Saturday, January 17, 2015

DC SocialPulse: Double Shot Tuesday - RW Skeletons EP5 & Exes2 EP2

*** Advisory: DC SocialPulse contains adult language and
spoilers for some readers. Viewer Discretion is Advised. ***

@DC408dxtr / @DC408dxnow

Welcome again to DC SocialPulse and Week 2 of Double Shot Tuesday. Last week, we brought you a MEGA edition to cover the first skeleton entering the Real World house in Chicago and the season premiere of Battle of the Exes 2. The twitter diaries from cast and fans was so big, we had to split it up into two parts and divide those tweets separately. This week, it's only one post, but again, my recommendation is to take some breaks for your eyes to relieve that eye strain.
   Last week on The Real World, we saw the first sign of the twist that the group inadvertently found out about finally play out when Sylvia's Skeleton, Alicia, came in the door, and this week, we saw the fiery Latina come to grips with this new twist. Also in Chicago, we saw everyone on edge of whose skeleton will come next, the love affair of two months roommates reigniting, and a possible divide among the Wolfpack.
   And last week on the Exes 2 premiere, we saw an opening mission take place 500 feet above ground that saw two rookie teams and two veteran teams complete it, and a third rookie team won the season's first elimination. This week in Panama, a team who had success last week struggles when they can't get over past infidelities, while budding romances emerge in the house, and tension builds between two vet teams.
   Along with all the episode tweets, we'll also meet two new babies being born in the RW/Challenge family, a mini-Reunion of sorts for a Miz & Mini-Miz, and me once again getting buzz going too. And after theWRAP of the Five Things to Know and Winners of the Night, we'll share you a backstory that emerged within a clique that once again dominated the top stories from Panama.

- As we begin, please note there is explicit language in many of the tweets below, but I am keeping it uncensored in order to retain the heat of the moment. So if you are mature enough, please read with discretion. :-)
- Plus, if you haven't watched the episode yet, then don't proceed. But don't worry, bookmark DCBLOG as I will compile all of these tweets into these posts after every episode so you won't be in the dark of how your favorites saw this all unfold.

So with all of that, join us after the jump for Skeleton madness, Challenge madness and much more.

> Real World Monday
@jonnamtv: #mcm
@n_zanattaMTV: This is for my #mcm the men from #RealWordSkeletons @brunorealworld @t_raines33 @_Kazuhnova thanks for the edit!! Xo
- @t_raines33: @n_zanattaMTV @brunorealworld @_Kazuhnova love you 'cole
- @n_zanattaMTV: @t_raines33 @brunorealworld @_Kazuhnova love my men for life <33 T you know I got love for you mwah!!!
@SylviaMTV: Who's ready for us x2 this week? RT if you're ready! #RealWorldSkeletons @RealWorldMTV
@VMilerman: I just realized.... Who's going to be my Valentine?๐Ÿ˜ฆ
@SylviaMTV: @VMilerman Our morning facetimes really make me feel like I'm laying in the bed right across from you again! Miss you!
- @VMilerman: @SylviaMTV just made my day. Miss you Syl๐Ÿ’›
@shandathapanda: tfw ur about to be 25 on friday meaning life's actually open to a quarter life crisis
@brittany_baldi: Scoopin' up my challenge roomie and bae at LAX @JennaCompono is in town!! ๐Ÿ’•โœˆ๏ธ
@brittany_baldi: Best way to wake up early morning FaceTime from my girl @NanyMTV ๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ˜ƒ
@ChallengeMTV: .@MtvJess & @dustinzito had a scary encounter while they were in exile. Take a look:  #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@RealWorldMTV: Catch up on last week's #RealWorldSkeletons before a special new episode tonight at 9/8c:
@NanyMTV: I have so much to do today and this snow isn't helping
@MtvJess: I'm gonna paint by numbers, then color you in
@amberleeMTV: The mind is everything. What we think, we become. Stay positive and attract your dreams!
@MTV_JESS: You need to stop letting the things you feel take priority over the things you know. ๐Ÿ’ญ #morningthoughts
@RealWorldMTV: I can't wait to watch this go down:  #RealWorldSkeletons
@RealityRadioPod: Listen to my new episode The Challenge: Battle of the Exes 2 w/ Averey at . #BlogTalkRadio
@EDiamond007: When I'm driving by myself I still play the "slug bug" game #manchild
@BunimMurray: HALLELUJAH! Special early airing of the brand new #RealWorldSkeletons TONIGHT at 9/8c. Here's a sneak peek -->
@amberleeMTV: 3 weeks post baby and I've already gone from 128 to 104! Can't wait to get back in the gym to start building muscle!
@SimoneJKelly: TOMORROW!!! Tune in as Myself, @sinsedontplay & @djjessej discuss Episode 2 of #BattleoftheExes2 atโ€ฆ
@brunorealworld: Men are all hypocrites. You speak of protecting and caring for our women yet you cheat and deceive em? #fact
@brittany_baldi: The drama starts tomorrow! @ChallengeMTV episode 2!! #TheChallenge #BattleOfTheExes2 #mtv
@brunorealworld: I take shots of Protein prior to the gym to get pumped for it. Same concept of clubbing and shots. #gym #fit #natty #cuttyboomp
@RealWorldMTV: Can't wait for a new #RealWorldSkeletons? Catch the new episode tonight at 9/8c!
@RobinMTV14: I'm so #blessed #HappyMoments
@JayGMTV: Cali on Wed. Warm weather for a lil bit
@Chet_Cannon: .@ZachMTV you haven't been tweeting much. Are you in space?
@SimoneJKelly: Chipotle & then the gym
@ChallengeMTV: So beautiful! ๐Ÿ˜ Watch #TheChallenge "Dancing Queen," Diem Brown light up the dance floor:
@CamilaMTV: So excited for my first ever #soulcycle class w/ @frankcsweeney tomorrow!! ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿ˜ #jetset #LA #letsgo
@MTVTV: This #Challenge season has reminded us of what a fighter Diem Brown was, but we'll always remember her fun side:
@n_zanattaMTV: Happy Monday, beginning of the week isn't so bad with #RealWordSkeletons & #EyeCandy so excited to see my gf! She's gorgeous! @RealWorldMTV
@t_raines33: Only a few more hours until the new episode of Real World: Skeletons. Im fcking pumped for this episode!!! #RealWordSkeletons @RealWorldMTV
@brittany_baldi: My Challenge babies are here we were roomies!!! jonnamannion @jennacompono #thechallenge #mtvโ€ฆ
@jonnamtv: @nanymtv where you at girl?
- @NanyMTV: @jonnamtv wahhhhhh!!!!! Don't have too much fun without me! SEE YOU TOMORROW!! ๐Ÿ’‹โค๏ธ
@brunorealworld: I swear nothing is more exciting than making people smile!
@JamieChinaMTV: Obsessed with 'Uptown Funk' literally dance everytime I hear it๐Ÿ’ƒ
@t_raines33: I "ship" it @RealWorldMTV @madiwadi2by4 #RealWorldSkeletons #tadison
@JayGMTV: Tongue out like whaattttt
@SylviaMTV: Coming for you this week!! Don't forget to tune in tonight for #RealWorldSkeletons and then #EyeCandy @RealWorldMTV
@AbramBoise: Pretty cool that I get to be a part of today's first official NCAA Championship game- it's reallyโ€ฆ
@RealWorldMTV: The pictures... I can't. I'm literally dying:
@shandathapanda: Let's jack.
@JennaCompono: IN LA!!!
@whaattaafoxx: "Can I keep you" -Casper
@JustJem24: I don't date guys that do reality tv #sorryboutit
@MTVtrey: I have no idea who @VictoriaJustice is but she sure is nice to look at.
@BunimMurray: Another episode, another skeleton. Catch the drama early TONIGHT at 9/8c on @MTV! #RealWorldSkeletons
@MTV_JESS: Watching the sunset at the beach with my psycho @blacuesta
@dustinzito: You want to know what EXILE is Like.. #WatchThis >>
@blacuesta: @n_zanattaMTV @MTV_JESS
@_Kazuhnova: Whose excited about tonight special airing of the Real World Skeletons at 9 on MTV, I know I am!!! @RealWorldMTV #RealWorldSkeletons
@ChallengeMTV: Catch a peek at tomorrow's all new episode of #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2:
@MTVBananas: Fuck a Duck! ๐Ÿฃ @louievito #OREvsOSU #NationalChampionship
@brunorealworld: Still at the gym getting these #gainz ๐Ÿ’ช be home soonish to watch the #RealWorldSkeletons don't miss it @RealWorldMTV
@hannahteter: QUACK, QUACK, QUACK, QUACK, QUACK!!! #OREvsOSU #NationalChampionship @louievito
@MtvJess: So I don't have cable at my house or a scale....seems healthy to me ๐Ÿ‘Œ
@whaattaafoxx: Shelbs โค๏ธ #AreYouTheOne #RoomieLove #Bummin
@blacuesta: jess says she doesnt like guys with accents.................shes an alien @MTV_JESS
@EmFitMTV: Finding that beautiful balance of doing what I love this season โค๏ธ I barely enjoyed last seasonโ€ฆ

> RW SKELETONS: As They Saw It: "Dirty Laundry" Advanced Screening
@MTV: A special episode of #RealWorldSkeletons starts right now! RT if you're watching ๐Ÿ’€
@RealWorldMTV: A special sneak peek of #RealWorldSkeletons starts RIGHT NOW on @MTV, followed by the premiere of @mtveyecandy!
@SylviaMTV: The time is NOW!! #RealWorldSkeletons
@t_raines33: Here we go @RealWorldMTV #RealWorldSkeletons
@_Kazuhnova: What a waste of perfectly cleaned pillows #RealWorldSkeletons @RealWorldMTV
@SylviaMTV: @t_raines33 Little do you know.....#RealWorldSkeletons @RealWorldMTV
@TheShaneRaines: Throwback to when this beauty let me do her makeup๐Ÿ’„๐Ÿ’‹โค๏ธ #Mua #realworldskeletons #rw30 #mtv @madiwadi2by4
@RealWorldMTV: WHOA "get along"?!? Did @SylviaMTV just really say that? #RealWorldSkeletons
@t_raines33: Yeaaaaaa buddy!!! @RealWorldMTV #RealWorldSkeletons
- @n_zanattaMTV: @t_raines33 @RealWorldMTV my boy
@n_zanattaMTV: @SylviaMTV you better never cheat on me wife!!!
- @SylviaMTV: @n_zanattaMTV I would never Wife! I love you
- @n_zanattaMTV: @SylviaMTV I love you more beautiful you look so good on tv!!! Even better next to me lol :)
@t_raines33: My girl @madiwadi2by4 befriending the skeleton? #RealWorldSkeletons
@SylviaMTV: Hmmm loyalty has always been key? Is Madison showing loyalty?!? #RealWorldSkeletons @RealWorldMTV
@t_raines33: Shout out my boy Ariel #vincenzos #RealWorldSkeletons
@SylviaMTV: Weird pretty sure I didn't know Alicia when I was 19! Weird! #RealWorldSkeletons @RealWorldMTV
@briughh: Madi being f ake af ;) #Nofilter #Realworldskeletons
@RealWorldMTV: New BFF alert: Madison <3 Alicia #RealWorldSkeletons
@t_raines33: @SylviaMTV feeling some type if way about that friendship #RealWorldSkeletons @RealWorldMTV
- @SylviaMTV: @t_raines33 @RealWorldMTV Bruhhh
@SylviaMTV: Quite the tangled web we weave?!? Eh @t_raines33 #RealWorldSkeletons
@t_raines33: Elizabeth, Alyssa, and Madison? They not gonna do that to me huh? #RealWorldSkeletons @RealWorldMTV
- @GoldenGreggy: @t_raines33 wait who is the one who doesn't throw bricks ?
@briughh: I like this bitches style @alyssamgiacone ;)
- @alyssamgiacone: @briughh ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜
@n_zanattaMTV: Uhhohhhh what happens next?!?! #RealWordSkeletons yeaaaaaaa boy! @_Kazuhnova
- @_Kazuhnova: @n_zanattaMTV Stay tuned in to find out what happens #RealWorldSkeletons
@paulawalnutsMTV: I just gotta say @MTVTV I'm thoroughly enjoying this season of @RealWorldMTV #skeletons #imasuckerforthisdrama
@MtvJess: ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ can this happen all the time @missravennnn #LABound ๐Ÿ’‹๐Ÿ’•
@t_raines33: I think we getting to deep #RealWorldSkeletons @RealWorldMTV shout out @Drake
@brunorealworld: Id rather be alone forever than have my #Wolfpack fight #RealWordSkeletons @RealWorldMTV @n_zanattaMTV @_Kazuhnova @t_raines33
- @n_zanattaMTV: @brunorealworld @RealWorldMTV @_Kazuhnova @t_raines33 we really did always match never done on purpose either I'm in love with the pack<3 RW
@t_raines33: #awkward #RealWorldSkeletons @RealWorldMTV
@brunorealworld: Check out my j game doe!! Always
- @briughh: @brunorealworld you sure those one's ain't mine? lol #RealWorldSkeletons
- @brunorealworld: @briughh doubt it ๐Ÿ’
@SylviaMTV: Can't we all just get along?!? #RealWorldSkeletons @RealWorldMTV
@RealWorldMTV: Wishing I had a wolf pack like that! #RealWorldSkeletons
@_Kazuhnova: That's what the wolf pack is all about....Support and Understanding #RealWorldSkeletons @RealWorldMTV
@RealWorldMTV: UH OH @SylviaMTV is on the loose! I smell drama! #RealWorldSkeletons
@brunorealworld: Oh god drama!!! Oh wait, it's the @RealWorldMTV #RealWorldSkeletons sometimes I tend to forget
@SylviaMTV: RT if you've ever had a "funny" story told about you! #RealWorldSkeletons @RealWorldMTV
@t_raines33: Is it Felicia or Alicia? Hahahaha @RealWorldMTV #RealWorldSkeletons
@ThtsYourReality: Stop the presses! We've got an interview with #RealWorldSkeletons roomie @SylviaMTV tomorrow. #staytuned @RWSkeletons
@RealWorldMTV: "Maybe it's because you told her to sleep in a trash can." @t_raines33 #RealWorldSkeletons
@t_raines33: Why you actin' crazy? #RealWorldSkeletons @RealWorldMTV
@briughh: lmao I seriously can't with @_Kazuhnova #RealWorldSkeletons @RealWorldMTV
- @jm4r: @briughh @_Kazuhnova he's the best
@t_raines33: #birdflu
@SylviaMTV: #birdflu @_Kazuhnova @RealWorldMTV #RealWorldSkeletons
@brunorealworld: Making beats for day #Wolfpack @RealWorldMTV #RealWorldSkeletons @t_raines33 @n_zanattaMTV @_Kazuhnova
- @n_zanattaMTV: @brunorealworld @RealWorldMTV @t_raines33 @_Kazuhnova haha we'll make our own go big or go home, stomp the yard style!!
- @t_raines33:
โ€œ@brunorealworld: Making beats for day #Wolfpack @RealWorldMTV #RealWorldSkeletons @t_raines33 @n_zanattaMTV @_Kazuhnovaโ€yea buddy
@RealWorldMTV: .@brunorealworld killing it on the frying pans! #RealWorldSkeletons
@jm4r: No music no tv just those moving octopuses
@SylviaMTV: Now she wants to be friends. #fairweatherfriends I don't like! #RealWorldSkeletons @RealWorldMTV
@_Kazuhnova: Lmao #Birdflu #RealWorldSkeletons @RealWorldMTV
@JustJem24: I can't help but to wonder where Maurice Clarett is right now...
@n_zanattaMTV: @SylviaMTV best wife ever you made me soup I was sick for like fcuken 3 weeks!!!
@brunorealworld: I'm a cute little house wife #RealWorldSkeletons @RealWorldMTV
@briughh: I had my ipod hidden in my bag... #neveruseditthough lol #RealWorldSkeletons @RealWorldMTV
- @GoldenGreggy: @briughh @RealWorldMTV when I get on that was going to be my plan lol now they know ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
@brunorealworld: Spoiler alert @SylviaMTV and Alicia end up full blown making out. #RealWorldSkeletons @RealWorldMTV don't miss it!
- @SylviaMTV: @brunorealworld @RealWorldMTV ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
@RealWorldMTV: Wait a second..are Sylvia and Alicia actually going to call a truce? #RealWorldSkeletons
@jm4r: I'm confused by the lying...
@n_zanattaMTV: @briughh I miss you mucho come back into my life busy bee!!
- @briughh: @n_zanattaMTV I loveeeee and miss you!! I'm gonna come visit you soon I promise
@jm4r: I'm confused by the lying...
@RealWorldMTV: AW @_Kazuhnova has a crush!! #RealWorldSkeletons
- @brunorealworld: @RealWorldMTV @_Kazuhnova I support this
@n_zanattaMTV: Put on the gloves lets play a game boy!! You got jokes, listen to what I say!!!! @_Kazuhnova @RealWorldMTV
@briughh: @n_zanattaMTV is such a scorpio, handled that shit how I would too Ima walk right upp to you #noChill #0-100 #whatareWE
@SylviaMTV: Is there a divide in the #WolfPack @RealWorldMTV #RealWorldSkeletons
@n_zanattaMTV: #RealWordSkeletons our fight was not over garbage listen to the words people!!!!! Stop assuming!!
- @briughh: @n_zanattaMTV #TunaFishSandwich #same ... @brunorealworld
@n_zanattaMTV: Just breath.... The secret is out!!!!
@jm4r: @madiwadi2by4  @t_raines33  @brunorealworld  just looked so confused walking in the house
@TheShaneRaines: So intense! Drinking away ovr here in the boot watchin๐Ÿ’€ #Fistpound it out #WolfPack @_Kazuhnova @n_zanattaMTV๐Ÿ‘Š #RealWorldSkeletons
- @TheShaneRaines: @_Kazuhnova @n_zanattaMTV aww #BatmanAndRobin๐Ÿ˜Ž
@RealWorldMTV: Looks like Alicia will be "speaking truth" back at home. #seeyalater #RealWorldSkeletons
@_Kazuhnova: She's no Robin to me she's more like Wonder Woman @n_zanattaMTV @RealWorldMTV #RealWorldSkeletons #yesslawwwdddd
- @n_zanattaMTV: @_Kazuhnova @RealWorldMTV hahaha you would <33333333. Friendship goals wolfpack bros and emm grl's they aren't a woman Til they show it!
@brunorealworld: I stay grillen food !! Stay away from my burgers and chicken. @RealWorldMTV #RealWordSkeletons @t_raines33 @n_zanattaMTV
@TheShaneRaines: I guess it really is #ByeFelicia for Alicia #Byeeee #WeakSauce #RealWorldSkeletons #rw30 #Family๐Ÿ’€
@SylviaMTV: It's like going to prison! #RealWorldSkeletons @RealWorldMTV
@brunorealworld: @t_raines33 over that guy every time @madiwadi2by4
@RealWorldMTV: "Im just a man with a dream." @_Kazuhnova <3 <3 #RealWorldSkeletons
@jm4r: @VMilerman  you are so bizarre but entertaining
@_Kazuhnova: The way she moves #yesslawwwdddd @SylviaMTV @RealWorldMTV #RealWorldSkeletons
@SylviaMTV: Tony's being a Jellyfish! #RealWorldSkeletons @RealWorldMTV
@briughh: Haha JellyFish is explained later! @VMilerman @SylviaMTV
- @VMilerman: @briughh @SylviaMTV hahahhahahahahah
@TheShaneRaines: Uh oh this is hilarious @t_raines33 and @madiwadi2by4 y'all kill me๐Ÿ™ˆ Well said @SylviaMTVโœŠ
@t_raines33: Calling your boy out huh @SylviaMTV ? #RealWorldSkeletons
- @SylviaMTV: @t_raines33 ๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜
@briughh: The Producers seriously go in sometimes haha .. @t_raines33 Are you sure?? @RealWorldMTV
@SylviaMTV: ANGLES ANGLES!!! #RealWorldSkeletons @RealWorldMTV @VMilerman
@t_raines33: #angles @ViolettaMTV @VMilerman #RealWorldSkeletons
@brunorealworld: The plot thickens #RealWorldSkeletons @RealWorldMTV
@t_raines33: I don't get tired #idgt #RealWorldSkeletons @RealWorldMTV
@SylviaMTV: Really @madiwadi2by4 our voices are clearly different! Way to say it was me lol @RealWorldMTV #RealWorldSkeletons
@RealWorldMTV: And @madiwadi2by4's heart wants @t_raines33 <3 #RealWorldSkeletons
@briughh: That is not the first time Madison hopped on the phone and said stupid shit #ImstillPissed #lmao @TheShaneRaines
@TheShaneRaines: @madiwadi2by4 legit killing me right now with that convo with Elizabeth woww that was hilarious #TheHeartWantsWhatTheHeartWants @t_raines33
@brunorealworld: @t_raines33 and I are going to set up a kissing booth! @RealWorldMTV #RealWordSkeletons all funds will go to a good cause. Or maybe carwash
@t_raines33: ๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ”ซ #RealWorldSkeletons @RealWorldMTV
@alyssamgiacone: #dirtyboy
@briughh: I have proof the #rainesBrothers do indeed get tired.. maybe not @t_raines33 lmao
- @t_raines33: hahahaha
@SylviaMTV: Who wears short shorts?!? @t_raines33 wears short shorts!! @t_raines33 @RealWorldMTV #RealWorldSkeletons
@RealWorldMTV: Those booty shoots though... @t_raines33 #RealWorldSkeletons
@jm4r: Nice short shorts @t_raines33
@RealWorldMTV: OH SNAP! #DingDong #RealWorldSkeletons
@SylviaMTV: Uh oh.... Ding dong!! who is it?!? @RealWorldMTV
@brunorealworld: @t_raines33 you scared bruh? ๐Ÿ˜‚ @RealWorldMTV #RealWorldSkeletons time to man up haha
- @t_raines33: @brunorealworld @RealWorldMTV ๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ”ซ
@n_zanattaMTV: That was a intense episode and it only gets better....#RealWordSkeletons  Whose ready for #EyeCandy  @VictoriaJustice I'm excited!!! :D
@RealWorldMTV: Wait wait wait wait wait. @t_raines33 #RealWorldSkeletons
@jm4r: Wait wait wait ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚@t_raines33
@jm4r: That was so mean of mtv... What they did to @t_raines33  ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
@TheShaneRaines: Wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait @t_raines33 done byeeee can't wait for nxt week @t_raines33 #RealWorldSkeletons
@RealWorldMTV: Thanks for watching and tweeting with me! Until next week. #RealWorldSkeletons
@brunorealworld: #RealWorldSkeletons is always so funny to watch . Checking out this #MTVEyeCandy @mtveyecandy tune in! I might make an appearance ๐Ÿ˜‚
@SylviaMTV: Hope yall enjoyed!! If you didn't watch it tonight there's always tomorrow! #RealWorldSkeletons @RealWorldMTV now... #EYECANDY
@briughh: This shit isn't even half of it.. #haha #RealWorldSkeletons #ImScared #wasted
@TheShaneRaines: Literally been watching this shit he gets himself into since 7th grade lol love u bro @t_raines33 Still the manโœŠ๐Ÿ’€ #RealWorldSkeletons
@brunorealworld: Super glad the heats not in me this week ahah. What'd y'all think about that Episode? #RealWorldSkeletons @RealWorldMTV
- @briughh: @brunorealworld @RealWorldMTV I couldn't burn a piece of toast with the heat you put on me. #doubtit
@n_zanattaMTV: Just got off FaceTime with the best love you guys!!!@brittany_baldi @JennaCompono @ryanmalaty xo have fun in Cali see you when you get to NY
- @JennaCompono: @n_zanattaMTV didn't know u were in ny!! We're partying when I get back!!!
- @n_zanattaMTV: @JennaCompono you already know I'm so down!! Have fun it's beautiful there and you got awesome company! :)
@_Kazuhnova: I don't know about yall but after watching that episode Im definitely looking forward to the next episode #RealWorldSkeletons @RealWorldMTV
@brittany_baldi: When we FaceTime with the homies #realworld #realworldskeletons #thechallenge #mtv #areyoutheoneโ€ฆ
@alyssamgiacone: @n_zanattaMTV I miss u boo! And I'm still down to move!! #nojoke let's get wit it ๐Ÿ˜Ž
- @n_zanattaMTV: @alyssamgiacone dead serious Hahha we'll be roomies with Tony and Bruno!! Whatcha think I miss you I'll text you tomorrow beautiful xoxo
- @alyssamgiacone: @n_zanattaMTV pahaha don't make me laugh too hard lol
@ToriFiorenza: Tomorrow we get to meet our sweet little one! #cantwait #fiorenza4
@ChallengeMTV: See what @MtvJess & @dustinzito are up to in EX-iled house:  #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@LORAleeMTV: Is it Sumner time yet? I need some fresh bikinis to show of the new girls!! โ˜€๐Ÿ‘™โ˜€๐Ÿ‘™โ˜€๐Ÿ‘™โ˜€๐Ÿ‘™โ˜€
@IamAdamKuhn: This isn't looking good for Oregon they cannot stop the Run.
@CaraMariaMTV: so much love from everyone... thank you <3 I need to take breaks more often... makes you guys miss me ;) Had no exes so couldn't do season!
@MTVBananas: O-H...... #NationalChampionship #OSUvsORE #BigTen
@louievito: Congrats to the state of OHIO!!!!!Against the odds. A lot of haters. Took out the top SEC team. Took out the top Pac12 school. WELL DESERVED
@briughh: Life's too short too even care at all.
@briughh: There's a special place in hell for people who airbrush on instagram #itObvious
@whaattaafoxx: Prayers for my baby tonight! She has surgery in the morning. ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™‡
@JennaCompono: Dramas gonna stir up tomorrow!!!! Who's ready
@MTVtrey: @robb_schreiber did you know that yesterday was #KissAGingerDay? Can't believe you missed it...

> As the Fans Saw It - Monday
@CSUAKirk: Is Alcia really playing the victim wtf #RealWorldSkeletons
@CSUAKirk: This girl is a freaking nut job #RealWorldSkeletons
@CSUAKirk: Madison is being super fake now calling spade a spade #RealWorldSkeletons
@CSUAKirk: Is that why they're airing #RealWorldSkeletons before eye candy cause of Tony's stalker ex lol
- @RealityRadioPod: โ€œ@CSUAKirk: Is that why they're airing #RealWorldSkeletons before eye candy cause of Tony's stalker ex lolโ€ lol... @t_raines33
- @CSUAKirk: @RealityRadioPod @t_raines33  it's kinda logical u know lol
@CSUAKirk: I don't blame u @SylviaMTV  for giving Madison the silent treatment   She's so oblivious  #RealWorldSkeletons
@CSUAKirk: At least some of the house is trying to welcome Alcia #RealWorldSkeletons
@CSUAKirk: Thank god she's not staying the whole season I would seriously lose it if she was on the whole season #RealWorldSkeletons
@CSUAKirk: @SylviaMTV  I don't envy the position they put u in ur skeleton is so crazy
@CSUAKirk: Normally if cast members blame editing on how things were I'd say ok but I'm assuming Alcia is getting the right edit #RealWorldSkeletons
@CSUAKirk: Love her or hate her  you gotta respect @VMilerman  for saying exactly how she feels  #RealWorldSkeletons
@CSUAKirk: @SylviaMTV  hit the nail on the head with Madison  calling her fair weather #RealWorldSkeletons
@CSUAKirk: Alcia you started the drama  #RealWorldSkeletons
- @RealityRadioPod: @CSUAKirk she only punches Violetta at the end of the episode and hides the mouse to the computer #RealWorldSkeletons
- @RealityRadioPod: @CSUAKirk and just kidding lol!
- @CSUAKirk: @RealityRadioPod  u like messing with me cause  you see it before me lol
@CSUAKirk: Sylvia and Jason huh I remember them dancing closely in the first episode but didn't think they'd be flirty and what not #RealWorldSkeletons
@CSUAKirk: I really don't get why any of @_Kazuhnova  arguments have started they've been so random #RealWorldSkeletons
@CSUAKirk: I wanted to say jason reminds me of a couple of my former guests but I'm sure they wouldn't say what he's said to the girls #RWSkeletons
@CSUAKirk: @dc408dxtr  they've aired both of Jason's arguments so randomly I'm so confused about this argument he has with Nicole
@CSUAKirk: Both of them were way out of line #RealWorldSkeletons
@CSUAKirk: Bmp did the right thing by casting @SylviaMTV  over  Alcia #RealWorldSkeletons
@CSUAKirk: Alcia wouldn't have lasted  as an og #RealWorldSkeletons
@CSUAKirk: Oh tony ur confusing the hell out of me bro #RealWorldSkeletons
@CSUAKirk: Tony is so like two of my former guests its unbelievable
@CSUAKirk: I think this episode I've had issues four of the cast members tonight one in particular #RealWorldSkeletons
@CSUAKirk: @RealityRadioPod  I got a lot to say bout this episode we need to recap this
@CSUAKirk: @brunorealworld  were u let off the hook this week I feel we haven't seen u once in this episode #RealWorldSkeletons
@CSUAKirk: Every guy who watched #RealWorldSkeletons  has to agree with me on this thank god I'm not @t_raines33  man this next episode is gon be cray
@RealityRadioPod: Tune into @MTV NOW!!!!! #RealWorldSkeletons
@RealityRadioPod: Ha @t_raines33 don't worry! Yours is coming! #RealWorldSkeletons
@RealityRadioPod: Aw Bubbles... @madiwadi2by4 #RealWorldSkeletons
@RealityRadioPod: Tony looks really good in his interviews... #RealWorldSkeletons @t_raines33
@RealityRadioPod: "Tadison" I ship it... #RealWorldSkeletons @madiwadi2by4 @t_raines33
@RealityRadioPod: Ok enough with Alicia, when are Elizabeth and Alyssa showing up??!! @t_raines33 #RealWorldSkeletons
@RealityRadioPod: I don't understand Alicia... why come on TV to talk all this trash and then try to act oblivious to the backlash? Cameras are watching you!
@RealityRadioPod: I don't understand Alicia... why come on TV to talk all this trash and then try to act oblivious to the backlash? Cameras are watching you!
@RealityRadioPod: Hahahahha!!!!!!!! @madiwadi2by4 #RealWorldSkeletons
@RealityRadioPod: I wonder if @_Kazuhnova was peeking through his creep window... @t_raines33 @madiwadi2by4 #RealWorldSkeletons
@RealityRadioPod: Yay!!! Elizabeth! #RealWorldSkeletons
@RealityRadioPod: #waitwaitwaitwaitwaitwaitwait... Oh @t_raines33 lol
@RealityRadioPod: Knew Jason had a crush on Sylvia &would try to pursue her. Who wouldn't? I actually like them together. #RealWorldSkeletons #SylviaIsAHottie
@RealityRadioPod: Bruno didn't seem genuine enough towards Sylvia like Jason. #RealWorldSkeletons
@RealityRadioPod: Elizabeth is hotttttt! TBT she looks like she would be cool to see on #TheChallenge. #smokin #RealWorldSkeletons
@RealityRadioPod: Elizabeth is hotttttt! TBT she looks like she would be cool to see on #TheChallenge. #smokin #RealWorldSkeletons
@AshleyWeitzel: Join me this Wednesday at 6pm est to talk with @SimoneJKelly from @TheChallengeMTV โ€ฆ #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@busdriversroute: "Here's a good idea. Let's show the new ep of Real World tonight, not tell anyone & have it go against the National Title game." - MTV Logic
@busdriversroute: I'm guessing the skeleton & castmate ignoring each other wasn't exactly what MTV had in mind when they thought of this. #RealWorldSkeletons
@busdriversroute: First skeleton was a dud. Cut her loose, on to the next... #RealWorldSkeletons
@busdriversroute: Random guy > Alicia #RealWorldSkeletons
@kendallongg: Alicia is about to get chopped and screwed by Sylvia
@kendallongg: Madison is forever apologizing for no reason
@GoldenGreggy: @t_raines33 not even a little jelly 
@GoldenGreggy: Loving this show ๐Ÿ˜ #RealWorldSkeletons
@GoldenGreggy: @brunorealworld @t_raines33 @RealWorldMTV you can donate the millions you guys will make in a kissing booth to several causes ๐Ÿ˜‰
@GoldenGreggy: Lol them shorts though #RealWorldSkeletons
@GoldenGreggy: Dang just had sex with someone else a few hours ago #RealWorldSkeletons
@GoldenGreggy: "Wait wait x100" @t_raines33 #youdroppedabombonmebaby #RealWorldSkeletons

> Double Shot Tuesday
@CamilaMTV: โœˆ๏ธโœŒ๏ธ #LAbound
@BradFiorenza: Nothing like starting your day getting ready to meet your next son!!  I can not wait ๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€ Very grateful 4 @ToriFiorenza!  #BestWife #BestLife
- @MTVBananas: @BradFiorenza @ToriFiorenza Congrats Mama and Papa!
- @EricBanks: @BradFiorenza Congrats brotha
- @robb_schreiber: @BradFiorenza congratulations bro!
- @MTVtrey: @BradFiorenza @ToriFiorenza congrats guys! Wishing for a safe delivery
@haileychivers: It's TUESDAY which = CHALLENGE DAY
@JustJem24: Never will I let my hustle come in between our time..
@JustJem24: Ayeeee @CamilaMTV I'll see u in a couple hours partner ๐Ÿ‘ฏ. #teamsubtitles
- @CamilaMTV: @JustJem24 come to mama
@TheRealNiaMoore: Warrior, fighter, survivor, dream chaser, believer-- @diembrown was all of these things. Her spirit warms mine every time I think about her. I know she and @knight_mtv are up in heaven watching this season, smiling down on us all. Tune in tonight for the second episode of the most shocking season of #TheChallenge yet! #BattleoftheExes2 at 11pm est on @MTV.
@TheresaTime20: Literally.๐Ÿ˜Š
@EricBanks: Gotta love when LA casting directors text you for potential talent:  hooking my two boys up today haha can't wait to see this shit show
@TheresaTime20: Goodbye suckas!!! Helloโœˆ๏ธ๐ŸŒดโ˜€๏ธ#LA #Florida #Turks&Caicos #PuertoRico  #Bahamas.... ๐Ÿ˜Ž๐ŸŽˆ
@MaybachDiamonds: Catch me at the Tampa Improv tomorrow night at 8 and on MTV tonight at 11! One of those two will probably have a larger audience!
@JustJem24: Nola ------> LA
@MaybachDiamonds: why do bitches turn the sink on when they're in the bathroom? STOP PLAYIN I KNOW YOU'RE TAKING A SHIT
@JordanW_usa: "Success is nothing if you have no one there, left to share it with.." -E.S. #doitforyourpeople
@MTVTV: There's a scorpion on the loose in the #Challenge Ex-iled house, and @MTVJess is none too pleased:
@JennaCompono: So excited to be with my girls @NanyMTV @brittany_baldi @jonnamtv the rest of my time here in LA ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ˜œ
@JennaCompono: If a girl asks you about another specific girl, don't even bother lying. She already knows ๐Ÿ˜‚ so true !!
@laurelstucky: @emfitmtv I just saw a sign for "ButterBeer" ....
@MtvJess: BATTLE OF THE EX-ILE๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿ’• Who will be tuning in to @mtv tonight to see what happens in the house!? #hookups #exes #battleoftheexes2 #bote2 #crazy
@laurelstucky: Thank you to the @JedFoundation for introducing me to @TheMoth. I have a feeling this is going to be a very healing and moving experience.
@laurelstucky: When I am scared, I know it's going to be worth it.
@SarahRiceMTV: Holy shit my man is so hot!!! #mcm on a tues!! And this is what he dresses like all the time!! @iatewhat I'm so lucky! #swoon #handsome #dreamman
@MTVBananas: Raise emโ˜... Its CHALLENGE DAY!!! ๐Ÿป  #BananaSwag #TeamBanany #BattleOfTheExes2โ€ฆ
@BradFiorenza: That was fast!!!  Baby Chase was born 11:18AM healthy at 7 lbs 4 oz ๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€ pics coming soon! We are so happy and thankful!  #blessed
@SylviaMTV: Round 2 tonight! #RealWorldSkeletons @RealWorldMTV
@MtvJess: THANKS @eFlowNutrition ๐Ÿ’‹๐Ÿ’•
@ChallengeMTV: The exes will be rounding the bases tonight on #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2. DON'T MISS OUT! 11/10c
@BunimMurray: Missed #RealWorldSkeletons last night? Don't worry, it's on again tonight at 10/9c on @MTV!!
@t_raines33: If you missed last nights special airing of #RealWorldSkeletons you can check it out again tonite at it's regular time. @RealWorldMTV
@DannyWascou: Who's ready for tonight's awesome episode of #TheChallenge #BattleoftheExes2?!  Tonight 11pm @mtv @tjlavin Sneak Peek
@MtvJess: We are our own biggest critics and sometimes it takes a kiss from God through an amazing friend to remind us to stand down and appreciate ourselves. Thank you for reminding me of what I deserve in this life Shaunda you've been an amazing friend and always have such touching words that arrive exactly on time. #Godisgood #love #friends #family #framily
@MtvJess: Not sure where the outpour of love and thoughts are coming from so randomly but I have to thank the friends and family reminding me of things that are so easily forgotten. Ladies, gentleman: love yourself first, we are all broken in someway that doesn't make you unloveable. There is someone out there for you but you must start with finding love for yourself. Surround yourself with good people with healthy minds. Eat well, live well, laugh hard and be happy! #love #Godisgood #blessed
- @MaybachDiamonds: @MtvJess I love you!!
- @MtvJess: โ€œ@MaybachDiamonds: @MtvJess I love you!!โ€ Thanks boo ๐Ÿ’•
- @MaybachDiamonds: @MtvJess if you ever give up I'd totally marry you. Promise I'll make you laugh forever!
- @MtvJess: โ€œ@MaybachDiamonds: @MtvJess if you ever give up I'd totally marry you. Promise I'll make you laugh forever!โ€ Aweeeeee ๐Ÿ’‹๐Ÿ’•
- @MaybachDiamonds: @MtvJess I was nervous in the house cause when I first saw your season I thought you were the prettiest girl ever โค๏ธ
- @MtvJess: @MaybachDiamonds omg that's so sweet ๐Ÿ’•
@TheRealNiaMoore: Episode 1 of #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2 is on now if you missed it ๐Ÿ˜›  Tonight is episode 2! Don't miss it 11pm est on @MTV
@TheRealNiaMoore: LA in the morning. Can't wait to reunite with my familyyyyy
@CamilaMTV: Come #snapchat w/ me! I'm bored. Hungry. And I need coffee. My ride needs to get here before I becomeโ€ฆ
@brittany_baldi: @jennacompono what day is it!? #challengeday #mtv #battleoftheexes2 #areyoutheone
@RealWorldMTV: It was all good just a week ago. Don't miss #RealWorldSkeletons tonight at 10/9c:
@MTVChallenge26: Exclusive clip for tonight CT and Diem โ€ฆ @jonnamtv @ZachMTV @NanyMTV @MTVBananas @SarahRiceMTV @JordanW_usa @JustJem24
@MtvJess: Thanks for all of the love yall are so AMAZIN!!!
@SylviaMTV: Peter Pan in trouble? @t_raines33 Princess, Queen or Duchess? Guess who whos? @RealWorldMTV #RealWorldSkeletons
@BunimMurray: Here's a flirty peek at tonight's all new episode of #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2 -->
@MTVBananas: #Repost @sarahszymonek: Bananas and Nany were disqualified in the "I Got You, Babe," challenge, but they are still in the competition! Tune into MTV tonight at 11/10c to catch your favorite team on a new episode of The Challenge! #BattleOfTheExes2 #TheChallenge #TeamBanany
@MTV: Jealousy is in the air on tonight's new episode of #TheChallenge: #BattleOfTheExes2 at 11/10c:  @ChallengeMTV
@RealWorldMTV: 10/9c on @MTV. Don't miss it.
@CamilaMTV: Getting weird feelings in my tummy... #LA brings back memories ๐Ÿ’•โœจ #imissher #RIPDiemBrown
@dustinzito: Turn Up on a Tuesday its Challenge Season! #BattleOfTheExes2 see you guys at 10pm on #MTV
@n_zanattaMTV: Whose excited for #RealWordSkeletons I'll be live tweeting on @RealWorldMTV get at me for questions comments and secrets yea!!! :) I'm ciked
@RoyLee25mtv: Exclusive clip for tonight CT and Diem โ€ฆ
#BattleOfTheExes2 #TeamLeroy #TeamNia
@MTVTV: Congrats to this #Challenge couple on welcoming a new baby!
@brunorealworld: #RealWordSkeletons on tonight at 10! poll: who gets kiss of the year? @SylviaMTV and I or @t_raines33 and @madiwadi2by4 @RealWorldMTV
@robb_schreiber: @MTVtrey play me in Trivia Crack you whore
@JordanW_usa: Is there anyway to publicly "like" someone else's "fav"?
@RealWorldMTV: So @n_zanattaMTV is taking over our account at 9:30/8:30c ๐Ÿ˜œ Ask her anything using #AskNicole!
@JennaCompono: Am I seeing you this week!? @JordanW_usa
@t_raines33: Watch tonite as this smile disappears quick when that doorbell rings #RealWorldSkeletons @RealWorldMTV #waitwaitwait
@JayGMTV: Its #thechallengebattleoftheexes2 tuesday..  Go Team Green! Challenge #2 tonight. Jenna looks amused that i just got yanked into the air
@CamilaMTV: I DID IT!! #WorkHardPlayHarDER ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿ™Œ
@VMilerman: ๐Ÿ‘‘I was wrong!There is also a๐Ÿ‘‰NEW EPISODE TONIGHT๐Ÿ‘ˆ  #RealWorldSkeletons & I'll make sure to respondโค๏ธ๐Ÿ’‹xoxo till later
@ThomasBuellMTV: Ladies and gentlemen, The Challenge is on tonight #BattleOfTheExes2
@laurelstucky: HUGE surprise for #TheChallenge fans tonight. To find out what I am talking about turn on the #KrollShow @comedycentral 10:30/9:30c
@dustinzito: It's time to reinvent the iPhone @Apple ! Ever since Steve Jobs passed, all you guys do is over engineer the phone. #Truth
@ave_tress: Do we have what it takes?! Find out tonight @11!!! #thechallengebattleoftheexes2 #awkward #thechallenge #battleoftheexes2 #kisskiss #ew #mtv #iwantmymtv #teamportland
@briughh: Heading to the GLAM awards, make sure you all tune into the @RealWorldMTV #realworldskeletons tonight .
@SimoneJKelly: See y'all TONIGHT @ 10PM (PST)!
@brittany_baldi: Jenna Jenna Bo Benna ๐Ÿ’• #thechallengebattleoftheexes2 #mtv #thechallenge @jennacompono
@VMilerman: I'm sorry I was wrong...@SylviaMTV said it's a rerunโค๏ธ
@brunorealworld: Smh! People don't judge with common logic, people judge in favoritism.
@brunorealworld: I wonder what had more action. The jacuzzi or the confessional. Tune in tonight at 10pm@mtv @RealWorldMTV
@RealWorldMTV: You ready for #RealWorldSkeletons tonight?
@JennaCompono: With my girl meetin up w the rest of the group soon โค๏ธ @brittany_baldi
@ChallengeMTV: Watch a brand new episode of #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2 TONIGHT after #RealWorldSkeletons at 10/9c!
@SimoneJKelly: Episode 2 airs tonight!!!! 11/10c! #teamsimone #teamrookies #teamAYTO #MTV #BuminMurray
@MTV_JESS: Freshhhhhh nails
@BunimMurray: Only a few more hours until our EPIC Tuesday night begins on @MTV!! #RealWorldSkeletons #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2 #BattleOfTheExiled
@ThtsYourReality: What do you mean you haven't read our interview with @SylviaMTV yet?  #RealWorldSkeletons
@WestonBergmann: #VeniceBeach
@MTV_JESS: When the cashier takes forever cuz she's having a glorious convo like bitch DO YOUR JOB
@tjlavin: What an amazing place Panama is! I miss it for sure, tune in tonight to watch the shenanigans of the "kids" making it happen on @mtvschallenge on @mtv ... Be sure to watch my girl @acenichols33's re-cap too! Take care much love... #mtv #thechallenge #battleoftheexes
@CheapPopRadio: Thurs Night @RealWorldMTV Star @n_zanattaMTV, Live at 9:00PM Est. Call in 646-478-5714, Listen:
@CheapPopRadio: Jan 22nd LIVE 9:00PM Est, @RealWorldMTV Star @brunorealworld, Call in 646-478-5714, Listen:
@CheapPopRadio: Jan 22nd LIVE 9:30PM Est , @RealWorldMTV Star @SylviaMTV Call in 646-478-5714, Listen:
@JennaCompono: I get a free concert of  @brittany_baldi singing while she cooks ๐Ÿ˜œ
@RealWorldMTV: Things are getting hot, steamy and crazy on #RealWorldSkeletons tonight.
@TheRealNiaMoore: You ever call three different people, get all three voicemails then start thinking it's a conspiracy and your friends all hate u?๐Ÿ˜ฉ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ™‹
@ChallengeMTV: New hook-ups and jealous exes tonight on #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2. Only 2 HOURS to go!
@JustJem24: Partners for lifeeeeeee @camilamtv
@SarahRiceMTV: Looking for some fun before the show tonight? Play online poker against me and others @MegaFameCasino !
@ZuriHall: Yup I'm ur Aftershow host for The @ChallengeMTV: #BattleOfTheExes2!!๐Ÿ˜œ Tune in Tuesdays @ 11/10c! #BOTE2 #TheChallenge
@CamilaMTV: My sister. ๐Ÿ’•โœจ #teamsubtitlesforever #LAproblems #reunion @justjem24 @ City of Pasadena
@MTVBananas: Anything good on television tonight?
@RobinMTV14: My daughter and I can't wait to watch a new episode of #BattleOfTheExes2 tonight. Well at least I'll be up!
@RealWorldMTV: Only 30 minutes until #RealWorldSkeletons! Nicole is taking over this account! Ask her anything using #AskNicole!
@MTV: Missed last night's special episode of #RealWorldSkeletons? No worries! It's on in 30 minutes. Listen for @RynWeaver's music in the episodeโœจ
@whaattaafoxx: So excited for #TheChallenge tonight!! @TheChallengeMTV woooo! I'm so hype!
@RealWorldMTV: Good evening everyone it's almost that time, whose ready for REAL WORLD SKELETONS with your fav <3 i'll be tweeting #teamnicole #wolfpack
@kesila: After #TheChallenge tonight go to  to see the premiere of #BattleoftheExiled @ChallengeMTV @mtv @MtvJess @dustinzito
@robb_schreiber: Actually watching @RWSkeletons with @jgriffbro
@robb_schreiber: @VMilerman ๐Ÿ˜
- @VMilerman: @robb_schreiber ๐Ÿ˜โค๏ธ๐Ÿ’
- @RealityRadioPod: @robb_schreiber  she likes ginger too. ๐Ÿ˜‰
@EikeParis: Soooooooo I miss you bitches ๐Ÿ˜ฅ #AreYouTheOne
@RealWorldMTV: @n_zanattaMTV is taking over the @RealWorldMTV twitter account RIGHT NOW! #RealWorldSkeletons RT if you're excited!
@MTV: #RealWorldSkeletons starts in 5 minutes! RT if you're watching + tweeting along with @RealWorldMTV ๐Ÿ’€
@SylviaMTV: If you missed last night tune in tonight!!! @RealWorldMTV #RealWorldSkeletons

> RW SKELETONS: As They Saw It...Again
@RealWorldMTV: #RealWorldSkeletons is starting RIGHT NOW on @MTV!
@RealWorldMTV: ahhhhh it's time!! tune in now with me! #RealWorldSkeletons  @brunorealworld @SylviaMTV  @t_raines33 @_Kazuhnova @VMilerman @madiwadi2by4 =]
@_Kazuhnova: Good call by @brunorealworld to go inside its only right we let them two talk @RealWorldMTV #RealWorldSkeletons
- @brunorealworld: @_Kazuhnova @RealWorldMTV
@_Kazuhnova: Poor pillows didn't even see it coming smh What a waste of perfectly cleaned pillows Haha @RealWorldMTV #RealWorldSkeletons
@SylviaMTV: How long do you think she makes it?!? #RealWorldSkeletons @RealWorldMTV
@RealWorldMTV: Barbie has a good heart, but is it always for the best?!?!  let's find out! mistress problems lol love you wife @SylviaMTV
@murtzjaffer: @SylviaMTV joins me to breakdown tonight's episode of #RealWorldSkeletons tomorrow at 10 pm EST on
@brunorealworld: @SylviaMTV enjoys wet willies fellas!! @RealWorldMTV #RealWordSkeletons
@SylviaMTV: All to lucky to have V @VMilerman #RealWorldSkeletons @RealWorldMTV
@RealWorldMTV: @VMilerman why are you so nice?!?!?!
@TheRealNiaMoore: @pupskendallandkylie these spoiled lil whores have no respect for their mother's hustle whatsoever ๐Ÿ˜ฉ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ But for those of you who do genuinely support everything I do, please remember to tune in to #TheChallenge tonight at 11pm EST on @MTV. #battleoftheexes2 ๐Ÿ™…๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿ’‹
@RealWorldMTV: tony has jealous exes?!?!?! what?!?!? whose's ready for his skeleton or skeletons?!
@_Kazuhnova: Stay tuned in to see what happens with the Wolfpack @RealWorldMTV #RealWorldSkeletons
@TheresaTime20: @ave_tress Challenge on?? Tonight??? Ayeeeeeee!!!!๐Ÿ™†
@_Kazuhnova: Support and Understanding is what the #Wolfpack is all about @RealWorldMTV #RealWorldSkeletons #yesslawwwdddd
@RealWorldMTV: @_Kazuhnova secrets! ''watch out for guys like me and girls like coleeee'' you love me don't you =]
- @_Kazuhnova: @RealWorldMTV You know I do Cole! :)
@_Kazuhnova: @SylviaMTV was walking with a mission @RealWorldMTV #RealWorldSkeletons
@RealWorldMTV: glad we know one skeleton just told a lie! cameras don't lie!!
@whaattaafoxx: 21 min late for #RealWorldSkeletons shoot me now!!!
@t_raines33: Damn Alicia let that liquor get the best of her now get ready for the wrath of my girl @SylviaMTV #RealWorldSkeletons @RealWorldMTV
@t_raines33: Ooooooooh this is getting good #RealWorldSkeletons @RealWorldMTV @RWCHICAGO2014
@RealWorldMTV: ohhh gosh here goes Aristotle with his words of wisdom! ;) lol @_Kazuhnova
- @_Kazuhnova: #yesslawwwdddd ;)
@_Kazuhnova: Lol Stay on the look out for Wolfpack music tour coming near you Summer of 2015  @RealWorldMTV #RealWorldSkeletons #WolfPack #Wolfpacktour
@RealWorldMTV: I only speak the truth! give me questions I'm bored! Whose ready for #TheChallenge yeaaa boy #EyeCandy she's perfect
@SylviaMTV: No matter what I don't wish bad things on anyone! #RealWorldSkeletons @RealWorldMTV
@t_raines33: @RealWorldMTV how y'all think my girl @SylviaMTV is handing this so far? #RealWorldSkeletons
@whaattaafoxx: Lol it's not only bc he's from NC but he's from the ville! & he makes me laugh everytime he's on my tv ๐Ÿ˜ญ #RealWorldSkeletons @_Kazuhnova
@RealWorldMTV: uhohhh me either I'm no Cinderella! woahh woah soo a few shots never killed anyone, take out the trash.. nahhh take out the claws #WolfPack
@t_raines33: That's loyalty @VMilerman much respect #RealWorldSkeletons @RealWorldMTV
@_Kazuhnova: Over Garbage!! Smh @RealWorldMTV #RealWorldSkeletons
@t_raines33: Let me tweet on behalf of @madiwadi2by4 "I'm just a nice person" #RealWorldSkeletons @RealWorldMTV
@LORAleeMTV: @MTVtrey @robb_schreiber @BSwiftMTV @LaToyaJMTV @MRoda88 Dudeeee. They have our same couch on the new rw but its green!! Breezy spot๐Ÿ˜
@whaattaafoxx: That fayetteville NC just came out! @_Kazuhnova #RealWorldSkeletons
@SylviaMTV: @n_zanattaMTV @RealWorldMTV  Wife is it time to come to the #KittyKatGang?!? #RealWorldSkeletons @RealWorldMTV
- @RealWorldMTV: @SylviaMTV @n_zanattaMTV hahaha never boo I'm a wolf for life right?!?!
@t_raines33: Hate seeing my roomies argue like that @_Kazuhnova @n_zanattaMTV  #RealWorldSkeletons @RealWorldMTV
@NanyMTV: #RoomieReunion #BattleOfTheExes2 is on tonight! 11/10c only on #MTV ๐Ÿ’‹ @ Studio City
@_Kazuhnova: Never disrespect a woman in that manor @RealWorldMTV #RealWorldSkeletons
@MTVBananas: Batten down the hatches, and hide the women and children. T-Minus 10 minutes until shit gets BANANAS!! @MTV @ChallengeMTV #BattleOfTheExes2
@RealWorldMTV: Is the #WolfPack broken forever? #RealWorldSkeletons
@_Kazuhnova: She's no Robin she's more like Wonder Woman to me. C'Mon on now just look at her @RealWorldMTV #RealWorldSkeletons
@SylviaMTV: @_Kazuhnova @n_zanattaMTV @RealWorldMTV Thought we were getting a new member! Damn #RealWorldSkeletons @RealWorldMTV
@whaattaafoxx: And that's how grown folks handle they business @_Kazuhnova @n_zanattaMTV #RealWorldSkeletons ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ’ฏ
@IamAdamKuhn: Challenge time coming up!
@brittany_baldi: Repost! The baes are in town!! My roomies ๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’• #thechallengebattleoftheexes2 #mtv #thechallengeโ€ฆ
@RealWorldMTV: 15 minutes left guy! Who's watching and live tweeting with me? #RealWorldSkeletons
@RealWorldMTV: This twist is bananas #RealWorldSkeletons
@t_raines33: Got me teared up watching them make up, love y'all! @_Kazuhnova @n_zanattaMTV @RealWorldMTV #RealWordSkeletons
@RealWorldMTV: of course we all have a great family dinner as soon as she leaves... have a safe flight and time to celebrate! #RealWorldSkeletons
@RealWorldMTV: Uh oh is there a new love connection in the house? #RealWorldSkeletons
@_Kazuhnova: #yesslawwwdddd those moves @SylviaMTV Mexican Marilyn Monroe can move! @RealWorldMTV #RealWorldSkeletons
@RealWorldMTV: 10 days until Tony's skeleton comes knocking! #RealWorldSkeletons
@brittany_baldi: Love my crazy biatch ๐Ÿ’• my other half #thechallengebattleoftheexes2 #thechallenge #mtv @nanymtv
@t_raines33: My boy got moves for days lmao @_Kazuhnova @SylviaMTV #RealWorldSkeletons
@_Kazuhnova: My boy @t_raines33 said "you look good"....flips his hair and then said "but your not me" @RealWorldMTV #RealWorldSkeletons #classic
@t_raines33: I had to size "random guy" up real quick...hey he's not me lmao #RealWorldSkeletons
@t_raines33: @SylviaMTV is killing me with the jelly fish line lmao. I know you just looking out for @madiwadi2by4 #RealWorldSkeletons @RealWorldMTV
- @SylviaMTV: @t_raines33 @madiwadi2by4 @RealWorldMTV ๐Ÿ˜ข๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ I don't even remember saying it! Let's be honest I don't remember a lot of the times haha
@JustJem24: Watch this sexy man on MTV tonight.. He's single and ready to mingle @IamAdamKuhn
@brittany_baldi: I will be live tweeting @ChallengeMTV with @NanyMTV @jonnamtv @JennaCompono in 10mins!! #mtv #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@BillSimmons: I can't wait for the next hour of dysfunction with teammates who don't belong together. (BTW I'm talking about The Challenge, not the Cavs.)
@RealWorldMTV: so the games still continue... I have to agree MTV picked a great 7, what do you all think about this episode it's almost over!!! =(
@JamieChinaMTV: Wow... So much respect to Chris Kyle & to all of our armed forces. #AmericanSniper is such a reality check. Thank you for everything yall do
@SimoneJKelly: Get ready Battle Of The Exes on in less than five minutes! Whose watching?
@RealWorldMTV: 8 hours until Tony's skeleton arrives, ya'll! #RealWorldSkeletons
@t_raines33: Just to clarify Elizabeth was my "ex" at the time...sometimes I just wanted to hear a voice from back home. #RealWorldSkeletons
@tjlavin: Here we go!! RT @wheels_5tud: Almost time for a brand-new episode of #BattleOfTheExes2 @tjlavin @TheresaTime20 @JennaCompono @brittany_baldi
@ChallengeMTV: WAKE UP! It's almost time for #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2. Who needs sleep anyways? ๐Ÿ˜œ
@t_raines33: The heart wants what the hearts wants....damn she's cute @madiwadi2by4 #RealWorldSkeletons @RealWorldMTV
@t_raines33: Where the short shorts a good look? Prolly not but I couldn't find my pants ๐Ÿ˜ณ #RealWorldSkeletons @RealWorldMTV
- @RealWorldMTV: @t_raines33 dudeeee I was like why is he wearing her shorts?!?!? you have game and Barbie your soooo cuteeeeee! @madiwadi2by4
@RealWorldMTV: RT if you're watching with me, less than 5 minutes left #RealWorldSkeletons
@SylviaMTV: Man @t_raines33 where can I get a pair of those shorts?!? @RealWorldMTV #RealWorldSkeletons
- @t_raines33: โ€œ@SylviaMTV: Man @t_raines33 where can I get a pair of those shorts?!? @RealWorldMTV #RealWorldSkeletonsโ€hahaha
@jonnamtv: its almost challenge time! turn on your televisions!!
@whaattaafoxx: Somebody being a hoe
@tjlavin: @MTV's the Challenge is coming on in a minute on the east coast! Be sure to check it out! Shameless plug what an idiot, Sorry :( ha
@RealWorldMTV: UH OH here she comes #RealWorldSkeletons @t_raines33 you better start running
@SylviaMTV: @t_raines33  why'd we have to wait so long?!? @RealWorldMTV #RealWorldSkeletons
@RealWorldMTV: ahhh the next skeleton is... Tony's ex,gf,future gf. I'm so confused! #RealWorldSkeletons thanks for tuning in now lets watch #TheChallenge
@VMilerman: My favorite part is how@t_raines33 keeps saying "wait wait wait" like this bitch is going to disappear hahahahahaha
@JamieChinaMTV: โ€œ@wheels_5tud: @JamieChinaMTV are you going to watch tonight's episode of the challenge?โ€ No, early bedtime. Apart of corporate America now!
@RealWorldMTV: Goodnight ya'll thanks for watching and live tweeting with ME! #RealWorldSkeletons
@ryanmalaty: .@MTV is going up on a Tuesday #RealWorldSkeletons #TheChallenge #BattleOfTheExes2

> BOTE2: As They Saw It: "I Will Always Hate You"
@MTV: Get ready -- #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2 starts right NOW! RT if you're watching + tweeting with @ChallengeMTV ๐ŸŽ‰
@TheRealNiaMoore: Showtime ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿ™Œ on @mtveyecandy now. The drama continues lmao. Love you guys ๐Ÿ’‹๐Ÿ’‹๐Ÿ’‹
@tjlavin: I'm live tweeting for awhile because I'm going to watch the show tonight! Only for a sec @DannyWascou because Rox is training someone haha!
@whaattaafoxx: #TheChallenge FINALLY!!!
@laurelstucky: #TheChallenge is on now @MTV
@MTVBananas: Its Showtime!!! @ChallengeMTV #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@brittany_baldi: Those lines though! On point  "see you guys in the dome, goodluck" @tjlavin
- @tjlavin: ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘ŠRT @brittany_baldi: Those lines though! On point  "see you guys in the dome, goodluck" @tjlavin
@t_raines33: Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait....๐Ÿ˜ต #RealWorldSkeletons @RealWorldMTV
@laurelstucky: Love @nanymtv
@t_raines33: Make sure y'all catch next weeks episode and laugh at my pain! Awe man...this is gonna be rough. #RealWorldSkeletons
@TheRealNiaMoore: @ave_tress is a doll. Genuinely. We squashed that beef we had on site. Glad we did. I hated watching her cry. Wished she & Johnny did same
- @ave_tress: @TheRealNiaMoore thanks babe. Shot happens. Can't wait to see you!
- @TheRealNiaMoore: @ave_tress ๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ’‹๐Ÿ’‹
- @NotoriousAJM: @ave_tress @TheRealNiaMoore this makes me happy AF!!!! I said it last week, but y'all have come so damn far. #TeamNaverey๐Ÿ˜
- @djstweetarazzi: @TheRealNiaMoore @ave_tress I love when 2 people who weren't friends become friends, too cool :) #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@tjlavin: So far I'm embarrassed haha. I hate seeing myself it's like an answering machine! RT @DannyWascou: Can't wait to see whatcha think, Lavs!
@Chet_Cannon: Zach and Jenna...I just don't see it. #BattleOfTheExes2
@JamieChinaMTV: Life is just full of little surprises!!
@TheRealNiaMoore: "We hate nany club" was "we hate nia club" on Free Agents..people are so shady on this shit. I know how she felt
@laurelstucky: Wow. @nanymtv is one of the most loyal honest trustworthy human beings I have ever met. Can't stand this shit talking on her at all.
@MTVBananas: This is the most F#@ked up game of baseball i've ever played! @tjlavin @MTV #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@brittany_baldi: This was wicked hard!! And ugghhh I have to sort of kiss @IamAdamKuhn #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2 #mtv #exes โœŒ๏ธ
@TheRealNiaMoore: Diem and @TheOfficial_CT > the notebook
@laurelstucky: Diem looks amazing as always. Love her.
@brittany_baldi: CT and @DiemBrownMTV killing it!! #BattleOfTheExes2 #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@SylviaMTV: Now #BattleOfTheExes2 LOVE IT! @RealWorldMTV
@MTVBananas: Considering all the experience she's had I'm shocked Jemmy isn't better at this! @JustJem24 @mtv #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
- @JustJem24: @MTVBananas @MTV That's not how I play suck and blow.. Just saying ๐Ÿ˜
@AshleyMarieMTV: That time u find Diem's tutu in the truck of your car that she asked u to hold on to until the next time you see her. . .on challenge day!
@whaattaafoxx: You're not fooling anybody. You are so salty! There's feelings that are still there #Avery #Johnny #TheChallenge
@SarahRiceMTV: #suckandblow #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2  @JordanW_usa @mtv
@t_raines33: My brother @TheShaneRaines n @alyssamgiacone were gonna visit me until Alyssa got approached 2 be my skeleton stalker is harsh shes cool AF
- @alyssamgiacone: @t_raines33 @TheShaneRaines #udabest #wittlebittybaby
 @whaattaafoxx: @MaybachDiamonds @SimoneJKelly && of course these two are beasts! Especially Simone ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿ’ช @TheChallengeMTV #TheChallenge
@SimoneJKelly: We killed that challenge! #JJ Sucks good 2!
@JayGMTV: Team Green #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@NanyMTV: #Haters #BattleOfTheExes2
@tjlavin: @YonValVinyard I totally miss @CaraMariaMTV she kills everything
@t_raines33: Btw def lookin forward to when my bro does visit later on y'all are gonna love him!!! @TheShaneRaines #brolove
@NanyMTV: Worry about YOU.... #BattleOfTheExes2
@TheRealNiaMoore: Use this hashtag will ya?? ๐Ÿ˜ #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2  What u guys think so far??
@MTVBananas: Who doesnt like free shit?! @TheChallengeMTV  #bananaswag #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@CamilaMTV: All I gotta say is Peace & Love yall โœŒ๏ธ๐Ÿ˜‚ Not gonna lie... It feels good not to be on y'all's shoes for once #BattleOfTheExes2
@JennaCompono: Barbie and ken ;)
@TheSteamer: Johnny had great luck on #FreeAgents. He was due for some regression on #Exes2. Good luck in The Dome! #BattleOfTheExes2
@MTVBananas: Who wants free Shit?! #bananaswag
@haileychivers: If yall only knew how long this took
@TheRealNiaMoore: @JordanW_usa lack of fingers (not a hand) isn't a good excuse anymore. The man can do everything, I mean everything with ONE. Lol really tho
@Chet_Cannon: This is so stupidly hilarious. #BattleOfTheExes2
@IamAdamKuhn: Challenge Time @justjem24 @camilamtv @ave_tress @theresamtv
@JayGMTV: Mad respect to jordan @JordanW_usa love you homie #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
- @JordanW_usa: @JayGMTV My dude!
@brittany_baldi: Lmao "Brittany was twisting that shaft turbo speed" @IamAdamKuhn #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@SimoneJKelly: ๐Ÿ˜œ#TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2 #TeamAYTO
@ChallengeMTV: Yes, we went there! #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@CamilaMTV: #teamJem all day!!! ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿ™Œ @JustJem24
@JennaCompono: Jenna did not give that look.. Lmao
@n_zanattaMTV: #TheChallenge whose watching it with me ahhhh in love :) @TheChallengeMTV
@MTVBananas: CHALLENGE FACT: Up until tonight @WestonBergmann  thought getting to 3rd involved riding his bicycle with no seat. @MTV  #BattleOfTheExes2
@JennaCompono: Just so u all know I HATE ABSOLUTLEY HATE PEANUT BUTTER
@ryanmalaty: Pretty impressive what @JordanW_usa can do with only one hand #inspiration #TheChallenge #BattleOfTheExes2
@TheRealNiaMoore: It's fuckin peanut butter. Had we advanced I woulda licked that thing dry..y'all already knew that tho lmao #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@BrandonDNelson: This challenge is set up for some great one liners.  Hopefully the bag of vocab isnt too light.
@tjlavin: My shirt is @staystrongbmx hit up @staystrongmarco if anyone wants to get one. If you don't know who Stephen Murray is look him up! #legend
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: When your walk to the gym burns the most calories of the workout. #SanFrancisco
@RoyLee25mtv: @TheRealNiaMoore my bad.. My hands got a little tired lmaooooo #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@AneesaMTV: Ugh watching my angels. Rip Diem and knight
@brunorealworld: Time to get the gym in with @T_Gellz92 you know #teamswoll #teamknockyourheadoff
@JayGMTV: Its a wrap
@Chet_Cannon: The two challenge game staples: Something with a phallic semblance & vomit #BattleOfTheExes2
@CaraMariaMTV: @brittany_baldi - glad to see you handle Dome #1 in my absence ;) Holdin it down for Methuen Mass! #bostonstrong
- @brittany_baldi: @CaraMariaMTV thanks girl!! Keep watching you won't be disappointed #bostonstrong โœŒ๏ธ
@JayGMTV: Do you know how hard it is to eat peanut butter while jenna throws up
@TheRealNiaMoore: Immediately after the peanut butter part Diem started suffering internally. It hurts to know that she had colon cancer the whole time smh
@TheRealNiaMoore: @mtv producers always remind us that this is a "family channel" ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜’๐Ÿ˜ How is this challenge anything family appropriate lmao. Stop it.
@MTV: @MissShortCourt LOL always loving @justjem24's comments. #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@SimoneJKelly: #eeww
@laurelstucky: Haha I love Diem's rambly talk.
@brittany_baldi: RT if you're watching @ChallengeMTV #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2 ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿ’ฏ
@JennaCompono: Think of a food U hate than trying to eat it.. GET OUTA HERE buttt go nany!!!!
@ryanmalaty: Tonight's challenge: Sucking, blowing, screwing, balls, peanut butter...full penetration? ๐Ÿ˜ถ #BattleOfTheExes2
@JennaCompono: Instagram @jennacompono
@MTVBananas: Winner winner chicken dinner! #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@RoyLee25mtv: It's always good when someone in your alliance wins @MTVBananas ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ‘โœŠ
@brittany_baldi: Banany is the power couple!! #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2 @NanyMTV @MTVBananas ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿ‘
@SimoneJKelly: #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2 #Rookies
@laurelstucky: Judgy Judger. #WorryAboutYourself
@JennaCompono: Wooh Go nany u tell them !!! @NanyMTV
@MTVBananas: CHALLENGE FACT: Right now @WestonBergmann stress level is at a blistering 187 F.P.M (Freckles Per Minute) #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
- @WestonBergmann: CHALLENGE FACT: @MTVBananas is sponsored by Dull Bananas
@laurelstucky: #MentalProblems
@JordanW_usa: Born this way! Just luck. RTโ€œ@Alex_SoTrill: @JordanW_usa What Happened To Your Fingers If You Don't Mind Me Asking ?โ€
@ryanmalaty: Nany's on ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ @NanyMTV #BattleOfTheExes2
@JennaCompono: Thanks for applying that lotion ;) @haileychivers
- @haileychivers: @JennaCompono anything for you ;)
@Chet_Cannon: Phony apologies...meh. Not a fan of fake friendships within the games. Integrity over safety nets. #BattleOfTheExes2
@blacuesta: Uhhhh @n_zanattaMTV just texted me telling me she's moving into my bed
- @n_zanattaMTV: @blacuesta you said I do I think we just got married ;) ๐Ÿ‘ฐ๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ’‹๐Ÿ’˜๐Ÿ‘ฃ๐Ÿก๐ŸŒ…๐Ÿ˜˜so cool haha love you!
- @RWskeletons_: @n_zanattaMTV @blacuesta I thought @SylviaMTV was your wifey ๐Ÿ˜‚
- @SylviaMTV: @RWskeletons_ @n_zanattaMTV @blacuesta whoa whoa whoa?!? Say Whaaaat?
- @blacuesta: @SylviaMTV @RWskeletons_ @n_zanattaMTV Sylvia it's not what it looks like I swear ๐Ÿ™…
- @SylviaMTV: @blacuesta @RWskeletons_ @n_zanattaMTV ๐Ÿ˜‚she's playing all of us! Wife,GF, and mistress might as well call her @t_raines33 ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
- @blacuesta: @SylviaMTV @RWskeletons_ @n_zanattaMTV @t_raines33 ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚hahahahaha dead ๐Ÿ’€ #truth
- @t_raines33: @SylviaMTV @blacuesta @RWskeletons_ @n_zanattaMTV nobody has more game then cole
@ryanmalaty: TJ Lavin is 'The Fonz' of our generation @tjlavin #TheChallenge
- @tjlavin: @ryanmalaty I wish!
@MtvJess: Nights like these
@TheRealNiaMoore: Sweet Diem...
@MaybachDiamonds: Survive to fight another week!! Wooo!!!
@AneesaMTV: This is awful
@TheRealNiaMoore: Watching Diem grimace in pain so much that she couldn't even cry was agonizing to watch in person, let alone now. RIP baby @DiemBrownMTV
@MTVBananas: It breaks my heart having to relive seeing @DiemBrownMTV in so much pain. She was the true definition of strength! #BattleOfTheExes2
@laurelstucky: Noooooooooo
@MTV_Christina: My friends from home are coming here for my birthday ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ feeling some type of way I'm sew happy @danjruffo
@robb_schreiber: This is heartbreaking #BattleOfTheExes2
@SimoneJKelly: Who's going home tonight? #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@ChallengeMTV: It's heartbreaking to watch Diem's battle with cancer on #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2 but her strength is beyond inspiring. #DiemStrong
@BSwiftMTV: I can't even watch diem sick like that  knowing what happens.. Like damn @TheChallengeMTV @MTV
@JordanW_usa: Hey I hope people can see that, Not Trying is so much more devastating than failing. Don't ever sit one out. #TheChallenge #BOTE2
@Chet_Cannon: Poor Diem. What a terrible place to feel unwell with the incessant noise, debauchery, and crying, drunken girls. #BattleOfTheExes2
@JennaCompono: Who do we thinks gonna win the elimination ?!!
@tjlavin: Time for bed much love guys and thanks for the support!! West coast and mid west and everyone I missed tonight I'll try to get you in the am
@CamilaMTV: Come #snapchat us!!! @JustJem24 username CAMILAMTV @mtv #BattleOfTheExes2
@SimoneJKelly: Diem
@laurelstucky: Don't like suckups. Don't like liars.
@TheRealNiaMoore: Me @DiemBrownMTV @ave_tress and @haileychivers were room mates this challenge. I love me some Hailey but I wanted my Averey to pull thru!
- @ave_tress: @TheRealNiaMoore thanks girl. I still have the note๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ“
@tjlavin: Goodnight!! ๐Ÿ˜@DannyWascou ๐Ÿ‘
@JordanW_usa: Having one hand has been my fuel for my entire life. It's why I try so hard. To exceed the highest of expectations. My own. #neverstop
- @Sahar_Dika: @JordanW_usa You're perfect โค๏ธ So inspirational Jordy ๐Ÿ˜˜
- @JordanW_usa: Miss you toots!! RTโ€œ@Sahar_Dika: @JordanW_usa You're perfect โค๏ธ So inspirational Jordy ๐Ÿ˜˜โ€
@brittany_baldi: @n_zanattaMTV @t_raines33 I seen you two crazies tonight going ham! #RealWorldSkeletons
@TheRealNiaMoore: Thank you allllll for watching and supporting my family. Same time next week baby. We love y'all. Seriously. #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@laurelstucky: Johnny R. #Beast (and polite "can I grab your leg")
@ChallengeMTV: Please excuse me while I switch to BEAST MODE! #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@JayGMTV: Damn tom and hailey. Im gonna miss you guys. @ThomasBuellMTV @haileychivers #rwexplosion #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@AneesaMTV: I fux with @ThomasBuellMTV
@SimoneJKelly: ๐Ÿ™ˆ๐Ÿ™Š#TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2 Vets got it done!
@laurelstucky: @CamilaMTV cameeeeeeelllllla. Everyone. Xo
@JayGMTV: Theres a president of every state? @JennaCompono hahah
@brittany_baldi: My girl! "There's a president for every state" @JennaCompono #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2 #mtv
@AneesaMTV: "There's a president in every state" huh what does that even mean?? I can't deal #BattleOfTheExes2
@AneesaMTV: Next weeks episode is going to be the worst.
@SimoneJKelly: Don't forget to tune in next week! โœŒ๏ธ
@RobinMTV14: Ok things just got a little too real for me. Don't like seeing that clip for next week on #BattleOfTheExes2. It breaks my heart!
@GregWJHG / Greg Brzozowski, WJHG-TV Sportscaster: Battle of the Exes II, episode II. Let's go. #TheChallenge
@GregWJHG: Wes, CT, & Johnny Bananas all make it through to the finals of #TheChallenge because duh.
@GregWJHG: Wow... Wes threatens Bananas then Bananas threatens Wes... Neither goes through with it. Keepin the vets around.
@GregWJHG: Huge win for Johnny Reilly. Needed to prove himself in an elimination after skating by in Free Agents. Did so in tough spot. #TheChallenge

> After Hours & Wednesday After: Miz & Mini Miz, AYTO Love, LA Love
@ChallengeMTV: Ready for shut-eye? HELL NO! Watch the two eliminated teams square off in the EX-ile:  #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@ryanmalaty: Play me on Trivia Crack ๐Ÿ™ˆ @JennaCompono #BattleOfTheExes2
@Chet_Cannon: Expecially, Irregardless, Supposebly, Aks, Bae #FiveWordsToRuinADate
@CamilaMTV: So, Adam... Tell us how you really feel. @mtv @IamAdamKuhn #BattleOfTheExes2 ๐Ÿฅ
@JayGMTV: @jonnamtv makin' moves ;) #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@JustJem24: Knight...  I hope we make you proud
@JordanW_usa: No other can compare.. #DiemStrong
@mtvdario: S Q U A D !!!!!
@CamilaMTV: ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ @justjem24
@MtvJess: Thank @dustinzito for being so sweaty ๐Ÿ‘ @myv #BattleOfTheExiled #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@MtvJess: Have to thank @dustinzito for being such a great friend and partner in #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2 #BattleOfTheExiled he was great ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘Œ
@JayGMTV: So i guess im never gonna watch any of the Ex-iled matches since they aren't on TV... Like wtf. #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@JennaCompono: I fuckin love my girls.. Partying tn @brittany_baldi @NanyMTV @jonnamtv
@CaraMariaMTV: my whole entire timeline is retweets from @NanyMTV . lmao. Girl has the RT button on lock! Gotta watch 2morrow to see what went down!
@laurelstucky: @camilamtv camila you were drunk the entire time on those snapchats
- @JustJem24: โ€œ@laurelstucky: @camilamtv camila you were drunk the entire time on those snapchatsโ€ she can be drunk she's a grown ass woman.
- @CamilaMTV: @laurelstucky and your point Is... ???
- @laurelstucky: @CamilaMTV my point is #nothingiloveyou
- @CaraMariaMTV: @JustJem24 @laurelstucky @CamilaMTV ... not gonna lie. I kind of want to be drunk with you girls right now. have fun out there chickies!
- @CamilaMTV: @CaraMariaMTV @JustJem24 @laurelstucky Wishing U were here too carita! You know w/ us it's strict "no judgement Zone" ๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ’‹๐Ÿบ (note the horse.)
@CaraMariaMTV: Tomorrow finally taking my @afaa_fit group fit practical exam- wish me luck! Hopefully I'll be teaching bootcamps at a gym near you ;)
@CamilaMTV: They say time heals all wounds, I say love heals it all...
@RealityReads: Are @ave_tress & @JordanW_usa going to hook up soon or what? #BattleOfTheExes2
- @JordanW_usa: Whoa!? Maybe I need to be watching? RTโ€œ@RealityReads: Are @ave_tress & @JordanW_usa going to hook up soon or what? #BattleOfTheExes2โ€
- @ave_tress: @JordanW_usa @RealityReads what?!?!?!? #yourefunny #bestfriendzone
- @ave_tress: @JordanW_usa @RealityReads me and you both Jordan. I haven't had the chance to watch
- @RealityReads: @ave_tress @JordanW_usa You two look super cozy & cute. Gorgeous babies would be made #JustSayin
- @JordanW_usa: Oh no doubt! RT โ€œ@RealityReads: @ave_tress @JordanW_usa You two look super cozy & cute. Gorgeous babies would be made #JustSayinโ€
@whaattaafoxx: Cabo in May for Shelbys Bday! #AreYouTheOneCast where you at doe?!
@CamilaMTV: The thing I love most about life is growing... Every single day is a new lesson. Cheers to every opportunity we get to improve ourselves!โœจโœŒ๏ธ
@B_Brutality: tonight blows. i command u to cheer me up
@SylviaMTV: Just a little aftermath talk! โœ”๏ธ it out! #RealWorldSkeletons @RealWorldMTV โ€ฆ
@JennaCompono: Whose excited for this season so far ?! Loved both episodes!!!
@SimoneJKelly: Tune in RIGHT now!!! I'm about to be LIVE on #AfterBuzzTV && themarklong is turning up!!!! ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
@syrusmtv: Come 2 #SpringBreak2015 Dig up all those old #skeletons hosted by #MTVRealWorld Syrus! Trips 2 Jamaica #PCB #Cancun #Vegas cal 888 437-0772
@brittany_baldi: With my @underarmour #mtv #thechallenge bag waiting for the homies to arrive โœŒ๏ธ
@ryanmalaty: Goobers ๐Ÿ˜œ #BattleOfTheExes2
@syrusmtv: #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2 check out @JennaCompono #BabyGotBack #Whooty #LoveIt #TeamJenna #ImAFan #SpringBreakAllAccess 888 437-0772
@A_Bartolotte: Not tryin to wake up early tomorrow
@IWantMyEmTV: In my own words. I don't care what anyone thinks of me from the past or future. I know where I stand now. If I let everyone's belief in me choose who I was, who I am, and who I'm supposed to be... One word: fuck.
@ryanmalaty: CT is on Kroll Show?? ๐Ÿ˜‚ I love it @ComedyCentral @TheOfficial_CT
@JustJem24: If it's a competition... We win ๐Ÿ’‹๐Ÿ’œ
@Pratt_MTV: When bae brings you dinner at work @brittany_baldi ๐Ÿ˜
- @brittany_baldi: @Pratt_MTV yay glad you liked the surprise ๐Ÿ’•
@JordanW_usa: @ave_tress And I will always be super close. Just how it is. #family #TheChallenge
- @ave_tress: Fact. RT"@JordanW_usa: @ave_tress And I will always be super close. Just how it is. #family #TheChallenge"
@ave_tress: "@CSUAKirk: @JordanW_usa  love the brother sister relationship you have with @ave_tress  #Exes2" me too. ๐Ÿ’– him
@Tindel10: @Modelboi12's happening....PAC VS MAY!!!! WOAHHHH
- @Modelboi12: @Tindel10 are you serious bro....."jumps out of bed" bro we have to tear VEGAS up for this fight
- @Tindel10: @Modelboi12 IN!!

- @dc408dxtr: @Tindel10 it's gonna be the biggest fight ever. I was in LV for Pac/Cotto for my 26th bday, I might be there in May if its a go.
@AbramBoise: Great night-worked WWE Smackdown Baton Rouge & got to see an old friend from MTV- @mikethemiz ...wish we had more time, but off to Texas now
- @CSUAKirk: @AbramBoise @mikethemiz  miz and mini miz oh the memories
@mikethemiz: Love seeing one of my @MTV RW/ RR family @AbramBoise last night @WWE Baton Rouge. Great memories w/ this guy. 
@TheresaTime20: I didn't watch last night's episode bc truly it "ain't nothin to cut that bitch off"โœ‚๏ธ so.. thx for the โค๏ธ& hate. .......just keep watching๐Ÿ’‹
@TheresaTime20: No more challenges for me๐ŸŽˆ- so many ppl fending while I despise them๐Ÿ™Š I'm officially a bitch.. w/ a smile!!๐Ÿ’‹ #Shits4thebirds #NoThx #ButThx
@MtvJess: Perfect night, great morning ๐Ÿ’‹๐Ÿ’• 
@MtvJess: So what did you guys think about #thechallengebattleoftheexes2 #battleoftheexile tjlavin @dustinzitoโ€ฆ 
@Pratt_MTV: I woke up like diss. I woke up like diss.
@TheRealNiaMoore: I really thought the Cavs would come thru in the 4th tho..they are so damn aggravating smh
@JayGMTV: Airport #selfie 
@paulawalnutsMTV: Congrats to @ToriFiorenza and @BradFiorenza on their new baby boy!!!! So happy for you guys! All the love to you xoxo
@paulawalnutsMTV: @n_zanattaMTV I'm a fan of yours...welcome to this crazy crack me up #WolfPack
- @n_zanattaMTV: @paulawalnutsMTV that means a lot to me to be honest. Im glad your enjoying it and you like me :) see you in the future I hope!
@MTVTV: .@JohnnyReilly_ and @ave_tress are a strong #Challenge team...can they overcome their breakup drama? 
@MTVTV: Is it time for @_Kazuhnova to buck up and admit his #RealWorld crush? 
@t_raines33: Sometimes you just gotta hit the reset button #movingforward #idgt
@JennaCompono: What did we think of last nights episode #BattleOfTheExes2
@djstweetarazzi: 6 pm est join #GRLOL @AshleyWeitzel for #RealityRewind w/ @SimoneJKelly โ€ฆ #BattlesoftheExes2 
@Chet_Cannon: I have a feeling puka shell necklaces are coming back
@brittany_baldi: Pasadena CA sunrise. Woke up with @jennacompono @nanymtv ๐Ÿ™Œ ๐Ÿ’• #nofilter #pasadena #sunrise 
@JennaCompono: Instagram @jennacompono ... Also been posting on vine more! Check it out @JennaCompono
@TheMarkLong: ABOUT LAST NIGHT: afterbuzztv @mtveyecandy BATTLE OF THE EXES 2 "AFTERSHOW" w/ @sinsedontplayโ€ฆ 
@SylviaMTV: And this ladies and gentlemen is why this girl is truly amazing! #RealWorldSkeletons @RealWorldMTV @VMilerman 
@MTVshelbs: I really hope this work day flies by so I can hit the gym!
@brittany_baldi: Oh you know just bummin' in bed with our pjs on after a delish breaky @JennaCompono ๐Ÿ’•
@CaraMariaMTV: watching @mtv @ChallengeMTV online. Fun challenges! โ€ฆ
@CamilaMTV: Seizing The day! โ˜€๏ธโœŒ๏ธ๐Ÿ’• @ La-la land 
@haileychivers: @MTVBananas but how could you send THESE into elimination??? 
@emilylongeretta: So bummed we said goodbye to @ThomasBuellMTV & @haileychivers last night on #TheChallenge, but loved chatting with them. Interview coming!
@alyssamgiacone: โ€ฆ
@blacuesta: Grumpy
- @MTV_JESS: @blacuesta ugh fml me too
@BunimMurray: It's not over for @ThomasBuellMTV and @haileychivers yet!! Watch here -->  #BattleOfTheExiled 
@MTV_JESS: The one day I have to wake up earlier in superrrrrr tired ๐Ÿ˜ž
@CaraMariaMTV: guess you could say @JohnnyReilly_ FINALLY pulled the "kill card" lmao. @MTV @ChallengeMTV
@MTV_JESS: Hope this is worth it! Wish me luck people 
@afterbuzztv: .@SimoneJKelly talks #BattleOfTheExes2 w/ @DjJesseJ @RoxyStriar & @ThemarkLong  WATCH  LISTEN 
@SimoneJKelly: Unfortunately, I don't have any control of the way things are edited...I'm just as clueless!
@A_Bartolotte: Feels good actually going to class
@JennaCompono: Inhale confidence, exhale doubt ๐Ÿ‘‘ 
@blacuesta: I hate dropping my dogs off at the vet to get tests done. I'm gonna sob when I drop off my kid for the first day of school. #emotionalmom
@briughh: Smh.. I just watched Alicia's interview did she even watch herself?? @SylviaMTV
@SimoneJKelly: Had an amazing time yesterday with @sinsedontplay @djjessej @sinsedontplay themarklong && roxystriarโ€ฆ 
@TheresaTime20: Helloโค๏ธ 
@CamilaMTV: Hottub vibes ๐ŸŒด๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ˜™ @justjem24 @ City of Pasadena 
@RealWorldMTV: I can't even process everything that happened on #RealWorldSkeletons last night: 
@TheRealNiaMoore: I swear this flight from ATL to LA was a hour longer than usual ๐Ÿ˜’ I need a shower, butt massage and alcohol asap.
- @JohnnyReilly_: @TheRealNiaMoore let's go nia hurry your ass up !!!
@JordanW_usa: Nah, but still respect the hell out of the girl. RTโ€œ@HejterHejterski: @JordanW_usa are you and Laurel still together? =]โ€
@MLaRose3: Love him or hate him you have to respect the hell out of @JordanW_usa. 2 hands or not, he still consistently performs better then most โœŠ๐Ÿ’ฏ
@brunorealworld: Winters only good for sex,cuddling and movies . So if we could just skip right to summer that'd be great! Fall, spring , summer sounds ideal
@A_Bartolotte: I expect too much outa myself
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: That moment when you drop your 35th phone, of the year, face down,  pee your pants a little & start to cry, before realizing it's fine
@brittany_baldi: Little selfie sayin' whatup from the west coast โœŒ๏ธ #mtv #BattleOfTheExes2 #losangeles #BostonStrong 
@SimoneJKelly: I was so excited to see themarklong! ๐Ÿ˜œ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜› #ChallengeFamily 
@MTVTV: #Challenge vets reunite! See which old-schoolers met up down south: 
@ave_tress: @JadaBGC @JohnnyReilly_ @ThomasBuellMTV @haileychivers Thomas and Hailey did so well. Hold your head high girl.
- @haileychivers: @ave_tress @JadaBGC @JohnnyReilly_ @ThomasBuellMTV it was a very tough elimination! Y'all did amazing โค๏ธ
@MTVTV: Which of the first two ousted #Challenge teams will live on to fight another day...? 
@MtvJess: Exactly 1 year ago today! (via @timehop) โ€ฆ 
@haileychivers: Our chicken fight in the pool was not shown however I'd like to claim my W with @JordanW_usa against @JennaCompono & @ZachMTV #TheChallenge
- @JennaCompono: @haileychivers @JordanW_usa @ZachMTV lmao oh man that should've been shown wth!!!!!! But I do admit u did win!!! U beast
- @haileychivers: @JennaCompono @JordanW_usa @ZachMTV we had too much fun. Reigning Challenge chicken fight champs!!
- @JennaCompono: @haileychivers @JordanW_usa @ZachMTV hahaha yes!! Good times ๐Ÿ’• I'll visit soon ๐Ÿ˜˜
- @haileychivers: @JennaCompono @JordanW_usa @ZachMTV #shittheyshouldhaveshown
- @JordanW_usa: Son of a!! Oh well Haha we the Chicken Champs baby! @haileychivers @JennaCompono @ZachMTV
@ave_tress: Another day in the office...๐Ÿ˜˜๐ŸŒ  #hairdid #makeupday #work #prettyhair #thankyou #aliciacarbajalโ€ฆ 
@brittany_baldi: Lucky lucky look who I am with @camilamtv #mtv #thechallenge โœŒ๏ธ๐Ÿ’ฏ 
@brunorealworld: Real n*ggas let real b*tches cum first.
@haileychivers: Have to remember the little moments I shared with @Knight_MTV & @DiemBrownMTV to get me through watching this season of #TheChallenge
@haileychivers: Remembering my midnight swim in the Panama rain with @Knight_MTV & @SarahRiceMTV & pillow talk with @DiemBrownMTV in our bunks
@ChallengeMTV: Such a hysterical challenge last night. #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2 partners @MTVBananas & @NanyMTV "killed it!" 
@t_raines33: 24 hour drive back home and I've come to the conclusion I need to work on my friend zone skills #hashtag
- @t_raines33: @t_raines33 see what I did there was I hash-tagged a hashtag...I'm a pioneer. #hashtag
- @brunorealworld: @t_raines33 #cuttyboomp
@haileychivers: We're in Ex-ile like whaaaat!? #thechallenge #battleoftheexes2 #sweaters @mtveyecandy @thomasbuellmtvโ€ฆ 
@A_Bartolotte: Fuck it I'm going out tonight
@blacuesta: Just hanging out with my #wcw aka myself. Oh and @MTV_JESS too LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL 
- @t_raines33: @blacuesta @MTV_JESS I "ship" this
- @blacuesta: @t_raines33 @MTV_JESS well tony...Jess and I are best friends not lovers. Sorry ๐Ÿฃ
- @t_raines33: @blacuesta @MTV_JESS that's what I meant "friend" ship ๐Ÿฅ
- โ€@blacuesta: @t_raines33 @MTV_JESS relation "ship" ๐Ÿ”
@MtvJess: Men being full of yourself is a turnoff to a strong woman. Idc how many women want you or how pretty you are.... I need substance.
@blacuesta: Listening to @MTV_Christina talk on the phone Hahahahaha ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ
@RealWorldMTV: It's all fun and games until another skeleton moves into the house: 
@ThtsYourReality: Coming today & tomorrow on That's Your Reality: interviews with @ThomasBuellMTV & @haileychivers! #TheChallenge #BOTE2
@MtvJess: Don't get me wrong I want romance as much as the next person but I am not willing to compromise myself for it
@MtvJess: Love you little @haileychivers ๐Ÿ’™
@CaraMariaMTV: Your character is what you really are, while your reputation is merely what others think you are โ€“ John Wooden.
@itsJennyDelich: Back in school ๐Ÿ“– #getit
@ave_tress: Pretty hair selfie... No tags needed 
@brittany_baldi: What the heck is so funny? Bananas probably cracked a joke. Caption this #mtv #battleoftheexes2 
@SylviaMTV: Oh boy the beloved southern boy got himself in some trouble! โ€ฆ #RealWorldSkeletons @RealWorldMTV
@MTV: Tension rises on #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2. Get caught up:  @ChallengeMTV
@MTV: Speaking of #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2... Watch the two eliminated teams square off in the EX-ile:  ๐Ÿ’ช @ChallengeMTV
@SINSEDONTPLAY: Great afterbuzztv Interview Today with Wes & Theresa ! Behind the Scenes #BattleoftheExes2 !!โ€ฆ 
 @whaattaafoxx: I love Hozier's new song "Take me to Church" ahhh ๐Ÿ™Œ
@RealWorldMTV: In case you were wondering about Sylvia and Alicia:  #RealWorldSkeletons
@JayGMTV: What is there to do in LA tonight?
@CamilaMTV: Love it when I get to work w/ my friends ๐Ÿ’œ @MTV 
- @MTV: @CamilaMTV ๐Ÿ’˜
@PrestoMagicmtv: May not be on this season but I'm never too far away ๐Ÿ˜ฎ 
@JordanW_usa: Back in the West.
@brittany_baldi: Thanks for the #wcw love I see some of your tweets  ๐Ÿ’ฏ
@ChallengeMTV: Time to watch last night's episode AGAIN, because it was just that good!  #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@laurelstucky: Say it to my face.
@AshleyMarieMTV: I love that I get to work with my friends, makes life that much more fun! @misslabak ๐Ÿ˜˜
@CamilaMTV: Just can't get enough of her. โค๏ธ @justjem24 @ Hollywood 
@v_cakes: Did you all not just watch the show I just watched?  Then WHY WHY WHY are you asking if I'll ever come back?!? #TheChallenge #MTV
- @laurelstucky: @v_cakes wish it hadn't turned. however, I feel like the next one might be different considering they are making some changes
 @MtvJess: I swear they make it so hard to go back to school! Come on now a gals just trying to get some more education under her belt here!!!
@CamilaMTV: This one is for you @knight_mtv!!! ๐Ÿ‘†๐Ÿ™โค๏ธ @justjem24 #weloveyou #ripknight 
@t_raines33: 'Real World Skeletonsโ€™ Episode 5: Dirty Laundry  always the best reviews #observer #RealWorldSkeletons @RealWorldMTV
- @jm4r: @t_raines33  i take that back its actually funny... But I think they meant jason not you."Tony makes a comment about her being a lesbian."๐Ÿ’
- @t_raines33: @jm4r yea I noticed that little typo haha but it's hilarious right? Love the "every girl is my type cuz it's a girl" description on me lol
- @jm4r: @t_raines33 I thought your type was really really hot girls ๐Ÿ‘ธ
- @t_raines33: @jm4r duh, that's why you're included in my type ๐Ÿ˜œ
- @jm4r: @t_raines33 ๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜
- @t_raines33: โ€œ@jm4r: @t_raines33 ๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜โ€๐Ÿ˜š๐Ÿ˜š
- @murtzjaffer: @t_raines33 @jm4r we have the same taste Raines. #blonde
@Curtishadzicki: "Move from I am a consumer and I use X. To I am a producer and I create Y." - @marcecko thanks for the inspiration #dowhatyoulove
@RealWorldMTV: Should Jason come clean about his crush on Sylvia? I'm gonna say yes: 
@JasIPen: #Selfie stick has never failed me ๐Ÿ™Œ 
@Chet_Cannon: Ryan Seacrest is listening to The Fray.
@TamiRoman: Wednesday line up...Mob Wives, then Empire, then Chopped on DVR Lol
@brunorealworld: Some people are alive but they ain't really living !
@robb_schreiber: I've been hitting PRs for leisure the past couple weeks. It's almost not fair.
@AshleeFeldman: I annoy my own self with my selfies... But not enough to stop them. ๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ‘… #cantstopwontstop 
@dustinzito: HEY!! Go Watch the online EXILE Episode of The Challenge #BattleOfTheExes2 @MTV .com 
@dc408dxtr: "You guys"...Guess what came in the mail today? #AreYouTheOne Season 1 on DVD from @amazon.  
- @brittany_baldi: @dc408dxtr haha no way they have that!? I gutta tell my dad lol
- @dc408dxtr: @brittany_baldi it was posted on Amazon last week, though it wasn't promoted much I bought my copy a few days ago & today it arrived.
- @RyanDevlin: @dc408dxtr Whaaa!? This exists?! I need one.
- @dc408dxtr: @RyanDevlin here you go: โ€ฆ. And also, it's 51 weeks ago tonight that #AreYouTheOne premiered too.
- โ€@ryanmalaty: @dc408dxtr nice! Thanks for all the support DC you're the man
- @kklusby: @dc408dxtr whatttt I don't even have it on DVD ! We need to atleast buy this @paigebrendel
- @paigebrendel: I already downloaded all of them on iTunes long time ago! @kklusby
@MtvJess: I need a swolemate that will keep me from breaking my diet and binging on bacon cheddar burgers ๐Ÿ™ˆ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ˜ฉ๐Ÿ˜ญ
@JamieChinaMTV: ๐Ÿ’‹๐Ÿ’‹๐Ÿ’‹ 
@t_raines33: In need of visine, a cold Budweiser, and a back rub...this drive is kicking my ass! #IonGetTiredDoe
@n_zanattaMTV: Today's Wednesday! My #wcw is my girlfriend ;) gorgeous and perfect couple :) Yaaa diggg! 
- @VMilerman: @n_zanattaMTV duh
- @n_zanattaMTV: @VMilerman hey beautiful going to bed soon just wanna say sweet dreams :) xo!!
@susie_meister: My favorite part of winter is watching men trying to put Chapstick on without looking stupid.
@t_raines33: Everybody go watch @SylviaMTV live right now! โ€ฆ #RealWorldSkeletons @RealWorldMTV
@SylviaMTV: Tune in NOW FOR THE @murtzjaffer SHOW! check me out!!! #RealWorldSkeletons @RealWorldMTV
@Pratt_MTV: To tweet that bitch or not tweet that bitch? That is the question. #BeenThreeYears
@MTVtrey: 'Animals' is still my favorite song right now.
- @robb_schreiber: โ€œ@MTVtrey: 'Animals' is still my favorite song right now.โ€ Come catch an L in trivia Crack. Robbertacus
@SylviaMTV: #Murtzeena @murtzjaffer @sheenajeanette @HotelKCMO #RealWorldSkeletons
@VMilerman: Before I pass out I have a question:Would it be easier to start a blog and post where I got my stuffquestion forum is that a waste of time?
@SylviaMTV: Vegassss here we come! @sheenajeanette @murtzjaffer @t_raines33 Who else is joining us?!? #RealWorldSkeletons
- @murtzjaffer: @SylviaMTV @sheenajeanette @t_raines33 omg I can't even imagine how out of control this would be. #paysyviaforboozeinadvance
- @t_raines33: @murtzjaffer @SylviaMTV @sheenajeanette haha u got jokes huh?!
- @t_raines33: @SylviaMTV @sheenajeanette @murtzjaffer headed to Vegas like... 
- @murtzjaffer: @t_raines33 @SylviaMTV @sheenajeanette 'what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas... Unless you are keeping it real' #possiblenewtonytoast
@whaattaafoxx: @Tindel10 I miss making my drinks for you! The ones that look like pond water. Pretty much Gatorade and Liquor ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿน๐Ÿป
- @Tindel10: @whaattaafoxx or what about huge slaps in the face when I get outta line xD hahahah  Or poppin' off fire extinguishers with me ;)
- @whaattaafoxx: @Tindel10 why didn't they air that!!!!
@t_raines33: @SylviaMTV @sheenajeanette @murtzjaffer headed to Vegas like... 
@JordanW_usa: It's amazing how hard people judge me for every little thing. Yet haven't noticed in 4 diff shows, that I only have ONE HAND. #TheChallenge
@haileychivers: I literally do NOT know what I would do without the IMDB app. No clue
@JordanW_usa: I'm cocky because I have to be. If I weren't most would write me off first thing. No matter what, I always have something to prove #driven
@dustinzito: The #Beard was a fun experience but for now it has to go.. But first we should check out other optionsโ€ฆ 
@ZuriHall: WHEW! 1st day of shooting the @MTVChallenge Aftershows is in the bag! The cast kept it ALL the way real. Can't wait for yall to see! #BOTE2
- @ZuriHall: @RealityRadioPod @RWChallengeFan yup yup, Aftershows to air immediately following certain episodes
@MtvJess: โœจ๐Ÿ’ฅโœจ 
@MtvJess: I've found my little piece of paradise ๐Ÿ’• the sound of rain, smell of lavender and peppermint โœจ goodnight yall ๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’‹
@laurelstucky: "Maybe I discovered why I like you. Cause you're not very normal." - Daniel
@JennaCompono: Sexy mamas @PeaceLoveJoi ๐Ÿ’• 
@robb_schreiber: โ€œ@JordanW_usa: usually just call your mom๐Ÿ‘ RT .โ€œ@WhoreHeyCorona: @JordanW_usa @TheChallengeMTV How do you masturbate??โ€โ€ SAVAGE ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
@laurelstucky: It's really hard to rehearse this song when you're thinking of your friend.
@jonnamtv: These were all over my car today:) 
@brittany_baldi: We look like mini twinnies ๐Ÿ’• @jennacompono #mtv #thechallengebattleoftheexes2 #thechallengeโ€ฆ 
@jenniknapmiller: Got the gym all to myself, my favorite
@haileychivers: If I had a magic lamp I would rub it right now and ask the genie for a sandwich from Jersey Mike's #midnightsnack
@_Kazuhnova: I am not perfect and no one on this earth is I am not a role model but I am man that once was a boy that has made mistakes that help me grow
@_Kazuhnova: One thing I know for sure is that my daughter is a blessing to me and every day as she grows I grow because she makes me want to be better
@_Kazuhnova: I know what the world may witnessed on RW may blow your mind but I'm no animal I'm just a man that makes mistakes and wants to be better
@_Kazuhnova: I love all the fans that tune in to real world because you guys are awesome! Thanks for the love and for always being understanding!
@_Kazuhnova: I am that positive guy I am the goofey guy that always trying to have fun but I am human too and I do make the wrong choices but who doesn't
@_Kazuhnova: I feel that in life we are face with many unfamiliar situations but it's up to us to choose the right direction the right choice
@_Kazuhnova: My actions on RW is like an emotional rollercoaster the way I walked in the house was not the same way I walked out #RealWorldSkeletons
@_Kazuhnova: Just want to say stay tuned to RW its an amazing season. Understand we are human and we are no different than you! Love #RealWorldSkeletons
@VMilerman: @robb_schreiber on a scale of 1-I'm not wearing underwear you're a 12
@NanyMTV: Just posted a photo @ City of Pasadena 
@jonnamtv: ๐Ÿ’œ 
@NanyMTV: Just posted a photo 
@SimoneJKelly: When you're trying to show someone you care about them & it seems they keep pushing u away... ๐Ÿ˜’
@cohuttaMTV: So Dumbo is on @netflix and as tempting as it is.. Nope. Not gonna do it. It kills me when they lock his mamma up. #๐Ÿ˜
@CamilaMTV: Our life is way too short to be wasted on people who don't belong in it. ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ’ค๐ŸŒ™

> As The Fans Saw It - Tuesday
@CSUAKirk: Congrats on baby number two to my former guest and one of my favorite road rulers @ToriFiorenza  and @BradFiorenza
@CSUAKirk: Looking forward to hearing @SimoneJKelly  @SINSEDONTPLAY  on the same podcast I'm sure they've became good friends  going to be awesome
@CSUAKirk: Fun fact @BradFiorenza  and @ToriFiorenza  two sons have the same names as two of my second cousins Brady and Chase
@CSUAKirk: People are calling @brunorealworld a douche are you guys watching the same show as me cause he seems far from that #RealWorldSkeletons
- @brunorealworld  Jan 13
@CSUAKirk thank you sir!
- @CSUAKirk: @brunorealworld people are so quick to judge I bet it gets comical and annoying at the same time
- @brunorealworld: @CSUAKirk a tad but its all good. People judge on what they see and not what they know.
@CSUAKirk: #Exes2  time to see who's joining  @dustinzito  and @MtvJess  in #Exiled
@CSUAKirk: @ave_tress  listen to your brother @JordanW_usa  he knows you better then anything #Exes2
- @JordanW_usa: Wise words! Lol RTโ€œ@CSUAKirk: @ave_tress  listen to your brother @JordanW_usa  he knows you better then anything #Exes2โ€
- @ave_tress: @JordanW_usa @CSUAKirk  Lol. Yeah yeah...
- @CSUAKirk@ave_tress @JordanW_usa  would love a Portland reunion with you two
- @ave_tress: "@CSUAKirk: @JordanW_usa  love the brother sister relationship you have with @ave_tress  #Exes2" me too. ๐Ÿ’– him
@CSUAKirk: Like I've said in all my podcasts I loved those two together it kills me that theirs friction between them #Exes2
@CSUAKirk: This might be even more crazy then the second #rivals2 challenge  #Exes2
@CSUAKirk: Jj and Simone  getting first who would've guessed that #Exes2
@CSUAKirk: I've had both the bottom teams on my shows idk who to root for #Exes2
@CSUAKirk: @JordanW_usa  love the brother sister relationship you have with @ave_tress  #Exes2
@CSUAKirk: @JohnnyReilly_    Pulled the kill card basically sucks :/ #Exes2
@CSUAKirk: I can't take this commentary of this challenge seriously  this is too freaking much Lmao #Exes2
@CSUAKirk: @AceNichols33  you have some great one liners to use in this challenge  its insane lol #Exes2
- @AceNichols33: Dude, LOL. RT @CSUAKirk: @AceNichols33  you have some great one liners to use in this challenge  its insane lol #Exes2
@CSUAKirk: #modelproblems  lmao @JustJem24  your the best #Exes2
@CSUAKirk: Like I said these one liners have been great cant stop freaking laughing #Exes2
@CSUAKirk: Love Nany but I don't always like the social game she plays to be honest #Exes2
@CSUAKirk: They gotta throw Theresa and Wes and for once its not Wes fault why just wish Theresa would just let it be :/ #Exes2
@CSUAKirk: It'd be stupid for bananas and Nany to not put them in #Exes2
@CSUAKirk: I think that choice is going to bite bananas and nany in the ass later I get they don't want blood on hands but all that argument and you
@CSUAKirk: Don't pull the trigger Im confused #Exes2
@CSUAKirk: Recycled dome from #Exes1  #lame
@CSUAKirk: @JohnnyReilly_  and @ave_tress  wtg really proud of you guys  @haileychivers  and @ThomasBuellMTV  #Exes2
@CSUAKirk: Next weeks episode is going to be super difficult to watch #Exes2
@CSUAKirk: I really wish they'd be respectful to Diem and her family and not show her in so much pain #Exes2
@busdriversroute: I want the Previously on The Challenge narrator to give weekly updates of my life. His voice just screams "fifth sport of America." #BOTE2
@busdriversroute: Any chance Theresa & Nany strategized pregame to come across as "rivals" for an eventual Rivals 3? Never mind, I'm crazy. #BattleOfTheExes2
@busdriversroute: Not liking both the hatred between Averey and Johnny but REALLY not liking the "boot episode" edit they're getting. #BattleOfTheExes2
@busdriversroute: If they were licking while playing pictionary I'd say these Challengers could survive the vigers of an AYTO challenge. #BattleOfTheExes2
- @lashtweets: @busdriversroute vigers?
- @busdriversroute: @lashtweets it's past my bed time
- @lashtweets: @busdriversroute I AGREE. Already scared for what I'll say on the podcast (recording TOMORROW. Check it out guys! )
@busdriversroute: Fell asleep for a minute, this challenge is STILL going on??? Can we get back to them out at the club drinking? #BattleOfTheExes2
@busdriversroute: For me, I rank the Wes rival power rankings as 1. Kenny. 2. Bananas. 3. CT. #BattleOfTheExes2
@busdriversroute: Sooooo is @VictoriaJustice now eligible for the @ChallengeMTV? #BattleOfTheExes2
@busdriversroute: Legitimately just cheered like watching a Yankee game seeing @JohnnyReilly_ and @ave_tress win that elimination. Killed it #BattleOfTheExes2
@busdriversroute: PLEASE PUT @JennaCompono IN A TRIVIA CHALLENGE. I don't ask for much! #BattleOfTheExes2
@busdriversroute: What did I just watch? MT @ChallengeMTV: Watch the two eliminated teams square off in the EX-ile:  #BattleOfTheExes2
@busdriversroute: The thread for questions for this week's #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2 RHAP-up with @lashtweets is now up at  #RHAP
@busdriversroute: Bus Driver's Route: The Challenge Battle of the Exes 2 Fantasy Scoring Week 2 โ€ฆ
@busdriversroute: Fantasy scoring for week 2 of the @ChallengeMTV w/ @ave_tress & @NanyMTV coming in as top scorers #BattleOfTheExes2 โ€ฆ
@busdriversroute: Prepare yourselves now for the latest Battle of the Exes 2 RHAP-up, it's a marathon...not a sprint. And it covers everything @lashtweets.
@murtzjaffer: Reminder: the second team eliminated from MTV's #BattleOfTheExes2 will join me directly after the show at midnight
@murtzjaffer: I love @VMilerman so much #RealWorldSkeletons
@murtzjaffer: @SylviaMTV joins me to breakdown tonight's episode of #RealWorldSkeletons tomorrow at 10 pm EST on
@murtzjaffer: @jm4r you tooooo
@murtzjaffer: I can't wait until @jm4r shows up!  #RealWorldSkeletons #favoriteskeleton
- @jm4r: @murtzjaffer that made me smile ๐Ÿ˜Š
- @murtzjaffer: @jm4r my wooing game is a slow and steady burn
@murtzjaffer: RT if you hope @t_raines33 makes another toast tonight #RealWorldSkeletons
@murtzjaffer: Hahaha.  I know exactly what @SylviaMTV 's #murtzchallenge is going to be on tomurtzrrow's show
@murtzjaffer: #TeamSylvia #RealWorldSkeletons
@murtzjaffer: This is easily @_Kazuhnova 's best episode. #RealWorldSkeletons
@murtzjaffer: I mean could @VMilerman be any hotter?!!!  #RealWorldSkeletons
@murtzjaffer: Lol. See the cameraman laugh at @_Kazuhnova 's dancing?!  Awesome #RealWorldSkeletons
@murtzjaffer: @jm4r omg snapchat????
@murtzjaffer: Wolfpack explosion circa 90s WCW #RealWorldSkeletons
@murtzjaffer: Don't mess w @n_zanattaMTV #RealWorldSkeletons
@murtzjaffer: Man. @_Kazuhnova showing us his full personality. This season is what #realworld is all about. Can't get enough!
@murtzjaffer: Omg. She left in just one episode???  Win for @SylviaMTV #RealWorldSkeletons
@murtzjaffer: I can't believe I ever questioned the Skeleton twist on #RealWorldSkeletons  this is TV
@murtzjaffer: Omg @VMilerman wear the boots!  #RealWorldSkeletons
@murtzjaffer: Lol "random guy". Show him who @t_raines33 is
@murtzjaffer: You're not me!  Hahahaha. @t_raines33 is the man #RealWorldSkeletons
@murtzjaffer: "Wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait..." Until next week @t_raines33 #RealWorldSkeletons
@murtzjaffer: ANGLES #RealWorldSkeletons @VMilerman
@murtzjaffer: #BattleOfTheExes2 time!  Remember tonight's eliminated team joins me right after the episode. Join us now!
@murtzjaffer: Lol good line @SarahRiceMTV #BattleOfTheExes2
@murtzjaffer: Diem is stunning @ChallengeMTV #BattleOfTheExes2
@murtzjaffer: I love @ave_tress since the #realworld!  Can't wait to have you on the show but hopefully not tonight (interview eliminated team right after) #BattleOfTheExes2
@murtzjaffer: Will @ave_tress be one of my guests on  ?  The eliminated team joins me right after #BattleOfTheExes2
@murtzjaffer: Diem 4 ever #BattleOfTheExes2
@murtzjaffer: @WestonBergmann vs @MTVBananas @TheOfficial_CT  the more @ChallengeMTV changes, the more it stays the same #BattleOfTheExes2
@murtzjaffer: @ChallengeMTV Rule #1... Never bet against @MTVBananas #BattleOfTheExes2
@murtzjaffer: Will it be @ave_tress & @JohnnyReilly_ or @ThomasBuellMTV & @haileychivers joining me on  in 15 min #BattleOfTheExes2
@murtzjaffer: Very hard to watch this right now #BattleOfTheExes2
@murtzjaffer: Going live now w @ThomasBuellMTV & @haileychivers โ€ฆ
@murtzjaffer: Miss tonight's #BattleOfTheExes2 After Show w @ThomasBuell & @haileychivers ?  Here's the #MurtzShow Playback โ€ฆ
@murtzjaffer: @ThomasBuellMTV & @haileychivers were eliminated on #BattleOfTheExes2.  & join me for their first post-show interview โ€ฆ
@murtzjaffer: Tonight @SylviaMTV & I break down last night's ep of #RealWorldSkeletons & preview @t_raines33 's love triangle  10 PM
@murtzjaffer: Can someone please post a clip of the @VMilerman angles dance from last night's #RealWorldSkeletons #hilarious
@murtzjaffer: "I think we'd do good at a challenge if it was reality tv trivia and money managing skills" @heathermarter to me earlier today.
@murtzjaffer: I am challenging your doctor to a duel for your affection @TrishelleC  and since I am challenging, I pick category. Reality TV trivia.
@murtzjaffer: One hour until the #RealWorldSkeletons After-Show w @SylviaMTV on the #MurtzShow  Join us here now! โ€ฆ
@murtzjaffer: Hahaha. That one was not Murtz-centric @jm4r
- @jm4r: @murtzjaffer OMG I only sent it to you
- @murtzjaffer: @jm4r it has to video!!!!!!!!!!
@murtzjaffer: 15 minutes until the #MurtzShow w @SylviaMTV #RealWorldSkeletons โ€ฆ
@murtzjaffer: Live with @SylviaMTV RIGHT NOW โ€ฆ  #RealWorldSkeletons  Join us!
@murtzjaffer: Miss tonight's #MurtzShow w @SylviaMTV & co-starring @sheenajeanette?  Here's the playback link: โ€ฆ  #realworldskeletons
@murtzjaffer: If I get to party with @SylviaMTV & @sheenajeanette in Vegas, this will be my reaction: โ€ฆ
@murtzjaffer: It is going to be very tough to top the @VMilerman @SylviaMTV interviews. Who is up next?  Find out soooooon
@lashtweets: Jason and Cole #battleoftheexes3 #RealWordSkeletons
@lashtweets: What's the difference between phony and fake? #RealWordSkeletons
@lashtweets: This is battle of the exes not battle of the ladies, come on girls :( #jklovethedrama #BattleOfTheExes2
@lashtweets: Why is everyone acting like PB isn't delicious? #battleoftheexes2 #TheChallenge
@lashtweets: Let's see if @busdriversroute is right about Avery and Johnny being scary in the Dome #RHAP #BattleOfTheExes2
- @busdriversroute: @lashtweets I guess Bananas disagrees with my initial thought.
- @lashtweets: @busdriversroute the disadvantage of not being able to debate on the podcast -- my disagreement was not recorded
@lashtweets: That wasn't the reaction I was expecting to "you don't respect yourself" #BattleOfTheExes2
@lashtweets: One complaint about the challenge editing, you can always tell who's going home #BattleOfTheExes2
@neyasivera: There are two sides to ever story, but only one of them is true #BattleOfTheExes2
@neyasivera: @MTVBananas the bandana is still alive!!
@neyasivera: Dude...Diem and CT are everything
@neyasivera: I can't watch
@neyasivera: @NanyMTV that red dress tho ๐Ÿ˜
@neyasivera: So @mtv you didn't put #BattleOfTheExiled on tv? There are some dumb people working over there...
@neyasivera: Diem was really best of the special #DiemStrong
@KO_Skuba: At this rate, @ZachMTV is going to be able to host an all-female Challenge with all of his Exes by the end of 2018. #Exes2 #TheChallenge
@KO_Skuba: .@TheresaTime20 rocking her first knit hat of the season aaaand I'm crushing on her again instantly... #Exes2 #TheChallenge
@KO_Skuba: I don't really understand this game. I'm more of an active learner. @ave_tress, wanna play? #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@KO_Skuba: .@NanyMTV and @MTVBananas put on a Hall of Fame calibre performance out there. Knocked it out of the park! #BaseballPuns #Exes2
@KO_Skuba: .@SarahRiceMTV must have one lucky fiancรฉe. She clearly knows her way around wood. #BadChallengePuns #Exes2 #TheChallenge
@KO_Skuba: How fast would @JustJem24 quit if that was a wall of ketchup? The Challenge producers must like her... #Exes2 #TheChallenge
@KO_Skuba: Team #BaNany needs another t-shirt that just says "allegedly". @MTVBananas @NanyMTV #Exes2 #TheChallenge
@KO_Skuba: This is how the game works, Rooks! You're at the bottom of the totem pole. Just shut up and be ready to fight. #TheChallenge #Exes2
@KO_Skuba: .@CSUAKirk was 100% right. I totally love @ave_tress. #TheChallenge #Exes2
@KO_Skuba: I don't think I can handle watching next week's show. Knowing what we know now, that's heartbreaking. #Exes2 #TheChallenge
@KO_Skuba: Checking in on this #RealWorld season for future Challenge scouting. I will say this, I'm looking forward to having a crush on @VMilerman.
@KO_Skuba: Finally watched the 'Battle of the Ex-ile' on . I genuinely think @MtvJess and @dustinzito can run the table. #Exes2
@TheSteamer: And here we are Week 2 of โ€œIโ€™m tired but MTV is airing #Exes2 at 11pm and I love The Challenge so I have to stay upโ€!
@TheSteamer: Has Johnny R really integrated himself with the vets this quickly or am I really misreading this? #Exes2 #BattleOfTheExes2
@TheSteamer: @laurelstucky @NanyMTV I love how she got blamed for Averey and Johnnyโ€™s problems. Some people never change.
@TheSteamer: Johnny had great luck on #FreeAgents. He was due for some regression on #Exes2. Good luck in The Dome! #BattleOfTheExes2
@TheSteamer: @laurelstucky Sheโ€™s going to keep her mouth shut and mind her business. Letโ€™s see how long that lasts.
@TheSteamer: Wrong. 1. The sun RT @busdriversroute: For me, I rank the Wes rival power rankings as 1. Kenny. 2. Bananas. 3. CT. #BattleOfTheExes2
@TheSteamer: @laurelstucky Has been that way from the start with her. Always being shady for no reason whatsoever.
@TheSteamer: I want Johnny and Averey to win this Dome but all I can think about now is Diem. #BattleOfTheExes2 #Exes2
@TheSteamer: Yeah. Next week will be tough.
@TheSteamer: @SINSEDONTPLAY Their body language makes me think you ambushed them at the doctor's office. Don't tell me otherwise.
@Itslluna: Me waiting for @ChallengeMTV to start
@Itslluna: @MaybachDiamonds @SimoneJKelly so proud! #BattleOfTheExes2
@Itslluna: @MaybachDiamonds @SimoneJKelly just shocked me! Proud of these rookies! #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@Itslluna: This is hard to watch. #WeHeartDiem  #BattleOfTheExes2 #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@Itslluna: @TheRealNiaMoore I like how you're always smiling each time the camera is on you #BattleOfTheExes2 #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@davidbloom7: Goes without saying, but #BattleOfTheExes2 really misses @laurelstucky @CaraMariaMTV @CamilaMTV @theevanstarkman and @KennySantucci #legends
@davidbloom7: @DiemBrownMTV defines courage and grace. What an unimaginable loss. #RIPDiemBrown
@davidbloom7: The execution and precision of the @MTVBananas & @NanyMTV challenge performance & the strategic mastery over dinner convo = everything.
@YaboyyyKyle: Challenge time!! #BattleOfTheExes2
@YaboyyyKyle: I'm sorry but if i'm dating @ave_tress there is no way in hell i'm cheating on her she is gorgeous!! #BattleOfTheExes2
@YaboyyyKyle: @MTVBananas would you say this is the most awkward challenge ever right now? #BattleOfTheExes2
@YaboyyyKyle: @MTVBananas #TeamBanany all the way!! #bananaswag
@YaboyyyKyle: @JohnnyReilly_ and @ave_tress just killed it #BattleOfTheExes2
@YaboyyyKyle: @NanyMTV keeps it 100% real and that's what i love about her #TeamNany
@YaboyyyKyle: So happy @MtvJess and @dustinzito won the first exile #BattleOfTheExes2
@kmacisco: CT and Diem make me wanna cry #BattleOfTheExes2
@roxystriar: It's like, totally my half birthday, and no one gives a fuck #realworld
@roxystriar: We've got @SimoneJKelly in studio tonight for @afterbuzztv #TheChallenge and @TheMarkLong is back baby! @SINSEDONTPLAY @DjJesseJ
@roxystriar: โ€œ@CSUAKirk: Spider-Man and robin on real world Afterbuzz wishing @roxystriar  a happy 1/2 bday lol so random but so funnyโ€ outrageous
@roxystriar: I was wrong. They cared about my half birthday. ๐Ÿ˜‚ Thank you to my afterbuzztv family for hiringโ€ฆ
@roxystriar: Battle of the Exes II ๐Ÿ”ฅ thanks @simonekelly_ for coming in!!!
@roxystriar: The Challenge #๐ŸŒ
@kendallongg: #TheChallenge time ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿ™Œ
@kendallongg: Nahhhh Avery can't get the house to turn on Nany. She's foolish #TheChallenge
@kendallongg: "Ken and Barbie, they couldn't be prettier, they couldn't be dumber" ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ @SarahRiceMTV #TheChallenge
@kendallongg: CT & @DiemBrownMTV make me want to cry every time their story comes up ๐Ÿ˜ญ #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@kendallongg: This breaks my heart knowing what's causing @DiemBrownMTV's pain in that scene ๐Ÿ˜ซ๐Ÿ˜ซ๐Ÿ˜ซ๐Ÿ˜“๐Ÿ˜ข #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@kendallongg: This bitch said there's a president for every state ๐Ÿ˜ซ #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@kendallongg: I'm not ready for next week seeing @DiemBrownMTV ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@kendallongg: โ€œ@AneesaMTV: "There's a president in every state" huh what does that even mean?? I can't deal #BattleOfTheExes2โ€ LMFAO THAT GIRL KILLS ME ๐Ÿ˜ฉ
@kendallongg: That sweat exile was disgusting @MtvJess
@StephSigan: Diem is just an absolute angel. A perfect angel. #RIPDiemBrown @TheChallengeMTV #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@GoldenGreggy: Zach and Jenna would make tan and fit babies #BattleOfTheExes2
@GoldenGreggy: Lol I caught that shade โ˜”๏ธโ˜”๏ธ@TheRealNiaMoore #BattleOfTheExes2
@GoldenGreggy: @TheRealNiaMoore looks for a flip flop emoji
@GoldenGreggy: Hailey: I don't know how to suck. Me: *kevin hart voice* YOU GON LEARN TODAY! ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ #BattleOfTheExes2
@GoldenGreggy: This challenge is the definition of sexual innuendo ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ #BattleOfTheExes2
@GoldenGreggy: Jay and jonna need some peanut butter with that jelly #BattleOfTheExes2 ๐Ÿ˜‰
@emilylongeretta: Whoa, Jonny avoided it all last season and BAM, episode two. #TheChallenge
@emilylongeretta: Quote of the night: "Jenna keeps gagging by the thought of having to eat peanut butter. Model problems." I love you, @JustJem24 #BOTS2
@emilylongeretta: So bummed we said goodbye to @ThomasBuellMTV & @haileychivers last night on #TheChallenge, but loved chatting with them. Interview coming!
@KatieeBug143: "Zach and Jenna,Ken and Barbie!" Lol I love @SarahRiceMTV,@ZachMTV and @JennaCompono. I love @jonnamtv and @JayGMTV  though too! ๐Ÿ˜˜ Would make my night if you guys would give me a shout out!! โ˜บ๏ธ๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜˜
@WWesWilliams: I wanna see more of @MTVBananas and @WestonBergmann interactions. They don't REALLY hate each other that much.
@WWesWilliams: I wasn't prepared, it can't be happening already ๐Ÿ˜” #BOTE2
@WWesWilliams: Glad that bae won her elimination tonight @ave_tress
@djstweetarazzi: @MtvJess You deserve all the love in the world :)
@djstweetarazzi: @TheRealNiaMoore @mtveyecandy Here we go! :)Shady, HashtagBarbee, Nikki, ML, Danielle
@djstweetarazzi: @MTVBananas @ChallengeMTV For once I agree w/ Bananas! Its Showtime! #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@djstweetarazzi: @brittany_baldi @tjlavin TJ seems like a real cool dude, does anyone hang with him off the show? #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@djstweetarazzi: @tjlavin No problem sir. I'm just stoked I got a tweet from you. #MuchRespect You are definitely a chill dude & a man of respect & class
@djstweetarazzi: @TheRealNiaMoore @TheOfficial_CT I totally agree with that! #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@djstweetarazzi: @brittany_baldi @IamAdamKuhn "That was wicked hard" (And guys she aint talking about the challenge) lmao #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@djstweetarazzi: @brittany_baldi @IamAdamKuhn Gotta love Adam's comment, "Shes always been a really good sucker" lol Hmm... #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@djstweetarazzi: @TheRealNiaMoore @ave_tress I love when 2 people who weren't friends become friends, too cool :) #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@djstweetarazzi: @SimoneJKelly Damn... You Blew That Challenge Away ;) lol #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@djstweetarazzi: @TheRealNiaMoore @JordanW_usa Hmmm sounds like some interesting stories here... hmmm #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@djstweetarazzi: @brittany_baldi @IamAdamKuhn I'm loving tweeting with u right now with all of Adams comments on the show lmao #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@djstweetarazzi: @JennaCompono Lmao, why is that? Would rather have Nutella?
@djstweetarazzi: @TheRealNiaMoore Can we count this as the best tweet all night & the show aint even over yet? Pls? lol #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2 #Damn
@djstweetarazzi: @brittany_baldi @IamAdamKuhn That peanut butter got some extra loving from Brittany! :) lol #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@djstweetarazzi: @JennaCompono @haileychivers Yes, Thank you Hailey, & Thank you cameraman :) lol #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@djstweetarazzi: @MtvJess Glad you are having a good night, you deserve to have your heart filled with happiness & not hurt :)
@djstweetarazzi: Damn @dustinzito @ThomasBuellMTV @dustinzito @MtvJess Got real up close & person in #Exiled #Sweat #IsItEverythingYouImagined #JessQuote
@djstweetarazzi: @MtvJess @dustinzito @myv U both got the sweat from everywhere! I don't think u 2 missed a drop lol #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2 #Exiled
@djstweetarazzi: @MtvJess @dustinzito I am so happy with the results of Exile tonight! Way to go you 2! :)  #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2 #BattleOfTheExiled
@djstweetarazzi: @MtvJess You should NEVER have to. You are beyond amazing & if a guy cant accept you for you, then they dont deserve you to begin with!
@MLaRose3: Love him or hate him you have to respect the hell out of @JordanW_usa. 2 hands or not, he still consistently performs better then most โœŠ๐Ÿ’ฏ
@_danielleex0x3: @brunorealworld  @madiwadi2by4 @t_raines33  @SylviaMTV  @n_zanattaMTV you guys are my favs just to let ya know!!โค๏ธ
@_danielleex0x3: @ave_tress Deff team Portland!! #teamaveryandjohnny
@_danielleex0x3: @JennaCompono @brittany_baldi can't wait for tonight's episode!! Favsโค๏ธ
@_danielleex0x3: @neyasivera @mikethemiz @MTV @AbramBoise @WWE couldn't agree more this could easily be my favorite picture ever!!โค๏ธ
@_danielleex0x3: Hope to see @haileychivers and @ThomasBuellMTV on another challenge!! You guys did good!!!
@_danielleex0x3: Great elimination win!! @ave_tress  @JohnnyReilly_!! #teamportland
@_danielleex0x3: Team Nany all day everyday since The Real World Vegas! @NanyMTV #TheChallenge โค๏ธ๐Ÿ˜Ž
@HashtagBarbee: I'm glad they get the "fun" challenges out early. Fun to watch but a shitty way to go home. #BOTE2 @TheChallengeMTV good elim. @ave_tress
@HashtagBarbee: @EricKashuba @CamilaMTV this is her first absence since #Cuthroat lol everyone needs a break. I do miss seeing her and @CaraMariaMTV though.
@HashtagBarbee: @neyasivera @MTV I bet they're just not willing to use the screen time. With a twist that big they should though. The collab. makes sense.
@HashtagBarbee: @JennaCompono @brittany_baldi @NanyMTV @jonnamtv cheers!
@HashtagBarbee: @JayGMTV c'mon man, it's 6 minutes you can access on your phone. #worthit
@HashtagBarbee: @AceNichols33 #beermakesEVERYTHINGbetter
@HashtagBarbee: @JennaCompono @brittany_baldi @NanyMTV @jonnamtv i tried using a mutual friend to get a shout out from you girls tonight lol
@HashtagBarbee: @neyasivera what makes you say that?
@HashtagBarbee: So many people's nights being made by @NanyMTV retweeting. I love it! Good on you Nany for showing love to your fanbase!! #BOTE2

@HashtagBarbee: @AneesaMTV I'm having flashbacks of the face you made when arguing with Trashelle's irrationality. Lmao #BOTE2 #Rivals2

> #DCDoubleShot: And As I Saw It on #DCNOW
@dc408dxnow: So we begin w/ @SylviaMTV talking to her skeleton Alicia just after she came home. Pillow cleanup for the rest of the house. #DCRealWorld
@dc408dxnow: .@SylviaMTV knows she is now in a rock & a hard place having to deal w/ Alicia in the house. This'll not gonna be easy. #DCRealWorld
@dc408dxnow: Sylvia says she & Alicia started out as friends, then when she became her supervisor it started getting sour. And Madison's become friends.
@dc408dxnow: Things starting to get BFF w/ Madison & Alicia. Now @SylviaMTV @VMilerman don't want them in. Awkward situation as Tony helps them in.
@dc408dxnow: Now we meet @t_raines33's ex... Alyssa on the phone. He's also got the beads, Carnival season underway in NOLA. #DCRealWorld
@dc408dxnow: They dealt w/ the exes in SF. Now that twist has carried over to Chicago, soon @t_raines33 will find himself in that situation. #DCRealWorld
@dc408dxnow: .@_Kazuhnova knows he'll become a dad very soon as the #Wolfpack walk. Now there's talk of whether Alicia deserves another shot. #RealWorld
@dc408dxnow: Drama, drama, drama. @SylviaMTV is mad about Alicia while she's at work, she walks out, heads to Old 5th, gets into it w/ her. It's on now.
@dc408dxnow: Sylvia talking to Jason, Tadison talking downstairs. She's trying to stay strong in dealing with enemy calling the same space home.
@dc408dxnow: .@brunorealworld @t_raines33 @n_zanattaMTV trying to join the Stomp cast, making beats w/ kitchen utensils. That's the #Wolfpack everyone.
@dc408dxnow: Madison talking to the girls about what's happened to her & Alicia & how she will keep away from her. Alicia nowhere to be found. #RealWorld
@dc408dxnow: Sylvia & Alicia outside and now boss admits to be inebriated. Now Jason has a crush on Syl but she doesn't know of what he's going thru now
@dc408dxnow: It's really good that Jason's working to earn that money, it's gonna come handy in getting that stuff for the bundle of joy. #RealWorld
@dc408dxnow: Now there's something here: @n_zanattaMTV goes after @_Kazuhnova for what happened at work. This is gonna get ugly here. #RealWorldSkeletons
@dc408dxnow: .@brunorealworld is surprised about what's going on, now the secret is out. Nicole is hurt by what took place at work. I'm confused.
@dc408dxnow: Well, the nightmare ends thankfully for the group, Alicia heads back home early than schedule, I'm sure @SylviaMTV is relieved about this.
@dc408dxnow: It always feels like I'm watching jersey shore whenever I see an MTV cast have a family dinner. That's what happening on #RealWorldSkeletons
@dc408dxnow: Jason & Sylvia dancing on the floor, now Tony spots Madison w/ a random guy at the club. Now he talks to him in the street. This is awkward.
@dc408dxnow: I know my buddy Andrew is being reminded of a couple past guests who've dealt with what the guys here in Chicago are going through here
@dc408dxnow: And I'm not gonna mention anyone here, but this does have memories popping up of what we saw in the USVI & then last season in the city.
@dc408dxnow: And there's @madiwadi2by4 @t_raines33 kissing again & now they're in bed again, this after he talks to friend back home. Wow. #RealWorld
@dc408dxnow: Tony looks exactly like that Jazz player & old school NBA'ers w/ the short shorts boxers on. And now look who's coming next... #RealWorld
@dc408dxnow: That's @t_raines33's ex Elizabeth who's made her way to the house. Boy, he's gonna have his hands full w/ her & Madison. #RealWorldSkeletons
@dc408dxnow: I'm too old to be on RW, but I'll be uncertain of whether to live w/ a skeleton or an ex. But as a viewer, I love this twist. #DCRealWorld
@dc408dxnow: I would think, w/ Tony perhaps juggling multiple girls including the one he's been seeing in Chicago, it'll make for great TV. #RealWorld
@dc408dxnow: Madison & Sylvia walking to work and this comes after what happened w/ her becoming close to Alicia. That's awkward working w/ an enemy.
@dc408dxnow: Violetta knows she's not happy about Alicia tagging along with them. Sylvia knows the boss is a liar. Walks down to confront her. #RealWorld
@dc408dxnow: How about @_Kazuhnova & his dance moves as the #WolfPack make a Stomp cast audition. @n_zanattaMTV @t_raines33 @brunorealworld #RealWorld
@dc408dxnow: Question is who's gonna take the trash & the chores. Now Jason has brought up personal things at work. Nicole's irate. That's unfortunate.
@dc408dxnow: One Skeleton Gone. question now, whose skeleton will be next? Everyone will be on edge, probably except Jay perhaps. #RealWorldSkeletons
@dc408dxnow: Did say perhaps there bc him meeting potentially his dad & his baby will be one to bring out the tissue boxes for. #RealWorldSkeletons
@dc408dxnow: Tony's talking to Elizabeth, then Madison talks to her & she hangs up. They they kiss. Drumbeat for madness ahead for Mr. Raines. #RealWorld
@dc408dxnow: This is the heartthrob of this season's cast who's spotted w/ short boxers on. Now it's his ex & skeleton Elizabeth who's gonna meet him.
@dc408dxnow: So, we started last week w/ rookie revolution & an #AYTOTakeover. Now how about some drama brewing w/ the couples? Off to Panama... #Exes2
@dc408dxnow: They're at the club & now Jenna's seeing Zach. Jonna's seeing Jay. We got a love square brewing. And Johnny's seeing Nany in front of Averey
@dc408dxnow: To this day, Averey hasn't talked about what happened w/ Johnny & Nany. Theresa knows how she's feeling about that. #DCChallenge
@dc408dxnow: Now @JennaCompono & @ZachMTV kiss. @SarahRiceMTV: "they're the Barbie & Ken of this cast." #DCChallenge #BattleOfTheExes2
@dc408dxnow: Mission 2: Rounding the Bases. A Diamond, home run. 3 bases, suck & blow comp is 1st up. This will be an interesting one here. #DCChallenge
@dc408dxnow: And they're off. It's lip service here having to get that card on. Most of the teams struggling & @MaybachDiamonds @SimoneJKelly 1st
@dc408dxnow: They're all getting the hang of things, but Jem/Knight, Johnny/Averey & Tom/Hailey are out. Now who's gonna go to the dome? #DCChallenge
@dc408dxnow: So, it's @ave_tress @JohnnyReilly_ who go to the dome.
Now, 2nd base & they're unscrewing a bat & ball. Spring training around the corner.
@dc408dxnow: So Johnny will go into elimination for 1st time. Rode crazy wave of luck to 2nd on FA, sometimes you gotta earn those stripes. #TheChallenge
@dc408dxnow: .@JordanW_usa knows he's at a disadvantage due to that hand, but gotta respect him for being able to do anything even if they say you can't.
@dc408dxnow: Now tongues will be used for 3rd base here. I remember a AYTO2 challenge where they used mouths/food, how will this go for this group?
@dc408dxnow: .@TheOfficial_CT & Diem figure out the code & get 1st. 2nd to @MTVBananas @NanyMTV. 3rd to @WestonBergmann @TheresaTime20. #DCChallenge
@dc408dxnow: Now last stage: 30-ft pole, teams 60-ft apart. It's such a big pole w/ a small hole. Gonna take accuracy to win this day. #DCChallenge
@dc408dxnow: So we know a top veteran team will win this day. And in the end, it's @MTVBananas @NanyMTV who become power team. #Banany #DCChallenge
@dc408dxnow: And @MTVBananas @NanyMTV enjoy the victor's dinner: pizza. Be sure to also save some for @shandathapanda also, will you? #DCChallenge
@dc408dxnow: Now Wes & Theresa join Bananas & Nany at the dinner table, there's gonna be some conflict here. Team Gonzo is no more. #DCChallenge
@dc408dxnow: This fight she had with Theresa has brought Nany to tears. Now Jay knows he's gotta keep up w/ Jenna on that love square. #DCChallenge
@dc408dxnow: .@MTVBananas @NanyMTV as power team decide to send in @ThomasBuellMTV @haileychivers. Another safe move instead of going big. #DCChallenge
@dc408dxnow: Diem hasn't been feeling well since that mission, and CT will head to the dome w/o her. This will be tough to watch this here. #DCChallenge
@dc408dxnow: Now, it's @ThomasBuellMTV @haileychivers vs. @JohnnyReilly_ @ave_tress in the dome. It's gonna be a big battle here. #DCChallenge
@dc408dxnow: Figured out this dome was used in #Exes1. Remember, I didn't watch that season there, so this is new to see this elimination. #DCChallenge
@dc408dxnow: It's always tough to see people you know so well potentially going home on either side of the ball. Won't be win-win. #TheChallenge
@dc408dxnow: They were 1st team to complete last week. They win their first elimination. @JohnnyReilly_ @ave_tress #FTW #teamportland #TheChallenge
@dc408dxnow: And though they lost, the relationship of @ThomasBuellMTV @haileychivers has gotten a lot better since they arrived. On to #Exiled...
@dc408dxnow: As they get back, Diem is still in bed. CT still cares for her. Averey & Nany get into words, & Zach & Jenna have trivia on the porch.
@dc408dxnow: And then when they see Zach & Jenna, Jonna kisses Jay. Now it is official, we do have a love square in the #BattleOfTheExes2 house.
@dc408dxnow: So, it's the first #Exiled battle: @dustinzito @MtvJess vs. @ThomasBuellMTV @haileychivers. Somewhere a 2nd shot lies ahead. #DCExtraTime
@dc408dxnow: So, @ThomasBuellMTV @haileychivers find out they're in #Exiled. And they have a chance now. A mini mission for survival on the line.
@dc408dxnow: Each week, the #Exiled winners will face the Dome losers in a mini mission. Winners stay, losers go home in what is a double elimination.
@dc408dxnow: Sweaters is the mission. Amount of sweat, either who completes a liter of it within an hour or has the most after it, wins & stays.
@dc408dxnow: This is an even affair of who I want to win: saw Team Texas prove their worth last week, so has Dustin & Jess in past go's. Sweat.
@dc408dxnow: Dustin/Jess doing jumping jacks, Tom using something revealing for his sweat. This is getting a bit fun, shall we say? #DCExtraTime
@dc408dxnow: Then, there's our first sight of someone throwing up. Poor @MtvJess after having that water. #DCExtraTime
@dc408dxnow: After the 60 has elapsed, it's a close race when the two cups are put alongside each other and placed on a level surface.
@dc408dxnow: And in the end... #TeamPortland won exile, #TeamVegas part of power team, both combine to win 1st #exiled. @dustinzito @MtvJess win! #BOTE2
@dc408dxnow: Not easy being 1st gone from Panama, but great things should be ahead for @ThomasBuellMTV @haileychivers. And they make up too. #Exiled
@dc408dxnow: #Exiled is a king of the hill tournament like that on ABC bowling tour, where last ones standing after 9 weeks gets spot back on #Exes2.
@dc408dxnow: So if @dustinzito @MtvJess pull off a seemingly impossible task & take out 9 straight losing teams, they get a chance at the cash. #Exiled
@dc408dxnow: So, things are starting to heat up, but next Tuesday, should have the tissue boxes handy. Next week won't be easy to watch for all of us.


So, the first skeleton moves into the house and then leaves, while the heartthrob has to deal with not only being the next one but also something we've seen a few times on The Real World. Two power teams get into it with pizza on the table, while there's a love square brewing in Panama, and Team Portland again figures in the big stories. Those are the Five Things to Know...
- 1. Sylvia's Skeleton: This week's Real World began where last week's left off: Sylvia having the unbearable position of being the first castmate to have their Skeleton come to the house. Of course, it's her boss from hell, Alicia, who came in and drew the ire of most of the house except for Madison, who she thought was a new roommate. Being someone who has been going after Sylvia for some time and knowing that Sylvia has been feeling betrayed by her at work, it took for only a couple nights for Alicia to realize that being in the same place with her was uncomfortable, and she left to go back to Kansas City.
- 2. Tony's In Between: When Alicia left Chicago, the attention turned to who could possibly be the one whose skeleton will come next. Tony has been close to Madison ever since that first night, but at the same time he's had feelings for the girls back home: two of his exes in Elizabeth and Alyssa. This is just about the same scenario that we've seen a few times before on The Real World and recently in two seasons: a love triangle with one in the middle, someone they become close with in the house, and one back home who has feelings for them. First, Trey was in it in juggling Laura and Chelsea in St. Thomas, but it was nothing like the double dose we had on Ex-Plosion: Thomas becoming close with Jamie and then ex Hailey coming in to make things worse for him in the Bay, and Jenny who became close to Cory in the house, then saw her ex, Brian move in. Great & crazy TV ahead.
- 3. Power Team vs. Power Team: In a week that saw Bananas & Nany take over Power Team honors, their winning dinner saw last week's winners, Wes & Theresa, drop by not only to grab some pizza slices, but also get into some words as well. We've seen this so many times over the years on The Challenge: Bananas & Wes being at each other's throats and doing everything they can to get rid of one or the other, including the KC ginger being voted into elimination by Bananas 7 times, which didn't include that Rivals II free finals pass. When their respective teams won power team status these first two weeks, they flirted with the possibility of doing this thing all over again, only for them to just take the safe route and vote rookie teams in. And it's also led to tension between Nany and Theresa as well...i'm sure how our friend from Croatia, Neya, would be feeling about all this.
- 4. Panama Love Square: If the first Exes is any indication, then we can expect plenty of new romances and hookups to take over the Challenge house. And a key storyline in episode 2 was of something I've seen on the two AYTO seasons and soon to happen with Tony in Chicago: a love square. First, we saw Zach and Jenna on the patio talking about the fact that there are presidents in every state in the U.S. (it's governors), and then we saw their partners, Jay and Jonna, flirt upstairs. Zach was drawn to Jonna on BOTS, the Cancun beauty was also played by Jordan on Rivals II, Jay is that ladies man who the girls love over in the Bronx, and Jenna was the one who held him down. This is just the start to what should be a big story to keep an eye out in Panama.
- 5. Team Portland: Of the 26 who are on this cast, five of them - just about a fifth of this group - are from Real World Portland. They've been touted by Brian Cohen as the best RW/Challenge draft class ever, and after a couple full seasons and two episodes of Exes 2, he might be right on point. The three guys have been to a final, Jessica's great Free Agents run and beyond. This week, Johnny & Averey proved themselves in winning this week's Dome, and then Jessica was part of the winning team of the first Exiled battle as well. And if you saw Jordan's Twitter, he received a ton of respect from fans including me for being able to do who he's able to do on basically one handThere's also an interesting backstory that developed within the Portland camp, more on that in DC ExtraTime after our next feature, for which two of them lead off.

- Johnny & Averey: Last week in the opening mission, they were the first to successfully complete that 500-feet high course. This week was the total opposite as trust issues saw Johnny & Averey finish last and were automatically sent into the Dome. For Johnny, this was new territory for him as he staved off every chance he had to go to elimination last season to go to the final, and for Averey, this brought about the infidelities they had that sent their romance crashing. In them winning this Dome, they've now become more than legit contenders in the process. We heard from them that the only they communicate is when the compete. And as we know in such an opposites attract format like Exes, trust in each other is key, and the focus will now turn to them trying to gel and overcome what went through in the past to try & crash what's traditionally been, until recently, a veteran party.
- Bananas & Nany: We all had questions at the start of this of how MTV can go to great lengths to finding a way to include The Challenge's biggest name on a season like this, and it happened before with Frank on Rivals II and now with Nany on Exes 2, even though Bananas has remained loyal to a snowboarder girlfriend Hannah Teter. But remember, he and the Latina were paired in the last pre-Final mission on Free Agents, and the both killed it en route to winning in preparation for that final. This week saw the competitors go through a 4-stage, baseball-themed challenge, and both won that mission to earn power team. A good number of us had them as the favorites to win, and if it continues like this, it could be a foregone conclusion.
- Dustin & Jessica: It's not easy being that one who loses the first elimination, but when you receive a sudden change of fortune that they're about to enter a new twist on this show, it becomes an instant inspiration. That's exactly what has happened to Dustin & Jessica when they went into the Exiled battle against Thomas & Hailey. While it might've been awkward seeing both teams have to do everything to sweat things out in an hour, it was nonetheless close and it was them who came away victorious. It will take 10 tries there of who can win this tournament and earn their way back. Don't be surprised if it's Zito and Princess Hulk who beat every team to get back into the house...after all, they are capable of making that run.
- The Wolfpack: Six years ago, we had the movies' definition of a Wolfpack in the Hangover cast, which created one of my favorite movies. This season, we're having the MTV definition of it with Bruno, Jason, Tony and Nicole hanging out a lot in the RW house. We saw the first signs of it when they inadvertently took a long route to get to a store that was across the street, and then they gelled through all the partying in Chicago. A key moment this week was when Jason and Nicole got into words at work. When he brought up her sexual preference, she lost it when they got back home, but like any matured young adult, they patched things up instantly.
- Team Are You The One: Last week, the foursome holding it down for the Season 1 Originals were a big story in Bradam winning the first Dome and JJ & Monie doing better than expected. While there wasn't much from them this week in Panama, there was something for them and their castmates to get excited about. On Wednesday, I was the first to post on both IG & TW a picture of something I got in the mail which caught their attention. While it hasn't been promoted much, is now offering a DVD of Season 1, which come Wednesday of next week will be one year since it premiered. Ryan, Brittany & Jacy have acknowledged me as one of the show's biggest fans and it felt fitting that I break the news to them and the cast of true fans now having a keepsake of their season.


As I tweeted in my commentary, for the 2nd straight week it was Team Portland's night: winning the Dome, winning the first Exile, and Jordan winning great respect from Twitter. But something that's lost in what they've been able to do these first two weeks is what happened to two of the girls represented here in Panama, and for which a handful of tweets above is really what you need to know about it. This harks back to a side story we told you about during our Are You The One? Season 2 coverage, where when they joined Leroy & Cooke to see their RW Vegas XXV roommate Mike get married in Laguna Beach last fall, Nany made amends with that bad boy who had played her in Vegas and got a ton of heat for that but has mellowed out considerably since then, Adam.

For me, my favorite memory of Real World Portland is having had this front-row seat to following the cast's entire journey from the beginning: first when they returned from filming in Nov. 2012 during my first Challenge, to becoming great social friends with all of them before & during a season that stood out to me as a favorite, then their great impact on The Challengeand now to this, Exes 2. And it was also the focus of my first Fan's View post that covered their reunion, for which one of my two subjects, Kaitlyn, celebrated her birthday just a few days ago. But for those who watched RWPDX, the moment that's no doubt burned in your head from that last regular "7 strangers" season prior to last year was what happened at the end of their stay in the Pacific Northwest.
   It was, obviously, the infamous but unforgettable fight between Nia and Averey. And in case you weren't fixated on their original season as much as I was, here's the story behind that and what led up to it. Just as it was with her and Jordan, there was tension during the season between Nia and Averey & Johnny, which really began to take shape near the end of the season. First in EP09, Nia called a truce to her bickering with Javerey. But then came what happened in Episode 11 when, the moment that defined that season finally came to pass when Hurricane Nia finally made landfall in the Pearl District. It began when Nia stepped on the turd of Averey's dog Daisy in the confessional. Then came words between both sides of her not cleaning up after themselves.
   And then when they were in the bathroom, Johnny put a tissue on her back, and she then did the same. Then he threw a energy drink towards Nia, and she smacked Johnny on the back of the head several times. Then when he got out of the toilet room, she had a blow-drier in hand, Averey grabbed her from behind and all of a sudden, the house became a boxing ring as the girls kept throwing punches at each other. And then when you though it wasn't over, Nia then sucker-punched Averey from behind and the fighting began again. When things finally calmed down after all that, words were exchanged between some of the group when Javerey went out to take a breather. In the finale, a house meeting took place among the group afterwards where after a vote went in Nia's favor, Javerey have had enough and they decided to pack up and spend the last week or so in a hotel away from the house. Obviously, just as it's been so many times in watching these shows, I was left speechless by what happened, just like everyone else who watched that.
   As is always the case with other feuds that have emerged within Team MTV, and also because Nia, Averey and Johnny all follow me on Twitter, I've maintained an impartial stance when it came to this fight...thus, I didn't take sides in that manner. But for a reality franchise that's had a long-standing no-violence policy, and for a channel that doesn't show violence much because its target audience also includes teens and those younger than them, many fans and media were irate over that fight being seen in its graphic form. They pointed to how producers couldn't even come in from behind the 4th wall to break that up, over how it was initiated over a piece of dog turd of all things more than on built-up feelings, and even some claiming that Nia was brought in to help spark things up to a show that was sagging in MTV interest behind the likes of Teen Mom. This violence happens a lot on the BMP-produced show Bad Girls Club on Oxygen, but we never seen a fight escalate to this level such as what happened there. And perhaps it was this event that inadvertently led The Real World to make a gamble & introduce those twists that started down the way in San Francisco.

When Team Portland made its Challenge debut on Rivals II afterwards, a lot of us wondered why Jess & Anastasia were chosen considering that the former was not relatively as big of a deal as Nia & Averey, and an alternate choice too. Word on the grapevine was that both Nia & Averey were the first call among the girls to join Jordan & Marlon in Thailand but Ave turned it down knowing those feelings were very much still fresh. Since then, Ave got in that relationship with Johnny that ended badly, and like Adam, Nia has matured a bit in launching her Booty Belt line, among others. As I wrote in my Exes 2 previews, a storyline to watch was of how Jordan, Jessica, Nia, Averey and Johnny can handle living in the same house again, the first two for the 4th straight time. So far, things have been all over the place but now the group has been showing their maturing over time.
   Fans have been doing fantasy Challenges within the fan forums, and there's so many options out there for a possible Rivals III which are too many to mention here. But sometimes, rivalries within this dysfunctional family of the Real World/Challenge & AYTO community can end peacefully and without incident, thereby avoiding a Rivals III pairing altogether. As you saw in the tweets above, Nia & Averey not only squashed their beef once they arrived in Panama, they shared the same room with the girl Ave beat in the Dome - Hailey, and Diem; obviously, the events of Nov. 14 touched all three of the ladies. And this harkens back also to when another inter-cast beef among former Real World roommates was squashed: in addition to Adam & Nany, during Free Agents, Brooklynites Devyn & Chet put an end to their bickering when she made that inspiring run in that final. 

Being someone who's been very close to the RW Portland cast for what's now three years since I first established a rapport with them after they got home from Oregon, I'm not surprised that Nia & Averey have squashed this whole beef, and I gotta give them praise for taking advantage of this platform to finally put a ceasefire to this, three years after the fact. And not only should things in the past should stay that way, what happened there in Portland was, really, something that was escalated on just a small issue and it should have never even gone to the kind of violent level in the first place.
   So, aside from what's happened in this lead-up to this season, and after two episodes of what we've seen so far - and knowing what will be happening next week, Nia and Averey putting an end of their rivalry off-camera is, to me, is probably my biggest story so far of Exes 2. If both of you are reading this, I'm glad that both of you have matured enough to put an end to this whole bickering, and hope things will now be on a more civil level.

Well, a big story there. before we wrap things for this week, three congratulatory greetings:
- First, proud married couple from The Challenge, Brad and Tori Fiorenza gave birth to their new baby, Chase, at midday on Tuesday.
- Second, Brad's San Diego roommate Robin Hibbard is slated to give birth to her new baby at some point this weekend as this article is being finished up late on Friday, Jan. 16. In honor of the both of them, I plan on doing a Retro Night this weekend as I'll live tweet the first episode of RW San Diego season from 2004, more details to come later.
- And third, happy birthday greetings go out to Shanley from Are You The One Season 1, Naomi from RW Vegas XXV, and Max Joseph from Catfish. By the way, with Max directing the movie "We Are You Friends," Tyler Oakley, Angel Haze, Guy Code's Charlamagne Tha God, Miss Teen USA Cassidy Wolf and Alex Shaffer will sub for him and join Nev Schulman on select episodes of Season 4 of Catfish. We'll be taking a Look at Catfish just before its season premiere next month.

And on that note, that's it for DC SocialPulse covering Episode 5 of Real World Skeletons and Episode 2 of Battle of the Exes 2, aka Double Shot Tuesday Week 2. There's a lot to look back on from this week, and there's plenty of webcasts and interviews to fill the time now until Tuesday...
- After this week's episode aired, Murtz Jaffer (@MurtzJaffer) was joined on SpreeCast by the losers of both the week's Dome elimination and the first Exiled battle, Thomas & Hailey. Check out, along with his chat with Sylvia that he did the day after the episode aired where he's situated in Toronto, and all other previous webcasts at
- Also in the Wednesday after, Ashley Weitzel (@AshleyWeitzel) did her first webcast of the news year when she chatted with Simone about what's been going on the first two episodes, how Team AYTO had to fit in with the Challenge establishment and more. Check it out here, and on Saturday at 3 PM ET, Ashley will talk to Nia about everything at the first furlong of the season, link is here.
Andrew Kirk (@CSUAKirk) should be doing a recap of both RW Skeletons and Exes 2 sometime this weekend, as well as another cast interview for the best in the business. Check out his YouTube channel for all his previous chats with Violetta, Bruno, Sylvia and Brittany, plus past interviews at SpreeCast & BlogTalkRadio, and his Big Time Reality TV blog at
Brian Cohen (@BusDriversRoute) and Ali Lasher (@LashsTweets) are recapping Exes 2 on Rob Has A Podcast, and this week, they have their work cut in talking about everything from this week's episode. Listen to that recap and past shows at, and read Brian's power rankings at
AfterBuzz TV is recapping both RW30 and Exes 2 with DJ Jesse Janedy, Roxy Striar, Nicolette Gaona, Drea Newell and Mark Long. This week for Exes 2, Jesse, Roxy, Nic and Mark were joined by Simone as they discussed episode 2 from Panama. Check it out at, plus Brittany hosting the Redneck Island wraps over the weekend.
- My friends at Reality Radio (@RealityRadioPod) kicked off their 2015 interview schedule by doing two interviews: first with Averey on Monday before that win in the Dome and Tony on Friday to preview his skeleton exes moving in (link). Check out both of those interviews and other chats at BlogTalkRadio, their YouTube channel and their blog at
- On Thursday, Cheap Pop Radio (@CheapPopRadio) had on Nicole as she joined J-Mac & Sexy Monkey for a fun chat on what's been going on through 5 episodes in Chicago. That's at, and next Thursday Bruno and Sylvia will join the show for a RW doubleheader, so be sure to tune in then, along with pro wrestling talk too.
- And a new Challenge season also means we get to enjoy the recap videos of the one & only Ace Nichols (@AceNichols33). Check out her recap of episode 2 (with a little help from Jessica), her episode 1 recap, and all her previous Challenge recaps at her YouTube channel.

Keep it on DCBLOG for wall-to-wall coverage of both Real World Skeletons and The Challenge: Battle of the Exes 2. We know that next week will be an emotion-packed one when we finally get to see what hasn't been shown until now: the last hour of seeing Diem on our TV screens, along with meeting Tony's we'll have all the tweets & interaction covered right here.
   Along with my Exes 2 Who Are These Newbies? post, for my next Fan's View post, I've reached out to one of my good twitter friends post to discuss not just our thoughts on what's been going on so far, but more on him meeting a good number of people from Team MTV, and a lot of people beyond those borders. Watch for that coming hopefully in the near future, along with other things too.
   Plus starting this weekend, as this site closes in on the 20K view milestone, I'm expanding DCBLOG's presence in the blogosphere by reposting selected stories from this site to my Tumblr page, This will allow me to make these posts available to an even larger audience than ever thanks to the Yahoo! network, which in turn will help drive its users to here.
   And for the live tweets of RW Skeletons and Exes 2, plus NFL Conference Championship weekend and more, follow my devoted live tweet hub, DCNOW at @DC408DxNow. When I live tweet the episodes (PT Time), join in with the hashtags #DCNOW, #DCDoubleShot, #DCRealWorld and #DCChallenge. And I'll also be on Beamly after the after the episodes air to ask for your thoughts, and of course, there's my Twitter and Instagram @DC408Dxtr for tweets, chats, alerts and pictures.

Once again, thanks for joining us for week 2 of Double Shot Tuesday wrapping RW Skeletons EP5 and Exes 2 EP2, and a few other things. And until I talk to you on Twitter and then here at DCBLOG, thanks for reading, stay warm, have fun, see you then and enjoy the holiday weekend.


From IG/@TheRealNiaMoore: Nia and Averey backstage at an Exes 2 After Show taping earlier this week in Glendale, CA

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