Tuesday, December 29, 2015

DC WRAP: The Challenge Bloodlines - Episodes 3 & 4

BY DC CUEVA                           
@DC408dxtr / @DC408dxnow

Welcome back again to DCBLOG as we review the past two episodes of The Challenge: Battle of the Bloodlines. As we mentioned on our SocialPulse posts, rules here state that if there's a TBC on an episode, then the original recap for that week is carried over into the post for the next week's episode. Hence, this extended recap of sorts.
   The past two weeks, we've had a gigantic shift in the game in the revealing of two key twists: one in the remaining competitors being split into two teams, and the other of the bloodlines twist still being in play. Amidst all this, we've also had two teams being sent home early due to medical issues, a third team with a popular challenger being eliminated early, and a new replacement pair who is a veteran and a boyfriend. And there's been no shortage of drama when it comes to both house politics and hookups as well.
   We've got a lot to bring you in an extended edition of our Things to Know recap with key moments from Episodes 3 & 4, plus Winners of the Night and a 'Pulse Extra with more fan reaction to this week's events. Plus in a continuation of our Debrief from the holiday weekend, Andrew Kirk will rejoin me to discuss this Bloodlines season through four weeks as well as added thoughts on Survivor Second Chance. And on DC ExtraTime, two life-changers for Team MTV - one becomes a mom, while the other is engaged. Find out who and more after the jump.


> The Game-Changer
We begin our extended edition of The WRAP with Episode 3 from two weeks ago, and after elimination Pit #2 that saw Tom beat Cohutta, TJ Lavin delivers the bombshell of a twist that would change everything. There, he would announce to the remaining competitors that they will be split into two teams and the various bloodlines would be on opposite sides, on both Teams Red and Blue. Cara Maria and Jamie, who won the week 2 mission, are named captains for an on-the-spot draft that sees her team take six vets and his team be loaded with bloodlines.
   For those scoring at home, Cara Maria's Red Team features her, Bananas, Candice, Tony, Brianna, Cory, Camila, Anthony, Thomas, Rianna, Dario & Nicole. And the Blue Team chosen by Jamie has Jenna, Larissa, Vince, Leroy, Shane, Mitch, Nany, KellyAnne, Stephen, Aneesa and Raphy.
   But just as everyone believes that their connections with their bloodlines in this game have been cut off, then comes another one. TJ tells them, "Just because your bloodline is on the other team doesn't mean they're out of your lives just yet. Your fate in this game is still tied to them." The trick here is if your bloodline goes home, then the veteran will be on that flight home, and vice versa. So even if a player or a team wins a mission, it's not a guarantee that they'll be safe into the next one. As expected, drama ensues among the group, but as it turns out, it's only part of this game that's just been turned upside down in an eye blink.

Tough Challenge
For the week's challenge - and the first with weekly large-team missions since Cutthroat, it would take place by the water in Bodrum. From looking at who's on who, the Blue Team feels they are the favorites going into the mission due to Cara's team being more rookie laden with more inexperienced competitors. But of course, that's why they determine challenges on the playing field instead of before the competition begins as that mission, taking place many feet above the sea, has players having to leap from one platform to a rotating barge to the other platform and grab as many flags as possible. It wasn't surprising that we would see several previews of diving at the Rio Olympics that we saw a number of falls by the players, including Candice, Tony and a few others. When the dust settles, Cara's team beats Jamie's team in a surprising mission. The most notable image: Candice breaking her toe, splitting her face open with blood streaming from her, & yelling "Don't doubt me b!t<hes!"

Camila's Temper
Now if everything would be safe for the team who wins the week's missions, then comes this. The winning team will still vote one of the two players from the losing team for the Pit eliminations, and so will the losers. But even with all that, some of the players from the winning team will still be on edge of going home even though they won that challenge.
   It's with this in mind that tempers will get the best of the competitors, and when news of her sister Larissa being voted in gets to her from Jamie's camp, it's no surprise that Camila gets as angry as you can get. She goes around the house to let her voice heard as she goes on an aggressive campaign to try everything she can to keep Larissa in Turkey.

The Tough Vote
Considering the first two weeks where there was a power team & them having control over who gets sent in versus the last place competitors were easy, imagine what it was like for this to be overhauled with the new twists in play. Camila's politicking ways go all for naught though, but the vote was tough. In the end, the votes all around the patio go to Larissa and to Jenna for their battle in the Pit, as Lari knows she doesn't want to disappoint Brazil's great Trifecta representative. From going from the process used on recent seasons to now another one that will make backstabbing and more possible, it will sure make for an intense game where even who goes in will be up for discussion.

Tony's Collapse, and Their Exit
Two of the players go to the hospital after their falls in the mission, and both come back seemingly healthy, in good spirits and likely to continue on: Candice and Tony. The ladder knows that he might as well continue on with Shane, but after suffering a massive bruse to his back leading to his spleen being removed and internal bleeding as a result of landing on his back, Tony doesn't know what is about to hit him. When the group heads off and with cramps & him turning green, Tony collapses and faints down on the ground seemingly lying in the ground. That would be where EP 3 ends, and as it turns out, this would ultimately be their last moment in Turkey.
   Later, Tony - with color drain on his face - would be taken back by ambulance again and Shane would be woken up overnight by producers to head to the hospital too, and so did Madison when she flew there too (per IG pics). And as they discussed on the After Show, Tony is in good spirits now and focused on working things out with Madison and the baby she'll be having in the new year.

> The Shocker
To Episode 4, and when the group gathers at the Pit, they are given a dose of reality...make that the first of three last week. First, a stunning piece of news being delivered by TJ, and one that was the most shocking non-elimination exit since we saw Sarah get two of those bad news from him. X-Rays from the hospital show that Candice has a broken toe which might be enough for her to still stay in Turkey, but has become a big enough deal for her to not compete, and thus knock not only her out but also Leroy as well from Bloodlines. This was a pair that was expected to have big things after his breakout performance on Exes 2, and once again he has to go home by way of a partner's undoing.

> Jenna Kills It...Again
As for the elimination itself, and for the second time Jenna is voted into the Pit. As this one began, I felt this would be a 50-50 battle, but being the more stronger of the two girls Jenna was given by many a slight advantage for Door-Slammer - who can put the door furthest along in 3 heats. And her strength would see Jenna win it sweeping away over Larissa for her second Pit win, and a second "You Killed It" seal approval from TJ. On their RHAP, Brian & Ali feel that her becoming an elimination machine might be over agitated by her beating Christina and Larissa, but of course in my mind when you win two eliminations in one season then you nonetheless earn your stripes, plus knocking off her partner Camila - pegged as a favorite before this began.

> #Corneesa and D & Kell
The attention at the house was focused last week on two budding romances. In a renewal of what we saw in the premiere and a harbinger of what might happen on tomorrow's Double Shot, Dario and KellyAnne again would share a bed in the house and hook-up...or in our slang spend some time in the Boom Boom Room. But the more juicy stuff would take place between Cory and Aneesa, who also hooked up in week 1. The veteran admits to having real feelings for the first-time Challenger and adds that he makes her feel smart, sexy and comfortable.
   However, Rianna has a feeling that Cory may be playing her cousin (and subsequently saw Mitch get in bed with her in the premiere too), and the pair decides to eavesdrop on a conversation the Ex-Plosion guy & new Cal grad where he denies having had any true feelings for her as he has a girl back in Cali. Cory would make the veteran look stupid, and given her history Aneesa doesn't stand for that respect. She would go into his room after hearing that chat and dismisses him.

> Abe & Mike's In
Before the week's challenge begins (coming much later in the episode than usual BTW), TJ delivers a second piece of injury-related news. There as we told above, he would tell the group that the aforementioned Tony & Shane have been sent home as a result of the former's injury. And in their place is the first of what it feels to be several veterans coming into this season: bring in Road Rules OG and Challenge legend (and tomorrow, my DC ExtraTime subject) Abram - who also happens to be the 5-year boyfriend of Cara Maria. And with him, and riding on him piggyback is brother Michael, and of course Abe kisses Cara when they joined everyone else before game on. If the past is proof, then we could have him going off once he finds out of her session with Thomas, and also may bring the end to an alliance she has with the vets, which has seen some of the guys gunning for Bananas and the vets on this guys day.

> Trivia, Trivia, Trivia!
If you check out our DC ExtraTime feature on TJ back in October, a time he relishes more than any other on every Challenge is when he becomes a quiz master instead of being a revered BMX star. This season was no exception as trivia sees the teams be paired up like AYTO perfect matches where one gets to answer his questions, and their partners sitting on a tube that will burst once they get two answers wrong. As I tweeted, I wondered how many teachers watched this episode to see how much these MTV stars have forgotten since school, and as always they and all of us were entertained by this trivia contest. Along with Jenna, Nicole finds a niche in answering trivia and in the end, she's the last one standing and notches a win for Team Red. It comes down to the guys' vote coming up.


● Jenna: As has been mentioned a lot, if you win multiple eliminations on a single Challenge season then you have certainly earned your stripes. Okay so it's not the best competition in two rookies she's faced, but Jenna is making an early play for a great season in the win or go home battles, much like what we saw with Brittany & Adam last season. Jenna was spared in going to the dome on Exes 2 but has definitely earned much more respect in only four weeks...not only for again proving her brains in the trivia (she won it last season), but also waiting out cousin Brianna's meltdown as well.

● Nicole: Coming into this season, we knew that Nany & Nicole would make their mark on this Challenge in both the house and on the field. A question for us was, will they be able to not only bring beauty and drama to Turkey, but also back that up with brawn & brains as well at missions? After what we saw from the both of them in confronting Tony in the premiere, Nicole definitely put on a great week with the trivia and proving that there's more to her than being Nany's younger self going onto this as a bloodline. As last one standing, she's a winner of the night here.

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 #DCSocialPulse EXTRA: FAN'S VIEW 
 (contains adult language, please read with discretion)

So, after you saw which moments stood out in the last two weeks and who were my MVP's for the last episode, how did you and some of your fellow fans see last week's episode? Here's a Pulse Extra - with a reminder that I always put you readers into consideration, and to make this easier on the eyes for those who check out the main diary, I moved fan reaction (other than me of course) into the Wrap.

> Pulse Extra: "#Cornessa"
@busdriversroute: Celebrate Festivus by listening to me and @lashtweets RHAP-up last week's episode of #TheChallengeBloodlines  http://robhasawebsite.com/mtv-reality-the-challenge-bloodlines-week-three-podcast/ …
@busdriversroute: . @ChallengeMTV @MTV I don't think three episodes is a binge guys. But OK.
@busdriversroute: A YouTube search for "best of trivia of The Challenge" yielded no results. What's even the point of the Internet?
@busdriversroute: I don't think I've been this legit surprised watching the Challenge ever. That came out of nowhere. #TheChallengeBloodlines
- @lashtweets: @busdriversroute I will never believe you didn't know
@busdriversroute: So Camila's game plan for Larissa is basically this... #TheChallengeBloodlines
@busdriversroute: You know what's hysterical, Jenna and Brianna have the best all time winning percentage for eliminations. #TheChallengeBloodlines
@busdriversroute: Can people stop getting hurt and going to the hospital? I'm just waiting for trivia like... #TheChallengeBloodlines
@busdriversroute: Wow Aneesa with the real life threat! What a vet move. Cory has no idea if Aneesa is connected like that. #TheChallengeBloodlines
@busdriversroute: @RandomNando @lashtweets This is her best seasons in years.
@busdriversroute: Nany & Nicole haven't been directly in any fight this season. However they've both gotten themselves into every one. #TheChallengeBloodlines
- @TheSteamer: @busdriversroute Mind your own business, you little kid. #TheChallengeBloodlines
@busdriversroute: That Abram quick refresher was everything #IWillEatYouAlive #TheChallengeBloodlines
- @TheSteamer: @busdriversroute Definitely a different look from the last time I saw him when he was extremely chill while I was drunk as fuck in Vegas.
@busdriversroute: How will Abram murder Thomas? #TheChallengeBloodlines: 11% Stabbed / 9% Blow torch / 60% Cannibalism / 20% Axed
@busdriversroute: Forget anything with Cory, Aneesa's best contribution this season was making Jenna answer questions. #TheChallengeBloodlines
@busdriversroute: Another AMAZING Jenna fact. I don't think she's actually ever gotten a trivia question wrong in two seasons. #TheChallengeBloodlines
@busdriversroute: Really weird timing for that Diem salute. Meh. #TheChallengeBloodlines
@busdriversroute: I still think Shauvon losing an implant was more traumatic than Tony losing his spleen. #TheChallengeBloodlines
@lashtweets: Watching #TheChallengeBloodlines live. Who's with me?
@lashtweets: I'm torn between feeling DISTRAUGHT losing Leroy and proud of MTV for executing a rare blindside on the audience #TheChallengeBloodlines
@lashtweets: I beat my parents in this elimination all the time as a teenager #TheChallengeBloodlines
@lashtweets: TJ couldn't even throw Candice a you killed it on her way out? My team is about to be StRuGgLiN #TheChallengeBloodlines
@lashtweets: Tj being so high on Jenna for this elimination proves "you killed it " is dead #TheChallengeBloodlines
@lashtweets: I can relate Cory. Tony's on my team too #TheChallengeBloodlines
@lashtweets: I knew I didn't like Mitch the moment I saw him and this is why #TheChallengeBloodlines
@lashtweets: This is why you bring aneesa back again and again #itscoolboo #yourenotsafe #TheChallengeBloodlines
@lashtweets: Welcome to the team boys ! #TheChallengeBloodlines
@lashtweets: Mike Says he and abram are totally different people and the world could not be more disappointed #TheChallengeBloodlines
@lashtweets: The world is really missing out on a Tony trivia challenge attempt #TheChallengeBloodlines
- @busdriversroute: @lashtweets You could've stopped at "Tony."
- @lashtweets: @busdriversroute missing out on a Tony?
- @busdriversroute: @lashtweets Yep 👍
- @lashtweets: @busdriversroute you blew it!
@lashtweets: So..does that useless Thomas and Stephen scene mean they are going home this ep? #TheChallengeBloodlines
@lashtweets: Aww bananas..and you don't even have makeup skills going for you #TheChallengeBloodlines
@lashtweets: I would love to see a godfather remake starring nick cage #TheChallengeBloodlines
@lashtweets: That is my favorite question challenge history #one #thechallengebloodlines
@lashtweets: Great episode with zero resolution. I already hate this pattern forming yet again #TheChallengeBloodlines
@lashtweets: Who pranked Tony and told him the aftershow was a pajama party? #TheChallengeBloodlines
@lashtweets: I bet zuri got a nice Christmas bonus for doing that segment with a straight face #TheChallengeBloodlines #aftershow
@CSUGradAkirk: Home from work time to watch #challengebattleofthebloodlines
@CSUGradAkirk: So sad to @MTV_Candice  and Leroy go home always pulling for Leroy so it was a bummer to see them go #TheChallengeBloodlines
@CSUGradAkirk: @CamilaMTV  your due for another win your sister did what she could and I'm sure your proud of her
@CSUGradAkirk: Is that the first time Anthony has been on camera #TheChallengeBloodlines
@AceNichols33: Nicely done lady!!! @JennaCompono 👊🏼 #TheChallengeBloodlines
@AceNichols33: How many people are we gonna lose tonight @tjlavin?! Come on!! LOL #TheChallengeBloodlines
@AceNichols33: So sad about @MTV_Candice and Leroy going home man!! #TheChallengeBloodlines
@AceNichols33: Way to show off yo' brains girl! @NicolexoRamos #TheChallengeBloodlines
@AceNichols33: Sad also that @t_raines33 and @TheShaneRaines had to go home too omg! #HeWasGREEN #GREEN #OliveGreen #TheChallengeBloodlines
@RealityRadioPod: Much respect to @MTVCoryWharton  @mtvdario @ThomasBuellMTV for not being your average rookie players. They aren't afraid to speak up! 👏🏽
@TheSteamer: Leroy is forced to go home?!? I’ll never look at Festivus the same way again. #TheChallengeBloodlines
- @Jonnyboyy10: @TheSteamer kinda horse shit..I mean it's a toe, I think she would of been fine
- @TheSteamer: @Jonnyboyy10 Didn’t Cara play with a busted hand in Free Agents?
- @Jonnyboyy10: @TheSteamer yea which makes no sense. There's no cure to a broken toe besides letting it heal so she could of continued
- @TheSteamer: @Jonnyboyy10 Maybe something else got busted or torn in her foot. But if that’s the case why did they release her in the first place?
- @Jonnyboyy10: @TheSteamer only thing I can thing of his she tore a ligament in her toe
- @TheSteamer: @Jonnyboyy10 Agree, but again, why did they release her back to the house like nothing was wrong?
- @Jonnyboyy10: @TheSteamer cuz they're dumb. I wonder where these leaves tony and Shane now then
@TheSteamer: Does Shane get time to poof up his hair before he has to go see Tony at the hospital? #TheChallengeBloodlines
@TheSteamer: Airing of Grievances: Challenge doctors, you all stink. You have no idea what you’re doing! #TheChallengeBloodlines #Festivus
@TheSteamer: I don’t like these oddly structured early season episodes. Challenge. Politics. Club. Elimination. It’s not had. #TheChallengeBloodlines
@TheSteamer: Was “Mike, welcome to The Challenge” really worth having TJ record after? #TheChallengeBloodlines
@stephenfishbach: Whoa this is nuts. On #TheChallengeBloodlines, they're including audio of producer questions with subtitles.
@stephenfishbach: Why would Aneesa put Jenna on questions and herself in the tube? #TheChallengeBloodlines
@JUDDNATION: Just watched #TheChallengeBloodlines hate that @t_raines33 had to leave. Glad you alright now!
@murtzjaffer: Who is watching #TheChallengeBloodlines ?  rooting for my boy @MTVBananas
@murtzjaffer: @KellyAnneJudd is the best!  I adore her #TheChallengeBloodlines
@murtzjaffer: Wow.  Leroy and Camilla?  This one is wide open #TheChallengeBloodlines
@murtzjaffer: Yes yes yes @AbramBoise  The man!  #TheChallengeBloodlines
@murtzjaffer: @t_raines33 sorry to see you go on the Challenge bro
@BarstoolBigCat: Hey @tjlavin, just had to leave the bar to make sure I'm home in time for the Challenge #BoutThatAction
- @tjlavin: @BarstoolBigCat my man... Thanks bro
@BarstoolBigCat: Challenge Time #CanCheck
@BarstoolBigCat: Love that Tony went from dead in the middle of road to "nah, I'm good, I'll walk to the taxi" in the blink of an eye
@BarstoolBigCat: That ain't right. Candice deserves better.
@BarstoolBigCat: How about the @NoQuittersPod holiday party starting with everyone's favorite getting kicked off. Sucked all the air out of the room.
@BarstoolBigCat: Hey @tjlavin Why didn't they give Candice the chance to cut her toe off? I'm not ruling out she Ronnie Lotts it.
@BarstoolBigCat: Leroy and Camila in the matter of minutes, bad scene at the Cat Cave right now, baaaadddd scene.
@BarstoolBigCat: If we're still going with the Cavs analogy. Bananas (Lebron) just lost Leroy (Kyrie) in game 1
@BarstoolBigCat: So Shane sleeps with a mannequin? The legend grows
@BarstoolBigCat: Love the Abram is about to murder people foreshadowing
@BarstoolBigCat: Dario 1 and Dario 2 are about to fight over a woman
@BarstoolBigCat: Aneesa gave Cory her heart, rookie move for a veteran. Disgusting
@BarstoolBigCat: Oh My God the rookies are so cute thinking they can beat Bananas.
@BarstoolBigCat: Shane, Tony, Candice, Leroy, Camila. This is a Challenge Bloodbath
@BarstoolBigCat: Thank God for Abram. The savior
@BarstoolBigCat: Yeah dude, and I want to win the lottery, sometimes we don't get what we want
@BarstoolBigCat: I've gotten about half of these wrong
@BarstoolBigCat: I KNOW THIS ONE!
@BarstoolBigCat: Poor taste Cara Maria, didn't like that
@BarstoolBigCat: Is Nicole the mannequin Shane sleeps with?
@BarstoolBigCat: Challenge Trivia night is the greatest television of the year, every year
@BarstoolBigCat: Not to be clickbaity but there is going to be big news on this week's @NoQuittersPod, can't miss it.
@BarstoolBigCat: Tony cheating on his pregnant girlfriend, nice touch buddy
@loco4laurel: SUPER TWIST!!!! #TheChallengeBloodlines... but this is not what I wanted to happen....
@loco4laurel: Why doesn't @JennaCompono ask for more instructions before an elimination?? #TheChallengeBloodlines
@loco4laurel: Hope to see @MTV_Candice on future challenges!! Gone way too early :( #TheChallengeBloodlines
@loco4laurel: If Jenna is a "big girl," then I'm officially Hagrid. #TheChallengeBloodlines
@loco4laurel: The Challenge: Allies --@MTVBananas and Leroy #TheChallengeBloodlines
@loco4laurel: Mitch and Interesting Confessionals: Rivals 4 #TheChallengeBloodlines
@loco4laurel: KELLYANNE'S BOOBS. good lord! #TheChallengeBloodlines
@loco4laurel: Did @AneesaMTV just say in all seriousness that she never gets into relationships on the show....? #TheChallengeBloodlines
@loco4laurel: "Aneesa... Doesn't have... A boyfriend." Quote of the series? #TheChallengeBloodlines
@loco4laurel: Exes 3: @AneesaMTV and @MTVCoryWharton #TheChallengeBloodlines
@loco4laurel: WE NEED A ROOKIES VS. VETS SEASON ASAP. #TheChallengeBloodlines
@loco4laurel: LOL what's Road Rules? #TheChallengeBloodlines
@loco4laurel: .@TheShaneRaines did not get a proper goodbye!!!! #TheChallengeBloodlines definitely rookie of the year (so far)
@loco4laurel: ... Wouldn't mind if they brought back @cohuttaMTV and @jillbilly32 right now too! #TheChallengeBloodlines
@loco4laurel: Hell, I'd take Christina and Emily now too. #TheChallengeBloodlines
@loco4laurel: Rivals 4: @NanyMTV and @AbramBoise #TheChallengeBloodlines
@loco4laurel: Thomas was a frat boy....? #TheChallengeBloodlines
@loco4laurel: Wow Thomas just threw @haileychivers under the bus, even though she performed great on Exes 2! #TheChallengeBloodlines
@loco4laurel: #COLLUM #TheChallengeBloodlines
@loco4laurel: Is @t_raines33 wearing sweatpants on the after show right now? #TheChallengeBloodlines
@loco4laurel: Nobody thought Tony was kidding...? #TheChallengeBloodlines
@loco4laurel: Rivals 4: @MTVBananas and @mtvdario #TheChallengeBloodlines
@loco4laurel: All I want for Christmas is... The Challenge to go on forever :) #TheChallengeBloodlines @mtv
@JTK2434: Here we go #TheChallengeBloodlines
@JTK2434: Come on man why does @RoyLee25mtv keeping getting screwed on these challenges?!?! #TheChallengeBloodlines
@JTK2434: NOOOOOOOOO @MTV_Lari @CamilaMTV #TheChallengeBloodlines
@JTK2434: Congrats @JennaCompono on kicking ass in 2 eliminations! You proved yourself for sure #TheChallengeBloodlines
@JTK2434: "Just when u think this game couldn't get any more twisted, in walks Mr. Twisted." - @MTVBananas #TheChallengeBloodlines
@JTK2434: Each season during the trivia challenge @tjlavin's laugh gets more maniacal, it's great! #TheChallengeBloodlines #MTV
@NotoriousAJM: That moment when you already knew that Abe was comin in but you still extra hype AF cuz he's still one of the best👍 @AbramBoise #Bloodlines
@NotoriousAJM: Mannn #RoadRules has officially made a comeback!!! #TheChallengeBloodlines
@NotoriousAJM: Is somebody gon fall? Cuz if not this shit ain't fun. Lol #TheChallengeBloodlines
@NotoriousAJM: Shoutout to @banksy878 & @JennaCompono coming thru with the come thru!!!! #TheChallengeBloodlines
@kendallongg: I can't believe Leroy is gone #TheChallengeBloodlines
@kendallongg: @JennaCompono is going to be the new @CaraMariaMTV of eliminations this season. Taking them out week by week #TheChallengeBloodlines
@kendallongg: @TheShaneRaines deserves brother of the year award 👏🏽👏🏽 #TheChallengeBloodlines
@kendallongg: Nobody does my baby @AneesaMTV wrong 😤😡 #TheChallengeBloodlines
@kendallongg: Yeeessssssss trivia 🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽 #TheChallengeBloodlines
@kendallongg: @JennaCompono won trivia last season I thought, she's got this in the bag again #TheChallengeBloodlines
@jdix1990: I hate seeing @MTV_Candice and Leroy leave so early 😢 that was heartbreaking #TheChallengeBloodlines
@jdix1990: I really hope to see @MTV_Lari and @CamilaMTV both back soon #TheChallengeBloodlines
@jdix1990: @KellyAnneJudd and @AneesaMTV hanging out is too cute #TheChallengeBloodlines
@jdix1990: So bummed that @TheShaneRaines and @t_raines33 had to go home 😢 please come back and do another one #TheChallengeBloodlines
@jdix1990: @AbramBoise has arrived!!! #TheChallengeBloodlines
@jdix1990: Trivia is so fun to watch #TheChallengeBloodlines
@jdix1990: @banksy878 saying I'm wicked smart sounded just like Mark Wahlberg 😍 #TheChallengeBloodlines #nametwin
@jdix1990: Awe @NanyMTV was terrified to fall #TheChallengeBloodlines
@jdix1990: @tjlavin reactions to trivia are always the best #TheChallengeBloodlines
@jdix1990: @NicolexoRamos is killing it!! She is super smart!! #TheChallengeBloodlines
@CardellChris: Challenge night!! Go Nany!!! @NanyMTV #TheChallengeBloodlines ☺☺☺☺
@CardellChris: Challenge night. Go Johnny Bananas!! @MTVBananas #TheChallengeBloodlines ☺☺🍌🍌
@CardellChris: Almost #mtvchallenge time!!! ☺☺☺☺☺ best time of week!!!! #TheChallengeBloodlines
@CardellChris: @MTVBananas Its Johnny Banana time!!!! Hope you win!!! #TheChallengeBloodlines ☺☺☺☺🍌🍌🍌
@CardellChris: @JennaCompono You definitely kicked butt. Very proud of your success!!! That trivia challenge looked insane. You very beautiful too!!! ☺☺☺
@CardellChris: Great challenge. Glad to see @AbramBoise back!!! #TheChallengeBloodlines @CaraMariaMTV is happy!!!
@CardellChris: @MTV_Lari Larissa very proud of your hard work and a pleasure to see you on the challenge. Will miss you and hope to see you on another one!
@CardellChris: @CamilaMTV Sorry to see you go much love and you did a great job. Thanks for allowing us to see what a great person Larissa is! Best wishes!
@CardellChris: @t_raines33 Great job on challenge. Sorry you got hurt I hope you're feeling better. Hope to see you in future.
@CardellChris: @MTV_Candice Great job on challenge. Love the determination. Sorry you got hurt hope you feel better. Hope to see you again on Challenge!!!
@EricC_Official: Oh shit. I was literally about to K.O but realized my boys @t_raines33 @TheShaneRaines are on @MTV tonight #TheChallengeBloodlines 💪
@EricC_Official: The fuck? #TeamRaines is leaving? 😣 where's my #kimoji crying face? Thank God @t_raines33 is OK though! @TheShaneRaines gonna miss yall

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Last we spoke to you here on Sunday, we brought you graduation for Mitch of this Bloodlines cast and Kiki & Anthony from Team AYTO. For the holiday week, two life changers of a different kind for two veteran members of the Trifecta to wrap up a year full of those in the Trifecta.

Credit: IG @DeanFougere
(Jasmine's boyfriend)
First, there's nothing like the unique feeling of being a baby being born nearest to the Christmas holiday, it's a feeling that both Rivals II champ Emily and runner-up Cooke know very well being born around the big day of December 25th. This past week saw a fellow member of that cast give birth to her very own Christmas baby, just in time for this year's celebrations.
   At just after lunchtime hours before Wednesday's episode, five-time challenger and Real World Cancun roommate Jasmine Reynaud gave birth to her new mini-me, Madeyln Eva Fourere, with Boston boyfriend Dean also being there for the best moment of their lives. The pair announced the baby news back in May, and this new entry comes on the heels of Jazzy's Rivals II teammate Theresa Gonzalez and fiance T.J. Jones welcoming their new baby girl earlier this month after his team's crushing loss to the Packers on Thursday Night Football.
   Jasmine's IG reads, "I'd like everyone to meet our daughter Madeyln Eva Fougere born December 23rd 2015 @ 1:54pm. Took 33 hours but worth every second!! Me and Dean couldn't be more blessed." The baby's arrival came one day earlier than the planned date of Christmas Eve, and will bring more than a sense of normalcy to her post-MTV life after many a drunken moment of Rasheeda, her partying it up with her Cancun castmates & LMFAO, and plenty of drama in between.
   Jasmine's baby joins babies who were given birth this year by a whole slew of people in the MTV world - both in and outside the Trifecta - that we've had in 2015 (I'd be crazy to mention every one of them here) which has seen 14 of the Trifecta castmates experience entries into that ultimate challenge of parenthood. Madison, Laura from RW St. Thomas, Chris T. from AYTO Season 1 and Adam from RW Vegas XXV, among others, have babies headed their way over the first months of 2016.

And second, last week we told you about Challenge veteran Evan Starkman getting engaged on the beach to his girlfriend while on a vacation overseas. And coming on the heels of Challenger Devyn and RW NOLA2's MacKenzie getting engaged as well, now another champ has answered the magic question of "yes" in what is the best time of year for all of those life-changers...this time for a relatively recent addition.
   A story that's among those that will define 2015 was the news that reverberated from Washington, D.C. all the way to The Castro in San Francisco and everywhere in between on a memorable summer's day. June 26, 2015 is a red letter day to the LGBT community, as a landmark Supreme Court ruling made same-sex marriage legal in the U.S., and sparked widespread national celebration both among those who are gay and lesbian and those who are allies as well. It had deep meaning to the MTV Trifecta as The Real World, The Challenge and Road Rules has showcased two generations of castmates who aren't afraid to have love with those of the same gender.
   Just after last week's episode on Christmas Eve, three-time competitor Frank Sweeney announced on Instagram that he and his boyfriend, Trent Atkinson, have gotten engaged. His IG caption reads, "Family Portrait ***ring finger now accessorized #WannaGetMarried #YaOk #Engaged" And after many a Frank-outs, he is now very happy in his post Challenge life.

Congrats to both Frank and Jasmine on these two latest life-changers in the MTV Trifecta world. There have been plenty of wedding rings, new babies and much more among the people of the Real World/Challenge franchise, and Are You The One? as well. And with new seasons of those shows coming our way in 2016, we'll of course be on top of them all right here on this site.

And that will conclude the WRAP of Episodes 3 and 4 of The Challenge Bloodlines. This is the next to last post here on DCBLOG for 2015, and tomorrow you don't want to miss our final post here of the year. The man who entered this season last week is the subject of a special dedicated edition of DC ExtraTime as we take a trip down memory lane of Abram and his great stint on MTV, which began with Road Rules and has seen him gone on to eight previous Challenges. A Challenge Life - Abram Boise comes your way here tomorrow before the back-to-back Double Shot of Bloodlines.
   And in case you missed it, on Christmas Day, Andrew Kirk and yours truly got together again to recap the year in reality TV in our second annual Reality Debrief. Check that discussion out here, where we chatted about Are You The One? Season 3, covered Tony's RW Skeletons season and gave away year-end awards.  Elsewhere, Episode 4 provided my fellow webcast hosts and bloggers with something to discuss on their sites and shows, and here's where you can find them:
● Check out the MTV RHAP on Rob Has A Podcast with two of the best in the business: Brian Cohen (@BusDriversRoute) and Ali Lasher (@LashsTweets). Check out both the EP 4 and EP 3 wraps there, where they discuss both of those episodes and the impact the events that took place there will have going forward. Also check out Brian's Bus Drivers Route blog to see how much fantasy points they scored and to check their own leaderboard, plus previous shows here & YouTube.
● As always, check out my Reality Debrief co-host Andrew Kirk (@CSUGradAKirk) and all of his MTV coverage on YouTube, SpreeCast, BlogTalkRadio and the BTRTV blog. Once again, much thanks to Andrew for joining me again to do our year-end recap, and make sure to check out all of his must-listen & must-watch interviews with Team MTV that he's been doing for four years on those sites, especially with having spoken to much of the Bloodlines cast.
● There's Ace Nichols (@AceNichols33) and her recaps, but as of press time the recap of last week's episode has not been posted due, of course, to the holidays. But do as always check out that video (and accompanying intro) on her YouTube channel.
AfterBuzz TV (@AfterBuzzTV) is again covering The Challenge with hosts Jesse Janedy & Roxy Striar discussing Bloodlines. And as co-host Nicolette Gaona is taking time away from the ABTV mic, last week the hosts were joined by special guest Kingsley. Hear what they have to say, plus all other after-shows from past seasons of the Trifecta, at www.afterbuzztv.com.

Lastly, with Abe's return to The Challenge brings to mind the legacy of the show he entered the MTV world with in Road Rules. We first saw Theo Von on Season 9 back in 2000 and then competed on a few Challenges before settling into a great profession as a comedian and writer. He does double duty now as host of the hidden camera prank show Deal with It on TBS and Yahoo! Screen's TV recap show Primetime In No Time. This past summer, Theo added podcast host to his resume in co-hosting Allegedly with filmmaker & journalist Matthew Cole Weiss. The guys have had numerous celebs from the entertainment world on their show, including 98 Degrees' Jeff Timmons. Mena Suvari, Howie Mandel, Sugar Ray's Mark McGrath and Denise Richards just before ex Charlie Sheen's HIV announcement. Check out all of their podcasts on iTunes and SoundCloud.

Again, be sure to follow DCBLOG and all my social platforms for full MTV Trifecta coverage: Pulse diaries, Wraps, dedicated ExtraTime posts and all. This site is home to "The Blogosphere's Most Unique and Insightful MTV Show Coverage," providing you a unique angle of this Challenge season and the MTV world like no other site can with the quality & comprehensiveness you expect.

   Of course, join me on my live tweet hub DCNOW @DC408DxNow for a Bloodlines Double Shot and while you experience my back-to-back episode tweets there (PT), as well as DC Forum After Hours, join the conversation at #DCChallenge. And we've got live event & sports tweets planned for the New Year, including another edition of DC Playlist to accompany your New Year's Eve festivities beginning at 11PM Eastern - 8PM Pacific as 2016 begins across America. And next week, I'll be live tweeting the new season of Teen Mom OG as well too. Follow my DC Instagram for holiday pics and of course on Twitter - both at @DC408Dxtr.
   For now, thanks for reading and until we talk to you here tomorrow and then on DCNOW, have a safe & great weekend and of course, Happy Holidays.


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