Saturday, January 10, 2015

DC SocialPulse: Double Shot Tuesday Week 1: As Me & the Fans Saw It

*** Advisory: DC SocialPulse contains adult language and
spoilers for some readers. Viewer Discretion is Advised. ***

@DC408dxtr / @DC408dxnow

Welcome back to DC SocialPulse and to Part 2 of our Special MEGA Edition covering the first edition of Double Shot Tuesdays, as we document the twitter interaction surrounding the first Skeleton entering the Real World Skeletons house in Chicago and the premiere of The Challenge: Battle of the Exes 2.
   As part of an effort to help conserve space and limit file size on these posts offering the social interaction between cast members, fans and myself, this week as an experiment we're moving to a separate post tweets from the people who matter most in the conversation: the fans. We've brought you how the cast and Team MTV saw the premiere, now it's the Fan's turn to take center stage here. And after my view of the episodes, I'll have extra thoughts on both shows, and we'll have information on how you can get involved on this site.

- As we begin, please note there is explicit language in many of the tweets below, but I am keeping it uncensored in order to retain the heat of the moment. So if you are mature enough, please read with discretion. :-)
- Plus, if you haven't watched the episode yet, then don't proceed. But don't worry, bookmark DCBLOG as I will compile all of these tweets into these posts after every episode so you won't be in the dark of how your favorites saw this all unfold.

So with all of that, after the jump, a look at how the fans saw Episode 4 of Real World Skeletons and the Premiere of Exes 2.

> As The Fans Saw It
@CSUAKirk: I hope picking @JordanW_usa  first overall in @RealityRadioPod  fantasy league that'll result in him coming back on my show
@CSUAKirk: My team in @RealityRadioPod  fantasy league @JordanW_usa  @JohnnyReilly_  @SimoneJKelly  @RoyLee25mtv  @jonnamtv  and @MaybachDiamonds
@CSUAKirk: got a special treat for you guys the next two days first will be chatting with @SylviaMTV …  use  tomorrow 2PT 5 ET
@CSUAKirk: if you guys got questions for @SylviaMTV  use #AskSylviaMTV looking forward to this  episode tonight #RealWorldSkeletons  #Exes2
@CSUAKirk: If you guys missed it hear @JazMTV  and I give our in depth analysis on every team on #Exes2 …
@CSUAKirk: Will have my first guest from #Exes2  first time guest in @brittany_baldi …  Thursday 2PT 5 ET #AskBrittanyMTV for ?s
@CSUAKirk: Bmp thinks oh they're getting along time to fuck that up #RealWordSkeletons  is right now #exes2  after that
@CSUAKirk: Are you camera shy how many people would avoid the real world #RealWordSkeletons
@CSUAKirk: @n_zanattaMTV  got great game  I'm sure when the reunion happens they'll reveal she got the most ass in the house  #RealWordSkeletons
@CSUAKirk: @madiwadi2by4  your truly a one of a kind cast member I'm enjoying trying to figure you out #RealWordSkeletons
@CSUAKirk: Looks like Carla is going to be the local cast member this season we get one of those almost every season #RealWordSkeletons
@CSUAKirk: Haha they don't need a twist haha were u guys wrong #RealWordSkeletons
@CSUAKirk: @_Kazuhnova   Calling @SylviaMTV  Mexican Marylin Monroe  lol he knows what to say #RealWordSkeletons
@CSUAKirk: @n_zanattaMTV  was looking good I see you girl #RealWordSkeletons
@CSUAKirk: This season should be called #realworldmoneyissues
@CSUAKirk: Can't wait to get the whole story behind the bar tab part two with @SylviaMTV  #RealWordSkeletons
@CSUAKirk: @n_zanattaMTV  hit the nail on the head why @SylviaMTV  was mad #RealWordSkeletons
@CSUAKirk: tony is looking to get to villain/douchebag edit this season #RealWordSkeletons
@CSUAKirk: @brunorealworld  your treating this situation the best I've seen a guy on real world handle juggling two girls #RealWordSkeletons
@CSUAKirk: Sylvia going to her interview while her skeleton shows up well freaking played @BunimMurray  #RealWordSkeletons
@CSUAKirk: Oh Alicia's trouble #RealWordSkeletons
@CSUAKirk: God they're setting this up to freaking perfection they had nooooo idea #RealWordSkeletons
@CSUAKirk: @VMilerman  pretty much knows what's going on I'm sure she knows whoa coming for her next #RealWordSkeletons
@CSUAKirk: Wow producers are asking everything in the book @SylviaMTV  you should've asked are you guys bringing this girl here now #RealWordSkeletons
@CSUAKirk: The Ogs vs the twist ughhhhh #RealWordSkeletons
@CSUAKirk: The same mentality as last season I get that they're upset but that's so last year #RealWordSkeletons
@CSUAKirk: #Exes2  is almost on so excited
@CSUAKirk: #Showtime #TheChallenge
@CSUAKirk: My name is Leroy and I'm a pornstar haha #Exes2
@CSUAKirk: @JustJem24  your one liner was soooo hilarious #Exes2
@CSUAKirk: Love that  @NanyMTV  looked directly at @JohnnyReilly_  when tj asked who her partner #Exes2
@CSUAKirk: @ave_tress  you look great so glad your back #Exes2
@CSUAKirk: @haileychivers  looking good Hailey glad to see you on the challenge. #Exes2
@CSUAKirk: 250k for bout time they double the prize money #Exes2
@CSUAKirk: That pool though #Exes2
@CSUAKirk: Man people are hating on @JayGMTV  who cares if he hooked up with Jess and jem  #Exes2
@CSUAKirk: These Diem one on ones are really hard to watch #RIPDiem  #Exes2
@CSUAKirk: The rainbow socks are back good shit @MtvJess  #Exes2
@CSUAKirk: Is @TheresaTime20  doing it right it right I can't tell #Exes2
@CSUAKirk: @IWantMyEmTV  is proving the point that twitter is a great way to vent frustration I respect that
@CSUAKirk: I still laugh that @JennaCompono  on tv looks so much taller then my boy @JayGMTV  lol #Exes2
@CSUAKirk: I'm really rooting @TheRealNiaMoore  redeems herself from free agents I know you can do it nia #Exes2
@CSUAKirk: Bananas not winning first power couple it's wide open now #Exes2
- @dc408dxtr: @CSUAKirk yeah indeed. A top vet team & rookie team only 2 to complete. It's now a wide open affair. This is gonna be fun.
- @CSUAKirk: @dc408dxtr Wes and Theresa   Who's the other?
- @dc408dxtr: @CSUAKirk isn't Johnny & Avery the other team? This might be rivals 1 all over again in a chance rookie could crash the bash here
- ‏@CSUAKirk: @dc408dxtr jay and Jenna finished I thought.
@CSUAKirk: Hey can I drop her yet lol knight #RIPKnight
@CSUAKirk: “@MTV_JESS: My baby Britt still looking fineeeeee @brittany_baldi” looking amazing right killing it
@CSUAKirk: @ThomasBuellMTV  and @haileychivers  killed that #Exes2
@CSUAKirk: Forgive me @ThomasBuellMTV  and @haileychivers  I totally underestimated you two #Exes2  good job in the first challenge
@CSUAKirk: Atta girl @TheresaTime20  starting on a good note #Exes2
@CSUAKirk: Everyone is jealous of @WestonBergmann  and @TheresaTime20  #Exes2
@CSUAKirk: @WestonBergmann  being Wes #Exes2
@CSUAKirk: #YOUARETHEONE  that's how I'm going to intro @brittany_baldi  on Thursday @dustinzito  lol #Exes2
@CSUAKirk: Wes did the same shit with @KennySantucci  we shouldn't be shocked by this at all #Exes2
- @CardellChris: @CSUAKirk @KennySantucci I noticed him to start picking on Bananas.
@CSUAKirk: @dustinzito  always get the shitty end of the stick when it comes to the challenge
@CSUAKirk: So not even to the point where I wanna sleep the challenge has got me so hyped lol
@CSUAKirk: @MtvJess  spilling some t on the #MurtzShow  surprised to hear some of the stuff i'm hearing about a certain friend of hers
@CSUAKirk: speaking with @SylviaMTV   tomorrow 2 PT 5 ET …   use #AskSylviaMTV if you got questions for her #RealWorldSkeletons
@CSUAKirk: " why do they always gotta screenshot my booty lol @MtvJess  you know I got love for ya #MurtzShow
@CSUAKirk: going to be chatting with @SylviaMTV  in about 25 mins …  #askSylviaMTV for questions  should be a good one
@CSUAKirk: @SylviaMTV @Morgan_MacAdam  thank you for joining us today we had so much fun
@CSUAKirk: Will be chatting with #AYTO original and #Exes2 challenger @brittany_baldi  tomorrow …  2PT 5 ET use #AskBrittanyMTV
@busdriversroute: Make sure you're ready for the premiere of @ChallengeMTV tonight by hearing me & @lashtweets preview the cast #RHAP …
@busdriversroute: Be sure to also check out my preview of the cast utilizing quotes from The Wire. #BattleOfTheExes2 …
@busdriversroute: Reminder for tonight, please just mute not unfollow me. I may not be able to contain my live tweeting of The Challenge. Oh, and RW I guess.
@busdriversroute: So yea, it's 10:06 and I'm already zoned out. Me and this guy just want it to be 11:00 already #BattleOfTheExes2
@busdriversroute: "Time to get jobs." Aka, "time producers finally set up jobs for them." #RealWordSkeletons
@busdriversroute: Them having to pay for drinks makes the "college before the pros" analogy more true. Just don't sell autographs or you'll get banned.
- @Tindel10: @busdriversroute I still can't believe they have to pay. It's insane.
- @busdriversroute: @Tindel10 It's ludicrous. They're basically paying to be on this show.
@busdriversroute: Their producer interviews are two hours?!?!? How often do they do that? Gotta be no more than twice a week right? #RealWorldSkeletons
@busdriversroute: Down the street??? They don't do interviews in the house? This is the most interesting part, not the skeleton arriving #RealWorldSkeletons
@busdriversroute: So @VMilerman is all, "tread lightly." #RealWorldSkeletons
@busdriversroute: "No matter how many I've done the first time I walk out I still get butterflies." - @MTVBananas. I feel same watching, that's normal right?
@busdriversroute: "A lot of these girls don't know who their ex is because they hooked up with half the cast." Welcome back @JustJem24 #BattleOfTheExes2
@busdriversroute: I've written out and deleted a half dozen tweets about these people. I'm so happy to see them again. I'm such a loser. #BattleOfTheExes2
@busdriversroute: Hahahahahah @tjlavin saying "not your perfect match" just made my life complete. #BattleOfTheExes2
@busdriversroute: A @MTVBananas toast! The Challenge has begun!!!! #BattleOfTheExes2
@busdriversroute: Great @MTV, now I'm tearing up. Thanks. RIP Diem. #BattleOfTheExes2
@busdriversroute: Shout out to @ave_tress and @JohnnyReilly_ for killing their first challenge. Will not be objective about rooting for these two this season.
@busdriversroute: That was a Johnny Manziel like debut for @IamAdamKuhn and @brittany_baldi. Not good. #BattleOfTheExes2
- @TheSteamer: @busdriversroute Would that make Thomas and Hailey Teddy Bridgewater?
- @busdriversroute: @TheSteamer Fair comparison
@busdriversroute: "I like tall, black, athletic, rich men." NBA player. #BattleOfTheExes2
@busdriversroute: I'm almost positive @WestonBergmann has had this conversation with every rookie every season. #BattleOfTheExes2
@busdriversroute: I cannot emphasize enough how much I LOVE the flashbacks of the big time rivalries. Well done. #BattleOfTheExes2
@busdriversroute: All you Challenge historians out there, this is definitely the calmest premiere ever right? No fights, no hook ups? #BattleOfTheExes2
- @TheSteamer: @busdriversroute Not sure about ever, but yeah, calm.
- @kayla_squire: @busdriversroute I'm seriously confused. Lol did they edit it all out?
@busdriversroute: Some vindication for @lashtweets and I. AYTO pride! #BattleOfTheExes2
@busdriversroute: I still can't believe Bunim Murray saw Survivor and thought the part to copy was "Redemption Island." Ugh. Not a fan. #BattleOfTheExes2
- @TheSteamer: @busdriversroute Sure. You say that now. Just wait until Episode 6 when Bananas breaks out the Medallion of Power. #BattleOfTheExes2
@busdriversroute: Solid premiere. Great cast. Interesting dynamic. Can't wait to talk all about it w/ @lashtweets plus @robcesternino for the premiere! #RHAP
@busdriversroute: Bus Driver's Route: The Challenge Battle of the Exes 2 Fantasy Scoring Week 1 …
@lashtweets: #multipleamountsofgirls #RealWorldSkeletons
@lashtweets: Nicole gets consent #RealWorldSkeletons
@lashtweets: Cliche toast, take a shot #RealWorldSkeletons #mtvdrinkinggame
@lashtweets: #highlyinteresting #RealWordSkeletons
@lashtweets: I would go ham over a shot of Jameson #imsylvia #RealWordSkeletons
@CurtClark: @lashtweets @busdriversroute Having just binge-watched AYTO and Ex-Plosion, it's surreal seeing some of these group interactions
- @busdriversroute: @CurtClark @lashtweets Ha right? It's like seeing two groups of friends start hanging out...but without you.
- @lashtweets: @busdriversroute @CurtClark that might just be you #nonewfriends (through podcasting)
- @CurtClark: @lashtweets @busdriversroute It may be my third rum and rum (it's a thing) talking, but the three of us need to grab adult beverages.
@lashtweets: Brittney and adam - major let down #BattleOfTheExes2
@lashtweets: #YOUARETHEONE #BattleOfTheExes2
@lashtweets: are we really getting the gay porn story again?! wake me up when its over #snooze #BattleOfTheExes2
@lashtweets: odds of him sending bananas in week 1? 0. #BattleOfTheExes2
@lashtweets: getting nervous that the edit is teeing up a jess/dustin win. #SAYITAINTSO #BattleOfTheExes2
@lashtweets: is this the first time someone has screamed "slow and steady" and "lets fucking go" in the same sentence?! #BattleOfTheExes2
- @busdriversroute: @lashtweets Don't forget "I love you"
- @lashtweets: @busdriversroute out of context podcast host confession? but on the real WHERE ARE YOUR BEER GOGGLES NOW ADAM?!
@lashtweets: officially hate the exile twist because it interferes with the time to watch the hookups at the bar #BattleOfTheExes2
@AceNichols33: Ready for #BattleOfTheExes2? Ready 4 my recaps this season? Subscribe!  @MTVBananas @NanyMTV @ZachMTV @JordanW_usa RT?
@AceNichols33: I'll probably rock this rad hat a few times in this season of recaps! =] #TheChallenge #BattleOfTheExes2 @MTVBananas
@AceNichols33: Dudes. Trust me. You are not ready for the very first Challenge recap intro. TOP SECRET. Look forward to it. It's pretty amazing, lol!
@AceNichols33: That moment when @jonnamtv finally writes you back. Hahahaha! THE CHALLENGE STARTS TONIGHT PEOPLE! RECAPS START SOON!
@AceNichols33: We've been packing up the house since 6. I am so tired, I can barely be excited for #BattleOfTheExesII! Time to take notes! #Ritual #LetsGO
@AceNichols33: Here we go! New season of #TheChallenge starts now! #BattleOfTheExes2. This is my "I've been packing…
@AceNichols33: @GinaBonelli I love having so many anniversaries with you <3 thank you for filling my life with love and happiness,everyday no matter what<3  RT "@GinaBonelli  Jan 6
Today marks 3 yrs since we got our official registered domestic partner certificate @AceNichols33 😍 we have so many damn anniversaries lol 👯"
@AceNichols33: I was honestly rooting for @jonnamtv because wow... Theresa annoys theeeee shiiiitttttt outtttt offff meeeeeee AHHHHHH #BattleOfTheExes2
@AceNichols33: Fucking Wes and Theresa. You're kidding. Currently barfing. BRB.
@AceNichols33: Never think Wes knows what he's doing. LOLOLOL @ThomasBuellMTV
@AceNichols33: Fav Rooks.... take a guess..... @JayGMTV and @JennaCompono #BattleOfTheExes2
@AceNichols33: but @JayGMTV you gotta stop banging everyone in the house. HAHAHAHAHAHA. #BattleOfTheExes2
- @CSUAKirk: @AceNichols33 @JayGMTV is he an easy first target to mess with on your first recap
- @AceNichols33: @CSUAKirk @JayGMTV I can mess with Jay, because he loves me. Hahaha. =]
- @CSUAKirk: @AceNichols33 @JayGMTV  I'm gonna have to give him crap too lol
@AceNichols33: I'm so angry about these ARE YOU THE ONE kids. LOL. It's soooooo dumb. Like who thought this was a good idea?
@AceNichols33: MY HEART!!! WHYYYY!!!???? @dustinzito and @MtvJess if I didn't really want to continue being able to watch TV, I would punch mine right now.
@AceNichols33: WAIT... WTFFFFFF @tjlavin you just made my mother fucking night! Sorry for cursing. AHHHHH! What the WHAAAAAT? @dustinzito @MtvJess
@AceNichols33: EX-ILED .. ok, into it! #BattleOfTheExes2 I thought I was literally about to quit the challenge myself. LOL that was real time Ace freak out
@AceNichols33: OK. Heart attack over. Happy with the EX-ILED thing. Excited to do the recap tomorrow. #BattleOfTheExes2
@AceNichols33: What I looked like last night, tired as fark, still excited for #BattleOfTheExes2 hahaha.
@RealityRadioPod: 4 really intense hours of television tonight! @BadGirlsClb @ABCFpll @RealWorldMTV @TheChallengeMTV
@RealityRadioPod: I get to see @WestonBergmann @MaybachDiamonds @SimoneJKelly @madiwadi2by4 @prettygrl_rocky all on the same night??
@RealityRadioPod: We picked our teams for the #Exes2 Fantasy Draft! @CSUAKirk picked a winner! … @CSSandersSNE @Morgan_MacAdam @JanelMcG
@RealityRadioPod: I love the support from @AREUTHE1 of fellow cast members on @TheChallengeMTV! @IamAdamKuhn @brittany_baldi @SimoneJKelly @MaybachDiamonds
@RealityRadioPod: @RoyLee25mtv Rooting for you Leroy!!!!!!!! All the way bro!!!! #TheChallenge
@RealityRadioPod: "Will you be my girlfriend?" *drops her*... I think that's a no @t_raines33 lol #RealWorldSkeletons
@RealityRadioPod: Bruno is starting to 👎... Quit trying to be a player for TV. That's what it seems like. #RealWorldSkeletons
@RealityRadioPod: "Yay! Oh my gosh cool!" I love @madiwadi2by4 lol #RealWorldSkeletons
@RealityRadioPod: But what did she do? Dang can we give them a break.... #RealWorldSkeletons
@RealityRadioPod: @RealWorldMTV @VMilerman She reminds me of @TheRealNiaMoore :)
@RealityRadioPod: CT is the only guy that tried to do anything! Best Male Competitor!!!!! #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@RealityRadioPod: CT is the only guy that tried to do anything! Best Male Competitor!!!!! #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@RealityRadioPod: @JanelMcG @dustinzito @MtvJess @IamAdamKuhn @brittany_baldi I know!!! What the heck!!!!!
@RealityRadioPod: If Jess and Dustin go home. 😥😥 #TheChallenge #BattleOfTheExes2
@RealityRadioPod: “@CSUAKirk: @madiwadi2by4  your truly a one of a kind cast member I'm enjoying trying to figure you out #RealWordSkeletons” Ditto!
@RealityRadioPod: That was one hard elimination. Would love to try that. Communication, upper arm, and lower leg strength. #TheChallenge #BattleOfTheExes2
@RealityRadioPod: @v_cakes The new generation! Of course we miss you and the old crew, but time has change. Would love it if you came back. #Queen
@RealityRadioPod: “@roxystriar: THAT TWIST THOUGH... #TheChallenge” Yes Roxy!!!
@RealityRadioPod: Zack had so much rope. He should have gave Jonna more rope so her arms weren't so high. #BattleOfTheExes2
@RealityRadioPod: .@haileychivers @ThomasBuellMTV Hailey has a competitive edge! Love it! Great job you two!!! #TheChallenge #BattleOfTheExes2
@RealityRadioPod: Seeing the flashback of #TheRuins! :)
@KatieCooley26 @susie_meister Miss you two! #TheChallenge #BattleOfTheExes2
@RealityRadioPod: @v_cakes You would kill it! You got it V. :) @mtvrrdarrell @TinaBarta @rachel_fitness @AbramBoise @ThatCoral @adamlarsonNH #TheChallenge
@RealityRadioPod: @haileychivers You seriously surprised us! Awesome job Hailey. You proved me wrong for sure! 😉 #TheChallenge #BattleOfTheExes2
@RealityRadioPod: Simone and JJ surprised me too! Awesome job! @SimoneJKelly @MaybachDiamonds #TheChallenge #BattleOfTheExes2
@RealityRadioPod: #Exes2 Premier Chat; Rooting 4 @dustinzito/@MtvJess in Exile, Why @WestonBergmann is the best at #winning, and more! …
@murtzjaffer: Watching an advancer of #BattleOfTheExes2  @MTVBananas is still the man.
@murtzjaffer: I love @JennaCompono and @JayGMTV  I will also be rooting for them #BattleOfTheExes2
@murtzjaffer: It is surreal seeing @DiemBrownMTV and @Knight_MTV on TV again. Here's hoping they do well #BattleOfTheExes2
@murtzjaffer: First eliminated team on tonight's #BattleOfTheExes2 @ChallengeMTV joins me on #MurtzShow at 11 PM CST / 9 PM PST …
@murtzjaffer: Who will be eliminated first on @ChallengeMTV ?  Whoever it is joins me IMMEDIATELY after the premiere on  @ 9 PM PST
@murtzjaffer: Who is gone 1st on @ChallengeMTV? Is it @JayGMTV @MTVBananas @dustinzito @brittany_baldi  Whoever it is joins me on
@murtzjaffer: Will @SarahRiceMTV @MtvJess @JordanWhitley @ZachMTV be eliminated on #BattleOfTheExes2 ?  1st team gone joins me on
@murtzjaffer: Here we go!  My preview & cast breakdown of @ChallengeMTV #BattleOfTheExes2 … …
@murtzjaffer: I think @SarahRiceMTV @JordanW_usa @RoyLee25mtv @TheRealNiaMoore @TheOfficial_CT @DiemBrownMTV are top teams …
@murtzjaffer: How will @JayGMTV @JennaCompono @JohnnyReilly_ @ave_tress @TheresaTime20 @WestonBergmann do on #BattleOfTheExes2 ? …
@murtzjaffer: How do I think @dustinzito @MtvJess @brittany_baldi @IamAdamKuhn will do on #BattleOfTheExes2 ? …
@murtzjaffer: The first team eliminated from tonight's #BattleOfTheExes2 joins me right after the episode. Join us and RSVP …
@murtzjaffer: Also during tonight's  at 9 PM PST I will announce tomorrow's guest from #RealWorldSkeletons
@murtzjaffer: Watching a little #RealWorldSkeletons. Let's see what @t_raines33 does along with my frenemy @madiwadi2by4
@murtzjaffer: @t_raines33 hahaha. Hair stylists. You are into every girl!
@murtzjaffer: Okay so this bottle service looks sick @brunorealworld @RealWorldMTV #RealWorldSkeletons
@murtzjaffer: I wish they would have shown how they got these jobs #RealWorldSkeletons
@murtzjaffer: This episode is ALL @t_raines33 so far #RealWorldSkeletons
@murtzjaffer: Can't be walking on the bill @t_raines33 !  Hahahaha. @baham_nick you gotta control your boy
@murtzjaffer: It's Skeleton time baby!  #RealWorldSkeletons
- @MTV: @murtzjaffer AHHH! #RealWorldSkeletons
- @murtzjaffer: @mtv this is TV
@murtzjaffer: I love how @madiwadi2by4 is being nice and @VMilerman is totally not shaking hands!!!  #RealWorldSkeletons
@murtzjaffer: @VMilerman is so loyal!
- @murtzjaffer: This is now the @VMilerman show. #RealWorldSkeletons
- @murtzjaffer: @VMilerman haha, we can discuss it tomurtzrrow
@murtzjaffer: @madiwadi2by4 is killing me right now
@murtzjaffer: I want to be best friends w @VMilerman  this loyalty to @SylviaMTV is amazing. One of best things I have ever seen on #RealWorld
@murtzjaffer: I am LOVING @VMilerman right now!  #RealWorldSkeletons
@murtzjaffer: This is now the @VMilerman show. #RealWorldSkeletons
@murtzjaffer: @n_zanattaMTV is speaking the truth. OG's #RealWorldSkeletons
@murtzjaffer: For everyone who didn't like this twist (including me), I stand corrected. This is what we love about reality tv. #RealWorldSkeletons
@murtzjaffer: Watching #BattleOfTheExes2 ?  Reminder the first eliminated team joins me RIGHT after the episode at midnight eastern
@murtzjaffer: Check out my #BattleOfTheExes2 preview and breakdown …
@murtzjaffer: We are starting show a little late as the #BattleOfTheExes2 premiere is running long.  standby
@murtzjaffer: It's either @dustinzito @MtvJess @IamAdamKuhn @brittany_baldi coming up on  in 20 minutes. Who will it be?????
@murtzjaffer: #BattleOfTheExes2 After Show w @dustinzito @MtvJess starts NOW! …
@murtzjaffer: @dustinzito @MtvJess are on #MurtzShow to answer questions about tonight's #BattleOfTheExes2 RIGHT NOW!  Join us! …
@murtzjaffer: Amazing #BattleOfTheExes2 After-Show w @dustinzito @MtvJess tonight.  Here's the playback link! …
@murtzjaffer: @dustinzito & @MtvJess aren't on #BattleOfTheExes2 anymore but that didn't stop em from a Lean Back contest.  Watch! …
@murtzjaffer: Thanks for joining me @dustinzito @MtvJess  Great show!  #leanback
@murtzjaffer: ICYMI, @VMilerman the star of last night's episode of #RealWorldSkeletons joins me TONIGHT on #MurtzShow at 10 PM EST …
@murtzjaffer: Tonight, I talk a little #RealWorldSkeletons and loyalty w @VMilerman at 10:15 PM EST.  Join us! …
- @VMilerman: @murtzjaffer can't wait!
- @murtzjaffer: @VMilerman I have turned into a big Violetta fan after last night's ep. I am making list of how to win you over. 1. Alcohol. 2. Alcohol.
- @VMilerman: @murtzjaffer 3.Sandwich
- @murtzjaffer: @VMilerman Subway?
@murtzjaffer: So excited about tonight's   w @VMilerman! What does she think about her roommates?  Find out at 10:15 PM EST TONIGHT!
@murtzjaffer: What do you think of Real World and Challenge @JamieChinaMTV ?
- @JamieChinaMTV: @murtzjaffer only watched 2 episodes of the new RW. Haven't watched the challenge!
- @murtzjaffer: @JamieChinaMTV yesterday's ep was good. I think I like the twist
@murtzjaffer: If your name is Alicia, you don't have to check out  w @VMilerman at 10:15 PM EST tonight. Everyone else?  See u there
@murtzjaffer: You ready?  Almost time for @VMilerman from #RealWorldSkeletons at 10:15 pm EST. RT if you are watching!
@murtzjaffer: "I need hot @VMilerman, not lukewarm @VMilerman!" . We start in 15 min. #RealWorldSkeletons Be there or be Alicia.
@murtzjaffer: Going live w @VMilerman right now!  #RealWorldSkeletons After-Show right now! …
@murtzjaffer: Miss tonight's #RealWorldSkeletons #MurtzShow w @VMilerman ?  Here's the playback! …
@murtzjaffer: I think @jm4r is @VMilerman 's skeleton because they continue to fight over me.
- @VMilerman: @murtzjaffer 😈
- @VMilerman: @murtzjaffer duh of course
- @murtzjaffer: @VMilerman that might just be the best tweet I have ever received. So critique interview. I talked a big game before it started
@TheSteamer: Zach wins the Academy Award for pretending like he has no clue the format was #Exes2.
@TheSteamer: They did Johnny and Averey a disservice by not having their video package include them hooking up in the pizza bathroom. #Exes2
@TheSteamer: @laurelstucky Beyond beautiful. RT @laurelstucky  Save the best for last...... #CTandDiem
@TheSteamer: Diem in that Warrior tank top is perfect. #Exes2 #BattleOfTheExes2
@TheSteamer: 500 feet above the ground? Hopefully Julie from RW:New Orleans isn’t around! #Exes2 #BattleOfTheExes2
@TheSteamer: Dustin: “Making friends is a mission”. Okay, he’s going home quick. #Exes2
- @busdriversroute: @TheSteamer Took the tweet out of my fingers
- @TheSteamer: @busdriversroute We watch too many of these shows. Hopefully we aren’t to the Loser Edit what @stephenfishbach was to the Winners Edit.
@TheSteamer: I was on the verge of falling asleep an hour ago. Now I’m randomly hopping around and shadow boxing the wall (don’t ask). #Exes2
@TheSteamer: I HATE the “deserve to win” talk. But Diem? Yeah. She did. #Exes2
@TheSteamer: Are you implying the edit isn’t accurate? Those bastards! #Exes2 RT @RoyLee25mtv: I’m pretty sure @TheRealNiaMoore and I went first 😒
@TheSteamer: A pretty spot on assessment of Wes and Theresa. #Exes2 RT @laurelstucky: There’s my girl @NanyMTV
@TheSteamer: Does Wes understand math? Or am I missing something? #Exes2
@TheSteamer: And here’s Part 2 of the “Dustin is going home” edit. I feel bad for him. #Exes2
@TheSteamer: Can someone get Wes and Theresa some mustaches they can twirl when they celebrate and embrace their villain status?#Exes2
@TheSteamer: I don’t know why Dustin and Jessica got their hopes up. Ozzy and Laura Morett are just going to win at Redemption Island. #Exes2
@neyasivera: I had to drink time away but finally CHALLENGE TIME!! Gimme that sweet drama and competition, I need it #Exes2
@neyasivera: Do they really think @MTVBananas needs introduction? NO.
- @_danielleex0x3: @neyasivera @MTVBananas best tweet of the night so far!
@neyasivera: So good to see Diem and Knight happy and smiling...makes this challenge that much better #Exes2
@neyasivera: ...and I'm crying. Rest in peace Diem!! We miss you #Exes2
@neyasivera: Can somebody just GET ME ON A CHALLENGE? I would fly, kick, push, eat, pray, stab, everything and then get that money #Exes2
@neyasivera: I absolutely love @dustinzito !!such a nice, good man! Not a lot like him on these shows #Exes2
- @_danielleex0x3: “@neyasivera: I absolutely love @dustinzito !!such a nice, good man! Not a lot like him on these shows #Exes2” second that!! He's awesome!!
@neyasivera: @NanyMTV dude you look like rw nany 2010...what's this spell?
@NotoriousAJM: Wish @SarahRiceMTV would follow me😍😍
@NotoriousAJM: “@SarahRiceMTV: How bout that premier tonight!?? Who's gettin excited!?!” *raises hand & jumps up and down*
@NotoriousAJM: @VMilerman real AF for that one. Stand up for ya people!! @SylviaMTV #RWSkeletons
@NotoriousAJM: T-minus 2 minutes people #BattleOfTheExes2
@NotoriousAJM: Aaand it starts… #BattleOfTheExes2
@NotoriousAJM: 😩😩😩😩 Diem.
@NotoriousAJM: Ummm Jonna a hairstylist😳😳😳 #BOTE2
@NotoriousAJM: Diem, I swear you are forever bae #BOTE2
@NotoriousAJM: They say it's the biggest cash prize ever, but Fresh Meat had the same prize😴
@NotoriousAJM: The fact that Diem is wearing her Warrior t-shirt >>>>>
@NotoriousAJM: @MTV #Challenge26: #CutThroat2 RW vs RR/FM vs AYTO. Make it happen. @BunimMurray @laurashall93 @laurelstucky @MTVBananas @TheRealNiaMoore
@NotoriousAJM: @MTV #Challenge26: #CutThroat2 RW vs RR/FM vs AYTO. Make it happen. @BunimMurray @blacuesta @SylviaMTV @ZachMTV @JayGMTV @JustJem24
@NotoriousAJM: @MTV #Challenge26: #CutThroat2 RW vs RR/FM vs AYTO. Make it happen. @BunimMurray @MTVsChallenges @WestonBergmann @TheresaTime20 @VMilerman
@NotoriousAJM: @MTV #Challenge26: #CutThroat2 RW vs RR/FM vs AYTO. Make it happen. @BunimMurray @TheMarkLong @SarahRiceMTV @dustinzito @MTV_JESS @MtvJess
@NotoriousAJM: @MTV #Challenge26: #CutThroat2 RW vs RR/FM vs AYTO. Make it happen. @BunimMurray @whaattaafoxx @JasIPen @_Kazuhnova @mtvdario @MTVshelbs
@NotoriousAJM: I obviously meant Challenge27
@NotoriousAJM: Why are they doing this to me???? #RIPDiem #BattleOfTheExes2
@NotoriousAJM: Damn you @BunimMurray. #RIPDiem
@NotoriousAJM: Of course CT and Diem are trending😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
@NotoriousAJM: @TheRealNiaMoore @RoyLee25mtv they must've saved the best for last. I got money on y'all. Lol
@NotoriousAJM: #teamNiRoy!!!!!!
@NotoriousAJM: #RIPDiem #RIPKnight #BattleOfTheExes2
@NotoriousAJM: @SarahRiceMTV I would need you as my partner. You'll put the spark under my ass all the while being my biggest cheerleader. Lol #BOTE2
@NotoriousAJM: GO DIEM!!!
@NotoriousAJM: @haileychivers soooo you just killed that shit. Good job. #BOTE2
@NotoriousAJM: @AneesaMTV are you coming back for Challenge 27??? Love seeing you compete!!!
@NotoriousAJM: “@EDiamond007: Pretty entertaining watching how Jay gets picked on #redheadedstepchild #BattleOfTheExes2” LMAO exactly
@NotoriousAJM: Wes makes these shows. He's an expert at stirring the pot. It's entertaining to watch him work. #BOTE2
@NotoriousAJM: Dustin please shut up
@NotoriousAJM: @laurelstucky have you & Nia worked out your issues? Please say yes. I love you both.
@NotoriousAJM: Wes is the MF man😂😂😂😂 @WestonBergmann #BOTE2
@NotoriousAJM: What's the point of making an episode an hour and a half if you're going to show a shit ton of commercials? #BOTE2
@NotoriousAJM: @RoyLee25mtv, @TheRealNiaMoore, @DiemBrownMTV, & @TheOfficial_CT are safe. All I care about. Bring on Mission 2 please😴 #BOTE2
@NotoriousAJM: @TheRealNiaMoore @ave_tress this just made my whole night. #PortlandAlliance
@NotoriousAJM: Here come the waterworks… #RIPDiem #RIPKnight @DiemBrownMTV @Knight_MTV
@NotoriousAJM: #RIPDiem #RIPKnight prayers for both of your families @diembrownmtv @Knight_MTV #BOTE2 #BattleOfTheExes
@NotoriousAJM: @IWantMyEmTV is goin off but I don't really blame her.
@NotoriousAJM: Just know that if you sign a contract with MTV, you're signing your life away. Period.
@_danielleex0x3: So happy cause #TheChallenge is finally back on tonight 😍😭
@_danielleex0x3: Can't wait to watch  @MtvJess @brittany_baldi @JayGMTV @JennaCompono @NanyMTV @dustinzito @JustJem24 @haileychivers @ave_tress on #BOTE2❤️😊
@_danielleex0x3: Battle of the Exes II tonight! Excited to see @haileychivers @brittany_baldi @dustinzito @NanyMTV @JennaCompono @MtvJess @JustJem24
 @_danielleex0x3: you mean @t_raines33 @brunorealworld @dustinzito are all gonna be on tv in the same night!! Tuesdays Just got a lot better!!
@_danielleex0x3: @JustJem24 sending lots of love your way!! if you do you have a ton of people supporting you!!
@_danielleex0x3: It's challenge day! Can't wait to see @MTVBananas @dustinzito @MtvJess @NanyMTV @ZachMTV @JohnnyReilly_ @brittany_baldi kill it tonight!!
@_danielleex0x3: Love the kitty Kat pack @madiwadi2by4 @SylviaMTV @VMilerman!!
@_danielleex0x3: Loving @SylviaMTV so far this episode!!
@_danielleex0x3: @ave_tress #teamportland !! Can't wait to watch!!
@_danielleex0x3: First skeleton time!!
@_danielleex0x3: @SylviaMTV @t_raines33 favs!!
@_danielleex0x3: #teamSylvia @SylviaMTV and @VMilerman !! Duhhhh
@_danielleex0x3: Waiting to see @SylviaMTV face when she sees her skeleton. #TeamSylvia All day!!
@_danielleex0x3: "I've already mentally prepared myself to be the biggest bitch I can be" @VMilerman 😂😂 love ya!!!
@_danielleex0x3: Definitely Team Sylvia after this episode @SylviaMTV #RealWorldSkeletons #fav
@_danielleex0x3: CHALLENGE TIMEEE!!!
@_danielleex0x3: Blowing everyone's timeline up for the next hour!! #BattleOfTheExes2
@_danielleex0x3: @MtvJess team jess!!
@_danielleex0x3: CT + Diem... #RIPDiemBrown #BattleOfTheExes2 😢😟😪
@_danielleex0x3: @JustJem24 Tearing up a little but it's really good!!
@_danielleex0x3: So I'm team @JennaCompono @NanyMTV @brittany_baldi @JayGMTV @MTVBananas @IamAdamKuhn!! & @ZachMTV @jonnamtv #favs!!
@_danielleex0x3: So I'm team Vegas and Portland this season! @ave_tress @JohnnyReilly_ @MTV_JESS @dustinzito @RoyLee25mtv @TheRealNiaMoore ❤️
@_danielleex0x3: @ave_tress you guys did great!!!
@_danielleex0x3: @MtvJess 's sock game is on point!!
 @_danielleex0x3: @NanyMTV #TeamBaNany all day!!
 @_danielleex0x3: @JennaCompono you guys did good!!
@_danielleex0x3: Good job @SimoneJKelly and @MaybachDiamonds !! You guys did great!!
@_danielleex0x3: @JamieChinaMTV it's good!! You should be
@_danielleex0x3: @TheOfficial_CT and @DiemBrownMTV  trending!! #BattleOfTheExes2
@_danielleex0x3: Team @NanyMTV && @dustinzito  #teamvegas love your friendship from the beginning!! ❤️
@_danielleex0x3: So happy that @IamAdamKuhn and @brittany_baldi won that Dome. #Rookies #BattleOfTheExes2 👌👏😀
@_danielleex0x3: So didn't want @MtvJess & @dustinzito to go home so early!! Love ya both!! Let's see with this exile twist!! #favs
@ItsYaaBoyyKyle: "oh boy it's as if the scooby doo van just pulled in." hahahaa i've missed @MTVBananas quotes #BattleOfTheExes2
@ItsYaaBoyyKyle: I'm feeling really confident about @SarahRiceMTV chances this season as much as i dislike Jordan #BattleOfTheExes2
@ItsYaaBoyyKyle: Obviously rooting for my boo @MtvJess as always #BattleOfTheExes2
@ItsYaaBoyyKyle: I'm a lover, i'm a fighter, i'm an MTV Challenge survivor. #BattleOfTheExes2 @MTVBananas
@ItsYaaBoyyKyle: I'm really hoping @JennaCompono follows me because she is the ultimate BAE #BattleOfTheExes2
@ItsYaaBoyyKyle: I don't show emotion that often but i think i might cry thinking of you always @DiemBrownMTV #BattleOfTheExes2
 @ItsYaaBoyyKyle: @JayGMTV Santas workshop? i don't know about that #BattleOfTheExes2
@ItsYaaBoyyKyle: I don't care what anyone says @TheresaTime20 is a beast!! #BattleOfTheExes2
@ItsYaaBoyyKyle: @laurelstucky I wish you were on this challenge! #BattleOfTheExes2
@ItsYaaBoyyKyle: Lord have mercy @MtvJess is the definition of perfect
@ItsYaaBoyyKyle: Wes and Theresa first power couple of the season i like it @WestonBergmann @TheresaTime20 #BattleOfTheExes2
@ItsYaaBoyyKyle: i'm gonna cry @MtvJess #BattleOfTheExes2
@ItsYaaBoyyKyle: @MtvJess can u say that #BattleOfTheExes2 has been the toughest challenge you've been on?
@ItsYaaBoyyKyle: @JayGMTV your gonna kick ass on the challenge bro!! your a solid competitor!! can you follow me? that would be awesome!! im a big fan!!
@ItsYaaBoyyKyle: @dustinzito & @MtvJess are not out yet! #BattleOfTheExes2 #TheChallenge #FightingChance
@kmacisco: Today is REAL WORLD AND THE CHALLENGE DAY!!!!!!!!! Thank you @mtv for blessing me with both on one night ❤️
@kmacisco: @ThomasBuellMTV @MTV you're on my fantasy team. You better give me points Thomas
@kmacisco: Time for the real world!!!!  @VMilerman my girl
- @VMilerman: @kmacisco aye bae bae 🙌 #RealWorldSkeletons
- @kmacisco: @VMilerman I stay getting that reply every it V
- @VMilerman: @kmacisco Why not? You all are my new Bae's
- @kmacisco: @VMilerman can I be like a top priority bae since we're the same person?
- @VMilerman: @kmacisco I like my #baesquad
- @kmacisco: @VMilerman yessss 😍
@kmacisco: Cue everyone judging me until real world & the challenge are over tonight for replying to all of the cast like I'm their friend
@kmacisco: Thinking about who my skeleton would be...I would just be so done with everything. Feel terrible for this cast
@kmacisco: ITS BATTLE OF THE EXES 2 TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@kmacisco: Get your little chick on a leash. I love @MtvJess
- @MtvJess: “@kmacisco: Get your little chick on a leash. I love @MtvJess” 🙈 my Latina is showing
- @kmacisco: @MtvJess nah your princess is showing
@kmacisco: There's no time of year like when the challenge starts 😍😍😍 this is a sport for me people!!!
@kmacisco: Some people like football. I like the challenge on mtv.
@kmacisco: Would not be able to communicate with any of my exes. Poor girls
@kmacisco: I would give anything for someone to look at me the way @TheOfficial_CT looks at Diem
 @KO_Skuba: It's about to go down. #BattleOfTheExes2
@KO_Skuba: How does @MTVBananas not have a championship belt that he just carries around to every Challenge? #BattleOfTheExes2 #Exes2
@KO_Skuba: .@JustJem24 had line of the night about girls sleeping with half of the cast, before @ZachMTV topped her 20 seconds later. #BattleOfTheExes2
@KO_Skuba: Can we confirm/deny that this Jay character was an alternate for 'Jersey Shore' & settled for 'Real World'? @BunimMurray? #BattleOfTheExes2
@KO_Skuba: Another Challenge, another unoriginal 'Suspended in the air with harnesses' Challenge. #BattleOfTheExes2 #Exes2
@KO_Skuba: I've seen 22 minutes of them and I agree. #Exes2 RT @djacoby: I will pay $75K to get Jenna and Jay off the show
@KO_Skuba: This CT and Diem segment is crushing me right now... #BattleOfTheExes2 #Exes2
@KO_Skuba: My podcast BFF, @MtvJess looking fine as hell, but respect level has gone down a bit after the rendezvous with the Orange dwarf guy. #Exes2
@KO_Skuba: @MtvJess Still nothing but love, girl. Orange dwarves aside.
@KO_Skuba: .@TheresaTime20 Hardest part - Heights, balancing, or having to listen to Wes that entire time? #BattleOfTheExes2 #Exes2
@KO_Skuba: #TeamBaNany
@KO_Skuba: I'd would want to be paired with @EmFitMTV on this Challenge. She'd just throw me across first & just walk the tight rope on her own. #Exes2
@KO_Skuba: Leave it to CT to air hump his way to a finish. #BattleOfTheExes2 #Exes2
@KO_Skuba: @JustJem24 I'm slightly athletic, tall, white, and poor. That good enough? #BattleOfTheExes2 #Exes2
@KO_Skuba: I predicted this on my #Exes2 preview! Wes sides with the rooks!
@KO_Skuba: Wes still doesn't know how to play this game after all these years... #shame #BattleOfTheExes2
@KO_Skuba: We should get a split screen with @NanyMTV's reaction to this elimination round. Priceless. @dustinzito #Vegas4Life #BattleOfTheExes2
@KO_Skuba: Wait? No more @MtvJess on my TV? Already?!? I didn't sign up for this... #BattleOfTheExes2 #Exes2
@KO_Skuba: Or not!!! Yes!!! @MtvJess @dustinzito
@KO_Skuba: In case anyone doubted my not-so-secret love for @EmFitMTV, look at what I just bought! So proud. #KillinIt
@Itslluna: It's starting, no one bother me for the next hour!!!!!!! #BattleOfTheExes2 @ChallengeMTV
- @ChallengeMTV: @Itslluna not even me?
- @Itslluna: @ChallengeMTV only you, no one else!
@Itslluna: "I did it to get a young Latina a green card" @MTVBananas #BattleOfTheExes2 @NanyMTV #TeamBananas
@Itslluna: @MaybachDiamonds Favorite rookie on #BattleOfTheExes2
@Itslluna: Diem :( #weheartdiem #BattleOfTheExes2
@Itslluna: @MtvJess good luck this season Jessica!!
@Itslluna: This season looks great, it's just missing @CamilaMTV and @laurelstucky #BattleOfTheExes2 #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@Itslluna: @WestonBergmann and @MTVBananas have the best Twitter conversation right now! #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2 #BattleOfTheExes2
@Itslluna: Game changer!! #BattleOfTheExes2 @ChallengeMTV
@Itslluna: @ave_tress and @JohnnyReilly_ surprised me last night! I don't think they'll be going into exile anytime soon #BattleOfTheExes2
@BigTymers228: #PhotoGrid I Can't Wait To Watch Tonight's Episode Of The Real World Skeletons. #MTV #RealWorld…
@BigTymers228: #PhotoGrid I Want To Take The Time To Give A Shout Out & Wish Good Luck To All Of These Awesome People…
@BigTymers228: I Can't Wait To Watch @brunorealworld @SylviaMTV @t_raines33 @madiwadi2by4 @n_zanattaMTV @VMilerman @_Kazuhnova @briughh On The RW Tonight
@BigTymers228: I Can't Wait To Watch You Tonight On The Challenge Tonight @brittany_baldi Brittany Good Luck Tonight
@Morgan_MacAdam: My Battle Of The Exes 2 Fantasy Team is @MTVBananas @SarahRiceMTV @JayGMTV @MtvJess @ThomasBuellMTV @haileychivers Best Draft Picks EVER!!!!
@Morgan_MacAdam: Check out our Interview with @SylviaMTV from the Real World Skeletons from earlier Today! She's amazeballs! …
@Morgan_MacAdam: @SylviaMTV Thank you for being AWESOME! I had a great time talking with you Today! Get your butt to Chicago to drink & hang with me! ;) xo
@SylviaMTV: Check this nice little interview out! Thank you @CSUAKirk @Morgan_MacAdam #realworldskeletons …
@DjJesseJ: Did u watch #BattleOfTheExes2 ?? Check out our @afterbuzztv after show even tho @SINSEDONTPLAY had an attitude #BOOP …
@roxystriar: THE CHALLENGE STARTS TONIGHT #MTV @DjJesseJ @TheMarkLong @SINSEDONTPLAY lets get after it on @afterbuzztv this season!!! #TheChallenge
@roxystriar: Going live on YouTube for @afterbuzztv #RealWordSkeletons right now @SINSEDONTPLAY
@roxystriar: THAT TWIST THOUGH... #TheChallenge
@roxystriar: This season is going to be everything #Challenge #BattleOfTheExesII
@roxystriar: Watching @DiemBrownMTV & @Knight_MTV on tonight's #BattleOfTheExes2 #TheChallenge brings up a lot of emotions for us fans. Feeling pensive.
@SINSEDONTPLAY: Soooooo Looking Forward to the Challenge battle of the exes 2!!! Ah tonight the aftershow wit da Crew except @TheMarkLong see you next week!
- @Johnny_Ziggler: @SINSEDONTPLAY thee @TheMarkLong  is going to be on afterbuzz nxt week!? i expect a load of #awesomeness from the godfather #teammark4life
- @SINSEDONTPLAY: @Johnny_Ziggler yesssss!
@SINSEDONTPLAY: We have had some Classic Moments On our #aftershows for #thechallege looking forward to Starting it…
@JUDDNATION: Someone give Sylvia $20 for Tonys drinks! Hahahaha yikes! #RealWordSkeletons
@JUDDNATION: I wonder where Sarah's shoe ended up? #BattleOfTheExes2
@brianteng2014: @JUDDNATION what do you think of battle of the exes 2
- @JUDDNATION: @brianteng2014 I think it's going to be a really good season. #teamrookies #wheredidsarahsshoeendup
@JUDDNATION: @TheMarkLong @🐎 my favorites from #RoadRules season 1 wish that show was still on!!
- @TheMarkLong: @JUDDNATION spotted horse rides again!🐎
@Justin_Rhines: @JimmyEsqueda The Real World & The Challenge on the same night? I must be in heaven lol
- @JimmyEsqueda: @Justin_Rhines I know so so awesome!
@JimmyEsqueda: So fucking hyped for the new episode @RealWorldMTV 👊
@JimmyEsqueda: @n_zanattaMTV you didn't come out of the confessional... Woah!!!
@JimmyEsqueda: A million times @SylviaMTV is way better. #RealWorldSkeletons
@JimmyEsqueda: @SylviaMTV Can I tell you 'Hey Sylvia'
@JimmyEsqueda: @SylviaMTV Always be happy! You deserve the best ☺️☺️ #RealWorldSkeletons
@JimmyEsqueda: Shit just got real @RealWorldMTV ...
@JimmyEsqueda: @VMilerman lol, I would never hand shake a skeleton👍 good job V!!! #RealWorldSkeletons
@JimmyEsqueda: Yes the other people is coming for you all buahaha💀 #RealWorldSkeletons @RealWorldMTV
@JimmyEsqueda: @SylviaMTV #TeamSylvia all the way
@JimmyEsqueda: @VMilerman you should've throw her bed on the trash can
@JimmyEsqueda: Dog's sleep on the ground #RealWorldSkeletons
@JimmyEsqueda: @SylviaMTV throw that bitch out..
@JimmyEsqueda: Diem & Knight forever in our hearts 🙏 @ChallengeMTV @TheChallengeMTV #BattleOfTheExes2
@JimmyEsqueda: All these exes man! @MTV
@JimmyEsqueda: DAMN so many good competitors this season of #BattleOfTheExes2 can't wait for the challenges & domes..
@JimmyEsqueda: I cried seeing Diem & Knight, I know they did their partners really proud 🙏👍 @ChallengeMTV @mtv
@JimmyEsqueda: I'm already tearing up @DiemBrownMTV 😭
@JimmyEsqueda: Who's going to be the first power couple!! 👊💪 @ChallengeMTV @mtv
@JimmyEsqueda: Omg crying again Diem @TheChallengeMTV 😭
@JimmyEsqueda: This changes everything @ChallengeMTV great twist!! Can't wait @BunimMurray
@djstweetarazzi: @taylorjburt @JayGMTV @MtvJess @JennaCompono @IamAdamKuhn @brittany_baldi Cant catch them all, I ain't that strong lol but I can watch em :)
@djstweetarazzi: @jonnamtv @SimoneJKelly @brittany_baldi If I was close I'd be there w/ you 3 beautiful women #BattleOfTheExes2
@djstweetarazzi: @MTVshelbs @IamAdamKuhn @ChallengeMTV Watching it for sure, & tissues ready as well... excited, sad, nervous & cant wait
@djstweetarazzi: @JayGMTV Gametime is right! #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@djstweetarazzi: @ave_tress @MTV Everyone is cringing & nervous #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@djstweetarazzi: @MtvJess @tjlavin I could never imagine the nerves you all feel #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@djstweetarazzi: @TheRealNiaMoore Gonna be fun to watch! :) #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@djstweetarazzi: @MtvJess I am already crying as soon as I saw her #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2 #RIPDiem
@djstweetarazzi: @MtvJess @MTV Your face says beauty, brains, kindness, lovingness, & oh crap why me lol :) #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
 @djstweetarazzi: @MTVBananas Must have been your reflection in the water (Loves trash talking Bananas, but no real hate) #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@djstweetarazzi: @MtvJess @DiemBrownMTV I am seriously crying after seeing Diem & CT @TheOfficial_CT talking just then, cant imagine how their friends feel
@djstweetarazzi: @WestonBergmann Already you get a shut up Wes, dag lol, That didnt take long lol #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@djstweetarazzi: @JustJem24 Sending you hugs & love
@djstweetarazzi: @JayGMTV I never knew them personally & Im crying, I cant imagine how you & everyone else is feeling #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@djstweetarazzi: @SimoneJKelly Just watched you try & get a top bunk but failed miserably, lol, not a bunk bed fan? lol #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@djstweetarazzi: @MtvJess @MTV How do/did you decide what room you wanted to go in? #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@djstweetarazzi: @JennaCompono I guarantee your butt will be most talked about this season, well one of the most lol #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@djstweetarazzi: @MtvJess @DJzito You are always supposed to have your teammates back not interrogate them #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@djstweetarazzi: @TheRealNiaMoore I've given up trying not to cry, tears are flowing #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@djstweetarazzi: @MtvJess Lmao, this tweet right here is one of the reasons why I love ya! :) lol #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@djstweetarazzi: @MtvJess They need to have a vets/fans challenge & us team up, I will always have your back! #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@djstweetarazzi: @RobinMTV14 @DiemBrownMTV I have no doubt, *hugs* Love ya Robin!
@djstweetarazzi: @SimoneJKelly Funniest moment so far is def you trying to get on that top bunk lmao #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@djstweetarazzi: @MtvJess You did great! I would have been shaking like a leaf too #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@djstweetarazzi: @IamAdamKuhn Well thats one way to pop it lmao #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@djstweetarazzi: @TheRealNiaMoore Cause its funny to watch everyone else no matter if you're coming up next lol #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@djstweetarazzi: @MtvJess @haileychivers *hugs* Hey @tjlavin needs to give ya pts for such a awesome fall! #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@djstweetarazzi: @JennaCompono You & @JayGMTV did very well #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@djstweetarazzi: @TheRealNiaMoore So question, those noises you made... hmmm... they didn't sound scary lol #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@djstweetarazzi: @brittany_baldi Just means if they have a weeble/wobble comp you got it! #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@djstweetarazzi: @JennaCompono A height challenge is never easy! #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@djstweetarazzi: @brittany_baldi @DiemBrownMTV Such a beautiful person, with such a huge heart #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2 #Crying
@djstweetarazzi: @JayGMTV @JennaCompono @ZachMTV Think Jay was just tryin to comment on Jenna's ass & threw Zach in there lol #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@djstweetarazzi: @MtvJess @dustinzito That was a legit touching moment between you two :) #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@djstweetarazzi: @RobinMTV14 If you were part of the winning team right now Robin who would you want to throw in? #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@djstweetarazzi: @WestonBergmann Wish u would have listened to urself & not @TheresaTime20, @MtvJess doesn't deserve to go in #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@djstweetarazzi: @AndyHerren @MtvJess @dustinzito Never thought I'd say this, but I 100 percent agree with Andy! #NoOffense @brittany_baldi #TeamRainbowSocks
@djstweetarazzi: @MtvJess @dustinzito @MTV Who can blame him lol #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@djstweetarazzi: @JennaCompono Congrats @brittany_baldi @IamAdamKuhn, Good try @dustinzito @MtvJess I so did NOT want u 2 to go home :( #TeamRainbowSocks
@djstweetarazzi: @MtvJess @dustinzito @MTV OMG Yes! #TeamExileRainbowSocks
@djstweetarazzi: @MtvJess heart is so big & beautiful! Idc what anyone says about her, there are few people who are as genuine as her! #RespectJess *hugs*
@djstweetarazzi: Tonights Journal Post, Thank You Tuesday is dedicated to someone w/ a huge heart & inner & outter beauty @MtvJess! …
@MLaRose3: Ready for #RealWorldSkeletons and #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2 tonight. Thank you @MTV @TheChallengeMTV for making it all on one night 🙏
@MLaRose3: It's time 😈🙏 #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2 @MTV @TheChallengeMTV
@MLaRose3: @VMilerman Closer and closer to that follow, your partner in crime @SylviaMTV already did so you should follow suit 😉😘
@CardellChris: MTV loves to start challenges from high up. #mtvchallenge #mtv #challenge26
@CardellChris: This challenge is dedicated to Diem. Always remember! #ripdiembrown #thechallenge #mtvchallenge #mtv
@CardellChris: Also dedicated to Knight. always remember! #mtvchallenge #mtv #battleoftheexes2
@CardellChris: @haileychivers Great job on Exes 2 last night.
@CardellChris: @TheRealNiaMoore Great to see you on the challenge again!
@ccaliri01: She's back everyone @TheRealNiaMoore 👊👍😎💵💸
@KatieeBug143: Whay everyone has been waiting for..#TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2! @brittany_baldi @MaybachDiamonds @jenniknapmiller @MtvJess @dustinzito @JennaCompono @JayGMTV @ThomasBuellMTV @haileychivers @SimoneJKelly @IamAdamKuhn
@KatieeBug143: Kinda makes me sad watching @DiemBrownMTV and Knight!
@KatieeBug143: HIII HAILEY!!! It's been awhile ☺️👋 @haileychivers
@KatieeBug143: I almost dunno if I can watch #BattleOfTheExes2 cause hearing @DiemBrownMTV talk about winning makes me wanna cry😭 #RIPDiem #sobeautiful
@KatieeBug143: @JamieChinaMTV 😃😘 doing anything new and exciting!?
@KatieeBug143: @MtvJess You're one of my faves on #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2 (and in general☺️) love you Jess!!
@KatieeBug143: @SimoneJKelly Heyyy Simone!! Love youuuu :) what was your fave part about being on the challenge?
@KatieeBug143: I love @brittany_baldi but it makes me saddddd @MtvJess and @dustinzito lost first cause I loveeee them too!! 😭😕😯 #BattleOfTheExs2 #dus&jess
@KatieeBug143: Ex-lied!? What?!? lol #BattleOfTheExes2 😳
@KatieeBug143: @JennaCompono yeah prob been my fave sofar in season wise! It was a good episode :) good seeing you on it! Love you!
- @JennaCompono: @KatieeBug143 appreciate it!!
- @KatieeBug143: @JennaCompono 😘👍 hope you're doing well! What was your fave part of being on the show?
@GoldenGreggy: Tonight 📺👍 #BadGirlsClubRedemption #degrassi #RealWorldSkeletons #TheChallengeBattleOfTheExes2
@GoldenGreggy: “@briughh: Guess we're both suckers for hair stylists ;) haha @t_raines33 #notSaying #yet” @TheShaneRaines is pretty bomb 😏
@GoldenGreggy: @SylviaMTV awwwww don't cry
@GoldenGreggy: @SylviaMTV looked like a Mexican Marilyn Monroe? #accurate @_Kazuhnova #RealWorldSkeletons
@GoldenGreggy: @t_raines33 #thatsnoneofmybusiness 🐸
@GoldenGreggy: "I was young and dumb and she had no gag reflex " #BattleOfTheExes2
@GoldenGreggy: "Hi I'm nia, I'm 24, and my occupation is badass bitch" are yall niggas hiring? @TheRealNiaMoore 😂😂
@GoldenGreggy: Ct and diem aren't a romance novel why? #BattleOfTheExes2
@GoldenGreggy: @t_raines33 so how many feet are going in your mouth next week?
@GoldenGreggy: #BattleOfTheExes2 yeah I don't have exes I don't like. I have had teachers, classmates, and neighbors I wanna beat the shit out of though😂😂
@GoldenGreggy: I wanna see how this goes with 4 teams disqualified #BattleOfTheExes2
@GoldenGreggy: Sarah was like 2 inches away 😔#BattleOfTheExes2
@EricKashuba: ITS ON
@EricKashuba: Go #teamportland @MtvJess @ave_tress @JohnnyReilly_ @JordanW_usa @TheRealNiaMoore
@EricKashuba: My favorite parts are the flashbacks @TheresaTime20 @SarahRiceMTV
@EricKashuba: Always #teamvegas #thechallenge @dustinzito @NanyMTV @RoyLee25mtv
@EricKashuba: @JustJem24 #dreamteam all I can say
@EricKashuba: @MtvJess watching the second part of you and @dustinzito in the ex-Ile house got me so excited for the future
@EricKashuba: @NanyMTV I'm glad the U and Dustin are still great friends
@EricKashuba: @brittany_baldi it must feel great to win a dome competing for the first time in a elimination, I'd be super happy congrats 🎉
@kayla_squire: Go time baby! #BattleOfTheExes2
@kendallongg: The Real World & The Challenge are on back to back tonight
@kendallongg: Crying @ @JustJem24 saying half the girls don't even know who their partners could be 😂😂😂😂
@kendallongg: ZACH SAID JONNA HAS NO GAG REFLEX 😭😭😭😭holy shitballs I'm hollerin
@kendallongg: "Hi my name is @TheRealNiaMoore and my occupation is a bad ass bitch" 😂👏👏👏
@kendallongg: Seeing Diem makes me want to cry 💔 #BattleOfTheExes2
@kendallongg: DIEM 😭😭😭😭
@kendallongg: Completely underestimated Avery #BattleOfTheExes2
@kendallongg: @SarahRiceMTV shoe fell and prob hit a little by stander 😂😂 #BattleOfTheExes2
@kendallongg: @JamieChinaMTV come on next season!
@kendallongg: I know my girl @MtvJess will come with through with that win
@kendallongg: Well shit
@kendallongg: Diems dancing 😩😩😩🙌🙌
@kendallongg: @MtvJess facial expression
@jdix1990: I'm so pumped for this season of #BattleOfTheExes2
@jdix1990: This challenge is also breaking my heart #RIPKnight #RipDiem #BattleOfTheExes2 💔
@jdix1990: @MtvJess bringing back her kick ass socks #BattleOfTheExes2
@jdix1990: My girl @NanyMTV was so close #BattleOfTheExes2
@EricC_Official: Can @MTVBananas be my life coach? His advice is givin me life! specially after a gnarly calisthenics workout #TheChallenge #BattleOfTheExes2
@ShimBo84: @RobinMTV14 I don't know if I can watch knowing Diem isn't hear anymore. Sad day. But with death comes life... Congrats on almost being due!
- @RobinMTV14: @ShimBo84 thanks but you know @DiemBrownMTV she would want us to be happy and remember her in a positive light :)
- @ShimBo84: @RobinMTV14 @DiemBrownMTV My #DiemInThePM will always be remembered for her awesomeness to others & passion for life. Still hard tho.
- @RobinMTV14: @ShimBo84 very hard I love and miss her dearly. Rip @DiemBrownMTV
@ShimBo84: Wow seeing @DiemBrownMTV is gut wrenching! The epitome of an amazing woman with grace & life. She gave from her heart. #RIPDiemBrown #BOTE2
@ShimBo84: @t_raines33 Yo, How'd you like the Challenge #BattleOfTheExes2? Who are you rooting for? Who would you work with if you get on a challenge?
- ‏@t_raines33: @ShimBo84 rootin 4 @MTVBananas and @ZachMTV i wood like 2 team with 1 of my roomies or ayto girls #RealWorldSkeletons #ayto @RealWorldMTV
- @ShimBo84: @t_raines33 @MTVBananas I hung out with Johnny a few times. He's a good dude & funny as hell. He's also a beast of a competitor.
@Johnny_Ziggler: waking up knowing its #challengeday is a better then waking up for Christmas morning
@Johnny_Ziggler: no challenge is complete without a traditional @MTVBananas toast!
@Johnny_Ziggler: @JennaCompono doing cartwheels in a bikini & @ZachMTV is like "o that jenna compono so hot, want to touch the hinnie"
@Johnny_Ziggler: so we have dunbar2.0 with way more douche, total mug dork, ghetto ratchet trash bag, & the other i have nuthing bad 2 say but still #GTFO
@Johnny_Ziggler: so BS that charismatic @dustinzito & the lovely @MtvJess are the 1st ones out 😡 heres 2 hoping u kick ass in the exile 💪
@Jonnyboyy10: Feel bad for @dustinzito he has the worst luck on #TheChallenge @TheChallengeMTV

#DCDoubleShot: And As I Saw It on #DCNOW
@dc408dxnow: So, it's time. #DCDoubleShot Tuesdays are now in order, those FF miles will be aplenty. First, let's head to Chicago. #RealWorldSkeletons
@dc408dxnow: Just off the bat, @madiwadi2by4 @SylviaMTV are going after @brunorealworld in his room, and @t_raines33 dancing w/ those who are camera shy
@dc408dxnow: .@brunorealworld finding himself in a triangle w/ @SylviaMTV & local girl Carla. And @n_zanattaMTV finds a girl she likes. #DCRealWorld
@dc408dxnow: .@n_zanattaMTV & her new girl are in the confessional making out, and @brunorealworld @SylviaMTV are in bed again. It's a late night.
@dc408dxnow: Well, the group has found they're broke as a joke. And here's something we didn't see in SF: a job. Waiter & server jobs on the menu.
@dc408dxnow: Tony leading the cheers among the group, while Madison is on the patio w/ the cute one. Carla shows up, Bruno worried a bit w/ Syl in there
@dc408dxnow: Well, poor @SylviaMTV. She is crying in the confessional just as Bruno is getting to know Carla, it might be too much for her. #DCRealWorld
@dc408dxnow: The group has found out that there's nine beds instead of 7. Things are about to get ugly to say the least. Skeletons coming. #DCRealWorld
@dc408dxnow: Bruno & Sylvia talking in the closet, she decides she's not interested in going out with him to see Carla & co. #wolfpack party alert!
@dc408dxnow: Now that money situation comes up once again, Tony is causing the drama there. Tempers flying in the club & back home. #RealWorldSkeletons
@dc408dxnow: Things getting heated w/ @t_raines33 @SylviaMTV, she has to be restrained. Money money money, where's JJ to throw that cash? #DCRealWorld
@dc408dxnow: Things calm down after that fight, and @brunorealworld goes to @SylviaMTV's room to show he cares for her after her meltdown. #DCRealWorld
@dc408dxnow: .@t_raines33 realizes he made a mistake in not paying bad tabs, and he & @SylviaMTV make up. She'll try to get her emotions under control.
@dc408dxnow: .@SylviaMTV goes in for 2-hr producer interview. Meanwhile, the first skeleton arrives. She'll be in for a huge surprise when she returns.
@dc408dxnow: So, @SylviaMTV's skeleton arrives. She is @AliciaKayGlenny, her boss from hell at a KC bar. Syl has been kept in the dark about all this.
@dc408dxnow: Alicia is clicking with the girls as if she's a new roomie, but Madison doesn't know how serious this situation is all about. #DCRealWorld
@dc408dxnow: .@_Kazuhnova is really anticipating the moment @SylviaMTV returns. We all are anticipating it too, Jay. It's gonna be great television.
@dc408dxnow: All the roommates speculating who their skeleton will be heading to Chicago. Meanwhile Madison is getting to know Alicia. #DCRealWorld
@dc408dxnow: So, @SylviaMTV's chat has ended, and now crew has brought a bed to her room. @VMilerman says "kill" on the bat phone. Here comes Sylvia...
@dc408dxnow: Alicia & roomies talking on the patio and she knows she's in a tough position. Then Madison gets into it over talking house biz w/ her.
@dc408dxnow: Now @madiwadi2by4 is throwing the bed downstairs. But now, the real show begins: @SylviaMTV's arrived. Get that popcorn ready... #RealWorld
@dc408dxnow: .@SylviaMTV still cannot believe that her boss has moved in, and still doesn't want to go outside to meet her. Finally she does. #realworld
@dc408dxnow: So, here we go with #BattleOfTheExes2, and here come the rookies. Welcome back #realworldexplosion & #AreYouTheOne! #DCChallenge
@dc408dxnow: .@ZachMTV: "my worst nightmare has come true." Guys: "not again." He & Jonna are first to be introduced. I remember that season well.
@dc408dxnow: .@SarahRiceMTV is next. She hooked up w JordanW_usa, Jonna hooked up w him. Seen the ladies guy style of him more often on these challenges
@dc408dxnow: .@NanyMTV is next, and she's w/ @MTVBananas. Then @TheresaTime20 & she's w/ @WestonBergmann. @ave_tress w/ @JohnnyReilly_. #DCChallenge
@dc408dxnow: .@TheRealNiaMoore is w/ @RoyLee25mtv. And she just quoted the 41st president. Now the rookies... @brittany_baldi w/ @IamAdamKuhn.
@dc408dxnow: .@MtvJess is w/ @dustinzito. @JennaCompono is w/ @JayGMTV. @JustJem24 w/ @Knight_MTV. @haileychivers w/ @ThomasBuellMTV. #DCChallenge
@dc408dxnow: The fourth rookie team: there's @SimoneJKelly w/ @MaybachDiamonds. Then they save the best for last. @DiemBrownMTV @TheOfficial_CT.
@dc408dxnow: Rules: losers go automatically into dome. Mission winners become power couple & gain voting power. $350K purse, $250K to the Winners.
@dc408dxnow: I know it'll be very emotional for us seeing Diem & Knight, but I'm sure they'll be watching from up above along w/ all of us. #DCChallenge
@dc408dxnow: .@MTVBananas again leads the cast toast. He's won this 5 times including FA 25, is there anything else left for him to prove? He still has.
@dc408dxnow: .@JennaCompono @haileychivers perform a cartwheel. @ZachMTV is impressed by that. Thursday is 1-yr anniversary of #realworldexplosion btw.
@dc408dxnow: .@SarahRiceMTV: "this episode of #TheChallenge, brought to you by the letter J." Lot of these #Exes2 people have their names begin w/ that.
@dc408dxnow: Then we see Diem talk about what could happen if she wins. I feel like I wanna cry every time I see her. I'm not alone of course.
Mission 1: Panama City. Skyscrapers, and a trapeze act in downtown having to go from one end to another many feet high. Scary. #DCChallenge
@dc408dxnow: And wanna say thanks to @NanyMTV for giving me the follow back here also. Good to see you grace my screen once again Nany. #Banany
@dc408dxnow: First, it's @dustinzito @MtvJess v. @JohnnyReilly_ @ave_tress. #TeamPortland doing well, but Jess falls! Poor girl. #DCChallenge
@dc408dxnow: .@ZachMTV @jonnamtv v. @WestonBergmann @TheresaTime20. Both ladies having difficulties & gosh wouldn't be surprised if both end badly here
@dc408dxnow: Jonna falls and Theresa's trying to hang on. But she survives. Now @RoyLee25mtv @TheRealNiaMoore v. @JayGMTV @JennaCompono. #DCChallenge
@dc408dxnow: Jenna was making good work of that, but she falls off! Now Leroy/Nia vs. the clock and she also falls. This challenge is tough as nails.
@dc408dxnow: .@MTVBananas @NanyMTV v. @brittany_baldi @IamAdamKuhn.
Rookie falls off. Should be easy for team to beat, but she also drops. unfortunate.
@dc408dxnow: .@MaybachDiamonds @SimoneJKelly v. @Knight_MTV @JustJem24. Jem having difficulty & just saw AK tweet that it's now a wide open affair
@dc408dxnow: .@TheOfficial_CT @DiemBrownMTV v. @SarahRiceMTV @JordanW_usa & she loses a shoe & falls but lasts long enough 2 avoid dome. CT/Diem complete
@dc408dxnow: .@haileychivers @ThomasBuellMTV go last vs. the clock & become 4th to complete. Last place is @IamAdamKuhn @brittany_baldi. #DCChallenge
@dc408dxnow: So in the end, @WestonBergmann @TheresaTime20 win mission 1 & power team. Now the show begins of who he will put in as they enjoy dinner.
@dc408dxnow: Thats a shocker, Wes wants to put JB in? Takes Jay & Tom aside that he wants a vet team to go in, he's siding with the rookies. #DCChallenge
- @CSUAKirk: @dc408dxnow @dc408dxtr that's far from a shocker dc Wes always try's to band the rookies together  its never worked
- @dc408dxtr: @CSUAKirk oh okay, I'm still a newbie to this world though. Haven't watched much of those older challenges to see what this is about.
- @CSUAKirk: @dc408dxtr watch episode two of fresh meat two
@dc408dxnow: Dustin & Jess having a talk in the patio, then Wes talks to Bananas. JB thinks he's out of his mind. Now decision time. #DCChallenge
@dc408dxnow: So instead of taking huge gamble, Wes goes conservative & puts in @MtvJess @dustinzito. Them vs. @IamAdamKuhn @brittany_baldi. #DCChallenge
@dc408dxnow: Pole Position between Adam/Brittany & Dustin/Jessica. My heart feels torn & I'll be sad either way bc I'm fans of all four of these people.
@dc408dxnow: Zito/Jess have problems but recover while Adam/Britt are hanging w/ them. This is gonna be close here. Anyone's game. #BattleOfTheExes2
@dc408dxnow: 50 weeks ago tonight, #AreYouTheOne season 1 premiered. Could @IamAdamKuhn @brittany_baldi make the AYTO fans jump up again? They could.
@dc408dxnow: What has just happened? @MtvJess has leaned back at the wrong time and it may cost her & @dustinzito. They need to hurry! #DCChallenge
@dc408dxnow: To take @RyanDevlin's words, "Holy s... They did it." @IamAdamKuhn @brittany_baldi win. It's an #AYTOTakeover. #AreYouTheOne #TheChallenge
@dc408dxnow: At the same time, gotta feel for @dustinzito @MtvJess. Not easy being first ones out, but rest assured they'll ultimately win one of these.
@dc408dxnow: But if you thought it was over for them, it's not over yet for @MtvJess @dustinzito. Second chance perhaps? Stay tuned... #TheChallenge
@dc408dxnow: And that's all folks. Compiling tweets now, #DCSocialPulse mega-wrap coming your way later this week. Gonna be up all night perhaps.

So, there's how the fans and me saw EP4 of RW Skeletons and the premiere of Exes 2. As we always like to say around here, these are the people who drive the conversation of the shows we love more than anyone else, and if things go well here, now the Fan's have their own post on here now.

Now, having this blog will enable me to voice opinions on the shows I love. I'm almost full of thoughts on both RW Skeletons and Exes 2, so here's some ExtraTime opinion.

> Real World Skeletons
- On the cast: I believe it's a very good cast, I gotta agree with Reality Radio's assessment of them. We have a diverse group who all have great stories in addition to their dynamic personalities. We have a New Englander, a girl from Staten Island, a couple guys from the south, two fiery girls from KC and Florida and that Texas girl with a dark past. So far, I've been liking this group.
- On the skeletons twist: The pasts of all these people are very fascinating and it expands the broad spectrum of what they've been through and what viewers can instantly relate to. It's gonna cause a lot of drama yes, but it's also tailor-made for me in the great passion that I have for storytelling. There's no reality show best suited to telling stories that are both honest and relatable than The Real World.
- On which skeleton I'm looking forward to watching: I'm looking forward to all the roommates' stories. Madison shared that dark past she had in EP2 of her having a drug addiction. There's Violetta having the bullies coming into town that she had to endure in high school. Tony's very close to Madison early on, but imagine what it'll be like when his exes have to battle with her for his's Ex-Plosion all over again, for him at least. I got to tell that story of Bruno & Briah when bro met Deena & Angelina and it's gonna be fascinating to see what will happen to them. And if Jason does meet his dad for the first time, I'm sure there's gonna be a Kleenex box handy; and we've just seen what happened with him finding out about him having a baby. And we still have to find out among, Sylvia and Nic, will have to deal with their past too. It's gonna be wild and amazing.

Battle of the Exes 2
- What I'm most anticipating this seasonI'm looking forward to everything, as always. If the drama that everyone saw with the first Exes two years ago is any indication, than we should expect this to take TJ's word of being the best one yet. We've got all these people that we've gotten to know and have talked to a lot that we're gonna be watching, so we have familiarity with everyone not just the big namesThere's the new Battle of the Ex-iled twist that will shock everyone yes, but it'll really give inspiration to those who think that they're out of it if they lose that first Exile and give them incentive with this second's gonna cause chaos in them reentering the game just as we've seen on Survivor. And, of course, there's all these teams being forced to have to overcome their pasts if they want the cash. It'll be something, for sure.
- On Are You The One joining The Challenge: It's gonna bring a new younger audience to this show, especially with Adam, Brittany, JJ & Simone having enjoyed a strong following in Hawaii and showing great personality & competitiveness during AYTO1. Plus, along with their other Season 1 castmates and what we saw with the Season 2 kids, it's gonna help inject some new fresh energy to The Challenge to make up for more of the vets stepping away to do other things. And of course, Andrew called it when he did that fantasy challenge on his blog, everyone will be focusing in on those like us who watched AYTO for making this fantasy who wanted this crossover come much earlier than expected. It is, as all of us have written, the best move in a long time for this show."
- Who else I'm anticipating this seasonI'm looking forward to seeing what the Ex-Plosion cast has in store in their debuts; most of us pretty much knew the first Challenge they would be eligible for would be Exes 2. I know Jay has become a CrossFit fella lately, Tom has that tennis pedigree, Hailey has been compared to Katie and Jenna has a nice body too. I'm also anticipating what Jessica has in store after that great run on Free Agents, what Nany can do after that silver medal and now being in a power pair with Bananas, see if Jordan & Sarah can bounce back from early exits on their last appearances to get that monkey off her back.
   We were impressed by how Theresa did last season, so I can expect better things with her and Wes as he comes in having won his last appearance. There's Averey and how she & Johnny can co-exist after that breakup and also with Nia in the house too; how Zach & Jonna may fare, and if Leroy or Dustin can finally win. And obviously, we'll see how MTV can send out Diem and Knight on a positive note as well. So there's 13 great teams and 26 stories behind all of them.
- Which teams I believe have best shot at winning or contending to be in top 3Though I don't give my predictions on who will win until the final - and also because we know a big name pair will ultimately leave early relating to what happened recentlyfor me I'm looking at Bananas & Nany, Jordan & Sarah and Wes & Theresa being in that top 3 who'll ultimately contend to get to the final. I know JB & Nany are a questionable pair in the minds of many, but if what we saw in them killing it in that last regular mission in Uruguay and then in the final is any indication, they should be the team to beat. If Ginger & T.Time can gel well enough and get over what happened in the past, they could win. And if Jordan can just lay off and stay calm throughout and Sarah can finally become the best she can be after what she's been through, I think they might be the favorites, if not challenge for the crown.
   Among those in the hunt, I believe that if Zach can bounce back after that Rivals 2 DQ and that unfortunate FA final and show the Thor we saw on BOTS2 and early on in Thailand, and Jonna keeps her head in it, they can contend. Him making it to the end two years ago and what we saw from her last season, Dustin & Jess actually have a much-better shot than most think to get to the end. Leroy & Nia are also motivated to finally make things happen and are capable of finally getting over the hump. And don't be surprised if it happens again: if any of the rookie pairs sneak into the three, and I believe Adam & Britt, Javerey or Jay & Jenna have a good chance at it - it can again prove anything's possible that the youngsters are no longer the firsts ones out, they're in it to win it.

Now, as announced on here recently, DC Fan's View is changing things up in the new year. For my next generation of blog interviews that I do here sometimes alongside my diaries, I'm broadening my reach to fellow webcast hosts, bloggers and regular fanatics of the Trifecta in getting their thoughts of RW, Challenge and AYTO on this site. So, I'm posing a challenge to all of you for my new series of chats for this new cycle, and the first fruit of that labor was posted on New Year's Eve when Andrew Kirk and I looked back on 2014 in reality TV.
   With having gained great interviewing experience talking to fans about their reunion experiences and being a regular webcast listener, I believe those will serve me well going forward, and I'd love to have you on here to discuss these shows. I plan to continue doing my part to help provoke conversation among fans by turning the attention to them for that Fan's View, the same way AK, Brian & Ali, Reality Radio, etc. have done so well when they talk to the cast and do recaps. This provides some fresh perspective that can't be found anywhere else, perfectly complementing the social interaction that we bring you here, and the various webcasts & sites that cover these shows too.
   If you're one of those fanatics or those webcast hosts who would like to do an interview for this site on the trifecta, simply tweet, follow or send me a direct message to my twitter @DC408dxtr, or just shoot me an email to and we'll set things up (i.e. Asking for your email via DM, discuss possible topics & ?'s privately, etc.). I'll send you an email questionnaire for you to fill out, with a timely deadline of have it in within a week of it appearing in your inbox. As always, the quicker you reply, the faster I'll be in posting it.
   And of course, as the new focus of my Fan's View posts, I look forward to talking to you throughout the season on the shows we love. After all, I know you all have plenty of opinions, and I look forward to translating your thoughts to this blog in word form, just like you all do on BlogTalkRadio, SpreeCast and Google+. And you're the people who watch, support and drive the conversation of these shows like me, and it's fitting that now, I get to turn the tables and get your thoughts as I enter my fourth year of following MTV shows on social media and DCBLOG.

And that's Part 2 of this DC SocialPulse MEGA Wrap of the first Double Shot Tuesday. Hope you enjoyed our long diary look back at Episode 4 of Real World Skeletons and the premiere of Battle of the Exes 2. And if you've been able to read these two posts wire to wire, then give yourself a pat on the back.
   Keep it here on DCBLOG for wall-to-wall Real World/Challenge coverage, highlighted by The 'Pulse posts covering the episode twitter interaction. Make sure to follow my live tweet handle, DCNOW at @DC408DxNow for live tweets of both RW Skeletons and Exes 2 every Tuesday, as well as my Twitter and Instagram @DC408Dxtr for tweets, chats, alerts and pictures.
   Once again, hope you enjoyed this week's Double Shot Tuesday MEGA-Wrap, and until I talk to you on Twitter and here on the 'Blog, thanks for reading, stay warm, have fun, and see you then.


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