination! #BattleOfTheExes2 #Imnotlosing
- @brittany_baldi: @IamAdamKuhn thanks homie! Great job to you too. Saving me from falling. Do work! #teambradam
@whaattaafoxx: Hell yeah!!! Show them how it's done!! #AYTOStyle @IamAdamKuhn @brittany_baldi
@MtvJess: Losing hurt more than the fall 💔 sorry @dustinzito #BattleOfTheExes2 #unreal
@A_Bartolotte: Atta boy @IamAdamKuhn
@WestonBergmann: Goodnight, good decision, and @MTVBananas owes me one. This deserves a #boom
@JennaCompono: Yay Brittany u killed it!!! @brittany_baldi
@LORAleeMTV: Poor Dustin.
- @TheSteamer: @LORAleeMTV Wasn’t a fan of him on his season but he’s started to win me over. Always searching for “acceptance”.
@IamAdamKuhn: Had to show The Real World what #AreYouTheOne was all about #BattleOfTheExes2
@EikeParis: THE FEELS RIGHT NOW!!! @IamAdamKuhn @brittany_baldi #PROUDFAM @TheChallengeMTV #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@PrimeTimeSiebs: That's fuckin right!!! Dont doubt the #AYTO!!!! Way to hit that beast mode! Congrats @IamAdamKuhn and @brittany_baldi #Boss!! @ChallengeMTV
@LaytonJonesMTV: #ChallengeMTVthis This Challenge is intense!
@brittany_baldi: Wait what we won and @IamAdamKuhn loves me? Weird #BattleOfTheExes2 #rookies
@MtvJess: My heart broke for @dustinzito at that moment. Forget pride I let him down and he was such a good partner #BattleOfTheExes2 💔
@Pratt_MTV: @IamAdamKuhn finish hard with the "I love you"s ! Way to go brah! #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@IWantMyEmTV: There's about five couples on here that America wanted to see or even knew about. I'm only going to watch for Diem and Knight. 💔
@SylviaMTV: Now I want to go back to @HotelKCMO because @SylviaMTV is awesome! My new favorite show is for sure #RealWorldSkeletons #kcproud”
@CaraMariaMTV: its good to take some time off...i can get stronger... and other people can get a turn in the elimination rounds ;)
- @IWantMyEmTV: @CaraMariaMTV wondering where you and Abe are. But we both know a win is just around the corner for you 😘😊
@MtvJess: WE IN THISSSSSSS @dustinzito #BattleOfTheExes2 @mtv
@Pratt_MTV: Exile house!? What!!!!!???? #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@jenniknapmiller: Ahhhh! Congrats @brittany_baldi @IamAdamKuhn way to represent 👊#AreYouTheOne #BattleOfTheExes2
@TheRealNiaMoore: For those who keep asking....yes, me and Averey are friends now :) I was actually close with her from the start! #TeamPortland @ave_tress <3
@IamAdamKuhn: Thanks for the support everyone. No matter what it took I was not losing that Dome battle! #BattleOfTheExes2
@MTVshelbs: Yooo AYTO being put on that @ChallengeMTV map. #whosnext
@LaytonJonesMTV: Brittany Baldi I have faith Yall will survive the Dome! #ChallengeMTV #AreYouTheOne
@MaybachDiamonds: I don't have a speaking role on this show
@JennaCompono: I am so excited for you guys to see this season it's gona be great!!!!! What did we think I wanna hear thoughts!
@ChallengeMTV: Way to do work rookies! Leave it up to @tjlavin to throw in a curve ball, it's not over yet for @MtvJess & @dustinzito. #BattleOfTheExes2
@IamAdamKuhn: Thanks for the pep talk @TheRealNiaMoore youre a beast! also thank you @TheresaTime20 @ave_tress and @haileychivers
@whaattaafoxx: A hahahahah "you can ride this pole later" @brunorealworld
- @brunorealworld: @whaattaafoxx lmfao oh boy
- @whaattaafoxx: @brunorealworld lol you stupid 😭😭
- @brunorealworld: @whaattaafoxx just a little
@NanyMTV: Finally watching #BattleOfTheExes2 & I have zero time & energy for trash tweeting. All I have to say is #TeamDiemAndKnight #Forever #RIP ❤️
@RoyLee25mtv: Damn @mtv it's a twist on the 1st Episode of #BattleOfTheExes2 😳😳😳😳😒
@A_Bartolotte: It's always easier said than done
@TyrieBMTV: Real talk I can't watch those season... Knight went out the way he loved... But losing diem man... Nah I'm good off this season
@ChallengeMTV: It was a pleasure tweeting with everyone tonight. Thank you all for honoring #BattleOfTheExes2 competitors Diem and Knight. Til' next Tues!
@whaattaafoxx: We could leave this town and run forever 🎶
> After Hours, and Emilee Goes HAM
@MaybachDiamonds: Everyone from AYTO swears they should be on the challenge... http://youtu.be/ybcNSoh8vI4
@LaytonJonesMTV: Holy Crap @AREUTHE1 @ChallengeMTV @IamAdamKuhn @brittany_baldi #ExileThatsAwesome
@CaraMariaMTV: @DiemBrownMTV and @Knight_MTV .... honestly... does anything else matter? It's just unreal. Thankful to see these last moments full of life
@LaytonJonesMTV: I wanted to show my respect to what seem like great people @knight_mtv @diembrownmtv @ChallengeMTV… http://instagram.com/p/xisj1iFxMm/
@AndyHerren: I wish I could be on MTV's The Challenge, but I'm too frail and easy to snap in half. I would for sure die.
@haileychivers: We are so full of Viking pride #estodux @ThomasBuellMTV #representing
@whaattaafoxx: Finally time for bed... 👌
@laurashall93: @JasIPen I'm coming to try out for your dance team... Y'all's snaps are legit my type of dancing 😏😏 #bootypopping
- @JasIPen: @laurashall93 please! We just got the news that we will be in Frankie J's music video this weekend. Hurry girl we need u!
- @laurashall93: @JasIPen shut up! Dayummmmmm look at you girl #S'Proud
@JayGMTV: Just sayin...
@MTV_Christina: Hey guys!
@haileychivers: "I'm Nia. I'm 24, and my occupation is being a badass bitch." @TheRealNiaMoore Why I am in love with you #spiritanimal @ChallengeMTV @MTV
@v_cakes: Who are these people on #TheChallenge? #BattleOfTheExes2 #MTV
@v_cakes: What is all this "You Are The One" so many of you are referring to? #mtv #TheChallenge #BattleOfTheExes2
@v_cakes: Wait, are they really from "You Are The One"? Or is that a stupid question? Why am I so confused!!! #Mtv #TheChallenge #BattleOfTheExes2
@v_cakes: Ahhhhhh...So lame to have "Are You the One" contestants on a Challenge. So lame. #MTV #TheChallenge #BattleOfTheExes2
@v_cakes: Did you all not just watch the show I just watched? Then WHY WHY WHY are you asking if I'll ever come back?!? #TheChallenge #MTV
@haileychivers: "Alright! Interracial couples!" @MaybachDiamonds L. O. fkn L man
@JayGMTV: I got @n_zanattaMTV im good
@ryanmalaty: "I'm a lover, I'm a fighter, I'm an @MTV challenge survivor!" @MTVBananas #TheChallenge
@JennaCompono: Add me on Instagram @JennaCompono and let me know what you thought of tonight's episode!
@haileychivers: How beautiful is the Panama house though!? 🏠#BattleOfTheExes2 @ChallengeMTV
@ryanmalaty: Seeing Diem & Knight on tv 💔 #BattleOfTheExes2
@MtvJess: ✌️💕 http://instagram.com/p/xi0nmAAyi_/
@IWantMyEmTV: YouTube video coming tomorrow in regards to why I think The Challenge has become straight up disrespectful. 👸
@IWantMyEmTV: Shit is about to get real. :)
@IWantMyEmTV: Remember how @jonnamtv @MTVDerek and I were all adopted? Did you know I found my entire birth family who watched me on Free Agents? No you didn't know that because real world and all their spin offs don't give a fuck about the real story anymore. All these kids on skeletons don't need skeletons. Their stories are better moving forward.. Not living in the past. What happened?! All they aired on free agents was about some stupid ex bf. I wanted to win the money to donate to victims of the boston marathon. They didn't air that either. The show is ridiculous now. Nothing important makes air anymore. It's about love triangles that never existed 😬
@IWantMyEmTV: Re air my episode where they say I'm in Dustin's bed. That was my bed. Top bunk with all the moths. 😭😭😭😭😹😹😹😹 Done. But all your faves aren't there because no one wants to film with a production agency that sucks us dry emotionally and physically. Where's Evan and Kenny? Not there because production knowingly brought some emotionally unstable woman on the show.
@IWantMyEmTV: But the next year jersey shore took over. Ok. 😭😭😭😂😂😂😂 Meanwhile back at the ranch have had to turn down numerous opportunities because of a contract. Wish I never signed with MTV. Went on national tv. Told my very personal story. And they've shit on me and other cast members left and right. Please kindly fuck off.
@IWantMyEmTV: Never apologizing for these tweets. It's been a long time and I'm finally brave enough to say it outloud in public. Just watch my YouTube video tomorrow 👸 I'll be sure to elaborate
@IWantMyEmTV: #Realworld http://instagram.com/p/xi574gh4jD/
@IWantMyEmTV: "I would rather be loved for who I am, than who I am not."
@IWantMyEmTV: And I am entitled.. When the whole point is to be real and the people behind it can't stand behind that. Girl bye.
@MTV_JESS: What a sweetheart & amazing soul it's simply visible! #RIPDiemBrown @DiemBrownMTV 🙌 #BattleOfTheExes2 #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@MTV_JESS: I love watching my lovely @JayGMTV you're such a good supporter!!!! #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
- @JayGMTV: @MTV_JESS always baby. U know me
@MTV_JESS: My baby Britt still looking fineeeeee @brittany_baldi
@SarahRiceMTV: So happy to see @diembrownmtv trending!! And Don't forget about medgift!! Check it out and support… http://instagram.com/p/xi4S94RqdM/
@MTV_JESS: She's the cutest @DiemBrownMTV
@ryanmalaty: How could you not love @MtvJess? #TheChallenge #gonetoosoon
- @MtvJess: “@ryanmalaty: How could you not love @MtvJess? #TheChallenge #gonetoosoon” 💋
@SarahRiceMTV: #TeamSordan world premier peeps!! Its gonna be a crazy season !! As I always say "this changes… http://instagram.com/p/xi44ixxqdv/
@JayGMTV: Gotta make a statement...
@ryanmalaty: Guess who I found @dillanhoward @shandathapanda
@MTV_JESS: I love @MtvJess she's another sweet soul ❤️ #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@JayGMTV: I love that some ive known for ten years can see im a good partner @MTV_JESS Nothin but love for@you girl
@MTV_JESS: Fackkkkkk my two girls competing
@MTV_JESS: I just got helllllaaaaaa excited for this babyyyyyy 💙👌 awesome job @brittany_baldi @IamAdamKuhn
@MTV_JESS: Sorry @MtvJess I'll miss watching you but I'll be getting to see you in person soon 😘❤️ stayupp baeeee
@laurelstucky: Everything happens for a reason and while it is happening we may question ourselves, but eventually the good in every scenario comes out.
@MTV_JESS: Waittttt whatttt ahhhhhh you're stayinggggg @MtvJess
@JayGMTV: https://twitter.com/jaygmtv/status/552683017618350080 …
@laurelstucky: When the opportunity is right it will happen. Keep looking and keep positive.
@brunorealworld: What's sleep?
@brunorealworld: If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything. #fact
> Wednesday Hangover, and JJ's Song Titles
@MtvJess: Running on almost no sleep but thankful that God woke me up this morning. Hope Yall have an amazing Wednesday!
@MaybachDiamonds: I'm the weirdest fuckin person I've ever met
@MaybachDiamonds: Goodnight y'all! Ugh whys the sun tryna mess up my sleep game
@MTVTV: Is #RealWorld's first skeleton innocent until proven guilty? Share your thoughts on Alicia's move-in: http://on.mtv.com/1BGcaz0
@MTVTV: Rookies like @ave_tress made big names for themselves on the #Challenge premiere -- are the newbies a threat? http://on.mtv.com/1FkuoMH
@ToriFiorenza: Watching #TheChallenge last night I can't tell you how many times I grabbed my phone to text Diem. #shelookedgreat #medgift
@jenniknapmiller: Take the good with the bad because for some, good is hard to come by
@jenniknapmiller: Sometimes I text my mom and our conversations turn sappy and we both end up in happy tears. Blessed to have @mommaknapmiller
@whaattaafoxx: Way too early for me to be up.
@MaybachDiamonds: Calvin Harris ft. Ben Stiller - Blame it on the night at the Museum
@MaybachDiamonds: Jay-Z ft. Young Thug - Hard Knock Lifestyle
@MaybachDiamonds: 2 Chainz ft. Gary Coleman - I'm Different Strokes
@MaybachDiamonds: Diddy ft. Brad Pitt - It's all about the Benjamin Buttons
@MaybachDiamonds: Wayne Brady ft. Howie Mandel - Lets make a deal or no deal
@TheRealNiaMoore: This is forever gonna be funny to me 😂😂😂 I couldn't move for shit half way across I became frozen… http://instagram.com/p/xjol3NF0st/
@AskTeamUA: .@ChallengeMTV Now it's time to launch our diabolical plan to bust @MtvJess out of exile. #TeamUA
@JamieChinaMTV: Iphone, your alarms just don't work for me anymore... I think I need a blow horn to get me out of bed in the morning.
@MtvJess: Thanks for all of the love and support 💋💕
@MaybachDiamonds: Words with friends with benefits
@MTVTV: Watch the first eliminated #Challenge team discover they're not totally out of the competition yet: http://on.mtv.com/1BHXmzS
@IamAdamKuhn: First episode of #BattleoftheExes2 got me hyped! Had to come in and get a beast workout today! http://instagram.com/p/xjwuk4wqu1/
@JennaCompono: Can it be next Tuesday already Im so excited to see the next episode !!! Haha #BattleOfTheExes2
@haileychivers: PJ game this morning. Thank you mother ❤️
@haileychivers: Miss The Challenge last night? First re-run comes on 5:30 (Texas time) today on @mtv !!!! @ChallengeMTV
@ChallengeMTV: After last night's unexpected elimination outcome on #BattleOfTheExes2, the vets may need to watch their backs: http://on.mtv.com/1BzstzL
@RealWorldMTV: Last night was a blast from the past when the first skeleton moved in. Watch last night's #RealWorldSkeletons: http://on.mtv.com/14oDLKp
@CaraMariaMTV: #JeSuisCharlie
@haileychivers: Rookies makin' a statement! #BattleOfTheExes2 @ChallengeMTV http://www.mtv.com/news/2041043/battle-of-the-exes-2-rookies/ …
@CaraMariaMTV: watchin @mtv The Challenge #Exes2. heart is in a million pieces watching @TheOfficial_CT & @DiemBrownMTV . All love. http://www.mtv.com/shows/challenge-battle-of-the-exes-2/the-challenge-battle-of-the-exes-ii-ep-1-where-is-the-love/1733384/playlist/#id=1733384 …
@CaraMariaMTV: Despite cancer trying to bring her down, @DiemBrownMTV competes like a warrior.... and glows like a supermodel. She's beyond loved.
@JazMTV: Havent watched #Exes2 yet plan to tonight.
@laurelstucky: @susie_meister @EmFitMTV @CamilaMTV @CaraMariaMTV @NanyMTV of course you too Susie haha
@brittany_baldi: "I'm a lover, I'm a fighter, I'm an MTV CHALLENGE survivor" @MTVBananas breaking in the rooks! 💯✌️
@ChallengeMTV: #TheChallenge just wouldn't be the same without a pump-up speech from @MTVBananas. Classic! #BattleOfTheExes2
@AdamKingMTV: It's fun watching those movies from the 80s that take place in 2015 and have flying cars. Although they got the cell phone part right!
@ryanmalaty: She makes me feel sophisticated @jonnamtv #wcw
@illBeJacy: The pain can make people change.
@SimoneJKelly: I had an amazing time last night!!! Enjoy #BattlesOfTheExes2 last night!?!?!? 😍😁 http://instagram.com/p/xkF152SISX/
@TheRealNiaMoore: @ave_tress is a skinny lil thing but she got more upper body strength than me 😂😂 My arms gave out so quick lmao
- @ave_tress: @TheRealNiaMoore hahaha! Thanks! I'm pretty sure you would have made it if the pulley didn't jam up. #WeKillinIt#GoUs #teamportland
@laurelstucky: I understand why I avoided my feelings for long .... discussing this shit is exhausting.
@BunimMurray: Did you miss last night's premiere of #BattleOfTheExes2?? Don't worry, you can catch it online NOW!! --> http://on.mtv.com/17iZ55L
@CJKoegel: Someone was hangry! #doubleheadlocks @becksnyc78 @brina077
@tosca_yeager: Very excited to be covering up my name tattoo today. Forever closing and forgetting that chapter of my life! #finally #free
@laurelstucky: @caramariamtv ... can't be a sister chat. Mother F&%k though you are one tough chick.
- @CaraMariaMTV: @laurelstucky thanks mom ;) sometimes i need to be straightened out. #hulkproblems
@jonnamtv: #lastnight http://instagram.com/p/xkKDhTIkP6/
@laurelstucky: My lesson learned today: who ever I bring in to my world is going to be worth it - cause I'm not wasting any energy on someone I don't like.
@RealWorldMTV: Does Sylvia's skeleton deserve the benefit of the doubt? http://on.mtv.com/1AsAesn
@AliciaKayGlenny: Sorry I was MIA last night. #manbun distracted me from my #RealWorldSkeletons mayhem. Like me or not I'll answer any questions you have.
@TheRealNiaMoore: @IamAdamKuhn 😂😂😂😂😂😂 (pic: Adam: "I love you! I love you!")
- @IamAdamKuhn: “@TheRealNiaMoore: @IamAdamKuhn 😂😂😂😂😂😂 ” haha! Omg I can't believe I said that!
@SimoneJKelly: It's all about quality of life and finding a happy balance between work & friends & family.... Us 3,… http://instagram.com/p/xkMv1myIdl/
@MTVBananas: For the most fun you can have with your clothes on check out: http://realjohnnybananas.com #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@JamieChinaMTV: A one part angel, one part perfect, one part a wreck❤️ The kind of flood you'll never forget🎶
@MTVshelbs: Ellie hasn't even lived here 5 days yet and already has a job and a date tonight 😂🙌
- @whaattaafoxx: @MTVshelbs lol shelbsssss! Damnn you lol why you gotta blast me! Lol I'm bout to head home
@briughh: 💀
@JamieChinaMTV: Why are all of @HunterHayes songs my life?! 😩❤️
@ave_tress: First challenge down! Thank you all for watching! See you again next Tuesday at 11! #teamportland… http://instagram.com/p/xkM1lSkAyQ/
@A_Bartolotte: Good things come to those who wait
@SimoneJKelly: Who enjoyed the show lastnight??!! I did!!! Follow me on Instagram too, simonejkelly!! 😘😘😘😘
@tabron27: Okay Vacation is almost over, time to make major moves.
@Pratt_MTV: 😂...... Bitches
@BunimMurray: It's not over yet for @MtvJess and @dustinzito... what's in store for the losers in EX-ILE?! #BattleOfTheExiled
@NanyMTV: http://on.mtv.com/1s6gTdE Challenge fans➡️ check out this clip of @dustinzito when he finds out the game isn't over #Exile #BattleOfTheExes2
@LaytonJonesMTV: @MTV #MTV the soundtracks you out with every scene of your reality shows 👏👏👏👏👏👏#Priceless @ChallengeMTV @RealWorldMTV @AREUTHE1
@MtvJess: Smoother Than a fresh jar of skippy 💋
@MTV: Missed the premiere of #TheChallenge: #BattleOfTheExes2? Watch now: http://on.mtv.com/1Dy2mZw @ChallengeMTV
@MTVTV: The #RealWorld: Skeletons crew is now officially at work...look back at some of the series' coolest jobs! http://on.mtv.com/1FoV7rk
@brunorealworld: They hate us cus they ain't us! I been real can you say the same?
@A_Bartolotte: Okay I'm ready to get back to EIU!
@SimoneJKelly: Good ass selfies w/ jonnamannion ! In the house... she was my diary & nail polish supplier! 😂😘 http://instagram.com/p/xkXvE2yISI/
@CamilaMTV: We'd kick some serious balls! 🙅🙋💁@susie_meister @laurelstucky @EmFitMTV @CaraMariaMTV @NanyMTV #BattleOfTheExes2
- @laurelstucky: @CamilaMTV @susie_meister @EmFitMTV @CaraMariaMTV @NanyMTV like ACTUAL balls tho.
@t_raines33: I'm a perfect imperfection #gates #idgt #LucaBrasi2
- @AliciaKayGlenny: @t_raines33 You're perfection in my eyes.... Lol (insert white girl screech)
@blacuesta: Should be uploading a new video of #goonhouse tonight on YouTube! @MTV_Christina @MTV_JESS
@MTVshelbs: Amazing gym sesh, not to mention I'm getting @whaattaafoxx's ass into shape at the same time!
@whaattaafoxx: First Gym sesh accomplished 💪👌 @MTVshelbs
- @EikeParis: @whaattaafoxx @MTVshelbs atta girl
@CamilaMTV: 💋🎵☀️
@briughh: No one wants to deal with a heart they didn't break .. #youvehadyours #ivehadmine
@MTV_Christina: Starting a journey with yoga
@brunorealworld: Man I love kids so much, I can't wait till the day I have my own.
@meowasaurusbeth: #TheRealWorldSkeletons is already the most epic and insane season ever. MTV deserves some recognition for pulling this off! @RealWorldMTV
@PeaceLoveJoi: Birthday.. It's my birthday (2 Chainz voice) #bdaygirl #bdaykisses
@JayGMTV: Was that not a crazy first challenge?? 500 feet above the ground... The bottom was my view of Jenna during the entire challenge http://instagram.com/p/xkeHXeRgWD/
@JayGMTV: That was a crazy first challenge 500 feet in the air #BattleOfTheExes2 #TheChallenge #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@MTVBananas: I've probably spent a solid year of my life just staring into the refrigerator.
@syrusmtv: Man #ChallengeBattleOfTheExes was crazy seeing 2 friends that r no longer with us. Love u guys! #RIPDiem #RIPknight http://instagram.com/p/xkfwg4m7Ad/
@MTV: The first skeleton has arrived on @RealWorldMTV... http://on.mtv.com/1wVj1Ap 💀 #RealWorldSkeletons
@RealWorldMTV: I'm still not over last night's episode: http://on.mtv.com/14oDLKp
@JamieChinaMTV: To everyone asking me why I wasn't on the challenge: me & Tom werent broken up when the cast was chosen! <---please stop asking love yall❤️
@Amandarae1malik: @n_zanattaMTV one goal of mine is to look like this! How did you do it? pic.twitter.com/NS0DbzLP5G
- @n_zanattaMTV: @Amandarae1malik hard work and dedication
- @AneesaMTV: @n_zanattaMTV didn't know you were part of the tribe too!!!
- @n_zanattaMTV: @AneesaMTV hahahah surprise surprise how are you im Nicole nice to meet you :)
- @AneesaMTV: @n_zanattaMTV you too mama. We'll probably run into each other sooner rather than later
- @n_zanattaMTV: @AneesaMTV make it happen I'm in New York so I'm off weekends for the next few months I'm down to do something
@ChallengeMTV: [SPOILER ALERT] Vets @dustinzito & @MtvJess definitely weren't expecting this! http://on.mtv.com/1AG4uPk #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@MtvJess: Dinner and movie with @missravennnn #sistertime @TheChefJess
@MTVCoryWharton: #Atlanta #LosAngeles #Detroit #Pittsburgh #SanFrancisco #Chicago ✊
@MTVtrey: Prayers up for France. My thoughts are with you...
@MaybachDiamonds: Fuck wit me
@brittany_baldi: In case u missed the first episode it's on http://MTV.com and airing again tonight 👏 #BattleOfTheExes2 #mtv #TheChallenge
@brittany_baldi: The dome looks like HELL. Dark, scary, lots of tension and you're surrounded by fire #thedomeisourhome 💯
@A_Bartolotte: Keep it true like me
@EikeParis: You're starting now? Lol I was born for this.
@TheRealNiaMoore: I watched #TheChallenge again this morning. My part of me struggling on that rope at least six times 😂😂😂 I wish they aired the whole thing
@MtvJess: You guys have overwhelmed me with so much positivity&love it's amazing! Thank you for following my journey I promise it doesn't end here 💋
@ThomasBuellMTV: "...now tell me you want to caress my butt!!"
@JasIPen: Just got the news that I was selected out of a bunch of girls to be in @therealfrankieJ's music video! Pretty excited to be a video hoe lol
@JamieChinaMTV: Life happens! You just move on and get better
@briughh: If you hold me now and leave me never, say youll stay with me forever then i surrender. http://instagram.com/p/xksqNkoJ5U/
@MtvJess: I need me a fella that can sing 😍 Slightly Single in LA is making me melt @missravennnn
@SylviaMTV: Check this nice little interview out! Thank you @CSUAKirk @Morgan_MacAdam #realworldskeletons https://www.youtube.com/embed/JkFXAGzUMf8 …
@RealWorldMTV: I remember every single one of these #RealWorld jobs: http://on.mtv.com/1BJruLn
@TheRealNiaMoore: Happy birthday to one of my best friends and truly my sister @peacelovejoi. I replaced her on The Real… http://instagram.com/p/xkulQ0F0t3/
@tabron27: 😎😎😎 #shades http://instagram.com/p/xkrnjWy3iX/
@SylviaMTV: Regardless of everything everyone is entitled to their own opinion! http://www.mtv.com/news/2040168/real-world-skeletons-sylvia-alicia-poll/ … #RealWorldSkeletons
@SylviaMTV: No matter your feelings NO ONE deserves hate tweets or messages! Even if I don't get along with you! #RealWorldSkeletons @RealWorldMTV
- @SylviaMTV: @RealWorldMTV No no not towards me.. I just saying I appreciate all the support but some things that are being said about Alicia are NOT ok!
- @AliciaKayGlenny: @SylviaMTV @RealWorldMTV Thanks syl. Karma is a bitch though. Have to take it some time. My mom raised me better then to act the way I did.
- @djstweetarazzi: @AliciaKayGlenny @SylviaMTV @RealWorldMTV Some people forget its a show, your problems are between you 2 & no fan should spread hate ever! Idk what the relationship is between u 2 now, but I see this communication & it makes me smile :)
@tabron27: 😎😎😎 smile always. And look dope doing it.
@NanyMTV: Is this real life? (pic: Buffalo - Mostly Cloudy & 1*)
- @dc408dxtr: @NanyMTV eww... Stay warm there tonight. Should be nice & fine when you head west soon, we had record highs where I am today.
- @JennaCompono: @NanyMTV oh EW!!!!
- @NanyMTV: @JennaCompono disturbing... But soon we'll be in Cali 😬❤️
- @JennaCompono: @NanyMTV yesss 😁❤️
- @jonnamtv: @JennaCompono @NanyMTV I can't wait!
- @brittany_baldi: @NanyMTV damn girl get to Cali ✈️💯
@SimoneJKelly: Me & my Wife brittanybaldi I'm so proud of you & @iamadamkuhn for killing it in THE DOME!!!… http://instagram.com/p/xkxJ2OSIcH/
@stoolpresidente: Barstool Rundown with Big E @ericbanks with the part talking MTV challenge shows is now updated http://ow.ly/GY4hX
@CaraMariaMTV: I fell. A lot. And it was hilarious. #crosscountry #ski #montana #emigrant #millcreek #snow http://instagram.com/p/xkyD3CnivQ/
@CaraMariaMTV: Sky isnt on fire.... Its just this stunning at sunset. #montana #mountains #sunset #winter #snow http://instagram.com/p/xkyRESnivx/
@SimoneJKelly: 😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳 #BattlesOfTheExes2 #MTV #AreYouTheOne #WeDidThat! http://instagram.com/p/xky4e1SIe6/
@briughh: I'm wearing gloves inside my apartment ... #NYC #BURR
@ryanmalaty: Interesting night for #TheChallenge premier. Watch it on my snapchat story: ryanmalaty
@EDiamond007: You know you're a new dad when you're not even holding your baby and you're still rocking side to side
@Chet_Cannon: .@ZachMTV Killin' it with the one-liners. Day late, but great ep. so far! #TheChallenge
@ChallengeMTV: All bets are off! Watch #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2 Supertease: http://on.mtv.com/1HPNCHQ
@CaraMariaMTV: If a stranger dedicates time to shit talking you... it says a lot about what a sad, hateful, miserable life they lead. So... shine on ;)
@EikeParis: I'm laughing at you not with you
@VMilerman: Im so overwhelmed with all the support and love I got from everyone! I'm going to try and respond to everyone. Thank you so much❤️💋
@JustJem24: I remember this day, this moment like it was yesterday... #ripryanknight http://instagram.com/p/xk3WMTCul8/
@n_zanattaMTV: Sorry I cant retweet & write back to everyone you guys are amazing so much positive feedback as for the negative just know we lived it! #30
@Chet_Cannon: I know people like to trash @WestonBergmann's game, but I really love watching it. #TheChallenge
@SarahRiceMTV: Baristas at my local @Starbucks looked at me like I was speaking Greek when I asked for butter in my coffee! #superherochallenge @EmFitMTV
- @EmFitMTV: @SarahRiceMTV @Starbucks haha! yes I could make a video of some of the reactions lol
- @SarahRiceMTV: “@EmFitMTV: @SarahRiceMTV @Starbucks haha! yes” the best was that they then made their own batch and tried it!! 😂😂👍
- @EmFitMTV: @SarahRiceMTV @Starbucks haha yay! I love when that happens! Tell them to use the frappucino maker to blend so it's not so aggressive lol
@n_zanattaMTV: @JayGMTV Heyyy nasty 😘 hope you had a good night I'll see you this weekend if not next study date! Ahhhhh :) you plus me!
- @JayGMTV: @n_zanattaMTV sounds good babe. Good luck tomo stop stressing n text me when u wake up
@MelindaStolp: Not gonna lie.. It was super hard to watch this episode of the challenge.. Always in my heart @DiemBrownMTV & @Knight_MTV love you both!
@blacuesta: #SharkTankNation LEHHGOOOO this show is the shit. Really wanting to make an all black clothing line. For myself. Lol
@A_Bartolotte: Jennifer Lopez
@A_Bartolotte: Those who want respect... Give respect
@jenniknapmiller: Connecting flight in Dallas later, I'll blow kisses towards Austin for you @laurashall93 😘😘😘
@brittany_baldi: Out to dinner in Cali with a few of my besties @jonnamtv @SimoneJKelly @ryanmalaty 💕✌️
@SimoneJKelly: Repost from @ryanmalaty "AYTO originals out for the premier of The Challenge: Battle of the Exes II on… http://instagram.com/p/xk_CQTSIRi/
@BrandonDNelson: Just catching The Challege and the heart rate went up with the vote. U never know with Wes.
@whaattaafoxx: So I don't give a fuck bout what anybody say right now
@AbramBoise: Yo! @mikethemiz I am working a WWE smack down show in Baton Rouge- are going to be wrestling? Long time no see. Hoe all is well big guy:)
@whaattaafoxx: I'm on my level 👌
@whaattaafoxx: I hate overthinking ...
@robb_schreiber: Hey @MTVtrey ✋👋✋👋✋
- @robb_schreiber: @MTVtrey how the hell are you just going to favorite my tweet and not even respond, you sandbagging 'sum bitch..?
@WestonBergmann: So I won two challenges recently. The first was last night's, the second was for obviously having the cutest puppy http://instagram.com/p/xlG8nJOUFO/
@JennaCompono: Idky lately I've been having such bad insomnia
@JennaCompono: Looks may attract, but they also deceive
@WestonBergmann: For every action there is an equal and opposite criticism
@WestonBergmann: It's bad luck to be superstitious
@jamiechung1: Praying for all the victims in Paris. #JeSuisCharlie
@AshleighMorgh: Stayed up past my bedtime so I could wish this man a happy birthday!!! I hope you have an amazing day… http://instagram.com/p/xlL3oJGt9J/
@ryanmalaty: AYTO originals out for the premier of 'The Challenge: Battle of the Exes II' on @MTV http://instagram.com/p/xkz7FrsUuI/
@jamiechung1: Sorry for cursing.
@IamAdamKuhn: goodness kill me it's so cold outside
@SylviaMTV: @VMilerman Hey do you remember that time you cleaned my pee... I do #realfriendscleaneachotherspee
- @VMilerman: @SylviaMTV Claryse did
@SimoneJKelly: ...call me BIG WORM! 😁 http://instagram.com/p/xlNyl_yIUO/
@jordanmariex3: How can I become friends with @VMilerman and @SylviaMTV #therealworldskeletons
- @VMilerman: @jordanmariex3 @SylviaMTV already are
- @SylviaMTV: @VMilerman @jordanmariex3 whoa whoa whoa do you like tequila??
@marylegawiec 3h3 hours ago
@jordanmariex3 @VMilerman @SylviaMTV right? That's what I'm saying
- @SylviaMTV: @marylegawiec @jordanmariex3 @VMilerman tequila shots, dancing and fucking the world up with awesome!!
- @VMilerman: @SylviaMTV @marylegawiec @jordanmariex3 being sylvias roommate
@whaattaafoxx: All of a sudden you hear a loud scream!!! You freak out and realize it's the bar across the road... "let the bodies hit the floor" lmfao 😭😭
@whaattaafoxx: Now they playing kiss from a rose 👌
@MTVshelbs: I'm always tired until I lay down to sleep, then I'm all of a sudden wide awake like I needed to be all day 😑
@VMilerman: So I favored every1 I could yesterday/tonight so I could personally reply tonight but twitter won't let me😫 So thank you! Know I read them💋
@MTVBananas: The threat of fear or violence should not become an excuse or justification for silencing our freedom of expression... #JeSuisCharlie
@jenniknapmiller: Dudeeeeeeee 12 hours of traveling ahead of me. I just want my fucking bed 😩
@laurelstucky: home is wherever you are
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: Giants fans still on set... freezing, hungry, tired. .. ahh longest fake game ever lol
- @dc408dxtr: @MTVASHLEYBROOKE well as you're at that promo shoot, it's about 40 days until first players report for spring training. Around the corner.
@brittany_baldi: Oh damn. I just wanna power bomb my partner in the face. That's what happens when it's… http://instagram.com/p/xlWxxBkx8p/
@MTV_Christina: Myself, I got nothin' to lose 🎶
@SimoneJKelly: Watching The Challenge: Battle of The Exes 2!!! Westcoast ppl...TUNE INTO @mtveyecandy right now! http://instagram.com/p/xlc0VAyISA/
@brunorealworld: You like some body make the effort in seeing them or taking them into a whole another world. Don't be so quick to give up and trade a person
@SylviaMTV: It was a pleasure chatting with everyone tonight! Goodnight all!! Xoxo
Now, if you're wondering where the fan tweets are located for this week, they've been included in a separate post to help conserve file size and space. That'll be posted here shortly.
So, the first skeleton has arrived in Chicago: it's Sylvia's boss from hell, Alicia, and instantly she's stamped her mark in the house. The emergence of rookies in taking over The Challenge continued in Panama where two rookie teams joined two vet teams in completing the first mission. And a twist that could change the whole game was revealed to only the losers that no one in the mansion knows.
When the dust finally settled on this busy night, which actually saw me go to sleep just after 4AM (thank goodness for that schedule change to allow me to take Wednesdays off), there's three storylines that stand out from this first Double Shot Tuesday...
- 1. The New Skeleton Arrives: Just as it was last year, there's been skepticism from fans who are uber conservative of these shows about the twist of people other than the strangers casted into this show joining the Real World. But once again, this proves again why people love reality television: the twists that come from any direction to make things more interesting. Alicia moved in and Madison was very welcoming, but V and Nicole wanted her out by the time the guest's bed was moved in and almost was entirely tossed downstairs. Sylvia was doing a cast interview by the time she came in at the end as BMP perfectly timed this twist to come while she was away. Now as Sylvia comes face to face with her boss from hell and all the notorious badmouthing of her, the question will be of whether her skeleton should deserve the benefit of the doubt. Having now met Sylvia's skeleton, the others (with the exception of Jason's subject) will all be on edge of which skeleton will be. Perhaps it could be the nice guy who could have an Ex-Plosion twist coming his way next.
- 2. The Rookie Revolution Continues: We've spoken here a lot about the Rookie Revolution that's been prevalent on The Challenge the last few years, which started with Team Black & Emily in the Cutthroat final, then strong performances by players in their 1st, 2nd or 3rd go on every succeeding season since. We've touted the newcomers in our three Who Are These Newbies posts (including the one before the premiere) - for which a few are our Winners of the Night which we'll reveal shortly, and this season's opener proved that now it's anyone's game. Johnny & Averey and Thomas & Hailey, both rookie teams with only JR's Free Agents being the lone non-1st timer in the group, were among the four teams that completed the course. And as underdogs Adam & Brittany took out Dustin & Jessica in the first elimination. Though we might expect the vets to still rule the roost, we're no longer in that era where the rookies are shown the door first...they can play with the big names.
- 2. The Rookie Revolution Continues: We've spoken here a lot about the Rookie Revolution that's been prevalent on The Challenge the last few years, which started with Team Black & Emily in the Cutthroat final, then strong performances by players in their 1st, 2nd or 3rd go on every succeeding season since. We've touted the newcomers in our three Who Are These Newbies posts (including the one before the premiere) - for which a few are our Winners of the Night which we'll reveal shortly, and this season's opener proved that now it's anyone's game. Johnny & Averey and Thomas & Hailey, both rookie teams with only JR's Free Agents being the lone non-1st timer in the group, were among the four teams that completed the course. And as underdogs Adam & Brittany took out Dustin & Jessica in the first elimination. Though we might expect the vets to still rule the roost, we're no longer in that era where the rookies are shown the door first...they can play with the big names.
- 3. The Twist: Those who've been following The Challenge for very long know that there's always twists in every season that makes every season more unpredictable than the last...no different this time on Exes 2. Though as you saw with Brian & Ali voicing their displeasure in it, thanks to inspiration from Survivor's Redemption Island, there is now, for the first time on The Challenge, an incentive and a slice of possible redemption for those who lose in elimination. For Dustin & Jessica and those who'll join them eventually, they now realize that they're not out of it entirely. Jessica was the one that caused her & Dustin to leave the house when she leaned back & fell down, and it was a surprise early exit for those who made great strides in their sophomore showings (Jess on FA, Zito on BOTS2). But now, they have a possible second chance thanks to Battle of the Ex-Iled twist, are are instantly motivated. This will be a safety net for everyone who wins that battle, and whoever wins the last battle to get back in the game will be more than happy to get back into the mansion. Perhaps, it'll be the first ones eliminated who can survive everyone else to turn zip into cash.
For the 3rd straight Challenge season, premiere night sees a whole season take center stage, and in every instance it has been from ones that I've followed greatly in my time on Twitter. The last two times have been Team St. Thomas: on Rivals II, Trey & Robb won the opening mission & jungle; on Free Agents, their buddy Swift blocked the opposing Red team in the opener then saw his hookup Latoya take Jemmye out in the draw. By the way, over the holidays the guys went to Nebraska to visit Laura...her & Trey weren't picked (neither were Gentle Giant Ginger & Marie) and their snub perhaps brought them back together but didn't need Exes 2 anyway to become friends again. For this Exes 2 debut, there's not one, but two seasons who made their impact this time around.- Team Are You The One: Except for those like me who saw the Originals' run to glory last year, only few had high hopes for Team AYTO and they made many fans' impressions go from first out to now being the force they're expected to be in moving this show forward. Though they fell, John & Simone proved they were more than pushovers in doing better than expected and avoided the Dome. But after being the ones that were automatically sent to elimination, it was Adam & Brittany who shone the most when it mattered most. They were in the same spot 'Toya was in last year of being elimination underdogs to a more experienced duo in Dustin & Jessica, and of course, we know what happened with them in Hawaii. Adam & Britt clearly worked together the best of the two teams, communicated the best, and though I'm afraid to say it, they were the worthy winners. Of the two AYTO teams, Bradam have the biggest potential and best chance of cracking the top three. And now that they've won the first Dome, they've proved that they're in it for the long haul, not just only in Adam's great abs and Britt relying on her New England alliance to carry them deep. If things stay like this, they could become a sleeper pick to add more cash to that treasure chest in the springtime.
- Team Portland: Hopefully, you got to sample RWPDX during the summer/fall because they have instantly made an impact on The Challenge (and not just because I've been following them since they got home from Oregon). We've seen what 3/4th's of the group have done in Thailand and on Free Agents, and they're poised for bigger & better things in Panama. Of course, Jordan's on a contending team with Sarah, and Nia's with Leroy; both fell but did hang tough & showed promise. And obviously, there was what happened to Jessica and renewed hope she could still cash in at the end. But the Portlanders who most impressed me were definitely Johnny & Averey. We knew that there would be questions of how they can handle being together for the first time since breaking up, and there will still be during the season. But what we saw from Javerey was definitely impressive in being the first team overall to complete the course, and it showed us that they can work together well as if nothing happened. It'll still be a bit awkward for them being forced to work together after what's happened, but as the couple of their season they still knew how to communicate and work well. And they're now a sleeper pick as well to possibly show that what happened last season was no fluke.
- Wes & Theresa: When you have a team that has a master manipulator who won his last start and a fiery Latina who despite not cashing in had her best showing on her last go, then you're expected to contend. And being that they were, in many's minds, the betting man's 2nd choice to win this season, and even with all the rookie talk, it was no surprise that they won the first mission. Yes, there was what happened with Wes being Wes in him throwing in Jess & Dustin, but now with them as the season's first Power Team and Banany being one of the many casualties of being DQ'ed, they've shifted the odds to now become favorites after the first week, and now they control the house.
- Thomas & Hailey: Of the two Ex-Plosion duos, I thought that Thomas & Hailey wouldn't go as farther along as Jay & Jenna, but being the youngest of the four teams to make it all the way, and also doing it alone against the clock, Team Texas did much better than Team Bronx. So many of us really underestimated what this duo could do this season, but with his tennis prowess & great competitiveness and her also showing an interest in being athletic, they definitely earned a Winners of the Night designation. Surely, they've made those at Lamar High School in Arlington (alma mater of NFL vet Joe Walker & 4-time Olympic medalist Jeremy Wariner) enjoy their Wednesday.
- CT & Diem: Okay, so I didn't shed a tear watching the premiere, but still this will be very emotional for me in watching the last chapter of CT & Diem's story play out. We know that at sometime this season, their time will be cut short, and we gotta make the most of the last hour or two we get to see of Diem on our TV's. But with them being the third to complete the course, the connection that they had in the premiere, and them being introduced last in the opening dome trip (and her wearing a "Warrior" shirt as well), you'll know why this is one of the best stories MTV has ever told and the signature one in Challenge history.
And after all that, that is that for this DC SocialPulse MEGA Wrap of the first Double Shot Tuesday. This is just the beginning of this Double Shot, as coming up here in a half-hour (as this is being posted at 12:30 PM PT on Saturday, January 10th) we'll have a look at how the fans and yours truly saw the Exes 2 premiere and Alicia entering the Chicago house. So, now is a perfect time to give your eyes a bit of a rest because me and the fans have a lot to tweet on what we saw this week, and it felt necessary to bound those tweets over to a separate post to conserve space & size.
As we go, there are plenty of webcasts covering this busy premiere week, so here's reminders of all of them...
- For the one who's the best in the business in talking to Team MTV, Andrew Kirk (@CSUAKirk) had, not surprisingly, a busy week with his interviews, and once again he nailed it in getting the key figures from the previous episode on for the first post-show webcasts. On Wednesday, Sylvia joined AK and Chicagoan Morgan MacAdam (@Morgan_MacAdam) as they discussed her skeleton entering the house, her relationship with Bruno and everything at the 4-week mark: link. And on Thursday, Andrew and Morgan were joined by Brittany to discuss her Dome win, her being paired with Adam, AYTO joining The Challenge, and were even joined by her SoCal roommate Ryan: link.
Check out his YouTube channel for his episode wrap with Reality Radio and past Google+ webcasts, past interviews at SpreeCast & BlogTalkRadio.com, and his Big Time Reality TV blog at bigtimerealitytv.blogspot.com.
- A new Challenge also means a new season of coverage for Brian Cohen (@BusDriversRoute). On the webcast side after their great AYTO2 coverage, he's again joined by Ali Lasher (@LashTweets) to cover Exes 2, and they were also joined for the premiere by Rob Has A Podcast webmaster & Survivor alum Rob Cesternino (@RobCesternino). Check out the premiere podcast at www.robhasawebsite.com where the trio discussed the premiere and more, and read Brian's Bus Drivers Route blog at www.busdriversroute.com to find out who sits atop the standings in his first Fantasy Challenge rankings from Panama.
- Reality TV expert Murtz Jaffer (@MurtzJaffer) had the honor of having the first post-Exes2 webcast just after the episode aired out east as he talked on SpreeCast to Dustin and Jessica about them losing in the Dome, the new Ex-iled twist, them getting screwed over by Wes, the opening mission and everything we saw in the premiere. Check it out here, as well as his chat with Violetta on Wednesday about the skeletons twist and everything up to EP4 at here. On Tuesday after Exes 2 (ET), Murtz will again be joined by the losing team from the 2nd Dome elimination (link), and visit www.themurtzshow.com for his past webcasts.
- On AfterBuzz TV (@AfterBuzzTV), DJ Jesse Janedy, Roxy Striar and Nicolette Gaona are offering their thoughts on what's happening in Chicago on the RW After Show and in Panama for the Exes 2 Wrap. Drea Newell joins them for RW talk, and come next week, Challenge legend Mark Long will join the Exes 2 show and once again, castmates will be calling in during the season. Check it out at www.afterbuzztv.com, plus Brittany hosting the Redneck Island wraps over the weekend.
- On Thursday, Cheap Pop Radio was joined by Brittany as they talked about Exes 2 and more: blogtalkradio.com/cheappopradio. And for a local angle on Exes 2, check out an interview on YouTube with John as he talks Exes 2, Are You The One?, and of course his comedy at: youtube.com/watch?v=WH8P_gHF-_g.
Keep it on DCBLOG for wall-to-wall coverage of both Real World Skeletons and The Challenge: Battle of the Exes 2. Of course, this very DC SocialPulse MEGA post covering the first Double Shot Tuesday is only the first one, as we'll have all the episode tweets of both RW Skeletons and Exes 2 in the same diary posts each week, so you can get caught up on all the interaction before, during and after the episodes.
In case you missed it, on premiere day, I posted my Exes 2 edition of Who Are These Newbies? where I got to introduce to Challenge fans Averey, Adam, Brittany, JJ, Simone, Thomas, Hailey, Jay and Jenna. Check it out here, and other posts complementing the recaps, rankings and chats; I hope to have up my post on creator Jon Murray up before Tuesday's episode as well.
And for the live tweets of RW Skeletons and Exes 2, plus tomorrow's Golden Globe Awards and the NFL Divisional Playoffs that kick off in an hour, follow my devoted live tweet hub, DCNOW at @DC408DxNow. When I live tweet the episodes (PT Time), and then in Extra Time afterwards, join the conversation with the hashtags #DCNOW, #DCDoubleShot, #DCRealWorld and #DCChallenge. I'll also be on Beamly after the episodes air for mini-chats to get your thoughts, and of course, there's my Twitter and Instagram @DC408Dxtr for tweets, chats, alerts and pictures.
Once again, hope you're enjoying this week's MEGA-Wrap of RW Skeletons & Exes 2, and until Fan's View at 1PM PT, or on Twitter later, thanks for reading, stay warm, have fun, and see you then.
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