Monday, December 7, 2015

DC WRAP: The Challenge Battle of the Bloodlines - The Premiere

BY DC CUEVA                           
@DC408dxtr / @DC408dxnow

Welcome back once again to DCBLOG as we recap last week's premiere of The Challenge: Battle of the Bloodlines. Again as mentioned in our last post, DC WRAP is now the home to my write-up's on the episodes, which were previously featured on my SocialPulse diaries which were posted over the weekend, but were introduced during AYTO3 for those who are in a hurry and who want just a straight-up episode recap. We're making things more easy for all of you in bringing you this recap in cliff notes form.
   The premiere episode of Bloodlines had just about everything: a stunning opening-act hookup, a fight between brothers, more hookups between the originals & bloodlines, and of course some good competition to begin this week's season. And oh, we also gotma good cast that, though it is essentially a Fresh Meat III with newcomers aplenty, there is nonetheless our favorites and those hungry to grab the spotlight in Turkey.
   Ahead, we'll have the usual suspects of the Five Things to Know of the night's key moments and Winners of the Night. Plus, we'll have a 'Pulse Extra with more fan reaction to that episode, carried over from its usual spot at the main 'Pulse post back on Saturday. And on DC ExtraTime, the girl whose actions grabbed everyone's attention is my subject, but before you go off on her for breaking up Tadison, you might want to think twice before sending that hate tweet... proof lies in a video. And on a lighter note as this is posted on the birthday of host TJ Lavin, you'll also meet Team MTV's newest baby as well.  That's ahead after the jump.

First, a continuation from the 'Pulse diary of the premiere. To make things a bit more easier there, I moved the fans' tweets, other than mine of course, to this Wrap. One of the interested viewers was Gabi Victor from Bad Girls' Club, a fan of the MTV world and a friend of Challenger Trey. Her tweets lead off the Fan's View.

> Pulse Extra (contains adult language, please read with discretion)
@IAmDanniV: @NanyMTV you and your cousin are the only dope chicks wtf
@IAmDanniV: I really don't understand how no girl looks bomb on the challenge. Make up a mess, hair not brushed, clothes looking like 8th grade recess
@IAmDanniV: Who the fuck are these people? #ChallengeBloodlines
@IAmDanniV: This girl is embarrassing herself on tv though
 @IAmDanniV: Christina is so gross if my man cheated on me with that his shit would be burned like a scene from waiting to exhale #ChallengeBloodlines
@IAmDanniV: This drama is really edited terribly- I feel like they took out the entire purpose of this argument and too many ppl r crying this challenge
@IAmDanniV: On a side note what is Shane's Twitter because I love him lol #ChallengeBloodlines

@busdriversroute: Tomorrow we wake up in Challenge season. Cheers to dreams of smashing heads and eating them. #Blessed
@busdriversroute: Get set for the #Bloodlines premiere by hearing me @lashtweets discuss the cast. #RHAP …
@busdriversroute: To quote the great @roundhoward, the three hours before the premiere of The Challenge are the best three hours.
@busdriversroute: That I have an excel spreadsheet full of vlookups & if statements to run my Challenge fantasy league is so sad it's hard to put into words.
@busdriversroute: On Survivor someone passes out from dehydration/starvation. On The Challenge multiple people will pass out from alcohol. What a night.
@busdriversroute: IT'S TIME!!!!! #TheChallengeBloodlines
@busdriversroute: Mediocre name for the elimination. Nothing will ever top Gulag but I'll enjoy the nostalgia of Parks and Rec with "the pit." #Bloodlines
@busdriversroute: .@MTVBananas toast! And we're off with another season of The Challenge #TheChallengeBloodlines
@busdriversroute: In case you're wondering, Tony is single. Who thought a Real World relationship couldn't survive one person going on The Challenge?
@busdriversroute: Here's a phrase only the Challenge can produce: I can't consider "pants dropping" as coitus. But kissing...yes. #TheChallengeBloodlines
@busdriversroute: I think I'd rather insult a mafia boss than Camila's sister. #TheChallengeBloodlines
@busdriversroute: The best part is Nicole calling Tony a little kid when they're at most the same age. Drunk fights are the best. #TheChallengeBloodlines
@busdriversroute: This is why this concept is great. A simple comment from Tony to Larissa led to a fight involving 8 people. #TheChallengeBloodlines
@busdriversroute: The Challenge just embracing violence is the step it needs to take to become true legendary. #TheChallengeBloodlines
@busdriversroute: Hint Jenna: You're one of the weaker teams. #TheChallengeBloodlines
@busdriversroute: I'm guessing this isn't the worse thing Nany has done with her butt. #TheChallengeBloodlines
@busdriversroute: Cara! She's out for blood (lines)! Such a vet move. #TheChallengeBloodlines
@busdriversroute: But is she staking her claim too soon? Great intrigue. #TheChallengeBloodlines
@busdriversroute: Cohutta's a smart guy. There's no chance he thinks Christina/Emily are more likely to win a challenge than Leroy/Candice. #Bloodlines
@busdriversroute: If Vince throws a punch and gets Bananas kicked out, Vince will have to live in Turkey. No chance Bananas let's him back in the country.
@busdriversroute: There's also no chance MTV kicks out Bananas but still.
@busdriversroute: You get hook up points! You get hook up points! EVERYONE GETS HOOK UP POINTS! #TheChallengeBloodlines
@busdriversroute: I promise you this, I won't be telling my grandkids about the time Jenna and Brianna faced Christina and Emily in elimination. #Bloodlines
@busdriversroute: "@JustJem24: Im impressed Jenna used layup correctly in a sentence." RT @JustJem24 I'm impressed she formed a proper sentence.
@busdriversroute: "This season on The Challenge." The sweetest words in the English language.  #TheChallengeBloodlines
@busdriversroute: Bus Driver's Route: The Challenge Bloodlines Scoring Week 1 …
@busdriversroute: The thread for questions for the premiere RHAP-up of The Challenge Bloodlines w/ @lashtweets is up  #RHAP #Bloodlines
@RealityRadioPod: Sucks, half the cast can't live tweet for #TheChallengeBloodlines. 😢
@RealityRadioPod: Already not feeling Nany and her cousin... anyone who has to call them selves "the baddest b******" is bleh to me.. #TheChallengeBloodlines
@RealityRadioPod: .@mtvdario and Ralph are good picks from the @AREUTHE1 lot.. #TheChallengeBloodlines
@RealityRadioPod: So lame... it's like the old guy who's thinking he's still in with the popular high schoolers...
@RealityRadioPod My peeps! @AREUTHE1
@RealityRadioPod: Lol how @t_raines33 just plops right in between @NanyMTV and her cousin... #TheChallengeBloodlines
@RealityRadioPod: Oh @cohuttaMTV never stops being amazing... try to give the other guys a chance for a change... #TheChallengeBloodlines
@RealityRadioPod: Please bring @AneesaMTV's entire family on the next challenge! I'm all for it! #TheChallengeBloodlines
@RealityRadioPod: Seriously @MTV_Christina... don't be THAT girl... #TheChallengeBloodlines
@RealityRadioPod: That's it @t_raines33... you're dismissed... no more Tadison love from me.. @madiwadi2by4 deserves better.. #TheChallengeBloodlines
@RealityRadioPod: On the other hand... @TheShaneRaines is being adorable as always! Wish @briughh was there to keep you company.. #TheChallengeBloodlines
@RealityRadioPod: Um... your cousin is a rookie too... @NanyMTV #TheChallengeBloodlines
@RealityRadioPod: Reality Radio Pod Retweeted IG: xxodanielle: They need to hire me..#TheChallengeBloodlines @BunimMurray
@RealityRadioPod: Loving this impromptu DUI test lol #TheChallengeBloodlines @TheShaneRaines
@RealityRadioPod: Reality Radio Pod Retweeted The Challenge: I doubt @NanyMTV and @t_raines33 were embarrassed.. they were just being themselves.. #TheChallengeBloodlines #Drama
@RealityRadioPod: They better keep them on the show!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will riot!!!! lol #TheChallengeBloodlines @TheShaneRaines @t_raines33
@RealityRadioPod: Does @tjlavin not remember ALLL the crazy fights on Rivals 2.. and NO ONE got sent home! lol #TheChallengeBloodlines
@RealityRadioPod: Everyone's being on their best behavior for their bloodline... except for @t_raines33 of course lol #TheChallengeBloodlines
@RealityRadioPod: Poor Leroy! He has to work extra hard whenever he gets a partner! #TeamUnderdogs #TheChallengeBloodlines
@RealityRadioPod: "How do you climb the hill without a bucket" Oh just checking out the Turkish view.. @MTVCoryWharton #TheChallengeBloodlines
@RealityRadioPod: My girl!!! Lol @AneesaMTV working it! #TheChallengeBloodlines
@RealityRadioPod: That's right ladies! Work together! #TheChallengeBloodlines
@TheChallengeMTV: Wow!!!! @CaraMariaMTV & @KellyAnneJudd are playing the game!!! #TheChallengeBloodlines #Strategy #GirlGuyTeam #Alliance ?
@RealityRadioPod: Did we get a peep out of @KellyAnneJudd and her partner yet?? Are they even there? Did I miss it their intro?? #TheChallengeBloodlines
@RealityRadioPod: @TheChallengeTea She's only been on one challenge.. and didn't finish the final so she got $0! #Justsayin
@RealityRadioPod: Reality Radio Pod Retweeted MTVBLOODLINES
It should've been... if Cohutta was as strategic and aware as I'd like him to be.. #TheChallengeBloodlines
@RealityRadioPod: Reality Radio Pod Retweeted Trey Weatherholtz: I mean it's The Challenge so no.. but not even for Survivor money???
@RealityRadioPod: Wait! This is @JennaCompono's first elimination! Much luck Jenna & @briannajulig ! :) #TheChallengeBloodlines
@RealityRadioPod: Vince is a pure hater!!!! Don't start non won't be non. Cmon dude. #TheChallengeBloodlines #TeamCory
@RealityRadioPod: Nany... Tonya 2.0? #TheChallengeBloodlines #NoShade
 @RealityRadioPod: "That's not how my cousin is" was probably the biggest lie Nicole's ever told.. #TheChallengeBloodlines
@RealityRadioPod: All this drama and @t_raines33's nowhere to be found! Yay! #TheChallengeBloodlines
@RealityRadioPod: OMG A @KellyAnneJudd sighting! Yes!!! #TheChallengeBloodlines I love you! I've missed you!
@RealityRadioPod: All @MTV_Christina looking so nervous and innocent out there... #Youcandoit! #TheChallengeBloodlines
@RealityRadioPod: @tabron27 Just about anyone over Jenna but I do love @MTV_Christina :D
@RealityRadioPod: 1000% Team Cory & Mitch! My fav. rookie team! They are so cool and decent players. #TheChallengeBloodlines
@RealityRadioPod: Hope Cory/Mitch & Aneesa/Rianna go far! #TheChallengeBloodlines
@RealityRadioPod: Reality Radio Pod Retweeted MTV ChristinaLeBlanc: No worries... I'm sure we'll see you again ;)  @RealityRadioPod:
Reality Radio Pod Retweeted Mack: My middle school crush! 😍 ..... Irulan so hot! @RealWorldMTV #RealWorld
@RealityRadioPod: The game is even harder for the guy/girl teams. Each week they are at risk of going into an elimination. 😮😧😱   #TheChallengeBloodlines
@TheSteamer: I know he didn’t say exactly this but when I recap it in the future @RoyLee25mtv screamed “My name is my name!” #TheChallengeBloodlines
@TheSteamer: If TJ can’t make an elimination can they bring in Joe E. Tara to host. #ThePeachPit #ABoo #TheChallengeBloodlines
@TheSteamer: @busdriversroute I enjoy the simplicity.
@TheSteamer: Can we do a DNA Test on Bananas’ cousin to make sure he isn’t really Nick Swisher? #TheChallengeBloodlines
@TheSteamer: I want to see Cohutta’s papaw and Jill’s papaw on the next #TheChallengeBloodlines.
@TheSteamer: Random dude from Real World season that I didn’t watch, don’t worry about Random Blonde from AYTO being there long. #TheChallengeBloodlines
@TheSteamer: @busdriversroute Better show respect, you little kid. #TheChallengeBloodlines
@TheSteamer: Can you get expelled for hitting your own bloodline? Isn’t it sort of like hitting yourself? #TheChallengeBloodlines
@TheSteamer: It would be extremely unfortunate if Tony and Shane got expelled from the game after they already applied eye black. #TheChallengeBloodlines
@TheSteamer: You & Derrick. #BandanaConnection #TheChallengeBloodlines RT @TheMarkLong: I really do need to go back and regulate and save this franchise.
@TheSteamer: Hey Jenna, here’s a hint, you’re in the “weaker teams”. #TheChallengeBloodlines
@TheSteamer: @busdriversroute LOL. You bastard.
TheSteamer: @busdriversroute It got dirtier just being in the presence of Adam.
@TheSteamer: A tad early for these kind of moves, no? #TheChallengeBloodlines
@TheSteamer: Jenna, did that answer your question? #TheChallengeBloodlines
@TheSteamer: @busdriversroute If it’s just Candice? Possible. But the two randoms are the better play.
@TheSteamer: @busdriversroute Good point that should factor in but could just eliminate him now.
@TheSteamer: @busdriversroute Hopefully that Jenna and sister argument is next week. Be gone.
@TheSteamer: @busdriversroute Then again, they’re here for another two eps now. Fuck.
@TheSteamer: The season preview pretty much already told you who wins this. #TheChallengeBloodlines
@TheSteamer: @laurelstucky That sucks. So their medical policy gave us that joke of a team? Wonderful. Hopefully that changes in the future.
@regphalange_: People... @cohuttaMTV and @AbramBoise on the same season!! you have no idea how happy that makes me #TheChallengeBloodlines
@regphalange_: Plus @KellyAnneJudd is back... I don't know...I just...these are tears of joy Thanks @BunimMurray
@AceNichols33: Woo!!! #TheChallengeBloodlines starts tonight! Who's ready? You know I'm ready.
@AceNichols33: Before #TheChallengeBloodlines premieres, go watch me sing about @cohuttaMTV in the precap!
@AceNichols33: 2 hours until #TheChallengeBloodlines for some people. 5 more hours for me. WAHHHHHH!!! I'm full of bitching this evening.
@AceNichols33: I gotta get off of Twitter while y'all are watching #TheChallengeBloodlines! I'll be back later once it's on MY TV. #WestCoastProblems ✌🏼
@AceNichols33: KILLIN' IT...... #TheChallengeBloodlines
@AceNichols33: Every day after #TheChallengeBloodlines, you need to watch my recaps.. So, fans everywhere - get SUBSCRIBED!
@AceNichols33: You Challenge people should also subscribe to my super-easy-to-follow-da-drama #TheChallengeBloodlines Twitter list! …
@AceNichols33: Challenge time! #TheChallengeBloodlines #TakingQuoteNotesSucks hahaha
@AceNichols33: 😂 @cohuttaMTV u just killed me. "I think Nany purposefully look better than she did the last time I see her just to aggravate me." @NanyMTV
@AceNichols33: (Unbuckling pants) ... (Pants dropping).. Thanks @MTV we didn't understand what was happening. 😂😂😂 #TheChallengeBloodlines
@AceNichols33: YOU BOUT DAT DRAMA, BRA! #YallHearDatNOLAClap @TheShaneRaines @t_raines33 #TheChallengeBloodlines
@AceNichols33: Great episode! I'm all psyched up and shit! Nicely done to the homegirl @JennaCompono! #TheChallengeBloodlines
@AceNichols33: It's been a crazy day, but I'm editing now and trying to get the first recap of #TheChallengeBloodlines up for y'all later tonight.
@AceNichols33: Don't cry, @MTVCoryWharton... The recap is coming! <3 #TheChallengeBloodlines
@AceNichols33: I just made myself LOL at myself while editing myself. Gotta love yourself, man.
@AceNichols33: Late night peeps! Here's #TheChallengeBloodlines Ep. 1 recap! YOU BOUT DA DRAMA  @tjlavin
@JUDDNATION: Wow these Rookies came wanting some air time 😂😂 #ChallengeBloodlines
@JUDDNATION: So stoked for @JennaCompono I was bout to get nervous #Bloodlines
@NotoriousAJM: Almost time for #Bloodlines😎😎😎😎 #TheChallengeBloodlines
@NotoriousAJM: @AneesaMTV I'm ready to see you!!! #TheChallengeBloodlines
@NotoriousAJM: @mtvdario Rooting for you bruh!!!
@NotoriousAJM: Good lord who are all these people? Lol #TheChallengeBloodlines
@NotoriousAJM: Lawwwwd Nicole is😍😍😍😍 #TheChallengeBloodliness
@NotoriousAJM: @MTVCoryWharton show these fools how it's done!!! #TheChallengeBloodlines
@NotoriousAJM: AlfredM™ Retweeted Chelsey Dash: Bad obviously runs in they family lawwd😍😍😍 @NanyMTV
@NotoriousAJM: Good god Cohutta, how TF do you drop Nany like a bad habit bruh😩😩😩 #TheChallengeBloodlines
@NotoriousAJM: Damnnn TonyToniToné has done it again😖😖😖 #TheChallengeBloodlines
@NotoriousAJM: AlfredM™ Retweeted IG: xxodanielle: Lmao go to bed Danni😂😂😂😂😭😭😭😭
@NotoriousAJM: Bruh, it's the first episode😖 #TheChallengeBloodlines
@NotoriousAJM: @ToriFiorenza 😂😂😂😂 she was a little •cough, cough• loose in the house 🐸☕️
@NotoriousAJM: AlfredM™ Retweeted JL Lmao shane😂😂😂😂
@NotoriousAJM: AlfredM™ Retweeted Mark Long - We NEED you back on this shit. These people don't know how to play the game.
@NotoriousAJM: Rooting for @NanyMTV & @AneesaMTV!!!! #TheChallengeBloodlines
@NotoriousAJM: Please no mental elimination😩😩😩😩
@NotoriousAJM: OOP SHADE from Bananas😂😂😂 #TheChallengeBloodlines
@NotoriousAJM: This season is gonna be interesting  #TheChallengeBloodlines
@NotoriousAJM: Yeaahhhhh imma need a lil more tea on the Cohutta/Nany situation before I make a judgement. #TheChallengeBloodlines #Bloodlines
@J_Medd: Tony up to his old antics 😂#TheChallengeBloodlines
@J_Medd: Brother fighting brother 😮 .. Tony and Shane #TheChallengeBloodlines
@J_Medd: Challenge: Bloodlines is in Turkey 🇹🇷👌🏼
@J_Medd: Jenna proved herself. Christina put up a tough performance tho #ChallengeBloodlines
@J_Medd: Glad to know Rivals III is filming right now, and coming on after Bloodlines ends 👌🏼
@SWORDReality: 10 pm est Thursday join @BrownxSuga for Real World Re-Hash w/ Special Guest @MTV_Candice …
@SWORDReality: @CamilaMTV Love how you stand up for your sister! @MTV_Lari is awesome & you always have been! #TheChallengeBloodlines
@SWORDReality: Well fighting normally equals a dq on @ChallengeMTV, so is @TheShaneRaines @t_raines33 already gone from the game? #TheChallengeBloodlines
@SWORDReality: @MTV_Lari @CamilaMTV She just has a lot of love for you & it shows, & its awesome! #TheChallengeBloodlines
@SWORDReality: @MTV_Lari @TheShaneRaines Yes he does, & I am hoping he gets to enjoy the game #TheChallengeBloodlines
@SWORDReality: @MTV_Lari @KellyAnneJudd That twerking lesson was one of my fav moments so far #TheChallengeBloodlines
@SWORDReality: Here we go w/ @RoyLee25mtv & @MTV_Candice! Gonna be fun to watch these 2 & hope they can do awesome! #TheChallengeBloodlines
@SWORDReality: @NanyMTV @NicolexoRamos @ChallengeMTV Cant wait to see how you both do all season! #TheChallengeBloodlines
@SWORDReality: @riannavalentine @MTV_Candice Shes doing it with all her heart, which is awesome! #TheChallengeBloodlines
@SWORDReality: @NanyMTV Well, think of it like you're at a spa getting a mud bath lol #TheChallengeBloodlines
@SWORDReality: @ChallengeMTV @MTV_Candice She is giving it her all, I'd probably be doing worse! lol #TheChallengeBloodlines
@SWORDReality: Whats up w/ @AneesaMTV doing splits all the time tonight, not complaining one bit, just dayum! #TheChallengeBloodlines
@SWORDReality: @cohuttaMTV @jillbilly32 @ChallengeMTV Cant wait to see more of the 2 of you! #TheChallengeBloodlines
@SWORDReality: @CamilaMTV @MTV_Lari Yes she did! She did awesome! #TheChallengeBloodlines
@SWORDReality: @ChallengeMTV @MTV_Candice Ditto! #TheChallengeBloodlines
@SWORDReality: @MTV_Lari @CamilaMTV Loving the bond you two have! #TheChallengeBloodlines
@SWORDReality: @CamilaMTV Night 1 or 2 & hes almost already sent home #TheChallengeBloodlines
@SWORDReality: @jillbilly32 That did not look like fun! lol #TheChallengeBloodlines
@SWORDReality: @MTVBananas @tjlavin I'd say TJ got it right @cohuttaMTV & @jillbilly32 were definitely the clear winners :) #TheChallengeBloodlines
@SWORDReality: @jillbilly32 @cohuttaMTV You both won, more than kind of, doesn't matter how, great win! #TheChallengeBloodlines
@SWORDReality: @CamilaMTV I heard that hill hurt a lot of peoples bootys, ouch! #TheChallengeBloodlines
@SWORDReality: @CamilaMTV @MTV_Lari Heres a question, who is the better dancer between the 2 of you :) #TheChallengeBloodlines
@SWORDReality: @ChallengeMTV @MTVBananas @cohuttaMTV Maybe someone should give him a pretzel to put all that salt on lol #TheChallengeBloodlines
@SWORDReality: @NanyMTV Its ironic, even when you aren't involved, you're still involved somehow lol #TheChallengeBloodlines
@SWORDReality: OMG is that bag attached to @MTV_Candice? lol She is so drunk! I feel so bad for her #TheChallengeBloodlines
@SWORDReality: @MTV_Lari @CamilaMTV Lol, well at least I'd go out smiling cause I got to meet you 2 amazing women! #TheChallengeBloodlines
@SWORDReality: @cohuttaMTV I agree! Love how @NanyMTV stood by her sis & she also didnt deserve to have that rumor started bout her #TheChallengeBloodlines
@SWORDReality: @MTV_Lari @CamilaMTV I love that you clarified this lol Too funny & Too awesome! :) #TheChallengeBloodlines
@SWORDReality: @mtvdario I am shocked they didn't play Whip & Nae Nae during this comp lol #TheChallengeBloodlines
@SWORDReality: @AneesaMTV Your splits are awesome, keep doing them :) #TheChallengeBloodlines
@SWORDReality: @briannajulig @JennaCompono Great job Jenna! You 2 did it! #TheChallengeBloodlines
@SWORDReality: @NanyMTV @TheOfficial_CT That accent is unmistakable, that was definitely CT! #TheChallengeBloodlines
@SWORDReality: @MTV_Lari Well this week was #ThereWillBeMud so guess the blood comes later lol #TheChallengeBloodlines
@SWORDReality: @MTVBananas @TheOfficial_CT Yup, definitely did! Probably not good for you Johnny lol #TheChallengeBloodlines
@SWORDReality: @MTV_Christina @ChallengeMTV You did great! You tried your hardest, you played w/ your heart. You did great! #TheChallengeBloodlines
@SWORDReality: @MTV_Candice @RoyLee25mtv Lol and then he commented I believe that he was proud of you for wearing them lol
@SWORDReality: @MTV_Candice Lol its the little things that make ya proud :) lol
@SWORDReality: 10 pm est join @BrownxSuga 4 @ChallengeMTV Real World ReHash w/ Special Guest @MTV_Candice …
@davidbloom7: "A battle royale." - @MTVBananas describing the scintillating potential of the 1st #TheChallengeBloodlines elimination. Yep, it's time.
@hstrong_: wow I am so so so so excited for #thechallenge
@hstrong_: #KISSINCOUSINS #thechallenge
@hstrong_: I guess dario's lipstick runs in the family #wheredoIgetthatcolour #thechallenge
@hstrong_: return of the cute puke! @busdriversroute @lashtweets #thechallenge
@hstrong_: 'I'm just trying to feed him cold cuts in bed' rianna is my type of girl #thechallenge
@hstrong_: WHY DO ANY OF THEM COME IN WITH THEIR HAIR DOWN?? #thechallenge
@Itslluna: I want to be friends with @TheShaneRaines #TheChallengeBloodlines
@Itslluna: "We here at the challenge don't like violence." Oh ok. #TheChallengeBloodlines
@ItsKyleMacc: Tonight! #TheChallengeBloodlines @CamilaMTV @MTV_Lari @RoyLee25mtv @MTV_Candice @KellyAnneJudd @acuomo4 @cohuttaMTV @jillbilly32
@ItsKyleMacc: Here we go!! #TheChallengeBloodlines
@ItsKyleMacc: Ohh hey nice to see u again @NanyMTV nice to meet u @NicolexoRamos #TheChallengeBloodlines
@ItsKyleMacc: Forever #TeamCamilaLarissa @CamilaMTV @MTV_Lari #TheChallengeBloodlines
@ItsKyleMacc: #BirdDoggin lol @cohuttaMTV #TheChallengeBloodlines
@ItsKyleMacc: @jillbilly32 you're already one of my favorites! #TheChallengeBloodlines
@ItsKyleMacc: I love Bananas analogy #TheChallengeBloodlines @MTVBananas
@ItsKyleMacc: Even covered in mud @CamilaMTV is sexy as hell #TheChallengeBloodlines
@ItsKyleMacc: Bananas killin it like always @MTVBananas #TheChallengeBloodlines
@ItsKyleMacc: Love the bond between @CamilaMTV & @MTV_Lari #TheChallengeBloodliness
@ItsKyleMacc: @NanyMTV You're the farthest thing from a whore Nany #TheChallengeBloodlines
@ItsKyleMacc: I can't help but think of Diem right now miss you beautiful angel #DiemStrong #TheChallengeBloodlines
@ItsKyleMacc: @MTV_Christina How u diggin being on the challenge? #TheChallengeBloodlines
@ItsKyleMacc: @JustJem24 should be the host of the after show, she would be great at that! #TheChallengeBloodlines
@ItsKyleMacc: @ChallengeMTV Episode 1 was great! We're in for a wild ride! #TheChallengeBloodlines #MTV
@ItsKyleMacc: @CamilaMTV I'm so pumped the brazilian bombshell is back!! #TheChallengeBloodlines
@kendallongg: Y'all better not fight and get kicked off this episode 🙄🙄🙄🙄 @TheShaneRaines
@kendallongg: Ugh I swear @AneesaMTV just gets more beautiful over the years 😩😩🔥🔥🔥😍💗💗
@kendallongg: Kendall⚓️ Retweeted Jemmye Carroll: Someone needs to grab her fast ass😤💯
@kendallongg: @TheShaneRaines preach bruh🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽
@kendallongg: S/O to @tjlavin 🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽
@kendallongg: They petty for using word captions for cohuttas cousin 😂😂😂 #TheChallengeBloodlines
@kendallongg: How gotdamn stupid could you be to not do the ONE thing the challenge is about 😂😂who tf forgets the bucket #TheChallengeBloodlines
@kendallongg: 1st episode and y'all already clowning 😭😂😂😂😂😂 @CaraMariaMTV is the VIP #TheChallengeBloodlines
@kendallongg: The twist is whoever gets eliminated someone else is gonna come in and replace them. That's my theory #TheChallengeBloodlines
@kendallongg: It's very far fetched but how else would all those other people not in this episode show up #TheChallengeBloodlines
@kendallongg: Lord let it be a physical challenge and not mental 😫😫 #TheChallengeBloodlines
@kendallongg: I think @JennaCompono is gonna win this elimination #TheChallengeBloodlines
@kendallongg: Kendall⚓️ Retweeted Jemmye Carroll: Plakcisisosiaikxkslaidi I just chocked on my water 😭😭😭😭
@kendallongg: I called it, I called it 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 #TheChallengeBloodlines
@kendallongg: I'm gonna cry when CT comes back with Diems sister #TheChallengeBloodlines
@kmacisco: One day I'll be that producer breaking up the crazy drunken fights
@kmacisco: After tonight's episode, I can tell that if me and @briannajulig ever met, we would be best friends
@CardellChris: Challenge night! #challenge #mtvchallenge rooting for @NanyMTV to win!!!!! ☺
@CardellChris: @JennaCompono Great job on challenge!! You and your cousin are very beautiful! Best of luck!
@CardellChris: Great job Nany and Nichole on the challenge!!! #thechallenge #thechallengebloodlines #mtv #teamnany
@CardellChris: @KellyAnneJudd Great job on challenge! Glad to see you back!! ☺
@CardellChris: @CamilaMTV Glad you're back. Love you and your sister Larissa!! #brasillove ☺☺
@CardellChris: @MTV_Lari Great job on the Challenge!! You rock on it!!
@CardellChris: Grateful the challenge is back! Liked 1st episode but miss a few alumni.
@_danielleex0x3: Can't wait 4 @MTVBananas & @NanyMTV to be back Also @t_raines33 @TheShaneRaines @JennaCompono @MTVCoryWharton @MTV_Christina   & @CamilaMTV
@_danielleex0x3: @CamilaMTV @MTV_Lari @ChallengeMTV can't wait to watch!!!
@_danielleex0x3: @NanyMTV @NicolexoRamos can't wait!! #teamnany❤️
@_danielleex0x3: Rooting for @JennaCompono in this elimination!!! But love you too @MTV_Christina  ❤️ #favs #TheChallengeBloodlines
@_danielleex0x3: @MTV_Christina hope to see you on another challenge soon!!!
@_danielleex0x3: The Challenge is back on tonight which means @MTVBananas is back in my life 💪🏻🍌 #TeamBananas
@_danielleex0x3: @AneesaMTV @riannavalentine #teamaneesarianna and #teamcorymitch @MTVCoryWharton   #favs
@jdix1990: I am so pumped for #ChallengeBloodlines tonight! Can't wait to see @NanyMTV @MTV_Christina and @CaraMariaMTV back on my TV screen
@jdix1990: I am also so pumped to hear @cohuttaMTV glorious accent!! Ohhhh baby 😍 #TheChallengeBloodlines
@jdix1990: Yay for @CaraMariaMTV and lucky number 8 this is your challenge babe #TheChallengeBloodlines
@jdix1990: I am so happy @CamilaMTV is on this one and @MTV_Lari is so freaking cute #TheChallengeBloodlines
@jdix1990: @KellyAnneJudd is back 😊😊😊 #TheChallengeBloodlines
@jdix1990: Holy shit @NanyMTV cousin @NicolexoRamos is a babe 😍 #hottestteam #TheChallengeBloodlines
@jdix1990: Where's @MTV_Christina at??? So pumped her and @mtvdario are representing for #AYTO #TheChallengeBloodlines
@jdix1990: Can @NanyMTV and @cohuttaMTV just get back together already please 😍 #TheChallengeBloodlines
@jdix1990: Holy crap I feel so bad for @TheShaneRaines right now he is so flipped out 😔 #TheChallengeBloodlines
@jdix1990: Oh no please don't send @TheShaneRaines and @t_raines33 home they already squashed it #TheChallengeBloodlines
@jdix1990: Only a warning thank the Lord! Now behave yourselves boys lol @TheShaneRaines @t_raines33 #TheChallengeBloodlines
@jdix1990: I love that everyone was helping @cohuttaMTV and @jillbilly32 win #TheChallengeBloodlines
@jdix1990: I hate the way everyone makes @NanyMTV look because that's definitely not who she is! I love her! #TeamNany #TheChallengeBloodlines
@jdix1990: Plus I love how sweet @NicolexoRamos is with @NanyMTV it's precious #TheChallengeBloodlines
 @jdix1990: Omg @MTV_Christina you better freaking win girl #Phillyrepresent #theChallengeBloodlines
@jdix1990: @NanyMTV always my fav girl! Always rooting for you!!
@jdix1990: @MTV_Christina @ChallengeMTV you better be back on the next one dear!
@Money_Showers: Tune in on MTV right now to watch #TheChallengeBloodlines 📺 and support my home boys @MTVCoryWharton and @mtvdario
@Money_Showers: This season of @TheChallengeMTV is going to be wild!! 🤑📺💯
@Money_Showers: Shots fired 😂 @RealityRadioPod @t_raines33 @madiwadi2by4
@theballisorange:  Aww shit The Challenge is back today
@theballisorange:  Raphy and Dario are identical Beavis and Butthead
@theballisorange:  Cory's cousin in Jon Scheyer
@theballisorange:  Bananas yelling nonsense drinking blue stuff like it's kindergarten
@theballisorange:  What the hell is a pa paw!?
@theballisorange:  1000% chance Cohutta dumped Nany because she cheated on him
@theballisorange:  This is how I feel around halftime of the 1pm Week 1 games. Welcome back, you maniacs #ChallengeBloodlines
@theballisorange:  Aneesa's partner somehow looks older than she does
@theballisorange:  Don't get attached to Emily and Christina. This has failed Bananas hookup attempt written all over it.
@theballisorange:  Tony can't kiss his way out of this, but he'll damn well try
@theballisorange:  Cohutta has expanded my vocabulary twice in the past 20 minutes
@theballisorange:  Anyone cast as a "cousin" is just the craziest person that person could convince to come along.
@theballisorange:  Love how they go insane about their half of a share of 350k that will be taxed in half and probably had to quit their job to try for.
@theballisorange:  Cara Maria predictably tough guy of the century
@theballisorange:  If you had the under on 30.5 minutes for Camila to randomly confront someone, congrats.
@theballisorange:  Tony riled up all the Latinas, which seems like a fantastic strategy
@theballisorange:  "Welcome to the Challenge! This will be an intense, physical competition requiring physical and mental toughness! Now go on a 2-day bender!"
@theballisorange:  I love how these people train for months and then show up and get shitfaced for 48 straight hours before the competition starts.
@theballisorange:  I'm already down with having all these randos on #ChallengeBloodlines, they're completely insane. This is like 4 Real World premieres in one
@theballisorange:  There's always one rookie who mistakes Bananas for a friend and not someone who will casually dispose of them. Tony's the clubhouse leader.
@theballisorange:  It took 40 minutes to get to an actual challenge and something tells me it could have been another 90.
@theballisorange:  Back in the day they resolved this by letting someone spit in Puck's mouth. We've gone so soft. #ChallengeBloodlines
@theballisorange:  Warning! He didn't even have to kiss anyone! Or did kissing that girl convince them he needed to stay? Crazy like a fox.
@theballisorange:  Mad Max Fury Road is everywhere #ChallengeBloodlines
@theballisorange:  I honestly appreciate all the commercial breaks. This premiere is beating the shit out of me #ChallengeBloodlines
@theballisorange:  Cara Maria's gonna complain about getting bullied after she tries to pull this move, isn't she?
@theballisorange:  I think we're gonna like Vince.
@theballisorange:  Cory, do better man.
@theballisorange:  Vince is solidly in his mid 30's, no way he cares which 22 year olds are hooking up with Nany this time around.
@theballisorange:  If "personal trainer" is an insult, Vince just told every dude on this show to go cry in a corner.
@theballisorange:  Nicole seems like she's never been away from home for more than a week #ChallengeBloodlines
@theballisorange:  Get it together, Cory.
@theballisorange:  That wet turkey will be there for at least 5 more episodes
@theballisorange:  I hope they don't waste a nice, violent elimination on rookie girls
@theballisorange:  "I would jump through a bullet for her" is such a challenge quote I can't stand it. Welcome back, friends.
@theballisorange:  That must have taken hours #ChallengeBloodlines
@theballisorange:  Bananas prepares backhanded compliments for each cast member months in advance. I respect it.
@theballisorange:  Tony must be so pumped that he can start kissing additional girls now.
@theballisorange:  That was so fun. I missed having these maniacs in my life so much.


> Tony's Been Caught
We began our "Since You've Been Gone" offseason update in the AYTO 3 preview with Tony & Madison from Real World Skeletons becoming parents to a new baby...but now it seems like galaxies ago after what we saw happen last week. Tony came to Turkey with her at home, and him trying to make a new impression after his stint in Chicago saw him deal with two exes coming to live with him in addition to Madison. But as if nothing happened, within hours of setting foot in the same gorgeous house as BOTS 2 three years ago, Tony would eventually find himself in the bathroom with Christina inside, taking off his pants and them hooking up, as well as talking dirty to her while referring to poor Maddy back home. Not surprisingly, it becomes the talk of the house and of Twitter as well. And with his ways and fascination with blondes, Tony finds himself in the dog house once again.

> And Raine-ing Fisticuffs
But that wasn't the end of it, that hookup was the start of a big first episode for Tony. Just hours after that hookup with Christina, with buzz still abound from that session on night two he is denying that they hooked up. But then he gets into words and some fire with Larissa and with Nicole out on the patio. But as we all know, if you mess with one person on Bloodlines, then the family will get involved, and when Nany & Camila are them, it's gonna be ugly. And it got even uglier: his brother Shane lets Tony know about it, and then he goes him and physically throws down with him. Tony throws Shane against the wall, exchange punches and knock down a few plates in their room. Obviously, it's a scary sight that brought back Adam on Rivals being kicked off a second straight time on MTV and also Tony's dark times almost exactly a year ago, including that bad bar night after bottle-gate.

> First Mission
The season's first mission takes place in the scorching heat of the Turkish sun. First, TJ lets the group know that after their fight, Tony & Shane will stay and are given just a warning, so they dodged a big bullet. Then comes game #1, where teams go on a hill to collect water, and the top team wins power team & immunity, while the last-place team is sent to the Pit. The girls go first, then the guys, and co-ed teams have to compete in both. Jenna & Briana find the task tough, while Candice struggles through the challenge, and Camila & Larissa are concerned too. In the end, Cohutta & Jill (who postponed her wedding date to compete) take the win, though they were helped a bit by Cara Maria & Jamie for rigging it to let the co-ed's beat Bananas & Vince. Jenna & Brianna finish last and are sent to the Pit, and ultimately to face Christina & Emily upon later selection.

> Rumors & More Hook-Ups
After that grueling mission, a much-needed night-out comes about as everyone lets off some much-needed steam in the streets & clubs of Bodrum. But the drama seems to have followed them out of the house, as Vince, Bananas' bloodline, decides to stir up the pot a bit by starting an unconfirmed & untrue rumor that Cory slept with Nany during the first nights. She & Nicole begin taking about that and try to confront him in the club, but to no avail. When the competitors come home, there are more hookups coming for the group: AYTO2 ladies man Dario begins to shack up with returnee KellyAnne in her bed. And there's double bunk dates between two teams: rookie Cory & longtime vet Aneesa, and their various bloodline cousins Mitch with Rianna. As I say, it's always a good combo when you have vets & rookies together.

> First Pit Elimination
When we last saw Jenna, it was the last night of Exes 2 and made it to the final, but instead of money she got Zach as her consolation prize. This time, she's returned not just with unfinished business but also with cousin Brianna, who's hooked up with three of J's exes back in the Big Apple. For Christina, this was a chance to prove herself to everyone that she's here not just for the experience but also for the game as well...she won many dates last year in PR. For the first elimination - a 1-on-1 affair, End of My Rope sees them try to untangle a rope with rings on both sides, and the first to finish wins. For someone who dodged all attempts to go to an Exile last year, Jenna proves herself not only in winning but also earning TJ's first "You Killed It" seal. Christina, as many expected, leaves but she came here for the experience & forming a greater bond with Emily. This is just the start for her.

● Jenna: Jenna, of course, felt the brunt of Jay bolting from the Exes 2 final. So, she came to Turkey to prove herself, and when she & Brianna finished last Jenna would go into her first elimination. Not only did she win, she also proved that she can handle this by herself without having to worry about someone else doing the work for her. And she got TJ's mark of approval as well.
● Cohutta & Jill: Even though they were helped a bit by Cara Maria and the co-ed's, Cohutta & Jill not only won the first mission but earned designation on this WOTN list. I join with many others and say that Cohutta & Jill are an underestimated team because of him not being as strong as the other guys but can hang with them. And now, he's got Jill who's used to this tough work on the countryside, and they do the right thing as EW wrote in their recap. They're a dark horse to do well here.


When she first graced our MTV screens last year, Christina made quite a mark as the 11th girl on Are You The One? Season 2. She hit it off with Vegas prankster Brandon but it was them staying together for most of the season that was the big story in the house. Then, there was her dating John, fighting Nate, being chosen by Layton at the last Matchup and becoming Goon Squad BFF's with Briana, Ellie & Jessica. This time, it was a one-and-done for Team Eleven for her along with cousin Emily, but it a simple learning experience and enjoying this time while it lasted. And obviously, there was her hook-up with Tony that led to him breaking up with Madison.
   In the days since the Bloodlines premiere, there's been a lot of social buzz that erupted with that hookup, and unfortunately it is of the negative kind that was sent to Tony most particularly for him cheating (over 500 comments on his latest IG picture), but also to Christina as well on Twitter. It's something that she knows very well, but before she became famous, Christina had already taken a stand in the fight against cyber bullying.
   The word "hate" is something that is prevalent every day when we're on our social media platforms, and it's one of those things that I do not stand when it comes to my experience there. In fact, it's almost an unwritten & unspoken rule that I have that exists: a zero tolerance policy when it comes to that behavior. One negative tweet sent to me: you will pay the price w/ that button.
   Two years ago while attending school in Philadelphia, well before she became famous, Christina was part of a class project of going around campus in her neighborhood to talk to students about them being cyber bullied. Several of her subjects admitted to being bullied either by the web or on cell phones, for which over 25% of adolescents & teens have felt that cruel feeling, and has even led some of them to take their lives too soon because of depression.
   Here now is that video, and much respect to Christina for doing this project and bringing this serious issue to light.

If you or someone you know is being affected by cyber bullying, or for those who are dealing with it in the LGBTQ community, you can make a difference by getting help and calling The Trevor Project at 1(866) 488-7386. Last night (as this is posted on Monday, December 7th), a fundraising event, Trevor Live, took place in Hollywood with numerous celebrities (including MTV star Todrick Hall) coming together to help support the organization & its cause with comedy & music.

Finally, our aforementioned offseason update earlier featured a lot of baby talk (there's 13 people in the MTV Trifecta who in this year alone have announced their entry into parenthood), and last weekend saw the latest baby to be welcomed into the world...and the first of two this month. At just after 6PM ET Saturday night in Detroit, six-time Challenge vet & Exes 2 runner-up Theresa Gonzalez, and her fiance, Detroit Lions WR TJ Jones, welcomed Easton Kaia Jones to the world.
   Her IG post writes, "I'm here!!!! Born December 5th at 6:08 PM, 7 lbs 7.9 oz, 20.5 inches long, our Korean/Hawiian/Black/Irish/PuertoRican bundle of joy!! 👶🏽🍼 Easton Kaia Jones🎀." And her fiance's post adds, "Easton Kaia Jones born Dec. 5th at 6:08pm. Weighing in at 7 lbs 7.9 oz and 20.5 inches long. @theresa_gonzo and I have truly been blessed with our greatest achievement to date. I have a new respect for women, labor, and the entire birthing process bc this is the beauty that results from it all. Here's to Day 1 of a lifetime of memories!"
   So after the most heart-wrenching moment of the Lions season when the Packers beat them on a miracle Hail Mary, Theresa & TJ have the best moment of their lives in the addition of a new baby in Easton... many congrats to them. The next person in line for a new baby is, of all people, Rivals 2 teammate Jasmine, whose baby is due to arrive on Christmas Eve.

And that will bring the episode 1 Bloodlines posts to a close, and only the start of our wall-to-wall Challenge coverage here. There is, of course, a lot for my fellow webcast hosts and bloggers to discuss, and here's where you can find them...
● The co-MVP's this year in MTV Trifecta talk are of course Brian Cohen (@BusDriversRoute) and Ali Lasher (@LashsTweets) and the MTV RHAP on Rob Has A Podcast. They got a chance to review the Bloodlines premiere on RHAP, including Tony's behavior, the hookups and more. Check out that podcast here, plus their season preview, chats & pods from AYTO and past shows from their MTV coverage at robhasawebsite.comYouTube & the BDR blog, which includes his staple fantasy draft and weekly scoring.
● After extensively covering AYTO Season 3, AfterBuzz TV (@AfterBuzzTV) is again covering The Challenge with hosts Jesse Janedy & Roxy Striar being joined for Bloodlines by newcomer Paulina Aguilar as discussed the premiere. Check out that recap, plus all the other after-shows from past seasons, and AYTO coverage as well, at
● Challenge season means that once again, you get to enjoy Ace Nichols (@AceNichols33) and her recaps. She reviewed the premiere which you can check out here, plus her season preview and all of her previous recaps on her YT channel.
● And for my Reality Debrief co-host, check out Andrew Kirk (@CSUGradAKirk) and his Bloodlines preview with Ace on Google+ here. Be sure to watch & listen to all of his Trifecta coverage on YouTube, SpreeCast & BlogTalkRadio, and he will rejoin me for Part 2 of our 2015 reality year-in-review next week to recap AYTO, RW Skeletons and more, all upon the conclusion of Survivor Second Chance and The Voice.

Again, be sure to follow DCBLOG and all my social platforms for full MTV Trifecta coverage: Pulse diaries, Wraps, dedicated ExtraTime posts and all. I like to think of DCBLOG as an addendum to all the extensive coverage of the MTV Trifecta already provided on other websites, and I recently updated the above header on top of this site as a reflection of this.
   Be sure to follow my live tweet hub - DCNOW @DC408DxNow for live & real-time tweets of episode 2 on Wednesday, plus the hilarious Follow the Rules (in 90 minutes for viewers out west), and big sports & entertainment events. If you're watching the episodes with me out west, join the conversation both on DCNOW and my primary TW handle @DC408Dxtr with my custom hashtag, #DCChallenge, and your thoughts may make my weekly posts here. And new this season are weekly Tweets of the Week quote pics of Twitter's best from the episodes posted on Twitter and on DC Instagram, also at IG @DC408Dxtr, and Tumblr.

Once again, thanks for reading and make sure to join me on DCNOW on Wednesday, starting early at 8:30PM PT with encore live tweets of the Saul "Canelo" Alvarez/Miguel Cotto fight preceding Bloodlines. Until then, enjoy your week ahead.


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